Panther Tales "Mini"
February 13, 2025
The "Mini": Top Reminders & Helpful Links
1. "Scheduling 101" Presentation Video Available
If you were unable to attend one of Ms. Bulluck's Scheduling 101" presentations, a video recording can be viewed by clicking HERE. This program is full of useful information and tips on understanding your child's schedule and ensuring he or she is in the most appropriate classes. Great for all rising 6th, 7th and 8th grade parents!
2. Friday, February 14th: Valentines Donut Day, $2 each.
3. February 17th & 18th: No School for students.
School will be closed in observation of Presidents day and for a teacher work day.
4. Wednesday, February 19th: Track & Field Tryouts Begin ( 7th & 8th Grade only).
5. Thursday, February 20th: Experience Riverwood Parent Night, 6:00 PM RICS
Rising 9th Grade Riverwood Families are invited to attend "Experience Riverwood Night". Learn all that Riverwood has to offer your student and how to help them transition to high school. For more information, and to register, please click HERE.
6. Friday, February 21st: Scoliosis Screening for all 6th & 8th Graders
The State of Georgia requires all sixth and eighth-grade children who attend public school to be screened for Scoliosis. Letters were previously sent home with students and are also linked below for download. If you do not wish to have your child screened, you must return sign and return the form to your child's homeroom teacher by Wednesday, February 19, 2025. A hard copy of this document is also available in the front office if you’re unable to access it online.
Volunteers Needed to help with the screening and crowd control. Online training is required for those volunteers who will assist with performing the screenings if they have not been trained within the last 2 years. The training will be online with a brief review the day of screening by the school nurses. If you are able to volunteer, please sign up HERE.
7. February 21: PBIS Fun Friday & Rewards Distribution
Students have been placing orders for treats and rewards using their PBIS points! We need your help distributing the orders and making our PBIS Fun Friday happen!
February 20 & 21: Sign up to help with PBIS Rewards Fulfillment and Distribution HERE
February 21: Sign up to help with PBIS Fun Friday HERE
8. February 24th: Universal Studios Trip Meeting, 5:30 pm, RCMS Cafeteria
All students and chaperones attending the Universal Studios Music trip, along with guardians, should attend this meeting. The meeting will include essential information about the trip, distribution of trip shirts, and a chance for students to meet their assigned chaperone groups. If you have any questions, please email Mr. Leo at leom@fultonschools.org.
Community Partners & Sponsors
Thank you to these local businesses who have chosen to support our Panthers. Please consider supporting them in return!
Jaguar Partners
Cougar Partners
Leopard Partners
Want to be Social?
Ridgeview Charter Middle School
Email: Ridgeview@fultonschools.org
Location: 5340 South Trimble Road, Sandy Springs, GA, USA
Phone: (470)254-7710
Twitter: @RCMSPanther