September 14, 2017
Vanguard Q & A
See the image below for guidance on how to find the document.
- Open the Teams apps or access it online through the Microsoft portal.
- Click on General on the left.
- Select Files at the top of the page.
- Vanguard Q & A is available for all to read.
Vanguard Sweatshirt
If you are interested in ordering one, they cost $37.18 and will be delivered to your school when they arrive. The order will be open for two weeks, so please order as soon as you decide if you're getting one. If we do not meet the required number of orders, the entire order will be cancelled.
ISTE 2018 Now Accepting Proposal Submissions!
Microsoft Teams IS NOT Available for Students
Vanguard Agreement
Don't Forget to Register for GaETC!
How to Register: Please refer to a previous VanWeekly for specific instructions.
Please note:
- Your registrations are not transferrable to other individuals if you are unable to attend or have your registration covered by presenting.
- Your school will not be reimbursed for a substitute if your position does not require one. This coverage is also not transferrable.
- You have until October 13th to register or your spot will be given away.
Vanguard Application Closing!
Please remember, if your school already has four or more members, the form will not allow them to complete the application.
School Lead Monthly Calls
Save the Date: Oct 5, Nov 2, Dec 7, Jan 11, Feb 8, Mar 8, Apr 12, May 3
*points will be awarded for participating these calls.
Vanguard Activity Points
Microsoft 21st Century Learning Design
Do not contact Heather Cox for additional information. Please contact assistance through the program.
Microsoft Teams
#FCSVanguard Twitter Chats
September 21 Topic: Tech Tools
Hosted By: Kurt Davies @daviesdawg
Remember, all of your tweets need to contain: #fcsvanguard
This year twitter chats will be twice a month on Thursday at 7:30PM.
1st Semester: September 21, October 5 &19, November 2 & 16, December 7
- October 21 - AUTREY MILL
- February 24 - TBA
- March 24 - TBA
About Us
Twitter: @FCSVanguard