January 10, 2024

A week that was SNOW much fun! ⛄
What a week it's been! We kicked off the season's winter weather with our very first snow day, followed by a two-hour delay — a reminder that winter has officially arrived. Our students made the most of the unexpected time off, and we loved getting to see photos of bobcats embracing the cold in exchange for sledding and snowman building. We wrapped up our week with a PBIS assembly where we set the stage for the Golden Bobcat Buck Challenge that begins next week. Ask your child how they show PAWS throughout the building, and how they learned the Eagles show PAWS, too!
As a reminder, our Superintendent, Dr. Christopher, shared that we will utilize our first two snow days as traditional snow days before moving to our Flexible Instructional Day (FID) which will include some synchronous and asynchronous learning activities to make the virtual school day count and avoid extending the school year further into June. More information for our FID plan in next week's Bobcat Beat.
As we head into the weekend, it looks like more snow is on the way! We wish all our families a safe and cozy weekend, and as always, please stay tuned for weather updates. We look forward to seeing everyone back next week, ready for more winter fun!
Student Service Project: MLK Day Donations
One trait we love instilling in our bobcats is that of service for others. We have two exciting student-led service projects happening from January through February. We hope you'll find a way to get involved and make a contribution to one of these two great organizations throughout the winter time.
- Martin Luther King Jr Day Service Project: Our Student Equity Team is leading the charge this January and needs our families' help to collect donations for Safe Harbor of Chester County. Safe Harbor is a local organization who supports families in need.
- WHEN: January 13 - 24
- Check out the flyer to see how your child's grade level has been asked to help!
- Puppy Love: Our Student Council is taking the lead in February to collect donations for To Love a Canine-- a local dog rescue group that brings their puppies to Fern Hill regularly to support our PBIS rewards. We would love to be able to provide them with some donations to support the pups and their foster families.
- WHEN: February 10 - 21
- More information and details to come in February!
Calling All New Kindergarteners for 2026-2027!
The WCASD partners with our local preschools and their families to offer events and activities for preschool children. The purpose of the Preschool Parent Group is to attract and transition children and families into the WCASD.
One of the well-attended events is our Kindergarten 101 session. Kindergarten 101 is an informational night for families to learn what to expect when their child enters elementary school. The WCASD will be hosting Kindergarten 101 again this school year! This informational session will be on Thursday, February 6, 2025, at 6:00 p.m. at Fugett Middle School. You may register for Kindergarten 101 here.
PTO News
Fern Hill Bingo Night- Buy tickets now!
Fern Hill Ice Line Outing:
Spring Carnival Poll:
The PTO is planning to switch things up in 2025 and are considering hosting a free family picnic with yard games, craft stations, etc. in lieu of the Spring Carnival fundraiser. Before the plan is finalized, we would like input from our school community. Please take a few moments to complete the survey through the QR code on the attached flyer to share your ideas and feedback.
Fernhill Yearbook: Purchase now
Check one thing off your end of school year to do list and purchase your 2024-2025 Fern Hill yearbook now. It’s never too early! Click HERE to order.
Volunteer Clearances
We love having our families volunteer throughout the building. In order to volunteer, adults are required to have their clearances on file with us. Clearances can take 4-6 weeks to acquire, so please be sure to get the process started if you're looking to volunteer this Fall.
Planning a Vacation?
Fern Hill Elementary School
Email: jsouthmayd@wcasd.net
Website: https://www.wcasd.net/fhe
Location: 915 Lincoln Avenue, West Chester, PA, USA
Phone: 484 266 1600
Twitter: @FernHillES