Rolling Hills Primary School
Back-to-School Issue - Summer 2024
The rainbow truly ends at Rolling Hills Primary School!
...many thanks to Mrs. Barbara Monschauer for sharing this fabulous photo!
Welcome (back) to Rolling Hills Primary School for the 2024-2025 school year!
Dear Rolling Hills Parents and Guardians:
I am honored to welcome you and your children to our amazing school for the upcoming 2024-2025 school year!
Our faculty and staff members have been diligently preparing for your children's arrival since the close of the 2023-2024 school year to ensure that our students will have an excellent school year, beginning in September. There are a few reminders that I believed might be helpful for you to receive prior to the busyness of Back-to-School preparations!
The Rolling Hills Primary School's Open House will be held on Thursday, August 22nd from 8:00 - 10:00 AM. Everyone is welcome to visit the school at that time, as your child will have already received their classroom assignment by that date. Students and their families will be provided with a map to tour the school, visit their classrooms--and, in some cases--to meet their new teachers. Some of the Rolling Hills SCA Board members will also be available to answer your questions and inform you about their upcoming events for the new school year.
Thanks to another generous Connect for Community's annual "Backpacks for Community" distribution last year, Rolling Hills still has some backpacks filled with a few basic school supplies. If you know of a student who would benefit from the receipt of a brand-new backpack, please call the Rolling Hills main office at 973-764-2784 or stop by the main office during the Open House to let us know. Thank you!
Please review all of the information in each monthly message so you can stay current with the upcoming events and spend some time enjoying photos from past events. We look forward to greeting your children on Thursday, September 5th for the first day of school and hope to see all of our parents/guardians that evening for our Back-to-School Night, which begins at 6:00 PM. Please be sure to join us for an informative evening!
For planning purposes, I have attached the Vernon Township School District calendar for the 2024-2025 school year.
Although I strongly encourage you to reach out directly to your child's teacher(s) with issues pertaining to instruction, please be assured that I remain committed to every students' educational experience and encourage you to reach out to me if I may be of assistance throughout the school year.
Wishing you all the best for the upcoming school year,
Pauline F. Anderson, Principal
P.S. For your convenience, the supply lists requested by each homeroom teacher are provided below!
Action for Happiness Calendars...
JULY 2024
Let's find ways to bounce back!
Let's create a wave of kindness to spread around the world.
ESCA and SCA News
Rolling Hills Primary School SCA
President - Ericka Petrucci
Vice President - Christine Debonte
Treasurer - Rose Ahearn
Recording Secretary - OPEN
Corresponding Secretary - Kristine Connington
We look forward to a very successful year as we work together for the benefit of our students!
The first meeting of the 2024-2025 school year will be held on Wednesday, September 11th at 9:45 AM in the Rolling Hills Conference Room or via Zoom. We hope you can join us!
Be sure to visit their website frequently throughout the school year!
In closing...
Dr. Pauline F. Anderson, Principal
Location: Rolling Hills Primary School, 60 Sammis Road, Vernon Township, NJ, USA
Phone: (973) 764-2784