Muskego Lakes Family Newsletter
November 8th, 2024
Dear Muskego Lakes Families,
It’s hard to believe November is here, and students have already wrapped up the first quarter of the school year! Although it’s only been one quarter, we’re incredibly proud of our students for the growth and accomplishments they’ve achieved so far.
Every student who walks through our doors brings unique strengths, and each has already found success in different ways this year—whether by making a new friend, joining a new sport or club for the first time, deepening their understanding of a subject, or developing their own system for staying organized. Our hope is that each student knows that every step they take, big or small, is a success worth celebrating.
We understand that success looks different for each student, and we want you to know we’re here to support and cheer them on as they discover their own paths. Whether your child is focused on academic goals, building social connections, or exploring new interests, we’re committed to helping them thrive here at Muskego Lakes.
Please remember you can always reach out to us or to Student Services if you have concerns or would like a partner in supporting your child!
In partnership,
Rachel Rydzewski and Nancy Pasch
MLMS Principals
Important Dates Ahead
11/21: Choralfest
11/27-11/29: No School
12/2: No School
12/3-12/5: Literacy iReady Testing
12/5: Winter Band Concert
12/9-12/11: Math iReady Testing
12/12: Winter Choir Concert
12/13: 6th Grade Science Fair
Quarter 1 Report Cards
With Quarter 1 ending earlier this week, we wanted you to be aware that we will be sending home report cards next week with your child. Please be on the look out for your child's report card in their Musky Folder on Thursday, November 14th.
We strongly encourage you to review your child's scores and the personalized comments teachers made regarding how well your child is learning. Next week's newsletter will have more information on how to access the report card within IC.
Would your Child Benefit from Homework Support?
Ensuring that your child has support in their learning is important to us. We are proud to share that we offer two different opportunities for students to get assistance!
Homework Center
What is the Homework Center?
A quiet space where students can access during their lunch hour to accomplish any task from a class. In addition, there will be a staff member present who can help answer student questions about work that they are stuck on.
Reasons Students Might Visit the Homework Center:
- The student is struggling with an assignment or studying for an upcoming assessment and would like some extra help.
- The student wants a quiet, focused space to work or read.
- The student cannot stay after school to attend our afterschool Homework Club or have extra-curricular activities after school.
- Homeroom isn't quite enough time to finish your work.
- The student is looking for someone to give them a little more guidance on a specific task.
- A teacher has asked the student to go to get caught up on work
Homework Club
If you child is looking to stay after and get assistance, encourage them to stop by homework club. Homework club meets weekly from 3:05 to 4:05 pm in Room 24 (Ms. Rodriguez) room every Wednesday. Students can attend weekly or as needed; they need to sign in when they arrive and need a ride home. Homework club is a chance for students to have a quiet and support time to complete homework or get assistance as needed.
Student Services Corner: Navigating Friendships in the Middle School Years
Middle school can be such a hard time because every student is unique developmentally. Some young people in middle school spend most time outside of school with their family, while some spend time with peers outside of school. You can best support your child by:
Having regular conversations about what qualities they look for in friends
Encourage them to be themselves, keeping an eye on when you notice a shift in personality, disposition or attitude around particular peers
Focus on the importance of quality versus quantity when it comes to trustworthy friends
Encourage your child to join a co-curricular to help meet other students with common interests
Challenge your child to think about what kinds of choices they make around different peers or peer groups
If you are concerned about your child not having a friend or two at school, please reach out to our school counselors (Ms.Leigh Grall or Mr. Jim Brickweg) who can help partner with your child to foster relationship building aligned to common interests.
Strong Attendance Leads to Success!
As the holiday season is quickly approaching, we understand that many families look forward to celebrating special traditions and spending quality time together. While these moments are important, we also want to stress the value of regular school attendance, even during the busy season.
Consistent attendance is key to academic success and strengthening peer relationships. Each day, our students participate in interactive lessons, hands-on activities, and group discussions that can’t be easily recreated outside the classroom. Missing just a few days can make it harder for students to keep up with assignments and stay engaged in their learning. So thank you for trying whenver possible to schedule appointments, vacations, etc, outside of the school day whenever possible.
If you or your student have concerns, please reach out to Stacy Pawlak (stacy.pawlak@muskegonorway.org); we’re here to work together.
Are you interested in helping plan 8th grade promotion?
It's that time of the year again when we start planning the 8th-grade promotion celebrations! We're looking for a parent chairperson (or two) who would love to join us in planning the magic of the 8th-grade promotion festivities. If you're as excited about making these moments unforgettable for our students as we are, we'd love to have you on board!
The parent committee will be critical in helping us create lasting memories for our 8th graders. If interested, please get in touch with Rachel Rydzewski, principal, at rachel.rydzewski@muskegonorway.org. Your involvement means the world to us and, more importantly, to our students! Let's make this 8th-grade send-off the best one yet!
Is your son interested in 7th or 8th Grade Basketball?
If your son is hoping to play basketball for Muskego Lakes this year, tryouts will be on November 12th and 13th. Students should plan to stay after school until 4:30pm. If you have questions, please reach out to either:
- Mitch Hendrix (mitch.hendrix@muskegonorway.org)
- Jack Thompson (jack.thompson@muskegonorway.org).
Christmas Clearing Council
Money can be tight, especially around the holidays. If you are looking for assistance this season please consider reaching out to the Christmas Clearing Council for financial Christmas gift assistance.
The 2024 Client Application for Christmas assistance is now available. Applications are due by November 15th, at 11:59 PM.
The application is linked here.
To qualify a family must:
-Live in Waukesha County
-Have custody of the children (ages 0-18) they are applying for
-Provide proof of financial hardship (such as qualifying for free and reduced lunch)
Reach out to Stacy Pawlak, School Social Worker, if you have questions or are interested in additional community supports: (262) 971 1810 ext 6282 (Bay Lane), ext 5403 (Muskego Lakes), or stacy.pawlak@muskegonorway.org
Common items we find are:
- water bottles
- school supplies
- assignment notebooks
- lunch bags
- sweatshirts
Please encourage your child if they are missing sweatshirts, jackets, water bottles, pencil cases, hats, headbands, etc. to stop by student services to check for their missing items. We will continue to update our photos weekly.
Shown below are the upcoming co-curricular events at Muskego Lakes.
If a change occurs from the date of this newsletter, we post on Infinite Campus in the announcement section. We commit to letting students/families know about changes and updating Infinite Campus announcements as soon as possible once we've been notified of a change.
For more detailed information about MLMS events, click here.
Have you entered the MLMS PTO Seat Raffle yet?
Would you like to Skip the LINE and enjoy FOUR reserved seats at the event of your choice? If so, you can purchase raffle tickets to enter one of two chances to win a set of four tickets to your selected event:
- Winter Band Concert- 6th Grade
- Winter Band Concert-7/8th Grade
- Winter Choir Concert
- Spring Musical (You pick the show!)
A reminder that tickets must be completed, cut out, and sent to school in an envelope labeled “Seat Raffle” with your child’s name and the event you want to win even if paying via Venmo.
Students should have brought home a hard copy of this raffle sheets in their Musky Folders. Additional raffle copies can be found HERE. All entries must be received by 8am November 25th. Raffle winners will be drawn and notified November 25th.
Box Tops for Education
Last Chance Muskego Lakes PTO Spiritwear Sale 2024
Interested in getting some new spirit wear and support the MLMS PTO? You can shop now HERE until Sunday, November 10th. Plenty of options for all.
Mid-Week Munchies
The MLMS PTO is looking to continue the traditon to have snacks for staff each Wednesday. We need your help though by signing up to donate snacks each week. This greatly helps them make it through the week. You can donate snacks or a group of families can donate. We have roughly 100 staff members. Snacks can be anything you'd like.
Please sign up HERE for a date below if you can. Drop off will be in the front office by 8am on the Wednesday you sign up.
Get Involved By Joining The Muskego Lakes PTO!
Please consider joining the Muskego Lakes PTO. We meet monthly in the MLMS library at 6:30pm. We always welcome new faces and would love to hear your ideas on how we can make this an amazing school year ahead!!
Our last meeting Dates for the 24-25 School Year are:
- November 4
- January 6
- February 3
- March 3
- April 7
- April 28
School Lunch Information
In an effort to ensure students can move through the lunch lines efficently, we ask that you remind your student to ensure that they bring their school ID card with them to lunch daily or ensure that they have gotten their finger scanned.
For you ease, we have linked the September menu below with other helpful resources. You can always find the link to updated lunch menus, at the end of this newsletter.
2024-25 Lunch Prices:
- Elementary School $2.55
- MS Diner meal $2.95
- MS Pizza meal $3.50
- MS Grab n Go $3.50
- MS Creation meal $3.90
- Adult $4.65
- Milk Carton $0.50
Questions related to the food service program can be directed to Benny D’Epiro, Food Service Director at 262-971-1790 x4522.
Supporting our Students' Mental Health
We are proud to continue to partner with Clinical Psychology Associates (CPA) to offer on-site counseling services for students enrolled in Lakeview Elementary, Mill Valley Elementary, Bay Lane Elementary, Lake Denoon Middle, Muskego Lakes Middle, and Muskego High School. For information about CPA’s services and therapists or to get started with an appointment, please visit our website.
Muskego Norway School District Calendar
Please make note of days off and important events on the 24-25 calendar. It is ideal to make dentist and doctor appointments on days we do not have school whenever possible.
Rachel Rydzewski, Principal
(262) 971-1860 ext 1812
Nancy Pasch, Associate Principal
(262) 971-1860 ext 1813
Muskego Lakes Middle School
Website: https://www.muskegonorway.org/schools/muskegolakes/
Location: W124 S8009 North Cape Rd.
Phone: 262-971-1860
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/muskegolakesmuskies
Are you interested in working for Muskego-Norway?
To view current support staff job vacancies, click HERE