Paradise Place ETNS Newsletter
20 January 2025
Dear parents, carers, staff and friends,
Children's Mental Health Week
We had a super Children's Mental Health Week last week. Organised by our Wellbeing and Ubuntu teams, the children had lots of opportunities to build connections and relationships, explore the things they enjoy doing and practise their skills of relaxation and mindfulness.
The week started with an assembly where we came together to think about how we might support a friend who was feeling sad and lonely. We talked about doing more of the things we enjoy and knowing what makes us feel good. During the week, the children met up with partner classes for shared reading and games, had special circles to share compliments and 'sparkles' with one another, tried sound wellness with Catherine, had 'Wake and Shake' with Rosalia in the mornings and a really fun 'Big Doodle' in the Hall on Friday.
Thanks to all who took part and especially to all the staff who organised the different activities. Have a look at our video to see the highlights of the week!
News this week
Anti-Bullying Ambassadors
Our Anti-Bullying Ambassadors visited 2nd Class last week to teach the children about being 'upstanders' and standing up for their friends if they see someone who needs help. The children in 2nd Class wrote pledges to be upstanders - great work everyone!
3rd Class to Hugh Lane Gallery
Greg's 3rd Class visited the Hugh Lane Gallery last week to look at the art of Seán Scully, a famous Irish artist.
Time to Count
Both 3rd Classes are having a great time with our volunteers from Bank of Ireland and the 'Time to Count' programme. The children have lots of fun practising their skills in fun maths games.
A message from the HSE
The HSE have written to schools to ask us to remind all parents/carers that the flu is particularly prevalent in the community and can be very serious for children. The free nasal vaccine is still available from pharmacies or your GP and the HSE are asking all families to consider getting the vaccine for their child, if you haven't already.
Measles is also circulating in the community. If your child hasn't been vaccinated for MMR, again, the HSE ask you to contact your GP to arrange vaccination as soon as possible.
If we can help to explain or provide any information that you need - please just ask.
Attendance at school
Our aim is for every child to have attendance of 95%+. Well done to all the children and families who are getting to school on time every day.
Well done to Greg's Class and Neasa's Class who met our target last week and were the winners of our attendance trophy!
As we settle into the third week of term, let's get back into our routines and make sure children are in school every single day.
Meet our Board of Management
Our new Board of Management was formed in April 2024 and have been meeting once a month since then. Over the next two newsletters, we will share who the members of the Board are and what their role is.
First up, we have our two patron nominees - these are two people nominated by our patron, Educate Together. One of them is nominated to be the Chairperson. We also have two staff nominees - one of them is the Principal and the other is elected by the teachers.
Tina - Chairperson
Hi, My name is Tina Stallard and I am delighted to have been invited to join the Board of Management of Paradise Place Educate Together as Chairperson. I've been involved in Educate Together for over 20 years both as a parent & and board member and previously served as Chairperson on the Board of Management of Lucan Educate Together. I've an overall interest in education & how it impacts people's lives- particularly how it impacts the lives of children. In the short time I've been involved in Paradise Place I can see that it's a great school & I hope I can support the school as it moves on as an Educate Together School now. Outside of school involvement I like chocolate & mystery novels!
Neil - Patron Nominee
Neil Flaherty is Principal of Cabra Community College and was nominated to our Board by Educate Together. Neil's school works in partnership with CDETB and Educate Together and he has been Principal since 2018. Outside of school, he has a keen interest in sport, especially golf and supporting his home county of Galway in GAA.
Éadaoin - Principal
Síle - Teacher Nominee
Síle McDonnell has been teaching in our school for many years and previously served as the teacher nominee on the Board from 2019-2021. She was elected to the Board of Management by the teaching staff last year. Síle is teaching Senior Infants this year, but many families know her from her time as the Home-School-Community Liaison teacher, when she looked after so many families especially during the Covid lockdowns.
Parent Nominee - Election
As we told you before the holidays, we have a vacancy on the Board of Management for a male parent. We will have a parent meeting to elect a new nominee on Tuesday, 4th February 2025 at 9.00 a.m. in the Parents' Room. At that meeting, any parent who wishes to put themselves forward can do so and all of the parents present can vote for the nominee they would prefer. All are welcome!
Barnardos Parent Webinars - How to keep your child safe online
Barnardos trainers deliver live webinars to parents about online safety with a short Q&A after. These 45 minute webinars are free to register.
Webinar Outcomes
- Outline the key risks for children with being online
- Implement practical solutions and tips to help their children stay safe online
- Reflect on how they might
help their children if they were cyberbullied/cyberbullying - Recognise ways to interact with their child’s online world and day to day experiences
- Identify helpful websites and research and signpost them to others
- Once you book your place, you will receive a link to the webinar. You’ll also be reminded a day before the webinar too.
Free Parent Webinar, Wednesday 29th January: 7pm – 8pm
February 2025
Free Parent Webinar, Wednesday 5th February: 7pm – 8pm
IN SCHOOL (if you like) or AT HOME
Free Parent Webinar, Thursday 27th February: 11am – 12 midday
Learn Together Curriculum
As a new Educate Together school, one of the new things we are starting this year is teaching and learning the 'Learn Together' curriculum. This is the programme that is taught in all Educate Together schools. There are four parts to the curriculum - An Ethical Approach to the Environment, Equality and Justice, Values and Ethical Perspectives, and Belief Systems - and over the next few weeks, we'll explain a little about each one.
An Ethical Approach to Environment is all about learning about our world. We want to help the children to develop an appreciation and respect for their environment and to empower them to take an active role in looking after our world. The children will learn about topics like climate change, pollution and endangered species.
In the picture below, you can see some of the learning classes have done last term. 3rd Class learnt about plastic pollution in our oceans and created posters to encourage people to be careful about recycling plastic. 4th Class learned about rainforests. They found out about the animals and plants that live in the rainforest and the impact of climate change on them. 5th Class learned about lots of aspects of sustainability including recycling, litter and waste, fairtrade, grow your own, saving energy and water, biodiversity and sustainable travel. They linked the learning about the Global Goals and looking after the world, to how we need to look after our local environment.
Dates for your Diary
21st January - Greg's 3rd Class to National Museum of Ireland
29th January - 2nd Class to Central Library - Time to Read library visit
Monday 3rd February - Bank Holiday - School Closed
17th - 21st February - Mid-Term Break - School Closed for one week
Contact us
Email: office@ppetns.ie
Website: www.ppetns.ie
Location: Paradise Place, Phibsborough, Dublin 7, Ireland
Phone: +353 1 8300 841
Twitter: @ppetns