23 MAY 2024
16SEP | CTE Choir @ Rockies Game 6:30-10:30pm
18SEP | Picture Retake Day
20SEP | NO SCHOOL - Teacher Work Day
24SEP | Fun Run - during specials
27SEP | Field Day - 1st-6th grade
7OCT | Vision & Hearing Screening
7OCT | Fun Run Prize Day
25OCT | Fall Festival - 5:30-7:30pm
See the information below ...
Would you like to celebrate your student's birthday or achievement at school?
Consider puchasing a Birthdaygram or Marquee announcement (see flyer).
Purchase on MySchoolBucks.
BOTH of these events are happening at the end of September!
Can you help with either/both events? SIGN UP BELOW!
- this is our school's BIGGEST FUNDRAISER!!
- this year we are raising money to revamp the playground
- Get ready to run on September 24th
- volunteer sign-up
- fundraising website
27SEP - FIELD DAY - a school event - FREE
- grades 1-6 will have field day (Kindergarten in the spring)
- activities will be from 9:00am to 10:40 am - lunch Break - 1:30pm-3:10 pm.
- smoothies will be for sale for $3 each from Berry Blenz
- volunteer sign-up
Battle of the Books 2024-2025
Battle of the Books (BOTB) is a fun and exciting opportunity to compete against students from other schools in Parker and across the district. There are two teams, 3rd/4th and 5th/6th grades, each composed of five students and two alternates.
Signed contracts must be turned in to Mrs. Nottingham, Library, no later than Tuesday, September 24th.
Information sheets and applications will be going home with 3rd - 6th grade students this week. You may also download the contract at the link below.
Due to the limited number of positions available, we are asking students and parents to consider the following items before signing this contract.
The reading list for each team is comprised of ten books selected by the Douglas County Library. Students are expected to read or listen to all of the books in order to be prepared to compete.
The competition runs the week of January 27 through March 7. Battles will occur once or twice a week at the Parker Library. Battles are about 30 minutes long and take place between 4:30 and 8 pm weeknights except Fridays. The district battle is March 12 at a location TBD.
Students will be representing Cherokee Trail and are expected to demonstrate EPICER behavior at practices and at all competitions.
Practices will be held at CTE once a week. In order to have the best turn-out on a regular basis, practice dates and times will be determined once the teams are formed.
Students are responsible for getting their books. They can check them out of our school library or the Parker Library, or purchase them online. There is no additional cost to compete.
Please refer to THIS LINK for further details along with the Reading Lists and Student/Parent Contract.
Karen Nottingham, Librarian
Cherokee Trail Elementary
Please read the news from each of your student's specials:
Students are on a 3-week specials rotaion, so the newsletter will be updated every three weeks.
Please only use CTE's accessible parking spots if you have an accessible plaquard or license plates. We have members of our community who are only able to park there, and we want to make sure the spaces are available for them.
Several weeks ago I shared about calling the attendance line (303-387-8127) when your student is going to miss school. This helps us ensure that students are safe and where they are supposed to be. This week I wanted to share a little more about what DCSD considers to be excused absences. DCSD considers the following to be excused absences:
Temporary or extended illness
physical, mental or emotional disability
family emergencies
absences due to suspension or expulsion
any other absence approved by the principal
Please remember that even excused absences are missed instructional minutes and will impact your student's learning. Whether an absence is excused or not, please always reach out to CTE and encourage your student to complete the work they missed so that they don't fall behind academically and that they are building those skills for middle and high school.
The Principal Chronicles continue ...
As I write this it is early in the morning on Wednesday which just so happens to be the day 6th grade leaves for Outdoor Ed. It's like the calm before the storm. Pretty soon our 6th grade families will start bringing in their bags, pillows, and various items to help the students get through the next three days. The students will be very very excited to get going and will be very very tired when they get back. For me personally, I'll head down on Thursday to spend the day with the 6th grade students and, as always, it is one of my favorite times of the year. I truly love seeing the students away from school and I can focus on only them for a little while. Next week I'll share some of my favorite stories.
On the home front, it is homecoming season and with my daughter at two different schools, there seem to be several different options as to which dance she is actually going to go to. Sounds like she was going to go to Chap's homecoming, but then she wasn't going to go, then maybe go to Highlands Ranch's, but now only Legend's. It is so hard to keep up with the latest happenings. It is almost like I need to follow her on social media just to find out what she is really doing. Not only that, being a cosmetology student, her hair is the most important aspect of the entire event. Not the dress, not the dance, not any other part of the night, just her hair. Personally I am not sure I am mentally prepared for her last homecoming dance for the rest of her natural born life. Sniff.
That is it for this week's edition. Stay tuned for next week when the Principal Chronicles continues.....
NONDISCRIMINATION NOTICE: The Douglas County School District does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity/expression, religion, national origin, ancestry, creed, age, marital status, genetic information, or physical characteristics, disability or need for special education services in admissions, access to, treatment of, or employment in educational programs or activities. The School District’s Compliance Officer is Ted Knight, Assistant Superintendent, 620 Wilcox Street, Castle Rock, Colorado, complianceofficer@dcsdk12.org, 303-387-0067. Complaint procedures have been established for students, parents, employees, and members of the public.
Email: anna.hylton@dcsdk12.org
Website: cte.dcsdk12.org
Location: 17302 Clarke Farms Drive, Parker, CO, USA
Phone: 3033878125
Facebook: facebook.com/ctestallions
Twitter: @ctestallions