HPS Headlines
Friday 7th March 2025

Heads Welcome
It has been a truly exciting week here at Homefield, as we’ve celebrated both creativity and literacy in a series of wonderful events.
Our 'Book Looks' have been a highlight, giving parents the opportunity to join their boys in celebrating and admiring their hard work and accomplishments. It has been fantastic to see the pride in the boy's faces as they shared their learning with their families.
This week also marked the celebration of World Book Week, and our Book Fairs have been a great success. Thanks to the enthusiastic support of our school community, we raised an incredible £1494.79 in sales, which will provide a commission reward of £822.13. These funds will be used to purchase exciting new titles for our Learning Resource Centre (LRC).
The grand finale of the week was our World Book Day celebration, which saw an extravaganza of costumes from both the boys and staff. The day was filled with joy, sunshine, and fun, as everyone embraced the spirit of storytelling and imagination.
Wishing everyone a wonderful weekend ahead!
Mrs Anderson
Recent HPS Highlights!
🎖️ To celebrate over 150 years of Homefield’s proud history and to inspire our current boys, we are thrilled to launch our new Alumni Wall! This special display showcases the incredible journeys of our old boys — some have achieved remarkable success in their fields, while others have led fulfilling and meaningful lives in their own ways.
“I am very proud of my affiliation with Homefield and have great memories of the school.” — Will Holmes
“Although it was a very different environment back in the 1950s, it definitely shaped my outlook on my future path in life. I even named the house we built in 2004 in Ramsey ‘Homefield’!” — Lindsay Walton
Special thanks to Sir Nick Young for donating two books to the school library: one about his time as Chief Executive of the Red Cross, and the other about his father’s wartime adventures!
🏑 "On Monday, 3rd March, the U10 A hockey team and a mixed B/C team played at home against Ewell Castle. The A team had a high-scoring draw, with the scoreline switching throughout. Hussain played very well in goal and also went on pitch to score. Yuvi made two great passes to set up Jai for his two goals, and Christopher scored a well-worked goal after excellent defending from Axel and Keshav. Charles worked hard in midfield, and the game ended 4-4.
The B/C mixed team worked tirelessly in defence, with Benji and Ralph making great tackles. Yusuf showed some superb skill up front and scored, resulting in a 1-1 draw.
Well done to all the boys who played!" ~ Mr Matthews
Subject Summaries
Year 3 have been consolidating their understanding of adding and subtracting fractions with the same denominator and how to find equivalent fractions using their knowledge of times table facts. The boys have been challenged by trying to make links between decimals and money.
Year 4 have been consolidating their understanding of calculating with fractions and decimals, making links to percentages and how to find percentages when the denominators of fractions are not 10, 100, or 1000.
Year 5 have continued developing their understanding of decimals. They have been converting fractions to decimals and practising adding and subtracting decimals using the formal column method. They have also been consolidating their understanding of FDP (and converting fluently between them) and revising the topic.
Year 6 tackled a fun fractions challenge, all aiming for the biggest share of Maltesers! There were three tables with different amounts of chocolate — 1, 3, and 6 boxes. Before sitting down, each boy had to think: 'If the Maltesers are shared equally when I sit, which table gives me the largest fraction?'
For example, the eleventh boy saw 1 person at Table 1 (1 box split in half), 3 at Table 2 (3 boxes split four ways), and 6 at Table 3 (6 boxes split seven ways). He quickly worked out: half a box, three-quarters of a box, or six-sevenths... and dashed to Table 3 for the biggest share!
The game continued with each boy choosing the table with the largest fraction at the time — and sometimes, when the fractions were equal, they got to pick randomly. A sweet way to sharpen their maths skills!
Year 7 boys have moved into looking at manipulating fractions with different operations—addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. The boys have been challenged to demonstrate fluency in these operations before applying these methods to problem-solving questions.
Year 8 have reviewed some of the papers they have recently completed and then moved on to a new topic—ratio and proportion. The boys are reactivating their knowledge from prior learning and applying it to increasingly complex and challenging problems.
English & Drama:
The boys have come back from half term filled with vim and vigour as they tackle some exciting new modules! Year 3 are developing their creative writing skills, widening their understanding of varying figurative language and structural techniques. Year 4 have dived into Boy, Roald Dahl's autobiographical account of his school days: the perfect inspiration for writing their own engaging and exciting nonfiction accounts. Year 5 are exploring a different type of nonfiction—advertising! They're dissecting the efficacy of a whole range of different advertising features, comparing and contrasting differing approaches through robust critical essays. Year 6 are tackling a brand-new unit of work at HPS: Women in Literature, where they'll be exposed to a range of celebrated female authors and characters and will consider how the portrayal of women in text and media has developed over time. Year 7 are having great fun with one of the most popular and enduring comedies within Shakespeare's repertoire—Twelfth Night. Year 8 worked very hard in their mock exams and are now engaging with their nonfiction module with gusto. What an excellent start, boys!
Art & DT:
Year 3 have been doing some photography using ink and water to create abstract photos. Years 4, 5, and 6 have made excellent progress in their DT projects and will finish ahead of schedule. Year 7 have been getting messy with oil paints, and Year 8 are now planning their 3D megacity structures.
Senior Science:
Year 3 have been learning about different types of rocks and investigating their properties. Year 4 are continuing with their work on food and nutrition, and finding out what they need to eat for a balanced diet. Year 5 are covering the topic of the conservation of energy by understanding that energy cannot be created nor destroyed. Year 6 have been building electric circuits and learning about the symbols used for each electrical component. Year 7 are studying the ways that pathogens can enter the body and the body's defence systems. 8H are continuing their forces topic by investigating Hooke's Law, and 8S have been learning about electromagnets through making and experimenting with them. Year 8 are also reviewing their mock exams and identifying areas they need to focus their future revision on.
Year 1 have been introduced to Marty the robot, and Year 2 are completing preparatory work in advance of their Network Rail Project. Years 3 and 4 have been refining their Leaders Award entries; those who have finished in Year 3 are now constructing codable robotic hands from Lego, while Year 4 have engaged with the Wonderverse competition. Year 5 have been continuing work towards the Statwars competition, while Year 6 have started building the chassis of their locomotives as part of the Network Rail day.
Lower School Summary
Nursery have been continuing with their topic of I Can Move, getting very busy with their little bodies. They have been developing and refining their fine motor skills, participating in activities such as threading, playdough, using tweezers, and scissors. The boys have also been making the most of the sunshine and have been outside to explore their gross motor skills, playing on obstacle courses, using the bikes and scooters, and developing their spatial awareness.
It has been the perfect weather outside to introduce our new topic Ready Steady Grow, all about growing processes and lifecycles. We will be learning about how plants grow, the lifecycles of Easter animals such as chicks and bunnies, and also looking at what makes us healthy and helps us to grow! We have spent lots of time outside in the sunshine, looking at the different plants around the school and also using the mud kitchen as a garden centre, pretending to plant seeds and watering them to help them grow.
Our topic has tied very nicely into our focus story this week: Jack and the Beanstalk. We took one of our Literacy lessons outside to the field, where the boys were tasked to find as many leaves and sticks as they could to build a beanstalk! The boys loved having the freedom to run around the field and were very excited to see how long their beanstalk was at the end of the lesson!
We have also been learning about what fantasy and fiction mean. "Fantasy is not real." We have been looking through the story together and finding the characters or items that are fiction, such as the giant, the magic beans, and the beanstalk, and comparing them to the real elements, such as Jack, the house, and the cow. "The giant is not real because he doesn't exist."
This week, we have been learning about weight. We have discussed what it means for something to be heavy or light, with many boys saying, "If it is heavy, then I can't hold it in my hand." "I can't hold a car, but I can hold a pencil, so a pencil is light." The boys have been using balancing scales to compare different weights, kitchen scales to see the numeral linked to weight, and have also been on a hunt around the class to find as many heavy/light items as they can in one minute! With all of the items found, the boys then had to order them from lightest to heaviest. It has been a fun and interactive week!
Year 1:
It has been wonderful to see some sunshine and beautiful blue skies over the last couple of weeks, giving us a lovely taster of what is, hopefully, to come! Although the sun is shining, please make sure the boys still have their hats, gloves, scarves, and warm coats as it can still be a bit chilly in the mornings.
With the fresh, bright mornings, this has given us a great opportunity to take our maths outside. We have been focussing on measurement since returning from half term, and the boys have loved the practical side of it. They have been learning about centimetres and metres and have used rulers, metre sticks, and a trundle wheel to measure the length of objects in the classroom, the distance of our MUGA and field, and the height of ourselves.
In English, the boys have been getting to know our new text Millie’s Marvellous Hat. They made some great predictions about the text and have been able to answer questions relating to the book. We have also revised our word classes—adjectives, nouns, verbs, and adverbs.
In art, we have been learning about the artists Monet and Kandinsky. We saw some beautiful representations of Monet’s Water Lilies painting. Well done, boys!
Our history topic is popular, and the boys are enjoying learning about significant males. So far, we have learned about Professor Stephen Hawking and Isaac Newton.
Homefield Heroes
Emil - for showing increased maturity, following instructions, and making good choices.
Caleb - for always remembering his manners and being respectful towards his teachers. Adam - for demonstrating endeavour when completing his homework activities.
Year 1:
Theo - for excellent enthusiasm, participation, and explanations in science. Luke - for his great estimating and measuring of classroom objects in maths. Ethan E - for fantastic effort across all subjects this week, continuously trying your best and showing endeavour. Ethan Y - for always being so helpful, especially when tidying the calm courtyard.
Year 2:
Eashaan - for working hard independently and giving great suggestions during carpet input. Cyrus - for showing resilience by working hard on his challenges in his work. Laurie - for continuing to exemplify our Homefield values in his words and actions. Tian - for working hard to show endeavour and resilience when completing challenges in his work.
Year 3:
Zaviyar - for his endeavour in Maths, when he didn’t understand how to solve a GD problem. He was shown a method using bar models, then was able to explain how to use the same solution to others. Andrey - for his endeavour in hockey lessons and showing kindness when someone got hurt. Noah - for his incredible resilience and endeavour in his English and Maths work. He is always challenging himself to do better than his previous piece of work.
Year 4:
Yohaan - for his consistent endeavour to achieve as many reasoning questions as he can to a high level of accuracy. Rahul - for his integrity and endeavour in lessons, working hard and being organised with his stationary and kit so he is ready to take part and learn. Elijah - for his excellent resilience in maths lessons and integrity as a role model in music theory club. He consistently challenges himself and enthusiastically perseveres when solving tricky questions.
Year 5:
James - for demonstrating endeavour in history. He has shown diligence and enthusiasm in lessons. Keshav - for his mature approach to his English essay writing. His contributions and enthusiasm in lessons are also helping him to make excellent progress. Ryan - for consistently demonstrating the Homefield values across lessons and at break and lunch times, being a fantastic role model to others and setting a good example to younger boys.
Year 6:
Daniel - for learning his lines for Wind in the Willows, even though the boys are not required to until the summer term. Showing lots of enthusiasm, commitment, and hard work. Avy - for listening to feedback and taking it on board to overcome challenges in multiplying fractions. Alex - for demonstrating incredible focus and engagement in maths this week. Eric - for working well in geography and history and showing respect this week.
Year 7:
Karol - for sharing his Great Grandfather's inspiring story of survival from the war. Karol has shown resilience, strength, and kindness. Brendan - for his enthusiasm and dedication towards his role as a Form Captain. Brendan has shown endeavour and integrity.
Year 8:
Harry - for showing resilience during the CE exams after unexpected challenges arose. Harry showed strength and determination. Yiannis - for showcasing his creativity during his English lessons; showing endeavour and resilience.
Sports Summary
U10 Hockey
On Monday, 3rd March, the U10 A hockey team and a mixed B/C team played at home against Ewell Castle. The A team had a high-scoring draw, with the scoreline switching throughout. Hussain played very well in goal and later went on pitch to score. Yuvi made two great passes to set up Jai for his two goals, and Christopher scored a well-worked goal after great defending from Axel and Keshav. Charles worked hard in midfield, and the game ended 4-4. The B/C mixed team worked hard in defence, with Benji and Ralph making great tackles. Yusuf showed superb skill up front and scored, securing a 1-1 draw.
Well done to all the boys who played.
Chess Result
There was an online blitz battle during half-term on Friday, 21st February. Alex B and Easen G picked up 16 points between them and played well, but no other Homefield boys participated this time due to it being half-term. Well done to those two boys!
Hockey season in full swing!
With the warm spring weather arriving just in time for the hockey season, the Homefield boys from Year 3 to Year 8 have all enjoyed starting their new games unit and playing hockey fixtures against other schools. Year 4 began by playing at home against Chinthurst, followed by Year 5 and Year 3, who have both played great games against Ewell Castle and Reigate. Today (Wednesday), Year 6 will play Reigate, and next week, Years 7 and 8 will compete against Kingswood House.
Well done to all the boys who have represented the school in hockey so far!
Safer Internet Day 2025 Competition
💻 The winners of the Safer Internet Day 2025 competition have been announced! There were lots of wonderful entries, and it was very hard to choose two winners. Congratulations Evan and Ariz!
Artist of the Week
Aaron Year 6 - Alien in the Woods
Football Opportunitites
One of our Year 2 boys, Shahmeer, had the fantastic opportunity to be chosen to walk out onto the pitch for the Sutton vs Man Utd under-21s football game this week. He really enjoyed the experience and even got to hold the football!
Interview with Evan (Y6)
This is the second interview article in our series celebrating the achievements of boys in their final year at Homefield. Evan, a passionate and dedicated musician, is an active member of the school’s music groups, including the School Orchestra and Senior Choir. Recently, he showcased his talent by leading a solo performance in the Christmas Carol Concert. In addition to his school involvement, Evan is also a member of the National Children’s Orchestra and Stoneleigh Orchestra. In this interview, conducted by Raymin in Year 5, Evan shares his musical journey, inspirations, and future aspirations.
Q: Hi Evan, what instruments do you play, and what grades are you at?
Evan: I play the flute and piano. For flute, I'm at Grade 6, and for piano, I'm at Grade 7.
Q: Do you also sing?
Evan: Yes, I sing as well, but not very much. I sing in the Senior Choir.
Q: How good are you at singing?
Evan: Um, I’m okay with it.
Q: Who’s your favourite musician, and what type of music do they play or sing?
Evan: I really like a musician named Gustav Holst. He was very talented and played several instruments, including the piano and trombone, when he was younger. He was a composer, and his two most famous pieces are Jupiter and Mars.
Q: Do you have any favourite pieces by Gustav Holst?
Evan: Yes, I like the piece Mars. In Roman mythology, Mars is the god of war. The song is very dramatic, and it gradually gets louder and softer, so it has a contrasting vibe throughout.
Q: How much practice do you do every day to be a good musician?
Evan: For flute, I practise for about 40 minutes a day. Before an exam or competition, I practise for an hour and a half on the piano.
Q: Have you ever felt nervous when performing?
Evan: Yes, especially during the solo in the Carol Concert. But I just remember to relax, breathe in, breathe out, and be in control. I tell myself to forget about performing in front of so many people and imagine I’m just performing in front of family and friends. That helps make it less stressful.
Q: Do you perform in any other orchestras or choirs outside of school?
Evan: I am a member of the National Children’s Orchestra (NCO). NCO is really fun because I make new friends there. I am also a member of Stoneleigh Orchestra; my group of friends goes too. We learn new pieces and skills from other people, so we become even closer.
Q: Tell us more about NCO and Stoneleigh.
Evan: NCO stands for the National Children’s Orchestra, which selects around 90 children from across Great Britain. It's highly selective, and you need to audition every year to stay in. After turning 13, you can progress to the National Youth Orchestra, but it requires a lot of hard work. Stoneleigh is a very high-profile local borough orchestra with around 60 to 70 members. You also need to audition each year to be part of the group.
Q: What is your advice to someone who has just started learning music?
Evan: I’d say practice is key. Also, practise sight-reading. Sight-reading helps you get the general idea quickly, so you can move on and enjoy the music more.
Q: What do you like most about music?
Evan: I love to play different pieces because some of them are really fun and exciting to play. You really get to immerse yourself in the music.
Q: Who inspires you in music?
Evan: I’d say Ludwig van Beethoven. He became deaf and still didn’t stop making music. He didn’t give up, which is really inspiring. It teaches me to keep going, no matter the challenges.
Q: Do you have any future musical plans or ambitions?
Evan: I would love to get into the NCO Main Orchestra, and I also want to audition for the National Youth Orchestra. I’d love to be part of the BBC Philharmonic Orchestra in the future.
Alumni Wall
🎖️ To celebrate over 150 years of Homefield’s proud history and to inspire our current boys, we are thrilled to launch our new Alumni Wall! This special display showcases the incredible journeys of our old boys — some have achieved remarkable success in their fields, while others have led fulfilling and meaningful lives in their own ways.
“I am very proud of my affiliation with Homefield and have great memories of the school.” — Will Holmes
“Although it was a very different environment back in the 1950s, it definitely shaped my outlook on my future path in life. I even named the house we built in 2004 in Ramsey ‘Homefield’!” — Lindsay Walton
Special thanks to Sir Nick Young for donating two books to the school library: one about his time as Chief Executive of the Red Cross, and the other about his father’s wartime adventures!
Classics Trip - Summer 2025
The Classics Department will be organising a trip for boys in Years 5–8 to Rome and the Bay of Naples this summer from 14th–19th July. This is an optional, additional trip outside of term time.
We currently have a couple of spare places available for those who would like to join this exciting excursion. The cost for this year’s trip is £1,298. This price includes all travel to and from the airport, coach travel between sites in Italy, flights to Rome and back from Naples, accommodation for five nights, all meals, travel insurance, and entry to all archaeological sites visited.
Please contact Mr McCaffery at MMcCaffery@homefieldprep.school for further details or refer to the letter sent to parents on 5th March 2025.
Parent Book Look
It was wonderful to see our boys proudly sharing their work, achievements, and progress during this week’s Parent Book Look. A big thank you to all the parents who took the time to join us and celebrate their learning journey!
Book Fair
Thank you to our Homefield boys and families for supporting this year’s Book Fair! Your contributions have helped us raise an impressive £1,494.79 in book sales, earning £822.13 in commission for new LRC titles. Well done, Homefield!
World Book Day
We were delighted to see so many boys (and staff!) dressed as their favourite book characters to celebrate World Book Day! A dress-up contest was held, with one boy in each class announced as the winner of best costume. From Sherlock Holmes to Harry Potter, Willy Wonka to James Bond, we were so impressed by the boys' enthusiasm for the event. Most importantly, thank you to the Homefield community for donating so generously to our chosen charity for this event: Doorstep Library.
How I Can Support My Son's Wellbeing At Home
This week's topic is all about perfectionism: how to identify it and support young people who may be presenting with perfectionistic qualities.
Holi Festival
Holi is a popular and significant Hindu festival, celebrated as the Festival of Colours, Love, and Spring. It will be celebrated on 14th March this year.
In celebration of this, the boys will take part in a Holi assembly on Thursday, 13th March, with external guest speakers. As part of this assembly, there will be an opportunity for the boys to participate in a colour demonstration. This may result in some colour on their faces or clothes, but it will be washable.
We look forward to the boys learning more about this special festival!
Easter Egg Hunt
Western Road, Sutton, Surrey, SM1 2TE
+44 020 8642 0965