Volume 2 | Issue 1: A Mindset for Learning
Educational Services Department
A Message from Kathie Nielsen
With the first month of the new school year behind us we are certainly off to another incredible school year in TUSD. Thanks to each of you for all your efforts preparing classrooms and environments that will foster student success. I know many, many hours go into your thoughtful classroom designs, curriculum plans, and the special features of each of your classrooms. As I have visited sites and classrooms throughout the district this past month it has been so exciting to see the physical transformation of so many of your classes containing the new furniture. Creating so many collaborative workspaces for students and offering choice seating options create incredible possibilities for engaging student learning. I look forward to visiting throughout the year and seeing how these important transformations contribute to the powerful learning that is happening.
I would like to invite you to browse through this year’s first edition of the TUSD CONNECTION. Our Educational Services team has set a goal to bring you new resources, instructional tools, and innovative ideas throughout the year! The mission of Educational Services is to support you as you continue to grow in your work as an educator. We look forward to hearing from you, working with you, and learning together this year!
Professional Development Needs | 16-17
Link ---> https://goo.gl/forms/vA6Wfo5E8Qmj3hB12
Document —> Assessment Tips & Reminders
Document —> Illuminate Support (Date Entry & Reports)
Folder —> Tools for Parent/Teacher Conferences
Instructional Resources via HAIKU
TUSD Literacy
Key Highlights...
- SEARCH page
- Professional Development Website & Videos
- Planning Resources
- Word Study (including F&P Phonics Lessons subpage)
- TUSD Framework Projections & Instructional Phases
Curricular Documents...
- TUSD Launching Guide
- TUSD ELA Framework Projection 2016-2017
- TUSD ELA Instructional Phases | Alignment to TC 2016-2017
Discussion Boards...
Key Highlights...
- NGSS resources
- Engineering in the elementary grades
- Maker Movement
- CGI Resources (including last year's full CGI Institute!)
- Depth of Knowledge (DOK)
- 3 Act Math Tasks
- Math Performance Tasks
- Number Talks
- Math Workshop
.... and MORE!!
Signature Practice | Writing Workshop
The writing workshop structure gives children the space to compose pieces of writing on topics of their choice that match their interests. In TUSD, this structure encompasses rigorous content standards, engaging instructional strategies, and on-level resources that provide children with multiple opportunities to write independently, alongside the teacher, and in collaboration with peers. Teachers follow the gradual release of responsibility model through short, concise mini-lessons that model/demonstrate and provide children with an opportunity to practice before engaging in their independent writing work. While children are writing independently, teachers hold one-to-one conferences to support individual writers, and also work with small groups of students that need instruction on the same writing skill.
On-Demand Writing Opportunities
On-demand writing opportunities (given prior to the start of a unit and at the conclusion) are utilized to gain information on specific writing skills within a text type. Analysis of the on-demand pieces gives teachers valuable information about their writers that guides whole class mini-lessons, one-on-one conferring, and small group instruction. Teachers College Reading and Writing Project (TCRWP) provides examples of student work related to opinion/argument, informational, and narrative writing.
Launching Tools - Pens or Pencils?
Perhaps you have heard or seen colleagues providing their students with pens during writing workshop. Wondering about this? Take a look at the article below.
Article: Pen Versus Pencils: Which One is Better For Writing Workshop?
BIG Ideas for Young Writers (TK - Grade 1)
Author Matt Glover shares his BIG ideas for developing children's LOVE for writing in his book Engaging Young Writers. How do you invite children to enter into the writing process? As educators we can...
- foster children’s images of themselves as writers: inspire young children to see themselves as authors, people who make "books"
- honor approximations: through the eyes of a growth mindset, see all that a child can do, and not what s/he cannot do
- nudge rather than push: remember that what we ask children to do must be just within their reach, nudging can provide just the right amount of scaffolding
- understand your vision - the importance of making books: books are what children have the greatest vision for, and having a clear vision for what you are making is important in any act of composition
- teach children to read like writers: learn how to write well, by studying what published authors do - read books with a writer's eye
Signature Practice | CGI
ELA Instructional Phase | Launching/Phase 1
The purpose of Phase 1: Strategies for Readers & Writers is to explore student identities and develop multiple strategies for reading and writing. The phase will support students as they consider who they are as a reader and writer, as well as what they need in order to be a successful reader and writer. Stamina building is a critical component within this phase, as students will need support in sticking with a book, sustaining writing, and reading/writing without interruptions. Partnerships can be introduced within this phase as children begin reading and talking about books with partners and gaining peer support in choosing a topic or revising work. Partnerships should be fluid and flexible, changing daily if needed.
Text Type: Narrative
Click HERE to access TUSD ELA Instructional Phases
Looking for a Book to Read?
Educational Services | Elementary Curriculum Team
We are here to support! Email or call anytime with questions, concerns, professional development support, etc...
Maggie Villegas
Email: mvillegas@tustin.k12.ca.us
Twitter: @mvillegas1516
Amanda Heineman
Email: aheineman@tustin.k12.ca.us
Twitter: @AJoJ23
Karen Knudson
Email: kknudson@tustin.k12.ca.us
Twitter: @kkloves2teach
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