Simmons Elementary School
February 21, 2024
Mrs. Karen Kanter, Principal
Dr. Robert Campman, Assistant Principal
Mrs. Jillynn Parsons, Administrative Assistant
Mrs. Lynn Doan, Attendance Secretary
Food drive update! We are concluding Week 3 of the Food Drive today. The winning classes will be announced tomorrow on the morning announcements and will be in next week's S'more newsletter.
In Week 2, classes competed to win "Pup Time" with Darwin and Ms. Reynolds. The winning classes from week 2 were Mrs. Pinter's Kindergarten class and Mrs. Peterson's Grade 3 class. We have already collected more than 2,000 food items already for the local food pantries. Congratulations!
Upcoming Events
Tonight - HSA Meeting at 7 p.m. in the school library or virtual
Microsoft Teams meeting
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Tuesday, February 27 - Grades 3 and 4 Talent Show at 7 p.m.
Simmons HSA Happenings
Food Drive Week 4
We are starting week 4 of our five week food drive tomorrow. Thank you for supporting this effort by our Grade 5 Student Leadership team!