Kōkopu Newsletter
Term 4 Week 3 Tuesday 29th October 2024
Principals Message
We have had a great few weeks here at school with students working hard improving their learning and supporting others at the same time. Term 4 is a great term for teachers too as they start to think about doing the end of year assessments. They get to reflect on the progress made and how far students have come. It is common to hear in the staffroom stories of student progress and achievements especially those who find learning more difficult. Our teachers take great pride in their work and seeing the fruits is very satisfying.
We’re pleased to welcome Gemma Turketo to our teaching team for 2025. With our ongoing roll growth, we’re excited to open a sixth classroom, where Gemma, a recent university student with us, will be leading Room 5. Her familiarity with our school and students will make for a smooth and positive transition.
I am very much looking forward to seeing the results of families efforts with their Ag Day animals and creations on Saturday. As a former Ag Day dad myself, I know how much time and energy goes into preparing for the event. Don’t forget to check our Ag Day website for last-minute tips and reminders!
Lastly, our property upgrades continue to progress. It was great to see concrete curbing and base metal laid down in the top carpark and road last week. We’re hoping for continued progress in the coming weeks. Thank you to everyone for your patience with parking adjustments during drop-off and pick-up—your flexibility is much appreciated.
Nga mihi nui
Yaron Overeem
Everyone is Welcome
Come one and all to our Ag Day on Saturday 2nd November. Bring your family and friends for a wonderful day out at Kokopu School.
There will be games, BBQ and food
9am - Classrooms will be open for viewing the fantastic crafts the children have made.
10am - Animal judging will take place on the top field.
12pm to 12.30pm - Prizegiving
- Principals Message
- Cake auction
There is no vehicle access to the top field.
* Parking is going to be tight. We are lucky to have the United Civil parking area and Pyle’s farm paddock across the road for parking this year. Please see the map on the website and follow the signs on the day.
* There is a change in ring location this year - please see the map on the website.
* Our Calf NAIT number is 12860913
* Gardens need to be at school on Friday 1st for judging.
* Please visit the website to see the leading, rearing and calling criteria.
* We have EFTPOS this year for the food tent. (No cash out)
* We have a coffee van that will be situated in front of Rooms 1 and 2.
If anyone has any milk bottle tops or plastic lids suitable for wheels we would love you to send them along to school for Mr Weavers please.
Ag Day Flower Show Craft Day
This Friday 1st November all students will participate in craft-making day.
This is a full day activity. Please don't take your children home early.
- Students make their way around the classrooms and complete all the crafts.
- These crafts are judged by staff and displayed in classrooms for families to view on Ag Day.
- Students may receive a certificate for their activity.
o Blue - Great quality and creativity
o Gold - For exceptionally high quality or creativity
o These awards go towards the overall
- Thank you to those parents who have volunteered to be a parent helper.
- This year parents are asked to help in a set classroom/activity. This is so that there is enough help in each class to get through all the activities.
- We would like parents not to follow their children around but to assist all students
- All creations are to be made at school on Friday, not at home.
- The focus is for kids to enjoy the making process themselves and the more they do themselves the better for the fairness of judging.
To see a list of making day activities, what to bring and the criteria please go to our ag day website.
Please note, there are changes and updates from previous years.
Bethany Gardens on Kara Road will have a range of affordable flowers for sale from Wednesday 30th October if you wish to buy from them.
AG Day / Calf Club
***Ag Day Reminder - Saturday 2nd of November 2024***
Read More on our Ag Day website. www.kokopu.school.nz/agday
- Ring configuration so you can practice at home
- Rearing advice things the judge may ask you
- Last minute ag day prep
Donation Items for Ag Day Fundraising
Can families from each room please donate the following items for our Ag Day fundraising.
Room 1 - Lollies for lolly bags
Room 2 & 4 - Lucky dip items (please wrap and identify for male or female or g-neutral)
Room 3 and 6 - Baking
Please drop into school office by Friday 1 November - baking can be brought on the day if easier.
Jenn, has kindly offered to make the nachos - so we are looking for donations of mince too please?
Thank you
Calf Poo Bingo
The PTA are running ‘Calf Poo Bingo’!
How this works is; gridding an area on the field into 100 squares, and whatever number on the grid that the calf poo’s in, is the winner of $250.00.
We have tickets available at the school office for $10 each.
The families who have tickets to sell, please return any unsold tickets to the school office before Ag Day on Saturday.
Please contact Vicki or Bexs in the school office if you are in a position sell a book or wish to buy a ticket. The aim is to sell all the tickets to raise $750.
Cake Baking Competition for the Men
Get creative and enter our cake baking competition. All cakes will be auctioned off and the cake that gets the highest bid will be the winner of the prestigious wooden spoon. All funds generated are donated to the PTA fundraising effort.
Poroti Athletics
Poroti Athletics will take place on Thursday 7th November at Poroti School with a 10am start time.
All children attend this event.
There are other schools attending too and the children get to compete against them in track and field events for the seniors and tabloid sports for the juniors.
Unfortunately it has been scheduled the same day as Central Day.
If children want to take their Ag Day animal to Central Day we are happy for them to choose this event. It will be the parents responsibility to get their children there and supervise them.
Please let us know if you are going to Central Day at Barge Park via the Skool Loop App.
We have organised a bus to take some children to Poroti Athletics, but would also like parents to transport some children too.
If you are able to help out at Poroti Athletics, please let us know via our Skool Loop App or via email.
Thank you.
Mangakahia Area School Kapa Haka Festival
On Thursday 14th November we are going the the Kapa Haka Festival at Mangakahia Area School to perform. The festival starts at 9.30am. Our group do not perform until 1.50pm and finish at 2.05pm.
We have booked a bus to take the children to Mangakahia Area School, leaving Kokopu at 10am.
You are welcome to join us for the day or come along and watch our performance later in the day.
All children are required to wear hats while outdoors this term as part of our sun safe policy. Hopefully the sun will come out soon. 🌞
School Gates
Parents, please ensure the gates into the school are shut at all times.
We need them shut after school, as there are still children at After School Care until 5.30pm.
Important Notice: Teacher Only Day – 22nd November
Please be advised that on Friday 22nd November, we will be holding a Teacher Only Day (TOD). On this day, the school and after-school care will be closed to all students.
This day has been allocated by the government for teachers to work through the new Maths and English curriculum updates. We appreciate your understanding and support as we engage with these significant changes to our teaching systems.
Thank you for your cooperation.
After School Care Assistant Required
We require an assistant for our After School Care service. We will require you to work from 3pm to 5.00 pm on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday on a casual basis and on other days when required.
This is a paid position during term time and could extend into next year.
If you are interested and want to know more, please contact the school office on 4346765 or office@kokopu.school.nz
Dates to Note
Mon 14 Oct - Term 4 Starts
Fri 1 Nov - Ag Day Flower and Craft day
Sat 2 Nov - Ag Day
Mon 4 Nov - BOT Meeting
Thu 7 Nov - Poroti Athletics
Thu 7 Nov - Central Ag Day
Thu 14 Nov - Cultural Festival at Mangakahia Area School
Fri 15 Nov - Kokopu Athletics
Fri 22 Nov - Teacher Only Day
Wed 27 Nov - WPSSA Year 7 & 8 Athletics
Wed 4 Dec - WPSSA Year 5 & 6 Athletics
Thu 5 Dec - Year 8 Graduation Dinner
Mon 9 Dec - Prizegiving
Thu 12 Dec - House Day
Fri 13 Dec - Last Day of Term
Friday Assembly
School Office
Yummy Stickers
Don't forget we are collecting Yummy Stickers. So please collect the Yummy cut-out labels from bags (each cut-out label is worth 10 stickers) and individual Yummy apple stickers. Yummy apples are available from New World, PAK’nSAVE and participating Four Square stores. The more you collect, the more sports gear you get so get going and start collecting your Yummy cut-out labels and stickers now!
Guitar Lessons
Guitar lessons are on Wednesday's. If you are interested in getting lessons for your child, phone Lynn Moase on 0212979437.
2024 Term Dates
Term 1 .. Thursday 1st February to Friday 12th April
Term 2 .. Monday 29th April to Friday 5th July
Term 3 .. Monday 22nd July to Friday 27th September
Term 4 .. Monday 14th October to Friday 13th December
Lunch Orders
Lunch orders can be made through Lunch Online on Tuesday from Pizza Fusion - Thursday from West End Sushi - Friday from Titoki Store
Home Industries at Central Calf Club Day
Home Industries Saturday 7th December 2024
Located in the Events Centre Building at Barge Showgrounds- inside the Members Room
Follow the signs to the side door off the deck
All entries to be dropped off to the Events Centre- Barge Showgrounds on
FRIDAY 6th December 2024 from 3.00pm to 6.00pm (except photography)
Follow the link below to see all the catagories....
School Policies and Procedures School docs
Kokopu School
Email: office@kokopu.school.nz
Website: www.kokopu.school.nz
Location: 921 Kokopu Road, Kokopu, New Zealand
Phone: 094346765
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/kokopuschool