In partnership with the community, the Iowa-Grant School District will empower all students to reach their full potential as responsible individuals who strive for life-long learning to successfully compete in an ever-changing global society.
Dear Members of the Iowa-Grant School District:
At the June 10, regular meeting of the board of education, I provided a report regarding a ten-cent increase in the cost of milk, which will impact the cost of school lunches across the district and the morning milk break at IGEMS. I expect to recommend that the board take action on these increases at its regular meeting on July 12, 2023. If the board accepts this recommendation, all school meals will increase in cost by ten cents/meal for the 2023 -2024 academic year, and we may change how we administer the morning milk program.
We anticipate that as the cost of milk in the morning milk program rises, it might be too burdensome for families to pay an all- at-once milk fee at registration. Instead, we are considering eliminating the milk fee at the beginning of the year, and charging families only for the milk students take during milk break on an ala carte basis.
Michael Shimshak
Become a Substitute Teacher!
Fourth Quarter Honor Roll
Distinguished Honors:
Seniors - Hope Connolly, Samuel Kempf, Ivy Lindner, Gary Pittman, Madelyn Rogstad, Alexis Thoma-Blankenberg, Elizabeth Volenec
Juniors – Amiah Fisher, Elyse Linscheid, Makaya McCarthy, Rachel Rickard, Rylee Stecklein, Lilliana Vivian, Sophie Volenec, Lillian Warne
Sophomores – Bret Connolly, Jana Lluch- Armengol, Katie Rickard, Addysen Spink
Freshmen – Jaxon Busse, William Fulton, Quinn Hoeper, Rilya Hrubes, Addison Kramer, Lexie Kuhls, Noah Lange, Cora Litteral, Ellison Moen, Garbriella Munson, Pajessa Phillips, Trinity Phillips, Delaney Reid, Laila Ritchie, Alexandria Sporle, Lucinda Spurley, Everett Zimmer
High Honors:
Seniors – Jalyssa Cordts, Matthew Grindey, Madyson Hogan, MacKenzie Hynes, McKenna McPhail, Kenadie Munson, Bailey Orth, Jenna Paradis, Laighton Schafer, Bekka Shemak, Caitlyn Wetter, Evie Whitaker
Juniors - Meagan Cullen, Donnor Dowell, Emmerson Moen, Ashton Schmitz, Cyle Steffl, Landon Wetzel
Sophomores – Lucas Christiansen, Linnea Elg, Lakyn Holman, Faith Kite, BreAnn Kohlenberg, Dawson Reid, Myles Rowe, Addison Schafer, Gretta Schmitz
Freshmen - Daniel Dosch, Maddox Fisher, Abigail Hake, Josie Jelle, Quentin Koss, Sam Lundell, Reese Peterson, Myles Pettit, Hunter Stevens, Addyson Winkers, Taylor Zoha
Seniors – Mason Aide, Leslie Bartolo-Rivera, Jonah Hoeper, Alexander Lee, Karstyn McIntosh, Alex Popple, Audrey Rowe, Alexis Vavricka, Ella Zimmer
Juniors – Nikolei Freymiller, Grace Gochenaur, Adriana Jelle, Lillian Pettit, Morgan Washburn
Sophomores – Adrienne Biddick, Riellyn Cartwright, Blake Droessler, Aiden Friesen, Georgia Haase
Freshmen – Nina Buroker, Anayeli Garcia-Cuahizo, Brooklyn Jennings, Treaton Loeffelholz, Trenton Pelton, Emery Riemenapp, Michael Schroeder, Jonah Wetter, Bryar Yelinek
7/10 6:30 PM Board Meeting
7/12 8:30 AM - 11:30 AM Summer Physicals
7/27 6:00 PM Fall Sports Parents Meeting
My name is Danni Garcia-Havens. My husband (Tanner) and I with our dog (Kimber) reside in Darlington, WI. I may not be originally from Wisconsin, however, the things I love are cheese curds, farming/ farm lands, sports, outdoors, and most of all family. In addition, I enjoy traveling, exploring new cultures, meeting new people as I have traveled to 10 different countries and lived in 4 different states. My husband and I are setting our roots in rural Southwest Wisconsin, and I am looking forward to being submersed into the Iowa-Grant community and culture. GO PANTHERS!
Iowa-Grant FFA Chapter Receives Donation
5 Iowa-Grant FFA Members Receive State FFA Degree
The State FFA Degree is the highest degree the Wisconsin Association of FFA can bestow upon its members. This degree is an honor and a great accomplishment for those who have reached this level of achievement.
The Iowa-Grant FFA is honored to recognize 5 FFA members who have reached this level of achievement. A total of 383 FFA members from across the state attained this accomplishment this year. Congratulations to Jonah H,, Julia S., Evie W., Alexis T-B, and Bekka S.
2023 Winner in Dairy Production is Iowa-Grant Recent Graduate
The 2023 Winner in Dairy Production – Entrepreneurship is Alexis Thoma-Blankenberg of the Iowa – Grant FFA Chapter. This proficiency award area is sponsored by Crystal Farms Dairy Company.
Alexis received her first Brown Swiss because she begged her dad for one after falling in love with their personality. Now, Alexis owns a herd of 100 Brown Swiss, with 70% being born and raised on the family farm. Alexis assists in all aspects of daily care including feeding, cleaning pens, milking cows, monitoring herd health, and treating sickness. In 2019, Alexis was able to gain even further skills, as she started making the breeding decisions, keeping records, and doing registration for her own herd. Additionally, Alexis provides special care to her show cattle by walking, washing, and feeding a special ration to them to ensure that they are ready to be shown.
Alexis will find out this summer if she is selected as one of four national finalists. If selected, Alexis will compete at the National FFA Convention in Indianapolis, Ind., in November.
From the Desk of Mrs. Gallagher
Happy July! Summer school has gone strong in June. The students had a lot of fun and participated in a variety of activities, including sports, stringy things, crafts, and more. Summer recreation ball for grades 3-8 is starting to wrap up. We will even be hosting some of the playoff action at our Livingston field! A special thank you to everyone that made this possible again this year. I am very proud to be part of the Iowa-Grant Panther family.
Missoula Children’s Theater, along with Heather Mayne and Darcy Breuer, will present Beauty Lou and the Country Beast. This is for students that registered during the school year and will rehearse the week of July 17th - July 21st from 8:00 a.m. - 12:30 p.m., as well as have the option of additional afternoon workshops. Performances will be on Friday, July 21st, at 6:00 p.m. and Saturday, July 22nd, at 10:00 a.m.
There is still time to sign up for enrichment summer school activities. The schedule is as follows:
2nd session: July 10-13 (2 sections 8:15 a.m. - 9:45 a.m. and 10:15 a.m. - 11:45 a.m.)
3rd session: August 7-10 (2 sections 8:15 a.m. - 9:45 a.m. and 10:15 a.m. - 11:45 a.m.)
Please call the IGEMS office if you are interested in signing up still.
We also offer T-ball and Coach pitch softball and baseball this month. T-ball and Coach pitch will be held in the evenings on Mondays and Thursdays from July 10 - August 3 with:
T-Ball 5:30 - 6:15 p.m.
Coach Pitch 6:30 - 7:30 p.m.
Please call the office if you have any questions.
There will also be a pool bus that will run Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday to the Monfort pool on select dates.
Daily Pickup Time & Locations
12:10 p.m. Livingston-Village Park (Corner of Watson & Barber)
12:25 p.m. Rewey-Methodist Church
12:40 p.m. Linden-Village Park Shelter
12:45 p.m. Edmund-Church on S Main Street
12:50 p.m. Cobb-Old Cobb Grade School
Bus departs Montfort pool 3:45 p.m. sharp.
If the pool closes early for any reason, bus will depart 10 minutes after the pool closes.
Cost for Daily Bus Pass: $1.00 for ages 5 and up. Children under 5 must be accompanied by an adult.
Bus Schedule Tuesday Wednesday Thursday 7/4/2023 7/5/2023 7/6/2023 7/11/2023 7/12/2023 7/13/2023 7/18/2023 7/19/2023 7/20/2023 7/25/2023 7/26/2023 7/27/202
I will be in the office most of July but may take a few more days or afternoons off. Please contact me if you need anything through email, as I will check it regularly: jgallagher@igs.k12.wi.us.
Have a great and safe July!
From the Desk of Mrs. Bast
This month I’m putting in a plug for our local libraries and sharing a short article with permission from Reading Rockets, a terrific online resource for both parents and educators on all topics pertaining to reading.
If you haven’t already visited your local library or acquired a library card for your child, I encourage you to do so! Each library has some amazing summer programs and special activities planned for children as well as awesome books for your family.
One Southwest Wisconsin Library Card gives you access to materials in over 20 libraries, including:
608 623 2554
Hours: M, W 4-7; T, Th 9:30-5:30; Sa: 9:30‑12:30
608 935 3728
Hours: M-F 10-6
Fennimore- Dwight Parker Public Library
608 822 6294
Hours: M, W 9-6; Tu, Th 12-6; F 9-4; Sa 9-12
Lancaster- Schreiner Memorial Library
608 723 7304
Hours: M-Th 9-8; F 9-5; Sa 9-1
Livingston- Allen-Dietzman Public Library
608 943 6801
Hours: M 1-6; W 12:30-7:30; Th 9-12
608 943 6265
Hours: M, T 11-5; W, Th 9-3; Sa 9-12
608 348 7441
Hours: M-Th 10-7; F 10-6; Sa 10-3;
10 Things You Can Do to Raise a Reader (from Reading Rockets)
1. Read from day one. Start a reading routine in those very first days with a newborn. Even very young babies respond to the warmth of a lap and the soothing sound of a book being read aloud.
2. Share books every day. Read with your child every day, even after he becomes an independent reader.
3. Reread favorites. Most children love to hear their favorite stories over and over again. Rereading books provides an opportunity to hear or see something that may have been missed the first time, and provides another chance to hear a favorite part.
4. Send positive messages about the joys of literacy. Your own interest and excitement about books will be contagious!
5. Visit the library early and often. Public libraries are great resources for books, helpful advice about authors and illustrators, story times, and more. Make visiting the library part of your family’s routine.
6. Find the reading and writing in everyday things. Take the time to show your child ways that adults use reading and writing every day. Grocery lists, notes to the teacher, maps, and cooking all involve important reading and writing skills.
7. Give your reader something to think and talk about. There are many different types of books available to readers. Vary the types of books you check out from the library, and seek out new subjects that give you and your reader something to think and talk about.
8. Talk, talk, talk. A child’s vocabulary grows through rich conversations with others. No matter your child’s age, narrate what you’re doing, talk in full sentences, and sprinkle your conversations with interesting words.
9. Know your stuff. Parents don’t need to be reading specialists, but it is important to understand the basics about learning to read.
10. Speak up if something doesn’t feel right. Parents are often the first ones to recognize a problem. If you have concerns about your child’s development, speak with your child’s teacher and your pediatrician. It’s never too early to check in with an expert.
If you are interested in browsing more helpful articles from Reading Rockets like the one I shared, start here.
Honor Roll
8th Grade - Cash Anderson, Griffen Cartwright, Adaly Cuahutzihua Tehuacatl, Abigail Droessler, Addeline Elg, Landon Friesen, Jacob Grindey, Brock Hinderman, Connor Johnson, Madelyn Klein, Presley Lehman, Lillian Linscheid, Calvin McHone, Riley McLaughlin, Harlei Rochon, Serenity Rose, Brayden Shemak, Carly Shores, June Spurley, Deacon Wetzel, and Jack Whitaker
7th Grade - Camryn Andrew, Hayden Aultman, Jason (Will) Biddick, Kylie Breuer, Ty Cutts, Reese DiVall, Breanna Dowell, Alayna Enloe, Luis Escalante Rodriguez, Joslyn Iverson, Cadence Kelley, Ava Klaas, Olivia Koss, Evelena Linscheid, Henry Litteral, Trinity Loeffelholz, Trinity Lowe, Chelsey Mueller, Carmen Parish, Stevie Pelton, Lilly Peterson, Brynne Pettit, Rena Pettit, Brock Potter, Michelle Quiahua, Makenna Riemenapp, Braelyn Rothamer, Ezmae Sandberg, Maria Schafer, Cole Schauff, Georgia Trecek, Braden Vacha, and Hadleigh Vivian
8th Grade - Jason Bartolo Garcia, Kimberly Bartolo-Rivera, Holdyn Degenhardt, Noah Gochenaur, Adelyn Harlson, Mason Hove, Max Kelley, Abby Lee, Kyleigh Miles, Valeria Ramos Ramirez, Beckem Stecklein, Charlie Volenec, Hayden Walker, Kendra Wallace, and Madeline Warne
7th Grade - Taylor Aide, Liam Hildreth, Zayden Jelle, Isabella Neevel, and Maxton Stevens
Lake Superior 3-Day Trip
June Summer School Fun!
Email: mshimshak@igs.k12.wi.us
Website: https://www.igs.k12.wi.us/
Location: 498 County Road IG, Livingston, WI, USA
Phone: 608-943-6311
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/IowaGrantPanthers