SHS Highlights
Monthly Community Update
Administrative Team:
Mrs. Courtney Kopf - Vice Principal
Mrs. Jamie Barker - Vice Principal
Mr. Benson - Director of Student Support Services
Mr. Steve Stoner - Athletic Director
Staff Member Spotlight:
Mr. Decrescenzi
He is a tireless, hardworking teacher that advocates for his students and brings his subject to life for them every day. He is a stabilizing influence in Sparta High School. He orders supplies for our building staff, coaches Mock Trial, and teaches multiple preps including honors and AP level classes. We are grateful for his contributions!
Student Accomplishments:
Students of the Month:
Math - Nathaniel Stoddard comes to class everyday with a positive attitude and a willingness to learn. He is eager to improve his skills and is always willing to go out of his way to help others. His ability to understand complex mathematical concepts, apply new materials to previous concepts, and critical thinking skills give him an edge among other students in the class. He has done a fantastic job this year!
Science - Le-Shem Little is an excellent student in Exercise Physiology. He works hard in class and participates to the absolute best of his ability during all class activities. He understands exercise physiology and applies what he has learned to improve his health and fitness.
World Language - Nathaniel Stoddard is an outstanding student who takes an active part in class activities on a daily basis. He works well alongside each of his peers and serves as a role model, assisting others along the way. Bravo, Nate!
ELL - Mery Garcia is consistently a pleasure to have in class. Mery is always willing to help out in any way she can. Mery is inquisitive and extremely bright - she loves to learn and it's infectious!
History - Olivia Friesen - In commemmoration of Genocide Awareness Month, Olivia Friesen is nominated for Honors Holocaust and Genocide Studies. Despite the challenging nature of the material, Olivia consistently demonstrated an extremely high level of interest and engagement in all parts of the class. Olivia rose to the challenge and did excellent work in all class activities and assessments, showing keen insight into the nature of historical developments. Outstanding work, Olivia–keep up the great job!
Music - Kyleigh Johnsen excels as both a violinist and a musician. She consistently demonstrates leadership in Orchestra class, wholeheartedly committing herself to every rehearsal. Kyleigh epitomizes reliability, consistently being present at every rehearsal and event for both the chamber and string ensembles.
Art - Emily Dalcamo is a senior in AP art. She goes above and beyond in her work, always coming in to the art room during lunch and study halls. Recently, Emily's artwork was accepted and highlighted at the Congressional Art competition. She has grown tremendously in AP studio art and is a critical member of the class. She pushes herself to grow, understand and create at the highest level.
Music - Frankie Lloyd is constantly involved in the extracurricular activities at SHS. Aside from all of his work he does with the Sparta Scoop, Frankie is very invested in the Music program at SHS. He has been the Sound Effect Coordinator for all of the musicals, and recently worked as the Sound Effect Coordinator for the student production at SHS. Aside from all of his extracurricular help that Frankie offers, he is also a very strong student in my Audio Production 2 class and shows talent in the subject. Frankie is always an absolute delight to have in class and to work with.
Physical Education - Nikolas Aleksandrov has been a pleasure to have in class all year. Every day, he is the first student to ask to help clean up equipment, carry equipment to the field, and much more. His work ethic and bright mood radiates to the entire class on a daily basis and his teacher is so grateful to have Nik in class.
Kindness Matters
Counseling Department News:
Mental Health Awareness Month
May is Mental Health Awareness Month. The month is dedicated to eradicating stigma surrounding mental health, extending support, and advocating for policies that prioritize the well being of individuals and families affected by mental health. Sparta High School Align clinicians, Counseling department, and Child Study team kicked off mental health month with a fair during lunches on May 3rd. Students enjoyed cotton candy and popcorn while sharing self care tips and other mental health resources. Students will participate in a mental health walk on May 22nd during the PE classes. We will have additional resource tables and activities for the students to participate in surrounding mental health awareness.
Student Achievements
We are proud to announce two New Jersey Governor’s School Scholars: Liam Askin has been chosen from a highly talented pool of applicants to take part in this year’s Governor’s School of Engineering & Technology, hosted by the Rutgers University School of Engineering. Tyler Harms has been selected from outstanding Juniors from all parts of the state to attend New Jersey Governor’s School in the Sciences at Drew University. Congratulations to Liam and Tyler!
Congratulations to Rutuja Kirange and Mikaela Olmedo for being interviewed, selected and sponsored by the Sparta Woman's Club to attend Girls Career Institute. The Girls Career Institute offers a "mini college and career exploration experience" at Douglass Residential College on the campus of Rutgers University.
Departmental News:
Art Department Highlights
Congratulations to Emily Dalcamo! Emily's artwork was accepted and highlighted at the Congressional Art competition. On May 5th, she was be recognized by Rep. Tom Kean, Jr. (NJ-07). This is a prestigious award and a great honor. We are proud of her hard work.
Music Department Highlights
The jazz bands hosted our annual Sparta Jazz Fest. We were proud to host 15 bands from all around the state, in what has become one of the most sought after jazz festivals around.
Science Department Highlights
On April 16th, our AP Environmental Science students, in collaboration with the Wallkill River Watershed Management Group, planted 300 native trees and shrubs along a stretch of the Wallkill River on STPS property in order to reduce thermal pollution, reduce sediment runoff, shade-out invasive species, and restore riparian habitat for wildlife.
Athletic and Extracurricular Highlights:
The following students represented Sparta High School at DECA Nationals this year in Anaheim:
Parker Hein
Jordyn Kelly
Gian Parker
Abbey Pierson
Ella Ryan
Sama Elhamouly
Jane Bleakley
Luke Silvey
Surekha Selvaraj
Brady Flannery
Quint Flannery
Spring Track
Bella Frattura has set a new school record in Javelin with a distance of 139-11. Congratulations, Bella!
Boys Tennis
Congratulations to our Boys Tennis team for winning the HWS Tournament and to Ian Yipp who was named the HWS Tennis Tournament MVP.
Align Wellness Program
Sparta High School
Location: 70 West Mountain Road, Sparta, NJ, USA
Phone: 9737296191
Twitter: @sparta_hs