BIE Newsletter
MGH Achieve 3000 January 2025
Happy 2025!
I look forward to working with you this year!
It is such a pleasure to work with each one of you!!
I would like to help you with any issues or questions you might have
so please contact me janis.effner@mheducation.com.
Click here to schedule a meeting with me!
Starting Strong on Achieve 3000
It's a great time of year to refocus on what you want to accomplish using Achieve 3000. Students also need to reflect and set new goals to bring value to their Achieve work. Here are some ideas to help!
1. Deeper Modeling
At the beginning of the year when you modeled use of Achieve 3000 you most likely went through the basics; the 5 Step process, best test-taking strategies, first-try score, Lexile growth, etc. etc. Now take the time to model strategies that require students to dig deeper.
Introduce the lesson by going over 2 or 3 selected vocabulary words. Have students pair up to determine the meaning of these words. Preview the Thought Question and discuss. Remind students to highlight items in their article they might use to answer this question while they read. Promote engagement and discussion at least once a week using an Achieve 3000 article.
2. Use the Stretch
Let students know that the Stretch article and Activity are written at grade-level. The Stretch Activity does not count towards monthly Lexile adjustments so encourage students to do their best, but let them know not to stress too much about their score. The Stretch can be used as a preview to their differentiated article and activity, and also exposes students to grade-level text regularly. This practice also ensures multiple readings of the text. Students should use audio when working within the Stretch portion of the article.
3. Use the Teacher tools
There are many resources to support you on Achieve 3000. Look over the 'Introduce the Lesson' found in every article for ways to engage students when introducing a new article. Use the graphic organizer provided with each article to help students organize information. You will find ELL, Struggling Reader, and GT supports in every article as well. Look over these ideas and use them for the benefit of your students! There is also a Teacher Resource Center with many more items to help you. If you need assistance finding any of these tools contact me! janis.effner@mheducation.com
What do you want to improve about your Achieve teaching practices? Take time to look over your students' data and discuss with them areas you feel they could improve. Ask them what they think. Together come up with a plan for growth in Lexile and their love for Reading!
Make a plan for optimal success in 2025!
'Together We Shine'
2025 MGH BIE Virtual Conference
April 25th 4:30-7:15pm CT
Thank you to everyone that filled out the survey on what you'd like to have as part of this year's
MGH BIE Spring Conference!
Our 'Together We Shine' virtual conference will take place on April 25th from 4:30-7:15pm cst.
Please put this date on your calendar! We will have a Leadership session, a session on teaching students who have experienced trauma, an ALEKS session, and MORE!
Plan to attend! Contact me if you have any questions! janis.effner@mheducation.com
It's time to check your students' data in your Achieve 3000 Data Dashboard! Students have approximately 2 weeks before their Lexile is adjusted on February 1st!
Check your students' averages and use strategies to get them at a 75% or higher average so they can experience optimal growth on February 1st!
Below are teachers who have a 70% or higher average so far for the month of January. These averages are AMAZING! Congratulations teachers and students!!!
Contact me if you need help with best implementation practices! janis.effner@mheducation.com
I am happy to meet with you to discuss!
Lucinda Young 70%
Julia Descheny 70%
Trudi Begay 94%
Virginia Joe 75%
Fredrikka John 80%
Shaundina Litson 70%
Maryjane Wheeler 70%
Evangeline Baluces 71%
Raffy Puod 83%
Cheyenne Eagle
Dr. James Padilla 78%
Many Farms CS
Mary Erkman 80%
Annie Jamesdick 73%
Orlando Lee 80%
Angel Mark 73%
Many Farms HS
Christine Andrade 80%
Nadia Begay 83%
Enda Cunnane 83%
Deanne Tsiniginnie 79%
Vanessa Azures 100%
Alelle Ganigan 75%
Jody Gittings 70%
Brian Olson 80%
Tiospaye Topa
Kelly Bessette 73%
Thomas Diekman 70%
Shelby Gray 70%
Brandi Kills Crow 76%
Wounded Knee
Helen Gerken 70%
Roman Mailtan 70%
American Horse
Jelisa Adula 70%
Lester Franco 70%
Jen Nelson 70%
Christine Poor Bear 70%
Ana Zamora 70%
Bambi Brown 75%
Becca Colgan 70%
Kjerstin Hagen 75%
Kellie Humble 71%
Gloria Mitchell 83%
Jodi Perrington 73%
Cherokee Elementary
April Ferguson 70%
Laray Gray 71%
Kelsi Mills 76%
Cherokee HS
Ty Andrews 83%
Rachel Bruneel 81%
Wanda Burns 88%
Ronda Denton 88%
Sonya Edwards 96%
Trina McSwain 100%
Richard Read 75%
Dora Robinson 78%
Cherokee MS
Jeff Battle 100%
Candace Crowe 90%
Tiffany Garland 82%
Frances Long 78%
Whitney Messingale 88%
Kathleen McCoy 82%
Nikki McCoy 82%
David Pringle 79%
Shannon Smith 100%
Elizabeth Stillwell 75%
Trent Winchester 70%
Chitimacha Day School
Kathleen Landry 83%
Janeen Robicheaux 77%
Crow Creek
Rollie Camba 78%
Darin Hunter 78%
Ed Isburg 78%
Sally Krebs 77%
Melissa Maguire 82%
Catherine Schmidt 83%
Rod Balagtas 72%
Kathyrn Del Rasario 80%
Angie Schweble 93%
Tsiannia Thompson 76%
Fond Du Lac
Jennifer Blix 70%
Margaret Delce 70%
Kimberly Hinchliff 70%
Andrea Korpela 92%
Breekin Sheldon 71%
Melissa Thoreson 74%
Gerald Flud 73%
Hollie Laban 76%
Kay Lowe 70%
Danilo Pahilanga 74%
Cornelia Yazzie 70%
Lac Courte
Reuben Bigjohn 74%
Chad Brand 74%
Emily Dekan 72%
Deborah Dillon 71%
Summer Gokey 71%
Dru Lattin 70%
Tommy Moncel 72%
Frances Bullshoe 76%
David Guericke 72%
Dawn Nelson 73%
Nay Ah Shing
Joe Covert 74%
Larry Hansen 74%
Paula Hoffman 77%
Ray Jackson 84%
Brittny Wold 74%
St Francis High
Genesis Barbon 78%
Turtle Mountain Elementary
Frank Williams 70%
Contact Us!
Achieve3000 Customer Support 877-235-2525
Janis Effner
BIE Project Manager
Abby LaBolle
RVP of Midwest
Chris Potts
DAG Sales Team Member
Jennifer Papulino
Scheduling Coordinator