FPE Community Newsletter 01/29/2025
January 29, 2025

Principal's Message:
Greetings Forest Park Students and Families,
Happy Lunar New Year 2025 is the Year of the Snake. The snake represents growth, flexibility, tolerance. Considering our emphasized character trait during February is Growth Mindset, these attributes comport nicely! Today’s image contains a video we reviewed during this morning's Fox Assembly. We use Fox Assemblies to emphasize expectations that students, teachers, staff, volunteers, and visitors uphold kindness, safety, respectfulness, and responsibility throughout the school day. "Safety and Well-Being at FPE" (immediately below) along with "Resolution 7030" (in links) affirm our resolve supporting students in kindness, safety, respectuflness, and responsibility in PPS and at FPE. As we begin Quarter 3, we look forward to new beginnings and wish everyone a Happy Lunar New Year!
Safety and Well-Being at FPE It is important to PPS that immigrant families feel safe and supported. Community members have expressed to me and other members of our staff their concerns about possible immigration actions under the new presidential administration.
I want to reassure you that our top priority is ensuring the safety and well-being of all students and staff. We continue to work closely with PPS leadership and our community partners to uphold Oregon law prohibiting state and local law enforcement from arresting or detaining people based solely on immigration status. Additionally, Oregon law protects student educational records from use for immigration actions.
In times of uncertainty, it is always beneficial to be proactive and prepared, and it’s crucial that we have up-to-date contact information for you and your student. If you have not done so already, please complete the yearly student verification form to ensure we’re reaching you via the right information and in the right language.
I also wanted to provide the following resources:
This FAQ and this webpage answer many questions about the steps Portland Public Schools will be taking to safeguard staff and students going forward.
This page from the Multnomah Education Service District (MESD) includes a family resource hub and culturally specific information for families in the Portland area.
The Immigrant Legal Resource Center Little Red Card is meant to help people assert their rights and defend themselves in many situations. The cards can be printed out in your preferred language and carried on your person.
Know Your Rights for Families/Students (Oregon ACLU)
PPS’s Office for Civil Rights offers support addressing discrimination, harassment, and bias-related concerns.
Please contact me at amartini@pps.net or (971) 710-6449 if you have any questions or concerns. I am here for you and your students, and you have my word that, at Forest Park K-5, we will always stand together to champion our diversity and support the most vulnerable among us.
Inclement weather may or may not be on the way! Stay up to date with PPS Inclement Weather Information which gives details in the event of snow routes for buses, potential late start mornings, school closures etc. As winter weather is here, please make sure your child is dressed appropriately for outdoor recess. Warm coats, hats, gloves, and boots are highly recommended to keep them comfortable during colder days. Portland Weather Forecast.
Report Cards available through ParentVUE Friday, January 31st. Follow this link to access "Viewing Elementary Report Card in ParentVUE".
Parking Lot drop–off/pick–up: Important safety information for all families
To help reduce congestion on Miller, please do not leave your car unattended while dropping off your child, even for a moment. Unattended vehicles create significant traffic delays as other families try to enter the campus. Your cooperation is greatly appreciated!
When entering the parking lot, please pull forward into the circle as far as possible to allow others to park behind you. Stopping before the turning circle creates traffic congestion and can delay our buses. Thank you for helping keep things running smoothly.
Students should only exit vehicles on the passenger side for safety reasons.
For the safety of our students, please refrain from driving by the Portables at any time. With students frequently entering the main building, through traffic poses a significant safety risk. The area is only accessible for buses during designated times.
Lost and Found We encourage you to stop by and check out our Lost & Found! Currently, we have a variety of lost items including water bottles, eyeglasses, sweaters, coats, hats, and more, all waiting to be reunited with their owners! Labeling your child’s belongings makes it much easier for us to return items quickly.
OBOB (Oregon Battle Of The Books) If you need to change your child's dismissal plans for OBOB, please be sure to email the teacher to inform them of the update. Here is a current Forest Park Staff List
Attendance School begins promptly at 8:00 AM. All students should be at their desks and ready by this time, as attendance is taken at 8:05 AM. If your child arrives late, please have them report to the office for a tardy slip. If you need to update your child’s attendance, you can call our Attendance Line at (503) 916-5400, press 1 for attendance, or email forestparkattend@pps.net You can also update your child's attendance at any time through ParentVue
Enrichment Programs at Forest Park! We are excited to offer a variety of enrichment programs after school at Forest Park. Our after-school enrichment programs provide a great opportunity for students to explore new interests, develop skills, and build lasting friendships in a safe and supportive environment. Whether your child is interested in music, sports, or creative expression, there’s sure to be something for them to enjoy!
To learn more about the exciting enrichment opportunities available, visit our Forest Park Elementary website or the Friends of Forest Park Elementary website (FOFPE). You’ll find details on all the programs to help you register.
Volunteers needed for Vision & Hearing Screening 2/28 Here is the LINK if you would like to sign-up for Kindergarten, 1st and 3rd grade screenings (volunteers needed to cover times between 8am-2.15pm). You will need to have completed a PPS Volunteer Background Check.
Winter Walk & Roll to School Day
4th Grade: Black History Month presentation - Friday, February 7th from 1.15pm to 2.15pm in Library and Portable 6
President’s Day
Monday, February 17th - Schools and offices closed; No school for students *(possible snow day make-up: 2/17, 6/11, 6/12, 6/13)*
OBOB (Oregon Battle of the Books) - All volunteers must have completed volunteer background check *(email forestparkattend@pps.net to check your volunteer status if unsure)*
OBOB Pool Play #1: Portable 5 + Portable 6
- Wednesday, February 12th from 11.00am - 2.15pm
OBOB Pool Play #2: Portable 5 + Portable 6
- Wednesday, February 19th from 11.00am - 2.15pm
OBOB Bracket Play: Portable 5 + Portable 6 + Library + Hallway
- Friday, February 21st from 11.00am - 2.15pm
OBOB Semi Finals + Finals: Library
- Monday, February 24th from 12.30pm to 2.15pm
Vision & Hearing Screening - Friday, February 28th from 8am to 2.15pm in the Library (two background checked Volunteers needed to cover full day or partial shifts - please sign up HERE!)
Vision Screening for K, 1, and 3 grades
Hearing Screening for Kindergarten + 1st graders ONLY
Spring Auction Gala!- Join us at The Nines on Saturday, March 15th, at 5:00PM for an evening of elegance. Enjoy your students' stunning artwork, celebrate our vibrant and supportive community, and raise a glass in support of our wonderful school!
School Links:
Yearly Asbestos Notification 2025
Lady Cards Softball Camp
Lincoln Youth Basketball Showcase
Thank you, Dr. Martini
Counselor Corner November 2024
Friends of Forest Park Newsletter! [read our entire newsletter HERE]
Important FOFPE Links For This Week!
Join us for an Evening of Enchantment…. Our Spring Gala is Saturday, March 15, 2025, at the Nines: Come join us for an adult evening of socializing as we enjoy drinks, dinner and dancing. Not interested in buying anything? No problem! The main focus of this evening is to create a way for our community to get together, have fun, and enjoy a date night out because with our crazy lives, how often do we really get to do that?!? Book a sitter, get dressed up, grab your friends and meet us at the Nines on March 15TH at 5:00 p.m.
Want to make it a night? The Nines has given us block pricing for rooms ($159 for superior rooms; $179 for deluxe rooms). You must book your room by February 14th so do it now: Book your group rate for Forest Park Elementary Spring Auction
We are also looking for people to host our parent and student experiences. Each year we have community experiences for our auction that allow our parents to socialize together and our children to have some fun. Want to host a party for adults or children? Email our auction chair, Cynthia at cynthiaglausi@gmail.com
There is one opportunity left for families of younger students (5th grade and younger) to hear about West Sylvan Middle School. The information night will be Wednesday, February 19th from 5:30pm - 7:00pm. Meet at the West Sylvan Middle School, 8111 SW West Slope Dr., Portland, OR 97225
Lunch Recess Volunteer: Sign up to volunteer at recess.
Visual Arts Volunteer: Sign up to help our visual arts teacher in class.
Volunteer Form: Interested in learning what we do throughout the year and helping out with what interest you? Fill out our form!
ENRICHMENT PROGRAMS! Winter sessions are enrolling now! Don’t miss out on some great after-school activities for your kids!
Golf Multi-Sport Class (Golf, Volleyball, Lacrosse & Pickleball) Winter Class at Forest Park: After school Golf-focused Multi-Sport classes for K-5th Grade. All equipment provided. Thursdays 2:30 - 4:00 p.m. (02/06/2025 - 03/13/2025) $180 total or $30/class. SIGN UP
Rose City Chess Club is Back! Grades 2-5. Wednesdays 2:30-3:30pm; January 8th - March 12th. Winter term cost is $168
Journey to STEAM: Registration is now open for the Journey to STEAM after-school program at Forest Park! Winter Term: January 24, 2025 to March 21, 2025; Spring Term: April 11, 2025 to June 3, 2025. Time: Fridays 2:30 PM -3:30 PM. Location: Forest Park Elementary. Cost: $255 per term.
Program Description: The theme for their upcoming program is LEGO Architects! Students will embark on a creative journey where they will explore the world of design and construction. Each week, students will be given a design prompt such as building the tallest tower, the strongest bridge, a fantastic castle, or a collaborative town. Students will work together to bring their architectural ideas to life.
Learning Objectives: Students will build and improve the durability of their structures using key elements such as foundations, supports, and strong shapes. Students will be able to build designs using the simple machines wedges and inclined planes. Students will understand and apply sustainability concepts including limited resources, renewable energy, and waste management. They will build solutions to real world problems
Collaboration and Soft Skills: Students work together to collaborate, test, and refine their designs. They will also practice explaining their build process, how their build relates to the daily theme, and ways to improve their design.
Electronic Music Club: Grades 2-5. Tuesdays 2:30 - 3:30pm. January 7 – March 18. They’ve expanded their curriculum for this upcoming session and will be bringing in outboard gear and other materials to class that students have, very likely, not seen before. Sign up now!
Rock Dojo: Students will master epic riffs, boost their confidence, and become part of our Rock Dojo community. Grade K-5. Mondays 2:30 - 3:30. January 6 - March 17. Forest Park Elementary, room 120. Cost is $259 for winter session.
Shared Spark Arts Academy: Family-based performing arts experiences for parents and children.
PNW WEBBY Dance Company: Grades K- 3; Wednesdays 2:45-3:30pm; Jan. 15 - April 9; $264 for 10 classes!