TigerScot Times May
Weston-McEwen High School Activities Update
Principal's Message
Staff Appreciation Help
Next week is Staff Appreciation Week! We are looking for community help treating staff to a taco lunch on Tuesday, May 7th. If you would like to contribute, please sign up and bring prepped and cooked food items by 11 am on that day. You may also drop off raffle prize donations to the front office.
Forecasting Night
Save the Date! 8th-11th grade Forecasting Night will be June 5th at 6 pm. Parents/Guardians and students, come choose your classes for next year and attend informational sessions about:
8th Grade High School Transition
Dual-Credit FAQ
SPED Academic Guidance
Seniors On-Track
Seniors have 30 days of school left! Please help monitor their grades through ParentVue to ensure that they are on track to graduate. If you have any questions or concerns regarding credit requirements, please contact Kathy Baumann.
PreSchool Teacher
Secondary Language Arts Teacher
Substitutes and Paraprofessionals
Rural Route Bus Driver
Upcoming Dates to Know:
May 3 - FFA Plant Sale
May 4 - FFA Plant Sale
May 6-10 - Staff Appreciation Week
May 6 - ASB Slate Announcement
May 8 - Class of 2024 Parent Meeting
May 9 - Spring Band Concert
May 13 - Class Elections
May 13 - School Board Meeting
ASB Elections
We have an uncontested ASB election! The slate will be announced on the morning of May 6th.
Class officers will be elected May 13. Applications will be available April 29 and are due May 6.
Yearbook Orders Due
Make sure you order your yearbook now! They are $45.00 and due to the main office.
Students of the Month
Freshman: Megan McClouth
Sophomore: Mylie Garrett
Junior: Kylie Kramer
Senior: Mackenzie Aldrich and Alexander Cash
School Citizen: Sabine Wong-Boulanger
Athletes of the Month: Hailey Stallings, Rose White,
Jose Barahona Funes, Dylan Newbold
Class of 2024 Reminders
- There are Local Scholarships available now. You can access them through the Google Classroom for Scholarships where all scholarships are posted. Due in May:
5/3 Weston - Athens Alumni Scholarship
5/10 Earl & Jane Ferguson Scholarship
5/15 Athena Civic Memorial Grant
5/15 Marthy Bartleson Memorial Scholarship
- Seniors need to fill out the online End of the Year Information form from Mrs. Bauman and create their Senior Slide.
- Senior Parent Newsletter
- All seniors photos should be turned in. If you missed a deadline, please email Robert at ramcleanphotography@yahoo.com and Kerstin at kerstin.gillum@athwestsd.org.
- It is so hard to believe that we are here, but it is time for us to CELEBRATE our SENIORS!!! We need your help to make that happen! If you are a SENIOR or know a SENIOR please encourage them to send a picture with the following information to alecia.angell@gmail.com or to this page via Messenger. (Please share this with any SENIORS that you know who may not have Facebook.) We will highlight them over the next few months.
Please provide the following:
Picture-you can send more than one.
Sports/Clubs they participated in throughout HS.
Other Activities they have been involved in
Future plans
Favorite Sport/Club/High School memory
Anything else they would like us to know
Treasure Trunk
The TigerScot Treasure Trunk (TTT) is open for all students regularly on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday from 11:15-1:25 p.m. Students and families can find winter clothing, personal hygiene products, and outfits.
School to Careers
Seniors, if you are unsure of your path after graduation please schedule an appointment to meet with Mrs. Waldher. Let's have a plan so that you feel successful after commencement!
Summer Jobs start here: https://5il.co/2fsch
Clubs Corner
Atina Club
Atina Club is organizing a flag ceremony to have CTUIR flags displayed throughout the district. Stay tuned for details!
Communicare will be presenting at the regional organization banquet on May 9th. They are excited to share their mission with other area clubs and to award their grants to the chosen organizations.
Check out our video highlighting the Plant Sale!
Our last FFA meeting of the year is schedule for May 8 at 7 pm. If you are enrolled in any class taught by Ms. Reeder or Mrs. Tompkins, you can attend.
E-Sports is still on after school on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Drop in at any time to practice and hang out.
We were invited to the Pilot Rock Gun Club shoot. If you are wanting to go please register and let Mike know. This was a fun shoot last year and our team took a trophy home!
Any students who would like to participate in state, please let coach know by Tuesday.
In the News
Local roundup: Rockets go extra innings to beat TigerScots on the road
Local roundup: BMCC rodeo teams headed to College National Finals
Local roundup: Bailey, Stanfield no-hit Sherman in SD7 action
Varsity Schedule
5/3 at Pilot Rock @ 11:00 am; 1:00 pm
JV Schedule
5/9 at Enterprise @ 3:00 pm; 5:00 pm
5/11 vs Enterprise @ 2:00 pm
Boys Basketball
Basketball open gyms are Tuesdays and Thursdays through the remainder of the school year.
Girls Basketball
Basketball open gyms are Tuesdays and Thursdays through the remainder of the school year.
Congratulations to Mazon Langford, Caleb Sprenger, and Alejandro Ceja for their acceptance to compete in the Shrine Game!
Girls Golf
In the News
Local roundup: Rockets go extra innings to beat TigerScots on the road
5/3 at Buffalo Peak @ 10:00 am
5/6-5/7 District Tournament at Baker City @ 9:00 am
5/13-5/14 State Tournament at McKenzie @ TBD (must qualify to participate)
In the News
April 23 Statewide Softball Coaches Polls
Local roundup: BMCC rodeo teams headed to College National Finals
Local roundup: Furstenberg powers Pendleton past Weston-McEwen
Local roundup: Bailey, Stanfield no-hit Sherman in SD7 action
5/3 vs Grant Union @ 11:00 am; 12:30 pm
5/7 vs Heppner @ 4:00 pm (Senior Night)
5/10 at Union @ 11:00 am; 12:30 pm
5/14 at La Grande @ 4:00 pm
In the News
Congratulations to TigerScot/Grizzlies Tennis players Trysten Burns and Lirian Holden ! Both are currently ranked #1 in the 1A-4A Classification. Hard work pays off!
Local roundup: Rockets go extra innings to beat TigerScots on the road
Local roundup: Bailey, Stanfield no-hit Sherman in SD7 action
Local roundup: Pendleton girls sweep Stanfield on tennis court
5/7 vs Irrigon @ 3:00 pm (Senior Night)
5/16 - 5/17 District Tournament at Ontario @ TBD
Track and Field
In the News
Congratulations Anthony Nix for breaking the school record in triple jump. Anthony jumped 44'9" at the meet in Nyssa.
Local roundup: Rockets go extra innings to beat TigerScots on the road
5/4 at Riverside @ 11:00 am
5/11 Districts at Hermiston (WMHS hosted) @ TBD
5/16-5/17 State Track at Eugene @ 12:00 pm (must qualify to compete)
Volleyball open gyms are Mondays and Wednesdays through the remainder of the school year.
Open gym for adults in Monday evenings following open gym. Join the fun!
Weston-McEwen High School
Website: https://wmhs.athwest.k12.or.us/
Location: East Main Street, Athena, OR, USA
Phone: (541) 566-3555
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/WMHighSchool