News from the MLC Library
December 20th, 2024
Greetings from the MLC Library!
Molly's Update from the Library
Things have been busy in the library lately. I have been working on making more space on our shelves to make our books more accessible and appealing. It is going to take a long time to clean up all the different parts of the library, but keep an eye out for changes. You might notice that the arts and crafts section got a make over, some of the most popular fiction series have a new home, and more books will be on display in the fiction section. Improvements will keep popping up in 2025!
We are up to 1,771 book check outs! Keep it up!
I hope that 2024 was a great year in your reading life and that you find ways to challenge yourself in 2025. Look below for a 2025 MLC reading challenge.
See you in the library,
MLC 2025 Reading Challenge
Library Donation Request
Do you have shelves of books that are just collecting dust? Or piles of toys and games that aren't getting used? Consider donating them to the MLC library!
This is list of older books that need to be replaced or that we need more copies of. Ideally, donated books would be hard back and in good condition, but paperbacks would be considered:
- Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins
- Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief (and other books written by Rick Riordan)
- One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish by Dr. Suess
- Every Day by David Leviathan
- Jurassic Park and The Lost World by Michael Crichton
- Amulet Book 3: The Cloud Searchers by Kazu Kibuishi
- Bad Guys, book 18 by
- Allegiant, 3rd book in Divergent series by Veronica Roth
- Legend, Book 1, Prodigy, book 2, and Rebel, book 3 by Marie Lu
- Escaping Peril, Wings of Fire graphic novel, book 8 by Barry Deutsch
Here are some games, activities, and tools that I would love to add to the options for choice stations:
- Manual pencil sharpener for colored pencils
- Set (card game)
- Magnet tiles (This is the type we already have)
- Tangram blocks
- Blokus game
- Chess set
- Katamino
- Rubix Cubes
- Legos
- Other logic, STEM, collaborative games, materials, or activities
The MLC library just got a big order of brand new books! Click on the image below to see a slide show of the new books. These are all available to check out now! Come by the library if you want to be the first one to read one of these shiny new books.
Books Recommendations
Looking for something new to read? Here are some recommendations
by staff and students from our library.
You can find these books on the blue shelf by the door.
Do you want to give a recommendation? Come talk to Molly in the library!
The Book Thief by Markus Zusak
Recommendation by Darren Lilla
If you enjoy historical fiction with a bit of surrealism The Book Thief will definitely keep your attention. The story takes place during WWII in Nazi controlled Germany. A young girl is adopted and the novel follows her experiences as the Nazi movement happens around her. The narrator, who will remain unnamed, adds a layer of complexity to the novel and I won't be the spoiler by revealing the narrator's identity. Leisel, the main character, loves reading books and at the beginning of the story steals a book. Her passion for reading is a thread throughout the novel and if you like to read, read this book!
Best for ages 6th grade and up (adults too!)
2024-2025 Oregon Readers Choice Awards
Are you wanting to read some new things in 2025? Try out our MLC reading challenge. All you have to do is print out the sheet and try to read one book that fits each category throughout the year.
Students all over Oregon will be voting on which book they like the best. If you read 2 or more of the books selected for ORCA, you can earn a vote! If you earn your vote, you will be invited to a celebration at the end of the year. 1 copy of each ORCA book is available in the MLC library. You can also find them at the public library.
Tools and Tips
Destiny Discover
Destiny Discover allows you to look through the books we have in the MLC library. You can also see what you have checked out, put holds on books, and see any fines on your account. You can add books to a favorites list and even leave reviews. Log in to your PPS account on any device and look for the Destiny icon on your Class Link home page - myapps.classlink.com
Sora gives you access to E-books and audiobooks from both Portland Public Schools and through Multnomah County Library. To learn more about how to access Sora check out these slides.
Library Connect
Did you know that every student enrolled in Portland Public Schools automatically gets a library card? Pretty cool! This mean you can check out physical books as well as e-books and audiobooks and all the other cool resources they have available. The login for your account will be 01 followed by your ID number (ex. 01123456) and the password is your 8 digit numerical birthday (ex. April 10, 2010 - 04102010). If you need more information or you cannot log in look here or contact the Multnomah county library at 503-988-5123
Your Contact Information
Monday: Closed
Tuesday: 8:30-4:00
Wednesday: 9:00-3:45
Thursday: 9:00-2:45
Friday: Closed
Email: msoloway@pps.net
Location: 2033 NW Glisan
Phone: (503) 916 2658