Ms. Nutt's Newsletter
Austin Elementary
Our Week in Review
Week of February 3-7
We are reading...
*Mr. Lincoln's Whiskers
*Just Like Abe Lincoln
*Abe Lincoln's Hat
*George Washington
*George Washington and the General's Dog
Language Arts
*Phonics Workshop - Vowel Teams Can Make New Words - ou and ow
*Readers Workshop - Readers Learn New Words as They Read
*Writers Workshop - Non Fiction Chapter Writing - Self Selected Topic
*Grammar Talk - Parts of Speech - nouns and verbs
*place value - numbers to 120
*understand hundreds, tens and ones
*compare numbers using <, >, =
*compose and decompose numbers
*story problems
Social Studies
*George Washington
*Abraham Lincoln
*use a time to record historical events
*identify state and country on a map
Upcoming Events
Library books are due on Thursdays!
Wear tennis shoes to P.E. on Tuesday, Thursday and Friday
Family Friday Lunch Sign Up Link: https://forms.gle/pXvFW1x3QdTykpVdA
Upcoming Dates:
*February 13 - Valentine Party
*February 14 - Student Holiday
*February 17 - Weather Day
Stay Connected!
Email: snutt@coppellisd.com
Location: 161 S. Moore Rd. Coppell, TX 75019
Phone: 214-496-7340
Twitter: @SharonNutt1C