The Acorn
Message from Academy of the Canyons' Principal, Dr. Fine
Weeks of 2/3-2/7
I hope that you had a great weekend! This Friday is a T/TH schedule. February is Black History Month, when we recognize the many accomplishments of African Americans throughout history
Upcoming Events
February 3-February 8- ASB sells Valentines Grams at school during lunch. Bring cash to make a purchase. See graphic below with details.
February 7th- 10th Grade Passion Projects, Parents/Guardians are Invited. Presentations will be from 10:45 - 1:30 in the UCEN lobby.
- February 8- Last day of COC winter term
- February 10- First day of COC spring term (all students)
- February 14-17- President's Day, no school
- February 21- ASB Talent Show, all families are invited, all students invited to participate. See details for auditions.
- February 28- Santa Clarita Librarian Visits our Wellness Room and Book Club
- March 21- March Madness at AOC
- April 1- WASC Virtual Visit
- April 7-11- Spring Break
- April 5-9- Teacher & Staff Appreciation Week
- May 2- Senior Dance
- May 22- Showcase, AOC Open House
- June 4- Senior Sunset and Graduation Rehearsal
- June 5- Last day of school & AOC Graduation for Seniors at 6pm in the COC PAC
The CAASPP test will take place for 11th graders this spring. Please see a separate email from the 11th grade team about testing dates and important details. It will be sent via Parent Square to all 11th grade parents and students.
Have a wonderful week!
Dr. Juliet Fine
Principal of AOC
(661) 362-3056
Carla Tuttle, Office Manager/ Registrar- ctuttle@hartdistrict.org
News from Our Academic Counselor, Ms. Grijalva
Greetings, AOC families: This semester Ms. Grijalva meets with all 10th and 11th grade students from January 29th-March 14th. The appointment link has been shared with students via Google Classroom and Advisement. During these meetings, students will create/edit their AOC Education Plan that maps out their AOC/COC classes for the next few semesters. I know many of you are making summer plans so please see below with some grade specific information. Should students have additional questions, I have walk-in hours Monday-Thursday from 11am-12pm and afterschool.
9th Grade Students
- 9th grade students can NOT take COC summer classes. This is not part of the agreement with COC and AOC.
- 9th grade students can take College and Career Readiness (CCR/CTE) classes through the Hart District. More information will be provided in early March about these classes. They take place in July.
- Those currently enrolled in AOC's HA2T class have an opportunity to take a summer Geometry class (based on math department recommendation and STEM interest.) If invited, you will receive an email in early March. If invited, the class will take place in July (4 weeks). It is online with online LIVE testing and commits students to taking higher level math courses at COC. This class is only for AOC students as the district does NOT have "get-ahead" classes over the summer. This is a high school level course.
10th/11th Grade Students
- Appointments to meet with Ms. Grijalva began on January 29th. During Advisement, students were able to sign-up. These "Grijalva Appointments" are meant to create/edit their AOC Education Plan.
- 10th grade students can begin taking COC summer classes this year. If a student wants to take a summer COC class, we will discuss this during our meeting and during Advisement.
- COC Summer Session dates are published. Class selection will be discussed during your child's "Grijalva Appointment" and Advisement. COC Summer Session date options are below.
- Summer Session 1: June 9 – July 7 (5 weeks)
- Summer Session 2: June 16 – August 9 (8 weeks)
- Summer Session 3: June 23 – July 26 (5 weeks)
- Summer Session 4: July 14 – August 16 (5 weeks)
12th Grade Students
- Ms. Grijalva will visit Advisement once a month to review college follow-up steps. The January visit was two weeks ago and a copy of the slides presented are available on the Counseling Google Classroom.
- Mid-year reports were sent to colleges on January 27th via Naviance.
- If you have not done so yet, don't forget to complete a FAFSA at studentaid.gov.
- Students: remember to check your emails and all college portals
Get Volunteer Hours for Your Donations
Senior Capstone Project- Bridge to Home is Accepting Toiletries, Personal Items
Hey AOC! We’re excited to announce that in our partnership with Bridge to Homes, we are holding a donation drive from now until Friday, February 14.
As a part of our Senior Capstone Project, we aim to support people in need within our community by providing personal necessities; however, we can’t do that without YOUR help!
Attached is the flyer with a list of personal items being accepted for this drive, ranging from hygiene products to clothing. Please bring these items to the table in front of the Wellness Room and record your information on a sign-in sheet. For every 5 items donated, 1 service hour will be awarded for NHS or 9th Grade Seminar. Please note, there is a maximum of 4 service hours granted to participating students. Thank you for your help, your contributions are greatly appreciated!
National School Counselor Week-Let's Celebrate Ms. Grijalva
National School Counseling Week 2025, "School Counseling: Helping Students Thrive," will be celebrated February 3-7, 2025, to focus public attention on the unique contribution of school counselors within U.S. school systems. National School Counseling Week highlights the tremendous impact school counselors can have in helping students achieve school success and plan for a career.
Please join me in thanking and showing appreciation to Diana Grijalva, AOC's school counselor, who is recognized for the vital and complex work they do to support our students. The Hart District Governing Board honors our school counselors for being actively engaged in helping students examine their strengths, interests and talents as well as for working in partnership with families to focus on positive ways to enhance students' academic, career, and social-emotional development.
10th Grade Passion Projects-PBL on Display
10th Grade Parents/Guardians are Invited on 2/7 from 10:45am-1:30pm to UCEN Lobby
The 10th Grade Passion Projects showcased the very best work of AOC's students, and it is with immense pride that we share the incredible achievements of our 10th graders. They embarked on a journey of exploration, experience, and creation, channeling their energies into projects inspired by their personal passions. Over several weeks, these students meticulously documented their endeavors, resulting in final projects that were nothing short of inspiring.
From the realms of video game design, upcycling, and fashion design to the intricacies of color impact, painting with oils, poetry, music composition, rocketry, language study, architecture design, cultural cuisine, and discussions on morals, ethics, and beliefs—the diverse range of projects showcased the depth of our students' interests and talents. The exhibition created a world of intellectual delight for all attendees, providing a platform for guests and fellow students to witness the remarkable outcomes of this endeavor.
This marvelous display of outstanding work was made possible through the dedicated support and facilitation of our creative team of teachers—Mrs. Siner, Mrs. Rubay, Mrs. O'Shea, and Mr. Whilhelm. Their guidance played a crucial role in nurturing the intellectual stimulation and aspiration evident in each project.
As we reflect on this incredible showcase, I eagerly anticipate witnessing the continued exploration, creation, and learning of this class. The 10th graders have set a high standard, and I am confident that their future endeavors will be equally remarkable.
We hope that you can join us on 2/7, Friday from 10:45am-1:30pm in the UCEN Lobby for the presentations.
News from Ms. Breana in the Wellness Center
ASB Fundraiser
Purchase Valentines Grams-Bring Cash for Purchases
Hey AOC Parents! Valentine’s day is coming up. Show your love for your friends or someone special with Valentine Grams.
We are selling two different Valentine Grams options in the Quad during lunch from February 3rd - 7th:
$1 includes rose, lollipop, sticker, and note
$3 includes rose, sour patch kids, sticker, bear, and note
Grams will be distributed on February 12th and 13th.
NHS Announcement for Parents- $20.00 Cash Donation Request
Hello NHS Parents and Guardians!
As we enter the second semester of the year, the AOC chapter of NHS is kindly requesting donations. As we do not require club dues, we look to our students and their families for donations to fund service projects and ceremonies for our members. These donations are vital for our NHS's sustainability. Please consider giving $20 cash or check payable to the Academy of the Canyons NHS in an envelope to Mrs. Rubay so we can continue to serve AOC and the Santa Clarita community.
Speech Contest
This is a reminder that the Castaic/Santa Clarita Lions Club Student Speakers contest will be taking place on February 4, 2025.
- <The contest is open to all high school students in the Castaic/ Santa Clarita area.
- The topic for the contest this year is: “Artificial Intelligence (AI): Friend or Foe?”.
- The first level of the event will take place Tuesday February 4, 2025. A second event will be held on Tuesday February 11, 2025 only if there are more than five contestants. The event will start at 6:30 PM. The event will be held in the Multipurpose Room of Castaic Middle School (28900 Hillcrest Pkwy, Castaic).
- The dates for higher levels will be announced subsequently.
- The rules for the contest are described in the attached brochure.
- Please have students who wish to participate express their interest to me (Sam Murray; maybear10@aol.com).
If you have any specific questions, please contact me (Sam Murray; maybear10@aol.com).
Sam Murray
Chair, 2025 Student Speakers Contest, Castaic Lions Club
FAQs for Students: Where to Hang Out in Inclement Weather
Q: Where can I go during bad weather to study in peace?
A: The college library is an excellent choice, offering a quiet environment with access to books, computers, and study resources.
Q: Are there any cozy spots to relax and grab a snack between classes?
A: Yes, the cafeteria is a great spot to unwind, enjoy a meal, and socialize with friends, all while staying indoors. There is also the COC Student Store and Cougar Café located in the middle of COC's campus.
Q: Can I find a coffee shop atmosphere on campus?
A: Absolutely! The University Center Cafe provides a comfortable setting with coffee and snacks, perfect for a relaxed study session.
Q: What indoor facilities are available at the Academy of the Canyons?
A: The Academy of the Canyons has indoor spaces for students to gather, study, and collaborate, ensuring a conducive environment even during inclement weather. This includes the Wellness Center and we do open up classrooms when there is inclement weather like extreme heat or rain.
Q: Is there a designated area for group meetings on campus?
A: Yes, you can book group study rooms in the library, providing a quiet space for collaborative work, discussions, or group projects.
Q: Where can I go for a quick break or change of scenery indoors?
A: Consider exploring the various common areas across campus, such as the student lounges or designated study nooks in academic buildings.
Q: Can I access online resources during bad weather if I prefer to study remotely?
A: Yes, the college provides online access to a wide range of resources, including e-books, journals, and research databases, allowing you to study from the comfort of your home or form the computer lab at AOC.
Q: Are there any indoor fitness facilities available for use during inclement weather?
A: The college gym is an excellent option for staying active during bad weather. Check the schedule for open hours and available fitness classes. This is only available when allowed for public student use.
Q: Is there a place on campus where I can meet with academic advisors indoors?
A: Yes, the Student Services building houses academic advising offices, providing students with indoor spaces for meetings and consultations.
Q: What options are available for indoor extracurricular activities?
A: Consider joining clubs or organizations that often host indoor events, meetings, or activities. Check with the COC Student Life office for a list of current offerings. Also, AOC has a list of weekly club meetings. There is a link online under “students” that contains a list of these clubs and meeting locations.Also, there is the multi-cultural and a wellness center on COC's campus.
Q: Can I find a quiet place to meditate or relax on campus?
A: The college may have designated quiet spaces or meditation rooms. Check with the campus wellness center or counseling services for more information. AOC has a Wellness Center for students to use for relaxation during the day.
Q: Are there any indoor art or cultural exhibitions to explore during bad weather?
A: The college may host indoor art exhibitions or cultural events. Keep an eye on campus event calendars for upcoming shows or performances.
Q: Can I access Wi-Fi in all indoor areas on campus?
A: Yes, the campus is equipped with Wi-Fi, ensuring that you can stay connected and productive in various indoor locations.
Q: Where can I go for tech support if I encounter issues with my laptop or other devices?
A: The college IT help desk is available to assist with technical issues. Visit their office or check online for support services. We also have a computer lab inside of AOC.
Q: Is there a designated place on campus for students to relax and socialize indoors?
A: Yes, student lounges are scattered throughout the campus, providing comfortable spaces for students to socialize, play games, or simply unwind during bad weather. This includes a student resource center inside of the student cafeteria.
9th Grade PE State Testing and Other Pictures from the Week of 1/27
Mrs. Bisacchi, Mr. Koegle and Mr. Frame Time Students One Mile Run
Zonta Young Women in Public Affairs Award
Zonta Young Women in Public Affairs Award Ages 16-19
Dear Counselors,
On behalf of the Zonta Club of Santa Clarita Valley it is my pleasure to inform you that Zonta will once again provide the Young Women in Public Affairs Award to a young woman of age 16 to 19, who demonstrates evidence of the following:
- Active commitment to volunteerism.
- Experience in local government, student government, or workplace leadership (paid or unpaid).
- Volunteer leadership achievements.
- Knowledge of Zonta International and its programs.
- Supporting Zonta International’s mission of empowering the status of women worldwide.
The Zonta Club of SCV, Young Women in Public Affairs will be presenting awards from $500.00 to $1,000 dollars. Recipients of the club award are also eligible to receive a higher award of $5,000 from Zonta International. Please see the enclosed application.
Our goal is to encourage more young women to participate in public affairs, volunteerism, and civic causes. We would appreciate your assistance by posting this information and distributing applications to potential candidates. Applications may also be accessed on-line at https://www.zonta.org/YWLA.
The deadline for submittal is February 24, 2025. Applications can be submitted to:
Email:ywla@scvzonta.org; or Mailed to 23742 Lyons Ave, #220117, Santa Clarita, CA 91322. Electronic submission is preferred.
For further information, please contact Gloria Mercado-Fortine and/or Mary Ann Dortch at www.scvzonta.org.
Academy of the Canyons
Email: jfine@hartdistrict.org
Website: https://www.academyofthecanyons.com/
Location: Academy of the Canyons, Rockwell Canyon Road, Santa Clarita, CA, USA
Phone: 661-362-3056
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Academy-of-the-Canyons-Middle-College-High-School-330158873741614
Twitter: @Academy_Canyons