Principal Welcome Back to Families
A Back to School Newsletter Template 2023-2024
July 18, 2024
Dear Beacon Hill Students and Families,
Dear Beacon Hill Students and Families,
Welcome to the 2024-2025 school year at the best middle school in the world. We are thrilled to have you back and are excited about what lies ahead. Our team has worked tirelessly to prepare for the first day, and the excitement is building throughout our staff. Parents, we encourage you to share this excitement with your children and engage them in discussions about what they are most looking forward to this school year.
At Beacon Hill, our mission is "To develop curious, caring, self-directed global citizens in a safe, supportive, and inclusive community." We are dedicated to achieving this by offering a rigorous academic program that fosters thoughtful, lifelong learners. Last year, we successfully partnered with many stakeholders in Decatur, and we aim to strengthen these collaborations to enhance our community. We invite you to engage with Beacon Hill in various ways: join our PTA, volunteer at events, support our fine arts and athletic programs, and seek opportunities to actively participate with our school.
We are ready to start the year strong, so please stay informed about all things Beacon Hill by regularly visiting our website and reading our weekly E-Blast. Additionally, follow us on social media for the latest updates on events and programs.
See you soon!!!
Derrick L. Thomas, Principal
Beacon Hill Middle School
If you would like to contact me, you may do so at
Meet and Greet Information
Friday, July 26th: Meet and Greet for Families & Students
On Friday, July 26th we are hosting a Meet and Greet for families and students. This is an opportunity for students accompanied by an adult to meet their new teachers, take a peek into their classrooms, and walk their schedule so they can learn their way around the building. Teachers will meet many families at this time, so we ask that you save any specific questions or concerns regarding the curriculum or individual students for another time. Below are the times scheduled for each grade level to come to their Meet and Greet.
7th and 8th Grade: 2:30-4:30
6th Grade: 5-6 pm
Save the Date:
We will have Curriculum Night on August 22 for the adults of our students to visit classrooms, learn about what and how your child will be learning this school year, and ask questions.
Schedule Information
Schedules Available July 25th
Families and students can view schedules via Infinite Campus on July 25th . Click here for information and assistance utilizing the Infinite Campus student and parent portal. Students will receive a finalized paper copy of their schedule in their first-period class on the first day of school, July 30.
What do I do if my schedule/my child's schedule has an error?
Each year a few errors or enrollment adjustments will require minimal changes (ex. 2 math classes). Other adjustments may be necessary to balance class sizes due to changes in student enrollment. Don’t panic, we’ll get them worked out on day one.
This form is available for students who need schedule corrections. The form is NOT for requests to be with friends or change connections courses.
We’ll consider schedule corrections for the following reasons:
The student has a period that is missing a course.
The student has two of the same courses.
The student is enrolled in an ELA or Math course they did not request (honors/on level)
We will send the form again once schedules are released.
Helpful Links to Start The School Year
Our school website is filled with helpful information, including links to grade level websites, where you can find useful information including school supply lists. Click and bookmark these sources for your reference.
Bell Schedule and Attendance
Please read these attendance procedures carefully. If you have any questions, please email Ms. Valerie Jackson at
Excused Absences:
If your student misses a day or more because of an illness, the death/illness of a family member, a religious holiday, or another excused reason, please fill out this form. If you would like us to consider a non-standard reason to excuse an absence, please reach out directly to Ms. Jackson at least three weeks in advance of a planned absence.
If you need to check out your student, it must be done by 3:15. It is not necessary to contact the main office ahead of check-out time. Please ring the buzzer for assistance and be prepared to show a photo ID to our front office staff.
Timely Arrival to School:
To be considered on time, a student must be in class by 8:45 am. Students who do not meet this criterion must check in at the front office. If a student is going to have a planned excused tardy, do not call ahead or email. The student/family member will turn in the excuse once they arrive and the absence will be updated. A folder is located by the kiosk in the front office that is checked to update attendance. Students who are late two or more times in a week without an excuse will be assigned after-school detention on either Wednesday or Thursday (student's choice) of the following week.
Mon/Wed/Fri Schedule
Tues/Thurs Schedule
First period starts at 8:45 AM. Doors open to students at 8:35. Students eating breakfast will enter the bus loop door beginning 8:25.
Dismissal begins at 3:45 PM. Students must vacate the building by 4:00, unless they participate in a teacher-led after-school activity.
BHMS Fall Sports are Fast Approaching
Click on the picture below to access information about fall sports at BHMS.
From the PTA
Gearing Up for the New School Year
The BHMS PTA looks forward to welcoming back our amazing staff, students and families for the 2024-2025 school year. Our goal remains to provide a dynamic and engaged school community that contributes to a safe and equitable educational environment for all students. We show appreciation to our teachers and staff and promote programs, initiatives and school spirit to enrich our students and school.
Many hands make for lighter work. Interested in joining a committee or helping with a single event? Tell us how you would like to participate in the new school year by completing our 2024-2025 Volunteer Interest Form.
We rely on the generosity of our community and families to support students and staff. Please consider a donation so that we can make this school year the best one yet. All donations are tax deductible.
Are you a BHMS family or local business owner looking to bump up your support? (Do you know a business that would like to help?) Then consider becoming a BHMS sponsor. Learn more about sponsorship levels here. Questions? Reach out to Laura Spriggs, our fundraising chair at
Back-to-School Teacher Breakfast
Volunteers are needed for our “Welcome Back” breakfast for teachers on Monday, July 22 from 8 am to 10 am. If you’re available to help, please sign up here.
Save the Date: BHMS Spirit Night
Our first schoolwide event of the year is our annual Spirit Night. Mark your calendars for Friday, August 23 at 5 pm as we celebrate the new school year Bulldog style. Details to come.