Principal's Weekly Update
November 10th, 2024
Dear Parent(s)/ Guardian(s):
Firstly, the photo-- by which I mean the insert photo to the right. Music teacher Deana Saunders snapped this scene on a recent foggy morning, She managed to capture a moment in time just before those leaves left us for another year.
If you then scan to the bottom (please promise to return to to to read the heart of this week's letter) you will see myself, Michaela Durand and the Hillcrest administrators, who joined me in Nashville, TN for this year's AMLE Conference. Similar to last year, it was a great opportunity to speak with middle school educators from all over the country and to swap ideas for how to provide the best possible education for our students.
On Monday we celebrate Veteran's Day, which is always a very inspiring day at Madison. We will once again welcome Veterans from around the area who will speak to our students about their experiences during each grade level ELB in the auditorium.
This year we are looking to do even more to honor those who serve in our armed forces. The Trumbull Auxiliary, VFW, and Trumbull Rotary are collecting items for our active military soldiers. A box during the holiday season means the world to our service members who are away from their families and friends. Please consider donating an item (or two) to bring some joy to those who sacrifice so much! Students should see Mrs. Cranston or Mrs. Cerulli with any questions. Drop off items to Mrs. Cranston’s office or the Guidance Suite by Monday, November 18th. Here are some suggestions on What to Send to Our Deployed Soldiers
As a reminder, the secound round of Parent/ Teacher Conferences is scheduled for Thursday, 11/14. This time there are both afternoon and evening sessions. The window to sign up through School Appointments will close on Tuesday, so please make sure to sign up by then if you are still interested in meeting with any of your child's teachers.
** Please note that we follow a "Legal Day" schedule on that day, with dismissal at 12:05 **
Thank you to everyone who donated to the NJHS/KARE Food Drive to benefit the Trumbull Food Pantry. We have two carloads of food and supplies being delivered this week. Awesome job, Madison!
Clubs & Activities:
Seventh Grade Makerspace sign-ups are happening NOW! All students must sign up to participate. Sessions will run from November 20-22. Sign up HERE.
The Harry Potter Club will meet Monday, 11/11 in room 102.
The Model Club will meet in Room 203 on the following Mondays - November 18th,and 25th. After these dates, the club will resume in the Spring. Bring a model and join the fun.
The Crochet Club will meet Wednesday, 11/13 in room 101.
The Rubik’s Cube Club will meet Wednesday, 11/13 in room 102.
Do you enjoy Math and have an interest in solving challenging puzzles and problems!? Then MathCounts is the club for you. Students who are interested will practice each week and have try-outs in January to make our official Mathcounts team. This team will go on to compete against other schools in Math competitions. MathCounts will have its first meeting on Wednesday, November 13th after school in room 110. All are welcome! Please see Mr. DeNuzzo if you have any questions!
Yearbooks are on sale for $38 and can be purchased at jostens.com.
School Photo Retakes will take place on Friday, 11/22.
Our "root word of the week" quite intentionally and appropriately, is serv/ servat, which means to “keep” or “save.” Tomorrow we will emphasize to our students how Veterans Day honors military veterans who served in the US Armed Forces and who made the sacrifices necessary to not only save lives, but to secure our freedoms. I close by extending my deepest gratitude to any of you who may be reading this who have served or continue to serve in our armed forces.
Take care,
Peter Sullivan
PTA supports Phys. Ed.
Accomplished Author
Students enjoyed a virtual book talk with Sharon Draper, an author who was the 1997 National Teacher of the Year and a two-time winner of the Coretta Scott King Award.