The Dolphin Whistle
April 1 , 2020 Issue 28
MESSAGE FROM PRINCIPAL LAMBERT - Stay Home, Stay Healthy, Stay Connected
Dear Parents,
Thank you for your flexibility and resourcefulness during these interesting times of school closure. I appreciate your perseverance in ensuring that your child is able to participate in the optional activities and lessons offered.
The teachers are working hard to find resources and lessons for review and new learning, in addition to the software resources we encourage your children to use during the closure. In addition to what the teachers assign please consider having your children do iReady Reading and iReady Math daily, as well as at least 30 minutes of reading anything, and writing anything (story, journal, chapter summary, letter to a friend, etc.) for 20 minutes. Remember that breaks are important during academic work!
Google Classroom is the platform we are using to list all optional assignments. Access Google Classroom through the Clever portal. Please email me, call me, or text me if your family is still having difficulty accessing or finding the teacher assignments.
My contact information is, cell # (831)206-9522
We have several staff members contacting families that we are not seeing online to ensure that each family has the resources they need to make this happen. Please respond to their email, call, or text, even if it is just to let us know that you are choosing to not participate in the online activities.
We all miss seeing Castro families and enjoy interacting with you from a distance!
Warm Regards,
Theresa Lambert
Principal Mariano Castro Elementary
Make sure you’re counted! The U.S. Census is coming up
Here's how the Census works (video)
Responses are confidential and by law, your personal information cannot be shared. You can respond to the U.S. Census online or by mail. Look for your postcard this week. To learn more, visit
PTA News
PTA Board Positions - Open for Next School Year
The PTA is looking to fill open positions for the next school year. If you, or someone you know, may be interested in helping the school and our students please go look at the job descriptions (available in English and Spanish) in the Front Office, or contact PTA President - Donna Childress at (650) 933-8162.
Room Parent Coordinator