WJHS Highlights
A Message from the Administrative Team
Dear WJHS Families,
Welcome Back - we hope you had a wonderful summer with some rest and relaxation!
I love the beginning of the school year! It is ripe with possibility, new experiences, renewed and new friendships, and opportunities. At the junior high age specifically, students start to come into their own through making new connections, going through changes, and facing challenges that help them build grit and resilience. I hope you and your children are as excited about the upcoming year as I am!
As we get closer to the beginning of school we wanted to send some informational updates on upcoming events and information for those who are new to WJHS or need a refresher. As the year progresses, please take time to read this newsletter. I will send it weekly except on breaks, and work to keep it brief and provide a "Table of Contents" so you know what is included for the week with a quick glance.
We encourage you to check out the dates for the 2024-2025 school year. I have linked the calendar for you here. In addition, D39 recognizes many religious and cultural celebrations throughout the year and these are linked above or here for your reference. I am also linking the D39 Parent Handbook for your perusal. I will send the WJHS Student Handbook next week so that you can read through that with your child.
This week our assistant principals began ensuring that teams and classes are balanced and have been working daily to create complete schedules for all of our students. This involves moving students around to provide the correct placements and balance enrollment, and so please let your child know that their team and schedule is not final until they receive their assignments via the district on August 15.
Beginning next week WJHS will begin welcoming our new staff into the district and building, and on Thursday, August 15, the WJHS PTO invites all new families to District 39 for a "New Family Welcome". This will take place in the WJHS cafeteria from 5:00 - 6:00 PM. If this will be your first year in Wilmette Public Schools, I hope you can join us to learn more about District 39!
We wanted to reach out and welcome you to the upcoming school year, and will send more detailed information next week!
Enjoy the last week of summertime! ☀️
Kate Dominique, Principal
Jeff Batt, 8th Grade Level Administrator
Rob Miller, 7th Grade Level Administrator
Arrival and Dismissal
Doors to WJHS will open at 8:15 AM daily. Students may enter through the front lobby doors of the school and one entrance is open in the back of the school by the bike racks. On Wednesday, August 21, students will follow an early release schedule. School begins at 8:25 and students are dismissed at 11:20 (even at this age, they'll be ready for a nap!). The regular bell schedule, beginning on Thursday, August 22, is linked here and on our web site.
We love it that so many of our students ride their bikes and walk to school! There are bike racks in both the front and back of the school. You can find the D39 School Walking Routes Map at this link. Adult supervision begins at 7:55 AM.
If you are dropping off your child via a vehicle, please follow the route linked here to help keep our students safe and drop-off and pick-up efficient.
Fall is Coming! Leaf Collection and Parking
To address parking challenges on leaf collection days, the Village of Wilmette will be prioritizing leaf collection on streets around our schools. This process will begin at 6:30am with the goal to be done by the time faculty, staff, and parents arrive at school. We appreciate the Village's partnership and flexibility in addressing our parking challenges.
PTO Highlights
Hello and welcome to the 2024-2025 school year! We’re looking forward to a new year and like you, we are busy finalizing items on our “To Do” list. Keep an eye out in the next newsletter for our handy PTO Checklist, which you can use to register for your Membership Toolkit Directory (you’ll receive an email when it’s time to register), pay for your PTO membership (which gives you access to the directory), donate to iGNITE! Enrichment and Teacher/Staff Holiday funds, and order a Yearbook and Spiritwear. Please direct any questions to directory@wjhspto.com.
Families, who are new to District 39 for the 2024–2025 school year, are invited by the PTO to attend a welcome session in the cafeteria at WJHS on Thursday, 8/15 at 5pm.
If you have questions, email newcomers@wjhspto.com.
Stop by the PTO tables outside WJHS during the 7th Grade Orientation on Tuesday, 8/20 from 9:30–10:30am. Introduce yourself, ask questions, volunteer, and/or get information on Spirit Wear, iGNITE! Enrichment, PTO Membership, Yearbooks and more. If you aren’t able to make it, and have any questions for the PTO, please email president@wjhspto.com.
Pre-ordered school supplies known as EduKits will be waiting for your student if you ordered by June 30. If you don’t remember if you ordered a school supply kit, search your email inbox for “Edukit.” The subject line is “Transaction receipt from Edukit…” If you have any questions, please email beth.karnes@yahoo.com.
Wilmette Junior High School
Email: office-wjhs@wilmette39.org
Website: http://wjhs.wilmette39.org/
Location: 620 Locust Rd, Wilmette, IL, USA
Phone: 847-512-6600
Instagram: @hawkwolf39
Twitter: @hawkwolf39
Principal at Wilmette Junior High School; love being an educator and working with young people; value spending time with friends and family