AG Middle School & AG High School
Home of the Bluejays!
JANUARY 2025 Newsletter
On January 8, at 9:30 am Ashland-Greenwood Middle & High school students and staff will hear from a guest speaker, Monty Lovelace about digital safety. Lt. Monty Lovelace is a 24-year veteran of the Nebraska State Patrol. During this time, Lt. Lovelace has served in the traffic division, investigative services division, internal affairs division, and carrier enforcement division. Currently, Lt. Lovelace serves as the Director of the Nebraska Information Analysis Center (NIAC), and the Nebraska State Patrol Technical Crimes Division. Lt. Lovelace has several years of experience conducting undercover online investigations and providing educational ICAC programs across the state, and currently serves as the Internet Crimes Against Children Taskforce commander for Nebraska. Lt. Lovelace holds a Bachelor of Science Degree in Criminal Justice from Missouri Western State University and is a graduate of the Northwestern University School of Police Staff and Command.
Information from the Lt. Lovelace: The internet is an everchanging place that allows people to connect and learn, but it can also pose serious risks for all users, including children. The fact is, in Nebraska we require kids to have training to hunt and drive a car, but we will give them a phone for a present with no training requirements. Misuse of the net can lead to consequences just as serious as misusing a car or a gun. This presentation will educate kids on the dangers of the on the net and how to avoid online bad guys.
PRESENTATION: January 8, 9:30 am at the Ashland-Greenwood Community Performing Arts Center at the Middle School. Parents ARE welcome to attend.
If you believe this information is too sensitive for your student, you may contact your child's Principal's office and opt them out of attending. Lt. Lovelace is a parent of a teenager, and both Mr. Flynn and Mr. Jacobsen have heard his message and believe continued training and knowledge is a positive for our students.
HOME High School Activity Updates & Student Expectation reminders
We are excited to be starting our winter activities. We have a busy December for our sports teams and our concerts! To maintain a safe and enjoyable environment for all attendees, we are providing some reminders to our families and students.
Students of all ages should be in the gym to watch the game and cheer on the Bluejays!
High School Students will have a defined ‘student’ section in the gym.
Middle School Students (grades 6-8) will have a defined ‘student’ section in the gym.
Students in grades 5 or younger should sit near their parents and be supervised while attending events.
No outside balls should be brought into the gym/facility by young students or children.
No running or playing in the hallways, cafeteria, or other spaces in the building.
Students are not allowed to stay after school unsupervised, waiting for any event to begin.
The elevator is not to be played on or ridden on by students unless permission is requested. The elevator is for those with mobility challenges.
AGMS Gives Back 2024
As a final wrap up to 2024, this quarter's Flex Day focused on ways to give back to our local communities. Students participated in several activities meant to broaden their understanding of the importance of giving back to the community. Below is a list of just a few of the ways our middle school students gave back to the community on Flex Day:
- Our students collected nearly 2,000 good for the local food pantry
- Students caroled at the Meadows, Oxbow, and Golden Manor
- Students traveled to the Primary building to read books with some younger AG students
- Students put together tie blankets for the homeless
- Students played board games and card games with residents from The Meadows and Golden Manor
The experience was certainly a positive way for our students to give back to our community. Thank you to all of the parents who donated items to make this day a success!
AG Seeks Nominations for Outstanding Alum and the Raikes Distinguished Teacher
The Ashland-Greenwood Schools Foundation is accepting nominations for outstanding alumni. Each year the foundation honors alumni for outstanding contributions they have made to society. They recognize both an alumnus and a young alumnus. To nominate someone, please complete the nomination form that is located on the district’s website located under the tab “Foundation.”
Each year the Alice Raikes family honors one teaching staff member with the Alice Raikes Distinguished Teaching Award. The award is announced at our annual Foundation spring dinner. The winner of the award receives a $1,250 cash prize and $1,250 to spend on their department or grade level. The Raikes family decides on who to honor based on nomination forms submitted by school staff, parents, community members and students.
To nominate someone, please complete the nomination form that is located on the district’s website under the foundation tab on the front page. When you complete the nomination form, please return it to the district office: 1842 Furnas St., Ashland, NE 68003, or email it to: jason.libal@agps.org. You may copy the nomination form if you desire to nominate multiple individuals.
Saunders County ARRIVE Supports Students & Families
Absenteeism occurring by 6th grade is one of the biggest predictors of a youth dropping out of high school. Students who miss just 10% of school (2 days a month) struggle more academically than their peers. Chronic absenteeism is linked to poorer life outcomes. Attendance isn’t just about today, it’s about shaping the future of today’s youth. In Saunders County, the schools partner with a direct support service to provide early intervention to students struggling with attendance.
ARRIVE is an early intervention truancy reduction program centered around building transformative relationships with youth and their families. ARRIVE provides youth and families with a supportive framework to enhance protective factors that increase a youth’s success in the school setting. 100% of youth who successfully complete ARRIVE services do not have future system involvement or engage in criminal activity. The ARRIVE Coordinator is there as a support to you and your family to ensure your student has the resources needed to achieve his/her potential.
Health and Wellness Night Success
From painting, to yoga, relaxation techniques, and strategies for reducing anxiety, Health and wellness Night offered a diverse set of sessions for all of those in attendance. The images below are just a glimpse of the events that helped make the first AG Health and Wellness Night a Success.
A huge thank you to the following for making our first ever Health and Wellness Night a success:
Nutrition on the Go! - Make your own protein balls with Hannah Drudik
Mindful Media: Managing Screen use for Stronger Minds with Julia Zukaitis, LIMHP
Calm your Body, Calm your Mind with Jenny Kissinger, LIMHP, LCSW
Developing Resilience with Kelli Hatzenbuehler, PLMHP
Yoga Exercises with Dene Oglesby
Mindfulness Stations with Tanya McVay and Melissa Kasuske
Know the Signs: Talking with your Kids with Duane Hagedorn, LMHP
Bring the Joy: Practicing Gratitude with Shelby Burr and Jessica Manion
Ambassadors Travel to Lincoln and Omaha City Missions
From the Desk of Mr. Richards, High School Counselor
Happy New Year, and I hope that you fulfill all of your New Year’s resolutions for 2025!!!
Seniors, you will need to check your graduation progress on PowerSchool, after 1st semester grades have been stored, which will be sometime in the first week of second semester. Start off the second semester strong, as it will go by quickly for you, then soon it will be May 11, 2025!
February 4, 2025, the 8th graders will be invited to “Welcome to High School” evening at 6:00 PM, in the HIgh School cafeteria. At this gathering we will assist 8th graders in choosing their high school courses for their freshman year for the 25-26 school year. There will also be a lot of information shared at this meeting. Including dual credit courses, graduation requirements, and possibly representatives from the different high school activities you can become involved with during your high school years.
Hope you are having a great break and see you January 7, 2025, if not before then.
New AGPS Website Look!
The AGPS website is getting a fresh new look and a new App. The new look will be rolled out soon and Apps in both the ios and Android stores will be available to download in the next couple of months. Check out the flyer below for a sneak peek.
Upcoming Middle School Dates and Activities
Tuesday, January 7: School Resumes: First Day of Semester 2 and Quarter 3
Wednesday, January 8: Lt. Monty Lovelace Speaks to AGMS & AGHS Students
Monday, January 20: No School, Staff Inservice
Monday, January 20: Conference Honor Band
Monday, January 27: MSGBB Home vs. Nebraska City
Thursday, January 30: MSGBB Home vs. Plattsmouth
Upcoming High School Dates and Activities
DID YOU KNOW....you can sign up for ALERTS for any schedule changes on the R School calendar?
2024-2025 School Calendar
Ashland-Greenwood Mission
Our School, with family and community cooperation, promotes life-long learning
to awaken, develop and enhance the individual potential.
AGMS/HS Contacts
Middle School Principal: Matt Flynn
Office Phone: 402.944.2114
Email: matt.flynn@agps.org
High School Principal: Brad Jacobsen
Office Phone: 402.944.2114
Email: brad.jacobsen@agps.org
Assistant Principal/Athletic Director: Dustin Deterding
Office Phone: 402.944.2114
Email: dustin.deterding@agps.org
Middle School Counselor: Vicki Washburn
Office Phone: 402.944.2114
Email: vicki.washburn@agps.org
High School Counselor: Jon Richards
Office Phone: 402.944.2114
Email: jon.richards@agps.org
Administrative Assistants: Jody vonRentzell (MS) Amber Westling (HS)
Office Phone: 402.944.2114