Comet Connection
September 2- 6, 2024
Hello CIS Families,
I hope each of you have enjoyed your long weekend. We look forward to welcoming our scholars back tomorrow.
This newsletter contains important information; please review it carefully.
As always, thank you for entrusting your students to us and for choosing CIS as the place for your scholars to learn and grow!
Classroom Spotlight: Mr. Furlough- High School Biology
Science Olympiad
Contact Mr. Furlough: for more information.
Senior Information Session
We are excited to invite you to our upcoming Senior Information Night, designed to provide valuable insights and guidance as you embark on this important year. This virtual event will be held via Zoom on September 12, 2024, at 5:30pm . Please mark your calendars and join us for an informative evening that will cover a range of topics crucial to a successful senior year.
During the Senior Information Night, we will discuss:
Final Graduation Requirements and Reviews
- Ensure you are on track to meet all necessary criteria for graduation
- Get tips and resources for college applications, financial aid, and scholarships
- Information on scheduling and requirements for senior portraits
- Learn about the exciting events planned for your senior year
- A chance to get your questions answered by our experienced staff
This event is a great opportunity to gather important information and ask any questions you might have about the upcoming year. We strongly encourage both students and parents to attend.
We look forward to seeing you there and working together to make this a memorable and successful year for our seniors!
Ride Sharing and Transportation Changes
At Carolina International, the safety and well-being of our students are our top priorities. We need your cooperation to ensure a smooth and secure dismissal process for all students.
Note on Ride-Sharing Services:
We have observed that some parents and guardians are utilizing ride-sharing services like Uber and Lyft for student pickups. While these services may be convenient, it is essential to inform the school in advance about who will be picking up your child.
To enhance our security measures:
1. Notification: Inform the school office if a ride-sharing service will be picking up your child.
2. Driver Information: Provide the name of the driver and, if possible, vehicle details for verification purposes.
3. Advance Notice: Whenever feasible, give us advance notice of these arrangements to help us prepare.
Please send an email to both Ms. Cory at and Ms. Donaldson at if you student will be using a ride sharing service such as Lyft or Uber.
Important Notice Regarding Transportation Changes:
If there are any changes to your child's transportation plans, such as switching from bus to car rider, from car rider to bus, or if someone different is picking them up, it is crucial that you inform the school no later than 11 AM on the day of the change. This allows us to notify the student and their teacher in a timely manner and ensure that your child is in the correct location for dismissal.
Please send an email to both Ms. Cory at and Ms. Donaldson at, or call the school directly to report any changes.
By adhering to these procedures, you contribute to maintaining a safe environment for all students. Your cooperation and understanding are greatly appreciated.
If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact the school office.
Bus Transportation
If you have specific bus concerns, please reach out to Dr. Bryant directly.
Arrival and Dismissal
See the information below regarding arrival and dismissal processes. Please remember to use your turn signal when you are ready to pull out or exit the line and wait for a staff member to direct you out.
Arrival (7:45-8:15; School begins at 8:15)
During morning arrival, vehicles containing a student in grades K-5 unload on the side, even if middle and high school students are in same vehicle.
All middle and high school students who are not in a vehicle that contains K-5 students unload in front of the school.
All of our self-contained EC students, regardless of grade level, unload in the front of the school.
Dismissal (3:10)
- If you do not have your student’s pickup number, please give the student’s last name to the staff member who is keying in numbers.
- All afterschool programs, carpools, and families with three or more students riding together, regardless of grade level, will load in front of the school.
- K-5 students and any singular student, regardless of grade level, who has a sibling who is in K-5 will load on the side. Parents of students who load on the side will enter the back loop and proceed in the inside lane, closest to the building, and follow it to the side of the building.
- All middle school and high school scholars who load two or less will load at the back of the building. Parents of these students will enter the back loop and proceed in the outside lane to the back of the school.
Use your turn signal when you are ready to pull out and wait for a staff member to direct you out.
Excused Absences and Tardies
Here at CIS every day counts and attendance matters. Our Attendance Team will be closely monitoring and tracking attendance.
This year, all excused absence documentation must be submitted through our online form. No physical notes (from doctors, dentists, parents, etc.) will be accepted. For the attendance team to accurately track and update attendance records, parents must upload any necessary documents directly to the form.
Here is the link to the excused absence form:
Thank you!
Uniform and Dress Code
Lunch Orders
🥪 Lunch Ordering- Tuesday, September 3 will be the last day to order lunch for 9/9-9/20.
Order lunches online...Visit to place your orders. CAMPUS CODE: K12Comets. The menu cycle is 2 weeks at time, please pay close attention to menu closing dates.
Questions? Contact
Ordering Instructions:
- Parents, please log in at and sign-up for an account.
- You will not receive additional emails from Mama’s if you sign-up for an account.
- Although the online ordering system is intuitive, below is a list of each step, in case you have any questions.
- Campus code: K12Comets Click “parents click here to sign up” (located at the bottom of the login screen)
- Complete “parent sign-up” page. You will receive an email asking you to activate your account.
- Click on the activation link in the email. It will take you to the log in screen. Enter your email address and password.
- Go to “children” on left side of screen. Click “add child” (blue button) Enter your child’s first & last name and campus code
- Click “verify campus”. Go to “grade” drop down menu and select the corresponding grade for this school year.
- Go to the “classroom” drop down menu and select the teacher for this school year.
- Click “create” (blue button). Parents will see the child’s name was added. Go to “orders” on the left side of screen. Click “new order”. (This can be found under the word “orders”.)
- Click “order” (blue button) on next screen. Select your item(s).
- Click “checkout” (blue button) when your order is complete. You will see “Are you sure you want to checkout?” Click “yes” (blue button).
- Click “pay invoice” (green button). Select “pay all” (green button). You will see a multi-order payment screen. Click “yes” (blue button).
- Click “proceed” (green button) at the bottom of the page. Enter your credit card/payment information and press “pay” (green button). Only Mastercard and VISA are accepted.
Notes from the Nurse
As the school year has started, we want to remind you about the mandatory immunization requirements for students entering kindergarten, 7th grade, and 12th grade as per North Carolina state law. Ensuring that your child is up-to-date with their immunizations is not only essential for their health but also for the well-being of the entire school community.
Kindergarten Requirements:
- DTaP (Diphtheria, Tetanus, and Pertussis): 5 doses
- Polio: 4 doses
- MMR (Measles, Mumps, Rubella):2 doses
- Hepatitis B: 3 doses
- Varicella (Chickenpox): 2 doses
7th Grade Requirements:
- Tdap (Tetanus, Diphtheria, Pertussis): 1 dose
- Meningococcal Conjugate Vaccine (MCV): 1 dose
12th Grade Requirements:
- Meningococcal Conjugate Vaccine (MCV):1 booster dose (if the first dose was received before the 16th birthday)
These vaccinations are required by law, and proof of immunization IN ADDITION TO NC HEALTH ASSESSMENT must be provided to the school before your child’s first day of attendance. If your child has already received these immunizations, please ensure that the school has the updated records. If not, we encourage you to schedule an appointment with your healthcare provider as soon as possible.
Failure to provide proof of required immunizations may result in your child being excluded from school until the necessary documentation is provided within 30 days.
For any questions or if you need assistance, please do not hesitate to contact the school nurse via email at . We appreciate your attention to this important matter and your cooperation in keeping our students healthy and safe.
Thank you for your prompt attention to these requirements.
Hearing and Vision Sreenings
Hearing and vision screenings will be September 24 for our 1st, 3rd, and 5th grade scholars. More information will come from Nurse Mitchell.
Technology Tidbits
Thank you all for your patience! Every student should have a computer and charger. All documents must be signed and completed by September 2.
Before students use their account, please complete the following:
1. Student Technology Form:
(This form must be filled out by /for each student)
2. Parents Technology Form:
(This form must be filled out by at a parent/guardian- must include all students in this form)
Insurance Form
Insurance is available for $29.99 for the school year to help in cases of lost chargers and computer damages. Please note that CIS is not the insurance provider and CIS staff does not handle any insurance claims. Access the link below for insurance information:
Please reach out to me with questions or concerns-
International and Environmental Happenings
See dates below for upcoming International and Environmental National Days:
• 9/4: National Wildlife Day
• 9/21: International Day of Peace
• 9/27: World Tourism Day
• 9/20-29: Global Goals Week
• 9/15-10/15: Hispanic Heritage Month
For International Day of Peace, students and staff will wear purple and the school will observe a minute of silence at 12:00 noon which will be replicated all over the world. Staff and students will also participate in activities to reflect on international peace.
Eco School Comittee
International of Peace
Athletic Department Notes
At CIS, we believe in the transformative power of sports in shaping young minds, fostering teamwork, and instilling lifelong values of discipline, resilience, and sportsmanship. As parents, your support and involvement are crucial to the success of your child and our athletic program. Together, we can create a positive and enriching experience that will lay the foundation for a successful and rewarding year of sports.
We are excited to embark on this journey with you and your child and look forward to witnessing their growth and development both on and off the field. If you have any questions or would like more information about our athletic program, please don't hesitate to reach out to us.
Thank you for entrusting us with your child's athletic journey. Let's make this season one to remember!
Coach Williams
Director of Athletics
CIS Athletic Department
Fall Festival
The Athletic Department will host a Fall Festival on Saturday, September 28 from 10AM - 2PM. Please come out and join the fun!
Important Dates
September 3: Science Olympiad Meeting 4:00 -5:00 PM (6th-12th grade students & parents)
September 3: Last day to place Mama's Pizza lunch order for 9/9-9/20
September 11: Remote Learning Day- Students will not be in the building
September 12: Virtual Senior Information Night 5:30 PM (12th grade students and parents)
September 15: Hispanic Heritage Month Begins
September 18: NHS Inductions 6:00PM
September 21: International Day of Peace
September 23: Teacher Workday- No School for Students
September 24: Hearing and Vision Screenings (1st, 3rd, and 5th grade students only)
September 24-27: NC Check-ins (Biology, English 2, Math 1, Math 3)
September 27: School Pictures (K-11) and Senior Portrait Day
September 28: Fall Festival CIS campus 10:00 AM - 2:00 PM