Raptor Report
Grand River Academy, November 2024
A Word From the Principal
It may seem early to begin talking about standardized testing, but preparing for these assessments is a year-long process. Students are learning and growing, and we want to discuss this topic early with families so we are prepared when testing rolls around in April. We want you to have information about these assessments, so you and your student know what to expect.
Grand River Academy students in grades 3-11 participate every year in the State of Colorado's standardized tests, which measure students' academic progress and growth. The state, districts, and schools use the results to guide instructional programming and make decisions about changes that are needed to best help students learn. These tests are also critical because students' participation in testing is one factor used to rate Grand River Academy.
The Colorado Measures of Academic Success (CMAS) is one standardized test that measures students' academic progress in 3rd-8th grades and 11th grade. Students in 3rd-8th grades take CMAS in math and English language arts (ELA). Students in 5th, 8th, and 11th grades take CMAS for science. This year at GRA, students in 4th and 7th grades will take CMAS in social studies. You can click on this link to see example questions and learn more about the test's format.
In addition to CMAS testing, the state administers the PSAT and SATs to students in 9th-11th grades. Students in 9th and 10th grade take the Practice SAT or PSAT. Eleventh-grade students take the SAT. District 51 uses the SAT assessment in high school as one possible measure of reading, writing, and math proficiency. Students must demonstrate proficiency in these subjects to graduate. You can click on this link to learn more about the PSAT and SATs.
While the information testing provides about students' progress is important, some parents decide that they do not want their student to participate in State standardized testing. While we encourage all students to take the tests, parents can complete a form to request that their student not participate in state testing in Colorado.
Please return the signed form attached to this month's newsletter to the school office in person or via email if you wish to excuse your student from state testing in April. If you do excuse your 11th grade student from SAT testing, please know that they will have to demonstrate proficiency in reading, writing, and math another way in order to graduate. Please have your 11th grader consult with their counselor about meeting required proficiencies.
If you have any questions about state testing, please ask your student's teachers or call or email the school.
Warm Regards,
Steve States
Calendar of Events
Nov 6: Eat at Mod Pizza to help raise funds for 6th grade students to attend OWL (Outdoor Wilderness Lab)
Nov 8: Picture Retakes @Grand River Academy 11:00 - 3:00
Nov 11: 9th Grade Parents Town Hall Meetings 1:00-4:00 @GRA ???
Nov 19: Career Talks: Caitlin Moore - CMU Assistant Professor of Music - Voice Presentation
Nov 20: 8th Grade Options Fair 9:30-3:00 and 5:30-7:00 @East Middle School
Nov 21: Parent Teacher Conferences 4:00-8:00PM
Nov 22: K-12 Ice Skating Field Trip- River City Sportsplex, 2:00-3:30 PM. The cost is $10 and parents must transport their student to and from the Sportsplex. Field trip permission slips are required and are attached below.
Nov 25 - 29: No School - Thanksgiving Break
Tips for Students and At-Home Learning Coaches
3 Tips to to Increase your Effectiveness as your Student’s At-home Learning Coach
Encourage Independent Learning: One of the many benefits of virtual learning compared to traditional models of education is that it encourages students to develop independent learning skills. Since students have more flexibility over their schedule and how they study, they learn the importance of staying organized, prioritizing school work, and keeping track of deadlines. You can help them develop these skills by regularly checking in on their progress while still letting them take the lead!
Be Supportive and Involved: online school is excellent at fostering independent learning skills in students. As a Learning Coach, it’s important to know when to step back and let the student take charge. But it’s also important to know when to lean forward, get involved, and use your leadership skills to support their learning. Check in on their progress and offer help and guidance. This is especially important in moments when you see your student struggling and wanting to give up.
Stay Organized and Conscientious: The flexibility of virtual learning is one of the main reasons students are making the switch. Having the option to create a schedule that works for you and your student can make all the difference when it comes to their academic success. But just like with any school environment, you can’t just throw caution to the wind and hope for the best.
One of your primary responsibilities as a Learning Coach is to oversee the learning process and develop a clear and realistic schedule to ensure your student gets their work done on time. Setting goals and building a daily structure are critical to the success of digital learners. That’s why excellent organization and time-management skills are essential.
Program Level Highlights
Blended 6-9
Check out our Fun Field Trip Photos
Attendance Matters
Happy November! Did you know that there are only 7 weeks until the end of the semester? Make sure to check your students progress in Edmentum regularly to ensure that they are on track to earn credit in all their classes. Sometimes, students fall behind and think they have plenty of time to get caught up. We want to make sure that ALL of our students finish strong and for high school students to earn the credit they deserve, but we need your help! If you find that your student is behind, reach out to a teacher to set up a meeting to make a plan to get them back on track.
Attendance Matters: Presence is Power: Every minute. Every Hour. Every Day
When kids are in school they . . .
Build Self Esteem
Reach Goals
Make Friends
When a student misses 2 days a month:
They miss 20 days of school a year
They miss 20 hours of math in a year
They miss 30 hours of Reading and Writing in a year
They miss over 1 year of school by graduation
IMPORTANT: Please Complete Registration if you Haven't Already
Each year, parents and guardians are required to compete registration for their students at Grand River Academy. This allows you to complete updates for your students to make sure we have the most recent information on things like custody and emergency contacts. This also allows us to count your student for school funding so that we make sure we have the financial resources necessary to provide your students' educations.
If you haven't already completed this process, please do so as soon as possible. This can be done by logging in to ParentVUE and clicking on "online registration." You then select "Grand River Academy" from the list of possible places to register. Thank you for your help and cooperation.