Crocker Viking News
Jan 13, 2022
Upcoming Dates
Jan 7: 6th gr Social POSTPONED to 3/18
Jan 7: 5th gr tour POSTPONED
Jan 17: NO SCHOOL. Martin Luther King Day
Jan 19: HCSD Board Meeting @ 6pm
Jan 21: School Site Council Meeting (Virtual) @ 9:35am
Jan 21: 7th & 8th gr Winter Dance POSTPONED
Jan 21: Spirit Day/Class Competition
Jan 26: Crocker Parent Group Ex Board Meeting @ 8:45am
Jan 31- Feb 4: Conference week
Jan 31: 6th gr Cotillion @ 6:30pm POSTPONED to Feb 14
Message from our principal
Dear Families,
Happy 2022! Our Crocker educators continue to focus on the time in the classroom with our students. Despite the challenges we face, we work hard to provide our students with engaging classroom instruction. In addition to providing an enriching curriculum, we are focusing on our students' mental health and physical well-being. I am amazed at the resilience of our Crocker staff and their dedication to our students and our Viking community.
We require students to stay home when ill or quarantined for positive cases. Please have your child reach out to their teacher if they need support due to these absences. Our teachers are notified of students quarantining and are providing support.
Parents, please remind your child to “Mask Up” daily.
Happy New Year,
Maria Brady
CPG Nominating Committee and Board Nominations for 2022/2023 School Year
The Crocker Parent Group ("CPG") will soon form a Nominations Committee to select next year's board members. Any parents interested in serving on the Nominating Committee should contact Jen Salma (Nominating Committee Chair and current CPG President) at jensalma@gmail.com.
Interested in serving on the CPG Executive Board next year? We would love to hear from you! Please email Jen Salma (jensalma@gmail.com) for more information about specific positions.
NEW menu selections...
Order Choice Lunch A La Carte
Click the link for details Choicelunch.com
THANK YOU to our dedicated parent volunteers
Parent volunteers are welcome. If interested, please email
Tiffany Tsurudome at drtiffanylt@gmail.com
6th Grade Social has been postponed to March 18!
6th grade cotillion has also been postponed to Feb 14-March 21! Same time weekly on Mondays @ 6:30pm
After being vaccinated for the Tdap and 2 doses of Varicella, please email your immunization records to: Kris Murphy, kmurphy@hcsdk8.org. Refer to the image for the "Parents' Guide to Immunizations Required for School Entry". Click to see.
Any questions, please contact:
Kristine Murphy
SAVE THE DATE: 8th Grade Ski Trip
Attention All 8th Graders! This year the annual 8th grade ski trip will take place on Saturday, March 19, 2022. This is an all day event and we will be headed by charter bus to the beautiful Dodge Ridge Ski Resort. This event is for beginners (lessons will be offered) to advanced skiers/boarders - or any 8th graders that want to have some Tahoe fun! You don’t want to miss this memorable day of bonding and guaranteed laughs! More details will follow but please mark your calendars. This event is organized by the Crocker Parent Group and is not a school sponsored event.
Katie Schmidt, Chelsea Woo Thompson and Cris Mendell
Crocker Ski Trip 2022 co-chairs
8th Grade Photos Needed!
The Crocker Yearbook committee is planning a fun spread to celebrate our 8th grade graduates! Please submit
2- baby photos of your child
2-3 fun photos that represent your child
Email to:
Email all photos in “Actual Size,” do not crop photos, and no blurry photos.
Subject line should include “8th Grade photos, (Student’s first and last name)” so that we can properly identify the photo and your child. If you have any questions, please direct them to: crockeryearbook@gmail.com. Deadline to submit photos is Friday, January 7th, 5PM.
APG Nominations for 2022/23 school year
The Associated Parents' Groups (APG) Board of Directors is comprised of volunteers from all four schools who meet monthly to share best practices from the Parent Group Executive Boards. APG also coordinates district-wide initiatives: all school directory, annual appreciation party for District staff, electing and celebrating the Hillsborough's Citizen of the Year and Community Care Award recipients. The Superintend and a Board of Trustees representative also attend the monthly meetings.
For more information about the specific positions available, please email Lynette Caplice at morrislynette@yahoo.com and put APG Nominations in the subject.
Get involved, make a difference... we need you!
RISE's next parent committee meeting is on Tuesday, January 18 from 1:30-2:30 on zoom (Meeting ID: 820 7844 2247, Passcode: 954077). Come listen and learn, get involved in RISE initiatives, and connect with other like minded parents for support and encouragement!
RISE supports students of all abilities to achieve excellence on their individual journeys; promotes a school community where students of all abilities and their families can thrive and have a fulfilling school experience; and strives to increase awareness and decrease stigma about learning and ability differences.
We Are Looking for Volunteers to Join the IDEA Committee!
The Inclusion, Diversity, Equity & Access (IDEA) Committee is a district-wide, parent-led group who supports the families, faculty and staff of HCSD and is committed to acknowledging and embracing our diversity to foster a sense of belonging. Interested in more information? Click here. Interested in applying? Please fill out the IDEA Committee Interest Form by Friday, January 21st.
Does your child have the winter blues? HSF has the cure! Donate today and help them earn an EXTRA RECESS by being the first grade at their school to reach 100% donation participation from that grade's families.
Be a hero. Don’t give zero. Make your donation today and win your child an extra recess.
This year's annual Dinner Dance will be held on Saturday, March 5th, 2022. We are so excited to plan a live, IN PERSON, glamorous event. This year's Farewell to Prohibition, optional black tie dinner dance will be returning to one of the most coveted special events venues in the Bay Area, the elegant Julia Morgan Ballroom and Merchants Exchange in downtown San Francisco! Please join us for this fun, fabulous event!
VIP Tickets and a limited number of early bird tickets go on sale January 15th.
Crocker Middle School
Email: crockervikingnews@gmail.com
Website: http://crocker.hcsd.info/
Location: 2600 Ralston Avenue
Phone: 650-342-6331