Friday Highlights
March 21, 2025
Mark your Calendar:
April 11: Professional Development Day - Early Dismissal, 11:00 a.m.
April 14 - April 18: April Break - No School for Staff/Students
Next Week's Schedule at OHS:
Tuesday: Periods 1 - 4, A Day
Wednesday: Periods 1 - 4, B Day
Thursday: Periods 1 - 4, A Day
Friday: Periods 1 - 4, B Day
OHS Athletics:
To view the list of athletic schedules, go to the OHS Website and select the tab for Athletics. Use the drop-down arrow and you will find schedules for each sport that is offered.
Jersey Mike’s Players of the Week: Congratulations to the following athletes for being selected as players of the week for their sport:
Week of March 17th:
Unified Sports: Tommy Marcella
Boys Swim:
Alex Hite
Will Lanier
Isaac Motes
Jack Tanis
Sophomore Demonstration:
Since January 7th, sophomores were given the opportunity to begin creating their Sophomore Demonstration. This is a graduation requirement that took place during advisory. Presentations begin in advisory on Tuesday, March 25th.
OHS Health Office
As a reminder from Nurse Dani, students are NOT allowed to carry medication with them. Please fill out forms on PowerSchool if you would like your student to have Acetaminophen, Ibuprofen or Tums in school. When you log on to PowerSchool, go to forms and check off the boxes if you would like your child to receive any of these medications when in need.
Please be aware that these medications may only be administered if the forms are completed on PowerSchool. Verbal permission is not accepted.
As a friendly reminder your child must be fever free (without medication) and has not vomited within 24 hours before returning to school.
Does Your Child Need to Leave School Early?
If your child needs to be dismissed early, please send them to school with a handwritten note. Upon arrival, your child should bring the note to the office to receive a dismissal pass.
Please note we cannot accept emails or phone calls for early dismissals.
If a note is not provided, parents or guardians must come to the school in person with a valid driver’s license to sign their child out.
Thank you for your cooperation in ensuring a smooth and secure dismissal process.
School Counseling
Career Speaker Series: If you are interested in speaking to a group of students about your career path, please email Sarah Angeley at angeleys@oxfordpublicschools.org. We are looking for a variety of professions. Speakers will be virtually interviewed for 10-15 minutes at 10:10 A.M about their line of work. We are scheduling interviews on 4/1, 4/23, 4/30.
Standardized Testing Update: Juniors took the School Day SAT this past week, and their score reports will be available through their CollegeBoard accounts on April 17, 2025. If your child is interested in retaking the SAT, they can register for a Saturday administration through CollegeBoard. The next available test date is May 3, 2025, with a registration deadline of April 18. Another opportunity will be on June 7, 2025, and Oxford High School will serve as a test center for this administration. The registration deadline for the June SAT is May 22. Students must register through their CollegeBoard accounts at www.collegeboard.org. For test prep resources, please see the google link attached below.
Connecticut Manufacturing: The Connecticut Office of Manufacturing launched a campaign, "I Got It Made," to showcase the wide variety of jobs available in the state's growing manufacturing sector. Use the link listed below to view the manufacturing lookbook for families and students to learn more about our state's manufacturing industry and opportunities.
Scholarship Workshop: We are offering a Scholarship Application Workshop for any interested senior on April 1, 2, and 3 during all lunch waves. Students are encouraged to attend one day or all three. They should bring their lunch and a computer to work on applications. This is a great opportunity to discover new scholarships, complete applications, and submit them with support. Students can sign up using the QR code on the flyer listed below.
Scholarships: All scholarships received by the OHS Counseling Department will be listed in Naviance and included in the Google link provided below:
Counseling Caseloads
Grade 9: A - C
Grade 10: A - C
Grade 11: A - C
Grade 12: A - C
Grade 9: D - L
Grade 10: D - M
Grade 11: D - M
Grade 12: D - L
Grade 9: M - Z
Grade 10: N - Z
Grade 11: N - Z
Grade 12 M - Z
Mancinone - https://appt.link/mancinonea
Angeley - https://appt.link/sarah-angeley
McRae - https://appt.link/mcraea
Social Work Spotlight:
Sleep Awareness Week is recognized from March 9th-March 15th, 2025. Every year, the National Sleep Foundation takes this time to reemphasize the important connection between your sleep and your health and well-being. The connection between sleep and health is very real. Even more so for teens, as we know sleep is tied to the state of teenage mental health. A 2021 study of Florida youth found that students who reported insufficient sleep also reported several mental health problems. Teens are not getting the adequate amount of sleep due to a variety of reasons, such as busy schedules, use of electronic devices, to name a few. This can have severe consequences on a teen’s mental health such as anxiety, depression, and low self esteem. We encourage families to check in with their teens to identify the barriers to getting more sleep. There are healthy ways to promote better sleep, such as limiting screen time, scheduling relaxation time, and practicing good sleep habits. Please see the following article for more information.
Performing Arts:
Want to stay in the loop about upcoming performances, events, auditions and more? Bookmark our 2024-2025 Performing Arts Calendar for live updates on all things performing arts! (choir, band, and drama) Please direct any questions to marquardte@oxfordpublicschools.org and crooksj@oxfordpublicschools.org.
Leapin' Lizards! The irrepressible comic strip heroine takes center stage in one of the world's best-loved musicals. Welcome to Annie!
Come join us for a night of musical fun at Oxford High School. Get ready to be entertained by talented performers bringing this classic story to life on stage. Don't miss out on the chance to experience the magic of Annie in person! The dates and showtimes are listed below:
Friday, April 4th: 7:00 p.m.
Saturday, April 5th: 2:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m.
Sunday, April 6th: 2:00 p.m.
General Admission Early Bird tickets purchased by March 31, 2025 - $13.00
General Admission tickets purchased on or after April 1, 2025 - $16.00
Purchase tickets here!
Yearbook Information:
Yearbooks: Please be aware there are only 40 yearbooks remaining to purchase, and the price is $80. Please use the link listed below to place your order:
If you have any questions, please contact our yearbook advisors; Ms. Aldrich or Mrs. Campbell. Their email address is listed below:
Baseball Fundraiser:
The OHS Baseball Team is holding a Dine-In/Take-Out Fundraiser on Wednesday, March 26th from 11:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. at Rose’s Family Restaurant located at 143 Oxford Road. Be sure to mention you are supporting OHS Baseball and a percentage of the proceeds will benefit the team.
Booster Club Fundraiser:
We are excited to bring Butter Breads and Cookie Dough to our fundraiser for the second year, just in time for Easter. Your purchase helps raise funds for scholarships, guest speakers, the Senior Lock-In, and student activities, benefiting both students and teachers at Oxford High School. Please use the link listed below to place your order
Class of 2026 Fundraiser:
The Class of 2026 is running a fundraiser where Oxford High School apparel, as well as specific Class of 2026 apparel, will be available to order via their online store. The merchandise is printed locally at Soccer and Rugby in Derby, Connecticut. Please use the following link to make your purchase: https://inkstreetcustom.com/oxfordhighschool/shop/home
The items ordered will be distributed once a month at the end of each month during the advisory period. This fundraiser will help subsidize the costs of upcoming junior class activities and events.
Booster Club
The Booster Club is excited to welcome everyone back for another fantastic school year. Whether you are returning or joining us for the first time, we are thrilled to have you as part of our amazing community.
Who We Are: The Booster Club is a non-profit organization committed to enhancing the experiences of our students, teachers and school programs through a variety of initiatives, events and fundraising efforts. Our mission is to support Oxford High School’s activities, arts and athletic programs that directly benefit the students. We are focused on enriching the school environment and building a strong sense of community among OHS families.
Upcoming Meeting Dates: We invite you to join us at our upcoming Booster Club meetings, where you will have the opportunity to share ideas, get involved and stay informed about what is happening at OHS. Listed below are the meeting dates for this semester:
- Tuesday, April 8, 7:00 p.m.
- Wednesday, May 7, 7:00 p.m.
All meetings will be held in the OHS cafeteria. We encourage all parents, guardians and staff to attend.
Get Involved: We are always looking for volunteers and new ideas to help make our school even better. If you are interested in getting involved, please do not hesitate to reach out to us. Your participation, no matter how big or small, makes a huge difference. Our next meeting is Tuesday, April 8 at 7:00 p.m. in the cafeteria. Let’s work together to make this school year the best one yet! Sign up to be a member today at: https://bit.ly/2024OHSBCMembership
Thank you for your continued support, and we look forward to seeing you soon.
Spring Bingo - Thursday, April 24: Come join the excitement on April 24th at Riverside Firehouse located at 151 Coppermine Road in Oxford for a fun-filled evening with 10 rounds of bingo. Doors open at 6:15 p.m. and bingo games start at 7:00 p.m. Bring your favorite beverages (both non-alcoholic and alcoholic) and snacks, and enjoy the convenience of our available ice machine. Enjoy a night of great raffle baskets and exciting door prizes while supporting our Senior Lock-In. The cost is $40 per person and includes 10 rounds of bingo and a dauber. Let's make it a memorable night of games and good times!
This event is sponsored by the OHS Booster Club. If you have any questions, contact Lisa Suttile at 203-217-0500 or send an email to lisasuttile@gmail.com Please use the following link to register: https://bit.ly/OHSBCBINGO
Booster Club Scholarships: The Booster Club is awarding one (1) $1,000 scholarship and six (6) $500 scholarships to eligible OHS seniors! The theme is “Community Service – Improving Lives of Others.”
- Deadline Date: Applications must be postmarked by April 4, 2025 or turned into the OHS main office (Attn: Scholarship Committee).
Full details and application: Visit www.oxfordhighschoolboosterclubct.com
From the Principal's Office:
CONGRATULATIONS to our Unified Sports team for winning the Level 1 State Championship game against Windsor! Last Saturday, our team ventured to Mohegan Sun Arena and captured the first-ever level 1 basketball championship. In the final seconds of the game, Tommy Marcella broke a 17-17 tie with the winning 3-point shot. We are incredibly proud of our Unified team and the way they showed up for each other. Thank you to all of the staff, students, and parents who came out to support our team and celebrate their victory!
As we enter the final full week of March, a reminder that Quarter 3 grades will close on Tuesday, March 25, and be available in PowerSchool on April 1, 2025. We encourage parents/guardians to check PowerSchool to monitor your student’s academic progress and contact your student’s teacher(s) with any questions.
Enjoy the weekend, Wolverines,