LISD Expect Excellence Newsletter
September 3, 2024

November 4th, 2024
Hello Levelland Lobos!
In many ways it does not seem possible that we are already in the month of November. The weather definitely feels a little more like fall. This time of the year is filled with anticipation of the upcoming holiday season and there is always so much to prepare for.
Last week, Saul Hernandez represented Levelland ISD at the State Cross Country Meet. It was an amazing day and an honor to get to watch him run with the other best long distance athletes in the state.
I hope you have a wonderful week.
"Living in a state of gratitude is the gateway to grace." - Arianna Huffington
Have a great week!
Go Lobos!
Expect Excellence
Becky McCutchen, Superintendent
All Things LISD..................
Veteran's Day Celebration.....
You are invited to our Veteran's Day Celebration. We want to honor Veteran's and those serving next Monday, November 11th @ 1:30 pm in the LMS Auditorium. There are many students performing and you may want to see that. The featured speaker is Katherine McLamore Lowrance. She is the Co-Author of Texas South Plains War Stories: Interviews with Veterans from WWII to Afghanistan. She should be very interesting and bring some great thoughts to the table.
Dr. Birdwell presents to Peers!
LISD is so proud of the Leaders we have in our district. LHS Principal Dr. Matthew Birdwell presented to Region 17 Texas Association of Secondary School Principals about being a great leader. He shared his knowledge and engaged fellow members on how to better themselves. Thank you, Dr. Birdwell! We are always proud when our people influence others!
Perfect Attendance Party
Levelland ABC celebrated students with Perfect Attendance for the first nine-weeks today with a coke float party! Everyone enjoyed the treat and getting to just sit and talk to friends!
Capitol Basketball Night
It was all fun and games last night at the Capitol Parent Fundraiser. Families learned new skills from our Loboettes and joined in on other fun games.
Learning About Nonprofits
LHS graduate Alycyn Keeling visited Mr. Hill's LHS Business Classes this week to teach them how nonprofits are run. She taught students that operating for a public or social benefit rather than to generate profit for its owners. Students learned that a nonprofit enhances the quality of life in some way. She taught them that nonprofits must have a clear mission and vision and communicate transparently with their donors. You must build relationships with people and ensure they understand the positive things being done to impact a thriving community. Ms. Keeling does all these things with The Wallace Theater. It was built in 1925, enjoyed by many, and then abandoned in the late 80s. Ms. Keeling, along with help from a fantastic board and many donors, are getting close to having The Wallace restored. The Wallace will be the heart of our community and create experiences that entertain, inspire, and empower each individual through the arts. Thank you, Ms. Keeling for teaching our LHS students and for having this amazing passion to make Levelland a great place to live!
National Treat Your Pet Day!
ABC always welcomes families and on National Treat Your Pet Day and ABC educators enjoyed treating all the dogs in the pick up line! Thank you, ABC for making the fur babies special too! This was fun.
Students of the Month Honored by Lion's Club!
Our Levelland Lion's Club honored our LHS Students of the Month today! LHS Principal Dr. Matthew Birdwell #expectsexcellence and is excited that The Lions are recognizing hard-working students who go above and beyond to show the pillars of character: responsibility, fairness, respect, caring, trustworthiness, and citizenship, while also excelling in the classroom. Congratulations to Sophomore Christopher Martinez and Senior Galilea Hernandez on being nominated by your teachers for this honor!
Conversations with SROs
LISD is so thankful for our Student Resource Officers! They are making a difference in the lives of our students. On Halloween they were caught at Capitol having conversations with students about being safe. They discussed staying on sidewalks, crossing the street and watching for traffic, staying in well-lit areas, and inspecting the treats to make sure there are no tricks in their bags. We thank our SROs for their diligence in making student's lives better!
Day of the Dead!
LMS Art students studied the Day of the Dead, and what better way to learn about this Mexican holiday than through art? Thank you, Ms. Jackson for teaching about other cultures and letting LMS students be so creative!
See all artwork at https://www.facebook.com/photo?fbid=10212182423033104&set=pcb.10212182469554267
Library Challenge
LHS Library Aide Lorena Sanchez challenged her student helpers to a pumpkin decorating contest. It was fun for these LHS students to get creative. Ms. Sanchez rewarded students with first, second & third place pumpkins! Great job kids!
South GT Project Continues..............
South Elementary's 4th-Grade GT Project continues as they present the interesting events coming up in November. Thank you, Kayla Belcher, for your great leadership in guiding your student's learning. Enjoy! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M29iXCl5CZ8
Showing Success
Congratulations to LHS Sophomore Mattie Buxkemper on her success at the White Buffalo Blowout Barrow Show in Snyder over the weekend! Great job Mattie! We can't wait to see what's in store for you this year!
Academic All-District Tennis Team!
LHS Tennis Coaches Braziel and Lawson #expectexcellence and send out congratulations to these twelve Fall Tennis athletes who earned a spot on the Academic All-District Team! We are so proud of you for your hard work in the classroom and on the court! Way to go!
Loboette Senior Night!
Our Loboette Volleyball Seniors were honored last Tuesday at their game. Coach Gibson says, "Every group of seniors is special, but I’d be lying if I didn’t say this group is taking a large piece of my heart with them at the end of this. This group is more than just seniors who I got to coach this year. This is the first group of kids I met when I started as a substitute at Intermediate 6 years ago. This group is the first round of kids that I have gotten to watch grow from their freshman year all the way through their senior year. They are probably the most frustrating, stressful, amazing, loving, and closest group I’ve gotten to have. These kids are special. Not because of the talent they have, but because of who they are individually. They are all so very different but are taking my heart just the same. I hope they know that no matter how hard I can be on them, I love them even more. I’m going to miss these girls when our season finally ends but am thankful I get just a little bit longer with each of them. Thank you, seniors, for letting me be a small part of your story. I love you." Congratulations to these seniors as their volleyball season continues tonight Colorado City for their playoff game!
We've spooked on more than one day last week, to scare the Borger Bulldogs! https://files.gabbart.com/455/spookvideo.mp4
Saul @ State!
LHS Cross-Country Coach Turner sends out congratulations to Sophomore Saul Hernandez for placing 42nd out of 152 runners in the State Cross-Country Meet this morning. Saul also beat his personal best record. Great job Saul! We are proud of you and will be watching you grow for two more years!
Lobos Win!
Congratulations to our Lobos and Coaches on their win Friday over the Borger Bulldogs.
Bill's Backpacks!
The food item for November is
breakfast bars!
BBP is always accepting donations.
Thank you
to the helping hands that make it a point to pack the BackPacks each month!
Levelland ISD
Email: rmccutchen@levellandisd.net
Website: www.levellandisd.net
Location: 704 11th Street, Levelland, TX
Phone: 806-894-9628
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/LevellandISD/
Twitter: @LevellandISD