Knightly News
November 8-15, 2024
Week at a Glance
Monday, 11/11:
Student Council 8:05am
Math Madness Competition 8:45am
Cheer Club 3:50pm
Girls Basketball @ IH vs Trailridge 5:00pm
Wrestling @ SMS 5:00pm
Tuesday, 11/12:
Principal’s Advisory Council 8:45am
Cheer Club 3:50pm
Wednesday, 11/13:
Junior Board 7:45am
BLT 7:45am
Art Club 3:50pm
Board Game Club 3:50pm
Cheer Club 3:50pm
Green Team 3:50pm
Girls Basketball @ Westridge 5:00pm
Thursday, 11/14:
Jazz Band 3:50pm
Elementary Strings Concert 6:30pm
Friday, 11/15:
IHMS Weekly Recap
We had a ton of great learning opportunities at Indian Hills this week! Students made potato soup in Foods, created goals for MAP testing, made bird houses in Projects, tested chemical reactions in Science, and created character timelines in ELA.
Career Fair Thank You!
Thank you to all our volunteers for assisting with the Career Fair! Huge shoutout to Mr. Laird for organizing the event. It was great to see students explore different careers and talk to multiple professionals.
November Celebrates Indigenous Peoples’ Month
Indigenous Peoples' Month focuses on Native cultures, history, and rights throughout the entire month of November. It’s a time to reflect on the injustices faced by Indigenous communities, including land dispossession, forced assimilation, and cultural erasure, while also celebrating their enduring traditions, languages, and contributions to society.
Here are some of the books in the IHMS library that feature indigenous characters and/or authors. Check them out!
Lost and Found
Our Lost & Found is overflowing! Please make sure to ask your student to stop by before November 15th and claim any items that belong to them . We will be donating what is left after the 15th.
With Winter testing around the corner, we want to provide you with a reminder of important dates and some testing tips to use when discussing and preparing for testing. The first tip is: Know What to Expect!
This Winter your student will be participating in a Math MAP test, ELA MAP test, and iReady Diagnostic test. Linked into this is a family guide to the NWEA MAP tests and a family guide to the iReady Diagnostic test and platform.
Please review these dates and documents and let us know if you have any questions!
Artists of the Week: Avery Curtin & Taylor Wendt
Character Strong
Session 6: 7th grade- Values in Action
This is the 2nd of 4 sessions focused on values. This session builds upon the learnings from the previous session and offers perspectives on how we might share similar or different values for various
Session 6: 8th grade- Values & Your Future
This is the 1st of 4 sessions where we look ahead and start to envision plans for our futures. In this session, we envision our hopes for our futures, then harness the wisdom of these imagined positive future selves to think about healthy ways to live our lives today. In this session we will go through the full CharacterDare process: 1st, reflect on the previous Dare, and 2nd, introduce them to the new Dare. Remember: Dares are invitations, not demands! The power is in the conversation.
Boys Basketball Info Meeting
Is your son interested in participating in Boys Basketball at IH?
An informational meeting will be held on November 21st at 6:00PM in the Indian Hills library. (Please note: the time has been changed in order to accommodate SME Athletics night.)
Additional details can be found on the Boys Basketball Website and the IHMS Athletics webpage.
Student Artwork Entered in the SME Area Art Show
The Art Explorations and Animation students listed below have work entered in the SME Area Art Show. Come to the opening reception Wednesday, November 13 from 3-6PM at the Crawford Gallery inside Shawnee Mission East. There will be art from all feeder schools, demonstrations from high school students, and hands-on activities to enjoy!
Abraham Girard, Addy Thomas, Alison Richards, Anna Bozovic, Ari Bass, Aria Woltering, Arianna Boone, Aubri Knipp, Beck Tabor, Birdie Lorusso, Bryn Kelly, Cambridge Adams, Charlie Cronin, Eleni Schlittengardt, Elias Arganbright, Elliott Bell, Emily Soseman, George Wallace, Grayson Bowley, Greta Pilgreen, Hadley Kramer, Iris Forester, Jack Simmons, Kaia Pelton, Kennedy Garwood, Leo Scheff, Lillian Van Doren, Lucy Callenbach, Lucy Dillon, Maddie Murphy, Matthew Gutierrez, Norah Haley, Olive Lareau, Oliver Cauthon, Payton Lucas, Rose Costello, Ruby Wetzel, Salem Szymaszek, Sarah Brown, Sawyer Ferguson, Selah Evans, Shayne Elder, Stella Morgester, Torin Strong, Zoeline Alimoney, Zoey Trinidad
Johnson County Christmas Bureau Holiday Shop 2024
Excess Yearbook Inventory
The library is tidying up the IHMS archives section and we have duplicates of many of the past Indian Hills yearbooks (as well as some Mission Valley and some Meadowbrook). Please see the SignUp Genius link below if you wish to claim one. All claimed yearbooks need to be picked up from the IHMS front desk.
Fair warning: some have been signed, written in, or otherwise altered.