Mustang Memo
A Newsletter for Saint Ann School Families
October 6, 2024
Table of Contents
- Spiritual Reflection & Opportunities to Share in Faith
- Reminders from the Admissions Office
- School Safety Month
- Home & School Association Notes
- Student Life Notes
- Mark Your Calendars!
Our Spiritual Theme
Our Spiritual Theme: We Walk by Faith
October Focus: We Walk by Faith... in Understanding
Spiritual Reflection by Miss Sheila O'Callaghan
People are much more aware of the Earth during the month of October. Perhaps this is because they want to enjoy the outdoors before the weather gets colder. We are also aware there are no more crops until next spring.
The interest in the Earth should be carried into our prayers. There is a beautiful story called the Song of the Three Children from the book of Daniel. An evil king threw three children into a fire because they refused to give up their faith in God. But the children did not die. Instead, they stood up in the fire and called on all creation to sing God’s praises. Then the king joined in their song.
We Walk by Faith is our religious theme for this school year. There is no better example than the Song of the Three Children. They certainly did Walk by Faith.
On October 6, we remember William Tyndale, an English priest. He translated the Bible from Latin to English. William Tyndale had a great love for the word of God. He gave his life so that people could read the Bible for themselves. We can be thankful for William Tyndale when we read the Bible in our own language.
On October 7, we celebrate Our Lady of the Rosary. To pray the Rosary we repeat the “Hail Mary” many times. With each set of ten “Hail Marys” we think about a different mystery in the life of Jesus. If you want to read about the “Birth of Jesus”, the third joyful mystery, go to Luke 2: verses 1, 3-7.
We remember St. Denis on October 9. Long ago he brought the good news of Jesus to France. He is buried in one of the oldest and most beautiful churches in Paris. The church of Saint Denis is so beautiful that people built other churches in the same style. They are called Gothic churches.
We have just celebrated the Feast of St. Francis. It is a special time to bless our pets and be like Francis, who loved all animals. If you would like to bless your pets, hold out one hand over the animals in blessing and say:
Lord, with love and compassion watch over our pets and all the animals. Keep them in health. Guard them against trouble. May the wisdom of Saint Francis and our love for these animals deepen our respect for all your creation. Amen.
Please pray for the sick, especially Fr. Mink, Mrs. Miriam Harris, Oliver Conaty, and all the sick of our parish. Please continue to pray for Maureen Engelbert. Pray also for our Armed Forces and First Responders.
In Honor of Miss O
One of our school parents, Christopher James, father of two students at St. Ann School, is turning 50 and has decided to "celebrate" by challenging himself to run 50 laps (or 12.5 miles) at a local track. He's calling it 50 Laps Around The Sun.
He writes "I thought it would be great to do this as a charity fundraiser and I've chosen The Spirit of St. Francis Fund. This fund was initiated in honor of Sheila O'Callaghan, known to many as "Miss O," in celebration of her 50 years of service to The St. Ann School in Wilmington. The Spirit of St. Francis Fund helps embrace diversity and provide the opportunity for under-served families in our community to access a Catholic education. Thank you, Mr. James!
To help support this worthy fundraiser and help Christopher reach his goal, please go to https://www.gofundme.com/f/50-laps-around-the-sun
To find out more about The Spirit of St. Francis Fund visit the webpage : https://www.stannwilmington.com/misso
OCIA Invitation
Dear School Parents, Do you know a relative, friend, or co-worker who wants to know more about the Catholic faith? Is someone you know seeking to find the Lord in their life? Could that person be you? Or do you know an adult who was baptized Catholic but hasn't yet made his or her other sacraments of initiation? If so, please encourage them to "Seek the Lord while He may be found; call to Him, while He is still near."
The clergy of St. Ann Parish are happy to help school parents and other adults inquire about the Catholic Faith through the process called "The ORDER of Christian Initiation of Adults” (OCIA, formerly RCIA). It meets over a period of six months starting in October, once a week on Wednesdays in the school in Conference Room A from 6:30-7:30 p.m. In these sessions, we will explain the faith, invite questions, and help inquirers every step of the way, guiding them to discern the possibility of entering the Catholic Church at the Easter Vigil on April 19, 2025.
Please email stannschurch@stannwilmington.com or call the parish office at 302-654-5519 for more information.
- Deacon Matthew Boyer
Reminders from the Admissions Office
- The 2024-2025 School Directory is published! You can find it on the website: https://www.thesaintannschool.org/parents/school-directory A passkey is needed for access to the school directory. Parents may call the office if they need the passkey.
- A reminder: information on tuition assistance and applications for the 2025-26 school year is available here: https://www.thesaintannschool.org/admissions/tuition-fees
In October, SAS staff and students will pay particular attention to creating and maintaining a safe school environment. While we work on this at school, we invite students to take the conversation home.
This week, we invite families to work together to complete a safety checklist for their homes. Check out the below resources provided by Nemours:
Home & School Association Notes
Thank you to everyone who attended our first HSA meeting! We appreciate your involvement and look forward to seeing you virtually on November 4th.
We will have our annual hayride at Ramsey’s Farm on October 13th from 6-8pm! (sign ups end on October 10th)
Enjoy a fun night exploring the flashlight maze, going on a hayride and enjoying delicious s’mores and snacks! The cost is $20 and payments can be made on the payment page. Please access the link below for the permission slip. We’d love to make this event amazing, and we can’t do it without the support of our fantastic parent volunteers—your help is essential!
Save the Date: Halloween Party
Get ready for a Spooktacular Halloween Party on October 26th 12:00 PM - 2:30 PM in the Celebration Garden!
Join us for a frightfully fun afternoon filled with:
🖌️ **Professional Face Painting** 🎶 **DJ & Dancing** 🎉 **Hula Hoop Contest & Games** 🍩 **Delicious Donuts for sale at the Donut NV Truck** 👻 **Costume Parade** and MORE!
Dress up in your best costume and come ready for a ghoulishly good time!
Don’t forget to RSVP and put in for your pizza orders
Let’s make this Halloween unforgettable! 🕷️✨
You can register and pay/ pre-order pizza using the QR codes or links below:
Register: https://forms.gle/dWbYoV3MMtYCSqp87
Student Life Notes
Band Lessons Begin Monday 10/7
Mrs. Wilson is eager to begin band lessons tomorrow! Students are grouped according to instrument and grade and classes rotate order.
Lesson Schedule for Monday 10/7:
- Group 1: Clarinets
- Group 2: Flutes
- Group 3: Percussion
- Group 4: Saxophone & Tenor Saxophone
- Group 5: Trombone & 4th Grade Trumpet
- Group 6: 5-7th Grade Trumpet
No Lessons Monday 10/14 (School Holiday)
Lessons on Monday 10/21 will begin with Group 2.
SAS Game Club
Game Club starts this week!
Registered 3-5th grade students will meet on October 9, 16, 23, and 30 from 2:45 PM to 3:30 PM in the Art Room.
Questions can be directed to Mrs. Kuha at ckuha@thesaintannschool.org.
Join Mink's Mustangs for the Annual Kidney Walk!
Father Mink is a recipient of a kidney transplant on October 30th, 2018. The Kidney Walk this year will be held at Glasgow Park, on October 20th beginning at 9am. We will again walk as a team: Mink's Mustangs. If you cannot attend and participate on that date and time, you can pledge to walk on your own or help raise funds to support the National Kidney Foundation and its innovation in research, advocacy and transplantation.
Sign up here: https://www.kidneywalk.org/northernde/Minksmustangs
Mark Your Calendars!
October 8: Diocesan Rosary Pilgrimage, Grades 4-5
October 10: Kindergarten Field Trip
October 11: T1 interim
October 13: Middle School Hayride, 6:00-8:00 pm
October 14: NO SCHOOL, Columbus Day Holiday
October 15: School Mass, Formal Uniforms for Middle School & NJHS Induction Ceremony
October 17: 6th Grade Field Trip
October 18: Casual Day - $1 donation for the missions
October 20: Kidney Walk - Glasgow Park, 9:00 am
October 24: Half-Day for Students, Parent Conferences
October 25: NO SCHOOL for students, Parent Conferences
October 26: SAS Halloween Party, 12:00-2:30 pm
October 29: 3rd Grade Field Trip
November 1: All Saints Day School Mass
School Office Hours: Monday - Friday, 7:30 am -3:30 pm