Barracuda Beat
August 30, 2024

Information from the Front Office
Early Dismissals
If your student needs to leave early, please complete the online Early Dismissal Form before 10:00 a.m. We will contact a parent/guardian before a student is allowed to drive off campus. Please be available at the number you provided. All early dismissals must sign out at the front office before leaving campus.
If your student was absent for any reason you must submit an absence note within 48 hours of returning to school. You can send in a note to turn into the attendance office or you can complete the 2024-2025 BHS Absentee Form online.
HAC/Schoology & Clever
All students should now have their login information for HAC/Schoology/Clever etc. If they do not please have them stop by the front office to see Ms. Lechtrecker or Ms. Houser for assistance.
Parents you can create your HAC login here and your Schoology login here.
Private VPN's are prohibited and will block students from accessing school resources. Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) and Internet Safety Policy Guidelines for Students and Visitors.
Digital ID
Beachside High School uses digital IDs for identification. IDs are required to purchase breakfast and/or lunch, check out books from the media center, entry into events etc. Scan the QR code and follow the directions to set up your digital ID. If you do not have a phone and need a physical ID or you are having trouble getting your digital ID please visit the media center for assistance.
Important Dates
September 20th - Teacher In-service Day No School
September 26th - Parent Night with Guidance Counselors @ 6:00 pm
September 27th - Picture Day
October 8th - Senior Retakes and Panoramic Class Picture
October 11th - First Quarter Ends
October 14th - Teacher Planning Day No School
October 15th-18th Homecoming Week
October 19th - Homecoming Dance
October 23rd - PSAT
Senior Class Information
Senior dues are due by Oct 1. Dues are $100. This covers graduation, diplomas, senior t shirt, and activities throughout the year.
Please join the senior Schoology page…
GRADBASH 2025 - Friday, April 25 1PM-4AM
Reserve your spot before October 15, 2024
Senior dues must be paid to reserve a spot for Gradbash.
$100 deposit to hold spot…it will sell out! Due by Oct 15, 2024
Senior dues must be paid before reservation is placed
Money for trip is non-refundable so please understand before you pay…
- Students must not have any level 3 or level 4 suspensions
- Students must be in good standing in terms of attendance, no truancy
This trip takes an extensive amount of planning and preparation. Tickets cannot be refunded or transferred.
Upcoming Sporting Events
Cross Country
Saturday, 9/14 @ UNF
Saturday, 9/21 @ Bishop Kenny HS
Saturday, 9/28 @ Bartram Trail HS
Girls Volleyball
Saturday, 9/24 Sunsetter Varsity Tournament in Orlando
Tuesday, 9/17 vs Ponte Vedra HS @ Ponte Vedra HS
Wednesday, 9/18 vs. Creekside HS @ Beachside HS
Saturday, 9/21 Sunsetter JV Tournament in Orlando
Tuesday, 9/24 vs. Bishop Kenny @ Beachside HS
Friday, 9/27 Battle at the Beach @ Venice HS
JV Football
Monday, 9/16 vs Ponte Vedra HS @ Beachside (rescheduled from 9/12)
Thursday, 9/19 vs. Bishop Kenny HS @ Beachside HS
Varsity Football
Friday, 9/14 vs. Ponte Vedra HS @ Ponte Vedra HS
Friday, 9/20 vs. Bishop Kenny HS @ Bishop Kenny HS
Boys Golf
Wednesday, 9/18 Fletcher Invitational @ Atlantic Beach
Wednesday, 9/25 Deerwood Invitational @ Deerwood
Saturday, 9/28 vs. Jax Beach Invitational @ Jax Beach Golf Course
Girls Golf
Monday, 9/16 vs. Creekside HS and St. Augustine HS @ St. Johns Golf and Country Club
Tuesday, 9/17 vs. Nease HS @ Palencia Country Club
Monday, 9/23 vs. Episcopal HS @ St. Johns Golf and Country Club
Wednesday, 9/25 vs. FCA & Creekside Invitational @ Deerwood Country Club
Saturday, 9/28 vs. Jax Beach Invitational @ Jax Beach Golf Course
Swim and Dive
Saturday, 9/21 Holleman Invitational @ Planet Swim Nocatee
Tuesday, 9/24 vs. Bartram Trail HS @ Rivertown Amenity Center
Boys Soccer Interest Meeting
Interested in boys soccer at Beachside this year? Fill out the interest form by scanning the QR on the flyer or visit our Beachside High School Athletics page.
Athletic Boosters Sponsorship Levels
Athletic Boosters Membership Levels
2024-2025 Student All Sport Pass
From the Guidance Office
Students can speak with post-secondary reps from colleges, universities, vocational/technical schools, and military reps in the courtyard during lunch! Click link to view the schedule for rep visits during lunch:
Save the date for the student/parent information night: Thursday, September 26. We want to make sure the workshop is based on the needs of our families. Please fill out this brief survey so that we can provide information during the workshop that will meet the needs of our community -
Counselor classroom lessons with students:
Parents and students can view the presentation here:
September 10
Students will learn about the post-secondary admission process and get step by step instructions to link CommonApp and Xello.
October 10/11
Students will learn about federal, state, institutional, and private financial aid. Each senior will receive their updated bright futures report which lists what they still need to qualify for the scholarship.
Students will also be guided in completing the Florida Financial Aid Application (which is the application for the bright futures scholarship)
October 24
College application help sessions. Seniors must sign up for this help session by 4 pm on October 22 using this LINK
September 23/24
Students will receive their individual credit detail we will review information with them about: bright futures requirements, ACT/SAT information, graduation requirements, post-secondary options, community service, researching post-secondary education, applying to post-secondary schools.
April 24
Students will receive their individual bright futures report which lists what they still need to qualify for the scholarship and learn about what to expect during the college application process.
October 3/ 4
Students will receive their individual credit detail and we will review information with them about: bright futures requirements, PSAT/NMSQT information, graduation requirements, community service, how to earn college credit in high school.
November 14/15
Students will learn about the many paths they can take after high school. Students will complete a career interest inventory via Xello.
You can view the information we gave to freshmen here:
FREE Outside Resources – September 17 at 6 pm - College 101 - Get Noticed: How to Make your Application Stand Out from the Rest! This live webinar is packed with helpful guidance, tips, and tricks that are sure to get your application noticed! Register Now >
Clubs and Student Activities
Need extra help in your classes? Sign up today for peer tutoring.
Marathon High
We are super excited that Marathon High is about to kick off our 3rd season at Beachside.
This is a non-competitive running club that anyone can join – no matter your pace or running experience. Applications can be picked up in the Deans office or in Mrs. Kurtz’s room 0-216 (building 2)
Our Mission: To inspire teenage students to transform themselves, others, and the world by providing a truly life-changing experience: training for and completing a half-marathon.
To get updates about Marathon High @ BHS, please visit
BHS Marquee
🎉 Celebrate & Share the Joy on the Beachside Digital Message Board! 🎉
Want to say "Happy Birthday," "Good Luck," or "Congrats" to your student? Now you can display your message on our Beachside Digital Message Board! For just $10 a day or $40 a week, your well wishes will be front and center for all to see.
Here is the link: