Apple Valley HS Cell Phone Policy
August 2024
IMPORTANT: School Cell Phone Update
Dear Parents/Guardians,
Starting on the first day of school, cell phones will not be allowed during instructional time and must be stored in the classroom’s phone caddy at Apple Valley High School as well as other District 196 high schools. Students may use their devices before school, during passing time, study halls, lunch, and after school.
Phones are prohibited in locker rooms, bathrooms, and during lockdown or fire drills. Recording or taking photos of others without permission, using social media to bully or disrupt, or sharing inappropriate content is not allowed. Cell phone rules for off-campus activities will be communicated prior to trips.
We believe this policy helps students stay focused in class and reduces distractions, which benefits their learning and mental health. While we understand the importance of cell phones for safety and communication, if you need to reach your child during school hours, please call the main office at 952-431-8200. Requests for essential phone use due to medical necessity (e.g., diabetes, epilepsy) or extenuating circumstances, parents or guardians should contact their student's Assistant Administrator (Ms. Bile for last names A-K; Mr. Tinder for last names L-Z).
Thank you for your support in helping us maintain a safe and productive learning environment. If you have any questions, feel free to contact your student’s Assistant Administrator or me directly.
Drew Mons
Promote academic focus
Create a distraction-free learning environment
Foster stronger student-teacher and student-to-student relationships
Students with cell phones must place their devices in the classroom caddy at the beginning of each class and during advisory
Personal phones are unnecessary; each student receives a school-issued iPad for academic use.
Cell phones will remain in the caddy for the entire class, but teachers may allow usage for the last five minutes at their discretion.
AVHS staff will enforce these guidelines during class time.
NOTE - Requests for essential phone use due to medical necessity (e.g., diabetes, epilepsy) or extenuating circumstances, parents or guardians should contact their student's Assistant Administrator (Ms. Bile for last names A-K ; Mr. Tinder for last names L-Z
Response to Refusal
- Teacher directs the student to put their phone in the caddy (pockets/backpacks are not allowed).
- If the student refuses, the teacher will call the attendance office for an administrator to conference with the student in the student support office.
Teacher calls the attendance office for an administrator to conference with the student.
Administrator will contact the family and document the conversation as a behavior referral in Infinite Campus.
Student must turn in their phone to the attendance office for the remainder of the day and will receive lunch detention.
Third Offense:
Same as the second offense: teacher calls for an administrator to conference, contact family, and document as a behavior referral.
Student must turn in their phone for the day and check it into the attendance office for the following day.
Continued Violations:
A plan will be made with the family to store the phone in the office daily or leave it at home.
Apple Valley High School
Location: 14450 Hayes Road, Apple Valley, MN, USA
Phone: 952 431 8200