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CH School News & More - 10.15.24
August 16th, 2024
![CH School News & More - 10.15.24 August 16th, 2024](https://cdn.smore.com/u/ba06/18b7986e74531ffb13f68a405f9ecb40.jpg)
Claypit Hill News and More
October 15, 2024
Hello Claypit Hill Caregivers,
We hope you enjoyed the long weekend. Thank you to everyone who supported our book fair last week. We loved seeing our students BEAM because they were clutching new books in their hands. Please continue to make space in the lives of your busy children for reading. Twenty minutes of recreational reading will pay dividends throughout their lives.
Unfortunately, the research is in and the news isn’t great. Children are reading less. (The National Assessment of Educational Progress in the U.S. found that only 42% of 9-year-olds reported reading for pleasure in 2000 while 53% reported reading for pleasure in 2012 and 1984. Only 17% of 13-year-olds in 2000 reported reading for pleasure versus 27% in 2012 and 35% in 1984.) However, the MANY benefits of reading are well known. They include: improved cognitive performance, language development and academic achievement. A study published in the journal Psychological Medicine in June 2023 indicated that further benefits of reading for pleasure include fewer mental health problems, including being less likely to have attention problems, fewer symptoms of stress, and fewer behavioral problems. Reading for pleasure was also associated with less screen time and longer sleep duration.
Does your child protest when asked to read independently? One solution is to read aloud. You might be surprised by just how many students, right up to fifth graders, enjoy reading aloud with their adults. They will love the experience of a shared story not unlike watching a movie together and they will love accessing a book that peers enjoy reading that might be just a bit out of reach when left to read on their own. Taking the time to slow down and enjoy a book together will create memories that will last a lifetime. New habits and routines can be established. Why not commit to this new habit for a week? See what happens. You may be pleasantly surprised by the positive results!
We hope you enjoy the week ahead and can enjoy a good book with your children!
Marie, Naomi and Kate
Come and learn about the fifth grade health curriculum and the fifth grade experience at Claypit. We’ll gather in the Claypit cafeteria. Parents can join remotely.
Lost and Found
The lost and found is full! Please have your student stop by to look for items. All unlabeled items will be donated after school on Friday, November 1.
Gift Your Child
Currently ~30% of Claypit Hill families have contributed to our fall PTO fundraiser - thank you to all who have contributed thus far! If you’ve been waiting to donate, now is your time!
Help support all that the PTO provides our school community by making a donation in any amount today.
Don’t wait–YOUR DONATION MAKES A DIFFERENCE! https://waylandpto.org/gift-your-child/
Gift Your Child Thank You
PTO Thank You
Thank you to Courtney Marzilli, Lauren Grant, Elizabeth Wuerz, Larina Mehta, Jen Lux and all the caregiver volunteers who helped make last week’s book fair a fun experience for our kids! Thanks also to families who contributed to help teachers buy more books for their classrooms!
My Brother's Table
Upcoming Dates for Your Calendar
Wednesday, Oct. 16 - Kindergarten Field Trip, Honey Pot Orchards
Monday, Oct.21 - 5th Grade Field Trip, Old South Meeting house, Ms. Scarpulla and Ms. Moquin
Tuesday, Oct.22 - 5th Grade Field Trip, Old South Meeting House, Ms. Foley and Ms. Wales
Monday, Nov. 11 - NO SCHOOL - Veteran's Day
Wednesday, Nov. 13 - Super Wednesday Early Release, Dismissal at 11:30
Thursday, Nov.21 - Grade 3 Field Trip - Plimoth Patuxet
Wednesday, Nov. 27 - Nov. 29 - Thanksgiving Recess
All School News
Moving forward this is where you will receive your all School News that was typically sent out on Wednesday's.
For this week's information about our School Committee, after school enrichments, community events, sports, fundraisers and more please click the orange box below to read this week's All Schools News.