Steele Family Newsletter
2024 - 2025
Week of January 6, 2025
Steele Elementary School
Mrs. Grice, Dean of Students
Mrs. Knuth, Nurse
Mrs. Hickey, Family Engagement
Mrs. Mowen, Outreach
Mrs. Fones and Ms. Patch, Front Office Assistants
Location: 1480 West Main Street, Galesburg, IL, USA
Phone: (309)973-2016
X: @wearesteele
Instagram: @205steelestars
Upcoming Important Dates
Please make sure to check all of the dates below so that you are prepared.
- Jan. 6th - Teacher Institute Day (No School)
- Jan. 6th - PTO Meeting 5:30 PM
- Jan. 7th - Students return from winter break
- Jan. 14th - 2nd Grade Level Spelling Bee
- Jan. 15th - 3rd Grade Level Spelling Bee
- Jan. 16th - 4th Grade Level Spelling Bee
- Jan. 20th - Martin Luther King Jr. Day (No School)
- Jan. 21st - Steele Family Game Night 5:30 - 7:00 PM
- Jan. 21st - 24th - No Name Calling Week
- Jan. 23rd - NAEP testing for selected 3rd and 4th grade students
- Jan. 24th - Steele Building Spelling Bee
- Jan. 27th - 31st - The Great Kindness Challenge
- Jan. 28th - Twin Dress Up Day - Donations to the Knox County Humane Society
- Feb. 3rd - PTO Meeting 5:30 PM
- Feb. 6th - Kindergarten & 1st grade Field Trip to the Orpheum
- Feb. 7th - District Spelling Bee at Lombard
- Feb. 11th - Steele Family Movie Night at the Orpheum
- Feb. 17th - Presidents' Day (No School)
- Feb. 20th - Parent Teacher Conferences 4:00 PM - 7:30 PM
- Feb. 25th - Parent Teacher Conferences 4:00 PM - 7:30 PM
Students Taped Mrs. Coate to the Wall for the December Behavior Incentive
K-2 Winter Music Concerts Dec. 2024
Students of the Month for Showing Honesty
Student Winners of the Attendance Award
Student Winners of the Bus Safety Award
Students of the Week
First Grade Reading Challenge
All first graders have entered into a book challenge this year. We purchased decodable readers for each classroom and when they are able to read a set of the little books fluently, they receive a certificate and a new book from the principal.
Thank you Galesburg Community Members!
Thank you to the several organizations that donated items to us before winter break. Your support of our school is invaluable and we are so grateful!
- Thanks to the generosity of the Jack E. Larson Endowment Fund, established at the Galesburg Community Foundation, over 200 students in grades K-8 now have adequate shoes to wear during the upcoming season. The students were smiling from ear to ear when they received their new shoes!
- Thanks to a generous donation by the Galesburg Rotary Club, all K-4 students selected a new book to take home with them this week. Books were purchased at Wordsmith Bookshoppe who also helped us choose and order the books for students.
- First United Methodist Church donated winter break food bags to our students that receive Blessings in a Bag during the school year. We are so appreciative of this donations because it means that our students will not be hungry when school is not in session.
- Participants of Thrive (KCCDD) have been collecting new socks to give out to the community. We were blessed that they donated some to Steele!
January's Character Strong Theme - Empathy
This month’s focus is Empathy. One way to think about Empathy is “understanding and connecting with other people’s feelings.” Empathy is a practice that can help us grow strong relationships. Empathy is 1 of 3 traits we will focus on throughout the year that helps students Be Kind. Across grade levels, students will be developing skills like perspective-taking, conflict resolution, and leadership.
Have some fun connecting as a family this month while practicing Empathy. Here are 2 “Purposeful Pursuits” you can complete together! Empathy is understanding and connecting with other people’s feelings. Schedule a family movie night so that you can specifically watch for feelings and emotions. Let everyone know that you’d like them to point out how the characters in the show are feeling and that you will pause periodically to discuss Empathy. As emotions are identified, invite one another to Empathize by sharing about a time they felt that way or imagining how they might be feeling in that moment.
Review the definition of Empathy as a family! Remember that Empathy is understanding and connecting with other people’s feelings. Find a time to sit in a circle together and celebrate all the ways you have seen each other practice Empathy. Take turns sharing responses to the following prompts or make up your own! Remember to practice Empathy as you listen to each other. ● What is 1 way a family member has shown you Empathy lately? ● Share about a time when you felt like someone really listened to you.
Conversation Starters
What does Empathy look like to you?
Is it hard for you to share how you feel with others? Why or why not?
Family Newsletters
Take a look at the "Family Strong" website for more resources for home Family Strong
Extra Student Pants Needed
There are times when we have students that will need an extra pair of pants during the school day. If you are cleaning out your closets and have items that could be donated, please let us know or send them in. We would prefer those with elastic waists in sizes 5-8. We currently have plenty of leggings and stretch pants.
Spelling Bee Information
Twin Tuesday, Jan. 28th to Benefit Knox County Humane Society
Give Back Galesburg Gold Out Basketball Game
The Gold-Out game will be held on Friday, January 31st as part of the boy's basketball game vs. United Township.
- Orders for t-shirts may be placed online through the QR code
- Paper order forms will also be available at the front office at each school building:
- Deadline to pre-order t-shirts: Friday, January 17, 2025
- T-shirts will be delivered to buildings on Thursday, January 30, 2025.
- PayPal @GiveBackGalesburg
- Credit/Debit Cards (available at Streaks basketball games Jan. 10 and Jan. 17)
- Checks Payable to: Give Back, Galesburg (Turned into school office)
- Cash (Turned into school office)
Galesburg Athletic Booster Club Bingo Night
GHS Basketball Cheerleading Clinic Sign Up
To fill out the registration form, click on this link, to fill out the form. The forms are also available at the school office.
Steele Family Game Night, Jan. 21st
Steele PTO Bingo Fundraiser - Silent Auction
The Steele School PTO is thankful for all the families and businesses who support our mission to create engaging and memorable student and staff experiences! Our fundraisers are the only way we are able to continue our work in our school and community.
If you or your company is interested in donating a silent auction item for our Family Fun Bingo Night on January 21, 2025 at Steele School. Below you will find a simple form to complete including pick up/drop off options. Your support truly is greatly appreciated.
If you have any questions, please contact Ashley Shinn, Steele School PTO President, at 309-335-3726
Shine in 205 Awards
We are getting close to our next #Shinein205 awards! Help us recognize someone who has gone above and beyond for the students in #205! #Thisis205
Click the link to nominate:
Steele PTO Information
PTO Meeting Dates
All meetings are held at Steele in the library. Meetings run from 5:30 - 6:30 PM and are typically on the first Monday of the month.
A Google Meet will be set up for those of you that want to attend but cannot be in person.
Video call link:
Or dial: (US) +1 678-487-9512 PIN: 356 280 867#
Galesburg Public Schools Foundation Fundraiser
Breakfast and Lunch Menus
Report Card Information
Quarter 1: August 8 - October 11, 2024
Quarter 2: October 14 - December 20, 2024
Quarter 3: January 6 - March 14, 2025
Quarter 4: March 17 - May 21, 2025*
*unless emergency days are needed
How do we grade at the elementary level? We use a standards-based report card instead of a report card with letter grades. Elementary report cards are issued at the end of each grading period. They are intended to give an evaluation of the scholastic achievement and work habits of each child. Parents should examine all cards carefully since each child is rated not only on academic progress, but also progress in development of social attitudes and work habits.
We use a 4,3,2,1 system to assess a student's mastery of standards.
4 = Exceeding State and District Standards
3 = Meeting State and District Standards
2 = Approaching State and District Standards
1 = Not Meeting State and District Standards