Trident Pānui
Term 1- Week 9
Principal's Message
Kia ora koutou,
The last few weeks have seen many trips and events happen at Trident High School. Congratulations to all of our students who represented the school in various activities and sports. Our assembly this week will recognise the achievements of our athletes.
A further thank you to our staff and people in the community who give up their time to coach, support and assist our co-curricular programmes in every way. We wouldn’t be able to offer these amazing opportunities without your support.
A reminder that Easter is this weekend. No school on Friday 29 March, Monday 01 April or Tuesday 02 April. No doubt you will use this time to connect with whānau and have a well deserved break.
Kia pai tō wiki.
Ngā mihi,
Mikaere October
Important dates
- Tuesday, 26 March- National Youth Jazz Competition
- Wednesday, 27- Thursday, 28 March- Level 1 Geography Papamoa Trip
- Wednesday, 27- Thursday, 28 March- Tongariro Crossing
- Friday, 29 March- Good Friday (School Closed)
- Monday, 1 April- Easter Monday (School Closed)
- Tuesday, 2 April- Easter Tuesday (School Closed)
- Wednesday, 3 April- Massey University Visit
- Thursday, 4 April - Girls UK Football tour leave
- Friday, 5 April- BOPSS Golf Tournament
- Tuesday, 9 April- L3 Geography Rangitaiki Plain Trip
- Wednesday, 10- Thursday, 11 April- L3 Wananga
- Friday, 12 April - End of Term
Summer Tournament Week Wrap UP
Last week, students travelled across the North Island to participate in the Summer Tournament. It was an awesome experience, with a few of our students being their first time competing in the summer tournament.
Massive thank you to everyone who supported our teams.
Here are our results:
3x3 Northern Region Tournament, Takanini: Senior Boys' finished 18th
Kayaking Racing Nationals, Rotorua:
- Dominic Rowland: 2 golds medals and a gold ribbon
- Hannah Baxter: gold medal in U18 250m, plus a silver medal & ribbon
- Holly Rowland: 2 silver medals and a bronze medal
- Ollie Fredricksen: 7th in U18 Long course.
- Illeana Parker-Plat, Emma Bowe-Green, Shelby De Lange and Holly Rowland won silver in the relay.
NI MTB Champs, Rotorua:
- Lilly Collombet: 3rd in U17 Women's Cross Country.
- Ollie Fredericksen: 16th in U20 Men's Cross Country.
NZ School Surfing Festival, Auckland:
- Trident Girls' placed 4th.
- Trident Boys' achieved 3rd in Plate finals.
- Xavier Christie finished 4th.
- Oliver Christie came in 6th.
Satellite Volleyball Tournament, Auckland: Senior B Girls' secured 4th place.
National Volleyball Tournament, Palmerston North:
- Senior A Girls' were 20th.
- Senior A Boys' came in 28th.
- Senior B Boys' finished 42nd.
Well done to all our students!
Uniform Regulations
Over the past few weeks we have seen an increase in the amount of non-uniform items being worn by students. As you know, all students are expected to wear our normal school uniform which can be found here- https://www.trident.school.nz/uniform-and-practical-matters
When it is wet and cold, students can also wear a plain black jacket with sleeves which should be in addition to the school polar fleece or uniform jacket.
From the start of this week (25th March), if students wear a Hoodie, Non Uniform Jumper, Not approved Black Jacket, or a Black Jacket without sleeves on School Grounds it will be confiscated by staff.
Students will no longer be allowed to just remove it and put it in bags. This includes before school after 8am
If a student refuses to hand over a non-uniform item it will be an act of defiance and students will go straight to the SMLT Corridor where whānau will be contacted and our behaviour management procedure will begin.
If students are cold, teachers will offer them a school issued Navy jacket to keep them warm and dry.
To reclaim a confiscated item of clothing whānau must email stanhopej@trident.school.nz to arrange an appropriate time to reclaim the confiscated item. Students will not be able to reclaim items that are confiscated.
The best way to avoid an item of clothing being confiscated is to wear our uniform properly and leave any Hoodie (including sports hoodies), Non Uniform Jumper, Non Black Jacket and Black Jacket without Sleeves at home.
Any questions or queries relating to this, please contact Mr Stanhope at stanhopej@trident.school.nz
Netball- Magic Training Session
Claire O'Brien and Saviour Tui visited our Prem Squad training session last Thursday. We were very lucky to have such high-caliber Magic Players lead a netball session filled with fun, skills, and learning. In addition Magic Coach MJ Araroa was present and spoke with the community that were present and spoke highly of all the players and their attitude. MJ also spoke directly with the players and shared some of her thoughts.
Thank you Claire, Saviour and MJ for coming to meet with our students and for guiding them through a training session. We wish the Magic all the best for the season and we will be there to support them in Hamilton at Claudelands Arena on 13th April.
Introducing a few of the new faces here at Trident!
Special Education Centre Class photos
Our Special Education Centre have their class photos coming up on Thursday, 11 April.
There are order forms are available from the front office or you can order online using the link below.
Trident Health Services
Location: Te Aiōtanga
School Nurse: Monday to Friday from 8:30am until 3:00pm.
For all general health needs.
Doctor: Dr Astrid de Jong
A doctor is available every Tuesday from 9am until 11am.
A physiotherapist is available on Tuesday morning.
Appointments for these services can be made through the school nurse.
This is a free, confidential Health Service.
Trident Bank Account Details
Bank Account 12 3253 0004257 00
You may pay any sports or extra curricular fees directly to our bank account.
Please enter student name of student ID in the deposit details.
School App
Go to the App Store or Play Store on your phone and Search Skool Loops
Once downloaded open the App on your phone and select Trident High School
The App allows you to notify the office of an absentee, view daily notices and access to the parent portal.