Saint Mary School Weekly Newsletter
February 6, 2025 - Volume 6, Issue 23
Thoughts from Mrs. Ambrosio
Let love be sincere; hate what is evil, hold on to what is good
Romans 12:9
Dear Parents,
This month we are focusing on the virtue of sincerity. Sincerity is one of the Cardinal Virtues and is directly related to the virtues of Justice and Trustworthiness. Open Light Media defines Sincerity as Truthfulness in words and actions, honesty and enthusiasm toward others. Authenticity. When we are sincere in our words and actions, we build trust. Children have an innate ability to detect sincerity, especially young children. So often when children are small, adults praise them effusively. But they know when adults are sincere and when adults are speaking empty words and empty phrases. They learn from us, and they will imitate what they see and hear. If we are genuine with one another, and if we are sincere in what we say and do, our children will follow our example. How can we model sincerity with our children? We can listen attentively to them to show we are interested in what they say. We can be mindful about our actions and our words. We can speak and act honestly. We can apologize with sincerity when we are wrong and admit when we make mistakes. We can give ourselves grace, and we can give others grace when they make mistakes. Perhaps that is the most important of all.
God Bless,
Tomorrow at SMS
First Friday Mass
Parents are invited to join the SMS K-8 students at First Friday Mass on February 7at 9:00 am in the Church. Students who have PE should wear their full winter uniform, including dress shoes and bring sneakers in their backpacks. ALL students should have a coat.
February HSA Meeting & More!
A Peek at Next Week at SMS
February 10-14, 2025
- Monday, February 10- Music Kids; Afterschool Enrichment: Storytime and Crafts; Comic Kids
- Tuesday, February 11- Band; Afterschool Enrichment - Board Games Club
- Wednesday, February 12 - Optional Middle School Mass
- Thursday, February 13- Afterschool Enrichment - Winter Science Fun, Cooking and Canva
- Friday, February 14- Valentine's Dress Down Day; K-5 Valentines Day Party; Early Dismissal - No Aftercare
Capstone Board Presentations
Best wishes to our Grade 8 students who will be presenting their Capstone proposals to members of the Capstone Board each morning next week!
Dress Down Day Friday, February 14
All students may bring in a $1 donation that will be split between Malta House and Ann's Place, and dress down in pink, red, or Valentine's Day-themed clothing.
PK-5 Valentine's Day Parties
Pre-K through 5th grade will celebrate Valentine's Day with class parties this week. Preschool classes will receive details from their teacher. K-5 parties will be on Friday, February 14.
Early Dismissal Friday and Winter Break
Just a reminder that Friday, February 14 is an early dismissal day. K-8 students will be dismissed at 10:30 am and Preschool students will be dismissed at 11:00 am. Next week is Winter Break (February 17-21). See you back on February 24.
General News
Interested in Playing Boys Lacrosse?
Ridgefield Academy invites Saint Mary School boys in grades 6-8 to play lacrosse this spring. Season runs from March 24 - May 29, 2025. No fee for Saint Mary School students. Interested? Please contact: Beth MacInnes, Athletic Director, Ridgefield Academy 203-894-1800, ext 107, bmacinnes@ridgefieldacademy.org
Bishop Scholarship Fund Opens February 1, 2025
- Student eligibility includes incoming Kindergarten-Grade 8 only.
- Apply online via FACTS Grant & Aid application and complete all questions relative to Bishop's Scholarship Fund. ($35 FACTS application fee required)
- Application requires the entire 2023 or 2024 IRS Federal tax return along with 2024 W-2s. If applicants do not receive W-2s, then they must submit their entire 2024 tax return.
- If applicants do not file taxes, they should contact the Internal Revenue Service at 1-800-908-9946 and request verification on non-filing.
- Deadline to apply - March 15, 2025 for families with a child currently enrolled in K-8 at any of our Diocesan schools; April 15, 2025 for families new to our schools.
- Award E-Notification – early May for current families; late May for new families
Lands' End Uniform Sale
Lands' End is offering 20% off School Uniforms from February 1-14, 2025. Please use CODE: DRAW and PIN: 3450.
Legos for Love to LA Drive
From February 10-28, SMS will be collecting gently used loose Legos. The legos will be traded in to a donation facility that will give us money for the legos wich will be donated to help those affected by the fires in LA. Start looking for any pieces you have to donate! There will be a large bin by the main entrance to the school.
HSA News
Thank you!
Save the Date--Guest Speaker Coming to SMS on 2/25!
Invites Coming Soon for Mother Son Night!
Capstone Corner
SMS Talent Show
Save the Date! The Legendary Talent Show is returning to SMS on Wednesday, March 26th at 6:30 pm! Students in grades K-8 are invited to show their gifts and talents! Audition will be held on March 13th after school! Acts should be rehearsed and 2 minutes or less. Look for a sign-up in the coming weeks!
The Talent Show is being brought to you as the capstone project of Parker Whitbeck.
Free K-5 Math Homework Help and Tutoring
For my Capstone Project I am starting an afterschool program to provide free math tutoring and homework help to interested students in grades K - 5. For more details and to sign up, please click here: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/30E0549AFAA2DA4FD0-54222596-smsmath
If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to me at dunleavyr25@smsridgefield.org
Thank you! Ryan Dunleavy
Community News
Don't Miss Immaculate's Youth Week Basketball Games!
You're invited to cheer on the Mustangs as part of Immaculate High School's Youth Week! When you wear your team jersey or school spirit wear, you'll get free admission to the school's basketball games which will include raffles, halftime games and more. All Pre-K through Grade 8 students are encouraged to attend the Immaculate Boys Varsity Basketball Team's game on Friday, February 7 at 7pm. Enter through Immaculate's main entrance at 73 Southern Boulevard in Danbury to get to the Bobby Plumb Gymnasium. We hope to see you there!
St. Mary Parish Mardi Gras Potuck for Young Families
Friday, February 28 from 6-8 pm in the Saint Mary Hall. Enjoy jazz music, a childrens Lenten craft, and an ice cream sundae bar! Bring an entree, side or salad to share and BYOB. Water and juice boxes provided. Please click here to RSVP
Winter Break Summer Camp
Our own Coach G is running a soccer camp during Winter Break February 17-21 from 8:30 am- 12:00 noon for kids aged 6-12, held right at SMS. Visit https://www.strive.soccer/ for more information and to register.
Boys and Girls Club Programming
The Boys and Girls Club of Ridgefield has new winter classes, visit their website for more.
Family Movie Night Suggestions
To help families spend time together and share common experiences, the Leadership Institute of the Diocese of Bridgeport provides recommendations for Family Movie Night. Each week, a new recommendation and explanation are available. Click here for recent suggestions, including this week's suggestions, "Kensuke's Kingdom".
High School LInks
While most Open Houses are complete. below find links to High School Admissions Pages of schools
- Immaculate High School, Danbury
- Fairfield Prep (boys only), Fairfield
- Notre Dame Prep, Fairfield
- Convent of the Sacred Heart (girls only), Greenwich
- Canterbury School, New Milford
- Kennedy Catholic, Somers NY
- St. Joseph High School, Trumbull
- Cardinal Kung Academy, Stamford
- Lauralton Hall (girls only), Milford
- Iona Prep (boys only), New Rochelle
- Fordham Prep (boys only), Bronx
About Us
Email: dowdinga@smsridgefield.org
Website: www.smsridgefield.org
Location: 183 High Ridge Avenue, Ridgefield, CT, USA
Phone: 203 438 7288
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/StMaryRidgefield/