
Letter From Our Administration
November 21, 2024
Dear Families,
During November, our entire school, PreK-12, focused on the character trait of trustworthiness. Trustworthiness is a quality that plays a vital role in our daily lives. It is the foundation upon which strong relationships—whether personal, academic, or professional—are built. But what does it mean to be trustworthy, and why is it so important?
Trustworthiness refers to a person's reliability and integrity. When someone is described as trustworthy, it means they can be counted on to do what they say, to keep their promises, and to act with honesty. Trustworthiness encompasses several traits, including honesty, dependability, consistency, and accountability.
I asked our elementary teachers to acknowledge students who demonstrated trustworthiness. Below is that list of how these students were trustworthy.
Viyan Kannan showed trustworthiness last week. He accidentally grabbed a pencil from the book fair and walked off with it. He brought it back later and told me what he did and wanted to return the pencil.
Claire Zang has consistently exhibited keeping her word with her teachers and peers and is always a classmate we can count on in the classroom.
Birdie Fukumoto can always be trusted to do what she is expected to do without reminders and can be counted on to be a responsible role model in the classroom.
Grant Glick showed great trustworthiness when he was caught encouraging his friends to do the right thing instead of joining in the poor choices.
Makayla Fernando made a mistake and not only admitted it on her own without prompting, but she also went out of her way to repair the relationship with her friend.
Braden Steele consistently demonstrates trustworthiness whenever I'm covering Mrs. Brackney's class. I trust that I can count on him to speak the truth about what Mrs. Brackney's expectations are while I'm covering. Even in and out of the classroom, at recess, the lunchroom, he models our Social Contract in a responsible and trustworthy manner.
Dheeran Dinesh has proven to be trustworthy since the beginning of the school year. He demonstrates integrity and honesty in and out of the classroom by upholding the Social Contract and helping his peers adhere to the contract.
Oliver Wiebe What I appreciate most about Oliver is that I can trust he'll demonstrate trustworthiness after being redirected. He proves he can be trusted by following through after redirection. Additionally, he demonstrates leadership as a trusted friend at recess.
Samantha Segura is a student whose quietness speaks "loudly" of her trustworthiness! She's always on task, doing what's expected of her, following the Social Contract, and also is a trusted classmate while supporting and showing kindness.
Tristan Carroll has demonstrated trustworthiness in class all year long. He is honest and trustworthy, even when it comes to mistakes he makes.
Vihaan Negi was nominated by friends as always being a student who knows what he's supposed to be doing, and he does it. When students don't know what to do, they know that they can rely on his ability to absorb information and share it with them when they are lost. He is a dependable boy who demonstrates the epitome of what our entire Social Contract stands for.
Saanvi Male was also nominated by the class because of her dependability. Her attendance is excellent. She shows up for the day with a smile on her face, ready to learn new things. I know that she will work together with any person she is put into a group with, and she will improve the quality of the work that is assigned. Students know that she is someone they can trust.
Kyle Turner demonstrates trustworthiness by showing responsibility for his work and completing it on time.
Ross Garvey has demonstrated trustworthiness by owning his learning opportunity and accepting the consequences.
Charlie Bogner is a loyal and honest friend through and through. She has gained the trust of her peers as well as staff.
Emma Griepentrog consistently shows teachers and her peers examples of honesty and care. She is someone we can believe in and who is reliable.
Thank you to all of these students for being trustworthy students and friends.
Being trustworthy is an invaluable trait. Whether in school, at home, or in the community, cultivating trustworthiness can lead to stronger connections and a more supportive environment. As we strive to be trustworthy ourselves, we also inspire others to do the same. Remember, trust is built over time but can be easily broken, so let’s work together to be individuals that others can always count on.
Next month, our trait of the month is Respect, so Monday, December 2, will be a YELLOW OUT day.
Wishing you all the best,
Paula Harrison
Lower School Principal
Important Dates and Information
Upcoming Dates
- November 18-20th: HS Basketball Tryouts
November 25-29th: Thanksgiving Break
December 2nd: High School Senior Quotes Due
December 3rd: High School College Rep Visits
December 4th: All School Formal/Interview Attire
December 4th: High School One Acts
- December 5th: Middle School Student Ambassador Meeting
- December 6th: PrK-8th Dress of Choice
- December 6th: High School College Rep Visits
December 6th: Preschool Winter Performance
- December 9th: All School Choir Concert
- December 9th-10th: Middle School Students Invited to Holiday Shop from 7:40-8:00 am
- December 9th-12th: Elementary Penguin Patch
December 10th: Colorado Gives Day/SkyView Annual Campaign
December 12th: Middle and High School Band Concert
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2025 SkyView Board Election
The next election for SkyView board membership will be held on Tuesday, March 11, 2025 and there will be two parent-elected seats open for voting. The Board Election Committee is currently collecting interested candidate information and scheduling pre-application interviews. If you are interested in applying to run in the board election, please send an inquiry email to boardelections@svak12.org on or before Friday, December 13, 2024.
SkyView Annual Campaign | Help Us Reach Our Goal!
At SkyView Academy, we’re committed to cultivating life-long learners and honorable leaders, and it’s thanks to our supportive community that we can continue to enrich their educational journey. This year, we aim to raise $40,000 to improve safety and security, upgrade technology, and make needed exterior site improvements. Every donation, big or small, makes a difference!
Join us by contributing to the SkyView Annual Campaign on Colorado Gives Day, December 10th, or schedule your gift today. All donations are tax-deductible, and if your employer offers matching gifts, you can double your impact.
Thank you for being a vital part of our vision to create life-long learners and honorable leaders!
Switching to Attendance Notification Form
Matilda Reviews
"Matilda was absolutely amazing. You could tell the students were having fun and the actors really let their talents show. It was one that I would love to see again and can't wait to see the next musicals that will be put on." -Ms. Hartrich
"I saw Matilda opening night and it was an excellent show. The show was obviously very practiced and was performed at a professional level. Actor/actress coordination and set design were particular highlights. A few very minor technical difficulties did not detract from the experience at all. Kaden Boris (Miss Trunchbull) and Cadence Casey (Miss Honey) were especially good but all the performers did very well. Overall it was a great show, I am excited to see what Chicago is like in the spring!" -Mr. Euscher
"Possibly my favorite play I have seen in my 8 years here at SkyView. An excellent script, beautifully choreographed and flawlessly executed. Matilda herself could have not been better casted. Great job!" -Miss Bybee
"The show was outstanding! I found myself laughing out loud and even crying with laughter. The choreography was great, the singing was spot-on, and everyone's acting was full of heart! Bravo to all involved!" -Mrs. Sharpe
"Another wonderful theater experience! The cast and crew were superb! Ms.Trunchbull and Matilda were amazing." -Mrs. Lloyd
"A fun show with great singing, dancing, acting, costumes, and sets! Everyone's hard work paid off with an amazing show!" -Mrs. Tan
"My daughters and I really enjoyed Matilda! We were SO impressed with everyone, it was a seamless and exciting play! The songs and dances were high energy and fun. Bravo Matilda cast, crew and directors!" -Mrs. Benger
"Our middle and high school production of Matilda the Musical was nothing short of extraordinary! From the moment the curtain rose, the audience was transported into the whimsical and touching world of Matilda Wormwood, brought to life with the remarkable energy, talent, and heart of the entire cast and crew.
True to the old adage, "The show must go on," our thespians rose above the challenges created by the snowstorm and performed one of my all-time favorite shows produced at SkyView Academy.
This production was a testament to our school's collaborative spirit. From the creative direction to the behind-the-scenes magic of the costumes, props, and tech crews, everyone contributed to the magic and wonder of Matilda's journey." -Mrs. Worley
Mrs. Schettler Named Teacher of the Month
Sylvan Learning asked local schools to nominate a member of their staff to be recognized as Teacher of the Year for always going above and beyond for their students. Yesterday, our Sylvan of Lone Tree and Highlands Ranch team went to SkyView Academy to honor third-grade teacher Mrs. Schettler! Congratulations Mrs. Schettler! Watch the surprise unfold here.
Celebrating SkyView Success
Our award-winning SkyView Family Favorites recently participated in a special celebration hosted by Colorado Parent Magazine. The award winners were honored for their positive impact and outstanding contributions to SkyView's students, families, staff, and community. Thank you for your amazing support, SkyView!
It's a great time to be a Hawk!
iLove Thank You
Thank you so much for the generous donations and support for our iLove event last week. Your contributions played a vital role in creating a memorable and meaningful evening for our students.
Because of your generosity, we were able to assemble 40 goody bags, provide breakfast and fun snacks, and host engaging workshops that the students truly enjoyed.
A special shout-out to the Aguirre Family and their restaurant, El Parral, for generously providing dinner for 45 staff and students!
I am continually inspired by the way our community comes together to create unique and valuable experiences for our students. Your kindness and commitment make all the difference, and I am so grateful to have your support.
Thank you for helping us make this event a success!
Kirsten Schuman
Middle School Students & Families
Your Middle School Student Is Invited...
We're so excited that SkyView will again participate in the Penguin Patch® Holiday Shop to spread holiday cheer! Due to popular demand, we would like to invite middle school students to shop again this year!
Students in grades 6-8 may visit the Penguin Patch on Monday or Tuesday, December 9th and 10th, before school from 7:40 to 8:00 AM. Please note that middle school students will only have the opportunity to shop during these two mornings. It is the responsibility of the students to shop and arrive to their first-period class on time. Attendance will not be excused for tardiness due to shopping.
Only CASH will be accepted. Checks and credit cards will be turned away.
PreK and Elementary Families
Elementary Penguin Patch
We're so excited that SkyView will again participate in the Penguin Patch® Holiday Shop to spread holiday cheer!
The Penguin Patch® Holiday Shop is a fun way for students to shop for family members and experience the spirit of giving while learning to earn, budget, and save! How can you begin talking to your student(s) about learning to earn and save for this event right now?
Our shop will be open from December 9th to December 12th. Your student's teacher will let you know when his/her class is signed up to shop. Flyers and shopping envelopes went home in Thursday folders yesterday. Check your child's backpack for these materials.
More information can be found on our website.
News and Events
Hawk Shop Updates
New apparel in store and online!
Lost and Found Items To Be Donated
Missing a jacket, mittens, hat or water bottle? Please check the east entrance lost and found before Thanksgiving Break. All remaining items will be donated on Friday, Nov. 22nd.
Help Us End The Year Strong With Volunteering!
🍪 Staff Cookie Exchange: December 17th
🎁 Penguin Patch: December 10th
🥪 Elementary Lunch:
December 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th
December 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th, 13th
December 16th, 17th, 18th, 19th
🛝 Elementary Recess:
December 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th
December 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th, 13th
December 16th, 17th, 18th, 19th
🥪 Middle School Lunch:
December 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th
Thank You To Our Preferred Educational Sponsors!
A heartfelt thank you to our exceptional 2024-25 Educational Partners, who stand as pillars of support for SkyView Academy. Their generous contributions uplift our educational initiatives, drive innovation, and empower the growth of our students. Their dedication resonates profoundly with our vision to create life-long learners and honorable leaders within our school, and we proudly recognize their names as a testament to their unwavering commitment to education.
Click on each name to find out more about their organization.