The Morning Show
Webster Schroeder High School
September 10, 2024
> Driver Education registration has started for the fall! Please register and find out more information available online. The program starts Monday, September 16 and runs until November 16th. Lectures are held Mondays and Tuesdyas from 7:30 - 9pm via Zoom and when you register, you are registering for your driving time. The class costs $625.
> All students who want to drive to school are required to take the Safe Driving Seminar once during their time at Schroeder. Juniors, the class is mandatory for you this year. Seniors, if you took the class last year you do not need to repeat it this year. If you didn't take the class this summer the next class is on Wednesday, September 18 in the Schroeder Auditorium after school. The class will be offered again in December.
If you have already taken the class and need your updated parking pass, see Mrs. Sprague in the Main Office.
> Got stacks on stacks on stacks of Warrior gear? Great! Get that Schroeder drip lined up all year long and join Schroeder staff on Warrior Wednesdays! It is simple: on Wednesdays, wear any Schroeder Warrior clothing you have! Show school spirit and pride, make others feel like they belong, and display that you are part of a wonderful Warrior community! Roll Schroeder!
> WonderCare is a before and after school program located at all seven elementary schools. This is a job working with elementary age students and there are no nights and weekends involved. We are currently looking specifically for students who have early release. If you are interested in more information please email: wondercare@webstercsd.org.
> College Essay Writing Workshops with Mrs. Strege are being held this Thursday, September 12 and Friday, September 13 in the Library Classroom during lunch periods 4 and 5. Please register through Schoolinks and bring your charged Chromebook.
> There will be a Future Business Leaders of America meeting today at 3:30 in Room W14. All business students are welcome to attend and join. If you can not make it, see Mrs. Keil in Room W14.
> Are you interested in contributing to Schroeder's student news site or paper? Our student news site hosts photo contests, reporting challenges, and highlights the passions, interests, and successes of students here at Schroeder and GOAL. Schroeder Courier Newspaper Club Drop-In Hours are Tuesday afternoons from 3:15-4pm in W4. Drop-In Hours start next Tuesday, September 17. Students do NOT need to attend drop-in hours to join or contribute to the Schroeder Courier. If you can't make club drop-in hours but still want to participate, please see Mrs. Law in W4 or send an email to linda_law@webstercsd.org for the Google Classroom code.
> Attention students that would like to participate in the upcoming Trap Club Veterans' Fundraiser! It is on September 21st and is open to current, former, future students, parents, and friends. Check the Trap Cub Google Classroom or see Mr. Milliman in SW4 for all of the information.
> Attention Model UN club members and anyone interested in joining this year: our first meeting of the year will be Monday, September 16, after-school in room W6. We'll be discussing plans for the year including our first conference of the year at Hilton. Bring a friend! See Mrs. O'Brien or Mrs. Tuyn with any questions!
> Rising and shining, grinding, ripping and roaring early in the morning ready to rock and roll and radiate...and read? Then the Morning Show wants you! We are looking for our next crop of anchors to hold it down for Schroeder and deliver top-notch, quality, professional content. Here are the deets: Students must audition by live reading a sample announcement and showcase competency in public speaking. Auditions will be held next week on Tuesday and Wednesday in the studio during 4th period. See Mr. Gomez in W18 or Ms Cooman in WTI to sign-up for an audition spot or for more information. We hope to see you on the show some day, future super stars!
> Are you interested in photography, graphic design, or seeing a project to its end? Then yearbook may be for you! The yearbook club will hold an introductory meeting after school on Monday, September 16th in room E21. If you are interested but can’t make the meeting, then stop by the counseling center to see Mrs. Henry or room E21 to see Ms Metz.
> Attention all service clubs: need service hours? Your help is needed and appreciated in the Senior Courtyard this evening from 6:00 - 7:30. Bring gardening tools and gloves to help make the courtyard look amazing. Gather your friends for a fun time, give back to your school, and get service hours. See Mrs. Peters in the library or Mrs. O'Connor in W224 for more details.
> Mr. Benz read this announcement yesterday, but the Morning Show wants to re-run in for emphasis, or in case any student and staff missed the information:
Starting yesterday, each time a student enters a Webster CSD bus, they will be asked to swipe their student identification card on the reader near the front entrance of the bus. Students will be responsible for keeping the ID card in a secure location to utilize for boarding the bus. In the event that a student forgets their ID card, the bus driver will be able to mark the student as present or absent.
As a school, we will be expanding the use of the student identification card during the year as a universal school ID...more to come on that soon!
Later this week we will also begin our evacuation drills. Don’t forget that Open House for parents/guardians is this Thursday, the 12th from 6-7:30pm. Great first couple of days, everyone! Let’s keep it going.
September 9, 2024
> Driver Education registration has started for the fall! Please register and find out more information available online. The program starts Monday, September 16 and runs until November 16th. Lectures are held Mondays and Tuesdyas from 7:30 - 9pm via Zoom and when you register, you are registering for your driving time. The class costs $625.
> All students who want to drive to school are required to take the Safe Driving Seminar once during their time at Schroeder. Juniors, the class is mandatory for you this year. Seniors, if you took the class last year you do not need to repeat it this year. If you didn't take the class this summer the next class is on Wednesday, September 18 in the Schroeder Auditorium after school. The class will be offered again in December.
If you have already taken the class and need your updated parking pass, see Mrs. Sprague in the Main Office.
> Got stacks on stacks on stacks of Warrior gear? Great! Get that Schroeder drip lined up all year long and join Schroeder staff on Warrior Wednesdays! It is simple: on Wednesdays, wear any Schroeder Warrior clothing you have! Show school spirit and pride, make others feel like they belong, and display that you are part of a wonderful Warrior community! Roll Schroeder!
> Who knew raising some money could be so smooth (and refreshing)? Tropical Smoothie Cafe is partnering with the PTSA to raise money for Schroeder and GOAL on Tuesday, September 17th from 2pm - 5pm. Stop by and grab your favorite treat and contribute to our school!
> WonderCare is a before and after school program located at all seven elementary schools. This is a job working with elementary age students and there are no nights and weekends involved. We are currently looking specifically for students who have early release. If you are interested in more information please email: wondercare@webstercsd.org.
> College Essay Writing Workshops with Mrs. Strege are being held this Thursday, September 12 and Friday, September 13 in the Library Classroom during lunch periods 4 and 5. Please register through Schoolinks and bring your charged Chromebook.
> There will be a Future Business Leaders of America meeting tomorrow at 3:30 in Room W14. All business students are welcome to attend and join. If you can not make it, see Mrs. Keil in Room W14.
> There is a meeting today @ 3:20 in W3 for returning members of the Speech & Debate Team.
> The Webster Show Choir wants YOU! Any 9th-12th grader is welcome to audition. Auditions are today at the Schroeder Auditorium and tomorrow at the Thomas Auditorium. You can audition at either school. Plan on auditions ending by 5pm at the latest; pick the day that is best for you!
> Schroeder Courier's first major content drop of the season went live this week. Visit WSHSCOURIER.ORG or scan the QR code to check out the latest Spotify playlist from our inaugural guest DJ Class of 2025's Chris S. which features an eclectic mix of genres and artists from Lil Ugly Mane to Miranda Lambert to TOOL and even Billie Holiday--there's something for everyone! Seniors and sports enthusiasts will want to flip through two new galleries at the site including over a dozen photos of the Senior Sunrise courtesy of Class of 2025's Vinny R. and a one-stop-shop collection of the Fall sports team schedules courtesy of the Schroeder Athletics media team. You can even find information on how to participate in our first schoolwide reporting challenge: "I'm Voting Because..." Lastly, if you're new to our student site, be sure to browse the quicklinks in our Best of 2023-2024 Schroeder Courier article to see the best content from our staff and contributors last year.
> Attention students that would like to participate in the upcoming Trap Club Veterans' Fundraiser! It is on September 21st and is open to current, former, future students, parents, and friends. Check the Trap Cub Google Classroom or see Mr. Milliman in SW4 for all of the information.
> Congratulations to the boys and girls Cross Country teams on an excellent first race of the year this past Friday at the "Dash in the Dark." Teams of three each ran a relay race where each person ran two miles. The boys varsity team of Connor M, Ben M, and Brayden P took 14th place out of 109 teams, and the team of Owen M, Chase L, and Sawyer Z was 30th. The girls varsity team of Rebecca S, Alaura M (Both running their 1st cross country race ever) and Claudia B took 28th out of 80 teams. Lastly, the JV team of Ryan G, Matt F, and Micah L were 9th out of 108 and teams. Great job running Warriors!
> Starting on Monday September 9th, each time a student enters a Webster CSD bus, we will ask them to swipe their student identification card on the reader near the front entrance of the bus. Students will be responsible for keeping the ID card in a secure location to utilize for boarding the bus. In the event that a student forgets their ID card, the bus driver is able to mark the student as present or absent.
As a school, we will be expanding the use of the student identification card during the year as a universal school ID...more to come!
Later this week we will also begin our evacuation drills and our Open House for parents/guardians is this Thursday, the 12th.
September 6, 2024
> Driver Education registration has started for the fall! Please register and find out more information available online. The program starts Monday, September 16 and runs until November 16th. Lectures are held Mondays and Tuesdyas from 7:30 - 9pm via Zoom and when you register, you are registering for your driving time. The class costs $625.
> Got stacks on stacks on stacks of Warrior gear? Great! Get that Schroeder drip lined up all year long and join Schroeder staff on Warrior Wednesdays! It is simple: on Wednesdays, wear any Schroeder Warrior clothing you have! Show school spirit and pride, make others feel like they belong, and display that you are part of a wonderful Warrior community! Roll Schroeder!
> Attention Freshmen Class of 2028: Do you like power? Do you want to have a say in class t-shirts, homecoming themes, junior prom, senior ball, and other activities? If you are interested in running for class officer position, please complete the Google Form found on our Google classroom by this Friday, September 6th. See Mr. Eckler in W26 or Mrs. McCann in W212 if you have any questions.
> There will be a Future Business Leaders of America meeting on Tuesday, September 10 at 3:30 in Room W14. All business students are welcome to attend and join. If you can not make it, see Mrs. Keil in Room W14.
> The Webster Show Choir will be holding auditions for the ‘24-‘25 school year on Monday, September 9th at Schroeder and Tuesday, September 10th at Thomas, both after school in the auditorium. Students can attend either audition time, but transportation will not be provided. Wear comfortable clothes you can dance in, and we will teach you everything you need to know. Hope to see you there! We have many slots for new members!
> Looking to be a voice for Schroeder and your generation? Schroeder Courier Student Newspaper is sponsoring its first PBS Student Reporting Labs challenge here at Schroeder. The first opportunity this year is to submit a 3 minute or less unedited video response to the prompt "I'm Voting Because..." Up to 5 videos will be submitted to PBS Student Reporting Labs from Schroeder to be considered for publication. Watch this 2-minute video featuring select student submissions from around the country prior to the 2020 presidential election as examples.
Interested in submitting a video to PBS and being a voice for Schroeder and your generation? See Mrs. Law in W4 or email her at linda_law@webstercsd.org to connect. Submission deadline is October 11 but earlier is always appreciated!
September 5, 2024
> Driver Education registration has started for the fall! Please register and find out more information available online. The program starts Monday, September 16 and runs until November 16th. Lectures are held Mondays and Tuesdays from 7:30 - 9pm via Zoom and when you register, you are registering for your driving time. The class costs $625.
> Senior Class of 2025! Come kick off your final year tomorrow at 6:30am on the turf for the Senior Sunrise. Again, the Senior Sunrise is tomorrow at 6:30am on the turf. We can’t wait to see you there!
> There will be a Future Business Leaders of America meeting on Tuesday, September 10 at 3:30 in Room W14. All business students are welcome to attend and join. If you can not make it, see Mrs. Keil in Room W14.
> Attention Freshmen Class of 2028: Do you like power? Do you want to have a say in class t-shirts, homecoming themes, junior prom, senior ball, and other activities? If you are interested in running for class officer position, please complete the Google Form found on our Google classroom by this Friday, September 6th. See Mr. Eckler in W26 or Mrs. McCann in W212 if you have any questions.
> The Webster Show Choir will be holding auditions for the ‘24-‘25 school year on Monday, September 9th at Schroeder and Tuesday, September 10th at Thomas, both after school in the auditorium. Students can attend either audition time, but transportation will not be provided. Wear comfortable clothes you can dance in, and we will teach you everything you need to know. Hope to see you there! We have many slots for new members!
> Webster Boys Volleyball kicked off the district's 2024-25 sports season with a four-set victory over Gates-Chili last night. Gavin T, Peter S, and Freddy B led the attack with 11, 8, and 6 kills, respectively. Gavin and Freddy also powered five aces apiece. Carter C dished out 30 assists while also leading the team with 8 digs. The Lakers travel to Irondequoit on Friday before hosting NY State champion Fairport on Tuesday.
September 4, 2024
> Driver Education registration has started for the fall! Please register and find out more information available online. The program starts Monday, September 16 and runs until November 16th. Lectures are held Mondays and Tuesdyas from 7:30 - 9pm via Zoom and when you register, you are registering for your driving time. The class costs $625.
> Senior Class of 2025! Come kick off your final year this Friday at 6:30am on the turf for the Senior Sunrise. Again, the Senior Sunrise is this Friday at 6:30am on the turf. We can’t wait to see you there!
> Are you interested in planning Homecoming? Student Council is meeting before school on Thursday at 8:05 to begin planning. We will meet in Mr Peck's room, W8. Come join the fun!
> Attention Freshmen Class of 2028: Do you like power? Do you want to have a say in class t-shirts, homecoming themes, junior prom, senior ball, and other activities? If you are interested in running for class officer position, please complete the Google Form found on our Google classroom by this Friday, September 6th. See Mr. Eckler in W26 or Mrs. McCann in W212 if you have any questions.
> The Webster Show Choir will be holding auditions for the ‘24-‘25 school year on Monday, September 9th at Schroeder and Tuesday, September 10th at Thomas, both after school in the auditorium. Students can attend either audition time, but transportation will not be provided. Wear comfortable clothes you can dance in, and we will teach you everything you need to know. Hope to see you there! We have many slots for new members
September 3, 2024
> Attention Freshmen Class of 2028: Do you like power? Do you want to have a say in class t-shirts, homecoming themes, junior prom, senior ball, and other activities? If you are interested in running for class officer position, please complete the Google Form found on our Google classroom by this Friday, September 6th. See Mr. Eckler in W26 or Mrs. McCann in W212 if you have any questions.
> And now for some news from the library:
Schroeder Library is open to VERY MINDFUL, VERY DEMURE seniors beginning today! Please check in at the circulation desk upon arriving. This week students in grades 9-11 should take the time to get to know their study hall teachers. We will look forward to welcoming you to the library next week. In the meantime, please stop by before or after school if you are looking for your next great book!
> Senior Class of 2025! Come kick off your final year this Friday at 6:30am on the turf for the Senior Sunrise. Again, the Senior Sunrise is this Friday at 6:30am on the turf. We can’t wait to see you there!
> Good morning, everyone!
Welcome to the 2024-25 school year. Upperclassmen know me, but to our newest Warriors, I’m Mr. Benz, your principal.
For the past few years, Schroeder High School seems to be moving leaps and bounds academically, in participation numbers in clubs and athletics, and now our facilities are arguably some of the best in the state. You all spend a lot of time here, students and staff about ? of each day. Please continue to treat this as your home and respect the physical property, the work and money put into it all.
Today is about finding your classes, figuring out the best routes, getting situated in the cafeteria, and getting into good habits to help you be your best as a person and as a scholar. Then, find your bus or car to make your way home.
Yes, we have rules and policies in place to create a safe learning environment. You will find them in the Webster Code of Conduct and Student Handbook. I won’t get into them all today. But common sense and respectful behavior should be used at all times.
Over the past few weeks, we’ve had Link Crew students welcome our incoming freshmen. Thank you Link Leaders. Along with that, we have had a great amount of support and participation in our fall sports teams. Our year is already off to a great start!
Teachers…can you help us out. Students, regarding your most up to date schedules please pay close attention. Your IC student portal app (or IC access on their Chromebook), please refresh your app to see the most current, accurate, up to date schedule!!
Every student is assigned to their grade level homeroom that shows for afterschool time. This is not anything you need to attend. This is for our staff only.
If you have a question about your schedule, please stop in and sign up or email your counselor. Please be patient, we have many recently enrolled students this year. Our counselors will be working with our newest students to get them situated.
A few pass use reminders (see slide)
So welcome…on behalf of our Warrior staff, we want you to know that you matter, you belong and you are a Warrior. We see you, we know you (or want to know you soon), and we will like to hear from you soon, too.
Enjoy your day to a successful year in building your best future self!
June 13, 2024
> WonderCare is hiring for the 2024-2025 school year. We offer a flexible schedule with no nights and weekends. This is a great opportunity to work with youth in the community. Please email wondercare@webstercsd.org for more information.
> Do you have lightly used school supplies that you no longer need? Please consider donating them to Key Club's School Supply Drive! Look for drop-off boxes located in the main entrance, gym entrance, senior lounge, and senior hallway. It is a great way to clean out your lockers and backpacks before summer!
> Summer reading is the ultimate self care! Read what you want, when you want. Students in grades nine through eleven can check out library books for the summer. We will be closed today for inventory, but will accept quick visit passes for book exchange. Come browse our Beach Reads display and our cart of new arrivals.
All books checked out during the school year are due back to the library at this point. Please return them to the circulation desk or to the book drop near the main entrance.
> Congratulations to Andrew B for becoming Schroeder’s 2024 Ping Pong Champion by defeating his opponent in the finals after school yesterday 11-9 and 11-6! Andrew received a trophy and gift certificate. Well done, sir! Have a great summer Schroeder!
June 12, 2024
> Attention all students! Let's memorialize this amazing end of our school year by submitting photos to the Schroeder Courier. Schroeder Courier is looking for photos from Luminary Night, Empty Bowls, Junior Prom, Senior Ball, Senior Week, Sophomore Sunset, and of course, GOAL and Schroeder graduation! If you have photos to share, you can scan the code on the slide to be taken to the photo submission form OR you can join the Schroeder Courier Google Classroom using the code 3UYQWUD to submit your photos there. You can always email or visit Mrs. Law in W4 if you need help. Anyone can submit so share these precious memories while there's still time.
> WonderCare is hiring for the 2024-2025 school year. We offer a flexible schedule with no nights and weekends. This is a great opportunity to work with youth in the community. Please email wondercare@webstercsd.org for more information.
> Come to the Paw Patrol Fan Club after school today – oops, sorry – must have been a typo….come to the JV & Varsity Girls Volleyball Information Meeting today after school in Coach Gomez’s room to hear about all the summer volleyball opportunities and what you need to do to stay sharp for the fall season.
> Do you have lightly used school supplies that you no longer need? Please consider donating them to Key Club's School Supply Drive! Look for drop-off boxes located in the main entrance, gym entrance, senior lounge, and senior hallway. It is a great way to clean out your lockers and backpacks before summer!
> Seniors! Please turn in your Chromebooks and chargers today in WTI or tomorrow at the collection table in the cafeteria before the graduation parade. If you do not turn in your Chromebook, you will receive a bill from the district.
> Summer reading is the ultimate self care! Read what you want, when you want. Students in grades nine through eleven can check out library books for the summer. The library will be open through the end of the day today. We will be closed tomorrow, Thursday, June 13 for inventory, but will accept quick visit passes for book exchange. Come browse our Beach Reads display and our cart of new arrivals.
All books checked out during the school year are due back to the library at this point. Please return them to the circulation desk or to the book drop near the main entrance.
> It’s Warrior Wednesday! All week long Schroeder staff has been on the lookout for students who are demonstrating cooperation, accountability, respect, and excellence.
Let’s go ahead and spin the prize wheel for our student winner:
Congratulations! And now for our staff winner. Spin that wheel!
Congratulations! You will be contacted by Mrs. Tasber’s office to claim your prize!
Thank you all for continuing to demonstrate great habits and being Warriors who CARE.
> The Ping Pong Championship matches will be held today, after school in the cafeteria! Come see the 4 finalists from the tournament compete for the trophy! It should be impressive!
> Good luck to track and field athletes, Corintia G, Lauren C-W, Jordan S, Becca S, AJ M, and Kevin B, who will be competing at Nationals this weekend! Go get ‘em, Warriors!
June 11, 2024
> The last Best Buddies meeting of the year will be after school today. We will be meeting in the yard outside of W7, and we will have yard games, chalk, and sweet treats! We hope to see you there!
> If you are interested in being part of the Costa Rica trip and learning more about sea turtles and ecology see Mrs. Smith in E224 ASAP. Stop in anytime to get more information. We still have spots available on the Spring Break trip in 2025. And now over to a Costa Rica video and back to the studio for more announcements...
> WonderCare is hiring for the 2024-2025 school year. We offer a flexible schedule with no nights and weekends. This is a great opportunity to work with youth in the community. Please email wondercare@webstercsd.org for more information.
> Do you have lightly used school supplies that you no longer need? Please consider donating them to Key Club's School Supply Drive! Look for drop-off boxes located in the main entrance, gym entrance, senior lounge, and senior hallway. It is a great way to clean out your lockers and backpacks before summer!
> All seniors must turn in their Chromebooks and chargers tomorrow or Thursday. If you do not turn in your Chromebook, you will receive a bill from the district.
> Summer reading is the ultimate self care! Read what you want, when you want. Students in grades nine through eleven can check out library books for the summer. The library will be open through the end of the day on Wednesday, June 12. We will be closed on Thursday, June 13 for inventory, but will accept quick visit passes for book exchange. Come browse our Beach Reads display and our cart of new arrivals.
All books checked out during the school year are due back to the library at this point. Please return them to the circulation desk or to the book drop near the main entrance.
June 10, 2024
> Attention all students! Let's memorialize this amazing end of our school year by submitting photos to the Schroeder Courier.Schroeder Courier is looking for photos from Luminary Night, Empty Bowls, Junior Prom, Senior Ball, Senior Week, Sophomore Sunset, and of course, GOAL and Schroeder graduation! If you have photos to share, you can scan the code on the slide to be taken to the photo submission form OR you can join the Schroeder Courier Google Classroom using the code 3UYQWUD to submit your photos there. You can always email or visit Mrs. Law in W4 if you need help. Anyone can submit so share these precious memories while there's still time.
> The last Best Buddies meeting of the year will be after school tomorrow, Tuesday, June 11th! We will be meeting in the yard outside of W7, and we will have yard games, chalk, and sweet treats! We hope to see you there!
> If you are interested in being part of the Costa Rica trip and learning more about sea turtles and ecology see Mrs. Smith in E224 ASAP. Stop in anytime to get more information. We still have spots available on the Spring Break trip in 2025. And now over to a Costa Rica video and back to Nica for more announcements...
> WonderCare is hiring for the 2024-2025 school year. We offer a flexible schedule with no nights and weekends. This is a great opportunity to work with youth in the community. Please email wondercare@webstercsd.org for more information.
> Do you have lightly used school supplies that you no longer need? Please consider donating them to Key Club's School Supply Drive! Look for drop-off boxes located in the main entrance, gym entrance, senior lounge, and senior hallway. It is a great way to clean out your lockers and backpacks before summer!
> All seniors must turn in their Chromebooks and chargers this Wednesday, June 12th or Thursday, June 13th. If you do not turn in your Chromebook, you will receive a bill from the district.
> Don't leave Coach Gomez on read! Be sure to attend this Wednesday's JV and Varsity Volleyball informational meeting after school in W18. Some of y'all really could touch grass...so come hear about how we are preparing for the Fall 2024 season! Thanks, besties!
June 7, 2024
Good morning and welcome to The Morning Show.
Today is Friday, June 7, 2024 a “C” Day
> Attention all students! Let's memorialize this amazing end of our school year by submitting photos to the Schroeder Courier. Schroeder Courier is looking for photos from Luminary Night, Empty Bowls, Junior Prom, Senior Ball, Senior Week, Sophomore Sunset, and of course, GOAL and Schroeder graduation! If you have photos to share, you can scan the code on the slide to be taken to the photo submission form OR you can join the Schroeder Courier Google Classroom using the code 3UYQWUD to submit your photos there. You can always email or visit Mrs. Law in W4 if you need help. Anyone can submit so share these precious memories while there's still time.
> The last Best Buddies meeting of the year will be after school on Tuesday, June 11th! We will be meeting in the yard outside of W7, and we will have yard games, chalk, and sweet treats! We hope to see you there!
> Today, the Dance Team will have an informational meeting and try-outs in the Schroeder auditorium from 3:45-5pm. Bring sneakers. This team meets on Sundays at the Rec Center and perform for Homecoming, football home games, and basketball home games.
> Today's afterschool English Regents Review is canceled. Please refer to the schedule in your graduating class's Google Classroom for additional dates.
> WonderCare is hiring for the 2024-2025 school year. We offer a flexible schedule with no nights and weekends. This is a great opportunity to work with youth in the community. Please email wondercare@webstercsd.org for more information.
> Do you have lightly used school supplies that you no longer need? Please consider donating them to Key Club's School Supply Drive! Look for drop-off boxes located in the main entrance, gym entrance, senior lounge, and senior hallway. It is a great way to clean out your lockers and backpacks before summer!
> The Ping Pong tournament was a success! Thank you to all who participated. Congratulations to Andrew B, Scott W, Kurt H, and Chase J, who won their respective brackets and will move on to the finals! Today after school will be the last day of the Ping Pong Club itself, so come on down to the cafeteria one last time! Thanks Schroeder!
> Say you can't sleep? Oh, we know...that's that volleyball espresso! All girls interested in playing either JV or Varsity volleyball in the fall, come get your fix at the informational meeting on Wednesday, June 12th after school in Coach Gomez's room, W18.
> Oh my! It is the last Friday of the school year and the final Schroeder Big 5. I guess all good things really do come to an end...Here is what you need to know for the last week of school:
1. Senior Ball is tonight at the Arbor at the Port. Staff, pull up and get a pic with your fav senior as they celebrate the end of their time here at Schroeder. They'd love to see you there. To those attending, have fun but remember to be responsible. Sophomores, you have a special night ahead too! Join us for the Sophomore Sunset at Schroeder with a special screening of “Grown-ups.” See your Google Classroom for more info!
2. Stock up for the summer with a few good beach reads! Our wonderful library staff is super knowledgeable and can help you pick out the perfect book. Browse the Summer Reading display and grab a good one!
3. Key Club is collecting lightly used school supplies. Empty out those lockers and see what might be chilling at the bottom of your backpack! Look for drop off bins around the school.
4. Spider-man backpacks make you smile? Get a kick out of the things little kids say? Then consider applying to WonderCare, Webster's childcare service. Great opportunity to make some money and work within our community.
5. The Schroeder Morning Show would just like to say thank you to all of Schroeder for tuning in and hanging with us each and every morning. We put a lot of work into making sure our show is accurate, reliable, equitable, engaging, and representative of the "Warrior Way!" Give us a follow on Instagram to stay up-to-date on announcements you miss and to stay involved in everything going on at Schroeder! Have a great last week of classes and have a wonderful weekend, Schroeder!
June 6, 2024
> Attention students: 2024 is an election year, and come November, some of you will be old enough to vote in your first presidential election! Schroeder will be hosting a student voter registration today during 3rd, 4th, and 5th period lunches. If you are 18 years old you can register and vote in this year's election. If you are 16 or 17 you can pre-register and vote after you turn 18. Please have your Driver's License or Social Security Number for identification.
> The last Best Buddies meeting of the year will be after school on Tuesday, June 11th! We will be meeting in the yard outside of W7, and we will have yard games, chalk, and sweet treats! We hope to see you there!
> Tomorrow, Friday, June 7th, the Dance Team will have an informational meeting and try-outs in the Schroeder auditorium from 3:45-5pm. Bring sneakers. This team meets on Sundays at the Rec Center and perform for Homecoming, football home games, and basketball home games.
> WonderCare is hiring for the 2024-2025 school year. We offer a flexible schedule with no nights and weekends. This is a great opportunity to work with youth in the community. Please email wondercare@webstercsd.org for more information.
> Do you have lightly used school supplies that you no longer need? Please consider donating them to Key Club's School Supply Drive! Look for drop-off boxes located in the main entrance, gym entrance, senior lounge, and senior hallway. It is a great way to clean out your lockers and backpacks before summer!
> The Ping Pong tournament will be held today during lunch periods in the auxiliary gym to the back left after entering. Come down for last minute sign-ups or see Mr. Fedor in room W216. Good luck and have fun!
> You know what is totally NOT giving Ohio? The JV and Varsity Girls Volleyball Meeting that is being held next Wednesday in Mr. Gomez's room after school. Any girls interested in playing JV or Varsity Volleyball should attend. We have a State Title to defend, after all!
June 5, 2024
> Hello, Sophomore Class! Join us for the second annual Sophomore Sunset on the Schroeder Turf, Friday, June 7th from 7-10pm! The winning movie by vote that we will be watching is “Grown Ups.” Join for food, friends, and fun!
> Attention all students! Let's memorialize this amazing end of our school year by submitting photos to the Schroeder Courier.Schroeder Courier is looking for photos from Luminary Night, Empty Bowls, Junior Prom, Senior Ball, Senior Week, Sophomore Sunset, and of course, GOAL and Schroeder graduation! If you have photos to share, you can scan the code on the slide to be taken to the photo submission form OR you can join the Schroeder Courier Google Classroom using the code 3UYQWUD to submit your photos there. You can always email or visit Mrs. Law in W4 if you need help. Anyone can submit so share these precious memories while there's still time.
> Attention students: 2024 is an election year, and come November, some of you will be old enough to vote in your first presidential election! Schroeder will be hosting a student voter registration tomorrow, Thursday, June 6th during 3rd, 4th, and 5th period lunches. If you are 18 years old you can register and vote in this year's election. If you are 16 or 17 you can pre-register and vote after you turn 18. Please have your Driver's License or Social Security Number for identification.
> The last Best Buddies meeting of the year will be after school on Tuesday, June 11th! We will be meeting in the yard outside of W7, and we will have yard games, chalk, and sweet treats! We hope to see you there!
> This Friday, June 7th, the Dance Team will have an informational meeting and try-outs in the Schroeder auditorium from 3:45-5pm. Bring sneakers. This team meets on Sundays at the Rec Center and perform for Homecoming, football home games, and basketball home games.
> Today is Pride Day! In the Cafeteria there will be a Pride flag on display. Stop by to write inspiring or uplifting messages to the LGBTQ+ community. There will also be rainbow flavored ice. In addition there will be a panel, with guests sharing their stories and answering questions, in the library during blocks 4B or 5A.The library staff would love to see a large crowd for their guest speakers, so we encourage teachers to bring classes down and students to visit on their own time. Get a pass from library staff to attend!
> Schroeder’s Library is reintroducing summer reading! Grades 9 through 11 can check out books for the summer as long as their accounts are in good standing. Visit the library today!
June 4, 2024
> Hello, Sophomore Class! Join us for the second annual Sophomore Sunset on the Schroeder Turf, Friday, June 7th from 7-10pm! Vote for your favorite classic movie and join for food, friends, and fun!
> Attention all students! Let's memorialize this amazing end of our school year by submitting photos to the Schroeder Courier. Schroeder Courier is looking for photos from Luminary Night, Empty Bowls, Junior Prom, Senior Ball, Senior Week, Sophomore Sunset, and of course, GOAL and Schroeder graduation! If you have photos to share, you can scan the code on the slide to be taken to the photo submission form OR you can join the Schroeder Courier Google Classroom using the code 3UYQWUD to submit your photos there. You can always email or visit Mrs. Law in W4 if you need help. Anyone can submit so share these precious memories while there's still time.
> For decades Pride Month has been celebrated in June to honor the anniversary of the Stonewall Inn Riots. Festivities, parades, and other events have been held to uplift LGBTQ+ voices and draw attention to the issues members of the community still face. Join us in supporting Pride in our Warrior/GOAL Family by wearing rainbow colors to school on Wednesday, June 5th. In the Cafeteria on Wednesday, there will be a Pride flag on display. Stop by to write inspiring or uplifting messages to the LGBTQ+ community. In addition there will be a panel, with guests sharing their stories and answering questions, in the library during blocks 4B or 5A. Please see library staff to obtain a pass to attend.
> Now over to a NBC News clip on the celebrations happening at Stonewall this month and then back to the studio for more announcements.
> Attention students: 2024 is an election year, and come November, some of you will be old enough to vote in your first presidential election! Schroeder will be hosting a student voter registration on Thursday, June 6th during 3rd, 4th, and 5th period lunches. If you are 18 years old you can register and vote in this year's election. If you are 16 or 17 you can pre-register and vote after you turn 18. Please have your Driver's License or Social Security Number for identification.
> The last Best Buddies meeting of the year will be after school on Tuesday, June 11th! We will be meeting in the yard outside of W7, and we will have yard games, chalk, and sweet treats! We hope to see you there!
> This Friday, June 7th, the Dance Team will have an informational meeting and try-outs in the Schroeder auditorium from 3:45-5pm. Bring sneakers. This team meets on Sundays at the Rec Center and perform for Homecoming, football home games, and basketball home games.
> The library will be closed today to accommodate the Algebra 1 exam. Students should remain in their study halls during free periods.
> Don’t forget to sign up for the school-wide ping pong tournament being held during lunch blocks on Thursday! See Mr. Fedor in room W216 or Lukas V for details. Don’t miss out!
> The Foreign Language Study will be meeting tomorrow, June 5th, after school in W224. Our focus will be on listening practice for Regents!
June 3, 2024
> Hello, Sophomore Class! Join us for the second annual Sophomore Sunset on the Schroeder Turf, Friday, June 7th from 7-10pm! Vote for your favorite classic movie and join for food, friends, and fun!
> Attention all students! Let's memorialize this amazing end of our school year by submitting photos to the Schroeder Courier. Schroeder Courier is looking for photos from Luminary Night, Empty Bowls, Junior Prom, Senior Ball, Senior Week, Sophomore Sunset, and of course, GOAL and Schroeder graduation! If you have photos to share, you can scan the code on the slide to be taken to the photo submission form OR you can join the Schroeder Courier Google Classroom using the code 3UYQWUD to submit your photos there. You can always email or visit Mrs. Law in W4 if you need help. Anyone can submit so share these precious memories while there's still time.
> For decades Pride Month has been celebrated in June to honor the anniversary of the Stonewall Inn Riots. Festivities, parades, and other events have been held to uplift LGBTQ+ voices and draw attention to the issues members of the community still face. Join us in supporting Pride in our Warrior/GOAL Family by wearing rainbow colors to school on Wednesday, June 5th. In the Cafeteria on Wednesday, there will be a Pride flag on display. Stop by to write inspiring or uplifting messages to the LGBTQ+ community. In addition there will be a panel, with guests sharing their stories and answering questions, in the library during blocks 4B or 5A. Please see library staff to obtain a pass to attend.
> Now over to a NBC News clip on the celebrations happening at Stonewall this month and then back to the studio for more announcements.
> Attention students: 2024 is an election year, and come November, some of you will be old enough to vote in your first presidential election! Schroeder will be hosting a student voter registration on Thursday, June 6th during 3rd, 4th, and 5th period lunches. If you are 18 years old you can register and vote in this year's election. If you are 16 or 17 you can pre-register and vote after you turn 18. Please have your Driver's License or Social Security Number for identification.
> The last Best Buddies meeting of the year will be after school on Tuesday, June 11th! We will be meeting in the yard outside of W7, and we will have yard games, chalk, and sweet treats! We hope to see you there!
> This Friday, June 7th, the Dance Team will have an informational meeting and try-outs in the Schroeder auditorium from 3:45-5pm. Bring sneakers. This team meets on Sundays at the Rec Center and perform for Homecoming, football home games, and basketball home games.
May 31, 2024
> Hello, Sophomore Class! Join us for the second annual Sophomore Sunset on the Schroeder Turf, Friday, June 7th from 7-10pm! Vote for your favorite classic movie and join for food, friends, and fun!
> Attention all students! Let's memorialize this amazing end of our school year by submitting photos to the Schroeder Courier.
Schroeder Courier is looking for photos from Luminary Night, Empty Bowls, Junior Prom, Senior Ball, Senior Week, Sophomore Sunset, and of course, GOAL and Schroeder graduation! If you have photos to share, you can scan the code on the slide to be taken to the photo submission form OR you can join the Schroeder Courier Google Classroom using the code 3UYQWUD to submit your photos there. You can always email or visit Mrs. Law in W4 if you need help. Anyone can submit so share these precious memories while there's still time.
> For decades Pride Month has been celebrated in June to honor the anniversary of the Stonewall Inn Riots. Festivities, parades, and other events have been held to uplift LGBTQ+ voices and draw attention to the issues members of the community still face. Join us in supporting Pride in our Warrior/GOAL Family by wearing rainbow colors to school on Wednesday, June 5th. In the Cafeteria on Wednesday, there will be a Pride flag on display. Stop by to write inspiring or uplifting messages to the LGBTQ+ community. In addition there will be a panel, with guests sharing their stories and answering questions, in the library during blocks 4B or 5A. Please see library staff to obtain a pass to attend.
> Now over to a video on the history of Pride Month and back to the studio for more announcements
> Ping Pong Club meets after school today in the cafeteria. Come one, come all! No need to have attended before! Stay tuned for our school-wide tournament.
> Attention students: 2024 is an election year, and come November, some of you will be old enough to vote in your first presidential election! Schroeder will be hosting a student voter registration on Thursday, June 6th during 3rd, 4th, and 5th period lunches. If you are 18 years old you can register and vote in this year's election. If you are 16 or 17 you can pre-register and vote after you turn 18. Please have your Driver's License or Social Security Number for identification.
> Friday? More like Fri-Yay! Schroeder, let the Morning Show get you ready for the weekend with the Big 5:
1. The red hot Warrior Softball team continues their quest for another State title in a Far West match up against Clarence at 3pm at Schroeder. Keep swinging for the fences, ladies! Meanwhile, the Warrior Track athletes are pushing themselves to the next level with State Pre-Qs. Goo dluck all Warrior athletes!
2. Don't get it Tangled! Junior Prom is tomorrow night at Harro East Ballroom. Have a fun, memorable night but remember to be responsible, Class of 2025!
3. Seniors -- Next week is all about you! From Senior Trip, to Senior Breakfast, to Senior Ball...make sure you are staying locked in on all the events so you don't miss out on the action! Senior Trp bag drop off is Sunday night from 4:30- 6:30pm!
4. Last night was Schroeder's Open Art Studio Night with amazing student work on display. Thank you to all who came out to take in the art and those who purchased a bowl to help fight hunger in our community!
5. June is here and Schroeder will be celebrating Pride Month! Join us on Wednesday, June 5th for Pride Day by wearing rainbow and look for other fun activities throughout the day!
Have a wonderful weekend, Warriors!
May 30, 2024
> Hello, Sophomore Class! Join us for the second annual Sophomore Sunset on the Schroeder Turf, Friday, June 7th from 7-10pm! Vote for your favorite classic movie and join for food, friends, and fun!
> For decades Pride Month has been celebrated in June to honor the anniversary of the Stonewall Inn Riots. Festivities, parades, and other events have been held to uplift LGBTQ+ voices and draw attention to the issues members of the community still face. Join us in supporting Pride in our Warrior/GOAL Family by wearing rainbow colors to school on Wednesday, June 5th. In the Cafeteria on Wednesday, there will be a Pride flag on display. Stop by to write inspiring or uplifting messages to the LGBTQ+ community. In addition there will be a panel, with guests sharing their stories and answering questions, in the library during blocks 4B or 5A. Please see library staff to obtain a pass to attend.
> The library will be closed after school today for professional development. Please plan accordingly.
> Ping Pong Club meets after school tomorrow, Friday, in the cafeteria. Come one, come all! No need to have attended before! Stay tuned for our school-wide tournament.
> Dance Team is meeting in N101 tomorrow to discuss auditions for next year, which will be held on Friday, June 7th from 3:45-5 in the auditorium.
> The Foreign Language Study program is meeting again after school and is open to all students who need help with final exams, projects, and regents prep! We're also looking for upperclassmen or students who excel in foreign languages to attend these meetings and help their peers. The Google Classroom code is: ouw45ef. Email Mrs. O'Connor with any questions
> Attention students: 2024 is an election year, and come November, some of you will be old enough to vote in your first presidential election! Schroeder will be hosting a student voter registration on Thursday, June 6th during 3rd, 4th, and 5th period lunches. If you are 18 years old you can register and vote in this year's election. If you are 16 or 17 you can pre-register and vote after you turn 18. Please have your Driver's License or Social Security Number for identification.
May 29, 2024
> Hello, Sophomore Class! Join us for the second annual Sophomore Sunset on the Schroeder Turf, Friday, June 7th from 7-10pm! Vote for your favorite classic movie and join for food, friends, and fun!
> Seniors! No matter what your next steps are, be proud and show off what you got going on after graduation. Join us in celebrating "Senior Decision Day" today. Wear a shirt representing your plans for next year including college, military, trade school, or a job. There will be cake in the senior lounge during lunches.
> Attention ALL track team members not competing in state Q's:
Please turn in uniforms to Coach Klehr in NW1 immediately.
I repeat.....please turn in your track uniforms immediately.
> Attention all students! Let's memorialize this amazing end of our school year by submitting photos to the Schroeder Courier.
Schroeder Courier is looking for photos from Luminary Night, Empty Bowls, Junior Prom, Senior Ball, Senior Week, Sophomore Sunset, and of course, GOAL and Schroeder graduation! If you have photos to share, you can scan the code on the slide to be taken to the photo submission form OR you can join the Schroeder Courier Google Classroom using the code 3UYQWUD to submit your photos there. You can always email or visit Mrs. Law in W4 if you need help. Anyone can submit so share these precious memories while there's still time.
> It’s Warrior Wednesday! All week long Schroeder staff has been on the lookout for students who are demonstrating cooperation, accountability, respect, and excellence.
Let’s go ahead and spin the prize wheel for our student winner:
Congratulations Landon D! And now for our staff winner. Spin that wheel!
Congratulations Mrs. Teeter! You will be contacted by Mrs. Tasber’s office to claim your prize!
Thank you all for continuing to demonstrate great habits and being Warriors who CARE.
> For decades Pride Month has been celebrated in June to honor the anniversary of the Stonewall Inn Riots. Festivities, parades, and other events have been held to uplift LGBTQ+ voices and draw attention to the issues members of the community still face. Join us in supporting Pride in our Warrior/GOAL Family by wearing rainbow colors to school on Wednesday, June 5th. In the Cafeteria on Wednesday, there will be a Pride flag on display. Stop by to write inspiring or uplifting messages to the LGBTQ+ community. In addition there will be a panel, with guests sharing their stories and answering questions, in the library during blocks 4B or 5A. Please see library staff to obtain a pass to attend.
> The Foreign Language study program is meeting again this week today and tomorrow after school and is open to all students who need help with final exams, projects, and regents prep! We're also looking for upperclassmen or students who excel in foreign languages to attend these meetings and help their peers. The google classroom code is O U W 4 5 E F. Email Mrs. O'Connor with any questions!
May 28, 2024
> Hello, Sophomore Class! Join us for the second annual Sophomore Sunset on the Schroeder Turf, Friday, June 7th from 7-10pm! Vote for your favorite classic movie and join for food, friends, and fun!
> Seniors! No matter what your next steps are, be proud and show off what you got going on after graduation. Join us in celebrating "Senior Decision Day" tomorrow, Wednesday, May 29th. Wear a shirt representing your plans for next year including college, military, trade school, or a job. There will be cake in the senior lounge during lunches.
> Last week, the Blue Unified Basketball team played a tough Fairport team at the culminating event at Nazareth College. High scorers for the game were Cody with 8 points and Heaven with 6 points. Congratulations on a great season and best of luck to all our seniors. Go Warriors!
> The first Global Review session will be held in W6 today immediately after school. Mrs. Tuyn will be reviewing the Scientific Revolution, the Enlightenment, the French Revolution (including Napoleon, of course!) and the Latin American Revolutions. Be there or be square. Thursday, Mr. Eckler will be reviewing Nationalism in Room W26. You won't want to miss that!
> The Schroeder Softball team won the Class AA Sectional Finals on Saturday. They beat Thomas 9-1. Liana D. threw a 3 hitter with 7 strikeouts. She was also 1 for 2 with 2 RBIs, a run scored, walk, and stolen base.
Biz B. was 2 for 3 with a double, triple, walk, 3 runs scored, and an RBI. Kinsley K. had an RBI, scored a run, and walked. Leah M. was 3 for 4 with a triple, RBI, 2 runs scored, and a stolen base. Sarah F. had an RBI double, walk, and hit by pitch, Amber K. was 2 for 4, Emma J. had a triple and scored, Ava W. scored and walked. Anna R. made the play of the day with a catch at the fence in left field to save 2 runs.
The girls will play in the Far West Regional on Saturday at Webster Schroeder at 3:00pm. Please come out and support the girls and tell them congratulations on their 3rd Sectional Championship in 4 years!
> A huge congratulations goes out to the Section 5 Champion Women's Track Team. The team did an outstanding job and won by almost 20 points on Saturday. Corintia, Kylie W, Lauren, and Cailyn all scored in the double digits. Becca, Taylor, AJ, Jordan and Ava took points in their events as well. Kylie S, Bria, and Alaura helped solidify the win in the relay events. Amazing job by the whole team on a fantastic season!
Attention Class of 2024, there will be a mandatory senior class meeting tomorrow, Wednesday during period 4B.
This meeting will have important information regarding senior ball, senior trip, and graduation.
See you there!
May 24, 2024
> We would like to take a moment to share that this year, the Art Department entered 230 works of art into the Scholastic Art Awards. Out of those 230 entries, we had numerous students receive honorable mentions, 20 students received silver keys, and 21 students received Gold Key awards. Gold Key winners advance to the national level of adjudication in New York City and are candidates for a national medal. We cordially invite you to view and celebrate these award winning student artists along with all the other talented artists in our program at our annual Schroeder Art Show on May 30 from 5-7pm at Schroeder.
> Hello, Sophomore Class! Join us for the second annual Sophomore Sunset on the Schroeder Turf, Friday, June 7th from 7-10pm! Vote for your favorite classic movie and join for food, friends, and fun!
> Our first Warrior Day of Caring is today. The Warrior Service Scholars are organizing activities to clean up and beautify our Shroeder campus. Use the QR code or check out the Warrior Service Scholars' Google Classroom to sign up. It is going to be a beautiful day to be outside, so get a friend and sign up today!
> Congratulations to the following students for being this week’s recipients of Principal’s Recognition...the last of the year!:
Please stop down to the main office between 1st and 2nd period.
Kaden A. ~Class of 2024
Biz B. ~ Class of 2024
Dario B. ~ Class of 2024
Yuliana B ~ Class of 2024
Ava B. ~ Class of 2024
Nazariy D. ~ Class of 2024
Aubrie G. ~ Class of 2025
Alliana G. ~ Class of 2025
Olivia L. ~ Class of 2024
Oksana M. ~ Class of 2026
Maya P. ~ Class of 2024
Khadeeja R. ~ Class of 2024
Anna R. ~ Class of 2024
Maya T. ~ Class of 2025
CeCe T. ~ Class of 2025
Tyler W. ~ Class of 2025
> The Ping Pong Club will meet after school today in the cafeteria. Come to play some games and discuss our upcoming school-wide tournament!
> Seniors! No matter what your next steps are, be proud and show off what you got going on after graduation. Join us in celebrating "Senior Decision Day" on Wednesday, May 29th. Wear a shirt representing your plans for next year including college, military, trade school, or a job. There will be cake in the senior lounge during lunches.
> Schroeder Softball beat Victor 1-0. Liana D. threw a one-hitter with 11 strikeouts.
Biz B. walked in the 1st, Kinsley K. moved her to 2nd with a sacrifice, and Leah M. had an RBI double. Leah M. was 2 for 3. Sarah F. had a hit. Ava W., Kinsley K., and Liana D. each drew a walk.
The team is playing Webster Thomas on Saturday at FLLC at 3:00 pm in the sectional final!
May 23, 2024
> We would like to take a moment to share that this year, the Art Department entered 230 works of art into the Scholastic Art Awards. Out of those 230 entries, we had numerous students receive honorable mentions, 20 students received silver keys, and 21 students received Gold Key awards. Gold Key winners advance to the national level of adjudication in New York City and are candidates for a national medal. We cordially invite you to view and celebrate these award winning student artists along with all the other talented artists in our program at our annual Schroeder Art Show on May 30 from 5-7pm at Schroeder.
> Hello, Sophomore Class! Join us for the second annual Sophomore Sunset on the Schroeder Turf, Friday, June 7th from 7-10pm! Vote for your favorite classic movie and join for food, friends, and fun!
> Our first Warrior Day of Caring is tomorrow. The Warrior Service Scholars are organizing activities to clean up and beautify our Shroeder campus. Use the QR code or check out the Warrior Service Scholars' Google Classroom to sign up. It is going to be a beautiful day to be outside, so get a friend and sign up today!
> The Ping Pong Club will meet after school tomorrow, Friday, in the cafeteria. Come to play some games and discuss our upcoming school-wide tournament!
> Seniors! No matter what your next steps are, be proud and show off what you got going on after graduation. Join us in celebrating "Senior Decision Day" on Wednesday, May 29th. Wear a shirt representing your plans for next year including college, military, trade school, or a job. There will be cake in the senior lounge during lunches.
May 22, 2024
> The final Women in STEM meeting of the year will be after school today in room E21.
> Congratulations to Class of 2027's Nate W on winning 1st place in the Schroeder Courier student photo contest. Nate's photo of a sunset by the pier beat out 19 other photos in the competition to win a grand prize including a $10 Target giftcard, candy basket, and certificate of achievement. Check out Nate's winning photo and all the other submissions on our instagram @wshscourier. You can also see the full gallery at our website: www.wshscourier.org. While you're there, be sure to check out new film and album reviews by Class of 2024's Kaden A. and Avalon M., as well as a new arc in the original dystopian fiction series The Sands of Greed by Class of 2025's Hayden D. There's also a spotlight on the GOAL program and Principal Saiff by Class of 2026's Kaiden D. Schroeder Courier's next photo contest will kick off in September so keep that photo gallery full over the summer, Warriors!
> Hello, Sophomore Class! Join us for the second annual Sophomore Sunset on the Schroeder Turf, Friday, June 7th from 7-10pm! Vote for your favorite classic movie and join for food, friends, fun!
> Our first Warrior Day of Caring is THIS Friday, May 24th. The Warrior Service Scholars are organizing activities to clean up and beautify our Shroeder campus. Use the QR code or check out the Warrior Service Scholars google classroom to sign up. It is going to be a beautiful day to be outside, so get a friend and sign up today! See you Friday!
> Schroeder Softball beat Brockport 9-0. Liana D. threw a no hitter with 15 strikeouts and a rbi double.
Ava W. was 2 for 2 with 3 runs scored and rbi. Biz B. was 3 for 4 with 2 RBI’s and a run scored. Kinsley K. was 2 for 4 with a rbi double and run scored. Leah M. was 2 for 4 with a RBI double and run scored. Sarah F. was 2 for 4 with a home run and 3 RBI’s. Emma J. had a hit and run scored.
The girls improved to 19-2 and will play Victor in the semifinals on Thursday night at 7:00 pm vs. Victor at Schroeder. Come out and support the team!
> Need help studying for your language Regents or want to help them study? Join us in W224 today, after school! Just bring your work or study materials and we’ll do the rest!
May 21, 2024
> Best Buddies will be meeting after school today in W7! We are going to be making shrinky dinks! All are welcome and we would love to have you there!
> The final Women in STEM meeting of the year will be tomorrow after school in room E21. 🤩
> One short hallway can make a lasting impact in the lives of students. Learn more about the GOAL program in Class of 2026's Kaiden D.'s spotlight on Principal Saiff by visiting WSHSCOURIER.ORG or scanning the QR code in the Schroeder Courier display case by the auditorium.
While you're there, be sure to view photo submissions from the Hello Spring student photo contest and other content from our latest and last drop of the year including album and film reviews, as well as a new arc in the original dystopian fiction series The Sands of Greed by Class of 2025's Hayden D.
> Attention all Tri-M members: we have our last meeting of the year tomorrow, Wednesday, May 22nd, at 8:15am in room N101. We will be going over the pre-k concert on June 6th, preparations for the upcoming induction ceremony in mid-June, and wrapping up the year! See you there!
> There has been a switch in this week's lunch menu: today's lunch menu will be Philly Cheesesteak Sub and Thursday's will be Orange Chicken with rice. This is different from the menu that was posted at the beginning of the month.
> Hello, Sophomore Class! Join us for the second annual Sophomore Sunset on the Schroeder Turf, Friday, June 7th from 7-10pm! Vote for your favorite classic movie and join for food, friends, fun!
May 20th, 2024
> Best Buddies will be meeting after school tomorrow, Tuesday, May 21st in W7! We are going to be making shrinky dinks! All are welcome and we would love to have you there!
> The final Women in STEM meeting of the year will be after school on Wednesday in room E21.
> Congratulations to Class of 2027's Nate W on winning 1st place in the Schroeder Courier student photo contest. Nate's photo of a sunset by the pier beat out 19 other photos in the competition to win a grand prize including a $10 Target giftcard, candy basket, and certificate of achievement. Check out Nate's winning photo and all the other submissions on our instagram @wshscourier. You can also see the full gallery at our website: www.wshscourier.org. While you're there, be sure to view other content from our latest and last drop of the year including album and film reviews by Class of 2024's Kaden A. and Avalon M.The next photo contest will kick off in September so keep that photo gallery full over the summer, Warriors!
May 17, 2024
> Best Buddies will be meeting after school on Tuesday, May 21st in W7! We are going to be making shrinky dinks! All are welcome and we would love to have you there!
> Attention Seniors: Ball tickets are on sale now until Friday, from periods 3 - 5 in the Library Lounge! They are $75 each and you can pay either in exact cash or a check made out to Schroeder Class of 2024! If your class dues are paid in full, you will be comped one ticket. See your house office for Ball guests that are not from Schroeder! Let’s have a great Ball, Schroeder!
> Okay, many spring sports are coming to a close, so how are you going to spend your time? PING PONG CLUB! The Ping Pong Club meets today after school in the cafeteria. It's okay if you've never come before! Come and show off your skills. Hope to see you there!
> How much do you know about Carbon Emissions and its effect on the environment? Carbon Emissions are the release of carbon dioxide into the environment. Carbon dioxide is also known as a greenhouse gas, which means that when emitted into the atmosphere it creates the greenhouse gas effect. The greenhouse gas effect is when greenhouse gasses, such as CO2, absorb solar energy from the sun, trapping heat into the atmosphere and creating a warmer climate. The danger of this is when too much carbon is emitted, the climate can no longer regulate and sustain the heat, which leads to global warming and climate change. How can you help? The burning of fossil fuels for transportation is the leading cause of carbon emissions. So things you can do to help include reducing the amount of time driving your vehicle by carpooling with friends, taking public transportation such as buses, and even walking or biking short distances. About 60 percent of students either drive themselves or get driven to school. If everyone carpools with just one other person we can reduce the amount of carbon emissions we are putting out to come to school in half.
May 16, 2024
> Attention Seniors: Ball tickets are on sale now until Friday, from periods 3 - 5 in the Library Lounge! They are $75 each and you can pay either in exact cash or a check made out to Schroeder Class of 2024! If your class dues are paid in full, you will be comped one ticket. See your house office for Ball guests that are not from Schroeder! Let’s have a great Ball, Schroeder!
> The library will be closed for testing until 6th period today. Students should plan on staying in their study halls.
> Congratulations to the "Catch Me if You Can" cast members that participated in Rochester Broadway Theater League's "Stars of Tomorrow" after a 10 year break! This production was judged by 3 people on dance, vocals, and acting and ranked against other schools in our area. This past weekend "Catch Me if You Can" was recognized for Excellence in Overall Production, Excellence in Vocal Ensemble, Excellence in Dance Ensemble, & Excellence in Production Design. The celebration and representation of the program does not stop here: Schroeder seniors Ryan P and Emily S will continue on to represent the Rochester area in the Jimmy Awards in New York City later this month.
> Schroeder softball beat Penfield 14 to 7 to claim the Monroe County Division 1 title and the number 1 seed for Sectionals.
Liana D. gave up one hit and had 9 strikeouts. She was 3 for 4 with 2 RBIs and a run scored. Ava W. was 3 for 3 with 2 runs and 2 RBIs. Biz B. was 2 for 4 with a triple, 2 runs scored, and an RBI. Kinsley K. was 2 for 4 with a home run, 3 RBIs, 2 runs scored. Emma J. was 2 for 4 with 2 RBIs and run scored. Leah M. had a hit, 2 runs scored, and an RBI. Sarah F. had a two run home run and scored 2 runs. Julianna F. had a double and scored. Hannah C. had a single, Anna R. had an RBI, and Amber K had 2 walks and scored.
The girls start Sectionals on Saturday at home.
May 15, 2024
> Best Buddies will be meeting after school on Tuesday, May 21st in W7! We are going to be making shrinky dinks! All are welcome and we would love to have you there!
> Attention Seniors: Ball tickets are on sale now until Friday, from periods 3 - 5 in the Library Lounge! They are $75 each and you can pay either in exact cash or a check made out to Schroeder Class of 2024! If your class dues are paid in full, you will be comped one ticket. See your house office for Ball guests that are not from Schroeder! Let’s have a great Ball, Schroeder!
> This Thursday, May 16, the library will be closed for testing until 6th period. Students should plan on staying in their study halls.
> Schroeder’s Unified Gold basketball team scored a season-high 56 points to defeat Webster Thomas yesterday! Everyone scored, 5 players had 8 or more points, and Adryann and Kate led the way with 10 points a piece! What a fantastic win!
> The Blue Varsity Unified Basketball team put up 56 points in a great game against Penfield last night. Yasmin and Maddie had 10 points each and Ryker had 8 points. Great defense was played by Shane, Avi, and all of the partners. Way to go, Warriors!
May 14, 2024
> SAGE is working to plan a Pride Day for Schroeder in June. If you are interested in helping to plan for this day, please come to the meeting after school today. Hope to see you there.
> The Schroeder Boys Lacrosse team is playing its last regular season home game tonight at 7:00pm and it's Senior Night! Let's pack the stadium in blue & gold to support our boys, especially our 8 seniors.
> Attention Seniors: Ball tickets are on sale now until Friday, from periods 3 - 5 in the Library Lounge! They are $75 each and you can pay either in exact cash or a check made out to Schroeder Class of 2024! If your class dues are paid in full, you will be comped one ticket. See your house office for Ball guests that are not from Schroeder! Let’s have a great Ball, Schroeder!
May 13, 2024
> I Scream, you scream, we all scream for HONOR ROLL ice cream! Students who received a postcard notifying them that they achieved honor roll (average GPA of 85% or higher) during Q3 can receive a coupon for a free ice cream in the lunch line starting today. Ice cream coupons will be handed out in your alpha office. Stop by during passing time to pick up your coupon and redeem it in the cafeteria line! Coupons can be picked up and redeemed all week. Congratulations on your hard work.
> SAGE is working to plan a Pride Day for Schroeder in June. If you are interested in helping to plan for this day, please come to the meeting after school tomorrow, Tuesday, May 14th in B2. Hope to see you there.
> Best Buddies will be meeting after school on Tuesday, May 21st in W7! We are going to be making shrinky dinks! All are welcome and we would love to have you there!
> Congratulations to 3 members of the Schroeder Varsity Boys Golf team: Senior Brady N, Junior TJ S, and Sophomore Sam D teed it up on Thursday, May 9 at the Monroe County Qualifying Tournament at Eagle Vale Golf Club in Fairport.
All 3 finished in the top 20 out of 60 competitors. Sam shot an 81 to finish in a tie for 4th place, earning a spot in Tuesday's Monroe County Tournament of Champions. TJ also earned a spot in the TOC, finishing in a tie for 12th, one shot off Sam's pace with an 82. Brady shot an 84 to finish tied for 17th place, missing the qualifying score for the TOC by only 1 shot.
As a team it was an outstanding showing, and TJ and Sam will join Sophomore Nick J on Tuesday and try to keep the good play going. The Tournament of Champions, being held this year at Webster Golf Club, is a qualifier for the Section V tournament which is being held Saturday, May 18.
> Warrior Service Scholars will meet before school tomorrow, Tuesday, May 14th, at 8:15 in B2. We will be finalizing our plans for the Warrior Day of Caring. If you can't attend, check the Google Classroom for sign up information. All are welcome, see you there!
>ATTENTION SENIORS! Ball tickets go on sale TODAY during lunch periods (3rd-5th) today until Friday in the library lounge! They are $75 dollars each, pay with either exact cash or a check made out to Schroeder Class of 2024. If your class dues are paid in full you will be charged one ticket. See your house office for ball dates that are not from Schroeder! Let’s have a great ball seniors!
May 10, 2024
> Today is the last day to buy a flower for only $1 in the lunchroom during 4th and 5th periods.
> Interested in running for class officer? There is a mandatory short meeting Monday, May 13 at 3:20pm in the Library Classroom. Terms will cover junior and senior years.
Questions? See Mr. Barilla.
> Attention Schroeder Courier Newspaper Club students: Please check the Courier Google Classroom to view the photo contest submissions and vote for your top 3. All students in the club's Google Classroom are eligible to vote. Please review the photos and vote using the form by the end of day today.
> Attention students and staff: if you ordered from the Schroeder PTSA Apparel ware Store, orders will be in today. Please pick up in the Schroeder Library at the circulation desk anytime now until 4:15pm. Thank you for your support!
> SAGE is working to plan a Pride Day for Schroeder in June. If you are interested in helping to plan for this day, please come to the meeting after school on Tuesday, May 14th in B2. Hope to see you there.
> The Ping Pong Club will meet today after school in the cafeteria. It's a great way to de-stress for a bit before AP exams and finals. Come and have some fun!
> Best Buddies will be meeting after school on Tuesday, May 21st in W7! We are going to be making shrinky dinks! All are welcome and we would love to have you there!
> Schroeder’s Gold Unified basketball team showed grit and toughness yesterday when they refused to back down from an aggressive Fairport team. Owen led the way with 12 points and everyone contributed! Be proud!
The Blue Varsity Unified basketball team put up 48 points in the win over Fairport last night. Abby had 12 points, Ryker had 10 points, and Heaven had 6 points. Our partners did an amazing job shutting down a tough offensive team. Way to go Warriors!
> Happy Friday to all! This time of year can bring a lot of stress and anxiety...so let the Morning Show take care of somethings on your to-do list and bring you up to speed with this week's Big 5:
1. Senior Sarah F. was recognized on Wednesday night as the most Winningest Warrior of all time. Over her illustrious athletic career, Sarah racked up 179 (with more to still come) varsity wins across three different sports including three state championship titles in three different sports: volleyball, basketball, and softball. But Sarah is more than a tremendous competitor and athlete...she is a top-performing student, a phenomenal young woman, and a role model to all. Sarah, all of Schroeder is so proud of you. Congrats on being the true Warrior GOAT!
2. Prom and Ball season is HERE and tickets are going on sale! Even if you found the perfect dress or have your tux on lock, don't forget to secure your ticket so you don't miss out on the fun. Check your grade-level Google Classroom page for Prom and Ball ticket information or talk to a class officer or advisor. I'm sure Eckler has plenty to say about this year's Ball!
3. Congrats to all you who have knocked off an AP exam this week! Reminder to students and staff that APs will continue next week as well. Best of luck to all students and remember those strategies your caring teachers have taught you!
4. This week has been Staff Appreciation Week. On behalf of the Morning Show, we wanted to say thank you to all of Schroeder's amazing teachers and staff who go above and beyond every day to make this school the place to be. We appreciate you! Students, don't shy away today -- let a teacher or staff member know they are appreciated.
5. Like we said, we are here to help you this week: SUNDAY IS MOTHER'S DAY! Don't forget to make this weekend extra special for that mother figure in your life!
Have a wonderful weekend, Warriors.
May 9, 2024
> Interested in running for class officer? There is a mandatory short meeting Monday, May 13 at 3:20pm in the Library Classroom. Terms will cover junior and senior years.
Questions? See Mr. Barilla.
> Attention students and staff: if you ordered from the Schroeder PTSA Apparel Ware Store, orders will be in tomorrow, Friday, May 10th. Please pick up in the Schroeder Library at the circulation desk anytime from 8:00 - 4:15pm. Thank you for your support!
> Schroeder's Gold Unified Basketball team was victorious over a tough Victor team Tuesday by a score of 48-41! Every player scored in the effort with Owen leading the way with 12 points and Angie adding another 10. Congratulations on fantastic teamwork from start to finish!
Schroeder’s Blue Unified Basketball team put up 52 points in the win over Thomas on Tuesday. High scorers of the game were Abby W. and Shane W. each with 8 points. Everyone played amazing defense and they should be so proud of their first victory of the season.
> SAGE is working to plan a Pride Day for Schroeder in June. If you are interested in helping to plan for this day, please come to the meeting after school on Tuesday, May 14th in B2. Hope to see you there.
> The Ping Pong Club will meet this Friday after school in the cafeteria. It's a great way to de-stress for a bit before AP exams and finals. Come and have some fun!
> Schroeder Softball beat Fairport in the bottom of the 7th 4-3.
Liana D. led off the bottom of the 7th with a double. Kinsley K. laid down a sacrifice bunt to move her to 3rd and then Leah M. and Sarah F. walked to load the bases and Amber K. singled to walk it off.
Liana D. had 12 strikeouts and was 2 for 4 with a run. Leah M. was 2 for 3 with a walk, Amber K. was 2 for 4 with a run and an RBI. Ava W. had an RBI double. Biz B. had a hit and scored a run. Kinsley K. had a RBI and scored a run. Sarah F. had an RBI.
The girls are now 16-1.
May 8, 2024
> Attention students and staff: if you are looking to spruce up your home this spring with some beautiful flowers you are in luck! Starting today, YWE and Green Club are selling flowers in the lunchroom during 4th and 5th period for only one dollar! The sale lasts until May 10th, so don't hesitate!
> Hi, Schroeder! It's Teacher Appreciation Week! Future Educators of America will be selling apples during lunches this week -- stress ball apples -- for you to gift your favorite teachers' stress away. Come get one for $1 a piece for your favorite teacher in the building. You can deliver it with a note, or we can! Take the time to show your gratitude to teachers who have had your back, engaged you, or impacted your life in a positive way.
> The next Women in STEM meeting is after school today in E21.
> Interested in running for class officer? There is a mandatory short meeting Monday, May 13 at 3:20pm in the Library Classroom. Terms will cover junior and senior years.
Questions? See Mr. Barilla.
> Attention Schroeder Courier Newspaper Club students: Please check the Courier Google Classroom to view the photo contest submissions and vote for your top 3. All students in the club's Google Classroom are eligible to vote. Please review the photos and vote using the form by the end of day on Friday, May 10.
> Attention students and staff: if you ordered from the Schroeder PTSA Apparelware Store, orders will be in this Friday, May 10th. Please pick up in the Schroeder Library at the circulation desk anytime from 8:00 - 4:15pm. Thank you for your support!
> It’s Warrior Wednesday! All week long Schroeder staff has been on the lookout for students who are demonstrating cooperation, accountability, respect, and excellence.
Let’s go ahead and spin the prize wheel for our student winner:
Congratulations! And now for our staff winner. Spin that wheel!
Congratulations! You will be contacted by Mrs. Tasber’s office to claim your prize!
Thank you all for continuing to demonstrate great habits and being Warriors who CARE.
> The Women's Track team honored seniors Lauren, Taylor, Corintia and Sofia last night. Although the team did not win the meet there were some amazing finishes by:
Corintia and Lauren in long jump
Cooper in pole vault
Taylor, Tatyana and Grace in discus
AJ and Ava in the 100 hurdles and AJ again in the 400 hurdles
Becca and Jordan in the 400 and Becca again in the 800
Kylie and Sofia in the 1500
Lauren and Corintia in the 100
and Angelina and Lauren once again in the 200.
Congrats on a great track career, seniors!
May 7, 2024
> Attention students and staff: if you are looking to spruce up your home this spring with some beautiful flowers you are in luck! Starting tomorrow, May 8th, YWE and Green Club are selling flowers in the lunchroom during 4th and 5th period for only one dollar! The sale lasts until May 10th, so don't hesitate!
> Hi, Schroeder! It's Teacher Appreciation Week! Future Educators of America will be selling apples during lunches this week -- stress ball apples -- for you to gift your favorite teachers' stress away. Come get one for $1 a piece for your favorite teacher in the building. You can deliver it with a note, or we can! Take the time to show your gratitude to teachers who have had your back, engaged you, or impacted your life in a positive way.
> The next Women in STEM meeting is after school tomorrow, Wednesday, in E21.
> Interested in running for class officer? There is a mandatory short meeting Monday, May 13 at 3:20pm in the Library Classroom. Terms will cover junior and senior years.
Questions? See Mr. Barilla.
> Attention Schroeder Courier Newspaper Club students: Please check the Courier Google Classroom to view the photo contest submissions and vote for your top 3. All students in the club's Google Classroom are eligible to vote. Please review the photos and vote using the form by the end of day on Friday, May 10.
> Attention students and staff: if you ordered from the Schroeder PTSA Apparelware Store, orders will be in this Friday, May 10th. Please pick up in the Schroeder Library at the circulation desk anytime from 8:00 - 4:15pm. Thank you for your support!
> Hi, my name is Maddie and I am on the Blue team for Varsity Unified basketball. We have a game today at Thomas!
Hi, my name is Keira and I am on the Gold team for the Varsity Unified Basketball team. We also have a game today at home versus Victor! Please come out to see us play at 5:00. Let's go Warriors!
April 6, 2024
> Attention students and staff: if you are looking to spruce up your home this spring with some beautiful flowers you are in luck! Starting May 8th YWE and Green Club are selling flowers in the lunchroom during 4th and 5th period for only one dollar! The sale lasts until May 10th, so don't hesitate!
> Our Unified Basketball teams had exciting games on Thursday with Gold topping Irondequoit and Blue falling short to Penfield. The Blue team racked up a whopping 48 points in Penfield! Abby and Cody contributed 10 points each and Shane tossed in 8. Everyone played their hearts out and should be proud! The Gold team had lots of baskets from Owen A. and Angie B. Will B. made an incredible running layup to secure the team win! It was great to see so many students and fans in the gym cheering for our athletes. Go Warriors!
> Hi, Schroeder! It's Teacher Appreciation Week! Future Educators of America will be selling apples during lunches this week -- stress ball apples -- for you to gift your favorite teachers' stress away. Come get one for $1 a piece for your favorite teacher in the building. You can deliver it with a note, or we can! Take the time to show your gratitude to teachers who have had your back, engaged you, or impacted your life in a positive way.
> The next Women in STEM meeting is after school on Wednesday in E21.
> Interested in running for class officer? There is a mandatory short meeting Monday, May 13 at 3:20pm in the Library Classroom. Terms will cover junior and senior years.
Questions? See Mr. Barilla.
May 3rd, 2024
> Attention all Juniors: Prom, on June 1st, is quickly approaching. We will be selling tickets on Monday, May 6th, through Friday, May 10th, during lunches, 4th and 5th block. Tickets will be $65 per person, unless dues are paid. If you plan on bringing someone that goes to another school, you must have your guest form completed and with you when you buy the tickets. Forms can be found on Mrs. Goodsell’s door, W217, or your alpha office. We will be accepting cash or checks (made out to Webster Schroeder Class of 2025). Happy prom season!
> Attention students and staff: if you are looking to spruce up your home this spring with some beautiful flowers you are in luck! Starting May 8th YWE and Green Club are selling flowers in the lunchroom during 4th and 5th period for only one dollar! The sale lasts until May 10th, so don't hesitate!
> The Women's Track team once again remains undefeated in their win over Victor Wednesday night. There were many winners and personal records including:
Becca and Bria in the 400 with Becca's 59 second PR and also a win in the 800
Kylie and Sofia won in BOTH the 1500 and 3000
Lauren winning and a PR in the 100 with Ava, Angelina and AJ all getting PRs
Cailyn winning and a PR in 400 hurdles making her the 2nd fastest in Section 5. Grace also had a PR in 400 hurdles.
Corintia and Jordan won in the 200 and Julianna had a PR
Lauren, Cailyn, Ava and Corintia swept the long and triple jump
Cooper won in the pole vault
and finally Taylor won in both shot and discus once again
> Congratulations to the Boys' Track team on defeating Victor in their meet this past Wednesday. The Warrior boys won a nail-biter 71 to 69 with the outcome hanging in the balance in the last event, when Johnathan D took 2nd place in the triple jump to secure the win.
Athletes who scored points for the team in individual events were:
All-star Kevin B who won the 110 hurdles, 100, and 200 meter dashes.
Connor M. won the two mile and was 3rd in the 800.
Preston W. was 2nd in both the 800 and two mile
Aydin S. was 2nd in the 200 and 3rd in the 100.
Naz. D. was 2nd in the shot put and 3rd in the discus.
Edarius T. was 2nd in the 400.
Ronan E. was 2nd in the 100.
And the Warriors also secured 3rd place in 10 of the 13 events, and won two of the three relays, showing that the team depth really won the meet.
The Boys' Track team is in action tonight at the Wayne Invite and is battling Fairport for the division title next Tuesday on our home track - come on out and support them.
> The Schroeder Boys Tennis team improved their record to 10-2 with a 5-2 victory over the Spencerport Rangers. With the victory, the team is the 2024 Monroe County Division 3 Champions. Brayden P had an excellent win at 1st singles that gave the Warriors their 4th and match claiming point. Also winning their matches were Andrew B and Ryker M at 1st singles, Yi J and Sam O at 2nd doubles, Luke I and Drew H at 3rd doubles and Matthew B and Zeke D at 4th doubles. Andrew B and Tucker B played well but came up a bit short in their singles matches. The Warriors have 3 regular season matches next week to wrap up the regular season. Way to go boys!
> The Ping Ping Club will meet today right after school. Come to the cafeteria to start the weekend with some fun and friends!
> Congratulations to the following students for being this week’s recipients of Principal’s Recognition:
Please stop down to the main office between 1st and 2nd period.
Harrison A. ~Class of 2024
Megan B. ~ Class of 2024
Sam B. ~ Class of 2025
Sarah C. ~ Class of 2025
Danika J. ~ Class of 2026
Sebastian L. ~ Class of 2024
Emma R. ~ Class of 2026 (per 1 Triou)
Julia R. ~ Class of 2026
Nicholas S. ~ Class of 2024 (per 2 Peck)
Kate S. ~ Class of 2026
Olivia S. ~ Class of 2027
Maya S. ~ Class of 2025
> Well, Schroeder -- spring has sprung, we have finally hit the month of May, and it is Friday! Let's get you caught up on everything you need to know heading into the weekend. Here is Schroeder's Big 5:
1. May the 4th be with you! Don't be a stuck-up, half-witted, scruffy-looking nerf-herder and help Schroeder in celebrating Star Wars today! Stop by the library to see what's happening. Participate, you will.
2. Don't get tangled up in bad planning: Prom tickets go on sale next week! Get yours ASAP and get ready for an unforgettable night with the Class of 2025!
3. Plant some joy into your life (or someone else's) by purchasing a spring flower next week during lunches for only $1. $1? In this economy?
4. Spring sports are heating up! Congrats to all the coaches and players out there this season doing things the Warrior way and keeping the dubs coming! The Morning Show looks forward to sharing more victories.
5. It is the 4th quarter, Schroeder. With AP Exams almost here and plenty of celebratory events -- like awards, Prom, Ball, and exciting field trips -- be sure you are taking care of business in the classroom to be able to participate and enjoy. Take care of yourself first -- solid sleep, healthy diet, good study habits -- to ensure a strong finish. We got this!
May 2, 2024
> Calling all Star Wars fans:
"May The Fourth Be With You" falls on a Saturday this year, so we will be celebrating tomorrow, Friday, May 3. Get into the spirit with iconic Star Wars music in place of bells, a film screening in the library classroom, and Star Wars Trivia during lunches. Don your best Star Wars Day-inspired costume, but please leave your blaster at home. Have your picture taken in the library before 1pm to be entered into our PTSA-sponsored costume contest. There will be categories and prizes for both students and staff. See library staff to get an appointment pass to attend!
> Attention all Juniors: Prom, on June 1st, is quickly approaching. We will be selling tickets on Monday, May 6th, through Friday, May 10th, during lunches, 4th and 5th block. Tickets will be $65 per person, unless dues are paid. If you plan on bringing someone that goes to another school, you must have your guest form completed and with you when you buy the tickets. Forms can be found on Mrs. Goodsell’s door, W217, or your alpha office. We will be accepting cash or checks (made out to Webster Schroeder Class of 2025). Happy prom season!
Now over to...
> Attention Key Club members: today, May 2nd, will be our last meeting of the year. Please join us in the Library cafe at 3:20pm.
> Schroeder Softball beat Thomas 3-1 and improved to 15-0. Liana D. pitched a 4 hitter with 8 strikeouts, had a single, and scored a run.
Bizzie B. was 2 for 4 with 2 runs scored. Kinsley K. was 1 for 3 with a RBI. Amber K. was 2 for 3 with a double, Ava W. had a double.
> Now over to Schroeder Courier’s very own Bailey for another tantalizing on-air interview: “Share It With Schroeder”
>Now over to unified basketball...
Hi, my name is Avi and I am on the Blue Team for Varsity basketball. We have a game today at Penfield!
Hi, my name is Angie and I am on the Gold Varsity Unified Basketball team. Our game today is home versus Irondequoit at 4:45. Please come out to see us play!
Let's go Warriors!
May 1, 2024
> Calling all Star Wars fans...
May The Fourth Be With You falls on a Saturday this year, so we will be celebrating on Friday, May 3. Get into the spirit with iconic Star Wars music in place of bells, a film screening in the library classroom, and Star Wars Trivia during lunches. Don your best Star Wars Day-inspired costume, but please leave your blaster at home. Have your picture taken in the library before 1 p.m. to be entered into our PTSA-sponsored costume contest. There will be categories and prizes for both students and staff.
See library staff to get an appointment pass to attend!
> Attention all Juniors: Prom, on June 1st, is quickly approaching. We will be selling tickets on Monday, May 6th, through Friday, May 10th, during lunches, 4th and 5th block. Tickets will be $65 per person, unless dues are paid. If you plan on bringing someone that goes to another school, you must have your guest form completed and with you when you buy the tickets. Forms can be found on Mrs. Goodsell’s door, W217, or your alpha office. We will be accepting cash or checks (made out to Webster Schroeder Class of 2025). Happy prom season!
> Tomorrow May 2nd will be the last key club meeting of the year. Please join us in the Library CAFE at 3:20 PM
> Attention students and staff if you are looking to spuce up your home this spring with some beautiful flowers you are in LUCK! Starting May 8th the YWE and the GREAN CLUB are selling flowers in the lunchroom during 4th and 5th period for ONLY one dollar! The sale will last till the 10th so dont hesitate!
> Congratulations to Julia S who placed first in the Statewide Skills USA competition, specifically in Nail Technology Model. At the statewide SkillsUSA, students competed in areas ranging from cosmetology and esthetics to collision repair and construction electricity and more. Students who took first place, such as Julia, are eligible to compete at the national level. The SkillsUSA Championships welcome more than 6,000 state champions from across the country to compete in
115 skilled and leadership tasks. This year, the national competition is June 24-28.
> The Schroeder Blue Unified basketball team dumped 32 points on the visiting Fairport Raiders last evening in their first game of the season. Cody led the team with 12 points and absolutely everyone pitched in in the effort.
The Schroeder Gold Unified Basketball team played a tough game against Fairport last night. Owen A. led the team with 10 points and great defense was played by Angie B. and Kate W. Please come out to support the team as they face Irondequoit on Thursday. Go Warriors!
April 30, 2024
> SAGE is working to plan a PRIDE day for Schroeder. If you are interested in helping to plan for this day, please come to the meeting after school today in B2. Hope to see you there.
> Calling all Star Wars fans...
May The Fourth Be With You falls on a Saturday this year, so we will be celebrating on Friday, May 3. Get into the spirit with iconic Star Wars music in place of bells, a film screening in the library classroom, and Star Wars Trivia during lunches. Don your best Star Wars Day-inspired costume, but please leave your blaster at home. Have your picture taken in the library before 1 p.m. to be entered into our PTSA-sponsored costume contest. There will be categories and prizes for both students and staff.
See library staff to get an appointment pass to attend!
> Attention all Juniors: Prom, on June 1st, is quickly approaching. We will be selling tickets on Monday, May 6th, through Friday, May 10th, during lunches, 4th and 5th block. Tickets will be $65 per person, unless dues are paid. If you plan on bringing someone that goes to another school, you must have your guest form completed and with you when you buy the tickets. Forms can be found on Mrs. Goodsell’s door, W217, or your alpha office. We will be accepting cash or checks (made out to Webster Schroeder Class of 2025). Happy prom season!
> Thursday May 2nd Key Club will have our last meeting of the year. Please join us in the Library CAFE at 3:20 PM
> Schroeder Softball beat Penfield 8-0. Liana D. threw a two hitter and was 2 for 4 with 2 runs scored.
Kinsley K. was 2 for 3 with 3 RBI’s, a double, walk, and 2 Runs scored. Biz B. was 2 for 3, run, and walk. Leah M. had two RBI single, walk, and a run scored. Ava W. was 1 for 2 with a run, and two walks. Emma J. was 2 for 4 with a run and RBI.
Schroeder is now 14-0.
> Hi, my name is Cece and I am on the Gold team for Varsity Unified basketball. We have our first game today at Fairport!
Hi, my name is Abby and I am on the Blue Varsity Unified Basketball team. We also have our first basketball game today at home versus Fairport!
Please come out to see us play at 5:00. Let's go Warriors!
April 29, 2024
> SAGE is working to plan a PRIDE day for Schroeder. If you are interested in helping to plan for this day, please come to the meeting after school tomorrow in B2. Hope to see you there.
> Calling all Star Wars fans...
May The Fourth Be With You falls on a Saturday this year, so we will be celebrating on Friday, May 3. Get into the spirit with iconic Star Wars music in place of bells, a film screening in the library classroom, and Star Wars Trivia during lunches. Don your best Star Wars Day-inspired costume, but please leave your blaster at home. Have your picture taken in the library before 1 p.m. to be entered into our PTSA-sponsored costume contest. There will be categories and prizes for both students and staff.
See library staff to get an appointment pass to attend!
> Attention all Juniors: Prom, on June 1st, is quickly approaching. We will be selling tickets on Monday, May 6th, through Friday, May 10th, during lunches, 4th and 5th block. Tickets will be $65 per person, unless dues are paid. If you plan on bringing someone that goes to another school, you must have your guest form completed and with you when you buy the tickets. Forms can be found on Mrs. Goodsell’s door, W217, or your alpha office. We will be accepting cash or checks (made out to Webster Schroeder Class of 2025). Happy prom season!
> Future Educators of America will be having our next meeting today after school starting at 3:30 in W13, Mr. Christman’s room. We will be receiving field trip forms and getting set for teacher appreciation week next week! See you then!
> Schroeder softball improved to 13-0 with two wins in the Mary Testa Tournament.
Congrats to the Girls Softball Team! Over the weekend
the girls beat Maine Endwell 8-0. Liana D. threw a no hitter with 13 strikeouts. She also scored a run.
Biz B. was 2 for 3 with 2 runs scored, walk, and 2 RBIs. Kinsley K. was 2 for 3 with a double, 3 RBIs, walk, and a run scored. Emma J. was 2 for 3 with a RBI and run scored.
Leah M. had a RBI double, walk, and scored. Amber K. had a RBI double. Kenzie J. had a single and scored.
We beat Cohoes 8-5. Hannah C. got the win with 4 strikeouts and Liana D. picked up the save with 8 strikeouts.
> The NHS meeting is cancelled today. We will have one final meeting with information about hours and officers for next year. Check Classroom for the new date.
International club is having their annual international dinner on May 9th @schroderhighschool in W215 at 6:00pm. In order for you to attend you must bring an international dish. There is a sign up sheet in the google classroom the code is imsupsf. Your last day to sign up will be May 7th 3:15pm. Get your cooking on!!
April 26, 2024
> ATTENTION SENIORS: THE DEADLINE TO REGISTER FOR SENIOR TRIP IS Today!! Your overnight medical forms, $150 dollars, and cabin form is DUE!! Hand in these items to Mrs.Cardella in room W27! These resources are posted on Google Classroom, as well as more information! Any questions? See Mr.Eckler or Mrs.Mccann!
> Attention all Schroeder & GOAL students! Schroeder Courier is hosting its first student photo contest. The theme is: HELLO SPRING! Capture an original photo that best depicts the theme HELLO SPRING! and submit it via our photo contest form before Sunday, May 5 to enter the contest. Enter for your chance to win a candy basket including a $10 giftcard. Winner will be voted on by members of Schroeder Courier Newspaper Club. The submission form is available via QR code on any of our flyers around Schroeder or on the morning show ad slide. You can also visit Mrs. Law in W4 for the QR code or even email her for the link. Happy snapping, Warrior Photographers!
> SAGE is working to plan a PRIDE day for Schroeder. If you are interested in helping to plan for this day, please come to the meeting after school on Tuesday April 30th in B2. Hope to see you there.
> Congratulations to the cast and crew of Little Women who had a FANTASTIC opening night. If you didn’t come out to see this powerhouse of a senior heavy cast, you have 3 more chances this weekend to, tonight at 7 and tomorrow at 2 and 7.
> This week the ping pong club will be meeting TODAY after school in the cafeteria. Come along to test your skills! See you there for a perfect way to start your weekend!
> Schroeder Softball beat RH 18-0. Liana D. pitched a one hitter with 8 strikeouts. She was also 4 for 5 with 2 home runs, 5 RBIs, 4 runs scored, and a double.
Leah M. was 3 for 4 with 2 rbis and 2 runs scored. Sarah F. was 3 for 4 with 3 runs scored, a double, and RBI.
Kinsley K had 2 hits, 3 RBIs, 2 runs scored. Emma J had 2 hits, RBI, and a run. Ava W had 2 hits, a home run, RBI, and 2 runs scored. Amber K had 2 RBI double. Julianna F was 1 for 1 with 2 RBI and Maddie K was 1 for 1 with a run scored and RBI.
We are now 11-0
> Congratulations to the following students for being this week’s recipients of Principal’s Recognition:
Please stop down to the main office between 1st and 2nd period.
Nate K. ~ Class of 2027
Kyra L. ~ Class of 2026
Jillian P. ~ Class of 2027
Elena S. ~ Class of 2024
> Are you ready Schroeder for this week’s Big 5? Here is the lo down on all the Schroeder Happenings:
Come out and see Little Women this weekend, you have three more chances to come, tonight at 7pm and tomorrow at 2pm and 7pm. This heartwarming story is one you won't want to miss, and have a chance to see our 6 seniors take the stage one last time.
The Schroeder Softball team is killing it right now with a record of 11 and o. Check out their next game Monday at 7pm at home.
Seniors! Don’t miss out on your chance to go on senior trip. The forms and payment are due today. Round out your senior year with a trip on the lake with your friends!
Unified basketball started their season last night, with outstanding play by all playing. We are looking forward to a great season.
We all have something to look forward to next week, the WEATHER IS CHANGING, enjoy the warm and sunny weather that is coming our way.
April 25, 2024
> ATTENTION SENIORS: THE DEADLINE TO REGISTER FOR SENIOR TRIP IS COMING UP!! Tomorrow, your overnight medical forms, $150 dollars, and cabin form is DUE!! Hand in these items to either Mr.Eckler in room W27 or Mrs.Cardella in room W27! These resources are posted on Google Classroom, as well as more information! Any questions? See Mr.Eckler or Mrs.Mccann!
> SAGE is working to plan a PRIDE day for Schroeder. If you are interested in helping to plan for this day, please come to the meeting after school on Tuesday April 30th in B2. Hope to see you there.
> This week the ping pong club will be meeting Tomorrow after school in the cafeteria. Come along to test your skills! See you there for a perfect way to start your weekend!
> Tonight is the night, come see the astonishing March sisters TONIGHT at 7pm or catch us this weekend only tomorrow at 7pm, Saturday at 2pm and 7pm.
> The Girls lacrosse team faces Thomas tomorrow night at home, at 7:30pm. Come support the girls as they take on Thomas and for teacher appreciation night.
April 24, 2024
The next Women in STEM meeting is today in room E21.
> ATTENTION SENIORS: THE DEADLINE TO REGISTER FOR SENIOR TRIP IS COMING UP!! Friday, April 26th, your overnight medical forms, $150 dollars, and cabin form is DUE!! Hand in these items to either Mr.Eckler in room W27 or Mrs.Cardella in room W27! These resources are posted on Google Classroom, as well as more information! Any questions? See Mr.Eckler or Mrs.Mccann!
> Attention all Schroeder & GOAL students! Schroeder Courier is hosting its first student photo contest. The theme is: HELLO SPRING! Capture an original photo that best depicts the theme HELLO SPRING! and submit it via our photo contest form before Sunday, May 5 to enter the contest. Enter for your chance to win a candy basket including a $10 gift card. Winner will be voted on by members of Schroeder Courier Newspaper Club. The submission form is available via QR code on any of our flyers around Schroeder or on the morning show ad slide. You can also visit Mrs. Law in W4 for the QR code or even email her for the link. Happy snapping, Warrior Photographers!
> "The boys track team battled bravely yesterday but lost to R-H 69 to 71. In the valiant effort, many Warrior boys performed well...
Tyler W won both hurdle races
Kevin B won the 100 and the 200 and was 2nd in the hurdles
Naz D won the disc and was 2nd in the 100 and shot put
Jon D won the triple jump and was 3rd in the long jump
Dylan B came back from injury to win the 400
Paolo F was 2nd in the 400
Matt G was 2nd in the 400 hurdles
Ronan R was 2nd in the 200
Ben R was 2nd in the long jump
R.J. B. was 2nd in the discus.
Connor M was 3rd in the mile and two mile.
The 4 x 800 Relay of Chase L, Connor M, Edarius T., and Matt F won
And finally Aydin S, Aarron S, Harry A, and Braiden Q took third in their events.
Good effort all around, and the boys look to bounce back this weekend and the Brighton Relays and the His and Hers Invite."
> Congratulations go out again to the women's track team and their defeat of Rush Henrietta on Tuesday. It started out with A-J M taking 1st in the 100 hurdles and Corintia G taking 1st in both the long jump and 100 meters. Jordan S continued with 1st place in the 200 meters. Corintia, Lauren, Jordan and Becca took 1st in the 4 by 100 meter relay and are now on top of the leaderboard beating over 50 other schools. Cooper H vaulted an amazing 8 foot 6 inches taking 1st place and also a PR. Cailyn C managed an easy 1st place in 400 hurdles which was a PR for her as well. And Taylor F threw an incredible 102 feet 7 inches in discus which is yet another PR. Taylor took 1st in that event and 1st in shot put. Incredible job and the team still remains undefeated!
April 23, 2024
> The next Women in STEM meeting is after school Tomorrow in room E21.
> ATTENTION SENIORS: THE DEADLINE TO REGISTER FOR SENIOR TRIP IS COMING UP!! Friday, April 26th, your overnight medical forms, $150 dollars, and cabin form is DUE!! Hand in these items to either Mr.Eckler in room W27 or Mrs.Cardella in room W27! These resources are posted on Google Classroom, as well as more information! Any questions? See Mr.Eckler or Mrs.Mccann!
> Schroeder Softball beat Brighton 8-2. Kinsley K. was 3 for 4 with a run scored and RBI. Liana D. had a triple and a run scored, Biz B. had a triple, a run scored, and 2 walks. Leah M. had a RBI single and scored. Anna R. was 1 for 1 with a sac, walk, run scored, and 2 RBI single. Ava W. was 2 for 3 with a 2 RBI double, Emma J. had a RBI, scored two runs, and a single.
Hannah C. got the win on the mound giving up 5 hits in 6 innings of work. Schroeder is now 10-0.
> "Little Women" is an iconic American story, covering the life of four sisters: The Marches. So why don't you just MARCH on down to the auditorium next week and catch one of the four performances happening! Support an amazing cast and crew! Tickets are on sale now.
April 22, 2024
> The Webster Marching Band is hosting an informational night for all new, interested, and returning members tonight at 6pm in the Spry Cafetorium. There are opportunities for musicians, dancers, and tech crew. Come learn about the program, meet our staff, meet other kids in the band, and learn about our show this season! Students in grades 6-12 from all middle schools and high schools are welcome to join! No experience is required and everyone is welcome! If you have any questions, email Brittany Cole at Brittany_Cole@webstercsd.org. Hope to see you there!
> The next Women in STEM meeting is after school on Wednesday in room E21.
> ATTENTION SENIORS: THE DEADLINE TO REGISTER FOR SENIOR TRIP IS COMING UP!! Friday, April 26th, your overnight medical forms, $150 dollars, and cabin form is DUE!! Hand in these items to either Mr.Eckler in room W27 or Mrs.Cardella in room W27! These resources are posted on Google Classroom, as well as more information! Any questions? See Mr.Eckler or Mrs.Mccann!
> Today is Earth Day !
SHS/GOAL PTSA is celebrating Mother Earth by making a craft in the library. Students please get a pass from your study hall teachers to come down to the library.
We look forward to seeing you!
> Special Congratulations to Sophia M. for becoming a STATE-RANKED debater April 13-14 at the NEW YORK STATE SPEECH AND DEBATE TOURNAMENT!
This is an exceptional achievement at the state level in competition with nearly 100 teams from schools like Regis, Stuyvesant, and Bronx High School of Science.
Sophia, you have brought honor not just to the Schroeder Speech & Debate Team but to the school and district as well!
> The countdown is on… four days for the four March sisters. Little Women opens Thursday night, join Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy as they start the adventure of a lifetime. Finding love, purpose and growing up. Check out the posters around the building to see how to purchase tickets.
> On Saturday, April 20 twelve students participated virtually in the
Computer Science at Mines High School Programming Competition 2024. Students worked in teams of 2-4 people to solve up to 16 problems in 4 hours. From Schroeder, Jessica F, Jack S, Akshaya D, Yi J and Stephanie G formed two teams and from Thomas, Kai Z, Shalin Z, Liam E, Jenna D, Taya M, Kyle B, Kyle M, Sameer S and Caleb W formed three teams. All teams correctly solved at least 3 problems, two teams solved 10 problems and the top Webster team placed 10th out of 27.
> Congratulations go out to the women's track team as they hosted their invitational here on Saturday. Corintia easily took 1st place in long jump. The 4 by 100 team made up of Lauren CW, Jordan S, Becca S, and Jenna S triumphed over 13 other schools. Out of almost 50 athletes per event- Jordan, Becca, and Taylor F took 2nd place in the 200 meters, 800 meters and shot put respectively. Grace S took 3rd in shot put. Amazing job by all who participated and volunteered to run the event!
> Attention all Schroeder & GOAL students! Schroeder Courier is hosting its first student photo contest. The theme is: HELLO SPRING! Capture an original photo that best depicts the theme HELLO SPRING! and submit it via our photo contest form before Sunday, May 5 to enter the contest. Enter for your chance to win a candy basket including a $10 giftcard. Winner will be voted on by members of Schroeder Courier Newspaper Club. The submission form is available via QR code on any of our flyers around Schroeder or on the morning show ad slide. You can also visit Mrs. Law in W4 for the QR code or even email her for the link. Happy snapping, Warrior Photographers!
> Congratulations go out to Jacqueline H for finishing in third place out of 43 competitors in the 2024 RIT High School Math Competition. Jacqueline will be recognized during an awards ceremony at RIT on Saturday May 4. Jessica F and Megan F also will be recognized at the ceremony for their participation in the contest.
April 19, 2024
The Webster Marching Band is hosting an informational night for all new, interested, and returning members on April 22nd at 6pm in the Spry Cafetorium. There are opportunities for musicians, dancers, and tech crew. Come learn about the program, meet our staff, meet other kids in the band, and learn about our show this season! Students in grades 6-12 from all middle schools and high schools are welcome to join! No experience is required and everyone is welcome! If you have any questions, email Brittany Cole at Brittany_Cole@webstercsd.org. Hope to see you there!
Hey Juniors and Sophomores: Do you like to make a difference in your high school? Become a Schroder Link Crew Leader for the 2024-25 school year. Applications are due Sunday, April 21 at midnight. Applications can be located on Google Classroom.
Guess who's going to have the next solar eclipse? No not us, BUT in October of 2024, Latin America will be experiencing one.
Do you still happen to have your eclipse glasses? Want to donate them? We will take them and send them south so students can safely experience the same scientific anomaly that we did.
Please bring any new or gently used glasses to Mrs. Tasber's office, W27, by today, April 19th.
Thanks for recycling and paying it forward!
Attention all Schroeder & GOAL students: Schroeder Courier is hosting its first student photo contest. The theme is: HELLO SPRING! Capture an original photo that best depicts the theme HELLO SPRING! and submit it via our photo contest form before Sunday, May 5 to enter the contest. Enter for your chance to win a candy basket including a $10 gift card. Winner will be voted on by members of Schroeder Courier Newspaper Club. The submission form is available via QR code on any of our flyers around Schroeder or on the morning show ad slide. You can also visit Mrs. Law in W4 for the QR code or even email her for the link. Happy snapping, Warrior Photographers!
English lesson of the day: we love using contradictory terms in conjunction! We know you are clearly confused, but in our unbiased opinions, some can be seriously funny, come in random order, cause a minor crisis, and sometimes be our only choice. Act natural everyone...those were all examples of oxymorons! And you know what else is? "Little Women" Come see how this oxymoronic phrase plays out next week on the Schroeder stage as these little girls ascend into womanhood and experience the love, the heartbreak, the pain, and the beauty of shedding their adolescence for maturity, wisdom, and agency. Tickets are on sale now...it's an open secret!
ATTENTION SENIORS: THE DEADLINE TO REGISTER FOR SENIOR TRIP IS COMING UP!! Next Friday, April 26th, your overnight medical forms, $150 dollars, and cabin form is DUE!! Hand in these items to either Mr.Eckler in room W27 or Mrs.Cardella in room W27! These resources are posted on Google Classroom, as well as more information! Any questions? See Mr.Eckler or Mrs.Mccann!
> The girls varsity lacrosse team had a huge win last night taking Brockport 17-8. Congratulations to Eve Pagano and Madi Olsen receiving their first varsity goals. The girls will be back on their home turf tomorrow at 5pm verse colonie.
SHS/GOAL PTSA is celebrating Mother Earth by making a craft in the library. Students please get a pass from your study hall teachers to come down to the library.
We look forward to seeing you!
"Our flag football team stays red hot beating Spencerport 31-0. Quarterback Ellie O totalled 5 touchdowns, 4 passing and 1 rushing. Addie M had 3 receiving touchdowns and Gia C added another one to her season total. For the third game in a row the defense held the opponent scoreless. It was a total team effort on the defensive side of the ball. Naomi V, Olivia D, Madi A, Addie C, Jillian P and Lucy S all had over 5 flag pulls. Linebacker Isabelle B also had 1 interception. Our next game is tomorrow at Fairport. First snap is at Noon!"
And now for this week’s Big 5, bringing you all the news you need to know going into the weekend.
Today is the end of the first week of 4th quarter, finish off the year strong and ace those tests.
Seniors, are you ready? Do you have your bags packed for a relaxing trip on Keuka Lake? Join the Class of 2024 for one last hurrah, the Senior Trip, the deadline is next week. Grab your friends make a cabin and drop off your paperwork to Mrs. Tasber ASAP and grab some smores in June.
April 22 is Earth Day. Celebrate the planet that we all share by stopping down to the library on Monday!
Enter in the Schroeder Courier Spring Photo Contest, take an amazing photo and submit it by using the QR code posted around the building. Hello Spring is the theme and we can’t wait to see what everyone is going to do.
Did you purchase your tickets yet, they are selling fast! Little Women opens is 6 days, come see the classic tale of growing up and finding love next week on Thursday, Friday and Saturday.
April 18, 2024
The Webster Marching Band is hosting an informational night for all new, interested, and returning members on April 22nd at 6pm in the Spry Cafetorium. There are opportunities for musicians, dancers, and tech crew. Come learn about the program, meet our staff, meet other kids in the band, and learn about our show this season! Students in grades 6-12 from all middle schools and high schools are welcome to join! No experience is required and everyone is welcome! If you have any questions, email Brittany Cole at Brittany_Cole@webstercsd.org. Hope to see you there!
> Hey Juniors and Sophomores: Do you like to make a difference in your high school? Become a Schroder Link Crew Leader for the 2024-25 school year. Applications are due Sunday, April 21 at midnight. Applications can be located on Google Classroom.
> Guess who's going to have the next solar eclipse? No not us, BUT in October of 2024, Latin America will be experiencing one.
Do you still happen to have your eclipse glasses? Want to donate them? We will take them and send them south so students can safely experience the same scientific anomaly that we did.
Please bring any new or gently used glasses to Mrs. Tasber's office, W27, by tomorrow, Friday, April 19th.
Thanks for recycling and paying it forward!
> A painter, a pianist, a writer, and a governess walk into a house...no, this isn't a set-up for a joke: just the premise of "Little Women!" Got you hooked though? Need to see how these four roles intersect? Catch a performance next week of Schroeder Theater Company's "Little Women." Tickets are on sale now!
> The Ping Pong club will be meeting after school today in the cafeteria. Even if you've never attended before or even have never played, come and learn a fun, no-stress game and socialize! Bring a friend and see what you can do! Paddles are available if you don't have one. See you there!
> Today is Poem in your Pocket Day.
Celebrate a favorite poem by tucking it into your pocket to read to friends and teachers, or sharing it on social media. If you are looking for inspiration, visit the library to select a poem from our display, or create your own blackout poem.
> ATTENTION SENIORS: THE DEADLINE TO REGISTER FOR SENIOR TRIP IS COMING UP!! Next Friday, April 26th, your overnight medical forms, $150 dollars, and cabin form is DUE!! Hand in these items to either Mr.Eckler in room W27 or Mrs.Cardella in room W27! These resources are posted on Google Classroom, as well as more information! Any questions? See Mr.Eckler or Mrs.Mccann!
> "A HUGE congratulations goes out to the boys track team on their 2nd win of the season yesterday as they took down our cross-town rival Titans 79 to 62, The Warriors are now 2 - 0.
Athletes who scored points for the Warriors are:
Kevin B., a triple winner in the 110 hurdles, 100 meters and 200 meters,
Tyler W. won the 400 hurdles and was 2nd in the 400 hurdles
David V won the long jump and was 2nd in the triple jump
Ben Romanofsky won the high jump and was 2nd in the long jump
Paolo F won the 400 meter dash
Naz D won the shot put
R.J. B was 2nd in the discus and 3rd in the shot
Aaron S was second in the shot put
Braidan Q was 2nd in the pole vault
Preston Wagner was 2nd in the 800 meter run
And rounding out the scoring was a bunch of 3rd place finishers,
Matt G in the 400 hurdles
Ethan G in the 110 hurdles
Aydin S in both the 100 and 200
Brycen Robinson in the Triple Jump and
Josh Tara in the pole vault.
Lastly the 4 x 400 of Matt G, Tyler W., Brayden P, and Paolo F. were victorious as well.
Great job everyone on a whole team win"
> Congratulations once again to the women's track team on their win versus Thomas yesterday. First place was taken by Becca S in the 400, Sofia M in the 1500, Lauren CW in the 100, Kylie W in the 800, Jordan S in the 200, Corintia G in long jump and Grace S in discus. All 3 relay teams ran in the pouring rain but still won, which clinched the victory. A special shout out to our new 400 hurdle team which included Erin M, Grace C and Ari W. Great job remaining undefeated ladies!!
April 17, 2024
> Hey Juniors and Sophomores: Do you like to make a difference in your high school? Become a Schroder Link Crew Leader for the 2024-25 school year. Applications are due Sunday, April 21 at midnight. Applications can be located on Google Classroom.
> Guess who's going to have the next solar eclipse? No not us, BUT in October of 2024, Latin America will be experiencing one.
Do you still happen to have your eclipse glasses? Want to donate them? We will take them and send them south so students can safely experience the same scientific anomaly that we did.
Please bring any new or gently used glasses to Mrs. Tasber's office, W27, by Friday, April 19th.
Thanks for recycling and paying it forward!
> Attention all Schroeder & GOAL students: Schroeder Courier is hosting its first student photo contest. The theme is: HELLO SPRING! Capture an original photo that best depicts the theme HELLO SPRING! and submit it via our photo contest form before Sunday, May 5 to enter the contest. Enter for your chance to win a candy basket including a $10 gift card. Winner will be voted on by members of Schroeder Courier Newspaper Club. The submission form is available via QR code on any of our flyers around Schroeder or on the morning show ad slide. You can also visit Mrs. Law in W4 for the QR code or even email her for the link. Happy snapping, Warrior Photographers!
> "Little Women" is an iconic American story, covering the life of four sisters: The Marches. So why don't you just MARCH on down to the auditorium next week and catch one of the four performances happening! Support an amazing cast and crew! Tickets are on sale now.
> The Ping Pong club will be meeting after school tomorrow, Thursday, in the cafeteria. Even if you've never attended before or even have never played, come and learn a fun, no-stress game and socialize! Bring a friend and see what you can do! Paddles are available if you don't have one. See you there!
> Attention new members and student helpers of National Honor Society: The rehearsal for the ceremony is today at 3:20pm in the auditorium. If you can't attend, please email Mrs. Hall or Mrs. O'Connor.
> Our Flag Football team was back on the winning side of things last night beating Gates Chili 20-0. Quarterback Ellie O connected with Shannon K and Addie M for a touchdown each. Quarterback Emma R also connected with Gia C to add 6 more on the scoreboard. Lucy S, Jocelyn G, and Jillian P led the team in flag pulls directing the defense to another stifling shutout. We are back in action tomorrow at 7pm against Spencerport! Come show your support
April 16, 2024
> Best Buddies will be meeting after school today in W7! We are going to be doing rock painting! All are welcome and we would love to have you there!
> SAGE is working to plan a PRIDE Day for Schroeder. If you are interested in helping to plan for this day, please come to the meeting after school today in B2. Hope to see you there.
> The Webster Marching Band is hosting an informational night for all new, interested, and returning members on April 22nd at 6pm in the Spry Cafetorium. There are opportunities for musicians, dancers, and tech crew. Come learn about the program, meet our staff, meet other kids in the band, and learn about our show this season! Students in grades 6-12 from all middle schools and high schools are welcome to join! No experience is required and everyone is welcome! If you have any questions, email Brittany Cole at Brittany_Cole@webstercsd.org. Hope to see you there!
> Hey Juniors and Sophomores: Do you like to make a difference in your high school? Become a Schroder Link Crew Leader for the 2024-25 school year. Applications are due Sunday, April 21 at midnight. Applications can be located on Google Classroom.
> Guess who's going to have the next solar eclipse? No not us, BUT in October of 2024, Latin America will be experiencing one.
Do you still happen to have your eclipse glasses? Want to donate them? We will take them and send them south so students can safely experience the same scientific anomaly that we did.
Please bring any new or gently used glasses to Mrs. Tasber's office, W27, by Friday, April 19th.
Thanks for recycling and paying it forward!
> Schroeder Softball beat Victor 3-2 to improve to 8-0. Liana D. had 9 strikeouts.
Bizzie B. was 2 for 2 with two walks and a RBI. Emma J. was 1 for 2 with a RBI. Ava W. had a RBI walk to tie the game and Biz B. had a RBI walk to take the lead. Sarah F. had a double and scored a run. Leah M. had a single and Hannah C. scored the tying run.
> "The Little Mermaid," "Chicken Little," "The Little Engine that Could," "Stuart Little"...clearly big stories have little in their titles! Schroeder Theater Company's 5th production, "Little Women," is no exception! Come see the BIG show next weekend starting Thursday night. Tickets are on sale now!
April 15, 2024
Best Buddies will be meeting after school tomorrow, Tuesday, April 16th in W7! We are going to be doing rock painting! All are welcome and we would love to have you there!
> SAGE is working to plan a PRIDE Day for Schroeder. If you are interested in helping to plan for this day, please come to the meeting after school tomorrow in B2. Hope to see you there.
> Attention Model UN club members: Our last meeting of the year will be after school today in room W6. Come celebrate the year with us and start planning for next year's conferences. See Mrs. Tuyn or Mrs. O'Brien with any questions.
> The Webster Marching Band is hosting an informational night for all new, interested, and returning members on April 22nd at 6pm in the Spry Cafetorium. There are opportunities for musicians, dancers, and tech crew. Come learn about the program, meet our staff, meet other kids in the band, and learn about our show this season! Students in grades 6-12 from all middle schools and high schools are welcome to join! No experience is required and everyone is welcome! If you have any questions, email Brittany Cole at Brittany_Cole@webstercsd.org. Hope to see you there!
> Hey Juniors and Sophomores: Do you like to make a difference in your high school? Become a Schroder Link Crew Leader for the 2024-25 school year. Applications are due Sunday, April 21 at midnight. Applications can be located on Google Classroom.
> Guess who's going to have the next solar eclipse? No not us, BUT in October of 2024, Latin America will be experiencing one.
Do you still happen to have your eclipse glasses? Want to donate them? We will take them and send them south so students can safely experience the same scientific anomaly that we did.
Please bring any new or gently used glasses to Mrs. Tasber's office, W27, by Friday, April 19th.
Thanks for recycling and paying it forward!
> Warrior Service Scholars will have a meeting tomorrow, Tuesday, April 16th, at 8:15 in B2 to discuss our upcoming events! If people are interested in signing up, please join the Google Classroom or scan the QR code.
> Congratulations to the Women's Varsity Track team on their win at the Mercy Invitational on Saturday. First place wins include Bria W in the 400 meter, Cailyn C in the 400 hurdles, and the 4 by 100 meter team including Jenna S, Juliana M, Lauren C-W and Jordan S. Jordan also took 2nd in the 200 meters. The 800 meter runners including Becca S, Alaura M, and Claudia B all placed in this event and scored an incredible 22 points. The pole vault team including Cooper H, Grace C and Angelina S also all placed and grabbed 10 points. Taylor F placed in both shot and disc and Ava H placed in both triple jump and long jump. Third place was earned by Ashtyn M in 110 hurdles and Lauren C-W in the 100 meters. Great job once again by this team!
> Congrats to the Boys track team on their 2nd place finish at the Mercy Invite this past weekend as they dared to brave the wind and rain to run, jump, and throw.
Here are some highlights from the meet:
Connor M, Preston W, Edarius T and Matt F started the day with a win in the 4 by 800.
The 4 by 100 of Kevin B, Ethan G, Aydin S and Paolo F. won as well.
Kevin B won the 110 hurdles and the 200 meter dash.
Naz D won the disc and was 3rd in the shot put.
Ethan G was 4th in the 110 hurdles.
Connor M was 5th in the 1600 meter run.
Josh T was 4th in the 400 hurdles and the pole vault.
Matt Fwas 5th in the 800.
Aaron S was 4th in the shot put and RJ B. was 4th in the event.
Harry A was 5th in the discus.
Ben R was 5th in the high jump.
Braidan Q was 2nd in the pole vault and Vinny R was 3rd.
Jon D was 2nd in the long jump and Davids V was 6th.
Finally, with the very last jump in the last event of the day, Brycen R. won the triple jump.
The Warrior track team is next in action on Wednesday at our track taking on our cross town rivals, the Thomas Titans at 5:00. Feel free to show up and cheer the boys on!
> On Sunday, April 14, twelve Webster students attended the 2024 Cornell HS Programming Contest. Students competed in teams of 2-3 to solve 9 problems of varying difficulty (easy to very challenging) in 3 hours. Schroeder students included Jessica F and Justin W.
> Attention all Schroeder & GOAL students: Schroeder Courier is hosting its first student photo contest. The theme is: HELLO SPRING! Capture an original photo that best depicts the theme HELLO SPRING! and submit it via our photo contest form before Sunday, May 5 to enter the contest. Enter for your chance to win a candy basket including a $10 gift card. Winner will be voted on by members of Schroeder Courier Newspaper Club. The submission form is available via QR code on any of our flyers around Schroeder or on the morning show ad slide. You can also visit Mrs. Law in W4 for the QR code or even email her for the link. Happy snapping, Warrior Photographers!
> Schroeder Softball beat Irondequoit 7-0 on Friday to improve to 7-0. Liana D. threw a one hitter with 16 strikeouts. She also had a single and scored a run. Kinsley K. was 4 for 4 with a homerun and 3 RBIs. Ava W. was 2 for 3 with a RBI and double. Emma J. was 2 for 3 with 2 runs scored. Sarah F. had a RBI single and Bizzie B. had a single, a walk, and scored 2 runs. The team plays Victor today at 5:15 at home.
April 12, 204
> Best Buddies will be meeting after school on Tuesday, April 16th in W7! We are going to be doing rock painting! All are welcome and we would love to have you there!
> Guess who's going to have the next solar eclipse? No not us, BUT in October of 2024, Latin America will be experiencing one.
Do you still happen to have your eclipse glasses? Want to donate them? We will take them and send them south so students can safely experience the same scientific anomaly that we did.
Please bring any new or gently used glasses to Mrs. Tasber's office, W27, by Friday, April 19th.
Thanks for recycling and paying it forward!
> In collaboration with many clubs, classes, and departments, the PTSA has been working on making Schroeder look real fresh! Take a look at the new plant wall on the lower west wing by the auditorium or the new art display by the bus entrance in the music wing. A lot of time, money, and effort goes into these projects, so please be respectful of people's works and contributions to Schroeder and respect the displays! Thanks for keeping Schroeder beautiful, Warriors!
> Ice Cream and Frozen Yogurt in April? I think YES! Come support your Girls Flag Football team this week by going to Yolickity any time from 1pm-9pm. Do not forget to mention "TOUCHDOWN" to your cashier when you cashout! The fundraiser ends Sunday, April 14th.
> Come out tonight to support your Girls Varsity Lacrosse team on the Schroeder Turf as they take on Canandaigua at 7:30!
> SAGE is working to plan a PRIDE Day for Schroeder. If you are interested in helping to plan for this day, please come to the meeting after school on Tuesday, April 16th in B2. Hope to see you there.
> Attention Model UN club members: Our last meeting of the year will be after school on Monday, April 15th in room W6. Come celebrate the year with us and start planning for next year's conferences. See Mrs. Tuyn or Mrs. O'Brien with any questions.
> The Webster Marching Band is hosting an informational night for all new, interested, and returning members on April 22nd at 6pm in the Spry Cafetorium. There are opportunities for musicians, dancers, and tech crew. Come learn about the program, meet our staff, meet other kids in the band, and learn about our show this season! Students in grades 6-12 from all middle schools and high schools are welcome to join! No experience is required and everyone is welcome! If you have any questions, email Brittany Cole at Brittany_Cole@webstercsd.org. Hope to see you there!
> Introducing Warrior Service Scholars! Stop by our table in the cafeteria today to learn more about this exciting new opportunity. You will be able to sign up to provide service during our first "Warrior Day of Caring" and spin the wheel for a chance to win a prize! See you there!
> The Webster Public Library is bringing Project Prom to Community Arts Day!
High school students are invited to come try on and take home outfits for free! Webster Library staff and volunteers will be at Webster Schroeder High School tomorrow, Saturday, from 10:00am - 4:00pm (in the hallway outside of the gym). Stop by to get your free prom outfit! There's a lot to choose from!
> Hey Juniors and Sophomores: Do you like to make a difference in your high school? Become a Schroder Link Crew Leader for the 2024-25 school year. Applications are due Sunday, April 21 at midnight. Applications can be located on Google Classroom.
> Spring Break is over and there is plenty going on around Schroeder, including today being the last day of the third quarter! Here is this week’s Big Five:
1) Community Arts Day is being held here at Schroeder tomorrow! Come check out some seriously amazing student talent on display and so much more! Seniors, some set up will begin today so some senior spaces will be unavailable…use the library or cafeteria.
2) What twists, spins, and is full of surprises? Well…frozen yogurt AND our Flag Football team. Head over to Yolickity today, tomorrow, or Sunday from 1 to 9 and mention TOUCHDOWN to support the Flag Football team!
3) Speech and Debate is headed to NYC this weekend to compete in States! Good luck to all!
4) The new Plant Wall and Art Display are truly uplifting, unique, and creative additions to our school’s vibe. Do your part Warriors, and help keep our school looking good by respecting our showcases around the building. Thanks for making this the place to be!
5) Where else can you get a fuzzy pen, a Josh Allen poster, and the latest “I Survived…” book all in one place? The Schroeder Book Fair is a hit and will be open today, during Community Arts Day, and Monday all day during the school day. Stop in and take a trip down memory lane and find a fun item to purchase!
April 11, 2024
> Best Buddies will be meeting after school on Tuesday, April 16th in W7! We are going to be doing rock painting! All are welcome and we would love to have you there!
> Ice Cream and Frozen Yogurt in April? I think YES! Come support your Girls Flag Football team this week by going to Yolickity any time from 1pm-9pm. Do not forget to mention "TOUCHDOWN" to your cashier when you cashout! The fundraiser ends Sunday, April 14th.
> SAGE is working to plan a PRIDE Day for Schroeder. If you are interested in helping to plan for this day, please come to the meeting after school on Tuesday, April 16th in B2. Hope to see you there.
> Attention Model UN club members: Our last meeting of the year will be after school on Monday, April 15th in room W6. Come celebrate the year with us and start planning for next year's conferences. See Mrs. Tuyn or Mrs. O'Brien with any questions.
> Come out tomorrow night to support your Girls Varsity Lacrosse team on the Schroeder Turf as they take on Canandaigua at 7:30!
> The Webster Marching Band is hosting an informational night for all new, interested, and returning members on April 22nd at 6pm in the Spry Cafetorium. There are opportunities for musicians, dancers, and tech crew. Come learn about the program, meet our staff, meet other kids in the band, and learn about our show this season! Students in grades 6-12 from all middle schools and high schools are welcome to join! No experience is required and everyone is welcome! If you have any questions, email Brittany Cole at Brittany_Cole@webstercsd.org. Hope to see you there!
> Introducing Warrior Service Scholars! Stop by our table in the cafeteria this Friday, April 12th, to learn more about this exciting new opportunity. You will be able to sign up to provide service during our first "Warrior Day of Caring" and spin the wheel for a chance to win a prize! See you there!
> The Webster Public Library is bringing Project Prom to Community Arts Day!
High school students are invited to come try on and take home outfits for free! Webster Library staff and volunteers will be at Webster Schroeder High School this Saturday from 10:00am - 4:00pm (in the hallway outside of the gym). Stop by to get your free prom outfit! There's a lot to choose from!
> The Ping Pong Club will meet today after school between the gym and cafeteria. Come along and bring a friend to test your table tennis skills! Hope to see you there.
> Congratulations to the Boys Track team on their thrilling 73 to 68 victory at Penfield yesterday. Needing to win two of the last three events, the boys did just that. A cobbled together 4 by 100 relay of Paolo F, Tyler W, Aydin S, and Kevin B came from behind to win, and the 4 by 800 relay of Brayden P, Matt F, Edarius T, and Preston W easily won their race to seal the victory for the team.
Boys who really stood out were:
Kevin B who won the 110 hurdles, 200 meter dash, and was 2nd in the 100 meter dash,
Naz D who was second on the shot put and discus,
Jon D who was second in the long jump and triple jump,
and Preston W - 1600 meter run, Matt G - 400 hurdles, Ben R - high jump, and Brycen R - triple jump, all won their events for the Warriors.
Congratulations to everyone on a great team win!
> Congratulations to the Women's Varsity Track team with a very close win over Penfield yesterday. Outstanding performances included Taylor F taking 1st place in both shot and discus which included a PR throw of 98 feet 10 inches. Corintia G took 1st in both the 100 meters and long jump. Becca S also took 1st place in both the 400 and 800. As well as Cailyn C who took 1st place in both the 400 hurdles and triple jump. Both the 4 by 400 and 4 by 800 teams solidified the victory and included Kylie S, Cailyn C, Bria W, Sofia M, Kylie W, Alaura M and Becca S again who incredibly ran in both races. Great job by the whole team!
> In collaboration with many clubs, classes, and departments, the PTSA has been working on making Schroeder look real fresh! Take a look at the new plant wall on the lower west wing by the auditorium or the new art display by the bus entrance in the music wing. A lot of time, money, and effort goes into these projects, so please be respectful of people's works and contributions to Schroeder and respect the displays! Thanks for keeping Schroeder beautiful, Warriors!
April 10, 2024
> It’s Warrior Wednesday! All week long Schroeder staff has been on the lookout for students who are demonstrating cooperation, accountability, respect, and excellence.
Let’s go ahead and spin the prize wheel for our student winner:
Congratulations! And now for our staff winner. Spin that wheel!
Congratulations! You will be contacted by Mrs. Tasber’s office to claim your prize!
Thank you all for continuing to demonstrate great habits and being Warriors who CARE.
> The next Women in STEM meeting is today after school in room E21. Our speaker will be doing an activity with your Chromebook, so please bring yours with you. If you have any questions, see Ms Metz.
> Best Buddies will be meeting after school on Tuesday, April 16th in W7! We are going to be doing rock painting! All are welcome and we would love to have you there!
> Ice Cream and Frozen Yogurt in April? I think YES! Come support your Girls Flag Football team this week by going to Yolickity any time from 1pm-9pm. Do not forget to mention "TOUCHDOWN" to your cashier when you cashout! The fundraiser ends Sunday, April 14th.
> SAGE is working to plan a PRIDE day for Schroeder. If you are interested in helping to plan for this day, please come to the meeting after school on Tuesday April 16th in B2. Hope to see you there.
> Attention Model UN club members. Our last meeting of the year will be after school on Monday April 15th in room W6. Come celebrate the year with us and start planning for next year's conferences. See Mrs. Tuyn or Mrs. O'Brien with any questions.
> Come out Friday night to support your girls varsity lacrosse team on the Schroeder turf as they take on Canandaigua at 7:30!
April 9, 2024
> The next Women in STEM meeting is tomorrow, Wednesday, after school in room E21. Our speaker will be doing an activity with your Chromebook, so please bring yours with you. If you have any questions, see Ms Metz.
> Best Buddies will be meeting after school on Tuesday, April 16th in W7! We are going to be doing rock painting! All are welcome and we would love to have you there!
> Ice Cream and Frozen Yogurt in April? I think YES! Come support your Girls Flag Football team this week by going to Yolickity any time from 1pm-9pm. Do not forget to mention "TOUCHDOWN" to your cashier when you cashout! The fundraiser ends Sunday, April 14th.
> Good Morning. The library will be closed during periods 3, 4, and 5 today to allow us to host some classes and set up for Schroeder's very own book fair. The book fair opens tomorrow. If you would like to attend and don't have a full block study hall, you can obtain a library quick visit pass from your ½ black study hall teacher, or an appointment pass from library staff. The fair runs through next Monday, and will be open for Community Arts Day as well. We have pre-k through young adult books, as well as all of the journals, invisible ink pens, and scented erasers that you remember from your elementary days. We accept cash, card, eWallet, Apple Pay, and checks made out to Schroeder Library Club. All proceeds come back to Schroeder students in the form of library programming and reader recognition.
Speaking of which, I’d like to take a moment to recognize the readers who have the highest number of book checkouts for this school year. Each will receive $10 in book fair bucks. Seniors: Liaba A., Chloe R., Cece R., and Jacqueline H. Juniors: Aspen R, Zela W., and Kai S. Sophomores: Nicole S. and Isabelle B., and First Year: Betsy R. Congratulations! You can claim your gift certificates in the library.
March 28, 2024
> Attention all Spring Drivers' Ed students: An important email was sent on Monday to the email address that is on your Driver Ed registration. It could be yours, it could be your parents. Please read it! If you don't, you may miss your first lecture or driving lesson. Drivers' Ed begins on Wednesday, April 10 with a lecture at 7:30pm at Thomas. Questions? Read the email.
> In the spirit of One Warrior Week, we are still collecting non-perishable food and personal care products for the Warrior Cupboard. If you have items to donate, please put them in the boxes in the cafeteria during lunch. Thank you for your support!
> The Varsity Unified Basketball season starts on Tuesday, April 9th. We are so excited to get the season started, so if you haven't registered yet on Family ID, please do so as soon as possible. Any questions, see Mrs. Bailey, Mr. Fedor, or Mrs. Burgess. Go Warriors!
> Schroeder Softball beat Rush-Henrietta 8 to 1. Liana D. threw a 2 hitter with 13 strikeouts. She was also 3 for 3 with 2 doubles and an RBI.
Kinsley K. was 3 for 3 with a double, RBI, run scored, and sac bunt. Bizzie B. was 2 for 3 with a double, 3 runs scored, 2 RBIs, and a walk.
Leah M. was 1 for 3 with a sac fly, rbi, run scored, and a stolen base. Sarah F. was 1 for 3 with an RBI, run scored, and a stolen base.
Emma J. was 1 for 2 with a sac fly and a RBI. Amber K. had a RBI sac fly.
Schroeder plays Liverpool on Monday at 5pm at Schroeder.
> Ping Pong Club meets after school today! Come test your skills and have some fun before the break! Hope to see you there!
> Last night our Varsity Flag Football team came out victorious against the undefeated Greece Arcadia Titans with a final score of 19-13. Senior Ellie O threw for 3 touchdown passes, two caught by junior Addie M, and the game winning catch from Senior Alyssa D. Senior Shannon K and junior Gia C aided in the passing game with 4 receptions each.
On the defensive side of the ball, our Warriors played a complete game. Senior Madi A. and freshman Jillian P led the way each having 8 flag pulls. Junior Jocelyn G and Lucy S commanded the middle of the field while Morgan T and Naomi V protected the air attack!
Thank you to all of the fans that came out and showed their support!
> Short week, busy schedule today, and Spring Break almost here. No Big 5 today, Schroeder. Thanks for making this school an amazing place to be every day. We hope you had a Totality Awesome One Warrior Week and a special thanks to all the staff and students who played a part in running an event or helping plan, and that you enjoy your Healthy Activity selection this afternoon. Don't forget to check out the Solar Eclipse on Monday, April 8th and be ready to finish the year strong when we return. Happy Spring Break, Warriors!
March 27, 2024
> Scholastic Book Fair is coming to Schroeder! We'll be going over to a quick 30 second video detailing everything you need to know and then back to the studio for more announcements!
> Attention all Spring Drivers' Ed students: An important email was sent on Monday to the email address that is on your Driver Ed registration. It could be yours, it could be your parents. Please read it! If you don't, you may miss your first lecture or driving lesson. Drivers' Ed begins on Wednesday, April 10 with a lecture at 7:30pm at Thomas. Questions? Read the email.
> If you are interested in tomorrow's activities with the Plank South 5th graders when they come to Schroeder, please see Mr. Peck in W8 for a field trip form. There are still spots available for Thursday.
> Due to a swim meet, juniors who drive are to park in the senior lot tomorrow.
> In the spirit of One Warrior Week, we are still collecting non-perishable food and personal care products for the Warrior Cupboard. If you have items to donate, please put them in the boxes in the cafeteria during lunch. Thank you for your support!
> Young Women Empowerment and Women in Stem are sponsoring a Game Night tonight at Schroeder in the Library from 6:30-8:00pm. All are welcome. We will also be having candy bar Bingo!
> The Varsity Unified Basketball season starts on Tuesday, April 9th. We are so excited to get the season started, so if you haven't registered yet on Family ID, please do so as soon as possible. Any questions, see Mrs. Bailey, Mr. Fedor, or Mrs. Burgess. Go Warriors!
> What will get the job done!? Will "We Will Rock You?", "Paper Rings," or "The First Cut is the Deepest?" be playing after the Morning Show today in honor of our Rock-Paper-Scissors One Warrior Week Championship? We have a special treat...the finalists will be competing live on air RIGHT NOW! Will it be an offensive onslaught of scissor attacks? Or will the rock put up a stone-cold defense? Or maybe the underdog paper will stack up the win? Good luck to all contestants.
March 26, 2024
> Get ready! There are only two weeks left until the solar eclipse. By now you have probably done your research, know what to expect, and picked your viewing location. Please remember, DO NOT LOOK DIRECTLY AT THE SUN without the aid of eclipse glasses. You should have received two pairs of glasses last week at school. If you were absent and did not receive glasses, please stop in the main office. Take them home and put them in a safe place. You will need them on Monday, April 8th. The solar eclipse will occur in the afternoon between 2:00pm and 4:30pm. There will be no classes on the 8th, so that everyone can experience this once in a lifetime phenomenon.
> Schroeder & GOAL PTSA is excited to open their spring apparel store! It is open now until Thursday, March 28th! A new tie-dye t-shirt is being offered and so much more! Thanks for your support!
> The Schroeder Social Club is sponsoring egg coloring today right after school in W19. Come try different methods and see which one works the best. Everyone is invited!
> Attention all Spring Drivers' Ed students: An important email was sent on Monday to the email address that is on your Driver Ed registration. It could be yours, it could be your parents. Please read it! If you don't, you may miss your first lecture or driving lesson. Drivers' Ed begins on Wednesday, April 10 with a lecture at 7:30pm at Thomas. Questions? Read the email.
> If you are planning on attending the Plank North Field Trip on Wednesday, you need to return your permission slip to Mr. Peck as soon as possible or you will not be able to attend.
If you are interested in Thursday's activities with the Plank South 5th graders when they come to Schroeder, please see Mr. Peck in W8 for a field trip form. There are still spots available for Thursday.
March 25, 2024
> Schroeder & GOAL PTSA is excited to open their spring apparel store! It is open now until Thursday, March 28th! A new tie-dye t-shirt is being offered and so much more! Thanks for your support!
> The Schroeder Social Club is sponsoring egg coloring, tomorrow, Tuesday the 26th, right after school in W19. Come try different methods and see which one works the best. Everyone is invited. And of course, let’s have a good time Warriors!
> Scholastic Book Fair is coming to Schroeder! We'll be going over to a quick 30 second video detailing everything you need to know and then back to the studio for more announcements!
> Are you ready for some football?...some Monday night football? Our Girls Flag Football team is heading across the 104 corridor to take on our neighbors at Webster Thomas. Game is under the lights and starts at 7:15! Come check out what the fastest growing sport is all about! Now over to a Flag Football hype video. Good luck, Warriors!
March 22, 2024
> Schroeder & GOAL PTSA is excited to open their spring apparel store! It is open now until Thursday, March 28th! A new tie-dye t-shirt is being offered and so much more! Thanks for your support!
> Did you know that March is Music In Our Schools Month? Music In Our Schools Month celebrates the value of music and raises awareness for music education for all students. Every day this week, we are celebrating music education at Schroeder through trivia! To answer, scan the QR code on the screen for the chance to win a gift card! You will be contacted via email if you win.
Today's question is: How many members are there in the South Korean boyband BTS?
a) 6 b) 7 c) 8 d) 9
> The Schroeder Social Club is sponsoring egg coloring, next Tuesday the 26th, right after school in W19. Come try different methods and see which one works the best. Everyone is invited. And of course, let’s have a good time Warriors!
> On Tuesday, March 26th, we will be hosting our Career Fair again. Over 65 reps will be here. There is an online directory and Career Fair map that was sent home through ParentSquare. You can also check your Google Classroom page as well. Be sure to do your research on the companies and stop down on Tuesday. Any questions stop into the counseling center.
> In the spirit of One Warrior Week we will be working together next week to collect non-perishable food and personal care products for the Warrior Pantry here at school. If we can collect 500 items as a team - students, faculty, AND staff! - Mr. Benz will let us start our Spring Break five minutes early! Donation bins will be available in the cafeteria starting Monday and we will announce the current total each day before leaving school. Please see Mrs. Rotoli in E19 with any questions!
> Congratulations to the following students for being this week’s recipients of Principal’s Recognition:
Please stop down to the main office between 1st and 2nd period.
Andrew B. ~ Class of 2025 (per 1 Milliman)
Dylan D. ~ Class of 2026
Kayla J. ~ Class of 2027
Jeffrey L. ~ Class of 2026
Anastasiia L. ~ Class of 2024
Ashtyn M. ~ Class of 2027
Braidan Q. ~ Class of 2024
Noah S. ~ Class of 2026
> One Warrior Week arrives Monday, so for this Friday's Big Five we are loaded up! Here is everything you need to know for Schroeder's special annual event and beyond:
1. Spring means COLOR and there is no better way to strut your stuff than purchasing some new Warrior Spirit gear, presented by the PTSA. This season's collection features a tie-dye shirt that will be sure to stun!
2. Community Arts Days is Saturday, April 13. Whether you are showcasing your artistic or musical talents or helping out and getting volunteer hours, there are plenty of ways to get involved. Look for more information around school or the QR code on the Morning Show.
3. The Greater Rochester-area is expecting close to half a million people traveling here to catch the Solar Eclipse on April 8th. The Webster School District wants ALL students to experience this once-in-a-life-time stellar phenomenon and will be providing viewing glasses, distributed next Tuesday.
4. The Career Fair is back for One Warrior Week! Check out the catalog and stop by to network with local businesses on Tuesday in the gymnasium.
5. One Warrior Week is here and for our fifth Big 5, we are passing it on to one of Schroeder's biggest celebrity teachers...Mr. Eckler, fill these wonderful people in on what to expect next week!
March 21, 2024
> Schroeder & GOAL PTSA is excited to open their spring apparel store! It is open now until Thursday, March 28th! A new tie-dye t-shirt is being offered and so much more! Thanks for your support!
> Are you looking for volunteer hours? Community Arts Day is looking for students to fill volunteer spots at our event on Saturday, April 13th. Visit our website or scan the QR code to take you directly to the signup page. Every student volunteer gives our school more of the profits from CAD, so help us support PTSA programming in our school and volunteer today!
> Did you know that March is Music In Our Schools Month? Music In Our Schools Month celebrates the value of music and raises awareness for music education for all students. Every day this week, we are celebrating music education at Schroeder through trivia! To answer, scan the QR code on the screen for the chance to win a gift card! You will be contacted via email if you win.
Today's question is: What year did The Beatles break up?
a) 1969 b) 1977 c)1970 d)1980
> The Ping-Pong club will have its first ranked matches today after school from 3:15-4:15! You'll be able to choose your division: either Recreational or Competitive. Records and scores will be kept and displayed in the club's Google Classroom page. Notable records will be aired on the morning show. Come to test your skill or to just have some fun! See you there!
> The Schroeder Social Club is sponsoring egg coloring, next Tuesday the 26th, right after school in W19. Come try different methods and see which one works the best. Everyone is invited. And of course, let’s have a good time Warriors! Thank you, and hope you have a great day!
> On Tuesday, March 26th, we will be hosting our Career Fair again. Over 65 reps will be here. There is an online directory and Career Fair map that was sent home through ParentSquare. You can also check your Google Classroom page as well. Be sure to do your research on the companies and stop down on Tuesday. Any questions stop into the counseling center.
> In the spirit of One Warrior Week we will be working together next week to collect non-perishable food and personal care products for the Warrior Pantry here at school. If we can collect 500 items as a team - students, faculty, AND staff! - Mr. Benz will let us start our Spring Break five minutes early! Donation bins will be available in the cafeteria starting Monday and we will announce the current total each day before leaving school. Please see Mrs. Rotoli in E19 with any questions!
> Hello I'm Lukas
And I'm Danis, we're founders and representatives of the Schroeder Ping Pong Club.
Are you ever bored after school and want to do something productive and inclusive? Then come down on Thursdays after school in the cafeteria after school from 3:15-4:15
Weather your just starting out or a ping-pong guru, We have a spot for you
And Remember, "Don't be a menace and join table tennis"
March 20, 2024
> Schroeder & GOAL PTSA is excited to open their spring apparel store! It is open now until Thursday, March 28th! A new tie-dye t-shirt is being offered and so much more! Thanks for your support!
> Any 9th grade girl interested in playing Mod A softball, please stop down to Room W22 to pick up tryout information or see Coach Flanagan or Keil.
> Did you know that March is Music In Our Schools Month? Music In Our Schools Month celebrates the value of music and raises awareness for music education for all students. Every day this week, we are celebrating music education at Schroeder through trivia! To answer, scan the QR code on the screen for the chance to win a gift card! You will be contacted via email if you win.
Today's question is: Which astronomer is name-dropped in "Bohemian Rhapsody?"
a) Galileo b) Copernicus c) Newton d) Kepler
> The Ping-Pong club will have its first ranked matches tomorrow, Thursday, after school from 3:15-4:15! You'll be able to choose your division: either Recreational or Competitive. Records and scores will be kept and displayed in the club's Google Classroom page. Notable records will be aired on the morning show. Come to test your skill or to just have some fun! See you there!
> The Schroeder Social Club is sponsoring egg coloring, next Tuesday the 26th, right after school in W19. Come try different methods and see which one works the best. Everyone is invited. And of course, let’s have a good time Warriors! Thank you, and hope you have a great day!
> It’s Warrior Wednesday! All week long Schroeder staff has been on the lookout for students who are demonstrating cooperation, accountability, respect, and excellence.
Let’s go ahead and spin the prize wheel for our student winner:
Congratulations! And now for our staff winner. Spin that wheel!
Congratulations! You will be contacted by Mrs. Tasber’s office to claim your prize!
Thank you all for continuing to demonstrate great habits and being Warriors who CARE.
March 19, 2024
> There are three weeks left until the solar eclipse. It’s time to choose your viewing location. Look for an area that has clear sightlines to the south and southwest. Trees and buildings will block your view of the eclipse. Consider your yard or an open field in one of Webster’s numerous parks. Totality will occur at about 3:20 in the afternoon. So preview your location at that time. Eclipse glasses will be distributed from school by the end of this week. Take them home and put them in a safe place. You will need them on Monday, April 8th.
> Schroeder & GOAL PTSA is excited to open their spring apparel store! It is open now until Thursday, March 28th! A new tie-dye t-shirt is being offered and so much more! Thanks for your support!
> Attention all Schroeder NHS potential or current members: today, Schroeder is hosting a blood drive, and we need volunteers to donate blood! Did you know that every 2 seconds, someone in the U.S needs blood or platelets? Blood and platelets cannot be manufactured, they can only come from volunteer donors like you! You will receive volunteer hours for donating blood, or helping distribute water and snacks after volunteers donate! You must be 16 or older to donate, and fill out the parent consent form posted on Google Classroom. If you have any questions, please see Mrs. O'Connor or Mrs. Hall.
> Any 9th grade girl interested in playing Mod A softball, please stop down to Room W22 to pick up tryout information or see Coach Flanagan or Keil.
> Are you looking for volunteer hours? Community Arts Day is looking for students to fill volunteer spots at our event on Saturday, April 13th. Visit our website or scan the QR code to take you directly to the signup page. Every student volunteer gives our school more of the profits from CAD, so help us support PTSA programming in our school and volunteer today!
> There will be an NHS meeting in the auditorium today at 3:20pm. This is a required meeting for potential members but all members are invited to attend. If you have not come to 3 meetings, plan on attending this brief meeting.
> Did you know that March is Music In Our Schools Month? Music In Our Schools Month celebrates the value of music and raises awareness for music education for all students. Every day this week, we are celebrating music education at Schroeder through trivia! To answer, scan the QR code on the screen for the chance to win a gift card! You will be contacted via email if you win.
Today's trivia question is: What year was the first Woodstock music festival held?
a) 1989 b) 1969 c) 1869 d) 1959
March 18, 2024
> Schroeder & GOAL PTSA is excited to open their spring apparel store! It is open now until Thursday, March 28th! A new tie-dye t-shirt is being offered and so much more! Thanks for your support!
> Attention all Schroeder NHS potential or current members: tomorrow, Tuesday, March 19th, Schroeder is hosting a blood drive, and we need volunteers to donate blood! Did you know that every 2 seconds, someone in the U.S needs blood or platelets? Blood and platelets cannot be manufactured, they can only come from volunteer donors like you! You will receive volunteer hours for donating blood, or helping distribute water and snacks after volunteers donate! You must be 16 or older to donate, and fill out the parent consent form posted on Google Classroom. If you have any questions, please see Mrs. O'Connor or Mrs. Hall.
> Any 9th grade girl interested in playing Mod A softball, please stop down to Room W22 to pick up tryout information or see Coach Flanagan or Keil.
> There will be an NHS meeting in the auditorium tomorrow, Tuesday, at 3:20pm. This is a required meeting for potential members but all members are invited to attend. If you have not come to 3 meetings, plan on attending this brief meeting.
> Attention blood drive helpers and donors: please pick up a field trip form today in W224.
Donors, be sure to have your consent form completed. Drop it off in W224 or bring it to the drive during your assigned time on Tuesday.
> Did you know that March is Music In Our Schools Month? Music In Our Schools Month celebrates the value of music and raises awareness for music education for all students. Every day this week, we are celebrating music education at Schroeder through trivia! To answer, scan the QR code on the screen for the chance to win a gift card! You will be contacted via email if you win.
March 15, 2024
> Ramadan Mubarak (Moo-bar-eck)! Ramadan began this past weekend and continues through April 9th. We'd like to remind members of our Schroeder family who observe this holy month that they can spend their lunch period in the library. Please stop in and connect with our library staff to discuss a pass. There is also a prayer room in the W201 suite.
> The American Red Cross will be at the Aquatic Center for a blood drive on Tuesday, March 19th. If you are at least 16, please consider donating. Scan one of the posters around school to see if you are eligible and to sign up for a time. You can save 3 lives from your donation. Questions? See Mrs. O'Connor in W224 for more information.
> Schroeder & GOAL PTSA is excited to open their spring apparel store! It is open now until Thursday, March 28th! A new tie-dye t-shirt is being offered and so much more! Thanks for your support!
> Attention all Schroeder NHS potential or current members: next Tuesday, March 19th, Schroeder is hosting a blood drive, and we need volunteers to donate blood! Did you know that every 2 seconds, someone in the U.S needs blood or platelets? Blood and platelets cannot be manufactured, they can only come from volunteer donors like you! You will receive volunteer hours for donating blood, or helping distribute water and snacks after volunteers donate! You must be 16 or older to donate, and fill out the parent consent form posted on Google Classroom. If you have any questions, please see Mrs. O'Connor or Mrs. Hall.
> Congratulations to the following students for being this week’s recipients of Principal’s Recognition:
Please stop down to the main office between 1st and 2nd period.
Chloe B. ~ Class of 2027
Eva C. ~ Class of 2026
Natasha F. ~ Class of 2025
Isatou J. ~ Class of 2027
Emmalynn J. ~ Class of 2026
Edgar M. ~ Class of 2025
Dante M. ~ Class of 2024
Emily M. ~ Class of 2025
Alivia S. ~ Class of 2025
Lucy S. ~ Class of 2025
Landon V. ~ Class of 2027
> We survived last weekend's time change and made it another week, Schroeder! Happy Friday. Here is your Big 5:
1. Spring sports are here and many teams have had a full week of practice already! Good luck this spring season to all of our Schroeder coaches and athletes. Go get 'em, Warriors!
2. The American Red Cross will be at the Webster Aquatic Center next Tuesday for a blood drive. And just like with fashion, a little drip can go a long way. Please consider donating blood and saving lives!
3. March Book Madness is happening now and continues all month long. Which title will come out as the 2024 Champion? A new favorite or a former champion? Swing by the library to check out the bracket and for more information.
4. We're practically e-pass experts at this point, but students, don't forget to check your "Appointment Pass Dashboard" to ensure you aren't missing meetings with teachers, counselors, and advisors.
5. One Warrior Week is the week leading into Spring Break and we promise it will be Totality Awesome! There are plenty of ways of getting involved this year, from Healthy Activities, to Senior Switch Day, to the Chess Tournament, be sure to be staying alert for sign-ups and news for Schroeder's big week!
Grab a bowl of Lucky Charms, hunt for some gold coins left behind by leprechauns, and blast "Shipping Up to Boston"...Happy St. Patrick's Day Weekend, Warriors.
March 14, 2024
> Ramadan Mubarak (Moo-bar-eck)! Ramadan began this past weekend and continues through April 9th. We'd like to remind members of our Schroeder family who observe this holy month that they can spend their lunch period in the library. Please stop in and connect with our library staff to discuss a pass. There is also a prayer room in the W201 suite.
> The American Red Cross will be at the Aquatic Center for a blood drive on Tuesday, March 19th. If you are at least 16, please consider donating. Scan one of the posters around school to see if you are eligible and to sign up for a time. You can save 3 lives from your donation. Questions? See Mrs. O'Connor in W224 for more information.
> Schroeder & GOAL PTSA is excited to open their spring apparel store! It is open now until Thursday, March 28th! A new tie-dye t-shirt is being offered and so much more! Thanks for your support!
> Attention all Schroeder NHS potential or current members: next Tuesday, March 19th, Schroeder is hosting a blood drive, and we need volunteers to donate blood! Did you know that every 2 seconds, someone in the U.S needs blood or platelets? Blood and platelets cannot be manufactured, they can only come from volunteer donors like you! You will receive volunteer hours for donating blood, or helping distribute water and snacks after volunteers donate! You must be 16 or older to donate, and fill out the parent consent form posted on Google Classroom. If you have any questions, please see Mrs. O'Connor or Mrs. Hall.
> Introducing Webster Schroeder's newest club! The Ping Pong Club, created due to popular demand, will hold its first gathering today, after school in the cafeteria from 3:15-4:15. Come on down and bring a friend! No paddles or experience needed! Come show your table tennis skills or just have some stress-free fun! Late buses are available. See you there!
March 13, 2024
> The next Women in STEM meeting will take place after school today in room E21. Hope to see you there
> Class of 2024 Seniors!: there will be a senior class meeting today during lunch...you won't want to miss!
> Ramadan Mubarak (Moo-bar-eck)! Ramadan began this past weekend and continues through April 9th. We'd like to remind members of our Schroeder family who observe this holy month that they can spend their lunch period in the library. Please stop in and connect with our library staff to discuss a pass. There is also a prayer room in the W201 suite.
> The American Red Cross will be at the Aquatic Center for a blood drive on Tuesday, March 19th. If you are at least 16, please consider donating. Scan one of the posters around school to see if you are eligible and to sign up for a time. You can save 3 lives from your donation. Questions? See Mrs. O'Connor in W224 for more information.
> Schroeder & GOAL PTSA is excited to open their spring apparel store! It is open now until Thursday, March 28th! A new tie-dye t-shirt is being offered and so much more! Thanks for your support!
> Attention all Schroeder NHS potential or current members: next Tuesday, March 19th, Schroeder is hosting a blood drive, and we need volunteers to donate blood! Did you know that every 2 seconds, someone in the U.S needs blood or platelets? Blood and platelets cannot be manufactured, they can only come from volunteer donors like you! You will receive volunteer hours for donating blood, or helping distribute water and snacks after volunteers donate! You must be 16 or older to donate, and fill out the parent consent form posted on Google Classroom. If you have any questions, please see Mrs. O'Connor or Mrs. Hall.
> It’s Warrior Wednesday! All week long Schroeder staff has been on the lookout for students who are demonstrating cooperation, accountability, respect, and excellence.
Let’s go ahead and spin the prize wheel for our student winner:
Congratulations! And now for our staff winner. Spin that wheel!
Congratulations! You will be contacted by Mrs. Tasber’s office to claim your prize!
Thank you all for continuing to demonstrate great habits and being Warriors who CARE.
March 12, 2024
> Best Buddies will be meeting after school today in W7! We will have bracelet making, coloring, and snacks! All are welcome and we would love to have you there!
> There are four weeks left until the solar eclipse. This is a rare occurrence for our area. Western New York only experiences a total solar eclipse about once every 400 years! The sun will be completely obstructed by the moon for almost four minutes. Mark your calendars for Monday, April 8th. Don’t worry if you haven’t found viewing glasses yet. Eclipse glasses will be distributed from school in a couple weeks.
> Attention Warrior wrestlers or anyone interested in trying wrestling: Starting Thursday, March 14th, there will be wrestling after school in Room E-36. Come in for a workout, all athletes are welcome regardless of experience. Students may take the late bus home after. Please see Coach Ciaburri with any questions
> The next Women in STEM meeting will take place tomorrow, Wednesday after school in room E21. Hope to see you there
> Class of 2024 Seniors!: there will be a senior class meeting tomorrow, Wednesday, during lunch...you won't want to miss! More details are coming.
> Ramadan Mubarak (Moo-bar-eck)! Ramadan began this past weekend and continues through April 9th. We'd like to remind members of our Schroeder family who observe this holy month that they can spend their lunch period in the library. Please stop in and connect with our library staff to discuss a pass. There is also a prayer room in the W201 suite.
> The American Red Cross will be at the Aquatic Center for a blood drive on Tuesday, March 19th. If you are at least 16, please consider donating. Scan one of the posters around school to see if you are eligible and to sign up for a time. You can save 3 lives from your donation. Questions? See Mrs. O'Connor in W224 for more information.
> There will be a DREAM Club meeting today after school in W8. If you are attending the Roc 2 Change field trip on Friday, you must attend so that we can discuss the trip and next steps.
> Schroeder & GOAL PTSA is excited to open their spring apparel store! It is open now until Thursday, March 28th! A new tie-dye t-shirt is being offered and so much more! Thanks for your support!
> Attention all Schroeder NHS potential or current members: next Tuesday, March 19th, Schroeder is hosting a blood drive, and we need volunteers to donate blood! Did you know that every 2 seconds, someone in the U.S needs blood or platelets? Blood and platelets cannot be manufactured, they can only come from volunteer donors like you! You will receive volunteer hours for donating blood, or helping distribute water and snacks after volunteers donate! You must be 16 or older to donate, and fill out the parent consent form posted on Google Classroom. If you have any questions, please see Mrs. O'Connor or Mrs. Hall.
March 11, 2024
> Best Buddies will be meeting after school tomorrow, Tuesday, March 12th in W7! We will have bracelet making, coloring, and snacks! All are welcome and we would love to have you there!
> Attention Warrior wrestlers or anyone interested in trying wrestling: Starting Thursday, March 14th, there will be wrestling after school in Room E-36. Come in for a workout, all athletes are welcome regardless of experience. Students may take the late bus home after. Please see Coach Ciaburri with any questions
> The next Women in STEM meeting will take place on Wednesday after school in room E21. Hope to see you there!
> Class of 2024 Seniors!: there will be a senior class meeting on Wednesday during lunch...you won't want to miss! More details are coming.
March 8, 2024
> Best Buddies will be meeting after school on Tuesday, March 12th in W7! We will have bracelet making, coloring, and snacks! All are welcome and we would love to have you there!
> Attention Warrior wrestlers or anyone interested in trying wrestling: Starting Thursday, March 14th, there will be wrestling after school in Room E-36. Come in for a workout, all athletes are welcome regardless of experience. Students may take the late bus home after. Please see Coach Ciaburri with any questions
> The Warrior Boys JV and Varsity Tennis teams are looking to add a few more players to each roster. If you enjoy being active and don't play a spring sport we would love to have you play this spring. Anyone who is interested should stop by E232 (Coach Welker's Room) to get more information. Tennis is a low risk and high reward sport and is a great way to stay active. Once again, we are looking for boys who are interested in playing tennis for the JV or Varsity team this spring. Stop by E232 for more details.
> Webster School District is inviting you to the Student Leadership Breakfast tomorrow, Saturday, at 9am on the 2nd floor of Spry. We welcome any student who is interested in sharing their voice and skills. Join us this Saturday. See the flier for details.
> There were some amazing performances on Wednesday night by all Schroeder staff members at the Schroeder vs Thomas Charity Basketball Game. But here on the Morning Show, we wanted to highlight the "Play of the Game" by none other than our Principal Dr. B...and the "B" is for BASKETS! Take a look.
> Friday is here and that means another Schroeder Big 5! Here is everything to know heading into the weekend:
1. On Wednesday, Schroeder inducted 29 new members to the National Art Honor Society. Congratulations to all...go fill your canvases of life with amazing things!
2. Last night, Schroeder also inducted many new members to the World Language Honor Society. Congratulations to all. World language is your ticket anywhere. Happy travels!
3. Today concludes the celebration of "School Social Work Week." So thank you to all of our wonderful social workers here. Thanks for making our school a better place!
4. March is "Music in Our Schools Month." Get ready to celebrate all March long with concerts, music trivia and so much more.
5. Get ready to spring forward....Daylight Saving strikes again this weekend, starting at 2am on Sunday. And for those who missed it in the fall, don't worry, your clocks will be correct now!
March 6, 2024
> Best Buddies will be meeting after school on Tuesday, March 12th in W7! We will have bracelet making, coloring, and snacks! All are welcome and we would love to have you there!
> Attention Key Club members: Our next meeting is tomorrow, Thursday, March 7 at 3:20pm in the Library Classroom.
> Attention Model UN club members attending the St. John Fisher conference this Friday and Saturday: You must have your permission slip signed and turned in today. If you need a new copy, see Mrs. O'Brien in W200. We will meet at the Main Office doors at 8am on Friday to catch the bus. Please be sure to dress in business attire. See Mrs. O'Brien or Mrs. Tuyn with any questions.
> Anyone planning on playing Girls JV or Varsity Lacrosse this spring, please meet in E30 after school today for tryout and season information. If you are unable to attend please see Coach Fleck or Coach Goebel.
> Attention Warrior wrestlers or anyone interested in trying wrestling: Starting Thursday, March 14th, there will be wrestling after school in Room E-36. Come in for a workout, all athletes are welcome regardless of experience. Students may take the late bus home after. Please see Coach Ciaburri with any questions
> Attention all girls interested in playing Girls Flag Football this Spring… Please join the google classroom or stop by Coach Insley’s room to view this season's game and practice schedule. The season starts Monday 3/11. Make sure you are registered on family ID and check google classroom for all other information!
> The Warrior Boys JV and Varsity Tennis teams are looking to add a few more players to each roster. If you enjoy being active and don't play a spring sport we would love to have you play this spring. Anyone who is interested should stop by E232 (Coach Welker's Room) to get more information. Tennis is a low risk and high reward sport and is a great way to stay active. Once again, we are looking for boys who are interested in playing tennis for the JV or Varsity team this spring. Stop by E232 for more details.
> On Monday, April 8th, Webster will be in the shadow of a total solar eclipse. Total solar eclipses occur when the moon blocks the sun’s light from Earth. However, eclipses are only visible from within a narrow path across Earth. Webster just happens to be in that path! The eclipse will happen gradually over the course of four hours, but the sun will be completely obstructed by the moon for almost four minutes. Mark your calendars for Monday, April 8th. Caution needs to be exercised during an eclipse as the sun’s rays can damage your eyes. In order to be safe, eclipse glasses, or viewers, need to be used. These are NOT regular sunglasses, but are thousands of times darker. Eclipse glasses will be distributed from school in a couple weeks. You can learn more about eclipses by talking to your librarian and visiting websites such as the Rochester Museum and Science Center, NASA, and the Great American Eclipse.
> Webster School District is inviting you to the Student Leadership Breakfast this Saturday at 9am at Spry, 2nd floor. We welcome any student who is interested in sharing their voice and skills.
Join us this Saturday...see the flyer for details.
> They say you only ball as hard as your catch phrase, so in order to prepare for tonight's Schroeder vs Thomas Staff Charity Basketball game at 6:30pm in the Thomas Gym, Mr. Gomez sampled some different zingers. Take a look and catch the action on the court tonight. All donations go towards Miracle Field in Webster.
March 5, 2024
> There will be an informational meeting for JV and Varsity Softball tryouts today at 3:20pm in room W14 and then intramurals after.
> Hey, Schroeder: have you met the Schroeder faculty All-Stars yet that will be sure to “oooo” and “aaaah” you at the Schroeder vs Thomas Charity Basketball game? Follow “Webster Schroeder Official” on TikTok and see who’s playing in the big game tomorrow night! Plenty of other content to come on that account, so give it a follow and stay connected with Schroeder!
> Best Buddies will be meeting after school on Tuesday, March 12th in W7! We will have bracelet making, coloring, and snacks! All are welcome and we would love to have you there!
> All boys and girls interested in doing Indoor Track this spring: the preseason meeting will be today in the cafeteria from 3:30-4:30. Girls on the west side, boys on the east. Boys not in the Google Classroom should use this code to join.
> Attention Key Club members: Our next meeting is Thursday, March 7 at 3:20pm in the Library Classroom.
> Attention Model UN club members attending the St. John Fisher conference this Friday and Saturday: You must have your permission slip signed and turned in no later than tomorrow. If you need a new copy, see Mrs. O'Brien in W200. We will meet at the Main Office doors at 8am on Friday to catch the bus. Please be sure to dress in business attire. See Mrs. O'Brien or Mrs. Tuyn with any questions.
> Anyone planning on playing Girls JV or Varsity Lacrosse this spring, please meet in E30 after school on tomorrow, Wednesday, March 6th for tryout and season information. If you are unable to attend please see Coach Fleck or Coach Goebel.
> Congratulations to First Robotics Team 1126, SparX, for their Semi-Finalist finish at the Pittsburgh Regional Competition over the weekend. More than 50 teams from the Eastern U.S. competed in this event.
> The Warrior Boys JV and Varsity Tennis teams are looking to add a few more players to each roster. If you enjoy being active and don't play a spring sport we would love to have you play this spring. Anyone who is interested should stop by E232 (Coach Welker's Room) to get more information. Tennis is a low risk and high reward sport and is a great way to stay active. Once again, we are looking for boys who are interested in playing tennis for the JV or Varsity team this spring. Stop by E232 for more details.
> Attention Green Club Members: we will be meeting after school today in the Library Maker Space. We will be working on the plant wall with the Library Club.
> On Monday, April 8th, Webster will be in the shadow of a total solar eclipse. Total solar eclipses occur when the moon blocks the sun’s light from Earth. However, eclipses are only visible from within a narrow path across Earth. Webster just happens to be in that path! The eclipse will happen gradually over the course of four hours, but the sun will be completely obstructed by the moon for almost four minutes. Mark your calendars for Monday, April 8th. Caution needs to be exercised during an eclipse as the sun’s rays can damage your eyes. In order to be safe, eclipse glasses, or viewers, need to be used. These are NOT regular sunglasses, but are thousands of times darker. Eclipse glasses will be distributed from school in a couple weeks. You can learn more about eclipses by talking to your librarian and visiting websites such as the Rochester Museum and Science Center, NASA, and the Great American Eclipse.
> You know that classic NBA commercial where they attach jingle bells to the bottom of the net and hit shots in the tune of, well, “Jingle Bells”? Because the Morning Show team doesn’t want to be in a legal battle, we can’t show you that….but we can show you Mr. Gomez and Mr. Eckler trying to recreate it as a promotion for the Charity Basketball game tomorrow night.
March 4, 2024
> Attention Schroeder Baseball players: There will be an important tryout informational meeting today at 3:30pm in Coach Knight's classroom, W214. Please bring something to write with. The meeting should last no more than 20 minutes.
> There will be an informational meeting for JV and Varsity Softball tryouts tomorrow, Tuesday, March 5 at 3:20pm in room W14 and then intramurals after.
> The spring session for Driver Education is coming up! Senior and junior drivers may register tomorrow, March 5th at 8am and if spaces are available, sophomores may register on March 6. Students must have their permit by the start of the class, which is April 10th. Classes will conclude on June 6th.
Please note that when you register, you are registering for a driving time. All lectures for all students are through Zoom on Mondays and Wednesdays from 7:30 - 9pm.
> Hey, Schroeder: there is a new social media powerhouse in town and no, it is not Charli D'Amelio! For all the cringiest content, give the TikTok account "Webster Schroeder Official" a follow. We promise you'll love the terrible edits, teacher's bad acting, and stuff that probably just doesn't make sense. But hey, at least we've moved on past Facebook, right? In all seriousness, it is a great way to connect to Schroeder and stay up-to-date on fun events going on within the Warrior community. So go on and SMASH that subscribe button.
> I Scream, you scream, we all scream for HONOR ROLL ice cream!
Students who received a postcard notifying them that they achieved honor roll (average GPA of 85% or higher) during Quarter 2 can receive a coupon for a free ice cream in the lunch line starting today.
Ice cream coupons will be handed out in your alpha office. Stop by during passing time to pick up your coupon and redeem it in the cafeteria line! Coupons can be picked up and redeemed all week.
Congratulations on your hard work.
> Best Buddies will be meeting after school on Tuesday, March 12th in W7! We will have bracelet making, coloring, and snacks! All are welcome and we would love to have you there!
> All boys and girls interested in doing Indoor Track this spring: the preseason meeting will be tomorrow, Tuesday, March 5th in the cafeteria from 3:30-4:30. Girls on the west side, boys on the east. Boys not in the Google Classroom should use this code to join. Again, all boys and girls interested in doing Indoor Track this spring, the preseason meeting will be tomorrow, Tuesday, March 5th in the cafeteria from 3:30-4:30. Girls on the west side, boys on the east.
> Attention Key Club members: Our next meeting is Thursday, March 7 at 3:20pm in the Library Classroom.
> Attention Model UN club members attending the St. John Fisher conference this Friday and Saturday: You must have your permission slip signed and turned in no later than Wednesday. If you need a new copy, see Mrs. O'Brien in W200. We will meet at the Main Office doors at 8am on Friday to catch the bus. Please be sure to dress in business attire. See Mrs. O'Brien or Mrs. Tuyn with any questions.
> Akshaya D, James S and Yi J participated in the 2024 Women in Computing at Cornell (WiCC) High School Programming Contest Workshop on Sunday, March 3 from 12-4pm. Students were introduced to a contest platform for submitting solutions, receiving feedback and communicating with contest administrators. Students solved sample problems in Python and Java and participated in a discussion of the solutions. This workshop was preparation offered by Cornell for the actual contest which will take place in April.
> Anyone planning on playing Girls JV or Varsity Lacrosse this spring, please meet in E30 after school on Wednesday, March 6th for tryout and season information. If you are unable to attend please see Coach Fleck or Coach Goebel.
March 1,2024
> Thankfully, audition day is here for "Little Women!" Mr. Gomez doesn't have to keep coming up with small and big puns for the Morning Show! Yay! No more size jokes. Certainly a big win after a little inconvenience. Student-actors, we can't wait to see you after school today. Break a leg!
> Attention Schroeder Baseball players: There will be an important tryout informational meeting on Monday, March 4th at 3:30pm in Coach Knight's classroom, W214. Please bring something to write with. The meeting should last no more than 20 minutes.
> There will be an informational meeting for JV and Varsity Softball tryouts on Tuesday, March 5 at 3:20pm in room W14 and then intramurals after.
> Coffee House is finally here, tonight at 7:00pm in the Schroeder Library! Come out and support this Tri-M sponsored event! Enjoy some hot beverages and sweet treats while listening to the amazing musical talent here at Schroeder! Tickets will be sold at the door and cost $5 each, and all proceeds go to Schroeders Tri-M Music Honors Society! We can’t wait to see you there and thank you for your support!
> Congratulations to the following students for being this week’s recipients of Principal’s Recognition:
Please stop down to the main office between 1st and 2nd period.
Owen A. ~ Class of 2027
Terrence B. ~ Class of 2027
Antonio C. ~ Class of 2025
Maddie F. ~ Class of 2025
Bintou J. ~ Class of 2026
Nicole L. ~ Class of 2024
Julian M. ~ Class of 2026 (per 1 Barker)
Isabella S. ~ Class of 2026
> The spring session for Driver Education is coming up! Senior and junior drivers may register on March 5th at 8am and if spaces are available, sophomores may register on March 6. Students must have their permit by the start of the class, which is April 10th. Classes will conclude on June 6th.
Please note that when you register, you are registering for a driving time. All lectures for all students are through Zoom on Mondays and Wednesdays from 7:30 - 9pm.
> Congratulations to Kylie W. and Evan W. for their performance at State Championships in Lake Placid this past Monday and Tuesday.
Kylie, a junior, was the 5th fastest skier for Section V finishing 7th in the state for the Skate-style distance race on Monday. She went on to be the 6th fastest skier for Section Five in the Classic-style race on Tuesday.
Evan, a freshman, skied faster at States than at Sectionals finishing as the 10th fastest skier for Section Five in the Skate-style race on Monday. Evan continued to ski well on Tuesday performing better than expected.
Amazing performance by both of you!
> Hey, Schroeder: there is a new social media powerhouse in town and no, it is not Charli D'Amelio! For all the cringiest content, give the TikTok account "Webster Schroeder Official" a follow. We promise you'll love the terrible edits, teacher's bad acting, and stuff that probably just doesn't make sense. But hey, at least we've moved on past Facebook, right? In all seriousness, it a great way to connect to Schroeder and stay up-to-date on fun events going on within the Warrior community. So go on and SMASH that subscribe button. ...are we doing this right?
> Best Buddies will be meeting after school on Tuesday, March 12th in W7! We will have bracelet making, coloring, and snacks! All are welcome and we would love to have you there!
> Congratulations to senior Blake for placing third in giant slalom this past week at the New York State Alpine Skiing Championships. States were held at Whiteface Mountain in Lake Placid, NY. Blake also received the Section 5 Sportsmanship Award. Congratulations Blake on a great season and high school career!
> All boys and girls interested in doing Indoor Track this spring: the preseason meeting will be Tuesday, March 5th in the cafeteria from 3:30-4:30. Girls on the west side, boys on the east. Boys not in the Google Classroom should use this code to join. Again, all boys and girls interested in doing Indoor Track this spring, the preseason meeting will be Tuesday, March 5th in the cafeteria from 3:30-4:30. Girls on the west side, boys on the east.
> Attention Key Club members: Our next meeting is Thursday, March 7 at 3:20pm in the Library Classroom.
> Congrats, Schroeder. We are through the first full week after February Break, and officially into March! It is Friday, so here is your Schroeder Big 5!
1. Schroeder Theater Company auditions for April's "Little Women" will be held after school today. Break a leg to all actors and be sure to check out the performances in a few months!
2. Schroeder's stepping up its social media game. Be sure to follow the official TikTok account and catch up on the roster reveals from this week.
3. Speaking of roster reveals...the Schroeder vs Thomas staff Charity Basketball game is next Wednesday at Thomas High School at 6:30pm. Come cheer on your favorite teachers and staff and support a great cause!
4. The Blues Brothers are BACK! Check out the famous performance during 5a and 5b in the auditorium on Monday, March 4th!!!
5. Good luck to all musicians performing tonight at Schroeder's Coffee House at 7pm. $5 at the door gets you a coffee and a treat...and some awesome talent!
Peace out and go Syracuse!
February 29, 2024
> Even in "Little Women," there is no such thing as small parts in a show! Every part is a big part, as it completes the story! Schroeder Theater Company will be holding auditions tomorrow, Friday, after school! Actors, be sure to have your audition packets ready!
> Attention all students using the Schroeder Boys' Athletic Locker Room: Lockers need to be cleaned out by the end of school today. Locks are being changed and any remaining items will be discarded. Spring athletes will receive new combos from their coach.
> Attention all NHS members: there is a meeting today at 3:20 in the auditorium. We will have updates on new service events.
> Attention Schroeder Baseball players: There will be an important tryout informational meeting on Monday, March 4th at 3:30pm in Coach Knight's classroom, W214. Please bring something to write with. The meeting should last no more than 20 minutes.
> There will be an informational meeting for JV and Varsity Softball tryouts on Tuesday, March 5 at 3:20pm in room W14 and then intramurals after.
> Schroeder's BBSU would like to cordially invite you to attend Schroeder's Second Annual Black History Showcase. The showcase featuring Schroeder's students' talents will be held in the library today during 4th and 5th block lunches.
> Coffee House is finally here, tomorrow, Friday, March 1st, at 7:00pm in the Schroeder Library! Come out and support this Tri-M sponsored event! Enjoy some hot beverages and sweet treats while listening to the amazing musical talent here at Schroeder! Tickets will be sold at the door and cost $5 each, and all proceeds go to Schroeders Tri-M Music Honors Society! We can’t wait to see you there and thank you for your support!
> The spring session for Driver Education is coming up! Senior and junior drivers may register on March 5th at 8am and if spaces are available, sophomores may register on March 6. Students must have their permit by the start of the class, which is April 10th. Classes will conclude on June 6th.
Please note that when you register, you are registering for a driving time. All lectures for all students are through Zoom on Mondays and Wednesdays from 7:30 - 9pm.
> Hey, Schroeder: there is a new social media powerhouse in town and no, it is not Charli D'Amelio! For all the cringiest content, give the TikTok account "Webster Schroeder Official" a follow. We promise you'll love the terrible edits, teacher's bad acting, and stuff that probably just doesn't make sense. But hey, at least we've moved on past Facebook, right? In all seriousness, it is a great way to connect to Schroeder and stay up-to-date on fun events going on within the Warrior community. So go on and SMASH that subscribe button. ...are we doing this right?
February 28, 2024
> Come out and see your amazing Schroeder and GOAL staff play a spirited game of basketball against the Thomas and OWL teachers staff on Wednesday, March 6th at 6:30pm in the Thomas gymnasium! Come out and support our staff and help us raise money for Miracle Field!
Lots of food, entertainment, and cheering will be happening!
Are you good at balloon popping, tricycle riding, or tug-of-war (just to name a few)?
Schroeder and GOAL students: we need you! Please see Mr. Eckler in Room W26 if you would like to sign up to participate in the halftime games! You won't want to miss out on the fun!
> Schroder Theater Company's "Little Women" comes with BIG opportunities for all genders! If that little role in "The Kissing Booth" trilogy can propel Jacob Elordi into super stardom, then who knows what Schroeder Theater Co. can do for YOUR acting career. Curious about the show and want to give it a shot? Talk to one of the directors, Mr. Gomez, Mr. Christman, or Ms. Cooman and come out to auditions this Friday!
> Attention all students using the Schroeder Boys' Athletic Locker Room: Lockers need to be cleaned out by the end of school tomorrow, Thursday, February 29. Locks are being changed and any remaining items will be discarded. Spring athletes will receive new combos from their coach.
> Attention all NHS members: there is a meeting tomorrow, Thursday, February 29th at 3:20 in the auditorium. We will have updates on new service events.
> Attention Schroeder Baseball players: There will be an important tryout informational meeting on Monday, March 4th at 3:30pm in Coach Knight's classroom, W214. Please bring something to write with. The meeting should last no more than 20 minutes.
> Schroeder's BBSU would like to cordially invite you to attend Schroeder's Second Annual Black History Showcase. The showcase featuring Schroeder's students' talents will be held in the library, tomorrow, February 29th during 4th and 5th block lunches.
> CONGRATULATIONS to Team "Much A’Knew About Nothing" for winning the Faculty-Student Masterminds meet yesterday! Ms Connelly, Ms Sullivan, Mr Christman and Mr Gomez really knocked it out of the park! And congrats to the runner-up team, "Smarticus," including Ms Tuyn, Ms Henry, Mr Pollard, and Mr Eckler! Way to go to all of our Masterminds for finally getting "The Glass Menagerie"!
To all of our student contestants, you rock! Way to show the old folks a good time! And finally, thank you Ms Mezzanini for being an excellent moderator. We couldn’t have done it without you! Nice job Masterminds!
> Coffee House is finally here, this Friday, March 1st, at 7:00pm in the Schroeder Library! Come out and support this Tri-M sponsored event! Enjoy some hot beverages and sweet treats while listening to the amazing musical talent here at Schroeder! Tickets will be sold at the door and cost $5 each, and all proceeds go to Schroeders Tri-M Music Honors Society! We can’t wait to see you there and thank you for your support!
> It’s Warrior Wednesday! All week long Schroeder staff has been on the lookout for students who are demonstrating cooperation, accountability, respect, and excellence.
Let’s go ahead and spin the prize wheel for our student winner:
Congratulations Avery P! And now for our staff winner. Spin that wheel!
Congratulations Ms Teeter! You will be contacted by Mrs. Tasber’s office to claim your prize!
Thank you all for continuing to demonstrate great habits and being Warriors who CARE.
February 27, 2024
> There will be a FBLA meeting today at 3:20 in Room W14. If you are planning on attending States in April, you must attend or see Mrs. Keil before the meeting!
> Come out and see your amazing Schroeder and GOAL staff play a spirited game of basketball against the Thomas and OWL teachers staff on Wednesday, March 6th at 6:30pm in the Thomas gymnasium! Come out and support our staff and help us raise money for Miracle Field!
Lots of food, entertainment, and cheering will be happening!
Are you good at balloon popping, tricycle riding, or tug-of-war (just to name a few)?
Schroeder and GOAL students: we need you! Please see Mr. Eckler in Room W26 if you would like to sign up to participate in the halftime games! You won't want to miss out on the fun!
> If Chelsea on "Love is Blind" can say she looks like Megan Fox, then the Schroeder Theater Company can say that "Little Women" is going to be an absolute banger! Come on out this Friday for auditions! No previous acting experience is required; all are welcome!
> Attention all students using the Schroeder Boys' Athletic Locker Room: Lockers need to be cleaned out by the end of school this Thursday, February 29. Locks are being changed and any remaining items will be discarded. Spring athletes will receive new combos from their coach.
> Attention all NHS members: there is a meeting this Thursday, February 29th at 3:20 in the auditorium. We will have updates on new service events.
February 26, 2024
> There will be a FBLA meeting tomorrow, Tuesday, February 27 at 3:20 in Room W14. If you are planning on attending States in April, you must attend or see Mrs. Keil before the meeting!
> Come out and see your amazing Schroeder and GOAL staff play a spirited game of basketball against the Thomas and OWL teachers staff on Wednesday, March 6th at 6:30pm in the Thomas gymnasium! Come out and support our staff and help us raise money for Miracle Field!
Lots of food, entertainment, and cheering will be happening!
Are you good at balloon popping, tricycle riding, or tug-of-war (just to name a few)?
Schroeder and GOAL students: we need you! Please see Mr. Eckler in Room W26 if you would like to sign up to participate in the halftime games! You won't want to miss out on the fun!
> Ain't nothing little about it! Auditions for Schroeder Theater Co's "Little Women" are this Friday after school! Be sure to connect with a director for an audition packet and more information and a chance to be a part of something BIG!
February 16, 2024
> Schroeder's Chapter of NHS is holding a book drive. Bring in your gently used books and help support our initiative to create bedside book bags for the UPK students, hold a free book fair, and fill little libraries throughout our community. We are looking for elementary level books, but any and all books are welcome!
> In honor of Black History Month, the Black & Brown Student Union wants to shine a spotlight on our own Schroeder Warriors. This week, we are celebrating the accomplishments of some of our athletes. Be sure to check out the slides shown before the Morning Show begins. A special thank you to Bintou and Isatou for putting this together.
> Need to get your fiction fix? Class of 2025 Hayden D. has published the long-awaited end to Arc 2 of his series The Sands of Greed. Hayden has included a prelude to Arc 1 in this newest drop, so now's an even better time to start from the beginning and read about this dystopian world and its denizens. If you're already up to date on the series, use the table of contents to skip to the latest episode, "Episode 6: Relations of Snow and Thunder." Visit our student news site wshscourier.org or scan the QR code to immerse yourself in this thrilling series. Also new to the student news site is a staff spotlight on Schroeder's own Mr. Peck. Read Class of 2024 Kenzie B.'s profile of our Friendly Neighborhood Social Studies teacher and learn about how his affection and admiration for Mr. Rogers came to be. Don't forget to vote on our homepage poll for your favorite Super Bowl commercial!
If you're looking to get involved with contributing to our student news site as a writer, photographer, or interviewer, please reach out to Mrs. Law in W4 or email her at linda_law@webstercsd.org. Schroeder Courier Newspaper welcomes students of all talents and commitment levels. You can now follow us on Instagram @wshscourier.
> There will be a FBLA meeting on Tuesday, February 27 at 3:20 in Room W14. If you are planning on attending States in April, you must attend or see Mrs. Keil before the meeting!
> Still want to audition for Coffee House? We are extending the time to submit video auditions until Sunday, February 25th! Please send your video to kim_derse@webstercsd.org! Coffee House is a wonderful opportunity to perform on a smaller scale than a regular concert, so make sure to send in your audition!
> Come out and see your amazing Schroeder and GOAL staff play a spirited game of basketball against the Thomas and OWL staff on Wednesday, March 6th at 6:30pm in the Thomas gymnasium! Come out and support our staff and help us raise money for Miracle Field!
Lots of food, entertainment, and cheering will be happening!
Are you good at balloon popping, tricycle riding, or tug-of-war (just to name a few)?
Schroeder and GOAL students: we need you! Please see Mr. Eckler in Room W26 if you would like to sign up to participate in the halftime games! You won't want to miss out on the fun!
> Congratulations to senior Blake Preston for winning the Section 5 Alpine Combined Skiing Championship this past Tuesday at Swain Ski Resort. Blake placed first in a two run combined slalom and second in two run combined giant slalom. Blake will now represent Webster and Section 5 at the State Alpine Skiing championships to be held at Whiteface Mountain in Lake Placid February 26th through the 27th. Blake is the defending Alpine Combined State Champion. Good luck, Blake!
> Congratulations to the following students for being this week’s recipients of Principal’s Recognition:
Please stop down to the main office between 1st and 2nd period.
Nick B. ~ Class of 2024 (Period 1 Eckler)
DeAnna D. ~ Class of 2026
Alyese D. ~ Class of 2027
Brady M. ~ Class of 2024
Caroline M. ~ Class of 2026
David O. ~ Class of 2024
Seth P. ~ Class of 2024
Lidia P. ~ Class of 2025
Yarko R. ~ Class of 2026
Adam S. ~ Class of 2025
Jacob S. ~ Class of 2025
Michael W. ~ Class of 2026
> Well Schroeder, we made it. It is the Friday before February Break! Here is your Big Five for the break week:
Sectional Season is here! Best of luck to all Warriors and Lakers competing in sectionals this week and congratulations to Schroeder Hockey for taking care of business in the barn last night. Roll Schroeder!
The Schroeder Courier had a fresh content drop this week. Head on over to our school’s news site for everything from Spotify playlists, to teacher interviews, original fiction, and student life.
The Schroeder vs Thomas staff basketball charity game is coming up Wednesday, March 6th! You won’t want to miss your favorite Schroeder staff members ballin’ out for a good cause. And stay tuned for an inside look as a documentary on Schroeder’s dynasty and charity game dominance is coming soon!
Congratulations to the cast and crew of “Catch Me If You Can” for rocking the stage and bringing the auditorium to life last weekend. As always, an incredible performance with tremendous talent! Bravo! Be sure to get some sleep over the break!
While it might not have the epic scale of Dune 2, the buzz around “Little Women” has been BIG! Auditions are Friday after break.
Have a wonderful February Break, Warriors. Stay healthy and safe!
February 15, 2024
> Schroeder's Chapter of NHS is holding a book drive. Bring in your gently used books and help support our initiative to create bedside book bags for the UPK students, hold a free book fair, and fill little libraries throughout our community. We are looking for elementary level books, but any and all books are welcome!
> In celebration of Black History Month, the Black & Brown Student Union will be screening "Spider-Man Across the Spider-Verse" in the auditorium tonight at 6:30pm.
> In honor of Black History Month, the Black & Brown Student Union wants to shine a spotlight on our own Schroeder Warriors. This week, we are celebrating the accomplishments of some of our athletes. Be sure to check out the slides shown before the Morning Show begins. A special thank you to Bintou and Isatou for putting this together.
> Still looking for that Valentine's playlist to get you in the spirit of love? Whether you're solo or betrothed, give a list to Class of 2024 DJ Avalon's newest Spotify playlist drop entitled "Love Songs on the Radio." With tunes from The Neighbourhood, Eliza McLamb, Lizzy McAlpine, Lana Del Rey, and The Smashing Pumpkins, there's a little musical merriment for everyone. Visit our student news site wshscourier.org or scan the QR code to view the latest mix and Avalon's archive. While you're at the site, be sure to check out Class of 2026 Kaiden D.'s writeup on Netflix Originals and commiserate with us on the loss of epic shows such as The OA, and I am Not Okay With This. Which canceled series is your Roman Empire? Don't forget to vote on our homepage poll for your favorite Super Bowl commercial!
If you're looking to get involved with contributing to our student news site as a writer, photographer, or interviewer, please reach out to Mrs. Law in W4 or email her at linda_law@webstercsd.org. Schroeder Courier Newspaper welcomes students of all talents and commitment levels. You can now follow us on Instagram @wshscourier
> The biggest congratulations of the 2023-24 Speech & Debate season go out to our 8 NATIONAL QUALIFIERS:
Ryan B. & Yi J. - Public Forum Debate
Sofia M. - Lincoln-Douglas Debate
Akshaya D. & Maddy B. - Duo Interpretation
Matthew G. Oral Interpretation
Noah J. - Extemporaneous Speaking
Sam O. - Dramatic Performance
Nationals will be held in Chicago over Memorial Day Weekend.
This will be our 40th consecutive National Tournament
> There will be a FBLA meeting on Tuesday, February 27 at 3:20 in Room W14. If you are planning on attending States in April, you must attend or see Mrs. Keil before the meeting!
> Still want to audition for Coffee House? We are extending the time to submit video auditions until Sunday, February 25th! Please send your video to kim_derse@webstercsd.org! Coffee House is a wonderful opportunity to perform on a smaller scale than a regular concert, so make sure to send in your audition!
> Come out and see your amazing Schroeder and GOAL staff play a spirited game of basketball against the Thomas and OWL teachers staff on Wednesday, March 6th at 6:30pm in the Thomas gymnasium! Come out and support our staff and help us raise money for Miracle Field!
Lots of food, entertainment, and cheering will be happening!
Are you good at balloon popping, tricycle riding, or tug-of-war (just to name a few)?
Schroeder and GOAL students: we need you! Please see Mr. Eckler in Room W26 if you would like to sign up to participate in the halftime games! You won't want to miss out on the fun!
> Hey Warriors, The Social Club's Palentine’s Day Party is canceled for tonight, and is being rescheduled. I repeat, there is no Palentine’s Day Party tonight. Please check The Social Club Classroom page for all updates about this event.
February 14, 2024
> Schroeder's Chapter of NHS is holding a book drive. Bring in your gently used books and help support our initiative to create bedside book bags for the UPK students, hold a free book fair, and fill little libraries throughout our community. We are looking for elementary level books, but any and all books are welcome!
> Still want to audition for Tri-Ms annual Coffee House? Send in a video audition. All musical talent is welcome! Please send the videos to kim_derse@webstercsd.org by today! Coffee House is a wonderful opportunity to perform on a smaller scale compared to a regular concert, so be sure to send in your video audition!
> The next Women in STEM meeting is after school today in room E21. Hope to see you there!
> In celebration of Black History Month, the Black & Brown Student Union will be screening "Spider-Man Across the Spider-Verse" in the auditorium tomorrow, Thursday, February 15th at 6:30pm.
> In honor of Black History Month, the Black & Brown Student Union wants to shine a spotlight on our own Schroeder Warriors. This week, we are celebrating the accomplishments of some of our athletes. Be sure to check out the slides shown before the Morning Show begins. A special thank you to Bintou and Isatou for putting this together.
> Stop by the Library today during full period study halls to make your own Literary Valentine to celebrate the holiday!
> Hey Warriors, the Schroeder Social Club is hosting a Palentine's Day Party tomorrow, Thursday, from 7-9pm in the cafeteria and you're all invited! There will be treats, crafts, and games, including a "Who Knows Their BFF the BEST!" game. If you'd like to come, then please RSVP by filling out the form in either your grade level, or the Social Club Google Classrooms. It's sure to be lots of fun, so bring yourself, and some friends, and let's have a good time Warriors!
> Need to get your fiction fix? Class of 2025 Hayden D. has published the long-awaited end to Arc 2 of his series The Sands of Greed. Hayden has included a prelude to Arc 1 in this newest drop, so now's an even better time to start from the beginning and read about this dystopian world and its denizens. If you're already up to date on the series, use the table of contents to skip to the latest episode, "Episode 6: Relations of Snow and Thunder." Visit our student news site wshscourier.org or scan the QR code to immerse yourself in this thrilling series. Also new to the student news site is a staff spotlight on Schroeder's own Mr. Peck. Read Class of 2024 Kenzie B.'s profile of our Friendly Neighborhood Social Studies teacher and learn about how his affection and admiration for Mr. Rogers came to be. Don't forget to vote on our homepage poll for your favorite Super Bowl commercial!
If you're looking to get involved with contributing to our student news site as a writer, photographer, or interviewer, please reach out to Mrs. Law in W4 or email her at linda_law@webstercsd.org. Schroeder Courier Newspaper welcomes students of all talents and commitment levels. You can now follow us on Instagram @wshscourier.
> And now over to part 2 of Schroeder Theater Company’s "Little Women" audition announcement...
February 13, 2024
> The PTSA is proud to help sponsor a campus performance for students and staff by having renowned musician Jimmie Highsmith Jr come to Schroeder to perform today during 4th and 5th periods in the Schroeder library & cafe. Jimmie is a Eastman School of Music educator & Grammy nominated jazz musician. He has shared the stage with and opened for Alicia Keys, Najee, Chris Botti and more!
> Best Buddies will be meeting after school today in W7! We are going to be making Valentine’s Day gingerbread houses! All are welcome! We would love to have you there!
> Schroeder's Chapter of NHS is holding a book drive. Bring in your gently used books and help support our initiative to create bedside book bags for the UPK students, hold a free book fair, and fill little libraries throughout our community. We are looking for elementary level books, but any and all books are welcome!
> Give your crush a Crush this Valentine’s Day! Today is the last day to purchase them, as they will be delivered tomorrow on Valentine's Day. Support Student Council and the Art Honor Society by purchasing a Crush soda, candy, or a handmade rose!
> Still want to audition for Tri-Ms annual Coffee House? Send in a video audition. All musical talent is welcome! Please send the videos to kim_derse@webstercsd.org tomorrow, Wednesday, February 14th! Coffee House is a wonderful opportunity to perform on a smaller scale compared to a regular concert, so be sure to send in your video audition!
> The next Women in STEM meeting is after school tomorrow, Wednesday, in room E21. Hope to see you the
> In celebration of Black History Month, the Black & Brown Student Union will be screening "Spider-Man Across the Spider-Verse" in the auditorium on Thursday, February 15th at 6:30pm.
> In honor of Black History Month, the Black & Brown Student Union wants to shine a spotlight on our own Schroeder Warriors. This week, we are celebrating the accomplishments of some of our athletes. Be sure to check out the slides shown before the Morning Show begins. A special thank you to Bintou and Isatou for putting this together.
> The Wrestling team had 14 athletes wrestle at State Qualifiers last weekend with 14 placing in the top 6. Congratulations to these wrestlers who placed: Cam A 6th, Aidan V 5th, Jackson H 5th, Liam T 4th, Max T 5th, Ian P 5th, and Tommy R 5th. Great season, fellas!
> Stop by the Library today and tomorrow during full period study halls to make your own Literary Valentine to celebrate the holiday!
> Hey Warriors, the Schroeder Social Club is hosting a Palentine's Day Party this Thursday from 7-9pm in the cafeteria and you're all invited! There will be treats, crafts, and games, including a "Who Knows Their BFF the BEST!" game. If you'd like to come, then please RSVP by filling out the form in either your grade level, or the Social Club Google Classrooms. It's sure to be lots of fun, so bring yourself, and some friends, and let's have a good time Warriors!
> Still looking for that Valentine's playlist to get you in the spirit of love? Whether you're solo or betrothed, give a list to Class of 2024 DJ Avalon's newest Spotify playlist drop entitled "Love Songs on the Radio." With tunes from The Neighbourhood, Eliza McLamb, Lizzy McAlpine, Lana Del Rey, and The Smashing Pumpkins, there's a little musical merriment for everyone. Visit our student news site wshscourier.org or scan the QR code to view the latest mix and Avalon's archive. While you're at the site, be sure to check out Class of 2026 Kaiden D.'s writeup on Netflix Originals and commiserate with us on the loss of epic shows such as The OA, and I am Not Okay With This. Which canceled series is your Roman Empire? Don't forget to vote on our homepage poll for your favorite Super Bowl commercial! If you're looking to get involved with contributing to our student news site as a writer, photographer, or interviewer, please reach out to Mrs. Law in W4 or email her at linda_law@webstercsd.org. Schroeder Courier Newspaper welcomes students of all talents and commitment levels. You can now follow us on Instagram @wshscourier.
February 12, 2024
> The PTSA is proud to help sponsor a campus performance for students and staff by having renowned musician Jimmie Highsmith Jr come to Schroeder to perform tomorrow, Tuesday, February 13th during 4th and 5th periods in the Schroeder library & cafe. Jimmie is a Eastman School of Music educator & Grammy nominated jazz musician. He has shared the stage with and opened for Alicia Keys, Najee, Chris Botti and more!
> Future Educators of America is a club offered at Schroeder for those who plan to pursue a career in education or are interested in exploring this field and the paths you can take to get there.
Come to our inaugural FEA meeting of 2024 in W13, Mr. Christman's room, today after school to learn more.
> Best Buddies will be meeting after school tomorrow, Tuesday, February 13th in W7! We are going to be making Valentine’s Day gingerbread houses! All are welcome! We would love to have you there!
> Schroeder's Chapter of NHS is holding a book drive. Bring in your gently used books and help support our initiative to create bedside book bags for the UPK students, hold a free book fair, and fill little libraries throughout our community. We are looking for elementary level books, but any and all books are welcome!
> Still want to audition for Tri-Ms annual Coffee House? Send in a video audition. All musical talent is welcome! Please send the videos to kim_derse@webstercsd.org by Wednesday, February 14th! Coffee House is a wonderful opportunity to perform on a smaller scale compared to a regular concert, so be sure to send in your video audition!
> Give your crush a Crush this Valentine’s Day! Purchase them in the cafeteria today and tomorrow! These will be delivered on Wednesday. Support Student Council and the Art Honor Society by purchasing a Crush soda, candy, or a handmade rose!
> Congratulations to the Nordic Ski Team at the County Championships! Seth P placed 15th and Josh T placed 19th for the boys. Kate T placed 5th, Kaci V placed 11th, and Alaura M placed 16th for the girls.
> The next Women in STEM meeting is after school on Wednesday in room E21. Hope to see you there!
> In celebration of Black History Month, the Black & Brown Student Union will be screening "Spider-Man Across the Spider-Verse" in the auditorium on Thursday, February 15th at 6:30pm.
> Any Model UN club member going to the March conference that has not turned in their money for the conference yet: checks will be mailed out today at 3:15 and you have until 7th period today to turn in your money to Mrs. O'Brien. See Mrs. O'Brien or Mrs. Tuyn with any questions.
> In honor of Black History Month, the Black & Brown Student Union wants to shine a spotlight on our own Schroeder Warriors. This week, we are celebrating the accomplishments of some of our athletes. Be sure to check out the slides shown before the Morning Show begins. A special thank you to Bintou and Isatou for putting this together.
> Congratulations to the cast and crew of “Catch Me If You Can!” What an action-packed weekend for Schroeder’s performing arts. Whether you want to keep it going, or the talent you saw inspired you, there is still an opportunity to get on stage and perform this school year! Schroeder Theater Company will be holding auditions for April’s “Little Women” on Friday, March 1st! Listen to the Mo Show for more information!
February 9, 2024
> The PTSA is proud to help sponsor a campus performance for students and staff by having renowned musician Jimmie Highsmith Jr come to Schroeder to perform on Tuesday, February 13th during 4th and 5th periods in the Schroeder library & cafe. Jimmie is a Eastman School of Music educator & Grammy nominated jazz musician. He has shared the stage with and opened for Alicia Keys, Najee, Chris Botti and more!
> The Schroeder Yearbook is looking to feature you in the student life section of the book. Complete the Google Form linked in the QR code for a chance to be featured. You must submit a picture with the response in order to appear in the yearbook. You do not need to answer all three questions in order to be featured. If you have any questions, see Ms. Metz or Mrs. Henry.
> Here is today's e-pass quick tip: Seniors, keep your Gold Cards handy to show staff members who are checking for electronic passes. You don't need an e-pass to go to the senior lounge, cafeteria, or library during an empty period, but you DO need an e-pass to meet with a staff member or go to other locations in the building.
> Are you interested in teaching? Do you see yourself coming back to these hallowed halls to help mold the minds of the future? We have a resource! Future Educators of America is a club offered at Schroeder for those who plan to pursue a career in education or are interested in exploring this field and the paths you can take to get there. Come to our inaugural FEA meeting of 2024 in W13, Mr. Christman's room, on Monday, February 12 after school to learn more. We want to hear from you on how we can be your best resource. See you then! Maybe bring an apple for the teachers.
> Auditions for Schroeder Theater Company's April production of "Little Women" are coming up. Friday, March 1st! No previous theater experience is required and, in fact, Schroeder Theater Co is always looking to expand and find new stars...so why not take a chance and try something new? You'll never know what hidden talents you may have. Audition packets and more information will be available next week. Stay tuned.
> Best Buddies will be meeting after school on Tuesday, February 13th in W7! We are going to be making Valentine’s Day gingerbread houses! All are welcome! We would love to have you there!
> Schroeder's Chapter of NHS is holding a book drive. Bring in your gently used books and help support our initiative to create bedside book bags for the UPK students, hold a free book fair, and fill little libraries throughout our community. We are looking for elementary level books, but any and all books are welcome!
> For any Model UN club members attending the conference in March: Your check for the conference is due today. All of the details are on our Google Classroom page. See Mrs. O'Brien or Mrs. Tuyn if you have any questions.
> Still want to audition for Tri-Ms annual Coffee House? Send in a video audition. All musical talent is welcome! Please send the videos to kim_derse@webstercsd.org by Wednesday, February 14th! Coffee House is a wonderful opportunity to perform on a smaller scale compared to a regular concert, so be sure to send in your video audition!
> Give your crush a Crush this Valentine’s Day! Purchase them in the cafeteria today until Tuesday. These will be delivered on Wednesday. Support Student Council and the Art Honor Society by purchasing a Crush soda, candy, or a handmade rose!
> Good news, Warriors...the Black History Month Door Decorating Contest has been extended through Monday morning to give YOU more time to finish your doors or even start one today after school. Remember, the winning door will be announced Tuesday and you will win free breakfast and bragging rights as the very first winners! Thank you to everyone who has participated so far!
> Schroeder's Math League competed in the final competition of the year on Thursday, February 8th. Jacqueline H earned a perfect score in the individual rounds. Stephanie G missed only one individual question. Thirteen members competed, earning 28 team points and 33 individual points with every single participant earning at least 1 point! Congratulations on a successful season!
> Congratulations to the following students for being this week’s recipients of Principal’s Recognition:
Please stop down to the main office between 1st and 2nd period.
Sabrina D. ~ Class of 2025
Adam D. ~ Class of 2026
Ronan E. ~ Class of 2026
Stephanie G. ~ Class of 2025
Rebecca S. ~ Class of 2027
> It's Friday, which concludes another successful week at Webster Schroeder High School and time for everything you need to know heading into the weekend. Here is the Big 5:
1. This week was National School Counselors' Week. Students, stop by and say hello to your guidance counselor and thank them for all they do!
2. Students, great job with week 2 of the e-pass system! Friendly reminder to be sure to check in with your study hall before heading out with a pass or an appointment.
3. Crush sales start today! Get in on a Schroeder tradition that is over 20 years old! Send your crush a Crush for Valentine's Day.
4. One more week before February Break! Make sure you are staying on top of your work next week before break.
5. Have you seen sophomore sensation Brody W making his way around social media!? Come see what all the hype is about tonight, tomorrow afternoon, and tomorrow night as Schroeder Musical's "Catch Me If You Can" hits the stage! Grab a friend and get your tickets now!
Enjoy the Super Bowl and have a great weekend everyone. Go Bills!
February 8, 2024
> Here is today's e-pass quick tip: When you have a scheduled music lesson, please select your teacher as "Departing From" and "Music Lesson [Teacher]" as your destination. You'll initiate a pass to return to class when your lesson is finished.
> Are you interested in teaching? Do you see yourself coming back to these hallowed halls to help mold the minds of the future? We have a resource! Future Educators of America is a club offered at Schroeder for those who plan to pursue a career in education or are interested in exploring this field and the paths you can take to get there. Come to our inaugural FEA meeting of 2024 in W13, Mr. Christman's room, on Monday, February 12 after school to learn more. We want to hear from you on how we can be your best resource. See you then! Maybe bring an apple for the teachers.
> The Black History Month Door Decorating Contest is in full swing! If you see a door that hasn't been decorated yet, grab a few friends and get creative. The contest ends after school today and a winner will be announced next week! We cannot wait to see your creations!
> Attention anyone interested in playing JV or Varsity Boys Tennis this spring: Coach Zola and Coach Welker will be holding a brief informational meeting about the upcoming boys tennis season today.The meeting will start at 3:30 in Coach Welker's classroom, E232. We would like to discuss the upcoming season and begin getting an idea as to how many players to expect at tryouts. We will also discuss preseason workouts both here at Schroeder and others offered by local tennis clubs over February Break. Once again, anyone interested in trying out for either JV or Varsity Boys tennis need to plan on attending an informational meeting today after school in Coach Welker's room.
> Auditions for Schroeder Theater Company's April production of "Little Women" are coming up. Friday, March 1st! No previous theater experience is required and, in fact, Schroeder Theater Co is always looking to expand and find new stars...so why not take a chance and try something new? You'll never know what hidden talents you may have. Audition packets and more information will be available next week. Stay tuned.
> Best Buddies will be meeting after school on Tuesday, February 13th in W7! We are going to be making Valentine’s Day gingerbread houses! All are welcome! We would love to have you there!
> Schroeder's Chapter of NHS is holding a book drive. Bring in your gently used books and help support our initiative to create bedside book bags for the UPK students, hold a free book fair, and fill little libraries throughout our community. We are looking for elementary level books, but any and all books are welcome!
> Give your crush a crush this Valentine’s day, purchase them in the cafeteria today until Tuesday. These will be delivered on Wednesday. Support student council and the art honor society by purchasing a crush, candy or a handmade rose!
> For any Model UN club members attending the conference in March. Your check for the conference is due tomorrow, Friday February 9. All of the details are on our Google Classroom page. See Mrs. O'Brien or Mrs. Tuyn if you have any questions.
> Still want to audition for Tri-Ms annual Coffee House? Send in a video audition, all musical talent is welcome! Please send the videos to kim_derse@webstercsd.org by Wednesday, February 14th! Coffee House is a wonderful opportunity to perform on a smaller scale compared to a regular concert, so be sure to send in your video audition!
February 7, 2024
> Attention all musicians: Tri-M's annual Coffee House is March 1st, and we need your talent! Auditions for Coffee House will be held Wednesday, February 7th after school in the Orchestra Room! Please fill out a time slot on the sign up sheet that is posted on the Tri-M bulletin board right outside room N-101! You can also submit a video audition if you are unable to attend in person auditions. Videos are due Wednesday, February 14th, please send them to kim_derse@webstercsd.org. We hope to see you at auditions!
> The PTSA is proud to help sponsor a campus performance for students and staff by having renowned musician Jimmie Highsmith Jr come to Schroeder to perform on Tuesday, February 13th during 4th and 5th periods in the Schroeder library & cafe. Jimmie is a Eastman School of Music educator & Grammy nominated jazz musician. He has shared the stage with and opened for Alicia Keys, Najee, Chris Botti and more!
> The Schroeder Yearbook is looking to feature you in the student life section of the book. Complete the Google Form linked in the QR code for a chance to be featured. You must submit a picture with the response in order to appear in the yearbook. You do not need to answer all three questions in order to be featured. If you have any questions, see Ms. Metz or Mrs. Henry.
> Here is today's e-pass quick tip: Once you return to class or arrive at your location, your pass must be ended. You can end an auto pass yourself if your teacher has it set up that way; otherwise, you may need to politely remind your teacher that you've returned and to end the pass on their end.
> Are you interested in teaching? Do you see yourself coming back to these hallowed halls to help mold the minds of the future? We have a resource! Future Educators of America is a club offered at Schroeder for those who plan to pursue a career in education or are interested in exploring this field and the paths you can take to get there. Come to our inaugural FEA meeting of 2024 in W13, Mr. Christman's room, on Monday, February 12 after school to learn more. We want to hear from you on how we can be your best resource. See you then! Maybe bring an apple for the teachers.
> The Black History Month Door Decorating Contest is in full swing! If you see a door that hasn't been decorated yet, grab a few friends and get creative. The contest runs through tomorrow, Thursday, after school and a winner will be announced next week! We cannot wait to see your creations!
> Attention anyone interested in playing JV or Varsity Boys Tennis this spring: Coach Zola and Coach Welker will be holding a brief informational meeting about the upcoming boys tennis season tomorrow. The meeting will start at 3:30 in Coach Welker's classroom, E232. We would like to discuss the upcoming season and begin getting an idea as to how many players to expect at tryouts. We will also discuss preseason workouts both here at Schroeder and others offered by local tennis clubs over February Break. Once again, anyone interested in trying out for either JV or Varsity Boys tennis needs to plan on attending an informational meeting tomorrow after school in Coach Welker's room.
> Schroeder's Chapter of NHS is holding a book drive. Bring in your gently used books and help support our initiative to create bedside book bags for the UPK students, hold a free book fair, and fill little libraries throughout our community. We are looking for elementary level books, but any and all books are welcome!
> Auditions for Schroeder Theater Company's April production of "Little Women" are coming up. Friday, March 1st! No previous theater experience is required and, in fact, Schroeder Theater Co is always looking to expand and find new stars...so why not take a chance and try something new? You'll never know what hidden talents you may have. Audition packets and more information will be available next week. Stay tuned.
> Best Buddies will be meeting after school on Tuesday, February 13th in W7! We are going to be making Valentine’s Day gingerbread houses! All are welcome! We would love to have you there!
> Schroeder Musicals’ “Catch Me If You Can” hits the stage tomorrow night! You won’t want to miss this wild ride. The Morning Show is excited to bring you a special behind-the-scenes look. Make sure you get your tickets and stay one step ahead.
February 6, 2024
> Attention all musicians: Tri-M's annual Coffee House is March 1st, and we need your talent! Auditions for Coffee House will be held Wednesday, February 7th after school in the Orchestra Room! Please fill out a time slot on the sign up sheet that is posted on the Tri-M bulletin board right outside room N-101! You can also submit a video audition if you are unable to attend in person auditions. Videos are due Wednesday, February 14th, please send them to kim_derse@webstercsd.org. We hope to see you at auditions!
> The Schroeder Yearbook is looking to feature you in the student life section of the book. Complete the Google Form linked in the QR code for a chance to be featured. You must submit a picture with the response in order to appear in the yearbook. You do not need to answer all three questions in order to be featured. If you have any questions, see Ms. Metz or Mrs. Henry.
> Here is today's e-pass quick tip: Did you know you can save time by setting your location favorites in the pass dashboard? Select the teachers on your schedule and the locations you use the most often.
> The Varsity Unified Basketball team will have their first open gym tonight at Plank South from 6:05 to 7:25. Anyone interested is welcome to come. Hope to see you there!
> Congratulations to the Wrestling team for placing 2nd at Sectionals this past weekend. Jackson H. won a Sectional Championship, winning his individual weight class, and will compete at the State Qualifiers this upcoming weekend at SUNY Brockport. Other wrestlers that placed at Sectionals and will be wrestling at the State Qualifier include Aidan V, Cam A, Juan E, Liam T, Dom I, Virgil J, Max T, Ian P, David S, Ethan C, Ashton A, Tommy R, and Jeremiah H.
The JV wrestlers also won the Monroe County JV Championships! Congrats to all!
> Are you interested in teaching? Do you see yourself coming back to these hallowed halls to help mold the minds of the future? We have a resource! Future Educators of America is a club offered at Schroeder for those who plan to pursue a career in education or are interested in exploring this field and the paths you can take to get there. Come to our inaugural FEA meeting of 2024 in W13, Mr. Christman's room, on Monday, February 12 after school to learn more. We want to hear from you on how we can be your best resource. See you then! Maybe bring an apple for the teachers.
> The Black History Month Door Decorating Contest is in full swing! If you see a door that hasn't been decorated yet, grab a few friends and get creative. The contest runs through Thursday after school and a winner will be announced next week! We cannot wait to see your creations!
> Attention anyone interested in playing JV or Varsity Boys Tennis this spring: Coach Zola and Coach Welker will be holding a brief informational meeting about the upcoming boys tennis season this Thursday. The meeting will start at 3:30 in Coach Welker's classroom, E232. We would like to discuss the upcoming season and begin getting an idea as to how many players to expect at tryouts. We will also discuss preseason workouts both here at Schroeder and others offered by local tennis clubs over February Break. Once again, anyone interested in trying out for either JV or Varsity Boys tennis need to plan on attending an informational meeting this Thursday after school in Coach Welker's room.
> Auditions for Schroeder Theater Company's April production of "Little Women" are coming up. Friday, March 1st! No previous theater experience is required and, in fact, Schroeder Theater Co is always looking to expand and find new stars...so why not take a chance and try something new? You'll never know what hidden talents you may have. Audition packets and more information will be available next week. Stay tuned.
> Best Buddies will be meeting after school on Tuesday, February 13th in W7! We are going to be making Valentine’s Day gingerbread houses! All are welcome! We would love to have you there!
February 5, 2024
> Attention all musicians: Tri-M's annual Coffee House is March 1st, and we need your talent! Auditions for Coffee House will be held Wednesday, February 7th after school in the Orchestra Room! Please fill out a time slot on the sign up sheet that is posted on the Tri-M bulletin board right outside room N-101! You can also submit a video audition if you are unable to attend in person auditions. Videos are due Wednesday, February 14th, please send them to kim_derse@webstercsd.org. We hope to see you at auditions!
> The PTSA is proud to help sponsor a campus performance for students and staff by having renowned musician Jimmie Highsmith Jr come to Schroeder to perform on Tuesday, February 13th during 4th and 5th periods in the Schroeder library & cafe. Jimmie is a Eastman School of Music educator & Grammy nominated jazz musician. He has shared the stage with and opened for Alicia Keys, Najee, Chris Botti and more!
> There will be a PTSA fundraiser at Red Robin tonight! All proceeds go to the Schroeder and GOAL PTSA to support fun events, guest speakers, and musicians! Also, who doesn't love some bottomless steak fries?
> Attention all Mural Club students: Please remember that we are not meeting today after school. If you are interested in coming to work on Thursday, February 8th instead please email Ms. O'Hara or stop by in E8 to chat. This is completely optional. Otherwise, regular Monday meetings will resume on February 12th.
> Attention Model UN Club members: Our next meeting will be after school today. Be sure to bring your check for $60 and signed permission slip if you are attending the UNAR conference in March. See Mrs. O'Brien or Mrs. Tuyn with any questions.
> February is Black History Month and we are kicking this off with a school-wide Door Decorating Contest. If you are part of a club, student organization, or sport, get together with 5-8 other friends in the same club/org/sport to decorate a door! This is a contest and the winning door decorators will receive free breakfast (think donuts or breakfast pizza!). First, pick a door (with the teacher's permission), then decorate away! Details and rules will be placed in all teacher mailboxes. Remember that all doors should be a Black History Month theme, celebrating the rich cultural heritage, triumphs, and adversities that are an important part of our country's history. We ask that we keep this positive, uplifting, and celebrate those who are historical figures or those currently paving the way for others. The contest starts today and runs through February 8th, with the winning door announced on February 9th.
> The Schroeder Yearbook is looking to feature you in the student life section of the book. Complete the Google Form linked in the QR code for a chance to be featured. You must submit a picture with the response in order to appear in the yearbook. You do not need to answer all three questions in order to be featured. If you have any questions, see Ms. Metz or Mrs. Henry.
> Each day this week, we will be covering an e-pass quick tip to help you master the art of making passes and ensuring everything continues to run smoothly. Here is today's tip: If you need to meet with a teacher during a study hall, they should be the one to be aware and approve the pass. Teachers will not approve a pass to another staff member unless they have confirmation that they are expecting you!
February 2, 2024
> Attention all musicians: Tri-M's annual Coffee House is March 1st, and we need your talent! Auditions for Coffee House will be held Wednesday, February 7th after school in the Orchestra Room! Please fill out a time slot on the sign up sheet that is posted on the Tri-M bulletin board right outside room N-101! You can also submit a video audition if you are unable to attend in person auditions. Videos are due Wednesday, February 14th, please send them to kim_derse@webstercsd.org. We hope to see you at auditions!
> The PTSA is proud to help sponsor a campus performance for students and staff by having renowned musician Jimmie Highsmith Jr come to Schroeder to perform on Tuesday, February 13th during 4th and 5th periods in the Schroeder library & cafe. Jimmie is a Eastman School of Music educator & Grammy nominated jazz musician. He has shared the stage with and opened for Alicia Keys, Najee, Chris Botti and more!
> There will be a PTSA fundraiser at Red Robin on Monday, February 5th! All proceeds go to the Schroeder and GOAL PTSA to support fun events, guest speakers, and musicians! Also, who doesn't love some bottomless steak fries?
> Attention Model UN Club members: Our next meeting will be after school on Monday, February 5th. Be sure to bring your check for $60 and signed permission slip if you are attending the UNAR conference in March. See Mrs. O'Brien or Mrs. Tuyn with any questions.
> February is Black History Month and we are kicking this off with a school-wide Door Decorating Contest. If you are part of a club, student organization, or sport, get together with 5-8 other friends in the same club/org/sport to decorate a door! This is a contest and the winning door decorators will receive free breakfast (think donuts or breakfast pizza!). First, pick a door (with the teacher's permission), then decorate away! Details and rules will be placed in all teacher mailboxes. Remember that all doors should be a Black History Month theme, celebrating the rich cultural heritage, triumphs, and adversities that are an important part of our country's history. We ask that we keep this positive, uplifting, and celebrate those who are historical figures or those currently paving the way for others. The contest starts today and runs through February 8th, with the winning door will be announced on February 9th.
> Congratulations to the following students for being this week’s recipients of Principal’s Recognition:
Please stop down to the main office between 1st and 2nd period.
Addison A. ~ Class of 25
Camden A. ~ Class of 26
Madalyn B. ~ Class of 25
Lemaree D. ~ Class of 26
Dominic I. ~ Class of 26
Nickolas J. ~ Class of 26
Addison M. ~ Class of 25
Malayna Sp. ~ Class of 2026
Emma W. ~ Class of 2027
> It is Friday, so you know The Schroeder Morning Show is back at it again with the biggest news you need to know headed into the weekend! Here is your Schroeder Big 5:
1. Great job getting accustomed to the new e-pass system, everyone! Way to be flexible, patient, and cooperative.
2. The Schroeder musical, "Catch Me If You Can," hits the auditorium stage next weekend starting on Thursday. Support an amazingly talented cast and crew and catch it if you can!
3. Tri-M is still looking for musicians for their annual Coffee House night. Consider sharing your love of music and performance and auditioning!
4.Take care of that burger craving and hit Red Robin on Monday night as part of a PTSA fundraiser!
5. February is Black History Month, and there are plenty of ways to get involved, celebrate, or learn here at Schroeder. Participate in the door decorating contest, attend the Jimmie Highsmith Jr concert, or stop by the library for some reading material. Happy Black History Month.
February 1, 2024
> Attention all musicians: Tri-M's annual Coffee House is March 1st, and we need your talent! Auditions for Coffee House will be held Wednesday, February 7th after school in the Orchestra Room! Please fill out a time slot on the sign up sheet that is posted on the Tri-M bulletin board right outside room N-101! You can also submit a video audition if you are unable to attend in person auditions. Videos are due Wednesday, February 14th, please send them to kim_derse@webstercsd.org. We hope to see you at auditions!
> Attention Key Club members: We will meet after school today in the Library Classroom at 3:20. See you there.
> Attention all girls interested in playing Varsity Flag Football: There is an informational meeting today in Coach Insley's room (W215) right after school. We will be talking about what the season will look like, as well as off-season training! If you are interested and can not make the meeting, no worries, just stop by W215 or email Coach Insley.
> The PTSA is proud to help sponsor a campus performance for students and staff by having renowned musician Jimmie Highsmith Jr come to Schroeder to perform on Tuesday, February 13th during 4th and 5th periods in the Schroeder library & cafe. Jimmie is a Eastman School of Music educator & Grammy nominated jazz musician. He has shared the stage with and opened for Alicia Keys, Najee, Chris Botti and more!
> There will be a PTSA fundraiser at Red Robin on Monday, February 5th! All proceeds go to the Schroeder and GOAL PTSA to support fun events, guest speakers, and musicians! Also, who doesn't love some bottomless steak fries?
> Attention Model UN Club members: Our next meeting will be after school on Monday, February 5th. Be sure to bring your check for $60 and signed permission slip if you are attending the UNAR conference in March. See Mrs. O'Brien or Mrs. Tuyn with any questions.
> Congratulations to the Nordic Ski Team in their Section V wide competition. Kylie W. placed 4th, Maya P. placed 18th and Evan W. placed 10th.
> February is Black History Month and we are kicking this off with a school-wide Door Decorating Contest. If you are part of a club, student organization, or sport, get together with 5-8 other friends in the same club/org/sport to decorate a door! This is a contest and the winning door decorators will receive free breakfast (think donuts or breakfast pizza!). First, pick a door (with the teacher's permission), then decorate away! Details and rules will be placed in all teacher mailboxes. Remember that all doors should be a Black History Month theme, celebrating the rich cultural heritage, triumphs, and adversities that are an important part of our country's history. We ask that we keep this positive, uplifting, and celebrate those who are historical figures or those currently paving the way for others. The contest starts today and runs through February 8th, with the winning door will be announced on February 9th.
> Special congratulations to Sam O. for taking 1st. place in dramatic interpretation last weekend in the Sayre Asynchronous Tournament. Speakers from New York State, Kentucky, and Pennsylvania competed.
January 31, 2024
> Attention all musicians: Tri-M's annual Coffee House is March 1st, and we need your talent! Auditions for Coffee House will be held Wednesday, February 7th after school in the Orchestra Room! Please fill out a time slot on the sign up sheet that is posted on the Tri-M bulletin board right outside room N-101! You can also submit a video audition if you are unable to attend in person auditions. Videos are due Wednesday, February 14th, please send them to kim_derse@webstercsd.org. We hope to see you at auditions!
> Attention all International Club students and those who are interested in the club: We will be having a meeting today after school in W213 to discuss our international dinner. See you there!
> The next Women in STEM meeting is after school today in room E21. Hope to see you there!
> Attention Key Club members: We will meet tomorrow, Thursday, February 1st in the Library Classroom at 3:20. See you there.
> Attention all girls interested in playing Varsity Flag Football: There is an informational meeting tomorrow, Thursday, February 1st in Coach Insley's room (W215) right after school. We will be talking about what the season will look like, as well as off-season training! If you are interested and can not make the meeting, no worries, just stop by W215 or email Coach Insley.
> The PTSA is proud to help sponsor a campus performance for students and staff by having renowned musician Jimmie Highsmith Jr come to Schroeder to perform on Tuesday, February 13th during 4th and 5th periods in the Schroeder library & cafe. Jimmie is a Eastman School of Music educator & Grammy nominated jazz musician. He has shared the stage with and opened for Alicia Keyes, Najee, Chris Botti, and more!
January 30, 2024
> Attention all musicians: Tri-M's annual Coffee House is March 1st, and we need your talent! Auditions for Coffee House will be held Wednesday, February 7th after school in the Orchestra Room! Please fill out a time slot on the sign up sheet that is posted on the Tri-M bulletin board right outside room N-101! You can also submit a video audition if you are unable to attend in person auditions. Videos are due Wednesday, February 14th, please send them to kim_derse@webstercsd.org. We hope to see you at auditions!
> Attention all International Club students and those who are interested in the club: We will be having a meeting tomorrow, Wednesday, January 31st after school in W213 to discuss our international dinner. See you there!
> The next Women in STEM meeting is after school tomorrow in room E21. Hope to see you there!
> Attention Key Club members: We will meet Thursday, February 1st in the Library Classroom at 3:20. See you there.
January 29th, 2024
> Attention Model UN Club members: Our next meeting will be after school today in W6 to choose committees for the UNAR conference in March. See Mrs. O'Brien or Mrs. Tuyn with any questions.
> Attention all musicians: Tri-M's annual Coffee House is March 1st, and we need your talent! Auditions for Coffee House will be held Wednesday, February 7th after school in the Orchestra Room! Please fill out a time slot on the sign up sheet that is posted on the Tri-M bulletin board right outside room N-101! You can also submit a video audition if you are unable to attend in person auditions. Videos are due Wednesday, February 14th, please send them to kim_derse@webstercsd.org. We hope to see you at auditions!
> There will be a Varsity Unified Basketball meeting after school today at 3:20 in Mrs. Bailey's room, E228. Anyone interested in participating should plan on attending this informational meeting.
> Attention all International Club students and those who are interested in the club: We will be having a meeting this Wednesday, January 31st, after school in W213 to discuss our international dinner. See you there!
> The next Women in STEM meeting is after school on Wednesday in room E21. Hope to see you there!
> Attention all interested in being part of the Trap Club: Today after school at 3:30 in SW4 there will be an informational meeting. If you cannot attend please stop into SW4 and get the information from. Mr. Milliman.
> Mr. Benz will come on for an extended Morning Show to go through the new electronic pass system.
January 25th, 2024
> Attention Model UN Club members: Our next meeting will be after school on Monday, January 29th in W6 to choose committees for the UNAR conference in March. See Mrs. O'Brien or Mrs. Tuyn with any questions.
> Attention all musicians: Tri-M's annual Coffee House is March 1st, and we need your talent! Auditions for Coffee House will be held Wednesday, February 7th after school in the Orchestra Room! Please fill out a time slot on the sign up sheet that is posted on the Tri-M bulletin board right outside room N-101! You can also submit a video audition if you are unable to attend in person auditions. Videos are due Wednesday, February 14th, please send them to kim_derse@webstercsd.org. We hope to see you at auditions!
> The library will be closed today until 11:45am in order to accommodate testing. Students should remain in study halls and senior areas until that time.
> There will be a Varsity Unified Basketball meeting after school on Monday, January 29th at 3:20 in Mrs. Bailey's room, E228. Anyone interested in participating should plan on attending this informational meeting.
> Attention all International Club students and those who are interested in the club: We will be having a meeting next Wednesday, January 31st, after school in W213 to discuss our international dinner. See you there!
> Morning sophomores! Due to unforeseen circumstances we had to postpone the donut distribution to Tuesday of next week. Sorry for the inconvenience! See you for treats Tuesday morning.
January 24th, 2024
>Model UN Club members: Our next meeting will be after school on Monday, January 29th in W6 to choose committees for the UNAR conference in March. See Mrs. O'Brien or Mrs. Tuyn with any questions.
> There will be a Science Olympiad meeting after school today at 3:30 in SW5. This meeting is mandatory for all team members.
> Attention all musicians: Tri-M's annual Coffee House is March 1st, and we need your talent! Auditions for Coffee House will be held Wednesday, February 7th after school in the Orchestra Room! Please fill out a time slot on the sign up sheet that is posted on the Tri-M bulletin board right outside room N-101! You can also submit a video audition if you are unable to attend in person auditions. Videos are due Wednesday, February 14th, please send them to kim_derse@webstercsd.org. We hope to see you at auditions!
> Sophomores! Let’s celebrate the end of a successful fall semester with a sweet treat! Stop for a free donut at the west side of the cafeteria tomorrow, Thursday, January 25 from 8:15-8:40am, before first period class. See you soon!
January 23, 2024
> Best Buddies will be meeting after school today in W7! We will have karaoke, games, coloring, and snacks! All are welcome! We would love to have you there
> Future Medical Professionals will be having a meeting today after school in e218! A pediatrician is coming in to speak! We hope to see you there!
> All students going on the France and Spain trip: there is a mandatory parent/student meeting tonight at 6pm in room W223! See you all there.
> Attention Model UN Club members: Our next meeting will be after school on Monday, January 29th in W6 to choose committees for the UNAR conference in March. See Mrs. O'Brien or Mrs. Tuyn with any questions.
> There will be a Science Olympiad meeting tomorrow, Wednesday, January 24th at 3:30 in SW5. This meeting is mandatory for all team members.
> Attention all musicians: Tri-M's annual Coffee House is March 1st, and we need your talent! Auditions for Coffee House will be held Wednesday, February 7th after school in the Orchestra Room! Please fill out a time slot on the sign up sheet that is posted on the Tri-M bulletin board right outside room N-101! You can also submit a video audition if you are unable to attend in person auditions. Videos are due Wednesday, February 14th, please send them to kim_derse@webstercsd.org. We hope to see you at auditions!
> The library will be closed on Thursday, January 25 until 11:45am in order to accommodate testing. Students should remain in study halls and senior areas until that time.
January 22, 2024
> Best Buddies will be meeting after school tomorrow, Tuesday, January 23rd in W7! We will have karaoke, games, coloring, and snacks! All are welcome! We would love to have you there
> Future Medical Professionals will be having a meeting tomorrow after school in e218! A pediatrician is coming in to speak! We hope to see you there!
> All students going on the France and Spain trip: there is a mandatory parent/student meeting tomorrow, Tuesday, January 23rd at 6pm in room W223! See you all there.
> Attention Model UN Club members: Our next meeting will be after school on Monday, January 29th in W6 to choose committees for the UNAR conference in March. See Mrs. O'Brien or Mrs. Tuyn with any questions.
> Big 1st place team win for Schroeder's Speech & Debate team Saturday in the Leatherstocking Tournament which takes in Rochesster, Buffalo, and central NYS!
High scorers were:
Yi Z. & Ryan B. - 1st in Varsity Public Forum Debate
Sam O. - 1st in Dramatic Performance
Noah J. - 2nd in Varsity Extemp
Matthew G. - 2nd in Varsity Oral Interp
Matthew G. - 2nd in Original Oratory
Team awards:
Webster Schroeder - 1st
City Honors - 2nd
Brighton - 3rd
Congratulations, all!
> There will be a Science Olympiad meeting on Wednesday, January 24th at 3:30 in SW5. This meeting is mandatory for all team members.
> Attention all musicians: Tri-M's annual Coffee House is March 1st, and we need your talent! Auditions for Coffee House will be held Wednesday, February 7th after school in the Orchestra Room! Please fill out a time slot on the sign up sheet that is posted on the Tri-M bulletin board right outside room N-101! You can also submit a video audition if you are unable to attend in person auditions. Videos are due Wednesday, February 14th, please send them to kim_derse@webstercsd.org. We hope to see you at auditions!
January 19, 2024
> Best Buddies will be meeting after school on Tuesday, January 23rd in W7! We will have karaoke, games, coloring, and snacks! All are welcome! We would love to have you there!
> Join Schroeder's Young Women's Empowerment tonight in the auditorium at 7pm for a screening of "Mean Girls."
> Future Medical Professionals will be having a meeting on January 23rd after school in e218! A pediatrician is coming in to speak! We hope to see you there!
> All students going on the France and Spain trip: there is a mandatory parent/student meeting Tuesday, January 23rd at 6pm in room W223! See you all there.
> ATTENTION BASEBALL PLAYERS INVOLVED IN THE WINTER SKILL SESSIONS: This weekend's skill session will take place Saturday from 10am until noon at Liquid Sports Lab. Once again, Saturday from 10am until noon at Liquid Sports Lab.
> The Schroeder JV and Varsity wrestling teams took care of business with wins last night against Canandaigua. The varsity grapplers won by a score of 56-9 to improve to 13-3 on the season.
On the Varsity mat wins came from Aidan V, Juan E, Jackson H, Liam T, Dom I, Virgil J, Ethan V, Mario I, Max T, Ethan C, Ashton A, and Troy J.
> It is Friday, Warriors and the Schroeder Morning Show is going to continue its newest segment: The Big 5, where we list the 5 most important things you need to know headed into the weekend! Here are this week's Big 5:
1. Be sure to lock-in to what Mr. Eckler is calling "The Greatest Lock-in in Webster Schroeder History." Seniors, today is the last day to sign-up for the Senior Lock-in. See your Google Classroom page for more information.
2. Tonight is going to be SO fetch! Grab some pink and join the Plastics for a screening of "Mean Girls" in the auditorium at 7pm.
3. Winter Regents Exams start Tuesday next week. Good luck to all students!
4. Reminder that next week is the last week of the quarter and also a 4 day school week for students, as Friday will be Superintendent's Day
5. Our new electronic pass system will go live on Monday, January 29th in alignment with the second semester starting...more information to come.
6. Hey, we'll cheat a little this week with one additional Big Item to announce: GO BILLS!
January 18, 2024
> Best Buddies will be meeting after school on Tuesday, January 23rd in W7! We will have karaoke, games, coloring, and snacks! All are welcome! We would love to have you there!
> Join Schroeder's Young Women's Empowerment tomorrow evening in the auditorium at 7pm for a screening of "Mean Girls."
> Future Medical Professionals will be having a meeting on January 23rd after school in e218! A pediatrician is coming in to speak! We hope to see you there!
> All students going on the France and Spain trip: there is a mandatory parent/student meeting Tuesday, January 23rd at 6pm in room W223! See you all there.
- Last day to reserve tickets is THIS FRIDAY, the lock in date is January 25th!
- The poster with the QR code to sign up is on Google Classroom
- Earliest arrival is 11:00pm, the doors will lock at 12:00am and open at 5:00am, you need to be out of the building by 6:00am! You CANNOT leave the building once you are there until the doors open at 5:00am!
- We’ll have laser tag, movies, karaoke, video games, open gym, and lots more
- Bring your Gold Card, only Schroeder seniors! BRING YOUR FRIENDS! ATTENDANCE IS MANDATORY!
January 17, 2024
The next Women in STEM meeting is after school today in room E21. Hope to see you there!
> Best Buddies will be meeting after school on Tuesday, January 23rd in W7! We will have karaoke, games, coloring, and snacks! All are welcome! We would love to have you there!
> Join Schroeder's Young Women's Empowerment on Friday night in the auditorium at 7pm for a screening of "Mean Girls."
> The Webster PTSA wants to have some fun today by having staff and students wear a flannel shirt and/or PJ flannel pants in support of "Flapjacks and Lumberjacks" Theme Day! Pancakes are on the menu for lunch from our awesome food service! The most creative or best flannel-dressed student will be chosen by Principal Benz and GOAL admin Mrs. Saiff to win a box of Munchkins bought by the PTSA!
> Future Medical Professionals will be having a meeting on January 23rd after school in e218! A pediatrician is coming in to speak! We hope to see you there!
> Girls JV and Varsity Lacrosse athletes: please meet in E205 after school today for a brief informational and planning meeting.
> There will be a Science Olympiad team meeting today in SW5 at 3:30. Please plan to attend and bring your permission slip if you have not already turned it in.
> All students going on the France and Spain trip: there is a mandatory parent/student meeting Tuesday, January 23rd at 6pm in room W223! See you all there.
> The library will be closed after school today for a staff training.
> The JV wrestling team crowned 4 champions at the Attica tournament Saturday. Champions include Nick C, Matt C, Ethan C, and Tommy W.
Meanwhile the Varsity wrestling team took first place at the Eastridge tournament crowning 4 champions. Champions include Cam A, Nick C, Grayson C and David S. Congrats to all!
> Schroeder's Math League competed in the fourth competition of the year on Tuesday, January 16th after the wind caused the original competition date to be canceled. Our gold team earned a perfect score during the team round again - that's 4 competitions in a row! Jacqueline H earned a perfect score in the individual rounds. Lance K only missed one individual question. Ten members competed, earning 25 individual points and 16 team points, contributing to the team's success! Schroeder earned fourth place in our division and scored above all schools in division 2.
January 16, 2024
> There will be a FBLA Meeting today at 3:20pm in room W14. We will be discussing the Spring District Meeting that will be on Friday, February 9th at Bryant and Stratton in Greece, NY. This will be on a C Day.
> The next Women in STEM meeting is after school tomorrow, Wednesday, January 17th in room E21. Hope to see you there!
> Have you changed your password yet? If not, you have until tomorrow, Wednesday, January 17th to change your password, or your Google account will be locked. Please check your email for a message from Student Square with the link to the self service portal, or access the portal via the app switcher on your Chromebook. Stop by WTI if you need help or have any questions.
> Best Buddies will be meeting after school on Tuesday, January 23rd in W7! We will have karaoke, games, coloring, and snacks! All are welcome! We would love to have you there!
> The Webster PTSA wants to have some fun tomorrow, Wednesday, January 17th by having staff and students wear a flannel shirt and/or PJ flannel pants in support of "Flapjacks and Lumberjacks" Theme Day! Pancakes are on the menu for lunch from our awesome food service! The most creative or best flannel-dressed student will be chosen by Principal Benz and GOAL admin Mrs. Saiff to win a box of Munchkins bought by the PTSA!
> Future medical professionals will be having a meeting on January 23rd after school in e218! A pediatrician is coming in to speak! We hope to see you there!!
> Girls JV and Varsity Lacrosse athletes, please meet in E205 after school tomorrow Wednesday, January 17th for a brief informational and planning meeting.
> There will be a Science Olympiad team meeting tomorrow in SW5 at 3:30. Please plan to attend and bring your permission slip if you have not already turned it in.
> Attention all Tri-M members, we have a meeting this tomorrow January 17th at 8:15am in room N-101! See you there!
January 12, 2024
> There will be a FBLA Meeting on Tuesday, January 16th at 3:20pm in room W14. We will be discussing the Spring District Meeting that will be on Friday, February 9th at Bryant and Stratton in Greece, NY. This will take place on a C Day.
> The next Women in STEM meeting is after school next Wednesday in room E21. Hope to see you there!
> Have you changed your password yet? If not, you have until Wednesday, January 17th to change your password, or your Google account will be locked. Please check your email for a message from Student Square with the link to the self service portal, or access the portal via the app switcher on your Chromebook. Stop by WTI if you need help or have any questions.
> Best Buddies will be meeting after school on Tuesday, January 23rd in W7! We will have karaoke, games, coloring, and snacks! All are welcome! We would love to have you there!
> ATTENTION BASEBALL PLAYERS ATTENDING THE SUNDAY SKILL SESSIONS: Please stop by Coach Knight's classroom (W214) to pick up an important form for this Sunday.
>Girls Mod A Basketball came away with a victory against Hilton 25-23. Liz S led with 9 points, Avery W, Alexa H and Brielle M all added 4 points. Nina A gave us the go ahead bucket. The warriors will go up against Victor next Tuesday.
> Congratulations to the following students for being this week’s recipients of Principal’s Recognition:
Please stop down to the main office between 1st and 2nd period.
Analise A. ~ Class of 2024
McKenzie B. ~ Class of 2024
Noah B. ~ Class of 2024
Antonio B. ~ Class of 2027
Sami B. ~ Class of 2026
Kyle D. ~ Class of 2024
Ava F. ~ Class of 2024
Jocelyn G. ~ Class of 2025
Caelum M. ~ Class of 2025
Mackenzie P. ~ Class of 2026
Chloe R. ~ Class of 2024
> To reach modern audiences, but still deliver high-quality, important content is no easy task. And yet, that's what we do here at the Schroeder Morning Show each and every day. The Mo Show team would like to introduce a new segment of the show called "The Big 5," where we highlight the 5 most important things the Schroeder community should be aware of.
Here is today's Big 5:
1. Course selection is still going on. Talk to your friends and current teachers to see what classes you should take next year.
2. Don't forget to change your Chromebook password by January 17th, or you will be locked out of your account.
3. In a club? Photos of Schroeder's clubs and activities will be taken next Thursday by the Yearbook Club. Check with your advisors for the schedule.
4. Don't get put in the Burn Book! The Young Women's Empowerment will be showing "Mean Girls" in the aud next Friday at 7pm. It will be so fetch!
5. And last, don't forget, there is no school this Monday in observance of Martin Luther King Jr. Day.
January 11, 2024
> There will be a FBLA Meeting on Tuesday, January 16th at 3:20pm in room W14. We will be discussing the Spring District Meeting that will be on Friday, February 9th at Bryant and Stratton in Greece, NY. This will take place on a C Day.
> Attention Key Club members: We will meet today in the Library Classroom after school. See you then!
> Have you changed your password yet? If not, you have until Wednesday, January 17th to change your password, or your Google account will be locked. Please check your email for a message from Student Square with the link to the self service portal, or access the portal via the app switcher on your Chromebook. Stop by WTI if you need help or have any questions.
> Best Buddies will be meeting after school on Tuesday, January 23rd in W7! We will have karaoke, games, coloring, and snacks! All are welcome! We would love to have you there!
> ATTENTION BASEBALL PLAYERS ATTENDING THE SUNDAY SKILL SESSIONS: Please stop by Coach Knight's classroom (W214) to pick up an important form for this Sunday.
January 10, 2024
> There will be a FBLA Meeting on Tuesday, January 16th at 3:20pm in room W14. We will be discussing the Spring District Meeting that will be on Friday, February 9th at Bryant and Stratton in Greece, NY. This will take place on a C Day.
> Attention Key Club members: We will meet tomorrow, Thursday, January 11th in the Library Classroom after school. See you then!
> Have you changed your password yet? If not, you have until Wednesday, January 17th to change your password, or your Google account will be locked. Please check your email for a message from Student Square with the link to the self service portal, or access the portal via the app switcher on your Chromebook. Stop by WTI if you need help or have any questions.
> Best Buddies will be meeting after school on Tuesday, January 23rd in W7! We will have karaoke, games, coloring, and snacks! All are welcome! We would love to have you there!
> It’s Warrior Wednesday! All week long Schroeder staff has been on the lookout for students who are demonstrating cooperation, accountability, respect, and excellence.
Let’s go ahead and spin the prize wheel for our student winner:
Congratulations! And now for our staff winner. Spin that wheel!
Congratulations! You will be contacted by Mrs. Tasber’s office to claim your prize!
Thank you all for continuing to demonstrate great habits and being Warriors who CARE.
> Colin D had a 4 bagger (4 strikes in a row) in Physical Education class. His score was a 201! Congrats, Colin!
> ATTENTION BASEBALL PLAYERS ATTENDING THE SUNDAY SKILL SESSIONS: Please stop by Coach Knight's classroom (W214) to pick up an important form for this Sunday.
> There will be a Science Olympiad meeting today after school in SW5 at 3:30. Please plan to attend.
January 9th, 2024
> SAGE will be meeting after school today in B2. Hope to see you there!
> Attention Key Club members: We will meet Thursday, January 11th in the Library Classroom after school. See you then!
> Have you changed your password yet? If not, you have until Wednesday, January 17th to change your password, or your Google account will be locked. Please check your email for a message from Student Square with the link to the self service portal, or access the portal via the app switcher on your Chromebook. Stop by WTI if you need help or have any questions.
> Best Buddies will be meeting after school on Tuesday, January 23rd in W7! We will have karaoke, games, coloring, and snacks! All are welcome! We would love to have you there!
> The Schroeder wrestling team had a strong showing winning the Red Jacket tournament this past weekend. Champions include Aidan V, Juan E, Jackson H and Liam T.
Tomorrow night at 7pm in the gymnasium, Webster Schroeder wrestles Webster Thomas for the Monroe County League Championship.
Come on out and cheer on our Warrior wrestlers!
January 8, 2024
> To all current Driver's Education students: Driver's Education for the winter session begins today. Please note that the lectures on January 8 and 10 have been moved to Schroeder. Please arrive by 7:30pm.
> SAGE will be meeting tomorrow, Tuesday, after school in B2. Hope to see you there!
> Attention Key Club members,
We will meet Thursday Jan 11 in the Library Classroom after school. See you then.
> Congratulations to the Nordic Ski team. In the first race of the season, Kylie W. placed 3rd in Section 5 Varsity A. Mya P. placed 2nd in Varsity B. Evan W. placed 3rd in Varsity B and Kate T. places 1st for JV.
This is a great start to the season for the Nordic Ski Team demonstrating their competitiveness in Section 5
> The Speech & Debate Team results for the tournament at School of the Arts Saturday are as follows:
Sam O. - 1st in Dramatic Performance
Matthew G. - 2nd in Original Oratory
Maddy B. & Akshaya D. - 1st in Duo Interpretation
> Community Service Club is meeting Today after school in the library classroom. We will be making crafts for Cherry Ridge, including snowflakes and cards! We will also be discussing officer positions and Habitat for Humanity restore opportunities. Hope to see you there!
> There will be a green club meeting after school in room E224
January 5th, 2024
> Driver's Education begins Monday, January 8. We do have an opening at Schroeder for driving from 3:30 - 5pm on Tuesdays and Thursdays. The lectures are held on Monday and Wednesdays from 7:30 - 9pm. Register online today if you are interested or stop by the Community Ed office by the music hall.
> To all current Driver's Education students: Driver's Education for the winter session begins on Monday, January 8. Please note that the lectures on January 8 and 10 have been moved to Schroeder. Please arrive by 7:30pm.
> SAGE will be meeting Tuesday after school in B2. Hope to see you there!
January 4, 2024
> Driver's Education begins Monday, January 8. We do have an opening at Schroeder for driving from 3:30 - 5pm on Tuesdays and Thursdays. The lectures are held on Monday and Wednesdays from 7:30 - 9pm. Register online by tomorrow, Friday, January 5 if you are interested or stop by the Community Ed office by the music hall.
> To all current Driver's Education students: Driver's Education for the winter session begins on Monday, January 8. Please note that the lectures on January 8 and 10 have been moved to Schroeder. Please arrive by 7:30pm.
> Congratulations to the Webster Schroeder Wrestling team for beating State-ranked Churchville-Chili last night by a score of 37-25 last night.
Wins coming from Aidan V, Juan E, Jackson H, Liam T, Dom I, Max T, David S and Ashton A.
The Wrestling team will take on Webster Thomas for the Monroe County League Championship on Wednesday, January 10th at 7pm in the Schroeder gymnasium.
January 3, 2024
> Welcome back students! Today the lunch lines have moved! The main hot lunch choice is now served at both lines on the west side of the cafeteria. The pizza line is now located on the same side as the rotation line.
> Attention Schroeder Snowsports Club Members: The start of our season has been delayed until Thursday, January 11. There will be no Ski Club trip to Bristol Mountain this Thursday, January 4. See Mrs. Strege in the library if you have questions.
> The Webster Schroeder Wrestling team improved to 11-2 over break with a second place performance at the Baldwinsville Duals!
Additionally, the JV Wrestling team took 1st place at the Webster Thomas Tournament.
Tonight let’s pack the gym as the Warrior Wrestlers look to stay 1st place in their league taking on the number 11 wrestling team in New York State: Churchville-Chili!
The action begins at 7pm in the gymnasium!
December 22nd, 2023
> Happy Holidays from the Morning Show! Thanks for tuning in and giving us your attention every morning. What an amazing first half of the school year, Warriors. As we head into Holiday Break, remember the important things along the way: family, acts of giving, and treating others with respect and kindness always. To celebrate and to get into that festive spirit, we have a special performance for you from Kathryn and Anika: our Kazoo Karols.
> Kazoo Karols
> Mr. Peck
December 21, 2023
> There are a few spots left in Driver's Education at Schroeder. The program will begin on Monday, January 8 and be completed by March 15. If you are interested in registering, please visit
our district's website to see which driving times have openings and to register.
You must have your permit by January 8 to register. The fee is $620.
> Stop by the Library during your study hall or lunches this week to make placemats for the senior citizens at Maplewood Nursing Home! The library has all the materials you need to make a beautiful winter-themed placemat, so stop in and see Mrs. Peters! We will be laminating them so they can be reused all winter!
> Is there a staff member at Schroeder that makes your day a little better? If you have someone in mind, consider filling out the Staff Recognition Form found on your class' Google Classroom. Each month, two staff members are selected and get premium parking for their dedication to making Schroeder a great place!
December 20, 2023
> There are a few spots left in Driver's Education at Schroeder. The program will begin on Monday, January 8 and be completed by March 15. If you are interested in registering, please visit
our district's website to see which driving times have openings and to register.
You must have your permit by January 8 to register. The fee is $620.
> Attention all 9th, 10th, and 11th graders interested in playing football next year: there will be a meeting after school today at 3:20 in E3.
> Stop by the Library during your study hall or lunches this week to make placemats for the senior citizens at Maplewood Nursing Home! The library has all the materials you need to make a beautiful winter-themed placemat, so stop in and see Mrs. Peters! We will be laminating them so they can be reused all winter!
> Is there a staff member at Schroeder that makes your day a little better? If you have someone in mind, consider filling out the Staff Recognition Form found on your class' Google Classroom. Each month, two staff members are selected and get premium parking for their dedication to making Schroeder a great place!
> The JV Girls Basketball team improved to 4-2 with a win over Pittsford-Sutherland, 45-29.
Kenzie B. had 9 points, Emma J. had 8 points. Lauren R. had 7 rebounds. Olivia F. had 4 steals.
> Attention schroeder, I am Mr. Eckler and tomorrow during lunches it's time for that wonderful holiday event we do every so often, Cafeteria Karaoke. Just a few reminders this is a holiday themed Karaoke and just so there is no confusion unlike last year, we are looking for good singers.
On a more personal note, I would just like to wish everyone a happy holiday season, and if I could have one wish this holiday season, it would be for all of the children of Schroeder to be polite and respectful each and every day in the hallways to adults, and other children, and to use bathrooms appropriately, so that we may all experience the peace love and joy in the new year.
But ya know, if I could have two wishes this holiday season, the first would be for all of us to be polite in the hallways for peace love in harmony, but the second, would be for the Schroeder Hockey team to beat Thomas tonight at 7PM and for the student body to pack the Webster ice arena.
But if I could have three wishes this holiday season, the first of course would be for all of the children of the school to be polite and nice to each other, the 2nd would be for the hockey team to dominate tonight's game against Thomas, and the third would be for the food service department to bring back the cookies from last year, no matter how unhealthy they were making us...
But, hey, if I could have four wishes this holiday season...the first would be the crap about being polite in the hallways, the 2nd would be the Boys and girls hockey teams to dominate, the third would be the return of the cookies, and the fourth would be for me, Mr. Eckler to be the sole winner tonight's $572 million dollar Powerball jackpot lottery, so that I can finally get myself out of my minivan.
Happy Holidays everyone...see you in the cafeteria tomorrow.
December 18th, 2023
Good morning and welcome to The Morning Show.
Today is Monday, December 18th, 2023 and an “A” Day
> Future Medical Professionals Club is having a meeting tomorrow after school in E218. An occupational therapist will be guest speaking! We hope to see you there!
> Best Buddies will be meeting after school tomorrow, Tuesday, December 19th in W7! We will be having a Holiday Match Party with winter activities and snacks! If you are already in the club, make sure to check your email to confirm your buddy pair! All are welcome and we can’t wait to see you there!
> There are a few spots left in Driver's Education at Schroeder. The program will begin on Monday, January 8 and be completed by March 15. If you are interested in registering, please visit
our district's website to see which driving times have openings and to register.
You must have your permit by January 8 to register. The fee is $620.
> Attention all 9th, 10th, and 11th graders interested in playing football next year: there will be a meeting on Wednesday, December 20th at 3:20 in E3.
> Stop by the Library during your study hall or lunches this week to make placemats for the senior citizens at Maplewood Nursing Home! The library has all the materials you need to make a beautiful winter-themed placemat, so stop in and see Mrs. Peters! We will be laminating them so they can be reused all winter!
> Congratulations to the following Speech & Debate team members for their showing on Saturday at the Thomas Tournament:
Matthew G. 1st in Original Oratory
Sam O. 1st in Dramatic Interpretation
Sofia M. - 1st in Varsity Lincoln-Douglas Debate
Alshaya D. & Maddy B. - 2nd in Duo Interpretation
Noah J. - 2nd in Varsity Extemporaneous
Yi J. & Ryan B. - 2nd in Varsity Public Forum Debate
Megan F. - 3rd in Varsity Extemporaneous
Tristan B. & Roman P - 3rd in Public Forum Debate
Orion Z. & Liliana F. - 3rd in Duo Interpretation
Congratulations, all!
December 15, 2023
> Calling all Schroeder students who love art! The Art Department is selling our 23-24 art shirts. Look for posters around the halls and use the QR code to place your orders. Orders are due by today. Show your support of Schroeder artists and get your shirts ordered. Orders will be delivered to Mrs. Simon’s room, E10.
> Future Medical Professionals Club is having a meeting on December 19th after school in E218. An occupational therapist will be guest speaking! We hope to see you there!
> Best Buddies will be meeting after school on Tuesday, December 19th in W7! We will be having a Holiday Match Party with winter activities and snacks! If you are already in the club, make sure to check your email to confirm your buddy pair! All are welcome and we can’t wait to see you there!
> Attention all Warriors: The NAHS will be selling holiday cards during lunches, 4th and 5th period. You can buy 5 handmade cards for 5 dollars while supplies last! See you there!
> There are a few spots left in Driver's Education at Schroeder. The program will begin on Monday, January 8 and be completed by March 15. If you are interested in registering, please visit
our district's website to see which driving times have openings and to register.
You must have your permit by January 8 to register. The fee is $620.
> Attention all 9th, 10th, and 11th graders interested in playing football next year: there will be a meeting on Wednesday, December 20th at 3:20 in E3.
> From the team that brought you bangers like "Clue: On Zoom," "The Secret Garden," and "Around the World in 80 Days" comes their 5th show...and while other productions look to go bigger and bolder every show, the Schroeder Theater Company does things a little differently. Take a look at the show reveal video and then back to the studio for more announcements.
> Stop by the Library during your study hall or lunches this week to make placemats for the senior citizens at Maplewood Nursing Home! The library has all the materials you need to make a beautiful winter-themed placemat, so stop in and see Mrs. Peters! We will be laminating them so they can be reused all winter!
> Congratulations to the following students for being this week’s recipients of Principal’s Recognition:
Please stop down to the main office between 1st and 2nd period.
Gianna M. ~ Class of 2025
Kylie C. ~ Class of 2026
Peyton C. ~ Class of 2025
Emily M. ~ Class of 2024
Aleyna S. ~ Class of 2024
Ryker S. ~ Class of 2024
Alivia S. ~ Class of 2025
Evan B. ~ Class of 2025
Matthew F. ~ Class of 2025
Braeden T. ~ Class of 2025
December 14, 2023
> Calling all Schroeder students who love art! The Art Department is selling our 23-24 art shirts. Look for posters around the halls and use the QR code to place your orders. Orders are due tomorrow, Friday, December 15th. Show your support of Schroeder artists and get your shirts ordered. Orders will be delivered to Mrs. Simon's room, E10.
> Future Medical Professionals Club is having a meeting on December 19th after school in E218. An occupational therapist will be guest speaking! We hope to see you there!
> Attention all hardcore Warrior sports fans! Are you a true member of our crew? Are you at basketball, hockey, or other sports events on the regular?
If so, consider using your phone to snap a few pics and videos of local and sporting events for the Schroeder Courier.
Your media will be featured, with credit, on both our Instagram and our student news site. You do not need to be a newspaper club member to be published.
Potential opportunities include photographing the annual Sweet Creations Gingerbread Display at George Eastman House featuring an entry from our Schroeder UPK program, snag some pics during our upcoming Schroeder Holiday Spirit Week, or any one of our upcoming Schroeder winter sports games! If you need more info, please see Mrs. Law in W4 or send her an email at linda_law@webstercsd.org.
> Best Buddies will be meeting after school on Tuesday, December 19th in W7! We will be having a Holiday Match Party with winter activities and snacks! If you are already in the club, make sure to check your email to confirm your buddy pair! All are welcome and we can’t wait to see you there!
> Attention all Warriors: The NAHS will be selling holiday cards during lunches, 4th and 5th period. You can buy 5 handmade cards for 5 dollars while supplies last! See you there!
> Schroeder's Math League competed in the third competition of the year on Wednesday, December 13th. Our blue team earned a perfect score during the team round again - that's 3 competitions in a row! Stephanie G and Jacqueline H earned perfect scores in the individual rounds. Ryan B each only missed one individual question. Thirteen members competed, earning 40 individual points and 30 team points, contributing to the team's success! Schroeder tied (with Pittsford Mendon and Harley-Allendale Columbia) for second place in our division (only three points behind first place) and scored above all schools in division 2.
> Congratulations to the Schroeder JV and Varsity wrestling teams vs Gates Chili.
Varsity won 72-3 with wins from Aidan V, Juan E, Jackson H, Zach G, Liam T, Virgil J, Ethan V, Max T, Ian P, David S, Ashton A and Kyle G.
Come to the gymnasium this weekend to watch the wrestlers compete in the Monroe County Wrestling Championships!
December 13, 2023
> Schroeder Courier, our student news site, dropped new content this week. Are you an art aficionado, history buff, or deep thinker? If so, you'll want to check out Part 1 of Class of 2025's Christopher S.'s deep dive into "degenerate art." Why is some art banned? What's behind "the stench"? Find out more about the history of degenerate art in Part 1 and be sure to check back in a week or two to read more about what we can learn from examining "filth" in art. If you're looking for some holiday fun and getting into the holiday spirit, check out Class of 2026's Dexter B. & Bailey M.'s latest round of interviews with Tori P. & Jack. Check out the gallery of photos from Ms. Derse's orchestra students who performed at Webster Barnes & Noble last Saturday. Lastly, be sure to give a listen to senior Avalon M.'s newest Spotify drop featuring a wide breadth of tunes from Taylor Swift, Misfits, and Fiona Apple. Visit WSHSCOURIER.ORG on your phone or chromebook to browse our content, or follow us on Instagram @WSHSCOURIER for updates.
> Attention all Warriors:The NAHS will be selling holiday cards during lunches starting tomorrow until Christmas break. You can buy 5 handmade cards for 5 dollars while supplies last! See you there!
> It’s Warrior Wednesday! All week long Schroeder staff has been on the lookout for students who are demonstrating cooperation, accountability, respect, and excellence.
Congratulations! You will be contacted by Mrs. Tasber’s office to claim your prize!
Thank you all for continuing to demonstrate great habits and being Warriors who CARE.
> The countdown to the end of the semester is on! We have about four weeks until the end of the second quarter, and your teachers want to help you finish strong. We surveyed all Schroeder teachers last month, and they noticed that many students are not checking their Infinite Campus portal regularly, so we wanted to give everyone the chance to do that now. First period teachers, please have your students log in to the Infinite Campus portal now to check their grades and attendance. Have a great day, Warriors!
December 12, 2023
> Calling all Schroeder students who love art: The Art Department is selling their 23-24 art shirts! Look for posters around the halls and use the QR code to place your orders. Orders are due by Friday, December 15th. Show your support of Schroeder artists and get your shirts ordered. Orders will be delivered to Mrs. Simon's room, E10.
> Thank you, Schroeder! Warriorsgiving was a huge success. We collected over 800 toiletries and 230 food items, 25 toys, blankets and sheets. Your donations will make a difference and we really appreciate your kindness this season!
> Best Buddies will be meeting after school on Tuesday, December 19th in W7! We will be having a Holiday Match Party with winter activities and snacks! If you are already in the club, make sure to check your email to confirm your buddy pair! All are welcome and we can’t wait to see you there!
> Attention all hardcore Warrior sports fans! Are you a true member of our crew? Are you at basketball, hockey, or other sports events on the regular?
If so, consider using your phone to snap a few pics and videos of local and sporting events for the Schroeder Courier.
Your media will be featured, with credit, on both our Instagram and our student news site. You do not need to be a newspaper club member to be published.
Potential opportunities include photographing the annual Sweet Creations Gingerbread Display at George Eastman House featuring an entry from our Schroeder UPK program, snag some pics during our upcoming Schroeder Holiday Spirit Week, or any one of our upcoming Schroeder winter sports games! If you need more info, please see Mrs. Law in W4 or send her an email at linda_law@webstercsd.org.
> Attention all Warriors:The NAHS will be selling holiday cards during lunches starting this Thursday, the 14th, until Christmas break. You can buy 5 handmade cards for 5 dollars while supplies last! See you there!
> Attention Tri-M members: we have a meeting tomorrow morning at 8:15am in room N101. Hope to see you there!
> And now over to a commercial for the upcoming Talent Showcase featuring Webster Alum “Sincerely Three”
December 11, 2023
> Calling all Schroeder students who love art: The Art Department is selling their 23-24 art shirts! Look for posters around the halls and use the QR code to place your orders. Orders are due by Friday, December 15th. Show your support of Schroeder artists and get your shirts ordered. Orders will be delivered to Mrs. Simon's room, E10.
> Future Medical Professionals Club is having a meeting on December 19th after school in E218. An occupational therapist will be guest speaking! We hope to see you there!
> Attention Schroeder students and staff: The Pirate Toy Fund hosted by Schroeder's NHS is ending today! Make sure to bring in new, unopened toys to any of the cardboard "Pirate Toy Fund" boxes scattered around Schroeder! You must bring the toys to the boxes in Schroeder, not at any other location. Thank you for your generosity!
> Schroeder Courier, our student news site, dropped new content this week. Are you an art aficionado, history buff, or deep thinker? If so, you'll want to check out Part 1 of Class of 2025's Christopher S.'s deep dive into "degenerate art." Why is some art banned? What's behind "the stench"? Find out more about the history of degenerate art in Part 1 and be sure to check back in a week or two to read more about what we can learn from examining "filth" in art. If you're looking for some holiday fun and getting into the holiday spirit, check out Class of 2026's Dexter B. & Bailey M.'s latest round of interviews with Tori P. & Jack. Check out the gallery of photos from Ms. Derse's orchestra students who performed at Webster Barnes & Noble last Saturday. Lastly, be sure to give a listen to senior Avalon M.'s newest Spotify drop featuring a wide breadth of tunes from Taylor Swift, Misfits, and Fiona Apple. Visit WSHSCOURIER.ORG on your phone or chromebook to browse our content, or follow us on Instagram @WSHSCOURIER for updates.
> The JV girls basketball team improved to 2-0 with a win over Brighton. Kinsley K. and AJ M. led the team in scoring with 10 points each. Emma J., Olivia F., Kenzie B. and Lauren R. rounded out the scoring. The team played great defense and rebounded well.
The girls return to action on Tuesday at Penfield and have their first home game on Thursday at 5:30.
> The Girls Varsity Basketball team improved to 2-0 with a win over Brighton.
Bria W. led all scorers with 22 points and 4 steals, Addie M. had 19 with five 3-pointers. Mya P. had 8 points, 8 rebounds, and 3 steals. Kylie C. had 4 points and 5 rebounds, Rachel D. had 7 points and 6 rebounds. Sarah F. had 6 points and 7 rebounds and Ava G. added 7 points.
The girls return to action on Tuesday at Penfield and have their home opener on Thursday at 7:15.
> Congratulations to our Speech & Debate Team for their wins at the Brighton tournament Saturday that included central & western New York.
Sam O. - 1st place in Dramatic Performance
Maddy B. & Akshaya D.- 1st in Duo Interpretation
Matthew G. - 1st in Original Oratory
Ryan B. & Yi Z. - 1st in Varsity Public Forum Debate
Sofia M. - 2nd in Varsity Lincoln-Douglas Debate
Noah J. - 2nd in Extemp
Megan F - 3rd in Extemp
> The Webster Schroeder wrestling team had a very strong performance Saturday at the Cheektowaga Duals. The team finished the tournament with a 4-1 record with wins against Lancaster, Cheektowaga, Hamburg, and Saint Joe's.
All-tournament team wrestlers with a 5-0 record include Max T, Juan E, Jackson H, Ashton A, and Aidan V.
The 5-1 Warriors will take on Gates-Chili at home on Wednesday at 7pm!
December 8, 2023
> The Webster Aquatic Center is offering a Red Cross Lifeguard Class during December break. Details and registration are online.
> Calling all Schroeder students who love art: The Art Department is selling their 23-24 art shirts! Look for posters around the halls and use the QR code to place your orders. Orders are due by Friday, December 15th. Show your support of Schroeder artists and get your shirts ordered. Orders will be delivered to Mrs. Simon's room, E10.
> Are you tired of your backpack? The uncomfortable shoulder straps, the small water bottle holder, the size not the right type of storage for what you have. Do you carry tech around with you daily? Do you want a change for something new, more comfortable, and suit your needs? A group of students from your school are creating a backpack to suit the average 14-25-year-old and need your help. Scan the QR code on the screen to answer a survey to help them get the best data possible. Spread the word about it. We need at least 200 entries from different age varieties to get the most out of this survey.
> Attention Schroeder students and staff: The Pirate Toy Fund hosted by Schroeder's NHS is ending December 11th! Make sure to bring in new, unopened toys to any of the cardboard "Pirate Toy Fund" boxes scattered around Schroeder! You must bring the toys to the boxes in Schroeder, not at any other location. Thank you for your generosity!
> The Schroeder JV and Varsity Wrestling team opened the league dual season with wins against Irondequoit Thursday!
Varsity won over the Eagles by a score of 61-12 with Pins by Liam T, Max T and Ian P! Juan E, Jackson H and David S remain undefeated on the season.
Wrestling heads out to Cheektowaga Saturday!
> Schroeder Courier, our student news site, dropped new content this week. Are you an art aficionado, history buff, or deep thinker? If so, you'll want to check out Part 1 of Class of 2025's Christopher S.'s deep dive into "degenerate art." Why is some art banned? What's behind "the stench"? Find out more about the history of degenerate art in Part 1 and be sure to check back in a week or two to read more about what we can learn from examining "filth" in art. If you're looking for some holiday fun and getting into the holiday spirit, check out Class of 2026's Dexter B. & Bailey M.'s latest round of interviews with Tori P. & Jack. Check out the gallery of photos from Ms. Derse's orchestra students who performed at Webster Barnes & Noble last Saturday. Lastly, be sure to give a listen to senior Avalon M.'s newest Spotify drop featuring a wide breadth of tunes from Taylor Swift, Misfits, and Fiona Apple. Visit WSHSCOURIER.ORG on your phone or chromebook to browse our content, or follow us on Instagram @WSHSCOURIER for updates.
> Congratulations to the following students for being this week’s recipients of Principal’s Recognition:
Please stop down to the main office between 1st and 2nd period.
Samantha V. ~ Class of 2025
Filipe F. ~ Class of 2024
Harleigh S. ~ Class of 2026
Fejer Z. ~ Class of 2027
Mariah W. ~ Class of 2024
Natalie W. ~ Class of 2024
Ella M. ~ Class of 2026
> Good morning,
This morning you will be taking the Youth Risk Behavior Survey during your 2nd period.
The Monroe County Department of Public Health and Webster CSD are conducting this survey to better understand health issues among youth.
THIS SURVEY IS CONFIDENTIAL. It’s done online and no identifying information is attached to your survey.
Results will never be reported by name, or class.
The data are used in various ways including to develop or improve health classes or programs, to share the results with our community to help them better understand health issues among youth, and to advocate to meet the needs of youth.
I want to thank all of you for participating in this survey. The information you provide will be very important to the school district and our community.
Thank you!
December 7, 2023
> Looking for some good books to have ready during these upcoming cold months? The Schroeder & GOAL PTSA is having a fundraiser at Webster Barnes & Noble and today is the last day! At check-out, please make sure you mention Schroeder PTSA.
> The Webster Aquatic Center is offering a Red Cross Lifeguard Class during December break. Details and registration are online.
> Calling all Schroeder students who love art: The Art Department is selling their 23-24 art shirts! Look for posters around the halls and use the QR code to place your orders. Orders are due by Friday, December 15th. Show your support of Schroeder artists and get your shirts ordered. Orders will be delivered to Mrs. Simon's room, E10.
> Attention Key Club members: we will meet today at 3:20 in the Library Classroom. See you then.
> Are you tired of your backpack? The uncomfortable shoulder straps, the small water bottle holder, the size not the right type of storage for what you have. Do you carry tech around with you daily? Do you want a change for something new, more comfortable, and suits your needs? A group of students from your school are creating a backpack to suit the average 14-25-year-old and need your help. Scan the QR code on the screen to answer a survey to help them get the best data possible. Spread the word about it. We need at least 200 entries from different age varieties to get the most out of this survey.
> Future Medical Professionals Club is having a meeting on December 19th after school in E218. An occupational therapist will be guest speaking! We hope to see you there!
> Attention Schroeder students and staff: The Pirate Toy Fund hosted by Schroeder's NHS is ending December 11th! Make sure to bring in new, unopened toys to any of the cardboard "Pirate Toy Fund" boxes scattered around Schroeder! You must bring the toys to the boxes in Schroeder, not at any other location. Thank you for your generosity!
December 6, 2023
> Looking for some good books to have ready during these upcoming cold months? The Schroeder & GOAL PTSA is having a fundraiser at Webster Barnes & Noble from Saturday, December 2nd - Thursday, December 7th. At check-out, please make sure you mention Schroeder PTSA.
> The Webster Aquatic Center is offering a Red Cross Lifeguard Class during December break. Details and registration are online.
> Here is your Winter Driver's Education update! Registration for seniors and juniors is today, with tomorrow being for sophomores. We expect driving and lectures to begin the week of January 8 and go through mid-March. Lectures will be held via Zoom on Mondays and Wednesdays from 7:30 - 9. When you register, you are registering for a driving time. The cost is $620 and space is very limited.
> Calling all Schroeder students who love art: The Art Department is selling their 23-24 art shirts! Look for posters around the halls and use the QR code to place your orders. Orders are due by Friday, December 15th. Show your support of Schroeder artists and get your shirts ordered. Orders will be delivered to Mrs. Simon's room, E10.
> I Scream, you scream, we all scream for HONOR ROLL ice cream!
Students who received a postcard notifying them that they achieved honor roll (average GPA of 85% or higher) during Quarter 1 will receive a coupon for a free ice cream in the lunch line starting today.
Ice cream coupons will be handed out in your alpha office. Stop by during passing time to pick up your coupon and redeem it in the cafeteria line!
> Attention Key Club members: we will meet tomorrow, Thursday, at 3:20 in the Library Classroom. See you then.
> Are you tired of your backpack? The uncomfortable shoulder straps, the small water bottle holder, the size not the right type of storage for what you have. Do you carry tech around with you daily? Do you want a change for something new, more comfortable, and suits your needs? A group of students from your school are creating a backpack to suit the average 14-25-year-old and need your help. Scan the QR code on the screen to answer a survey to help them get the best data possible. Spread the word about it. We need at least 200 entries from different age varieties to get the most out of this survey.
> Attention Schroeder students and staff: The Pirate Toy Fund hosted by Schroeder's NHS is ending December 11th! Make sure to bring in new, unopened toys to any of the cardboard "Pirate Toy Fund" boxes scattered around Schroeder! You must bring the toys to the boxes in Schroeder, not at any other location. Thank you for your generosity!
> There will be a Science Olympiad meeting in room SW5 today, Wednesday, December 6th at 3:30pm. Please plan on attending.
December 5, 2023
> Looking for some good books to have ready during these upcoming cold months? The Schroeder & GOAL PTSA is having a fundraiser at Webster Barnes & Noble from Saturday, December 2nd - Thursday, December 7th. At check-out, please make sure you mention Schroeder PTSA.
> The Webster Aquatic Center is offering a Red Cross Lifeguard Class during December break. Details and registration are online.
> There will be a FBLA meeting after school today in room W14 at 3:20 pm. We will discuss the District Competition. If you want to compete, you have to have your $16 dues paid by December 22.
> Here is your Winter Driver's Education update! Registration will be held on December 6 and 7, with December 6 registration for current seniors and juniors. December 7 is for sophomores. We expect driving and lectures to begin the week of January 8 and go through mid-March. Lectures will be held via Zoom on Mondays and Wednesdays from 7:30 - 9. When you register, you are registering for a driving time. The cost is $620 and space is very limited.
> Calling all Schroeder students who love art: The Art Department is selling their 23-24 art shirts! Look for posters around the halls and use the QR code to place your orders. Orders are due by Friday, December 15th. Show your support of Schroeder artists and get your shirts ordered. Orders will be delivered to Mrs. Simon's room, E10.
> Attention Key Club members: we will meet Thursday at 3:20 in the Library Classroom. See you then.
> Are you tired of your backpack? The uncomfortable shoulder straps, the small water bottle holder, the size not the right type of storage for what you have. Do you carry tech around with you daily? Do you want a change for something new, more comfortable, and suits your needs? A group of students from your school are creating a backpack to suit the average 14-25-year-old and need your help. Scan the QR code on the screen to answer a survey to help them get the best data possible. Spread the word about it. We need at least 200 entries from different age varieties to get the most out of this survey.
> Future Medical Professionals Club is having a meeting on December 19th after school in E218. An occupational therapist will be guest speaking! We hope to see you there!
> Attention Schroeder students and staff: The Pirate Toy Fund hosted by Schroeder’s NHS is ending December 11th! Make sure to bring in new, unopened toys to any of the cardboard "Pirate Toy Fund" boxes scattered around Schroeder! You must bring the toys to the boxes in Schroeder, not at any other location. Thank you for your generosity!
December 4, 2023
> Looking for some good books to have ready during these upcoming cold months? The Schroeder & GOAL PTSA is having a fundraiser at Webster Barnes & Noble from Saturday, December 2nd - Thursday, December 7th. At check-out, please make sure you mention Schroeder PTSA.
> The Webster Aquatic Center is offering a Red Cross Lifeguard Class during December break. Details and registration are online.
> There will be a FBLA meeting tomorrow, Tuesday, December 5 in room W14 at 3:20 pm. We will discuss the District Competition. If you want to compete, you have to have your $16 dues paid by December 22.
> Here is your Winter Driver's Education update! Registration will be held on December 6 and 7, with December 6 registration for current seniors and juniors. December 7 is for sophomores. We expect driving and lectures to begin the week of January 8 and go through mid-March. Lectures will be held via Zoom on Mondays and Wednesdays from 7:30 - 9. When you register, you are registering for a driving time. The cost is $620 and space is very limited.
> On Saturday, December 2, a team of 5 students from Schroeder and Thomas participated in UBNetDef’s High School Lockdown version 10. Jacqueline Hand Jack S spent 5.5 hours defending a network from a variety of cyber attacks. The team took first place!
> What a weekend Schroeder Wrestling had! Congratulations to David S, Jackson H, and Juan E for winning the Matthew Marino Tournament!
Most of the team placed top 6 and the Webster Schroeder wrestlers placed 3rd of 13 in one of the toughest tournaments in Section Five while knocking off the number 12 team in New York State!
The wrestlers take on Irondequoit Thursday.
> The Girls JV Basketball team beat Thomas on Friday 49-19. Emma J. lead all scorers with 16 points, AJ M. had 13 and Kenzie B. added 8.
Olivia F. led the team in steals and Lauren R. and Kinsley K. were the rebound leaders.
The team played great pressure defense. They return to action tomorrow at 5:30 at Schroeder vs. St. Mary’s of Lancaster.
December 1, 2023
> Attention Schroeder students and staff: Schroeder's National Honors Society is hosting a Pirate Toy Drive this holiday season! How can you help? Bring new, unopened toys for kids of all ages to one of the many cardboard "Pirate Toy Drive" boxes scattered around the school! These toys will be distributed to local hospitals and other organizations that give these toys to children who might not normally get presents or toys around the holiday season. This toy drive will be happening through December, so be sure to spread the word and donate!
> Looking for some good books to have ready during these upcoming cold months? The Schroeder & GOAL PTSA is having a fundraiser at Webster Barnes & Noble from Saturday, December 2nd - Thursday, December 7th.
When shopping at Barnes & Noble on Saturday, December 2nd at 12:00pm, local author Robin Flanigan will be there signing copies of her books "M is for Mindful" and "100 Things You Should Do in Rochester Before You Die"
At 2:00pm, we are having Schroeder music groups perform, which will be located in the back of the store, in the music section. Come out and support our amazing students!
At check-out, please make sure you mention Schroeder PTSA. Thank you for the support!
> The Webster Aquatic Center is offering a Red Cross Lifeguard Class during December break. Details and registration are online.
> Attention all Warriors! Are you one of Schroeder's biggest fans? Do you plan on attending holiday festivities in Webster Village this weekend? If so, consider using your phone to snap a few pics and videos of local and sporting events for the Schroeder Courier. Your media will be featured, with credit, on both our Instagram and our student news site. You do not need to be a Newspaper Club member to be published. Potential opportunities for this week include sending photos of the Empty Bowls Art & Community Fundraiser, student music performances at Webster Barnes & Noble on Saturday afternoon, the Webster Village Parade of Lights on Saturday evening...or any one of our upcoming winter sports games! If you need more info, please see Mrs. Law in W4 or send her an email at linda_law@webstercsd.org.
> There will be a FBLA meeting on Tuesday, December 5 in room W14 at 3:20 pm. We will discuss the District Competition. If you want to compete, you have to have your $16 dues paid by December 22.
> Here is your Winter Driver's Education update! Registration will be held on December 6 and 7, with December 6 registration for current seniors and juniors. December 7 is for sophomores. Dates and times will be visible on our website later today. We expect driving and lectures to begin the week of January 8 and go through mid-March. Lectures will be held via Zoom on Mondays and Wednesdays from 7:30 - 9. When you register, you are registering for a driving time. The cost is $620 and space is very limited.
> Congratulations to the following students for being this week’s recipients of Principal’s Recognition:
Please stop down to the main office between 1st and 2nd period.
Max C. ~ Class of 2026
Aniya B. ~ Class of 2027
Dimitriy K. ~ Class of 2026
Nick C. ~ Class of 2024
Drew R. ~ Class of 2024
Elizabeth F. ~ Class of 2024
Steven R. ~ Class of 2024
November 30th, 2023
> Attention Schroeder students and staff: Schroeder's National Honors Society is hosting a Pirate Toy Drive this holiday season! How can you help? Bring new, unopened toys for kids of all ages to one of the many cardboard "Pirate Toy Drive" boxes scattered around the school! These toys will be distributed to local hospitals and other organizations that give these toys to children who might not normally get presents or toys around the holiday season. This toy drive will be happening to December 11th, so be sure to spread the word and donate!
> Looking for some good books to have ready during these upcoming cold months? The Schroeder & GOAL PTSA is having a fundraiser at Webster Barnes & Noble from Saturday, December 2nd - Thursday, December 7th.
When shopping at Barnes & Noble on Saturday, December 2nd at 12:00pm, local author Robin Flanigan will be there signing copies of her books "M is for Mindful" and "100 Things You Should Do in Rochester Before You Die"
At 2:00pm, we are having Schroeder music groups perform, which will be located in the back of the store, in the music section. Come out and support our amazing students!
At check-out, please make sure you mention Schroeder PTSA. Thank you for the support!
> The Webster Aquatic Center is offering a Red Cross Lifeguard Class during December break. Details and registration are online.
> Attention all Warriors! Are you one of Schroeder's biggest fans? Do you plan on attending holiday festivities in Webster Village this weekend? If so, consider using your phone to snap a few pics and videos of local and sporting events for the Schroeder Courier. Your media will be featured, with credit, on both our Instagram and our student news site. You do not need to be a Newspaper Club member to be published. Potential opportunities for this week include sending photos of the Empty Bowls Art & Community Fundraiser, student music performances at Webster Barnes & Noble on Saturday afternoon, the Webster Village Parade of Lights on Saturday evening...or any one of our upcoming winter sports games! If you need more info, please see Mrs. Law in W4 or send her an email at linda_law@webstercsd.org.
> Auditions for this year's Talent Showcase are now open, the following video explains how to audition.
November 29th, 2023
> Attention Schroeder students and staff: Schroeder's National Honors Society is hosting a Pirate Toy Drive this holiday season! How can you help? Bring new, unopened toys for kids of all ages to one of the many cardboard "Pirate Toy Drive" boxes scattered around the school! These toys will be distributed to local hospitals and other organizations that give these toys to children who might not normally get presents or toys around the holiday season. This toy drive will be happening through December, so be sure to spread the word and donate!
> Attention all NHS members: we have a meeting today in the auditorium right after school! This meeting is for current members and potential members who received an email confirming they’re application has been accepted. The meeting should go no later than 4:00pm. See you then!
> The next Women in STEM meeting is after school today in room E21. Hope to see you there!
> Looking for some good books to have ready during these upcoming cold months? The Schroeder & GOAL PTSA is having a fundraiser at Webster Barnes & Noble from Saturday, December 2nd - Thursday, December 7th.
When shopping at Barnes & Noble on Saturday, December 2nd at 12:00pm, local author Robin Flanigan will be there signing copies of her books "M is for Mindful" and "100 Things You Should Do in Rochester Before You Die"
At 2:00pm, we are having Schroeder music groups perform, which will be located in the back of the store, in the music section. Come out and support our amazing students!
At check-out, please make sure you mention Schroeder PTSA. Thank you for the support!
> The Webster Aquatic Center is offering a Red Cross Lifeguard Class during December break. Details and registration are online.
> The world-famous basketball team, the Harlem Wizards, are coming to town to take on a team of One Webster teachers Sunday, January 14th, 2024 at 1pm at Schroeder! Tickets are available now...take a look at the following video to see what all the excitement is about!
November 28, 2023
> Attention Schroeder students and staff: Schroeder's National Honors Society is hosting a Pirate Toy Drive this holiday season! How can you help? Bring new, unopened toys for kids of all ages to one of the many cardboard "Pirate Toy Drive" boxes scattered around the school! These toys will be distributed to local hospitals and other organizations that give these toys to children who might not normally get presents or toys around the holiday season. This toy drive will be happening through December, so be sure to spread the word and donate!
> Schroeder's Sexuality and Gender Equity (SAGE) club will be meeting after school today in B2. We welcome anyone who wants a place where they can be themself. Our goal is to make the Schroeder community a more welcoming and affirming place to be. For anyone unfamiliar with SAGE, we are the same as a GSA club. Please feel free to stop in to our meeting to learn more about the club!
> Attention all NHS members! We have a meeting tomorrow in the auditorium right after school! This meeting is for current members AND potential members who received an email confirming they’re application has been accepted. The meeting should go no later than 4:00pm. See you then!
> The next Women in STEM meeting is after school tomorrow, Wednesday, in room E21. Hope to see you there!
> Looking for some good books to have ready during these upcoming cold months? The Schroeder & GOAL PTSA is having a fundraiser at Webster Barnes & Noble from Saturday, December 2nd - Thursday, December 7th.
When shopping at Barnes & Noble on Saturday, December 2nd at 12:00pm, local author Robin Flanigan will be there signing copies of her books "M is for Mindful" and "100 Things You Should Do in Rochester Before You Die"
At 2:00pm, we are having Schroeder music groups perform, which will be located in the back of the store, in the music section. Come out and support our amazing students!
At check-out, please make sure you mention Schroeder PTSA. Thank you for the support!
> Fellow Warrior, AJ A. spent the holiday week in Tulsa, Oklahoma racing against the top racers in the United States. AJ placed 6th in the main event in a class that started out with 87 riders. This finish and his placement in races throughout the year gave him a ranking 8th in the United States. He has been training for this event while being part of the JV football and basketball programs.
After the main event he was offered a Factory Sponsorship that only elite rides ever get to take part in.
If you see AJ, congratulate him!
> Auditions for this year's Talent Showcase are now open
November 27, 2023
> Attention Schroeder students and staff: Schroeder's National Honors Society is hosting a Pirate Toy Drive this holiday season! How can you help? Bring new, unopened toys for kids of all ages to one of the many cardboard "Pirate Toy Drive" boxes scattered around the school! These toys will be distributed to local hospitals and other organizations that give these toys to children who might not normally get presents or toys around the holiday season. This toy drive will be happening through December, so be sure to spread the word and donate!
> Schroeder's Sexuality and Gender Equity, SAGE club will be meeting after school tomorrow in B2. We welcome anyone who wants a place where they can be themself. Our goal is to make the Schroeder community a more welcoming and affirming place to be. For anyone unfamiliar with SAGE, we are the same as a GSA club. Please feel free to stop in to our meeting to learn more about the club!
> Attention all NHS members! We have a meeting this Wednesday, November 29th in the auditorium right after school! This meeting is for current members AND potential members who received an email confirming they’re application has been accepted. The meeting should go no later than 4:00pm. See you then!
> Congratulations to the JV wrestling team who had a very impressive opening weekend crowning 14 individual champions at the Fairport Wrestling Tournament. Champions include Ethan C, Nate V, Jeremiah H, Lukas V, Dom I, Braedan T, Ben H, Seth C, Carson C, Nick C, Nate F, Aidan V, Zach G and Aaron A! Come on out Saturday to Watch the varsity compete at the Matthew Marino Wrestling Tournament here at Schroeder. Wrestling begins at 10am!
November 22, 2023
> Winter Driver Education is approaching! Registration is December 6th and 7th, with driving and lectures beginning January 8th through March. Set up an account to register through the Webster Schools website. The cost is $620.
> Attention Schroeder students and staff: Schroeder's National Honors Society is hosting a Pirate Toy Drive this holiday season! How can you help? Bring new, unopened toys for kids of all ages to one of the many cardboard "Pirate Toy Drive" boxes scattered around the school! These toys will be distributed to local hospitals and other organizations that give these toys to children who might not normally get presents or toys around the holiday season. This toy drive will be happening through December, so be sure to spread the word and donate!
> Auditions for this year's Talent Showcase are now open, the following video explains how to audition.
> Attention all Swifites & Foodies! Schroeder Courier's latest content drop has something for everyone. When you're a football fanatic or a Swiftie, be sure to read Class of 2024 Kenzie B.'s article on Taylor and Travis's impact on the NFL. If you loooove little kids and learning about UPK program here at Schroeder, you'll want to check out Class of 2025 Gabby H.'s feature on the UPK & GeoTech collab on the sandbox in the courtyard, including quotes from Ms. Cos, Mrs. Kroft, and several GeoTech students. Scroll down to the bottom to see adorable photos of our UPKers enjoying their new playplace! In addition to campus news, Class of 2025 Hayden D. released the new episode to his dystopian fiction saga, The Sands of Greed. Episode 5 "The Necessity of Complication" is the best one yet! Lastly, Class of 2026 Dexter B. & Bailey M. delivered their Thanksgiving edition vids just in time for the holiday. Be sure to watch their shorts on popular Thanksgiving foods and weigh in yourself by voting at our site for your favorite Thanksgiving dish: are you a turkey devotee, a proud potato fanatic, crazy for cranberry, or a stuffing enthusiast? Visit WSHSCOURIER.ORG to vote and see our new content now! You can also follow us for updates on Instagram at WSHSCOURIER.
> The Schroeder Girls Volleyball team concluded their historic season this weekend as Class Double A State Champions and a record of 21 and 1, only losing 3 sets in their 7 match postseason. Coach DeWitte was Section Five Coach of the Year, the Warriors were honored with the Section Five Sportsmanship Award, and at the State Tournament this weekend, the Warriors were honored again with a State Sportsmanship Award. Sophomore Maddie S and senior Lina were named State All -Tournament Team and senior Erin M was crowned State MVP. Plenty to celebrate, but Coach DeWitte and Coach Gomez just can't seem to agree on just what to say. The epic conclusion to the Warrior Volleyball Hype video series begins now...
November 20, 2023
> Winter Driver Education is approaching! Registration is December 6th and 7th, with driving and lectures beginning January 8th through March. Set up an account to register through the Webster Schools website. The cost is $620.
> Attention Schroeder students and staff: Schroeder's National Honors Society is hosting a Pirate Toy Drive this holiday season! How can you help? Bring new, unopened toys for kids of all ages to one of the many cardboard "Pirate Toy Drive" boxes scattered around the school! These toys will be distributed to local hospitals and other organizations that give these toys to children who might not normally get presents or toys around the holiday season. This toy drive will be happening through December, so be sure to spread the word and donate!
> Schroeder’s Speech and Debate team took second place at the Buffalo City Honors tournament on Saturday. Schroeder scored 74 points to City Honors 75 points.
Outstanding performances included:
Matthew G, first place in original oratory
Noah J, second place in varsity extemporaneous speaking
Fia M, first place in varsity Lincoln, Douglas debate
Sam O., First place in dramatic performance.
> Attention all Swifites & Foodies! Schroeder Courier's latest content drop has something for everyone. When you're a football fanatic or a Swiftie, be sure to read Class of 2024 Kenzie B.'s article on Taylor and Travis's impact on the NFL. If you loooove little kids and learning about UPK program here at Schroeder, you'll want to check out Class of 2025 Gabby H.'s feature on the UPK & GeoTech collab on the sandbox in the courtyard, including quotes from Ms. Cos, Mrs. Kroft, and several GeoTech students. Scroll down to the bottom to see adorable photos of our UPKers enjoying their new playplace! In addition to campus news, Class of 2025 Hayden D. released the new episode to his dystopian fiction saga, The Sands of Greed. Episode 5 "The Necessity of Complication" is the best one yet! Lastly, Class of 2026 Dexter B. & Bailey M. delivered their Thanksgiving edition vids just in time for the holiday. Be sure to watch their shorts on popular Thanksgiving foods and weigh in yourself by voting at our site for your favorite Thanksgiving dish: are you a turkey devotee, a proud potato fanatic, crazy for cranberry, or a stuffing enthusiast? Visit WSHSCOURIER.ORG to vote and see our new content now! You can also follow us for updates on Instagram at WSHSCOURIER.
> No need to play Photo Roulette, all your seeing in the Girls Volleyball camera rolls is STATE CHAMPIONS! In a game that was as big as the what? Big as the Super Bowl! The Schroeder Girls Volleyball team took to "the motto" and controlled history. After defeating Cornwall in the semifinal match on Saturday morning the girls asked "what's next?" because they had some "wants and needs." Erin who "started from the bottom" on varsity in 8th grade was "nice for what" delivering tricky hits that kept the Long Beach defense saying "I'm upset." Lina was "nonstop" with kills. "0 to 100?" More like 0 to 1000 as she got her 1000th career kill during the final match. Our middles "were up to something" as they were "jumpman, jumpman, jumpman" all over the net block after block and kill after kill. They'll "laugh now, cry later" because "life is good." Coach DeWitte proudly held the State Trophy high and said " Just Hold on, We're Going Home" STATE CHAMPIONS! "What a Time to Be Alive," Sarah becomes a State Champion in 3 different sports and did it “for all the dogs."
In all seriousness, thank you so much for all the support and congratulations to a team that deserves nothing less! Way to go girls! STATE CHAMPS!
November 17, 2023
> Content fanatics, rejoice! Dexter B. & Bailey M. have a new set of videos up at WSHSCOURIER.ORG, our students news site. Check out their Halloween interviews with Class of 2026's Jordyn H & Michael W. Dexter and Bailey have an extra special Thanksgiving series planned, so if you see them in the hall or class, let them know you want to weigh in on your favorite holiday dishes. Looking for a new playlist to expand your musical palette and kick off Quarter 2? DJ Avalon has you covered in her newest drop with songs from Taylor Swift, Jeff Buckley, Bob Dylan, and HAIM. Visit WSHSCOURIER.ORG on your phone or Chromebook to check us out. If you're interested in taking photos, interviewing, writing, or otherwise contributing to Schroeder Courier student news site, please see Mrs. Law in W4. No experience necessary.
> The Boys JV/ Varsity Swimming Team would like to invite those interested in diving for the team this winter season to contact Diving Coach Ron or Head Coach Ben at the Aquatics Center pool any weekday after 4:00. The Springboard Diving event is a critical portion of any swim meet. Diving is open to any athletes that would like to learn a fun, challenging, and rewarding sport and also reap the team benefits of participating with their swimming peers.
> Hey Warriors, The Schroeder Social Club is having a Friendsgiving Celebration and you're all invited! The gathering will take place next Monday, November 20th, after school in the cafeteria from 3:30-4:30. There will be food, games, a Thanksgiving activity, and fun! If you'd like to join us, you must RSVP. Check your grade level Google Classrooms, or the Schroeder Social Club Classroom for more details and the RSVP forms. Come join us, and let's have a good time Warriors!
P.S.- you can now follow us on Instagram @SchroederSocialClub.
> Attention Link Crew: We need all members at our meeting Monday 11/20 at 8:15 AM in the Auditorium to plan for our quarter 1 check in. See you there.
> Winter Driver Education is approaching! Registration is December 6th and 7th, with driving and lectures beginning January 8th through March. Set up an account to register through the Webster Schools website. The cost is $620.
> Attention Schroeder students and staff: Schroeder's National Honors Society is hosting a Pirate Toy Drive this holiday season! How can you help? Bring new, unopened toys for kids of all ages to one of the many cardboard "Pirate Toy Drive" boxes scattered around the school! These toys will be distributed to local hospitals and other organizations that give these toys to children who might not normally get presents or toys around the holiday season. This toy drive will be happening through December, so be sure to spread the word and donate!
> Congratulations to the following students for being this week’s recipients of Principal’s Recognition:
Please stop down to the main office between 1st and 2nd period.
Sophia A ~ Class of 2026
Jayden C. ~ Class of 2025
Abdul F. ~ Class of 2026
Jackson H. ~ Class of 2027
Katherine M. ~ Class of 2026
Keelin M. ~ Class of 2027
Alexis M. ~ Class of 2024
Diana S. ~ Class of 2024
Gabrielle T. ~ Class of 2026
Betel T. ~ Class of 2026
Gabriella V. ~ Class of 2025
Coy W. ~ Class of 2026
November 16, 2023
Good morning and welcome to The Morning Show.
Today is Thursday, November 16th, 2023 and a “B” Day
> The Boys JV/ Varsity Swimming Team would like to invite those interested in diving for the team this winter season to contact Diving Coach Ron or Head Coach Ben at the Aquatics Center pool any weekday after 4:00. The Springboard Diving event is a critical portion of any swim meet. Diving is open to any athletes that would like to learn a fun, challenging, and rewarding sport and also reap the team benefits of participating with their swimming peers.
> Webster Schroeder’s musical production this year is looking for students interested in being a part of stage crew. Come help build and paint sets, then work backstage during the live performances. There will be a student meeting today at 3:30 in the auditorium.
> Auditions for this year's Talent Showcase are now open, the following video explains how to audition.
> Hey Warriors, The Schroeder Social Club is having a Friendsgiving Celebration and you're all invited! The gathering will take place next Monday, November 20th, after school in the cafeteria from 3:30-4:30. There will be food, games, a Thanksgiving activity, and fun! If you'd like to join us, you must RSVP. Check your grade level Google Classrooms, or the Schroeder Social Club Classroom for more details and the RSVP forms. Come join us, and let's have a good time Warriors!
P.S.- you can now follow us on Instagram @SchroederSocialClub.
> Attention Link Crew: We need all members at our meeting Monday at 8:15am in the Auditorium to plan for our Quarter 1 check-in. See you there.
> Schroeder's Math League competed in the second competition of the year on Wednesday, November 15th. Our blue team earned a perfect score during the team round. Jacqueline H earned a perfect score in the individual rounds. Stephanie G and Lance K each only missed one individual question. Seventeen members competed, earning 36 individual points and 28 team points, contributing to the team's success! Schroeder tied for third place in our division and scored above all schools in division 2.
> Attention Schroeder students and staff: Schroeder's National Honors Society is hosting a Pirate Toy Drive this holiday season! How can you help? Bring new, unopened toys for kids of all ages to one of the many cardboard "Pirate Toy Drive" boxes scattered around the school! These toys will be distributed to local hospitals and other organizations that give these toys to children who might not normally get presents or toys around the holiday season. This toy drive will be happening through December, so be sure to spread the word and donate!
> Tomorrow morning, the Girls Volleyball team will depart to Glens Falls to participate in the New York State Finals Tournament. At 19-1, these Warriors are having an incredible run winning their last 19 matches and heading to States for the first time in 13 years. Please congratulate them on all their success already and wish them luck if you see them today or during our Warrior Walk this afternoon. To commemorate their unbelievable achievements, please enjoy the latest Gomez hype video.
November 14, 2023
> Best Buddies will be meeting after school today in W5! We will be making hand turkeys and enjoying some fall treats! We would love to have you there! All are welcome!
> Any student interested in Varsity Bowling this year is welcome to attend a practice today and/or tomorrow from 4:00pm to 6:00pm at Empire Lanes. There will be a shuttle bus. If you can’t make either day, but are interested, please contact the Schroeder Athletic Office. There is still time to sign up in FamilyID.
> The next Women in STEM meeting is after school tomorrow, Wednesday, in room E21. Hope to see you there.
> The Boys JV/ Varsity Swimming Team would like to invite those interested in diving for the team this winter season to contact Diving Coach Ron or Head Coach Ben at the Aquatics Center pool any weekday after 4:00. The Springboard Diving event is a critical portion of any swim meet. Diving is open to any athletes that would like to learn a fun, challenging, and rewarding sport and also reap the team benefits of participating with their swimming peers.
> Webster Schroeder’s musical production this year is looking for students interested in being a part of stage crew. Come help build and paint sets, then work backstage during the live performances. There will be a student meeting this Thursday, November 16 at 3:30 in the auditorium.
> Auditions for this year's Talent Showcase are now open, the following video explains how to audition.
November 13, 2023
> Best Buddies will be meeting after school tomorrow, Tuesday, November 14th in W5! We will be making hand turkeys and enjoying some fall treats! We would love to have you there! All are welcome!
> Howdy, neighbors! Schroeder is celebrating World Kindness Day today. We can't wait to see your cardigan sweaters or the color blue in the spirit of Fred Rogers. Stop by the library today to write a kindness note to a staff member or donate a canned good item for Hope House and receive a treat! A collection box is available in the Library. Most importantly, remember to choose kindness today and every day.
> Any student interested in Varsity Bowling this year is welcome to attend a practice today and/or tomorrow from 4:00pm to 6:00pm at Empire Lanes. There will be a shuttle bus. If you can’t make either day, but are interested, please contact the Schroeder Athletic Office. There is still time to sign up on FamilyID.
> Attention all students attending the Spain and France Trip this coming February: we have a mandatory meeting for students after school today in W223. See you there!
> The next Women in STEM meeting is after school on Wednesday in room E21. Hope to see you there.
> Seniors: Head over to the Class of 2024 Google Classroom page and submit your senior quotes and senior superlative votes. These are due today!
> Content fanatics, rejoice! Dexter B. & Bailey M. have a new set of videos up at WSHSCOURIER.ORG, our students news site. Check out their Halloween interviews with Class of 2026's Jordyn H & Michael W. Dexter and Bailey have an extra special Thanksgiving series planned, so if you see them in the hall or class, let them know you want to weigh in on your favorite holiday dishes. Looking for a new playlist to expand your musical palette and kick off Quarter 2? DJ Avalon has you covered in her newest drop with songs from Taylor Swift, Jeff Buckley, Bob Dylan, and HAIM. Visit WSHSCOURIER.ORG on your phone or Chromebook to check us out. If you're interested in taking photos, interviewing, writing, or otherwise contributing to Schroeder Courier student news site, please see Mrs. Law in W4. No experience necessary.
> On Saturday, in the Far West Regional match-up between Section 6's Frontier (from Buffalo) and Webster Schroeder reppin' Section 5...the Warrior Girls Volleyball team came out on top. Since this was a Far West fusion, make sure your lap bar is locked and all loose items are secure: we are doing a Six Flags Darien Lake theme! Lina soared to new heights delivering punch after punch at record breaking speeds like the Ride of Steel. But the real threat was on the right side as Maddy B. proved she was The Predator of the match with sharp twists, turns, and drops. Elizabeth and Ava left the defense's Mind Erased and feet dangling with clever placements, topsy-turny hits, and massive blocks sure to cause headaches. Meanwhile, Erin, Maddie S, and Annabelle slid and slithered like Vipers across the floor, flipping upside down dig after dig. As always, the team's serving was tough and consistent, with the Warriors getting ball after ball back like a Boomerang. No Tantrums thrown here. The Warriors will travel to Glens Falls this weekend to participate in the State semifinals hopefully concluding with an appearance in the State Finals match. Way to go, girls! Your Schroeder community is proud!
November 9, 2023
> Schroeder has teamed up with Mt. Hope yet again to raise money to feed 20 Rochester area families Thanksgiving Dinner. Mt. Hope is a local organization that provides therapy to families who have been affected by trauma.
Please consider donating any amount (coins count too!) in person or to Lily R’s Venmo account shown on this screen. Maybe you don’t go to Dunkin or Starbucks or CoreLife tomorrow and instead Venmo Lily R. Cash or coins can also be brought to Mrs. Gefell in W9 at any time. We will be in the cafeteria all next week collecting as well.
The following Juniors and Seniors thank you in advance for considering other people’s needs above your own at the start of this Holiday Season. See anyone listed with questions or donations. Thank you, Warriors!
> Attention anyone using the sports lockers in either the girls and boys locker room: all items need to be removed by the end of school today. Lockers will be cleaned and new combos will be installed. Winter athletes please see your coach for your new locker assignment.
> Howdy, neighbors! Schroeder is celebrating World Kindness Day on Monday, November 13th. We can't wait to see your cardigan sweaters or the color blue in the spirit of Fred Rogers. Stop by the library to write a kindness note to a staff member or donate a canned good item for Hope House and receive a treat! A collection box is available in the Library. Most importantly, remember to choose kindness today and every day.
> The Model UN Club will be meeting on Monday, November 13 after school in Mrs. Tuyn's room, W6, to recap the Hilton Conference and begin to plan for the United Nations Association of Rochester Conference in March. See you there!
> Auditions for this year's Talent Showcase are now open, the following video explains how to audition.
> The Schroeder Girls Volleyball team will face off against Section Six's Frontier on Saturday, November 11th at 3pm at Victor High School in the Far West Regional match-up. The winner of this game will head to Glens Falls next weekend for a chance at a State title. To help build support for the girls, Coach Gomez called up an old friend...take a look:
November 8, 2023
> Best Buddies will be meeting after school on Tuesday, November 14th in W5! We will be making hand turkeys and enjoying some fall treats! We would love to have you there! All are welcome!
> Attention all boys interested in JV and Varsity Swimming & Diving:
Please join the coaches for an important informational meeting on the upcoming season today at 4pm in the Webster Aquatic Center. All new and returning team members should attend.
> Do you play drums, piano, guitar, or bass guitar? Have you ever wanted to be in a rock band? Come check out Webster's Percussion Theater! Any Webster student in grades 7-12 is welcome! There is an informational meeting in the Schroeder Band Room tonight at 7pm. Hope to see you there
> Schroeder has teamed up with Mt. Hope yet again to raise money to feed 20 Rochester area families Thanksgiving Dinner. Mt. Hope is a local organization that provides therapy to families who have been affected by trauma.
Please consider donating any amount (coins count too!) in person or to Lily R’s Venmo account shown on this screen. Maybe you don’t go to Dunkin or Starbucks or CoreLife tomorrow and instead Venmo Lily R. Cash or coins can also be brought to Mrs. Gefell in W9 at any time. We will be in the cafeteria all next week collecting as well.
The following Juniors and Seniors thank you in advance for considering other people’s needs above your own at the start of this Holiday Season. See anyone listed with questions or donations. Thank you, Warriors!
> Attention anyone using the sports lockers in either the girls and boys locker room: all items need to be removed by the end of school tomorrow, Thursday, November 9th. Lockers will be cleaned and new combos will be installed. Winter athletes please see your coach for your new locker assignment.
> Please note that the library will be closed after school today. Students should plan on riding home on their regular bus run.
> Attention boys basketball players: we will have our last open gym of the off-season today from 6 to 7:30pm in the Schroeder Gym. The first day of tryouts for JV and Varsity will be this coming Monday from 6 to 8pm. You will need to be registered on Family ID to participate.
> Although States might be in a fortnight, last night the Girls Volleyball team took the battle bus and dropped in on Gates-Chili High School to play Irondequoit in a Regional Qualifier match. The storm was shrinking during the first set, as Irondequoit took the high ground and went up 13-8, but the Warriors are no noobs, and secured the dub in three straight sets. Lina's lasers left the Irondequoit defense cracked and turtling. Meanwhile, Ava G's deep shots and tips should be vaulted for being too OP. No need for the Big Pot shield potions on our side of the net, however. The collective defense of Erin, Maddie S, and Annabelle ensured that we stayed protected. It may have seemed that Sarah had the aimbot turned on, but nope...she's just that clutch. Great job, Warriors! And best of luck on Saturday at 3pm in Victor against Frontier in Regionals!
November, 7 2023
Attention all boys interested in JV and Varsity Swimming & Diving:
Please join the coaches for an important informational meeting on the upcoming season tomorrow, Wednesday, November 8th at 4pm in the Webster Aquatic Center. All new and returning team members should attend.
> Do you play drums, piano, guitar, or bass guitar? Have you ever wanted to be in a rock band? Come check out Webster's Percussion Theater! Any Webster student in grades 7-12 is welcome! There is an informational meeting in the Schroeder Band Room tomorrow, Wednesday, at 7pm. Hope to see you there
> Schroeder has teamed up with Mt. Hope yet again to raise money to feed 20 Rochester area families Thanksgiving Dinner. Mt. Hope is a local organization that provides therapy to families who have been affected by trauma.
Please consider donating any amount (coins count too!) in person or to Lily R’s Venmo account shown on this screen. Maybe you don’t go to Dunkin or Starbucks or CoreLife tomorrow and instead Venmo Lily R. Cash or coins can also be brought to Mrs. Gefell in W9 at any time. We will be in the cafeteria all next week collecting as well.
The following Juniors and Seniors thank you in advance for considering other people’s needs above your own at the start of this Holiday Season. See anyone listed with questions or donations. Thank you, Warriors!
> Attention anyone using the sports lockers in either the girls and boys locker room: all items need to be removed by the end of school this Thursday, November 9th. Lockers will be cleaned and new combos will be installed. Winter athletes please see your coach for your new locker assignment.
> The Unified Bowling team completed their season yesterday with a great match against Webster Thomas. Felix C., Jacey B., Kate B., Heaven B., Mia F., and Alexis M. helped the Warriors with strong games! This team had a lot of fun together and made Schroeder proud.
> Auditions for this year's Talent Showcase are now open, the following video explains how to audition.
> The Schroeder Girls volleyball team hits the road tonight for a Regional Qualifier match against Irondequoit at Gates-Chili High School at 6pm. To ensure maximum Warrior support for these awesome girls, here is a hypey hype video...
November 6, 2023
> Best Buddies will be meeting after school on Tuesday, November 14th in W5! We will be making hand turkeys and enjoying some fall treats! We would love to have you there! All are welcome!
> There is an informational basketball meeting for any girl in grades 9-12 who is interested in trying out for basketball this season after school today at 3:45 in the cafeteria.
> Attention all boys interested in JV and Varsity Swimming & Diving:
Please join the coaches for an important informational meeting on the upcoming season on Wednesday, November 8th at 4pm in the Webster Aquatic Center. All new and returning team members should attend.
> Attention all boy and girl athletes interested in joining the Indoor Track team: the preseason meeting is in the cafeteria tomorrow from 3:30-4:15. Our first practice will be Monday, November 13th, so make sure you are registered in Family ID and you join the Google Classroom. Please see Coach Klehr in room NW1 if you have any questions or cannot make the meeting.
> Congratulations to the Penfield-Webster Varsity gymnasts on being Sectional Champs! They received their highest score of the season: a 138.05.
The All county Award winners are:
All-around - Avery P
Vault - Stephanie G
Congratulations to Kailey M on winning the Section V Coach’s award!
A special congratulations to:
*Vault Champion Stephanie G (9.3), 3rd place Avery P (9.1)
*Uneven Bars Champion Avery P (8.95), 6th place Stephanie G (8.35), 8th place Kailey M (8.15)
*Balance Beam, 2nd place Avery P (9.1), 7th place Stephanie G (8.75)
*Floor, 2nd place Avery P (9.5)
*All-Around Champion Avery P (36.65), 3rd place Stephanie G (35.45)
Avery P and Stephanie G will be representing
the Section V State Team in the all-around!
We will miss our awesome seniors,
Kailey M and Nica S.
A successful and memorable season!
> Friday the Unified Bowling team competed against Penfield. Alexa P., Will B., Josh N., Emily S., Cece T., and Aviana P. had strong games on the lanes! Their last match is today at Bowlero versus Webster Thomas at 4pm. You are invited to come and experience the fun!
> Do you play drums, piano, guitar, or bass guitar? Have you ever wanted to be in a rock band? Come check out Webster's Percussion Theater! Any Webster student in grades 7-12 is welcome! There is an informational meeting in the Schroeder Band Room on Wednesday at 7pm. Hope to see you there
> The Schroeder Model UN Club hit a first this weekend when one of our student-delegates was chosen to serve on the Secretariat for the upcoming conference at St. John FIsher in March. The Secretariat are six students who plan and run the two-day conference. When you see Brayden P today, please congratulate him!!
> No puns, no rhymes, no tongue-twisters, no jokes. Just the facts this time. On Saturday, the Schroeder Girls Volleyball team was crowned Section Five Class Double A One Champions. Before the match, the team was presented the Sportsmanship Award and Coach DeWitte was honored with Coach of the Year. The Warriors had a dominating performance in set one, but Penfield took the lead, winning the next two sets. The Warriors showed incredible composure, resilience, and teamwork by sticking together and winning in set 5. Lina had 15 kills, with Maddy B adding 5 more. Erin M had 22 digs, and Maddie S had an astonishing 27 digs. Sarah F. ran the offense with 24 assists. After the match, Erin and Lina were awarded Section V All-Star status and sophomore Maddie S. was awarded Most Valuable Player. The girls are now 17-1 in this campaign and will play Irondequoit tomorrow night in a crossover match for a chance at Regionals. There really isn't a more deserving group of girls. Congratulations to the entire team!
November 3, 2023
> Best Buddies will be meeting after school on Tuesday, November 14th in W5! We will be making hand turkeys and enjoying some fall treats! We would love to have you there! All are welcome!
> Schroeder Courier, our student news site, has added three photo galleries and new student interviews. Whether you're looking to celebrate spooky season or get nostalgic for this year's pep rally, the Courier has something for everyone.
Visit WSHSCOURIER.ORG to view dozens of photos from this year's pep rally, photographed by Nora B., Class of 2024. Can you find yourself in the sea of faces? Our favorite Class of 2026 interviewees Dexter and Bailey are back with interview vids featuring Zach and Kyle. Check out their new and old vids on their dedicated YouTube playlist. Did you know that Jack the Ripper could be buried right here in Rochester among the graves of many famous early 20th century celebrities? Check out Bronson M., Class of 2024's photo gallery of famous graves at Holy Sepulchre Cemetery to find out who and where! Over 250 students here at Schroeder took the Red Ribbon pledge this week at lunch. View our photo recap of Tuesday's festivities in the cafeteria. Lastly, be sure to queue up DJ Avalon's (Class of 2024) newest fall playlist featuring tunes from Taylor Swift, Duran Duran, The Cure, and Sinatra! Don't forget to follow us on Instagram @wshscourier!
> There is an informational basketball meeting for any girl in grades 9-12 who is interested in trying out for basketball this season on Monday, November 6th at 3:45 in the cafeteria.
> Attention all boys interested in JV and Varsity Swimming & Diving:
Please join the coaches for an important informational meeting on the upcoming season on Wednesday, November 8th at 4pm in the Webster Aquatic Center. All new and returning team members should attend.
> The National Art Honor Society will be meeting next Tuesday morning, November 7th at 8:10am in Mrs. Zaleski's room, E12. We can't wait to see you!
> Hey Schroeder, do you have nothing to do after school next Tuesday afternoon? Well then come hang out in W19. The Schroeder Social club will be meeting to hang out and discuss plans for a Friendsgiving Event. There will be snacks. Come join us, and have a great time!
> Congratulations to the following students for being this week’s recipients of Principal’s Recognition:
Please stop down to the main office between 1st and 2nd period.
Paul B. ~ Class of 2027
Jacob C. ~ Class of 2027
Ethan D. ~ Class of 2025
Sara H. ~ Class of 2024
Charlotte H. ~ Class of 2024
Angel Q. ~ Class of 2025
James L. ~ Class of 2026
Zachary S. ~ Class of 2026
Yaroslav S. ~ Class of 2024
Zela W. ~ Class of 2025
Justin W. ~ Class of 2026
Dimitriy Y. ~ Class of 2027
> The Girls Volleyball team will play in the Section Five Class Double A One Finals match against Penfield tomorrow at 3pm at Victor High School. Your 16 and 1 Warriors have been working hard to bring that brick home to Schroeder. These ladies, especially our seniors, deserve your support. Come on out and cheer them on! Now over to the hypest of hype videos.
November 2, 2023
> Attention all boy and girl athletes interested in joining the Indoor Track team: the preseason meeting is in the cafeteria on Tuesday, November 7th from 3:30-4:15. Our 1st practice will be Monday, November 13th, so make sure you are registered in Family ID. Please see Coach Klehr in room NW1 if you have any questions or cannot make the meeting.
> Attention Key Club members: We will meet in the Library Classroom today after school.
> There is an informational basketball meeting for any girl in grades 9-12 who is interested in trying out for basketball this season on Monday, November 6th at 3:45 in the cafeteria.
> Who needs the Panera Sip Club when the Schroeder Girls Volleyball team keeps quenching our thirst for victory!? The girls defeated Mercy last night in three straight sets in the Section Five semifinal match up, improving their winning streak to 16 consecutive games and proving they are hotter than a bowl of creamy tomato soup. Just like digging into that delicious mac & cheese, Maddie S. dug Mercy 17 times, with Erin and Lina adding 8 more digs each. No Caesar salad, but Lina seized her moment and had a solid 20 kills, Ava G had 6 kills, and let's not baguette Elizabeth's 5 kills. Sarah F. skipped right over the "you pick two" option and decided to pick the whole team, giving out 31 assists. Erin and Annabelle brought the smokehouse bbq with 4 aces each. So yes, the girls are all that and a bag of chips. The Warriors will face Penfield in the Sectional Finals on Saturday at 3pm in Victor. Come support a charged up team!
November 1, 2023
> Best Buddies will be meeting after school on Tuesday, November 14th in W5! We will be making hand turkeys and enjoying some fall treats! We would love to have you there! All are welcome!
> Attention all boy and girl athletes interested in joining the Indoor Track team: the preseason meeting is in the cafeteria on Tuesday, November 7th from 3:30-4:15. Our 1st practice will be Monday, November 13th, so make sure you are registered in Family ID. Please see Coach Klehr in room NW1 if you have any questions or cannot make the meeting.
> Schroeder Courier, our student news site, has added three photo galleries and new student interviews. Whether you're looking to celebrate spooky season or get nostalgic for this year's pep rally, the Courier has something for everyone.
Visit WSHSCOURIER.ORG to view dozens of photos from this year's pep rally, photographed by Nora B., Class of 2024. Can you find yourself in the sea of faces? Our favorite Class of 2026 interviewees Dexter and Bailey are back with interview vids featuring Zach and Kyle. Check out their new and old vids on their dedicated YouTube playlist. Did you know that Jack the Ripper could be buried right here in Rochester among the graves of many famous early 20th century celebrities? Check out Bronson M., Class of 2024's photo gallery of famous graves at Holy Sepulchre Cemetery to find out who and where! Over 250 students here at Schroeder took the Red Ribbon pledge this week at lunch. View our photo recap of Tuesday's festivities in the cafeteria. Lastly, be sure to queue up DJ Avalon's (Class of 2024) newest fall playlist featuring tunes from Taylor Swift, Duran Duran, The Cure, and Sinatra! Don't forget to follow us on Instagram @wshscourier!
> Attention Key Club members: We will meet in the Library Classroom tomorrow, Thursday, November 2nd.
> There is an informational basketball meeting for any girl in grades 9-12 who is interested in trying out for basketball this season on Monday, November 6th at 3:45 in the cafeteria.
> And now over to a Girl’s Volleyball Semifinals Video
October 31, 2023
> SAGE will be holding a Halloween gathering after school today in B2. Costumes are not required. We will be watching a Halloween-themed movie and there will be snacks. We hope to see you there!
> Attention all boy and girl athletes interested in joining the Indoor Track team: the preseason meeting is in the cafeteria on Tuesday, November 7th from 3:30-4:15. Our 1st practice will be Monday, November 13th, so make sure you are registered in Family ID. Please see Coach Klehr in room NW1 if you have any questions or cannot make the meeting.
> Attention Key Club members: We will meet in the Library Classroom Thursday, November 2nd.
> The Schroeder Unified Bowling Team competed yesterday at Bowlero. There were lots of strikes and spares as the Warriors piled up the pin count! Isaac C., Angie B., Ryker S., Adryann D., and Kiera B. lead the way for the Warriors. Come out to Bowlero Friday to cheer on these fun athletes!
> Webster Boys Volleyball advanced to Saturday's Section Five final with a straight set victory over Penfield last night. Joey P led the Lakers' attack with 13 kills, supplemented by Gavin T and Evan C collecting 10 and 8 kills, respectively. Defensively, Bodey G was brilliant with 13 digs and a team-leading serve-receive efficiency, while Ryan W and Gavin T roofed thee blocks apiece. Nick A continued his distribution "reign of terror" with 36 assists to quarterback the offense. The Section Five Championship will be played this Saturday at Finger Lakes Community College, tipping off at 8:00.
> There is an informational basketball meeting for any girl in grades 9-12 who is interested in trying out for basketball this season on Monday, November 6th at 3:45 in the cafeteria.
October 30, 2023
> SAGE will be holding a Halloween gathering on Tuesday after school in B2. Costumes are not required. We will be watching a Halloween-themed movie and there will be snacks. We hope to see you there!
> Best Buddies will be meeting after school on Tuesday, November 14th in W5! We will be making hand turkeys and enjoying some fall treats! We would love to have you there! All are welcome!
> On Saturday, October 28 nearly 100 students from across the US gathered at Cornell University to participate in the inaugural Big Red Math Competition. Jessica F, Jacqueline H and Ahmed M competed in a proof round, an individual round and a team round during the day, as well as hearing information about admissions. Jacqueline H earned 5th place overall!
> Congratulations to the Webster Schroeder Freshman football team, who defeated the Victor Blue Devils on Saturday by the score of 28 to 0. Touchdowns were scored by Jaden T, Max T, Alex R, and Aiden L. The Warriors finished the season with a record of 7-1.
> Schroeder Courier, our student news site, has added three photo galleries and new student interviews. Whether you're looking to celebrate spooky season or get nostalgic for this year's pep rally, the Courier has something for everyone.
Visit WSHSCOURIER.ORG to view dozens of photos from this year's pep rally, photographed by Nora B., Class of 2024. Can you find yourself in the sea of faces? Our favorite Class of 2026 interviewees Dexter and Bailey are back with interview vids featuring Zach and Kyle. Check out their new and old vids on their dedicated YouTube playlist. Did you know that Jack the Ripper could be buried right here in Rochester among the graves of many famous early 20th century celebrities? Check out Bronson M., Class of 2024's photo gallery of famous graves at Holy Sepulchre Cemetery to find out who and where! Over 250 students here at Schroeder took the Red Ribbon pledge this week at lunch. View our photo recap of Tuesday's festivities in the cafeteria. Lastly, be sure to queue up DJ Avalon's (Class of 2024) newest fall playlist featuring tunes from Taylor Swift, Duran Duran, The Cure, and Sinatra! Don't forget to follow us on Instagram @wshscourier!
> The Girls Soccer team lost to Spencerport in the Class AA Sectional Finals Saturday night by a score of three to zero. The soccer team finished with a record of 17-3.
> Is there a staff member at Schroeder that makes your day a little better? If you have someone in mind, consider filling out the Staff Recognition Form found on your class' Google Classroom. Each month, two staff members are selected and get premium parking for their dedication to making Schroeder a great place!
> Speech & Debate Team Soars!
Schroeder not only hosted the opening tournament of the 23-24 season Saturday, but we won every event we entered and won them all with first places
Our outstanding speakers & debaters were:
Sam O. - 1st place in Dramatic Performance
Lily L. & Orion Z. - 1st in Duo Interpretation
Noah J. - 1st in Varsity Extemporaneous Speaking
Megan F. - 2nd in Varsity Extemp
Matthew G. - 1st in Original Oratory
Tristan B. & Roman P. - 1st in Varsity Public Forum Debate
Congratulations on doing the improbable - 1st place all the way with the highest possible team score!
> The Speech and Debate team meeting has been moved to Tuesday after school. Again, no meeting on Monday. The Speech & Debate Team will meet Tuesday.
> "Are you ready for it", Schroeder?
Brighton "knew they were in trouble" on Saturday as they faced Schroeder Girls Volleyball in a quarterfinals match up that "hit different." The girls are living out their "wildest dreams" as they won in three straight sets, leaving Brighton with some "blank space," but hopefully no "bad blood." Schroeder is not "out of the woods" yet, as they face Mercy on Wednesday night in a semifinal matchup.
Lina said "look what you made me do" as she racked up 13 kills. Elizabeth said "you need to calm down" block after block. Sarah F. was looking for some good "karma" handing out 23 assists, and I "don't know about you, but I'm feeling over 22" combined digs from Maddie S. and Erin.
Congrats on a swift start to sectionals, girls!
> As you plan your costumes for tomorrow, we want to provide a few reminders that will keep the day safe and fun. Your costume should not cover your entire face, nor should it include realistic weapons. Please do not bring in items that you would ride on, including, but not limited to roller skates, skateboards, and scooters.
Cultures are not costumes.
Finally, please make sure that your costume is culturally sensitive. While you might choose to dress as a famous person or character whose identity is different from your own, please do not darken your skin or use embellishments that reinforce stereotypes. Some examples of costumes that can be problematic include: Native American costumes involving headdresses or feathers, dressing as a homeless person, dressing as a person with any physical or mental disability, or dressing in any costume that portrays a narrow or negative stereotype about a specific ethnicity, religion or race. If you have a question about your costume, you can ask one of us, or your administrator.
October 27, 2023
> Halloween is just around the corner, and to celebrate and give back to the community, Schroeder's National Honors Society is holding a "Trunk-or-Treat" event on Sunday, October 29th from 5:00pm-7:00pm in the GOAL parking lot! Spread the word! Anyone in the community is welcome! On top of this amazing event, NHS will also be accepting donations for the Pirate Toy Drive! Make sure to bring new toys! NHS will be accepting donations throughout this holiday season, not just at "Trunk-or- Treat!" If you have any questions, stop by Mrs. Hall's (w223) or Mrs. O'Connor's room (w224)! We hope to see you there!
> Webster Boys Volleyball advanced to Monday's Section V semifinals with a straight set victory over Edison Tech last night. Webster's balanced play included 5 kills and 10 digs from Peter S, with 5 kills also recorded by Nate W. Cal L, Gavin T, and Davids V pounded 4 kills each, distributed by setter Carter C. Boys volleyball semifinals will take place down the road at Wayne Central High School, 5:00pm on Monday against a very tough Penfield squad. Hope to see you there.
> Schroeder Courier, our student news site, has added three photo galleries this week. Whether you're looking to celebrate spooky season or get nostalgic for this year's pep rally, the Courier has something for everyone.
Visit WSHSCOURIER.ORG to view dozens of photos from this year's pep rally, photographed by Nora B., Class of 2024. Can you find yourself in the sea of faces? Did you know that Jack the Ripper could be buried right here in Rochester among the graves of many famous early 20th century celebrities? Check out Bronson M., Class of 2024's photo gallery of famous graves at Holy Sepulchre Cemetery to find out who and where! Over 250 students here at Schroeder took the Red Ribbon pledge this week at lunch. View our photo recap of Tuesday's festivities in the cafeteria. Lastly, be sure to queue up DJ Avalon's (Class of 2024) newest fall playlist featuring tunes from Taylor Swift, Duran Duran, The Cure, and Sinatra! Don't forget to follow us on Instagram @wshscourier!
> Congratulations to the following students for being this week’s recipients of Principal’s Recognition:
Please stop down to the main office between 1st and 2nd period.
Devon A. ~ Class of 2027
Faith B. ~ Class of 2025
Liam C. ~ Class of 2025
Trent D. ~ Class of 2026
Jenna D. ~ Class of 2026
Mason D. ~ Class of 2024
Madeline F. ~ Class of 2026
Ava G. ~ Class of 2024
K’Loni J. ~ Class of 2026
Gabby T. ~ Class of 2026
Malayna V. ~ Class of 2024
Brynn Z. ~ Class of 2026
> Now over to "run-through-a-wall," "make-the-hair-on-your-arms-stand-up" Girls Volleyball Sectionals hype video...
October 26, 2023
> Community Service Club is hosting their first meeting today in W6 after school! Stop by for some apple cider and donuts and also to find out about amazing opportunities to give back to your community. We will be doing get-to-know-you activities and discussing some of the ideas for this year!
> Halloween is just around the corner, and to celebrate and give back to the community, Schroeder's National Honors Society is holding a "Trunk-or-Treat" event on Sunday, October 29th from 5:00pm-7:00pm in the GOAL parking lot! Spread the word! Anyone in the community is welcome! On top of this amazing event, NHS will also be accepting donations for the Pirate Toy Drive! Make sure to bring new toys! NHS will be accepting donations throughout this holiday season, not just at "Trunk-or- Treat!" If you have any questions, stop by Mrs. Hall's (w223) or Mrs. O'Connor's room (w224)! We hope to see you there!
> The library will be closed all day today to host the Student Leadership Summit. If you are not participating in the summit, please plan on staying in your study hall during your free periods.
> Interested in playing Girls Varsity Ice Hockey!? If you are interested in being a part of the first Girls Hockey team in all of Section 5 please attend this informational meeting to introduce yourself and learn more about it! An informational meeting is being held today at 4:00pm in the Schroeder Library. Also if you have not already done so, please register on Family ID. If you have any questions please reach out to Coach Watrous over email or feel free to stop by W210.
> Interested in playing D & D this year? Come to an informational meeting today after school in Mr. Peck's room, W8 to learn more about it.
> The Girls Soccer team defeated Webster Thomas two nothing in the Class Double A Sectional Semifinals. Scoring for Schroeder was Emma R and Madi A. Ellie O had the win in goal. The Warriors advance to the Sectional Finals vs Spencerport at 5pm Saturday at Canandaigua High School.
October 25, 2023
> Community Service Club is hosting their first meeting tomorrow, Thursday, October 26th in W6 after school! Stop by for some apple cider and donuts and also to find out about amazing opportunities to give back to your community. We will be doing get-to-know-you activities and discussing some of the ideas for this year!
> Halloween is just around the corner, and to celebrate and give back to the community, Schroeder's National Honors Society is holding a "Trunk-or-Treat" event on Sunday, October 29th from 5:00pm-7:00pm in the GOAL parking lot! Spread the word! Anyone in the community is welcome! On top of this amazing event, NHS will also be accepting donations for the Pirate Toy Drive! Make sure to bring new toys! NHS will be accepting donations throughout this holiday season, not just at "Trunk-or- Treat!" If you have any questions, stop by Mrs. Hall's (w223) or Mrs. O'Connor's room (w224)! We hope to see you there!
Now over to
> The next Women in STEM meeting is today after school in room E21. Hope to see you there!
> The library will be closed all day tomorrow, Thursday, October 26 to host the Student Leadership Summit. If you are not participating in the summit, please plan on staying in your study hall during your free periods.
> Interested in playing Girls Varsity Ice Hockey!? If you are interested in being a part of the first Girls Hockey team in all of Section 5 please attend this informational meeting to introduce yourself and learn more about it! An informational meeting is being held tomorrow, Thursday, October 26 at 4:00pm in the Schroeder Library. Also if you have not already done so, please register on Family ID. If you have any questions please reach out to Coach Watrous over email or feel free to stop by W210.
Now over to
> There will be a Science Olympiad meeting in room SW5 today at 3:30pm. Please plan on attending, new members welcomed.
> Congratulations to the Webster Schroeder Freshman football team, who defeated Canandaigua Academy by the score of 46-19. The team improves to 6-1 on the season. Touchdowns were scored by Max T, Casey P, Jaden T and Jackson H scored three touchdowns!
The Freshman Football Team wraps up gameplay Saturday at Victor.
> Interested in playing D & D this year? Come to an informational meeting this Thursday after school in Mr. Peck's room, W8 to learn more about it.
october 24, 2023
> Are you interested in joining a winter sport? Come out for the Cross-Country Ski Team. No cuts, no experience necessary to be on the team. There will be an informational meeting held after school today at 3:30 in room E10.
> There will be an informational meeting for any student-athlete interested in joining the Webster Downhill Ski team this year after school at 3:30pm in room E31 across from the Athletic Office. New members with a skiing background are encouraged to join. No race experience necessary. If you are unable to attend the meeting please contact Coach Francis for more information.
> Community Service Club is hosting their first meeting on Thursday, October 26th in W6 after school! Stop by for some apple cider and donuts and also to find out about amazing opportunities to give back to your community. We will be doing get-to-know-you activities and discussing some of the ideas for this year!
> Interested in trying out for one of our Boys Basketball Teams?
Monday, October 30th at 3:30 in the cafeteria, the boys basketball program will hold an in-person informational meeting for students interested in trying out for either Mod A, JV, or Varsity basketball.
> Halloween is just around the corner, and to celebrate and give back to the community, Schroeder's National Honors Society is holding a "Trunk-or-Treat" event on Sunday, October 29th from 5:00pm-7:00pm in the GOAL parking lot! Spread the word! Anyone in the community is welcome! On top of this amazing event, NHS will also be accepting donations for the Pirate Toy Drive! Make sure to bring new toys! NHS will be accepting donations throughout this holiday season, not just at "Trunk-or- Treat!" If you have any questions, stop by Mrs. Hall's (w223) or Mrs. O'Connor's room (w224)! We hope to see you there!
> The next Women in STEM meeting is tomorrow after school in room E21. Hope to see you there!
> The library will be closed all day this Thursday, October 26 to host the Student Leadership Summit. If you are not participating in the summit, please plan on staying in your study hall during your free periods.
> The Schroeder Unified Bowling Team competed in their first match yesterday. There was lots of cheering and pins being knocked down! Shane W., Johnny M., Abby W., Owen A. and Josh N. lead the way for the Warriors. Come out to Bowlero Friday to cheer on these fun athletes!
> Interested in playing Girls Varsity Ice Hockey!? If you are interested in being a part of the first Girls Hockey team in all of Section 5 please attend this informational meeting to introduce yourself and learn more about it! An informational meeting is being held on Thursday, October 26 at 4:00pm in the Schroeder Library. Also if you have not already done so, please register on Family ID. If you have any questions please reach out to Coach Watrous over email or feel free to stop by W210.
> Don't forget to celebrate red ribbon week today! Check out the front entrance and the senior courtyard to write a positive message, play games during lunch, spin the wheel to get a piece of candy or write your name on a ribbon to be drug free.
October 23, 2023
> Are you interested in joining a winter sport? Come out for the Cross-Country Ski Team. No cuts, no experience necessary to be on the team. There will be an informational meeting held tomorrow, Tuesday, October 24th at 3:30 in room E10.
> Attention all Warriors: Red Ribbon Week is coming up! Celebrate life! Live drug free. Show your support for the cause by wearing red tomorrow, Tuesday, October 24th and look for ways to get involved during lunches!
> There will be an informational meeting for any student-athlete interested in joining the Webster Downhill Ski team this year tomorrow, Tuesday, October 24th at 3:30 in room E31 across from the Athletic Office. New members with a skiing background are encouraged to join. No race experience necessary. If you are unable to attend the meeting please contact Coach Francis for more information.
> Community Service Club is hosting their first meeting on Thursday, October 26th in W6 after school! Stop by for some apple cider and donuts and also to find out about amazing opportunities to give back to your community. We will be doing “get-to-know-you” activities and discussing some of the ideas for this year!
> Attention Model UN Club members: Our final meeting before the Hilton Conference on November 3rd will be today after school, in Mrs. Tuyn's room, W6. It is important for new delegates to attend this meeting so we can go over procedures during the conference. Please let either Mrs. O'Brien or Mrs. Tuyn know if you cannot attend this meeting.
> Interested in trying out for one of our Boys Basketball Teams?
Monday, October 30th at 3:30 in the cafeteria, the boys basketball program will hold an in-person informational meeting for students interested in trying out for either Mod A, JV, or Varsity basketball.
> Halloween is just around the corner, and to celebrate and give back to the community, Schroeder's National Honors Society is holding a "Trunk-or-Treat" event on Sunday, October 29th from 5:00pm-7:00pm in the GOAL parking lot! Spread the word! Anyone in the community is welcome! On top of this amazing event, NHS will also be accepting donations for the Pirate Toy Drive! Make sure to bring new toys! NHS will be accepting donations throughout this holiday season, not just at "Trunk-or- Treat!" If you have any questions, stop by Mrs. Hall's (w223) or Mrs. O'Connor's room (w224)! We hope to see you there!
> The Girls Soccer team defeated Greece Athena in the sudden victory overtime Saturday night to advance to the Class AA semifinals this Wednesday vs Webster Thomas. Leah M scored the game winner off an assist from Maddie P. Ellie O, Jocelyn G, Shannon K, Maddie A, Eva P, Gia C along with Maddie P had their best games of the season in limiting Athena to their one goal.
Good morning Warriors,
Happy, sunny Monday.
Each year, as a building, we set goals to achieve. For the second year in a row, we are working on the concepts of belonging; along with interrupting and replacing practices that have a negative impact with more productive practices.
Many of you are aware that hate exists in our world. A recent example is that of the Israel-Hamas war. Here at Schroeder we support ending hate. Whether it’s a global, national, or local event, we are all humans and work better together. We are looking to do our part with supportive practices to end hate.
If you would like to join other students and staff in support of ending hate and choosing love, please join us in the library cafe after school tomorrow, Tuesday. The overall work will be that of a humanitarian approach, specific to the Israel-Hamas War, however we welcome everyone who supports ending hate. If you cannot attend, but would like to join us in the future, stop in the main office and let us know who you are. I hope to see you there!
Impact someone positively today…say hello with a smile.
October 20, 2023
> Are you interested in joining a winter sport? Come out for the Cross-Country Ski Team. No cuts, no experience necessary to be on the team. There will be an informational meeting held on Tuesday, October 24th at 3:30 in room E10.
> Attention all Warriors: Red Ribbon Week is coming up! Celebrate life! Live drug free. Show your support for the cause by wearing red on Tuesday, October 24th and look for ways to get involved during lunches!
> There will be an informational meeting for any student-athlete interested in joining the Webster Downhill Ski team this year on Tuesday, October 24th at 3:30 in room E31 across from the Athletic Office. New members with a skiing background are encouraged to join. No race experience necessary. If you are unable to attend the meeting please contact Coach Francis for more information.
> Attention current wrestlers or those who are interested in learning about the sport and getting ready for the season: Open Mats for wrestling begins this week on Tuesday and Thursday after school in room E36 and will continue for the next 4 weeks. Room E36 will be open from 3:15 - 4:30 on Tuesdays and Thursdays and athletes may take the late bus home after.
Please see Coach C with any questions.
> Community Service Club is hosting their first meeting on Thursday, October 26th in W6 after school! Stop by for some apple cider and donuts and also to find out about amazing opportunities to give back to your community. We will be doing get-to-know-you activities and discussing some of the ideas for this year!
> Attention Model UN Club members: Our final meeting before the Hilton Conference on November 3rd will be Monday, October 23, after school, in Mrs. Tuyn's room, W6. It is important for new delegates to attend this meeting so we can go over procedures during the conference. Please let either Mrs. O'Brien or Mrs. Tuyn know if you cannot attend this meeting.
> Congratulations to the Freshman Football Team who beat Greece Olympia 32-6 on Tuesday evening. Touchdowns were scored by Alex R, Jackson H, and Max T. The 5-1 Warriors take on the Canandaigua Braves Tuesday at Home.
> Schroeder's Math League competed in the first competition of the year on Thursday, October 19th. Our gold team earned a perfect score during the team round. Jacqueline H earned a perfect score in the individual rounds. Twelve members competed and contributed to the team's success! Twenty-five schools participated county-wide, with fourteen schools in division 1 with Schroeder. Schroeder placed above the 50th percentile in division 1 and scored above all schools in division 2.
> Do you like watching scary movies? With friends? Well then you're in luck! Tonight, The Schroeder Social Club is sponsoring a free, scary movie night open to all Schroeder students and staff. The weather is calling for rain, so it looks like we'll be watching it in the Auditorium. Thank you to everyone who has voted so far! The poll to vote on which movie to show will be open in your Google Classrooms until the end of 5th period. We will announce what movie is showing at the end of the day.
Some things to know if you plan on joining us:
Doors will open at 7:30, and the movie will start at 8.
The movie is open to Schroeder students and staff only, so bring your ID for quick entry.
The concession stand by the gym will be open to purchase snacks. Or...
You can bring your own snacks, but they must be pre-packaged and un-open.
and lastly only water will be allowed in the auditorium for drinks.
So, if you have no other plans tonight, come join us, and let's have a spooky good time Warriors!
> Not trying to make the Schroeder Girls Volleyball team blush, but last night they took the bus out to Rush and crushed! Every touch and every ball they got back up, left the home fans in a hush. Annabelle's serving was tough, Elizabeth's presence at the net was just too much, and Maddie S was coming up clutch. The girls had Warrior fans saying, "Yeah, that's the stuff!" Plus, the Warriors end their regular season 14-1 and Section 5 is abuzz...so thanks Schroeder for rocking with us!
> Congratulations to the following students for being this week’s recipients of Principal’s Recognition:
Please stop down to the main office between 1st and 2nd period.
Tristan B. ~ Class of 2024
Charlie B. ~ Class of 2025
Brandon K. ~ Class of 2024
Katie K. ~ Class of 2025
Sydney L. ~ Class of 2024
Chelsea P. ~ Class of 2024
Noah P. ~ Class of 2025
Lily R. ~ Class of 2024
October 19, 2023
> Attention all Warriors: Red Ribbon Week is coming up! Celebrate life! Live drug free. Show your support for the cause by wearing red on Tuesday, October 24th and look for ways to get involved during lunches!
> There will be a Future Business Leaders of America meeting after school today at 3:20pm in Room W14. All business students are welcome to attend.
> Do you like watching scary movies? With friends? Outdoors? Well then you're in luck! Tomorrow, The Schroeder Social Club is sponsoring a free, scary movie night open to all Schroeder students and staff. Join our Google Classroom, or go to your grade's Google Classroom, and fill out the form to submit your choice for which movie to show. Weather permitting we'll be watching it on the Jumbotron in the stadium. Weather not permitting, it will be in the auditorium. Either way it's sure to be fun, so come join us Friday night, and let's have a spooky good time, Warriors!
> There will be an informational meeting for any student-athlete interested in joining the Webster Downhill Ski team this year on Tuesday, October 24th at 3:30 in room E31 across from the Athletic Office. New members with a skiing background are encouraged to join. No race experience necessary. If you are unable to attend the meeting please contact Coach Francis for more information.
> Attention current wrestlers or those who are interested in learning about the sport and getting ready for the season: Open Mats for wrestling begins this week on Tuesday and Thursday after school in room E36 and will continue for the next 4 weeks. Room E36 will be open from 3:15 - 4:30 on Tuesdays and Thursdays and athletes may take the late bus home after.
Please see Coach C with any questions.
> Community Service Club is hosting their first meeting on Thursday, October 26th in W6 after school! Stop by for some apple cider and donuts and also to find out about amazing opportunities to give back to your community. We will be doing get-to-know-you activities and discussing some of the ideas for this year!
> Attention current NHS members: we have a meeting today right after school in the Library Classroom.
We will be reviewing important dates, requirements and expectations for graduation cords, and NHS sponsored events coming up (Trunk or Treat, Veterans' Day Cards, Pirate Toy Fund, etc.) Hope to see you there!
> Attention Model UN Club members: Our final meeting before the Hilton Conference on November 3rd will be Monday, October 23, after school, in Mrs. Tuyn's room, W6. It is important for new delegates to attend this meeting so we can go over procedures during the conference. Please let either Mrs. O'Brien or Mrs. Tuyn know if you cannot attend this meeting.
> The Girls Varsity Soccer team defeated Gates-Chili in a first round sectional game 2-1. Scoring for Schroeder was Sasha Z and Morgant T. Alyssa D and Morgan T also had assists. Ellie O had the win in goal. The next game is Saturday vs Greece Athena at 6:30pm.
> Webster Boys Volleyball swept a powerful Victor squad in three straight sets last night. Evan C powered down 10 kills to lead the Lakers while also contributing 6 digs. Nate Z hammered 6 kills to go with 6 digs, and Joey P continued his intimidating attack with 7 floor-denting kills. Bodey G championed the defense with ten digs as Nick A distributed 30 assists. The Lakers celebrate Senior Night tomorrow when they host Brighton....come out to the Schroeder gym to celebrate this special group at 7:30 on Friday.
October 18, 2023
> Are you interested in joining a winter sport? Come out for the Cross-Country Ski Team. No cuts, no experience necessary to be on the team. There will be an informational meeting held on Tuesday, October 24th at 3:30 in room E10.
> Attention all Warriors: Red Ribbon Week is coming up! Celebrate life! Live drug free. Show your support for the cause by wearing red on Tuesday, October 24th and look for ways to get involved during lunches!
> There will be a Future Business Leaders of America meeting tomorrow, Thursday, October 19 at 3:20pm in Room W14. All business students are welcome to attend.
> Do you like watching scary movies? With friends? Outdoors? Well then you're in luck! This Friday, The Schroeder Social Club is sponsoring a free, scary movie night open to all Schroeder students and staff. Join our Google Classroom, or go to your grade's Google Classroom, and fill out the form to submit your choice for which movie to show. Weather permitting we'll be watching it on the Jumbotron in the stadium. Weather not permitting, it will be in the auditorium. Either way it's sure to be fun, so come join us Friday night, and let's have a spooky good time, Warriors!
> There will be an informational meeting for any student-athlete interested in joining the Webster Downhill Ski team this year on Tuesday, October 24th at 3:30 in room E31 across from the Athletic Office. New members with a skiing background are encouraged to join. No race experience necessary. If you are unable to attend the meeting please contact Coach Francis for more information.
> Attention current wrestlers or those who are interested in learning about the sport and getting ready for the season: Open Mats for wrestling begins this week on Tuesday and Thursday after school in room E36 and will continue for the next 4 weeks. Room E36 will be open from 3:15 - 4:30 on Tuesdays and Thursdays and athletes may take the late bus home after.
Please see Coach C with any questions.
> Community Service Club is hosting their first meeting on Thursday, October 26th in W6 after school! Stop by for some apple cider and donuts and also to find out about amazing opportunities to give back to your community. We will be doing get-to-know-you activities and discussing some of the ideas for this year!
October 17, 2023
> Attention Seniors: if you can communicate in English and another world language, then you should consider pursuing the NY State Seal of Biliteracy. Come to an informational meeting about how to earn the Seal today at 3:20 in Señora Hall's room (w223). If you can't come to the meeting, join the Schroeder Seal of Biliteracy Classroom for more info, or see one of the World Language Teachers.
> Come to Best Buddies today after school from 3:15-4! We will be meeting in the cafeteria for some donuts, cider, and pumpkin painting! All are welcome! Feel free to bring a friend!
> Schroeder's Sexuality and Gender Equity (SAGE) Club will be meeting after school today in B2. We welcome anyone who wants a place where they can be themself. Our goal is to make the Schroeder community a more welcoming and affirming place to be. For anyone unfamiliar with SAGE, we are the same as a GSA Club. Please feel free to stop in our first meeting to learn more about the club!
> There will be a Future Business Leaders of America meeting on Thursday, October 19 at 3:20pm in Room W14. All business students are welcome to attend.
> Do you like watching scary movies? With friends? Outdoors? Well then you're in luck! This Friday, The Schroeder Social Club is sponsoring a free, scary movie night open to all Schroeder students and staff. Weather permitting we'll be watching it on the Jumbotron in the stadium. Weather not permitting, it will be in the auditorium. Either way it's sure to be fun, so come join us Friday night, and let's have a spooky good time, Warriors!
> Attention any student wishing to attend Providence College, Niagara University, or Bryant University: The counseling center will be hosting college visits here at Schroeder. See Mrs. Mezzanini for more information!
> Introducing the Schroeder Care Cupboard! This is a free resource available to any student who is in need of food or personal care items. Stop into W27 before school on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays or during your lunch block on Fridays to take what you need. If you want to schedule a different time to visit, scan the QR code on the flyers posted around the building!
> Audition packets and audition sign-ups are now available for students planning to audition for Schroeder's musical "Catch Me If You Can." Audition sign ups are located outside the chorus room. Audition packets can be picked up in the chorus room. Don't forget the musical audition workshop taking place today from 3:30-4:30 in the chorus room.
> Interested in being part of DREAM Club?! Our first meeting will be in one week on Tuesday, October 24th from 3:20-4:00 in W8. DREAM Club seeks to embrace our differences, and build acceptance and inclusiveness for all. We will meet monthly to have open forums, explore our commonalities, and plan school-wide activities that bring awareness, while celebrating the unique social and cultural differences in Webster's community. Join our Google Classroom to stay up-to-date on meetings and events. DREAM Club's slogan is "Everyone needs a place and this place is for everyone." We hope to see you there!
> Webster Boys Volleyball swept Penfield in three straight sets last night. Joey P and Gavin T led the attack with 13 and 9 kills, respectively. Evan C posted 7 kills to go with 8 digs and Ryan W totaled 3 blocks and 7 kills. Nate Z hammered 3 aces while Nick A dished out 37 assists. The Lakers travel to Victor on Wednesday before celebrating their seniors Friday when they host Brighton.
> The JV Girls Soccer team ended their season yesterday with a 3-0 win against Thomas. Annika, Molly and Julia All had goals for the Warriors! Thanks for all Your support this season!
October 16, 2023
> Are you interested in Computer Science? Do you like problem solving? Join Computer Science League! There will be an informational meeting after school today in Room E4.
> Attention Seniors: if you can communicate in English and another world language, then you should consider pursuing the NY State Seal of Biliteracy. Come to an informational meeting about how to earn the Seal tomorrow, Tuesday, October 17th at 3:20 in Señora Hall's room (w223). If you can't come to the meeting, join the Schroeder Seal of Biliteracy Classroom for more info, or see one of the World Language Teachers.
> Are you interested in joining a winter sport? Come out for the Cross-Country Ski Team. No cuts, no experience necessary to be on the team. There will be an informational meeting held on Tuesday, October 24th at 3:30 in room E10.
> He's a charming, adventurous, clever man who has decided to run away from home with nothing but millions of dollars in forged checks. Frank Abignale manages to successfully pose as a pilot, doctor, and lawyer until he is finally caught by the FBI. "Catch me if you Can" is Schroeder's musical this year. Any students interested in auditioning to be in the cast are invited to 2 audition workshops. October 17 will be an acting/singing workshop from 3:30-4:30 in the chorus room. October 20 will be a dance audition workshop from 3:30-5:00 in the auditorium. Come learn about how to show your best during an audition. If you have any questions, see Mrs. Zugelder in the chorus room (N2).
> Attention all Warriors: Red Ribbon Week is coming up! Celebrate life! Live drug free. Show your support for the cause by wearing red on Tuesday, October 24th and look for ways to get involved during lunches!
> Come to Best Buddies tomorrow, Tuesday, October 17th from 3:15-4! We will be meeting in the cafeteria for some donuts, cider, and pumpkin painting! All are welcome! Feel free to bring a friend!
> Schroeder's Sexuality and Gender Equity (SAGE) Club will be meeting after school tomorrow, Tuesday, October 17th in B2. We welcome anyone who wants a place where they can be themself. Our goal is to make the Schroeder community a more welcoming and affirming place to be. For anyone unfamiliar with SAGE, we are the same as a GSA Club. Please feel free to stop in our first meeting to learn more about the club!
> The Hanson brothers, The Godfather movies, wishes from a genie...good things really do come in three.
In their third match in a row, the Girls Volleyball team defeated the 11-2 Spencerport Rangers in three straight sets, improving to 13-1 on the season.
Lina "MMMBop'd" them with 13 kills and 2 aces, Erin "made them an offer they couldn't refuse" with 4 aces, 5 kills, and 12 digs, while Sarah "showed them a whole new world" with 33 assists. Other key contributions came from Elizabeth and Maddy B. with 8 and 6 kills, and Maddie S. and Annabelle with 13 and 10 digs.
Coach DeWitte and Coach Gomez would also like to take a moment and congratulate the JV Girls Volleyball team who finished their regular season perfect with a 15-0 record and a gold medal in the Penfield tournament. Truly incredible and extremely impressive. They have a chance to make their season even more flawless in the Victor tournament this weekend. If you see a JV player, congratulate them on an undefeated season! Go Warriors!
> There will be a Future Business Leaders of America meeting on Thursday, October 19 at 3:20pm in Room W14. All business students are welcome to attend.
> Do you like watching scary movies? With friends? Outdoors? Well then you're in luck! This Friday, The Schroeder Social Club is sponsoring a free, scary movie night open to all Schroeder students and staff. Weather permitting we'll be watching it on the Jumbotron in the stadium. Weather not permitting, it will be in the auditorium. Either way it's sure to be fun, so come join us Friday night, and let's have a spooky good time, Warriors!
October 13, 2023
> Are you interested in Computer Science? Do you like problem solving? Join Computer Science League! There will be an informational meeting on Monday, October 16 after school in Room E4.
> Attention Seniors: if you can communicate in English and another world language, then you should consider pursuing the NY State Seal of Biliteracy. Come to an informational meeting about how to earn the Seal on Tuesday, October 17th at 3:20 in Señora Hall's room (w223). If you can't come to the meeting, join the Schroeder Seal of Biliteracy Classroom for more info, or see one of the World Language Teachers.
> He's a charming, adventurous, clever man who has decided to run away from home with nothing but millions of dollars in forged checks. Frank Abignale manages to successfully pose as a pilot, doctor, and lawyer until he is finally caught by the FBI. "Catch me if you Can" is Schroeder's musical this year. Any students interested in auditioning to be in the cast are invited to 2 audition workshops. October 17 will be an acting/singing workshop from 3:30-4:30 in the chorus room. October 20 will be a dance audition workshop from 3:30-5:00 in the auditorium. Come learn about how to show your best during an audition. If you have any questions, see Mrs. Zugelder in the chorus room (N2).
> Come to Best Buddies on Tuesday, October 17th from 3:15-4! We will be meeting in the cafeteria for some donuts, cider, and pumpkin painting! All are welcome! Feel free to bring a friend!
> Hey, Warriors: Did you know that treatment for eating disorders is very expensive? And did you also know that it most often isn't covered by insurance? You can help people afford the costs for treatment by donating to the "KMB for Answers" Fundraiser going on this week in the cafeteria during periods 4 and 5. Donate $1 and get a sucker. Donate $2 and get a sucker and the chance to spin the prize wheel! Donate $5 or more and you can pick your prize! We have cute, handmade frogs, fun socks, cafeteria gift certificates, squishies, t-shirts and more to choose from! You can donate cash or use the QR code at the table.
> Attention Model UN Club members: It is SUPER important that you see Mrs. Tuyn this week with your check for the fast approaching Hilton Conference in November. Also, make sure you have chosen your committee. This all needs to be completed by today. We will be meeting on Monday, October 16 to discuss conference procedures. If you have never attended a conference, this meeting is mandatory. Please see Mrs. Tuyn or Mrs. O'Brien if you have any questions.
> Schroeder's Sexuality and Gender Equity (SAGE) Club will be meeting after school on Tuesday, October 17th in B2. We welcome anyone who wants a place where they can be themself. Our goal is to make the Schroeder community a more welcoming and affirming place to be. For anyone unfamiliar with SAGE, we are the same as a GSA Club. Please feel free to stop in our first meeting to learn more about the club!
> Webster Boys Volleyball struggled through some adversity but overcame Rush-Henrietta in five sets last night. Gavin T paced the Lakers with a team high 11 kills and 6 blocks. Sal A led the team with 14 digs. Nate Z contributed 9 kills and 7 digs, while Evan C and Ryan W powered down 7 kills apiece. Carter C, Bodey G, and Nick A distributed a combined 43 assists. Circle the date...a huge home match against rival Penfield kicks off at 7:30pm on Monday in the Schroeder gym.
> Last night, Schroeder celebrated six spectacular serving, setting, and sliding senior students in a seriously superior showing against the Churchville-Chili Saints. Colgate-bound senior Erin M. raided Churchville's passing with three aces, perfect serving of 25 for 25, and added 9 digs to the defense. Senior Elizabeth F. might look like the nicest student at Schroeder, but she got nasty on the net, with three solo blocks and 5 blocking assists. Senior Lina the Queena sat on her throne of 13 kills and 7 digs. Senior Ava G. sliced and diced her way to 2 kills, 2 blocking assists, and 2 digs. Senior Lauren C. made the net look like it was 3 feet tall jumping effortlessly to 2 kills. Senior Sarah F. added her own 2 kills, 5 digs, and led the offense with 22 delicious assists. The Warriors improve to 12-1 on the season with their third game in a row tonight in Spencerport. Keep the winning streak going, ladies!
October 12, 2023
> Are you interested in Computer Science? Do you like problem solving? Join Computer Science League! There will be an informational meeting on Monday, October 16 after school in Room E4.
> Attention Seniors: if you can communicate in English and another world language, then you should consider pursuing the NY State Seal of Biliteracy. Come to an informational meeting about how to earn the Seal on Tuesday, October 17th at 3:20 in Señora Hall's room (w223). If you can't come to the meeting, join the Schroeder Seal of Biliteracy Classroom for more info, or see one of the World Language Teachers.
> Do you want to see history come alive or just love to travel to new places? If so, you still have time to enroll for the student educational trip to Italy where you’ll visit major cities: Venice, Florence, and Rome in July 2025!
Enrollment is still open until the end of today. Contact Mrs. Malinchak at Jennifer_Malinchak@webstercsd.org for more information.
> Unified Bowling is a great opportunity for partners and athletes to compete together and cheer each other on! The Unified Bowling season will be October 16th - November 6th. Not a bowler, but want to support the team? There's a spot for you too! Come to the informational meeting today after school in E228.
> The Webster Schroeder Wrestling Team will be having a mandatory team meeting for all current athletes and any athletes interested in joining for the 2023-2024 season. The wrestling meeting will take place after school today at 3:15 in the gymnasium. If you cannot stay the entire time, stop down to grab the informational handout or see Coach Ciaburri with any questions. Joining wrestling will help you get in the best shape of your life while joining an elite group of combat sport athletes. Open mats will begin Tuesday and Thursday after school beginning October 17th.
> Are you interested in joining a winter sport? Come out for the Cross-Country Ski Team. No cuts, no experience necessary to be on the team. There will be an informational meeting held on Tuesday, October 24th at 3:30 in room E10.
> He's a charming, adventurous, clever man who has decided to run away from home with nothing but millions of dollars in forged checks. Frank Abignale manages to successfully pose as a pilot, doctor, and lawyer until he is finally caught by the FBI. "Catch me if you Can" is Schroeder's musical this year. Any students interested in auditioning to be in the cast are invited to 2 audition workshops. October 17 will be an acting/singing workshop from 3:30-4:30 in the chorus room. October 20 will be a dance audition workshop from 3:30-5:00 in the auditorium. Come learn about how to show your best during an audition. If you have any questions, see Mrs. Zugelder in the chorus room (N2).
> Attention all Warriors: Red Ribbon Week is coming up! Celebrate life! Live drug free. Show your support for the cause by wearing red on Tuesday, October 24th and look for ways to get involved during lunches!
> Come to Best Buddies on Tuesday, October 17th from 3:15-4! We will be meeting in the cafeteria for some donuts, cider, and pumpkin painting! All are welcome! Feel free to bring a friend!
> Schroeder Courier, our student news site, has recently been updated with new content created by students for students. Schroeder Courier now also has a social media presence. Please follow us on Instagram @WSHSCourier. Scan the qr code to visit our student news site and check out Class of 2025 Hayden D.'s episode four of his dystopian fiction saga The Sands of Greed. Ninth-graders and students new to Schroeder will want to stop by the site to read Class of 2026 Tori P.'s Freshman Survival Guide with tips and tricks for staying ahead and getting the most out of your Warrior experience. Class of 2026's Dexter B. & Bailey M. are back this year with more on-the-spot interviews in the cafe. Lastly, for our melomaniacs, Class of 2024's Avalon M. dropped a post-summer Spotify playlist. If you're interested in publishing with Schroeder Courier, please see Mrs. Law or email linda_law@webstercsd.org for an invite to the club's Google Classroom.
> Hey, Warriors: Did you know that treatment for eating disorders is very expensive? And did you also know that it most often isn't covered by insurance? You can help people afford the costs for treatment by donating to the "KMB for Answers" Fundraiser going on this week in the cafeteria during periods 4 and 5. Donate $1 and get a sucker. Donate $2 and get a sucker and the chance to spin the prize wheel! Donate $5 or more and you can pick your prize! We have cute, handmade frogs, fun socks, cafeteria gift certificates, squishies, t-shirts and more to choose from! You can donate cash or use the QR code at the table. Stop by and check it out this week.
> Attention Model UN Club members: It is SUPER important that you see Mrs. Tuyn this week with your check for the fast approaching Hilton Conference in November. Also, make sure you have chosen your committee. This all needs to be completed by this Friday, October 13. We will be meeting on Monday, October 16 to discuss conference procedures. If you have never attended a conference, this meeting is mandatory. Please see Mrs. Tuyn or Mrs. O'Brien if you have any questions.
> A reminder for those athletes and volunteers participating in the Empire State Games for the Physically Challenged that tomorrow, October 13th, is the day! Meet outside Mrs. Gadsby's office at 8:45am. We will return by 1:45pm. See you all then!
> Schroeder's Sexuality and Gender Equity (SAGE) Club will be meeting after school on Tuesday, October 17th in B2. We welcome anyone who wants a place where they can be themself. Our goal is to make the Schroeder community a more welcoming and affirming place to be. For anyone unfamiliar with SAGE, we are the same as a GSA Club. Please feel free to stop in our first meeting to learn more about the club!
> Newspaper Club is canceled today, Thursday, October 12. Club drop-in hours will resume next Tuesday afterschool.
> Schroeder Girls Volleyball began their three-game-stretch last night on the road in Gates-Chili. It was three straight sets and a full team victory that saw the Warriors improve to 11 and 1 on the season. The "Blueb" was back as Erin M. donned her famous blue jersey and returned to the libero position, Gizele was running the offense as setter and brought more dishes than a Thanksgiving dinner, Sarah F, fueled up by Baby Shark being played during a timeout, got out there and delivered several key kills, and the middle hitter trio of Lauren, Ava, and Elizabeth kept the hitting unpredictable and unstoppable. Great job to all the girls! Tonight they celebrate Senior Night in the Schroeder gymnasium at 6:30pm, taking on Churchville-Chili. Come support some legendary, unrepeatable Schroeder Volleyball careers as we honor Erin, Lina, Ava, Lauren, Elizabeth, and Sarah.
October 10, 2023
> Are you interested in Computer Science? Do you like problem solving? Join Computer Science League! There will be an informational meeting on Monday, October 16 after school in Room E4.
> Attention Seniors: if you can communicate in English and another world language, then you should consider pursuing the NY State Seal of Biliteracy. Come to an informational meeting about how to earn the Seal on Tuesday, October 17th at 3:20 in Señora Hall's room (w223). If you can't come to the meeting, join the Schroeder Seal of Biliteracy Classroom for more info, or see one of the World Language Teachers.
> Rotary will have our next meeting after school today in room E27. We will be preparing for our annual staff Trick-or-Treat event. Please check our Classroom page for updates. New members are always welcome. Hope to see you there.
> Do you want to see history come alive or just love to travel to new places? If so, you still have time to enroll for the student educational trip to Italy where you’ll visit major cities: Venice, Florence, and Rome in July 2025!
Enrollment is still open until October 12th. Contact Mrs. Malinchak at Jennifer_Malinchak@webstercsd.org for more information.
> Do you wanna hang out with friends, meet cool people, and do fun activities? Schroeder Social Club is the perfect club for you! This is a new club that is about meeting new people, making connections, and having fun! Our first meeting is today at 3:20 in Mrs. Morency’s room, W19.
Our kickoff get together will include playing Minute-To-Win-It games, winning
prizes, and eating snacks! Hope to see you there!
> Unified Bowling is a great opportunity for partners and athletes to compete together and cheer each other on! The Unified Bowling season will be October 16th - November 6th. Not a bowler, but want to support the team? There's a spot for you too! Come to the informational meeting on Thursday, October 12th after school in E228.
> The next Women in STEM meeting is tomorrow in room E21. If you are interested in joining but cannot make the meeting, see Ms Metz in room E21.
> ATTENTION ALL STUDENTS! Today is the last day to be entered into the Schroeder/GOAL PTSA candy basket raffle for student members!
Buy an annual $5 membership for PTSA and receive your local discount card on the spot.
PTSA uses membership funds to help out Schroeder clubs, run activities during lunches, decorate our halls and courtyards, and bring in guest speakers and performers. Students who purchase a $5 membership before Tuesday,October 10th will be entered into a student-only raffle here at Schroeder/GOAL for a loaded candy basket including a Starbucks gift card.
Your membership pays for itself in just a few trips to discount partners such as Dairy Queen, Yolickity, Nourished, and more! Discounts are valid through the whole school year and summer.
If you're looking to support our school AND save money, see Mrs. Peters in the library anytime.
> The Webster Schroeder Wrestling Team will be having a mandatory team meeting for all current athletes and any athletes interested in joining for the 2023-2024 season. The wrestling meeting will take place on Thursday, October 12th at 3:15 in the gymnasium. If you cannot stay the entire time, stop down to grab the informational handout or see Coach Ciaburri with any questions. Joining wrestling will help you get in the best shape of your life while joining an elite group of combat sport athletes. Open mats will begin Tuesday and Thursday after school beginning October 17th.
> Are you interested in joining a winter sport? Come out for the Cross-Country Ski Team. No cuts, no experience necessary to be on the team. There will be an informational meeting held on Tuesday, October 24th at 3:30 in room E10.
> Attention juniors and seniors: are you looking at the colleges on your horizon? Stop down to the Counseling Center to sign up for a visit from SUNY Canton, Roberts Wesleyan and John Carroll University. They will all be here this week at Schroeder High School.
> Webster Boys Volleyball hosted Midlakes last week and cruised to a straight-set victory to improve their record to 11-2. Joey P, Jacob G, and Cal L dominated on the attack with 12, 9, and 7 kills, respectively...finishing with a combined attack efficiency of a ridiculous .622
Joey and Jacob also impressed the crowd with a combined nine aces. Bodey G fed the transition offense with ten digs while Nick A set up 22 assists. The boys travel to #1 in New York State, Fairport, tonight. TK's will be enjoyed by all.
> He's a charming, adventurous, clever man who has decided to run away from home with nothing but millions of dollars in forged checks. Frank Abignale manages to successfully pose as a pilot, doctor, and lawyer until he is finally caught by the FBI. "Catch me if you Can" is Schroeder's musical this year. Any students interested in auditioning to be in the cast are invited to 2 audition workshops. October 17 will be an acting/singing workshop from 3:30-4:30 in the chorus room. October 20 will be a dance audition workshop from 3:30-5:00 in the auditorium. Come learn about how to show your best during an audition. If you have any questions, see Mrs. Zugelder in the chorus room (N2).
> Attention all Warriors: Red Ribbon Week is coming up! Celebrate life! Live drug free. Show your support for the cause by wearing red on Tuesday, October 24th and look for ways to get involved during lunches!
> Come to Best Buddies on Tuesday, October 17th from 3:15-4! We will be meeting in the cafeteria for some donuts, cider, and pumpkin painting! All are welcome! Feel free to bring a friend!
> Schroeder Courier, our student news site, has recently been updated with new content created by students for students. Schroeder Courier now also has a social media presence. Please follow us on Instagram @WSHSCourier. Scan the qr code to visit our student news site and check out Class of 2025 Hayden D.'s episode four of his dystopian fiction saga The Sands of Greed. Ninth-graders and students new to Schroeder will want to stop by the site to read Class of 2026 Tori P.'s Freshman Survival Guide with tips and tricks for staying ahead and getting the most out of your Warrior experience. Class of 2026's Dexter B. & Bailey M. are back this year with more on-the-spot interviews in the cafe. Lastly, for our melomaniacs, Class of 2024's Avalon M. dropped a post-summer Spotify playlist. If you're interested in publishing with Schroeder Courier, please see Mrs. Law or email linda_law@webstercsd.org for an invite to the club's Google Classroom.
> Speech and Debate Team meets today at 3:20 in W3.
See you all there!
> The Girls Soccer Team defeated Hilton by a score of two to nothing yesterday afternoon. Scoring for the Warriors was Leah M and Sasha Z. Ellie O had the win in goal. Morgan T had the assist.
> Future Medical Professionals will be holding a meeting after school tomorrow in E218! We hope to see you there!
> Today senior Emma F, junior Erin M, and sophomores Macy F and Nicole S take on the Tournament of Champions at Mendon Golf Club! Good luck girls!
> Ski Club registration goes live in MySchoolBucks this Thursday, October 12 at 7:30am. Bus spots are limited. Please remind your parents that there is a Google Meet this evening at 7:00pm, during which Mrs. Strege will address questions about sign-ups and the upcoming season. The link is in our Smore Newsletter.
October 5th, 2023
> Attention juniors and seniors with a GPA of 90 or above. CHECK YOUR EMAIL!!!
You have most likely received an email invitation to apply to Schroeder's Chapter of the National Honor Society. If you have received an email, and if you believe you embody the pillars of Scholarship, Leadership, Character, and most of all Service, come to an informational meeting Wednesday, October 11th, 2023 in the auditorium at 3:20pm.
At the meeting we will distribute the applications and review important details about the process. If you have any questions, please see Mrs. Hall or Mrs. O'Connor.
> Attention Seniors: if you can communicate in English and another world language, then you should consider pursuing the NY State Seal of Biliteracy. Come to an informational meeting about how to earn the Seal on Tuesday, October 17th at 3:20 in Señora Hall's room (w223). If you can't come to the meeting, join the Schroeder Seal of Biliteracy Classroom for more info, or see one of the World Language Teachers.
> Schroeder Courier Newspaper Club meets in W4 afterschool today. If you have photos from Homecoming Week to share, want to pitch your own game/film review, showcase your photography skills, or be our new sports score manager, please stop by or email Mrs. Law at linda_law@webstercsd.org. Schroeder Courier now has its own Instagram page. Visit wshscourier.org, click the Instagram icon at the top, and follow us now!
> Calling all skiers and snowboarders: our first Schroeder Snowsports meeting is today immediately after school in the Library Classroom. We are using a new registration and payment procedure through MySchoolBucks, so it is important that everyone attend. See Mrs. Strege with questions.
> Rotary will have our next meeting after school on Tuesday, October 10th in room E27. We will be preparing for our annual staff Trick-or-Treat event. Please check our Classroom page for updates. New members are always welcome. Hope to see you there.
> Attention seniors: feeling overwhelmed with your college applications or just have some questions about it? Your counselors are here to help! We will be offering College Application assistance all day today in the library. Stop in and let us help you. No question is too big or too small!
> Do you want to see history come alive or just love to travel to new places? If so, you still have time to enroll for the student educational trip to Italy where you’ll visit major cities: Venice, Florence, and Rome in July 2025!
Enrollment is still open until October 12th. Contact Mrs. Malinchak at Jennifer_Malinchak@webstercsd.org for more information.
> Do you wanna hang out with friends, meet cool people, and do fun activities? Schroeder Social Club is the perfect club for you! This is a new club that is about meeting new people, making connections, and having fun! Our first meeting is Tuesday, October 10th at 3:20 in Mrs. Morency’s room, W19.
Our kickoff get together will include playing Minute-To-Win-It games, winning
prizes, and eating snacks! Hope to see you there!
> Unified Bowling is a great opportunity for partners and athletes to compete together and cheer each other on! The Unified Bowling season will be October 16th - November 6th. Not a bowler, but want to support the team? There's a spot for you too! Come to the informational meeting on Thursday, October 12th after school in E228.
> Schroeder is excited to offer a new club! The Black & Brown Student Union offers students a safe space for students to build positive relationships and access in our community. Our first meeting will be today at 3:15 in Room E230.
> The next Women in STEM meeting is on Wednesday, October 11th in room E21. If you are interested in joining but cannot make the meeting, see Ms Metz in room E21.
> WTI will be closed today during periods three through seven. If you need chromebook assistance, please stop down during first or second period.
> ATTENTION ALL STUDENTS! Only a few days left to be entered into the Schroeder/GOAL PTSA candy basket raffle for student members!
Buy an annual $5 membership for PTSA and receive your local discount card on the spot.
PTSA uses membership funds to help out Schroeder clubs, run activities during lunches, decorate our halls and courtyards, and bring in guest speakers and performers. Students who purchase a $5 membership before Tuesday,October 10th will be entered into a student-only raffle here at Schroeder/GOAL for a loaded candy basket including a Starbucks gift card.
Your membership pays for itself in just a few trips to discount partners such as Dairy Queen, Yolickity, Nourished, and more! Discounts are valid through the whole school year and summer.
If you're looking to support our school AND save money, see Mrs. Peters in the library anytime.
> Webster boys volleyball traveled to Brighton last night and came away with a three set victory to move their record to 10-2. Sal A, Bodey G and Nick A led the Lakers in digs with 22 combined while Gavin T recorded 3 blocks to go with his 7 kills. Jacob G led the Lakers with 8 kills and Joey P also had 7 kills to compliment his 6 aces. The boys host Midlakes tonight, starting at 6:30 in the Schroeder gym.
October 4, 2023
> Attention juniors and seniors with a GPA of 90 or above. CHECK YOUR EMAIL!!!
You have most likely received an email invitation to apply to Schroeder's Chapter of the National Honor Society. If you have received an email, and if you believe you embody the pillars of Scholarship, Leadership, Character, and most of all Service, come to an informational meeting Wednesday, October 11th, 2023 in the auditorium at 3:20pm.
At the meeting we will distribute the applications and review important details about the process. If you have any questions, please see Mrs. Hall or Mrs. O'Connor.
> Attention Seniors: if you can communicate in English and another world language, then you should consider pursuing the NY State Seal of Biliteracy. Come to an informational meeting about how to earn the Seal on Tuesday, October 17th at 3:20 in Señora Hall's room (w223). If you can't come to the meeting, join the Schroeder Seal of Biliteracy Classroom for more info, or see one of the World Language Teachers.
> Schroeder Courier Newspaper Club meets in W4 afterschool today. If you have photos from Homecoming Week to share, want to pitch your own game/film review, showcase your photography skills, or be our new sports score manager, please stop by or email Mrs. Law at linda_law@webstercsd.org. Schroeder Courier now has its own Instagram page. Visit wshscourier.org, click the Instagram icon at the top, and follow us now!
> Calling all skiers and snowboarders: our first Schroeder Snowsports meeting is today immediately after school in the Library Classroom. We are using a new registration and payment procedure through MySchoolBucks, so it is important that everyone attend. See Mrs. Strege with questions.
> Rotary will have our next meeting after school on Tuesday, October 10th in room E27. We will be preparing for our annual staff Trick-or-Treat event. Please check our Classroom page for updates. New members are always welcome. Hope to see you there.
> Attention seniors: feeling overwhelmed with your college applications or just have some questions about it? Your counselors are here to help! We will be offering College Application assistance all day today in the library. Stop in and let us help you. No question is too big or too small!
> Do you want to see history come alive or just love to travel to new places? If so, you still have time to enroll for the student educational trip to Italy where you’ll visit major cities: Venice, Florence, and Rome in July 2025!
Enrollment is still open until October 12th. Contact Mrs. Malinchak at Jennifer_Malinchak@webstercsd.org for more information.
> Do you wanna hang out with friends, meet cool people, and do fun activities? Schroeder Social Club is the perfect club for you! This is a new club that is about meeting new people, making connections, and having fun! Our first meeting is Tuesday, October 10th at 3:20 in Mrs. Morency’s room, W19.
Our kickoff get together will include playing Minute-To-Win-It games, winning
prizes, and eating snacks! Hope to see you there!
> Unified Bowling is a great opportunity for partners and athletes to compete together and cheer each other on! The Unified Bowling season will be October 16th - November 6th. Not a bowler, but want to support the team? There's a spot for you too! Come to the informational meeting on Thursday, October 12th after school in E228.
> Schroeder is excited to offer a new club! The Black & Brown Student Union offers students a safe space for students to build positive relationships and access in our community. Our first meeting will be today at 3:15 in Room E230.
> The next Women in STEM meeting is on Wednesday, October 11th in room E21. If you are interested in joining but cannot make the meeting, see Ms Metz in room E21.
> WTI will be closed today during periods three through seven. If you need chromebook assistance, please stop down during first or second period.
> ATTENTION ALL STUDENTS! Only a few days left to be entered into the Schroeder/GOAL PTSA candy basket raffle for student members!
Buy an annual $5 membership for PTSA and receive your local discount card on the spot.
PTSA uses membership funds to help out Schroeder clubs, run activities during lunches, decorate our halls and courtyards, and bring in guest speakers and performers. Students who purchase a $5 membership before Tuesday,October 10th will be entered into a student-only raffle here at Schroeder/GOAL for a loaded candy basket including a Starbucks gift card.
Your membership pays for itself in just a few trips to discount partners such as Dairy Queen, Yolickity, Nourished, and more! Discounts are valid through the whole school year and summer.
If you're looking to support our school AND save money, see Mrs. Peters in the library anytime.
> Webster boys volleyball traveled to Brighton last night and came away with a three set victory to move their record to 10-2. Sal A, Bodey G and Nick A led the Lakers in digs with 22 combined while Gavin T recorded 3 blocks to go with his 7 kills. Jacob G led the Lakers with 8 kills and Joey P also had 7 kills to compliment his 6 aces. The boys host Midlakes tonight, starting at 6:30 in the Schroeder gym.
October 4, 2023
> Are you looking for volunteer hours? The Webster Marching Band needs your help during their home show on October 7th! Autumn Fanfare takes place at Schroeder High School, and we need your help from 4:30-8:30pm. You don't need to stay the whole time, and food is provided! You will be responsible for greeting bands when they arrive, providing band directors with the welcome packet, and escorting bands to the turf field for competition at their assigned time. This is a great way to gain volunteer hours! If you're interested, please stop down to N-5 or email brittany_cole@webstercsd.org to sign up!
> Attention all students: Schroeder/GOAL PTSA is holding a candy basket raffle for student members. Buy an annual $5 membership for PTSA and receive your local discount card on the spot. PTSA uses membership funds to help out Schroeder clubs, run activities during lunches, decorate our halls and courtyards, and bring in guest speakers and performers. Students who purchase a $5 membership before October 9th will be entered into a student-only raffle here at Schroeder/GOAL for a loaded candy basket including a Starbucks gift card. Your membership pays for itself in just a few trips to discount partners such as Dairy Queen, Yolickity, Nourished, and more! Discounts are valid through the whole school year and summer. If you're looking to support our school AND save money, see Mrs. Peters in the library anytime.
> Anyone planning on playing Girls' JV or Varsity Lacrosse this spring, please meet in E205 after school today for an offseason informational and planning meeting. If you are unable to attend please notify Coach Schraeder or Coach Fleck.
> Attention juniors and seniors with a GPA of 90 or above. CHECK YOUR EMAIL!!!
You have most likely received an email invitation to apply to Schroeder's Chapter of the National Honor Society. If you have received an email, and if you believe you embody the pillars of Scholarship, Leadership, Character, and most of all Service, come to an informational meeting Wednesday, October 11th, 2023 in the auditorium at 3:20pm.
At the meeting we will distribute the applications and review important details about the process. If you have any questions, please see Mrs. Hall or Mrs. O'Connor.
> Junior and senior alternative and indie music fans! Today is the day! Come check out Webster Varsity Radio Club in Mr. Stahl's room, 334, in Thomas from 3:30-4pm. See Mr. Stahl if you have any questions.
> Attention Seniors: if you can communicate in English and another world language, then you should consider pursuing the NY State Seal of Biliteracy. Come to an informational meeting about how to earn the Seal on Tuesday, October 17th at 3:20 in Señora Hall's room (w223). If you can't come to the meeting, join the Schroeder Seal of Biliteracy Classroom for more info, or see one of the World Language Teachers.
> There will be a meeting for anyone interested in the Science Olympiad team today at 3:30pm in room SW5. Please see Mr. Lasky or Mr. Gill if you are unable to attend.
> Attention Link Crew Leaders: We will meet tomorrow, Thursday, October 5 at 8:15am in the Auditorium. Breakfast pizza provided.
> Want to eat great food for a good cause? Support Schroeder/GOAL PTSA by ordering at Webster Panera today from 4-8pm. PTSA funds help out Schroeder clubs, run activities during lunches, decorate our halls and courtyards, and bring in guest speakers and performers. Use the online code FUND4U in the Panera app (no DoorDash or third-party apps) or mention Schroeder/GOAL PTSA when ordering in the cafe or at the drive-thru.
> Calling all skiers and snowboarders: our first Schroeder Snowsports meeting tomorrow, Thursday, October 5th, immediately after school in the Library Classroom. We are using a new registration and payment procedure through MySchoolBucks, so it is important that everyone attend. See Mrs. Strege with questions.
> Schroeder is excited to offer a new club! Black and Brown Student Union offers students a safe space for students to build positive relationships and access in our community. Our first meeting will be tomorrow Thursday, 10/5, at 3:15 in Room E230.
> Rotary will have our next meeting after school on Tuesday, October 10th in room E27. We will be preparing for our annual staff Trick-or-Treat event. Please check our Classroom page for updates. New members are always welcome. Hope to see you there.
> Attention seniors: feeling overwhelmed with your college applications or just have some questions about it? Your counselors are here to help! We will be offering College Application assistance this Thursday all day in the library. Stop in and let us help you. No question is too big or too small!
> The Schroeder Girls Volleyball team has been on a roll! So why not roll on down to Chipotle and let them roll you up a burrito tonight for dinner!
Help the team earn even more money to donate to the Breast Cancer Coalition of Rochester by eating at Chipotle tonight between 5 and 9pm
For your order to be counted toward their donation, you must take a picture of the flyer and show it in person, or use the code on the flyer for online orders. If you would like a paper copy of the flyer, please ask Mrs. Weis.
Thank you for your support and thank you to all who came out last night or donated already to the cause!
> Do you wanna hang out with friends, meet cool people, and do fun activities? Schroeder Social Club is the perfect club for you! This is a new club that is about meeting new people, making connections, and having fun! Our first meeting is Tuesday, October 10th at 3:20 in Mrs. Morency’s room, W19.
Our kickoff get together will include playing Minute-To-Win-It games, winning
prizes, and eating snacks! Hope to see you there!
> The Girls Soccer team defeated Churchville-Chili last night by a score of 3 to 1. Scoring for the Warriors was Leah M with one goal and Emma R with two goals. Lucy S had the win in goal.
> Webster Boys Volleyball traveled to Pavilion last night and came away with a three set victory to move their record to 9-2. Nate W, Carter C and Bodey G combined to distribute 27 assists to leading attackmen Nate Z, Peter S, and Davids V.
Sal A and Nick A led the Lakers in digs. The boys travel to Brighton tonight, followed by an important match hosting Midlakes on Thursday in the Schroeder gym.
> In a pinked-out Schroeder Gymnasium, the Schroeder Girls Volleyball team improved to 9 and 1 on the season with a 3 straight set victory over the Brighton Bruins. Erin M. showed she truly is that girl by having 4 aces, 9 digs, and a passing rating of 2.27. Annabelle W. picked apart Brighton's passing as well with 3 aces and keeping things alive on our side of the court with 6 digs. Elizabeth F. popped off with 8 kills and zero hitting errors. Maddie S. put in a marathon runner's worth of coverage on defense, leading the team with 16 digs. Lina had 11 kills and Sarah lead the team with 18 assists from some buttery sets. The girls would like to thank the entire Schroeder community for wearing pink yesterday, donating to the Breast Cancer Coalition of Rochester, and coming out and supporting. It was a beautiful night that was bigger than volleyball!
October 3, 2023
> Are you looking for volunteer hours? The Webster Marching Band needs your help during their home show on October 7th! Autumn Fanfare takes place at Schroeder High School, and we need your help from 4:30-8:30pm. You don't need to stay the whole time, and food is provided! You will be responsible for greeting bands when they arrive, providing band directors with the welcome packet, and escorting bands to the turf field for competition at their assigned time. This is a great way to gain volunteer hours! If you're interested, please stop down to N-5 or email brittany_cole@webstercsd.org to sign up!
> Anyone planning on playing Girls' JV or Varsity Lacrosse this spring, please meet in E205 after school tomorrow, Wednesday, October 4th for an offseason informational and planning meeting. If you are unable to attend please notify Coach Schraeder or Coach Fleck.
> Attention juniors and seniors with a GPA of 90 or above. CHECK YOUR EMAIL!!!
You have most likely received an email invitation to apply to Schroeder's Chapter of the National Honor Society. If you have received an email, and if you believe you embody the pillars of Scholarship, Leadership, Character, and most of all Service, come to an informational meeting Wednesday, October 11th, 2023 in the auditorium at 3:20pm.
At the meeting we will distribute the applications and review important details about the process. If you have any questions, please see Mrs. Hall or Mrs. O'Connor.
> Hey juniors and seniors! Do you love music or have an interest in communications? Does your Spotify playlist or record collection feature Billie Eilish? Weezer? Green Day? Nirvana? The Smiths?
Are you interested in broadcasting your voice to the world on the radio and web?
Want to learn how to operate a professional radio studio on our new, state-of-the-art equipment?
If so - you should come hear all about Webster Varsity Radio Club!
We will have an informational meeting from 3:30-4 on Wednesday, October 4th in Mr. Stahl’s room, 334, in Thomas High School. Email todd_stahl@webstercsd.org with any question.
> Attention Seniors: if you can communicate in English and another world language, then you should consider pursuing the NY State Seal of Biliteracy. Come to an informational meeting about how to earn the Seal on Tuesday, October 17th at 3:20 in Señora Hall's room (w223). If you can't come to the meeting, join the Schroeder Seal of Biliteracy Classroom for more info, or see one of the World Language Teachers.
> There will be a meeting for anyone interested in the Science Olympiad team tomorrow, Wednesday, October 4th at 3:30pm in room SW5. Please see Mr. Lasky or Mr. Gill if you are unable to attend.
> Attention Link Crew Leaders: We will meet this Thursday, October 5 at 8:15am in the Auditorium. Breakfast pizza provided.
> Schroeder Courier Newspaper Club meets in W4 afterschool today. If you have photos from Homecoming Week to share, want to pitch your own game/film review, showcase your photography skills, or be our new sports score manager, please stop by or email Mrs. Law at linda_law@webstercsd.org. Schroeder Courier now has its own Instagram page. Visit wshscourier.org, click the Instagram icon at the top, and follow us now!
> Want to eat great food for a good cause? Support Schroeder/GOAL PTSA by ordering at Webster Panera on Wednesday, October 4, from 4-8pm. PTSA funds help out Schroeder clubs, run activities during lunches, decorate our halls and courtyards, and bring in guest speakers and performers. Use the online code FUND4U in the Panera app (no DoorDash or third-party apps) or mention Schroeder/GOAL PTSA when ordering in the cafe or at the drive-thru.
> Library Club meets today after school in the library. New members are welcome!
> Calling all skiers and snowboarders: our first Schroeder Snowsports meeting is this Thursday, October 5th, immediately after school in the Library Classroom. We are using a new registration and payment procedure through MySchoolBucks, so it is important that everyone attend. See Mrs. Strege with questions.
> Here's a riddle for you...what's pink from head-to-toe and really good at volleyball? The Schroeder Girls Volleyball team, of course! Tonight is their special "Spike Out Cancer" game happening in the Schroeder Gymnasium. JV starts at 5pm, with Varsity following immediately after at 6:30pm. Let's deck the stands out in pink in support of Breast Cancer Awareness. The team will be accepting cash donations that will be going towards The Breast Cancer Coalition of Rochester. There's no better reason to come catch the girls in action. Thanks for supporting a great cause and the team!
October 2, 2023
> Are you looking for volunteer hours? The Webster Marching Band needs your help during their home show on October 7th! Autumn Fanfare takes place at Schroeder High School, and we need your help from 4:30-8:30pm. You don't need to stay the whole time, and food is provided! You will be responsible for greeting bands when they arrive, providing band directors with the welcome packet, and escorting bands to the turf field for competition at their assigned time. This is a great way to gain volunteer hours! If you're interested, please stop down to N-5 or email brittany_cole@webstercsd.org to sign up!
> Attention all students: Schroeder/GOAL PTSA is holding a candy basket raffle for student members. Buy an annual $5 membership for PTSA and receive your local discount card on the spot. PTSA uses membership funds to help out Schroeder clubs, run activities during lunches, decorate our halls and courtyards, and bring in guest speakers and performers. Students who purchase a $5 membership before October 9th will be entered into a student-only raffle here at Schroeder/GOAL for a loaded candy basket including a Starbucks gift card. Your membership pays for itself in just a few trips to discount partners such as Dairy Queen, Yolickity, Nourished, and more! Discounts are valid through the whole school year and summer. If you're looking to support our school AND save money, see Mrs. Peters in the library anytime.
> Anyone planning on playing Girls' JV or Varsity Lacrosse this spring, please meet in E205 after school on Wednesday, October 4th for an offseason informational and planning meeting. If you are unable to attend please notify Coach Schraeder or Coach Fleck.
> Attention juniors and seniors with a GPA of 90 or above. CHECK YOUR EMAIL!!!
You have most likely received an email invitation to apply to Schroeder's Chapter of the National Honor Society. If you have received an email, and if you believe you embody the pillars of Scholarship, Leadership, Character, and most of all Service, come to an informational meeting Wednesday, October 11th, 2023 in the auditorium at 3:20pm.
At the meeting we will distribute the applications and review important details about the process. If you have any questions, please see Mrs. Hall or Mrs. O'Connor.
> Hey juniors and seniors! Do you love music or have an interest in communications? Does your Spotify playlist or record collection feature Billie Eilish? Weezer? Green Day? Nirvana? The Smiths?
Are you interested in broadcasting your voice to the world on the radio and web?
Want to learn how to operate a professional radio studio on our new, state-of-the-art equipment?
If so - you should come hear all about Webster Varsity Radio Club!
We will have an informational meeting from 3:30-4 on Wednesday, October 4th in Mr. Stahl’s room, 334, in Thomas High School. Email todd_stahl@webstercsd.org with any questions.
> The Model UN Club will be meeting after school today in Mrs. Tuyn’s room, W6. Come join the fun!!
> On Friday night, the Girls Soccer Team defeated Irondequoit by a score of 3 to 0. Scoring for the Warriors was Sasha Z, Leah M, and Alysa D. Assists went to Kylie C, Morgan, T, and Mackenzie B. Lucy S and Gaby had the win in goal.
> Attention new and returning NAHS members! Tomorrow, October 3rd, is our first official meeting! Remember to arrive before school at 8:10am, we’ll see you there!
> This past Saturday 6 Warriors competed in the Section 5 Class A1 Individual Tennis Tournament. Jessica F, Aspen R, Anna R, Analise A, Piper A and Nikol K all played extremely well and won their first round matches. We are so proud of all 6 of these players for how they represented their team, Schroeder and our community.
Today Anna, Analise, Piper, and Nikol will all be playing to earn a spot in the State Qualifier Tournament. Their matches will be at Spencerport High School at 4. If you see any of these 4 players please wish them luck. Go Warriors.
> Weekends are for the Warriors! On Saturday morning, Schroeder Girls Volleyball traveled to Hilton, fought through Apple Fest traffic and extended their winning streak to 8 straight matches, improving to 8 and 1 on the season.
Maddie S slayed and served a perfect game, including 4 aces.
Lina F channeled her inner Thor and brought the thunder with 17 kills.
Sarah F. was as cool as the other side of the pillow, distributing 22 assists.
Hilton found difficulty scoring with the "Dig Duo," Erin M. and Maddie S., adding 16 and 13 digs, respectively.
It was a great group effort! Way to go girls!
> Schroeder Girls Volleyball return home tomorrow for their annual "Spike Out Cancer" Night. Wear PINK to support Breast Cancer Awareness and to show Warrior spirit. They will be collecting donations for The Breast Cancer Coalition of Rochester as well. Varsity starts at 6:30pm!
September 29, 2023
> Are you looking for volunteer hours? The Webster Marching Band needs your help during their home show on October 7th! Autumn Fanfare takes place at Schroeder High School, and we need your help from 4:30-8:30pm. You don't need to stay the whole time, and food is provided! You will be responsible for greeting bands when they arrive, providing band directors with the welcome packet, and escorting bands to the turf field for competition at their assigned time. This is a great way to gain volunteer hours! If you're interested, please stop down to N-5 or email brittany_cole@webstercsd.org to sign up!
> Calculators are ready for pickup in WTI! If you requested a calculator through the Google Form, please stop into WTI to pick it up as soon as possible.
> Attention all students: capitalize on the gorgeous upstate New York fall weather while you can! The Schroeder courtyards are indeed open, weather permitting! The underclassmen courtyard is located on the east side across from the cafeteria and the senior courtyard is on the west side across from the back of the library by the senior lounge. Remember to clean-up and put furniture back where it belongs when you are done, but please enjoy these beautiful spaces!
> Attention all students: Schroeder/GOAL PTSA is holding a candy basket raffle for student members. Buy an annual $5 membership for PTSA and receive your local discount card on the spot. PTSA uses membership funds to help out Schroeder clubs, run activities during lunches, decorate our halls and courtyards, and bring in guest speakers and performers. Students who purchase a $5 membership before October 9th will be entered into a student-only raffle here at Schroeder/GOAL for a loaded candy basket including a Starbucks gift card. Your membership pays for itself in just a few trips to discount partners such as Dairy Queen, Yolickity, Nourished, and more! Discounts are valid through the whole school year and summer. If you're looking to support our school AND save money, see Mrs. Peters in the library anytime.
> Real recognize real! Have a Schroeder staff member that goes above and beyond, brightens your day, helps you out, listens, or you notice just working exceptionally hard at what they do? Head to the Google Classroom for your grade-level and fill out the Staff Shout Out form!
> Anyone planning on playing Girls' JV or Varsity Lacrosse this spring, please meet in E205 after school on Wednesday, October 4th for an offseason informational and planning meeting. If you are unable to attend please notify Coach Schraeder or Coach Fleck.
> We have had some great interest in those volunteering for the Empire State Games for the Physically Challenged. Don't forget, the paperwork is due back to Mrs. Gadsby by the end of the day TODAY! You can place it in Mrs. Gadsby's mailbox in the main office, stop down to the PE office and give it to her in person or slide it under her office door if it is locked!! Thanks for handing in your paperwork for the Empire State Games TODAY!
> Attention juniors and seniors with a GPA of 90 or above. CHECK YOUR EMAIL!!!
You have most likely received an email invitation to apply to Schroeder's Chapter of the National Honor Society. If you have received an email, and if you believe you embody the pillars of Scholarship, Leadership, Character, and most of all Service, come to an informational meeting Wednesday, October 11th, 2023 in the auditorium at 3:20pm.
At the meeting we will distribute the applications and review important details about the process. If you have any questions, please see Mrs. Hall or Mrs. O'Connor.
> Hey juniors and seniors! Do you love music or have an interest in communications? Does your Spotify playlist or record collection feature Billie Eilish? Weezer? Green Day? Nirvana? The Smiths?
Are you interested in broadcasting your voice to the world on the radio and web?
Want to learn how to operate a professional radio studio on our new, state-of-the-art equipment?
If so - you should come hear all about Webster Varsity Radio Club!
We will have an informational meeting from 3:30-4 on Wednesday, October 4th in Mr. Stahl’s room, 334, in Thomas High School. Email todd_stahl@webstercsd.org with any questions.
> Webster Boys Volleyball recorded their second win of the week by defeating Churchville-Chili in three sets last night, with Joey P, Jacob G, and Ryan W leading the attack with 11, 8, and 5 kills respectively. Nick A and Bodey G totaled a combined 24 assists to go with 4 aces. The boys hit the halfway point of the season with a 8-2 record and a number two ranking in Section V.
> All students participating in a PEP RALLY game should receive a wristband from their FIRSTperiod teacher. If you do not, see Mrs. Giacoman in E7.
Impressive turnout at the Homecoming Dance! Thank you DJ Eckler, DJ DEletto and all the staff who made it possible.
> The Warriors tennis team finished the regular season by winning 4 of their last 5 matches and improved their record to 7-6 for the season. The team is peaking at the perfect time heading into team Sectionals next week. Piper A won a competitive match at first singles. She defeated her opponent from Spencerport 7-5 in the first set and 6-3 in the second. Last night’s match in Spencerport was the first girls tennis match in Section V that was played entirely under the lights. Both teams made the event even more memorable by collaborating to collect nonperishable food items for the Spencerport Food Shelf. Good luck in Sectionals ladies.
>Attention Juniors and Seniors with a GPA of 90 or above. CHECK YOUR EMAIL!!!
You have most likely received an email invitation to apply to Schroeder's Chapter of the National Honor Society. If you have received an email, and if you believe you embody the pillars of Scholarship, Leadership, Character, and most of all Service, come to an informational meeting Wednesday, October 11th, 2023 in the Auditorium at 3:20 pm.
At the meeting we will distribute the applications and review important details about the process. If you have any questions, please see Mrs. Hall or Mrs. O'Connor.
>Future Medical Professionals club will be having their first meeting on October 3rd in Room E218 after school! If you have any questions email alarosa24@gmail.com! We hope to see you there!
Good Homecoming Week Friday!
What a fantastic week it has been. Thank you all and let’s have a fun, spirited, and safe final day, ending with our pep rally.
1st I would like to thank our students in student council and our student council advisors for a special glow in the dark homecoming dance. It was an incredible success and night!! Well done.
For today, we have a modified bell schedule. Classes are a few minutes shorter.
At about 2 or so seniors will be called to the gym for their class photo.
At 2:30 we will begin to call grade levels down to the gymnasium. Please find your grade level to sit with.
As always, we expect it to be loud, proud, and positive. We are One Warrior today…cheer on all grade levels.
Only students who have access to the floor for activities will be permitted to be on the floor. Please do not go on the gym floor unless permitted.
Thank you and enjoy your day.
September 28, 2023
> Do you want a challenge? Do you like problem solving? Join Math League! An informational meeting will be held after school today in room E4.
> Any interested student in experiencing new cultures and diversity as well as field trips and community service please come to our first International Club meeting today in W213 after school.
> Hey Schroeder! It’s Homecoming week! Are you ready for tonight’s Homecoming dance and tomorrow’s Pep Rally! Don’t forget to wear Blue and Gold tomorrow to finish off the week. Tickets for the Glow in the Dark Homecoming dance will be sold today during lunches and at the door of the dance for $7 each.
Seniors! Make sure you place your votes for Homecoming King and Queen. A new form is on your Google Classroom right now! Find out who won at the Homecoming dance tonight!
> There will be a meeting for students interested in the Science Olympiad team in SW5 after school today at 3:30pm. Please see Mr. Lasky or Mr. Gill if you are not able to attend.
> Calculators are ready for pickup in WTI! If you requested a calculator through the Google Form, please stop into WTI to pick it up as soon as possible.
> Attention all students: capitalize on the gorgeous upstate New York fall weather while you can! The Schroeder courtyards are indeed open, weather permitting! The underclassmen courtyard is located on the east side across from the cafeteria and the senior courtyard is on the west side across from the back of the library by the senior lounge. Remember to clean-up and put furniture back where it belongs when you are done, but please enjoy these beautiful spaces!
> Are you looking for volunteer hours? The Webster Marching Band needs your help during their home show on October 7th! Autumn Fanfare takes place at Schroeder High School, and we need your help from 4:30-8:30pm. You don't need to stay the whole time, and food is provided! You will be responsible for greeting bands when they arrive, providing band directors with the welcome packet, and escorting bands to the turf field for competition at their assigned time. This is a great way to gain volunteer hours! If you're interested, please stop down to N-5 or email brittany_cole@webstercsd.org to sign up!
> Are you interested in volunteering for the Empire State Games for the Physically Challenged?? If so, stop down and see Mrs. Gadsby for more information. We need students who are willing to volunteer to help our Schroeder athletes get to their Track and Field events and cheer them on. The Games will be held on Friday, October 13th, during the school day. A bus will take us to SUNY Brockport for the day and we will return before the end of the school day If you are interested, stop by and see Mrs. Gadsby in the Phys. Ed. area for more information!
> Real recognize real! Have a Schroeder staff member that goes above and beyond, brightens your day, helps you out, listens, or you notice just working exceptionally hard at what they do? Head to the Google Classroom for your grade-level and fill out the Staff Shout Out form!
> There weren't too many "to-go" orders last night in Webster...The Schroeder Girls Volleyball team was COOKING!
They improved to 7-1 on the season last night at home by defeating powerhouse Penfield in a dominant 3-0 performance. The Warriors were explosive on offensive with Lina F. pounding 23 kills, Ava G. having a career high 11 kills, Maddy B with 5, and Elizabeth F. adding 4.
Our defense protected our home court during Homecoming Week with Maddie S. having 17 digs, Sarah F. with 9 digs, and Erin M with 8 digs.
Erin added 9 assists, Sarah F. contributed 29 and who can forget the amazing assist from middle hitter Ava G that sent the gymnasium into pandemonium.
Sarah F. perplexed Penfield's passing with 4 aces and Annabelle W. kept the frustration going with 2 more aces.
Way to go, ladies! The Warriors travel to Hilton on Saturday morning in hopes of extending their 7 game winning streak to 8.
September 27, 2023
> Do you want a challenge? Do you like problem solving? Join Math League! An informational meeting will be held tomorrow, Thursday, September 28 after school in room E4.
> Any interested student in experiencing new cultures and diversity as well as field trips and community service please come to our first International Club meeting tomorrow, Thursday, September 28th in W213 after school.
> Are you looking for volunteer hours? The Webster Marching Band needs your help during their home show on October 7th! Autumn Fanfare takes place at Schroeder High School, and we need your help from 4:30-8:30pm. You don't need to stay the whole time, and food is provided! You will be responsible for greeting bands when they arrive, providing band directors with the welcome packet, and escorting bands to the turf field for competition at their assigned time. This is a great way to gain volunteer hours! If you're interested, please stop down to N-5 or email brittany_cole@webstercsd.org to sign up!
> There will be a meeting for students interested in the Science Olympiad team in SW5 after school tomorrow, Thursday, September 28th at 3:30pm. Please see Mr. Lasky or Mr. Gill if you are not able to attend.
> Calculators are ready for pickup in WTI! If you requested a calculator through the Google Form, please stop into WTI to pick it up as soon as possible.
> Are you a female student that is interested in STEM, then Women in STEM may be the club for you! Women in STEM meets twice a month with interactive activities and guest speakers. Our first meeting is after school in room E21 today. If you are interested in the club but cannot make the meeting, see Ms Metz in room E21.
> Let's get GLOWING! The Homecoming Dance is tomorrow night. Tickets will be on sale for $7 during lunch periods. Only Schroeder students can attend. See Mrs. Giacoman in E7 with any questions.
> Attention all students: capitalize on the gorgeous upstate New York fall weather while you can! The Schroeder courtyards are indeed open, weather permitting! The underclassmen courtyard is located on the east side across from the cafeteria and the senior courtyard is on the west side across from the back of the library by the senior lounge. Remember to clean-up and put furniture back where it belongs when you are done, but please enjoy these beautiful spaces!
> Are you interested in volunteering for the Empire State Games for the Physically Challenged?? If so, stop down and see Mrs. Gadsby for more information. We need students who are willing to volunteer to help our Schroeder athletes get to their Track and Field events and cheer them on. The Games will be held on Friday, October 13th, during the school day. A bus will take us to SUNY Brockport for the day and we will return before the end of the school day If you are interested, stop by and see Mrs. Gadsby in the Phys. Ed. area for more information!
> Attention all students: Schroeder/GOAL PTSA is holding a candy basket raffle for student members. Buy an annual $5 membership for PTSA and receive your local discount card on the spot. PTSA uses membership funds to help out Schroeder clubs, run activities during lunches, decorate our halls and courtyards, and bring in guest speakers and performers. Students who purchase a $5 membership before October 9th will be entered into a student-only raffle here at Schroeder/GOAL for a loaded candy basket including a Starbucks gift card. Your membership pays for itself in just a few trips to discount partners such as Dairy Queen, Yolickity, Nourished, and more! Discounts are valid through the whole school year and summer. If you're looking to support our school AND save money, see Mrs. Peters in the library anytime.
> Attention aspiring content creators! Drop-in hours for Schroeder Courier Newspaper Club are this Tuesday and Thursday afterschool in W4. Schroeder Courier student news site is currently looking for photographers, writers, interviewers, social media managers, graphic designers, and more. If you're looking to get involved with our student news site, please consider stopping by after school on Tuesday or Thursday to W4. Can't make it? Students do not need to regularly attend meetings to contribute to our site. You can grab the Google Classroom code from W4 at any time to join and stay up to date on content drops and club needs. Newspaper Club is a place to be creative and learn valuable communication skills for college and career. Be a part of our team. No publishing experience necessary. Visit wshscourier.org to check us out and get started on your own content today!
> Want to rep your class? Catch cheese puffs on your head? Do it all for the glory? Student Council is looking for students to sign-up to compete in Pep Rally games! Sign-up during lunch periods or see Mrs. Giacoman in E7.
> Attention seniors: It’s time to place your nominations for Homecoming king and queen! Go to the Class of 2024 Google Classroom and fill out the form to nominate any senior for Homecoming king and queen! Nominations will be open from now until 3:15 this afternoon. Voting will take place on Thursday, and the winners will be announced at the Homecoming Dance tomorrow night.
> Real recognize real! Have a Schroeder staff member that goes above and beyond, brightens your day, helps you out, listens, or you notice just working exceptionally hard at what they do? Head to the Google Classroom for your grade-level and fill out the Staff Shout Out form!
> Congratulations to the Webster Schroeder Freshman football team who improved to 2-0 with a 32-0 win over the Hilton Cadets. Touchdowns scored by Max T, and Jackson H.
Jaden T added a two-point conversion.
Come out to watch the undefeated Freshman football team take on the Victor Blue Devils at 10am Saturday morning on the Schroeder Turf!
> Hey Schroeder! It’s Homecoming week! Get ready for the Homecoming Dance and the Pep Rally! Show your Warrior Pride by dressing in your class theme tomorrow, and finishing off the week with wearing Blue and Gold on Friday! Tickets for the Glow-in-the Dark Homecoming Dance will be sold this week today and tomorrow during lunches and at the door for $7 each.
> The girls soccer team defeated Brighton by a score of 8 to 5 last night. Scoring two goals each for Schroeder was Leah M. and Morgan T.
Kylie C, Grace C, Jocelyn G, Sasha Z each added one goal. Alyssa D added four assists. Morgan, Leah, and Sasha each had one assist. Lucy S had the win in goal.
September 26, 2023
> Do you want a challenge? Do you like problem solving? Join Math League! An informational meeting will be held on Thursday, September 28 after school in room E4.
> Do you like art or history, or just like to travel? If so, you’re invited to attend a student educational trip to Italy where you’ll visit major cities: Venice, Florence, and Rome!
Take a gondola ride in Venice! See where the Gladiators fought in the Colosseum and so much more!
Interested? Come to an informational meeting in the Spry Conference Room (1st floor) today @ 6pm to learn more!
Contact Mrs. Malinchak at Jennifer_Malinchak@webstercsd.org to register for the meeting. I hope to see you there!
> Any interested student in experiencing new cultures and diversity as well as field trips and community service please come to our first International Club meeting on Thursday, September 28th in W213 after school.
> Are you looking for volunteer hours? The Webster Marching Band needs your help during their home show on October 7th! Autumn Fanfare takes place at Schroeder High School, and we need your help from 4:30-8:30pm. You don't need to stay the whole time, and food is provided! You will be responsible for greeting bands when they arrive, providing band directors with the welcome packet, and escorting bands to the turf field for competition at their assigned time. This is a great way to gain volunteer hours! If you're interested, please stop down to N-5 or email brittany_cole@webstercsd.org to sign up!
> There will be a meeting for students interested in the Science Olympiad team in SW5 after school on Thursday, September 28th at 3:30pm. Please see Mr. Lasky or Mr. Gill if you are not able to attend.
> Interested in joining Best Buddies and learning what it’s all about? Join us for our first meeting in W7 right after school today to get some info. Can’t wait to see you there!
> Calculators are ready for pickup in WTI! If you requested a calculator through the Google Form, please stop into WTI to pick it up as soon as possible.
> Are you a female student that is interested in STEM, then Women in STEM may be the club for you! Women in STEM meets twice a month with interactive activities and guest speakers. Our first meeting is tomorrow, Wednesday, September 27th after school in room E21. If you are interested in the club but cannot make the meeting, see Ms Metz in room E21.
> Looking for a sport where you can sit down and not have to get all sweaty? Well then Chess might be for you! No matter what your level is, Chess Club is the perfect place to have some fun. The Chess Club meets every Tuesday after school in room E5. And we always have donuts!
> Let's get GLOWING! The Homecoming Dance is on Thursday, September 28th. Tickets will be on sale for $7 during lunch periods. Only Schroeder students can attend. See Mrs. Giacoman in E7 with any questions.
> The Green Club will be hosting its first meeting after school today in E224. Anyone interested in learning more about the club should plan to attend. Bring a friend! If you have any questions see Mrs. Smith in E224
> Attention all students: capitalize on the gorgeous upstate New York fall weather while you can! The Schroeder courtyards are indeed open, weather permitting! The underclassmen courtyard is located on the east side across from the cafeteria and the senior courtyard is on the west side across from the back of the library by the senior lounge. Remember to clean-up and put furniture back where it belongs when you are done, but please enjoy these beautiful spaces!
> Are you interested in volunteering for the Empire State Games for the Physically Challenged?? If so, stop down and see Mrs. Gadsby for more information. We need students who are willing to volunteer to help our Schroeder athletes get to their Track and Field events and cheer them on. The Games will be held on Friday, October 13th, during the school day. A bus will take us to SUNY Brockport for the day and we will return before the end of the school day If you are interested, stop by and see Mrs. Gadsby in the Phys. Ed. area for more information!
> Attention aspiring content creators! Drop-in hours for Schroeder Courier Newspaper Club are this Tuesday and Thursday afterschool in W4. Schroeder Courier student news site is currently looking for photographers, writers, interviewers, social media managers, graphic designers, and more. If you're looking to get involved with our student news site, please consider stopping by after school on Tuesday or Thursday to W4. Can't make it? Students do not need to regularly attend meetings to contribute to our site. You can grab the Google Classroom code from W4 at any time to join and stay up to date on content drops and club needs. Newspaper Club is a place to be creative and learn valuable communication skills for college and career. Be a part of our team. No publishing experience necessary. Visit wshscourier.org to check us out and get started on your own content today!
> Want to rep your class? Catch cheese puffs on your head? Do it all for the glory? Student Council is looking for students to sign-up to compete in Pep Rally games! Sign-up during lunch periods or see Mrs. Giacoman in E7.
> Attention seniors: It’s time to place your nominations for Homecoming king and queen! Go to the Class of 2024 Google Classroom and fill out the form to nominate any senior for Homecoming king and queen! Nominations will be open from now until 3:15 on Wednesday. Voting will take place on Thursday, and the winners will be announced at the Homecoming Dance Thursday night.
> Hey Schroeder! It’s Homecoming week! Get ready for the Pep Rally and the Homecoming Dance! Show your Warrior Pride by dressing in your class color tomorrow, Class Theme on Thursday, and finishing off the week with wearing Blue and Gold on Friday! Tickets for the Glow in the Dark Homecoming dance will be sold this week today, tomorrow, and Thursday during lunches and at the door for $7 each.
> MASTERMINDS first practice will be held in room W3 after school today. If you can’t make it, be sure to email Dr. Cooke so she can put you on the roster! Again, Masterminds practice today in room W3!
> Freshmen, we need your help! Hallway Decorating will be going down tomorrow after school on the first floor west side! Our theme is USA...bring some supplies and some decorations, or just bring yourself to help out! See posts in Google Classroom for more information.
> Tonight is Schroeder Soccer Kruze Night! Come out to support your JV and Varsity Girls and Boys soccer teams as they take on Brighton beginning at 5pm at the Track and Turf stadiums. Tonight the soccer programs are honoring Kruzer and all he does for our athletic teams! We are collecting donations for Wilmot Cancer Center in honor of Mr. Kruze! Hope to see you there!
> Here was Monday's best guess for Webster Wordle. Stop outside of B1 or look for posters to scan the QR code to submit your daily guess. The best guess will be put on the board tomorrow
> Last night, Warrior Girls Volleyball advanced to 6-1 on the season with a 3-1 win over the Thomas Titans. Senior Erin M. served a perfect game with 4 aces and 17 digs while junior Annabelle W. delivered 6 aces. Our attacking middles couldn't be stopped: Elizabeth F. contributed 5 key kills and Ava G added 8 on top of that. Lina F. played a rounded game with 19 kills and 13 digs. Sarah F. kept things moving with 36 assists and not forgetting the hard part...defense...with 9 digs! Way to go, Warriors! Come catch some Homecoming action tomorrow night as the girls take on a tough Penfield team at home.
> Attention all students: Schroeder/GOAL PTSA is holding a candy basket raffle for student members. Buy an annual $5 membership for PTSA and receive your local discount card on the spot. PTSA uses membership funds to help out Schroeder clubs, run activities during lunches, decorate our halls and courtyards, and bring in guest speakers and performers. Students who purchase a $5 membership before October 9th will be entered into a student-only raffle here at Schroeder/GOAL for a loaded candy basket including a Starbucks gift card. Your membership pays for itself in just a few trips to discount partners such as Dairy Queen, Yolickity, Nourished, and more! Discounts are valid through the whole school year and summer. If you're looking to support our school AND save money, see Mrs. Peters in the library anytime.
September 25, 2023
> Do you want a challenge? Do you like problem solving? Join Math League! An informational meeting will be held on Thursday, September 28 after school in room E4.
> Do you love playing Wordle? It is time to start playing the weekly Webster Wordle Challenge! Scan the QR code outside of B1 to submit your guess. Each day the guess with the most correct letters will be put on the Wordle board outside of B1. A new round will start every Monday. Check out the board outside B1 or look for posters with more info!
> Do you like art or history, or just like to travel? If so, you’re invited to attend a student educational trip to Italy where you’ll visit major cities: Venice, Florence, and Rome!
Take a gondola ride in Venice! See where the Gladiators fought in the Colosseum and so much more!
Interested? Come to an informational meeting in the Spry Conference Room (1st floor) tomorrow, Tuesday, September 26th @ 6pm to learn more!
Contact Mrs. Malinchak at Jennifer_Malinchak@webstercsd.org to register for the meeting. I hope to see you there!
> Any interested student in experiencing new cultures and diversity as well as field trips and community service please come to our first International Club meeting on Thursday, September 28th in W213 after school.
> Are you looking for volunteer hours? The Webster Marching Band needs your help during their home show on October 7th! Autumn Fanfare takes place at Schroeder High School, and we need your help from 4:30-8:30pm. You don't need to stay the whole time, and food is provided! You will be responsible for greeting bands when they arrive, providing band directors with the welcome packet, and escorting bands to the turf field for competition at their assigned time. This is a great way to gain volunteer hours! If you're interested, please stop down to N-5 or email brittany_cole@webstercsd.org to sign up!
> There will be a meeting for students interested in the Science Olympiad team in SW5 after school on Thursday, September 28th at 3:30pm. Please see Mr. Lasky or Mr. Gill if you are not able to attend.
> Interested in joining Best Buddies and learning what it’s all about? Join us for our first meeting tomorrow, Tuesday, in W7 right after school to get some info. Can’t wait to see you there!
> Calculators are ready for pickup in WTI! If you requested a calculator through the Google Form, please stop into WTI to pick it up as soon as possible.
> Are you a female student that is interested in STEM, then Women in STEM may be the club for you! Women in STEM meets twice a month with interactive activities and guest speakers. Our first meeting is on Wednesday, September 27th after school in room E21. If you are interested in the club but cannot make the meeting, see Ms Metz in room E21.
> Looking for a sport where you can sit down and not have to get all sweaty? Well then Chess might be for you! No matter what your level is, Chess Club is the perfect place to have some fun. The Chess Club meets every Tuesday after school in room E5. And we always have donuts!
> Want to be in an amazing club where we explore what it means to believe in a higher power? Want to have discussions about faith, existence, purpose and inner peace? Then SPIRIT club is for you! SPIRIT Club’s first meeting will be tomorrow, Tuesday the 26th in Mr. Fedor’s room W216 at 8:00. Come and bring a friend!
> Let's get GLOWING! The Homecoming Dance is on Thursday, September 28th. Tickets will be on sale for $7 during lunch periods. Only Schroeder students can attend. See Mrs. Giacoman in E7 with any questions.
> The Green Club will be hosting its first meeting after school tomorrow in E224. Anyone interested in learning more about the club should plan to attend. Bring a friend! If you have any questions see Mrs. Smith in E224
> Rotary Members: the Honor Flight list has arrived. We will be meeting after school today and before school tomorrow to write letters. If you are unable to attend please see Mrs. Landis if you'd still like to participate. New members are always welcome.
> Attention all students: capitalize on the gorgeous upstate New York fall weather while you can! The Schroeder courtyards are indeed open, weather permitting! The underclassmen courtyard is located on the east side across from the cafeteria and the senior courtyard is on the west side across from the back of the library by the senior lounge. Remember to clean-up and put furniture back where it belongs when you are done, but please enjoy these beautiful spaces!
> Attention students: starting this week there is a new item in the rotation line during lunches! Today you can create your own salad. Grab your greens, veggies, two scoops of protein, and finish it off with croutons. This will be an option every four weeks.
> Are you interested in volunteering for the Empire State Games for the Physically Challenged?? If so, stop down and see Mrs. Gadsby for more information. We need students who are willing to volunteer to help our Schroeder athletes get to their Track and Field events and cheer them on. The Games will be held on Friday, October 13th, during the school day. A bus will take us to SUNY Brockport for the day and we will return before the end of the school day If you are interested, stop by and see Mrs. Gadsby in the Phys. Ed. area for more information!
> Speech & Debate Team meets today at 3:20 in W3. New members welcome.
> Attention all students: Schroeder/GOAL PTSA is holding a candy basket raffle for student members. Buy an annual $5 membership for PTSA and receive your local discount card on the spot. PTSA uses membership funds to help out Schroeder clubs, run activities during lunches, decorate our halls and courtyards, and bring in guest speakers and performers. Students who purchase a $5 membership before October 9th will be entered into a student-only raffle here at Schroeder/GOAL for a loaded candy basket including a Starbucks gift card. Your membership pays for itself in just a few trips to discount partners such as Dairy Queen, Yolickity, Nourished, and more! Discounts are valid through the whole school year and summer. If you're looking to support our school AND save money, see Mrs. Peters in the library anytime.
> Attention aspiring content creators! Drop-in hours for Schroeder Courier Newspaper Club are this Tuesday and Thursday afterschool in W4. Schroeder Courier student news site is currently looking for photographers, writers, interviewers, social media managers, graphic designers, and more. If you're looking to get involved with our student news site, please consider stopping by after school on Tuesday or Thursday to W4. Can't make it? Students do not need to regularly attend meetings to contribute to our site. You can grab the Google Classroom code from W4 at any time to join and stay up to date on content drops and club needs. Newspaper Club is a place to be creative and learn valuable communication skills for college and career. Be a part of our team. No publishing experience necessary. Visit wshscourier.org to check us out and get started on your own content today!
> Hey Schroeder! It’s Homecoming week! Get ready for the Pep Rally, the Homecoming Dance, and free treats in lunches! Show your Warrior Pride by dressing Country vs Country Club on Tuesday, Class color on Wednesday, Class theme on Thursday, and finishing off the week with wearing Blue and Gold on Friday! Tickets for the Glow in the Dark Homecoming dance will be sold this week on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday during lunches and at the door for $7 each.
> Want to rep your class? Catch cheese puffs on your head? Do it all for the glory? Student Council is looking for students to sign-up to compete in Pep Rally games! Sign-up during lunch periods or see Mrs. Giacoman in E7.
> Attention Seniors! It’s time to place your nominations for homecoming king and queen! Go to the Class of 2024 Google Classroom and fill out the form to nominate any senior for homecoming king and queen! Nominations will be open from now until 3:15 on Wednesday. Voting will take place on Thursday, and the winners will be announced at the homecoming dance Thursday night.
> Are you interested in Mechanical, Electrical, or Software Engineering? Then you might be interested in SparX, the Schroeder and Thomas joint robotics team. The team has 6 weeks to design and build a robot to then compete in competition at RIT and beyond. Our first meeting is today at Thomas in the South Cafeteria from 5:30 to 8 with a parent meeting at 7:30. For more information email Mr. Schenk at david_schenk@webstercsd.org.
September 22, 2023
> Do you want a challenge? Do you like problem solving? Join Math League! An informational meeting will be held on Thursday, September 28 after school in room E4.
> Do you like art or history, or just like to travel? If so, you’re invited to attend a student educational trip to Italy where you’ll visit major cities: Venice, Florence, and Rome!
Take a gondola ride in Venice! See where the Gladiators fought in the Colosseum and so much more!
Interested? Come to an informational meeting in the Spry Conference Room (1st floor) on Tuesday, September 26th @ 6pm to learn more!
Contact Mrs. Malinchak at Jennifer_Malinchak@webstercsd.org to register for the meeting. I hope to see you there!
> Any interested student in experiencing new cultures and diversity as well as field trips and community service please come to our first International Club meeting on Thursday, September 28th in W213 after school.
> Are you looking for volunteer hours? The Webster Marching Band needs your help during their home show on October 7th! Autumn Fanfare takes place at Schroeder High School, and we need your help from 4:30-8:30pm. You don't need to stay the whole time, and food is provided! You will be responsible for greeting bands when they arrive, providing band directors with the welcome packet, and escorting bands to the turf field for competition at their assigned time. This is a great way to gain volunteer hours! If you're interested, please stop down to N-5 or email brittany_cole@webstercsd.org to sign up!
> There will be a meeting for students interested in the Science Olympiad team in SW5 after school on Thursday, September 28th at 3:30pm. Please see Mr. Lasky or Mr. Gill if you are not able to attend.
> September is Library Card Sign-Up Month. Come to the library today during lunch blocks, where Webster Public Library teen librarian Colleen Hernandez will be helping students sign up for new or replacement library cards. In addition to information about the services that your public library card gains you access to, Colleen will have book raffles, freebies, and a take-and-make craft. Please stop down to Schroeder's library circulation desk to get a pre-signed pass to attend. We are offering lunch block study passes for this special event.
> Are you interested in Mechanical, Electrical, or Software Engineering? Then you might be interested in SparX, the Schroeder and Thomas joint robotics team. The team has 6 weeks to design and build a robot to then compete in competition at RIT and beyond. Our first meeting is on Monday, September 25th at Thomas in the South Cafeteria from 5:30 to 8pm with a parent meeting at 7:30. For more information email Mr. Schenk at the link shown here.
> Interested in joining Best Buddies and learning what it’s all about? Join us for our first meeting on Tuesday in W7 right after school to get some info. Can’t wait to see you there!
> Attention Freshmen: If you want to be fresh, you have to dress the part! Homecoming shirts have arrived and they are iced out! If you paid class dues or purchased a Homecoming t-shirt, stop by Mr. Gomez's room (W18) to pick up your shirt! Come by during passing time or check the schedule posted on his door for availability. He will be set-up in the cafeteria during 4th period lunches as well, so stop on by!
> Are you looking at colleges right now? Attend the easiest college visit today! SUNY New Paltz, SUNY College of Technology, and Union College will all be here at Schroeder today to talk to you. Stop into the counseling center to see the times and sign up!
> Calculators are ready for pickup in WTI! If you requested a calculator through the Google Form, please stop into WTI to pick it up as soon as possible.
> Are you a female student that is interested in STEM, then Women in STEM may be the club for you! Women in STEM meets twice a month with interactive activities and guest speakers. Our first meeting is on Wednesday, September 27th after school in room E21. If you are interested in the club but cannot make the meeting, see Ms Metz in room E21.
> Looking for a sport where you can sit down and not have to get all sweaty? Well then Chess might be for you! No matter what your level is, Chess Club is the perfect place to have some fun. The Chess Club meets every Tuesday after school in room E5. And we always have donuts!
> Want to be in an amazing club where we explore what it means to believe in a higher power? Want to have discussions about faith, existence, purpose and inner peace? Then SPIRIT club is for you! SPIRIT Club’s first meeting will be next week, Tuesday the 26th in Mr. Fedor’s room W216 at 8:00. Come and bring a friend!
> Yesterday, the Webster Girls Golf team defeated Fairport with a score of 41.5-32.5, under difficult circumstances! Congratulations girls!
> Let's get GLOWING! The Homecoming Dance is on Thursday, September 28th. Tickets will be on sale for $7 during lunch periods. Only Schroeder students can attend. See Mrs. Giacoman in E7 with any questions.
> The Girls Soccer team won last on Senior Night by a score of 3-1. Scoring for Schroeder was Leah M, Kylie C, and Sasha Z. Lucy S and Gabbie A split the win in goal.
> Webster Boys Volleyball fended off a powerful Penfield in four sets last night, with Nick A distributing 35 assists to direct an offensive attack that featured Joey P, Jacob G, and Gavin T with 17, 16, and 6 kills respectively. Front row defense was a major contributor to the win with Nate Z in on 6 blocks and Gavin T closing a season high 11 blocks. Bodey G carpeted the floor with 22 digs on the night. The Lakers get a well-deserved rest over the weekend before hosting traditional threat Victor on Tuesday in the Schroeder gym, 7:30 start.
> Hey Schroeder! Homecoming Spirit Week is just around the corner. Get ready for the Pep Rally, the Homecoming Dance, and free treats in lunches! Show your Warrior Pride by dressing Tropical on Monday as a tribute to Jimmy Buffet, Country vs Country Club on Tuesday, Class Color on Wednesday, Class Theme on Thursday, and finishing off the week with wearing Blue and Gold next Friday! Tickets for the Glow in the Dark Homecoming dance will be sold next week on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday during lunches and at the door for $7 each.
> Congratulations to the following students for being this week’s recipients of Principal’s Recognition:
Please stop down to the main office between 1st and 2nd period.
Jack B. ~ Class of 2024
Jack F. ~ Class of 2026 (per 1 Morency)
Alyssa F. ~ Class of 2024
Sophia K. ~ Class of 2026
Carly M. ~ Class of 2024
Eve P. ~ Class of 2026
Dominic P. ~ Class of 2024
Nicholas S. ~ Class of 2026
Michael S. ~ Class of 2025
Logan U. ~ Class of 2025
Now over to an announcement from the tennis team:
Good Morning Schroeder,
The Schroeder Girls Tennis team is having an outstanding season and is peaking at just the right time. We have a 3-1 division record and only have 3 matches left in our regular season.
Tomorrow morning we will be taking on Batavia. This is our last home match of the season and will also be our senior celebration. Our seniors this season are Anna R, Nikol K, Kaitlin L, and Analise A. Please come cheer on the entire team but especially our amazing Class of 2024 seniors. We look forward to seeing you at our match tomorrow morning! Have a great day warriors.
September 21, 2023
> Do you want a challenge? Do you like problem solving? Join Math League! An informational meeting will be held on Thursday, September 28 after school in room E4.
> There will be a Future Business Leaders of America Meeting after school today at 3:20pm in Room E3. If you have any questions, please see Mrs. Keil or Mr. Costanza.
> Are you interested in community service? Then consider joining Key Club! We will have our kick-off meeting today at 3:20 in the auditorium.
> Any interested student in experiencing new cultures and diversity as well as field trips and community service please come to our first International Club meeting on Thursday, September 28th in W213 after school.
> The Washington DC Close Up Foundation's once-in-a-lifetime program opportunities are designed to inspire and empower students to become active participants in our democracy. Students experience history and government, viewpoints on important current issues, and build the skills of engaged citizenship. A student informational meeting will be held after school today in room W208.
> Are you looking for volunteer hours? The Webster Marching Band needs your help during their home show on October 7th! Autumn Fanfare takes place at Schroeder High School, and we need your help from 4:30-8:30pm. You don't need to stay the whole time, and food is provided! You will be responsible for greeting bands when they arrive, providing band directors with the welcome packet, and escorting bands to the turf field for competition at their assigned time. This is a great way to gain volunteer hours! If you're interested, please stop down to N-5 or email brittany_cole@webstercsd.org to sign up!
> There will be a meeting for students interested in the Science Olympiad team in SW5 after school on Thursday, September 28th at 3:30pm. Please see Mr. Lasky or Mr. Gill if you are not able to attend.
> September is Library Card Sign-Up Month. Come to the library tomorrow during lunch blocks, where Webster Public Library teen librarian Colleen Hernandez will be helping students sign up for new or replacement library cards. In addition to information about the services that your public library card gains you access to, Colleen will have book raffles, freebies, and a take-and-make craft. Please stop down to Schroeder's library circulation desk to get a pre-signed pass to attend. We are offering lunch block study passes for this special event.
> Interested in joining Best Buddies and learning what it’s all about? Join us for our first meeting on Tuesday in W7 right after school to get some info. Can’t wait to see you there!
> Attention Freshmen: If you want to be fresh, you have to dress the part! Homecoming shirts have arrived and they are iced out! If you paid class dues or purchased a Homecoming t-shirt, stop by Mr. Gomez's room (W18) to pick up your shirt! Come by during passing time or check the schedule posted on his door for availability. Interested in a shirt and haven't paid dues? You can still use MySchoolBucks to purchase a shirt or pay your dues and get a shirt included! Come see Mr. Gomez with any questions!
> The Boys Soccer team defeated 1st place Fairport last night by a score of 3 to 2 in double overtime. Junior Sammy B completed his hat trick, scoring the game winner with just over a minute left with the assist going to Junior Brayden C. Senior Nikola M had a great cross and sophomore Tommy a great shot for the other two assists. Senior Mason D started his 1st game of the season and played tremendous in goal.
> Hey Schroeder! Homecoming week is just around the corner. Get ready for the Pep Rally, the Homecoming Dance, and free treats in lunches! Kick off Homecoming week by wearing your favorite Jersey this Friday, and show your Warrior Pride by dressing Tropical on Monday as a tribute to Jimmy Buffet, Country vs Country Club on Tuesday, Class color on Wednesday, Class theme on Thursday, and finishing off the week with wearing Blue and Gold next Friday! Important notice that the Freshmen theme is USA. Thank you for your patience. Tickets for the Glow in the Dark Homecoming dance will be sold next week on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday during lunches and at the door for $7 each.
> Are you interested in Mechanical, Electrical, or Software Engineering? Then you might be interested in SparX, the Schroeder and Thomas joint robotics team. The team has 6 weeks to design and build a robot to then compete in competition at RIT and beyond. Our first meeting is on Monday, September 25th at Thomas in the South Cafeteria from 5:30 to 8pm with a parent meeting at 7:30. For more information email Mr. Schenk at the link shown here.
September 20, 2023
> Do you like art or history, or just like to travel? If so, you’re invited to attend a student educational trip to Italy where you’ll visit major cities: Venice, Florence, and Rome!
Take a gondola ride in Venice! See where the Gladiators fought in the Colosseum and so much more!
Interested? Come to an informational meeting in the Spry Conference Room (1st floor) on Tuesday, September 26th @ 6pm to learn more!
Contact Mrs. Malinchak at Jennifer_Malinchak@webstercsd.org to register for the meeting. I hope to see you there!
> There will be a Future Business Leaders of America Meeting tomorrow, Thursday, September 21 at 3:20pm in Room E3. If you have any questions, please see Mrs. Keil or Mr. Costanza.
> Are you interested in community service? Then consider joining Key Club! We will have our kick-off meeting tomorrow, Thursday, September 21 at 3:20 in the auditorium.
> Any interested student in experiencing new cultures and diversity as well as field trips and community service please come to our first International Club meeting on Thursday, September 28th in W213 after school.
>Attention current NHS members, we have a meeting today at 3:20pm in the library classroom. Bring your chromebooks!
> Are you a political junkie? Do you want to learn more about our federal government? Do you want to hang with students from all over the country? If yes, consider a 5 night, 6 day in-depth experience in Washington, DC in March 2024. A student informational meeting will be held after school this Thursday, September 21st in room W208.
> Are you looking for volunteer hours? The Webster Marching Band needs your help during their home show on October 7th! Autumn Fanfare takes place at Schroeder High School, and we need your help from 4:30-8:30pm. You don't need to stay the whole time, and food is provided! You will be responsible for greeting bands when they arrive, providing band directors with the welcome packet, and escorting bands to the turf field for competition at their assigned time. This is a great way to gain volunteer hours! If you're interested, please stop down to N-5 or email brittany_cole@webstercsd.org to sign up!
> Key Club members: our first kick off meeting will be tomorrow, Thursday, in the Library Classroom! We will be talking about the upcoming
> There will be a meeting for students interested in the Science Olympiad team in SW5 after school on Thursday, September 28th at 3:30pm. Please see Mr. Lasky or Mr. Gill if you are not able to attend.
> In a battle of undefeated teams and for first place in Monroe County, Girls Soccer lost to Spencerport last night 4-0.
> Congratulations to the Freshman Football Team opening up their season with a big 29-0 win over the visiting McQuaid Jesuits.
Touchdowns were scored by Jackson H. with 2 rushing scores. Alex R. threw a touchdown to Aidan L. and Jordan G added another score on the ground.
The Warriors take on Hilton on Tuesday
> Webster Boys Volleyball defeated McQuaid in three sets last night as Nick A distributed 22 assists while recording 3 aces and 5 blocks. Jacob G, Gavin T, and Joey P had 8, 7, and 6 kills respectively. On the defense side, Ryan W provided 5 blocks and Bodey G led the team in digs with 9.
> The Girls Varsity Tennis team improved their record to 4 wins and 5 loses with a 7 to 0 victory over the Cadets from Hilton. Senior Kaitlin L and sophomore Emma R came from behind in the third set to win in dramatic fashion. Congratulations to the entire team on such an impressive victory. Up next for the Warriors is a trip to Pittsford to take on Sutherland on Thursday afternoon and this Saturday the team will be celebrating their 4 seniors during our final home match of the season against Batavia.
> September is Library Card Sign-Up Month. Come to the library this Friday during lunch blocks, where Webster Public Library teen librarian Colleen Hernandez will be helping students sign up for new or replacement library cards. In addition to information about the services that your public library card gains you access to, Colleen will have book raffles, freebies, and a take-and-make craft. Please stop down to Schroeder's library circulation desk to get a pre-signed pass to attend. We offering lunch block study passes for this special event.
> Are you interested in Mechanical, Electrical, or Software Engineering? Then you might be interested in SparX, the Schroeder and Thomas joint robotics team. The team has 6 weeks to design and build a robot to then compete in competition at RIT and beyond. Our first meeting is on Monday, September 25th at Thomas in the South Cafeteria from 5:30 to 8pm with a parent meeting at 7:30. For more information email Mr. Schenk at the link shown here.
> Hey Schroeder! Homecoming Week is just around the corner. Get ready for the Pep Rally, the Homecoming Dance, and free treats in lunches! Kick off Homecoming week by wearing your favorite Jersey this Friday, and show your Warrior Pride by dressing Tropical on Monday as a tribute to Jimmy Buffet, Country vs Country Club on Tuesday, Class Color on Wednesday, Class theme on Thursday, and finishing off the week with wearing Blue and Gold next Friday! Important notice the Junior class theme is Hollywood, not Haunted House. We’re sorry for any confusion yesterday. Look for your Class Officers during lunches this week to get your class t-shirts to wear next Wednesday. Tickets for the Glow in the Dark Homecoming dance will be sold next week on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday during lunches and at the door for $7 each.
> Nothing better than being certified FRESH! You know who I'm talking about...what up FRESHmen! Always repping, always repping Class of 2027!
I'm Mr. Gomez, one of your Class Advisors. Homecoming is approaching quickly, and I need your help! Make sure you are checking our Google Classroom page for announcements, updates, and important things to know throughout your time at Schroeder. The most important right now is deciding on a Homecoming Hallway Theme for our class! We have three options available: people tell me all the time that I could pass for the 4th Hemsworth brother so option 1 is "Superhero," option 2 is "Under the Sea" and I heard Mrs. Goodwine will play the steel drum for us, and of course you can't go wrong with the ol' stars and stripes: last option is USA!
We have to show these other classes how to keep it fresh! Head on over to Google Classroom and cast your vote...and make sure you get involved, participate, and go ALL IN next week for the Class of 2027!!!
September 19, 2023
> The Webster Chess Team starts a new year and whether you want to compete against other schools or just play a friendly game, the Chess Team is the place for you to do this. So come down to room E5 after school every Tuesday to enjoy a great game!
> Attention Freshmen: head over to our Class of 2027 Google Classroom and submit your Homecoming Hallway theme suggestions! The best four will be selected and put to a vote! Let’s make a statement and bring the spirit next week!
> Today's Schroeder Courier Newspaper Drop-in hours are postponed until Thursday afterschool. Drop-in hours on Tuesdays will resume next week, Tuesday September 26.
> Attention all current NHS members: there will be a meeting after school tomorrow, Wednesday, September 20 at 3:20pm in the Library Classroom. Please bring your Chromebooks.
> Student Council is meeting tomorrow, Wednesday, September 20th in E7 at 8:15am.
> Do you want to compete against other schools around the country in your favorite video games? Join the Schroeder Warriors Esports team. There will be an informational meeting in SW2 after school today.
> There will be a Future Business Leaders of America Meeting on Thursday, September 21 at 3:20pm in Room E3. If you have any questions, please see Mrs. Keil or Mr. Costanza.
> The first Library Club meeting has been rescheduled to Tuesday, September 26. Please adjust your calendars and plan to meet in the library on the 26th.
> Any interested student in experiencing new cultures and diversity as well as field trips and community service please come to our first International Club meeting on Thursday, September 28th in W213 after school.
> The Washington DC Close Up Foundation's once-in-a-lifetime program opportunities are designed to inspire and empower students to become active participants in our democracy. Students experience history and government, viewpoints on important current issues, and build the skills of engaged citizenship. A student informational meeting will be held after school this Thursday, September 21st in room W208.
> Are you looking for volunteer hours? The Webster Marching Band needs your help during their home show on October 7th! Autumn Fanfare takes place at Schroeder High School, and we need your help from 4:30-8:30pm. You don't need to stay the whole time, and food is provided! You will be responsible for greeting bands when they arrive, providing band directors with the welcome packet, and escorting bands to the turf field for competition at their assigned time. This is a great way to gain volunteer hours! If you're interested, please stop down to N-5 or email brittany_cole@webstercsd.org to sign up!
> Key Club members: our first kick off meeting will be this Thursday in the Library Classroom! We will be talking about the upcoming year. See you there!
> Webster Boys Volleyball defeated Rush-Henrietta in three sets last night, paced by Nate W's six kills, while Evan C, Cal L, and Ryan W tallied four kills apiece. The defense was led by Jacob G's three blocks and Aidan J's four digs.
September 18, 2023
> Do you love playing Wordle? It is time to start playing the weekly Webster Wordle Challenge! Scan the QR code outside of B1 to submit your guess. Each day the guess with the most correct letters will be put on the Worlde board outside of B1. A new round will start every Monday. Check out the board outside B1 or look for posters with more info!
> The National Art Society is welcoming new members! If you are in grades 10-12, are taking art classes this year, and maintain great grades...then come see what we are all about! There is an informational meeting today at 3:15pm in room E12. We can't wait to see you there!
> The Webster Chess Team starts a new year and whether you want to compete against other schools or just play a friendly game, the Chess Team is the place for you to do this. So come down to room E5 after school every Tuesday to enjoy a great game!
> The Webster Schroeder Model UN Club will hold its first meeting of the year today at 3:20 in W6, otherwise known as Mrs. Tuyn's room. We welcome all interested students who want to see what Model UN is all about. Hope to see you there!
> Do you like art or history, or just like to travel? If so, you’re invited to attend a student educational trip to Italy where you’ll visit major cities: Venice, Florence, and Rome!
Take a gondola ride in Venice! See where the Gladiators fought in the Colosseum and so much more!
Interested? Come to an informational meeting in the Spry Conference Room (1st floor) on Tuesday, September 26th @ 6pm to learn more!
Contact Mrs. Malinchak at Jennifer_Malinchak@webstercsd.org to register for the meeting. I hope to see you there!
> Attention all current NHS members: there will be a meeting after school on Wednesday, September 20 at 3:20pm in the Library Classroom. Please bring your Chromebooks.
> Student Council is meeting Wednesday, September 20th in E7 at 8:15am.
> Do you want to compete against other schools around the country in your favorite video games? Join the Schroeder Warriors Esports team. There will be an informational meeting in SW2 after school tomorrow, Tuesday, September 19th
> There will be a Future Business Leaders of America Meeting on Thursday, September 21 at 3:20pm in Room E3. If you have any questions, please see Mrs. Keil or Mr. Costanza.
> Are you interested in community service? Then consider joining Key Club! We will have our kick-off meeting Thursday, September 21 at 3:20 in the auditorium.
> The first Library Club meeting has been rescheduled to Tuesday, September 26. Please adjust your calendars and plan to meet in the library on the 26th.
> Any interested student in experiencing new cultures and diversity as well as field trips and community service please come to our first International Club meeting on Thursday, September 28th in W213 after school.
> Are you a political junkie? Do you want to learn more about our federal government? Do you want to hang with students from all over the country? If yes, consider a 5 night, 6 day in-depth experience in Washington, DC in March 2024. A student informational meeting will be held after school this Thursday, September 21st in room W208.
> Today is a chance to learn about the value of joining Schroeder's Speech & Debate Team and up your chances of success in academics, the world of work, and in your personal relationships while having fun and meeting new friends here and across the county. Not many teams can claim to have qualified and competed at State and Nationals every year since 1985! Come to W3 at 3:20 today and find out what we are all about! Oprah Winfrey knows and so does our newest Supreme Court Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson.
> Schroeder Girls Soccer defeated Webster Thomas on Friday night by a score of 3 to 1. Scoring for the Warriors was Jocelyn G, Shannon, K and Sasha Z. Ellie O had the win in goal.
> Are you looking for volunteer hours? The Webster Marching Band needs your help during their home show on October 7th! Autumn Fanfare takes place at Schroeder High School, and we need your help from 4:30-8:30pm. You don't need to stay the whole time, and food is provided! You will be responsible for greeting bands when they arrive, providing band directors with the welcome packet, and escorting bands to the turf field for competition at their assigned time. This is a great way to gain volunteer hours! If you're interested, please stop down to N-5 or email brittany_cole@webstercsd.org to sign up!
September 15, 2023
> Are you interested in painting, art, or design? Do you feel passionate about bringing more color, art, and positivity to the school? Think about joining Mural Club on Mondays after school! The first meeting will be held on September 18th from 3:20 - 4:00 in room E8. Please reach out to Ms. O'Hara with any questions.
> The National Art Society is welcoming new members! If you are in grades 10-12, are taking art classes this year, and maintain great grades...then come see what we are all about! There is an informational meeting Monday, September 18th at 3:15pm in room E12. We can't wait to see you there!
> The Speech & Debate Team will meet in Room W3 on Monday at 3:15.
Join the many successful individuals who've competed in Speech & Debate including Jordan Peele, Colin Jost, and Chadwick Boseman.
> The Webster Chess Team starts a new year and whether you want to compete against other schools or just play a friendly game, the Chess Team is the place for you to do this. So come down to room E5 after school every Tuesday to enjoy a great game!
> The Webster Schroeder Model UN Club will hold its first meeting of the year on Monday, September 18 at 3:20 in W6, otherwise known as Mrs. Tuyn's room. We welcome all interested students who want to see what Model UN is all about. Hope to see you there!
> Last night the girls golf team defeated Churchville Chili with a score of 50.5 to 24.5 with leading scorers, Erin M. scoring 45 and Emma F with a score of 46.
Great job ladies!
> Attention aspiring content creators! Drop-in hours for Schroeder Courier Newspaper Club start next week. Schroeder Courier student news site is currently looking for photographers, writers, interviewers, social media managers, graphic designers, and more. If you're looking to get involved with our student news site, please consider stopping by afterschool on Tuesday or Thursday to W4. Can't make it? Students do not need to regularly attend meetings to contribute to our site. You can grab the Google Classroom code from W4 at any time to join and stay up to date on content drops and club needs. Be a part of our team. No publishing experience necessary. Newspaper Club is a place to be creative and learn valuable communication skills for college and career. Visit wshscourier.org to check us out and get started on your own content today!
> Do you like art or history, or just like to travel? If so, you’re invited to attend a student educational trip to Italy where you’ll visit major cities: Venice, Florence, and Rome!
Take a gondola ride in Venice! See where the Gladiators fought in the Colosseum and so much more!
Interested? Come to an informational meeting in the Spry Conference Room (1st floor) on Tuesday, September 26th @ 6 pm, to learn more!
Contact Mrs. Malinchak at Jennifer_Malinchak@webstercsd.org to register for the meeting. I hope to see you there!
> The library's college application essay workshops run today in the library classroom during 4th and 5th periods. Please register through Naviance under the college rep tab.
> Library Club is a social club for readers. We host book discussions, get crafty, and plan literary outings and events. Come to our first meeting after school on Tuesday, September 19 to see what we are all about. Catch the late bus home, or have your ride waiting at 4pm.
> Attention all current NHS members: there will be a meeting after school on Wednesday, September 20 at 3:20pm in the Library Classroom. Please bring your Chromebooks.
> Student Council is meeting Wednesday, September 20th in E7 at 8:15am.
> Do you want to compete against other schools around the country in your favorite video games? Join the Schroeder Warriors Esports team. There will be an informational meeting in SW2 after school on Tuesday, September 19th
> There will be a Future Business Leaders of America Meeting on Thursday, September 21 at 3:20pm in Room E3. If you have any questions, please see Mrs. Keil or Mr. Costanza.
> Thursday night the field hockey team beat Hilton 1-0 improving their record to 2-1 on the 2023 season! Katherine M. scored her first varsity goal in the second quarter and the team held the Cadets scoreless for the remaining 30-minutes of play. Khadeeja R. had her first shutout of the season, in her third game ever as a goalie!
> The Boys Varsity Soccer team defeated Gates-Chili on Thursday night by a score of 4 to 2. Leading the way was junior Sam B with two goals and two assists. The other goal scorers included seniors, Noah B and Niko M with the assists from juniors Brayden C and Aidan R. Next for the Warriors is a home game versus the Victor Blue Devils on Saturday at 11am.
> Schroeder Girls Volleyball improved to 3 and 1 on the season last night at home against West Irondequoit. Erin M. went on a serving tear that changed the momentum of the game and ended with 5 aces. Junior Maddy B. was on fire at the net with 8 kills coming from the right side. Sophomore Maddie S. said "it might be Open House tonight, but our court is closed" and proved her point with 22 digs and a phenomenal defensive performance. Contributing to the impenetrable defense was junior Julianna F who had 19 digs. Offensively senior Lina F. could just not be stopped, racking up a total of 22 kills. Great team effort by all. The Warriors search for a gold medal tomorrow at the Victor Tournament. Wish them good luck!
> Congratulations to the following students for being this week’s recipients of Principal’s Recognition:
Please stop down to the main office between 1st and 2nd period.
Piper A. ~ Class of 2026
Diana B. ~ Class of 2026
Katelyn B. ~ Class of 2026
Robert F. ~ Class of 2024
Nikol K. ~ Class of 2024
Ash L. ~ Class of 2027
Nora M. ~ Class of 2026
Diana K. ~ Class of 2026
Ja’nyla W. ~ Class of 2026
September 14, 2023
> Are you interested in painting, art, or design? Do you feel passionate about bringing more color, art, and positivity to the school? Think about joining Mural Club on Mondays after school! The first meeting will be held on September 18th from 3:20 - 4:00 in room E8. Please reach out to Ms. O'Hara with any questions.
> Attention students Grades 9-12: Do you like meeting new people? Would you like to help promote the great school that is Schroeder? Then consider becoming a New Student Ambassador
Join us for a short meeting after school today at 3:20 in the auditorium.
> The National Art Society is welcoming new members! If you are in grades 10-12, are taking art classes this year, and maintain great grades...then come see what we are all about! There is an informational meeting Monday, September 18th at 3:15pm in room E12. We can't wait to see you there!
> What do Brad Pitt, Adam Sandler, and Oprah Winfrey have in common besides having lots of cash?
They all competed in Speech & Debate in high school!
You can too.
Come to Monday's Speech & Debate Meeting in Room W3.
That's Monday, September 18 in Room W3.
> The Webster Chess Team starts a new year and whether you want to compete against other schools or just play a friendly game, the Chess Team is the place for you to do this. So come down to room E5 after school every Tuesday to enjoy a great game!
> The Webster Schroeder Model UN Club will hold its first meeting of the year on Monday, September 18 at 3:20 in W6, otherwise known as Mrs. Tuyn's room. We welcome all interested students who want to see what Model UN is all about. Hope to see you there!
> Attention aspiring content creators! Drop-in hours for Schroeder Courier Newspaper Club start next week. Schroeder Courier student news site is currently looking for photographers, writers, interviewers, social media managers, graphic designers, and more. If you're looking to get involved with our student news site, please consider stopping by afterschool on Tuesday or Thursday to W4. Can't make it? Students do not need to regularly attend meetings to contribute to our site. You can grab the Google Classroom code from W4 at any time to join and stay up to date on content drops and club needs. Be a part of our team. No publishing experience necessary. Newspaper Club is a place to be creative and learn valuable communication skills for college and career. Visit wshscourier.org to check us out and get started on your own content today!
> Do you like art or history, or just like to travel? If so, you’re invited to attend a student educational trip to Italy where you’ll visit major cities: Venice, Florence, and Rome!
Take a gondola ride in Venice! See where the Gladiators fought in the Colosseum and so much more!
Interested? Come to an informational meeting in the Spry Conference Room (1st floor) on Tuesday, September 26th @ 6 pm, to learn more!
Contact Mrs. Malinchak at Jennifer_Malinchak@webstercsd.org to register for the meeting. I hope to see you there!
> The library's college application essay workshops run today and tomorrow in the library classroom during 4th and 5th periods. Please register through Naviance under the college rep tab
> Library Club is a social club for readers. We host book discussions, get crafty, and plan literary outings and events. Come to our first meeting after school on Tuesday, September 19 to see what we are all about. Catch the late bus home, or have your ride waiting at 4pm.
> Attention all current NHS members: there will be a meeting after school on Wednesday, September 20 at 3:20pm in the Library Classroom. Please bring your Chromebooks.
> Student Council is meeting Wednesday, September 20th in E7 at 8:15am.
> Do you want to compete against other schools around the country in your favorite video games? Join the Schroeder Warriors Esports team. There will be an informational meeting in SW2 after school on Tuesday, September 19th
> Schroeder Girls Varsity Soccer defeated Gates-Chili last night by a score of 7-1. Scoring for the Warriors were Alyssa D, McKenzie B, Emma R, Kylie C, and Morgan T. Sasha Z. netted two goals.
Leah M added two assists along with Morgan T, Sasha, and Alyssa D.
Ellie O, Lucy S and Gabbie A all combined for the win in goal.
> The Schroeder Girls JV soccer team defeated Gates-Chili last night with a score of 1 to 0. Ava Z had the goal with an assist from Annika S. The team returns home next week on Thursday to play Fairport on the turf. Hope to see you there!
> As Fall sports get underway, the Morning Show would like to wish all Warrior teams great success this season. Whether you are on the field, the court, or the links we are behind you and cheering you on! There truly is no place like Warrior Nation! To celebrate the return of Schroeder athletics, here is a hype video for Girls Volleyball who play tonight at home at 7:30pm!
September 13, 2023
> Are you interested in painting, art, or design? Do you feel passionate about bringing more color, art, and positivity to the school? Think about joining Mural Club on Mondays after school! The first meeting will be held on September 18th from 3:20 - 4:00 in room E8. Please reach out to Ms. O'Hara with any questions.
> Attention students Grades 9-12: Do you like meeting new people? Would you like to help promote the great school that is Schroeder? Then consider becoming a New Student Ambassador
Join us for a short meeting tomorrow, Thursday, September 14 at 3:20 in the auditorium.
> The National Art Society is welcoming new members! If you are in grades 10-12, are taking art classes this year, and maintain great grades...then come see what we are all about! There is an informational meeting Monday, September 18th at 3:15pm in room E12. We can't wait to see you there!
> Who won the NCFL for best oratory in New Orleans in 1988?
That would be the recently appointed Supreme Court Justice of the United States Ketanji Brown Jackson!
If you want to be on the US Supreme Court, consider joining Speech & Debate!!
We meet on Mondays in Room W3.
See Mrs. Connelly in W16 or Ms Hamm in W3 for more information!
> Attention all National Honors Society members, and any juniors and seniors interested in joining NHS: we have a general membership meeting on Wednesday, September 20th right after school in the Library Classroom. We will be finished around 4:15. Hope to see you there!
> The Webster Chess Team starts a new year and whether you want to compete against other schools or just play a friendly game, the Chess Team is the place for you to do this. So come down to room E5 after school every Tuesday to enjoy a great game!
> The Webster Schroeder Model UN Club will hold its first meeting of the year on Monday, September 18 at 3:20 in W6, otherwise known as Mrs. Tuyn's room. We welcome all interested students who want to see what Model UN is all about. Hope to see you there!
> Schroeder Girls Varsity Volleyball improved their record last night to 2 wins and 1 loss on the season by beating a very talented Brighton team on the road last night. Leading the warriors was Sara F. with 27 assists, Lina F. with 14 kills and Julianna F with 7 kills. Of course we can't forget about the unstoppable defense led by Maddy S, Erin M and Anabelle W! The Warriors are back home tomorrow night! Come check them out!
> Attention aspiring content creators! Drop-in hours for Schroeder Courier Newspaper Club start next week. Schroeder Courier student news site is currently looking for photographers, writers, interviewers, social media managers, graphic designers, and more. If you're looking to get involved with our student news site, please consider stopping by afterschool on Tuesday or Thursday to W4. Can't make it? Students do not need to regularly attend meetings to contribute to our site. You can grab the Google Classroom code from W4 at any time to join and stay up to date on content drops and club needs. Be a part of our team. No publishing experience necessary. Newspaper Club is a place to be creative and learn valuable communication skills for college and career. Visit wshscourier.org to check us out and get started on your own content today!
September 12th, 2023
> Are you interested in painting, art, or design? Do you feel passionate about bringing more color, art, and positivity to the school? Think about joining Mural Club on Mondays after school! The first meeting will be held on September 18th from 3:20 - 4:00 in room E8. Please reach out to Ms. O'Hara with any questions.
> Attention students Grades 9-12: Do you like meeting new people? Would you like to help promote the great school that is Schroeder? Then consider becoming a New Student Ambassador
Join us for a short meeting Thursday, September 14 at 3:20 in the auditorium.
> Attention Freshman: Come play kickball under the lights tonight in the Schroeder stadium from 7 - 8pm!
> Are you interested in joining a service club? Do you want to support your community? If so, please join Webster Schroeder Rotary today at 3:25 in E27. We will be planning for our first service project: writing letters for the upcoming Honor Flight Mission. New members are always welcome. If you have any questions see Mrs. Landis in E27. Hope to see you this afternoon.
> The National Art Society is welcoming new members! If you are in grades 10-12, are taking art classes this year, and maintain great grades...then come see what we are all about! There is an informational meeting Monday, September 18th at 3:15pm in room E12. We can't wait to see you there!
> Attention all new and returning Tri-M Members: we have a meeting tomorrow, Wednesday, September 13th at 8:15am in room N101. If you haven't already, make sure to join the Google Classroom via an invite that was sent out. Can't wait to see you all there!
> Attention all current members of National Honors Society, we have a meeting on Wednesday, September 20th right after school in Mrs.O'Connor's room, W224, and Mrs.Halls room, W223. We will be finished around 4:15. Hope to see you there!
> Schroeder Girls Soccer got a tough win at Churchville - Chili last night. Jocelyn G had a goal. Morgan T added a goal and an assist. Alyssa D added another assist. The defense led by Shannon K, Maddie P. and Ellie O. was outstanding! Go Warriors!
> Last night the girls golf team defeated Churchville-Chili 46-32. Leading scorers were Macey F. with a 24 and both Emma F. and Erin M. with a 26.
September 11th, 2023
> Any students interested in being part of the Yearbook Staff should plan to attend an informational meeting this afternoon at 3:20 in Room E21. You can bring or learn skills related to photography, graphic design, documenting history and much more! Last year's staff members should plan to attend this meeting as well. If you cannot attend the meeting please let Mrs. Metz-Miller or Mrs. Henry know.
> Are you interested in painting, art, or design? Do you feel passionate about bringing more color, art, and positivity to the school? Think about joining Mural Club on Mondays after school! The first meeting will be held on September 18th from 3:20 - 4:00 in room E8. Please reach out to Ms. O'Hara with any questions.
> Attention students Grades 9-12: Do you like meeting new people? Would you like to help promote the great school that is Schroeder? Then consider becoming a New Student Ambassador
Join us for a short meeting Thursday, September 14 at 3:20 in the auditorium.
> Attention Freshman: Come play kickball under the lights tomorrow night Tuesday, September 12 in the Schroeder stadium from 7 - 8pm!
> Do you love playing Wordle? It is time to start playing the weekly Webster Wordle Challenge! Scan the QR code outside of B1 to submit your guess. Each day the guess with the most correct letters will be put on the Worlde board outside of B1. A new round will start every Monday. Check out the board outside B1 or look for posters with more info!
> Are you interested in joining a service club? Do you want to support your community? If so, please join Webster Schroeder Rotary tomorrow, Tuesday, Sept. 12th at 3:25 in E27. We will be planning for our first service project: writing letters for the upcoming Honor Flight Mission. New members are always welcome. If you have any questions see Mrs. Landis in E27. Hope to see you tomorrow.
> The National Art Society is welcoming new members! If you are in grades 10-12, are taking art classes this year, and maintain great grades...then come see what we are all about! There is an informational meeting Monday, September 18th at 3:15pm in room E12. We can't wait to see you there!
> Feel like you can stay cool under the studio lights and deliver well-paced, accurate announcements from a scrolling prompter to Schroeder each morning like this:
If you must cross a course cross cow across a crowded cow crossing, cross the cross coarse cow across the crowded cow crossing carefully.
Oh, and did we mention it is live!?
The Schroeder Morning Show is holding anchor auditions tomorrow, Tuesday, September 12th during 4th period. Stop by W18 to see Mr. Gomez or stop by Ms Cooman's office in WTI to sign-up for an audition slot. No previous public speaking experience is required! Come tryout for an energized club that is vital to running the school!
> Attention all new and returning Tri-M Members: we have a meeting this Wednesday, September 13th at 8:15am in room N101. If you haven't already, make sure to join the Google Classroom via an invite that was sent out. Can't wait to see you all there!
> Speech & Debate Team will meet after school in W16 today. Bring a friend. New students welcome.
Now over to Mr. Colleluori
> Good morning. Today marks twenty two years since the tragic terrorist attacks where 2,977 people lost their lives at the World Trade Center Towers, the Pentagon, and aboard Flight 93. Today, we remember with a solemn heart the innocent lives lost on that day.
I ask that you please join me in a moment of silence...Thank you.
While the pain from the day remains a reminder to many, we also must never forget the courage, sacrifice, and kindness of the American people. Today is an opportunity for all Americans not only to remember those lost on that day, but also to pay tribute to the first responders and recovery workers, police officers and firefighters, public safety officers and EMTs, and the men and women in the armed forces who risked their safety in service of others that day and became heroes. Since 2009, September 11th has been designated as the National Day of Service and Remembrance. 9/11 Day is now the nation’s largest annual day of service, and I encourage you to learn more about the history of the day and to perform an act of service for our community. Your compassion, empathy, courage, and kindness make a difference.
Thank you for doing what you can to make our community a better place and taking care of each other. Have a great day, Warriors
September 8, 2023
> Any students interested in being part of the Yearbook Staff should plan to attend an informational meeting on Monday, September 11th at 3:20 in Room E21. You can bring or learn skills related to photography, graphic design, documenting history and much more! Last year's staff members should plan to attend this meeting as well. If you cannot attend the meeting please let Mrs. Metz-Miller or Mrs. Henry know.
> The Webster Show Choir will hold auditions for the ‘23-‘24 school year after school on Friday, Sept. 8th in the Thomas auditorium and Monday, Sept. 11th in the Schroeder auditorium. Any student may audition at either school, but transportation will not be provided. Please wear comfortable shoes and clothes you can dance in: we will teach you the rest. Hope to see you there!
> Attention students Grades 9-12: Do you like meeting new people? Would you like to help promote the great school that is Schroeder? Then consider becoming a New Student Ambassador
Join us for a short meeting Thursday, September 14 at 3:20 in the auditorium.
> Attention Freshman: Come play kickball under the lights Tuesday, September 12 in the Schroeder stadium from 7 - 8pm!
> Freshman friends! Welcome to Schroeder! Mr. Gomez and Mrs. Roberts, your class advisors, can't wait to spend the next four years making memories together! Stay tuned for more information on how to get involved and help plan The Class of 2027's Homecoming experience! Have a great first week!
> Do you love playing Wordle? It is time to start playing the weekly Webster Wordle Challenge! Scan the QR code outside of B1 to submit your guess. Each day the guess with the most correct letters will be put on the Worlde board outside of B1. A new round will start every Monday. Check out the board outside B1 or look for posters with more info!
> Are you interested in joining a service club? Do you want to support your community? If so, please join Webster Schroeder Rotary on Tuesday, Sept. 12th at 3:25 in E27. We will be planning for our first service project: writing letters for the upcoming Honor Flight Mission. New members are always welcome. If you have any questions see Mrs. Landis in E27. Hope to see you on Tuesday.
> Schroeder Library is open this week to seniors. Please remember to finish your lunch before coming to the library.
Beginning Monday, September 11, students in grades 9-11 may sign out of full block study halls to visit the library. Half block study hall passes are being reserved for library resource needs.
College Essay workshops begin on Thursday, September 14 and Friday, September 15. Sign up through Naviance, and see Mrs. Strege or Mrs. Mezzanini with questions.
> The National Art Society is welcoming new members! If you are in grades 10-12, are taking art classes this year, and maintain great grades...then come see what we are all about! There is an informational meeting Monday, September 18th at 3:15pm in room E12. We can't wait to see you there!
> Feel like you can stay cool under the studio lights and deliver well-paced, accurate announcements from a scrolling prompter to Schroeder each morning like this:
Betty Botter bought some butter, but she said the butter's bitter. If I put it in my batter, it will make my batter bitter.
Oh, and did we mention it is live!?
The Schroeder Morning Show is holding anchor auditions on Tuesday, September 12th during 4th period. Stop by W18 to see Mr. Gomez or stop by Ms Cooman's office in WTI to sign-up for an audition slot. No previous public speaking experience is required! Come tryout for an energized club that is vital to running the school!
> Skrrrt Skrrrt! Pull up! Staff and driving students: help support the Schroeder Girls Volleyball teams by coming to Bill Gray's in Webster tomorrow between 10am - and 2pm for a car wash! We promise to spike off the grime, dig away the dirt, and serve you better! Donations will go directly towards the team! Thank you to everyone who alway shows us love!
> The Girls Soccer team defeated Irondequoit by a score of 3-0 last night. Scoring goals for Schroeder were Leah M, Grace C, and Sasha Z. Assists came from Grace C, Morgan T, and Sasha Z. Ellie O and Lucy S had the win in goal. Schroeder moves to 4-0 on the season.
> The JV Girls Soccer team defeated West Irondequoit last night 1 to 0 with the lone goal coming from an excellent shot by Bray D. The Warriors are now 4-0 for the season. Come out and see them play next Wednesday at home vs. Gates-Chili.
> Good morning everyone,
We are nearing the successful completion of our 1st week.
To celebrate we will be grilling in the courtyard today during lunches. Double check your schedule as you may have a different lunch period today on D Day.
This morning the senior class of 2024 kicked off their year with a senior sunrise. They will complete their senior year at their graduation sunsetting their years here at Schroeder in June.
Today, to start the 3rd period, all classes/studyhalls will take important time to share strategies on Speaking up to assist everyone in knowing you matter and you belong. I will make an announcement at that time to start the 3rd period.
Thank you and have a wonderful Friday!
September 7, 2023
> Any students interested in being part of the Yearbook Staff should plan to attend an informational meeting on Monday, September 11th at 3:20 in Room E21. You can bring or learn skills related to photography, graphic design, documenting history and much more! Last year's staff members should plan to attend this meeting as well. If you cannot attend the meeting please let Mrs. Metz-Miller or Mrs. Henry know.
> The Webster Show Choir will hold auditions for the ‘23-‘24 school year after school on Friday, Sept. 8th in the Thomas auditorium and Monday, Sept. 11th in the Schroeder auditorium. Any student may audition at either school, but transportation will not be provided. Please wear comfortable shoes and clothes you can dance in: we will teach you the rest. Hope to see you there!
> Attention students Grades 9-12: Do you like meeting new people? Would you like to help promote the great school that is Schroeder? Then consider becoming a New Student Ambassador
Join us for a short meeting Thursday, September 14 at 3:20 in the auditorium.
> Attention Freshman: Come play kickball under the lights Tuesday, September 12 in the Schroeder stadium from 7 - 8pm!
> Freshman friends! Welcome to Schroeder! Mr. Gomez and Mrs. Roberts, your class advisors, can't wait to spend the next four years making memories together! Stay tuned for more information on how to get involved and help plan The Class of 2027's Homecoming experience! Have a great first week!
> If you are interested in being a part of the Schroeder dance team please come to N101 today after school. Wear sneakers.
> Do you love playing Wordle? It is time to start playing the weekly Webster Wordle Challenge! Scan the QR code outside of B1 to submit your guess. Each day the guess with the most correct letters will be put on the Worlde board outside of B1. A new round will start every Monday. Check out the board outside B1 or look for posters with more info!
> Are you interested in joining a service club? Do you want to support your community? If so, please join Webster Schroeder Rotary on Tuesday, Sept. 12th at 3:25 in E27. We will be planning for our first service project: writing letters for the upcoming Honor Flight Mission. New members are always welcome. If you have any questions see Mrs. Landis in E27. Hope to see you on Tuesday.
> Schroeder Library is open this week to seniors. Please remember to finish your lunch before coming to the library.
Beginning Monday, September 11, students in grades 9-11 may sign out of full block study halls to visit the library. Half block study hall passes are being reserved for library resource needs.
College Essay workshops begin on Thursday, September 14 and Friday, September 15. Sign up through Naviance, and see Mrs. Strege or Mrs. Mezzanini with questions.
> Do you want to plan Homecoming and other school-wide events? Student Council is having an informational meeting tomorrow at 8:15am in Mr Peck's room, W8. Check it out!
> Attention Seniors: please join the Class of 2024 for our annual senior sunrise tomorrow, Friday from 6:30am - 7am in the Schroeder Stadium. The sunrise is at 6:42am. Donuts and bagels will be provided as well as information regarding the upcoming year. We hope to see you all there.
> The National Art Society is welcoming new members! If you are in grades 10-12, are taking art classes this year, and maintain great grades...then come see what we are all about! There is an informational meeting Monday, September 18th at 3:15pm in room E12. We can't wait to see you there!
> Feel like you can stay cool under the studio lights and deliver well-paced, accurate announcements from a scrolling prompter to Schroeder each morning like this:
Ingenious iguanas improvising an intricate impromptu on impossibly-impractical instruments.
Oh, and did we mention it is live!?
The Schroeder Morning Show is holding anchor auditions on Tuesday, September 12th during 4th period. Stop by W18 to see Mr. Gomez or stop by Ms Cooman's office in WTI to sign-up for an audition slot. No previous public speaking experience is required! Come tryout for an energized club that is vital to running the school!
September 6, 2023
> Any students interested in being part of the Yearbook Staff should plan to attend an informational meeting on Monday, September 11th at 3:20 in Room E21. You can bring or learn skills related to photography, graphic design, documenting history and much more! Last year's staff members should plan to attend this meeting as well. If you cannot attend the meeting please let Mrs. Metz-Miller or Mrs. Henry know.
> The Webster Show Choir will hold auditions for the ‘23-‘24 school year after school on Friday, Sept. 8th in the Thomas auditorium and Monday, Sept. 11th in the Schroeder auditorium. Any student may audition at either school, but transportation will not be provided. Please wear comfortable shoes and clothes you can dance in: we will teach you the rest. Hope to see you there!
> Attention students Grades 9-12: Do you like meeting new people? Would you like to help promote the great school that is Schroeder? Then consider becoming a New Student Ambassador
Join us for a short meeting Thursday, September 14 at 3:20 in the auditorium.
> Attention Freshman: Come play kickball under the lights Tuesday, September 12 in the Schroeder stadium from 7 - 8pm!
> Freshman friends! Welcome to Schroeder! Mr. Gomez and Mrs. Roberts, your class advisors, can't wait to spend the next four years making memories together! Stay tuned for more information on how to get involved and help plan The Class of 2027's Homecoming experience! Have a great first week!
> If you are interested in being a part of the Schroeder dance team please come to N101 tomorrow, Thursday, September 7th after school. Wear sneakers.
> Do you love playing Wordle? It is time to start playing the weekly Webster Wordle Challenge! Scan the QR code outside of B1 to submit your guess. Each day the guess with the most correct letters will be put on the Worlde board outside of B1. A new round will start every Monday. Check out the board outside B1 or look for posters with more info!
> Are you interested in joining a service club? Do you want to support your community? If so, please join Webster Schroeder Rotary on Tuesday, Sept. 12th at 3:25 in E27. We will be planning for our first service project: writing letters for the upcoming Honor Flight Mission. New members are always welcome. If you have any questions see Mrs. Landis in E27. Hope to see you on Tuesday.
> Schroeder Library is open this week to seniors. Please remember to finish your lunch before coming to the library.
Beginning Monday, September 11, students in grades 9-11 may sign out of full block study halls to visit the library. Half block study hall passes are being reserved for library resource needs.
College Essay workshops begin on Thursday, September 14 and Friday, September 15. Sign up through Naviance, and see Mrs. Strege or Mrs. Mezzanini with questions.
> Do you want to plan Homecoming and other school-wide events? Student Council is having an informational meeting this Friday at 8:15am in Mr Peck's room, W8. Check it out!
> Attention Seniors: please join the Class of 2024 for our annual senior sunrise this Friday from 6:30am - 7am in the Schroeder Stadium. The sunrise is at 6:42am. Donuts and bagels will be provided as well as information regarding the upcoming year. We hope to see you all there.
> Girls Varsity Soccer defeated Brighton by a score of 4-2 last night. Scoring two goals for the Warriors was Alyssa D, adding one goal was Morgan T and the final goal came from Makenzie B..her first varsity career goal. The assists came from Leah M, Sasha Z, and Alyssa D also had an assist. Lucy S and Gabbie A get the win in goal. The Warriors are home Thursday night versus Irondequoit.
> In a match that went past 10pm last night, Schroeder Girls Varsity Volleyball beat Pittsford-Mendon in a back-and-forth battle. After losing the first game, the Warriors won three straight to take the victory. Sophomore phenom Maddie S. had 20 digs, senior Lina F. delivered 15 kills, and senior Sarah F. kept the offense flowing with 37 assists. The girls hit the road tonight and travel to Rush-Henrietta in hopes of extending their record to 2-1.
> The National Art Society is welcoming new members! If you are in grades 10-12, are taking art classes this year, and maintain great grades...then come see what we are all about! There is an informational meeting Monday, September 18th at 3:15pm in room E12. We can't wait to see you there!
> Good morning, everyone!
Welcome to Day 2! .
We hope you had a successful 1st day. If not...you have another opportunity to have a good day today!
As mentioned briefly yesterday, we have rules and policies in place to create a safe learning environment. You will find them in the Webster Code of Conduct and Student Handbook. I won’t get into them all today, but here a few:
We expect all students to be on time to school and classes. Plan for it now.
We have restructured our attendance system.
All attendance matters should be directed to Mrs. Bucciarelli in the main office.
Cell phones and smart watches are to be off and away during class time.
Vaping or possession of a vape is illegal on school grounds. If you are found to have one on you or using, major consequences will be assigned.
Also, "coffee shop" drinks and food must be finished before entering a classroom. If you are late to school with one, you will be asked to finish it then or throw it away.
For lunchtime, Webster is a closed campus district for lunches. Meaning, you cannot leave campus to eat lunch.
No hoods on during the school day.
As Warriors, we want to support each other in getting started on the right foot towards developing successful habits. These basics will go a long way in being your best self.
But common sense and respectful behavior should be used at all times.
If you have a question about your schedule, please stop in and sign up or email your counselor. Please be patient, we have many recently enrolled students this year. Our counselors will be working with our newest students to get them situated.
Once again, welcome...on behalf of our Warrior staff, we want you to know that you matter, you belong and you are a Warrior. We see you, we know you (or want to know you soon), and we will like to hear from you soon, too.
Enjoy Day 2 and have a good day today!
September 5, 2023
> Any students interested in being part of the Yearbook Staff should plan to attend an informational meeting on Monday, September 11th at 3:20 in Room E21. You can bring or learn skills related to photography, graphic design, documenting history and much more! Last year's staff members should plan to attend this meeting as well.
> The Webster Show Choir will hold auditions for the ‘23-‘24 school year after school on Friday, Sept. 8th in the Thomas auditorium and Monday, Sept. 11th in the Schroeder auditorium. Any student may audition at either school, but transportation will not be provided. Please wear comfortable shoes and clothes you can dance in: we will teach you the rest. Hope to see you there!
> Attention students Grades 9-12: Do you like meeting new people? Would you like to help promote the great school that is Schroeder? Then consider becoming a New Student Ambassador
Join us for a short meeting Thursday, September 14 at 3:20 in the auditorium.
> Attention Freshman: Come play kickball under the lights Tuesday, September 12 in the Schroeder stadium from 7 - 8pm!
> Freshman friends! Welcome to Schroeder! Mr. Gomez and Mrs. Roberts, your class advisors, can't wait to spend the next four years making memories together! Stay tuned for more information on how to get involved and help plan The Class of 2027's Homecoming experience! Have a great first week!
> Good morning, everyone!
Welcome to the 2023-24 school year. Upperclassmen know me, but to our newest Warriors, I’m Mr. Benz, your principal.
For the past couple of years, Schroeder High School seems to be moving leaps and bounds academically, in participation numbers in clubs and athletics, and now our facilities are arguably some of the best in the state. You all spend a lot of time here, students and staff about ⅓ of each day. Please continue to treat this as your home and respect the physical property, the work and money put into it all.
Today is about finding your classes, figuring out the best routes, getting situated in the cafeteria, and getting into good habits to help you be your best as a person and as a scholar. Then, find your bus or car to make your way home.
Yes, we have rules and policies in place to create a safe learning environment. You will find them in the Webster Code of Conduct and Student Handbook. I won’t get into them all today. But common sense and respectful behavior should be used at all times.
Over the past few weeks, we’ve had Link Crew students welcome our incoming freshmen. Thank you Link Leaders. Along with that, we have had a great amount of support and participation in our fall sports teams. Our year is already off to a great start!
Teachers…can you help us out. Students, regarding your most up to date schedules please pay close attention. Your IC student portal app (or IC access on their Chromebook), please refresh your app to see the most current, accurate, up to date schedule!!
Every student is assigned to their grade level homeroom that shows for afterschool time. This is not anything you need to attend! This is for our staff only.
If you have a question about your schedule, please stop in and sign up or email your counselor. Please be patient, we have many recently enrolled students this year. Our counselors will be working with our newest students to get them situated.
So welcome…on behalf of our Warrior staff, we want you to know that you matter, you belong and you are a Warrior. We see you, we know you (or want to know you soon), and we will like to hear from you soon, too.
Enjoy your day to a successful year in building your best future self!
June 13, 2023
> Attention students: Schroeder is looking for New Student Ambassadors for the 2023-24 school year. New student ambassadors help introduce new students to our great school and help them get acclimated. We are looking for ambassadors for every grade level.
> Are you looking for a hype playlist to kick off summer? DJ Avalon (Class of 2024) has one more drop for Schroeder Warriors to tune in before school's out for summer.
Head over to WSHSCOURIER.ORG or scan the QR code on the slide now to check out this jam-packed playlist of more than two dozen songs.
Have you been keeping up with the dystopian chapter series by Class of 2025's Hayden D., published at our Schroeder student news site? For returning fans and newcomers, Chapter 3 of The Sands of Greed was just released this weekend! Read all 3 chapters in the story's first arc. Chapters will continue to be released throughout summer so be sure to bookmark WSHSCOURIER.ORG on your phone and check back for updates each month!
> We have a couple of reminders from the library:
Students should return overdue library books to either the library circulation desk, or the book drop across from the main entrance. Overdue notices were sent via school email. Library staff can help you determine what titles you have checked out.
Students in grades 9-11 wishing to check out books for the summer can still do that today!
June 13, 2023
> Attention students: Schroeder is looking for New Student Ambassadors for the 2023-24 school year. New student ambassadors help introduce new students to our great school and help them get acclimated. We are looking for ambassadors for every grade level.
> Are you looking for a hype playlist to kick off summer? DJ Avalon (Class of 2024) has one more drop for Schroeder Warriors to tune in before school's out for summer.
Head over to WSHSCOURIER.ORG or scan the QR code on the slide now to check out this jam-packed playlist of more than two dozen songs.
Have you been keeping up with the dystopian chapter series by Class of 2025's Hayden D., published at our Schroeder student news site? For returning fans and newcomers, Chapter 3 of The Sands of Greed was just released this weekend! Read all 3 chapters in the story's first arc. Chapters will continue to be released throughout summer so be sure to bookmark WSHSCOURIER.ORG on your phone and check back for updates each month!
> We have a couple of reminders from the library:
Students should return overdue library books to either the library circulation desk, or the book drop across from the main entrance. Overdue notices were sent via school email. Library staff can help you determine what titles you have checked out.
Students in grades 9-11 wishing to check out books for the summer can still do that today!
June 12, 2023
> Attention students: Schroeder is looking for New Student Ambassadors for the 2023-24 school year. New student ambassadors help introduce new students to our great school and help them get acclimated. We are looking for ambassadors for every grade level.
> Seniors! Please turn in your Chromebooks and chargers to the collection table located in the cafeteria today and tomorrow. If you do not turn in your Chromebook, you will receive a bill from the district.
> Are you looking for a hype playlist to kick off summer? DJ Avalon (Class of 2024) has one more drop for Schroeder Warriors to tune in before school's out for summer.
Head over to WSHSCOURIER.ORG or scan the QR code on the slide now to check out this jam-packed playlist of more than two dozen songs.
Have you been keeping up with the dystopian chapter series by Class of 2025's Hayden D., published at our Schroeder student news site? For returning fans and newcomers, Chapter 3 of The Sands of Greed was just released this weekend! Read all 3 chapters in the story's first arc. Chapters will continue to be released throughout summer so be sure to bookmark WSHSCOURIER.ORG on your phone and check back for updates each month!
>Good Monday Morning,
I have a few announcements so please stay with me here. Hope all are rested and ready for the next couple of days and your exams.
Please note the time of your Regents exams and the transportation schedule shared with you for afternoon exams. I wish you all good luck, though you are all well prepared and probably don’t need the luck!
Seniors who went on the senior trip…thanks for a memorable experience!! Lots of laughs and fun. Already looking forward to next year!
Also, today or tomorrow, seniors you can turn in your chromebook and charger in the cafe.
Tuesday morning is the graduate parade at Spry and feeder elementary schools. This is also the morning you pick up your cap and gown after turning in your chromebook.
Finally some information on staff for our students to know, if you don’t already.
We have five staff retiring and would like to wish them well.
Teaching assistants: Mrs. Petrie and Mrs. Smith
Special education teacher: Mrs. Bullock
PE teacher: Mr. McClare
Business teacher and wrestling coach: Mr. Salvaggio
We wish them all the best in their next chapter of life!
Additionally, we would like to celebrate a promotion for one of our Assistant Principals, Mr. Sepka. Beginning this July, Mr. Sepka, assistant principal for alphabet A - D, will be leaving Schroeder for a district office position as Director of Secondary Student Services.
Mr. Sepka is a graduate of Schroeder and began working with us in 2017. Thank you Mr. Sepka for all you gave to Schroeder. As we like to say, Once a Warrior, Always a Warrior.
Best of luck to Mr. Sepka.
Have a great final week of classes and much success on your exams!
Thank you.
June 9, 2023
> Hey Schroeder, for her Citizens in Action project, senior Brianna H. is doing a food drive. All non-perishable donations will go to Hope House. Please bring in non-perishable foods, canned, or dry goods. There are boxes in the main office and alpha
> Attention Schroeder: the Library Cafe will be closed for the remainder of the year. Thank you so much for your business throughout the school year.
> Attention students: Schroeder is looking for New Student Ambassadors for the 2023-24 school year. New student ambassadors help introduce new students to our great school and help them get acclimated. We are looking for ambassadors for every grade level.
> ATTENTION ALL SOPHOMORES: come celebrate the end of the school year tonight on the turf from 7 to 10pm! There will be a movie on the new jumbotron, kan jam, corn hole, and light snacks! Bring a blanket or chair and a friend...see you there!
June 8, 2023
> Hey Schroeder, for her Citizens in Action project, senior Brianna H. is doing a food drive. All non-perishable donations will go to Hope House. Please bring in non-perishable foods, canned, or dry goods. There are boxes in the main office and alpha offices.
> Attention Schroeder: the Library Cafe will be closed for the remainder of the year. Thank you so much for your business throughout the school year.
> Attention students: Schroeder is looking for New Student Ambassadors for the 2023-24 school year. New student ambassadors help introduce new students to our great school and help them get acclimated. We are looking for ambassadors for every grade level.
> ATTENTION ALL SOPHOMORES: come celebrate the end of the school year tomorrow night on the turf from 7 to 10pm! There will be a movie on the new jumbotron, kan jam, corn hole, and light snacks! Bring a blanket or chair and a friend...see you there!
> Attention all boys looking to play JV or Varisty soccer this fall: there will be an important informational meeting in coach Urbanski’s room, E29, immediately after school today. The meeting will run from 3:40-4 and it will cover summer workout schedule, camp and tryout info for the fall. You just see Coach Urbanski if you cannot make the meeting.
JUNE 7, 2023
> It’s Warrior Wednesday! All week long Schroeder staff has been on the lookout for students who are demonstrating cooperation, accountability, respect, and excellence.
Let’s go ahead and spin the prize wheel for our student winner:
Congratulations Mya S! And now for our staff winner. Spin that wheel!
Congratulations Mr. Hosenfeld! You will be contacted by Mrs. Tasber’s office to claim your prize!
Thank you all for continuing to demonstrate great habits and being Warriors who CARE.
> Are you struggling to grasp the concepts of math? Do you find yourself in need of some extra support to excel in your math classes? Look no further! Math Lab Online is here to offer you high-quality math tutoring services tailored to your specific needs. Whether it be algebra or geometry, our team of dedicated and experienced tutors will provide explanations and reasoning for the “why” in math. We also invite math enthusiasts and individuals looking to make a positive impact in their community to join us as volunteers. By becoming a tutor with our organization, you not only get the opportunity to share your love for math but also earn valuable volunteer hours. Together, let's empower each other and make a difference through the power of mathematics. Whether you need tutoring, or are looking to become a tutor, join the Google Classroom on a non-school email with the code: iu2fzoo
> Hey Schroeder, for her Citizens in Action project, senior Brianna H. is doing a food drive. All non-perishable donations will go to Hope House. Please bring in non-perishable foods, canned, or dry goods. There are boxes in the main office and alpha offices.
> Attention Schroeder: the Library Cafe will be closed for the remainder of the year. Thank you so much for your business throughout the school year.
> Attention students: Schroeder is looking for New Student Ambassadors for the 2023-24 school year. New student ambassadors help introduce new students to our great school and help them get acclimated. We are looking for ambassadors for every grade level.
> ATTENTION ALL SOPHOMORES: come celebrate the end of the school year this Friday night on the turf from 7 to 10pm! There will be a movie on the new jumbotron, kan jam, corn hole, and light snacks! Bring a blanket or chair and a friend...see you there!
> Congratulations, Webster Schroeder Masterminds, for an amazing season! David, Stephen, Rushil, and Leonardo took THIRD place out of FORTY NINE Rochester League teams, securing a trophy and plaque for future display! WAY TO GO MASTERMINDS!
> Attention all boys looking to play JV or Varisty soccer this fall…there will be an important informational meeting in coach Urbanski’s room, E29, immediately after school on Thursday, June 8th. The meeting will run from 3:40-4 and it will cover summer workout schedule, camp and tryout info for the fall. You just see Coach Urbanski if you cannot make the meeting.
June 6, 2023
> Do you like to travel? Do you like art? Do you like history and want to experience it firsthand? If so, you’re invited to attend a student educational trip to Italy where you’ll visit major cities like Venice, Florence, and Rome! In Venice, you’ll get to take a gondola ride. In Florence, you’ll see beautiful and innovative architecture and artwork by famous artists like Michelangelo. In Rome, you’ll see where the gladiators fought in the Colosseum and visit the Vatican City! Interested? Come to the information meeting in the Spry Library tonight @ 6 pm, to learn about the various activities, itinerary, academic opportunities, and the cost of the trip! Look for posters around the school near the Library or Cafeteria and this QR code to register for the meeting. Can’t find it? Just contact Jennifer Malinchak @ Spry Middle School at Jennifer_Malinchak@webstercsd.org.I hope to see you there!
> Are you struggling to grasp the concepts of math? Do you find yourself in need of some extra support to excel in your math classes? Look no further! Math Lab Online is here to offer you high-quality math tutoring services tailored to your specific needs. Whether it be algebra or geometry, our team of dedicated and experienced tutors will provide explanations and reasoning for the “why” in math. We also invite math enthusiasts and individuals looking to make a positive impact in their community to join us as volunteers. By becoming a tutor with our organization, you not only get the opportunity to share your love for math but also earn valuable volunteer hours. Together, let's empower each other and make a difference through the power of mathematics. Whether you need tutoring, or are looking to become a tutor, join the Google Classroom on a non-school email with the code: iu2fzoo
> Hey Schroeder, for her Citizens in Action project, senior Brianna H. is doing a food drive. All non-perishable donations will go to Hope House. Please bring in non-perishable foods, canned, or dry goods. There are boxes in the main office and alpha offices.
> Best Buddies last meeting is today in room W7! We will be enjoying the warm weather with chalk, yard games, and bubbles. Come join us to have summer fun with friends!
> Attention Schroeder: the Library Cafe will be closed for the remainder of the year. Thank you so much for your business throughout the school year.
> Attention students: Schroeder is looking for New Student Ambassadors for the 2023-24 school year. New student ambassadors help introduce new students to our great school and help them get acclimated. We are looking for ambassadors for every grade level.
> All seniors must turn in their Chromebooks and chargers on Monday, June 12th or Tuesday, June 13th. A table will be located outside of the WTI room in the cafeteria from 8am until 3pm. Once you turn in your Chromebook, you can not get it back. If you do not turn in your Chromebook, you will receive a bill from the district.
> For decades Pride Month has been celebrated in June to honor the anniversary of the Stonewall Inn Riots. Festivities, parades, and other events have been held to uplift LGBTQ+ voices and draw attention to the issues members of the community still face. Join us in supporting Pride in our Warrior/GOAL family by wearing rainbow colors to school tomorrow. In the cafeteria tomorrow, there will be a Pride flag on display. Stop by to write inspiring or uplifting messages to the LGBTQ+ community. Now over to a quick video to educate and celebrate Pride.
June 5, 2023
> Do you like to travel? Do you like art? Do you like history and want to experience it firsthand? If so, you’re invited to attend a student educational trip to Italy where you’ll visit major cities like Venice, Florence, and Rome! In Venice, you’ll get to take a gondola ride. In Florence, you’ll see beautiful and innovative architecture and artwork by famous artists like Michelangelo. In Rome, you’ll see where the gladiators fought in the Colosseum and visit the Vatican City! Interested? Come to the information meeting in the Spry Library tomorrow, Tuesday, June 6th @ 6 pm, to learn about the various activities, itinerary, academic opportunities, and the cost of the trip! Look for posters around the school near the Library or Cafeteria and this QR code to register for the meeting. Can’t find it? Just contact Jennifer Malinchak @ Spry Middle School at Jennifer_Malinchak@webstercsd.org.I hope to see you there!
> Are you struggling to grasp the concepts of math? Do you find yourself in need of some extra support to excel in your math classes? Look no further! Math Lab Online is here to offer you high-quality math tutoring services tailored to your specific needs. Whether it be algebra or geometry, our team of dedicated and experienced tutors will provide explanations and reasoning for the “why” in math. We also invite math enthusiasts and individuals looking to make a positive impact in their community to join us as volunteers. By becoming a tutor with our organization, you not only get the opportunity to share your love for math but also earn valuable volunteer hours. Together, let's empower each other and make a difference through the power of mathematics. Whether you need tutoring, or are looking to become a tutor, join the Google Classroom on a non-school email with the code: iu2fzoo
> Hey Schroeder, for her Citizens in Action project, senior Brianna H. is doing a food drive. All non-perishable donations will go to Hope House. Please bring in non-perishable foods, canned, or dry goods. There are boxes in the main office and alpha offices.
> Best Buddies last meeting is tomorrow in room W7! We will be enjoying the warm weather with chalk, yard games, and bubbles. Come join us to have summer fun with friends!
> Attention Schroeder: the Library Cafe will be closed for the remainder of the year. Thank you so much for your business throughout the school year.
> Attention Freshman Class: today we are taking over the east side courtyard! Bring your lunch out and enjoy music and a chocolate chip cookie or ice cream sandwich!
> Attention students: Schroeder is looking for New Student Ambassadors for the 2023-24 school year. New student ambassadors help introduce new students to our great school and help them get acclimated. We are looking for ambassadors for every grade level.
> We will be having our final fire drill of the year today, Monday, June 5th during 6th period. Once again, this is a heads up that we will be conducting our final fire drill of the year today during 6th period.
> For decades Pride Month has been celebrated in June to honor the anniversary of the Stonewall Inn Riots. Festivities, parades, and other events have been held to uplift LGBTQ+ voices and draw attention to the issues members of the community still face. Join us in supporting Pride in our Warrior/GOAL family by wearing rainbow colors to school on Wednesday. In the cafeteria on Wednesday, there will be a Pride flag on display. Stop by to write inspiring or uplifting messages to the LGBTQ+ community. Now over to a quick video to educate and celebrate Pride.
June 2, 2023
> Do you like to travel? Do you like art? Do you like history and want to experience it firsthand? If so, you’re invited to attend a student educational trip to Italy where you’ll visit major cities like Venice, Florence, and Rome! In Venice, you’ll get to take a gondola ride. In Florence, you’ll see beautiful and innovative architecture and artwork by famous artists like Michelangelo. In Rome, you’ll see where the gladiators fought in the Colosseum and visit the Vatican City! Interested? Come to the information meeting in the Spry Library on Tuesday, June 6th @ 6 pm, to learn about the various activities, itinerary, academic opportunities, and the cost of the trip! Look for posters around the school near the Library or Cafeteria and this QR code to register for the meeting. Can’t find it? Just contact Jennifer Malinchak @ Spry Middle School at Jennifer_Malinchak@webstercsd.org.I hope to see you there!
> Class of 2026: Join us for Courtyard Takeover on Monday, June 5 during lunch periods. Join us in the East Courtyard while you enjoy your lunch, listen to music, sign yearbooks, and enjoy an ice cream sandwich or cookie on the Class of 2026!
> Attention Class of 2023! Are you considering a career in business? The Golisano Institute for Business & Entrepreneurship is an incredible cost saving alternative to most college programs. You can be nominated for an annual grant of $5000. See your school counselor for details.
> Are you struggling to grasp the concepts of math? Do you find yourself in need of some extra support to excel in your math classes? Look no further! Math Lab Online is here to offer you high-quality math tutoring services tailored to your specific needs. Whether it be algebra or geometry, our team of dedicated and experienced tutors will provide explanations and reasoning for the “why” in math. We also invite math enthusiasts and individuals looking to make a positive impact in their community to join us as volunteers. By becoming a tutor with our organization, you not only get the opportunity to share your love for math but also earn valuable volunteer hours. Together, let's empower each other and make a difference through the power of mathematics. Whether you need tutoring, or are looking to become a tutor, join the Google Classroom on a non-school email with the code: iu2fzoo
> Have you ever thought about running Cross Country but were unsure what it was all about? Or, do you like running for exercise on your own and would like to improve? Well, do we have an opportunity for you!
All students who want to learn about the Cross Country team, or are already on the team, there will be an info event June 7th. A shuttle bus will take you to Webster Park, we will explore the woods, play some games, and eat some pizza. Your parents will pick you up at 5:30.
All students interested must join the Cross-Country Google Classroom to sign up for the meeting, code is egwwcqi or sign up in coach Klehr's room in person.
> Today at 4:30, Sparx will be hosting a fundraiser by having a spaghetti dinner at the Masonic Lodge #538; come down with family and friends to enjoy the food. Admission is $11 per person;
pre-purchasing tickets aren't necessary. You show up, pay, and are seated by one of our volunteers. Come down and have a fun dinner while supporting your local robotics team.
> Hey Schroeder, for her Citizens in Action project, senior Brianna H. is doing a food drive. All non-perishable donations will go to Hope House. Please bring in non-perishable foods, canned, or dry goods. There are boxes in the main office and alpha offices.
> Best Buddies last meeting is this Tuesday in room W7! We will be enjoying the warm weather with chalk, yard games, and bubbles. Come join us to have summer fun with friends!
> For decades Pride Month has been celebrated in June to honor the anniversary of the Stonewall Inn Riots. Festivities, parades, and other events have been held to uplift LGBTQ+ voices and draw attention to the issues members of the community still face. Join us in supporting Pride in our Warrior/GOAL family by wearing rainbow colors to school on Wednesday. In the cafeteria on Wednesday, there will be a Pride flag on display. Stop by to write inspiring or uplifting messages to the LGBTQ+ community. Now over to a quick video to educate and celebrate Pride.
June 1, 2023
> Class of 2026: Join us for Courtyard Takeover on Monday, June 5 during lunch periods. Join us in the East Courtyard while you enjoy your lunch, listen to music, sign yearbooks, and enjoy an ice cream sandwich or cookie on the Class of 2026!
> Attention Class of 2023! Are you considering a career in business? The Golisano Institute for Business & Entrepreneurship is an incredible cost saving alternative to most college programs. You can be nominated for an annual grant of $5000. See your school counselor for details.
> If you were invited to Tuesday night's 9th and 10th grade awards ceremony and were unable to attend, please stop in E203 to pick up your certificate.
> Are you struggling to grasp the concepts of math? Do you find yourself in need of some extra support to excel in your math classes? Look no further! Math Lab Online is here to offer you high-quality math tutoring services tailored to your specific needs. Whether it be algebra or geometry, our team of dedicated and experienced tutors will provide explanations and reasoning for the “why” in math. We also invite math enthusiasts and individuals looking to make a positive impact in their community to join us as volunteers. By becoming a tutor with our organization, you not only get the opportunity to share your love for math but also earn valuable volunteer hours. Together, let's empower each other and make a difference through the power of mathematics. Whether you need tutoring, or are looking to become a tutor, join the Google Classroom on a non-school email with the code: iu2fzoo
> Have you ever thought about running Cross Country but were unsure what it was all about? Or, do you like running for exercise on your own and would like to improve? Well, do we have an opportunity for you!
All students who want to learn about the Cross Country team, or are already on the team, there will be an info event June 7th. A shuttle bus will take you to Webster Park, we will explore the woods, play some games, and eat some pizza. Your parents will pick you up at 5:30.
All students interested must join the Cross-Country Google Classroom to sign up for the meeting, code is egwwcqi or sign up in coach Klehr's room in person.
> Tomorrow at 4:30, Sparx will be hosting a fundraiser by having a spaghetti dinner at the Masonic Lodge #538; come down with family and friends to enjoy the food. Admission is $11 per person;
pre-purchasing tickets aren't necessary. You show up, pay, and are seated by one of our volunteers. Come down and have a fun dinner while supporting your local robotics team.
> Hey Schroeder, for her Citizens in Action project, senior Brianna H. is doing a food drive. All non-perishable donations will go to Hope House. Please bring in non-perishable foods, canned, or dry goods. There are boxes in the main office and alpha offices.
May 31, 2023
> Class of 2026: Join us for Courtyard Takeover on Monday, June 5 during lunch periods. Join us in the East Courtyard while you enjoy your lunch, listen to music, sign yearbooks, and enjoy an ice cream sandwich or cookie on the Class of 2026!
> Attention Class of 2023! Are you considering a career in business? The Golisano Institute for Business & Entrepreneurship is an incredible cost saving alternative to most college programs. You can be nominated for an annual grant of $5000. See your school counselor for details.
> Green Club will have a meeting after school today in room E224.
We will have snacks and discuss officers for next year!
> Transportation students going on the field trip today need to go to the main entrance near the main office now.
> The Art Department is hosting their annual Open Studio Night tonight from 5pm-7pm. Student work will be on display through all four art classrooms. They are also hosting an 'Empty Bowl' charity event. Students and teachers have been working hard to construct and glaze dozens of bowls that will be for sale for $20. If you buy a bowl, you also get a free bowl of Ice Cream donated by local businesses, and all of the proceeds will be going to charity. We would love to see everyone come and support our students and the incredible artwork they have put out this year
May 30, 2023
> Do you like to travel? Do you like art? Do you like history and want to experience it firsthand? If so, you’re invited to attend a student educational trip to Italy where you’ll visit major cities like Venice, Florence, and Rome! In Venice, you’ll get to take a gondola ride. In Florence, you’ll see beautiful and innovative architecture and artwork by famous artists like Michelangelo. In Rome, you’ll see where the gladiators fought in the Colosseum and visit the Vatican City! Interested? Come to the information meeting in the Spry Library on Tuesday, June 6th @ 6 pm, to learn about the various activities, itinerary, academic opportunities, and the cost of the trip! Look for posters around the school near the Library or Cafeteria and this QR code to register for the meeting. Can’t find it? Just contact Jennifer Malinchak @ Spry Middle School at Jennifer_Malinchak@webstercsd.org.I hope to see you there!
> Attention Class of 2023! Are you considering a career in business? The Golisano Institute for Business & Entrepreneurship is an incredible cost saving alternative to most college programs. You can be nominated for an annual grant of $5000. See your school counselor for details.
> Green Club will have a meeting after school tomorrow, Wednesday May 31st in room E224.
We will have snacks and discuss officers for next year!
> Class of 2026: Join us for Courtyard Takeover on Monday, June 5 during lunch periods. Join us in the East Courtyard while you enjoy your lunch, listen to music, sign yearbooks, and enjoy an ice cream sandwich or cookie on the Class of 2026!
Now over to Mr. Benz
> Good morning everyone,
I hope you had a wonderful extended Memorial Day Weekend. We celebrate Memorial Day to honor and remember those who have given their lives for our country. Hopefully, you took some time to appreciate the day’s meaning.
As you are aware, last Thursday we had a minor fire in a technology classroom. The damage caused the cancellation of school for the rest of the day on Thursday and Friday. I want to thank all students and staff for their cooperation and patience. That classroom, S10, will be off limits for the remainder of the year.
Through conversations with members of the Webster fire department and their chief and district officials, they were extremely pleased about the speed and efficiency by which we evacuated the building, especially, during passing time. Additionally, the manner in which we assembled and were able to dismiss students and staff were effective. As a result, no one was injured and no one was unaccounted for.
A huge thank you to students, sentries, staff, and my assistant principals.
The fire protocols that are in place from physical structures like the fire curtain around the machine to prevent further spread, the air vents that turn off once the alarm is sounded preventing smoke and air flow, doors closing, and evacuation plans of non ambulatory individuals, were all results of successful pre-planning. During emergencies, people who are unable to exit by themselves have emergency plans. As we did. In general, they are to be with an adult and wait for firefighters to assist in the evacuation. As in any emergency, it’s all dependent upon the situation. Again, the Webster fire department complimented Schroeder’s evacuation plans.
Well done, Warriors. That’s why we practice such drills.
Since the fire, we have been working with all the necessary outside agencies and have addressed any concerns caused by the fire. Obviously, we have been approved for occupancy by the inspectors. Along with the outside experts in cleaning up after a fire, the work of our buildings and grounds staff has been outstanding.
One final piece is that it counts as a fire drill, which means we have one more left to do.
I will give you fair warning before it happens and it won’t be today.
Thanks again for the incredible teamwork and cooperation demonstrated during last week’s emergency. Great job, everyone.
These last couple of weeks are crunch time for everyone with projects, presentations, and exams. Stay focused. Give your best in each class each day. Take care of yourself. You can do this! Have a great day
May 25, 2023
> Registration for Driver Education will began yesterday for current juniors and today, for current sophomores. Registration begins at 8:00am.
If you do not have an account in xenegrade, please set one up prior to registration to speed the process.
Drivers' Education will take place at both Thomas and Schroeder and begin on July 11 and end August 11. The commitment is 3-4 days per week. The lecture times are set for 1-2:30pm at each school. When registering, you are choosing a driving time. The fee is $620. If students successfully complete the program, they are able to have their "senior" license at age 17. Three missed classes are allowed and make-ups are mandatory. Additional information can be found on Webster Schools' website.
> Do you love playing Wordle? Well it's time to start the Weekly Webster Wordle Challenge. Scan the QR code outside of B1 to submit your guess. Each day the guess with the most correct letters will be put on the Wordle board outside of B1. A new round will start every Monday. Check out the board outside of B1 or look for the posters for more info!
> WonderCare is hiring for the 2023-2023 school year. We are looking for potential staff members 16 years old and older, especially students with early release or students who are staying local for college.
WonderCare will be in the cafeterias on Tuesday, May 30th from 11am-1pm and Thursday, June 8th from 11am-1pm to answer any questions. Or please feel free to email wondercare@webstercsd.org.
> Already anticipating next year's musical? Eager to know what it will be? Wait no more! Today is the day! Lets see what musical gets eliminated and reveal which musical will be performed next school year…… The musical for next year is Catch Me If You Can!!
May 24, 2023
> It’s Warrior Wednesday! All week long Schroeder staff has been on the lookout for students who are demonstrating cooperation, accountability, respect, and excellence.
Let’s go ahead and spin the prize wheel for our student winner:
Congratulations to Michael L.! And now for our staff winner. Spin that wheel!
Congratulations to Ms. Pazmino! You will be contacted by Mrs. Tasber’s office to claim your prize!
Thank you all for continuing to demonstrate great habits and being Warriors who CARE.
> Registration for Driver Education will begin today for current juniors and tomorrow, Thursday, May 25 for current sophomores. Registration begins at 8:00am.
If you do not have an account in xenegrade, please set one up prior to registration to speed the process.
Drivers' Education will take place at both Thomas and Schroeder and begin on July 11 and end August 11. The commitment is 3-4 days per week. The lecture times are set for 1-2:30pm at each school. When registering, you are choosing a driving time. The fee is $620. If students successfully complete the program, they are able to have their "senior" license at age 17. Three missed classes are allowed and make-ups are mandatory. Additional information can be found on Webster Schools' website.
> Do you love playing Wordle? Well it's time to start the Weekly Webster Wordle Challenge. Scan the QR code outside of B1 to submit your guess. Each day the guess with the most correct letters will be put on the Wordle board outside of B1. A new round will start every Monday. Check out the board outside of B1 or look for the posters for more info!
> WonderCare is hiring for the 2023-2023 school year. We are looking for potential staff members 16 years old and older, especially students with early release or students who are staying local for college.
WonderCare will be in the cafeterias on Tuesday, May 30th from 11am-1pm and Thursday, June 8th from 11am-1pm to answer any questions. Or please feel free to email wondercare@webstercsd.org.
>Attention all Link Crew Leaders, May Development day is today blocks 3, 4, and 5. Please meet in the cafeteria at the beginning of 3a for lunch.
> CONGRATULATIONS MASTERMINDS in a thrilling championship meet! Stephen, David, Rushil, and Leonardo won all four games, including two back to back competitions against the previously undefeated Brighton! Our team has earned a spot in the final regional championship game!
It was an amazing performance by all four seniors! A special thanks goes out to teammates Isabelle and Sophia for their enthusiastic support! Go Warriors!
> Schroeder Softball beat Penfield 8-0. Liana D. threw a one hitter with 16 strikeouts. She also scored 2 runs. Kinsley K. was 2 for 3 with 2 runs scored and a RBI, Bizzie B. was 2 for 2 with a RBI, walk, stolen base, and 2 runs scored. Sarah F. was 2 for 3 with a run scored. Sam S. had a 2 RBI single and Leah M. had a RBI single. Schroeder will play Victor on Thursday at Schroeder at 6:00pm in the semifinals.
> Thank you to all the staff that came out to support the Varsity Unified Basketball teams last night. We had lots of fun and our athletes scored 100 points combined. Both teams wrap up their season tomorrow with the culminating event at Nazareth College. If you see any athlete, wish them luck at their last game. Go Warriors!
> Already anticipating next year's musical? Eager to know what it will be? Each day Mrs. Zugelder will remove a possible show contender from her wall. Follow along on this daily journey until the last musical title is remaining! Let's see what musical gets eliminated today!
May 23, 2023
>Future medical professionals is having a meeting today, after school in E218. a dentist will be coming in to speak! see you there!
> Registration for Driver Education will begin tomorrow, Wednesday, May 24 for current juniors and on Thursday, May 25 for current sophomores. Registration begins at 8:00am.
If you do not have an account in xenegrade, please set one up prior to registration to speed the process.
Drivers' Education will take place at both Thomas and Schroeder and begin on July 11 and end August 11. The commitment is 3-4 days per week. The lecture times are set for 1-2:30pm at each school. When registering, you are choosing a driving time. The fee is $620. If students successfully complete the program, they are able to have their "senior" license at age 17. Three missed classes are allowed and make-ups are mandatory. Additional information can be found on Webster Schools' website.
> Do you love playing Wordle? Well it's time to start the Weekly Webster Wordle Challenge. Scan the QR code outside of B1 to submit your guess. Each day the guess with the most correct letters will be put on the Wordle board outside of B1. A new round will start every Monday. Check out the board outside of B1 or look for the posters for more info!
> WonderCare is hiring for the 2023-2023 school year. We are looking for potential staff members 16 years old and older, especially students with early release or students who are staying local for college.
WonderCare will be in the cafeterias on Tuesday, May 30th from 11am-1pm and Thursday, June 8th from 11am-1pm to answer any questions. Or please feel free to email wondercare@webstercsd.org.
> Last night our Flag Football team was back in action against our neighboring Penfield Patriots. Our Warriors fell short, losing 26-20. Despite the loss, quarterback Shannon K threw for 3 touchdowns. 2 of those went to receiver Addie M, and one to center DeAnna D who caught her first career touchdown! On the defensive side of the ball our Warriors had 4 takeaways, 2 from sophomore Morgan T, and one each from Lyrah C and Lucy S. Our next game will be this Thursday, the 25th at HOME against Edison at 5pm where we will be celebrating our 2 amazing seniors. If you have not yet had the chance to watch our girls in action make sure you come out and support!
> Already anticipating next year's musical? Eager to know what it will be? Each day Mrs. Zugelder will remove a possible show contender from her wall. Follow along on this daily journey until the last musical title is remaining! Let's see what musical gets eliminated today! And then back to the studio for more announcements…
> Come out and support Unified Basketball at home today! Check out this hype video and have a great day Warriors!
May 22, 2023
> SAGE will be meeting after school in B2 tomorrow, Tuesday, May 23.
> Tired of the same old tunes? Need some inspiration or background music while working out, studying, or just driving around vibing with friends? Check out Class of 2024 Avalon M.’s newest Spotify recs on our student news site WSHCOURIER.ORG. If you missed a drop, all the previous playlists are housed in DJ Avalon’s archive. Scan the QR code on this slide or in the Schroeder Courier display case by the auditorium to pull up the latest playlist.
> The Class of 2023 would like to thank all the administrators, class advisors, chaperones, and staff that stopped by The Wintergarden who made Senior Ball possible and memorable on Saturday night. Special thanks to class officers Sara, Jane, Madee, Sidney, and Drew for planning and organizing. It was a great event! Up next: Senior Trip and then Graduation! Finish strong, seniors!
> Registration for Driver Education will begin on Wednesday, May 24 for current juniors and on Thursday, May 25 for current sophomores. Registration begins at 8:00am.
If you do not have an account in xenegrade, please set one up prior to registration to speed the process.
Drivers' Education will take place at both Thomas and Schroeder and begin on July 11 and end August 11. The commitment is 3-4 days per week. The lecture times are set for 1-2:30pm at each school. When registering, you are choosing a driving time. The fee is $620. If students successfully complete the program, they are able to have their "senior" license at age 17. Three missed classes are allowed and make-ups are mandatory. Additional information can be found on Webster Schools' website.
> Do you love playing Wordle? Well it's time to start the Weekly Webster Wordle Challenge. Scan the QR code outside of B1 to submit your guess. Each day the guess with the most correct letters will be put on the Wordle board outside of B1. A new round will start every Monday. Check out the board outside of B1 or look for the posters for more info!
May 19, 2023
> SAGE will be meeting after school in B2 on Tuesday, May 23.
> Chapter 2 of original dystopian fiction The Sands of Greed penned by Class of 2025’s Hayden D. launched last week on our student news site WSHSCOURIER.ORG. Over 65 people read Chapter 1 last month so we know you’ve been anticipating the newest chapter in the series. Scan the QR code on this slide or in the Schroeder Courier display case by the auditorium to learn more about this torn, decimated world and the dreams of its inhabitants.
> Registration for Driver Education will begin on Wednesday, May 24 for current juniors and on Thursday, May 25 for current sophomores. Registration begins at 8:00am.
If you do not have an account in xenegrade, please set one up prior to registration to speed the process.
Drivers' Education will take place at both Thomas and Schroeder and begin on July 11 and end August 11. The commitment is 3-4 days per week. The lecture times are set for 1-2:30pm at each school. When registering, you are choosing a driving time. The fee is $620. If students successfully complete the program, they are able to have their "senior" license at age 17. Three missed classes are allowed and make-ups are mandatory. Additional information can be found on Webster Schools' website.
> In a gym full of screaming fans, the Schroeder Gold Unified basketball team topped an energetic Victor squad by 1 lonely point yesterday. Everyone fought hard for this victory and should all be proud they are representing our school. Ernie S. led all scorers with 16 points, Angie B. added 8 and Maddie F. made the go-ahead basket with less than a minute to go. Excellent win everyone!
On senior night yesterday, the Schroeder Blue Unified basketball team took on Irondequoit. Senior, Erin N., started the game with a bucket and their other senior, Josh D., led the team with 12 points. Schroeder came away with a victory by a score of 49-40 and it was a big team effort. Will B. made his 1st 3-pointer and Cece T. and Shane W. helped the team with 10 points and 8 points, respectively. Great game Warriors! Schroeder Blue and Schroeder Gold will play each other on Tuesday at 4:30 and its staff appreciation night. Please come out to support our teams for their final home game.
> Congratulations to the following students for being this week’s recipients of Principal’s Recognition:
Please stop down to the main office between 1st and 2nd period.
Grace B. ~ Class of 2023
Gabriella G. ~ Class of 2026
Amelya H. ~ Class of 2023
Abra H. ~ Class of 2024
Julia O. ~ Class of 2023
Rushil T. ~ Class of 2023
Michela T. ~ Class of 2026
Nathan V. ~ Class of 2026
Marguerite W. ~ Class of 2023
Jessica W. ~ Class of 2023
> Already anticipating next year's musical? Eager to know what it will be? Each day Mrs. Zugelder will remove a possible show contender from her wall. Follow along on this daily journey until the last musical title is remaining! Let's see what musical gets eliminated today!
May 18, 2023
> SAGE will be meeting after school in B2 on Tuesday, May 23.
> Looking for a new spot downtown to hit for jewelry, apparel, or home decor? Do you have a hippie itch that needs to be scratched? Read Mom & Pop Hippie Shop: Aaron’s Alley at our student news site WSHSCOURIER.ORG by Class of 2026’s Kaiden D. Kaiden gives us all reasons to shop local and support this small business. There’s a photo gallery of shop items and even a link to their Instagram page to see more. Scan the QR code on this slide or in the Schroeder Courier display case by the auditorium to check it out!
> Registration for Driver Education will begin on Wednesday, May 24 for current juniors and on Thursday, May 25 for current sophomores. Registration begins at 8:00am.
If you do not have an account in xenegrade, please set one up prior to registration to speed the process.
Drivers' Education will take place at both Thomas and Schroeder and begin on July 11 and end August 11. The commitment is 3-4 days per week. The lecture times are set for 1-2:30pm at each school. When registering, you are choosing a driving time. The fee is $620. If students successfully complete the program, they are able to have their "senior" license at age 17. Three missed classes are allowed and make-ups are mandatory. Additional information can be found on Webster Schools' website.
>The Schroeder Gold Unified basketball team turned in a dominant win again Irondequoit yesterday by a score of 41-36. Angie B. and Ernie S. lead the team’s offense with 12 and 11 points respectively. Schroeder’s defense was fantastic, but what was even more impressive was their sportsmanship. Special thanks to all who came out to support the team.
>Good morning everyone,
We are less than 5 weeks from the last day of classes. I hope you continue your streak of no zeroes or missing assignments. If not, start a new one today. The last 5 weeks can be the most important of the year.
Also, seniors in the senior courtyard…thank you for keeping it clean and throwing away your garbage! So nice to see that and we appreciate you.
Underclassmen…need to be more consistent in keeping your courtyard clean, maybe check out how the seniors keep theirs. Please keep it clean or we will close it down. Thanks for your help.
Last night was the 28th Annual Dr. Michael C. O'Laughlin Outstanding Senior Recognition
Dinner. This is an event attended by all of the school superintendents in Monroe County. Each high school has one senior who is recognized as the Outstanding Student considering leadership and service as well as academics.
Schroeder’s Outstanding Senior for the Class of 2023 is David Y.! Congratulations to David. I hope you enjoyed your dinner.
Also, seniors attending the ball, we will see you all tomorrow in school!
Looking forward to seeing you Saturday night.
May 17, 2023
> The last Women in STEM meeting of the year will be today after school in room E21. We have a great guest speaker that is a recent college graduate. Hope to see you there.
> Any Dungeons & Dragons club members that have not turned in their permission slip & money need to turn theirs in this morning to Mr. Peck in W8. Thank you
> Are you interested in learning more about the resident GOAT, Mr. Gomez? From theater to volleyball to Morning Show to your-favorite-English class, this guy is EVERYWHERE! Visit our student news site at WSHSCOURIER.ORG to learn more about Mr. Gomez in an article crafted by Class of 2023’s Tom A. Scan the QR code on this slide or in the Schroeder Courier display case by the auditorium to check it out!
> The Blue Unified Basketball team played an awesome game against Penfield and came away with the win by a score of 38-33. Abby W. had a strong game on offense and defense while Adryann D. kept making buckets. Shane W.'s dribbling skills inspired the team and Ryker S. had 6 points from his amazing jump shots. Tonight it's the Gold team's turn to shine. Come out to the gym today at 4:30 as they take on Irondequoit for senior night.
> Already anticipating next year's musical? Eager to know what it will be? Each day Mrs. Zugelder will remove a possible show contender from her wall. Follow along on this daily journey until the last musical title is remaining! Let's see what musical gets eliminated today!
May 16, 2023
> The last Women in STEM meeting of the year will be tomorrow, Wednesday, May 17th in room E21. We have a great guest speaker that is a recent college graduate. Hope to see you there.
> Schroeder Softball beat Brighton 7-1 on Senior Night. Liana D. threw a 2 hitter with 15 strikeouts and was 2 for 4 with a homerun, RBI, and 2 runs scored.
Kinsley K. was 2 for 3 with a run scored, Sam S. was 2 for 3 with a run scored, Carley C. had a RBI single and scored a run, Teagan M. had a hit and run scored, Leah M. was 1 for 2 with a walk and RBI, Mikayla B. had a hit and run scored.
Saturday, Schroeder Softball beat Liverpool 5-1. Liana D. was 2 for 3 with 3 runs scored and 2 RBIs. She threw a three hitter with 11 strikeouts.
Sarah F. was 2 for 2 with a run, Kinsley K. was 1 for 2 with a RBI, Mikayla B. was 1 for 2 with a walk and stolen base, Bizzie B. had a RBI sacrifice fly.
The girls return to action on Wednesday at Fairport for the last regular season game.
> This week Best Buddies will not be formally meeting but there will be a Unified Basketball game that we can all attend! Many of our buddies are on the team and they will be playing today at Penfield High School and next Tuesday at home! Invite your buddy to come watch and support this incredible team!
> Any Dungeons & Dragons club members that have not turned in their permission slip & money need to turn theirs in by Wednesday morning to Mr. Peck in W8. Thank you
> Today’s Library Club meeting has been rescheduled for Tuesday, May 23.
> Do you love music, especially contemporary hip hop artists such as Kanye West and Kendrick Lamar? Music is a wonderful avenue for exploring hidden meaning, from those beautiful melodies to catchy choruses, messages can be woven in between the instrumental and those messages can spur conversation. If you’d like to learn more about Kanye West and Kendrick Lamar’s legendary careers, check out Christopher S.’s article: Kanye West & Kendrick Lamar: Two Geniuses, Four Songs at WSHSCOURIER.ORG, Schroeder’s student news site. Christopher S. is a Class of 2025 student with a passion for music. After you’re done reading his article, hop over to the main page and take the poll to let us know whether you prefer Kanye West or Kendrick Lamar. Poll is open through the end of the week. Scan the QR code on this slide or in the Schroeder Courier display case by the auditorium to check it out!
> Already anticipating next year's musical? Eager to know what it will be? Each day Mrs. Zugelder will remove a possible show contender from her wall. Follow along on this daily journey until the last musical title is remaining! Let's see what musical gets eliminated today!
May 15, 2023
> I scream, you scream, we all scream for Honor Roll ice cream! Students who received a postcard notifying them that they achieved honor roll during quarter 3, get a sweet treat during lunch periods in the cafeteria starting today! Stop by your alpha office starting today to claim your ticket and then redeem that ticket for your ice cream!
> Attention all Model UN Club members: We will be holding our final meeting of the year after school in Mrs. Tuyn's room today. Come say goodbye to our seniors and choose our countries for the conference at Hilton in November!
> The last Women in STEM meeting of the year will be this Wednesday in room E21. We have a great guest speaker that is a recent college graduate. Hope to see you there.
> This week Best Buddies will not be formally meeting but there will be a Unified Basketball game that we can all attend! Many of our buddies are on the team and they will be playing tomorrow at Penfield High School and next Tuesday at home! Invite your buddy to come watch and support this incredible team!
> Already anticipating next year's musical? Eager to know what it will be? Each day Mrs. Zugelder will remove a possible show contender from her wall. Follow along on this daily journey until the last musical title is remaining! Let's see what musical gets eliminated today!
May 12, 2023
> Tonight the Girls Varsity Lacrosse team will be honoring their seniors at their game vs. Brockport. Please come and support your Girls Lacrosse seniors by joining in on the celebration at 7pm out on the Schroeder turf!
> Attention all Model UN Club members: We will be holding our final meeting of the year on Monday, May 15 after school in Mrs. Tuyn's room. Come say goodbye to our seniors and choose our countries for the conference at Hilton in November!
> The Schroeder Blue Varsity Basketball team lost to Fairport last night by a score of 35-33. The team has improved tremendously and should be proud of how they play on the court as well as how they handle themselves off the court. Abby W. led the team with 9 points, Ryker scored 8 points with his great jump shot, and Shane W. and Will B each scored 6 points. Go Warriors!
Though they came up short on the scoreboard, the Schroeder Unified Gold team showed tremendous character in their basketball game against Fairport yesterday. Their amazing defense held the opposing team to only 31 points while Ernie led the offense with 9 points. So proud of our Warriors!
> Schroeder Courier, our Warrior student news site, just published several new student pieces this week. Whether you're looking for an original dystopian series to read (Hayden D., '25), learn more about our Morning Show GOAT Mr. Gomez (Tom A., '23), get a peek into a local Rochester small business (Kaiden D., '26), or take a historical and literary deep dive into some contemporary hip-hop (Christopher S., '25), our student news site has something for everyone. Even if you're just in the mood to listen, our resident DJ (Avalon M., '24) has you covered with a fresh Spotify playlist. Check out the archives if you've missed the last few drops! Visit wshscourier.org to read or listen now.
May 11, 2023
> This Friday, May 12th, the Girls Varsity Lacrosse team will be honoring their seniors at their game vs. Brockport. Please come and support your Girls Lacrosse seniors by joining in on the celebration at 7pm out on the Schroeder turf!
> Attention all Model UN Club members: We will be holding our final meeting of the year on Monday, May 15 after school in Mrs. Tuyn's room. Come say goodbye to our seniors and choose our countries for the conference at Hilton in November!
> Schroeder Softball beat Victor 2-0. Liana D. threw a 4 hitter with 7 strikeouts. Carley C. had a 2 RBI single in the top of the 6th.
Leah M. was 2 for 3 with a Run scored, Bizzie B. had a hit and scored a run. Teagan M. was 1 for 1, and Sam S. had a hit.
The Warriors play Brighton tomorrow night at 7:00pm for the last regular season home game of the season and it is the senior game. Please come out and support the 4 seniors, Carley C., Mikayla B., Teagan M., and Sam S.
> Schroeder Courier, our Warrior student news site, just published several new student pieces this week. Whether you're looking for an original dystopian series to read (Hayden D., '25), learn more about our Morning Show GOAT Mr. Gomez (Tom A., '23), get a peek into a local Rochester small business (Kaiden D., '26), or take a historical and literary deep dive into some contemporary hip-hop (Christopher S., '25), our student news site has something for everyone. Even if you're just in the mood to listen, our resident DJ (Avalon M., '24) has you covered with a fresh Spotify playlist. Check out the archives if you've missed the last few drops! Visit wshscourier.org to read or listen now.
> Now over to a Unified Basketball hype video...
May 10, 2023
> It’s Warrior Wednesday! All week long Schroeder staff has been on the lookout for students who are demonstrating cooperation, accountability, respect, and excellence.
Let’s go ahead and spin the prize wheel for our student winner:
Congratulations to Julia H.! And now for our staff winner. Spin that wheel!
Congratulations to Mrs. Phillips! You will be contacted by Mrs. Tasber’s office to claim your prize!
Thank you all for continuing to demonstrate great habits and being Warriors who CARE.
> Attention all D & D Club Members: The movie theater has changed the date for our field trip to next Wednesday, May 17th. We will have a regular club meeting this week.
Please return your permission slip to Mr. Peck in W8 as soon as possible.
> The library is closed today for AP testing. Students should plan on staying in their study halls.
> Congratulations to the Women's Track team who remain undefeated and are now the Section 5 Divisional Champions. Amazing first place performances were taken by the following:
Corintia G in the 200, long jump and triple jump
Cam C in the 100 hurdles and high jump
Kylie W in the 1500
Jordan S in the 100
and NaBrya B in the 400 hurdles
The relay teams made up of Jordan, Corintia, Alyssa F, Lauren C-W, Shelby B, Kylie W and Sofia M won both of their events.
The shot and disc team of Mileena O, Taylor F, Tatyana K and Grace S once again swept both of those events and took all 18 points along with Grace earning her varsity letter in shot put. Great job to the whole team who scored 108 out of a possible 136 points!
> Congratulations to the Schroeder Blue Unified basketball team on a hard fought win against a scrappy Victor squad. The Warriors' tight defense held their opponent to 30 points while their offense was led by Josh D., Abby W., and Cecelia T. who were the top scorers.
The Schroeder Gold Unified basketball team extended their win streak to 3 games with a win over Fairport last night by a score of 38-37. All athletes and partners played outstanding defense to shut down some of Fairport's top players. Angie B. scored 8 points, Ernie S. scored 6 points, and Cody led the team with 14 points and scored the last 4 points of the game to lead the team to a victory.
The blue team plays home on Thursday against Fairport. Please come out to support them. Go Warriors!
> Good morning students and staff,
Teachers can you assist in getting everyone’s attention. Thank you.
It is with a heavy heart that I’m sharing the news regarding a former member of our Warrior family that has affected us deeply. Evan Gray, a January 2023 graduate of Schroeder, was involved in a car accident on Sunday night and passed away. Our thoughts and prayers as a school community are with Evan and his family during this incredibly difficult time.
As you would expect, this is a challenging time for many in our Warrior community. It is important for us to understand that we react or respond differently to tragic events. Please support one another now and in the future. Students, faculty, and staff, thank you for always being compassionate and reaching out to each other, especially when we need that compassion the most.
If you feel the need to seek help, please go to a counselor, social worker, or an assistant principal’s office for assistance.
Our entire Schroeder faculty and staff appreciate your concern, support, and sympathy for Evan and his family. Please reach out should you have any further questions or concerns.
Thank you and, Warriors, take care of and look out for one another.
May 9, 2023
> Attention all D & D Club Members: The movie theater has changed the date for our field trip to next Wednesday, May 17th. We will have a regular club meeting this week.
Please return your permission slip to Mr. Peck in W8 as soon as possible.
> Schroeder Softball beat HFL 12-0. Liana D. and Sam S. combined for a 2 hitter with 15 strikeouts. Liana was also 3 for 3 with 3 runs scored and RBI double.
Kinsley K was 2 for 2 with a RBI, run, walk, and stolen base. Sarah F. was 2 for 4 with 2 runs scored, RBI, and stolen base, Mikayla B. was 1 for 2 with a double and 2 runs scored, Leah M. had a 3 run homerun, Anna R. was 1 for 1 with a run, Carley C. had a hit and scored a run.
Schroeder is now 11-3.
> Our Warriors Flag Football team hosted Gates-Chili yesterday for the second annual Kruzer Night and won 26-0. Our offense was led by Junior QB Shannon K who threw for 2 touchdowns and rushed for 1. In the first half sophomore QB Lucy S also had a passing touchdown caught by Gia C to give the Warriors the early lead. Junior QB Shannon K added to the first half scoring column, throwing a touchdown to freshman McKenzie B. In the second half the scoring continued. Shannon K had a pair of touchdowns. One was caught by Addie M and the other was a 60 yard scramble! Our Warrior defense, led by Madi A, Jocelyn G, and Lucy S shut down the Spartans allowing zero points while forcing 3 turnovers thanks to cornerback Maddie P and linebacker Lucy S. The girls wanted to thank all of those who came out and supported the team!
> The Gold Varsity Unified Basketball team travels to Fairport today. If you see any of our teammates please wish them good luck.
The Blue Varsity Unified Basketball team has a home game at 5:00 today. Please come watch us as we take on Victor. Go Warriors!
May 8, 2022
> Listen up.... There are 4 spots left before the trip is closed for Germany and Switzerland.
If you are a Sophomore or Juniors this year and interested in Science, Tech, Math or Business this is the trip for you! Don't miss out on a fantastic trip to Switzerland and Germany for 10 amazing days. See Mr. DeWitte in room N100 or email at peter_dewitte@webstercsd.org with any questions. Scan the QR code for more information and to learn how to enroll today.
> Community Service Club is having their first trip to Habitat for Humanity on Saturday, May 13th. It is open to the first 15 club members to sign up in Classroom by today. Please see the Classroom for more information. This is a great opportunity for giving back to your community and making new friends!
> Do you want to try the World's Best Cheeseburger? Do you want to have fun with friends? Come support Unified Basketball at Bill Gray's tonight anytime between 4:30 and 8:30. Bring a flyer found in Mrs.Bailey's room (E228), Mrs. Burgess’s room (W7) or Mr. Fedor's room (W216) to ensure that your money goes to our cause. We hope to see you there!
> Congratulations to Schroeder Speech & Debate Team State-ranked Speakers!
They went up against the big schools in NYC and Long Island and they did us proud! Sophomore Matthew G. is a quarter-finalist this year again in Declamation: interpreting & delivering a speech by Jim Carrey and Junior Noah J. is a semi-finalist in Varsity Extemporaneous Speaking - pick a current events topic, research it, compose it, practice it, and deliver it 30 minutes later! Noah and Matthew, your coaches and team applaud your accomplishment! We are thankful for Webster's strong support that we have enjoyed every year since our 1st state competition in 1985.
> Today is the 2nd annual Kruzer Night to honor Mr. Kruze who does so much to help our school and athletic teams.
Mr. Kruze will be throwing out the 1st pitch at the softball game at 7:00pm. We will be collecting donations at the flag football and softball games for the Wilmot Cancer Center in Mr. Kruze’s name.
Please come out and support Kruzer and the athletes!
The Schroeder Softball team improved to 10-3 with wins over Penfield and Rush-Henrietta.
Schroeder beat Rush 6-5 in 9 innings.
Liana D threw a three-hitter with 21 strikeouts.
Bizzie B. had a sacrifice fly in the bottom of the 9th to score Ava W who led off the inning with a single. Then Liana D singled and Kinsley K singled to load the bases. Biz hit a deep fly ball to center field to score Ava W.
Liana was 3 for 4 with an RBI, Sam S was 2 for 4 with a RBI, Ava W 2 for 3 with a 2 RBIs and the winning run.
Schroeder beat Penfield 15-3. Liana D and Sam S combined for the win with 13 strikeouts.
Liana was 3 for 4 with 2 RBIs and 3 runs scored, Sam was 2 for 3 and 3 RBIs, Mikayla B was 3 for 4 with 3 runs scored, Kinsley K, Bizzie B, and Carley C were all 2 for 4 with RBIs, Maddie K had a RBI double, Ava W and Sarah F each had a hit.
> Attention all D & D Club Members: The movie theater has changed the date for our field trip to next Wednesday, May 17th. We will have a regular club meeting this week.
Please return your permission slip to Mr. Peck in W8 as soon as possible.
> The Schroeder Theater Company would like to thank all students and staff who grabbed their passports and traveled with us this weekend during their performances of "Around the World in 80 Days." Your encouragement, support, laughter, and love did not go unnoticed! We will see you next spring!
> Now over to a video explaining the impact of a zero in your gradebook and back to the studio for a special announcement from Mrs. Tasber
> Good morning, Warriors! Thanks for taking the time to watch that video this morning. Hopefully, it gave you a better understanding of the mathematical impact of getting a zero on an assignment in the gradebook. Did you know that when an assignment is flagged as "missing" in Infinite Campus, it is calculated as a zero? This has a huge negative impact on your grades! This is the time of year when we need to kick into gear to finish strong, so your teachers will be taking some time in class this week to review their policy on missing assignments and late work, talk about the resources available for extra help when you need it, and have you check the portal to see if you have any missing assignments and make a plan to get caught up. First period teachers, please hand out the Zero 0s worksheets to your class. Students, bring these with you to your classes this week so that you can fill them out together. Extra copies are available in the main office, alpha office, and in your class Google Classroom. Let’s finish strong these last five weeks!
May 5, 2023
> Listen up.... There are 4 spots left before the trip is closed for Germany and Switzerland.
If you are a Sophomore or Juniors this year and interested in Science, Tech, Math or Business this is the trip for you! Don't miss out on a fantastic trip to Switzerland and Germany for 10 amazing days.
See Mr. DeWitte in room N100 or email at peter_dewitte@webstercsd.org with any questions. Scan the QR code for more information and to learn how to enroll today.
> Community Service Club is having their first trip to Habitat for Humanity on Saturday, May 13th. It is open to the first 15 club members to sign up in Classroom by Monday, May 8th. Please see the Classroom for more information. This is a great opportunity for giving back to your community and making new friends!
> Do you want to try the World's best Cheeseburger? Do you want to have fun with friends? Come support Unified Basketball at Bill Gray's Monday, May 8th anytime between 4:30 and 8:30. Bring a flyer found in Mrs.Bailey's room (E228), Mrs. Burgess’s room (W7) or Mr. Fedor's room (W216) to ensure that your money goes to our cause. We hope to see you there!
> The Blue Varsity Unified Basketball team traveled to Thomas last night. Despite missing several teammates, they tied a tough Thomas team 61-61. Top scorers for the Warriors were Adryann D. with 16 points, Abby W. with 14 points, and Cece T. with 10 points. All athletes scored at least 6 points and gave 100% effort. Thanks to everyone who came out to support the team.
The Gold Varsity Unified Basketball team beat Thomas in Tuesday’s home opener by a score of 61-46. It was a great team effort. Leading the team was Cody H. with 12 points, Ernie S. with 9 points, and Heaven B. and Maddie F. each with 8 points. The partners worked really hard; even diving for the ball into the bleachers. The Schroeder Gold team will take on Penfield this Thursday at 4:30pm at home. Please consider coming out to support this amazing team!
> Now over to some Varsity Flag Football hype!
May 4, 2023
> Calling all Star Wars fans...
May the Fourth be With You! Star Wars Day is today! We'll be celebrating with film screenings in the library, iconic Star Wars music in place of bells, round table discussions, trivia, and a costume contest.
Don your best Star Wars-inspired gear and get your picture taken in the library before 1pm to be a part of the contest. There will be categories and prizes for both students and staff.
Thank you Schroeder PTSA for helping to sponsor these events!
> Attention Green Club members: we will be meeting after school today. We will be partnering with PTSA and other student groups to clean-up the courtyards and work on planting flowers. We will meet in the cafeteria.
> Listen up.... There are 4 spots left before the trip is closed for Germany and Switzerland.
If you are a Sophomore or Juniors this year and interested in Science, Tech, Math or Business this is the trip for you! Don't miss out on a fantastic trip to Switzerland and Germany for 10 amazing days.
See Mr. DeWitte in room N100 or email at peter_dewitte@webstercsd.org with any questions. Scan the QR code for more information and to learn how to enroll today.
> Community Service Club is having their first trip to Habitat for Humanity on Saturday, May 13th. It is open to the first 15 club members to sign up in Classroom by Monday, May 8th. Please see the Classroom for more information. This is a great opportunity for giving back to your community and making new friends!
> The Women's Varsity Track Team continued their winning streak yesterday by beating Spencerport. The shot and disc team won 15 of the possible 18 points with Mileena O, Taylor F and Tatyana K sharing those points. Kylie W, Sofia M, Julia V and Claudia B all dominated in the distance races. Jordan S won both sprint races, Lauren C-W won long jump and they also both contributed to the 4 by 100 win along with Alyssa F and K'Loni J. A special congratulations to Maddy B and Cooper H for earning their varsity letter in pole vault, as well.
> Congratulations to the Boys Track team on their performance in less than ideal conditions yesterday as they went against Spencerport. It was their Senior Day and they battled Spencerport to an incredibly rare tie, 70 points for each team.
Warrior boys scored points in multiple events were:
Kevin B, who once again won the 110 hurdles and 100 and 200 meter dashes,
Gio T celebrated Senior Day by winning the long and triple jump.
Naz D took a rare 2nd place double in the high jump and shot put.
Tyler W was 2nd in the 110 hurdles and 3rd in the 400 hurdles.
Zain K was 3rd in both the shot put and the discus.
And some seniors who helped the cause on their celebration day were Mitch C, who took 2nd in the 400, and Dan G, who was 2nd in the long jump.
Congrats to the entire team and way to have a day, seniors!
> Do you want to try the World's best Cheeseburger? Do you want to have fun with friends? Come support Unified Basketball at Bill Gray's Monday, May 8th anytime between 4:30 and 8:30. Bring a flyer found in Mrs.Bailey's room (E228), Mrs. Burgess’s room (W7) or Mr. Fedor's room (W216) to ensure that your money goes to our cause. We hope to see you there!
>Come support the Unified Basketball Teams today. The Gold Team is home today at 4:30 and the blue team is at Thomas at 4:30. Go Warriors!
> It is a great time to be a senior! We have so many big events and opportunities coming up. Get involved, participate...make memories, not excuses!
First up is Senior Ball!
The last two days to purchase Senior Ball tickets are today and tomorrow near the Library Cafe for $75. So make sure you stop by and see a Class Officer and get that taken care of so we can have an unforgettable night at The Wintergarden!
Next Up...Staff Graduation Speaker
Head to our Classroom Google page to nominate a staff member to speak at graduation! The form closes today, so get your nominations in ASAP!
More exciting senior stuff...
Interested in speaking at graduation yourself? See our Google Classroom page for how to enter to "Be a Voice of the Class of 2023." Speeches are due to Mr. Benz by May 18th!
Roll Seniors!
> We have been working hard for months...building sets, getting costumes and props, refining our acting, and preparing for our big show! Webster Schroeder Theater Company is now proud to present "Around the World in 80 Days"! Opening night is tonight at 7 and we continue over the weekend with a 7pm performance on Friday, and two chances to see the show on Saturday with a 2pm matinee and a final performance on Saturday night at 7pm. Get your $10 tickets now online at spicket.events/Schroeder-theater or get them at the door. We hope to see you there supporting our hard work. GO, GO, GO!
May 3, 2023
> It’s Warrior Wednesday! All week long Schroeder staff has been on the lookout for students who are demonstrating cooperation, accountability, respect, and excellence.
Let’s go ahead and spin the prize wheel for our student winner:
Congratulations to Nicole L.! And now for our staff winner. Spin that wheel!
Congratulations to Mrs. DeRoller! You will be contacted by Mrs. Tasber’s office to claim your prize!
Thank you all for continuing to demonstrate great habits and being Warriors who CARE.
> WTI will be closed during 1st, 2nd, and 3rd periods today. If you need Chromebook assistance, please stop down after third period.
> Attention Key Club: we will have our last meeting of the year tomorrow, Thursday, May 4th at 3:20pm in the cafeteria. See you tomorrow!
> Women in STEM have a meeting after school today in room E21. This is the second to last meeting of the year. Hope to see you there.
> Calling all Star Wars fans...
May the Fourth be With You! Star Wars Day is tomorrow, Thursday, May 4. We'll be celebrating with film screenings in the library, iconic Star Wars music in place of bells, round table discussions, trivia, and a costume contest.
Don your best Star Wars-inspired gear and get your picture taken in the library before 1pm to be a part of the contest. There will be categories and prizes for both students and staff.
Thank you Schroeder PTSA for helping to sponsor these events!
> Seniors: It is May! Which means we have a lot of fun events and activities ahead of us! Make sure you are staying up-to-date on everything and getting in on the action. Tomorrow and Friday are the last days to purchase your Ball tickets. Also, staff graduation speaker nominations will be reviewed this tomorrow morning, so get your nominations in!
> Attention Green Club members: we will be meeting after school tomorrow, Thursday, May 4. We will be partnering with PTSA and other student groups to clean-up the courtyards and work on planting flowers. We will meet in the cafeteria.
> The Varsity Baseball team won their seventh straight and improved to 11-2 overall with a 7-0 win over Victor Monday. Jack, don't you dare say his last name, went the distance pitching a 3-hit shutout. Justin M went 4-4 and Jack S. had two big hits 2 RBIs behind Section Five's best defense. The Warriors are at Victor tonight and take on our cross town rivals on Friday.
> Listen up.... There are 4 spots left before the trip is closed for Germany and Switzerland.
If you are a Sophomore or Juniors this year and interested in Science, Tech, Math or Business this is the trip for you! Don't miss out on a fantastic trip to Switzerland and Germany for 10 amazing days.
See Mr. DeWitte in room N100 or email at peter_dewitte@webstercsd.org with any questions. Scan the QR code for more information and to learn how to enroll today.
> The Gold Varsity Unified Basketball team beat Thomas in Tuesday’s home opener by a score of 61-46. It was a great team effort. Leading the team was Cody H. with 12 points, Ernie S. with 9 points, and Heaven B. and Maddie F. each with 8 points. The partners worked really hard; even diving for the ball into the bleachers. The Schroeder Gold team will take on Penfield this Thursday at 4:30pm at home. Please consider coming out to support this amazing team!
The Blue Varsity Unified Basketball team lost to Fairport in Tuesday’s home opener. The team played great defense with an outstanding performance from Ryker S. in the 3rd quarter with 8 points. Josh D. had 10 points, Abby W. had 8, and all other athletes got on the board. The Schroeder Blue team will take on Thomas this Thursday at 4:30pm on the road.
> Our Warriors Flag Football team traveled to the westside last night and came out on top, beating Spencerport 35-2. Receivers Lyrah C, McKenzie B, Brynn Z, and Alyssa D each caught 1 of the 4 touchdown passes thrown from quarterback Ellie O. Defense played strong all game forcing 3 turnovers and 1 safety. Cornerback Gia C, safety Lucy S, and cornerback Maddie P each had an interception. Maddie P returned hers for a touchdown. Jocelyn G also put up points on the defensive side of the ball by sacking the quarterback and recording a safety. The girls are red hot and will play cross town rival Webster Thomas at home this Friday at 6pm. Come and support!
> Nick: In the year 1872...we set out for a unforgettable journey
Sami: Where so many unbelievable things happen! In my opinion the most exciting part is a human sacrifice being saved on a getaway elephant! What do you think?
Nick: That’s right! This 80 day journey is something you don’t want to miss...so I suggest you buy your tickets!
Sami: It’s tomorrow, Friday and Saturday!
Together: Join us to see if we’ll make it around the world in 80 days!
May 2, 2023
> Calling all Star Wars fans...
May the Fourth be With You! Star Wars Day is this Thursday, May 4. We'll be celebrating with film screenings in the library, iconic Star Wars music in place of bells, round table discussions, trivia, and a costume contest.
Don your best Star Wars-inspired gear and get your picture taken in the library before 1pm to be a part of the contest. There will be categories and prizes for both students and staff.
Thank you Schroeder PTSA for helping to sponsor these events!
> WTI will be closed during 1st, 2nd, and 3rd periods today and tomorrow. If you need Chromebook assistance, please stop down after third period.
> Attention Key Club: we will have our last meeting of the year this Thursday, May 4 at 3:20pm in the cafeteria. See you Thursday!
> Women in STEM have a meeting after school this week tomorrow, Wednesday, May 3rd in room E21. This is the second to last meeting of the year. Hope to see you there.
> Seniors: It is May! Which means we have a lot of fun events and activities ahead of us! Make sure you are staying up-to-date on everything and getting in on the action. This Thursday and Friday are the last days to purchase your Ball tickets. Also, staff graduation speaker nominations will be reviewed this Thursday, so get your nominations in!
> Attention Green Club members: we will be meeting afterschool on Thursday, May 4. We will be partnering with PTSA and other student groups to clean-up the courtyards and work on planting flowers. We will meet in the cafeteria.
> Now over to an "Around the World in 80 Days" video...
May 1, 2023
> The Webster Marching Band is hosting an informational night for all new, interested, and returning members! We have opportunities for kids that like to play an instrument, dance, build props, or run tech crew. Come learn about the program, meet our staff, meet other kids in the band, and learn about our show this season! Students in grades 6-12 from all middle schools and high schools are welcome to join! No experience is required and everyone is welcome! Scan the code on the screen, on the blue posters around the building, or in the music hall! If you have any questions, email Brittany Cole at Brittany_Cole@webstercsd.org. Hope to see you there!
> On Saturday, April 29th, Schroeder students Akshaya D, Jessica F, and Stephanie G, competed virtually in the Computer Science at Mines High School Programming Contest. Students had 4 hours to solve 12 challenging programming problems in teams of three. Great job, Warriors!
> Our warrior flag football team improved their record to 2-0 defeating Greece Arcadia 41-13 on Saturday. Warriors started out hot! Ellie O threw for 3 touchdowns in the first half, two of which went to Addie M and one to Gia C. Madi A also stopped Arcadia in their own endzone for a safety. Senior Lyrah C and Junior Shannon K each added in a receiving touchdown and Ellie O rushed for one in the second half. Defense was stellar all game. Jocelyn G, Maddie P, and Lucy S were tied for 4 flag pulls each. Our girls are on the road in Spencerport Tuesday and and Home Friday against Thomas.
> WTI will be closed during 1st, 2nd, and 3rd periods on Tuesday and Wednesday of this week. If you need Chromebook assistance, please stop down after third period.
> Now over to an "Around the World in 80 Days" video...
April 28, 2023
> The Webster Marching Band is hosting an informational night for all new, interested, and returning members! We have opportunities for kids that like to play an instrument, dance, build props, or run tech crew. Come learn about the program, meet our staff, meet other kids in the band, and learn about our show this season! Students in grades 6-12 from all middle schools and high schools are welcome to join! No experience is required and everyone is welcome! Scan the code on the screen, on the blue posters around the building, or in the music hall! If you have any questions, email Brittany Cole at Brittany_Cole@webstercsd.org. Hope to see you there!
> Class of 2023: Join your classmates and secure your ticket to Senior Ball at The Wintergarden. Tickets will be on sale again near the Library Cafe today. Look for one of your Class Officers for help, questions, or to purchase your ticket!
> Embark on an unforgettable, globe-trotting adventure with the Schroeder Theater Company! Can Phileas Fogg and her companions traverse exotic terrain, survive typhoons, and stay one step ahead of a detective who is convinced she is a bank robber...all while keeping on schedule? Get your boarding passes for "Around the World in 80 Days" now! Performances are May 4th, 5th, and 6th and tickets are $10 online or at the door. Time's ticking -- Better get going!
> Attention Juniors: Prom tickets will go on sale Monday, May 1st during lunch periods and continue throughout the week. Tickets can be purchased inside the library entering from the lunchroom. Tickets cost $75 each. Anyone who is current with their class dues can pick up their ticket. See your class officers or class advisors if you have any questions.
> Calling all Star Wars fans...
May the Fourth be With You! Star Wars Day is next Thursday, May 4. We'll be celebrating with film screenings and popcorn in the library, iconic Star Wars music in place of bells, round table discussions, and a costume contest.
Don your best Star Wars-inspired gear and get your picture taken in the library before 1:00pm to be a part of the contest. There will be categories and prizes for both students and staff.
Thank you Schroeder PTSA for helping to sponsor these events!
> Congratulations to the following students for being this week’s recipients of Principal’s Recognition:
Please stop down to the main office between 1st and 2nd period.
Kirill A. ~ Class of 2025
Jenna D. ~ Class of 2026
Nina D. ~ Class of 2025
Kaleb J. ~ Class of 2023
Katie K. ~ Class of 2025
Justin M. ~ Class of 2024
Leah M. ~ Class of 2024 (per 1 Christman)
Maalem P. ~ Class of 2025
Olivia S. ~ Class of 2026 (per 1 Zugelder)
Wai Kuen W. ~ Class of 2023
> Maisey - Hey Nica, how long till opening night of "Around the World in 80 Days."
Nica - Approximately 6 days and 12 hours
Maisey - Yep! It’s coming up faster than a pig in a twister!
Nica - Come see "Around the World in 80 Days" next week!
Maisey - Thursday May 4, Friday May 5th and Saturday May 6th
Nica - Get your tickets now on spicket.events/schroeder-theater
Maisey - Or at the door, tickets cost $10
Nica - Go, go, go!
April 27, 2023
> Attention seniors: tomorrow is Decision Day here at Schroeder! Please join us in the Library between 11:30 and 1:30 to celebrate! If you know what you will be doing next fall, wear gear with your college/military branch/career-area on it that day.
> Class of 2023: Join your classmates and secure your ticket to Senior Ball at The Wintergarden. Tickets will be on sale again near the Library Cafe today. Look for one of your Class Officers for help, questions, or to purchase your ticket!
> If you are a Sophomore or Junior this year and interested in Futuristic Technologies, Sustainability, Urban Planning, and Engineering join Mr. DeWitte on a Technology Trip to Germany & Switzerland in April of 2024. We will visit the Berlin Wall, hike the Black Forest, and walk through glacier caverns.
There will be an informational meeting tonight at 7pm over Google Meet.
Scan the QR code on the screen or find one of the many posters around the school.
You must register for the informational meeting in order to receive the meeting link.This does not lock you into the trip, this meeting is to provide you with trip information and answer questions.
See Mr. DeWitte in room N100 for more information.
> Embark on an unforgettable, globe-trotting adventure with the Schroeder Theater Company! Can Phileas Fogg and her companions traverse exotic terrain, survive typhoons, and stay one step ahead of a detective who is convinced she is a bank robber...all while keeping on schedule? Get your boarding passes for "Around the World in 80 Days" now! Performances are May 4th, 5th, and 6th and tickets are $10 online or at the door. Time's ticking -- Better get going!
> Schroeder Softball improved to 7-2 after beating Fairport 8-3. Liana D. had 10 strikeouts and was 2 for 3 with a RBI. Leah M. was 3 for 4 with 2 RBI’s, Bizzie B. was 2 for 3 with 2 runs scored, Sarah F. was 2 for 4 with a RBI and run scored, Carley C. had a 2 RBI single. Mikayla B. Scored two runs and Ava W. had a double.
> Last night our Girls Flag Football team made history winning their first game beating Irondequoit 31-0. Quarterback Ellie O commanded the offense and finished with 2 passing and 2 rushing touchdowns to go along with her 4 flag pulls. Sophomore receiver Addie M was putting on a wide receiver clinic scoring 2 touchdowns to go along with her 13 receptions. Lyrah C and Alyssa D added a pair of receptions each and Caroline M punched one in the endzone in the second half. On the defensive side of the ball, Jocelyn G and Madi A had 5 flag pulls and 1 sack each. Gia C also had 4 flag pulls and Eva P had 1 interception. Our girls play the first ever home game this Saturday morning at 10am against Greece Arcadia. Come support the girls!"
> Today is Poem in Your Pocket Day! Put your favorite verse in your pocket and share it with friends and teachers. Practice random acts of poetry and leave poems in unexpected places. Take a moment to slow down and ponder the gravity and levity of words. When you share your favorite poem or song lyric with a library staff member, you'll get a sweet treat.
To kick things off, here is a Throwback Thursday poem. Who remembers having to memorize Mary Ann Hoberman's iconic "Frog" poem in third grade?
Leaps on
Long legs
Jelly eggs
Sticky tongue
Tricks flies
Spied by
Flicker eyes
Wet skin
Cold Blood
Squats in
Mucky mud
Leaps on
Long legs
Jelly eggs
Laid in
Wet bog...
> Now over to an “Around the World in 80 Days” video…
April 26, 2023
> It’s Warrior Wednesday! All week long Schroeder staff has been on the lookout for students who are demonstrating cooperation, accountability, respect, and excellence.
Let’s go ahead and spin the prize wheel for our student winner:
Congratulations to Olivia L.! And now for our staff winner. Spin that wheel!
Congratulations to Mrs. Rotoli! You will be contacted by Mrs. Tasber’s office to claim your prize!
Thank you all for continuing to demonstrate great habits and being Warriors who CARE.
> The Webster Marching Band is hosting an informational night for all new, interested, and returning members! We have opportunities for kids that like to play an instrument, dance, build props, or run tech crew. Come learn about the program, meet our staff, meet other kids in the band, and learn about our show this season! Students in grades 6-12 from all middle schools and high schools are welcome to join! No experience is required and everyone is welcome! Scan the code on the screen, on the blue posters around the building, or in the music hall! If you have any questions, email Brittany Cole at Brittany_Cole@webstercsd.org. Hope to see you there!
> Attention seniors: Friday, April 28th is Decision Day here at Schroeder! Please join us in the Library between 11:30 and 1:30 to celebrate! If you know what you will be doing next fall, wear gear with your college/military branch/career-area on it that day.
> Class of 2023: Join your classmates and secure your ticket to Senior Ball at The Wintergarden. Tickets will be on sale again near the Library Cafe tomorrow and Friday this week. Look for one of your Class Officers for help, questions, or to purchase your ticket!
> If you are a Sophomore or Junior this year and interested in Futuristic Technologies, Sustainability, Urban Planning, and Engineering join Mr. DeWitte on a Technology Trip to Germany & Switzerland in April of 2024. We will visit the Berlin Wall, hike the Black Forest, and walk through glacier caverns.
There will be an informational meeting tomorrow, Thursday, April 27th at 7pm over Google Meet.
Scan the QR code on the screen or find one of the many posters around the school.
You must register for the informational meeting in order to receive the meeting link.This does not lock you into the trip, this meeting is to provide you with trip information and answer questions.
See Mr. DeWitte in room N100 for more information.
> Embark on an unforgettable, globe-trotting adventure with the Schroeder Theater Company! Can Phileas Fogg and her companions traverse exotic terrain, survive typhoons, and stay one step ahead of a detective who is convinced she is a bank robber...all while keeping on schedule? Get your boarding passes for "Around the World in 80 Days" now! Performances are May 4th, 5th, and 6th and tickets are $10 online or at the door. Time's ticking -- Better get going!
> April is Poetry Month, and tomorrow - Thursday, April 27 - is "Poem in Your Pocket Day." Put your favorite verse in your pocket and share it with friends and teachers. Practice random acts of poetry and leave poems in unexpected places. Take a moment to slow down and ponder the gravity and levity of words. When you share your favorite poem or song lyric with a library staff member, you'll get a sweet treat!
> The Women's Varsity Track team remains 3 and 0 with their win over Thomas yesterday. Corintia G was outstanding and took 1st place in all 4 of her events. Kylie W took 1st in both the 1500 and the 3000. Shelby B also took 1st place in both of her events. Na'Brya B was amazing in the 400 hurdles and won 1st place. Mileena and Taylor took command in both the shot and disc and the 4 by 100 team of Alyssa F, Jordan S, K'Loni J and Na'Brya crushed it as well. The whole team stepped up to earn this victory!
April 25, 2023
> Attention seniors: Friday, April 28th is Decision Day here at Schroeder! Please join us in the Library between 11:30 and 1:30 to celebrate! If you know what you will be doing next fall, wear gear with your college/military branch/career-area on it that day.
> Class of 2023: Join your classmates and secure your ticket to Senior Ball at The Wintergarden. Tickets will be on sale again near the Library Cafe on Thursday and Friday this week. Look for one of your Class Officers for help, questions, or to purchase your ticket!
> If you are a Sophomore or Junior this year and interested in Futuristic Technologies, Sustainability, Urban Planning, and Engineering join Mr. DeWitte on a Technology Trip to Germany & Switzerland in April of 2024. We will visit the Berlin Wall, hike the Black Forest, and walk through glacier caverns.
There will be an informational meeting this Thursday, April 27th at 7pm over Google Meet.
Scan the QR code on the screen or find one of the many posters around the school.
You must register for the informational meeting in order to receive the meeting link.This does not lock you into the trip, this meeting is to provide you with trip information and answer questions.
See Mr. DeWitte in room N100 for more information.
> There will be a Future Medical Professionals meeting after school today in e218. We will have a special guest speaker coming to join us, so don't miss out!
> Embark on an unforgettable, globe-trotting adventure with the Schroeder Theater Company! Can Phileas Fogg and her companions traverse exotic terrain, survive typhoons, and stay one step ahead of a detective who is convinced she is a bank robber...all while keeping on schedule? Get your boarding passes for "Around the World in 80 Days" now! Performances are May 4th, 5th, and 6th and tickets are $10 online or at the door. Time's ticking -- Better get going!
April 24, 2023
> The Webster Marching Band is hosting an informational night for all new, interested, and returning members! We have opportunities for kids that like to play an instrument, dance, build props, or run tech crew. Come learn about the program, meet our staff, meet other kids in the band, and learn about our show this season! Students in grades 6-12 from all middle schools and high schools are welcome to join! No experience is required and everyone is welcome! Scan the code on the screen, on the blue posters around the building, or in the music hall! If you have any questions, email Brittany Cole at Brittany_Cole@webstercsd.org. Hope to see you there!
> Attention seniors: Friday, April 28th is Decision Day here at Schroeder! Please join us in the Library between 11:30 and 1:30 to celebrate! If you know what you will be doing next fall, wear gear with your college/military branch/career-area on it that day.
> On Saturday April 22, leaving at 5:15am and returning at 5:30pm, Schroeder and Thomas participated in the National Lockheed Martin CodeQuest programming competition in Owego, NY. Two teams from Schroeder and two teams from Thomas competed in the advanced level bringing back to Webster 1 of 6 trophies. A total of 24 teams participated. One of Schroeder's teams finished in 2nd place, scoring 130 points.
Teams had two and a half hours to solve 25 challenging problems. Problems ranged from 5 points to 100 points apiece.
Schroeder's team members were David Y and Jessica F for Advanced, and Garrett M and Stephen M for Advanced 2nd Place.
Great job to everyone who participated!
> Congratulations to the Boys Track team on their fine performance this past weekend coming in 6th place out of 25 teams at the Rush-Henrietta relays.
Some performances of note were:
Ben R and Jon D winning the long jump relay.
Naz D and Harry A taking 2nd in the turbo javelin relay
Naz, Ben, Kevin B, and Dylan B were 2nd in the 4 by 100 relay
Kevin and Dylan later teamed up with Gio T and Mitch C to take 2nd place in the sprint medley
Gio and Jon took 4th in the triple jump relay
Braiden Q and Jacob CC were sixth in the pole vault relay, and
Kevin, Ben, Naz, and Matt G were 6th in the hurdle relay.
Nice work, boys!
> Class of 2023: Join your classmates and secure your ticket to Senior Ball at The Wintergarden. Tickets will be on sale again near the Library Cafe on Thursday and Friday this week. Look for one of your Class Officers for help, questions, or to purchase your ticket!
>Now over to a Schroeder Theater Company’s “Around the World in 80 Days” video…
April 21, 2023
> Attention all Warrior nature-lovers: today Schroeder/GOAL PTSA will be partnering with Green Club to celebrate Earth Day. During lunches students can make an Earth Day craft to take home. We will be making clay impressions!
Students who wear blue, green, or who tell us how you make the planet a better place to live, can get a piece of candy at the PTSA table.
Lastly, if you'd like to contribute to green efforts here at Schroeder and GOAL, Green Club is fundraising via a spiritwear sale. There are shirts, hoodies, canvas bags, and lots of other cool gear available for purchase! The store is open now and closes Sunday, April 23! Shop now at schroedergreenteam.itemorder.com.
> Attention seniors: Friday, April 28th is Decision Day here at Schroeder! Please join us in the Library between 11:30 and 1:30 to celebrate! If you know what you will be doing next fall, wear gear with your college/military branch/career-area on it that day.
> Attention juniors taking technology classes:
Are you interested in Futuristic Technologies, Sustainability, Urban Planning, and Engineering?
Do you want to visit the Berlin Wall, hike the Black Forest and walk through glacier caverns?
If you answered yes, join Mr. DeWitte on a Technology Trip of a lifetime to Germany & Switzerland in April of 2024. You won't regret it! There will be an informational meeting April 27th at 7pm over Google Meet. Scan the QR code on the screen or type in the link as shown on the slide. See Mr. DeWitte with any questions you may have and look for the posters around school to scan the QR code to RSVP. You must register for the informational meeting in order to receive the Google Meeting link. Hope to see you there!
> Webster Schroeder has completed the American Computer Science League (ACSL) season with 5 students competing at the Intermediate level and 4 students competing at the senior level. Jessica F, Jacqueline H, Stephen M and David Y have qualified for the ACSL Finals on May 27th. Congratulations to all!
> Congratulations to the Women's Varsity Track team for defeating Greece yesterday with a score of 105 to 36. So many first place finishes were won by the following:
Kylie W in the 3000
Sofia M in the 1500
Claudia B in the 800
Jordan S in the 200
NaBrya B in the 400 hurdles
Mileena O in shot put
Taylor F in discus
Corintia G in long jump
Lauren C-W in triple jump
Angela T in high jump
Jordan S, Alyssa F, and Shelby B in the 4 by 400
Julia V, Cooper H, Maddy B and Sarah H in the 4 by 800
A special shout out to Priya K for earning her varsity letter in the 400.
Amazing job everyone!
> Congratulations to the Boys Track team on their great performance yesterday - beating Greece Olympia/Odyssey 96 to 45. They are now 2-0 on the season.
Many Warriors scored points in the win, and here they are!
Kevin B. was a triple winner - winning the 110 hurdles, 100 and 200m dashes,
Bayden P. was also a triple winner - taking the mile, 800, and two mile races.
Dylan B. won the triple jump and was 2nd in the 100 and 200 dashes
Naz D. was the shot put and was 2nd in the 110 hurdles
Braiden Q. won the pole vault while Jake C. and Will M. took 2nd and 3rd
The boys won the discus with Dan G. winning and Harry A. and RJ Barnard going 2nd and 3rd
Mitch C. was 2nd in the 400
Connor M. was 3rd in the mile and was 2nd in the two mile
His brother Owen was 3rd in the two mile
In the 400 hurdles, Ethan G. was 2nd and Matt G. was 3rd
Tyler W. was 3rd in the 110 hurdles
Jon D. was 2nd in the long jump and triple jump while Gio T. took 3rd in the triple jump
Edarius T was 3rd in the 800 run
and rounding out the scoring was Zain K, who took 3rd in the shot put.
Keep the winning streak going, boys!
> Congratulations to the following students for being this week’s recipients of Principal’s Recognition:
Please stop down to the main office between 1st and 2nd period.
Mikayla B. ~ Class of 2023
Kaiden D. ~ Class of 2026
Anthony F. ~ Class of 2023
Daniel G. ~ Class of 2025
Sophia H. ~ Class of 2026 (per 1 Francis)
Maia M. ~ Class of 2025
Ludmyla P. ~ Class of 2025
Sorella P. ~ Class of 2025
Khadeeja R. ~ Class of 2024
Elena R. ~ Class of 2026
Cece R. ~ Class of 2024
Samantha S. ~ Class of 2023
> Happy Friday, Warriors! The air is warm, the flowers are blooming, and wildlife is more active. No place better than The Flower City in the spring, right? But despite beautiful days like this, I'm discouraged, angry, and concerned about our Earth's future. A million species are currently at risk of extinction. Plastic production is actually on the rise and research states that, by 2050, plastic will likely outweigh all fish in the sea. Sea-levels are rising at a rate faster than ever recorded. Deforestation, overfishing, global warming (it is predicted by 2070, under a high emissions scenario unbearable temperatures could expand to affect up to 3 billion people, making places uninhabitable). You get the idea.
We need to act now. We can't put this off for future generations to solve. Stay informed. Get involved. Make environmentally-friendly decisions (reusable bags, reusable plastics, carpooling, organizing clean-ups).
The PTSA and Green Club are teaming up to celebrate Earth Day today during lunches. Swing by their table to discuss how you take care of our planet or if you are wearing blue or green in support of Earth Day for a piece of candy. You can also make Earth Day-inspired crafts like clay impressions.
Let's protect this big, beautiful world, Warriors. And remember - every day is Earth Day.
> Now over to a Freaky Friday video and a Schroeder Theater Company video...
April 20, 2023
> The Webster Marching Band is hosting an informational night for all new, interested, and returning members! We have opportunities for kids that like to play an instrument, dance, build props, or run tech crew. Come learn about the program, meet our staff, meet other kids in the band, and learn about our show this season! Students in grades 6-12 from all middle schools and high schools are welcome to join! No experience is required and everyone is welcome! Scan the code on the screen, on the blue posters around the building, or in the music hall! If you have any questions, email Brittany Cole at Brittany_Cole@webstercsd.org. Hope to see you there!
> Attention all Warriors: new content is live on Schroeder Courier's student news site.
Our April news update features a new playlist, two new photo galleries, a staff spotlight, chapter one of an original student narrative, and an extracurricular feature!
Scan the QR codes around the building or in the display case across from the auditorium to see photo galleries of this year's Warrior Olympics and the Crosstown Charity Basketball Game. Read the first chapter of original dystopian fiction penned by a Courier Staff student.
While you're at our news site, learn about Webster Percussion Theatre Ensemble written by Rafael O. (Class of '26) and check out Michael H.'s (Class of '24) profile of Schroeder's very own Ms. Hunt.
Last but not least, DJ Avalon's (Class of '24) second playlist has hit the homepage of our site with 20 new songs. Missed the first drop? No problem! Click the link under the current Spotify playlist to see an archive of the playlists including all songs, artists, and albums.
Visit and bookmark WSHSCOURIER.ORG to keep up with Warrior student news!
> Attention all Warrior nature-lovers: tomorrow, Friday, April 21, Schroeder/GOAL PTSA will be partnering with Green Club to celebrate Earth Day. During lunches students can make an Earth Day craft to take home. We will be making clay impressions!
Students who wear blue, green, or who tell us how you make the planet a better place to live, can get a piece of candy at the PTSA table.
Lastly, if you'd like to contribute to green efforts here at Schroeder and GOAL, Green Club is fundraising via a spiritwear sale. There are shirts, hoodies, canvas bags, and lots of other cool gear available for purchase! The store is open now and closes Sunday, April 23! Shop now at schroedergreenteam.itemorder.com.
> Attention all sophomores: do you want to be involved in planning for Homecoming, Prom, and other fun events for your class? Please consider running as a class officer for next year. The class of 2025 will be having officer elections soon. If interested, attend the mandatory interest meeting tomorrow at 8:15am in room W217.
> Attention juniors taking technology classes:
Are you interested in Futuristic Technologies, Sustainability, Urban Planning, and Engineering?
Do you want to visit the Berlin Wall, hike the Black Forest and walk through glacier caverns?
If you answered yes, join Mr. DeWitte on a Technology Trip of a lifetime to Germany & Switzerland in April of 2024. You won't regret it! There will be an informational meeting April 27th at 7pm over Google Meet. Scan the QR code on the screen or type in the link as shown on the slide. See Mr. DeWitte with any questions you may have and look for the posters around school to scan the QR code to RSVP. You must register for the informational meeting in order to receive the Google Meeting link. Hope to see you there!
> WTI will be closed today during periods 1, 2 and 3. If you need chromebook assistance, please stop down after third period.
> And now over to a Schroeder Courier video and a Freaky Friday commercial
April 19, 2023
> It’s Warrior Wednesday! All week long Schroeder staff has been on the lookout for students who are demonstrating cooperation, accountability, respect, and excellence.
Let’s go ahead and spin the prize wheel for our student winner:
Congratulations to Denys F! And now for our staff winner. Spin that wheel!
Congratulations to Mrs. johnson! You will be contacted by Mrs. Tasber’s office to claim your prize!
Thank you all for continuing to demonstrate great habits and being Warriors who CARE.
> Attention seniors: Friday, April 28th is Decision Day here at Schroeder! Please join us in the Library between 11:30 and 1:30 to celebrate! If you know what you will be doing next fall, wear gear with your college/military branch/career-area on it that day.
> Attention all Warriors: new content is live on Schroeder Courier's student news site.
Our April news update features a new playlist, two new photo galleries, a staff spotlight, chapter one of an original student narrative, and an extracurricular feature!
Scan the QR codes around the building or in the display case across from the auditorium to see photo galleries of this year's Warrior Olympics and the Crosstown Charity Basketball Game. Read the first chapter of original dystopian fiction penned by a Courier Staff student.
While you're at our news site, learn about Webster Percussion Theatre Ensemble written by Rafael O. (Class of '26) and check out Michael H.'s (Class of '24) profile of Schroeder's very own Ms. Hunt.
Last but not least, DJ Avalon's (Class of '24) second playlist has hit the homepage of our site with 20 new songs. Missed the first drop? No problem! Click the link under the current Spotify playlist to see an archive of the playlists including all songs, artists, and albums.
Visit and bookmark WSHSCOURIER.ORG to keep up with Warrior student news!
> Check out all the available Schroeder Courier content in the following video before we return to the studio with more announcements
> WTI will be closed today during periods 1, 2 and 3. If you need Chromebook assistance, please stop down after third period.
> Attention all Warrior nature-lovers: on Friday, April 21, Schroeder/GOAL PTSA will be partnering with Green Club to celebrate Earth Day. During lunches students can make an Earth Day craft to take home. We will be making clay impressions!
Students who wear blue, green, or who tell us how you make the planet a better place to live, can get a piece of candy at the PTSA table.
Lastly, if you'd like to contribute to green efforts here at Schroeder and GOAL, Green Club is fundraising via a spiritwear sale. There are shirts, hoodies, canvas bags, and lots of other cool gear available for purchase! The store is open now and closes Sunday, April 23! Shop now at schroedergreenteam.itemorder.com.
> Attention all sophomores: do you want to be involved in planning for Homecoming, Prom, and other fun events for your class? Please consider running as a class officer for next year. The class of 2025 will be having officer elections soon. If interested, attend the mandatory interest meeting this Friday at 8:15am in room W217.
> Now over to a Freaky Friday video...
April 18, 2023
>Are you a Junior this year?
Do you take technology classes?
Are you interested in Futuristic Technologies, Sustainability, Urban Planning, and Engineering?
Do you want to visit the Berlin Wall, hike the Black Forest and walk through glacier caverns?
If you answered yes, join Mr. DeWitte on a Technology Trip of a lifetime to Germany & Switzerland in April of 2024. You won't regret it!
There will be an informational meeting April 27th at 7pm over Google Meet. Scan the QR code on the screen or type in the link as shown on the slide. See Mr. DeWitte with any questions you may have and look for the posters around school to scan the QR code to RSVP.
You must register for the informational meeting in order to receive the Google Meeting link. Hope to see you there!
>WTI will be closed during periods 1, 2 and 3 on Wednesday and Thursday of this week. If you need chromebook assistance, please stop down after third period.
> Attention all Warrior nature-lovers! On Friday, April 21, Schroeder/GOAL PTSA will be partnering with Green Club to celebrate Earth Day. During lunches students can make an Earth Day craft to take home. We will be making clay impressions!
Students who wear blue, green, or who tell us how you make the planet a better place to live, can get a piece of candy at the PTSA table.
Lastly, if you'd like to contribute to green efforts here at Schroeder and GOAL, Green Club is fundraising via a spiritwear sale. There are shirts, hoodies, canvas bags, and lots of other cool gear available for purchase! The store is open now and closes Sunday, April 23! Shop now at schroedergreenteam.itemorder.com.
> Attention all girls interested in the Women in STEM club we are meeting tomorrow in E21. We will be doing a fun activity, hope you can make it!
>The green club will be meeting after school and room E224 on Tuesday, April 18. We will be discussing some earth day activities
>Good morning, Schroeder and happy 4th quarter to all! Class of 2023 -- what up! Seniors, we have just about two months to go! Let that sink in!
I'm here to discuss three upcoming opportunities to get involved and how to take full advantage of your last moments as a Schroeder Warrior.
1. Senior Trip: Last Call for Senior Trip - Ticketmaster got you good and prevented you from getting those T-Swift Era Tour concert tickets. Netflix let you down on Sunday night with a failed attempt at a Love is Blind Live Reunion. Time to unplug, relax, and go back to the basics. We are going to have an incredible three days together at Camp Cory! "But Mr. Gomez I don't like going outside" Yeah, well I don't like that I'm going to get embarrassed in Spikeball either, but sometimes you just got to do it! I promise you there is something for everyone and it is never too late to discover a new hobby or interest! We are still accepting forms until May 1st! Senior Trip - DO IT
2. Senior Ball - tickets sales start this week on Thursday and will be available every Thursday and Friday for the next three weeks. Look for QB1, Jane, Madee, Sarah, or Sidney in the Library Cafe to grab your ticket. The Wintergarden is a truly magical venue -- you will feel like you just stepped got off the Hogwarts Express and stepped into Narnia with some Hobbits ready to steal some lightning. If you don't get that reference, we can't be friends.
3. Be the Voice of The Class of 2023 - interested in delivering engaging, thought-provoking, memorable content like this? You have the chance to speak at graduation! No there won't be any spinning chairs or Blake Shelton, but it is an awesome opportunity to have your voice eternally cemented in Schroeder legacy. See all the information available on Google Classroom.
>And now over to a Freaky Friday Commercial
April 17, 2023
> SAGE will hold their next meeting tomorrow, Tuesday afterschool in B2.
> Happy Spring! The Best Buddies April meeting will be tomorrow, Tuesday the 18th right after school in room W7. So excited to see you there!
> Attention all Warriors: new content is live on Schroeder Courier's student news site.
Our April news update features a new playlist, two new photo galleries, a staff spotlight, chapter one of an original student narrative, and an extracurricular feature!
Scan the QR codes around the building or in the display case across from the auditorium to see photo galleries of this year's Warrior Olympics and the Crosstown Charity Basketball Game. Read the first chapter of original dystopian fiction penned by a Courier Staff student.
While you're at our news site, learn about Webster Percussion Theatre Ensemble written by Rafael O. (Class of '26) and check out Michael H.'s (Class of '24) profile of Schroeder's very own Ms. Hunt.
Last but not least, DJ Avalon's (Class of '24) second playlist has hit the homepage of our site with 20 new songs. Missed the first drop? No problem! Click the link under the current Spotify playlist to see an archive of the playlists including all songs, artists, and albums.
Visit and bookmark WSHSCOURIER.ORG to keep up with Warrior student news!
> And now over to a Schroeder Courier video then we’ll be back for some more announcements
> Attention all Warrior nature-lovers: on Friday, April 21, Schroeder/GOAL PTSA will be partnering with Green Club to celebrate Earth Day. During lunches students can make an Earth Day craft to take home. We will be making clay impressions!
Students who wear blue, green, or who tell us how you make the planet a better place to live, can get a piece of candy at the PTSA table.
Lastly, if you'd like to contribute to green efforts here at Schroeder and GOAL, Green Club is fundraising via a spiritwear sale. There are shirts, hoodies, canvas bags, and lots of other cool gear available for purchase! The store is open now and closes Sunday, April 23! Shop now at schroedergreenteam.itemorder.com.
> Attention all sophomores: do you want to be involved in planning for Homecoming, Prom, and other fun events for your class? Please consider running as a class officer for next year. The class of 2025 will be having officer elections soon. If interested, attend the mandatory interest meeting this Friday at 8:15am in room W217.
> Schroeder Softball beat Ballston Spa 4-2. Liana D. had 11 strikeouts and a 2 run homerun. Sarah F. was 2 for 3 with a homerun. Leah M. had a RBI double. Schroeder beat Burnt Hills-Ballston Lake 6-4 in 9 innings. Kinsley K. singled home Hannah C. to take the lead in the top of the 9th. Then Lauren C. scored on Bizzie B.'s sac fly to deep left field. Bizzie B. was 2 for 4 with 2 RBI’S, Sarah F. had a 2 run homerun. Sam S. and Liana D. combined for a 5 hitter with 9 strikeouts. The Warriors are now 5-1 and play Rush-Henrietta tomorrow at 5:00 at Rush-Henrietta.
> The Green Club will be meeting after school in room E224 tomorrow, Tuesday, April 18. We will be discussing some Earth Day activities.
>Now over to a Freaky Friday commercial
April 14, 2023
> Class of 2023...only three months to go! While it is important to stay on top of your school work, it is also important to get involved and to make some memories as Schroeder seniors! Senior Ball tickets for Saturday, May 20th at The Wintergarden will be on sale in the Library Cafe for three weeks in a row on Thursdays and Fridays for $75 starting next week. Look for posters around school, posts in Google Classroom and ParentSquare, see one of your Class Officers, or Mrs. Lawton or Mr. Gomez with questions.
> Attention Juniors and Sophomores: The application for Link Crew 2023-24 is due this Sunday, April 16 at midnight. Applications can be accessed through your graduating class Google Classroom.
> Bonjour y Hola! There is still time to sign up for the France and Spain Trip for the discounted price! If interested please contact Madame Rayton for more information.
> SAGE will hold their next meeting Tuesday afterschool in B2.
> The Webster Marching Band is hosting an informational night for all new, interested, and returning members! We have opportunities for kids that like to play an instrument, dance, build props, or run tech crew. Come learn about the program, meet our staff, meet other kids in the band, and learn about our show this season! Students in grades 6-12 from all middle schools and high schools are welcome to join! No experience is required and everyone is welcome! Scan the code on the screen, on the blue posters around the building, or in the music hall! If you have any questions, email Brittany Cole at Brittany_Cole@webstercsd.org. Hope to see you there!
> A big congratulations to our newest National Honor Society members! We inducted 78 students last night who have demonstrated character, service, scholarship, and service in our community and school. Well done!
> Happy Spring! The Best Buddies April meeting will be Tuesday the 18th right after school in room W7. So excited to see you there!
> Attention all Warriors: new content is live on Schroeder Courier's student news site.
Our April news update features a new playlist, two new photo galleries, a staff spotlight, chapter one of an original student narrative, and an extracurricular feature!
Scan the QR codes around the building or in the display case across from the auditorium to see photo galleries of this year's Warrior Olympics and the Crosstown Charity Basketball Game. Read the first chapter of original dystopian fiction penned by a Courier Staff student.
While you're at our news site, learn about Webster Percussion Theatre Ensemble written by Rafael O. (Class of '26) and check out Michael H.'s (Class of '24) profile of Schroeder's very own Ms. Hunt.
Last but not least, DJ Avalon's (Class of '24) second playlist has hit the homepage of our site with 20 new songs. Missed the first drop? No problem! Click the link under the current Spotify playlist to see an archive of the playlists including all songs, artists, and albums.
Visit and bookmark WSHSCOURIER.ORG to keep up with Warrior student news!
> Congratulations to the following students for being this week’s recipients of Principal’s Recognition:
Please stop down to the main office between 1st and 2nd period.
Arooj A. ~ Class of 2026
Kjersti B. ~ Class of 2024
Liana D. ~ Class of 2025
Jessi H. ~ Class of 2026
Charlotte H. ~ Class of 2024
Jonathan M. ~ Class of 2023
Malachi M. ~ Class of 2025
Anna R. ~ Class of 2024
Julia R. ~ Class of 2026
Ava W. ~ Class of 2024
April 13, 2023
> Attention any current Schroeder wrestler or any athlete interested in exploring the exciting sport of wrestling: There will be open mats for wrestlers Thursdays after school starting today at 3:30 in room E36 off the cafeteria. These workouts are open to all students! We hope to see you there.
> Class of 2023...only three months to go! While it is important to stay on top of your school work, it is also important to get involved and to make some memories as Schroeder seniors! Senior Ball tickets for Saturday, May 20th at The Wintergarden will be on sale in the Library Cafe for three weeks in a row on Thursdays and Fridays for $75 starting next week. Look for posters around school, posts in Google Classroom and ParentSquare, see one of your Class Officers, or Mrs. Lawton or Mr. Gomez with questions.
> Bonjour y Hola! There is still time to sign up for the France and Spain Trip for the discounted price! If interested please contact Madame Rayton for more information.
> Attention Juniors and Sophomores: The application for Link Crew 2023-24 is due this Sunday, April 16 at midnight. Applications can be accessed through your graduating class Google Classroom.
> Congratulations to the Boys Track team on their thrilling win over Gates-Chili this past Tuesday. With the Warriors trailing 66 to 70, the boys 4 x 800 relay of Connor M, Edarius T, Nathan M, and Brayden P defeated the Gates relay to take the 5 points and seal the exciting win!
But it was a total team victory, and here are the other Warriors who scored points for the boys team by coming in 1st, 2nd, or 3rd place.
Kevin B won the 110 Hurdles and 100m dash and was 3rd in the 400 hurdles.
Tyler W won the 400 hurdles and was 3rd in the 110 hurdles.
Connor M won the mile while his brother Owen took 3rd.
Dylan B won the 800
Jon D won both the long and triple jump
Gio T was 2nd in the triple jump and Ben Romanofsky was 3rd in the long jump
Zain K took 2nd in both the disc and shot put
Naz D won the shot put and Harry Allen was 3rd in disc
Braidan Q and Jack C went 2 and 3 in the pole vault
And Nathan M won the two mile
> SAGE will hold their next meeting Tuesday afterschool in B2.
> It's Throwback Thursday, and that means it's time to revisit one of your favorite childhood pastimes: attending the Book Fair!
Our Scholastic Book Fair is set up in the Library Classroom and will run today through next Tuesday. The fair has pre-k through young adult books, as well as all of the journals, invisible ink pens, and scented erasers that you remember from your elementary days. We accept cash, card, eWallet, and checks made out to Schroeder Library Club. All proceeds come back to Schroeder students in the form of library programming and reader recognition.
Please obtain a pre-signed Book Fair pass from the library if you intend to visit during your study hall.
> Happy Spring! The Best Buddies April meeting will be Tuesday the 18th right after school in room W7. So excited to see you there!
> Schroeder Varsity Softball team beat Penfield 11-1 to remain undefeated. Liana D. had 13 strikeouts and was 3 for 3 with 2 RBI’s and 2 runs scored. Sarah F. was 2 for 3 and 3 RBI’s. Carley C. was 1 for 2 with 2 stolen bases. Leah M. was 1 for 1 with a RBI.
The girls return to action on Friday vs. Thomas at 5:00 pm.
April 12, 2023
> Attention any current Schroeder wrestler or any athlete interested in exploring the exciting sport of wrestling: There will be open mats for wrestlers Thursdays after school starting this week at 3:30 in room E36 off the cafeteria. These workouts are open to all students! We hope to see you there.
> Class of 2023...only three months to go! While it is important to stay on top of your school work, it is also important to get involved and to make some memories as Schroeder seniors! Senior Ball tickets for Saturday, May 20th at The Wintergarden will be on sale in the Library Cafe for three weeks in a row on Thursdays and Fridays for $75 starting next week. Look for posters around school, posts in Google Classroom and ParentSquare, see one of your Class Officers, or Mrs. Lawton or Mr. Gomez with questions.
> Bonjour y Hola! There is still time to sign up for the France and Spain Trip for the discounted price! If interested please contact Madame Rayton for more information.
> Attention Juniors and Sophomores: The application for Link Crew 2023-24 is due this Sunday, April 16 at midnight. Applications can be accessed through your graduating class Google Classroom.
> Congratulations to the Women's Varsity Track team for winning their 1st meet of the season versus Gates-Chili with a score of 82 to 59. First place was taken by the following:
Corintia G in the 100, 200 and triple jump
Shelby B in the 400 and 800
Mileena O in shot put
Sofia M in the 3000
Lauren C-W in long jump
Lauren, Jordan S, Na'Brya and K'Loni in the 4 by 100
Shelby and Grace C in the 4 by 400
A special shout out to Erin M, Claudia B, Julia V and Sarah H for earning their varsity letters at this meet. Great job everyone!
> The Webster Marching Band will be having a kick off meeting on Wednesday, May 3rd from 6-8pm in the Spry Cafetorium. Meet the staff and learn about our 2023 show!
> Now over to a Schroeder Book Fair video followed by a Freaky Friday video
April 11, 2023
> Attention any current Schroeder wrestler or any athlete interested in exploring the exciting sport of wrestling: There will be open mats for wrestlers Thursdays after school starting this week at 3:30 in room E36 off the cafeteria. These workouts are open to all students! We hope to see you there.
> Class of 2023...only three months to go! While it is important to stay on top of your school work, it is also important to get involved and to make some memories as Schroeder seniors! Senior Ball tickets for Saturday, May 20th at The Wintergarden will be on sale in the Library Cafe for three weeks in a row on Thursdays and Fridays for $75 starting next week. Look for posters around school, posts in Google Classroom and ParentSquare, see one of your Class Officers, or Mrs. Lawton or Mr. Gomez with questions.
> Over the break the Varsity Softball team won their first two games. They beat Victor 16-4 and Liverpool 4-2.
Against Victor, 10th grader Liana D. threw a four hitter with 10 strikeouts. She was also 3 for 3 with a homerun, triple, and single. Bizzie B. was 2 for 4 with 2 RBI's and threw out 4 baserunners trying to steal. Ava W. was 2 for 2 with a RBI double, Mikayla B. was 1 for 2 with 3 RBI's, Sam S. was 1 for 2 with 3 runs scored, Carley C. had a 3 RBI triple, Sarah F. had a single and 2 stolen bases.
Liana D. threw a one hitter with 12 strikeouts vs. Liverpool. Bizzie B. had a home run, Leah M. was 2 for 2, Liana D. was 2 for 3, Mikayla B. had a double, and Sam S. had a RBI double.
The team returns to action on Wednesday vs. Penfield at 7:00 at Schroeder. Please come out and support the team!
> Attention all NHS members: We will be having our last NHS General Membership meeting after school today in rooms w223 and w224. We will be reviewing important information and deadlines.
For anyone being inducted into NHS this year at the Induction Ceremony this Thursday, and for those members helping with the ceremony, there is a rehearsal in the auditorium after school on Wednesday, April 12.
> Now over to a Schroeder Book Fair video
April 10, 2023
> Attention any current Schroeder wrestler or any athlete interested in exploring the exciting sport of wrestling: There will be open mats for wrestlers Thursdays after school starting this week at 3:30 in room E36 off the cafeteria. These workouts are open to all students! We hope to see you there.
> Class of 2023...only three months to go! While it is important to stay on top of your school work, it is also important to get involved and to make some memories as Schroeder seniors! Senior Ball tickets for Saturday, May 20th at The Wintergarden will be on sale in the Library Cafe for three weeks in a row on Thursdays and Fridays for $75 starting next week. Look for posters around school, posts in Google Classroom and ParentSquare, see one of your Class Officers, or Mrs. Lawton or Mr. Gomez with questions.
> Now over to a Schroeder Book Fair video
March 31, 2023
> Bonjour & Hola- There is still time to sign up for the France and Spain Trip! If you are interested please contact Madame Rayton for more information.
> Please consider a volunteer spot at Community Arts Day! Every volunteer from our school means more money for student programs funded by PTSA. There are positions available for 4 - 12 graders, and adults. If you are unable to volunteer in person, you can still help! Donate a store-bought quality baked good or funds to the Sweet Treats Sale at CAD. Sign up for all volunteer opportunities at www.websterptsa.org/CADvolunteer
> Thank you to all who came out and Schroeder’s first Spring Fling!! DJ Rich had a full dance floor.. Ninth graders had the most in attendance and will choose a charity to make a donation to!
> You are invited to participate in the One Webster Art Exhibition at CAD! 6" circles are available in limited supply for pickup in any of our 11 school offices. Your submission must be returned to your school office by Monday, April 10th. Anything you can attach to the circle is okay but it must not overlap the ½" border. All WCSD students are eligible to participate. Visit www.websterptsa.org/CADdots2023 We look forward to your submission!
> Congratulations to the following students for being this week’s recipients of Principal’s Recognition:
Please stop down to the main office between 1st and 2nd period.
Elizabeth B.
Ryan B.
Shelby B.
Alyssa D.
Tatum F.
Holly F.
Jocelyn G.
Ayden J.
Danika J.
Maddie K.
Kailey M.
Eliana O.
> Now over to a book fair video
March 30, 2023
> Tomorrow, Friday, March 31st Webster Schroeder will be hosting a Career Fair from 11:30-2:30pm. Over 70 businesses will be here representing hundreds of different career fields. Make sure you take advantage of this opportunity to learn about careers for your future or even get a job now! More info will be shared on your classroom page in Google and in our Schroeder newsletter. Stop down to the Counseling Center if you have any questions.
> March is Youth Art Month celebrating the importance of art in education. The National Art Honor Society encourages everyone to take a look at the artwork hanging throughout the building and to get creative! Go make some art!
> Throughout One Warrior Week, Webster Schroeder Community Service Club will be hosting a food drive in the cafeteria 4th and 5th periods! Please bring anything from the list to the box in the cafeteria to help out the kids at the Center of Youth! You can also sign up to volunteer with the boxes at the Community Service Club Google Classroom. The code is bmsgrcy.
> Attention Key Club Members: We will be meeting after school today at 3:20 in the Library Classroom. We will be stuffing 1000-2000 eggs for the town Easter Egg Hunt.
> Bonjour & Hola- There is still time to sign up for the France and Spain Trip! If you are interested please contact Madame Rayton for more information.
> One Warrior Week has seen some great competitions so far! Congratulations to junior Nicholas T and senior Tyler D for advancing to the Finals of the One Warrior Week Chess Tournament! Finals are today during 5th period and will be broadcast over the Morning Show.
Also, the semi-finals of the Seniors vs Staff Ping Pong Tourney pit senior Brandon N against Mr. Fedor and Mr. Vanhouten versus Mr. Leader.
Good luck!
> Happy One Warrior Week! Keep the festivities going by attending Student Council’s Spring Fling TONIGHT from 7:30-9:30 to play games, eat food, and hang out with your friends! Don’t have an outfit? No worries, it’s casual! Don’t have a ticket yet? Buy them today during 4th and 5th period or at the door! Can't wait to see you there!
> And now over to a Sources of Strength mentor video...
March 29, 2023
> It’s Warrior Wednesday! All week long Schroeder staff has been on the lookout for students who are demonstrating cooperation, accountability, respect, and excellence.
Let’s go ahead and spin the prize wheel for our student winner:
Congratulations to Lillian M.! And now for our staff winner. Spin that wheel!
Congratulations to Mrs. Cardella! You will be contacted by Mrs. Tasber’s office to claim your prize!
Thank you all for continuing to demonstrate great habits and being Warriors who CARE.
> Throughout One Warrior Week, Webster Schroeder Community Service Club will be hosting a food drive in the cafeteria 4th and 5th periods! Please bring anything from the list to the box in the cafeteria to help out the kids at the Center of Youth! You can also sign up to volunteer with the boxes at the Community Service Club Google Classroom. The code is bmsgrcy.
> Attention Key Club Members: We will be meeting tomorrow, Thursday, March 30th at 3:20 in the Library Classroom. We will be stuffing 1000-2000 eggs for the town Easter Egg Hunt.
> Bonjour & Hola- There is still time to sign up for the France and Spain Trip! If you are interested please contact Madame Rayton for more information.
> Please consider a volunteer spot at Community Arts Day! Every volunteer from our school means more money for student programs funded by PTSA. There are positions available for 4 - 12 graders, and adults. If you are unable to volunteer in person, you can still help! Donate a store-bought quality baked good or funds to the Sweet Treats Sale at CAD. Sign up for all volunteer opportunities at www.websterptsa.org/CADvolunteer
> You are invited to participate in the One Webster Art Exhibition at CAD! 6" circles are available in limited supply for pickup in any of our 11 school offices. Your submission must be returned to your school office by Monday, April 10th. Anything you can attach to the circle is okay but it must not overlap the ½" border. All WCSD students are eligible to participate. Visit www.websterptsa.org/CADdots2023 We look forward to your submission!
Now over to Mr. Eckler
>Hi I'm Mr. Eckler, you may remember me from such school events such as Link Crew, cafeteria Karaoke, and the Winter Olympics. Now its time for our Healthy Activities day. Tomorrow we will have a shortened schedule and last period you will attend the healthy activity you signed up for. Over 900 of you have already signed up, but If you have not yet signed up an activity you have until the end of 2nd period today. There are plenty of activities still available, like connect 4, the USMC challenge, and Taylor Swift Karaoke where we may or may not be giving away tickets to see Taylor Swift. Also, do the weather the outdoor activities, flag football, pickleball are being moved into the gym. Please dress appropriately for your activity.
For those of you who may be thinking "hey I will just go to one of the activities I didn't sign up for" that will not be allowed. If you are not assigned an activity or haven't signed up by the end of 2nd period, you will need to go to the auditorium for a "special surprise with the administrators."
Gonna be a great day and if you have any questions, please contact me or Mrs. Metz-Miller
Now over to Mr. Benz
> And now over to a Sources of Strength Mentor video...
March 28, 2023
> On Friday, March 31st Webster Schroeder will be hosting a Career Fair from 11:30-2:30pm. Over 70 businesses will be here representing hundreds of different career fields. Make sure you take advantage of this opportunity to learn about careers for your future or even get a job now! More info will be shared on your classroom page in Google and in our Schroeder newsletter. Stop down to the Counseling Center if you have any questions.
> March is Youth Art Month celebrating the importance of art in education. The National Art Honor Society encourages everyone to take a look at the artwork hanging throughout the building and to get creative! Go make some art!
> Throughout One Warrior Week, Webster Schroeder Community Service Club will be hosting a food drive in the cafeteria 4th and 5th periods! Please bring anything from the list to the box in the cafeteria to help out the kids at the Center of Youth! You can also sign up to volunteer with the boxes at the Community Service Club Google Classroom. The code is bmsgrcy.
> Attention Key Club Members: We will be meeting Thursday, March 30th at 3:20 in the Library Classroom. We will be stuffing 1000-2000 eggs for the town Easter Egg Hunt.
> Bonjour & Hola- There is still time to sign up for the France and Spain Trip! If you are interested please contact Madame Rayton for more information.
March 27, 2023
> Throughout One Warrior Week, Webster Schroeder Community Service Club will be hosting a food drive in the cafeteria 4th and 5th periods! Please bring anything from the list to the box in the cafeteria to help out the kids at the Center of Youth! You can also sign up to volunteer with the boxes at the Community Service Club Google Classroom. The code is bmsgrcy.
> Happy Best Buddies Month! Thanks for celebrating with us each week this month! Today we highlight all our favorite parts of best buddies, take a look at what our buddies have to say! After the video we will be back for a few more announcements.
>These are the mentors that Webster Schroeder students nominated as Mentors for our One Warrior Week March Mentor madness. The following mentors were chosen by all of you!
The mentors chosen are:
Mr. Fedor
Mrs. Connelly
Mr. DeWitte
Mr. Eckler
Ms. Zatkowsky
Ms. Grosser
Ms. Julian
Ms. Keil
Ms. Simon
Mr. Marcello
Ms. Miller
Ms. Morency
Ms. O’Hara
Ms. Goebel
Mrs. Pazmino
Mr. Prinzi
Mrs. Rayton
Mr. Richlin
Mr. Scott
Ms. Bailey
Ms. Cameron
Mrs. Watson
Ms. Fleck
> Now over to a video from Sources of Strength about mentors.
March 24, 2023
> On Friday, March 31st Webster Schroeder will be hosting a Career Fair from 11:30-2:30pm. Over 70 businesses will be here representing hundreds of different career fields. Make sure you take advantage of this opportunity to learn about careers for your future or even get a job now! More info will be shared on your classroom page in Google and in our Schroeder newsletter. Stop down to the Counseling Center if you have any questions.
> The annual "Webster’s Got Talent" talent show at Community Arts Day is looking for performers! Singers, dancers, musicians, and artists of all kinds are encouraged to participate! Talent acts should be between 2-3 minutes long. Go to www.websterptsa.org/talentshow and register today! Registration deadline is April 5th.
> You are invited to participate in the One Webster Art Exhibition at Community Arts Day! 6 inch circles are available in limited supply for pickup in any of our 11 school offices. Your submission must be returned to your school office by Monday, April 10th. Anything you can attach to the circle is okay, but it must not overlap the ½" border. All WCSD students are eligible to participate. We look forward to your submission!
> Attention Warriors: Tri-M’s annual Coffee House is tonight! Come and support your friends and peers tonight while enjoying some sweet treats and hot beverages! Admission is $5 if you order your tickets ahead and $6 at the door. Performers please read the information sheet that was sent to you via email for important information about the event. We hope to see you there!
> Congratulations to Schroeder's Speech and Debate Team who are the League Champions again this year!
Noah J. - 1st - Varsity Extemporaneous Speaking
Matthew G. - 1st - Declamation
Emma C. - 3rd - Original Oratory
Sofia M - 2nd in Varsity Lincoln-Douglas Debate
Megan F. - 3rd - Varsity Extemp
Yi J & Sam O. - 1st - JV Public Forum Debate
Tristan B. & Kieran G. - 2nd - Public Forum Debate
Outstanding achievements by all! Way to make Schroeder proud!
> If you are planning on attending the One Warrior Week Elementary School Field trip, please return your form to Mr. Peck in W8 today. Monday is the absolute deadline. If your form is not turned in by Monday, you will not be able to attend.
> Throughout One Warrior Week, Webster Schroeder Community Service Club will be hosting a food drive in the cafeteria 4th and 5th periods! Please bring anything from the list to the box in the cafeteria to help out the kids at the Center of Youth! You can also sign up to volunteer with the boxes at the Community Service Club Google Classroom. The code is bmsgrcy.
> Congratulations to the following students for being this week’s recipients of Principal’s Recognition:
Please stop down to the main office between 1st and 2nd period.
Emmy B. ~ Class of 2023
Caiden B. ~ Class of 2023
Zain K. ~ Class of 2023
Dante M. ~ Class of 2023
Piper M. ~ Class of 2023
Kenny R. ~ Class of 2023
Jessica S. ~ Class of 2023
Brian S. ~ Class of 2023
Jenna V. ~ Class of 2025
March 23, 2023
>March is Youth Art Month celebrating the importance of art in education. The National Art Honor Society encourages everyone to take a look at the artwork hanging throughout the building and to get creative! Go make some art!
>The annual "Webster’s Got Talent" talent show at Community Arts Day is looking for performers! Singers, dancers, musicians, and artists of all kinds are encouraged to participate! Talent acts should be between 2-3 minutes long. Go to www.websterptsa.org/talentshow and register today! Registration deadline is April 5th.
> You are invited to participate in the One Webster Art Exhibition at Community Arts Day! 6 inch circles are available in limited supply for pickup in any of our 11 school offices. Your submission must be returned to your school office by Monday, April 10th. Anything you can attach to the circle is okay, but it must not overlap the ½" border. All WCSD students are eligible to participate. We look forward to your submission!
>There will be an Informational Meeting for the February 2024 France and Spain Trip tonight at 7pm in the Library. Hope to see you there!
> Attention to any boys who enjoy spending time on the golf course--If you missed the intro meeting last week and are interested in being a member of the boys JV or Varsity golf program please contact Coach Leaf in room e214 today. We have open roster spots and you will get to experience some amazing benefits, like practice rounds in the indoor simulators, free range time, exceptional instruction, team scrambles, matches on some of the area's legendary courses and of course afternoons in the sun with friends. Our season goes from Late March until May 15. What better way to spend your Spring! See Coach Leaf today.
>Attention Warriors, Tri-M’s annual Coffee House is just around the corner! Come and support your friends and peers on Friday, March 24th at 7:00pm in the Library, while enjoying some sweet treats and hot beverages! Admission is $5 if you order your tickets ahead and $6 at the door. Performers please read the information sheet that was sent to you via email for important information about the event. We hope to see you there!
>Please consider a volunteer spot at Community Arts Day! Every volunteer from our school means more money for student programs funded by PTSA. There are positions available for 4 - 12 graders, and adults. If you are unable to volunteer in person, you can still help ! Donate a store-bought quality baked good or funds to the Sweet Treats Sale at CAD. Sign up for all volunteer opportunities at www.websterptsa.org/CADvolunteer
>Schroeder's Speech & Debate Team scored the most points for the season which began in October.
Our Team won First Place in the Genesee Valley Forensic League with 106 points topping Brighton's team which scored 84 points for the season.
We get credit for our top five student speakers for the season who included:
Yi J and Sam O in Public Forum Debate
Noah J in Extemporaneous Speaking
Fia M in Lincoln Douglas Debate
Matthew G in Declamation
Megan F. in Extemporaneous Speaking
In addition to those performances, Tristan B and Kieran G took third place in Public Forum Debate for the league
Captain Emma C took second place in Original Oratory and third place in Oral Interpretation.
Team members travel to the Bronx at the end of April and to Louisville Kentucky in May.
March 22, 2023
> It’s Warrior Wednesday! All week long Schroeder staff has been on the lookout for students who are demonstrating cooperation, accountability, respect, and excellence.
Let’s go ahead and spin the prize wheel for our student winner:
Congratulations to Sarah P.! And now for our staff winner. Spin that wheel!
Congratulations to Mrs. Caiazza! You will be contacted by Mrs. Tasber’s office to claim your prize!
Thank you all for continuing to demonstrate great habits and being Warriors who CARE.
> Attention to any boys who enjoy spending time on the golf course--If you missed the intro meeting last week and are interested in being a member of the boys JV or Varsity golf program please contact Coach Leaf in room e214 today. We have open roster spots and you will get to experience some amazing benefits, like practice rounds in the indoor simulators, free range time, exceptional instruction, team scrambles, matches on some of the area's legendary courses and of course afternoons in the sun with friends. Our season goes from Late March until May 15. What better way to spend your Spring! See Coach Leaf today.
> Attention Seniors: Wednesday, March 29 is Senior Switch Day, where you become the teacher and your teacher becomes the student. Stop in N14 to pick-up a permission slip.
> The annual "Webster’s Got Talent" talent show at Community Arts Day is looking for performers! Singers, dancers, musicians, and artists of all kinds are encouraged to participate! Talent acts should be between 2-3 minutes long. Go to www.websterptsa.org/talentshow and register today! Registration deadline is April 5th.
> You are invited to participate in the One Webster Art Exhibition at Community Arts Day! 6 inch circles are available in limited supply for pickup in any of our 11 school offices. Your submission must be returned to your school office by Monday, April 10th. Anything you can attach to the circle is okay, but it must not overlap the ½" border. All WCSD students are eligible to participate. We look forward to your submission!
> There will be an Informational Meeting for the February 2024 France and Spain Trip tomorrow, Thursday, March 23 at 7pm in the Library. Hope to see you there!
> Attention Warriors: Coffee House is just around the corner! Come and support your friends and peers on Friday, March 24th, while enjoying some sweet treats and hot beverages! Admission is $5 if you order your tickets ahead and $6 at the door. Everyone who auditioned will be notified this week about details of the event! We hope to see you there.
> Ramadan Mubarek! (Moo-bar-eck) Ramadan begins tonight at sundown. We'd like to remind members of our Schroeder family who observe this holy month that they can spend their lunch period in the library - no pass required. There is also a prayer room in the W201 suite.
> The Schroeder Girls Basketball Team won the Class Double A State Championship on Saturday night by defeating White Plains.
Tonight, the school and community are going to celebrate the team with a parade in the Village of Webster. Please come out and support the girls tonight at 7:00 pm. The parade will start at Spry and end at Schroeder. We can't wait to see you there!
March 21, 2023
> On Friday, March 31st Webster Schroeder will be hosting a Career Fair from 11:30-2:30pm. Over 70 businesses will be here representing hundreds of different career fields. Make sure you take advantage of this opportunity to learn about careers for your future or even get a job now! More info will be shared on your classroom page in Google and in our Schroeder newsletter. Stop down to the Counseling Center if you have any questions.
> March is Youth Art Month celebrating the importance of art in education. The National Art Honor Society encourages everyone to take a look at the artwork hanging throughout the building and to get creative! Go make some art!
> Attention Seniors: Wednesday, March 29 is Senior Switch Day, where you become the teacher and your teacher becomes the student. Stop in N14 to pick-up a permission slip.
> The annual "Webster's Got Talent" talent show at Community Arts Day is looking for performers! Singers, dancers, musicians, and artists of all kinds are encouraged to participate! Talent acts should be between 2-3 minutes long. Go to www.websterptsa.org/talentshow and register today! Registration deadline is April 5th.
> You are invited to participate in the One Webster Art Exhibition at Community Arts Day! 6 inch circles are available in limited supply for pickup in any of our 11 school offices. Your submission must be returned to your school office by Monday, April 10th. Anything you can attach to the circle is okay, but it must not overlap the ½" border. All WCSD students are eligible to participate. We look forward to your submission!
> The March Best Buddies meeting will be right after school today in W7. Come hang out with buddies and play best buddies themed bingo! So excited to see you there!
> The Sexuality and Gender Equity Club will be meeting today after school in B2. We welcome any new members that might have interest in joining. Hope to see you there!
> There will be an Informational Meeting for the February 2024 France and Spain Trip this Thursday, March 23 at 7pm in the Library. Hope to see you there!
> Future Medical Professionals will be having a meeting today after school in e218. Contact alarosa24@webstercsd.org with any questions!!
> Attention to any boys who enjoy spending time on the golf course--If you missed the intro meeting last week and are interested in being a member of the boys JV or Varsity golf program please contact Coach Leaf in room e214 today. We have open roster spots and you will get to experience some amazing benefits, like practice rounds in the indoor simulators, free range time, exceptional instruction, team scrambles, matches on some of the area's legendary courses and of course afternoons in the sun with friends. Our season goes from Late March until May 15. What better way to spend your Spring! See Coach Leaf today.
> Attention Warriors: Coffee House is just around the corner! Come and support your friends and peers on Friday, March 24th, while enjoying some sweet treats and hot beverages! Admission is $5 if you order your tickets ahead and $6 at the door. Everyone who auditioned will be notified this week about details of the event! We hope to see you there.
> Please consider a volunteer spot at Community Arts Day! Every volunteer from our school means more money for student programs funded by PTSA. There are positions available for 4 - 12 graders, and adults. If you are unable to volunteer in person, you can still help ! Donate a store-bought quality baked good or funds to the Sweet Treats Sale at CAD. Sign up for all volunteer opportunities at www.websterptsa.org/CADvolunteer
March 20, 2023
> Attention Seniors: Wednesday, March 29 is Senior Switch Day, where you become the teacher and your teacher becomes the student. Stop in N14 to pick-up a permission slip.
> The annual "Webster’s Got Talent" talent show at Community Arts Day is looking for performers! Singers, dancers, musicians, and artists of all kinds are encouraged to participate! Talent acts should be between 2-3 minutes long. Go to www.websterptsa.org/talentshow and register today! Registration deadline is April 5th.
> You are invited to participate in the One Webster Art Exhibition at Community Arts Day! 6 inch circles are available in limited supply for pickup in any of our 11 school offices. Your submission must be returned to your school office by Monday, April 10th. Anything you can attach to the circle is okay, but it must not overlap the ½" border. All WCSD students are eligible to participate. We look forward to your submission!
> The March Best Buddies meeting will be tomorrow, Tuesday, March 21 right after school in W7. Come hang out with buddies and play best buddies themed bingo! So excited to see you there!
> Come join Community Service Club for our next meeting today in the library classroom after school at 3:20. We will talk about upcoming opportunities with Habitat for Humanity and organizing fundraisers for One Warrior Week. We hope to see you there to sign up for these amazing opportunities!
> The Sexuality and Gender Equity Club will be meeting tomorrow, Tuesday after school in B2. We welcome any new members that might have interest in joining. Hope to see you there!
> There will be an Informational Meeting for the February 2024 France and Spain Trip this Thursday, March 23 at 7pm in the Library. Hope to see you there!
March 17, 2023
> Attention Seniors: Wednesday, March 29 is Senior Switch Day, where you become the teacher and your teacher becomes the student. Stop in N14 to pick-up a permission slip.
> Love St. Patrick's Day? Enjoy winning prizes? Feeling extra lucky? National Honor Society is hosting a fundraiser today during 4th and 5th period lunches in the cafeteria. Have some cash ready to play in the games and win prizes!
> The annual "Webster’s Got Talent" talent show at Community Arts Day is looking for performers! Singers, dancers, musicians, and artists of all kinds are encouraged to participate! Talent acts should be between 2-3 minutes long. Go to www.websterptsa.org/talentshow and register today! Registration deadline is April 5th.
> You are invited to participate in the One Webster Art Exhibition at Community Arts Day! 6 inch circles are available in limited supply for pickup in any of our 11 school offices. Your submission must be returned to your school office by Monday, April 10th. Anything you can attach to the circle is okay, but it must not overlap the ½" border. All WCSD students are eligible to participate. We look forward to your submission!
> The March Best Buddies meeting will be Tuesday, March 21 right after school in W7. Come hang out with buddies and play best buddies themed bingo! So excited to see you there!
> Come join Community Service Club for our next meeting on Monday, March 20th in the library classroom after school at 3:20. We will talk about upcoming opportunities with Habitat for Humanity and organizing fundraisers for One Warrior Week. We hope to see you there to sign up for these amazing opportunities!
> The Sexuality and Gender Equity Club will be meeting Tuesday after school in B2. We welcome any new members that might have interest in joining. Hope to see you there!
> Congratulations to the following students for being this week’s recipients of Principal’s Recognition:
Please stop down to the main office between 1st and 2nd period.
Gabriel C. ~ Class of 2025
Hayden D. ~ Class of 2025
Jimmy E. ~ Class of 2024
Lily F. ~ Class of 2025
Julia F. ~ Class of 2025
Matthew F. ~ Class of 2025
Jiayi L. ~ Class of 2024
Demetrius P. ~ Class of 2025
Diana S. ~ Class of 2024
Kendall S. ~ Class of 2023
Liliyana T. ~ Class of 2026
Sami V. ~ Class of 2025
March 16, 2023
> March is Youth Art Month celebrating the importance of art in education. The National Art Honor Society encourages everyone to take a look at the artwork hanging throughout the building and to get creative! Go make some art!
> Attention Seniors: Wednesday, March 29 is Senior Switch Day, where you become the teacher and your teacher becomes the student. Stop in N14 to pick-up a permission slip.
> Love St. Patrick's Day? Enjoy winning prizes? Feeling extra lucky? National Honor Society is hosting a fundraiser tomorrow, Friday, St. Patrick's Day during 4th and 5th period lunches in the cafeteria. Bring some cash to play in some games and win prizes!
> The annual "Webster’s Got Talent" talent show at Community Arts Day is looking for performers! Singers, dancers, musicians, and artists of all kinds are encouraged to participate! Talent acts should be between 2-3 minutes long. Go to www.websterptsa.org/talentshow and register today! Registration deadline is April 5th.
> You are invited to participate in the One Webster Art Exhibition at Community Arts Day! 6 inch circles are available in limited supply for pickup in any of our 11 school offices. Your submission must be returned to your school office by Monday, April 10th. Anything you can attach to the circle is okay, but it must not overlap the ½" border. All WCSD students are eligible to participate. We look forward to your submission!
> The March Best Buddies meeting will be Tuesday, March 21 right after school in W7. Come hang out with buddies and play best buddies themed bingo! So excited to see you there!
> Come join Community Service Club for our next meeting on Monday, March 20th in the library classroom after school at 3:20. We will talk about upcoming opportunities with Habitat for Humanity and organizing fundraisers for One Warrior Week. We hope to see you there to sign up for these amazing opportunities!
> Good morning everyone,
Our school is so proud of all of our students and we like to share and celebrate your success as a school. We have honor roll ice cream celebrations, Principals recognition, staff of the month, five honor societies, and awards nights.
In athletics, we have had an unprecedented year thus far having national and state ranked athletes, teams, and champions! As many of you know our girls basketball team is headed to the New York State final four! A first in Webster basketball! With them, today we will be celebrating those winter athletes who were our successful winter teams and athletes at the beginning of 2nd period with a winding Winter Warrior Walk!
Please demonstrate your support of your classmates and cheer loudly for them as we celebrate together.
March 15, 2023
> It’s Warrior Wednesday! All week long Schroeder staff has been on the lookout for students who are demonstrating cooperation, accountability, respect, and excellence.
Let’s go ahead and spin the prize wheel for our student winner:
Congratulations to Michela T.! And now for our staff winner. Spin that wheel!
Congratulations to Ms. Teeter! You will be contacted by Mrs. Tasber’s office to claim your prize!
Thank you all for continuing to demonstrate great habits and being Warriors who CARE.
> Attention all Women in STEM, we have a meeting today after school in E21. Can’t wait to see you there!
> On Friday, March 31st Webster Schroeder will be hosting a Career Fair from 11:30-2:30pm. Over 70 businesses will be here representing hundreds of different career fields. Make sure you take advantage of this opportunity to learn about careers for your future or even get a job now! More info will be shared on your classroom page in Google and in our Schroeder newsletter. Stop down to the Counseling Center if you have any questions.
> Attention Seniors: Wednesday, March 29 is Senior Switch Day, where you become the teacher and your teacher becomes the student. Stop in N14 to pick-up a permission slip.
> Any boys and girls who are planning on doing Spring Track, our 1st practice is today after school. Be dressed and ready to go at 3:35 in the cafeteria. Practice will end at 5:45. Make sure you are registered on Family ID or you will not be able to participate.
> Do you love st patricks day? What about winning prizes? If so, bring in some extra cash this Friday to play a fun st patricks day game and win a prize! This celebration is a fundraiser for and is hosted by NHS during 4th and 5th period on Friday in the cafeteria.
March 14, 2023
> March is Youth Art Month celebrating the importance of art in education. The National Art Honor Society encourages everyone to take a look at the artwork hanging throughout the building and to get creative! Go make some art!
> All girls interested in the STEM fields, we would love to see you at our next Women in STEM meeting. We are always looking for new members so feel free to come for the first time and make sure you bring a friend. Hope to see you this Wednesday in Ms.Metz’s room E21.
> Attention Seniors: Wednesday, March 29 is Senior Switch Day, where you become the teacher and your teacher becomes the student. Stop in N14 to pick-up a permission slip.
> The Schroeder Boys Varsity and JV golf program will host a preseason meeting today after school at 3:30 in Coach Leaf's room, E214. Any athlete interested in playing golf this spring should attend. You may also contact Coach Leaf or Coach Sabatino with any questions.
> Any boys and girls who are planning on doing Spring Track, our 1st practice is tomorrow, Wednesday, March 15th. Be dressed and ready to go at 3:35 in the cafeteria. Practice will end at 5:45. Make sure you are registered on Family ID or you will not be able to participate.
> Newspaper Club is canceled today and will meet again on Thursday afterschool.
>Attention Warriors, Coffee House is just around the corner! Come and support your friends and peers on Friday, March 24th, while enjoying some sweet treats and hot beverages! Admission is $5 if you order your tickets ahead and $6 at the door. Video submissions are still accepted though this friday, please send them to the email kim_derse@webstercsd.org. Everyone who auditioned will be notified next week via email if they were selected to perform. We hope to see you there!
>"Do you love st patricks day? What about winning prizes? If so, bring in some extra cash this Friday to play a fun st patricks day game and win a prize! This celebration will be hosted by NHS during 4th and 5th period on Friday in the cafeteria."
March 13, 2023
> March is Music in Our Schools Month. To celebrate, Tri-M invites you to "Guess The Song." Get your phones ready...we will play a quick snippet of a song followed by a QR code. If you think you recognize the song, complete the form on the QR code! Ready? Here we go....time to "Guess the Song!"
> Attention all Warriors! Schroeder's student news site, the Schroeder Courier, has new content. By popular demand, Samantha T., Class of 2025, has written about the support of fans and teammates following Damar Hamlin's early January injury. Read through to learn more about the aftermath and a link to Hamlin's charity: Chasing M's Foundation. Additionally, former junior Caroline M. is acting as an International Correspondent to our site and shared a bit about the origins of Galette de Rois (gal-ett day roys) for France's winter holiday Epiphany. Caroline also shared an authentic French family recipe for the amazing pastry. While you're at the site, check out Emily S., Class of 2025's, spotlight on social studies teacher Mr. Ritchlin. Lastly, shoutout to Class of 2024's Nick T. who has done a spectacular job of keeping sports scores updated through the winter season. Great job, Courier staff! If you're interested in contributing (no meetings required) to the student news site, see Mrs. Law in W4.
> All girls interested in learning more about the STEM fields (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math). There is a Women in STEM meeting this Wednesday in Ms. Metz’s room E21. We are always looking for new members, so even if it is your first time, we would love to have you. See you Wednesday!
> Attention Seniors: Wednesday, March 29 is Senior Switch Day, where you become the teacher and your teacher becomes the student. Stop in N14 to pick-up a permission slip.
> The Schroeder Boys Varsity and JV golf program will host a preseason meeting tomorrow, Tuesday, March 14 at 3:30 in Coach Leaf's room, E214. Any athlete interested in playing golf this spring should attend. You may also contact Coach Leaf of Coach Sabatino with any questions.
> Happy Best Buddies Month! This week we are highlighting friendship. Thanks for making Schroeder a place where all Warriors feel included! What does friendship mean in our school? Take a look...
> The Girls Basketball Team is heading to the State Final Four!
The team beat Lancaster on Saturday to advance to the state semifinals vs. Baldwin on Friday night at Hudson Valley Community College.
Mariah W. led the Warriors with 34 points and 11 rebounds, Bria W. had 15 points, 6 assists, and 6 rebounds, Sarah F. had 5 clutch points, Mya P. had 6 points, Addie M. had 4 rebounds, 3 points, and 2 assists, and Ava G. 4 rebounds.
Please congratulate the girls and wish them good luck!
> Now over to a Schroeder Courier video…
March 10, 2023
> Attention students grade 9 through 12 and Schroeder Staff: Do you like to play chess? Then consider competing in the One Warrior Week Chess Tournament. Please complete the following interest form by today.
> Attention Seniors: The Schroeder staff were heard saying they would crush the Class of 2023 in a ping pong tournament. Are you going to stand for that? Consider competing in the inaugural One Warrior Week Seniors vs Staff Ping Pong Tournament. Please complete the following interest form by today.
> Are you looking for volunteer hours? PTSA currently has several events that are in need of student volunteers. Please visit www.websterptsa.org/studentvolunteers or scan the QR code below. Thank you in advance for your help!
> The preseason Boys and Girls Track meeting has been moved to Monday, March 13th. It will still be after school in the cafeteria from 3:30 to 4:15. The first official practice will be Wednesday, March 15th after school at 3:35. All athletes need to register on Family ID/Arbiter Sports in order to be able to practice.
> Attention all Warriors! Schroeder's student news site, the Schroeder Courier, has new content. By popular demand, Samantha T., Class of 2025, has written about the support of fans and teammates following Damar Hamlin's early January injury. Read through to learn more the aftermath and a link to Hamlin's charity: Chasing M's Foundation. Additionally, former junior Caroline M. is acting as an International Correspondent to our site and shared a bit about the origins of Galette de Rois (gal-ett day roys) for France's winter holiday Epiphany. Caroline also shared an authentic French family recipe for the amazing pastry. While you're at the site, check out Emily S., Class of 2025's, spotlight on social studies teacher Mr. Ritchlin. Lastly, shoutout to Class of 2024's Nick T. who has done a spectacular job of keeping sports scores updated through the winter season. Great job, Courier staff! If you're interested in contributing (no meetings required) to the student news site, see Mrs. Law in W4.
> Attention Seniors: Wednesday, March 29 is Senior Switch Day, where you become the teacher and your teacher becomes the student. Stop in N14 to pick-up a permission slip.
> The Schroeder Boys Varsity and JV golf program will host a preseason meeting on Tuesday, March 14 at 3:30 in Coach Leaf's room, E214. Any athlete interested in playing golf this spring should attend. You may also contact Coach Leaf of Coach Sabatino with any questions.
> Last night the Warrior Staff defeated the Titan Staff in what will be remembered as a classic in the annual Cross-town Charity Basketball Game. A special thank you to the PTSA for organizing and running the event; all students who came out to support a staff member, cheer, and compete in the halftime contests; all staff who suited up, stretched out, and balled out for Schroeder; Coach Enser for making some tough, game-deciding coaching, and all who contributed in some way. The night is bigger than bragging rights as we were able to raise substantial money for the charity "Dreams From Drake." And staff, keep working on your Euro-steps and mid-range jumpers: we have to defend our home court next year!
> Congratulations to the following students for being this week’s recipients of Principal’s Recognition:
Please stop down to the main office between 1st and 2nd period.
Alexandra A. ~ Class of 2025
Mason B. ~ Class of 2023
Delaney G. ~ Class of 2024
Kevin D. ~ Class of 2025
Gianluca F. ~ Class of 2024
Aiden G. ~ Class of 2025
Jacqueline H. ~ Class of 2024
Stefan M. ~ Class of 2026
Adelaide R. ~ Class of 2026
Emily R. ~ Class of 2025
Eduard T. ~ Class of 2025
> Now over to a Schroeder Courier video
March 9, 2023
> Attention Warriors: Coffee House is back again! Tri-M is hosting this annual music event on Friday, March 24th. Enjoy a night of wonderful music with hot beverages such as coffee and hot chocolate, along with some sweet treats. Interested in performing at this event? All Vocal and Instrumental performances are welcome to audition! Auditions are tomorrow, Friday, March 10th, in the Orchestra Room. Sign up for your audition slot on the Tri-M bulletin board near the Orchestra Room or talk to Mrs. Derse in N4. Admission is $5 if you order your tickets ahead. If you cannot attend the audition, video submissions can be sent to kim_derse@webstercsd.org, as well as any questions! We hope to see you at auditions!
> Attention students grade 9 through 12 and Schroeder Staff: Do you like to play chess? Then consider competing in the One Warrior Week Chess Tournament. Please complete the following interest form by tomorrow, March 10th.
> Attention Seniors: The Schroeder staff were heard saying they would crush the Class of 2023 in a ping pong tournament. Are you going to stand for that? Consider competing in the inaugural One Warrior Week Seniors vs Staff Ping Pong Tournament. Please complete the following interest form by tomorrow, Friday, March 10th.
> Are you looking for volunteer hours? PTSA currently has several events that are in need of student volunteers. Please visit www.websterptsa.org/studentvolunteers or scan the QR code below. Thank you in advance for your help!
> The preseason Boys and Girls Track meeting has been moved to Monday, March 13th. It will still be after school in the cafeteria from 3:30 to 4:15. The first official practice will be Wednesday, March 15th after school at 3:35. All athletes need to registered on Family ID/Arbiter Sports in order to be able to practice.
> Attention all boys interested in playing either JV or Varsity tennis this spring: Coach Welker and Zola will be holding an informational meeting today from 3:20 to 3:40 in Mr Welker's room (E232). If you are unable to make it to the meeting please stop by to speak with Coach Welker. If you have not done so already please complete the spring sports registration through familyid.com. We hope to see you after school in room E232.
> There will be a chess seminar in the library during 4th period today. Stop in if you are interested in chess and want to develop your strategies and game play!
> On Friday, March 31st Webster Schroeder will be hosting a Career Fair from 11:30-2:30pm. Over 70 businesses will be here representing hundreds of different career fields. Make sure you take advantage of this opportunity to learn about careers for your future or even get a job now! More info will be shared on your classroom page in Google and in our Schroeder newsletter. Stop down to the Counseling Center if you have any questions.
> Attention Model UN club members attending the St. John Fisher conference on Friday: Don't forget to turn in your permission slip to Mrs. O'Brien by today. We will meet at the doors by the entrance near the main office Friday morning at 8am. See Mrs. O'Brien or Mrs. Tuyn if you have any questions.
> Attention Seniors: Wednesday, March 29 is Senior Switch Day, where you become the teacher and your teacher becomes the student. Stop in N14 to pick-up a permission slip.
> March is Youth Art Month celebrating the importance of art in education. The National Art Honor Society encourages everyone to take a look at the artwork hanging throughout the building and to get creative! Go make some art!
> Attention all Warriors! Schroeder's student news site, the Schroeder Courier, has new content. By popular demand, Samantha T., Class of 2025, has written about the support of fans and teammates following Damar Hamlin's early January injury. Read through to learn more about the aftermath and a link to Hamlin's charity: Chasing M's Foundation. Additionally, former junior Caroline M. is acting as an International Correspondent to our site and shared a bit about the origins of Galette de Rois (gal-ett day roys) for France's winter holiday Epiphany. Caroline also shared an authentic French family recipe for the amazing pastry. While you're at the site, check out Emily S., Class of 2025's, spotlight on social studies teacher Mr. Ritchlin. Lastly, shoutout to Class of 2024's Nick T. who has done a spectacular job of keeping sports scores updated through the winter season. Great job, Courier staff! If you're interested in contributing (no meetings required) to the student news site, see Mrs. Law in W4.
> And now over to a Splash Brothers Production promoting the Charity Basketball Game...
March 8, 2023
> It’s Warrior Wednesday! All week long Schroeder staff has been on the lookout for students who are demonstrating cooperation, accountability, respect, and excellence.
Let’s go ahead and spin the prize wheel for our student winner:
Congratulations to DeAnna D.! And now for our staff winner. Spin that wheel!
Congratulations to Mrs. Caiazza! You will be contacted by Mrs. Tasber’s office to claim your prize!
Thank you all for continuing to demonstrate great habits and being Warriors who CARE.
> Attention Warriors: Coffee House is back again! Tri-M is hosting this annual music event on Friday, March 24th. Enjoy a night of wonderful music with hot beverages such as coffee and hot chocolate, along with some sweet treats. Interested in performing at this event? All Vocal and Instrumental performances are welcome to audition! Auditions are on Friday, March 10th, in the Orchestra Room. Sign up for your audition slot on the Tri-M bulletin board near the Orchestra Room or talk to Mrs. Derse in N4. Admission is $5 if you order your tickets ahead. If you cannot attend the audition, video submissions can be sent to kim_derse@webstercsd.org, as well as any questions! We hope to see you at auditions!
> Attention all students and Schroeder community members! PTSA & WHEN have partnered to host a charity basketball game to benefit local organization Dreams from Drake. Schroeder/GOAL staff will be playing against Thomas/OWL staff and there will be student games during halftime. Please scan the QR code to sign up as one of the game contestants or as a student volunteer for service hours. Game day is tomorrow, Thursday, March 9 @ 6:30pm at Thomas High School Gym; please enter through the Field House doors. Recommended donation for admission is $2 but donations of ANY amount are welcome and will go to Dreams from Drake. Come watch your favorite staff members battle on the court for crosstown bragging rights and be sure to sign up to play student games during halftime. See Mrs. Law in W4 with questions or for the QR codes.
> Attention students grade 9 through 12 and Schroeder Staff: Do you like to play chess? Then consider competing in the One Warrior Week Chess Tournament. Please complete the following interest form by Friday, March 10.
> Attention Seniors: The Schroeder staff were heard saying they would crush the Class of 2023 in a ping pong tournament. Are you going to stand for that? Consider competing in the inaugural One Warrior Week Seniors vs Staff Ping Pong Tournament. Please complete the following interest form by Friday, March 10th.
> Are you looking for volunteer hours? PTSA currently has several events that are in need of student volunteers. Please visit www.websterptsa.org/studentvolunteers or scan the QR code below. Thank you in advance for your help!
> The preseason Boys and Girls Track meeting has been moved to Monday, March 13th. It will still be after school in the cafeteria from 3:30 to 4:15. The first official practice will be Wednesday, March 15th after school at 3:35. All athletes need to registered on Family ID/Arbiter Sports in order to be able to practice.
> Attention all boys interested in playing either JV or Varsity tennis this spring: Coach Welker and Zola will be holding an informational meeting tomorrow, Thursday, March 9th from 3:20 to 3:40 in Mr Welker's room (E232). If you are unable to make it to the meeting please stop by to speak with Coach Welker. If you have not done so already please complete the spring sports registration through familyid.com. We hope to see you on tomorrow after school in room E232
> There will be a chess seminar in the library during 4th period tomorrow, Thursday, March 9th. Stop in if you are interested in chess and want to develop your strategies and game play!
> Attention Model UN club members attending the St. John Fisher conference on Friday: Don't forget to turn in your permission slip to Mrs. O'Brien by tomorrow, Thursday, March 9th. We will meet at the doors by the entrance near the main office Friday morning at 8am. See Mrs. O'Brien or Mrs. Tuyn if you have any questions.
> Save the date! Student Council is organizing Schroeder's Spring Fling! Tickets to the dance will be $5 and will be on sale during lunches the week before Spring Fling which is on Friday, March 24th or at the door. More information to come!
>Congratulations to the following students who competed in the SkillsUSA Regional competition at Alfred State.
In cosmetology - finishing in 1st place was junior Analise A.
Also competing were senior Brandon N in CNC milling and junior Kiya W in cos competed in the Skills competition.
> Michael Jordan, Larry Bird, Magic Johnson...In 1992, the world saw the most legendary roster assemble with what was dubbed "The Dream Team." In 2008, the USA sent Kobe, Dwayne Wade, LeBron James and more to the Summer Olympics to compete as the "Redeem Team." We never thought we'd see icons of the game playing together like that again.
Until now...Metz-Miller, Herbst, Insley, Eckler, D'Eletto, Hunt, Stokelin, Jaysek, Gebhardt, Grosser, Brown, Willmott, Waltman, Bailey, Welker, DeWitte, Benz...and GOMEZ! Your 2023 "Self-Esteem Team." We all about positivity, baby!
Morning Show Crew...throw that graphic on the screen again, need to let the people know we are serious! Tomorrow night. Schroeder vs Thomas Staff Charity Basketball Game. 6:30pm at Thomas High School. $2 donation suggested and the money raised will be supporting a local charity "Dreams from Drake."
And there are opportunities for students to compete in contests between quarters that will influence our score. Looking for volunteer hours? This is a great way to have fun and build your resume.
Let's pack Thomas out tomorrow night and support the Self-Esteem Team!
Now over to a Splash Brother's Production...
March 7, 2023
> Attention Warriors: Coffee House is back again! Tri-M is hosting this annual music event on Friday, March 24th. Enjoy a night of wonderful music with hot beverages such as coffee and hot chocolate, along with some sweet treats. Interested in performing at this event? All Vocal and Instrumental performances are welcome to audition! Auditions are on Friday, March 10th, in the Orchestra Room. Sign up for your audition slot on the Tri-M bulletin board near the Orchestra Room or talk to Mrs. Derse in N4. Admission is $5 if you order your tickets ahead. If you cannot attend the audition, video submissions can be sent to kim_derse@webstercsd.org, as well as any questions! We hope to see you at auditions!
> Attention Juniors and Sophomores: Do you want to help the incoming Freshman learn how awesome Schroeder is? Then consider becoming a Link Crew Leader for the 23-24 school year. Join us for a mandatory informational meeting today a 11:36 (4th period), 12:32 (5th) or 3:20pm by the Library Stage.
> Attention all students and Schroeder community members! PTSA & WHEN have partnered to host a charity basketball game to benefit local organization Dreams from Drake. Schroeder/GOAL staff will be playing against Thomas/OWL staff and there will be student games during halftime. Please scan the QR code to sign up as one of the game contestants or as a student volunteer for service hours. Game day is next Thursday, March 9 @ 6:30pm at Thomas High School Gym; please enter through the Field House doors. Recommended donation for admission is $2 but donations of ANY amount are welcome and will go to Dreams from Drake. Come watch your favorite staff members battle on the court for crosstown bragging rights and be sure to sign up to play student games during halftime. See Mrs. Law in W4 with questions or for the QR codes.
> Attention students grade 9 through 12 and Schroeder Staff: Do you like to play chess? Then consider competing in the One Warrior Week Chess Tournament. Please complete the following interest form by Friday, March 10.
> Attention Seniors: The Schroeder staff were heard saying they would crush the Class of 2023 in a ping pong tournament. Are you going to stand for that? Consider competing in the inaugural One Warrior Week Seniors vs Staff Ping Pong Tournament. Please complete the following interest form by Friday, March 10th.
> Are you looking for volunteer hours? PTSA currently has several events that are in need of student volunteers. Please visit www.websterptsa.org/studentvolunteers or scan the QR code below. Thank you in advance for your help!
> The preseason Boys and Girls Track meeting has been moved to Monday, March 13th. It will still be after school in the cafeteria from 3:30 to 4:15. The first official practice will be Wednesday, March 15th after school at 3:35. All athletes need to registered on Family ID/Arbiter Sports in order to be able to practice.
> Attention all boys interested in playing either JV or Varsity tennis this spring. Coach Welker and Zola will be holding an informational meeting this Thursday (March 9th) from 3:20 to 3:40 in Mr Welker's room (E232). If you are unable to make it to the meeting please stop by to speak with Coach Welker. If you have not done so already please complete the spring sports registration through familyid.com. We hope to see you on Thursday after school in room E232.
> Are you interested in joining the medical field? Join the Future Medical Professionals Club! Our informational meeting is today after school, in E218. Join the Google Classroom with code rr3yrar. Anyone is welcome, hope to see you there!
March 6, 2023
> The Girls Varsity Basketball Team won the Class AA Sectional Championship on Saturday! It is the first title in 47 years.
Addie M. led all scorers with 18 points and had 6 rebounds, Mariah W. had 15 points and 11 rebounds, Bria W. had 9 points and 6 rebounds, Ava G. had 6 points and 5 rebounds, Sarah F. had 5 points, 4 points, and 3 assists, and Mya P. had 5 points, 4 assists, and 4 rebounds.
Addie M. and Bria W. made the All Tournament Team and Mariah W. was the MVP. The girls return to action on Saturday at 11:00 am at Buffalo State College vs. Lancaster. The winner will advance the State Final Four.
> Attention Warriors: Coffee House is back again! Tri-M is hosting this annual music event on Friday, March 24th. Enjoy a night of wonderful music with hot beverages such as coffee and hot chocolate, along with some sweet treats. Interested in performing at this event? All Vocal and Instrumental performances are welcome to audition! Auditions are on Friday, March 10th, in the Orchestra Room. Sign up for your audition slot on the Tri-M bulletin board near the Orchestra Room or talk to Mrs. Derse in N4. Admission is $5 if you order your tickets ahead. If you cannot attend the audition, video submissions can be sent to kim_derse@webstercsd.org, as well as any questions! We hope to see you at auditions!
> There will be a softball meeting for all girls interested in trying out for softball this spring today at 3:30pm in Room W14. If you can not make it, please see Coach Keil in Room W14.
> Attention Juniors and Sophomores: Do you want to help the incoming Freshman learn how awesome Schroeder is? Then consider becoming a Link Crew Leader for the 23-24 school year. Join us for a mandatory informational meeting tomorrow, Tuesday, March 7th at 8:15 AM, 11:36 (4th period), 12:32 (5th) or 3:20pm by the Library Stage.
> Attention all Schroeder Baseball Players: There will be an important tryout informational meeting today immediately after school in Coach Knight's classroom, W214. Any 9th through 12th grade student who is trying out for baseball must attend. Please bring something to write with. The meeting will be over by 3:45 PM.
> Attention all students and Schroeder community members! PTSA & WHEN have partnered to host a charity basketball game to benefit local organization Dreams from Drake. Schroeder/GOAL staff will be playing against Thomas/OWL staff and there will be student games during halftime. Please scan the QR code to sign up as one of the game contestants or as a student volunteer for service hours. Game day is this Thursday, March 9 @ 6:30pm at Thomas High School Gym; please enter through the Field House doors. Recommended donation for admission is $2 but donations of ANY amount are welcome and will go to Dreams from Drake. Come watch your favorite staff members battle on the court for crosstown bragging rights and be sure to sign up to play student games during halftime. See Mrs. Law in W4 with questions or for the QR codes.
> Attention students grade 9 through 12 and Schroeder Staff: Do you like to play chess? Then consider competing in the One Warrior Week Chess Tournament. Please complete the following interest form by Friday, March 10.
> Attention Seniors: The Schroeder staff were heard saying they would crush the Class of 2023 in a ping pong tournament. Are you going to stand for that? Consider competing in the inaugural One Warrior Week Seniors vs Staff Ping Pong Tournament. Please complete the following interest form by Friday, March 10th.
> Are you looking for volunteer hours? PTSA currently has several events that are in need of student volunteers. Please visit www.websterptsa.org/studentvolunteers or scan the QR code below. Thank you in advance for your help!
> On Saturday, March 4, 8 Webster students traveled to Cornell University to participate in the WICC Programming Contest. 47 teams of 2-3 students competed between the Ithaca and NYC locations in a contest designed for students less experienced in computing competition. One team from Schroeder included Holly F, Jessica F and Akshaya D. The second team from Schroeder included David Y, Yi J and Filipe F.
Schroeder's team of David, Yi and Filipe earned first place at the Ithaca location.
After the contest, competitors heard Sarah Dean, an Assistant Professor in the Computer Science Department at Cornell, speak about bias in algorithms.
> The Teddi Dance is a 24 hour dance marathon that raises money for kids with cancer. We had 57 Schroeder students attend from our National Honor Society and other clubs. These students raised over $2,245 dollars. Great job everyone dancing for a cause!
> Anyone interested in joining the Girls and Boys Track Team should come to the preseason meetings from 3:30 to 4:15 in the cafeteria tomorrow after school. Again, the preseason track meetings are after school tomorrow in the cafeteria.
> Congratulations to the Track Girls who went to the State Championships on their excellent performances.
Shelby B. took 12th in the 600 meter run and lowered her school record to 1:37.50.
The girls 4 x 200 relay of Na'Brya B, Camryn C, Alyssa F, and Jordan S took 8th place.
Corintia G won the triple jump and took 3rd place in the long jump.
Camryn C won the high jump and the long jump, which were taking place simultaneously.
Great job ladies on a fantastic track and field season and ending it in a great way
> Happy Best Buddies Month! To celebrate we will interview buddies at the start of each week with questions that highlight the keywords of best buddies; Inclusion, Friendship, and Kindness. Thanks for making Schroeder a place where all Warriors feel included!
March 3, 2023
> Attention Warriors: Coffee House is back again! Tri-M is hosting this annual music event on Friday, March 24th. Enjoy a night of wonderful music with hot beverages such as coffee and hot chocolate, along with some sweet treats. Interested in performing at this event? All Vocal and Instrumental performances are welcome to audition! Auditions are on Friday, March 10th, in the Orchestra Room. Sign up for your audition slot on the Tri-M bulletin board near the Orchestra Room or talk to Mrs. Derse in N4. Admission is $5 if you order your tickets ahead. If you cannot attend the audition, video submissions can be sent to kim_derse@webstercsd.org, as well as any questions! We hope to see you at auditions!
> There will be a softball meeting for all girls interested in trying out for softball this spring on Monday, March 6 at 3:30pm in Room W14. If you can not make it, please see Coach Keil in Room W14.
> Attention Juniors and Sophomores: Do you want to help the incoming Freshman learn how awesome Schroeder is? Then consider becoming a Link Crew Leader for the 23-24 school year. Join us for a mandatory informational meeting on Tuesday, March 7th at 8:15 AM, 11:36 (4th period), 12:32 (5th) or 3:20pm by the Library Stage.
> Attention all Schroeder Baseball Players: There will be an important tryout informational meeting on Monday, March 6th immediately after school in Coach Knight's classroom, W214. Any 9th through 12th grade student who is trying out for baseball must attend. Please bring something to write with. The meeting will be over by 3:45 PM.
> Congratulations to Webster Schroeder junior Blake P. for winning the 2023 New York State Alpine Combined Championship contested this past Monday and Tuesday at Bristol Mountain. Blake placed first in slalom giving him an individual state championship and third in giant slalom against the best skiers from across New York state. Congratulations Blake on winning the 2023 Alpine Combined State Championship!
> If you need NHS Sponsored Service Hours, please check the Google Classroom for upcoming opportunities. On Monday, March 6th we will be meeting after school in W223 and W224 to sort the books that were donated. On Wednesday, March 14 and Thursday, March 15th we will be decorating and filling bedside book bags and wrapping books for the 3rd grade charter school we are sponsoring. AND if anyone still has books they would like to donate, please bring them to w223, and w224! Thank you so much to everyone who has donated books so far!
> Attention all students and Schroeder community members! PTSA & WHEN have partnered to host a charity basketball game to benefit local organization Dreams from Drake. Schroeder/GOAL staff will be playing against Thomas/OWL staff and there will be student games during halftime. Please scan the QR code to sign up as one of the game contestants or as a student volunteer for service hours. Game day is next Thursday, March 9 @ 6:30pm at Thomas High School Gym; please enter through the Field House doors. Recommended donation for admission is $2 but donations of ANY amount are welcome and will go to Dreams from Drake. Come watch your favorite staff members battle on the court for crosstown bragging rights and be sure to sign up to play student games during halftime. See Mrs. Law in W4 with questions or for the QR codes.
> The Schroeder girls basketball team beat Fairport In overtime on Wednesday night. Mariah W. led all scorers with 24 points, 7 rebounds, 3 assists, and 3 steals. Bria W. played outstanding defense all night and finished with 14 points and 5 rebounds. Ava G. had 14 points, 6 rebounds, and 3 blocks, Addie M. had 8 points, Sarah F. had 7 points, and Mya P. had 6 points and 3 steals.
The Girls Varsity Basketball Team is headed to the sectional final tomorrow at RH at 6:00 pm. Please come out and support the girls!
> Attention students grade 9 through 12 and Schroeder Staff: Do you like to play chess? Then consider competing in the One Warrior Week Chess Tournament. Please complete the following interest form by Friday, March 10.
> Attention Seniors: The Schroeder staff were heard saying they would crush the Class of 2023 in a ping pong tournament. Mr. Leaf even went out and purchased a professional-grade paddle with a custom fit grip. Are you going to stand for that? Consider competing in the inaugural One Warrior Week Seniors vs Staff Ping Pong Tournament. Please complete the following interest form by Friday, March 10th.
> Good Luck to Kailey M and Stephanie G as they head to States for Gymnastics today. Also heading to States for Track & Field are Camryn C, Jordan S, Corinitia G, Shelby B, Alyssa F and Lauren C-W! Go Get ‘Em!
Also -teams in action this weekend are Ice Hockey and Girls Basketball! Ice Hockey is at Skaneateles for State Regionals at 5pm. Girls Basketball fights for a Sectional Championship tomorrow 6pm at Rush Henrietta.
Ticket Info for both can be found online! Or ask in the Athletic Office! GO WARRIORS!
>Are you interested in joining the medical field? Join the Future Medical Professionals Club! Our informational meeting is on Tuesday March 7th after school, room TBD . Join the google classroom with code rr3yrar. If you have questions email alarosa24@webstercsd.org. Anyone is welcome, hope to see you there!
Now over to Mr. Benz
> Good Morning Warrior Land!
What a great start to the month of March. Hope you are still meeting your academic goals! Stay the course, work with your teachers and support staff!
Good luck to our girl track athletes on their way to States!
Good luck to our boys hockey team on their way to Regionals!
Good luck to our gymnastics team!
Good luck to our girls basketball team in Sectionals!
Congratulations to Blake and his skiing accomplishments…NYS State Champ!
All right..I would like to have everyone’s attention regarding a lockdown drill we are having during 4A. Which is lunch time.
It will be a drill and we are looking at procedures for the cafe, new library, senior lounge, and practice for classrooms.
We take school safety very seriously. It’s our number one priority.
I will also get on the PA at the end of 3rd period just to make sure we all know it’s a drill.
Some clocks will read “this is not a drill” this cannot be changed.
Thanks for being your best you today!!
March 2, 2023
> Spring Driver Education registration will take place today for sophomores. Registration begins at 8:00am on the Webster Community Education website, xenegrade. Please set up an account prior to the registration date.
Spring Driver Education at Schroeder will be held March 28th to June 2nd.
The cost is $600 and the commitment is three or four days a week, depending on your driving days. Please visit xenegrade for the exact driving times available. All Schroeder students attend the twice-a- week lectures on Tuesdays 6:30-8pm and Fridays 4:45-6:15pm.
> Attention Warriors: Coffee House is back again! Tri-M is hosting this annual music event on Friday, March 24th. Enjoy a night of wonderful music with hot beverages such as coffee and hot chocolate, along with some sweet treats. Interested in performing at this event? All Vocal and Instrumental performances are welcome to audition! Auditions are on Friday, March 10th, in the Orchestra Room. Sign up for your audition slot on the Tri-M bulletin board near the Orchestra Room or talk to Mrs. Derse in N4. Admission is $5 if you order your tickets ahead. If you cannot attend the audition, video submissions can be sent to kim_derse@webstercsd.org, as well as any questions! We hope to see you at auditions!
> There will be a softball meeting for all girls interested in trying out for softball this spring on Monday, March 6 at 3:30pm in Room W14. If you can not make it, please see Coach Keil in Room W14.
> Attention Juniors and Sophomores: Do you want to help the incoming Freshman learn how awesome Schroeder is? Then consider becoming a Link Crew Leader for the 23-24 school year. Join us for a mandatory informational meeting on Tuesday, March 7th at 8:15 AM, 11:36 (4th period), 12:32 (5th) or 3:20pm by the Library Stage.
> Attention all Schroeder Baseball Players: There will be an important tryout informational meeting on Monday, March 6th immediately after school in Coach Knight's classroom, W214. Any 9th through 12th grade student who is trying out for baseball must attend. Please bring something to write with. The meeting will be over by 3:45 PM.
> All boys and girls interested in joining the Spring Track teams should attend the preseason meeting on Tuesday, March 7th after school in the cafeteria. Boys, please join the Google Classroom with the code on the screen. Girls will get their code at the meeting.
> March is Music in Our Schools Month. To celebrate, Tri M is hosting multiple events throughout the month. Be sure to start out strong and participate in "Dress like Your Favorite Artist Day" tomorrow!
> If you need NHS Sponsored Service Hours, please check the Google Classroom for upcoming opportunities. On Monday, March 6th we will be meeting after school in W223 and W224 to sort the books that were donated. On Wednesday, March 14 and Thursday, March 15th we will be decorating and filling bedside book bags and wrapping books for the 3rd grade charter school we are sponsoring. AND if anyone still has books they would like to donate, please bring them to w223, and w224! Thank you so much to everyone who has donated books so far!
> Attention all students and Schroeder community members! PTSA & WHEN have partnered to host a charity basketball game to benefit local organization Dreams from Drake. Schroeder/GOAL staff will be playing against Thomas/OWL staff and there will be student games during halftime. Please scan the QR code to sign up as one of the game contestants or as a student volunteer for service hours. Game day is next Thursday, March 9 @ 6:30pm at Thomas High School Gym; please enter through the Field House doors. Recommended donation for admission is $2 but donations of ANY amount are welcome and will go to Dreams from Drake. Come watch your favorite staff members battle on the court for crosstown bragging rights and be sure to sign up to play student games during halftime. See Mrs. Law in W4 with questions or for the QR codes.
> Attention Key Club Members: we will meet today after school at 3:20pm in the cafeteria. See you then.
> Green Club will be meeting after school today in E224. See you then!
> Congratulations to Webster Schroeder junior Blake P. for winning the 2023 New York State Alpine Combined Championship contested this past Monday and Tuesday at Bristol Mountain. Blake placed first in slalom giving him an individual state championship and third in giant slalom against the best skiers from across New York state. Congratulations Blake on winning the 2023 Alpine Combined State Championship!
March 1, 2023
> It’s Warrior Wednesday! All week long Schroeder staff has been on the lookout for students who are demonstrating cooperation, accountability, respect, and excellence.
Let’s go ahead and spin the prize wheel for our student winner:
Congratulations to William B! And now for our staff winner. Spin that wheel!
Congratulations to Ms. Spitzer! You will be contacted by Mrs. Tasber’s office to claim your prize!
Thank you all for continuing to demonstrate great habits and being Warriors who CARE.
> Spring Driver Education registration will take place today for seniors and juniors and tomorrow Thursday, March 2nd for sophomores. Registration begins at 8:00am on the Webster Community Education website, xenegrade. Please set up an account prior to the registration date.
Spring Driver Education at Schroeder will be held March 28th to June 2nd.
The cost is $600 and the commitment is three or four days a week, depending on your driving days. Please visit xenegrade for the exact driving times available. All Schroeder students attend the twice-a- week lectures on Tuesdays 6:30-8pm and Fridays 4:45-6:15pm.
> Attention Warriors: Coffee House is back again! Tri-M is hosting this annual music event on Friday, March 24th. Enjoy a night of wonderful music with hot beverages such as coffee and hot chocolate, along with some sweet treats. Interested in performing at this event? All Vocal and Instrumental performances are welcome to audition! Auditions are on Friday, March 10th, in the Orchestra Room. Sign up for your audition slot on the Tri-M bulletin board near the Orchestra Room or talk to Mrs. Derse in N4. Admission is $5 if you order your tickets ahead. If you cannot attend the audition, video submissions can be sent to kim_derse@webstercsd.org, as well as any questions! We hope to see you at auditions!
> Want to master the game of chess? There will be a chess lecture in the library during 4th period today.
> Attention Juniors and Sophomores: Do you want to help the incoming Freshman learn how awesome Schroeder is? Then consider becoming a Link Crew Leader for the 23-24 school year. Join us for a mandatory informational meeting on Tuesday, March 7th at 8:15 AM, 11:36 (4th period), 12:32 (5th) or 3:20pm by the Library Stage.
> March is Music in Our Schools Month. To celebrate, Tri M is hosting multiple events throughout the month. Be sure to start out strong and participate in "Dress like Your Favorite Artist Day" on Friday!
> All boys and girls interested in joining the Spring Track teams should attend the preseason meeting on Tuesday, March 7th after school in the cafeteria. Boys, please join the Google Classroom with the code on the screen. Girls will get their code at the meeting.
> Attention all Schroeder Baseball Players: There will be an important tryout informational meeting on Monday, March 6th immediately after school in Coach Knight's classroom, W214. Any 9th through 12th grade student who is trying out for baseball must attend. Please bring something to write with. The meeting will be over by 3:45 PM.
> If you need NHS Sponsored Service Hours, please check the Google Classroom for upcoming opportunities. On Monday, March 6th we will be meeting after school in W223 and W224 to sort the books that were donated. On Wednesday, March 14 and Thursday, March 15th we will be decorating and filling bedside book bags and wrapping books for the 3rd grade charter school we are sponsoring. AND if anyone still has books they would like to donate, please bring them to w223, and w224! Thank you so much to everyone who has donated books so far!
> Attention all students and Schroeder community members! PTSA & WHEN have partnered to host a charity basketball game to benefit local organization Dreams from Drake. Schroeder/GOAL staff will be playing against Thomas/OWL staff and there will be student games during halftime. Please scan the QR code to sign up as one of the game contestants or as a student volunteer for service hours. Game day is next Thursday, March 9 @ 6:30pm at Thomas High School Gym; please enter through the Field House doors. Recommended donation for admission is $2 but donations of ANY amount are welcome and will go to Dreams from Drake. Come watch your favorite staff members battle on the court for crosstown bragging rights and be sure to sign up to play student games during halftime. See Mrs. Law in W4 with questions or for the QR codes.
> Attention Key Club Members: we will meet tomorrow, Thursday, March 2nd at 3:20pm in the cafeteria. See you then.
> CONGRATULATIONS to the Webster Schroeder Masterminds team for a total sweep last night! The team won all four of their rounds. It’s looking pretty good as we approach post-season playoffs! Nice job, team!
> Tonight the girls basketball team will play Fairport in the sectional semifinals at Pittsford Sutherland at 7:45. The Warriors are the number seed with a 20-1 record. Please come out and support the team!
> Green Club will be meeting after school Thursday, March 2nd in E224. See you then!
February 28. 2023
>In honor of Black History Month, The Morning Show in partnership with the D-Team is highlighting incredible black figures both past and present. Today we celebrate Ida B. Wells.
Born into slavery, Ida B. Wells was an African American journalist, abolitionist and feminist who led an anti-lynching crusade in the United States in the 1890s. She went on to found and become integral in groups striving for African American justice. She would co-found the National Association of Colored Women in 1896. She once said "It is better to die fighting against injustice than to die like a dog or a rat in a trap."
> Spring Driver Education registration will take place tomorrow, Wednesday, March 1st for seniors and juniors and Thursday, March 2nd for sophomores. Registration begins at 8:00am on the Webster Community Education website, xenegrade. Please set up an account prior to the registration date.
Spring Driver Education at Schroeder will be held March 28th to June 2nd.
The cost is $600 and the commitment is three or four days a week, depending on your driving days. Please visit xenegrade for the exact driving times available. All Schroeder students attend the twice-a- week lectures on Tuesdays 6:30-8pm and Fridays 4:45-6:15pm.
> Attention Warriors: Coffee House is back again! Tri-M is hosting this annual music event on Friday, March 24th. Enjoy a night of wonderful music with hot beverages such as coffee and hot chocolate, along with some sweet treats. Interested in performing at this event? All Vocal and Instrumental performances are welcome to audition! Auditions are on Friday, March 10th, in the Orchestra Room. Sign up for your audition slot on the Tri-M bulletin board near the Orchestra Room or talk to Mrs. Derse in N4. Admission is $5 if you order your tickets ahead. If you cannot attend the audition, video submissions can be sent to kim_derse@webstercsd.org, as well as any questions! We hope to see you at auditions!
> Want to master the game of chess? There will be a chess lecture in the library during 4th period tomorrow, Wednesday, March 1st.
> There will be a Model UN club meeting today after school in W200 to finalize plans for our next conference. See Mrs. O'Brien or Mrs. Tuyn with any questions!
> Are you interested in joining the medical field? Join the Future Medical Professionals Club! Our informational meeting is today after school in the library. Join the Google Classroom with code rr3yrar. If you have questions email alarosa24@webstercsd.org. Anyone is welcome, hope to see you there!
> Our Sexuality and Gender Equity (SAGE) club has its next meeting today after school in B2. We are always looking for new members to join us. If interested in finding out more, please stop by Tuesday!
> Attention all Schroeder Baseball Players: There will be an important tryout informational meeting on Monday, March 6th immediately after school in Coach Knight's classroom, W214. Any 9th through 12th grade student who is trying out for baseball must attend. Please bring something to write with. The meeting will be over by 3:45 PM.
> Attention Juniors and Sophomores: Do you want to help the incoming Freshman learn how awesome Schroeder is? Then consider becoming a Link Crew Leader for the 23-24 school year. Join us for a mandatory informational meeting on Tuesday, March 7th at 8:15 AM, 11:36 (4th period), 12:32 (5th) or 3:20pm by the Library Stage.
> The Girls Varsity Basketball Team advanced to sectional semifinals with a win over Victor on Saturday.
Mariah W. led all scorers with 18 points, had 6 assists, and 9 rebounds. Sarah F. had 11 points, Ava G. had 8 points, Addie M. had 7 points, Mya P. had 7 points and 5 rebounds, and Bria W. had 5 points, 5 assists, and 4 rebounds.
The girls will play Fairport on Wednesday night at 7:45 at Pittsford Sutherland. Please come out and support the team!
> One holdover track announcement from yesterday: Over the break, senior Shelby B. lowered her own school record for the 4th time this season in winning the 600 meter run at the state qualifier meet at Nazareth. She will be going to the state meet this weekend to represent the Warriors and Section V in that event. Congratulations Shelby!
> All boys and girls interested in joining the Spring Track teams should attend the preseason meeting on Tuesday, March 7th after school in the cafeteria. Boys, please join the Google Classroom with the code on the screen. Girls will get their code at the meeting.
> March is Music in Our Schools Month. To celebrate, Tri M is hosting multiple events throughout the month. Be sure to start out strong and participate in "Dress like Your Favorite Artist Day" on Friday!
February 27, 2023
> Congratulations to our hockey team, for winning Section Five class B game over the weekend, defeating the top seeded Churchville Chili Saints. They will be advancing to the next round of states, way to go boys!
> In honor of Black History Month, The Morning Show in partnership with the D-Team is highlighting incredible black figures both past and present. Today we celebrate Thelonious Monk.
Thelonious Monk is one of the greatest jazz musicians of all time and one of first creators of modern jazz and bebop. Many of his compositions have become jazz standards, including "Well, You Needn't," "Blue Monk" and "Round Midnight." His spares and angular music had a levity and playfulness to it. His legacy to jazz music is clear: that of a true originator. Monk probably said it best when he insisted that a "genius is one who is most like himself."
> Spring Driver Education registration will take place on Wednesday, March 1st for seniors and juniors and Thursday, March 2nd for sophomores. Registration begins at 8:00am on the Webster Community Education website, xenegrade. Please set up an account prior to the registration date.
Spring Driver Education at Schroeder will be held March 28th to June 2nd.
The cost is $600 and the commitment is three or four days a week, depending on your driving days. Please visit xenegrade for the exact driving times available. All Schroeder students attend the twice-a- week lectures on Tuesdays 6:30-8pm and Fridays 4:45-6:15pm.
> Attention Warriors: Coffee House is back again! Tri-M is hosting this annual music event on Friday, March 24th. Enjoy a night of wonderful music with hot beverages such as coffee and hot chocolate, along with some sweet treats. Interested in performing at this event? All Vocal and Instrumental performances are welcome to audition! Auditions are on Friday, March 10th, in the Orchestra Room. Sign up for your audition slot on the Tri-M bulletin board near the Orchestra Room or talk to Mrs. Derse in N4. Admission is $5 if you order your tickets ahead. If you cannot attend the audition, video submissions can be sent to kim_derse@webstercsd.org, as well as any questions! We hope to see you at auditions!
> There will be a Model UN club meeting tomorrow, Tuesday, February 28 after school in W200 to finalize plans for our next conference. See Mrs. O'Brien or Mrs. Tuyn with any questions!
> Attention all Women in STEM, we are meeting after school on Wednesday in room E21. We hope to see you there!
> Attention Juniors and Sophomores: Do you want to help the incoming Freshman learn how awesome Schroeder is? Then consider becoming a Link Crew Leader for the 23-24 school year. Join us for a mandatory informational meeting on Tuesday, March 7th at 8:15 AM, 11:36 (4th period), 12:32 (5th) or 3:20pm in the auditorium.
> Want to master the game of chess? There will be a chess lecture in the library during 4th period on Wednesday, March 1st.
> Are you interested in joining the medical field? Join the Future Medical Professionals Club! Our informational meeting is on Tuesday March 7th after school, room TBD . Join the google classroom with code rr3yrar. If you have questions email alarosa24@webstercsd.org. Anyone is welcome, hope to see you there!
> Congratulations to the boys and girls track teams who had a VERY busy February break.
1st - Great job to both teams on their Sectional performances. The boys were 8th in class A one, and the girls repeated as Sectional champions! Highlights from the sectional meet are: Camryn C. winning the hurdles, long jump and high jump while setting a new state record in the high jump by jumping 6 feet! Corintia G. was 2nd in the long jump, 3rd in the 300m dash, and won the triple jump, also setting a state record of 41 feet 11 inches!
Other great performances were:
Shelby B winning the 600 meter run,
Lauren CW taking 3rd place in the long jump.
Mileena O was 3rd in the shot put
Taylor F was 6th in the weight throw, and
Jordan S was 5th in the 300 meter dash.
On the boys side:
Kevin B was 2nd in the 55m hurdles as Naz D took 4th
Zain K was 6th in the shot put
Dylan B had a great day and was 4th in long jump and was 5th in high jump and triple jump
MItchell C was 3rd in the triple jump and Jon D was 6th
and Ben R was 5th in the long jump
A week later the athletes competed to go to the state meet and here are the girls who will represent Schroeder and Section V at the state championships:
Corintia G, in the long jump and triple jump
Camryn C in the high jump and long jump
Lauren CW in the long jump
And the 4 x 200 relays of Corintia, Camyrn, Alyysa F and Jordan S will go as well.
Great job everyone!
> Our Sexuality and Gender Equity (SAGE) club has its next meeting tomorrow after school in B2. We are always looking for new members to join us. If interested in finding out more, please stop by Tuesday!
> And now over to a Schroeder Theater Company video...
February 17, 2023
> In honor of Black History Month, The Morning Show in partnership with the D-Team is highlighting incredible black figures both past and present. Today we celebrate Joe Louis.
African-American boxer Joe Louis, who reigned as world heavyweight champion from 1937 until 1949, is regarded as one of his sport's all-time greats. Nicknamed the "Brown Bomber," his knockout of Germany's Max Schmeling in 1938 made him a national hero, and he established a record by retaining the championship for nearly 12 years, the longest of any boxer in American history.
> Spring Driver Education registration will take place on Wednesday, March 1st for seniors and juniors and Thursday, March 2nd for sophomores. Registration begins at 8:00am on the Webster Community Education website, xenegrade. Please set up an account prior to the registration date.
Spring Driver Education at Schroeder will be held March 28th to June 2nd.
The cost is $600 and the commitment is three or four days a week, depending on your driving days. Please visit xenegrade for the exact driving times available. All Schroeder students attend the twice-a- week lectures on Tuesdays 6:30-8pm and Fridays 4:45-6:15pm.
> Attention staff and students:
It is a great time to start spring cleaning! Throughout the month of February, NHS is hosting a book drive, so bring in any old books that you, your family, or your neighbors can donate to W223, W224 or there will be a donation box by the front security desk. The NHS will be using these books to create bedside bookbags for elementary students, little lending libraries to put up around senior living facilities, and other projects depending on how many books we get. Thank you!
> Attention Schroeder students and staff: Today, local jazz musician, Eastman School of Music educator, and Grammy-nominated Jimmie Highsmith Jr. will be coming to Schroeder. Highsmith Jr. has shared the stage with and opened for Alicia Keys, Najee, and Chris Botti among others. Listen to Highsmith Jr. perform from the Schroeder Library and Cafe from 11:30am-12:30pm.
> Attention Warriors: Coffee House is back again! Tri-M is hosting this annual music event on Friday, March 24th. Enjoy a night of wonderful music with hot beverages such as coffee and hot chocolate, along with some sweet treats. Interested in performing at this event? All Vocal and Instrumental performances are welcome to audition! Auditions are on Friday, March 10th, in the Orchestra Room. Sign up for your audition slot on the Tri-M bulletin board near room N101 or talk to Mrs. Derse in N4. Admission is $5 if you order your tickets ahead. If you cannot attend the audition, video submissions can be sent to kim_derse@webstercsd.org, as well as any questions! We hope to see you at auditions!
> Are you interested in joining the medical field? Join the Future Medical Professionals Club! Our informational meeting is on Tuesday, February 28th after school in the library. Join the Google Classroom with code rr3yrar. If you have questions email alarosa24@webstercsd.org. Anyone is welcome, hope to see you there!
> Just wanted to thank everyone for a very successful Winter Olympics yesterday. We had an outstanding time and there were only a few minor injuries to speak of so I get to keep my job for at least one more year. Video of the events will be sent to the PE department so they now know what kind of effort all of you should be giving in class. Now the results, In third place the Bronze medal team we had the Super seniors. Zain probably has more complaints than the Eagles about the scoring but congrats to Mr. Leaf and his super seniors. In 2nd place, we had Shop Salco Design. Mr. Urbanski’s squad took home the surprising Silver medal. And taking home the gold medal, these ladies and one Spry student are now officially two-time Winter Olympic champions…Mrs. Herbst..The Snow Ballers! So congrats to everyone involved. I just want to personally thank our staff Mrs. Berardo, Mr. Barilla, Mrs Petzing, Mrs Johnson, Mr. Jasek, Mr. Gomez, Mrs Tuyn, Mr. D’Eleto, and all of our administrators for their support with this event. Finally, behind every great man is an outstanding women, the real hero of our Olympics is Mrs. Metz-Miller who does far more to plan and organize this event than I do. Thank you Webster Schroeder and we look forward to next year!
February 16, 2023
> In honor of Black History Month, The Morning Show in partnership with the D-Team is highlighting incredible black figures both past and present. Today we celebrate Prince.
Famed singer, songwriter and musical innovator Prince was born Prince Rogers Nelson on June 7, 1958. Prince became interested in music at a young age and taught himself how to play the piano, guitar and drums. He achieved worldwide fame in the 1980s with '1999' and 'Purple Rain,' the latter album also serving as the soundtrack for the popular film of the same name.
> Spring Driver Education registration will take place on Wednesday, March 1st for seniors and juniors and Thursday, March 2nd for sophomores. Registration begins at 8:00am on the Webster Community Education website, xenegrade. Please set up an account prior to the registration date.
Spring Driver Education at Schroeder will be held March 28th to June 2nd.
The cost is $600 and the commitment is three or four days a week, depending on your driving days. Please visit xenegrade for the exact driving times available. All Schroeder students attend the twice-a- week lectures on Tuesdays 6:30-8pm and Fridays 4:45-6:15pm.
> Schroeder Theater Company is holding open auditions, meaning no previous acting or stage experience is necessary to audition, for the upcoming spring show Around the World in 80 Days Tuesday, February 28th after break in Mr. Gomez’s classroom, W18. Feeling unsure? Remember Phileas Fogg took boats, trains, an elephant, and a hot air balloon to get around the planet because of a friendly bet! You can do it! Grab an audition packet in Mr. Gomez’s room or Ms Cooman’s in WTI and start your next big adventure!
> Attention staff and students:
It is a great time to start spring cleaning! Throughout the month of February, NHS is hosting a book drive, so bring in any old books that you, your family, or your neighbors can donate to W223, W224 or there will be a donation box by the front security desk. The NHS will be using these books to create bedside bookbags for elementary students, little lending libraries to put up around senior living facilities, and other projects depending on how many books we get. Thank you!
> Congratulations to junior Blake P for medaling at Sectionals this past Monday at Bristol Mountain. Blake also qualified for the Alpine State Skiing Championships to be held at Bristol Mountain February 27th & 28th. Congratulations, Blake!
> Attention Schroeder students and staff: Tomorrow, Friday, February 17th, local jazz musician, Eastman School of Music educator, and Grammy-nominated Jimmie Highsmith Jr. will be coming to Schroeder. Highsmith Jr. has shared the stage with and opened for Alicia Keys, Najee, and Chris Botti among others. Listen to Highsmith Jr. perform from the Schroeder Library and Cafe from 11:30am-12:30pm.
> Attention all current wrestlers or athletes interested in getting off season wrestling information.There will be an important meeting immediately after school today in Coach Salvaggio's classroom, W17 at 3:15. If you for some reason cannot stay the entire time make sure you stop in to get all of the information. Thank you!
> Attention Warriors: Coffee House is back again! Tri-M is hosting this annual music event on Friday, March 24th. Enjoy a night of wonderful music with hot beverages such as coffee and hot chocolate, along with some sweet treats. Interested in performing at this event? All Vocal and Instrumental performances are welcome to audition! Auditions are on Friday, March 10th, in the Chorus Room. Sign up for your audition slot on the Tri-M bulletin board near the Orchestra Room or talk to Mrs. Derse in N4. Admission is $5 if you order your tickets ahead. If you cannot attend the audition, video submissions can be sent to kim_derse@webstercsd.org, as well as any questions! We hope to see you at auditions!
February 15, 2023
> In honor of Black History Month, The Morning Show in partnership with the D-Team is highlighting incredible black figures both past and present. Today we celebrate the Tuskegee Airmen.
Before 1940, African-Americans were barred from flying for the U.S. military. Civil rights organizations and the black press exerted pressure that resulted in the formation of an all African-American pursuit squadron based in Tuskegee, Alabama, in 1941. They became known as the Tuskegee Airmen. The Tuskegee Airmen overcame segregation and prejudice to become one of the most highly respected fighter groups of World War II. They proved conclusively that African Americans could fly and maintain sophisticated combat aircraft.
> Spring Driver Education registration will take place on Wednesday, March 1st for seniors and juniors and Thursday, March 2nd for sophomores. Registration begins at 8:00am on the Webster Community Education website, xenegrade. Please set up an account prior to the registration date.
Spring Driver Education at Schroeder will be held March 28th to June 2nd.
The cost is $600 and the commitment is three or four days a week, depending on your driving days. Please visit xenegrade for the exact driving times available. All Schroeder students attend the twice-a- week lectures on Tuesdays 6:30-8pm and Fridays 4:45-6:15pm.
> Time's ticking! Think you can beat the clock and get around the world in 80 days!? The Schroeder Theater Company is inviting all students to audition for their May production of "Around the World in 80 Days." No previous stage experience or grade-level is required for auditions.
Auditions will be held after February Break on Tuesday, February 28th after school in Mr. Gomez's room, W18.
To audition, grab an audition packet and be sure to put your name down on a sign-up sheet located in Ms Cooman's office inside WTI, Mr. Christman's room in W12, or Mr. Gomez's in W18.
Well, what are you waiting for!? You have a plane, a train, an elephant. and a hot air balloon to catch in order to make it on time! Go, go, go!
> Attention all current wrestlers or athletes interested in getting off season wrestling information.There will be an important meeting immediately after school tomorrow, Thursday, February 16th in Coach Salvaggio's classroom, W17 at 3:15. If you for some reason cannot stay the entire time make sure you stop in to get all of the information. Thank you!
> Attention staff and students:
It is a great time to start spring cleaning! Throughout the month of February, NHS is hosting a book drive, so bring in any old books that you, your family, or your neighbors can donate to W223, W224 or there will be a donation box by the front security desk. The NHS will be using these books to create bedside bookbags for elementary students, little lending libraries to put up around senior living facilities, and other projects depending on how many books we get. Thank you!
> Attention Schroeder students and staff: This Friday, February 17th, local jazz musician, Eastman School of Music educator, and Grammy-nominated Jimmie Highsmith Jr. will be coming to Schroeder. Highsmith Jr. has shared the stage with and opened for Alicia Keys, Najee, and Chris Botti among others. Listen to Highsmith Jr. perform from the Schroeder Library and Cafe from 11:30am-12:30pm.
> Attention Warriors: Coffee House is back again! Tri-M is hosting this annual music event on Friday, March 24th. Enjoy a night of wonderful music with hot beverages such as coffee and hot chocolate, along with some sweet treats. Interested in performing at this event? All Vocal and Instrumental performances are welcome to audition! Auditions are on Friday, March 10th, in the Chorus Room. Sign up for your audition slot on the Tri-M bulletin board near the Orchestra Room or talk to Mrs. Derse in N4. Admission is $5 if you order your tickets ahead. If you cannot attend the audition, video submissions can be sent to kim_derse@webstercsd.org, as well as any questions! We hope to see you at auditions!
February 14, 2023
> In honor of Black History Month, The Morning Show in partnership with the D-Team is highlighting incredible black figures and contributions both past and present. Today we celebrate the Harlem Renaissance.
The Harlem Renaissance was the development of the Harlem neighborhood in New York City as a black cultural mecca in the early 20th Century and the subsequent social and artistic explosion that resulted. Lasting roughly from the 1910s through the mid-1930s, the period is considered a golden age in African American culture, manifesting in literature, music, stage performance and art.
> Anyone interested in playing JV or Varsity Girls Lacrosse this Spring, please meet in E31 after school today for an informational meeting. All levels of experience are welcome. If you have any questions, please email Coach Schraeder at brandon_schraeder@webstercsd.org. We are extremely excited for the season to begin!
> Come celebrate Valentine's Day today after school in W7 with Buddies! We will be decorating Valentine's for our friends and enjoying a Valentine's themed hot cocoa bar. So excited to see you there!
> The Varsity Girls Basketball Team finished the regular season last night with a win over Hilton.
They are the Monroe County Division I Champions and the number 1 seed for sectionals.
Sophomore guard Bria W. led the team with 36 points. She made 9 three pointers breaking the school record. She also had 10 rebounds.
Mariah W. had 23 points and 11 rebounds. Ava G. had 4 assists and 6 rebounds. The team played strong defense.
The team will play on Saturday, February 25 at Schroeder in the sectional quarterfinals. Time and opponent are TBA. Please come out and support the girls!
> Time's ticking! Think you can beat the clock and get around the world in 80 days!? The Schroeder Theater Company is inviting all students to audition for their May production of "Around the World in 80 Days." No previous stage experience or grade-level is required for auditions.
Auditions will be held after February Break on Tuesday, February 28th after school in Mr. Gomez's room, W18.
To audition, grab an audition packet and be sure to put your name down on a sign-up sheet located in Ms Cooman's office inside WTI, Mr. Christman's room in W12, or Mr. Gomez's in W18.
Well, what are you waiting for!? You have a plane, a train, an elephant. and a hot air balloon to catch in order to make it on time! Go, go, go!
> Attention staff and students:
It is a great time to start spring cleaning! Throughout the month of February, NHS is hosting a book drive, so bring in any old books that you, your family, or your neighbors can donate to W223, W224 or there will be a donation box by the front security desk. The NHS will be using these books to create bedside bookbags for elementary students, little lending libraries to put up around senior living facilities, and other projects depending on how many books we get. Thank you!
> SAGE will be holding their next meeting after school in B2 today. Hope to see you there!
> Attention Schroeder students and staff: This Friday, February 17th, local jazz musician, Eastman School of Music educator, and Grammy-nominated Jimmie Highsmith Jr. will be coming to Schroeder. Highsmith Jr. has shared the stage with and opened for Alicia Keys, Najee, and Chris Botti among others. Listen to Highsmith Jr. perform from the Schroeder Library and Cafe from 11:30am-12:30pm.
February 13, 2023
> In honor of Black History Month, The Morning Show in partnership with the D-Team is highlighting incredible black figures both past and present. Today we celebrate Simone Biles.
Born in Ohio in 1997, Simone Biles soon demonstrated her abilities as a gymnastics prodigy. After dominating at the junior elite level, she won her first U.S. and world all-around titles in 2013. In 2015, she claimed a record third straight world all-around title. Biles went on to grab a record sixth U.S. all-around title in 2019, and set another record by winning her 25th World Championship medal that fall.
> Anyone interested in playing JV or Varsity Girls Lacrosse this Spring, please meet in E31 after school tomorrow, Tuesday, February 14th for an informational meeting. All levels of experience are welcome. If you have any questions, please email Coach Schraeder at brandon_schraeder@webstercsd.org. We are extremely excited for the season to begin!
> Valentine's Day is tomorrow! Send your crush a Crush or a rose! Student Council and National Art Society will be selling cans of Orange Crush Soda during lunch periods today! Grab one for $1 or spread the love and buy 6 for $5. Roses are $2.
> SAGE will be holding their next meeting after school in B2 tomorrow, Tuesday, February 14th. Hope to see you there!
> Come celebrate Valentine's Day tomorrow after school in W7 with Buddies! We will be decorating Valentine's for our friends and enjoying a Valentine's themed hot cocoa bar. So excited to see you there!
> There will be a Model UN meeting today after school in room W200. We will be finalizing plans for our upcoming conference at St. John Fisher. Remember that you need to turn in your money and permission slip to Mrs. O'Brien by Friday, February 17th. See Mrs. O'Brien or Mrs. Tuyn with any questions.
> Time's ticking! Think you can beat the clock and get around the world in 80 days!? The Schroeder Theater Company is inviting all students to audition for their May production of "Around the World in 80 Days." No previous stage experience or grade-level is required for auditions.
Auditions will be held after February Break on Tuesday, February 28th after school in Mr. Gomez's room, W18.
To audition, grab an audition packet and be sure to put your name down on a sign-up sheet located in Ms Cooman's office inside WTI, Mr. Christman's room in W12, or Mr. Gomez's in W18.
Well, what are you waiting for!? You have a plane, a train, an elephant. and a hot air balloon to catch in order to make it on time! Go, go, go!
> Attention Warriors, Coffee House is back again! Tri-M is hosting this annual music event on Friday, March 24th. Enjoy a night of wonderful music with hot beverages such as coffee and hot chocolate, along with some sweet treats. Interested in performing at this event? All Vocal and Instrumental performances are welcome to audition! Auditions are on Friday March 10th, in the Chorus Room. Sign up for your audition slot on the Tri-M bulletin board near the orchestra room or talk to Mrs. Derse in N4. Admission is $5 if you order your tickets ahead. If you cannot attend the audition, video submissions can be sent to kim_derse@webstercsd.org, as well as any questions! We hope to see you at auditions!
> Attention staff and students:
It is a great time to start spring cleaning! Throughout the month of February, NHS is hosting a book drive, so bring in any old books that you, your family, or your neighbors can donate to W223, W224 or there will be a donation box by the front security desk. The NHS will be using these books to create bedside bookbags for elementary students, little lending libraries to put up around senior living facilities, and other projects depending on how many books we get. Thank you!
> Attention Schroeder students and staff: This Friday, February 17th, local jazz musician, Eastman School of Music educator, and Grammy-nominated Jimmie Highsmith Jr. will be coming to Schroeder. Highsmith Jr. has shared the stage with and opened for Alicia Keys, Najee, and Chris Botti among others. Listen to Highsmith Jr. perform from the Schroeder Library and Cafe from 11:30am-12:30pm.
> Congratulations to our Mathletes on a successful completion of the final monthly competition on Wednesday! 21 members competed, earning a total of 88 points! Schroeder was one of 19 schools that competed county-wide, placing 7th in the county and 3rd in our division, despite being short three A-team members.
Congratulations to Jacqueline H for having two perfect categories, David Y for having a perfect category, and both for earning double digit scores!
February 10, 2023
> The Art Department is selling shirts! Purchase your very own Warrior Art shirts and support the Webster Schroeder Art department! The shirts were designed by two Schroeder Art students. You can pick up order forms in any of the art classrooms. All orders need to be submitted by today. More information is located on the order forms. See any of the art teachers if you have questions.
> Interested in being a lifeguard? The Webster Aquatic Center is running a blended learning lifeguard course. Blended learning combines online learning with in-person skills sessions where you will practice skills and demonstrate competency. Please visit the Webster Aquatic Center website for more information.
> In honor of Black History Month, The Morning Show in partnership with the D-Team is highlighting incredible black figures both past and present. Today we celebrate Marie M. Daly.
Marie M. Daly was an American biochemist. She was raised in an education-after completing her Ph.D. at Columbia University -- and becoming the first African American woman to obtain a Ph.D. in chemistry in the United States -- Daly taught and conducted research. Daly's groundbreaking work helped clarify how the human body works. She died in New York City on October 28, 2003.
> There will be a Model UN meeting Monday, February 13th after school in room W200. We will be finalizing plans for our upcoming conference at St. John Fisher. Remember that you need to turn in your money and permission slip to Mrs. O'Brien by Friday, February 17th. See Mrs. O'Brien or Mrs. Tuyn with any questions.
>Attention Warriors, Coffee House is back again! Tri-M is hosting this annual music event on Friday, March 24th. Enjoy a night of wonderful music with hot beverages such as coffee and hot chocolate, along with some sweet treats. Interested in performing at this event? All Vocal and Instrumental performances are welcome to audition! Auditions are on Friday March 10th, in the Chorus Room. Sign up for your audition slot on the Tri-M bulletin board near the orchestra room or talk to Mrs. Derse in N4. Admission is $5 if you order your tickets ahead. If you cannot attend the audition, video submissions can be sent to kim_derse@webstercsd.org, as well as any questions! We hope to see you at auditions!
> Send your crush a Crush! The Schroeder tradition returns. Student Council and National Art Honor Society will be selling cans of Orange Crush Soda during lunch periods until February 13th. Grab one for $1 or spread the love and buy 6 for $5. Roses will also be available to purchase for $2.
> Attention all Warriors! How long has it been since you last visited our student news site, Schroeder Courier? In the last week, Grace F., Class of 2024, added two new galleries featuring original photos from this season's Varsity Ice Hockey games. In addition, our music maven, Class of 2024's Avalon M., published a Spotify playlist featuring some curated faves including Frank Ocean, Fiona Apple, and The Smiths. Visit WSHSCOURIER.ORG or scan the QR code on the Schroeder Courier flyers around the school to see our new content.
> Come celebrate Valentine's Day on February 14th after school in W7 with Buddies! We will be decorating Valentine's for our friends and enjoying a Valentine's themed hot cocoa bar. So excited to see you there!
> Anyone interested in playing JV or Varsity Girls Lacrosse this Spring, please meet in E31 after school on Tuesday, February 14th for an informational meeting. All levels of experience are welcome. If you have any questions, please email Coach Schraeder at brandon_schraeder@webstercsd.org. We are extremely excited for the season to begin!
> Time's ticking! Think you can beat the clock and get around the world in 80 days!? The Schroeder Theater Company is inviting all students to audition for their May production of "Around the World in 80 Days." No previous stage experience or grade-level is required for auditions.
Auditions will be held after February Break on Tuesday, February 28th after school in Mr. Gomez's room, W18.
To audition, grab an audition packet and be sure to put your name down on a sign-up sheet located in Ms Cooman's office inside WTI, Mr. Christman's room in W12, or Mr. Gomez's in W18.
Well, what are you waiting for!? You have a plane, a train, an elephant. and a hot air balloon to catch in order to make it on time! Go, go, go!
> SAGE will be holding their next meeting after school in B2 on Tuesday, February 14th. Hope to see you there!
>Now over to a Warrior Olympics video and then we'll be back for some more announcements
> Attention staff and students:
It is a great time to start spring cleaning! Throughout the month of February, NHS is hosting a book drive, so bring in any old books that you, your family, or your neighbors can donate to W223, W224 or there will be a donation box by the front security desk. The NHS will be using these books to create bedside bookbags for elementary students, little lending libraries to put up around senior living facilities, and other projects depending on how many books we get. Thank you!
> Attention Schroeder students and staff: Next Friday, February 17th, local jazz musician, Eastman School of Music educator, and Grammy-nominated Jimmie Highsmith Jr. will be coming to Schroeder. Highsmith Jr. has shared the stage with and opened for Alicia Keys, Najee, and Chris Botti among others. Listen to Highsmith Jr. perform from the Schroeder Library and Cafe from 11:30am-12:30pm.
> Last night our Cheer Team placed 1st at County Championships! Congratulations to the team and to our girls recognized for All League: Ava B. & Nina D. for 2nd Team and Abra H. & Grace S. for 1st Team. Sectionals are Saturday, February 18 at Gates-Chili High School. Good Luck!
> Congratulations to the following students for being this week’s recipients of Principal’s Recognition:
Please stop down to the main office between 1st and 2nd period.
Nick B. ~ Class of 2024 (per 1 Jasek)
Sabrina D. ~ Class of 2025
Michael D. ~ Class of 2024
Joey D. ~ Class of 2023
Sarah F. ~ Class of 2024
Eric H. ~ Class of 2026
Sophia K. ~ Class of 2026
Will L. ~ Class of 2023
Tatum M. ~ Class of 2024
Elizabeth O. ~ Class of 2025
Vincent R. ~ Class of 2025
Now over to Women's Empowerment Group
>Nikol: hi I’m Nikol
Sasha: and I’m Sasha
Nikol: and we are part of the young women’s empowerment club
Sasha: this is just a reminder that students have the opportunity to honor black history month by celebrating and representing the contributions of black Americans at a showcase on February 15th
Nikol: you can make a piece of art, poetry, or a dance that represents black culture. If you are interested in the event please see ms. berardo in the counseling center to sign up and get a time slot. Or if you're interested in joining our group we are always welcoming new people, see either one of us or Mrs. Berardo as well.
Sasha: that’s it for us
> Now over to a Schroeder Courier video...
February 9, 2023
> The Art Department is selling shirts! Purchase your very own Warrior Art shirts and support the Webster Schroeder Art department! The shirts were designed by two Schroeder Art students. You can pick up order forms in any of the art classrooms. All orders need to be submitted by tomorrow, February 10th. More information is located on the order forms. See any of the art teachers if you have questions.
> In honor of Black History Month, The Morning Show in partnership with the D-Team is highlighting incredible black figures both past and present. Today we celebrate Jimi Hendrix.
Jimi Hendrix learned to play guitar as a teenager and grew up to become a rock legend who excited audiences in the 1960s with his innovative electric guitar playing. One of his most memorable performances was at Woodstock in 1969, where he performed "The Star-Spangled Banner." Hendrix was left-handed and learned to play on a right-handed guitar flipped upside down.
> Interested in being a lifeguard? The Webster Aquatic Center is running a blended learning lifeguard course. Blended learning combines online learning with in-person skills sessions where you will practice skills and demonstrate competency. Please visit the Webster Aquatic Center website for more information.
> Send your crush a Crush! The Schroeder tradition returns. Student Council and National Art Honor Society will be selling cans of Orange Crush Soda during lunch periods until February 13th. Grab one for $1 or spread the love and buy 6 for $5. Roses will also be available to purchase for $2.
> There will be a Model UN meeting Monday, February 13th after school in room W200. We will be finalizing plans for our upcoming conference at St. John Fisher. Remember that you need to turn in your money and permission slip to Mrs. O'Brien by Friday, February 17th. See Mrs. O'Brien or Mrs. Tuyn with any questions.
> Come celebrate Valentine's Day on February 14th after school in W7 with Buddies! We will be decorating Valentine's for our friends and enjoying a Valentine's themed hot cocoa bar. So excited to see you there!
> Time's ticking! Think you can beat the clock and get around the world in 80 days!? The Schroeder Theater Company is inviting all students to audition for their May production of "Around the World in 80 Days." No previous stage experience or grade-level is required for auditions.
Auditions will be held after February Break on Tuesday, February 28th after school in Mr. Gomez's room, W18.
To audition, grab an audition packet and be sure to put your name down on a sign-up sheet located in Ms Cooman's office inside WTI, Mr. Christman's room in W12, or Mr. Gomez's in W18.
Well, what are you waiting for!? You have a plane, a train, an elephant. and a hot air balloon to catch in order to make it on time! Go, go, go!
> Anyone interested in playing JV or Varsity Girls Lacrosse this Spring, please meet in E31 after school on Tuesday, February 14th for an informational meeting. All levels of experience are welcome. If you have any questions, please email Coach Schraeder at brandon_schraeder@webstercsd.org. We are extremely excited for the season to begin!
> Now over to Mamma Mia...
> Hey Schroeder! My name is Georgie and I'm playing Donna in our musical Mamma Mia! We've been working really hard on this for the past couple of months and it would mean so much if you could come and see it! There are four shows in the next three days starting tonight. You can buy tickets at the door or you can scan the QR codes on our posters around the school. We hope you can make it!
> Now over to a Mamma Mia video...
> Nikol: hi I'm Nikol
Sasha: and I'm Sasha
Nikol: and we are part of the women's empowerment club
Sasha: with our new library space, we thought it would be wonderful to honor black history month by offering students an opportunity to celebrate and represent the contributions of black Americans at a showcase
Nikol: you can make a piece of art, poetry, or a dance that represents black culture. If you are interested, please see ms. berardo in the counseling center to sign up and get a time slot. Performances will be on Wednesday, February 15th 4th and 5th periods
Sasha: that's it for us
Now over to Mr. Eckler
Now over to a Schroeder Courier video
February 8, 2023
> It’s Warrior Wednesday! All week long Schroeder staff has been on the lookout for students who are demonstrating cooperation, accountability, respect, and excellence.
Let’s go ahead and spin the prize wheel for our student winner:
Congratulations to Daniel G! And now for our staff winner. Spin that wheel!
Congratulations to Mrs. Dorman! You will be contacted by Mrs. Tasber’s office to claim your prize!
Thank you all for continuing to demonstrate great habits and being Warriors who CARE.
> Interested in being a lifeguard? The Webster Aquatic Center is running a blended learning lifeguard course. Blended learning combines online learning with in-person skills sessions where you will practice skills and demonstrate competency. Please visit the Webster Aquatic Center website for more information.
> The Art Department is selling shirts! Purchase your very own Warrior Art shirts and support the Webster Schroeder Art department! The shirts were designed by two Schroeder Art students. You can pick up order forms in any of the art classrooms. All orders need to be submitted by February 10th. More information is located on the order forms. See any of the art teachers if you have questions.
> Attention students: the spring Trap Club season is just around the corner. Returning students please check the Google Classroom for this season's information. If you are new and interested, come to the Trap Club meeting on after school today at 3:25 in SW4. If you can't come, stop down and see Mr. Milliman in SW4.
> In honor of Black History Month, The Morning Show in partnership with the D-Team is highlighting incredible black figures both past and present. Today we celebrate Frederick Douglass.
Born into slavery in Maryland, Frederick Douglass was an eminent human rights leader in the anti-slavery movement and the first African American citizen to hold a high U.S. government rank, advising presidents and lecturing on causes like women’s rights. He taught other slaves to read and write and even physically confronted his owner after which he was never hit again. He is buried in Rochester, NY in Mt Hope Cemetery.
> There will be a Model UN meeting Monday, February 13th after school in room W200. We will be finalizing plans for our upcoming conference at St. John Fisher. Remember that you need to turn in your money and permission slip to Mrs. O'Brien by Friday, February 17th. See Mrs. O'Brien or Mrs. Tuyn with any questions.
> Now over to a Mamma Mia video...
> Send your crush a Crush! The Schroeder tradition returns. Student Council and National Art Honor Society will be selling cans of Orange Crush Soda during lunch periods starting today until February 13th. Grab one for $1 or spread the love and buy 6 for $5. Roses will also be available to purchase for $2.
> Attention all Warriors! How long has it been since you last visited our student news site, Schroeder Courier? In the last week, Grace F., Class of 2024, added two new galleries featuring original photos from this season's Varsity Ice Hockey games. In addition, our music maven, Class of 2024's Avalon M., published a Spotify playlist featuring some curated faves including Frank Ocean, Fiona Apple, and The Smiths. Visit WSHSCOURIER.ORG or scan the QR code on the Schroeder Courier flyers around the school to see our new content.
> Come celebrate Valentine's Day on February 14th after school in W7 with Buddies! We will be decorating Valentine's for our friends and enjoying a Valentine's themed hot cocoa bar. So excited to see you there!
> Congratulations to the Girls JV basketball team for their win vs Brighton last night. Jenna D. led the team with 16 points and Emma J. added 13 points. The girls last home game of the season is this Friday vs Victor.
The Varsity Girls Basketball team also defeated Brighton last night. Mariah W. had 27 points, 5 assists, and 4 steals. Addie M. had 14 points, Bria W. 8 points, Sarah F. 6 points, Mya P. 6 points, Ava G. had 4 points and 9 rebounds, Kylie C. 4 points and 3 steals, Leah M. had 3 assists, and Maria T. 3 points.
The last home game of the regular season is Friday at 7:15 vs Victor. Please come out and support the team who is ranked 3rd in New York State!
> Time's ticking! Think you can beat the clock and get around the world in 80 days!? The Schroeder Theater Company is inviting all students to audition for their May production of "Around the World in 80 Days." No previous stage experience or grade-level is required for auditions.
Auditions will be held after February Break on Tuesday, February 28th after school in Mr. Gomez's room, W18.
To audition, grab an audition packet and be sure to put your name down on a sign-up sheet located in Ms Cooman's office inside WTI, Mr. Christman's room in W12, or Mr. Gomez's in W18.
Well, what are you waiting for!? You have a plane, a train, an elephant. and a hot air balloon to catch in order to make it on time! Go, go, go!
> Now over to a Schroeder Courier video...
February 7, 2023
> The Art Department is selling shirts! Purchase your very own Warrior Art shirts and support the Webster Schroeder Art department! The shirts were designed by two Schroeder Art students. You can pick up order forms in any of the art classrooms. All orders need to be submitted by February 10th. More information is located on the order forms. See any of the art teachers if you have questions.
>The Green Club will be having a meeting on Wednesday, February 8th afterschool in Room E224. Hope to see you there!
> Interested in being a lifeguard? The Webster Aquatic Center is running a blended learning lifeguard course. Blended learning combines online learning with in-person skills sessions where you will practice skills and demonstrate competency. Please visit the Webster Aquatic Center website for more information.
> There will be a NHS General Membership Meeting tomorrow, Wednesday, February 8th after school in W223 and W224. Remember that you must attend at least 3 meetings. We will be reviewing requirements and service hour opportunities that are coming up like the Teddi Dance and our NHS Book Drive.
> Attention students: the spring Trap Club season is just around the corner. Returning students please check the Google Classroom for this season's information. If you are new and interested, come to the Trap Club meeting tomorrow, Wednesday, February 8th at 3:25 in SW4. If you can't come, stop down and see Mr. Milliman in SW4.
> Send your crush a Crush! The Schroeder tradition returns. Student Council and National Art Honor Society will be selling cans of Orange Crush Soda during lunch periods starting Wednesday until February 13th. Grab one for $1 or spread the love and buy 6 for $5. Roses will also be available to purchase for $2.
> The Varsity Girls Basketball Team improved to 16-1 with a 55-25 win over Penfield on Friday. The Warriors defense was dominant as they held Penfield to only 25 points.
Mariah W. led the Warriors with 21 points, 11 rebounds, 5 assists, and 4 steals. Bria W. had 15 points, 5 rebounds, 3 assists, and 2 steals. Addie M. and Sarah F. both added 7 points, Ava G. had 5 points and 11 rebounds. Maya P. played lockdown defense on Penfield's leading scorer.
The Warriors play tonight at home vs. Brighton. If you have not seen the girls play yet, they have two home games left before sectionals, tonight and Friday. You will not be disappointed!
> This weekend the Varsity Wrestling team competed in the Section 5 Class A1 Wrestling Championships. Eight wrestlers will advance to next weekend's state qualifier by placing in the top 6 in their weight class. Jackson H. and Ian P. led the way by placing second in their respective weight classes. Max T. took 3rd. Liam T., Ryan S., and Ethan V. placed 4th and Virgil J. and David S. took 6th.
> There will be a Model UN meeting Monday, February 13th after school in room W200. We will be finalizing plans for our upcoming conference at St. John Fisher. Remember that you need to turn in your money and permission slip to Mrs. O'Brien by Friday, February 17th. See Mrs. O'Brien or Mrs. Tuyn with any questions.
> In honor of Black History Month, The Morning Show in partnership with the D-Team is highlighting incredible black figures both past and present. Today we celebrate Aretha Franklin.
Multiple Grammy winner and "Queen of Soul" Aretha Franklin was known for such hits as "Respect," "Freeway of Love" and "I Say a Little Prayer." Franklin went on to release several popular singles, many of which are now considered classics. In 1987 she became the first female artist to be inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, and in 2008 she won her 18th Grammy Award, making her one of the most honored artists in Grammy history.
> Now over to a Warrior Winter Olympic video…
February 6, 2023
> The Art Department is selling shirts! Purchase your very own Warrior Art shirts and support the Webster Schroeder Art department! The shirts were designed by two Schroeder Art students. You can pick up order forms in any of the art classrooms. All orders need to be submitted by February 10th. More information is located on the order forms. See any of the art teachers if you have questions.
> Interested in being a lifeguard? The Webster Aquatic Center is running a blended learning lifeguard course. Blended learning combines online learning with in-person skills sessions where you will practice skills and demonstrate competency. Please visit the Webster Aquatic Center website for more information.
> In honor of Black History Month, The Morning Show in partnership with the D-Team is highlighting incredible black figures both past and present. Today we celebrate Zora Neale Hurston.
Zora Neale Hurston became a fixture of New York City's Harlem Renaissance, due to her novels like "Their Eyes Were Watching God” and shorter works like "Sweat." She was also an outstanding folklorist and anthropologist who recorded cultural history, as illustrated by her “Mules and Men”. Hurston died in poverty in 1960, before a revival of interest led to posthumous recognition of her accomplishments.
> There will be a NHS General Membership Meeting coming up on Wednesday, February 8th after school in W223 and W224. Remember that you must attend at least 3 meetings. We will be reviewing requirements and service hour opportunities that are coming up like the Teddi Dance and our NHS Book Drive.
> Send your crush a Crush! The Schroeder tradition returns. Student Council will be selling cans of Orange Crush Soda during lunch periods starting Wednesday until February 13th. Grab one for $1 or spread the love and buy 6 for $5.
> Attention students: the spring Trap Club season is just around the corner. Returning students please check the Google Classroom for this season's information. If you are new and interested, come to the Trap Club meeting on Wednesday, February 8th at 3:25 in SW4. If you can't come, stop down and see Mr. Milliman in SW4.
> Today's Speech & Debate meeting is canceled. See Ms Hamm or Mrs. Connelly with questions and/or concerns. We will meet next Monday, February 13.
February 3, 2023
> The Art Department is selling shirts! Purchase your very own Warrior Art shirts and support the Webster Schroeder Art department! The shirts were designed by two Schroeder Art students. You can pick up order forms in any of the art classrooms. All orders need to be submitted by February 10th. More information is located on the order forms. See any of the art teachers if you have questions.
> Need some help on a writing assignment? Want some feedback on a rough draft or some of your ideas for a paper? Come to the Warrior Writing Center in B-1 and work with Mr. D It is open 4th period on C Days and 5th Period on B Days.
> Interested in being a lifeguard? The Webster Aquatic Center is running a blended learning lifeguard course. Blended learning combines online learning with in-person skills sessions where you will practice skills and demonstrate competency. Please visit the Webster Aquatic Center website for more information.
> In honor of Black History Month, The Morning Show in partnership with the D-Team is highlighting incredible black figures both past and present. Today we celebrate Maya Angelou.
Marguerite Annie Johnson Angelou, known as Maya Angelou, was an American author, actress, screenwriter, dancer, poet, and civil rights activist best known for her 1969 memoir, I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings- the first nonfiction bestseller by an African American woman. She wrote 36 books in her lifetime and recited a poem at a president's inauguration.
> Congratulations to the following students for being this week’s recipients of Principal’s Recognition:
Please stop down to the main office between 1st and 2nd period.
Ryan B. ~ Class of 2025 (per 2 Smith)
Faith B. ~ Class of 2025
Davis D. ~ Class of 2023
Nazar K. ~ Class of 2026
Juliana M. ~ Class of 2026
Maya P. ~ Class of 2026
Georgianna P. ~ Class of 2023
Sarah S. ~ Class of 2023 (per 2 Salvaggio)
Shalynn S. ~ Class of 2024
Sa’miyah S. ~ Class of 2026
Aleina W. ~ Class of 2023
Sasha Z. ~ Class of 2024
> And now over to a Warrior Winter Olympics video...
February 2, 2023
> The Art Department is selling shirts! Purchase your very own Warrior Art shirts and support the Webster Schroeder Art department! The shirts were designed by two Schroeder Art students. You can pick up order forms in any of the art classrooms. All orders need to be submitted by February 10th. More information is located on the order forms. See any of the art teachers if you have questions.
> The Varsity Girls Basketball Team improved to 15-1 with a win over Canandaigua on Tuesday night.
Addie M. led the team with 16 points, 4 steals, 3 rebounds, and 2 assists. Mariah W. had 12 points, 7 steals, 6 rebounds, and 5 assists, Bria W. had 11 points, 4 rebounds, 2 steals, Ava G. had 6 points, 7 rebounds, and 2 blocks.
The girls return to action Friday at Penfield. If you are able to attend, please come out and support the team!
> Need some help on a writing assignment? Want some feedback on a rough draft or some of your ideas for a paper? Come to the Warrior Writing Center in B-1 and work with Mr. D. It is open 4th period on C Days and 5th Period on B Days.
> In honor of Black History Month, The Morning Show in partnership with the D-Team is highlighting incredible black figures both past and present. Today we celebrate Granville T. Woods.
Known as "Black Edison," Granville Woods was an African American inventor who made key contributions to the development of the telephone, streetcar, and more. Woods invented 15 appliances for electric railways and received nearly 60 patents.
> And now over to a Warrior Winter Olympics video...
February 1, 2023
> The Art Department is selling shirts! Purchase your very own Warrior Art shirts and support the Webster Schroeder Art department! The shirts were designed by two Schroeder Art students. You can pick up order forms in any of the art classrooms. All orders need to be submitted by February 10th. More information is located on the order forms. See any of the art teachers if you have questions.
> Need some help on a writing assignment? Want some feedback on a rough draft or some of your ideas for a paper? Come to the Warrior Writing Center in B-1 and work with Mr. D It is open 4th period on C Days and 5th Period on B Days.
> It’s Warrior Wednesday! All week long Schroeder staff has been on the lookout for students who are demonstrating cooperation, accountability, respect, and excellence.
Let’s go ahead and spin the prize wheel for our student winner:
Congratulations to Dylan P.! And now for our staff winner. Spin that wheel!
Congratulations to Mrs. Plouffe! You will both be contacted by Mrs. Tasber’s office to claim your prize!
Thank you all for continuing to demonstrate great habits and being Warriors who CARE.
> In honor of Black History Month, The Morning Show in partnership with the D-Team is highlighting incredible black figures both past and present. Today we celebrate Ronald McNair.
Ronald was an MIT-trained physicist who specialized in laser research before joining NASA in the late 1970s. McNair became the second African American to go to space with the launch of the STS-41B mission of the Space Shuttle Challenger on February 3, 1984. His life was tragically cut short with the launch and failure of the space shuttle Challenger on January 28th 1986.
> Today, February 1, marks the beginning of Black History Month. While we recognize the importance of celebrating the accomplishments of Black Americans all year long, this month at Schroeder, keep an eye out for enrichment opportunities. Better yet, ask your club advisors how you can get involved in telling the stories of unsung Black Americans and their contributions to American culture.
January 31, 2023
> The Art Department is selling shirts! Purchase your very own Warrior Art shirts and support the Webster Schroeder Art department! The shirts were designed by two Schroeder Art students. You can pick up order forms in any of the art classrooms. All orders need to be submitted by February 10th. More information is located on the order forms. See any of the art teachers if you have questions.
> Need some help on a writing assignment? Want some feedback on a rough draft or some of your ideas for a paper? Come to the Warrior Writing Center in B-1 and work with Mr. D It is open 4th period on C Days and 5th Period on B Days.
January 30, 2023
> The Art Department is selling shirts! Purchase your very own Warrior Art shirts and support the Webster Schroeder Art department! The shirts were designed by two Schroeder Art students. You can pick up order forms in any of the art classrooms. All orders need to be submitted by February 10th. More information is located on the order forms. See any of the art teachers if you have questions.
>Attention all students interested in playing Varsity Unified Basketball in the spring. There will be an informational meeting after school on Tuesday starting at 3:20 in Mrs. Bailey's room, E228. Hope to see you there!
> The JV girls basketball team beat Rush Henrietta on Thursday. Olivia D. had a steal in the last minute to give the Warriors the ball. Jenna D. hit a 3 pointer to tie the game and free throw to give the team the lead. Jenna D. finished with 10 points and Emma J. had 6 points.
The Varsity Girls Basketball team defeated Rush Henrietta on Thursday 69-33 and Mariah W. became Webster Schroeder's all time leading scorer. She beat the record of 1,358 points and has many games remaining!
Bria W. was the leading scorer of the game with 16 points and had 5 rebounds, 3 assists, and 2 steals. Mariah W. had 11 points, 6 assists, 6 steals, and 4 rebounds. Kylie C. had 10 points, 12 rebounds, Maya P. 6 points, 2 assists, 3 steals, 3 rebounds, Rachel D. had 6 points, Ava G., 7, Sarah F. 6.
The JV girls basketball team picked up their second win in a row with a 61-45 win over St. Mary’s of Buffalo.
Emma J. had 19 points, Jenna D. Had 11, Lauren R. 10 points, and Olivia D. had 8.
Both teams return to action on Tuesday vs. Canandaigua at home, please come and support the girls.
> Congratulations to the Boys and Girls Track teams on their excellent performances at the County Championship this past weekend. The boys were 6th in the county and the girls won for the 2nd consecutive year! Coming in the top four and earring 1st team All-County honors were the following Warriors:
Corintia G. won the triple jump, was 2nd on the long jump and was 3rd in the 300 meter dash,
Camryn C. won three events - the long jump, high jump, and the 55 meter hurdles,
Lauren C.W. was 3rd in the triple jump and 4th in the long jump
Shelby B. won the 600 meter run,
Kevin B. was 2nd in the 55 meter hurdles
Dylan B. was 4th in the high jump,
and Dan G. was 4th in the long jump.
An excellent highlight to the day was the fact that three girls broke their own school records - Shelby, Corintia and Cam - big congratulations to those three girls
> Congratulations to Schroeder's Speech and Debate for winning the second place team trophy at the NCFL National Qualifier. The following students qualified to attend nationals in Louisville Kentucky over Memorial Day weekend:
Yi J and Sam O in Public Forum Debate;
Noah J and Megan F in Extemporaneous Speaking;
Matthew G. in Declamation,
and Fia M. in Lincoln-Douglas Debate.
Stay tuned to find out how many Schroeder Speech & Debate Team members will be attending the New York State Championship in April.
> Do you know what today is Schroeder? Yes, it’s a Monday. But more importantly, it’s the start of the new semester and 1/2 way through the year! Freshman we are officially 1/8 of the way done with high school! Not that we want to rush it but we do want to celebrate it. Dough not stress about the next semester and come join us class officers tomorrow morning between 8:15 and 8:40 down near the gym! Have a sweet start to your Monday morning and new semester with a donut on us.
Now over to Mr. Benz
As we went into the weekend, many of us were newly aware of the tragic event in Memphis. Many of us, including our students, have no doubt been thinking about it and following the story over the last few days. Please know that our mental health and administrative teams are available to discuss any questions or concerns that you may have as we return to school today.
Students, if you need a safe space to connect or just need space to process, please stop down to the counseling center after 2nd period or after 6th period today.
Today begins the 1st day of the 2nd semester! Please make sure you check your schedule. Your study hall and semester classes may have changed locations or times.
We had a very successful 1st semester, let's make the rest of the year even better. Thank you for your daily efforts and supporting classmates to make Schroeder a great place to be.
Teachers and students...PASSES! Staff...this is a great time to remember writing students a pass and students...make sure you have a pass when in the halls. This is especially important during our lunch/study hall periods.
Thank you for paying attention to this detail.
Let's do this Schroeder! Happy Monday.
January 26, 2023
> Dough not stress, do your best! Freshman class has your back, Class of 2026.
Celebrate the end of the semester with donuts next Tuesday morning, January 31. Stop by the trophy case down by the gym between 8:15 and 8:40 to start your day with a sweet treat and celebrate 1/8th of the way through high school.
See you there Freshman!
> The Art Department is selling shirts! Purchase your very own Warrior Art shirts and support the Webster Schroeder Art department! The shirts were designed by two Schroeder Art students. You can pick up order forms in any of the art classrooms. All orders need to be submitted by February 10th. More information is located on the order forms. See any of the art teachers if you have questions.
> In order to accommodate testing, the library will be closed today until noon.
> I scream, you scream, we all scream for HONOR ROLL ice cream!
Students who received a postcard notifying
them that they achieved honor roll (average GPA of
85% or higher) during Q1 can receive a sweet treat!
Ice cream coupons will be handed out in your
alpha office. Stop by during passing time to pick
up your coupon and redeem it in the cafeteria line!
> Attention all students interested in playing Varsity Unified Basketball in the spring. There will be an informational meeting after school on Tuesday starting at 3:20 in Mrs. Bailey's room, E228. Hope to see you there!
January 25, 2023
> It’s Warrior Wednesday! All week long Schroeder staff has been on the lookout for students who are demonstrating cooperation, accountability, respect, and excellence.
Let’s go ahead and spin the prize wheel for our student winner:
Congratulations to Hailey K! And now for our staff winner. Spin that wheel!
Congratulations to Mrs. Tasber! You will both be contacted by Mrs. Tasber’s office to claim your prize!
Thank you all for continuing to demonstrate great habits and being Warriors who CARE.
> The Green Club will be meeting in room E224 afterschool today. Hope to see you all there.
> Dough not stress, do your best! Freshman class has your back, Class of 2026.
Celebrate the end of the semester with donuts next Tuesday morning, January 31. Stop by the trophy case down by the gym between 8:15 and 8:40 to start your day with a sweet treat and celebrate 1/8th of the way through high school.
See you there Freshman!
>The last Drivers Safety course is today at 3:30 in the auditorium. If you want to be able to drive on campus, you have to take this course.
January 24, 2023
> The Green Club will be meeting in room E224 after school tomorrow. Hope to see you all there.
Special Announcements from Gomez
> Schroeder! Listen, we got to talk...I'm salty. And no, this isn't about the Buffalo Bills. Ever since these Burger King commercials have taken over the airwaves, I feel a little forgotten, neglected, a relic of the past. So I'm back reclaiming my rightful place on the throne of your daily content. I'm just on today to provide some friendly reminders and promote some amazing things happening around here at Schroeder, Schroeder, Schroeder, Schroeder (that was me trying to do the Whopper jingle). Make sure you are finishing strong...we have three days left for quarter 2, which also wraps up semester 1 -- that means there will be a schedule change when we come back after the long weekend (this can include study halls).
Swing by and check out the incredible new Library Media Center -- as an English Muffin fanatic I will be spending a lot of time working and collaborating in Nook and Cranny. Thank you to our entire Library staff for working around the clock to prepare the best possible experience for our students!
Please be mindful of all the beautiful displays our PTSA has been working so hard on to keep Schroeder looking tip-top (I really like that phrase, I'm going to keep using it - tip-top) Seriously, thank you PTSA...the bulletin boards and other displays are so creative, fun, and uplifting!
We have TONS of ways to get involved coming up -- be on the lookout for Warrior Winter Olympics returning soon, One Warrior Week comes back in a few months (we got a great theme picked out), and I'm starting up "Cookies with Cory" - a new segment where I interview seniors and share a different cookie-- take that, Burger King.
Best of luck to all students taking exams this week, to all our student athletes who have contests, all other clubs and activities for crushing it each week, and to my entire Schroeder community -- remember what the King says: you rule today! That's it for me, and that's it for the morning show. Have a tip-top day, Warriors.
January 23, 2023
> Model UN Club: We will be meeting after school today, in room W200 to plan our next conference at St. John Fisher in March. If you are interested in attending the conference but cannot make the meeting, please see Mrs. O'Brien in room W200 for a field trip form.
> The Green Club will be meeting in room E224 afterschool on Wednesday. Hope to see you all there.
January 20, 2023
> Attention sophomores interested in EMCC for next school year: EMCC Visit #2 permission slips are ready for pick up in N14. This is for sophomores who did not attend the December visit day.
Juniors interested in attending the New Vision: Education Open House can pick up the permission slip as well.
> Attention all Schroeder students! Consider nominating a teacher who has made a positive impact in your life for the annual Oak Tree Award. The Oak Tree Award is sponsored by Webster Central PTSA and Webster Teachers Association to recognize teacher excellence. Each year students, families, and staff members nominate dozens of amazing Schroeder staff members for this prestigious award. Visit WebsterPTSA.org/OakTreeNom to see the eligibility criteria and fill out a nomination form. Nominations will be accepted at the website through January 31.
> Model UN Club: We will be meeting on Monday, January 23, afterschool, in room W200 to plan our next conference at St. John Fisher in March. If you are interested in attending the conference but cannot make the meeting, please see Mrs. O'Brien in room W200 for a field trip form.
> Due to painting, the Lions’ Den will be closed today, but the Library is now open. Thank you for your understanding.
January 19, 2023
> Key Club Members: Our next meeting will be today in the Library Classroom. See you then!
> Join Schroeder and the PTSA tomorrow, Friday, January 20th for "Flapjacks and Lumberjacks Day!" Wear a flannel shirt and/or flannel pajama pants and be sure to fuel your lumberjackin' ways with some delicious pancakes which will be on the lunch menu in the cafeteria. The most creative and best student will win a box of Munchkins!
> Attention sophomores interested in EMCC for next school year: EMCC Visit #2 permission slips are ready for pick up in N14. This is for sophomores who did not attend the December visit day.
Juniors interested in attending the New Vision: Education Open House can pick up the permission form as well.
> YOUR VOICE MATTERS. We are seeking input from you so that we can learn more about our culture of belonging at Schroeder. Kesha (Key-Sha) James, an educational leader, consultant,
and licensed therapist, partners with schools to address issues of inequality and provides support in attaining more equitable communities. We're concerned that some students may feel lower levels of
belonging. This includes students with different cultural, racial, religious, or language backgrounds, students with disabilities, or students who identify as LGBTQIA+.
Interested in sharing your experience?
Join us today during all lunch periods in N15 (between senior lounge and counseling office). Sign up for a time slot on the sheet outside of N15.
> Model UN Club: We will be meeting on Monday, January 23, afterschool, in room W200 to plan our next conference at St. John Fisher in March. If you are interested in attending the conference but cannot make the meeting, please see Mrs. O'Brien in room W200 for a field trip form.
> The Schroeder Girls Basketball team improved to 12-0 with a huge 80-76 win over Fairport last night.
Mariah W. had 36 points, 4 steals, and 16 rebounds, Bria W. had 20 points, Addie M. had 9 points, Maya P. had 6 assists and 4 points, Ava G. had 5 points and 3 steals, and Sarah F. had 5 points.
The girls are back on the road tomorrow at Cicero North Syracuse, wish them luck!
> And now over to part 2 of “Schroeder Things”…
January 18, 2023
> It’s Warrior Wednesday! All week long Schroeder staff has been on the lookout for students who are demonstrating cooperation, accountability, respect, and excellence.
Let’s go ahead and spin the prize wheel for our student winner:
Congratulations! And now for our staff winner. Spin that wheel!
Congratulations! You will both be contacted by Mrs. Tasber’s office to claim your prize!
Thank you all for continuing to demonstrate great habits and being Warriors who CARE.
> Happy New Year Key Club Members! Our next meeting will be tomorrow, Thursday, January 19th in the Library Classroom. See you then!
> Attention all girls interested in playing flag football: there will be an informational pre-season meeting afterschool today in W215. If you are unable to attend, stop by to see Coach Insley or Coach Herbst, prior to the meeting.
> Join Schroeder and the PTSA on Friday, January 20th for "Flapjacks and Lumberjacks Day!" Wear a flannel shirt and/or flannel pajama pants and be sure to fuel your lumberjackin' ways with some delicious pancakes which will be on the lunch menu in the cafeteria. The most creative and best student will win a box of Munchkins!
> Just a reminder for all Women in STEM, there is a meeting today after school in E21. Can’t wait to see you there!
> Attention sophomores interested in EMCC for next school year: EMCC Visit #2 permission slips are ready for pick up in N14. This is for sophomores who did not attend the December visit day.
Juniors interested in attending the New Vision: Education Open House can pick up the permission form as well.
> Your voice matters. We are seeking input from you so that we can learn more about our culture of belonging at Schroeder. Kesha (Key-Sha) James, an educational leader, consultant,
and licensed therapist, partners with schools to address issues of inequality and provides support in attaining more equitable communities. We're concerned that some students may feel lower levels of
belonging. This includes students with different cultural, racial, religious, or language backgrounds, students with disabilities, or students who identify as LGBTQIA+.
Interested in sharing your experience?
Join us today and tomorrow during all lunch periods in N15 (between senior lounge and counseling office). Sign up for a time slot on the sheet outside of N15.
> Attention all Schroeder students! Consider nominating a teacher who has made a positive impact in your life for the annual Oak Tree Award. The Oak Tree Award is sponsored by Webster Central PTSA and Webster Teachers Association to recognize teacher excellence. Each year students, families, and staff members nominate dozens of amazing Schroeder staff members for this prestigious award. Visit WebsterPTSA.org/OakTreeNom to see the eligibility criteria and fill out a nomination form. Nominations will be accepted at the website through January 31.
January 17, 2023
> Attention Key Club Members: our next meeting will be Thursday, January 19th in the Library Classroom. See you then!
> Attention all girls interested in playing flag football: there will be an informational pre-season meeting afterschool tomorrow, Wednesday, January 18th in W215. If you are unable to attend, stop by to see Coach Insley or Coach Herbst, prior to the meeting.
> Today is the Best Buddies January meeting! Come to W7 right after school for fun winter activities with buddies. Can't wait to see you there!
> Attention sophomores interested in EMCC for next school year: EMCC Visit #2 permission slips are ready for pick up in N14. This is for sophomores who did not attend the December visit day.
Juniors interested in attending the New Vision: Education Open House can pick up the permission form as well.
> Join Schroeder and the PTSA on Friday, January 20th for "Flapjacks and Lumberjacks Day!" Wear a flannel shirt and/or flannel pajama pants and be sure to fuel your lumberjackin' ways with some delicious pancakes which will be on the lunch menu in the cafeteria. The most creative and best student will win a box of Munchkins!
> The Schroeder student newspaper has returned! Want to learn more about the new library media center project? Read Class of 2023's own Hannah G.'s write-up to preview how the new space meets the needs of Schroeder students -- there's even a photo gallery for a quick sneak peak. While you're there, check out new video interviews by Dexter B. & Bailey M. ('26) on lunch options, and Emily S.'s ('25) article on food-related holiday traditions from around the world. Lastly, be sure to give Nick T. ('24) props for keeping our sports ticker updated! Visit wshscourier.org to see all student-created-and-curated content from Newspaper Club and Journalism students.
> Our Ukrainian Culture Club is organizing an initiative to collect specific items for Ukraine. We will have donation boxes in the nurse's office, Mr. Fedor's room, and at home basketball games. If you have any questions, please see Mrs. Sweeney in the nurse's office or Mr. Fedor in room W216.
> The Green Club will be meeting after school today in E224. We will be painting coasters and planning our next meeting.
>The Community Service Club is a great way to help and give back to your community! We will be doing fundraisers and also volunteering at various organizations, such as Habitat for Humanity and local animal shelters. For more information on meeting times and opportunities, join the google classroom with the code bmsgrcy.
>Now over to Mrs.Strege…
> I'm here to announce that this Thursday the library will reopen to all students. You can sign out of full block study halls to gain access to library spaces, materials, and services. Teachers, please check the library newsletter in your e-mail for study hall pass procedures.
Students, upon your arrival please check in at the circulation desk. At the beginning of each period we will be conducting tours of the new space and setting expectations for library conduct.
Seniors - as promised- the library is open to the class of 2023 today! You'll need to be a little patient as we are still doing some unpacking, but we're excited to have you begin enjoying the space and providing some early feedback.
> And now over to a Schroeder Courier video
January 13, 2023
> Rising juniors and seniors: are you interested in working with kids? Check out our Child Development classes! Next year we will be offering both the current course and a new one! You will have the opportunity to work in a Pre-K classroom as part of your learning. Come learn and play with us! Email Mrs. Sero for more information at joanna_sero@webstercsd.org.
> Attention Key Club Members: our next meeting will be Thursday, January 19th in the Library Classroom. See you then!
> Attention all girls interested in playing flag football: there will be an informational pre-season meeting afterschool on Wednesday, January 18th in W215. If you are unable to attend, stop by to see Coach Insley or Coach Herbst, prior to the meeting.
> Attention sophomores interested in EMCC for next school year: EMCC Visit #2 permission slips are ready for pick up in N14. This is for sophomores who did not attend the December visit day.
Juniors interested in attending the New Vision: Education Open House can pick up the permission form as well.
> Congratulations to the Schroeder Mathletes on a successful completion of their fourth competition! 32 students competed, earning a total of 67 points! Schroeder was one of 22 schools that competed county-wide on Thursday. Schroeder placed 6th in the county and 3rd in our division.
Congratulations to Jacqueline H for having a perfect category and earning double digit scores!
Mathletes, don't forget to sign up for the February competition in Google Classroom and pick up your papers in E4!
> The Schroeder student newspaper has returned! Want to learn more about the new library media center project? Read Class of 2023's own Hannah G.'s write-up to preview how the new space meets the needs of Schroeder students -- there's even a photo gallery for a quick sneak peek. While you're there, check out new video interviews by Dexter B. & Bailey M. ('26) on lunch options, and Emily S.'s ('25) article on food-related holiday traditions from around the world. Lastly, be sure to give Nick T. ('24) props for keeping our sports ticker updated! Visit wshscourier.org to see all student-created-and-curated content from Newspaper Club and Journalism students.
> The Varsity Girls Basketball team has improved to 11-0 with a 58-37 win over Mercy last night.
Mariah W. had 27 points, 11 rebounds, and 3 blocks. Addie M. And Bria W. both Chipped in 12 points. Ava G. had 7 rebounds, 3 steals, and 2 blocks. Maria T. had 4 points and Maya P. had 5 steals.
The Warriors are back in action next week with road games vs Fairport and CNS.
> Congratulations to the following students for being this week’s recipients of Principal’s Recognition:
Please stop down to the main office between 1st and 2nd period.
Dominick A. ~ Class of 2025
Abigail K. ~ Class of 2023
Joseph R. ~ Class of 2023
Kaitlyn S. ~ Class of 2025
> And now over to a Schroeder Courier video
January 12, 2023
> Rising juniors and seniors: are you interested in working with kids? Check out our Child Development classes! Next year we will be offering both the current course and a new one! You will have the opportunity to work in a Pre-K classroom as part of your learning. Come learn and play with us! Email Mrs. Sero for more information at joanna_sero@webstercsd.org.
> Attention Key Club Members: our next meeting will be Thursday, January 19th in the Library Classroom. See you then!
> Attention all girls interested in playing flag football: there will be an informational pre-season meeting afterschool on Wednesday, January 18th in W215. If you are unable to attend, stop by to see Coach Insley or Coach Herbst, prior to the meeting.
> Attention sophomores interested in EMCC for next school year: EMCC Visit #2 permission slips are ready for pick up in N14. This is for sophomores who did not attend the December visit day.
Juniors interested in attending the New Vision: Education Open House can pick up the permission form as well.
January 11, 2023
> It’s Warrior Wednesday! All week long Schroeder staff has been on the lookout for students who are demonstrating cooperation, accountability, respect, and excellence.
Let’s go ahead and spin the prize wheel for our student winner:
Congratulations to Leonardo N.! And now for our staff winner. Spin that wheel!
Congratulations to Mrs. Mezzanini! You will both be contacted by Mrs. Tasber’s office to claim your prize!
Thank you all for continuing to demonstrate great habits and being Warriors who CARE.
> Attention Key Club Members: our next meeting will be Thursday, January 19th in the Library Classroom. See you then!
> Rising juniors and seniors: are you interested in working with kids? Check out our Child Development classes! Next year we will be offering both the current course and a new one! You will have the opportunity to work in a Pre-K classroom as part of your learning. Come learn and play with us! Email Mrs. Sero for more information at joanna_sero@webstercsd.org.
> The Varsity girls basketball team remained undefeated, 10-0, with a 52-34 win over Victor.
Mariah W. led all scorers with 21 points and had 8 rebounds and 6 assists. Bria W. had 12 points and 6 rebounds, Sarah F. had 6 points, 4 rebounds, 3 assists, and 2 steals. Ava G. added 7 points.
The Warriors return to action on Thursday vs. Mercy at Schroeder at 7:15.
> Attention all girls interested in playing flag football: there will be an informational pre-season meeting afterschool on Wednesday, January 18th in W215. If you are unable to attend, stop by to see Coach Insley or Coach Herbst, prior to the meeting.
January 10, 2023
> Rising juniors and seniors: are you interested in working with kids? Check out our Child Development classes! Next year we will be offering both the current course and a new one! You will have the opportunity to work in a Pre-K classroom as part of your learning. Come learn and play with us! Email Mrs. Sero for more information at joanna_sero@webstercsd.org.
> Rotary will be meeting today after school in E27 from 3:20-4 pm. Hope to see you there.
> SAGE will be having its next meeting after school today in B2.
> There will be a FBLA meeting after school today at 3:20 in Room W17. We will be discussing the Spring District Meeting.
> Attention Key Club Members: our next meeting will be Thursday, January 19th in the Library Classroom. See you then!
January 9, 2023
> Rising juniors and seniors: are you interested in working with kids? Check out our Child Development classes! Next year we will be offering both the current course and a new one! You will have the opportunity to work in a Pre-K classroom as part of your learning. Come learn and play with us! Email Mrs. Sero for more information at joanna_sero@webstercsd.org.
The Body Project is an evidenced-based body acceptance program that provides a safe space for adolescent girls to confront and challenge unrealistic appearance ideals through group discussion and interactive activities.
This group is not for individuals in active eating disorder treatment.
- Explore ways to resist pressures to conform to unrealistic standards of beauty
- Discuss how to challenge personal body-related concerns
- Learn new ways to talk more positively about our bodies
For more information, please see the flier posted in the girls bathrooms.
> Rotary will be meeting tomorrow, Tuesday, January 10th in E27 from 3:20-4 pm. Hope to see you there.
> SAGE will be having its next meeting after school tomorrow, Tuesday in B2.
> There will be a FBLA meeting tomorrow, Tuesday, January 10 at 3:20 in Room W17. We will be discussing the Spring District Meeting.
> Happy New Year Key Club Members! Our next meeting will be Thursday, January 19th in the Library Classroom. See you then!
> Congratulations to the Warrior Indoor Track team on their excellent and very memorable track meet this past weekend at Brockport. These are the Warriors who were in the top three finishers in their events:
Camryn C. won the 55 meter hurdles and the high jump
Corintia G. won the 300 meter dash and the long jump
Mileena O. won the shot put
Kevin B. won the 55 meter hurdles and Naz D. was 2nd
Gio T. won the triple jump and Jon D. was 2nd
Zain K. was 3rd in both the shot put and the weight throw
and Ben R. was 3rd in the long jump.
Cam's performance in the high jump was record breaking. She cleared 5 feet 11 inches, and in doing so broke the Section V record and is now ranked #1 in the nation and the jump was tied for 2nd best all time in New York State. Congratulations, Cam!
> The Schroeder Varsity Girls Basketball team remained undefeated with a win over Hilton on Friday.
Mariah W. had 19 points and 18 rebounds. Mya P. had 9 points, Sarah F. had 4 assists and 5 rebounds. Bria W. had 7 rebounds.
The Warriors return to action today vs Victor. Wish the girls good luck!
> This weekend the Varsity Wrestling team took second place at the Red Jacket tournament led by first place finishes from Jackson H. and Davis D.
Ryan S. came in second, Liam T., Ethan V., John C., and Ian P. all finished in 3rd.
January 6, 2023
> Rising juniors and seniors: are you interested in working with kids? Check out our Child Development classes! Next year we will be offering both the current course and a new one! You will have the opportunity to work in a Pre-K classroom as part of your learning. Come learn and play with us! Email Mrs. Sero for more information at joanna_sero@webstercsd.org.
The Body Project is an evidenced-based body acceptance program that provides a safe space for adolescent girls to confront and challenge unrealistic appearance ideals through group discussion and interactive activities.
This group is not for individuals in active eating disorder treatment.
- Explore ways to resist pressures to conform to unrealistic standards of beauty
- Discuss how to challenge personal body-related concerns
- Learn new ways to talk more positively about our bodies
For more information, please see the flier posted in the girls bathrooms.
> Rotary will be meeting on Tuesday, January 10th in E27 from 3:20-4 pm. Hope to see you there.
> SAGE will be having its next meeting after school on Tuesday in B2.
> There will be a FBLA meeting on Tuesday, January 10 at 3:20 in Room W17. We will be discussing the Spring District Meeting.
January 5, 2023
January 4, 2023
> The varsity girls basketball team improved to 8-0 on the year with a 83-35 win over Spencerport.
The Warriors made 16 3 pointers as a team. Mariah W. led all scorers with 26 points and hit 5 3 pointers and had 5 rebounds. Addie M. had 16 points, 3 3's, 4 assists, and 5 rebounds. Ava G. had 13 points, 3 3's, 4 assists, and 4 rebounds. Kylie C. had 8 points, 5 rebounds, and 2 steals.
Bria W. was the leading rebounder with 10, 7 offensive boards, 4 assists, and 6 points. Maya P. had 6 points, 4 rebounds, and 3 assists.
The Warriors return to action on Friday vs. Hilton at 7:30. Please come out and support the team!
January 3, 2023
> Speech and Debate will meet in W15 after school today. Bus for the School of the Arts tournament leaves at 8 AM Saturday.
> That's it for me, and now over to a Schroeder Things video
December 22, 2022
> WonderCare, WCSD's Before and After School Program, is hiring at elementary schools across the district. We are looking for junior site assistants (16 years and older) to work with students after school. If you have early release this is a great opportunity to work afterschool until 6pm and only on weekdays. We are also looking for employees after school ends at 3:30. Please email wondercare@webstercsd.org if you are interested!
> The Green Club will be having a holiday party today after school in E224. We will have treats while making wooden tree slice coasters and ornaments!
December 21, 2022
> It’s Warrior Wednesday! All week long Schroeder staff has been on the lookout for students who are demonstrating cooperation, accountability, respect, and excellence.
Let’s go ahead and spin the prize wheel for our student winner:
Congratulations Brayden P.! And now for our staff winner. Spin that wheel!
Congratulations Mrs. Plouffe! You will both be contacted by Mrs. Tasber’s office to claim your prize!
Thank you all for continuing to demonstrate great habits and being Warriors who CARE.
> The Women in STEM Club is hosting its first panel of professional speakers in the STEM field. This is a wonderful opportunity to learn about many different aspects of the STEM fields all at one time. The floor will be opened to discussion and questions from students, so be sure to come and check it out! The panel will be today after school from 3:15-4. If you have any questions contact Ms. Metz-Miller or Anna B.
> WonderCare, WCSD's Before and After School Program, is hiring at elementary schools across the district. We are looking for junior site assistants (16 years and older) to work with students after school. If you have early release this is a great opportunity to work afterschool until 6pm and only on weekdays. We are also looking for employees after school ends at 3:30. Please email wondercare@webstercsd.org if you are interested!
> The Green Club will be having a holiday party tomorrow afterschool in E224. We will have treats while making wooden tree slice coasters and ornaments!
December 20, 2022
> The Women in STEM Club is hosting its first panel of professional speakers in the STEM field. This is a wonderful opportunity to learn about many different aspects of the STEM fields all at one time. The floor will be opened to discussion and questions from students, so be sure to come and check it out! The panel will be tomorrow, Wednesday, December 21st after school from 3:15-4. If you have any questions contact Ms. Metz-Miller or Anna B.
> There will be a FBLA meeting today after school at 3:20 in Room W17. We will be discussing the Spring District Meeting and Competition.
> WonderCare, WCSD's Before and After School Program, is hiring at elementary schools across the district. We are looking for junior site assistants (16 years and older) to work with students after school. If you have early release this is a great opportunity to work afterschool until 6pm and only on weekdays. We are also looking for employees after school ends at 3:30. Please email wondercare@webstercsd.org if you are interested!
> The Sexuality and Gender Equity club will be having their next meeting today after school in B2. Feel free to bring a friend.
> Looking for some holiday fun? Come to our next Best Buddies meeting today right after school in W7! We will decorate cookies together and enjoy time with buddies, all are welcome! Can't wait to see you there!
> The Green Club will be having a holiday party Thursday afterschool in E224. We will have treats while making wooden tree slice coasters and ornaments!
> Come watch Jingle Jangle with Dream Club in E216 after school today! Everyone is welcome!
> The Schroeder girls basketball team improved to 5-0 with a 67-38 win over Churchville Chili.
Junior Mariah W led all scorers with 25. She also had 6 steals and 5 rebounds. Sophomore Addie M had 11 points, 3 assists, and 5 rebounds. Junior Ava G had 9 points and 5 rebounds and junior Sarah F added 7 points and 8 rebounds.
The Warriors return to action over break when they travel to the Albany area to compete in one of the best tournaments in New York State. Please wish the girls good luck
December 19, 2022
> The Women in STEM Club is hosting its first panel of professional speakers in the STEM field. This is a wonderful opportunity to learn about many different aspects of the STEM fields all at one time. The floor will be opened to discussion and questions from students, so be sure to come and check it out! The panel will be on Wednesday, December 21st after school from 3:15-4. If you have any questions contact Ms. Metz-Miller or Anna B.
> There will be a FBLA meeting tomorrow, Tuesday, December 20 at 3:20 in Room W17. We will be discussing the Spring District Meeting and Competition.
> WonderCare, WCSD's Before and After School Program, is hiring at elementary schools across the district. We are looking for junior site assistants (16 years and older) to work with students afterschool. If you have early release this is a great opportunity to work afterschool until 6pm and only on weekdays. We are also looking for employees after school ends at 3:30. Please email wondercare@webstercsd.org if you are interested!
> The Sexual and Gender Equity club will be having their next meeting tomorrow, Tuesday, after school in B2. Feel free to bring a friend.
> Looking for some holiday fun? Come to our next Best Buddies meeting tomorrow, Tuesday, December 20th right after school in W7! We will decorate cookies together and enjoy time with buddies, all are welcome! Can't wait to see you there!
> The Green Club will be having a holiday party Thursday afterschool in E224. We will have treats while making wooden tree slice coasters and ornaments!
> Speech and Debate Team competed Saturday in the Brighton Tournament.
Here are the results:
Noah J. - 1st in Extemporaneous Speaking
Matthew G.- 1st in Declamation
Jessica F. - 1st in Original Oratory
Yi J. & Sam O. - 2nd in Public Forum Debate
Webster tied with City Honors and placed 2nd after the tie was broken.
Great job to all who participated.
> The Warrior indoor track team had a fantastic 2nd meet of the year this past weekend at Brockport college. They ran, and jumped, and threw their way to 8 first places across all events and had many 2nd and third places as well.
Corinthia G. led the team with an amazing day, winning the long jump and triple jump, ending the day ranked 1st in the state in those events. Other Warriors who won events or came in the top three were:
Camryn C. won the high jump and was 2nd in long jump
Shelby B. won the 1000 meter run
Mileena O. won the shot put and her teammate Ava W. was 2nd
Naz D. won the 55 meter hurdles
Ben R. won the long jump
Gio T. won the triple jump and Davids V. was 2nd.
Dylan B. was 2nd in the 300m dash
Angela T. was 3rd in the high jump
Zain K. was 3rd in the shot put
And Alyssa F. was 3rd in the 300 meter run.
It was truly a great meet - well done Warriors!
Now over to Kazoo Karolers
December 16, 2022
> The Webster Show Choir is hosting its annual Talent Showcase tonight at 7pm featuring art work, poetry, electronic music compositions, and performances by students and faculty from both Thomas and Schroeder. Suggested donations will be accepted at the door. Hope you can all come out for an evening of entertainment!
> The Women in STEM Club is hosting its first panel of professional speakers in the STEM field. This is a wonderful opportunity to learn about many different aspects of the STEM fields all at one time. The floor will be opened to discussion and questions from students, so be sure to come and check it out! The panel will be on Wednesday, December 21st after school from 3:15-4. If you have any questions contact Ms. Metz-Miller or Anna B.
> There will be a FBLA meeting on Tuesday, December 20 at 3:20 in Room W17. We will be discussing the Spring District Meeting and Competition.
> Attention Warriors: Next week is our Holiday Spirit Week! Throughout the week participate in dress up days like Comfy, Cozy, PJ Day, Classy Christmas, Flannel Day, Warrior Winter Storm, and of course, Ugly Sweater Day! Activities will also be held during lunch periods! Happy holidays and don’t forget to dress up!
> WonderCare, WCSD's Before and After School Program, is hiring at elementary schools across the district. We are looking for junior site assistants (16 years and older) to work with students after school. If you have early release this is a great opportunity to work afterschool until 6pm and only on weekdays. We are also looking for employees after school ends at 3:30. Please email wondercare@webstercsd.org if you are interested!
> The Sexuality and Gender Equity club will be having their next meeting Tuesday after school in B2. Feel free to bring a friend.
> Looking for some holiday fun? Come to our next Best Buddies meeting on Tuesday, December 20th right after school in W7! We will decorate cookies together and enjoy time with buddies, all are welcome! Can't wait to see you there!
> Reminder to Speech & Debate competitors attending tomorrow's Brighton Tournament: The bus leaves from the front doors at 8am sharp.
> Congratulations to the following students for being this week’s recipients of Principal’s Recognition:
Please stop down to the main office between 1st and 2nd period.
Lyrah C. ~ Class of 2023
Jinan C. ~ Class of 2023
Abigail F. ~ Class of 2023
Ava G. ~Class of 2024
Nikol K. ~ Class of 2024
Michael V. ~ Class of 2025
December 15, 2022
> Rotary will have our next meeting after school today in E27 starting at 3:20pm. Hope to see you there.
> The Webster Show Choir is hosting its annual Talent Showcase tomorrow night at 7pm featuring artwork, poetry, electronic music compositions, and performances by students and faculty from both Thomas and Schroeder. Suggested donations will be accepted at the door. Hope you can all come out for an evening of entertainment!
> Are you interested in a sports broadcasting opportunity?
Be the voice of our Schroeder Warrior Boys and Girls Basketball Games! Be on the radio! Be the voice of our live video feeds!
Play-by-play and color commentary positions!
Come to an informational meeting today after school @ 3:20 in Room W208!
> Attention Warriors: Next week is our Holiday Spirit Week! Throughout the week participate in dress up days like Comfy, Cozy, PJ Day, Classy Christmas, Flannel Day, Warrior Winter Storm, and of course, Ugly Sweater Day! Activities will also be held during lunch periods! Happy holidays and don’t forget to dress up!
> Hey Class of 2026, stop into room W8 today at 3:20 pm for hot chocolate and Gingerbread House Decorating with Link Crew!
> The Women in STEM Club is hosting its first panel of professional speakers in the STEM field. This is a wonderful opportunity to learn about many different aspects of the STEM fields all at one time. The floor will be opened to discussion and questions from students, so be sure to come and check it out! The panel will be on Wednesday, December 21st after school from 3:15-4. If you have any questions contact Ms. Metz-Miller or Anna B.
> WonderCare, WCSD's Before and After School Program, is hiring at elementary schools across the district. We are looking for junior site assistants (16 years and older) to work with students after school. If you have early release this is a great opportunity to work afterschool until 6pm and only on weekdays. We are also looking for employees after school ends at 3:30. Please email wondercare@webstercsd.org if you are interested!
> The Sexuality and Gender Equity club will be having their next meeting Tuesday after school in B2. Feel free to bring a friend.
December 14, 2022
> It’s Warrior Wednesday! All week long Schroeder staff has been on the lookout for students who are demonstrating cooperation, accountability, respect, and excellence.
Let’s go ahead and spin the prize wheel for our student winner:
Congratulations! And now for our staff winner. Spin that wheel!
Congratulations! You will both be contacted by Mrs. Tasber’s office to claim your prize!
Thank you all for continuing to demonstrate great habits and being Warriors who CARE.
> Rotary will have our next meeting tomorrow in E27 starting at 3:20pm. Hope to see you there.
> The Webster Show Choir is hosting its annual Talent Showcase on Friday, December 16th at 7pm featuring art work, poetry, electronic music compositions, and performances by students and faculty from both Thomas and Schroeder. Suggested donations will be accepted at the door. Hope you can all come out for an evening of entertainment
> Are you interested in a sports broadcasting opportunity?
Be the voice of our Schroeder Warrior Boys and Girls Basketball Games! Be on the radio! Be the voice of our live video feeds!
Play-by-play and color commentary positions!
Come to an informational meeting tomorrow after school @ 3:20 in Room W208!
> Attention Warriors: Next week is our Holiday Spirit Week! Throughout the week participate in dress up days like Comfy, Cozy, PJ Day, Classy Christmas, Flannel Day, Warrior Winter Storm, and of course, Ugly Sweater Day! Activities will also be held during lunch periods! Happy holidays and don’t forget to dress up!
> Hey Class of 2026, stop into room W8 on tomorrow, December 15 at 3:20 pm for hot chocolate and Gingerbread House Decorating with Link Crew!
> The Women in STEM Club is hosting its first panel of professional speakers in the STEM field. This is a wonderful opportunity to learn about many different aspects of the STEM fields all at one time. The floor will be opened to discussion and questions from students, so be sure to come and check it out! The panel will be on Wednesday, December 21st after school from 3:15-4. If you have any questions contact Ms. Metz-Miller or Anna B.
> Good morning Schroeder!
Sources of Strength peer leaders have their first meeting tomorrow in the gym!
We will learn about the plan for our first campaign as well as get assigned to our small work groups.
Donut Holes will be there at 8:00, meeting starts at 8:15 sharp.
Please let an adult advisor know if you are unable to attend.
Looking forward to seeing you tomorrow.
> Green Club will be having a planning meeting Wednesday (today) afterschool in E224.
> The science Olympiad meeting for this afternoon is canceled.
DECEMBER 13, 2022
> Rotary will have our next meeting on Thursday, December 15th in E27 starting at 3:20pm. Hope to see you there.
> The Webster Show Choir is hosting its annual Talent Showcase on Friday, December 16th at 7pm featuring artwork, poetry, electronic music compositions, and performances by students and faculty from both Thomas and Schroeder. Suggested donations will be accepted at the door. Hope you can all come out for an evening of entertainment!
> Are you interested in a sports broadcasting opportunity?
Be the voice of our Schroeder Warrior Boys and Girls Basketball Games! Be on the radio! Be the voice of our live video feeds!
Play-by-play and color commentary positions!
Come to an informational meeting on Thursday, December 15 @ 3:20 in Room W208!
> Attention Warriors: Next week is our Holiday Spirit Week! Throughout the week participate in dress up days like Comfy, Cozy, PJ Day, Classy Christmas, Flannel Day, Warrior Winter Storm, and of course, Ugly Sweater Day! Activities will also be held during lunch periods! Happy holidays and don’t forget to dress up!
> Hey Class of 2026, stop into room W8 on Thursday, December 15 at 3:20 pm for hot chocolate and Gingerbread House Decorating with Link Crew!
> The Women in STEM Club is hosting its first panel of professional speakers in the STEM field. This is a wonderful opportunity to learn about many different aspects of the STEM fields all at one time. The floor will be opened to discussion and questions from students, so be sure to come and check it out! The panel will be on Wednesday, December 21st after school from 3:15-4. If you have any questions contact Ms. Metz-Miller or Anna B.
December 12, 2022
> Have you visited our Schroeder's student news site lately? Our digital news site has new student-created content this week from Antonio C., Class of 2025, TJ S., Class of 2025, Cole F., Class of 2024, and Sophia M., Class of 2024. Visit wshscourier.org or scan the QR code on the hallway posters to read more about the legacy of Nirvana's legendary MTV Unplugged album, the new Carbonwood golf driver from TaylorMade, and Rochester's downtown vintage destination, The Op Shop. Want to get involved? See Mrs. Law in W4.
> Rotary will have our next meeting on Thursday, December 15th in E27 starting at 3:20pm. Hope to see you there.
> Congratulations to Webster's Speech and Debate Team which took second place at Saturday's virtual tournament. Kudos to first place finishers: Yi J and Sam O in Public Forum Debate, Noah J in Extemporaneous Speaking, and Matthew G in Declamation.
That's it for me and now over to Jane
> Attention warriors, next week is our Christmas spirit week!! Throughout the week participate in dress up days like Pj day, classy Christmas, flannel day, winter storm, and ugly sweater day! Activities will also be held during lunch periods! Happy holidays and don’t forget to dress up!
> The Webster Show Choir is hosting its annual Talent Showcase on Friday, December 16th at 7pm featuring art work, poetry, electronic music compositions, and performances by students and faculty from both Thomas and Schroeder. Suggested donations will be accepted at the door. Hope you can all come out for an evening of entertainment!
> Are you interested in a sports broadcasting opportunity?
Be the voice of our Schroeder Warrior Boys and Girls Basketball Games! Be on the radio! Be the voice of our live video feeds!
Play-by-play and color commentary positions!
Come to an informational meeting on Thursday, December 15 @ 3:20 in Room W208!
December 9, 2022
> Congratulations to the following students for being this week’s recipients of Principal’s Recognition:
Please stop down to the main office between 1st and 2nd period.
Carl B. ~ Class of 2023
Victor D. ~ Class of 2023
Braedan D. ~ Class of 2026
Isabel F. ~ Class of 2023
Hailey F. ~ Class of 2023
Amber K. ~ Class of 2025
Ava L. ~ Class of 2026
Gianna P. ~ Class of 2025
Michael S. ~ Class of 2025 (per 1 O’Brien)
Bogdan S. ~ Class of 2025
Scott W. ~ Class of 2025
> Have you visited our Schroeder's student news site lately? Our digital news site has new student-created content this week from Antonio C., Class of 2025, TJ S., Class of 2025, Cole F., Class of 2024, and Sophia M., Class of 2024. Visit wshscourier.org or scan the QR code on the hallway posters to read more about the legacy of Nirvana's legendary MTV Unplugged album, the new Carbonwood golf driver from TaylorMade, and Rochester's downtown vintage destination, The Op Shop. Want to get involved? See Mrs. Law in W4.
> And now over to a Schroeder Courier video
December 8, 2022
> Congratulations to the Schroeder Mathletes on a successful completion of their third competition! 34 students competed, earning a total of 185 points! Schroeder was one of 24 schools that competed county-wide on Wednesday 12/7. Schroeder placed 7th in the county and 3rd in our division.
Congratulations to Lyrah C, Sara F, Jacqueline H, Stephen M, Greg S and Anthony S for having a perfect category! Congratulations Lyrah C, Sara F, Jacqueline H, Stephen M and Anthony S for earning double digit scores!
Mathletes, don't forget to sign up for the January competition in Google Classroom and pick up your papers in E4!
December 7, 2022
> It’s Warrior Wednesday! All week long Schroeder staff has been on the lookout for students who are demonstrating cooperation, accountability, respect, and excellence.
Let’s go ahead and spin the prize wheel for our student winner:
Congratulations to Isabella M.! And now for our staff winner. Spin that wheel!
Congratulations to Mrs. Pazmino! You will both be contacted by Mrs. Tasber’s office to claim your prize!
Thank you all for continuing to demonstrate great habits and being Warriors who CARE.
> Attention all women in STEM, we are meeting today after school in Mrs. Metz’s room E21. Can’t wait to see you there!
December 6, 2022
> This weekend the varsity wrestling team hosted the Matthew Marino invitational. Freshmen Antonio R. and Laim T. each went 3 and 2 finishing in 3rd and 4th place respectively.
> Women in STEM will be meeting this Wednesday, December 7th in Mrs. Metz's room, E21 right after school. Can't wait to see you all!
December 3rd, 2022
> A group of five Schroeder students consisting of Holly F, Jessica F,Filipe F, Jacqueline H and Garrett M took first place in the University of Buffalo High School Cybersecurity Competition on Saturday, December 3.
At this hands-on competition, student teams were tasked with defending a small network of systems from attack and scored on how well their services remained available (service uptime). Teams were also assigned and scored on various timed tasks completed throughout the event. If that’s not enough, a Cybersecurity CTF and other interesting challenges were part of the competition as well!
December 2, 2022
> The next session of driver education will begin just after the winter break in January.
The commitment is three to four days a week until early March. Registration for juniors and seniors will begin on Tuesday, December 6 and sophomores can register on Wednesday, December 7. Registration begins at 8:00am. Cost is $600. Students must have their permit by the first day of class to register. Use the web address below to see dates and times and to register.
> Congratulations to our boys JV basketball team for winning their first game of the season last night defeating Athena in overtime. Also, a special congratulations to Coach Insley for getting his first coaching victory of his career.
Our boys varsity basketball team will take on Athena tonight at 5:30 in the first game of the Aquinas Varsity tip-off tournament at Aquinas.
> Are you looking for volunteer hours? PTSA currently has several events that are in need of student volunteers. Please visit www.websterptsa.org/studentvolunteers or scan the QR code below. Thank you in advance for your help!
> Talent Showcase auditions will be held in the Schroeder Auditorium on Monday, December 5th after school. Video and artwork submissions are also due on Monday. Please see Mrs. D in N101 if you have any questions or follow the QR code for more information. Break a leg to all of those who are auditioning! We can't wait to see everyone's talents on stage on December 16th.
> Congratulations to the following students for being this week’s recipients of Principal’s Recognition:
Please stop down to the main office between 1st and 2nd period.
Victor C. ~ Class of 2025
Addison P. ~ Class of 2024
Alaina P ~ Class of 2023
Orion Z. ~ Class of 2025
December 1, 2022
> The next session of driver education will begin just after the winter break in January.
The commitment is three to four days a week until early March. Registration for juniors and seniors will begin on Tuesday, December 6 and sophomores can register on Wednesday, December 7. Registration begins at 8:00am. Cost is $600. Students must have their permit by the first day of class to register. Use the web address below to see dates and times and to register.
> Rotary will be meeting after school today to finish our service project. We will be meeting in E27 beginning at 3:20 and we should be all wrapped up by 4:05. Hope to see you there.
> Attention Key Club members: we will meet today at 3:20 in the cafeteria.
> Best Buddies! Join us today for a cozy holiday movie night to watch The Polar Express. We will all be meeting at 1000 Elmwood Avenue at 6pm until 8pm, snacks will be provided! Check your email for a link to RSVP and be sure to connect with your buddy. Hope to see you there
> Good Morning Warriors, just a friendly reminder from the Sources of Strength team: If you are interested in attending the peer leader training on December 5th you will need to get your permission slip signed and field trip form filled out by today. If you were invited to the interest meeting last week and missed it, you can still attend the peer leader training, just pick up a form in the main office. If you are already a part of Sources of Strength from the past two years, you do not need to attend the training, but are welcome to if you would like. Again the form will be in the Main Office!
> Are you looking for volunteer hours? PTSA currently has several events that are in need of student volunteers. Please visit www.websterptsa.org/studentvolunteers or scan the QR code below. Thank you in advance for your help!
November 30, 2022
> Rotary will be meeting after school tomorrow to finish our service project. We will be meeting in E27 beginning at 3:20 and we should be all wrapped up by 4:05. Hope to see you there.
> The Webster Show Choir is hosting its annual Talent Showcase on Friday, December 16th at 7pm in the Schroeder auditorium. Interested in featuring your talent? Please scan the QR code that you see on the screen and read more about the event and how to audition or submit your work. Any questions? Please see Mrs D’Angelo or any Show Choir member for more information.
> Attention Key Club members: we will meet tomorrow at 3:20 in the cafeteria.
> The next session of driver education will begin just after the winter break in January.
The commitment is three to four days a week until early March. Registration for juniors and seniors will begin on Tuesday, December 6 and sophomores can register on Wednesday, December 7. Registration begins at 8:00am. Cost is $600. Students must have their permit by the first day of class to register. Use the web address below to see dates and times and to register.
> Best Buddies! Join us for a cozy holiday movie night to watch The Polar Express tomorrow. We will all be meeting at 1000 Elmwood Avenue at 6pm until 8pm, snacks will be provided! Check your email for a link to RSVP and be sure to connect with your buddy. Hope to see you there
> Good Morning Warriors, just a friendly reminder from the Sources of Strength team: If you are interested in attending the peer leader training on December 5th you will need to get your permission slip signed and field trip form filled out by Thursday of this week. If you were invited to the interest meeting last week and missed it, you can still attend the peer leader training, just pick up a form in the main office. If you are already a part of Sources of Strength from the past two years, you do not need to attend the training, but are welcome to if you would like. Again the form will be in the Main Office!
November 29, 2022
> The next session of driver education will begin just after the winter break in January. The commitment is three to four days a week until early March. Registration for juniors and seniors will begin on Tuesday, December 6 and sophomores can register on Wednesday, December 7. Registration begins at 8:00am. Cost is $600. Students must have their permit by the first day of class to register. Use the web address below to see dates and times and to register.
> Rotary will be meeting after school on Thursday, Dec. 1st to finish our service project. We will be meeting in E27 beginning at 3:20 and we should be all wrapped up by 4:05. Hope to see you there.
> Attention Key Club members: We will meet Thursday Dec 1 at 3:20 in the Cafeteria.
> DREAM Club will be meeting today in room E216, Mrs. Pazmiño’s room, at 3:15. Come hear about our experience at the ROC2Change summit. Everyone is welcome!
> Best Buddies! Join us for a cozy holiday movie night to watch The Polar Express on Thursday, December 1st. We will all be meeting at 1000 Elmwood Avenue at 6pm until 8pm, snacks will be provided! Check your email for a link to RSVP and be sure to connect with your buddy. Hope to see you there!
> Good morning Warriors. Just a friendly reminder from the Sources of Strength team....If you are interested in attending the peer leader training on December 5th. you will need to get your permission slip signed and field trip form filled out by Thursday of this week. If you were invited to the interest meeting last week and missed it, you can still attend the peer leader training, just pick up a form in the main office. If you are already a part of Sources of Strength from the past two years, you do not need to attend the training, but are welcome to if you would like. Again the form will be in the main office!
November 28, 2022
> The Webster Show Choir is hosting its annual Talent Showcase on Friday, December 16th at 7pm in the Schroeder auditorium. Interested in featuring your talent? Please scan the QR code that you see on the screen and read more about the event and how to audition or submit your work. Any questions? Please see Mrs D’Angelo or any Show Choir member for more information.
> The JV wrestling team had a great start to the season this past Saturday at the Fairport JV wrestling tournament. Congratulations to Aidan V, Max T, Dom I, and Ethan C for winning the event and being named Tournament Champions. The Varsity wrestling team will be in action at home this Saturday for the Matthew Marino Tournament.
> The next session of driver education will begin just after the winter break in January.
The commitment is three to four days a week until early March. Registration for juniors and seniors will begin on Tuesday, December 6 and sophomores can register on Wednesday, December 7. Registration begins at 8:00am. Cost is $600. Students must have their permit by the first day of class to register. Use the web address below to see dates and times and to register.
November 22, 2022
> The Webster Show Choir is hosting its annual Talent Showcase on Friday, December 16th at 7pm in the Schroeder auditorium. Interested in featuring your talent? Please scan the QR code that you see on the screen or visit the google classroom 2re77f4 and read more about the event and how to audition or submit your work. Any questions? Please see Mrs D’Angelo or any Show Choir member for more information.
> SAGE will be meeting after school today in B2. See Ms. Reusch with any questions.
> If you received an invite, come to a Sources of Strength introduction today. Sessions are 4a, 4b, 5a, and 5b in E36 off of the cafeteria.
> Did you know that NHS, National Honors Society has a Google Classroom page loaded with helpful information? Learn the requirements to join the National Honor Society, how to prepare your resume to be accepted into this honor, ways to build your resume for college applications, find new clubs in the school, learn of service opportunities in the school/community, and find ways you can be a leader in the school. To join the Classroom use code: h4mmndz.
> The next session of driver education will begin just after the winter break in January.
The commitment is three to four days a week until early March. Registration for juniors and seniors will begin on Tuesday, December 6 and sophomores can register on Wednesday, December 7. Registration begins at 8:00am. Cost is $600. Students must have their permit by the first day of class to register. Use the web address below to see dates and times and to register.
> Attention all 9th graders interested in trying out for Boys Basketball. The first day of tryouts when we get back from break will be Monday, November 28th from 6pm to 8pm at Spry Middle School.
> Since 1970, Indigenous people & their allies have gathered at noon on Cole's Hill in Plymouth, Massachusetts to commemorate a National Day of Mourning on the US Thanksgiving holiday. For many Native people, Thanksgiving Day is a reminder of the genocide of millions of Native people, the theft of Native lands, and the erasure of Native cultures. Participants in National Day of Mourning honor Indigenous ancestors and Native resilience. It is a day of remembrance and spiritual connection, as well as a protest against oppression. To learn more about the National Day of Mourning, please visit the United American Indians of New England website at UAINE.org.
> Our Mt. Hope Family Center Thanksgiving basket fundraiser was a huge success. We raised over $2,200 for this center who focuses on therapeutic services for those affected by trauma. We thank you for your generosity and kindness! We'll be back next year! Thanks again and have a Happy Thanksgiving!
November 21, 2022
> The Webster Show Choir is hosting its annual Talent Showcase on Friday, December 16th at 7pm in the Schroeder auditorium. Interested in featuring your talent? Please scan the QR code that you see on the screen and read more about the event and how to audition or submit your work. Any questions? Please see Mrs D’Angelo or any Show Choir member for more information.
> SAGE will be meeting after school tomorrow in B2. See Ms. Reusch with any questions.
> Did you know that NHS, National Honors Society has a Google Classroom page loaded with helpful information? Learn the requirements to join the National Honor Society, how to prepare your resume to be accepted into this honor, ways to build your resume for college applications, find new clubs in the school, learn of service opportunities in the school/community, and find ways you can be a leader in the school. To join the Classroom use the code: h4mmndz.
> If you received an invite, come to a Sources of Strength introduction tomorrow, Tuesday, November 22nd. Sessions are 4a, 4b, 5a, and 5b in the Lion's Den off of the cafeteria.
> The next session of driver education will begin just after the winter break in January.
The commitment is three to four days a week until early March. Registration for juniors and seniors will begin on Tuesday, December 6 and sophomores can register on Wednesday, December 7. Registration begins at 8:00am. Cost is $600. Students must have their permit by the first day of class to register. Use the web address below to see dates and times and register.
> Congratulations to Schroeder's Speech & Debate team which took third place at the City Honors tournament which ended up being moved to virtual because of a certain weather event! Matthew G took first place in Declamation, Noah J. took first place in Extemporaneous Speaking, Yi J and Sam O took first place in JV Public Forum Debate.
> From the girls swim team, Nakisha D, Marin B, Melissa R, Vivian N, Kylie W, and Claire G competed in their State Championship last weekend. Congratulations to the 200 medley relay team, composed of Nakisha, Marin, Vivian, and Claire, for placing third in New York State. Also, the 200 free relay team, composed of Nakisha, Melissa, Kylie, and Claire got the 14th fastest time in the state. What a successful weekend and way to represent Webster.
November 18, 2022
> Rotary will have our next meeting on Monday, November 21st from 3:30 until 4pm in room E27. We will be planning and working on our December service project. Hope to see you there.
> Attention Fall Athletes: Sports Lockers for both Men's and Women's need to be cleaned out by the end of the day. Lockers are being washed and combinations changed. Winter athletes will need to see your coach for new lockers assignments.
> If you received an invite, come to a Sources of Strength introduction on Tuesday, November 22nd. Sessions are 4a, 4b, 5a, and 5b in the Lion's Den off of the cafeteria.
> SAGE will be meeting after school on Tuesday in B2. See Ms. Reusch with any questions.
> The next session of driver education will begin just after the winter break in January.
The commitment is three to four days a week until early March. Registration for juniors and seniors will begin on Tuesday, December 6 and sophomores can register on Wednesday, December 7. Registration begins at 8:00am. Cost is $600. Students must have their permit by the first day of class to register. Use the web address below to see dates and times and to register.
> Did you know that NHS, National Honors Society has a Google Classroom page loaded with helpful information? Learn the requirements to join the National Honor Society, how to prepare your resume to be accepted into this honor, ways to build your resume for college applications, find new clubs in the school, learn of service opportunities in the school/community, and find ways you can be a leader in the school. To join the Classroom use code: h4mmndz.
> Attention all Women in STEM, make sure you check the Google Classroom and fill out the Google form that was posted from our last meeting. All of your responses are due by Monday, November 21st. Again, all women in STEM, please fill out the Google form posted on classroom!
> Congratulations to the following students for being this week’s recipients of Principal’s Recognition:
Please stop down to the main office between 1st and 2nd period.
Troy C. ~ Class of 2023
Maisey I. ~ Class of 2025
Emily M. ~ Class of 2025
Valeria P. ~ Class of 2024
Kylee R. ~ Class of 2024
Annabelle W. ~ Class of 2025
> And now over to a Talent Showcase video..
November 17, 2022
> Schroeder students are working once again with Mt. Hope Family Center to raise money to feed 20 Rochester-area families Thanksgiving Dinner. Mt. Hope Family Center’s primary focus is helping children and families affected by trauma, abuse, neglect and violence. They provide intervention and prevention programs and proven therapy services to over 900 children and families each year.
Our student volunteers are headed by Mikayla B, Sam S and Marlena S. You can also ask any of the following students for more information or to make a donation.
You can drop off any cash or coin amounts to Mrs. Gefell in W9 this week. You can also donate any amount to our team members as they walk around the cafeteria this week. Or you can Venmo to Sam S. Her handle is @sschoenhardt and you will see the Mt. Hope logo sign on her account.
Here is a screenshot of her QR code. Get up! Scan and donate now!
All donations are due by this Friday, November 18. Thank you for considering giving to others this Thanksgiving season.
> Attention everyone in the Women in STEM club, make sure you check the Google Classroom for important information posted from yesterday's meeting!
> Newspaper Club will be held today in W4 afterschool. Come work on or pitch content to debut on our digital news site. We welcome content creators of all types and levels of experience. If you can't attend meetings but still want to contribute, see Law in W4.
> Jostens will be in the cafeteria today during lunch periods with ring orders. Be sure to stop by and pick yours up if you ordered a class ring.
> Rotary will have our next meeting on Monday, November 21st from 3:30 until 4pm in room E27. We will be planning and working on our December service project. Hope to see you there.
> The Webster Show Choir is hosting its annual Talent Showcase on Friday, December 16th at 7pm in the Schroeder auditorium. Interested in featuring your talent? Please scan the QR code that you see on the screen and read more about the event and how to audition or submit your work. Any questions? Please see Mrs D’Angelo or any Show Choir member for more information.
> Hey, Class of 2026! Come join us for popcorn and board games today after school in the cafeteria! We hope to see you there!
> Attention Fall Athletes: Sports Lockers for both Men's and Women's need to be cleaned out by the end of the day this Friday. Lockers are being washed and combinations changed. Winter athletes will need to see your coach for new lockers assignments.
> Are you looking for volunteer hours? PTSA currently has several events that are in need of student volunteers. Please visit www.websterptsa.org/studentvolunteers. Thank you in advance for your help!
> If you received an invite, come to a Sources of Strength introduction on Tuesday, November 22nd. Sessions are 4a, 4b, 5a, and 5b in the Lion's Den off of the cafeteria.
> SAGE will be meeting after school on Tuesday in B2. See Ms. Reusch with any questions.
> Did you know that NHS, National Honors Society has a Google Classroom page loaded with helpful information? Learn the requirements to join the National Honor Society, how to prepare your resume to be accepted into this honor, ways to build your resume for college applications, find new clubs in the school, learn of service opportunities in the school/community, and find ways you can be a leader in the school. To join the Classroom use code: h4mmndz.
NOVEMBER 16, 2022
> It’s Warrior Wednesday! All week long Schroeder staff has been on the lookout for students who are demonstrating cooperation, accountability, respect, and excellence.
Let’s go ahead and spin the prize wheel for our student winner:
Congratulations! And now for our staff winner. Spin that wheel!
Congratulations! You will both be contacted by Mrs. Tasber’s office to claim your prize!
Thank you all for continuing to demonstrate great habits and being Warriors who CARE.
> Schroeder students are working once again with Mt. Hope Family Center to raise money to feed 20 Rochester-area families Thanksgiving Dinner. Mt. Hope Family Center’s primary focus is helping children and families affected by trauma, abuse, neglect and violence. They provide intervention and prevention programs and proven therapy services to over 900 children and families each year.
Our student volunteers are headed by Mikayla B, Sam S and Marlena S. You can also ask any of the following students for more information or to make a donation.
You can drop off any cash or coin amounts to Mrs. Gefell in W9 this week. You can also donate any amount to our team members as they walk around the cafeteria this week. Or you can Venmo to Sam S. Her handle is @sschoenhardt and you will see the Mt. Hope logo sign on her account.
Here is a screenshot of her QR code. Get up! Scan and donate now!
All donations are due by this Friday, November 18. Thank you for considering giving to others this Thanksgiving season.
> Jostens will be in the cafeteria tomorrow during lunch periods with ring orders. Be sure to stop by and pick yours up if you ordered a class ring.
> The Webster Show Choir is hosting its annual Talent Showcase on Friday, December 16th at 7pm in the Schroeder auditorium. Interested in featuring your talent? Please scan the QR code that you see on the screen and read more about the event and how to audition or submit your work. Any questions? Please see Mrs D’Angelo or any Show Choir member for more information.
November 15, 2022
> Schroeder students are working once again with Mt. Hope Family Center to raise money to feed 20 Rochester-area families Thanksgiving Dinner. Mt. Hope Family Center’s primary focus is helping children and families affected by trauma, abuse, neglect and violence. They provide intervention and prevention programs and proven therapy services to over 900 children and families each year.
Our student volunteers are headed by Mikayla B, Sam S and Marlena S. You can also ask any of the following students for more information or to make a donation.
You can drop off any cash or coin amounts to Mrs. Gefell in W9 this week. You can also donate any amount to our team members as they walk around the cafeteria this week. Or you can Venmo to Sam S. Her handle is @sschoenhardt and you will see the Mt. Hope logo sign on her account.
Here is a screenshot of her QR code. Get up! Scan and donate now!
All donations are due by this Friday, November 18. Thank you for considering giving to others this Thanksgiving season.
> Jostens will be in the cafeteria on Thursday during lunch periods with ring orders. Be sure to stop by and pick yours up if you ordered a class ring.
> Newspaper Club will be held today in W4 afterschool. Come work on or pitch content to debut on our digital news site. We welcome content creators of all types and levels of experience. If you can't attend meetings but still want to contribute, see Law in W4.
> Friendship makes us want to party! Join us for a celebration of friendship where we will announce all our new buddy pairs! The Best Buddies match party is today right after school in Mrs. Burgess' Room, W7. Partners, check your email to confirm your buddy pair.
> The Webster Show Choir is hosting its annual Talent Showcase on Friday, December 16th at 7pm in the Schroeder auditorium. Interested in featuring your talent? Please scan the QR code that you see on the screen and read more about the event and how to audition or submit your work. Any questions? Please see Mrs D’Angelo or any Show Choir member for more information.
November 14, 2022
> The Schroeder Varsity Bowling Team wants you! They are looking for bowlers who are interested in playing a varsity sport and/or being a member of a team. If this is you, they are a perfect fit. If interested stop dow to NW6 and talk to Coach Sanfilippo or email him @mathew_sanfilippo@webstercsd.org. No experience needed!
> Our Ukrainian Cultural Club will meet today after school in Mr. Fedor's room W216. We will now meet every other Monday. Come check us out to learn more about Ukrainian culture!
> Schroeder students are working once again with Mt. Hope Family Center to raise money to feed 20 Rochester-area families Thanksgiving Dinner. Mt. Hope Family Center’s primary focus is helping children and families affected by trauma, abuse, neglect and violence. They provide intervention and prevention programs and proven therapy services to over 900 children and families each year.
Our student volunteers are headed by Mikayla B, Sam S and Marlena S. You can also ask any of the following students for more information or to make a donation.
You can drop off any cash or coin amounts to Mrs. Gefell in W9 this week. You can also donate any amount to our team members as they walk around the cafeteria this week. Or you can Venmo to Sam S. Her handle is @sschoenhardt and you will see the Mt. Hope logo sign on her account.
Here is a screenshot of her QR code. Get up! Scan and donate now!
All donations are due by this Friday, November 18. Thank you for considering giving to others this Thanksgiving season.
> Jostens will be in the cafeteria on Thursday during lunch periods with ring orders. Be sure to stop by and pick yours up if you ordered a class ring.
> Friendship makes us want to party! Join us for a celebration of friendship where we will announce all our new buddy pairs! The Best Buddies match party is this Tuesday right after school in Mrs. Burgess' Room, W7. Partners, check your email to confirm your buddy pair.
> The Webster Lakers Boys Volleyball team had a weekend of success after becoming Section V champions on Thursday night, defeating Fairport in three sets in Victor. They then took on Orchard Park at Schroeder on Saturday afternoon in a Far West Regionals match-up. After dropping the first set, the Lakers went on to win the next three in a row to win the match! The Lakers travel to Albany this weekend to compete in the State Finals Tournament. Keep riding the wave, Lakers!
> Now over to a video for Talent Showcase...but keep your stream going, we will be right back to the studio for an update on World Kindness Day from Mr. Gomez.
> Good Morning Kind People of Schroeder! Today we are celebrating World Kindness Day and WOWOWOWOW...we have plenty of ways for you to participate! Cup those ears, teachers turn up that volume knob. I'm about to drop some kindness knowledge. Look for the PTSA table on the east side of the cafeteria today during lunches. If you are wearing blue or a cardigan you will receive a piece of candy. You can also write a kindness message to a staff member, write a "hand" note to put on our Kindness Tree, or bring in a pack of new socks for Hope House of Webster. Any of these acts will get your name in a raffle drawing for some great prizes. But it doesn't have to end there...choose kindness all day long and lift each other up, Warriors. To help inspire, I'm going to model some ways you can show kindness by complimenting some of my fellow co-workers. Mrs. Giacoman: your witty, on-command comebacks are legendary and show that learning doesn't have to be absent of humor. Mrs. Tuyn: I think you are on your 25th consecutive day wearing Warrior Gear? Your commitment to Schroeder is incredible and we are so thankful for you. Mr. Eckler, providing the soundscape every spirit week is no easy task. Play one bad song and you are shamed for life. But there you are every Homecoming, Holiday Week, and One Warrior Week spinnin' banger after banger with a smile on your face. We have the BEST staff AND the best students. Show them kindness. Have a great day Warriors.
November 10, 2022
> Grab an Go Breakfast! If your bus arrives late, you will be able to grab breakfast right outside the main office. The breakfast line in the cafe closes at 8:40am. You will need your name and student number to get your breakfast!
> Attention Sophomores: For anyone interested in attending EMCC junior and senior year, there is a field trip December 9th. Students will be able to visit two programs of interest. Field trip forms can be picked up from the counseling center in N14.
> Nominate a peer leader for Sources of Strength. Peer Nomination Forms can be found in the Class of 2024, 2025, & 2026 Google Classrooms.
> Attention all athletes! If you are interested in becoming a stronger, more explosive athlete, joining the wrestling team is for you! Wrestling season begins Monday after school in the auxiliary gymnasium. The team is always looking for more student athletes to take on the challenge. Open mats in Room E-36 will continue today after school. Please see Mr. Salvaggio if you have any questions!
> World Kindness Day is Sunday, November 13. We will be celebrating World Kindness Day as a school at Schroeder on Monday, November 14. Bring pairs of new socks, any size, to support HOPE House in Webster. Donations are collected in the main office all week. On Monday, November 13, stop by the PTSA table at lunch and join in the World Kindness Day festivities. Warriors will be wearing either a cardigan sweater or the color blue – or both if you are Mr. Gomez – to show that they are representing kindness.
> Schroeder JV and Varsity Boys Basketball teams will hold the first day of tryouts on Monday, November 14th in the Schroeder gymnasium at 3:45pm. You will need to be registered on Family ID to participate. Please stop in the nurse's office for more information on Family ID.
> Congratulations to Artist of the Week: senior Emily L! Students choose and photograph an organic object for their imagery. Using scratchboard tools, Emily carved away the black in order to create values within their subject. This process is time consuming and difficult as it makes the artist think in a negative or retractive method, as they have to create the highlights and midtones by carving, leaving the black for the darker values. Exploring texture, value, composition, and form in addition to carving techniques. Brilliant work, Emily!
> Did you recently audition for Mamma Mia? Well the time has come for the cast list to be posted! Please go to the Mamma Mia Google Classroom at 6:00pm tonight to view the final cast list. If you have not joined the Classroom, the code is b3o5bwf. Cast members are also asked to check their school emails tonight for important information about next week's rehearsals. Congratulations to all!
> The Schroeder Varsity Bowling Team wants you! They are looking for bowlers who are interested in playing a varsity sport and/or being a member of a team. If this is you, they are a perfect fit. If interested stop down to NW6 and talk to Coach Sanfilippo or email him @mathew_sanfilippo@webstercsd.org. No experience needed!
> The Webster Lakers Boys Varsity Volleyball team will take on Fairport tonight in Victor at 8pm for the Section Five Class A title. Not hype enough for you? Here is a hype video to ensure you are ready and then we will be returning back to the studio for a special moment to honor our veterans.
> Tomorrow is a day when we honor each and everyone of our service members that have served and are currently serving in the military. Tomorrow it is more important than ever that our veterans receive our support and gratitude for protecting the United States and its citizens at home and abroad. Today we would like to recognize the following Webster staff for their service in the military.
Mr. Kruze ARMY
Mr. Milliman ARMY
Mr. DiGiambattista MARINES
Mr. Wojtas ARMY
Mr. Bray ARMY
Mr. Mangiavellano AIR FORCE
Mrs. Willis AIR FORCE
Mr. Emerick ARMY
Mr. Trevett NAVY
Mr. Illes ARMY
Mr. Villa ARMY
Mr. Gudarian ARMY
Thank you and enjoy the long weekend Warriors and be ready for some kindness on Monday.
November 9, 2022
> It’s Warrior Wednesday! All week long Schroeder staff has been on the lookout for students who are demonstrating cooperation, accountability, respect, and excellence.
Let’s go ahead and spin the prize wheel for our student winner:
Congratulations! And now for our staff winner. Spin that wheel!
Congratulations! You will both be contacted by Mrs. Tasber’s office to claim your prize!
Thank you all for continuing to demonstrate great habits and being Warriors who CARE.
> Attention Sophomores: For anyone interested in attending EMCC junior and senior year, there is a field trip December 9th. Students will be able to visit two programs of interest. Field trip forms can be picked up from the counseling center in N14.
> Grab an Go Breakfast! If your bus arrives late, you will be able to grab breakfast right outside the main office. The breakfast line in the cafe closes at 8:40am. You will need your name and student number to get your breakfast!
> Attention Link Crew Leaders: We will be meeting tomorrow, Thursday, November 10 at 8:15 or 3:20 in the Auditorium. Please plan to make either of those meeting times. If you have a conflict, see an advisor ASAP.
> Nominate a peer leader for Sources of Strength. Peer Nomination Forms can be found in the Class of 2024, 2025, & 2026 Google Classrooms.
> Attention all athletes! If you are interested in becoming a stronger, more explosive athlete, joining the wrestling team is for you! Wrestling season begins Monday after school in the auxiliary gymnasium. The team is always looking for more student athletes to take on the challenge. Open mats in Room E-36 will continue this week on Thursday after school. Please see Mr. Salvaggio if you have any questions!
> The Schroeder Varsity Bowling Team wants you! They are looking for bowlers who are interested in playing a varsity sport and/or being a member of a team. If this is you, they are a perfect fit. If interested stop dow to NW6 and talk to Coach Sanfilippo or email him @mathew_sanfilippo@webstercsd.org. No experience needed!
> Schroeder JV and Varsity Boys Basketball teams will hold the first day of tryouts on Monday, November 14th in the Schroeder gymnasium at 3:45pm. You will need to be registered on Family ID to participate. Please stop in the nurse's office for more information on Family ID.
> The Webster Lakers Boys Varsity Volleyball team will take on Fairport tomorrow night in Victor at 8pm for the Section Five Class A title. Not hype enough for you? Here is a hype video to ensure you are ready and then we will be back with a special announcement from Mr. Gomez
> Hey, Schroeder. Missssssed youuuuuuuu. It has been awhile and I have attachment problems, so I’m back! Schroeder is celebrating World Kindness Day on Monday after the long weekend. You can participate by wearing blue or drip out in a cardigan sweater a la T-Swift or Mr. Rogers. I’m an extra guy, we all know this. I’m going to wear a blue cardigan. There will be a PTSA table at lunch with games, chances to win candy, and kindness cards for you to fill out for favorite staff members. As a school, we are also collecting new socks for the Hope House of Webster – so please consider bringing a pack in. Most importantly, it is a day to celebrate and showcase KINDNESS. So choose kindness not only on Monday but every day. Hold a door open, ask someone how their day is, sit with someone new at lunch. Being kind is something everyone can do and doesn’t cost a thing…unless you wanted to buy me a chocolate chip cookie in which case it would cost you. Good to be back, have a great day Warriors and remember to BE KIND!
November 8, 2022
> Grab an Go Breakfast! If your bus arrives late, you will be able to grab breakfast right outside the main office. The breakfast line in the cafe closes at 8:40am. You will need your name and student number to get your breakfast!
> World Kindness Day is Sunday, November 13. We will be celebrating World Kindness Day as a school at Schroeder on Monday, November 14. Bring pairs of new socks, any size, to support HOPE House in Webster. Donations are collected in the main office all week. On Monday, November 13, stop by the PTSA table at lunch and join in the World Kindness Day festivities
> FEA, Future Educators of America, will have a meeting today after school in room SW5. Anyone who is interested in a career in education is encouraged to join and attend our meetings.
> Nominate a peer leader for Sources of Strength. Peer Nomination Forms can be found in the Class of 2024, 2025, & 2026 Google Classrooms.
> Attention Sophomores: For anyone interested in attending EMCC junior and senior year, there is a field trip December 9th. Students will be able to visit two programs of interest. Field trip forms can be picked up from the counseling center in N14.
> Attention Link Crew Leaders: We will be meeting Thursday, November 10 at 8:15 or 3:20 in the Auditorium. Please plan to make either of those meeting times. If you have a conflict, see an advisor ASAP.
> The Schroeder Varsity Bowling Team wants you! They are looking for bowlers who are interested in playing a varsity sport and/or being a member of a team. If this is you, they are a perfect fit. If interested stop dow to NW6 and talk to Coach Sanfilippo or email him @mathew_sanfilippo@webstercsd.org. No experience needed!
> Attention all athletes! If you are interested in becoming a stronger, more explosive athlete, joining the wrestling team is for you! Wrestling season begins Monday after school in the auxiliary gymnasium. The team is always looking for more student athletes to take on the challenge. Open mats in Room E-36 will continue this week on Tuesday & Thursday after school. Please see Mr. Salvaggio if you have any questions!
> It's election day Webster Schroeder! Do you want to vote in the 2022 midterm elections but aren't eligible to actually vote? The AP Government class is conducting mock elections for our local, state, and federal officials. The ballot is live and all you have to do is visit your class webpage or the voting station in the cafeteria today to cast your ballot. Not sure who to vote for? The mock election ballot website has all the information you need to make the most informed choice possible. Good luck America and happy election day.
> Congratulations to the Schroeder Mathletes on a successful completion of their second competition! 32 students competed, earning a total of 116 points! Schroeder was one of 23 schools that competed county-wide, with Gananda joining us here at Schroeder, on Monday. Schroeder placed 5th in the county and 2nd in our division. Congratulations to Jacqueline H on a PERFECT meet! Congratulations Stephen M. for earning a double digit score and having a perfect category! Mathletes, don't forget to sign up for the December competition in Google Classroom and pick up your papers in E4!
> Newspaper Club will be held today in W4 afterschool. Come work on or pitch content to debut on our digital news site. We welcome content creators of all types. If you can't attend meetings but still want to contribute, see Law in W4.
November 7, 2022
> Grab an Go Breakfast! If your bus arrives late, you will be able to grab breakfast right outside the main office. The breakfast line in the cafe closes at 8:40am. You will need your name and student number to get your breakfast!
> FEA, Future Educators of America, will have a meeting tomorrow, Tuesday, November 8th after school in room SW5. Anyone who is interested in a career in education is encouraged to join and attend our meetings.
> Nominate a peer leader for Sources of Strength. Peer Nomination Forms can be found in the Class of 2024, 2025, & 2026 Google Classrooms.
> Attention Sophomores: For anyone interested in attending EMCC junior and senior year, there is a field trip December 9th. Students will be able to visit two programs of interest. Field trip forms can be picked up from the counseling center in N14.
> There will be an informational meeting for the Varsity Bowling team on Thursday, November 10th at 3:40pm in the Spry Cafetorium. There is no experience required to be on the team.
> The Penfield-Webster Gymnastics team had a great season! They finished 3rd in Section Five with their highest score of the season! Kailey M placed 5th on the uneven bars, and Stephanie G. placed 1st on vault with an 8.9! Congratulations to both Kailey and Stephanie for making the State Team!
> All athletes interested in joining the indoor track team, the preseason meeting is tomorrow after school in the cafeteria from 3:30-4:15. Please join the Google Classroom ASAP. If you can't make it - please see Coach Klehr in room NW1. Again, all athletes interested in joining the indoor track team, the preseason meeting is tomorrow after school in the cafeteria.
> From the Varsity Girls Swim Team, Nakisha D, Marin B, Melissa R, Vivian N, Kylie W and Claire G are moving on to the State Championship after a successful Sectionals this past weekend. Notably, the 200 medley relay team, composed of Nakisha, Marin, Vivian and Claire placed first in Section 5 and broke the district record. Also, the 200 free relay team, composed of Nakisha, Melissa, Kylie and Claire placed 3rd and made the state cut as well.
Other notable finishes were:
Kylie W: 4th in the 200 free
Melek O: 11th in the 200 IM
Claire G: 1st in the 50 free
Claire G : 1st in the 100 free
Kylie W: 2nd in the 500 free
Melek O: 6th in the 100 breaststroke
Way to go ladies...good luck in States!
Kylie W, Meghan M, Marin B and Vivian N 3rd in the 400 freestyle relay
> This past weekend’s Model UN Conference was lit! Here are the numbers
1 Amazing Chairperson - Greg S
11 delegates with 7 new student delegates - Dexter B, Macey F, Alyssa H, Bailey M, Yarko R, Maybelle S, Braydn T and Betel T
4 awards - Brayden P and Raine L won Best Delegate in their respective committees and Sarah C and Macey F won Outstanding Delegate awards. And if that wasn’t enough...the Webster Schroeder Model UN Team won Best Small School Delegation for one third of the team winning an award. A marvelous time was had by all!
> Webster Boys Volleyball advanced to the Section V Class A Finals by winning a straight-set, Section V Semifinal over Penfield on Saturday night. The offense was led by Griffin M, Evan L, Joey P, and Jacob G...who combined for 27 kills. Zach Z and Jacob G led the defense with 14 digs and 4 blocks, respectively. Bodey G handed out 28 assists, while Griffin M blasted 5 aces. Webster improved to 20-1 and will face Fairport in the Section V final Thursday night in Victor at 8:00. Good luck, Lakers!
November 4, 2022
> Grab an Go Breakfast! If your bus arrives late, you will be able to grab breakfast right outside the main office. The breakfast line in the cafe closes at 8:40am. You will need your name and student number to get your breakfast!
> All athletes interested in doing indoor track should attend the preseason meeting in the cafeteria on November 8th from 3:30 to 4:15. Please join the Google Classroom if you are new and all athletes must have ParentSquare downloaded onto their phone. Again, all athletes interested in doing indoor track should attend the preseason meeting in the cafeteria on November 8th from 3:30 to 4:15.
> World Kindness Day is Sunday, November 13. We will be celebrating World Kindness Day as a school at Schroeder on Monday, November 14. Bring pairs of new socks, any size, to support HOPE House in Webster. Donations are collected in the main office all week. On Monday, November 13, stop by the PTSA table at lunch and join in the World Kindness Day festivities.
> FEA, Future Educators of America, will have a meeting on Tuesday, November 8th after school in room SW5. Anyone who is interested in a career in education is encouraged to join and attend our meetings.
> Nominate a peer leader for Sources of Strength. Peer Nomination Forms can be found in the Class of 2024, 2025, & 2026 Google Classrooms.
> Attention Sophomores: For anyone interested in attending EMCC junior and senior year, there is a field trip December 9th. Students will be able to visit two programs of interest. Field trip forms can be picked up from the counseling center in N14.
> Attention students that auditioned for Mamma Mia:
The callback list will be posted today at 3:15 outside the chorus room. Callbacks are this Tuesday, November 8 at 3:30 in the auditorium. If your name is on this list, be sure to take the appropriate scene materials on the bulletin board and check the Google Classroom for the vocal materials. If your name is NOT on this list, it doesn't mean you are not in the cast, just be sure to stay tuned for when the full cast list will be posted.
> Congratulations to the following students for being this week’s recipients of Principal’s Recognition:
Please stop down to the main office between 1st and 2nd period.
Madyson B. ~ Class of 2025
Troy C. ~ Class of 2024
Tyler L. ~ Class of 2025
Katie R. ~ Class of 2026
Zach T. ~ Class of 2023
November 3, 2022
> Attention students taking an AP Examination: the deadline to order an exam is November 4th, 2022.
In order to have an exam ordered, join the AP classroom @ Collegeboard.org for every AP class you take (using a personal email address). Pay for your exam(S) by logging onto MySchoolBucks.com. Please direct any questions to the E202 Alpha Office - Mrs. Goodwine & Mrs. Ferrara.
> Looking for a fun sport this winter? Consider joining the Cross Country Ski team even if you do not have experience. Equipment is needed but we may be able to loan you what you need. An informational meeting will be held today in the Old Faculty Lounge across from the Girls Locker Room at 3:45.
Can't make the meeting email chris_odle@webstercsd.org or go to google classroom f3aqzeq for more information
> Attention Schroeder Baseball players: There will be an important Winter Baseball Opportunities meeting today in Coach Knight's classroom (W214). The baseball meeting will take place immediately after school and should last no more than 20 minutes.
> Newspaper Club will be held today in W4 afterschool. Come work on or pitch content to debut on our digital news site. We welcome content creators of all types. Beginners are also welcome. If you can't attend meetings but still want to contribute, see Law in W4.
> Grab an Go Breakfast! If your bus arrives late, you will be able to grab breakfast right outside the main office. The breakfast line in the cafe closes at 8:40am. You will need your name and student number to get your breakfast!
> All athletes interested in doing indoor track should attend the preseason meeting in the cafeteria on November 8th from 3:30 to 4:15. Please join the Google Classroom if you are new and all athletes must have ParentSquare downloaded onto their phone. Again, all athletes interested in doing indoor track should attend the preseason meeting in the cafeteria on November 8th from 3:30 to 4:15.
>Now over to a Girls Swimming Sectionals video and then we'll be back for more announcements
> Webster Boys Volleyball rode the loud support of a boisterous student cheering section to a straight-set, Section V Quarterfinal victory over Brighton last night. The offense was led by Griffin M, Evan L, Call L, Evan C, and Nate Z who combined for 33 kills. Sal A also added a rare dig-kill. Bodey G handed out 30 assists, while Griffin M blasted 5 aces. Webster improved to 19-1 and moves on to the Section V Semifinals Saturday night.
> Now over to a Boys Volleyball Sectional Semifinals hype video
November 2, 2022
> Attention students taking an AP Examination: the deadline to order an exam is November 4th, 2022.
In order to have an exam ordered, join the AP classroom @ Collegeboard.org for every AP class you take (using a personal email address). Pay for your exam(S) by logging onto MySchoolBucks.com. Please direct any questions to the E202 Alpha Office - Mrs. Goodwine & Mrs. Ferrara.
> Looking for a fun sport this winter? Consider joining the Cross Country Ski team even if you do not have experience. Equipment is needed but we may be able to loan you what you need. An informational meeting will be held tomorrow, Thursday November 3rd in the Old Faculty Lounge across from the Girls Locker Room at 3:45.
Can't make the meeting email chris_odle@webstercsd.org or go to Google Classroom f3aqzeq for more information
> Attention all students who completed an application to be considered as a member of Schroeder's Chapter of the National Honor Society: Please make sure that you check your email. You should have received a message about the status of your application.
There will be an NHS general membership meeting on Thursday, November 3rd after school in W223 if you are a current member and AUDITORIUM if you have applied to be a member to be inducted this year. Make sure to attend for important information about service opportunities.
> Attention Schroeder Baseball players: There will be an important Winter Baseball Opportunities meeting tomorrow in Coach Knight's classroom (W214). The baseball meeting will take place immediately after school and should last no more than 20 minutes.
> Grab an Go Breakfast! If your bus arrives late, you will be able to grab breakfast right outside the main office. The breakfast line in the cafe closes at 8:40am. You will need your name and student number to get your breakfast!
> All athletes interested in doing indoor track should attend the preseason meeting in the cafeteria on November 8th from 3:30 to 4:15. Please join the Google Classroom if you are new and all athletes must have ParentSquare downloaded onto their phone. Again, all athletes interested in doing indoor track should attend the preseason meeting in the cafeteria on November 8th from 3:30 to 4:15.
> It’s Warrior Wednesday! All week long Schroeder staff has been on the lookout for students who are demonstrating cooperation, accountability, respect, and excellence.
Let’s go ahead and spin the prize wheel for our student winner:
Congratulations to Abigail P! You will be contacted by Mrs. Tasber’s office to claim your prize!
And now for our staff winner. Spin that wheel!
Congratulations to Mrs. Dorman! You will be contacted by Mrs. Tasber’s office to claim your prize!
Thank you all for continuing to demonstrate great habits and being Warriors who CARE.
> Now over to a Girls Swimming Sectionals video
November 1, 2022
> Attention students taking an AP Examination: the deadline to order an exam is November 4th, 2022.
In order to have an exam ordered, join the AP classroom @ Collegeboard.org for every AP class you take (using a personal email address). Pay for your exam(S) by logging onto MySchoolBucks.com. Please direct any questions to the E202 Alpha Office - Mrs. Goodwine & Mrs. Ferrara.
> Looking for a fun sport this winter? Consider joining the Cross Country Ski team even if you do not have experience. Equipment is needed but we may be able to loan you what you need. An informational meeting will be held Thursday, November 3rd in the Old Faculty Lounge across from the Girls Locker Room at 3:45.
Can't make the meeting email chris_odle@webstercsd.org or go to Google Classroom f3aqzeq for more information
> Attention Alpine skiers: There will be an informational meeting for anyone interested in skiing competitively for Webster this year today at 3:30 in the old faculty dining room across from the trophy case. If you are unable to make the meeting please contact Coach Francis for more information.
> SAGE will be meeting after school today in B2. We hope to see you there!!
> Attention all students who completed an application to be considered as a member of Schroeder's Chapter of the National Honor Society: Please make sure that you check your email. You should have received a message about the status of your application.
There will be an NHS general membership meeting on Thursday, November 3rd after school in W223 if you are a current member and AUDITORIUM if you have applied to be a member to be inducted this year. Make sure to attend for important information about service opportunities.
> Attention Schroeder Baseball players: There will be an important Winter Baseball Opportunities meeting this Thursday in Coach Knight's classroom (W214). The baseball meeting will take place immediately after school and should last no more than 20 minutes.
> Interested in trying out for one of our Boys Basketball Teams?
Today, after school in the cafeteria, the boys basketball program will hold an in-person informational meeting for students interested in trying out for either Mod A, JV, or Varsity basketball.
> Attention all students attending the Model UN Conference at Hilton High School this Friday: we will meet today after school in Mrs. Tuyn's room to go over logistics for the conference. If you cannot attend the meeting please inform either Mrs. Tuyn or Mrs. O'Brien.
> Attention students auditioning for Mamma Mia:
Today are the dance auditions. Please report promptly at 3:30 to the auditorium. Remember to wear comfortable clothes and shoes.
Vocal auditions are Wednesday and Thursday this week. Be sure you have signed up for a vocal audition time. These are located outside the chorus room.
> Newspaper Club will be held today in W4 afterschool. Come work on or pitch content to debut on our digital news site. We welcome content creators of all types. Beginners are also welcome. If you can't attend meetings but still want to contribute, see Law in W4.
>Now over to a sectional swimming video
October 31, 2022
> Attention students taking an AP Examination: the deadline to order an exam is November 4th, 2022.
In order to have an exam ordered, join the AP classroom @ Collegeboard.org for every AP class you take (using a personal email address). Pay for your exam(S) by logging onto MySchoolBucks.com. Please direct any questions to the E202 Alpha Office - Mrs. Goodwine & Mrs. Ferrara.
> Looking for a fun sport this winter? Consider joining the Cross Country Ski team even if you do not have experience. Equipment is needed but we may be able to loan you what you need. An informational meeting will be held Thursday, November 3rd in the Old Faculty Lounge across from the Girls Locker Room at 3:45.
Can't make the meeting email chris_odle@webstercsd.org or go to Google Classroom f3aqzeq for more information
> Attention Alpine skiers: There will be an informational meeting for anyone interested in skiing competitively for Webster this year tomorrow, Tuesday, November 1st at 3:30 in the old faculty dining room across from the trophy case. If you are unable to make the meeting please contact Coach Francis for more information.
> SAGE will be meeting after school tomorrow, Tuesday in B2. We hope to see you there!!
> Attention all students who completed an application to be considered as a member of Schroeder's Chapter of the National Honor Society: Please make sure that you check your email. You should have received a message about the status of your application.
There will be an NHS general membership meeting on Thursday, November 3rd after school in W223 if you are a current member and AUDITORIUM if you have applied to be a member to be inducted this year. Make sure to attend for important information about service opportunities.
> ATTENTION SCHROEDER BASEBALL PLAYERS: There will be an important Winter Baseball Opportunities meeting this Thursday in Coach Knight's classroom (W214). The baseball meeting will take place immediately after school and should last no more than 20 minutes.
> Congratulations to Schroeder's Speech & Debate team which took second place team at Saturday's invitational tournament. Schroeder was one point behind area powerhouse, City Honors High School of Buffalo. City Honors had 14 entries; Schroeder had only 6 but they were mighty! Yi J and Sam O took first in JV Public Forum Debate, Tristan B and Kieran G took first place in Varsity Public Forum Debate, Noah J took first place in Extemporaneous Speaking, and we welcomed several new members to the team. We meet today in Room W16 after school
> Our Ukrainian Cultural Club will meet today after school in Mr. Fedor's room W216.
> The girls soccer team defeated Hilton by a score of three nothing on Saturday afternoon in the section 5 class AA final. Abby H scored two goals and Alyssa D scored one and added an assist. Sasha Z had an assist. The team currently stands with a record of 14-2-3. Their next game is Friday night in Buffalo with a chance to advance to the state final four.
> Interested in trying out for one of our Boys Basketball Teams?
Tuesday November 1st at 3:30 in the cafeteria, the boys basketball program will hold an in-person informational meeting for students interested in trying out for either Mod A, JV or Varsity basketball.
> Attention all students attending the Model UN Conference at Hilton High School this Friday, we will meet on Tuesday, November 1 after school in Mrs. Tuyn's room to go over logistics for the conference. If you cannot attend the meeting please information either Mrs. Tuyn or Mrs. O'Brien.
> Happy Halloween Warriors! If you would like to participate in the Student Council costume contest, please go to the Morning Show Studio, off the cafeteria during your lunch period today. Students & Staff are both encouraged to participate.
Voting will take place on Google Classroom in the afternoon, with winners receiving a prize from PTSA.
October 28, 2022
> It's the last day of Red Ribbon Week and we want to thank you for your
participation in supporting healthy, drug free lifestyles. We hope you've really thought
about the meaning of this year's theme, Celebrate Life - Live Drug Free, and how
making healthy choices will help you achieve your goals in life...while having fun in the
process. We only want the best for you and can't wait to see what you can achieve!
> Attention students taking an AP Examination: the deadline to order an exam is November 4th, 2022.
In order to have an exam ordered, join the AP classroom @ Collegeboard.org for every AP class you take (using a personal email address). Pay for your exam(S) by logging onto MySchoolBucks.com. Please direct any questions to the E202 Alpha Office - Mrs. Goodwine & Mrs. Ferrara.
> Looking for a fun sport this winter? Consider joining the Cross Country Ski team even if you do not have experience. Equipment is needed but we may be able to loan you what you need. An informational meeting will be held Thursday, November 3rd in the Old Faculty Lounge across from the Girls Locker Room at 3:45.
Can't make the meeting email chris_odle@webstercsd.org or go to Google Classroom f3aqzeq for more information
> Attention Alpine skiers: There will be an informational meeting for anyone interested in skiing competitively for Webster this year on Tuesday, November 1st at 3:30 in the old faculty dining room across from the trophy case. If you are unable to make the meeting please contact Coach Francis for more information.
> SAGE will be meeting after school on Tuesday in B2. We hope to see you there!!
> Attention all students who completed an application to be considered as a member of Schroeder's Chapter of the National Honor Society: Please make sure that you check your email. You should have received a message about the status of your application.
There will be an NHS general membership meeting on Thursday, November 3rd after school in W223 if you are a current member and W224 if you have applied to be a member to be inducted this year. Make sure to attend for important information about service opportunities.
> Congratulations to the following students for being this week’s recipients of Principal’s Recognition:
Please stop down to the main office between 1st and 2nd period.
Izzy A. ~ Class of 2023
Nick C. ~ Class of 2024
Aissa E. ~ Class of 2023
Bintou J. ~ Class of 2026
Maya P. ~ Class of 2024
Hannah S. ~ Class of 2023
Ryan S. ~ Class of 2023
Ryker S. ~ Class of 2024
Nalani W. ~ Class of 2023
> We look forward to students and staff participating in our Halloween event on Monday.
As you plan your costumes for this Monday, we want to provide a few reminders that will keep the day safe and fun. Your costume should not cover your entire face, nor should it include realistic weapons. Please do not bring in items that you would ride on, including, but not limited to roller skates, skateboards, and scooters. Finally, please make sure that your costume is culturally sensitive. Part of creating a safe school community for ALL students on Halloween is making sure racially, ethnically, and culturally based costumes aren’t part of our festivities, because cultures are not costumes.
While you might choose to dress as a famous person or character whose identity is different from your own, please do not darken your skin or use embellishments that reinforce stereotypes. Some examples of costumes that can be problematic include: Native American costumes involving headdresses or feathers, dressing as a Rastafarian, dressing as a homeless person, dressing as a person with any physical or mental disability, or dressing in any costume that portrays a narrow or negative stereotype. If you have a question about your costume, you can ask one of us, or your administrator.
Looking forward to seeing everyone participating.
October 27, 2022
> Celebrate Life - Live Drug Free. That's this year's Red Ribbon Week theme. The Schroeder Warrior community loves our students and we want you to lead happy, healthy, fun and wonderful lives. We know that by making healthy choices, like staying drug free, you are more likely to live the best life for you. So, take a moment to commit to yourself that you will continue to make healthy choices to ensure a brighter future. You won't regret it!
> Attention students taking an AP Examination: the deadline to order an exam is November 4th, 2022.
In order to have an exam ordered, join the AP classroom @ Collegeboard.org for every AP class you take (using a personal email address). Pay for your exam(S) by logging onto MySchoolBucks.com. Please direct any questions to the E202 Alpha Office - Mrs. Goodwine & Mrs. Ferrara.
> Looking for a fun sport this winter? Consider joining the Cross Country Ski team even if you do not have experience. Equipment is needed but we may be able to loan you what you need. An informational meeting will be held Thursday, November 3rd in the Old Faculty Lounge across from the Girls Locker Room at 3:45.
Can't make the meeting email chris_odle@webstercsd.org or go to Google Classroom f3aqzeq for more information
> There will be a TIES volunteer training after school from 3:20 - 4:00. This is a fun and rewarding way to earn service hours! Interested students please meet in the cafeteria and come learn what TIES (Together Including Every Student) is all about.
> Schroeder Courier Newspaper Club will meet today afterschool in Law's room, W4. Bring your content ideas, help us sort and caption pictures for publication, or edit your own work-in-progress. See you in W4!
> Interested in learning more about Ukrainian culture?
The Ukrainian Cultural Club will hold their first meeting next Monday on Halloween, after school in Mr. Fedor's room in W216. Join the Google Classroom if you are interested or email Mr. Stokelin.
> Students and staff: Wear pink tomorrow for Breast Cancer Awareness Day! Go all out and join in for a great cause!
> SAGE will be meeting after school on Tuesday in B2. We hope to see you there!!
> Attention all students who completed an application to be considered as a member of Schroeder's Chapter of the National Honor Society: Please make sure that you check your email. You should have received a message about the status of your application.
There will be an NHS general membership meeting on Thursday, November 3rd after school in W223 if you are a current member and W224 if you have applied to be a member to be inducted this year. Make sure to attend for important information about service opportunities.
> Congratulations to the Girls Varsity Soccer team on their 2 to nothing win over Brighton last night. Goals for the Warriors were scored by Alyssa D and Abby H. A shutout and strong performance by the Schroeder defense helped secure the win. The Warriors move on to play Hilton in the Sectional Finals on Saturday. Congratulations and good luck ladies!
> Coach Stokelin
Hello Warriors,
Our Boys Basketball Program is here represented by myself Coach Stokelin, our new JV Coach Coach Insley, and one of our Varsity basketball players Jake.
- Most of us know about the Sports Media Team called PrimeTime585. They've covered a lot of our sports teams here at Schroeder, and have also given a lot of our athletes a platform to be heard.
Jake I
Our Boys Basketball Program is teaming with PrimeTime585 to raise money towards their Thanksgiving Adopt - A - Family program for families in need.
We will be selling our Warrior Crew White Out T-Shirts for $10 each at lunches today, tomorrow, and at the football game.
Coach Insley
Our goal is to sell all of our shirts to adopt as many families as possible. All proceeds will go to PrimeTime585 and their Thanksgiving initiative.
Thank you all for your support and that's it for the morning show! Have a great day warriors!
October 26, 2022
> Happy Red Ribbon Week! This year's theme is Celebrate Life - Live Drug Free.
Staying drug free means investing in your current and future health. You don't have to
use drugs to fit in. There are other ways to belong. Celebrate your uniqueness and show
it to the world.
> Attention students taking an AP Examination: the deadline to order an exam is November 4th, 2022.
In order to have an exam ordered, join the AP classroom @ Collegeboard.org for every AP class you take (using a personal email address). Pay for your exam(S) by logging onto MySchoolBucks.com. Please direct any questions to the E202 Alpha Office - Mrs. Goodwine & Mrs. Ferrara.
> The Green Club will be having a meeting afterschool today. We will go over the process for composting and then work on planting some bulbs. Anyone interested in joining should come to the meeting. We will meet afterschool in E224.
> There will be a TIES volunteer training this week tomorrow, Thursday, October 27th after school from 3:20 - 4:00. This is a fun and rewarding way to earn service hours! Interested students please meet in the cafeteria and come learn what TIES (Together Including Every Student) is all about.
> Interested in learning more about Ukrainian culture?
The Ukrainian Cultural Club will hold their first meeting next Monday on Halloween, after school in Mr. Fedor's room in W216. Join the Google Classroom if you are interested or email Mr. Stokelin.
> If you’re planning to audition for Schroeder’s production of Mamma Mia be sure to stop down to the chorus room to sign up for a vocal audition time. All students also need to attend the dance auditions on November 1 at 3:30 in the auditorium.
> Today Dungeons and Dragons Club will be holding its first meeting in W3 right after school until 4 o'clock. We welcome brand new players and seasoned veterans alike to join us for a brand new adventure
> The Freshman Football team wrapped up a successful 2022 season with a dominating home victory over Irondequoit, 32-0, bringing their record to 4-2. Scoring touchdowns for the Warriors were Nathan A, Big Bob K , Junior W and Max B.
"Golden Toe" Caleb B was 3 for 3 on PATS with Dom I adding another kick.
Stand out defensive efforts were contributed from Antonio R, Antonio T. Junior W, Grayson C and Connor I amongst others.
Congrats on a great season.
> Students and staff: Wear pink this Friday for Breast Cancer Awareness Day! Go all out and join in for a great cause
> It’s Warrior Wednesday! All week long Schroeder staff has been on the lookout for students who are demonstrating cooperation, accountability, respect, and excellence.
Let’s go ahead and spin the prize wheel for our student winner:
Congratulations to Hayden D! You will be contacted by Mrs. Tasber’s office to claim your prize!
And now for our staff winner. Spin that wheel!
Congratulations to Mrs. Phillips! You will be contacted by Mrs. Tasber’s office to claim your prize!
Thank you all for continuing to demonstrate great habits and being Warriors who CARE
October 25, 2022
> It's Red Ribbon Week! This year's theme is Celebrate Life - Live Drug Free. The theme is a reminder that by staying drug free, you are sending a message to yourself and others about how much you value yourself, your overall health, your community and your future. One thing's for sure ... by making healthy choices, like staying drug free, you are much more likely to achieve your goals. So aim for the stars! We believe in you.
> Attention students taking an AP Examination: the deadline to order an exam is November 4th, 2022.
In order to have an exam ordered, join the AP classroom @ Collegeboard.org for every AP class you take (using a personal email address). Pay for your exam(S) by logging onto MySchoolBucks.com. Please direct any questions to the E202 Alpha Office - Mrs. Goodwine & Mrs. Ferrara.
> What do colleges and employers want to see when they look at your digital profile? Come join us for a virtual Zoom meeting and find out. Julie Smith, a media literacy specialist and university professor is offering two free Zoom sessions to help juniors and seniors learn skills and activities that will empower them to control their online lives. Sessions are tomorrow, October 26 from 12pm to 1pm and Thursday, October 27 from 1pm to 2pm in room N15. Sign up through Naviance
> The first DREAM Club meeting is in room E216, Mrs. Pazmiño’s room, today at 3:15. Come meet Dr. Chalwell, Webster’s new Director of Family Engagement and Inclusivity. Everyone is welcome!
> The Model UN Club is meeting today after school in Mrs. Tuyn's room. We will be answering the question on EVERYBODY's mind...What the heck happens during a Conference!? Be there or be square!
> The Green Club will be having a meeting afterschool tomorrow. We will go over the process for composting and then work on planting some bulbs. Anyone interested in joining should come to the meeting. We will meet afterschool in E224.
> There will be a TIES volunteer training this week on Thursday, October 27th after school from 3:20 - 4:00. This is a fun and rewarding way to earn service hours! Interested students please meet in the cafeteria and come learn what TIES (Together Including Every Student) is all about.
> Schroeder Courier Newspaper Club will meet today afterschool in Law's room, W4. Bring your content ideas, help us sort and caption pictures for publication, or edit your own work-in-progress. See you in W4!
> Interested in learning more about Ukrainian culture?
The Ukrainian Cultural Club will hold their first meeting next Monday on Halloween, after school in Mr. Fedor's room in W216. Join the Google Classroom if you are interested or email Mr. Stokelin.
> If you’re planning to audition for Schroeder’s production of Mamma Mia be sure to stop down to the chorus room to sign up for a vocal audition time. All students also need to attend the dance auditions on November 1 at 3:30 in the auditorium.
>In honor of Breast Cancer awareness month, we want everyone to wear pink this Friday, October 28th in support. Step up, dress up, and show your Schroeder pep this Friday.
October 24, 2022
> This year's Red Ribbon Week theme is Celebrate Life - Live Drug Free.
The theme is a call to action to speak out in support of healthy choices. It also serves
as a reminder that we are all empowered with shaping the communities around us
> Attention students taking an AP Examination: the deadline to order an exam is November 4th, 2022.
In order to have an exam ordered, join the AP classroom @ Collegeboard.org for every AP class you take (using a personal email address). Pay for your exam(S) by logging onto MySchoolBucks.com. Please direct any questions to the E202 Alpha Office - Mrs. Goodwine & Mrs. Ferrara.
> Attention skiers and snowboarders: Schroeder Snowsports registration is in the cafeteria, immediately after school today. You must register on our Google form before your check is accepted. Bus spots are limited to 50, and spots are given on a first come, first served basis to students who have a check in hand and have completed the registration form in advance. Direct questions to Mrs. Strege
> What do colleges and employers want to see when they look at your digital profile? Come join us for a virtual Zoom meeting and find out. Julie Smith, a media literacy specialist and university professor is offering two free Zoom sessions to help juniors and seniors learn skills and activities that will empower them to control their online lives. Sessions are Wednesday, October 26 from 12pm to 1pm and Thursday, October 27 from 1pm to 2pm in room N15. Sign up through Naviance
> The first DREAM Club meeting is in room E216, Mrs. Pazmiño’s room, tomorrow, Tuesday, October 25th at 3:15. Come meet Dr. Chalwell, Webster’s new Director of Family Engagement and Inclusivity. Everyone is welcome!
> Congratulations to our Speech & Debate team who participated at Saturday's Brighton Invitational Tournament. Noah J placed first in Varsity Extemporaneous speaking; The team of Yi J and Sam O placed second in Intermediate Public Forum Debate. Today's meeting is right after school in room W15. Schroeder hosts our own tournament this Saturday; come and see what Speech & Debate is all about!
> The Model UN Club is meeting tomorrow, Tuesday, October 25 after school in Mrs. Tuyn's room. We will be answering the question on EVERYBODY's mind...What the heck happens during a Conference!? Be there or be square!
> The boys varsity soccer team lost a heartbreaker on Friday night one to zero against Hilton which ended their season. The team got better with every game, played with class, and were excellent representatives of Schroeder athletics. Seniors Tyler D and Alejandro P earned 1st team all-county. Senior Peter K, junior Nico M, and sophomore Sam B earned second team. Thank you to the nine seniors who left this program in a better place than when they started.
> The Green Club will be having a meeting afterschool on Wednesday. We will go over the process for composting and then work on planting some bulbs. Anyone interested in joining should come to the meeting. We will meet afterschool in E224.
October 21, 2022
> Attention all students and staff: next week is RED RIBBON WEEK. The mission of the Red
Ribbon Campaign® is to present a unified and visible commitment towards the creation of a DRUG - FREE AMERICA. We want to see everyone at Schroeder wearing RED on Tuesday, October 25.
> Attention seniors who are applying to any SUNY college or university. SUNY is waiving the application fee starting Monday, October 24. There will be no fee to apply to over 64 SUNY campuses. Free applications will be accepted for two weeks, through Sunday, November 6.
This is huge! Get your applications done now so that you can submit them for free starting next week!!
> Any athletes interested in wrestling this winter should attend wrestling open mats in room E-36 off of the cafeteria after school. Wrestling open mats will be every Tuesday and Thursday 3:15 - 4:30 after school. Keep in mind the wrestling team is ALWAYS looking to add new athletes to the team. This sport will make you mentally tougher and physically stronger. See Coach Salvaggio in room W-17 for more details!
> Attention students taking an AP Examination: the deadline to order an exam is November 4th, 2022.
In order to have an exam ordered, join the AP classroom @ Collegeboard.org for every AP class you take (using a personal email address). Pay for your exam(S) by logging onto MySchoolBucks.com. Please direct any questions to the E202 Alpha Office - Mrs. Goodwine & Mrs. Ferrara.
> What do colleges and employers want to see when they look at your digital profile? Come join us for a virtual Zoom meeting and find out. Julie Smith, a media literacy specialist and university professor is offering two free Zoom sessions to help juniors and seniors learn skills and activities that will empower them to control their online lives. Sessions are Wednesday, October 26 from 12pm to 1pm and Thursday, October 27 from 1pm to 2pm in room N15. Sign up through Naviance
> Girls Soccer won their first round sectional game over Rush-Henrietta last night by a score of 3-0. Abby H had two goals and Alyssa D had a goal to lead the way. Sasha Z had two assists and Maddie P added one. Meg F had the shutout in goal. The girls next game is Wednesday, October 26th vs Brighton at Spencerport at 5pm.
> The not-so-despicable Girls Volleyball team "Gru" their record last night to 16-1 "Agnes" Churchville-Chili. "Edith" though the Warriors had a "minion" successes this season, they still have "Nefario" to go!
The girls wrapped-up their regular season in a picture perfect night celebrating four Senior Warriors --Nicole, Emmy, Piper, and Analiesse -- and becoming Division Champs!!! Congratulations on a fantastic season, becoming Division Champs, and making Webster proud, girls!
Some more matches need to be played around the county to determine how sectionals will look...but more information to come! Maximum Effort from here on out, Warriors!
> Congratulations to the following students for being this week’s recipients of Principal’s Recognition:
Please stop down to the main office between 1st and 2nd period.
Ryan E. ~ Class of 2023
Corintia G. ~ Class of 2024
Abby H. ~ Class of 2024
Nailea H. ~ Class of 2026
Cooper M. ~ Class of 2026
Mason M. ~ Class of 2026 (per 1 Vanhouten)
Leonardo N. ~ Class of 2023
Ricky R. ~ Class of 2026
Bryan T. ~ Class of 2023
Maura U. ~ Class of 2026
Brynn Z. ~ Class of 2026
Have a great day warriors.
October 20, 2022
> Attention all students and staff: next week is RED RIBBON WEEK. The mission of the Red
Ribbon Campaign® is to present a unified and visible commitment towards the creation of a DRUG - FREE AMERICA. We want to see everyone at Schroeder wearing RED on Tuesday, October 25.
> Attention seniors who are applying to any SUNY college or university. SUNY is waiving the application fee starting Monday, October 24. There will be no fee to apply to over 64 SUNY campuses. Free applications will be accepted for two weeks, through Sunday, November 6.
This is huge! Get your applications done now so that you can submit them for free starting next week!!
> Attention Key Club members: we will meet today in W3 at 3:20 PM.
> Any athletes interested in wrestling this winter should attend wrestling open mats in room E-36 off of the cafeteria after school. Wrestling open mats will be every Tuesday and Thursday 3:15 - 4:30 after school. Keep in mind the wrestling team is ALWAYS looking to add new athletes to the team. This sport will make you mentally tougher and physically stronger. See Coach Salvaggio in room W-17 for more details!
> Girls Soccer takes the field tonight on the Schroeder Turf at 6:30pm against Rush-Henrietta in round one of sectionals! Good luck, Warriors!
> Girls Volleyball advanced to 15-1 last night defeating HFL at home...but the bigger news coming from the team is SENIOR NIGHT is tonight! Come support Nicole, Emmy, Piper, & Analiesse at 7:30 as the ladies play their last home match of the regular season at 7:30pm/
> Attention students taking an AP Examination: the deadline to order an exam is November 4th, 2022.
In order to have an exam ordered, join the AP classroom @ Collegeboard.org for every AP class you take (using a personal email address). Pay for your exam(S) by logging onto MySchoolBucks.com. Please direct any questions to the E202 Alpha Office - Mrs. Goodwine & Mrs. Ferrara.
> Attention skiers and snowboarders: Schroeder Snowsports registration is in the cafeteria, immediately after school on Monday, October 24. You must register on our Google form before your check is accepted. Bus spots are limited to 50, and spots are given on a first come, first served basis to students who have a check in hand and have completed the registration form in advance. Direct questions to Mrs. Strege
> What do colleges and employers want to see when they look at your digital profile? Come join us for a virtual Zoom meeting and find out. Julie Smith, a media literacy specialist and university professor is offering two free Zoom sessions to help juniors and seniors learn skills and activities that will empower them to control their online lives. Sessions are Wednesday, October 26 from 12pm to 1pm and Thursday, October 27 from 1pm to 2pm in room N15. Sign up through Naviance
> Newspaper Club will meet in W4, Law's room, after school today.
We'll be reviewing new content and progress as well as discussing our news website's future launch. No experience required; we welcome content creators of all types: photographers, writers, podcasters, videographers, artists, web designers, and social media savvy students. See you in W4!
> The Freshman Football team improved their record to 3-2 yesterday after a dominating home victory of rivals McQuaid. Scoring touchdowns for the Warriors were Junior W, Ashton A and Robert K. Liam T added an incredible 93 yard touchdown run in the 4th Quarter to seal the game.
Junior W, David S, Antonio T all had strong defensive games, including an interception from Elliot J.
The Warriors finish their season on Tuesday with a home game against Irondequoit
October 19, 2022
> The Green Club will be having a meeting after school today in E224.
Any student interested in joining and learning more about the club should plan to attend. Bring a friend - we will have some fun treats!
> Attention singers, dancers, actors and artists: this year's musical production of Mamma Mia is ready to begin! If you are interested in being on stage performing OR helping to build/paint sets and work backstage we want to see you at an information meeting today after school at 3:30 in the Chorus Room (N2). If you are unable to attend but want more information please see Mrs. Zugelder in the chorus room.
> Are you unsure about what you want to do after high school? An opportunity we offer twice per year at Schroeder is the ASVAB test. The ASVAB test is an aptitude test that looks at 8 different subject areas. Unlike the SAT/ACT the ASVAB is more of a career research based aptitude test. Based on a student's skill set, different careers are highlighted for them to research.
One of the best things about taking the ASVAB are the resources a student will have access to after they receive their results. Mr. Claire will take students (and parents if interested) through the results and the resource center to explore different careers.
The ASVAB is a military affiliated test. Meaning if a student wants to go in the military they HAVE to take the ASVAB. Their score on the ASVAB test determines what careers they are eligible for. Different careers in the military need particular scores.
However, Webster Schroeder does not send scores to the military. Our results are ONLY shared with the student. 75% of high school students across the country who take this test use it for career research purposes and that is what the majority of Schroeder students use it for. If you want to use it for the military you can certainly do so.
If you would like to sign up for the test please email or stop into the counseling center to speak to Mrs. Mezzanini.
The first ASVAB test will be on Friday, October 21st.
If you have any questions please feel free to email Mr. Claire at Patrick_Claire@webstercsd.org
> Attention all students and staff: next week is RED RIBBON WEEK. The mission of the Red
Ribbon Campaign® is to present a unified and visible commitment towards the creation of a DRUG - FREE AMERICA. We want to see everyone at Schroeder wearing RED on Tuesday, October 25.
> Attention seniors who are applying to any SUNY college or university. SUNY is waiving the application fee starting Monday, October 24. There will be no fee to apply to over 64 SUNY campuses. Free applications will be accepted for two weeks, through Sunday, November 6.
This is huge! Get your applications done now so that you can submit them for free starting next week!!
> Attention Key Club members: we will meet tomorrow, Thursday, October 20th in W3 at 3:20 PM.
> Any athletes interested in wrestling this winter should attend wrestling open mats in room E-36 off of the cafeteria after school. Wrestling open mats will be every Tuesday and Thursday 3:15 - 4:30 after school. Keep in mind the wrestling team is ALWAYS looking to add new athletes to the team. This sport will make you mentally tougher and physically stronger. See Coach Salvaggio in room W-17 for more details!
> Attention students taking an AP Examination: the deadline to order an exam is November 4th, 2022.
In order to have an exam ordered, join the AP classroom @ Collegeboard.org for every AP class you take (using a personal email address). Pay for your exam(S) by logging onto MySchoolBucks.com. Please direct any questions to the E202 Alpha Office - Mrs. Goodwine & Mrs. Ferrara.
> Attention skiers and snowboarders. Schroeder Snowsports registration is in the cafeteria, immediately after school on Monday, October 24. You must register on our Google form before your check is accepted. Bus spots are limited to 50, and spots are given on a first come, first served basis to students who have a check in hand and have completed the registration form in advance. Direct questions to Mrs. Strege
> Congratulations to Artist of the Week: senior Abby F! She created this colored pencil drawing in AP drawing with the prompt of using still lids to explore relationships between objects such as proportion and overlap in order to create a successful composition. Once students completed the drawing they then explored a variety of techniques with colored pencils. Through this process students grew their understanding of color theory, value, and form within each object.
> What do colleges and employers want to see when they look at your digital profile? Come join us for a virtual Zoom meeting and find out. Julie Smith, a media literacy specialist and university professor is offering two free Zoom sessions to help juniors and seniors learn skills and activities that will empower them to control their online lives. Sessions are Wednesday, October 26 from 12pm to 1pm and Thursday, October 27 from 1pm to 2pm in room N15. Sign up through Naviance
> The Girls Volleyball team improved their record to 14-1 last night in a cross-town match up against the Thomas Titans. Mariah W. dominated out of the middle with 10 kills and Lina F. used pure force and creativity to add 15 kills for the Warriors. Sara F. looked sharp sending the ball around and racked up 31 assists. On defense, Erin M. had 15 digs and Maddie S. had 14. The Warriors are in their final stretch with a home match tonight against HFL and Senior Night tomorrow. Come show them love as they attempt to move up the New York State rankings before Sectionals.
> Warrior Wednesdays are back! Designed to recognize students who care and model our Warrior spirit, teachers and staff that notice a student spreading positivity around the building can have students scan a QR code and fill out a form entering them in this contest! Prizes can be received in Mrs. Tasbers house office.
> Now over to a video from the Schroeder Musical...
October 18, 2022
> Best Buddies next chapter meeting will be today after school in the cafeteria. Come join us for some fall fun! We will be decorating pumpkins together and enjoying apples, cider, and donuts.
> The Green Club will be having a meeting afterschool tomorrow, Wednesday, October 19th in E224.
Any student interested in joining and learning more about the club should plan to attend. Bring a friend - we will have some fun treats!
> The Sexuality and Gender Equity Club (SAGE) will be meeting today after school in B2.
> Attention singers, dancers, actors and artists: this year's musical production of Mamma Mia is ready to begin! If you are interested in being on stage performing OR helping to build/paint sets and work backstage we want to see you at an information meeting tomorrow at 3:30 in the Chorus Room (N2). If you are unable to attend but want more information please see Mrs. Zugelder in the chorus room.
> Are you unsure about what you want to do after high school? An opportunity we offer twice per year at Schroeder is the ASVAB test. The ASVAB test is an aptitude test that looks at 8 different subject areas. Unlike the SAT/ACT the ASVAB is more of a career research based aptitude test. Based on a student's skill set, different careers are highlighted for them to research.
One of the best things about taking the ASVAB are the resources a student will have access to after they receive their results. Mr. Claire will take students (and parents if interested) through the results and the resource center to explore different careers.
The ASVAB is a military affiliated test. Meaning if a student wants to go in the military they HAVE to take the ASVAB. Their score on the ASVAB test determines what careers they are eligible for. Different careers in the military need particular scores.
However, Webster Schroeder does not send scores to the military. Our results are ONLY shared with the student. 75% of high school students across the country who take this test use it for career research purposes and that is what the majority of Schroeder students use it for. If you want to use it for the military you can certainly do so.
If you would like to sign up for the test please email or stop into the counseling center to speak to Mrs. Mezzanini.
The first ASVAB test will be on Friday, October 21st.
If you have any questions please feel free to email Mr. Claire at Patrick_Claire@webstercsd.org
> Attention all students and staff: next week is RED RIBBON WEEK. The mission of the Red
Ribbon Campaign® is to present a unified and visible commitment towards the creation of a DRUG - FREE AMERICA. We want to see everyone at Schroeder wearing RED on Tuesday, October 25.
> Library Club meets today after school in the library. New members are welcome!
> There will be a Model UN Club meeting today after school in Mrs. Tuyn's room, W6. We will be planning for the upcoming conference in Hilton November 4th.
> Attention seniors who are applying to any SUNY college or university. SUNY is waiving the application fee starting Monday, October 24. There will be no fee to apply to over 64 SUNY campuses. Free applications will be accepted for two weeks, through Sunday, November 6.
This is huge! Get your applications done now so that you can submit them for free starting next week!!
> Webster Boys Volleyball powered out a tough five-set victory over Rush-Henrietta last night. Bodey G. and Nick A. distributed a combined 40 assists to attack leaders Griffin M, Joey P, Jacob G, and Cal L with 15, 11, 9, and 8 kills respectively. Defensively, Webster was led by Zach Z's 13 digs and Jacob G's 4 blocks. Webster travels to Brighton on Wednesday before hosting Cicero-North Syracuse on Saturday at 1:30.
> Attention Key Club members: we will meet Thursday, October 20th in W3 at 3:20 PM.
> Any athletes interested in wrestling this winter should attend wrestling open mats in room E-36 off of the cafeteria after school. Wrestling open mats will be every Tuesday and Thursday 3:15 - 4:30 after school. Keep in mind the wrestling team is ALWAYS looking to add new athletes to the team. This sport will make you mentally tougher and physically stronger. See Coach Salvaggio in room W-17 for more details!
> Attention students taking an AP Examination: the deadline to order an exam is November 4th, 2022.
In order to have an exam ordered, join the AP classroom @ Collegeboard.org for every AP class you take (using a personal email address). Pay for your exam(S) by logging onto MySchoolBucks.com. Please direct any questions to the E202 Alpha Office - Mrs. Goodwine & Mrs. Ferrara.
> Now over to a video from the Schroeder Musical...
October 17, 2022
> Best Buddies next chapter meeting will be tomorrow, October 18th. Come join us for some fall fun! We will be decorating pumpkins together and enjoying apples, cider, and donuts. Come to the cafeteria after school tomorrow for fall fun with buddies!
> The Green Club will be having a meeting afterschool on Wednesday, October 19th in E224.
Any student interested in joining and learning more about the club should plan to attend. Bring a friend - we will have some fun treats!
> The Sexuality and Gender Equity Club (SAGE) will be meeting tomorrow after school in B2.
> Attention singers, dancers, actors and artists: this year's musical production of Mamma Mia is ready to begin! If you are interested in being on stage performing OR helping to build/paint sets and work backstage we want to see you at an information meeting this coming Wednesday, October 19 at 3:30 in the Chorus Room (N2). If you are unable to attend but want more information please see Mrs. Zugelder in the chorus room.
> Are you unsure about what you want to do after high school? An opportunity we offer twice per year at Schroeder is the ASVAB test. The ASVAB test is an aptitude test that looks at 8 different subject areas. Unlike the SAT/ACT the ASVAB is more of a career research based aptitude test. Based on a student's skill set, different careers are highlighted for them to research.
One of the best things about taking the ASVAB are the resources a student will have access to after they receive their results. Mr. Claire will take students (and parents if interested) through the results and the resource center to explore different careers.
The ASVAB is a military affiliated test. Meaning if a student wants to go in the military they HAVE to take the ASVAB. Their score on the ASVAB test determines what careers they are eligible for. Different careers in the military need particular scores.
However, Webster Schroeder does not send scores to the military. Our results are ONLY shared with the student. 75% of high school students across the country who take this test use it for career research purposes and that is what the majority of Schroeder students use it for. If you want to use it for the military you can certainly do so.
If you would like to sign up for the test please email or stop into the counseling center to speak to Mrs. Mezzanini.
The first ASVAB test will be on Friday, October 21st.
If you have any questions please feel free to email Mr. Claire at Patrick_Claire@webstercsd.org
> Attention all students and staff: next week is RED RIBBON WEEK. The mission of the Red
Ribbon Campaign® is to present a unified and visible commitment towards the creation of a DRUG - FREE AMERICA. We want to see everyone at Schroeder wearing RED on Tuesday, October 25.
> Library Club meets tomorrow, Tuesday, October 18 after school in the library. New members are welcome!
> There will be a Model UN Club meeting tomorrow, Tuesday, October 18 after school in Mrs. Tuyn's room, W6. We will be planning for the upcoming conference in Hilton November 4th.
> Girls Volleyball is now 13-1 this season after beating Gates-Chili on the road on Friday night. Erin M. and Nicole J. brought the heat from the service line, delivering 7 and 4 aces a piece. Offensively, Piper M. racked up 6 kills, Ava G. put down 4, and Emmy B. added in an additional 3. Sara F. kept the ball moving for a total of 17 assists. Maddie S. kept our side of the court clean with 11 digs, defensively. The girls are in their final stretch of regular season matches with Thomas on Tuesday, HFL at home Wednesday, and Senior Night on Thursday against Churchville-Chili. Finish strong, Warriors!
> Now over to a video from the Schroeder Musical...
October 14, 2022
The Unified Bowling season is quickly approaching!
Unified Bowling is an inclusive Section Five Varsity sport where athletes (an individual with a disability) and partners (an individual without a disability) play alongside each other. Schroeder will have their own team separate from Thomas this year. Family ID is now open for registration. Scan the QR code in the pre-show, or email Mrs. Burgess at lindsay_burgess@webstercsd.org for more information.
Best Buddies next chapter meeting will be Tuesday, October 18th. Come join us for some fall fun! We will be decorating pumpkins together and enjoying apples, cider, and donuts. Come to the cafeteria after school on Tuesday for fall fun with buddies!
The Green Club will be having a meeting afterschool on Wednesday, October 19th in E224.
Any student interested in joining and learning more about the club should plan to attend. Bring a friend - we will have some fun treats!
Rotary members: Don't forget we will be meeting on Monday, Oct. 17th and Tuesday, Oct. 18th to write the letters for Honor Flight. If you can't make it please look at the Classroom page you can still participate. It's not too late to join Rotary, come to either or both of the days next week to join. If you have any questions see Mrs. Landis in E27.
The Sexuality and Gender Equity Club (SAGE) will be meeting on Tuesday after school in B2.
Congratulations to the Schroeder Mathletes on a successful completion of their first competition! 26 students competed, earning a total of 184 points, with all competitors earning at least one point! Schroeder was one of 19 schools that competed county-wide on Thursday, placing 4th in the county and 2nd in our division. Congratulations to Jacqueline H on a PERFECT meet! Congratulations also to our double digit scorers: Lyrah C, Mitchell C, Alyssa D, Alyssa F, Yi J, Jackson M and Ben R. Mathletes, don't forget to respond in Google Classroom about t-shirts and sign up for the November competition!
Congratulations to Haley K (who tied for second place) and Macy F. (who tied for 10th place) at the Tournament of Champions this past Tuesday at Monroe CC. Both qualified for the sectional tournament that took place at Webster Golf Club yesterday. Great finish to the season girls! Good luck.
The Boys Varsity Soccer team finished their regular season with a two to one overtime victory over Victor. Senior Colton U scored his first ever varsity goal while senior Mitchell C got the game winner. The Warriors finish the season with 7 wins, 7 losses and 2 ties. Up next is a quarterfinal sectional game at Hilton next Friday.
The Webster Boys Volleyball team were delivered their first loss of the year at Fairport last night with a straight set defeat. Bodey G distributed 22 assists with Nick A contributing an additional 9 assists to the leading attack of Cal L and Griffin M with 9 and 7 kills, respectively. The boys celebrate senior night on Monday, hosting Rush-Henrietta at 7:30 in the Schroeder gym.
Attention singers, dancers, actors and artists: this year's musical production of Mamma Mia is ready to begin! If you are interested in being on stage performing OR helping to build/paint sets and work backstage we want to see you at an information meeting this coming Wednesday, October 19 at 3:30 in the Chorus Room (N2). If you are unable to attend but want more information please see Mrs. Zugelder in the chorus room.
October 13, 2022
This message is for all current and interested Webster Schroeder wrestlers: There will be a mandatory JV and Varsity pre-season meeting in Coach Salvaggio's room, W17, directly after school today. Even if you cannot stay the entire time make sure you stop in to get the information and sign in. Again, mandatory wrestling meeting today in room W17.
> Congratulations to Haley K. (who tied for second place) and Macy F. (who tied for 10th place) at the Tournament of Champions this past Tuesday at Monroe CC. Both qualified for the sectional tournament taking place at Webster Golf Club today. Great finish to the season girls! Good luck.
> Newspaper Club will meet in Mrs. Law's room, W4, after school today.
We'll be looking to curate homecoming photo galleries for hallways, homecoming dance, pep rally, and the football game. We encourage non-club members to submit photos via our form.
Scan the QR code outside W4 and upload straight from your camera roll to the form in a few clicks. Stop and see Mrs. Law during lunch if you need help.
> Best Buddies next chapter meeting will be Tuesday, October 18th. Come join us for some fall fun! We will be decorating pumpkins together and enjoying apples, cider, and donuts. Come to the cafeteria after school on Tuesday for fall fun with buddies!
>The Green Club will be having a meeting afterschool on Wednesday Oct. 19 in E224
Any student interested in joining and learning more about the club should plan to attend. Bring a friend - we will have some fun treats!
> Girls Soccer came back to tie Churchville Chili last night on a goal by Ellie O with 11 seconds left in the game. Congratulations girls and way to have that Warrior instinct, Ellie!
> The Girls Volleyball team advanced to 12 and 1 last night at home against Spencerport during Spike Out Cancer Night, a special evening to raise awareness and money for the Breast Cancer Coalition of Rochester. Junior Erin M. served up 5 aces, junior Lina F. racked up 16 kills, junior Sarah F. dished out 28 assists, and freshman Maddie S. led the defense with 10 digs.
Together we were able to raise over $950 dollars that will be donated to the Breast Cancer Coalition. The Girls Volleyball team would like to thank Mrs. Weis for all the hard work she put into this event as well as a big thank you to all that bought a pink shirt or donated towards the cause!
With only 4 regular season matches remaining, the girls are back in action tomorrow night on the road in Gates-Chili. Good luck, ladies and way to be outstanding members of our Warrior community.
> Now over to a video from the Schroeder Musical...
October 12, 2022
> The Unified Bowling season is quickly approaching!
Unified Bowling is an inclusive Section Five Varsity sport where athletes (an individual with a disability) and partners (an individual without a disability) play alongside each other. Schroeder will have their own team separate from Thomas this year. Family ID is now open for registration. Scan the QR code in the pre-show, or email Mrs. Burgess at lindsay_burgess@webstercsd.org for more information.
> This message is for all current and interested Webster Schroeder wrestlers: There will be a mandatory JV and Varsity pre-season meeting in Coach Salvaggio's room, W17, directly after school tomorrow. Even if you cannot stay the entire time make sure you stop in to get the information and sign in. Again, mandatory wrestling meeting tomorrow in room W17.
> On Monday, the Varsity Field Hockey team traveled to Buffalo, NY to play Kenmore. Senior Abby F. opened up scoring with 4:50 left in the first quarter. Senior Alysa G. had tallied two goals in the game and Senior, Laurelle O. Scored in the third on a corner. The Warriors walked away with a 4-0 win!
> Tonight is PINK NIGHT! Come support Girls Varsity Volleyball. Wear pink and bring some cash to donate to the Breast Cancer Coalition of Rochester. Let's pack the stands with pink, and support the team and a great cause! See you in the gym at 7:30!!!
> Webster Boys Volleyball continued its unbeaten season with a straight set win at Churchville last night. Bodey G and Nick A distributed a combined 30 assists to attack leaders Cal L, Joey P, Griffin M, and Jacob G with 8, 8, 6, and 6 kills respectively. Zach Z. funneled every transition into the offense by leading the team with 12 digs and a near-perfect serve receive efficiency. Webster travels to Fairport on Thursday for an exciting league match that could clinch both a Monroe County championship and Section V top seed.
October 11, 2022
> Attention skiers and snowboarders, there will be a Schroeder Snowsports meeting after school in E-7 today. We have a limited number of bus spots this year, so it is important that you understand sign-up procedures. New members should plan on attending.
> What are you doing tomorrow night? Come support girls Varsity Volleyball as they play Spencerport! Wear pink and bring some cash to donate to the Breast Cancer Coalition of Rochester. Let's pack the stands with pink, and support the team and a great cause! See you in the gym tomorrow night!
> Webster Boys Volleyball extended their unbeaten record to 14-0 with a straight set win at Irondequoit last Thursday evening. Bodey G and Nick A combined to hand out 30 assists to attack leaders Jacob G, Griffin M, Evan L, and Joey P with 11, 8, 8, and 5 kills, respectively. Zack Z and Joey P tallied 15 digs while Nate Z, Jacob G, and Griffin M closed out 8 point-ending blocks.
> This message is for all current and interested Webster Schroeder wrestlers: There will be a mandatory JV and Varsity pre-season meeting in Coach Salvaggio's room, W17, directly after school on Thursday. Even if you cannot stay the entire time make sure you stop in to get the information and sign in. Again, mandatory wrestling meeting Thursday in room W17.
And not over too...
> Just a reminder that the Speech & Debate team meets TODAY after school in room W15. We will sign up for the upcoming Brighton and Schroeder Tournaments.
> The Varsity Football Team improved to SIX and OH on Friday night with a 58 to 6 win over Greece Olympia. Drew P. completed 12 of 16 pass attempts for 213 yards and 4 touchdowns. He also added 1 run for a 14 yard touchdown. Torance W. had 7 receptions for 158 yards and 2 touchdowns. Gavin H. had 4 receptions for 40 yards and 2 touchdowns. He also completed 1 pass for a touchdown. Tyler W. had 1 reception for 52 yards and 1 touchdown. Jason L. added a receiving touchdown and Anthony D. added a rushing touchdown. Kaleb J. rushed for 66 yards on 8 carries. Jack S. rushed 5 times for 27 yards. Tyler C., Justin M., and Jack S. all had catches. Drew H. completed all 3 of his passes for 84 yards and 1 touchdown.
Defensively they had 7 quarterback sacks. 2 from Kaleb J., and 1 each from Zain K., Davis D., Jack S., Ryan E., and Addison P.! Dom M. and Anthony D. added safeties in the victory.
The team would like to thank the staff and students that were able to make it to the game. Your presence was known and is appreciated! We would also like to thank the cheer team and crew for bringing that Warrior energy. Also a big thank you to Corintia G., Taylor F., and Na'Brya B., Michael W., and John F. for all your help on the sidelines.
The boys travel to Gates Chili this Thursday for a 7:00 kickoff.
And now over to Mr. Claire and Mrs. Silliman for a message regarding CARE values.
> Claire: Good morning, Warriors! Over the past few years we have been recognizing students who display our CORE values, which as we all know are: cooperation, accountability, respect, and excellence! We want to start this year off from the beginning recognizing students who display these values. To help with this, our Schroeder staff members are going to be on the lookout for students showing our CARE values.
Silliman: When a staff member notices you showing one of these attributes, they’ll let you know what they noticed and ask you to scan a QR code with your phone’s camera. This will take you to a quick form where you’ll record your name, the name of the person who recognized you, and what they recognized you for. Each week we’ll draw the names of a student from each group to choose a prize from a list of options.
Claire: Prizes?! What kind of prizes?
Silliman: Relax, they aren’t for you. Prizes could include: candy, laptop stickers, ice cream, cookies and warrior drip. These winners will be announced on the morning show. Let’s start this school year strong by spreading some kindness and joy around Schroeder!
Claire: Wait, what is warrior drip? Like a leaky faucet, didn’t all the bathrooms get fixed this summer?
That's it from us and that's it for the morning show. Have a great day warriors.
October 6, 2022
> Happy Homecoming! It is a good time to be a Warrior. Let’s have some fun today and tomorrow. Remember that above everything we are all Warriors on the same team…so keep the cheering and energy positive, respectful, and with the right message. The Morning Show would like to wish good luck to all teams competing this weekend and to the Webster Marching Band at Autumn Fanfare. Also, thank you student council and staff for helping make this week a success and a memorable time in our lives and to teachers for being flexible with schedule changes and assemblies. We appreciate you and are happy to consider ourselves a part of the Schroeder Family. Looking forward to seeing everyone at the pep rally, the dance, and the game! Roll Schroeder!
> Have you changed your password yet? If not, you have until tomorrow, Friday, October 7th to change your password or your Google account will be locked. Please check your email inbox and trash folder for a message from StudentSquare with instructions on how to access the password reset tool. Stop by the WTI room if you need help or have any questions.
> Attention Warrior Crew! If you are planning on attending the Homecoming football game on Friday we are making it a special event. The Crew is planning a night dedicated to Mr. Kruze to fundraise money towards his battle against cancer and for further cancer research. Please come prepared with $10 to buy a t-shirt supporting Mr. Kruze and the Warrior Crew. Donations are more than welcomed and much appreciated.
> Seniors: Get ready for the BIG game in style! Senior Tailgate will be happening at 5:30pm on Friday before the Homecoming game in the student parking lot closest to the Schroeder Turf. Food Trucks will be available for food. Let's continue making senior year a memorable one!
> The Unified Bowling season is quickly approaching!
Unified Bowling is an inclusive Section Five Varsity sport where athletes (an individual with a disability) and partners (an individual without a disability) play alongside each other. Schroeder will have their own team separate from Thomas this year. Family ID is now open for registration. Scan the QR code in the pre-show, or email Mrs. Burgess at lindsay_burgess@webstercsd.org for more information.
> Boys basketball open gym tonight from 6 to 7:30pm has been canceled. Again, boys basketball open gym tonight from 6 to 7:30pm has been canceled
> The Schroeder Girls Soccer team will be holding a toy drive tonight at their game against Webster Thomas. All spectators attending are asked to bring a new toy to donate (nothing that requires batteries). All toys will be donated to Happy Birthday Cha Cha Cha which provides birthday presents to students in the city of Rochester in grades K-3. Thanks for supporting Schroeder Girls Soccer and for contributing to a great cause. See you tonight!
> Because we have no classes on MONDAY, Speech & Debate team will meet on Tuesday, after school in Room W15. Have a great weekend everyone!
October 5, 2022
> Attention all girls interested in the Women in STEM Club: our first meeting is today in room E21. Our Google Classroom code is 5iqbnvn. We look forward to seeing you!
> Are you interested in Mechanical, Electrical, or Software Engineering? Then SparX, the Schroeder and Thomas joint robotics team, is the right place for you! The team has 6 weeks to design and build a robot to then compete in competition at RIT and beyond. Our first meeting is at Thomas from 5:30 to 8 tonight with a parent meeting following at 7:30 come and join us if you're interested!
> Junior and senior alternative and indie music fans! Today is the day! Come check out Webster Varsity Radio Club in Mr. Stahl's room - 334 at Thomas. It is in the back (North) hallway. Please email todd_stahl@webstercsd.org with any questions.
> Did you know that studies have shown those who participate in after school activities are 27 times more likely to rule the world? For those interested in ruling the world, here is your chance. There will be a Varsity Bowling meeting on October 11 in NW6 at 3:30. If you can not attend meeting please contact Coach Sanfilippo.
> Have you changed your password yet? If not, you have until Friday, October 7th to change your password or your Google account will be locked. Please check your email inbox and trash folder for a message from StudentSquare with instructions on how to access the password reset tool. Stop by the WTI room if you need help or have any questions.
> Attention Warrior Crew! If you are planning on attending the Homecoming football game on Friday we are making it a special event. The Crew is planning a night dedicated to Mr. Kruze to fundraise money towards his battle against cancer and for further cancer research. Please come prepared with $10 to buy a t-shirt supporting Mr. Kruze and the Warrior Crew. Donations are more than welcomed and much appreciated.
> Seniors: Get ready for the BIG game in style! Senior Tailgate will be happening at 5:30pm on Friday before the Homecoming game in the student parking lot closet to the Schroeder Turf. Food Trucks will be available for food. Let's continue making senior year a memorable one!
> Congratulations to the girls soccer team on traveling to Penfield and beating the number one ranked team in New York State 1-0. Meg had the shutout in goal. Emma scored the game winner off scramble in front of the goal off an Alyssa D corner kick. Maddie, Ellie, Shannon, Sasha, and Jocelyn played incredible defense all night. Next game is Thursday vs Thomas at 7pm.
> The Unified Bowling season is quickly approaching!
Unified Bowling is an inclusive Section Five Varsity sport where athletes (an individual with a disability) and partners (an individual without a disability) play alongside each other. Schroeder will have their own team separate from Thomas this year. Family ID is now open for registration. Scan the QR code in the pre-show, or email Mrs. Burgess at lindsay_burgess@webstercsd.org for more information.
> Girls Volleyball advanced to 11 and oh last night on the road against Rush-Henrietta. The Warriors face undefeated Penfield at home tonight at 7:30pm in a match that will surely serve up some drama. Come out and support the girls as they battle it out in a game of the undefeated. Good luck, Volleyball Girls!
October 4, 2022
> Attention all girls interested in the Women in STEM Club: our first meeting is tomorrow, Wednesday, October 5th in room E21. Our Google Classroom code is 5iqbnvn. We look forward to seeing you!
> Are you interested in Mechanical, Electrical, or Software Engineering? Then SparX, the Schroeder and Thomas joint robotics team, is the right place for you! The team has 6 weeks to design and build a robot to then compete in competition at RIT and beyond. Our first meeting is at Thomas from 5:30 to 8 tomorrow, October 5th with a parent meeting following at 7:30 come and join us if you're interested!
> Hey juniors and seniors! Do you love music or have an interest in communications? Does your Spotify playlist or record collection feature Billie Eilish? Weezer? Green Day? Nirvana? The Smiths?
Are you interested in broadcasting your voice to the world on the radio and web?
Want to learn how to operate a professional radio studio on our new, state-of-the-art equipment?
If so - you should come hear all about Webster Varsity Radio Club!
We will have an informational meeting from 3:30-4 on Wednesday, October 5th in Mr. Stahl’s room - 334 at Thomas. It is in the back (North) hallway. Please email todd_stahl@webstercsd.org with any questions.
> Future Educators will have their first meeting after school today in room SW5. Please see Mr. Lasky if you want to be a part of FEA but cannot attend the meeting.
> Have you changed your password yet? If not, you have until Friday, October 7th to change your password or your Google account will be locked. Please check your email inbox and trash folder for a message from StudentSquare with instructions on how to access the password reset tool. Stop by the WTI room if you need help or have any questions.
> Warriors, Max Stossel is in the school auditorium TODAY! A former social media designer of some of the same distracting push notices that he now speaks out about, Max provides a fresh take on tech in our lives. Don’t miss it! See you in the auditorium during last period!
> There will be an FBLA meeting today after school in room W17 at 3:20. Please bring $12 for your state and national dues.
> Attention Warrior Crew! If you are planning on attending the Homecoming football game on Friday we are making it a special event. The Crew is planning a night dedicated to Mr. Kruze to fundraise money towards his battle against cancer and for further cancer research. Please come prepared with $10 to buy a t-shirt supporting Mr. Kruze and the Warrior Crew. Donations are more than welcomed and much appreciated.
> Library Club meets after school today in the library classroom. We will elect officers, begin a fall book craft, and plan our first book club meeting.
> Newspaper Club will meet today afterschool in Law's room, W4.
We always welcome new members looking to get involved in content creation.
Today we'll be discussing content for Homecoming week to publish on our site in addition to reviewing article pitches and progress. If you'd like to be involved but can't make the meetings, see Law or email at Linda_Law@webstercsd.org
> Webster Boys Volleyball improved to 13-0 on the season with a straight set victory over Brighton last night. Nick A. directed the offense with 18 assists distributing 8 of the kills to Griffin M while Nate W. and Ryan P. tallied three each. Webster travels to Irondequoit on Thursday.
> The boys varsity soccer team improved their record to six wins, five losses and two ties with a one to zero win over Canandaigua last night. Scoring the lone goal for the warriors was senior Alejandro P. Senior Tyler D. was in goal for his 5th shutout this season.
> Seniors: Get ready for the BIG game in style! Senior Tailgate will be happening at 5:30pm on Friday before the Homecoming game in the student parking lot closest to the Schroeder Turf. Food Trucks will be available for food. Let's continue making senior year a memorable one!
October 3rd, 2022
> Don't forget that students aged 16 years or older will be able to register or pre-register to vote. Look for the PTSA voter registration tables. You need the last four digits of your social security number or a driver's permit/license to register.
> Attention all girls interested in the Women in STEM Club: our first meeting is on Wednesday, October 5th in room E21. Our Google Classroom code is 5iqbnvn. We look forward to seeing you!
> Are you interested in Mechanical, Electrical, or Software Engineering? Then SparX, the Schroeder and Thomas joint robotics team, is the right place for you! The team has 6 weeks to design and build a robot to then compete in competition at RIT and beyond. Our first meeting is at Thomas from 5:30 to 8 on October 5th with a parent meeting following at 7:30 come and join us if you're interested!
> Hey juniors and seniors! Do you love music or have an interest in communications? Does your Spotify playlist or record collection feature Billie Eilish? Weezer? Green Day? Nirvana? The Smiths?
Are you interested in broadcasting your voice to the world on the radio and web?
Want to learn how to operate a professional radio studio on our new, state-of-the-art equipment?
If so - you should come hear all about Webster Varsity Radio Club!
We will have an informational meeting from 3:30-4 on Wednesday, October 5th in Mr. Stahl’s room - 334 at Thomas. It is in the back (North) hallway. Please email todd_stahl@webstercsd.org with any questions.
> Future Educators will have their first meeting after school tomorrow in room SW5. Please see Mr. Lasky if you want to be a part of FEA but cannot attend the meeting.
> Did you know that studies have shown those who participate in after school activities are 27 times more likely to rule the world? For those interested in ruling the world, here is your chance. There will be a Varsity Bowling meeting on October 11 in NW6 at 3:30. If you can not attend the meeting please contact Coach Sanfilippo.
> Have you changed your password yet? If not, you have until Friday, October 7th to change your password or your Google account will be locked. Please check your email inbox and trash folder for a message from StudentSquare with instructions on how to access the password reset tool. Stop by the WTI room if you need help or have any questions.
> Max Stossel is an award-winning poet, filmmaker and speaker, named by Forbes as one of the best storytellers of the year. He’s been featured in BuzzFeed, Upworthy, Mashable, BBC, and Bustle. And he will be in the Webster Schroeder Auditorium TOMORROW during last period for "We’ve Been Sneaking Into Your Brains," his presentation on how tech is designed to engage and addict you and keep you logged on as long as possible.
> There will be an FBLA meeting tomorrow, Tuesday, October 4 in room W17 at 3:20. Please bring $12 for your state and national dues.
> Speech and debate team meets in W15 after school today. Effective communicators rule the world!!
> The Varsity Football Team improved to five and oh on Friday night with a thirty-eight to zip shutout of Webster Thomas. Drew P. completed 17 of 21 pass attempts for 377 yards and 4 touchdowns. Torance W. had 3 receptions for 100 yards and 2 touchdowns. Justin Maier had 5 receptions for 154 yards and 1 touchdown. Tyler W. had 4 receptions for 60 yards and 1 touchdown. Gavin H. and Kaleb J. combined for 7 receptions and 82 yards. On the ground Kaleb J. rushed 5 times for 26 yards and 1 touchdown. Jack S. rushed 10 times for 45 yards. The defense continued it's stellar play. Zain K., Torance W., Davis D., Kaleb J., Jason L., and Casey B. all made big plays.
The boys would like to thank the staff and students that were able to make it to the game. Your presence was known and is appreciated! We would also like to thank the cheer team and crew for bringing that Warrior energy. Also a big thank you to Corintia G., Taylor F., and Na'Brya B., Xavier B., Michael W., and John F. for all your help on the sidelines. Corintia wins the best chocolate chip cookies award!
The boys host Olympia this Friday for Homecoming, Staff Appreciation and Senior night. Kickoff is slated for 6:30. Hope to see you there!
> Attention Warrior Crew! If you are planning on attending the Homecoming football game on Friday we are making it a special event. The Crew is planning a night dedicated to Mr. Kruze to fundraise money towards his battle against cancer and for further cancer research. Please come prepared with $10 to buy a t-shirt supporting Mr. Kruze and the Warrior Crew. Donations are more than welcomed and much appreciated.
> Girls Volleyball defeated a tough Brighton team on Friday night at home in three straight sets. The Warriors have only dropped one set in 10 full matches, remaining undefeated at 10 and oh. Erin M. and Maddie S. led the team defensively while Bria W, Lina F, and Elizabeth F. created some huge plays at the net. The Warriors have a big week ahead facing Rush-Henrietta on the road tomorrow followed by a home match Wednesday night against an undefeated Penfield team. Great first 10 matches, girls! Schroeder is proud!
------- Special Announcements --------------------------------------------
> And now over to a SparX Robotics video
September 30, 2022
> Are you attending tonight's big football game? Our Schroeder Warriors are playing against Thomas Titans. Don't forget that students and families aged 16 years or older will be able to register or pre-register tonight at the crosstown football game. Look for the PTSA voter registration tables. You need the last four digits of your social security number or a driver's permit/license to register. Hope to see you there! Go Warriors, Beat Thomas!
> Are you interested in Mechanical, Electrical, or Software Engineering? Then SparX, the Schroeder and Thomas joint robotics team, is the right place for you! The team has 6 weeks to design and build a robot to then compete in competition at RIT and beyond. Our first meeting is at Thomas from 5:30 to 8 on October 5th with a parent meeting following at 7:30 come and join us if you're interested!
> Attention Seniors: If you can communicate in English and another world language, then you should consider going for the NY State Seal of Biliteracy. Come to an informational meeting about how to earn the Seal Monday, October 3rd in w223 at 3:20pm. If you can't come to the meeting, come talk to Señora Hall or another world language teacher.
> Hey juniors and seniors! Do you love music or have an interest in communications? Does your Spotify playlist or record collection feature Billie Eilish? Weezer? Green Day? Nirvana? The Smiths?
Are you interested in broadcasting your voice to the world on the radio and web?
Want to learn how to operate a professional radio studio on our new, state-of-the-art equipment?
If so - you should come hear all about Webster Varsity Radio Club!
We will have an informational meeting from 3:30-4 on Wednesday, October 5th in Mr. Stahl’s room - 334 at Thomas. It is in the back (North) hallway. Please email todd_stahl@webstercsd.org with any questions.
> Hear ye, hear ye, hear ye! The fastest growing club on campus is holding our next meeting on Monday, October 3. What club might that be you ask?! Of course it's the Model UN Club! Why is it the fastest growing club? Find out on Monday October 3 in Mrs. Tuyn's room, W6, at 3:20.
> Schroeder Courier has an IMMEDIATE need for students willing to be photographers for Homecoming week, including hall decorating; ideally, we'd like one or two students per grade level to capture the highlights of participation in Spirit Week. Even if you're not a member of the club, we welcome contributors. Please see Law in W4 to discuss if you're interested.
> Future Educators will have their first meeting after school on October 4th in room SW5. Please see Mr. Lasky if you want to be a part of FEA but cannot attend the meeting.
> Attention Class of 2026! Class t-shirts are in and will be sold in the cafeteria during lunches Thursday and Friday for $10. For those who paid dues, you can pick up a shirt that is already paid for.
> Have you changed your password yet? If not, you have until Friday, October 7th to change your password or your Google account will be locked. Please check your email inbox and trash folder for a message from StudentSquare with instructions on how to access the password reset tool. Stop by the WTI room if you need help or have any questions.
> Video games and apps. Do you like them? How do they make you feel? Does that feeling change the longer you use them? Are you using technology or is technology using you? Check out Max Stossel Tuesday, October 4 during last period in the auditorium. As a former social media designer of some of the same distracting push notices that he now speaks out about, Max provides a fresh take on
tech in our lives. Want to know more about Max? Go to socialawakening.org.
> There will be an FBLA meeting on Tuesday, October 4 in room W17 at 3:20. Please bring $12 for your state and national dues.
> The Webster Boys volleyball team took down Victor in straight sets last night led by a serving barrage from Griffin M, Nate W, Zach Z, and Joey P, who combined for 15 aces. Nick A and Bodey G distributed 32 assists to Joey with 11 kills, Griffin with 9, and Cal L and Evan L. with 5 kills apiece. The boys look to continue their roll with a home match against Brighton on Monday. Come check out the excitement.
> Speech and Debate team meets after school on Monday October 3! New members welcome.
> The Schroeder Boys Varsity Soccer team defeated Gates-Chili three to one last night to improve their record to five wins, four losses and two ties on the season. Junior Niko M scored all three goals and earned player of the game.
> Congratulations to the following students for being this week’s recipients of Principal’s Recognition:
Please stop down to the main office between 1st and 2nd period.
Mia F ~ Class of 2026
Sara F. ~ Class of 2024 (per 1 Fedor)
Bella M. ~ Class of 2025
Xavier R. ~ Class of 2023
Steven S. ~ Class of 2025
September 29, 2022
> Do you want a challenge? Do you like problem solving? Join Math League! There will be an informational after school today in E4. Hope to see you there!
> Do you need volunteer hours? Are you passionate about making sure everyone's voice is heard? Schroeder PTSA is looking for students to assist adult volunteers with student voter registration during lunches on October 3. Scan the QR code on the morning show slide to sign up or see Mrs. Law in W4 for details.
> Attention all girls interested in the Women in STEM Club: our first meeting is on Wednesday, October 5th in room E21. Our Google Classroom code is 5iqbnvn. We look forward to seeing you!
> Are you interested in Mechanical, Electrical, or Software Engineering? Then SparX, the Schroeder and Thomas joint robotics team, is the right place for you! The team has 6 weeks to design and build a robot to then compete in competition at RIT and beyond. Our first meeting is at Thomas from 5:30 to 8 on October 5th with a parent meeting following at 7:30 come and join us if you're interested!
> Attention Seniors: If you can communicate in English and another world language, then you should consider going for the NY State Seal of Biliteracy. Come to an informational meeting about how to earn the Seal Monday, October 3rd in w223 at 3:20pm. If you can't come to the meeting, come talk to Señora Hall or another world language teacher.
> Hey juniors and seniors! Do you love music or have an interest in communications? Does your Spotify playlist or record collection feature Billie Eilish? Weezer? Green Day? Nirvana? The Smiths?
Are you interested in broadcasting your voice to the world on the radio and web?
Want to learn how to operate a professional radio studio on our new, state-of-the-art equipment?
If so - you should come hear all about Webster Varsity Radio Club!
We will have an informational meeting from 3:30-4 on Wednesday, October 5th in Mr. Stahl’s room - 334 at Thomas. It is in the back (North) hallway. Please email todd_stahl@webstercsd.org with any questions.
> Hear ye, hear ye, hear ye! The fastest growing club on campus is holding our next meeting on Monday, October 3. What club might that be you ask?! Of course it's the Model UN Club! Why is it the fastest growing club? Find out on Monday October 3 in Mrs. Tuyn's room, W6, at 3:20.
> Schroeder Courier has an IMMEDIATE need for students willing to be photographers for Homecoming week, including hall decorating; ideally, we'd like one or two students per grade level to capture the highlights of participation in Spirit Week. Even if you're not a member of the club, we welcome contributors. Please see Law in W4 to discuss if you're interested.
> Future Educators will have their first meeting after school on October 4th in room SW5. Please see Mr. Lasky if you want to be a part of FEA but cannot attend the meeting.
> Attention Class of 2026! Class t-shirts are in and will be sold in cafeteria during lunches Thursday and Friday for $10. For those who paid dues, you can pick up a shirt that is already paid for.
> Have you changed your password yet? If not, you have until Friday, October 7th to change your password or your Google account will be locked. Please check your email inbox and trash folder for a message from StudentSquare with instructions on how to access the password reset tool. Stop by the WTI room if you need help or have any questions.
> Warriors, technology is sneaking into your brains! Be in the school auditorium last period on October 4 to join filmmaker Max Stossel as he illustrates some of the specific ways tech is designed to be addictive and distracting, provides tools to help combat these designs, and opens up about the impact of phones and social media on our lives. Don’t miss it!
> The Schroeder Warriors defeated Gates-Chili on Wednesday by score of 2-0. Scoring for Schroeder was Emma R. and Abby H. They also both assisted on and each other’s goals.
> Girls Volleyball kept their winning streak and undefeated season going last on the road against Greece Olympia & Odyssey. The Warriors are now 9-0 this season. Junior Erin M. served up 7 aces, sophomore Annabelle W. handed out 14 assists, Lauren C-W and Nicole J. both had 4 kills, and senior Emmy B. had 6 digs. The girls face a tough Brighton team tomorrow night at 6pm at home in an attempt to go 10-0!
September 28, 2022
> Do you want a challenge? Do you like problem solving? Join Math League! There will be an informational meeting tomorrow, Thursday, September 29th after school in E4. Hope to see you there!
> Do you need volunteer hours? Want to help out during the Warriors vs. Titans game on Friday, September 30? Schroeder PTSA is looking for students to assist adult volunteers with voter registration. Scan the QR code on the morning show slide or see Mrs. Law in W4 for details.
> Are you interested in Mechanical, Electrical, or Software Engineering? Then SparX, the Schroeder and Thomas joint robotics team, is the right place for you! The team has 6 weeks to design and build a robot to then compete in competition at RIT and beyond. Our first meeting is at Thomas from 5:30 to 8 on October 5th with a parent meeting following at 7:30 come and join us if you're interested!
> Attention Seniors: If you can communicate in English and another world language, then you should consider going for the NY State Seal of Biliteracy. Come to an informational meeting about how to earn the Seal Monday, October 3rd in w223 at 3:20pm. If you can't come to the meeting, come talk to Señora Hall or another world language teacher.
> Hear ye, hear ye, hear ye! The fastest growing club on campus is holding our next meeting on Monday, October 3. What club might that be you ask?! Of course it's the Model UN Club! Why is it the fastest growing club? Find out on Monday October 3 in Mrs. Tuyn's room, W6, at 3:20.
> Schroeder Courier has an IMMEDIATE need for students willing to be photographers for Homecoming week, including hall decorating; ideally, we'd like one or two students per grade level to capture the highlights of participation in Spirit Week. Even if you're not a member of the club, we welcome contributors. Please see Law in W4 to discuss if you're interested.
> Future Educators will have their first meeting after school on October 4th in room SW5. Please see Mr. Lasky if you want to be a part of FEA but cannot attend the meeting.
> Attention Class of 2026! Class t-shirts are in and will be sold in the cafeteria during lunches Thursday and Friday for $10. For those who paid dues, you can pick up a shirt that is already paid for.
> Webster Boys Volleyball improved to 11-0 with a victory at Midlakes last night. The offense was led by Evan L with 12 kills and 3 blocks, along with Cal L. with 5 kills. Griffin M. recorded a season high six aces in a match, while Zach Z. led the defense with 12 digs to go with 3 aces. Webster hosts perennial power Victor on Thursday at 7:30 in the Schroeder gym.
September 27, 2022
> Do you want a challenge? Do you like problem solving? Join Math League! There will be an informational meeting Thursday, September 29th after school in E4. Hope to see you there!
> Do you need volunteer hours? Are you passionate about making sure everyone's voice is heard? Schroeder PTSA is looking for students to assist adult volunteers with student voter registration during lunches on October 3. Scan the QR code on the morning show slide to sign up or see Mrs. Law in W4 for details.
> Attention all girls interested in the Women in STEM Club: our first meeting is on Wednesday, October 5th in room E21. Our Google Classroom code is 5iqbnvn. We look forward to seeing you!
> Are you interested in helping others? Would you like to participate in service projects, including writing letters for Honor Flight participants? Please join Rotary. Our first meeting will be today in E27 at 3:20. If you have any questions see Mrs. Landis in E27. Hope to see you then.
> Are you interested in Mechanical, Electrical, or Software Engineering? Then SparX, the Schroeder and Thomas joint robotics team, is the right place for you! The team has 6 weeks to design and build a robot to then compete in competition at RIT and beyond. Our first meeting is at Thomas from 5:30 to 8 on October 5th with a parent meeting following at 7:30 come and join us if you're interested!
> Best Buddies has their first Chapter meeting today from 3:15-4:15 in room W7. Come on by and see what it's all about! For more information stop by room W7 or email Mrs. Burgess at the lindsay_burgess@webstercsd.org.
> Attention Seniors: If you can communicate in English and another world language, then you should consider going for the NY State Seal of Biliteracy. Come to an informational meeting about how to earn the Seal Monday, October 3rd in w223 at 3:20pm. If you can't come to the meeting, come talk to Señora Hall or another world language teacher.
> Studies have shown that Chess helps improve your cognitive development. Chess players do better in school and even make more money in life. Want to find out why? Come to the Chess Team practice today after school in W9 and find out. We also have cookies.
> The Schroeder Theater Company is gearing up for another Fall Showcase! Enjoy performing? Like challenging yourself and meeting new people? Come out to the interest meeting tomorrow after school in W13 (Mr. Christman’s room) to hear what we are planning!
> Attention Juniors and Seniors: If you have a GPA of 90 or above, please check your email for an invitation to apply to Schoeder's Chapter of the National Honor Society or NHS. Please complete the Google Form in the email, and attend the informational meeting on Wednesday, September 28th at 3:20pm in w224.
> Newspaper Club will meet today afterschool in Law's room, W4.
You can come prepared with a content pitch or if you're unsure what you'd like to do, come meet with club members in a no-pressure atmosphere to get the creative juices flowing.
> Schroeder Courier has an IMMEDIATE need for students willing to be photographers for Homecoming week, including hall decorating; ideally, we'd like one or two students per grade level to capture the highlights of participation in Spirit Week. Even if you're not a member of the club, we welcome contributors. Please see Law in W4 to discuss if you're interested.
> Webster boys volleyball improved to 10-0 with a victory at home over Spencerport last night. The offense was led by Griffin M.'s 12 kills, along with Cal L, Jacob G, and Evan L. with 8, 7, and 6 kills apiece. Bodey G, Nick A, and Zach Z. combined for 37 assists, while Nate Z. and Ryan W. tallied six blocks. Webster roadtrips to Midlakes tonight before hosting perennial power Victor in the Schroeder gym on Thursday at 7:30.
September 26, 2022
> Schroeder staff and students: thank you for being patient, understanding, and flexible last week while The Morning Show experienced an internet outage that made it impossible to stream the show. We’d like to apologize for the hectic mornings. We are happy to be back live on air providing you with the best possible coverage of all things Schroeder possible. If you submitted an announcement last week that was only relevant then, sorry that your message wasn’t aired. Feel free to stay up-to-date on clubs, athletics, and everything else via our Morning Show Instagram account: @SchroederMorningShow. With that said, let’s get back to some announcements!
> Do you want a challenge? Do you like problem solving? Join Math League! There will be an informational meeting Thursday, September 29th after school in E4. Hope to see you there!
> Do you need volunteer hours? Want to help out during the Warriors vs. Titans game on Friday, September 30? Schroeder PTSA is looking for students to assist adult volunteers with voter registration. Scan the QR code on the morning show slide or see Mrs. Law in W4 for details.
> Are you interested in helping others? Would you like to participate in service projects, including writing letters for Honor Flight participants? Please join Rotary. Our first meeting will be tomorrow, Tuesday, Sept. 27th in E27 at 3:20. If you have any questions see Mrs. Landis in E27. Hope to see you then.
> Are you interested in Mechanical, Electrical, or Software Engineering? Then SparX, the Schroeder and Thomas joint robotics team, is the right place for you! The team has 6 weeks to design and build a robot to then compete in competition at RIT and beyond. Our first meeting is at Thomas from 5:30 to 8 on October 5th with a parent meeting following at 7:30 come and join us if you're interested!
> Best Buddies has their first Chapter meeting tomorrow, Tuesday, September 27th from 3:15-4:15 in room W7. Come on by and see what it's all about! For more information stop by room W7 or email Mrs. Burgess at the lindsay_burgess@webstercsd.org.
> Attention Seniors: If you can communicate in English and another world language, then you should consider going for the NY State Seal of Biliteracy. Come to an informational meeting about how to earn the Seal Monday, October 3rd in w223 at 3:20pm. If you can't come to the meeting, come talk to Señora Hall or another world language teacher.
> Studies have shown that Chess helps improve your cognitive development. Chess players do better in school and even make more money in life. Want to find out why? Come to the Chess Team practice Tuesday after school in W9 and find out. We also have cookies.
> The Varsity Football Team improved to four and oh on Friday night with a twenty-seven to seven victory over Brighton. Drew P. completed 22 of 27 pass attempts for 213 yards and 4 touchdowns. Torance W. had 10 catches for 88 yards and two touchdowns. Justin M. had 3 catches for 46 yards and a touchdown. Casey B. had 3 catches for 26 yards and a touchdown. Also catching passes for the Warriors were Kaleb J., Jason L., and Anthony D.! Kaleb J. and Jack S. led the team in rushing. The defense continued its dominating play that has carried the team through the first four weeks of the season.
The boys would like to thank the staff and students that were able to make it to the game. Your presence was known and is appreciated! We would also like to thank the cheer team and crew for bringing that Warrior energy.
They boys travel to Webster Thomas this Friday night for a 7:30 kickoff. Come check us out, the crowd for both schools was amazing last season!
> The Schroeder Theater Company is gearing up for another Fall Showcase! Enjoy performing? Like challenging yourself and meeting new people? Come out to the interest meeting tomorrow after school in W13 (Mr. Christman’s room) to hear what we are planning!
September 21, 2022
> Welcome back Warriors! Are you looking for volunteer hours? The Webster Marching Band needs your help during their home show on October 8th! Autumn Fanfare takes place at Schroeder High School, and we need your help from 4:30-8:30pm. You don't need to stay the whole time, and food is provided! You will be responsible for greeting bands when they arrive, showing them to their rooms, providing band directors with the welcome packet, and escorting bands to the turf field for competition at their assigned time. This is a great way to gain volunteer hours! If you're interested, please stop down to N-1 or email brittany_cole@webstercsd.org to sign up!
> Attention Schroeder! Key Club, one of our school community service clubs will be holding its kick-off meeting tomorrow, September 22 at 3:20 in the Auditorium. See you there!
> Do you need volunteer hours? Want to help out during the Warriors vs. Titans game on Friday, September 30? Schroeder PTSA is looking for students to assist adult volunteers with voter registration. Scan the QR code on the morning show slide or see Mrs. Law in W4 for details.
> Attention all students interested in languages and cultures: we will have our first International Club Meeting tomorrow, Thursday, September 22nd after school in W213. See you there!
> Attention all girls interested in the Women in STEM Club: our first meeting is on Wednesday, October 5th in room E21. Our Google Classroom code is 5iqbnvn. We look forward to seeing you!
> Interested in trying out for one of our Boys Basketball Teams?
Tryouts are not anytime soon, but we will start holding open gyms each week leading up to tryouts. Our first open gym will be tomorrow, Thursday, September 22nd, 6 to 7:30pm in the gymnasium. We will have QR code flyers around the school to scan and locate the Boys Basketball open gym schedule.
> Are you interested in helping others? Would you like to participate in service projects, including writing letters for Honor Flight participants? Please join Rotary. Our first meeting will be Tuesday, Sept. 27th in E27 at 3:20. If you have any questions see Mrs. Landis in E27. Hope to see you then.
> SAGE will have the first meeting on tomorrow after school in B2. Hope to see you there!
> Seniors - want to have an out of this world Homecoming? Class of 2023 senior shirts will be on sale for $10 during lunches all next week. Let's shoot for the stars on Class T-shirt Day. Get your shirt before they sell out! To '23 and beyond!
> Attention all Juniors: Class Officer voting is now open, and we need your votes! The Google Form to vote is located in your Class of 2024 Google Classroom, and will remain open until Friday afternoon! Make sure to vote before the ballet closes! If you have any questions or concerns please see your class advisors Mr. Eckler or Mrs. McCann.
> Newspaper Club will be holding another meeting afterschool Thursday this week in Law's room, W4. We will be discussing the vision for our digital newspaper site including what it means to be a contributor and how students can get involved in newswriting, photography, video and podcasting. Students do not need to attend every meeting to be in the club and do not need prior publishing experience. If you would love to contribute to our paper in the areas of news, sports, arts, community, or entertainment, please stop by W4 after school and introduce yourself.
> Are you interested in Mechanical, Electrical, or Software Engineering? Then SparX, the Schroeder and Thomas joint robotics team, is the right place for you! The team has 6 weeks to design and build a robot to then compete in competition at RIT and beyond. Our first meeting is at Thomas from 5:30 to 8 on October 5th with a parent meeting following at 7:30 come and join us if you're interested!
> Attention ALL students: please stop by your Alpha Office to pick-up your Schroeder IDs.
> If you are a person who enjoys expressing themself, plan to attend the opening Speech & Debate Team meeting right after school on Monday, September 26 in room W15.
We are transitioning back to IN PERSON tournaments this year. Speech & Debate is more than just arguing! If you like to act, there are several dramatic categories and Speech & Debate is one of the most valued additions to that college application.
The most recent Supreme Court justice Ketanji Brown Jackson started her career as a student competing in Original Oratory!
If you have questions, ask Emma Carroll or stop by and see Mrs. Connelly in Room W16.
See you on Monday, September 26 in Room W15 at 3:15
> There is a new Spikeball Club at Schroeder! Spikeball is a super fun competitive game and anyone is welcome to join with no experience necessary. We will meet every Friday on the Softball Field right after school and you can contact Mr. Insley in room W215 if you have any questions.
> The girls soccer team tied Spencerport 0-0 in a hard fought double overtime game. Meg F had the shutout in goal.
> The Mod A Football team kicked off their 2022 season last night with a hard fought 21-6 victory over long term rival McQuaid. Junior W, Ashton A & Dom had a rushing touchdown each. The Warriors look to continue their successful season on Saturday against Irondequoit at home.
> Girls Volleyball advanced to 7-0 last night with a win over the Thomas Titans. The girls put in an impressive first set victory winning 25-3. Lina F. was an offensive powerhouse with 13 kills, Sarah F. had 21 assists, Erin M. led the team in digs with 14, and Annabelle W. contributed three aces and zero missed serves. The ladies look to continue their run tomorrow night in Churchville. Love the maximum effort, Warriors!
September 20, 2022
> Welcome back Warriors! Are you looking for volunteer hours? The Webster Marching Band needs your help during their home show on October 8th! Autumn Fanfare takes place at Schroeder High School, and we need your help from 4:30-8:30pm. You don't need to stay the whole time, and food is provided! You will be responsible for greeting bands when they arrive, showing them to their rooms, providing band directors with the welcome packet, and escorting bands to the turf field for competition at their assigned time. This is a great way to gain volunteer hours! If you're interested, please stop down to N-1 or email brittany_cole@webstercsd.org to sign up!
> Attention Schroeder! Key Club, one of our school community service clubs will be holding its kick-off meeting Thursday, September 22 at 3:20 in the Auditorium. See you there!
> There will be a Future Business Leaders of America meeting after school today at 3:20 in Room W17. All business students are encouraged to join the country's largest student organization. If you have any questions, please see Mrs. Keil in W14 or Mr. Salvaggio in W17.
> The Chess Team needs you to help us compete against other schools, but more importantly, chess is fun. It also makes you smarter, a better problem solver, and studies have been shown that it improves your academic results. So come to an informational meeting today after school in room W6 to find out what chess can do for you.
> Think you know what Model UN Club is all about? You might be wrong. Welcome to MODEL UN Club Mythbusters!
Myth #1: You have to write and deliver a speech.
Absolutely NOT!! We do not require speeches. When we attend a conference, you participate as much as you are comfortable.
Myth #2: There’s too much work involved in Model UN Club.
NOPE! You put in as much effort as you wish. We try to keep the meetings low key
Myth #3: It’s boring!
WHAT??!! No way! We attend two Model UN Conferences a year. You get to meet new people from schools all around Western and Central New York. We are all about having fun and connecting with new people
Myth #4: You are assigned a country and topic to debate.
THINK AGAIN!. You choose the countries you want to represent.
Truth: If you are interested in world events and coming together with ideas to solve the global issues of food insecurity, gender inequality, water rights and so much more, then Model UN Club is the place for you. Find out today after school at 3:20 in Mrs. Tuyn’s room, W6
> Do you need volunteer hours? Are you passionate about making sure everyone's voice is heard? Schroeder PTSA is looking for students to assist adult volunteers with student voter registration during lunches on October 3. Scan the QR code on the morning show slide to sign up or see Mrs. Law in W4 for details.
> Attention all students interested in languages and cultures: we will have our first International Club Meeting on Thursday, September 22nd after school in W213. See you there!
> This is a reminder that Library Club meets today after school in the library classroom. Teen Book Festival permission slips are also due to Mrs. Strege today. See Mrs. Strege if you need a permission slip.
> Interested in trying out for one of our Boys Basketball Teams?
Tryouts are not anytime soon, but we will start holding open gyms each week leading up to tryouts. Our first open gym will be this Thursday September 22nd, 6 to 7:30pm in the gymnasium. We will have QR code flyers around the school to scan and locate the Boys Basketball open gym schedule.
> Are you interested in helping others? Would you like to participate in service projects, including writing letters for Honor Flight participants? Please join Rotary. Our first meeting will be Tuesday, Sept. 27th in E27 at 3:20. If you have any questions see Mrs. Landis in E27. Hope to see you then.
> SAGE will have the first meeting on Thursday after school in B2. Hope to see you there!
> Seniors - want to have an out of this world Homecoming? Class of 2023 senior shirts will be on sale for $10 during lunches all next week. Let's shoot for the stars on Class T-shirt Day. Get your shirt before they sell out! To '23 and beyond!
> Newspaper Club will be holding its first meetings afterschool today and Thursday this week in Law's room, W4. We will be discussing the vision for our digital newspaper site including what it means to be a contributor and how students can get involved in newswriting, photography, video and podcasting. Students do not need to attend every meeting to be in the club and do not need prior publishing experience. If you would love to contribute to our paper in the areas of news, sports, arts, community, or entertainment, please stop by W4 after school and introduce yourself.
> The Webster boys volleyball team defeated NY State powerhouse Fairport last night in straight sets to raise their record to 7-0. Offensively Webster was led by Jacob G. with 10 kills while Evan L. contributed 9, Cal L. 4, and Joey P. 7. Zach Z. and Griffin M. combined for seven aces and Bodey G. handed out 31 assists. The Lakers head to Rush-Henrietta Wednesday for another tough division contest.
> The Girls Volleyball team headed east down 104 for a tough match-up against Wayne last and returned home still undefeated at 6-0. The Junior class got to work as Sarah F. dished out assist after assist all night long, Ava G. and Mariah W. brought the boom and creativity out of the middle contributing kills, and Erin M. kept everything flowing with exceptional passing and defense. But wait. There's more! The girls are back at it tonight looking to go 7-0 in a match-up the Warrior Crew won't want to miss...they face the Thomas Titans at 7:30pm here in the Schroeder Gymnasium. Keep going, ladies!
> Attention ALL students: please stop by your Alpha Office to pick-up your Schroeder IDs.
September 19th, 2022
> Welcome back Warriors! Are you looking for volunteer hours? The Webster Marching Band needs your help during their home show on October 8th! Autumn Fanfare takes place at Schroeder High School, and we need your help from 4:30-8:30pm. You don't need to stay the whole time, and food is provided! You will be responsible for greeting bands when they arrive, showing them to their rooms, providing band directors with the welcome packet, and escorting bands to the turf field for competition at their assigned time. This is a great way to gain volunteer hours! If you're interested, please stop down to N-1 or email brittany_cole@webstercsd.org to sign up!
> Attention Schroeder! Key Club, one of our school community service clubs will be holding its kick-off meeting Thursday, September 22 at 3:20 in the Auditorium. See you there!
> Want to express yourself? Looking for ways to have your artistic vision displayed in the halls of Schroeder? Mural/Art Club is calling you! Our first meeting is after school today in room E10.
> There will be a Future Business Leaders of America meeting tomorrow, Tuesday, September 20 at 3:20 in Room W17. All business students are encouraged to join the country's largest student organization. If you have any questions, please see Mrs. Keil in W14 or Mr. Salvaggio in W17.
> The Chess Team needs you to help us compete against other schools, but more importantly, chess is fun. It also makes you smarter, a better problem solver, and studies have been shown that it improves your academic results. So come to an informational meeting tomorrow after school in room W6 to find out what chess can do for you.
> Think you know what Model UN Club is all about? You might be wrong. Welcome to MODEL UN Club Mythbusters!
Myth #1: You have to write and deliver a speech.
Absolutely NOT!! We do not require speeches. When we attend a conference, you participate as much as you are comfortable.
Myth #2: There’s too much work involved in Model UN Club.
NOPE! You put in as much effort as you wish. We try to keep the meetings low key
Myth #3: It’s boring!
WHAT??!! No way! We attend two Model UN Conferences a year. You get to meet new people from schools all around Western and Central New York. We are all about having fun and connecting with new people
Myth #4: You are assigned a country and topic to debate.
THINK AGAIN!. You choose the countries you want to represent.
Truth: If you are interested in world events and coming together with ideas to solve the global issues of food insecurity, gender inequality, water rights and so much more, then Model UN Club is the place for you. Find out tomorrow, Tuesday, September 20 at 3:20 in Mrs. Tuyn’s room, W6.
> Do you love art? Art students in grades 10-12 are welcome to apply for membership with our chapter of The National Art Honor Society. NAHS is a nationwide organization focusing on arts and academic excellence. There is an informational meeting tomorrow, Tuesday, September 20th at 8:10am in room E12. Hope to see you there!
> Do you need volunteer hours? Want to help out during the Warriors vs. Titans game on Friday, September 30? Schroeder PTSA is looking for students to assist adult volunteers with voter registration. Scan the QR code on the morning show slide or see Mrs. Law in W4 for details.
> Attention all students interested in languages and cultures: we will have our first International Club Meeting on Thursday, September 22nd after school in W213. See you there!
> Attention all girls interested in the Women in STEM Club: our first meeting is on Wednesday, October 5th in room E21. Our Google Classroom code is 5iqbnvn. We look forward to seeing you!
> This is a reminder that Library Club meets this Tuesday after school in the library classroom. Teen Book Festival permission slips are also due to Mrs. Strege this Tuesday. See Mrs. Strege if you need a permission slip.
> The Varsity Football Team improved to three and oh on Friday night with a thirty-five to two victory at Spencerport. Drew P. completed 10 of 15 pass attempts for 280 yards and 4 touchdowns. He also added 43 yards on 3 carries and one rushing touchdown. Torance W. had 6 catches for 171 yards and two touchdowns. Kaleb J. had 2 catches for 54 yards and a touchdown and birthday boy Justin M. had 2 catches for 55 yards and a touchdown. The boys would like to thank the staff and students that came out to Spencerport. Your presence was known and is appreciated! They take on an undefeated Brighton team Friday night here at Schroeder at 7pm. Come check us out!
> In girls soccer Ellie scored the game winning goal off a corner kick to give the Warriors a one nothing win over Churchville on Friday. Meg had the shutout in goal.
> The Girls Volleyball team improved to 5-0 with their victory Friday night over Gates at home and then kept the momentum rolling at the Victor Tournament on Saturday. They went 6-0 during pool play, earning a spot in the Championship Bracket. Ava G, Elizabeth F., and Lindsey C, all stepped up and played crucial roles in the middle, while Line F. kept attacks coming from all over. Erin M. and Maddie S. played tough defense all tournament long, frustrating other teams. Way to go, ladies! The Warriors are on the road tonight against Wayne to protect their undefeated record.
------- Special Announcements --------------------------------------------
> Now over to a Yearbook Club video...
September 16, 2022
> Are you a budding content creator looking to flex or grow your media skills? Schroeder is proud to welcome Newspaper Club to this year's list of extracurricular activities. We're hoping to launch our digital news site this fall and looking for students interested in writing, photography, web design, and editing. Content topics include sports, arts, Schroeder news and events, media reviews, as well as Webster and Rochester community events. Sound good to you? Visit Mrs. Law in W4 to learn more or attend one of our Newspaper Club interest meetings afterschool on Tuesday, September 20, or Thursday, September 22.
> Welcome back Warriors! Are you looking for volunteer hours? The Webster Marching Band needs your help during their home show on October 8th! Autumn Fanfare takes place at Schroeder High School, and we need your help from 4:30-8:30pm. You don't need to stay the whole time, and food is provided! You will be responsible for greeting bands when they arrive, showing them to their rooms, providing band directors with the welcome packet, and escorting bands to the turf field for competition at their assigned time. This is a great way to gain volunteer hours! If you're interested, please stop down to N-1 or email brittany_cole@webstercsd.org to sign up!
> ATTENTION ALL ART STUDENTS! Were you enrolled in an art class last year? Did you have artwork in the art show? If so please stop by the art classroom between 8:15-8:45 or 3:15-3:30 today to pick up your artwork.
Any work that is left over will be used as examples or discarded. Please be sure to check in with your teacher and get your artwork!
> Attention Schroeder! Key Club, one of our school community service clubs will be holding its kick-off meeting Thursday, September 22 at 3:20 in the Auditorium. See you there!
> Attention all girls interested in pursuing a career in the field of science, technology, engineering or math: The Women in STEM Club is looking for new members. The club is a combination of hosting experienced speakers and participating in hands-on activities. If you are interested, our first meeting is coming up soon, so please continue listening to the announcements for further information. If you have any questions, please contact Ms Metz-Miller, Audrey C, or Anna B.
> Want to express yourself? Looking for ways to have your artistic vision displayed in the halls of Schroeder? Mural/Art Club is calling you! Our first meeting is Monday, September 19th after school in room E10.
> There will be a Future Business Leaders of America meeting on Tuesday, September 20 at 3:20 in Room W17. All business students are encouraged to join the country's largest student organization. If you have any questions, please see Mrs. Keil in W14 or Mr. Salvaggio in W17.
> The Chess Team needs you to help us compete against other schools, but more importantly, chess is fun. It also makes you smarter, a better problem solver, and studies have been shown that it improves your academic results. So come to an informational meeting on September 20 after school in room W6 to find out what chess can do for you.
> Are you a natural on camera? Do you have exceptional delivery, poise, and enunciation? Want to work in a fast pace environment? The Morning Show is holding anchor auditions Monday and Tuesday next week during 4th and 5th period lunches. Visit Mr. Gomez's classroom, W18, to sign-up and more information.
> Think you know what Model UN Club is all about? You might be wrong. Welcome to MODEL UN Club Mythbusters!
Myth #1: You have to write and deliver a speech.
Absolutely NOT!! We do not require speeches. When we attend a conference, you participate as much as you are comfortable.
Myth #2: There’s too much work involved in Model UN Club.
NOPE! You put in as much effort as you wish. We try to keep the meetings low key
Myth #3: It’s boring!
WHAT??!! No way! We attend two Model UN Conferences a year. You get to meet new people from schools all around Western and Central New York. We are all about having fun and connecting with new people
Myth #4: You are assigned a country and topic to debate.
THINK AGAIN!. You choose the countries you want to represent.
Truth: If you are interested in world events and coming together with ideas to solve the global issues of food insecurity, gender inequality, water rights and so much more, then Model UN Club is the place for you. Find out this Tuesday, September 20 at 3:20 in Mrs. Tuyn’s room, W6
> Do you love art? Art students in grades 10-12 are welcome to apply for membership with our chapter of The National Art Honor Society. NAHS is a nationwide organization focusing on arts and academic excellence. There is an informational meeting on Tuesday, September 20th at 8:10am in room E12. Hope to see you there!
> Attention all students interested in languages and cultures: we will have our first International Club Meeting on Thursday, September 22nd after school in W213. See you there!
> Thank you to everyone who participated in our link crew kickball under the lights last night. A special congratulations to team Two! Team Two players please come to Mrs. Gebhardt’s room, e227, after first block to get your donut.
>Congratulations to the following students for being this week’s recipients of Principal’s Recognition:
Please stop down to the main office between 1st and 2nd period.
Dexter B. ~ Class of 2026
Yuliana B. ~ Class of 2024
Emma C. ~ Class of 2024
Dan D. ~ Class of 2023 (Leaf per 1)
Emily F. ~ Class of 2023
Olyena P. ~ Class of 2023
Diana R. ~ Class of 2023
Veniamin T. ~ Class of 2024
Oleksandra Z. ~ Class of 2023
September 15, 2022
> Welcome back Warriors! Are you looking for volunteer hours? The Webster Marching Band needs your help during their home show on October 8th! Autumn Fanfare takes place at Schroeder High School, and we need your help from 4:30-8:30pm. You don't need to stay the whole time, and food is provided! You will be responsible for greeting bands when they arrive, showing them to their rooms, providing band directors with the welcome packet, and escorting bands to the turf field for competition at their assigned time. This is a great way to gain volunteer hours! If you're interested, please stop down to N-1 or email brittany_cole@webstercsd.org to sign up!
> ATTENTION ALL ART STUDENTS! Were you enrolled in an art class last year? Did you have artwork in the art show? If so please stop by the art classroom between 8:15-8:45 or 3:15-3:30 until September 16th to pick up your artwork.
Any work that is left over will be used as examples or discarded. Please be sure to check in with your teacher and get your artwork!
> Attention Schroeder! Key Club, one of our school community service clubs will be holding its kick-off meeting Thursday, September 22 at 3:20 in the Auditorium. See you there!
> Attention all girls interested in pursuing a career in the field of science, technology, engineering or math: The Women in STEM Club is looking for new members. The club is a combination of hosting experienced speakers and participating in hands-on activities. If you are interested, our first meeting is coming up soon, so please continue listening to the announcements for further information. If you have any questions, please contact Ms Metz-Miller, Audrey C, or Anna B.
> Attention Freshmen: The Class of 2026 is getting together! Join us tonight under the lights on the Schroeder Turf from 7-8pm for an unforgettable evening of laughter, competition, and of course... kickball! Grab a roster sheet from W26. Don't miss out on your first big event at Schroeder!
> Want to express yourself? Looking for ways to have your artistic vision displayed in the halls of Schroeder? Mural/Art Club is calling you! Our first meeting is Monday, September 19th after school in room E10.
> Interested in running for office for the Class of 2026? Remember -- campaigning starts today and voting begins on the 22nd! Send your campaign information to Mr. Barilla or Mrs. Ernstrom to get it approved and get your posters up! Check the 2026 Google Classroom for more detailed information!
> The Chess Team needs you to help us compete against other schools, but more importantly, chess is fun. It also makes you smarter, a better problem solver, and studies have been shown that it improves your academic results. So come to an informational meeting on September 20 after school in room W6 to find out what chess can do for you.
> Are you a natural on camera? Do you have exceptional delivery, poise, and enunciation? Want to work in a fast pace environment? The Morning Show is holding anchor auditions Monday and Tuesday next week during 4th and 5th period lunches. Visit Mr. Gomez's classroom, W18, to sign-up and more information. also, if you don't follow us on instagram make sure you do that, its @schroedermorningshow.
> Think you know what Model UN Club is all about? You might be wrong. Welcome to MODEL UN Club Mythbusters!
Myth #1: You have to write and deliver a speech.
Absolutely NOT!! We do not require speeches. When we attend a conference, you participate as much as you are comfortable.
Myth #2: There’s too much work involved in Model UN Club.
NOPE! You put in as much effort as you wish. We try to keep the meetings low key
Myth #3: It’s boring!
WHAT??!! No way! We attend two Model UN Conferences a year. You get to meet new people from schools all around Western and Central New York. We are all about having fun and connecting with new people
Myth #4: You are assigned a country and topic to debate.
THINK AGAIN!. You choose the countries you want to represent.
Truth: If you are interested in world events and coming together with ideas to solve the global issues of food insecurity, gender inequality, water rights and so much more, then Model UN Club is the place for you. Find out this Tuesday, September 20 at 3:20 in Mrs. Tuyn’s room, W6
> Do you love art? Art students in grades 10-12 are welcome to apply for membership with our chapter of The National Art Honor Society. NAHS is a nationwide organization focusing on arts and academic excellence. There is an informational meeting on Tuesday, September 20th at 8:10am in room E12. Hope to see you there!
> Attention all students interested in languages and cultures: we will have our first International Club Meeting on Thursday, September 22nd after school in W213. See you there!
> Sophomores: Jostens Class Rings will be in the Auditorium today, September 15. You will be called down during your lunch STUDY HALL for more information.
> Schroeder Girls Soccer beat Thomas last night in a cross-town match-up. Morgan scored the game winner from an assist by Jocelyn. Meg was outstanding in goal and had the shutout.
> Schroeder Girls Volleyball remains undefeated after last night's victory against Spencerport on the road. Piper M. was ferocious at the net contributing 7 kills and several key defense stops. Meanwhile, Ava G. showed confidence and composure at the serving line with several momentum-changing aces. The Warriors are now 4 and 0 and face Gates tomorrow at home. Keep the streak alive, ladies!
September 14, 2022
> Are you a budding content creator looking to flex or grow your media skills? Schroeder is proud to welcome Newspaper Club to this year's list of extracurricular activities. We're hoping to launch our digital news site this fall and looking for students interested in writing, photography, web design, and editing. Content topics include sports, arts, Schroeder news and events, media reviews, as well as Webster and Rochester community events. Sound good to you? Visit Mrs. Law in W4 to learn more or attend one of our Newspaper Club interest meetings afterschool on Tuesday, September 20, or Thursday, September 22.
> Welcome back Warriors! Are you looking for volunteer hours? The Webster Marching Band needs your help during their home show on October 8th! Autumn Fanfare takes place at Schroeder High School, and we need your help from 4:30-8:30pm. You don't need to stay the whole time, and food is provided! You will be responsible for greeting bands when they arrive, showing them to their rooms, providing band directors with the welcome packet, and escorting bands to the turf field for competition at their assigned time. This is a great way to gain volunteer hours! If you're interested, please stop down to N-1 or email brittany_cole@webstercsd.org to sign up!
> ATTENTION ALL ART STUDENTS! Were you enrolled in an art class last year? Did you have artwork in the art show? If so please stop by the art classroom between 8:15-8:45 or 3:15-3:30 until September 16th to pick up your artwork.
Any work that is left over will be used as examples or discarded. Please be sure to check in with your teacher and get your artwork!
> Attention Schroeder! Key Club, one of our school community service clubs will be holding its kick-off meeting Thursday, September 22 at 3:20 in the Auditorium. See you there!
> There are still a few spots open in driver education at Thomas and Schroeder. Registration will remain open until the end of today and drivers ed will begin the following week. Please visit Webster Community Education's registration database, xenegrade to register. You are choosing a driving time when registering, lecture times are set. The commitment is three-four days a week from September 20 or 21 until just before Thanksgiving. To complete the registration process your permit must be uploaded to the database. The cost is $600 and and a senior license is awarded age 17 to students who pass the course.
> Attention Freshmen: The Class of 2026 is getting together! Join us tomorrow, Thursday, September 15th under the lights on the Schroeder Turf from 7-8pm for an unforgettable evening of laughter, competition, and of course... kickball! Grab a roster sheet from W26. Don't miss out on your first big event at Schroeder!
> Want to express yourself? Looking for ways to have your artistic vision displayed in the halls of Schroeder? Mural/Art Club is calling you! Our first meeting is Monday, September 19th after school in room E10.
> Interested in running for office for the Class of 2026? Remember -- campaigning starts this Thursday and voting begins on the 22nd! Send your campaign information to Mr. Barilla or Mrs. Ernstrom to get it approved and get your posters up! Check the 2026 Google Classroom for more detailed information!
> The Webster Boys Volleyball team swept Victor in an away match that improved the Lakers' record to 5-0. Nate Z. and Ryan W. combined for 7 kills from the middle blocker position, while Joey P., Griffin M., and Evan L. recorded 11, 9, and 9 kills, respectively. Bodey G and Nick A. combined to hand out 35 assists. A battle of the unbeatens happens Saturday in the Schroeder gym as McQuaid visits for a noon match.
> The Chess Team needs you to help us compete against other schools, but more importantly, chess is fun. It also makes you smarter, a better problem solver, and studies have been shown that it improves your academic results. So come to an informational meeting on September 20 after school in room W3 to find out what chess can do for you.
> Are you a natural on camera? Do you have exceptional delivery, poise, and enunciation? Want to work in a fast pace environment? The Morning Show is holding anchor auditions Monday and Tuesday next week during 4th and 5th period lunches. Visit Mr. Gomez's classroom, W18, to sign-up and more information.
September 13, 2022
> Welcome back Warriors! Are you looking for volunteer hours? The Webster Marching Band needs your help during their home show on October 8th! Autumn Fanfare takes place at Schroeder High School, and we need your help from 4:30-8:30pm. You don't need to stay the whole time, and food is provided! You will be responsible for greeting bands when they arrive, showing them to their rooms, providing band directors with the welcome packet, and escorting bands to the turf field for competition at their assigned time. This is a great way to gain volunteer hours! If you're interested, please stop down to N-1 or email brittany_cole@webstercsd.org to sign up!
> ATTENTION ALL ART STUDENTS! Were you enrolled in an art class last year? Did you have artwork in the art show? If so please stop by the art classroom between 8:15-8:45 or 3:15-3:30 until September 16th to pick up your artwork.
Any work that is left over will be used as examples or discarded. Please be sure to check in with your teacher and get your artwork!
> Attention Schroeder! Key Club, one of our school community service clubs will be holding its kick-off meeting Thursday, September 22 at 3:20 in the Auditorium. See you there!
> There are still a few spots open in driver education at Thomas and Schroeder. Registration will remain open until September 14 and drivers ed will begin the following week. Please visit Webster Community Education's registration database, xenegrade to register. You are choosing a driving time when registering, lecture times are set. The commitment is three-four days a week from September 20 or 21 until just before Thanksgiving. To complete the registration process your permit must be uploaded to the database. The cost is $600 and and a senior license is awarded age 17 to students who pass the course.
> Student Council will be meeting to start planning school events and Homecoming. We will meet in E7 tomorrow, Wednesday, September 14th at 8am. If you are interested in joining Student Council, join us at the meeting. You can also ask Mr. Peck and Mrs. Giacoman.
> Attention all girls interested in pursuing a career in the field of science, technology, engineering or math: The Women in STEM Club is looking for new members. The club is a combination of hosting experienced speakers and participating in hands-on activities. If you are interested, our first meeting is coming up soon, so please continue listening to the announcements for further information. If you have any questions, please contact Ms Metz-Miller, Audrey C, or Anna B.
> Girls Volleyball extended their winning streak to three straight matches, with no sets lost yet last night in the Schroeder Gymnasium against Greece Odyssey/Olympia. Annabelle W. led the team with 11 assists and 6 aces while Bria W. contributed 4 kills for the offense. Senior Emmy B. kept the flow of the game going with a flawless serving percentage of 100. Elizabeth F. had the only solo block of the night, helping the team continue its lockdown defense. The girls look to remain undefeated tomorrow night in Spencerport. Awesome start of the season ladies...maximum effort only!
> If you see Ken, one of our sentries here at Schroeder today, be sure to wish him a happy 60th birthday! Thanks for all you do and enjoy your special day.
> Attention Freshmen: The Class of 2026 is getting together! Join us Thursday, September 15th under the lights on the Schroeder Turf from 7-8pm for an unforgettable evening of laughter, competition, and of course... kickball! Grab a roster sheet from W26. Don't miss out on your first big event at Schroeder!
> Today's Library Club Meeting has been rescheduled for Tuesday, September 20.
September 12, 2022
> The Webster Show Choir is holding auditions after school today in the Schroeder auditorium. Students from both Thomas and Schroeder are welcome to audition - come appropriately dressed with dance shoes or sneakers and we will teach you the rest! Rehearsals are Mondays after school; more details will be given at the auditions.
Hope to see you there!
> Welcome back Warriors! Are you looking for volunteer hours? The Webster Marching Band needs your help during their home show on October 8th! Autumn Fanfare takes place at Schroeder High School, and we need your help from 4:30-8:30pm. You don't need to stay the whole time, and food is provided! You will be responsible for greeting bands when they arrive, showing them to their rooms, providing band directors with the welcome packet, and escorting bands to the turf field for competition at their assigned time. This is a great way to gain volunteer hours! If you're interested, please stop down to N-1 or email brittany_cole@webstercsd.org to sign up!
> Attention seniors: College essay workshops with Mrs. Strege are happening today Monday, September 12 during lunch periods. Sign up through Naviance. Check your English Google classroom for a flyer or stop down to the counseling center for more information.
> How would you like to be in a social club for students who like to read? Come to the first Library Club meeting after school on Tuesday, September 13 and see if it is a good fit for you. We will get a peek at the new library, go over leadership opportunities, and plan our Teen Book Festival field trip. For the meeting, enter the library classroom through the Counseling Center.
> ATTENTION ALL ART STUDENTS! Were you enrolled in an art class last year? Did you have artwork in the art show? If so please stop by the art classroom between 8:15-8:45 or 3:15-3:30 until September 16th to pick up your artwork.
Any work that is left over will be used as examples or discarded. Please be sure to check in with your teacher and get your artwork!
> Attention Schroeder! Key Club, one of our school community service clubs will be holding its kick-off meeting Thursday, September 22 at 3:20 in the Auditorium. See you there!
> There are still a few spots open in driver education at Thomas and Schroeder. Registration will remain open until September 14 and drivers ed will begin the following week. Please visit Webster Community Education's registration database, xenegrade to register. You are choosing a driving time when registering, lecture times are set. The commitment is three-four days a week from September 20 or 21 until just before Thanksgiving. To complete the registration process your permit must be uploaded to the database. The cost is $600 and and a senior license is awarded age 17 to students who pass the course.
> Student Council will be meeting to start planning school events and Homecoming. We will meet in E7 on Wednesday, September 14th at 8am. If you are interested in joining Student Council, join us at the meeting. You can also ask Mr. Peck and Mrs. Giacoman.
> The Warriors defeated Fairport Saturday night by a score of two to zero. Abby and Maddie both had goals. Assists came from goalkeeper Megan and from Morgan. Megan had the shutout in goal.
> Attention all girls interested in pursuing a career in the field of science, technology, engineering or math: The Women in STEM Club is looking for new members. The club is a combination of hosting experienced speakers and participating in hands-on activities. If you are interested, our first meeting is coming up soon, so please continue listening to the announcements for further information. If you have any questions, please contact Ms Metz-Miller, Audrey C, or Anna B.
> On Friday night, the boys varsity soccer team improved their record to two wins and two losses with a two to one overtime victory over Canandaigua. Scoring both goals for the Warriors was sophomore Sam B who also earned player of the game. Up next for the Warriors is a Home Match versus crosstown rivals Thomas on Tuesday night!
September 9, 2022
> The Webster Show Choir is holding auditions Monday, September 12th after school in the Schroeder auditorium. Students from both Thomas and Schroeder are welcome to audition - come appropriately dressed with dance shoes or sneakers and we will teach you the rest! Rehearsals are Mondays after school; more details will be given at the auditions.
Hope to see you there!
> Are you a budding content creator looking to flex or grow your media skills? Schroeder is proud to welcome Newspaper Club to this year's list of extracurricular activities. We're hoping to launch our digital news site this fall and looking for students interested in writing, photography, web design, and editing. Content topics include sports, arts, Schroeder news and events, media reviews, as well as Webster and Rochester community events. Sound good to you? Visit Mrs. Law in W4 to learn more or attend one of our Newspaper Club interest meetings afterschool on Tuesday, September 20, or Thursday, September 22.
> Welcome back Warriors! Are you looking for volunteer hours? The Webster Marching Band needs your help during their home show on October 8th! Autumn Fanfare takes place at Schroeder High School, and we need your help from 4:30-8:30pm. You don't need to stay the whole time, and food is provided! You will be responsible for greeting bands when they arrive, showing them to their rooms, providing band directors with the welcome packet, and escorting bands to the turf field for competition at their assigned time. This is a great way to gain volunteer hours! If you're interested, please stop down to N-1 or email brittany_cole@webstercsd.org to sign up!
> Attention seniors: College essay workshops with Mrs. Strege begin this Friday, September 9 and next Monday, September 12 during lunch periods. Sign up through Naviance. Check your English Google classroom for a flyer or stop down to the counseling center for more information.
> How would you like to be in a social club for students who like to read? Come to the first Library Club meeting after school on Tuesday, September 13 and see if it is a good fit for you. We will get a peek at the new library, go over leadership opportunities, and plan our Teen Book Festival field trip. For the meeting, enter the library classroom through the Counseling Center.
> Attention Juniors: The Class of 2024 is holding class officer elections. If you have an interest in holding an officer position for our class, please complete the Google Form found on our Classroom webpage. If you have issues, please see Mr. Eckler in W26 or Mrs. McCann in W212.
> ATTENTION ALL ART STUDENTS! Were you enrolled in an art class last year? Did you have artwork in the art show? If so please stop by the art classroom between 8:15-8:45 or 3:15-3:30 until September 16th to pick up your artwork.
Any work that is left over will be used as examples or discarded. Please be sure to check in with your teacher and get your artwork!
> Attention Schroeder! Key Club, one of our school community service clubs will be holding its kick-off meeting Thursday, September 22 at 3:20 in the Auditorium. See you there!
> There are still a few spots open in driver education at Thomas and Schroeder. Registration will remain open until September 14 and drivers ed will begin the following week. Please visit Webster Community Education's registration database, xenegrade to register. You are choosing a driving time when registering, lecture times are set. The commitment is three-four days a week from September 20 or 21 until just before Thanksgiving. To complete the registration process your permit must be uploaded to the database. The cost is $600 and and a senior license is awarded age 17 to students who pass the course.
> The girl‘s soccer team defeated Canandaigua last night by a score one to zero. Leah scored the game-winning goal off an assist from Morgan. Megan had the shut out in goal. Next game for the girls soccer team is Saturday versus Fairport at 6:30 PM at home.
> The football team moved to two and oh last night with a 17 nothing shutout over Churchville. Drew P ran for one touchdown and threw for one to Torance W. Kaleb J had 70 total yards on 12 touches and Jack S had 97 yards on 15 touches. The Warriors travel next Friday to take on a very good Spencerport team.
> The girls volleyball team remains undefeated with a dominant victory over Hilton last night. Leading the way for the Warriors was Sarah F. with 18 assists, Piper M. with 6 kills and Maddie S. with 8 digs.
> The football team would like to thank students and staff for coming out and supporting them last night.
They would also like to give a special thanks to Corintia G., Taylor F., and Na'Brya B. for volunteering their time to be water girls. You did an outstanding job ladies!!!!!
> The Webster boys volleyball team took down reigning New York State champion Penfield in three straight sets last night in the Schroeder gym. Bodey G directed the attack with 25 assists, handing out eight kills apiece to Griffin M and Joey P along with five more to Jacob G. The defence was led by Zach Z. 15 digs while Brodey and Griffin combined to total six blocks. Webster has now started the season 4-0 and looks to continue their winning form at Victor on Tuesday before returning home for huge contests against Brighton and McQuaid.
------- Special Announcements --------------------------------------------
> Good morning Class of 2026! You got through your first few days of school - Congratulations
Want to make a difference for you and your classmates?
Want to be a part of the Warrior experience and live your best high school life?
Then you should become a 2026 class officer.
We are Mr. Barilla and Mrs. Ernstrom, your class advisors and will help you with all you need to know for the next four years of your high school career.
If you are interested in running for a class officer (President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, or a Student Council Liaison) we will be starting campaigns next week.
Please run all campaign ideas by either Mr. Barilla or Mrs. Ernstrom prior to next Thursday.
Check out the google classroom for more detailed information regarding the campaign and how it will run!
Looking forward to working with you. Have an awesome weekend!
> Good morning. On Sunday, twenty one years will have passed since the tragic terrorist attacks where 2,977 people lost their lives at the World Trade Center Towers, the Pentagon, and aboard Flight 93. Today, we remember with a solemn heart the losses from that day.
I ask that you please join me in a moment of silence...Thank you.
Since 2009, September 11th has been designated as the National Day of Service and Remembrance. It is an opportunity for all Americans not only to remember those lost on that day, but also to recognize the heroic actions of the first responders and recovery workers, police officers and firefighters, public safety officers and EMTs, and the men and women in the armed forces who risked their safety in service of others that day and the years since. 9/11 Day is now the nation’s largest annual day of service and I encourage you to learn more about the history of the day and to perform an act of service for someone else in our community this weekend. Please take this opportunity to join others in making a difference through your spirit, compassion, empathy, courage, and kindness.
Thank you for doing what you can to make our community a better place. Have a great day, Warriors
September 8, 2022
> The Webster Show Choir is holding auditions Monday, September 12th after school in the Schroeder auditorium. Students from both Thomas and Schroeder are welcome to audition - come appropriately dressed with dance shoes or sneakers and we will teach you the rest! Rehearsals are Mondays after school; more details will be given at the auditions.
Hope to see you there!
> Welcome back Warriors! Are you looking for volunteer hours? The Webster Marching Band needs your help during their home show on October 8th! Autumn Fanfare takes place at Schroeder High School, and we need your help from 4:30-8:30pm. You don't need to stay the whole time, and food is provided! You will be responsible for greeting bands when they arrive, showing them to their rooms, providing band directors with the welcome packet, and escorting bands to the turf field for competition at their assigned time. This is a great way to gain volunteer hours! If you're interested, please stop down to N-1 or email brittany_cole@webstercsd.org to sign up!
> Attention seniors: College essay workshops with Mrs. Strege begin this Friday, September 9 and next Monday, September 12 during lunch periods. Sign up through Naviance. Check your English Google classroom for a flyer or stop down to the counseling center for more information.
> How would you like to be in a social club for students who like to read? Come to the first Library Club meeting after school on Tuesday, September 13 and see if it is a good fit for you. We will get a peek at the new library, go over leadership opportunities, and plan our Teen Book Festival field trip. For the meeting, enter the library classroom through the Counseling Center.
> Attention Juniors: The Class of 2024 is holding class officer elections. If you have an interest in holding an officer position for our class, please complete the Google Form found on our Classroom webpage. If you have issues, please see Mr. Eckler in W26 or Mrs. McCann in W212.
> The Boys Varsity Soccer team got their first win of the season after defeating Gates Chili three to zero. Niko M, Sam B, and Brayden C each scored their first career variety goals. Tyler D had the shutout. Joey G earned player of the game.
> Webster Boys Volleyball improved their record to 3-0 with a straight-set victory over Gates-Chili last night. The Lakers were led offensively by Evan L. and Griffin M. with 7 and 5 kills respectively. Aidan J. contributed 3 aces in the third game while Zach Z. brought the crowd to their feet with two huge kills to pull out the final set. Check out the Boys Volleyball action tonight at Schroeder with a high-energy match against the 2021 New York State Champion Penfield Patriots. Varsity starts at 6:00pm.
> Congratulations to senior Megan F, goalkeeper for the Girls Varsity Soccer team, who was named Player of the Week by the Democrat and Chronicle. She has had 26 saves in 3 games. Way to go, Meg!
------- Special Announcements --------------------------------------------
> Seniors -- wakey, wakey...it is time to makey makey some memories! Senior Sunrise is happening tomorrow morning at 6:30am on the Schroeder Turf...actual sunrise should be hitting the stadium around 6:45. It is going to be a great photo opportunity, a great way to reconnect with your fellow seniors, a chance to grab your senior lanyards, and have a breakfast treat. I'm already envisioning a little before and after Instagram post of Senior Sunrise and then sunset at graduation in June. Alright, I should be getting to bed now so I can meet you there! That’s it for me and that’s it for the Morning Show. Have a fantastic day Warriors…GO BILLS!
September 7, 2022
> The Webster Show Choir is holding auditions Monday, September 12th after school in the Schroeder auditorium. Students from both Thomas and Schroeder are welcome to audition - come appropriately dressed with dance shoes or sneakers and we will teach you the rest! Rehearsals are Mondays after school; more details will be given at the auditions. Hope to see you there!
> Are you a budding content creator looking to flex or grow your media skills? Schroeder is proud to welcome Newspaper Club to this year's list of extracurricular activities. We're hoping to launch our digital news site this fall and looking for students interested in writing, photography, web design, and editing. Content topics include sports, arts, Schroeder news and events, media reviews, as well as Webster and Rochester community events. Sound good to you? Visit Mrs. Law in W4 to learn more or attend one of our Newspaper Club interest meetings afterschool on Tuesday, September 20, or Thursday, September 22.
> Welcome back Warriors! Are you looking for volunteer hours? The Webster Marching Band needs your help during their home show on October 8th! Autumn Fanfare takes place at Schroeder High School, and we need your help from 4:30-8:30pm. You don't need to stay the whole time, and food is provided! You will be responsible for greeting bands when they arrive, showing them to their rooms, providing band directors with the welcome packet, and escorting bands to the turf field for competition at their assigned time. This is a great way to gain volunteer hours! If you're interested, please stop down to N-1 or email brittany_cole@webstercsd.org to sign up!
> Attention seniors: College essay workshops with Mrs. Strege begin this Friday, September 9 and next Monday, September 12 during lunch periods. Sign up through Naviance. Check your English Google classroom for a flyer or stop down to the counseling center for more information.
> Are you interested in joining the dance team? Auditions are this Friday, September 9th 3:30 to 5pm in N101. If you can’t make it Friday our first practice is Sunday September 11 from 11 to 1 at the rec center.
> Class of 2023 - come together as seniors for the first time this Friday at 6:30am on the Schroeder Turf for Senior Sunrise. There will be breakfast treats, lanyards, and a chance to purchase your senior year shirt! You may leave before your first scheduled class. Stop and see your class advisors, Mr. Gomez or Mrs. Lawton, with any questions. Senior Season starts now!
> The girls soccer team finished the opening day of school with a six to zero win over Gates Chili. Scoring three goals for the Warriors was a freshman Emma R. Junior Abby H had two goals and Junior Leah M added one goal. Megan F and Gaby A had the shut out in goal.--
> Congratulations to the Girls Volleyball team who defended the brand new Schroeder Gymnasium court last night by deating State Champions, Victor, 3 sets to zero. The girls travel to Hilton tomorrow night to keep the wins rolling. Great work, Warriors!
------- Special Announcements --------------------------------------------
> Good Morning, Schroeder. I'm your librarian, Mrs. Strege. By now you may have discovered that you do not currently have a library. We hope to have your newly redesigned space open to you for October, and it will be well worth the wait! In the meantime, I'm here to remind you that the library is more than a physical space. You have access to hard copies of books via interlibrary loan by emailing requests to me. eBooks and audiobooks are available from the Sora app and our library catalog. You have hundreds of magazine and newspaper articles accessible through our databases. If you currently have physical books to return, there is a bin in the main office.
Seniors, college essay workshops start this Friday during lunches in B2. I'll help you think about the college essay as a genre, and explore a topic, structure, and style that is a good fit for you. See Mrs. Mezzanini in the counseling center if you need help signing up in Naviance
September 6, 2022
> The Webster Show Choir is holding auditions Monday, September 12th after school in the Schroeder auditorium. Students from both Thomas and Schroeder are welcome to audition - come appropriately dressed with dance shoes or sneakers and we will teach you the rest! Rehearsals are Mondays after school; more details will be given at the auditions.
Hope to see you there!
> WTI has moved! Come check out our new room located off the cafeteria. If you did not pick up your chromebook during distribution week, stop by today to pick up your new device.
> The football team had an exciting kickoff to the season with a come from behind victory over Hilton 21 to 14. Drew P. threw for 2 touchdowns, Kaleb J. ran one in, and Tyler and Torance W. each caught a touchdowns in the 4th quarter. Justin M. caught a 2 point conversion.
On defense Nick D. and Anthony D. lead the team in tackles. Dom M. and Zain K. accounted for the teams 3 sacks while Nick B. had an interception and Dom M. recovered a fumble.
The Warriors take on Churchville this Thursday here at Schroeder. Kickoff is at 6:30. Come out and see the boys!
> Welcome back Warriors! Are you looking for volunteer hours? The Webster Marching Band needs your help during their home show on October 8th! Autumn Fanfare takes place at Schroeder High School, and we need your help from 4:30-8:30pm. You don't need to stay the whole time, and food is provided! You will be responsible for greeting bands when they arrive, showing them to their rooms, providing band directors with the welcome packet, and escorting bands to the turf field for competition at their assigned time. This is a great way to gain volunteer hours! If you're interested, please stop down to N-1 or email brittany_cole@webstercsd.org to sign up!
> Attention seniors: College essay workshops with Mrs. Strege begin this Friday, September 9 and next Monday, September 12 during lunch periods. Sign up through Naviance. Check your English Google classroom for a flyer or stop down to the counseling center for more information.
> Attention all students enrolled in Symphonic Band and Concert Band: you do not need your instruments for the first day of class on Wednesday. We will have you bring instruments on Thursday (C day). Looking forward to seeing you!
> Class of 2023 - come together as seniors for the first time this Friday at 6:30am on the Schroeder Turf for Senior Sunrise. There will be breakfast treats, lanyards, and a chance to purchase your senior year shirt! You may leave before your first scheduled class. Stop and see your class advisors, Mr. Gomez or Mrs. Lawton, with any questions. Senior Season starts now!
------- Special Announcements --------------------------------------------
> Good morning, everyone!
Welcome to the 2022-23 school year. Upperclassmen know me, but to our newest Warriors, I”m Mr. Benz, your principal.
Lately, each year, Schroeder High School seems to be moving leaps and bounds academically, in participation numbers in clubs and athletics, and now our facilities, though not completed yet, are compared to tops in the state. The library and a couple of bathrooms will be completed within the next few weeks. Please continue to treat this as your home and respect the work and money put into it all.
Today is about finding your classes, figuring out the cafeteria, and getting into good habits to help you be your best as a person and as a scholar.
Yes, we have rules and policies in place to create a safe learning environment. I won’t get into them all today, except a couple of more common issues:
We expect all students to be on time to school and classes.
Cell phones and smart watches are to be off and away during class time.
Vaping or possession of a vape is illegal on school grounds. If you are found to have one on you or using, major consequences will be assigned.
Also, “coffee shop” drinks and food must be finished before entering a classroom. If you are late to school with one, you will be asked to finish it then or throw it away.
For lunchtime, Webster is a closed campus district for lunches. Meaning, you cannot leave campus to eat lunch.
Over the past few weeks, we’ve had Link Crew students welcome our incoming freshmen. Thank you Link leaders. Along with that, we have had a great amount of support and participation in our fall sports teams. Our year is already off to a great start!
Teachers…can you help us out. Students, Regarding your most up to date schedules please pay close attention. Your IC student portal app (or IC access on their Chromebook), please refresh your app to see the most current, accurate, up to date schedule!!
If you have a question about your schedule, please stop in and sign up or email your counselor. Please be patient, we have many recently enrolled students this year. Our counselors will be working with our newest students to get them situated.
So welcome…we want you to know that you belong here. We see you, we know you (or want to know you soon), and we will like to hear from you soon, too.
Enjoy your day!
June 13, 2022
> Are you a sophomore or junior looking for sustained service hours next year?
Consider volunteering for a student position with PTSA.
Learn leadership, organizational, and entrepreneurial skills.
We're looking for students to participate in working on calendar design, membership sales, social media, or record keeping. Please see Mrs. Law in W4 if you are interested.
> Want to support your artist friends here at Schroeder? Come and see all of their hard work at the end of the year art show! Everyone, including family and friends can attend the open studio on June 16th from 5-7:30pm. There will be food and refreshments. We hope you can make it!
> Do you want to be a Lifeguard? The Webster Aquatic Center is offering a Lifeguard Certification Course June 27th-30th. Please register online or call 670-1087.
> Chromebook collection will continue all day today in the cafeteria. ALL students must turn in both their chromebook and charger. If you need to keep your chromebook until you are finished with exams, you may do so. Before your last exam, please turn in your chromebook and charger to one of the collection bins. If your chromebook is not turned in, you will receive a bill from the district.
> Well Schroeder -- it was another crazy year of ups and downs but we have made it to the finish line...all of us here at the Morning Show would like to say thank you to all for tuning in every morning and starting your day with us. Congratulations to the Class of 2022 and best of luck with whatever comes next! To everyone else: enjoy your summers and we'll see you back in September! Have a great summer Warriors!
June 10, 2022
> Want to support your artist friends here at Schroeder? Come and see all of their hard work at the end of the year art show! Everyone, including family and friends can attend the open studio on June 16th from 5-7:30pm. There will be food and refreshments. We hope you can make it!
> Chromebook collection will take place today from 12 pm to 3 pm in the cafeteria. All students must turn in both their chromebook and charger. If you need to keep your chromebook until you are finished with exams, you may do so. Before your last exam, please turn in your chromebook and charger to one of the collection bins.
> Do you want to be a Lifeguard? The Webster Aquatic Center is offering a Lifeguard Certification Course June 27th-30th. Please register online or call 670-1087.
June 8, 2022
> Want to support your artist friends here at Schroeder? Come and see all of their hard work at the end of the year art show! Everyone, including family and friends can attend the open studio on June 16th from 5-7:30pm. There will be food and refreshments. We hope you can make it!
> Good Morning, seniors! A reminder to sign up for the Senior Graduate Parade on June 13. The Google Form for sign up is in your Google Classroom or find a QR code at your Alpha Office.
> Chromebook collection will begin today from 12pm to 3pm in the cafeteria. All students must turn in both their chromebook and charger. If you need to keep your chromebook until you are finished with exams, you may do so. Before your last exam, please turn in your chromebook and charger to one of the collection bins.
> All boys and girls interested in doing Cross Country this fall: the preseason meeting will be in the cafeteria from 3:30 - 4:15pm tomorrow, June 9th. Anyone interested in doing Cross Country as a secondary varsity sport in addition to their primary sport should also attend.
> Are you feeling stressed about regents? Want some tips for taking the exam? Some of our mental health staff will be in N15, across from the auditorium tomorrow during 4th and 5th period to offer some support. Come to N15 on Thursday during your lunch/study hall if you are feeling stressed and want to hear from our mental health team about strategies for taking regents.
> Attention all female athletes interested in playing flag football: we will be hosting open turf time today from 3:30 to 4:30. See you then!
> Do you want to be a Lifeguard? The Webster Aquatic Center is offering a Lifeguard Certification Course June 27th-30th. Please register online or call 670-1087.
June 7, 2022
> The library will be closed after school today for a visiting author event. Please plan accordingly.
> Want to support your artist friends here at Schroeder? Come and see all of their hard work at the end of the year art show! Everyone, including family and friends can attend the open studio on June 16th from 5-7:30pm. There will be food and refreshments. We hope you can make it!
> Good Morning, seniors! A reminder to sign up for the Senior Graduate Parade on June 13. The Google Form for sign up is in your Google Classroom or find a QR code at your Alpha Office.
> Chromebook collection will begin this Wednesday, June 8th in the cafeteria. All students must turn in both their chromebook and charger. If you need to keep your chromebook until you are finished with exams, you may do so. Before your last exam, please turn in your chromebook and charger to one of the collection bins.
> The Green Club will be holding their final meeting of the year today afterschool in Mrs. Smith's room E224. We will be celebrating our seniors that are leaving and having elections for the next year. See you there!
> All boys and girls interested in doing Cross Country this fall: the preseason meeting will be in the cafeteria from 3:30 - 4:15pm this Thursday, June 9th. Anyone interested in doing Cross Country as a secondary varsity sport in addition to their primary sport should also attend.
> Are you feeling stressed about regents? Want some tips for taking the exam? Some of our mental health staff will be in N15, across from the auditorium on Thursday during 4th and 5th period to offer some support. Come to N15 on Thursday during your lunch/study hall if you are feeling stressed and want to hear from our mental health team about strategies for taking regents.
> Attention all female athletes interested in playing flag football: we will be hosting open turf time tomorrow, June 8th from 3:30 to 4:30. See you then!
> A reminder for all students: mindful lunch is closed today.
> Good Morning. Summer is the perfect time to read what you choose, and I'm here to remind you of some of your options for summer reading. If you enjoy eBooks and audiobooks, make sure that you know how to access the Sora app. Stop in to see me if you need help. I also want to remind you that students in grades 9-11 can check out physical library books for the summer. We are asking that you make your selections by the end of the day this Friday, June 10. After that the library staff will be packing up N101 in anticipation of opening back up in our newly constructed library in the fall. Speaking of the new library, let's congratulate some of the people who named our new spaces.
Cameron M and Nayab A
Your contributions inspired the name for our WTI room: Warrior Tech Chromebook Clinic.
Mr. Strege coined our cafe The Ridge Cafe and also inspired us to name the large huddle rooms The Royal Room and The Vegas Room.
Mrs. Dailey, thank you for naming our small huddle rooms Nook and Cranny.
Thank you to everyone who sent in names. We had a lot of laughs reading through them.
June 6, 2022
> Drivers' Ed will be offered at Thomas and at Spry this summer. Start date is July 6 and end date is August 11, with classes held on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays, during the day.
Registration for graduating seniors and rising seniors will be held tomorrow beginning at 8:00 am. If there are spots left, registration will take place on June 8 for rising juniors and sophomores at 8:00 am. Spots are very limited and we will offer drivers ed nxt year throughout the school year. The cost is $600. Visit the district page on the webstercsd website for more info.
> Are you a sophomore or junior looking for sustained service hours next year?
Consider volunteering for a student position with PTSA.
Learn leadership, organizational, and entrepreneurial skills.
We're looking for students to participate in working on calendar design, membership sales, social media, or record keeping. Please see Mrs. Law in W4 if you are interested.
> The library will be closed after school tomorrow, June 7 for a visiting author event. Please plan accordingly.
> Want to support your artist friends here at Schroeder? Come and see all of their hard work at the end of the year art show! Everyone, including family and friends can attend the open studio on June 16th from 5-7:30pm. There will be food and refreshments. We hope you can make it!
> Good Morning, seniors! A reminder to sign up for the Senior Graduate Parade on June 13. The Google Form for sign up is in your Google Classroom or find a QR code at your Alpha Office.
> Chromebook collection will begin this Wednesday, June 8th in the cafeteria. All students must turn in both their chromebook and charger. If you need to keep your chromebook until you are finished with exams, you may do so. Before your last exam, please turn in your chromebook and charger to one of the collection bins.
> The Schroeder Softball team advanced to the state semifinals on Saturday at Long Island. The girls beat Williamsville South 13-1.
Molly B. threw a 4 hitter with 4 strikeouts. Maddy S. was 4 for 5 with 2 runs scored and 2 RBIs. Sam S. was 3 for 4 with 4 RBIs and a run, Mik B. was 2 for 5 with a double, 3 RBIs, and 2 runs scored, Hannah S. had a sac bunt, scored a run, had a hit and stolen base, Krislyn C. had a RBI single, a walk, and stolen base, Bizzie B. had a RBI double, Sarah F. had a single and scored, and Haly K. a RBI single.
The girls played outstanding team defense and are currently 20-5.
> Senior Joshua M. competed in the National Saunders YEA competition over the weekend with his business "Oncall." This competition was broadcast across the country and our local WHAM news channel. He won his semi-final competition and he finished in the top 6 of the country. We are proud of all the work Josh put into his project this year! He had an incredible run!!
> Mr. Gomez and Mrs. Lawton would like to thank staff and security who chaperoned Prom to ensure it was a safe and successful event, the admin team for always playing such an integral role, all staff who stopped by to see students in their suits and dresses, class officers for all their work planning, and of course, the Class of 2023 juniors (soon-to-be-seniors!!!!) for being responsible and having a great night! It was an incredible event for all!
> The Green Club will be holding their final meeting of the year Tuesday, June 7 afterschool in Mrs. Smith's room E224. We will be celebrating our seniors that are leaving and having elections for the next year. See you there!
June 3, 2022
> Drivers' Ed will be offered at Thomas and at Spry this summer. Start date is July 6 and end date is August 11, with classes held on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays, during the day.
Registration for graduating seniors and rising seniors will be held on June 7 beginning at 8:00 am. If there are spots left, registration will take place on June 8 for rising juniors and sophomores at 8:00 am. Spots are very limited and we will offer drivers ed nxt year throughout the school year. The cost is $600. Visit the district page on the webstercsd website for more info.
> The library will be closed after school on Tuesday, June 7 for a visiting author event. Please plan accordingly.
> Want to support your artist friends here at Schroeder? Come and see all of their hard work at the end of the year art show! Everyone, including family and friends can attend the open studio on June 16th from 5-7:30pm. There will be food and refreshments. We hope you can make it!
June 2, 2022
> Drivers' Ed will be offered at Thomas and at Spry this summer. Start date is July 6 and end date is August 11, with classes held on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays, during the day.
Registration for graduating seniors and rising seniors will be held on June 7 beginning at 8:00 am. If there are spots left, registration will take place on June 8 for rising juniors and sophomores at 8:00 am. Spots are very limited and we will offer drivers ed nxt year throughout the school year. The cost is $600. Visit the district page on the webstercsd website for more info.
> Are you a sophomore or junior looking for sustained service hours next year?
Consider volunteering for a student position with PTSA.
Learn leadership, organizational, and entrepreneurial skills.
We're looking for students to participate in working on calendar design, membership sales, social media, or record keeping. Please see Mrs. Law in W4 if you are interested.
June 1, 2022
> Drivers' Ed will be offered at Thomas and at Spry this summer. Start date is July 6 and end date is August 11, with classes held on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays, during the day.
Registration for graduating seniors and rising seniors will be held on June 7 beginning at 8:00 am. If there are spots left, registration will take place on June 8 for rising juniors and sophomores at 8:00 am. Spots are very limited and we will offer drivers ed nxt year throughout the school year. The cost is $600. Visit the district page on the webstercsd website for more info.
> Schroeder Softball beat Sutherland 3-0 to advance to the state quarterfinals on Saturday vs. Grand Island.
Molly B. threw a 2 hitter with 10 strikeouts. Haley K. was 2 for 2 with a RBI, Sam S. was 2 for 3 with a run scored, Hannah S. was 1 for 2 with a run scored, Krislyn C. had a RBI single, Bizzie B. had a single and scored a run, Molly B. and Mikayla B. each had hit.
Please wish the girls luck as they continue their journey to win a state championship!
May 31, 2022
> Drivers' Ed will be offered at Thomas and at Spry this summer. Start date is July 6 and end date is August 11, with classes held on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays, during the day.
Registration for graduating seniors and rising seniors will be held on June 7 beginning at 8:00 am. If there are spots left, registration will take place on June 8 for rising juniors and sophomores at 8:00 am. Spots are very limited and we will offer drivers ed nxt year throughout the school year. The cost is $600. Visit the district page on the webstercsd website for more info.
> Attention Warriors! June is pride month, so we would like to promote LGBTQ+ visibility and representation. On Wednesday, June 1st we are celebrating the first day of Pride with a spirit day, so wear something rainbow or bright and colorful to support, or feel free to wear the colors of any pride flag you might identify with. There are also posters up in the hallways to remind you, and they display some of the different pride flags, as well as a QR code at the bottom which gives a more inclusive list. We hope you participate in showing your pride spirit and support!
> Schroeder Softball beat Thomas 6-2 to win the Class A1 Sectional Championship.
Molly B. threw a 7 hitter with 4 strikeouts for the win. Maddy S. was 2 for 3 with a run and RBI, Hannah S. was 1 for 2 with a run and RBI, Krislyn C. had a two run home run. Bizzie B. had a sac fly. Sarah F. was 2 for 3 with a double and Haley K. was 1 for 2 with a run scored.
Sam S. and Carley C. both made huge defensive plays to help secure the win.
The team plays today at 7:00 pm at Thomas in the Class A play-in game to see who advances to the state quarterfinals.
> Congratulations to the boys Warrior track team on a fantastic finish to a terrific season. The boys team took 4th place in the class A-1 Sectional championship this past weekend with two boys winning Sectional event titles. Alex R. won the 400 hurdles as well as taking 4th in the 110 hurdles. Dylan B. won the 400 meter dash and was also 2nd in the high jump. Other Warriors who took individual ribbons were:
Drew A. for taking 2nd in the pole vault
Antonio B. took 4th in the 3000 meter steeplechase
Naz D. was 6th in the 110 hurdles
Well done everyone and thank you for a great season!
May 27, 2022
> Drivers' Ed will be offered at Thomas and at Spry this summer. Start date is July 6 and end date is August 11, with classes held on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays, during the day.
Registration for graduating seniors and rising seniors will be held on June 7 beginning at 8:00 am. If there are spots left, registration will take place on June 8 for rising juniors and sophomores at 8:00 am. Spots are very limited and we will offer drivers ed nxt year throughout the school year. The cost is $600. Visit the district page on the webstercsd website for more info.
> "Attention warriors! June is pride month, so we would like to promote LGBTQ+ visibility and representation. On Wednesday June 1st we are celebrating the first day of pride with a spirit day, so wear something rainbow or bright and colorful to support, or feel free to wear the colors of any pride flag you might identify with. There are also posters up in the hallways to remind you, and they display some of the different pride flags, as well as a QR code at the bottom which gives a more inclusive list. We hope you participate in showing your pride spirit and support!"
> The Schroeder softball team beat Brighton 4-0 yesterday to advance to the sectional final on Saturday vs. Thomas at 5:00 pm at Greece Odyssey. Come show your support!
Molly B. threw a two hitter with 9 strikeouts and was 3 for 3 with a stolen base. Krislyn C. had two solo home runs and Maddy S. was 2 for 3 with a double and two run home run. Hannah S. had a hot and scored a run.
> Congratulations to the following students for being this week’s recipients of Principal’s Recognition:
Please stop down to the main office between 1st and 2nd period.
Mark C. ~ Class of 2024
Erik H. ~ Class of 2022
Dylan P. ~ Class of 2025
Gabriella Q. ~ Class of 2025
Amanda S. ~ Class of 2022
May 26, 2022
> Drivers' Ed will be offered at Thomas and at Spry this summer. Start date is July 6 and end date is August 11, with classes held on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays, during the day.
Registration for graduating seniors and rising seniors will be held on June 7 beginning at 8:00 am. If there are spots left, registration will take place on June 8 for rising juniors and sophomores at 8:00 am. Spots are very limited and we will offer drivers ed next year throughout the school year. The cost is $600. Visit the district page on the webstercsd website for more info.
now over to..
> Any girl interested in playing either JV or Varsity volleyball in the fall: there will be a pre-season meeting in Coach DeWitte's room (N100) today at 3:30. The meeting will only be 15 minutes so please be on time. If you will not be able to attend please see either Coach Gomez or Coach DeWitte.
now over to.....
> Are you a sophomore or junior looking for sustained service hours next year?
Consider volunteering for a student position with PTSA.
Learn leadership, organizational, and entrepreneurial skills.
We're looking for students to participate in working on calendar design, membership sales, social media, or record keeping. Please see Mrs. Law in W4 if you are interested.
May 25, 2022
> Drivers' Ed will be offered at Thomas and at Spry this summer. Start date is July 6 and end date is August 11, with classes held on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays, during the day.
Registration for graduating seniors and rising seniors will be held on June 7 beginning at 8:00 am. If there are spots left, registration will take place on June 8 for rising juniors and sophomores at 8:00 am. Spots are very limited and we will offer drivers ed nxt year throughout the school year. The cost is $600. Visit the district page on the webstercsd website for more info.
> Junior Prom tickets will stay on sale this week! Look for your class officers selling during lunch periods on the east side of the cafeteria. Tickets are $50 per student. All students planning on attending Prom need to have a ticket...so even if you paid dues, be sure to claim your ticket this week. Students who attend EMCC or just don't have lunch periods...we will be selling tickets during 2nd period today in the cafeteria for you!!!! Refer to the Class of 2023 Google Classroom page for more information.
> Any girl interested in playing either JV or Varsity volleyball in the fall: there will be a pre-season meeting in Coach DeWitte's room (N100) tomorrow at 3:30. The meeting will only be 15 minutes so please be on time. If you will not be able to attend please see either Coach Gomez or Coach DeWitte.
> Schroeder Softball beat Arcadia 21-0, in 5 innings. Molly B., Krislyn C., and Liana D. combined to throw a perfect game with 11 strikeouts.
Mikayla B. was 3 for 3 with 3 runs scored, Molly B. was 2 for 2 with 2 RBIs and 2 runs. Krislyn C., Hannah S., Maddy S. Bizzie B., and Sarah F. had multiple hits for the Warriors.
The team will play Brighton on Thursday at 7:00 pm at Schroeder in the sectional semifinals.
> The varsity unified basketball team played an amazing game last night against Thomas. The final score was 52-45 and so many players got on the board. High scorers were Ernie S. with 10 points, Michael G. with 7 points, and Breanna B. and Ryker S. both with 6 points. It was a great night celebrating lots of staff members at Schroeder and the team is very grateful for all of the support. The team finishes out their season with the culminating event at Gates-Chili on Thursday. Go Warriors!
Now over to Mr. Benz…
> Good morning,
To our Warrior Family,
I have several announcements for everyone to hear.
1st - Our district is looking into revising our code of conduct, specifically our dress code. In your google classroom for your grade level, there is a brief dress code survey for students to complete. Please do this by Friday. Thanks!
2nd - Yesterday, New York State had decided to cancel the US History Exam next Wednesday, June 1st. All other Regents exams will be administered. Only the US History exam is canceled and students who were to take the exam will be exempt this year.
3rd - For the past 10 days there have been many highs here at Schroeder coupled with tragic lows in our country. 10 days ago the racist act of killing 10 people in a Buffalo grocery store followed by yesterday’s unfathomable school shooting in Texas killing nearly 20 young students and a staff member breaks my heart and I”m sure yours..If you need someone to talk to here, our counseling staff is here for you or any adult with whom you are comfortable speaking with.
For me and Schroeder to be the change, all I know to do is to start looking inward and move with small steps. Meaning, looking in the mirror and finding how to spread love to one another no matter the color of skin or God you pray to (or not) or ability. Also, how to support one another and their mental health. If we simply start there, that is over 1,500 lives impacted just at Schroeder.
The highs that I mentioned…
This past weekend we had the best senior ball with 349 students attending the joyous event.
Just yesterday here at Schroeder, we had over 50 of our students participate in the incredible event hosted by our Unified basketball team. Thank you for recognizing our staff.
Love was all around the Warrior gym.
Last night we hosted the 9th and 10th grade Warrior Scholar Awards in front of a packed auditorium. Over 100 of our students were recognized, with staff and family there supporting.
There will be many more celebrations between now and the end of the year…to show love and support.
So, when we move about these final few weeks of school. Please consider looking inward to how you can love one another even if someone called you a name or posted something about you in a negative way. Be the change.. How can we support one another? When it comes down to it..that’s all we have is each other. Our adults are here to help you. Start the day with love in your heart. Make someone’s day, every day. Take care of each other, Warrior family.
May 24, 2022
> Drivers' Ed will be offered at Thomas and at Spry this summer. Start date is July 6 and end date is August 11, with classes held on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays, during the day.
Registration for graduating seniors and rising seniors will be held on June 7 beginning at 8:00 am. If there are spots left, registration will take place on June 8 for rising juniors and sophomores at 8:00 am. Spots are very limited and we will offer drivers ed nxt year throughout the school year. The cost is $600. Visit the district page on the webstercsd website for more info.
> Attention all female athletes: Schroeder is looking to start a Girls' Flag Football team next Spring Season. If you are interested in playing, or finding out more about this amazing opportunity, please scan the QR code posted around the building, or stop by Mr. Insley's or Ms Herbst's rooms. We will have our first informational meeting tomorrow at 8:15am in W215. Looking forward to seeing you soon!
> Junior Prom tickets will stay on sale this week! Look for your class officers selling during lunch periods on the east side of the cafeteria. Tickets are $50 per student. All students planning on attending Prom need to have a ticket...so even if you paid dues, be sure to claim your ticket this week. If you do not have a lunch period, email Mr. Gomez to set-up a different time to purchase your ticket. Refer to the Class of 2023 Google Classroom page for more information.
> Any girl interested in playing either JV or Varsity volleyball in the fall: there will be a pre-season meeting in Coach DeWitte's room (N100) this Thursday at 3:30. The meeting will only be 15 minutes so please be on time. If you will not be able to attend please see either Coach Gomez or Coach DeWitte.
> There are over 50 teams in the NYS Masterminds Rochester division. Last night Webster Schroeder took SECOND PLACE in the entire region, beating an undefeated Fairport in two separate games, losing only to Pittsford-Sutherland after putting up an incredible fight! If you see Diego, Kaden, Michael, Stephen or David today, congratulate them on a job well done!
It takes nerves of steel, a sharp wit, and super quick reflexes to do what they do!
> Our Varsity Unified Basketball team has their last home game today at 5:00 against Thomas. Please come out to support us. Go Warriors!
May 23, 2022
> Attention Warriors who received a postcard notifying you that you achieved honor roll for quarter 3: please stop by the table in the cafeteria to pick up your ice cream coupon during your lunch period and then redeem it in the cafeteria line. Congratulations on your hard work!
> First we register, then we vote! It’s your right; it’s your responsibility! You will have an opportunity to register during lunch on Tuesday, May 24. Look out for the voting registration table in the cafeteria. All you need is the last four digits of your social security number or a driver's license.
If you are 18 years or older, you can register to vote now. You will be eligible to vote in the next local, state, and national elections. Voting details will be mailed to you shortly.
If you are at least 16 years old, but not yet 18, you can pre-register to vote. You will be eligible to vote in the first local, state and national election once you become 18. Voting details will be mailed to you at that time.
Lastly, if you'd like to volunteer for service hours at the registration table, please see Law in W4 or visit WebsterPTSA.org/SHSVote.
> Drivers' Ed will be offered at Thomas and at Spry this summer. Start date is July 6 and end date is August 11, with classes held on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays, during the day.
Registration for graduating seniors and rising seniors will be held on June 7 beginning at 8:00 am. If there are spots left, registration will take place on June 8 for rising juniors and sophomores at 8:00 am. Spots are very limited and we will offer drivers ed nxt year throughout the school year. The cost is $600. Visit the district page on the webstercsd website for more info.
> Attention all female athletes: Schroeder is looking to start a Girls' Flag Football team next Spring Season. If you are interested in playing, or finding out more about this amazing opportunity, please scan the QR code posted around the building, or stop by Mr. Insley's or Ms Herbst's rooms. We will have our first informational meeting on Wednesday, May 25th at 8:15am in W215. Looking forward to seeing you soon!
> Congratulations to the Warriors boys track team on a fine performance at the Monroe County Championships this Saturday. The boys took 9th place of 22 teams.
Athletes earning 1st team All-County honors were:
Alex R. for taking 3rd place in the 400 hurdles, and he was also 5th in the 110 hurdles, Dylan B. for taking 3rd place in the 400m dash and 4th place in the high jump, and Drew A. for taking 3rd place in the pole vault.
Athletes earning 2nd team All-County honors were:
Rory C. for taking 6th place in the 3200m run, and Naz D. for taking 8th place in the 110 hurdles.
Well done everyone!!!
> Junior Prom tickets will stay on sale this week! Look for your class officers selling during lunch periods on the east side of the cafeteria. Tickets are $50 per student. All students planning on attending Prom need to have a ticket...so even if you paid dues, be sure to claim your ticket this week. If you do not have a lunch period, email Mr. Gomez to set-up a different time to purchase your ticket. Refer to the Class of 2023 Google Classroom page for more information.
May 20, 2022
> Juniors: we are loving the involvement! Prom tickets will continue to be on sale today and next week during lunch periods. Look for your class officers on the east side of the cafeteria with a prom sign! Tickets are $50 straight up or free if you paid your Class dues. Don’t have a lunch period that aligns? Contact Mr. Gomez or Mrs. Lawton to set-up a time to get your ticket!
> First we register, then we vote! It’s your right; it’s your responsibility! You will have an opportunity to register during lunch on Tuesday, May 24. Look out for the voting registration table in the cafeteria. All you need is the last four digits of your social security number or a driver's license.
If you are 18 years or older, you can register to vote now. You will be eligible to vote in the next local, state, and national elections. Voting details will be mailed to you shortly.
If you are at least 16 years old, but not yet 18, you can pre-register to vote. You will be eligible to vote in the first local, state and national election once you become 18. Voting details will be mailed to you at that time.
Lastly, if you'd like to volunteer for service hours at the registration table, please see Law in W4 or visit WebsterPTSA.org/SHSVote.
> Summer Drivers' Ed information will be on our website and in our registration database on Monday, May 23. Drivers' Ed will be offered at Thomas and at Spry this summer. Start date is July 6 and end date is August 11, with classes held on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays, during the day.
Registration for graduating seniors and rising seniors will be held on June 7 beginning at 8:00 am. If there are spots left, registration will take place on June 8 for rising juniors and sophomores at 8:00 am. Spots are very limited and we will offer drivers ed nxt year throughout the school year. The cost is $600. Visit the district page on the webstercsd website for more info.
> Attention all female athletes: Schroeder is looking to start a Girls' Flag Football team next Spring Season. If you are interested in playing, or finding out more about this amazing opportunity, please scan the QR code posted around the building, or stop by Mr. Insley's or Ms Herbst's rooms. We will have our first informational meeting on Wednesday, May 25th at 8:15am in W215. Looking forward to seeing you soon!
> CONGRATULATIONS to our Varsity Masterminds team for winning ALL THREE games in the playoffs last night. Webster Schroeder dominated Greece Athena, Pittsford Mendon, and Brighton. Our Varsity team of eight talented students - Diego, Kaden, Michael, David, Stephen, Sean, Rushil and Leonardo - have been solid competitors all year long!
They will now advance to the next round of playoffs for the regional title on Monday at St John Fisher college! Go Warriors!
> The varsity unified basketball team played a great game last night against Fairport and came up just short, with a final score of 34-32. High scorers were Breanna B. with 8 points, Josh D. with 6 points, and Erin N. with 4 points. A special shout out to our 13 seniors, 5 of which are athletes - Breanna B., Jess M., Ernie S., Adam S., and Michael D. The Warriors have one last home game on Tuesday, May 24th at 5:00. Please come out to support them as they battle the Thomas Titans.
> Congratulations to the following students for being this week’s recipients of Principal’s Recognition:
Please stop down to the main office between 1st and 2nd period.
Ryan E. ~ Class of 2023
Maisey I. ~ Class of 2025
Mackenzie R. ~ Class of 2022
Joey S. ~ Class of 2022
Oleksandra Z. ~ Class of 2023
May 19, 2022
> Class of 2023! Don't miss out on the action... Prom tickets are on sale all week long in the cafeteria. Look for one of your class officers selling tickets. Tickets are included in due payments and are $50 if you did not pay dues. For an extra $5 with a purchase of your Prom ticket you can get an official Class of 2023 t-shirt! You must claim a ticket to get into Prom even if you paid dues. Let's try to make this the most attended Prom in Schroeder history!
> Seniors! For ball this Saturday..no need to go out to dinner before! There will be a variety of specialty pasta, salad, pizza, and carved meat. Several flavors of cake will be served later in the evening. There will be something for everyone!
> The Model UN Club will hold its final meeting of the year today at 3:20 in Mrs. Tuyn's room, W6. We will be celebrating our outgoing president, Danielle C., and make plans for the upcoming year. Please try your best to attend this meeting.
> SAGE will be meeting after school today in B2. Hope to see you there!
> Military Night is tonight in the auditorium at 6pm. Interested students can bring your parents and meet with recruiters from 7 different military departments
> The Varsity Unified basketball team has a home game tonight at 5:00 vs. Fairport. Please come out to support this awesome team and help honor their seniors on senior night. Go Warriors!
> First we register, then we vote! It’s your right; it’s your responsibility! You will have an opportunity to register during lunch on Tuesday, May 24. Look out for the voting registration table in the cafeteria. All you need is the last four digits of your social security number or a driver's license.
If you are 18 years or older, you can register to vote now. You will be eligible to vote in the next local, state, and national elections. Voting details will be mailed to you shortly.
If you are at least 16 years old, but not yet 18, you can pre-register to vote. You will be eligible to vote in the first local, state and national election once you become 18. Voting details will be mailed to you at that time.
Lastly, if you'd like to volunteer for service hours at the registration table, please see Law in W4 or visit WebsterPTSA.org/SHSVote.
> Attention Seniors - Class of 2022!
We will be having a senior class meeting today during 5B.
An announcement will be made. It will be in the auditorium.
Seniors attending the ball must attend.
> Summer Drivers' Ed information will be on our website and in our registration database on Monday, May 23. Drivers' Ed will be offered at Thomas and at Spry this summer. Start date is July 6 and end date is August 11, with classes held on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays, during the day.
Registration for graduating seniors and rising seniors will be held on June 7 beginning at 8:00 am. If there are spots left, registration will take place on June 8 for rising juniors and sophomores at 8:00 am. Spots are very limited and we will offer drivers ed nxt year throughout the school year. The cost is $600. Visit the district page on the webstercsd website for more info.
> Attention all female athletes: Schroeder is looking to start a Girls' Flag Football team next Spring Season. If you are interested in playing, or finding out more about this amazing opportunity, please scan the QR code posted around the building, or stop by Mr. Insley's or Ms Herbst's rooms. We will have our first informational meeting on Wednesday, May 25th at 8:15am in W215. Looking forward to seeing you soon!
> JV Softball beat Brighton 16-1. Liana D was 3 for 3, scored 3 runs, and pitched 9 strikeouts. Liana finished the season with 200 strikeouts. Ava W. was 4 for 4 and hit 6 RBIs. The JV Softball team finished the season 19-0. Congratulations on a perfect season, Warriors!
May 18, 2022
> Class of 2023! Don't miss out on the action... Prom tickets are on sale all week long in the cafeteria. Look for one of your class officers selling tickets. Tickets are included in due payments and are $50 if you did not pay dues. For an extra $5 with a purchase of your Prom ticket you can get an official Class of 2023 t-shirt! You must claim a ticket to get into Prom even if you paid dues. Let's try to make this the most attended Prom in Schroeder history!
> The Model UN Club will hold its final meeting of the year on Thursday, May 19 at 3:20 in Mrs. Tuyn's room, W6. We will be celebrating our outgoing president, Danielle C., and make plans for the upcoming year. Please try your best to attend this meeting.
> SAGE will be meeting after school tomorrow in B2. Hope to see you there!
> Military Night is tomorrow in the auditorium at 6pm. Interested students can bring your parents and meet with recruiters from 7 different military departments.
> The Varsity Unified basketball team has a home game on Thursday at 5:00 vs. Fairport. Please come out to support this awesome team and help honor their seniors on senior night. Go Warriors!
> First we register, then we vote! It’s your right; it’s your responsibility! You will have an opportunity to register during lunch on Tuesday, May 24. Look out for the voting registration table in the cafeteria. All you need is the last four digits of your social security number or a driver's license.
If you are 18 years or older, you can register to vote now. You will be eligible to vote in the next local, state, and national elections. Voting details will be mailed to you shortly.
If you are at least 16 years old, but not yet 18, you can pre-register to vote. You will be eligible to vote in the first local, state and national election once you become 18. Voting details will be mailed to you at that time.
Lastly, if you'd like to volunteer for service hours at the registration table, please see Law in W24 or visit WebsterPTSA.org/SHSVote.
> The Women's Varsity track team remained undefeated and became divisional champions last night!
They took 1st place in every event once again. This included Sierra and Corintia crushing it in all 4 of their events. Cam won in 2 events. Gianna, Sara, Mileena, Alyssa, Ashley, and Jordan also took 1st place spots. Congratulations, ladies!
> JV Softball beat Victor 15-0. Leana D pitched 13 strikeouts and scored 3 runs. Ava W was 2 for 4 and hit 2 RBIs. Leah M was 4 for 5. Anna R was 2 for 3 and scored 2 runs. Maya P scored 2 runs
> Schroeder Varsity Softball went 10-0 in Monroe County Division 1 and won the league title for the 2nd year in a row.
The team beat Victor 19-5 on the first-ever Kruzer Night to honor Mr. Jim Kruze for all he does for the Schroeder family.
Krislyn C. and Molly B. combined for the win with 6 strikeouts.
Mikayla B. was 3 for 4 with 3 RBIs, Bizzie B. was 3 for 4 with 5 RBIs, Molly B. was 3 for 4 with 3 runs scored, Sarah F. was 2 for 3 with 2 RBIs, Hannah S. was 2 for 4 with 2 runs scored.Maddy S. had a RBI single and scored two runs, Krislyn C. scored 3 runs and had a RBI single, and two walks. Sam S. had a double and 3 RBIs, Haley K. scored a run and had a RBI, and Teagan M. scored a run.
The team will host sectionals as the number 1 seed on Tuesday, May 24.
> Congratulations to the Warrior boys track team as they closed out their dual meet season with a win over Penfield 90 to 51. It was senior send-off day, and the team delivered a victory to end their year four and one, taking 2nd place in the division. Warriors who won and event or scored multiple times for the team were:
Dylan B, who won the 400, 200, long jump and high jump
Alex R won the 400 hurdles and was 2nd in the open 400
Gio T won the triple jump and was 2nd in the long jump
Nick D won the shot put and was 2nd in the discus
Aidan W won the pole vault
Antonio B won the 3200
Rory C was 2nd in the 1600 and 3200
Drew A was 2nd in the pole vault and triple jump
And Ben R was 3rd in the 110 hurdles, long jump, and high jump
Great job everyone and good luck at Sub-varsity counties on Thursday and the Country Championship on Saturday
> Attention Seniors - Class of 2022!! We will be having a senior class meeting on Thursday, (tomorrow, during 5B). An announcement will be made. It will be in the auditorium. Seniors attending the ball must attend.
May 17, 2022
> Class of 2023! Don't miss out on the action... Prom tickets are on sale all week long in the cafeteria. Look for one of your class officers selling tickets. Tickets are included in due payments and are $50 if you did not pay dues. For an extra $5 with a purchase of your Prom ticket you can get an official Class of 2023 t-shirt! You must claim a ticket to get into Prom even if you paid dues. Let's try to make this the most attended Prom in Schroeder history!
> The Model UN Club will hold its final meeting of the year on Thursday, May 19 at 3:20 in Mrs. Tuyn's room, W6. We will be celebrating our outgoing president, Danielle C., and make plans for the upcoming year. Please try your best to attend this meeting.
> SAGE will be meeting after school on Thursday in B2. Hope to see you there!
> Military Night is this Thursday in the auditorium at 6pm. Interested students can bring your parents and meet with recruiters from 7 different military departments.
> Seniors! No need to go out to dinner before ball, food will be provided and is included in the ticket price. There will be stations with varieties of pasta, pizza, salad, and meat carving, so there's something for everyone. Cake will be served for dessert later in the evening.
> JV Softball's successful season continued last night as they defeated Penfield 11-0. Leana D. struck out 18 batters, Ava W. was 2 for 2 and scored 2 runs, and Lauren C, Maya P, and Leah M all had 2 hits.
May 16, 2022
> Class of 2023! Don't miss out on the action... Prom tickets are on sale all week long in the cafeteria. Look for one of your class officers selling tickets. Tickets are included in due payments and are $50 if you did not pay dues. For an extra $5 with a purchase of your Prom ticket you can get an official Class of 2023 t-shirt! You must claim a ticket to get into Prom even if you paid dues. Let's try to make this the most attended Prom in Schroeder history!
> The Model UN Club will hold its final meeting of the year on Thursday, May 19 at 3:20 in Mrs. Tuyn's room, W6. We will be celebrating our outgoing president, Danielle C., and make plans for the upcoming year. Please try your best to attend this meeting.
> Congratulations to the Boys Track team on their excellent performances this weekend!
On Saturday they traveled to Rush-Henrietta for the Royal Comet Invitational and took 3rd place out of 21 teams. Placing for the Warriors were:
Alex R., who took 2nd in the 110 hurdles and 3rd in the 400 hurdles,
Drew A. and Adian W, who took 2nd and third in the pole vault,
Ben R. and Naz D., who went 2nd and 3rd in the pentathlon,
Nick D., who was 3rd in the shot put,
Rory C., who took 4th on the 3200
Dylan B., was 6th in the long and high jump, and
Gio T. and Tyler W., who took 6th in the triple jump and 110 hurdles.
Great job everyone!!!
> JV Softball beat Thomas Friday 6-1.
Ava W. was 2 for 3 with a double and 2 RBIs, Lauren C hit a homerun, and Anna R hit a triple and 2 RBIs.
They then traveled to Liverpool Saturday for a double header:
They beat Liverpool the first game 10-0
Liana D had 15 strikeouts. She also was 3 for 5, hit a double, a triple and 4 RBIs
Leah M was 2 for 4 and scored 2 runs
Amber K was 2 for 3 with 2 RBIs
Warriors won the second game 4-3
Liana D hit a home run
Leah M & Ave W were both 3 for 4
Maddie K was 1 for 2, walked and scored a run.
Great job ladies!
thats its for me have a great day!
May 13, 2022
> Attention SENIORS:
Today is the big day!
It is not only the last day to purchase Ball tickets, it is the last day to guarantee a swag bag if you sign up for the Senior Trip!
For the Ball, stop in W27 or the Counseling Center to purchase your tickets. Also, look on Google Classroom to find the form to nominate Ball Royalty.
For the Senior Trip to Camp Cory, forms can also be turned into W27. Any questions ask Mrs. Tasber, Mr. Barilla, or Mrs. Ernstrom.
If you are already going on the trip, cabin forms can be picked up in W27!
> Griffin M., Andrew B., Brayden P., Gavin G., Mason B. and Jackson B. all completed in the Section V individual tournament this week. All 6 of these young men advanced to the second round and represented their school well. Junior Griffin M. will play a match today with a chance to earn a spot in next week’s State Qualifier Tournament. Good Luck “El Capetian.”
> Juniors -- don't miss out on the action! Prom Season is here! Prom is Saturday, June 4th from 7-11pm at the Memorial Art Gallery. Look for your class officers selling tickets during lunch periods all next week. Tickets are $50 each if you have not paid dues. For an additional $5 with your ticket purchase, you can get your Junior t-shirt! Even if you paid dues, you need to claim a ticket to get into Prom. If you are bringing a guest who does not attend Schroeder, you must complete the Prom Guest Form available in E202. Prom: the only place to be... for the Class of 2023.
> The varsity unified basketball team traveled to Irondequoit yesterday and played an incredible game winning 52-30. High scorers were Cody H., Erin N., Ernie S., and Abby W. each with 8 points. All athletes scored, played great defense, and had lots of fun. Warriors play next week on Thursday at 5:00 against Fairport for their senior night. Please come out to support these awesome athletes. Go Warriors!
> Please wear blue Monday, May 16th for Celiac Awareness! Celiac is an autoimmune-disease that is growing in awareness due to initiatives like this. Here's a video about food allergy awareness...
May 12, 2022
> The elementary PE teachers also want to say a big thank you to all of the Spring Sport volunteers who came out to North Ponds Park Tuesday to help cheer on and run with the 4th graders during the district Fun Run. You are all amazing and helped make Tuesday memorable!
> Attention SENIORS:
Friday is the big day!
It is not only the last day to purchase Ball tickets, it is the last day to guarantee a swag bag if you sign up for the Senior Trip!
For the Ball, stop in W27 or the Counseling Center to purchase your tickets. Also, look on Google Classroom to find the form to nominate Ball Royalty.
For the Senior Trip to Camp Cory, forms can also be turned into W27. Any questions ask Mrs. Tasber, Mr. Barilla, or Mrs. Ernstrom.
If you are already going on the trip, cabin forms can be picked up in W27!
> Juniors -- don't miss out on the action! Prom Season is here! Prom is Saturday, June 4th from 7-11pm at the Memorial Art Gallery. Look for your class officers selling tickets during lunch periods all next week. Tickets are $50 each if you have not paid dues. Even if you paid dues, you need to claim a ticket to get into Prom. If you are bringing a guest who does not attend Schroeder, you must complete the Prom Guest Form available in E202. Prom: the only place to be... for the Class of 2023.
> Please wear blue Monday, May 16th for Celiac Awareness! Celiac is an autoimmune-disease that is becoming more frequently diagnosed because of the increase of awareness.
> JV Softball beat Victor 2-1. Liana D struck out 19 batters, Ava W. had 2 hits, including a double, and scored the winning run, and Lauren C hit a double and the winning RBI.
> The Schroeder Softball team improved to 13-5 with a 2-1 extra inning victory over Victor yesterday.
Mikayla B. doubled to score Haley K., who singled, in the top of the 8th inning. In the bottom of the 8th, Maddy S. made a catch in right field and threw the tying run out at the plate.
Maddy S. was 2 for 3 with a run scored, Krislyn C. had an RBI triple.
The Warriors claimed the Monroe County Division 1 Championship for the second straight year.
The team returns to action on Friday for Senior Night vs. RH at 7:00 at Schroeder.
May 11, 2022
> Attention Seniors: Friday, May 13 is the last day to purchase Ball tickets. Stop in W27 or the Counseling Center to purchase.
> The Varsity Unified Basketball team traveled to Victor yesterday and had their first win of the season with a score of 44-34. The team played awesome defense and their passing was outstanding. High scorers for the game came from Ernie S. with 12 points, Michael G. with 10 points, and Heaven B. with 8 points. Ryker S., Abby W., and Cody H. played some excellent defense. The Warriors play next at Irondequoit on Thursday.
> The Women's Varsity Track team remains undefeated after their victory last night versus Rush Henrietta. They easily won with a score of 96 to 41. The team took first place in every single event that they participated in. Both Corintia and Cam took 1st in 3 events, Mileena and Shelby took 1st in 2 events, Gianna, Sierra, Sofia and Kylie also took a 1st place spot. The relay team of Ashley, Alyssa, Jordan and Na'Brya also claimed a win. And congratulations to Jenny who had a personal record in the 100 meter run. Excellent performances by all!
May 10, 2022
May 9, 2022
> The Women's Varsity track team continued their domination in both Sodus and Hilton this weekend. Many records were broken and 1st place finishes were taken. Cam continues her reign as the number 1 high jumper in the state and she also broke her own 100 hurdle record. Corintia also snatched a course record in the 200 and took 1st in the long jump. Kylie broke the course record for the steeplechase. Mileena crushed 1st place in the shot put and Shelby easily stole 1st in the 1500. And the 4 by 100 team made up of Ashley, Alyssa, Cam and Corintia easily took 1st. Gianna also broke our school pole vault record in Hilton.
> JV Softball beat Fairport on Friday 13-0. Liana D pitched a 1 hitter with 16 strikeouts. Ava W. hit a homerun and scored 3 runs. Lauren C hit 3 RBIs. Leah M hit a double and RBI. The ladies had an additional win over the weekend and beat Syracuse team CNS 17-9. Liana D hit a home run. Ava W was 3 for 4 with a double. Leah M had 4 RBIs. Anna R was 2 for 4 and scored 3 runs.
> Congratulations to the boys track team on their performances this weekend. The boys team took third place at the Sodus invitational on Saturday. Leading the boys team were the following athletes:
Dylan B. won the boys high jump, took 3rd in the long jump and was 5th in the 200. Alex R. won the 400 hurdles and was 3rd in the 110 hurdles. Antonio B. was 2nd in the steeplechase. Gio T. was 3rd in the triple jump. Matt B. was 4th in the 1600 and Ben R. was 4th in the long jump.
The best boy pole vaulters in the area were competing across town in the Hilton Showdown's Elite pole vault event and Drew A. won that event while Adian W. took third.
Overall it was a great day for the boys Warrior track team - great job guys!
> The cast and crew of The Secret Garden would like to thank everyone who came out this weekend to see the show and support the program. It was an unforgettable experience with fantastic performances all around! Best of luck to all seniors who will go on to do great things. Everyone else -- we're already planning next year's show...maybe with a few less animals!!!
> On Saturday, April 30, 20 students from Thomas and Schroeder participated virtually in CodeQuest, an annual programming competition hosted by Lockheed Martin. 1600 students and 627 teams competed across 14 virtual locations, globally.
Webster students showed resilience and perseverance by competing from Schroeder in spite of a power outage. They coded for 2.5 hours on Chromebooks using a Wi-Fi hotspot. The team consisting of Jacqueline H (Schroeder), Danny G (Thomas) and Sebastian H (Thomas) placed 6th, earning 285 points. Students completed problems involving ciphers, sensors, DNA, Morse code, synaptic servers, and rocket science.
On Saturday, May 7, 14 students from Thomas and Schroeder participated in person at Cornell University's annual programming competition. 75 teams competed between the Ithaca and NYC locations. The Schroeder team consisting of Jacqueline H, Stephen M and Chad C took first place at the Ithaca location by successfully solving 3 out of 7 of the problems.
May 6, 2022
> Attention Juniors and Sophomores: If you applied to be a Link Leader for the 2022-23 school year, check your school email for decisions. If you did not receive an email, stop down to the counseling center.
> Attention seniors! If you missed us in the cafeteria last week, ball tickets are now being sold in the counseling center. If you paid your dues, you still must claim your ticket. Tickets are $70 and include a full dinner and dessert!
> Responses are rolling in for the contest to name the library's spaces. We want all of your creative minds to contribute. Access the name suggestion form from your graduating class' Google Classroom. The contest closes at the end of the school day.
> The varsity unified basketball team battled hard against Allendale Creekside. They came up short by a score of 52-45, but they played really well. High scorers for the game were Josh D. with 12 points, Ernie S. with 9 points, Heaven B. with 5 points, and Cody H. and Adam S. each with 4 points. Jess M. played some incredible defense. Their next game is Tuesday at Victor. Go Warriors!
> JV Softball beat Hilton 20-2. Anna R. was 2 for 4, scored 2 runs, and hit an RBI. Hanna C. scored 3 runs. Lauren C. Had 2 RBI’s and scored 2 runs, Maya P. hit a double and had an RBI, and Amber K. was 3 for 3.
May 5, 2022
> SAGE will be meeting after school today in B2. See you there.
> Attention Juniors and Sophomores: If you applied to be a Link Leader for the 2022-23 school year, check your school email for decisions. If you did not receive an email, stop down to the counseling center.
> Attention seniors! If you missed us in the cafeteria last week, the tickets are now being sold in the counseling center. If you paid your dues, you still must claim your ticket. Tickets are $70 and include a full dinner and dessert!
> Responses are rolling in for the contest to name the library's spaces. We want all of your creative minds to contribute. Access the name suggestion form from your graduating class' Google Classroom. The contest closes this Friday at the end of the school day.
> Attention Key Club: Our last meeting of the year will be today, May 5th, at 3:20PM in room W4. Stop in W4 for cookies, officer election information, and to verify your hours for the year. See you then.
> A huge congratulations to the boys track team as they remain undefeated with their win over Victor yesterday 90 to 51. Boys who won or placed in multiple events are:
Dylan B, who won the 400, 200, and long jump while taking 2nd in high jump.
Alex R won the 110 and 400 hurdles
Drew A won the triple jump and the pole vault
Dan G was 3rd in the 100 and 200
Nick D won the discus and was 2nd in the shot put
Gio T was 2nd in the triple jump and 3rd in the long jump
and Rory C won the 1600.
The Warrior boys also won the 4 x 100, 4 x 400, and 4 x 800. It was truly a team victory - a well deserved win for the boys
> The Women's Varsity Track team defeated their biggest rival, Victor, last night with a score of 82-59. There were so many outstanding performances to seal this win including 1st place by Cam in the high jump, triple jump, and 100 meter hurdles. Kylie ran under 5 minutes to win the 1500 meters. Taylor threw 85-9 in the discus to crush all the competition. Gianna and Grace dominated in the pole vault. Sierra won in the 3000 meters, Corintia in the 200 meters and Ashley in the 100 meters. The 4 by 800 meter team of Shelby, Alyssa, Kylie and Sierra ended the meet with a victory.
May 4, 2022
> Attention any senior who will be attending MCC next year - there will be a field trip to MCC where you will have the opportunity to enroll, set up your classes, meet with financial aid advisors, get connected to academic resources, and meet current MCC students. Permission slips can be found in the Counseling Center. They are due on Friday, May 6th. Only 25 students are able to attend this field trip.
> SAGE will be meeting after school tomorrow in B2. See you there.
> Attention Juniors and Sophomores: If you applied to be a Link Leader for the 2022-23 school year, check your school email for decisions. If you did not receive an email, stop down to the counseling center.
> Attention seniors! If you missed us in the cafeteria last week, the tickets are now being sold in the counseling center. If you paid your dues, you still must claim your ticket. Tickets are $70 and include a full dinner and dessert!
> Responses are rolling in for the contest to name the library's spaces. We want all of your creative minds to contribute. Access the name suggestion form from your graduating class' Google Classroom. The contest closes this Friday at the end of the school day.
> Attention Key Club: Our last meeting of the year will be Thursday, May 5th at 3:20PM in room W4. Stop in W4 for cookies, officer election information, and to verify your hours for the year. See you then.
> The varsity unified basketball traveled to Fairport for their first game of the season. The Warriors played really well, but came up a little short. Top scorers were Michael G. with 14 points, Heaven B. with 6 points, and Josh D. and Erin N. both with 4 points. The Warriors play next on Thursday at home vs. Allendale/Creekside. Please come out to the game at 5:00 to support these amazing athletes.
> JV Softball beat Thomas 17-3
Amber K was 3 for 4 and 3 RBI's
Lauren C hit a double and also had 3 RBI's
Maya P was 3 for 5
Ava W had 2 hits
Great work, ladies!
> Now over to another secret promo from Gomez
May 3, 2022
> Attention any senior who will be attending MCC next year - there will be a field trip to MCC where you will have the opportunity to enroll, set up your classes, meet with financial aid advisors, get connected to academic resources, and meet current MCC students. Permission slips can be found in the Counseling Center. They are due on Friday, May 6th. Only 25 students are able to attend this field trip.
> SAGE will be meeting after school on Thursday in B2. See you there.
> Attention Juniors and Sophomores: If you applied to be a Link Leader for the 2022-23 school year, check your school email for decisions. If you did not receive an email, stop down to the counseling center.
> Attention seniors! If you missed us in the cafeteria last week, the tickets are now being sold in the counseling center. If you paid your dues, you still must claim your ticket. Tickets are $70 and include a full dinner and dessert!
May 2, 22
> SAGE will be meeting after school on Thursday in B2. See you there.
> The state champion marching band is looking for new members! They are hosting a new member night tonight at 6pm. Everyone is welcome! Be sure to sign up by scanning the code on the marching band poster right outside of the bandroom, or talk to Mrs. Cole in N-1 about joining! Hope to see you May 2nd
> Attention Juniors and Sophomores: If you applied to be a Link Leader for the 2022-23 school year, check your school email for decisions. If you did not receive an email, stop down to the counseling center.
> The Women's and Men's track team won the Penfield Invitational versus over 30 other teams on Saturday. There were so many great performances including 1st place taken by Cam in the pentathlon, Sierra in the 800, Nick in the shot put, Drew in pole vault, and the women's 4 by 400 consisting of Corintia, Shelby, Alyssa and Sierra. Second place finishes included Corintia in the 200, 400, AND long jump, and Aidan in pole vault. Alex took 3rd in 400 hurdles and Dylan in high jump.
> Attention seniors! If you missed us in the cafeteria last week, the tickets are now being sold in the counseling center. If you paid your dues, you still must claim your ticket. Tickets are $70 and include a full dinner and dessert!
> Special Congratulations to Freshman Matthew G who made quarter-finals at the State Speech & Debate Tournament over the weekend!! Matthew is now a state-ranked speaker.
> JV Softball won three games over the weekend!
They beat Penfield on Friday 5-0.
Liana D hit 2 RBIs and pitched a 11 strikeout
Anna R scored a run
They then traveled to the Binghamton-area Saturday for a tournament.
They beat Abington Heights 17-0
Ava W. Hit 2 home runs, including a grand slam, and had 9 RBIs
Liana D. pitched a shutout with 12 strikeouts
Lauren C hit a home run scored 2 runs and hit 3 RBIs
Amber K was 3 for 5 and hit a 2 run home run
Anna R scored 3 runs while
Hannah C scored 2 runs
To wrap up the successful weekend, the Warriors beat Union Endicott 8-7
Liana D hit a home run
Leah M scored 2 runs
Lauren C hit another home run
Ava W was the MVP of the tournament
Congrats, ladies!
April 29, 2022
> Attention any senior who will be attending MCC next year - there will be a field trip to MCC where you will have the opportunity to enroll, set up your classes, meet with financial aid advisors, get connected to academic resources, and meet current MCC students. Permission slips can be found in the Counseling Center. They are due on Friday, May 6th. Only 25 students are able to attend this field trip.
> The state champion marching band is looking for new members! They are hosting a new member night on May 2nd at 6pm. Everyone is welcome! Be sure to sign up by scanning the code on the marching band poster right outside of the bandroom, or talk to Mrs. Cole in N-1 about joining! Hope to see you May 2nd
> Congratulations to the following students for being this week’s recipients of Principal’s Recognition:
Please stop down to the main office between 1st and 2nd period.
Alexandra A. ~ Class of 2025
Katsia B. ~ Class of 2025
Melek O. ~ Class of 2025
Drew P. ~ Class of 2023
Clarissa P. ~ Class of 2022
Michael V. ~ Class of 2025
Kylie W. ~ Class of 2025
April 28, 2022
> Tomorrow is Senior Decision Day! Seniors, show off where you will be going next year by wearing something that represents what you will be doing in the Fall. Whether it is a college, the military, skilled trade, or the workforce -- let us know! Also seniors, we will be celebrating you in the Counseling Center so stop in during lunch periods to get cake.
> Attention seniors: Be on the lookout for senior ball ticket sales during lunches this week and possibly next week, too. If you paid your dues, your ticket is already covered, but you still must claim it. If you didn't pay your dues, tickets are $70. Full dinner and dessert is included in the ticket price!
> The state champion marching band is looking for new members! They are hosting a new member night on May 2nd at 6pm. Everyone is welcome! Be sure to sign up by scanning the code on the marching band poster right outside of the bandroom, or talk to Mrs. Cole in N-1 about joining! Hope to see you May 2nd
> The Morning Show would like to apologize for a name mix-up that occurred yesterday morning during our Women's Varsity Track announcement. Congratulations to Lyrah for finishing first in pole vault against Fairport Tuesday night!
April 27, 2022
> This Friday is Senior Decision Day! Seniors, show off where you will be going next year by wearing something that represents what you will be doing in the Fall. Whether it is a college, the military, skilled trade, or the workforce -- let us know! Also seniors, we will be celebrating you in the Counseling Center so stop in during lunch periods to get cake.
> Attention seniors: Be on the lookout for senior ball ticket sales during lunches this week and possibly next week, too. If you paid your dues, your ticket is already covered, but you still must claim it. If you didn't pay your dues, tickets are $70. Full dinner and dessert is included in the ticket price!
> Attention all NHS Members:
There is a meeting for all current members today to go over last minute opportunities for service for senior members and important information about elections for next year's officers. Please make sure to attend this meeting in w223 at 3:20 as it is our last NHS meeting for the year.
> The Women's Varsity Track Team beat Fairport yesterday with a score of 100 to 37. Many people had 1st place finishes including Sierra in the 1500, 3000, and 400 hurdles. Cam in the 100 hurdles and high jump. Shelby in the 400 and 800. Corintia in the 200 and long jump. Jordan in the 100 and Lyrah in the pole vault. The 4 by 100 team won as well and included Ashley, Alyssa, Jordan and Corintia. The shot and disc team consisting of Mileena, Taylor and Sara completely swept both of those events. Absolutely amazing job by the team!!
Now over to Mrs. Strege
> I'm here to announce an exciting opportunity for students and staff to continue to have a voice in the library construction project. We are asking for your input on naming the library spaces! The new design includes a cafe, a makerspace, a classroom, several breakout rooms, and a Chromebook repair center. Submit your ideas for naming these spaces via the form in your graduating class' Google Classroom. Names that are unified under a common motif are encouraged. The form will remain open until next Friday, May 6. After that our library advisory committee will deliberate, and announce the library space names, along with the student and staff winners who will be a part of the library's legacy.
April 26. 2022
> This Friday is Senior Decision Day! Seniors, show off where you will be going next year by wearing something that represents what you will be doing in the Fall. Whether it is a college, the military, skilled trade, or the workforce -- let us know! Also seniors, we will be celebrating you in the Counseling Center so stop in during lunch periods to get cake.
> Attention seniors: Be on the lookout for senior ball ticket sales during lunches this week and possibly next week, too. If you paid your dues, your ticket is already covered, but you still must claim it. If you didn't pay your dues, tickets are $70. Full dinner and dessert is included in the ticket price!
> Attention any senior who will be attending MCC next year - there will be a field trip to MCC where you will have the opportunity to enroll, set up your classes, meet with financial aid advisors, get connected to academic resources, and meet current MCC students. Permission slips can be found in the Counseling Center. They are due on Friday, May 6th. Only 25 students are able to attend this field trip.
> JV Softball beat Webster Thomas 7-2 last night!
Liana D had 14 strikeouts, hit a home run and a triple, and scored 3 runs.
Ava W hit a double, an RBI and scored a run
Lauren C also hit a double, an RBI and scored a run.
Great job, ladies!
April 25, 2022
> The Women's Varsity Track team hosted their 1st invitational on the new track on Saturday. Twenty different schools competed, but the Schroeder women took home the most medals. First place was won by Cam in both the 100 hurdles and high jump, Corintia in both the 200 and 400 meters, Shelby in the 800 meters and Sierra in the 1500 meters. Cam, Jordan, Alyssa and Corintia also won the 4 by 100 relay and Shelby, Ashley, Alyssa and Sierra won the 4 by 400 meters. Freshman Jordan also took 2nd place in the 100 meters. Thank you to the whole team for all your help and hard work!!
> Did you know that over 80% of plastic waste ever created by humans is still in the environment? Over the break, on April 22nd, the world celebrated Earth Day and Schroeder will be celebrating today. Look for speciality tees being worn by staff and students showing their pride in Earth's preservation. But it goes beyond just one day of the year or wearing a green shirt -- you should live every day like it is Earth Day! Recycle or reuse when you can, limit single-use plastics, look into composting, don't let unnecessary water run, and be mindful of energy use (like leaving the lights on when you leave). Want to know more about the state of the Earth's environment? Stop by the library and explore some of these titles! Stay green, Warriors!
April 14, 2022
> Today is the last day to vote in the Mural Madness competition! Who will come out victorius and become a mural legend!? Help your favorite mural out by using this QR code to cast your vote!
> There will be no late bus after school today.
> The Women's Track Team opened their season and defeated Hilton late last night with a score of 93-48. Both Corintia and Sierra crushed the competition and won 1st place in ALL 4 of their events. Cam dominated and took 1st in both the high jump and 100 hurdles. Mileena won in the shot put, Shelby in the 800 meter and Jordan in the 100 meter. The whole team stepped up which helped solidify the win...great job!!
April 13, 2022
> Voting is now open for the Mural Madness competition! Check out all the beautiful and creative mural submissions up in the cafeteria to determine your winner, then use this QR code to cast your vote!
> There will be no late bus tomorrow, April 14.
April 12, 2022
> Here's something to TACO bout: Stop by Chipotle (in the Webster Plaza) tonight from 4-8pm and mention the Schroeder Theater Company. 33% of your purchase goes to the program to support future shows! So bring a friend and treat them to that extra guac!
> Voting is now open for the Mural Madness competition! Check out all the beautiful and creative mural submissions up in the cafeteria to determine your winner, then use this QR code to cast your vote!
> There will be no late bus on Thursday, April 14.
> JV Softball beat Penfield 9-0 last night.
Liana D. was 4 for 4, hit a triple and 2 doubles, had 3 RBIs and pitched 15 strikeouts and a 2 hitter
Ava W. was 2 for 4, with a double
Hanna C. scored 2 runs
Leah M. was 2 for 4 with 2 RBI’s
> The Schroeder Varsity Softball team improved to 4-0 with a 7-1 win vs. Penfield. Molly B. threw a two hitter with 12 strikeouts.
Carley C was 2 for 3 with a double, Jordyn Z was 2 for 3, Krislyn C. was 1 for 1 with 2 RBI's. Hannah S. had a double and 3 RBI's, Sarah F. had a single and Haley K. was 1 for 2 with 2 runs scored and two stolen bases.
The Warriors are off for the next week as they prepare to play 5 games in Orlando, Florida over spring break vs. teams from all over the country.
April 11, 2022
> Here's something to TACO bout: Stop by Chipotle (in the Webster Plaza) tomorrow from 4-8pm and mention the Schroeder Theater Company. 33% of your purchase goes to the program to support future shows! So bring a friend and treat them to that extra guac!
> Juniors: Tomorrow is Class T-Shirt Day! Be sure to look the part! Track down a class officer during lunch today to get your Class of 2023 shirt. They are included in your class dues and are individually being sold for $12. Please also complete the Prom Food survey in our Google Classroom page. Looking forward to seeing the Class of 2023 reppin' our shirts tomorrow!
> Voting is now open for the Mural Madness competition! Check out all the beautiful and creative mural submissions up in the cafeteria to determine your winner, then use this QR code to cast your vote!
> JV Softball beat Fairport 11-3
Amber K. scored 3 Runs.
Lauren C. reached base 3 times and scored 2 runs
> The Schroeder VARSITY Softball improved to 3-0 with 3-0 win over Fairport on Friday.
Molly B. threw a three hitter with 15 strikeouts and had a RBI.
Mikayla B. was 2 for 2 with 2 walks
Hannah S. was 2 for 3 with two doubles, a SAC, RBI, Run.
Krislyn C. had 3 walks,
Skillet was 2 for 4,
and Carley C. and Sarah F. each added a hit.
The girls play again today vs. Penfield at 5:00 on the Schroeder turf.
April 8, 2022
> Calling all Schroeder families and staff! Please join us for the 45th Annual Community Arts Day tomorrow from 10AM-4PM. Community Arts Day is a traditional Webster event for all ages, showcasing student artwork, and musical performances all day, community groups, arts and crafts vendors, kids craft stations, and much more! All of the funds raised from this event go back to Webster’s 11 schools for arts enrichment.
> Attention Seniors: April 13th is our 5th Annual Senior Switch Day, where teachers become the student and you become the Teacher! Permission slips can be found in your Class of 2022 Google Classroom or the counseling center.
> Please scan the QR code and answer the questions to help with One Warrior Week. The mental health team will be hosting Family Feud in the cafeteria during lunch blocks on April 12th. Please submit all answers by this Friday April 8th. QR codes will also be posted on lunch tables in the cafeteria, teacher classrooms, and outside the Mental health suites (E202/203, W226, and W27).
> Juniors: Tuesday of One Warrior Week is Class T-Shirt Day! Look for your class officers during lunches today and Monday to get your Class of 2023 shirt. They are included in your class dues and are individually being sold for $12. Please also complete the Prom Food survey in our Google Classroom page. Looking forward to seeing the Class of 2023 reppin' our shirts next Tuesday!
> Voting begins next week to crown a champion of Mural Madness. Check out all the beautiful and creative mural submissions up in the cafeteria! Use this QR Code to cast your vote.
> Warriors: Don't forget that next week starts One Warrior Week! Look for the week's schedule posted around school, on Google Classroom pages, social media, or stop and ask a teacher. There are theme days and fun events happening all week long...so be sure to stay up to date in order to fully participate! Didn't sign-up for a Healthy Activity for Tuesday yet? Slots are filling up so make sure you enroll now to get your top options! Let's make it a great week, Schroeder.
> Congratulations to the following students for being this week’s recipients of Principal’s Recognition:
Please stop down to the main office between 1st and 2nd period.
Brendan B. ~ Class of 2022
Julianna F. ~ Class of 2025
Tyara J. ~ Class of 2024
Hayden L. Class of 2023
Jackson M. ~ Class of 2023
April 7, 2022
> Attention Seniors: April 13th is our 5th Annual Senior Switch Day, where teachers become the student and you become the Teacher! Permission slips can be found in your Class of 2022 Google Classroom or the counseling center.
> SAGE will meet after school today in B2. Hope to see you there!
> Please scan the QR code and answer the questions to help with One Warrior Week. The mental health team will be hosting Family Feud in the cafeteria during lunch blocks on April 12th. Please submit all answers by this Friday April 8th. QR codes will also be posted on lunch tables in the cafeteria, teacher classrooms, and outside the Mental health suites (E202/203, W226, and W27).
> JV Softball beat Churchville 22-0.
Liana D. hit 3 RBIs and scored 4 runs. She also pitched 6 strikeouts in 2 innings.
Ava W. was 2 for 3 and scored 4 runs
The girls take on Fairport on the road this Friday.
Great job, Warriors!
> Congratulations to freshman Reese E for being the Artist of the Week! Reece created this oil pastel drawing in Studio Art. The project was meant to have students create realistic representations of a fruit or vegetable using blending and layering to create value. Great work Reece!
April 6, 2022
> Calling all Schroeder families and staff: Please join us for the 45th Annual Community Arts Day on Saturday April 9th from 10am-4pm. Community Arts Day is a traditional Webster event for all ages, showcasing student artwork, and musical performances all day, community groups, arts and crafts vendors, kids craft stations, and much more! All of the funds raised from this event go back to Webster’s 11 schools for arts enrichment. Volunteer opportunities are available for student grades 4-12, and adults. Signups will open in mid-March. Please see Law in W4 if you have questions or want to participate as a performer, artist, or volunteer!
> Attention Seniors: April 13th is our 5th Annual Senior Switch Day, where teachers become the student and you become the Teacher! Permission slips can be found in your Class of 2022 Google Classroom or the counseling center.
> SAGE will meet after school tomorrow in B2. Hope to see you there!
> Please scan the QR code and answer the questions to help with One Warrior Week. The mental health team will be hosting Family Feud in the cafeteria during lunch blocks on April 12th. Please submit all answers by this Friday April 8th. QR codes will also be posted on lunch tables in the cafeteria, teacher classrooms, and outside the Mental health suites (E202/203, W226, and W27).
> The Green Club will be having a meeting afterschool today in Room E224. See you there!
> Attention new members of National Honor Society:
Rehearsal for the ceremony is after school today. Please meet in the auditorium at 3:20 pm. If you cannot attend, please message Mrs. O'Connor or Mrs. Hall.
> Now over to a One Warrior Week video
April 5, 2022
> Attention Seniors: April 13th is our 5th Annual Senior Switch Day, where teachers become the student and you become the Teacher! Permission slips can be found in your Class of 2022 Google Classroom or the counseling center.
> SAGE will meet after school on Thursday in B2. Hope to see you there!
> "Please scan the QR code and answer the questions to help with One Warrior Week. The mental health team will be hosting Family Feud in the cafeteria during lunch blocks on April 12th. Please submit all answers by this Friday April 8th. QR codes will also be posted on lunch tables in the cafeteria, teacher classrooms, and outside the Mental health suites (E202/203, W226, and W27).
> Yesterday the Varsity baseball team won their second game of the season with an 8 to 4 win over Penfield. Jack C got the win on the mound and Jack C, Luke P, and Mike S had 2 RBIs each. It was an overall team win and the Warriors look forward to their next game on Wednesday at Penfield.
> Schroeder Softball 2 to zero beat Hilton 12 to 2. Krislyn C. pitched a 2 hitter with 10 strikeouts. Mikayla B. was 4 for 5 with 4 runs scored. Samantha S. was 2 for 3 with 2 doubles and three RBI's. Jordyn Z. was 2 for 4 with 2 RBI's.
Hannah S. was 2 for 4 with a run scored. Carley C. was 2 for 4 with a run and RBI. Krislyn C., Molly B., Sarah F., Haley K. all hits.
The girls return home on Friday at 6:00 vs. Fairport.
> The JV softball won their first game of the year beating Hilton 20-2.
Liana D. Had 9 strikeouts in 3 innings. Lauren C. Had a home run, Hannah C had a double with 3 runs scored and Anna R had a single and Ava W and Maya P had hits and scored.
They play again tomorrow at Churchville.
> The Green Club will be having a meeting afterschool on Wednesday April 6 in Room E224. See you there!
April 4, 2022
> Attention Seniors: April 13th is our 5th Annual Senior Switch Day, where teachers become the student and you become the Teacher! Permission slips can be found in your Class of 2022 Google Classroom or the counseling center.
> SAGE will meet after school on Thursday in B2. Hope to see you there!
April 1, 2022
Good morning and welcome to The Sunrise Show.
Today is Zoinksday, March 32nd, 3022 and an “E” Day
> Congratulations to the Varsity Quidditch team for bringing home the cup this weekend. The Golden Snitch was caught under 3 minutes, beating the school record of 5 minutes. Great work by all!
> There will be a meeting today after school to count the number of new grouted tiles. Be sure to have your hard hat with you in order to participate.
> Juniors: don’t forget to sign-up for the Webster Aquatic Center field trip. The shuttle buses will be leaving the south parking lot at 9am and arriving at 9:01am to the WAC. No towels will be provided, so be sure to pack one.
> Coffee House returns tonight with special guest performances by Billie Eilish, Glass Animals, and Jack Harlow. You can purchase tickets at the door and each ticket comes with a drink and food item.
> Happy April Fools from the Morning Show! Now on to our regular Friday show:
Today is Friday, April 1st, 2022 and a “B” Day.
> Calling all Schroeder families and staff: Please join us for the 45th Annual Community Arts Day on Saturday April 9th from 10am-4pm. Community Arts Day is a traditional Webster event for all ages, showcasing student artwork, and musical performances all day, community groups, arts and crafts vendors, kids craft stations, and much more! All of the funds raised from this event go back to Webster’s 11 schools for arts enrichment. Volunteer opportunities are available for student grades 4-12, and adults. Signups will open in mid-March. Please see Law in W4 if you have questions or want to participate as a performer, artist, or volunteer!
> Yesterday the Varsity baseball team won their season opener against Irondequoit in extra innings. Down 2 in the bottom of the 7th with 2 outs, Peyton S hit a game tying 2 run homerun plating Luke P. In the bottom of the 8th, Jack C had a triple and scored the walkoff run on a Luke P single. Mike S and Kaleb J pitched for the Warriors, Mike S struck out 8 in 5 innings and Kaleb J earned the win in relief. The Varsity baseball team's next game is home on Monday versus Penfield at 5pm. Great job Warriors!
> Schroeder softball opened the season with a 8-1 win over Irondequoit. Molly B threw a no hitter with 8 strikeouts and was 2 for 2. Mikayla B was 3 for 4 with a double and triple. Krislyn C and Hannah S each had a double and scored. Haley K was 2 for 3 with an RBI and run scored. Sam S. also had a hit.
The girls play again on Monday at 5:00 at Schroeder and would love the support!
> Congratulations to the following students for being this week’s recipients of Principal’s Recognition:
Please stop down to the main office between 1st and 2nd period.
Lance B. ~ Class of 2023
Giovanni C. ~ Class of 2023 (per 1 Dorman)
Michael D. ~ Class of 2024
Tatum F. ~ Class of 2025
Isabella G. ~ Class of 2022
Jenny H. ~ Class of 2022
Kyle L. ~ Class of 2022
March 31, 2022
> Do you have a hidden or not-so-hidden talent? Are you ready to show the Webster community your gifts and expertise? The annual "Webster’s Got Talent" talent show at Community Arts Day is looking for performers! Singers, dancers, musicians, and artists of all kinds are encouraged to participate! Talent acts should be between 2-3 minutes long. Go to www.websterptsa.org/talentshow and register today! Registration Deadline is April 1st. If you have questions, please see Law in W4.
> Today's lunch includes a meatball sub with tater tots and chilled peachers. The soup and salad combo this week is broccoli cheddar soup.
> Attention all students parking in the junior lot: today and tomorrow you are not able to park in the junior lot. Please park in the tennis court lot, senior lot, and/or the gym lot for these 2 days only. Thank you.
>Congratulations to Audrey C who is this week’s artist of the week. She created this drawing in Drawing 1 using oil pastels. Students were exploring oil pastels to create a realistic representation of an animal by blending and layering pastels to create value and form. Great work Audrey!
> CONGRATS to the Webster Schroeder Masterminds Team for another impressive season! Varsity earned second in the league and will now advance to playoffs. Diego, David, Kaden, Stephen, and Michael made the leaderboard for the season. Way to go Schroeder Masterminds!!
Now over to
> Mrs Ernstrom: Attention Class of 2022 - Senior’s that’s you!
How do you want to spend the last few days of your school career?
With your friends, having fun, making memories, NOT actually at school….
Mr. Barilla: Well then come to the class of 2022 Senior Trip at Camp Cory from June 8 - 10th!
We cannot wait to see you at your best and enjoying your class and all of their accomplishments before graduation!
Swimming, Kayaking, Archery, Zip Lines, Food eating contests, campfires, and more….
Mrs. Ernstrom: Do yourself a favor and join your classmates at this once in a lifetime memory making trip!
Forms and payments are due tomorrow, April 1st, to W27. Mr. Barilla, Mrs. Ernstrom, Mrs. Tasber or Mr. Benz welcomes any last minute questions you may have regarding the trip!
> And now, a short video from DREAM Club...
March 30, 2022
> Calling all Schroeder families and staff: Please join us for the 45th Annual Community Arts Day on Saturday April 9th from 10am-4pm. Community Arts Day is a traditional Webster event for all ages, showcasing student artwork, and musical performances all day, community groups, arts and crafts vendors, kids craft stations, and much more! All of the funds raised from this event go back to Webster’s 11 schools for arts enrichment. Volunteer opportunities are available for student grades 4-12, and adults. Signups will open in mid-March. Please see Law in W4 if you have questions or want to participate as a performer, artist, or volunteer!
> Today's lunch includes tacos with refried beans, corn, and applesauce. The soup and salad combo this week is broccoli cheddar soup.
> The Green Team is excited to announce that we are offering t-shirts for sale.
The shirts feature a logo designed by our very own Clare P.!!!!
Wear your shirts in support of Earth Day and Green Club on Monday, April 25!
Proceeds from the sales will be used to establish a butterfly garden here at Schroeder!
Get your shirts before it is too late! Store closes today!
If you have any questions please see Mrs. Smith in E224
> Are you a female interested in going into a STEM career? Schroeder is starting a new club called Women in STEM. We will explore different STEM careers and host guest speakers of women who work in the field. Our first meeting will be after school today in room E21. You can join our classroom page with the code 5iqbnvn. If you have any questions, see Ms Metz.
> Attention Peer Leaders and Adult Advisors: There will be a morning meeting tomorrow at 8am in E36 (off the cafeteria) to discuss One Warrior Week and next steps for Sources of Strength! Excited to see you there!
> The American Sign Language Club will be having another meeting tomorrow, Thursday March 31st after school.
> Attention all students parking in the junior lot: tomorrow and Friday you are not able to park in the junior lot. Please park in the tennis court lot, senior lot, and/or the gym lot for these 2 days only. Thank you.
March 29, 2022
> Calling all student-artists! Interested in submitting a piece of art to be displayed at Community Arts Day? Participate in our 4x4 art exhibition! 4x4 boards are available in limited supply for pickup in any of our 11 school offices. This opportunity is open to ALL students. If you have additional questions, please see Law in W4. Deadline to submit your 4x4 is March 31st. Full details can be found at www.websterptsa.org/CAD4x4.
> Do you have a hidden or not-so-hidden talent? Are you ready to show the Webster community your gifts and expertise? The annual "Webster’s Got Talent" talent show at Community Arts Day is looking for performers! Singers, dancers, musicians, and artists of all kinds are encouraged to participate! Talent acts should be between 2-3 minutes long. Go to www.websterptsa.org/talentshow and register today! Registration Deadline is April 1st. If you have questions, please see Law in W4.
> Today's lunch includes a pizza bagel with steamed carrots and fruit. The soup and salad combo this week is broccoli cheddar soup.
> The Green Team is excited to announce that they are offering t-shirts for sale.
The shirts feature a logo designed by our very own Clare P.!!!!
Wear your shirts in support of Earth Day and Green Club on Monday, April 25!
Proceeds from the sales will be used to establish a butterfly garden here at Schroeder!
Get your shirts before it is too late! Store closes March 30!
If you have any questions please see Mrs. Smith in E224
> Jostens will be here tomorrow, Wednesday, March 30th, during lunches, to deliver all ordered items with the exception of caps & gowns.
Our cap & gown delivery date will be closer to the end of the school year.
> Attention Peer Leaders and Adult Advisors: There will be a morning meeting this Thursday at 8am in E36 (off the cafeteria) to discuss One Warrior Week and next steps for Sources of Strength! Excited to see you there!
> For the Music Trivia question this week, we will start with last week's question and winners: What musical clef is this? The answer, Tenor. Congratulations to Edward B. and Maddie D. for getting this trivia right. Stop down to see Mrs. Derse in N4 for your prize. If you would like to participate in this week's question remember to join Google Classroom k-f-o-a-o-w-q. What does a cappella mean? You need to answer this question by Friday to be a part of the drawing.
> Are you a female interested in going into a STEM career? Schroeder is starting a new club called Women in STEM. We will explore different STEM careers and host guest speakers of women who work in the field. Our first meeting will be tomorrow after school in room E21. You can join our classroom page with the code 5iqbnvn. If you have any questions, see Ms Metz.
March 28, 2022
> Today's lunch includes a chicken patty sandwich, green beans, and chilled pears. The soup and salad combo this week is broccoli cheddar soup.
> There will be a meeting for all girls interested in playing Mod. A softball this spring on Tuesday, March 29 at 3:15 in Room W14. Please make sure to register in Family ID.
> The Green Team is excited to announce that they are offering t-shirts for sale.
The shirts feature a logo designed by our very own Clare P.!!!!
Wear your shirts in support of Earth Day and Green Club on Monday, April 25!
Proceeds from the sales will be used to establish a butterfly garden here at Schroeder!
Get your shirts before it is too late! Store closes March 30!
If you have any questions please see Mrs. Smith in E224
> Jostens will be here on Wednesday, March 30th, during lunches, to deliver all ordered items with the exception of caps & gowns.
Our cap & gown delivery date will be closer to the end of the school year.
> Attention Trap Club Members: Due to the below freezing temps today practice is moving to Wednesday, March 30th. Please update the squad schedule posted in the classroom to reflect your availability for Wednesday. Thank You for your flexibility.
> Are you a female interested in going into a STEM career? Schroeder is starting a new club called Women in STEM. We will explore different STEM careers and host guest speakers of women who work in the field. Our first meeting will be this Wednesday after school in room E21. You can join our classroom page with the code 5iqbnvn. If you have any questions, see Ms Metz.
March 25, 2022
> Calling all Schroeder families and staff: Please join us for the 45th Annual Community Arts Day on Saturday April 9th from 10am-4pm. Community Arts Day is a traditional Webster event for all ages, showcasing student artwork, and musical performances all day, community groups, arts and crafts vendors, kids craft stations, and much more! All of the funds raised from this event go back to Webster’s 11 schools for arts enrichment. Volunteer opportunities are available for student grades 4-12, and adults. Signups will open in mid-March. Please see Law in W4 if you have questions or want to participate as a performer, artist, or volunteer!
> Today's lunch includes a chicken parm sandwich or breaded fish sandwich, corn, and strawberries. The soup and salad combo this week is tomato bisque soup.
> The Counseling Center is offering a College Campus Tour/Field Trip for current juniors who are interested in St. John Fisher.
The field trip is scheduled for Tuesday, April 5th, 2022 (D Day). We will leave from the main entrance promptly at 8:50am and return by 11:30am. Permission slips can be picked-up in the Counseling Center (N14) and need to be returned by Thursday, March 31st.
> The Tri-M Coffee House Concert is happening tonight at 7 in the schroeder cafeteria! You can buy your $5 ticket at the door, which covers one food item and one beverage. Come support your friends and enjoy a fun night of music.
> There will be a meeting for all girls interested in playing Mod. A softball this spring on Tuesday, March 29 at 3:15 in Room W14. Please make sure to register in Family ID.
> The Green Team is excited to announce that they are offering t-shirts for sale.
The shirts feature a logo designed by our very own Clare P.!!!!
Wear your shirts in support of Earth Day and Green Club on Monday, April 25!
Proceeds from the sales will be used to establish a butterfly garden here at Schroeder!
Get your shirts before it is too late! Store closes March 30!
If you have any questions please see Mrs. Smith in E224
> Congratulations to the following students for being this week’s recipients of Principal’s Recognition:
Please stop down to the main office between 1st and 2nd period.
Grace B. ~ Class of 2023
Anna B. ~ Class of 2023
Iain C. ~ Class of 2023
Kristina H. ~ Class of 2023
Chloe H. ~ Class of 2023
Jack M. ~ Class of 2023 (per 1 Stumpf)
Bridget M. ~ Class of 2022
Madison S. ~ Class of 2022
Madison T. ~ Class of 2023
March 24, 2022
> Calling all student-artists! Interested in submitting a piece of art to be displayed at Community Arts Day? Participate in our 4x4 art exhibition! 4x4 boards are available in limited supply for pickup in any of our 11 school offices. This opportunity is open to ALL students. If you have additional questions, please see Law in W4. Deadline to submit your 4x4 is March 31st. Full details can be found at www.websterptsa.org/CAD4x4.
> Do you have a hidden or not-so-hidden talent? Are you ready to show the Webster community your gifts and expertise? The annual "Webster’s Got Talent" talent show at Community Arts Day is looking for performers! Singers, dancers, musicians, and artists of all kinds are encouraged to participate! Talent acts should be between 2-3 minutes long. Go to www.websterptsa.org/talentshow and register today! Registration Deadline is April 1st. If you have questions, please see Law in W4.
> The Counseling Center is offering a College Campus Tour/Field Trip for current juniors who are interested in St. John Fisher.
The field trip is scheduled for Tuesday, April 5th, 2022 (D Day). We will leave from the main entrance promptly at 8:50am and return by 11:30am. Permission slips can be picked-up in the Counseling Center (N14) and need to be returned by Thursday, March 31st.
> The American Sign Language or ASL Club will be kicking off its first, introductory meeting in room W227, Mrs. Pellicanos room, after school today. ASL Club is designed to allow students and staff to learn a new language in a casual and fun setting.
> SAGE club will be meeting after school today in B2. See Ms. Reusch with any questions.
> There will be a meeting for all girls interested in playing Mod. A softball this spring on Tuesday, March 29 at 3:15 in Room W14. Please make sure to register in Family ID.
> The Green Team is excited to announce that they are offering t-shirts for sale.
The shirts feature a logo designed by our very own Clare P.!!!!
Wear your shirts in support of Earth Day and Green Club on Monday, April 25!
Proceeds from the sales will be used to establish a butterfly garden here at Schroeder!
Get your shirts before it is too late! Store closes March 30!
If you have any questions please see Mrs. Smith in E224
> Congratulations to the artist of the week, sophomore Anika P. She created this fish in advertising and graphic design using photoshop. Students were asked to pick an animal of their choice and create that animal realistically only using typography. Exploring the pen tool, type tool, color matching and various other tools in Photoshop to make this creative design. Throughout the project students had to problem solve how to make the animal look realistic and three dimensional through the use of color and typography. Great work Anika!
March 23, 2022
> Come to Tri-M's Coffee House! This casual concert will be Friday, March 25 at 7pm. Tickets can be purchased at the door and are $5 which covers admittance as well as one beverage and one food item. Come support your peers and experience a fun night of music, food, and drinks!
> Calling all Schroeder families and staff: Please join us for the 45th Annual Community Arts Day on Saturday April 9th from 10am-4pm. Community Arts Day is a traditional Webster event for all ages, showcasing student artwork, and musical performances all day, community groups, arts and crafts vendors, kids craft stations, and much more! All of the funds raised from this event go back to Webster’s 11 schools for arts enrichment. Volunteer opportunities are available for student grades 4-12, and adults. Signups will open in mid-March. Please see Law in W4 if you have questions or want to participate as a performer, artist, or volunteer!
> Today's lunch includes a burger trash plate and macaroni salad, french fries, and applesauce. The soup and salad combo this week is tomato bisque soup.
> There will be a short meeting after school today by the gym doors for any 9th or 10th grader interested in trying out for the Boys JV golf team. If you have any questions before that email Mr. Sabs.
> The Counseling Center is offering a College Campus Tour/Field Trip for current juniors who are interested in St. John Fisher.
The field trip is scheduled for Tuesday, April 5th, 2022 (D Day). We will leave from the main entrance promptly at 8:50am and return by 11:30am. Permission slips can be picked-up in the Counseling Center (N14) and need to be returned by Thursday, March 31st.
> The American Sign Language or ASL Club will be kicking off its first, introductory meeting in room W227, Mrs. Pellicanos room, after school tomorrow, Thursday, March 24th. ASL Club is designed to allow students and staff to learn a new language in a casual and fun setting.
> SAGE club will be meeting after school tomorrow, March 24th in B2. See Ms. Reusch with any questions.
> There will be a meeting for all girls interested in playing Mod. A softball this spring on Tuesday, March 29 at 3:15 in Room W14. Please make sure to register in Family ID.
> Attention National Honor Society students: There is a meeting for current members of the NHS in W223 after school today. We will review requirements for earning cords for graduation and upcoming service opportunities.
Additionally, there is a meeting for students who applied for and are pursuing membership this year for the NHS in W224 after school today. This meeting will review the requirements for being inducted, service opportunities, and important information about the Induction Ceremony coming up on April 7th.
> The Green Team is excited to announce that they are offering t-shirts for sale.
The shirts feature a logo designed by our very own Clare P.!!!!
Wear your shirts in support of Earth Day and Green Club on Monday, April 25!
Proceeds from the sales will be used to establish a butterfly garden here at Schroeder!
Get your shirts before it is too late! Store closes March 30!
If you have any questions please see Mrs. Smith in E224
> For the Music Trivia question this week, we will start with last week's question and winners: What is Freddie Mercury’s real name? The answer, Farrokh Bulsara. Congratulations to Justin D and Joelle D for getting this trivia right. Stop down to see Mrs. Derse in N4 for your prize. If you would like to participate in this week's question remember to join Google Classroom k-f-o-a-o-w-q. What musical clef is this? You need to answer this question by Friday to be a part of the drawing.
March 22. 2022
> Come to Tri-M's Coffee House! This casual concert will be Friday, March 25 at 7pm. Tickets can be purchased at the door and are $5 which covers admittance as well as one beverage and one food item. Come support your peers and experience a fun night of music, food, and drinks!
> Calling all student-artists! Interested in submitting a piece of art to be displayed at Community Arts Day? Participate in our 4x4 art exhibition! 4x4 boards are available in limited supply for pickup in any of our 11 school offices. This opportunity is open to ALL students. If you have additional questions, please see Law in W4. Deadline to submit your 4x4 is March 31st. Full details can be found at www.websterptsa.org/CAD4x4.
> Do you have a hidden or not-so-hidden talent? Are you ready to show the Webster community your gifts and expertise? The annual "Webster’s Got Talent" talent show at Community Arts Day is looking for performers! Singers, dancers, musicians, and artists of all kinds are encouraged to participate! Talent acts should be between 2-3 minutes long. Go to www.websterptsa.org/talentshow and register today! Registration Deadline is April 1st. If you have questions, please see Law in W4.
> Today's lunch includes a chicken gravy biscuit, broccoli, and fruit cup. The soup and salad combo this week is tomato bisque soup.
> There will be a short meeting after school tomorrow by the gym doors for any 9th or 10th grader interested in trying out for the Boys JV golf team. If you have any questions before that email Mr. Sabs.
> The Counseling Center is offering a College Campus Tour/Field Trip for current juniors who are interested in St. John Fisher.
The field trip is scheduled for Tuesday, April 5th, 2022 (D Day). We will leave from the main entrance promptly at 8:50am and return by 11:30am. Permission slips can be picked-up in the Counseling Center (N14) and need to be returned by Thursday, March 31st.
> The American Sign Language or ASL Club will be kicking off its first, introductory meeting in room W227, Mrs. Pellicanos room, after school Thursday, March 24th. ASL Club is designed to allow students and staff to learn a new language in a casual and fun setting.
> SAGE club will be meeting after school on Thursday, March 24th in B2. See Ms. Reusch with any questions.
> Attention National Honor Society students. There is a meeting for current members of the NHS in w223 after school on Wednesday, March 23. We will review requirements for earning cords for graduation and upcoming service opportunities.
Additionally, there is a meeting for students who applied for and are pursuing membership this year for the NHS in w224 on Wednesday, March 23 after school. This meeting will review the requirements for being inducted, service opportunities, and important information about the Induction Ceremony coming up on April 7th.
March 21, 2022
> Come to Tri-M's Coffee House! This casual concert will be Friday, March 25 at 7pm. Tickets can be purchased at the door and are $5 which covers admittance as well as one beverage and one food item. Come support your peers and experience a fun night of music, food, and drinks!
> Today's lunch includes chicken tenders with a dinner roll, chilled peaches, and green beans. The soup and salad combo this week is tomato bisque soup.
> There will be a short meeting after school on Wednesday, March 23 by the gym doors for any 9th or 10th grader interested in trying out for the Boys JV golf team. If you have any questions before that email Mr. Sabs.
> The Counseling Center is offering a College Campus Tour/Field Trip for current juniors who are interested in St. John Fisher.
The field trip is scheduled for Tuesday, April 5th, 2022 (D Day). We will leave from the main entrance promptly at 8:50am and return by 11:30am. Permission slips can be picked-up in the Counseling Center (N14) and need to be returned by Thursday, March 31st.
> The American Sign Language or ASL Club will be kicking off its first, introductory meeting in room W227, Mrs. Pellicanos room, after school Thursday, March 24th. ASL Club is designed to allow students and staff to learn a new language in a casual and fun setting.
> SAGE club will be meeting after school on Thursday, March 24th in B2. See Ms. Reusch with any questions.
> Top of The Morning To Ya! Oh, what's that? St. Patrick's Day was last week? Well, I'm sorry...cause I'm not done GOING GREEN YET!
Tray = bae.
Show these new trays the same level of love you'd give a new pair of Yeezy slides.
It is simple - once you are done eating -- discard any compostable items in the compost bin, throw away any trash, and then bring back your beautiful, lovely tray to the tray return station!
Reduce waste, keep Momma Earth happy, and don't get cray cray with your tray tray.
March 18, 2022
> Come to Tri-M's Coffee House! This casual concert will be Friday, March 25 at 7pm. Tickets are $5 which covers admittance as well as one beverage and one food item. Come support your peers and experience a fun night of music, food, and drinks!
> Calling all Schroeder families and staff: Please join us for the 45th Annual Community Arts Day on Saturday April 9th from 10am-4pm. Community Arts Day is a traditional Webster event for all ages, showcasing student artwork, and musical performances all day, community groups, arts and crafts vendors, kids craft stations, and much more! All of the funds raised from this event go back to Webster’s 11 schools for arts enrichment. Volunteer opportunities are available for student grades 4-12, and adults. Signups will open in mid-March. Please see Law in W4 if you have questions or want to participate as a performer, artist, or volunteer!
> Today's lunch includes mozzarella cheese sticks with marinara sauce or a breaded fish sandwich, corn, and pineapple. The soup and salad combo this week is vegetable soup.
> There will be a short meeting after school on Wednesday, March 23 by the gym doors for any 9th or 10th grader interested in trying out for the Boys JV golf team. If you have any questions before that email Mr. Sabs.
> The Counseling Center is offering a College Campus Tour/Field Trip for current juniors who are interested in St. John Fisher.
The field trip is scheduled for Tuesday, April 5th, 2022 (D Day). We will leave from the main entrance promptly at 8:50am and return by 11:30am. Permission slips can be picked-up in the Counseling Center (N14) and need to be returned by Thursday, March 31st.
> The American Sign Language or ASL Club will be kicking off its first, introductory meeting in room W227, Mrs. Pellicanos room, after school Thursday, March 24th. ASL Club is designed to allow students and staff to learn a new language in a casual and fun setting.
> Congratulations to the artist of the week, freshman Raegan M! Raegan created this drawing in Studio Art using oil pastels with the prompt to create a realistic representation of a fruit or vegetable using blending and layering. Great work Raegan!
> Congratulations to the following students for being this week’s recipients of Principal’s Recognition:
Please stop down to the main office between 1st and 2nd period.
Analise A. ~ Class of 2024
Sean B. ~ Class of 2025
Gia C. ~ Class of 2025
Ryan G. ~ Class of 2025
Isabelle K. ~ Class of 2023
CJ O. ~ Class of 2022
Rachael R. ~ Class of 2025
Raina S. ~ Class of 2022
Zach W. ~ Class of 2023
March 17, 2022
> Come to Tri-M's Coffee House! This casual concert will be Friday, March 25 at 7pm. Tickets are $5 which covers admittance as well as one beverage and one food item. Come support your peers and experience a fun night of music, food, and drinks!
> Calling all student-artists! Interested in submitting a piece of art to be displayed at Community Arts Day? Participate in our 4x4 art exhibition! 4x4 boards are available in limited supply for pickup in any of our 11 school offices. This opportunity is open to ALL students. If you have additional questions, please see Law in W4. Deadline to submit your 4x4 is March 31st. Full details can be found at www.websterptsa.org/CAD4x4.
> Do you have a hidden or not-so-hidden talent? Are you ready to show the Webster community your gifts and expertise? The annual "Webster’s Got Talent" talent show at Community Arts Day is looking for performers! Singers, dancers, musicians, and artists of all kinds are encouraged to participate! Talent acts should be between 2-3 minutes long. Go to www.websterptsa.org/talentshow and register today! Registration Deadline is April 1st. If you have questions, please see Law in W4.
> Anyone interested in playing Modified A Baseball: There will be a brief informational meeting in NW6 after school today at 3:20pm. If you can not attend meeting please stop in to NW6 before that.
> Today's lunch includes chicken tenders with a dinner roll, mashed potatoes with gravy, and chilled peaches. The soup and salad combo this week is vegetable soup.
> There will be a short meeting after school on Wednesday, March 23 by the gym doors for any 9th or 10th grader interested in trying out for the Boys JV golf team. If you have any questions before that email Mr. Sabs.
> The Counseling Center is offering a College Campus Tour/Field Trip for current juniors who are interested in St. John Fisher.
The field trip is scheduled for Tuesday, April 5th, 2022 (D Day). We will leave from the main entrance promptly at 8:50am and return by 11:30am. Permission slips can be picked-up in the Counseling Center (N14) and need to be returned by Thursday, March 31st.
March 16, 2022
> Come to Tri-M's Coffee House! This casual concert will be Friday, March 25 at 7pm. Tickets are $5 which covers admittance as well as one beverage and one food item. Come support your peers and experience a fun night of music, food, and drinks!
> Calling all Schroeder families and staff: Please join us for the 45th Annual Community Arts Day on Saturday April 9th from 10am-4pm. Community Arts Day is a traditional Webster event for all ages, showcasing student artwork, and musical performances all day, community groups, arts and crafts vendors, kids craft stations, and much more! All of the funds raised from this event go back to Webster’s 11 schools for arts enrichment. Volunteer opportunities are available for student grades 4-12, and adults. Signups will open in mid-March. Please see Law in W4 if you have questions or want to participate as a performer, artist, or volunteer!
> Anyone interested in playing Modified A Baseball: There will be a brief informational meeting in NW6 on tomorrow, March 17th at 3:20pm. If you can not attend the meeting please stop in to NW6 before that.
> Today's lunch includes a hamburger, tater tots, and applesauce. The soup and salad combo this week is vegetable soup.
> The Varsity Boys golf preseason meeting will be held today at 3:45 via Google Meet. The link to the Meet is available on the Boys Golf Classroom page. Please see the signs in the hallways or in the athletic office for the classroom code, or contact Coach Leaf directly.
March 15, 2022
> Come to Tri-M's Coffee House! This casual concert will be Friday, March 25 at 7pm. Tickets are $5 which covers admittance as well as one beverage and one food item. Come support your peers and experience a fun night of music, food, and drinks!
> Calling all student-artists! Interested in submitting a piece of art to be displayed at Community Arts Day? Participate in our 4x4 art exhibition! 4x4 boards are available in limited supply for pickup in any of our 11 school offices. This opportunity is open to ALL students. If you have additional questions, please see Law in W4. Deadline to submit your 4x4 is March 31st. Full details can be found at www.websterptsa.org/CAD4x4.
> Do you have a hidden or not-so-hidden talent? Are you ready to show the Webster community your gifts and expertise? The annual "Webster’s Got Talent" talent show at Community Arts Day is looking for performers! Singers, dancers, musicians, and artists of all kinds are encouraged to participate! Talent acts should be between 2-3 minutes long. Go to www.websterptsa.org/talentshow and register today! Registration Deadline is April 1st. If you have questions, please see Law in W4.
> Attention AP students: The deadline to cancel an AP exam is today. You will be charged $40 for each canceled exam. Please stop by Mrs. Goodwine’s Office, E202 if you want to cancel an exam.
> Anyone interested in playing Modified A Baseball: There will be a brief informational meeting in NW6 on Thursday, March 17th at 3:20pm. If you can not attend the meeting please stop in to NW6 before that.
> Today's lunch includes fiestada, broccoli, and a fruit cup. The soup and salad combo this week is vegetable soup.
> A reminder that today is "Tunes Tuesday!" For the Music Trivia question this week, we will start with last week's question and winners: What kind of saxophone is this? The answer, a soprano saxophone. Congratulations to Johnathan B and Anna B for getting this trivia right. Stop down to see Mrs. Derse in N4 for your prize. If you would like to participate in this week's question remember to join Google Classroom k-f-o-a-o-w-q. What is Freddie Mercury's real name? You need to answer this question by Friday to be a part of the drawing.
> The Varsity Boys golf preseason meeting will be held on Wednesday, March 16 at 3:45 via Google Meet. The link to the Meet is available on the Boys Golf Classroom page. Please see the signs in the hallways or in the athletic office for the classroom code, or contact Coach Leaf directly.
March 14, 2022
> Come to Tri-M's Coffee House! This casual concert will be Friday, March 25 at 7pm. Tickets are $5 which covers admittance as well as one beverage and one food item. Come support your peers and experience a fun night of music, food, and drinks! Also, if you missed auditions, no worries! You can still send in a video audition to either cglastonbury22@webstercsd.org or mrichards22@webstercsd.org through this Wednesday the 16th.
> Attention AP students: The deadline to cancel an AP exam is tomorrow. You will be charged $40 for each canceled exam. Please stop by Mrs. Goodwine’s Office, E202 if you want to cancel an exam.
> Anyone interested in playing Modified A Baseball: There will be a brief informational meeting in NW6 on Thursday, March 17th at 3:20pm. If you can not attend the meeting please stop in to NW6 before that.
> Today's lunch includes a breaded chicken patty sandwich with a dinner roll, brown sugar roasted carrots, and chilled pears. The soup and salad combo this week is vegetable soup.
March 11. 2022
Good morning and welcome to The Morning Show.
Today is Friday, March 11th, 2022 and a “C” Day
> Today's lunch includes buffalo macaroni and cheese, breaded fish sandwich, green beans, and mandarin oranges. The soup and salad combo this week is chicken escarole.
> Calling all Schroeder families and staff: Please join us for the 45th Annual Community Arts Day on Saturday April 9th from 10am-4pm. Community Arts Day is a traditional Webster event for all ages, showcasing student artwork, and musical performances all day, community groups, arts and crafts vendors, kids craft stations, and much more! All of the funds raised from this event go back to Webster’s 11 schools for arts enrichment. Volunteer opportunities are available for student grades 4-12, and adults. Signups will open in mid-March. Please see Law in W4 if you have questions or want to participate as a performer, artist, or volunteer!
> Seniors - If you plan on applying to any of the local scholarships please make sure you pick up an application packet in the Counseling Center. Applications are due Monday, March 14th.
> Attention AP students: The deadline to cancel an AP exam is March 15th. You will be charged $40 for each canceled exam. Please stop by Mrs. Goodwine’s Office, E202 if you want to cancel an exam.
> Anyone interested in playing Modified A Baseball: There will be a brief informational meeting in NW6 on Thursday, March 17th at 3:20pm. If you can not attend the meeting please stop in to NW6 before that.
> Attention all winter athletes: Sports lockers need to be cleaned out by the end of the day. Any items left will be discharged and combos changed. If you have any questions please see your coach.
> All boys and girls interested in doing outdoor track: It is okay if you missed the preseason meeting. You can still join the team. Sign up on Family I.D. and come to practice on Monday. We will meet in the cafeteria at 3:45. Again, you can still join the track teams. 1st practice is Monday, but you need to sign up on Family I.D.
> In 2020 Tiffany Jewell published the book she wishes she had owned when she was young, and titled it: This Book is Anti-Racist: 20 Lessons on How to Wake Up, Take Action, and Do the Work. The book is written for teens interested in learning more about identities, inclusive histories, and anti-racism work. Join Schroeder's DREAM Club and Diversity and Equity Team in a student-staff book group as we strive toward equity. See Mrs. Strege in N101 for more information.
> Congratulations to the following students for being this week’s recipients of Principal’s Recognition:
Please stop down to the main office between 1st and 2nd period.
Carl B. ~ Class of 2024
Charles B. ~ Class of 2025
Madyson B. ~ Class of 2025
Emma C. ~ Class of 2024 (per 1 Leader)
Alexandria E. ~ Class of 2024
Zain K. ~ Class of 2023
Kyle S. ~ Class of 2024
March 10, 2022
> Calling all student-artists! Interested in submitting a piece of art to be displayed at Community Arts Day? Participate in our 4x4 art exhibition! 4x4 boards are available in limited supply for pickup in any of our 11 school offices. This opportunity is open to ALL students. If you have additional questions, please see Law in W4. Deadline to submit your 4x4 is March 31st. Full details can be found at www.websterptsa.org/CAD4x4.
> Do you have a hidden or not-so-hidden talent? Are you ready to show the Webster community your gifts and expertise? The annual "Webster’s Got Talent" talent show at Community Arts Day is looking for performers! Singers, dancers, musicians, and artists of all kinds are encouraged to participate! Talent acts should be between 2-3 minutes long. Go to www.websterptsa.org/talentshow and register today! Registration Deadline is April 1st. If you have questions, please see Law in W4.
> Seniors - If you plan on applying to any of the local scholarships please make sure you pick up an application packet in the Counseling Center. Applications are due Monday, March 14th.
Now over to...
> Attention AP students: The deadline to cancel an AP exam is March 15th. You will be charged $40 for each canceled exam. Please stop by Mrs. Goodwine’s Office, E202 if you want to cancel an exam.
> Anyone interested in playing Modified A Baseball: There will be a brief informational meeting in NW6 on Thursday, March 17th at 3:20pm. If you can not attend the meeting please stop in to NW6 before that.
> Attention all winter athletes: Sports lockers need to be cleaned out by the end of the day this Friday. Any items left will be discharged and combos changed. If you have any questions please see your coach.
Now over to...
> All boys and girls interested in doing outdoor track: It is okay if you missed the preseason meeting. You can still join the team. Sign up on Family I.D. and come to practice on Monday. We will meet in the cafeteria at 3:45. Again, you can still join the track teams. 1st practice is Monday, but you need to sign up on Family I.D.
> In 2020 Tiffany Jewell published the book she wishes she had owned when she was young, and titled it: This Book is Anti-Racist: 20 Lessons on How to Wake Up, Take Action, and Do the Work. The book is written for teens interested in learning more about identities, inclusive histories, and anti-racism work. Join Schroeder's DREAM Club and Diversity and Equity Team in a student-staff book group as we strive toward equity. See Mrs. Strege in N101 for more information.
> Congratulations to the Artist of the Week, sophomore Shannon K! She created this drawing in drawing 1 using oil pastels. This project was meant to have students explore oil pastels to create a realistic representation of an animal. Using blending and layering pastels to create value and form. Congratulations Shannon on a job well done!
March 9, 2022
Attention anyone looking for an opportunity to perform music: We're bringing back Coffee House! The event will be Friday, March 25 at 7pm. This will be a casual concert with a food item and beverage covered by a $5 ticket. We will be holding some low stress screening auditions. In person auditions will be held Thursday, March 10 and Friday, March 11. Or you can send in a video to mrichards22@webstercsd.org or cglastonbury22@webstercsd.org by Friday, March 11. The sign-up sheet is posted outside the chorus room. Sign up now to take advantage of this fun night of music!
> Calling all Schroeder families and staff: Please join us for the 45th Annual Community Arts Day on Saturday April 9th from 10am-4pm. Community Arts Day is a traditional Webster event for all ages, showcasing student artwork, and musical performances all day, community groups, arts and crafts vendors, kids craft stations, and much more! All of the funds raised from this event go back to Webster’s 11 schools for arts enrichment. Volunteer opportunities are available for student grades 4-12, and adults. Signups will open in mid-March. Please see Law in W4 if you have questions or want to participate as a performer, artist, or volunteer!
> Anyone interested in playing JV or Varsity Girls Lacrosse this Spring, please meet in E31 after school today. All levels of experience are welcome. We encourage anyone interested in trying something new and playing goalie, so please join us as we are looking for goalies to join the program. If you have any questions, please email Coach Schraeder at brandon_schraeder@webstercsd.org. We are extremely excited for the season to begin!
> Seniors - If you plan on applying to any of the local scholarships please make sure you pick up an application packet in the Counseling Center. Applications are due Monday, March 14th.
> Attention AP students: The deadline to cancel an AP exam is March 15th. You will be charged $40 for each canceled exam. Please stop by Mrs. Goodwine’s Office, E202 if you want to cancel an exam.
> Anyone interested in playing Modified A Baseball: There will be a brief informational meeting in NW6 on Thursday, March 17th at 3:20pm. If you can not attend the meeting please stop in to NW6 before that.
> Attention all winter athletes: Sports lockers need to be cleaned out by the end of the day this Friday. Any items left will be discharged and combos changed. If you have any questions please see your coach.
> All boys and girls interested in doing outdoor track: It is okay if you missed the preseason meeting. You can still join the team. Sign up on Family I.D. and come to practice on Monday. We will meet in the cafeteria at 3:45. Again, you can still join the track teams. 1st practice is Monday, but you need to sign up on Family I.D.
March 8, 2022
> Attention anyone looking for an opportunity to perform music: We're bringing back Coffee House! The event will be Friday, March 25 at 7pm. This will be a casual concert with a food item and beverage covered by a $5 ticket. We will be holding some low stress screening auditions. In person auditions will be held Thursday, March 10 and Friday, March 11. Or you can send in a video to mrichards22@webstercsd.org or cglastonbury22@webstercsd.org by Friday, March 11. The sign-up sheet is posted outside the chorus room. Sign up now to take advantage of this fun night of music!
> Calling all student-artists! Interested in submitting a piece of art to be displayed at Community Arts Day? Participate in our 4x4 art exhibition! 4x4 boards are available in limited supply for pickup in any of our 11 school offices. This opportunity is open to ALL students. If you have additional questions, please see Law in W4. Deadline to submit your 4x4 is March 31st. Full details can be found at www.websterptsa.org/CAD4x4.
> Do you have a hidden or not-so-hidden talent? Are you ready to show the Webster community your gifts and expertise? The annual "Webster’s Got Talent" talent show at Community Arts Day is looking for performers! Singers, dancers, musicians, and artists of all kinds are encouraged to participate! Talent acts should be between 2-3 minutes long. Go to www.websterptsa.org/talentshow and register today! Registration Deadline is April 1st. If you have questions, please see Law in W4.
> Anyone interested in playing JV or Varsity Girls Lacrosse this Spring, please meet in E31 after school tomorrow, March 9th. All levels of experience are welcome. We encourage anyone interested in trying something new and playing goalie, so please join us as we are looking for goalies to join the program. If you have any questions, please email Coach Schraeder at brandon_schraeder@webstercsd.org. We are extremely excited for the season to begin!
> All boys and girls interested in doing outdoor track, the preseason meeting is after school today in the cafeteria from 3:30 - 4:15. Again, anyone interested in doing the track teams should come to the meeting afterschool today in the cafeteria.
> Attention all International Club members and those interested - we are meeting after school today. We will finish our Ukraine posters and talk about some more fundraising!
>Last week’s music trivia question winners are about to be announced. But first the question! Which classical composer was deaf? The answer …. Beethoven! Last week’s winners are Mileena O and Erik H please see Mrs. Derse for your prize. Remember to join Google Classroom k-f-o-a-o-w-q for today’s question, what kind of saxophone is this?
> Our Speech and Debate team has done it again!
National Qualifiers:
Schroeder qualified 7 students Saturday for the in-person nationals in Washington D.C. over Memorial Day Weekend; The following speakers and debaters will competing:
In Declamation: Roman Pidkova, a sophomore
Extemporaneous Speaking - Ad H., a senior
Original Oratory - Emma C., a junior & Niranjana R., a sophomore
Lincoln-Douglas Debate - Sophia M., a sophomore
Public Forum Debate - Michael R. , a senior & Tristan B., a sophomore
The following students were named Genesee Valley Forensic League champions for 2021-22
Yi J. ,
Emma C.,
Sophia M.
Noah J.
Matthew G.
Michael R. & Tristan B
This will be our 37th consecutive nationals. The Team and the Coaches would like to thank Webster Administration and the Board of Education for supporting Speech & Debate through the years and for their endorsement of Rochester 2000 nationals which was hosted by Webster and RIT jointly.
March 7, 2022
> Spring Drivers Education registration will begin soon! Juniors and Seniors may register at 8am on March 8. If there are spots left, sophomores may register March 10.
The sessions begin the week of March 28 and go through the week of June 6. The commitment is three or four days a week and the cost is $585.00.
> Attention anyone looking for an opportunity to perform music: We're bringing back Coffee House! The event will be Friday, March 25 at 7pm. This will be a casual concert with a food item and beverage covered by a $5 ticket. This is an NHS sponsored event that will support our Tri-M Music Honor Society. We will be holding some low stress screening auditions. In person auditions will be held Thursday, March 10 and Friday, March 11. Or you can send in a video to mrichards22@webstercsd.org or cglastonbury22@webstercsd.org by Friday, March 11. The sign-up sheet is posted outside the chorus room. Sign up now to take advantage of this fun night of music!
> ATTENTION SCHROEDER BASEBALL PLAYERS: There will be an important Tryout Informational Meeting after school today in the cafeteria for any Freshman through Senior planning on trying out for the JV and Varsity baseball teams. The meeting will start at 3:25pm and take no longer than 20 minutes. If you cannot attend please see Coach Knight.
> There will be a meeting for all girls interested in trying out for JV and Varsity softball today in room W14 at Schroeder. There will be an open gym immediately following.
> Anyone interested in playing JV or Varsity Girls Lacrosse this Spring, please meet in E31 after school on Wednesday, March 9th. All levels of experience are welcome. We encourage anyone interested in trying something new and playing goalie, so please join us as we are looking for goalies to join the program. If you have any questions, please email Coach Schraeder at brandon_schraeder@webstercsd.org. We are extremely excited for the season to begin!
> The Warrior Boys Tennis Program will be holding a brief informational meeting for all interested players this afternoon in Coach Welker's room (E232). This spring there will be a Varsity, JV and Mod A team for boys tennis. No experience is necessary and we love teaching new athletes how to play this amazing sport. Again, the Boys Tennis Program will be having a brief informational meeting in Coach Welker's room (E232) today after school. We hope to see you there!
> Congratulations to Kylie W. for competing and placing 10th at States for Nordic Skiing as a Freshman! Way to represent Schroeder.
> It was yet another banner day for the Warrior girls track team at the state indoor track championships this past weekend.
Camryn C. was the standout performer and is the state champion in the high jump and took 7th in the 55 meter hurdles.
Corintia G. lowered her own school record in the 300 meter dash while taking 8th place and she jumped to 6th place in the long jump.
Jordan S. took 6th place with the Section V medley relay.
The girls 4x200 relay of Corintia G., Camryn C., Alyssa F, and Jordan S. took 4th place.
Sierra D. was 15th in the state in the 1000 meter run and Drew A. was 13th in the state in pole vault.
Congratulations on a great end to an amazing season!
March 4, 2022
> Spring Drivers Education registration will begin soon! Juniors and Seniors may register at 8am on March 8. If there are spots left, sophomores may register March 10.
The sessions begin the week of March 28 and go through the week of June 6. The commitment is three or four days a week and the cost is $585.00.
> Juniors and sophomores: there will be a LINK Crew interest meeting on Tuesday, March 8th in W3. More details to follow.
> Attention anyone looking for an opportunity to perform music: We're bringing back Coffee House! The event will be Friday, March 25 at 7pm. This will be a casual concert with a food item and beverage covered by a $5 ticket. This is an NHS sponsored event that will support our Tri-M Music Honor Society. We will be holding some low stress screening auditions. In person auditions will be held Thursday, March 10 and Friday, March 11. Or you can send in a video to mrichards22@webstercsd.org or cglastonbury22@webstercsd.org by Friday, March 11. The sign-up sheet is posted outside the chorus room. Sign up now to take advantage of this fun night of music!
> Calling all Schroeder families and staff: Please join us for the 45th Annual Community Arts Day on Saturday April 9th from 10am-4pm. Community Arts Day is a traditional Webster event for all ages, showcasing student artwork, and musical performances all day, community groups, arts and crafts vendors, kids craft stations, and much more! All of the funds raised from this event go back to Webster’s 11 schools for arts enrichment. Volunteer opportunities are available for student grades 4-12, and adults. Signups will open in mid-March. Please see Law in W4 if you have questions or want to participate as a performer, artist, or volunteer!
> ATTENTION SCHROEDER BASEBALL PLAYERS: There will be an important Tryout Informational Meeting on Monday, March 7th in the cafeteria for any Freshman through Senior planning on trying out for the JV and Varsity baseball teams. The meeting will start at 3:25pm and take no longer than 20 minutes. If you cannot attend please see Coach Knight.
> There will be a meeting for all girls interested in trying out for JV and Varsity softball on Monday, March 7 in Room W14 at Schroeder. There will be open gym immediately following.
> All boys and girls interested in joining the track team this spring, please come to the preseason meeting Tuesday, March 8th from 3:30 - 4:15 in the cafeteria. Boys, please make sure to join the google classroom ASAP. The code is 6xdnloc. Again, if you want to join the track team, please come to the meeting next Tuesday after school in the cafeteria.
> Anyone interested in playing JV or Varsity Girls Lacrosse this Spring, please meet in E31 after school on Wednesday, March 9th. All levels of experience are welcome. We encourage anyone interested in trying something new and playing goalie, so please join us as we are looking for goalies to join the program. If you have any questions, please email Coach Schraeder at brandon_schraeder@webstercsd.org. We are extremely excited for the season to begin!
> The Warrior Boys Tennis Program will be holding a brief informational meeting for all interested players Monday Afternoon in Coach Welker's room (E232). This spring there will be a Varsity, JV and Mod A team for boys tennis. No experience is necessary and we love teaching new athletes how to play this amazing sport. Again, the Boys Tennis Program will be having a brief informational meeting in Coach Welker's room (E232) on Monday March 7th after school. We hope to see you there!
> Congratulations to Kylie W. for competing and placing 10th at States for Nordic Skiing as a Freshman! Way to represent Schroeder.
> Congratulations to the following students for being this week’s recipients of Principal’s Recognition:
Please stop down to the main office between 1st and 2nd period.
Emma C. ~ Class of 2024
Brayden C. ~ Class of 2025
Jinan C. ~ Class of 2023
Diego D. ~ Class of 2022
Isabel F. ~ Class of 2023
Gianna M. ~ Class of 2025
Kenny R. ~ Class of 2023
Rushil T. ~ Class of 2023
March 3, 2022
> Spring Drivers Education registration will begin soon! Juniors and Seniors may register at 8am on March 8. If there are spots left, sophomores may register March 10.
The sessions begin the week of March 28 and go through the week of June 6. The commitment is three or four days a week and the cost is $585.00.
> Juniors and sophomores: there will be a LINK Crew interest meeting on Tuesday, March 8th in W3. More details to follow.
> Attention anyone looking for an opportunity to perform music: We're bringing back Coffee House! The event will be Friday, March 25 at 7pm. This will be a casual concert with a food item and beverage covered by a $5 ticket. This is an NHS sponsored event that will support our Tri-M Music Honor Society. We will be holding some low stress screening auditions. In person auditions will be held Thursday, March 10 and Friday, March 11. Or you can send in a video to mrichards22@webstercsd.org or cglastonbury22@webstercsd.org by Friday, March 11. The sign-up sheet is posted outside the chorus room. Sign up now to take advantage of this fun night of music!
> SAGE will be meeting after school today in B2. Hope to see you there!
> Calling all student-artists! Interested in submitting a piece of art to be displayed at Community Arts Day? Participate in our 4x4 art exhibition! 4x4 boards are available in limited supply for pickup in any of our 11 school offices. This opportunity is open to ALL students. If you have additional questions, please see Law in W4. Deadline to submit your 4x4 is March 31st. Full details can be found at www.websterptsa.org/CAD4x4.
> Do you have a hidden or not-so-hidden talent? Are you ready to show the Webster community your gifts and expertise? The annual "Webster’s Got Talent" talent show at Community Arts Day is looking for performers! Singers, dancers, musicians, and artists of all kinds are encouraged to participate! Talent acts should be between 2-3 minutes long. Go to www.websterptsa.org/talentshow and register today! Registration Deadline is April 1st. If you have questions, please see Law in W4.
> ATTENTION SCHROEDER BASEBALL PLAYERS: There will be an important Tryout Informational Meeting on Monday, March 7th in the cafeteria for any Freshman through Senior planning on trying out for the JV and Varsity baseball teams. The meeting will start at 3:25pm and take no longer than 20 minutes. If you cannot attend please see Coach Knight.
> There will be a meeting for all girls interested in trying out for JV and Varsity softball on Monday, March 7 in Room W14 at Schroeder. There will be open gym immediately following.
> Attention Key Club Members we will be meeting this Thursday March 3rd at 3:20 in the Cafeteria.
> All boys and girls interested in joining the track team this spring, please come to the preseason meeting Tuesday, March 8th from 3:30 - 4:15 in the cafeteria. Boys, please make sure to join the google classroom ASAP. The code is 6xdnloc. Again, if you want to join the track team, please come to the meeting next Tuesday after school in the cafeteria.
> Anyone interested in playing JV or Varsity Girls Lacrosse this Spring, please meet in E31 after school on Wednesday, March 9th. All levels of experience are welcome. We encourage anyone interested in trying something new and playing goalie, so please join us as we are looking for goalies to join the program. If you have any questions, please email Coach Schraeder at brandon_schraeder@webstercsd.org. We are extremely excited for the season to begin!
> Congratulations to Abby F, who created this design in Advertising and Graphic Design. She is this week’s Artist of the Week! Students were asked to pick an animal of their choice and create that animal realistically only using typography. Students explored the pen tool, type tool, color matching and various other tools in Photoshop to make this creative design. Throughout the project students had to problem solve how to make the animal look realistic and three dimensional through the use of color and typography. Congratulations to Abby F!
March 2, 2022
Good morning and welcome to The Morning Show.
Today is Wednesday, March 2nd, 2022 and a “D” Day
> Spring Drivers Education registration will begin soon! Juniors and Seniors may register at 8am on March 8. If there are spots left, sophomores may register March 10.
The sessions begin the week of March 28 and go through the week of June 6. The commitment is three or four days a week and the cost is $585.00.
> Juniors and sophomores: there will be a LINK Crew interest meeting on Tuesday, March 8th in W3. More details to follow.
> Attention anyone looking for an opportunity to perform music: We're bringing back Coffee House! The event will be Friday, March 25 at 7pm. This will be a casual concert with a food item and beverage covered by a $5 ticket. This is an NHS sponsored event that will support our Tri-M Music Honor Society. We will be holding some low stress screening auditions. In person auditions will be held Thursday, March 10 and Friday, March 11. Or you can send in a video to mrichards22@webstercsd.org or cglastonbury22@webstercsd.org by Friday, March 11. The sign-up sheet is posted outside the chorus room. Sign up now to take advantage of this fun night of music!
> SAGE will be meeting after school tomorrow in B2. Hope to see you there!
> Calling all Schroeder families and staff: Please join us for the 45th Annual Community Arts Day on Saturday April 9th from 10am-4pm. Community Arts Day is a traditional Webster event for all ages, showcasing student artwork, and musical performances all day, community groups, arts and crafts vendors, kids craft stations, and much more! All of the funds raised from this event go back to Webster’s 11 schools for arts enrichment. Volunteer opportunities are available for student grades 4-12, and adults. Signups will open in mid-March. Please see Law in W4 if you have questions or want to participate as a performer, artist, or volunteer!
> ATTENTION SCHROEDER BASEBALL PLAYERS: There will be an important Tryout Informational Meeting on Monday, March 7th in the cafeteria for any Freshman through Senior planning on trying out for the JV and Varsity baseball teams. The meeting will start at 3:25pm and take no longer than 20 minutes. If you cannot attend please see Coach Knight
> Attention all key club members. We will be meeting this Thursday March 3rd at 3:20 in the Cafeteria.
> Attention all unified basketball athletes. There is open gym tonight at State Road Elementary at 6:15 - 7:30. Please join us tonight to start getting ready for the season.
> All boys and girls interested in joining the track team this spring, please come to the preseason meeting Tuesday, March 8th from 3:30 - 4:15 in the cafeteria. Boys, please make sure to join the google classroom ASAP. The code is 6xdnloc. Again, if you want to join the track team, please come to the meeting next Tuesday after school in the cafeteria.
March 1, 2022
> Spring Drivers Education registration will begin soon! Juniors and Seniors may register at 8am on March 8. If there are spots left, sophomores may register March 10.
The sessions begin the week of March 28 and go through the week of June 6. The commitment is three or four days a week and the cost is $585.00.
> Juniors and sophomores: there will be a LINK Crew interest meeting on Tuesday, March 8th in W3. More details to follow.
> Attention anyone looking for an opportunity to perform music: We're bringing back Coffee House! The event will be Friday, March 25 at 7pm. This will be a casual concert with a food item and beverage covered by a $5 ticket. This is an NHS sponsored event that will support our Tri-M Music Honor Society. We will be holding some low stress screening auditions. In person auditions will be held Thursday, March 10 and Friday, March 11. Or you can send in a video to mrichards22@webstercsd.org or cglastonbury22@webstercsd.org by Friday, March 11. The sign-up sheet is posted outside the chorus room. Sign up now to take advantage of this fun night of music!
> SAGE will be meeting after school on Thursday in B2. Hope to see you there!
> This past weekend the Warrior Indoor Track teams did not let up at the State Qualifier meet and ended up sending a record 12 athletes to the state championships next weekend.
- Camryn C. won the hurdles and was 2nd in the high jump and will go to states for both
- Corintia G. won the 300 and was 2nd in the long jump and will go to states for both
- Sierra D. punched her ticket to states by winning the 1000 meter race
- Drew A. took 2nd in the pole vault and will be going to states
- Jordan S. was 3rd in the 300 and will also be going
- The 4x200 relay of Corintia, Camryn, Jordan and Alyssa F. cruised to a 5th place ranking in the state while winning.
- And the girls 4x800 relay of Sierra and Alyssa D,, Shelby B. and Sofia M. put in a gutsy performance and had a come-from-behind win over Fairport.
Stay tuned as hopefully there will be some medal winners from the state meet to report on next Monday! Good luck Warriors!
> Attention all International Club members and anyone else interested: we will have a meeting today afterschool in Madame Rayton’s room to discuss how to show our support for Ukraine. See you there
> The Green Club will be having a meeting after school today in Mrs. Smith’s room (E224). If you can't make the meeting please let Sierra D. or Mrs. Smith know. Any interested student is welcome to join.
> Calling all student-artists! Interested in submitting a piece of art to be displayed at Community Arts Day? Participate in our 4x4 art exhibition! 4x4 boards are available in limited supply for pickup in any of our 11 school offices. This opportunity is open to ALL students. If you have additional questions, please see Law in W4. Deadline to submit your 4x4 is March 31st. Full details can be found at www.websterptsa.org/CAD4x4.
> Do you have a hidden or not-so-hidden talent? Are you ready to show the Webster community your gifts and expertise? The annual "Webster’s Got Talent" talent show at Community Arts Day is looking for performers! Singers, dancers, musicians, and artists of all kinds are encouraged to participate! Talent acts should be between 2-3 minutes long. Go to www.websterptsa.org/talentshow and register today! Registration Deadline is April 1st. If you have questions, please see Law in W4.
> Congratulations to wrestler Nathan Z. on earning All-State honors over the break by taking 6th place at the New York State Wrestling championships in Albany. Nathan was the 11th seed and had 4 wins throughout the tournament. Great job Nate!
> ATTENTION SCHROEDER BASEBALL PLAYERS: There will be an important Tryout Informational Meeting on Monday, March 7th in the cafeteria for any Freshman through Senior planning on trying out for the JV and Varsity baseball teams. The meeting will start at 3:25pm and take no longer than 20 minutes. If you cannot attend please see Coach Knight.
> Today starts Music in Our Schools Month, Tri-M will be hosting various events throughout the month to celebrate. Sign-up to audition for the Coffee House, participate in the music trivia questions and enjoy Tune Tuesday! Every Tuesday for the month of March a question will be read on the Morning Show for you to answer, and the previous week's winners will be announced.
Please join Google Classroom K-F-O-A-O-W-Q to participate.
This week's question is: Which classical composer was deaf?
2 winners will be selected from the students with the correct answer.
> If you have early release and your family has requested a covid test kit, please stop by your alpha office to pick it up.
February 28, 2022
> After the past several years, we could all use a little rejuvenation! Come uncover the legend of the Secret Garden -- Schroeder Theater Company's Spring Drama.
Auditions are Tuesday, March 1st at 3:30pm after school in the N2, the chorus room.
Be sure to pick-up an audition packet from WTI (E9) prior to auditions.
No experience is necessary and the show is open to all grade levels!
See Mr. Gomez, Ms Cooman, or Mr. Chrisman with any questions!
> Spring Drivers Education registration will begin soon! Juniors and Seniors may register at 8am on March 8. If there are spots left, sophomores may register March 10.
The sessions begin the week of March 28 and go through the week of June 6. The commitment is three or four days a week and the cost is $585.00.
> Juniors and sophomores: there will be a LINK Crew interest meeting on Tuesday, March 8th in W3. More details to follow.
> Attention anyone looking for an opportunity to perform music: We're bringing back Coffee House! The event will be Friday, March 25 at 7pm. This will be a casual concert with a food item and beverage covered by a $5 ticket. This is an NHS sponsored event that will support our Tri-M Music Honor Society. We will be holding some low stress screening auditions. In person auditions will be held Thursday, March 10 and Friday, March 11. Or you can send in a video to mrichards22@webstercsd.org or cglastonbury22@webstercsd.org by Friday, March 11. The sign-up sheet is posted outside the chorus room. Sign up now to take advantage of this fun night of music!
> SAGE will be meeting after school on Thursday in B2. Hope to see you there!
> Hey Schroeder, sit back and relax as you listen to this long report on the Indoor Track teams who absolutely crushed it at Sectionals and State Qualifiers over February break.
1st a HUGE congratulations to both teams on a great year. The boys were 6th out of 15 teams at Sectionals and the girls won the team title for the 1st time in 25 years! It was a total team performance. At Sectionals, the boys scorers were as follows:
- Naz D. was 5th in the hurdles and Alex R. was 6th
- Dylan B. was 3rd in the high jump
- In the pole vault the male Warriors crushed it and took 2nd, 4th and 6th with Aidan W., Drew A. and Jack D.
- Drew A. was also 5th in the triple jump
- The boys 4x400 relay of Dylan B, Alex, R, Mitchell C, and Antonio B. took 4th.
For the Sectional Champions, who beat out Victor 117 to 101, this is who scored in a total team effort:
- Corinitia G. was 1st in the long jump and 300 meters and was 2nd in the triple jump
- Camryn C. was 1st in the hurdles and the high jump and took 3rd in the triple jump
- Sierra D. won the 1000 and 1500 meter races
- Alyssa D. was 2nd in the 1500 meter race walk and Natalie J. took 4th
- Freshman phenom Jordan S. was 3rd in the 300
- Gianna B. was 4th in pole vault and Shelby B. also took 4th in the 600 meters
- Ava W. was 6th in the shot put and Sofia M. also took 6th in the 1500 meters
- The 4x800 relay of sisters Sierra and Alyssa, and Shophia M. and Shelby B. took 2nd
- The girls 4x200 relay of Jordan, Shelby B, Alyssa F, and Ashley L took 3rd
It was truly a team victory with so many girls contributing to the Sectional Championship
> Attention all International Club members and anyone else interested: we will have a meeting Tuesday, March 1st in Madame Rayton’s room to discuss how to show our support for Ukraine. See you there.
> The Green Club will be having a meeting this Tuesday after school in Mrs. Smith’s room (E224). If you can't make the meeting please let Sierra D. or Mrs. Smith know. Any interested student is welcome to join.
> Congrats to our Winter Sports athletes!
Senior class parent and student senior trip meeting tomorrow, Tuesday @ 6PM in the aud.
You probably heard the news from Governor Hochul about lifting the mask mandate for schools…
This can happen basically because we are in a low to medium hospitalization area
This change will begin on Wednesday, March 2nd.
However there are some details that need to be worked out for places like buses.
Some of us will remove our mask, some of us will keep wearing our mask, some may wear it when around a large group all for different reasons.
I know that as Warriors we will respect each individual's own decision.
More to share on Wednesday.
Lastly, our thoughts go out to our students and Schroeder families who may have family or connections to Ukraine or Russia.
Thank you and let's have a great last day of February.
February 18, 2022
> Today's lunch menu includes mozzarella cheese sticks with marinara sauce and corn and pineapple. This week's soup and salad combo is chicken escarole.
> After the past several years, we could all use a little rejuvenation! Come uncover the legend of the Secret Garden -- Schroeder Theater Company's Spring Drama.
Auditions are Tuesday, March 1st at 3:30pm after school in the N2, the chorus room.
Be sure to pick-up an audition packet from WTI (E9) prior to auditions.
No experience is necessary and the show is open to all grade levels!
See Mr. Gomez, Ms Cooman, or Mr. Chrisman with any questions!
> Spring Drivers Education registration will begin soon! Juniors and Seniors may register at 8am on March 8. If there are spots left, sophomores may register March 10.
The sessions begin the week of March 28 and go through the week of June 6. The commitment is three or four days a week and the cost is $585.00.
> Juniors and sophomores: there will be a LINK Crew interest meeting on Tuesday, March 8th in W3. More details to follow.
The PTSA spiritwear store has hoodies, tees, decals, towels, and more featuring either the new warrior swords or flag logo!
Stock up for spring by ordering today, but act fast as the store closes tonight, February 18th. GOAL and UPK items available as well. Visit schroederwarriors.itemorder.com now to order.
> Attention anyone looking for an opportunity to perform music: We're bringing back Coffee House! The event will be Friday, March 25 at 7pm. This will be a casual concert with a food item and beverage covered by a $5 ticket. This is an NHS sponsored event that will support our Tri-M Music Honor Society. We will be holding some low stress screening auditions. In person auditions will be held Thursday, March 10 and Friday, March 11. Or you can send in a video to mrichards22@webstercsd.org or cglastonbury22@webstercsd.org by Friday, March 11. The sign-up sheet is posted outside the chorus room. Sign up now to take advantage of this fun night of music!
> Congratulations to the following students for being this week’s recipients of Principal’s Recognition:
Please stop down to the main office between 1st and 2nd period.
Evan B. ~ Class of 2025
Garrett C. ~ Class of 2025
Dominic D. ~ Class of 2024
Sara F. ~ Class of 2023
Lucia J. ~ Class of 2023
Lidia P. ~ Class of 2025
Rachel R. ~ Class of 2025
Maya S. ~ Class of 2025
Ashley T. ~ Class of 2025
Maya T. ~ Class of 2025
Preston W. ~ Class of 2025
> Remember the sources of strength has a generosity opportunity for you today! Find a Sources of Strength Adult Advisor, who will have a visible sign on their door (or next to it) with the “Mentor” slice highlighted.
They have appreciation thank you cards and candy, NOT For you, but for YOU to give away! Find a friend, mentor, staff member that you appreciate, write their name on it and hand deliver it to them sometime during the day. This is a pay if forward opportunity. We give to you, you give to others - generosity….
Friendly reminders to only go to the adult advisors during passing time so that you don’t interrupt their teaching time. We also would generously ask that you only take one.
Have fun with it and enjoy it. We appreciate you!!!
February 17, 2022
> Today's lunch menu includes chicken tenders with a dinner roll, mashed potatoes, and chilled pears. This week's soup and salad combo is chicken escarole.
> After the past several years, we could all use a little rejuvenation! Come uncover the legend of the Secret Garden -- Schroeder Theater Company's Spring Drama.
Auditions are Tuesday, March 1st at 3:30pm after school in the N2, the chorus room.
Be sure to pick-up an audition packet from WTI (E9) prior to auditions.
No experience is necessary and the show is open to all grade levels!
See Mr. Gomez, Ms Cooman, or Mr. Chrisman with any questions!
> Attention all students interested in playing unified basketball: there will be an informational meeting in room E228, Mrs. Bailey's room, today right after school. Anyone interested in participating is asked to attend. If you cannot be there, please see Mrs. Bailey.
> Spring Drivers Education registration will begin soon! Juniors and Seniors may register at 8am on March 8. If there are spots left, sophomores may register March 10.
The sessions begin the week of March 28 and go through the week of June 6. The commitment is three or four days a week and the cost is $585.00.
> Juniors and sophomores: there will be a LINK Crew interest meeting on Tuesday, March 8th in W3. More details to follow.
> Attention all Schroeder students and staff: are you looking for new stickers, blankets, and apparel with the new warrior logos?
The PTSA spiritwear store has hoodies, tees, decals, towels, and more featuring either the new warrior swords or flag logo!
Stock up for spring by ordering today, but act fast as the store closes this Friday, February 18th. GOAL and UPK items available as well. Visit schroederwarriors.itemorder.com now to order.
> Morning Warriors -
Sources of strength team here wanting to thank you for your participation and support during our “getting the word” out campaign a couple of weeks ago. Many thanks to the clubs, activities, and sports for highlighting their strengths and advertising to schroeder all that we have to offer.
We appreciate your willingness to share some thoughts on strengths we have and strengths we need to move to the forefront! We overall heard that as a group, Schroeder would love to bring to focus activities around mental health, spirituality and generosity.
During this Winter Olympics week, we as Sources of Strengths Advisors would like to give you the opportunity to be generous.
Tomorrow during the day you can go find a Sources of Strength Adult Advisor, who will have a visible sign on their door (or next to it) with the “Mentor” slice highlighted.
They have appreciation thank you cards and lollipops, NOT For you, but for YOU to give away! Find a friend, mentor, staff member that you appreciate, write their name on it and hand deliver it to them sometime during the day. This is a pay if forward opportunity. We give to you, you give to others - generosity….
Friendly reminders to only go to the adult advisors during passing time so that you don’t interrupt their teaching time. We also would generously ask that you only take one.
Have fun with it and enjoy it. We appreciate you!!!
Lastly, we would like our Peer and Adult Leaders to mark their calendars for the Last Thursday of every month to meet. We will be meeting in Mr. Fedor’s room before school at 8:15.
February 16, 2022
> Today's lunch menu includes a cheeseburger or hamburger with lettuce, tomato, and onions, tater tots, and applesauce. This week's soup and salad combo is chicken escarole.
> After the past several years, we could all use a little rejuvenation! Come uncover the legend of the Secret Garden -- Schroeder Theater Company's Spring Drama.
Auditions are Tuesday, March 1st at 3:30pm after school in the N2, the chorus room.
Be sure to pick-up an audition packet from WTI (E9) prior to auditions.
No experience is necessary and the show is open to all grade levels!
See Mr. Gomez, Ms Cooman, or Mr. Chrisman with any questions!
> The Warriors indoor track team had a fantastic night at their meet this past weekend. Seniors Gianna and Sierra along with junior Camryn all set new school records! Gianna vaulted 10 feet in the pole vault. Camryn soared to 5 feet 7 inches in the high jump, which places her 1st in the state and 6th in the nation. Sierra raced around the track for the 1500 meter race in 4 minutes 40 seconds, which placed her 10th in the state. In other results, freshman Jordan S. won the 300 meter dash while junior Alyssa F. was 3rd. Shelby won the 600 meter run. Senior Sofia M. was 2nd in the 1500. And Corintia was 2nd in the long jump and won the triple jump.
One the boys side senior Eli B. won the 300, and Senior Drew A was 3rd in the triple jump.
> Attention all students interested in playing unified basketball. There will be an informational meeting in room E228, Mrs. Bailey's room, on Thursday right after school. Anyone interested in participating is asked to attend. If you cannot be there, please see Mrs. Bailey.
February 15, 2022
> Today's lunch menu includes Fiestada with steamed broccoli and a fruit cup. This week's soup and salad combo is chicken escarole.
> Congratulations to Nathan Z. on winning the Section V State Qualifier wrestling tournament this weekend at SUNY Brockport. Nathan will be representing Section 5 at the State tournament in Albany. Joining him in Albany will be teammate Joe B who took 2nd place in his weight class. Also placing was Davis D who finished in 3rd. Way to go Warriors!
> We sure did see a lot of love around Schroeder yesterday! From Josh Allen jerseys to Smashing Pumpkins t-shirts to a sea of red-colored tops, Schroeder is getting involved! Today is Olympic Color Day - did you know each ring of the Olympic symbol represents the participating continents? You can even match your color with a Source of Strength! Tomorrow's theme is Country of Origin! Wear colors or gear that reflect your country of origin or cheer on Team USA with red, white, and blue!
And a big update alert for Thursday's afterschool Olympic competition!!! Due to the anticipated rain, the games will take place indoors...so sign-up your team today and be ready to compete! We will have hot chocolate, pizza, music, laughter, and most importantly - glory!
February 14, 2022
> Today's lunch menu includes a breaded chicken patty sandwich with a dinner roll, brown sugar roasted carrots, and chilled pears. This week's soup and salad combo is chicken escarole.
> Big News from Speech & Debate Team:
The following people have qualified for the State Tournament in April:
Ad H. & Noah J. in Extemporaneous Speaking
Caelyn F. in Novice Lincoln-Douglas Debate
Sofia M. in Intermediate Lincoln-Douglas Debate
Sam O. & Yi. L in Novice Public Forum Debate
Emma C. & Niranjana R. in Original Oratory
Roman P. & Matthew G. in Declamation
This makes a remarkable total of 10 state qualifiers (7 of whom are new to the team this year.) Congratulations, everyone!
> On Saturday, five Webster students competed in University of Buffalo's Lockdown Cyber Security Competition for High Schools. At this hands-on competition, student teams were tasked with defending a small network of systems from attack and scored on how well their services remain available (service uptime). Teams were also assigned and scored on various timed tasks to complete throughout the event. If that’s not enough, a Cyber Security Capture the Flag and other interesting challenges were part of the competition as well! The combined Schroeder/Thomas team members were Jacqueline H, Daniel K and Quentin A. The Thomas team members were Eric H and Sohail S, who took third place! Congrats to all competitors!
> Congratulations to the extremely talented cast and crew of Chorus Line for a weekend of phenomenal performances! The Webster community is proud of you and all your hard work and dedication to the performing arts! Bravo to all those who were involved! Seniors - best of luck in the years to come and thanks for all your contributions to the Schroeder stage!
February 11, 2022
> Today's lunch menu includes macaroni and cheese or buffalo mac and cheese with steamed broccoli and mandarin oranges. This week's soup and salad combo is seafood bisque.
> Send a CRUSH, flower, or card to a friend on Valentine's Day. Sales will be during lunch periods all week. Bring CASH! See Mrs Giacoman or Mr. Peck if you have questions.
> Compete in the Souper Bowl this week! Starting today through Friday Schroeder National Honor Society is doing a food drive to benefit the Webster Community Chest. Bring in canned goods and non-perishable food items to the barrels in the cafeteria. The class with the most items will win an ice cream party.
> This is a friendly reminder that the Math Lab is open daily 8:15 - 3:15. You do not need a pre-signed pass to go during study hall or lunch. The Math Lab is also available after school 3:15 - 4:15 on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays.
> Feeling stressed about tests and quizzes? You're not alone! Your teachers put together a toolbox with resources and strategies for before, during, and after assessments. You can find this toolbox in your freshman, sophomore, junior, or senior class Google Classroom. Consider trying something new to help you feel more prepared, confident, and successful!
> Attention students: mindful lunch will be closed today. It will reopen on Monday, February 14th. Thank you for your understanding!
> Webster Schroeder Musicals proudly presents: A Chorus Line! Experience an unconventional Broadway audition complete with a live orchestra, tons of dancing, and, of course, a kick line. Performances are at 7:30pm tonight and Saturday night with a matinee show at 2:30pm on Saturday. Tickets are $13 and can be purchased at websterschroedermusicals.com or at the door. Come witness the talent and hard work of the students of the cast and crew who have made this show possible and enjoy some live theater!
------- Special Announcements --------------------------------------------
> Happy Friday, Warriors!
Only one weekend separates us from SCHROEDER WINTER OLYMPICS WEEK!
We got tons of stuff going on all week...but I am here to plant a little seed in your big brains! Water it a little over the weekend, give it some sunlight, and hey -- it might just grow!
Monday is Valentine's Day and Day 1 of our Theme Week. Monday's theme pairs well with Valentine's Day and is "Show Your Love." Show love to your favorite team/player by wearing a jersey or team swag, wear that Ariana Grande crewneck you got at her last concert (Sweetener tour was outstanding), that Stranger Things t-shirt, a Dunkin’ Donuts visor, any time you vacation and get one of those tie-dye hoodies that just has the name of the vacation spot on it — THAT WORKS! (Outer Banks - shout out to that Pogue life) Show love to your favorite places – Adirondacks, Thousand Islands, Empire Hots, the world is filled with wonderful places! Whatever you love -- as long as it follows the school dress code -- show us! Sports, movies, television, books, restaurants, places, colleges, brands, clubs and activities...this is your chance to express yourself!
I might have a shirt that has Mr. Urbanski's face on it! I might tape a bunch of Oreos to my sweater. I don't know...I got a lot of things I love.
Enjoy the Superbowl, save me a jalapenos popper, and SHOW YOUR LOVE on Monday.
February 9, 2022
> Today's lunch menu includes turkey and gravy with a dinner roll, corn, and mashed potatoes. This week's soup and salad combo is seafood bisque.
> Send a CRUSH, flower, or card to a friend on Valentine's Day! Sales will be during lunch periods all week. Bring CASH! See Mrs Giacoman or Mr. Peck if you have questions.
> Compete in the Souper Bowl this week! Starting today through Friday Schroeder National Honor Society is doing a food drive to benefit the Webster Community Chest. Bring in canned goods and non-perishable food items to the barrels in the cafeteria. The class with the most items will win an ice cream party.
> This is a friendly reminder that the Math Lab is open daily 8:15 - 3:15. You do not need a pre-signed pass to go during study hall or lunch. The Math Lab is also available after school 3:15 - 4:15 on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays.
> Feeling stressed about tests and quizzes? You're not alone! Your teachers put together a toolbox with resources and strategies for before, during, and after assessments. You can find this toolbox in your freshman, sophomore, junior, or senior class Google Classroom. Consider trying something new to help you feel more prepared, confident, and successful!
> Webster Schroeder Musicals proudly presents: A Chorus Line! Experience an unconventional Broadway audition complete with a live orchestra, tons of dancing, and, of course, a kick line. Performances are at 7:30pm on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday night with a matinee show at 2:30pm on Saturday. Tickets are $13 and can be purchased at websterschroedermusicals.com or at the door. Come witness the talent and hard work of the students of the cast and crew who have made this show possible and enjoy some live theater!
Now over to NHS
> And now over to a special announcement from Mr. Peck…
> And now over to a Schroeder Winter Olympics promo...
February 8, 2022
> Today's lunch menu includes macho nacho and cheese sauce, refried beans, and broccoli. This week's soup and salad combo is seafood bisque.
> Need a reason to treat yourself today? Nourished in Webster has dozens of flavorful shakes, coffees, and energizing teas for you to try. Grab a friend and head over to Nourished in the Holt Road Plaza next to Hobby Lobby. Mention "Schroeder" at checkout and 15% of your purchase will benefit Schroeder/GOAL PTSA. Try a Paul Benz Brownie Batter Shake or a Rebecca Saiff Peanut Butter Brownie Shake and support our Warrior community. Again, this fundraiser is TODAY, Tuesday, February 8.
> The Model UN Club will hold a meeting today after school in Mrs. Tuyn's room. We will be discussing the upcoming conference at St. John Fisher College on March 11 and 12th. See you there!
> Congratulations to varsity wrestler Nathan Z. on winning the Section 5 Class A1 championship for his weight class this weekend. Nathan will advance to this coming weekend's state qualifier wrestling tournament. Joining him will be teammates Joe B and Davis D, who each took 2nd place, Liam T, Comso L and Nick D who placed 4th, Ian P, who took 5th and Ray R, who finished in 6th.
> Send a CRUSH, flower or card to a friend on valentine's day (2/14)
Sales will be during lunch periods all week. Bring CASH!!
See Mrs Giacoman or Mr. Peck if you have questions
> Attention International Club- Please grab a friend and come to our club meeting today. . See you after school in Madame's room!!!
> Compete in the Souper Bowl this week! Starting today through Friday Schroeder National Honor Society is doing a food drive to benefit the Webster Community Chest. Bring in canned goods and non-perishable food items to the barrels in the cafeteria. The class with the most items will win an ice cream party.
> This is a friendly reminder that the Math Lab is open daily 8:15 - 3:15. You do not need a pre-signed pass to go during study hall or lunch. The Math Lab is also available after school 3:15 - 4:15 on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays.
> A lot of exciting things are happening at Schroeder right now. A lot of exciting things. We're finally COMPOSTING!!! I don't even have a punchline for this part -- I'm just genuinely really excited we are doing that and taking the step to going green!
There's a PTSA fundraiser happening until 5pm at Nourished! So many fun flavors to try -- I'm still a little upset no one asked me for my shake: Gomez's Gobstopper Goblet! Hit Nourished on your way home for an after school pick-me up, mention Schroeder and we get 15% of the sale to better our school.
Even more exciting stuff -- NEXT WEEK IS SCHROEDER WINTER OLYMPICS!!! We are going to have Theme Days all week long leading up to the big event on Thursday after school on the Turf - the Olympic Games! Students! Time to get involved. Sign-up as a team, a club, or an activity. Chorus Line peeps -- I know you've been getting cooped up in the auditorium prepping for show week -- sign-up and get outside!!! National Honors Society - take a brain break from all your morning tutoring and compete!!! International Club - ITS THE OLYMPICS!!! It's like THE most famous international event in the world ever of all time. Sign-up. Don't have a team or a club? Use the Free Agent sign-up form and meet some new friends! Seniors/Juniors consider reaching out and adopting underclassmen. Let's make connections and then immediately kick some butt in competition! ANSWER THE CALL! Do it. Dooooo it. Do it!
February 7, 2022
> Today's lunch menu includes shrimp poppers, green beans, and chilled pears. This week's soup and salad combo is seafood bisque.
> Congratulations to Speech & Debate Team members who were high scorers Saturday at our last tournament of the preliminary season:
Matthew G. - 1st in Declamation
Noah J. - 1st in Extemporaneous Speaking
Yi J. & Sam O. - 1st in Public Forum Debate
Emma C. - 2nd in Original Oratory
The team will be prepping for the state qualifier this Saturday and the national qualifier on March 5.
Nationals 2022 is in person in Washington D.C. on Memorial Day Weekend. Good luck, everyone!
> Need a reason to treat yourself tomorrow? Nourished in Webster has dozens of flavorful shakes, coffees, and energizing teas for you and your friends to try. Grab a friend and head over to Nourished in the Holt Road Plaza next to Hobby Lobby. Mention "Schroeder" at checkout and 15% of your purchase will benefit Schroeder/GOAL PTSA. Try the Paul Benz Brownie Batter Shake or the Rebecca Saiff Peanut Butter Brownie Shake and support our Warrior community. Again, this fundraiser is TOMORROW, Tuesday, February 8.
> The Model UN Club will hold a meeting Tuesday, February 8 after school in Mrs. Tuyn's room. We will be discussing the upcoming conference at St. John Fisher College on March 11 and 12th. See you there!
February 3, 2022
> WonderCare is hiring! We are looking for students to work at WonderCare afterschool, specifically students who have early release. We offer a flexible schedule including no nights or weekends. Please email wondercare @webstercsd.org or send a direct message to our Twitter or Facebook accounts. > Attention Key Club members: We will meet after school today at 3:20 in room E36. > SAGE will be meeting this Thursday after school in B2. Feel free to bring a friend. > The PTSA works hard to keep our school looking beautiful and positive, especially during construction. Do your part and be sure to respect the displays that are up around the building on the bulletin boards. Even simple acts like taking care of your garbage and making sure your area throughout classrooms is clean and respected can go a long way to keeping Schroeder looking good. Thank you PTSA for all your beautiful additions and thank you students for being Warriors who CARE!
February 2, 2022
> WonderCare is hiring! We are looking for students to work at WonderCare afterschool, specifically students who have early release. We offer a flexible schedule including no nights or weekends. Please email wondercare @webstercsd.org or send a direct message to our Twitter or Facebook accounts.
> Attention Key Club members: We will meet tomorrow, February 3rd at 3:20 in room E36.
> SAGE will be meeting tomorrow after school in B2. Feel free to bring a friend.
> The PTSA works hard to keep our school looking beautiful and positive, especially during construction. Do your part and be sure to respect the displays that are up around the building on the bulletin boards. Even simple acts like taking care of your garbage and making sure your area throughout classrooms is clean and respected can go a long way to keeping Schroeder looking good. Thank you PTSA for all your beautiful additions and thank you students for being Warriors who CARE!
> And now over to day three of our special Composting Initiative video series.
February 1st, 2022
> WonderCare is hiring! We are looking for students to work at WonderCare afterschool, specifically students who have early release. We offer a flexible schedule including no nights or weekends. Please email wondercare @webstercsd.org or send a direct message to our Twitter or Facebook accounts.
> Attention Key Club members: We will meet Thursday, February 3rd at 3:20 in room E36.
> SAGE will be meeting this Thursday after school in B2. Feel free to bring a friend.
> The PTSA works hard to keep our school looking beautiful and positive, especially during construction. Do your part and be sure to respect the displays that are up around the building on the bulletin boards. Even simple acts like taking care of your garbage and making sure your area throughout classrooms is clean and respected can go a long way to keeping Schroeder looking good. Thank you PTSA for all your beautiful additions and thank you students for being Warriors who CARE!
January 31, 2022
> Today's lunch features a breaded chicken patty sandwich, green beans, and chilled pears.
> WonderCare is hiring! We are looking for students to work at WonderCare afterschool, specifically students who have early release. We offer a flexible schedule including no nights or weekends. Please email wondercare @webstercsd.org or send a direct message to our Twitter or Facebook accounts.
> An informational meeting for the Schroeder Trap Club will be held tomorrow, Tuesday, February 1st at 3:30 in SW4. Please stop down and get all the info. If you can't attend, see Mr. Milliman in S10.
> Attention Key Club members: We will meet Thursday, February 3rd at 3:20 in room E36.
> A HUMONGOUS shoutout to the boys and girls indoor track team on their fantastic performance at the Monroe County Championships this past weekend. The girls came away as champions on the girl's side while the boys team placed 5th. No other team in Monroe County scored as many points combined as the Warriors did.
Individually, there were many excellent performances.
Camryn C. won the 55 meter hurdles and the high jump.
Sierra D. won the 3000 and 1000 meter races and was also named female MVP of the track events
Corintia G. won the 300m dash while breaking her own school record and was 2nd in the long jump and 5th in the 55 meter dash
Gianna B. was 2nd in the pole vault and set a new school record.
Though just a freshman, Jordan S. was third in the 300m dash.
The girls 4 x 800 relay of Sierra and Alyssa D, Shelby B and Sofia M. took 1st place
The girls 4 x 200 relay of Shelby, Jordon, Alyssa F and Ashley L took 3rd place.
One the boys side:
Aidan W took 2nd place in the pole vault
Eli B took 2nd in the 55 meter dash and was 5th in the 300
Dylan B was 3rd in the long jump and the high jump
Alex R was 4th in the 55 meter hurdles
And the 4 x 400 relay of Dylan, Alex, and Mitchell C. took 2nd place.
Great job to everyone!
> We just want to thank you for all of your support during our Sources of Strength week - We wanted to introduce the program to the school and are excited the week was a success. Congratulations to all who participated and especially the winners of our connection challenge.
Special shout out to our peer leaders Lily, Dee, Julia, Morgan, Akshaya, and Joclyn for helping with the post it project in the cafeteria.
Stay tuned and connected for more to come in the next few weeks!
> Today we start the 2nd semester!
Please review your IC student portal for your updated schedule.
Be sure to refresh your account to get the most up to date room changes.
ALL study halls have changed locations and maybe teachers.
Stop in to your alpha office or counseling office if you have questions.
January 27, 2022
> Today's lunch features pizza crunchers, buffalo crunchers, marinara sauce, carrots, and chilled peaches. The soup and salad combo is French Onion.
> WonderCare is hiring! We are looking for students to work at WonderCare afterschool, specifically students who have early release. We offer a flexible schedule including no nights or weekends. Please email wondercare @webstercsd.org or send a direct message to our Twitter or Facebook accounts.
> An informational meeting for the Schroeder Trap Club will be held on Tuesday, February 1st at 3:30 in SW4. Please stop down and get all the info. If you can't attend, see Mr. Milliman in S10.
> Chess Club will not be meeting this afternoon.
January 26, 2022
> Today's lunch features a burger trash plate, macaroni salad, french fries, and applesauce. The soup and salad combo is French Onion.
> WonderCare is hiring! We are looking for students to work at WonderCare afterschool, specifically students who have early release. We offer a flexible schedule including no nights or weekends. Please email wondercare @webstercsd.org or send a direct message to our Twitter or Facebook accounts.
> Congratulations to senior Ryan R. who was named Bill Gray’s Player of the Game! Ryan contributed 2 goals in Schroeder Hockey’s 5-2 win over the Churchville-Chili Saints.
January 25, 2022
> Today's lunch features chicken gravy biscuit, steamed broccoli, and mixed fruit. The soup and salad combo is French onion.
> WonderCare is hiring! We are looking for students to work at WonderCare afterschool, specifically students who have early release. We offer a flexible schedule including no nights or weekends. Please email wondercare @webstercsd.org or send a direct message to our Twitter or Facebook accounts.
> Our next DREAM Club meeting will be after school today in E216. We will be planning for our panel presentation to Schroeder faculty and for our celebration of Black History Month. Everyone is welcome. See you there!
> A reminder concerning the Sources of Strength Challenge: Don't forget to be looking for connections to make this week and getting your Sources of Strength challenge sheet filled out. Find a new club to join or a staff mentor to meet and return your slips to Mr. Fedor or Mrs. Ernstrom ASAP! If you would like a list of clubs, see Mr. Fedor in room W216 or refer to our school's website. You can scroll down to where it says "Links" and click on where it says "clubs and extracurricular activities." Have a great day everyone!
> And now over to two clips highlighting two more Sources of Strength Schroeder has: Indoor Track and International Club
January 22, 2022
> Today's lunch features chicken tenders, green beans, and chilled pears. The soup and salad combo is French onion.
> WonderCare is hiring! We are looking for students to work at WonderCare afterschool, specifically students who have early release. We offer a flexible schedule including no nights or weekends. Please email wondercare @webstercsd.org or send a direct message to our Twitter or Facebook accounts.
> Our next DREAM Club meeting will be after school on Tuesday, January 25th in E216. We will be planning for our panel presentation to Schroeder faculty and for our celebration of Black History Month. Everyone is welcome. See you there!
> Congratulations again to our Speakers & Debaters! Top scorers for Schroeder were:
Matthew G. - 1st place in Declamation
Sofia M. - 1st in Intermediate Lincoln-Douglas Debate
Yi J. & Sam O. - 3rd of 10 teams in Novice Public Forum Debate
Emma C. - 3rd in Original Oratory
> Need some homework help? Have a question about the upcoming test? Beginning this week, our National Honor Society students will be offering drop in tutoring for any student who would like academic peer support. On Tuesday and Thursday mornings, pop into the senior lounge after 8:15 AM and ask for some help if you are interested. No sign-up needed. Come as you are and let the NHS help support you!
January 21, 2022
> Today's lunch features mozzarella cheese sticks, corn, and pineapple. The soup and salad combo is chicken escarole.
> The library will be closed periods 1 and 3 today.
> WonderCare is hiring! We are looking for students to work at WonderCare afterschool, specifically students who have early release. We offer a flexible schedule including no nights or weekends. Please email wondercare @webstercsd.org or send a direct message to our Twitter or Facebook accounts.
> Congratulations to the following students for being this week’s recipients of Principal’s Recognition:
Please stop down to the main office between 1st and 2nd period.
Jenny B. ~ Class of 2023
Addison C. ~ Class of 2024
Benjamin C. ~ Class of 2024
Sara F. ~ Class of 2024
Jacob I. ~ Class of 2024
Olivia L. ~ Class of 2024 (1st per. Smith)
Dante M. ~ Class of 2024
Melanie N. ~ Class of 2024
Roman P. ~ Class of 2024
Joseph P. ~ Class of 2024
Tyler R. ~ Class of 2025 (1st per. Gefell)
January 20, 2022
> Today's lunch features chicken tenders, green beans, and mashed potatoes. The soup and salad combo is chicken escarole.
> Chess Club will not be meeting today.
> SAGE will be meeting after school today in B2. Feel free to bring a friend.
> The library will be closed periods 1, 3, and 6 today and periods 1 and 3 tomorrow.
> Attention Sources of Strength students: please remember to pick up your posters this week and put them up in their proper locations. Thanks for your help!
> WonderCare is hiring! We are looking for students to work at WonderCare afterschool, specifically students who have early release. We offer a flexible schedule including no nights or weekends. Please email wondercare @webstercsd.org or send a direct message to our Twitter or Facebook accounts.
January 19, 2022
> Today's lunch features cheeseburgers, hamburgers, tater tots, and applesauce. The soup and salad combo is chicken escarole.
> Chess Club will not be meeting this week.
> SAGE will be meeting after school on Thursday in B2. Feel free to bring a friend.
> The library will be closed periods 1, 3, and 6 on Thursday, January 20th and periods 1 and 3 on Friday, January 21st.
> Attention Sources of Strength students: please remember to pick up your posters this week and put them up in their proper locations. Thanks for your help!
January 18, 2022
> Today's lunch features fiestada, steamed broccoli, and mixed fruit. The soup and salad combo is chicken escarole.
January 14, 2022
> Today's lunch features macaroni and cheese, buffalo macaroni and cheese, steamed broccoli, and mandarin oranges. The soup and salad combo is seafood bisque.
> Congratulations to the Schroeder Mathletes on a successful completion of their fourth competition! 30 students competed, earning a total of 91 points and taking third place in our division. Schroeder was one of 19 schools that competed county-wide on Thursday. It was a challenging no-calculator meet but our teams persevered! Congratulations to Jacqueline H on her fourth PERFECT meet of the year. Mathletes, don't forget to sign up for the February competition in Google classroom.
> Monday we celebrate the life of MLK Jr. Thus we have the day off. MLK jr was a civil rights activist and a courageous leader for racial equality.
There are many great speeches and letters written by him. You may be most familiar with his Letter from Birmingham Jail. I will let you do your own research on him. If you are looking to take a more active role, consider joining our DREAM Club.
DREAM Club stands for Demonstrating Real Equity For All Mankind.
He was also a believer and strong supporter of education. Here is one of my favorite quotes from MLK, Jr.:
"The function of education is to teach one to think intensively and to think critically. Intelligence plus character-that is the goal of true education."
Thank you and take a moment on Monday to find out more about Martin Luther King, Jr.
Enjoy your long weekend.
Thank you for joining in our Warrior Wildcard Weekend fun!
Mr. DeWitte and any other fans of the other team....good luck tomorrow night!! Go Bills!!
January 13, 2022
> Today's lunch features General Tso's Chicken, veggies egg roll, brown sugar carrots, and peaches. The soup and salad combo is seafood bisque.
> Attention Key Club members: We will meet today after school in room E36. See you there.
That's it :)
January 12, 2022
> Today's lunch features turkey and gravy, mashed potatoes, corn, and applesauce. The soup and salad combo is seafood bisque.
> Attention Key Club members: We will meet tomorrow after school in room E36. See you there.
January 11, 2022
> Today's lunch features Macho Nacho, taco fiesta black beans, refried beans, and mixed fruit. The soup and salad combo is seafood bisque.
> Attention Key Club members: We will meet Thursday, January 13 in room E36. See you there.
> The International Club will meet in W213 today after school. See you there!
> Attention sources of strength students. There will be a meeting after school in Mr. Fedor's room W216. Please try and attend if at all possible. Teachers are welcome as well!
January 10, 2022
> Today's lunch features shrimp poppers, green beans, and pears. The soup and salad combo is seafood bisque.
> Attention all Sources of Strength students: Don't forget to create your posters for tomorrow's gathering. Check out our Classroom page for details. We will be meeting after school in Mr. Fedor's room, W216, tomorrow. Let's plan our first campaign!!
> Congratulations to our Speakers and Debaters for placing at Saturday tournament which included teams from across the state and Pennsylvania:
Xi J. and Sam O. - 1st in Novice Public Forum Debate
Noah J. - 1st in Extemporaneous Speaking
Matthew G. - 2nd in Declamation
Michael G. & Tristan B. - 2nd in Varsity Public Forum Debate
Caelyn F. - 3rd in Novice Lincoln-Douglas Debate
> Attention Key Club members: We will meet Thursday, January 13 in room E36. See you there.
January is here and it’s cold! Please dress accordingly.
We all know about masking and what COVID continues to do to our “normal routines”.
The Omicron variant is spreading quickly and, hopefully, we are nearing our peak.
This is where we need to continue to come together and mask appropriately. Over the nose is how it goes and cover your chin for the win!
Listen…metaphorically, this is Schroeder’s playoffs. We need to come together and focus our efforts on helping all of us be healthy and follow these procedures.
Find a person or a reason to mask appropriately. Our nurses’ office is also asking that we continue to step it up even more. If you haven’t been wearing a fitted mask over your nose and mouth, please start a new habit and do so.
We are in this together! Let’s do this, Warriors.
Have a great day. Three weeks until the end of the 2nd quarter. Keep pushing and working hard. You can do this.
On a different note…Go Bills!!!
January 7, 2022
> The counseling center has moved to its new permanent location. It is now located in N14 across from the auditorium.
> Today's lunch features sloppy Joe's, garlic parm broccoli, and pineapple. New this month the lunch room is featuring a new soup and salad combo, this week's soup is Broccoli Cheddar.
> ATTENTION SCHROEDER BASEBALL PLAYERS: Our first Skill Session is this Sunday from 6PM until 8PM at the Thomas Gym and Field House. Please sign-up on our Google Classroom so we have an idea of the number of players attending.
> Get to know your Mental Health Support Team here at Schroeder! We have a phenomenal group -- be sure to say hello when you see them out and about in the halls! Thanks for all you do, Mental Health Support Team!
> All are welcome to the Talent Showcase tonight, 7PM, at the Schroeder auditorium. Come see the Webster Show Choir and featured performers show off their talents for a night of entertainment. Hope to see you there!!!
> Congratulations to the following students for being this week’s recipients of Principal’s Recognition:
Please stop down to the main office between 1st and 2nd period.
Kaden A. ~ Class of 2024
Aiden B. ~ Class of 2024
Luciano C. ~ Class of 2023
Illyona G. ~ Class of 2024
Aria O. ~ Class of 2024
Munir S. ~ Class of 2025
Kysaiah-Lanaye W. ~ Class of 2022
January 6, 2022
> The counseling center has moved to its new permanent location. It is now located in N14 across from the auditorium.
> Today's lunch features meatball subs, tater tots, and pears. New this month the lunch room is featuring a new soup and salad combo, this week's soup is Broccoli Cheddar.
> SAGE will be meeting after school today in B2. Please see Ms. Reusch with any questions.
> ATTENTION SCHROEDER BASEBALL PLAYERS: Our first Skill Session is this Sunday from 6PM until 8PM at the Thomas Gym and Field House. Please sign-up on our Google Classroom so we have an idea of the number of players attending.
> Congratulations to Artist of the Week, Carly Z! Carly, who is a junior, used pencil and charcoal in Drawing 1 to produce this beautifully rendered teapot! Carly challenges herself daily in her art class and continually works hard. Keep it going, Carly!
> All are welcome to the Talent Showcase tomorrow night, 7PM, at the Schroeder auditorium. Come see the Webster Show Choir and featured performers show off their talents for a night of entertainment. Hope to see you there!!!
January 5, 2022
> The counseling center has moved to its new permanent location. It is now located in N14 across from the auditorium.
> Today's lunch features tacos, corn, and applesauce. New this month the lunch room is featuring a new soup and salad combo, this week's soup is Broccoli Cheddar.
> SAGE will be meeting tomorrow after school in B2. Please see Ms. Reusch with any questions.
> ATTENTION SCHROEDER BASEBALL PLAYERS: Our first Skill Session is this Sunday from 6PM until 8PM at the Thomas Gym and Field House. Please sign-up on our Google Classroom so we have an idea of the number of players attending.
January 4, 2022
> The counseling center has moved to its new permanent location. It is now located in N14 across from the auditorium.
> Today's lunch features pizza bagels, steamed carrots, and mixed fruit. New this month the lunch room is featuring a new soup and salad combo, this week's soup is Broccoli Cheddar.
> Library club meets today after school in N101.
> SAGE will be meeting on Thursday after school in B2. Please see Ms. Reusch with any questions.
January 3, 2022
> The counseling center has moved to its new permanent location. It is now located in N14 across from the auditorium.
> With your generous donations we collected 290 toiletries for Saints' Place.
Thank you students and staff! The Junior class contributed the most and will receive an ice cream party! Details to follow.
> Today's lunch features a breaded chicken patty sandwich, green beans and pears. New this month the lunch room is featuring a new soup and salad combo, this week's soup is Broccoli Cheddar.
December 23, 2021
> The counseling center has moved to its new permanent location. It is now located in N14 across from the auditorium.
> Congratulations to Isabelle L. who is our Artist of the Week! Isabelle, who is a sophomore, created this piece in Painting 1 using acrylic paint. This was based on an Observational Still Life assignment. Isabelle worked directly from the objects set up in class working with color theory and learning acrylic painting techniques. Keep up the great artistic vision, Isabelle!
> On Thursday, 12/23 we will be conducting our early dismissal drill. ALL students will have to leave the building at 3:05. An announcement will be made to dismiss.
Also, there will be no late buses on Thursday.
> It's finally here! Schroeder's annual Ugly Sweater competition. If you'd like to participate, please stop by the library to get your picture taken to enter during periods 1-5. Voting will take place on Google Classroom during 6th block and the student & staff winner will be announced during 7th block with a prize from our PTSA.
Now over to Mr. Benz
Good Morning Warrior Family,
I want to take this opportunity to congratulate all of you for your perseverance and positive approach to the 2021 calendar year. Happy last day with us before break!
My assistant principals and I would like to wish all students and staff a Merry Holiday season and a happy and healthy New Year.
We look forward to continuing to work together in 2022. You are the best!
Speaking of 2022…seniors, your year is near!
Have a peaceful break. Stay healthy and know that we love you all!
December 22, 2021
> The counseling center has moved to its new permanent location. It is now located in N14 across from the auditorium.
> On Thursday, 12/23 we will be conducting our early dismissal drill. ALL students will have to leave the building at 3:05. An announcement will be made to dismiss.
Also, there will be no late buses on Thursday.
Have a wonderful, peaceful, and healthy holiday break!
> Congratulations to Isabelle L. who is our Artist of the Week! Isabelle, who is a sophomore, created this piece in Painting 1 using acrylic paint. This was based on an Observational Still Life assignment. Isabelle worked directly from the objects set up in class working with color theory and learning acrylic painting techniques. Keep up the great artistic vision, Isabelle!
> Happy Holidays Schroeder!! Remember tomorrow is the much anticipated Sweater contest! Please stop by the library tomorrow to get your picture taken. Keep that holiday cheer going!
December 21st, 2021
> The counseling center has moved to its new permanent location. It is now located in N14 across from the auditorium.
> Congrats to senior wrestlers Joe B. and Cosmo L. for winning the Monroe County Wrestling Championships this weekend. Joining them as All-County wrestlers are Nick D. who placed 3rd and Liam T. in 8th.
> Let’s keep the holiday spirit going, Schroeder! Great participation yesterday in cozy pajama day – we are looking forward to seeing everyone in their holiday character outfits today! Remember: tomorrow is Flannel Day with holiday karaoke during lunch and Thursday is the legendary Ugly Sweater contest!
> Library club meets today after school to discuss our December book selections.
> Happy Holidays from DREAM Club! Did you know that there are at least 21 major international holidays celebrated in December? Here is a short video on one of them...
December 20, 2021
> The counseling center has moved to its new permanent location. It is now located in N14 across from the auditorium.
> Don’t forget to participate in the holiday spirit week! Tomorrow is dress like a holiday character with free hot chocolate during lunch, Wednesday is flannel day and Thursday is ugly sweater day with a contest!
> Congratulations to the Boys and Girls Indoor Track team on their great start to the season. Though it is very early, there are many Warriors that are ranked in the top 5 in all of Section V. They are:
Eli B, ranked 4th in the 300 and 2nd in the 55
Corintia G is 2nd in the 300 and 4th in the 55
Camryn C is 1st in the 55 hurdles, and 4th in the long jump
Gianna B is 4th in the pole vault
Aiden W in first in the pole vault
Tyler G, Drew Al and Jack D are all 5th in the pole vault
Dylan B is 4th in the high jump
Sierra D is 2nd in the 1500 and 4th in the 3000
and Shelby B is 5th in the 1000.
It has been an amazing season so far Indoor Track. Warriors - keep up the good work!
> If you see Noah J. in class or in the halls today, congratulate him big-time!
He took 1st place in JV Extemporaneous Speaking Saturday at the renowned
New York City Christmas Classic Tournament!
Noah is a sophomore and 1st year member of Schroeder Speech & Debate Team and has put in the time and the work for this achievement. You do us proud, Noah!
> Happy Holidays from DREAM Club! Did you know that there are at least 21 major international holidays celebrated in December? Here is a short video on one of them...
December 17th, 2021
Good morning and welcome to The Morning Show.
Today is Friday, December 17th, 2021 and a “D” Day
> ATTENTION SCHROEDER BASEBALL PLAYERS: Please stop by Coach Knight's classroom, W214, to pick up information about the Winter Skill Sessions. Winter Skill Sessions are open to all 9th through 12th graders. Please join us in preparing for the upcoming Spring Season.
> Attention students: the weight room will be closed Friday and Saturday this week.
> Congratulations to the following students for being this week’s recipients of Principal’s Recognition:
Please stop down to the main office between 1st and 2nd period.
Madison D. ~ Class of 2024
Gavin H. ~ Class of 2024
Ayden J. ~ Class of 2024
Nikol K. ~ Class of 2024
Sawyer P. ~ Class of 2024
Khadeeja R. ~ Class of 2024
Anna R. ~ Class of 2024
Ainsley R. ~ Class of 2024
Madelyn S. ~ Class of 2024
Grace V. ~ Class of 2024
Vitaliy T. ~ Class of 2024
As you are aware, Superintendent Neenan sent home a message just to make our families aware of a trend on social media where there is a non-specific threat made to schools across the nation. Webster schools are not mentioned, nor has there been a post citing any danger to our students, staff or buildings.
Schroeder HS is always a very safe place. We have 7 security guards and 2 school resource officers from the Webster Police Department. We also have a visible, caring staff and community that make us aware of anything unusual that they see, hear or come across. If you see something concerning or your student makes you aware of something concerning please call or connect with Mr. Benz or you can report it anonymously at 1-800-418-6423 (Safe Schools Hotline)
December 16, 2021
> International Club and Student Council are collecting toiletries for Saint’s Place to support local refugees.
Each grade level is competing for the highest tower of toiletries. Tomorrow is the last day to bring in your items!
Bring toiletries like shampoo, soap, or toothpaste to lunch periods all week.
Each class needs at least 30 items and the class that donates the most toiletries wins a class lunch!!!
See Rayton, McCann, or Giacoman with questions!
> ATTENTION SCHROEDER BASEBALL PLAYERS: Please stop by Coach Knight's classroom, W214, to pick up information about the Winter Skill Sessions. Winter Skill Sessions are open to all 9th through 12th graders. Please join us in preparing for the upcoming Spring Season.
> Congratulations to Maria F. who is our Artist of the Week! Maria, who is a junior, created this piece in Drawing 1 using pencil and charcoal. Students were asked to pick an object and draw it from an interesting view. Maria challenged herself with a difficult object and one that was more complex in expressing the values and tones. Keep up the great artistic vision, Maria!
> We will be having a Green Club meeting today afterschool in Mrs. Smith's room. We will be having a poster making party. See you there!
> Congratulations to the Schroeder Mathletes on a successful completion of their third competition! 32 students competed, earning a total of 151 points and taking second place in our division. Schroeder was one of 23 schools that competed county-wide on Wednesday. Every single competitor earned points to contribute to the team win! Congratulations to Jacqueline H on her third PERFECT meet of the year and Danny G, Stephen M and Alexis S for his double-digit score. Mathletes, don't forget to sign up for the January competition in Google Classroom.
> Happy Holidays from DREAM Club! Did you know that there are at least 21 major international holidays celebrated in December? Here is a short video on one of them...
december 15, 2021
> International Club and Student Council are collecting toiletries for Saint’s Place to support local refugees.
Each grade level is competing for the highest tower of toiletries today until December 17th.
Bring toiletries like shampoo, soap, or toothpaste to lunch periods all week.
Each class needs at least 30 items and the class that donates the most toiletries wins a class lunch!!!
See Rayton, McCann, or Giacoman with questions!
> ATTENTION SCHROEDER BASEBALL PLAYERS: Please stop by Coach Knight's classroom, W214, to pick up information about the Winter Skill Sessions. Winter Skill Sessions are open to all 9th through 12th graders. Please join us in preparing for the upcoming Spring Season.
> And now over to Maddy representing International Club and Student Council with an update on the toiletry collection competition...
> Happy Holidays from DREAM Club! Did you know that there are at least 21 major international holidays celebrated in December? Here is a short video on one of them...
December 14, 2021
> International Club and Student Council are collecting toiletries for Saint’s Place to support local refugees.
Each grade level is competing for the highest tower of toiletries today until December 17th.
Bring toiletries like shampoo, soap, or toothpaste to lunch periods all week.
Each class needs at least 30 items and the class that donates the most toiletries wins a class lunch!!!
See Rayton, McCann or Giacoman with questions!
> ATTENTION SCHROEDER BASEBALL PLAYERS: Please stop by Coach Knight's classroom, W214, to pick up information about the Winter Skill Sessions. Winter Skill Sessions are open to all 9th through 12th graders. Please join us in preparing for the upcoming Spring Season.
December 13, 2021
> International Club and Student Council are collecting toiletries for Saints Place to support local refugees.
Each grade level is competing for the highest tower of toiletries starting today until December 17th.
Bring toiletries like shampoo, soap, or toothpaste to lunch periods all week.
Each class needs at least 30 items and the class that donates the most toiletries wins a class lunch!!!
See Rayton, McCann or Giacoman with questions!
> Congratulations to our Speech & Debate Team high scorers Saturday!
Emma C. - 1st place in Original Oratory
Noah J. - 1st place in Varsity Extemporaneous Speaking
Sofia M. - 3rd in Varsity Lincoln-Douglas Debate
Sam O. - 3rd in Intermediate Lincoln- Douglas Debate
December 10, 2021
Good morning and welcome to The Morning Show.
Today is Friday, December 10th, 2021 and a “C” Day
> The Math Lab will now be open after school on late bus days; Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays from 3:15 - 4. No appointment is needed, so stop in for some extra help in room B4. The Math Lab is still open before school and every period. Please take advantage of this awesome opportunity.
> International Club and Student Council are collecting toiletries for Saints Place to support local refugees.
Each grade level is competing for the highest tower of toiletries from December 13th to December 17th.
Bring toiletries like shampoo, soap, or toothpaste to lunch periods all next week.
Each class needs at least 30 items and the class that donates the most toiletries wins a class lunch!!!
The competition starts Monday, December 13th.
See Rayton, McCann or Giacoman with questions!
> Congratulations to the following students for being this week’s recipients of Principal’s Recognition:
Please stop down to the main office between 1st and 2nd period.
Flavio A. ~ Class of 2022
McKenzie B. ~ Class of 2024
Matthew D. ~ Class of 2023
Reese E. ~ Class of 2025
Brandon N. ~ Class of 2023
Erin N. ~ Class of 2023
Andrea P. ~ Class of 2022
Dominick P. ~ Class of 2024
Samantha S. ~ Class of 2023
December 9, 2021
> Interested in sharing your talents on stage? The Webster Show Choir's Talent Showcase is coming up Friday, January 7th in the Schroeder Auditorium at 7pm! The Showcase is open to any Schroeder or Thomas student and even faculty!!! Just send an audition video to Mrs. D'Angelo at laura_dangelo@webstercsd.org by tomorrow, December 10th.
> The Math Lab will now be open after school on late bus days; Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays from 3:15 - 4. No appointment is needed, so stop in for some extra help in room B4. The Math Lab is still open before school and every period. Please take advantage of this awesome opportunity.
> All skiers and snowboarders who are new to Schroeder Snowsports must attend a season start-up meeting after school today in N101. We will be signing up for buses and going over new ski storage procedures for the season. A late bus is available.
> International Club and Student Council are collecting toiletries for Saints Place to support local refugees.
Each grade level is competing for the highest tower of toiletries from December 13th to December 17th.
Bring toiletries like shampoo, soap, or toothpaste to lunch periods all next week.
Each class needs at least 30 items and the class that donates the most toiletries wins a class lunch!!!
The competition starts Monday, December 13th.
See Rayton, McCann or Giacoman with questions!
December 8, 2021
> Interested in sharing your talents on stage? The Webster Show Choir's Talent Showcase is coming up Friday, January 7th in the Schroeder Auditorium at 7pm! The Showcase is open to any Schroeder or Thomas student and even faculty!!! Just send an audition video to Mrs. D'Angelo at laura_dangelo@webstercsd.org by December 10th.
> The Math Lab will now be open after school on late bus days; Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays from 3:15 - 4. No appointment is needed, so stop in for some extra help in room B4. The Math Lab is still open before school and every period. Please take advantage of this awesome opportunity.
> Attention all junior and senior students who applied to Schroeder's Chapter of the National Honor Society this year: There will be an informational meeting after school today in room W223 to review next steps in your process to become a member of NHS and meet the NHS Officers and advisors.
> All skiers and snowboarders who are new to Schroeder Snowsports must attend a season start-up meeting this tomorrow, December 9th after school in N101. We will be signing up for buses and going over new ski storage procedures for the season. A late bus is available.
> Attention Warriors who received a postcard notifying you that you achieved honor roll for quarter 1: please stop by the table in the cafeteria to pick up your ice cream coupon during your lunch period and then redeem it in the cafeteria line. Congratulations on your hard work!
> Sources of strength members: Today's the day! Come to Mr. Fedor's room, W216, during your lunch or study hall half block, 4a, 4b, 5a, or 5b for a quick meeting outlining our first campaign. See you there. Study hall teachers, please remind students during lunch blocks. Students will be returning with a pass. Thanks for your support!
December 7, 2021
> Interested in sharing your talents on stage? The Webster Show Choir's Talent Showcase is coming up Friday, January 7th in the Schroeder Auditorium at 7pm! The Showcase is open to any Schroeder or Thomas student and even faculty!!! Just send an audition video to Mrs. D'Angelo at laura_dangelo@webstercsd.org by December 10th.
> The Math Lab will now be open after school on late bus days; Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays from 3:15 - 4. No appointment is needed, so stop in for some extra help in room B4. The Math Lab is still open before school and every period. Please take advantage of this awesome opportunity.
> Attention all junior and senior students who applied to Schroeder's Chapter of the National Honor Society this year: There will be an informational meeting after school in room W223 tomorrow, December 8th to review next steps in your process to become a member of NHS and meet the NHS Officers and advisors.
> Library Club meets today after school in N101.
> All skiers and snowboarders who are new to Schroeder Snowsports must attend a season start-up meeting this Thursday, December 9 after school in N101. We will be signing up for buses and going over new ski storage procedures for the season. A late bus is available.
> If you enjoy building sets and being behind-the-scenes, come to the Stage Crew meeting today after school in the auditorium. If you have any questions please email senior Clare P.
> Attention all Sources of Strength Members: Our first meeting will be tomorrow, December 8th in Mr. Fedor's room, W216, during periods 4a, 4b, 5a, and 5b. Come during your lunch or study hall so we can begin to plan our first campaign. Check your email before then so you can fill out the Google Form and join our social media and Classroom! See you tomorrow!
> This weekend the varsity wrestling team hosted the Matthew Marino tournament and finished in 3rd place. Joe B, Davis D., and Nate Z. each won their respective weight class. Nick D took second place and Liam T. and CJ O. took 3rd. Way to go, Warriors!
> Attention students that may have ordered a class ring but were unable to pick it up on the 1st: They are now available for pick up in the main office. Please stop on by and grab your ring.
December 6, 2021
> Interested in sharing your talents on stage? The Webster Show Choir's Talent Showcase is coming up Friday, January 7th in the Schroeder Auditorium at 7pm! The Showcase is open to any Schroeder or Thomas student and even faculty!!! Just send an audition video to Mrs. D'Angelo at laura_dangelo@webstercsd.org by December 10th.
> The Math Lab will now be open after school on late bus days; Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays from 3:15 - 4. No appointment is needed, so stop in for some extra help in room B4. The Math Lab is still open before school and every period. Please take advantage of this awesome opportunity.
> Attention all National Art Honor Society members: we will be having a meeting tomorrow, Tuesday, December 7th before school at 8:15. Excited to see you all there!
> Attention all junior and senior students who applied to Schroeder's Chapter of the National Honor Society this year: There will be an informational meeting after school in room W223 on Wednesday, December 8th to review next steps in your process to become a member of NHS and meet the NHS Officers and advisors.
> Library Club meets this Tuesday, December 7 after school in N101.
> All skiers and snowboarders who are new to Schroeder Snowsports must attend a season start-up meeting this Thursday, December 9 after school in N101. We will be signing up for buses and going over new ski storage procedures for the season. A late bus is available.
> On Saturday, December 4, three teams of students from One Webster attended the University at Buffalo High School CyberSecurity contest. The team from Schroeder consisted of Jacqueline H, Stephen M and Chad C. One of the teams from Thomas consisted of Josh S, Eric H, and Danny G while the other team consisted of Jonah P, Sohail S, and Quentin A. Students spent the day defending a network from cyber attacks while simultaneously completing a capture the flag contest, completing scheduled and random injection tasks and maintaining the financial side of a business. Great work by all who were involved!
> If you enjoy building sets and being behind-the-scenes, come to the Stage Crew meeting tomorrow, December 7th! It will be held in the auditorium at 3:45. If you have any questions please email senior Clare P.
> Attention all Sources of Strength Members: Our first meeting will be Wednesday, December 8th in Mr. Fedor's room, W216, during periods 4a, 4b, 5a, and 5b. Come during your lunch or study hall so we can begin to plan our first campaign. Check your email before then so you can fill out the Google Form and join our social media and Classroom! See you Wednesday!
December 3rd, 2021
> Interested in sharing your talents on stage? The Webster Show Choir's Talent Showcase is coming up Friday, January 7th in the Schroeder Auditorium at 7pm! The Showcase is open to any Schroeder or Thomas student and even faculty!!! Just send an audition video to Mrs. D'Angelo at laura_dangelo@webstercsd.org by December 10th.
> The Math Lab will now be open after school on late bus days; Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays from 3:15 - 4. No appointment is needed, so stop in for some extra help in room B4. The Math Lab is still open before school and every period. Please take advantage of this awesome opportunity.
> Attention all National Art Honor Society members: we will be having a meeting this coming Tuesday, December 7th before school at 8:15. Excited to see you all there!
> Attention all Sources of Strength Members: thanks to all who attended our reboot on Tuesday. Your energy, insight, and participation was amazing and appreciated. Our first meeting will be Wednesday, December 8th in Mr. Fedor's room, W216, during periods 4a, 4b, 5a, and 5b. Come during your lunch or study hall so we can begin to plan our first campaign. See you then!
> Congratulations to the following students for being this week’s recipients of Principal’s Recognition:
Please stop down to the main office between 1st and 2nd period.
Liaba A. ~ Class of 2024
Hope D. ~ Class of 2022
Aiden D. ~ Class of 2023
Riley G. ~ Class of 2022
Korbin J. ~ Class of 2022
Gavin K. ~ Class of 2022
Tyler R. ~ Class of 2025 (per 1 Plouffe)
Camron S. ~ Class of 2022
Dale T. ~ Class of 2022
Sasha Z. ~ Class of 2024
December 2, 2021
> SAGE will be meeting today after school in B2. See Ms. Reusch with any questions. Feel free to bring a friend.
> The Math Lab will now be open after school on late bus days; Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays from 3:15 - 4. No appointment is needed, so stop in for some extra help in room B4. The Math Lab is still open before school and every period. Please take advantage of this awesome opportunity.
> The Green Club will be having a meeting after school today in Mrs. Smith’s room - E224. If you can't make the meeting please let Sierra D. or Mrs. Smith know. Any interested student is welcome to join.
> Interested in sharing your talents on stage? The Webster Show Choir's Talent Showcase is coming up Friday, January 7th in the Schroeder Auditorium at 7pm! The Showcase is open to any Schroeder or Thomas student and even faculty!!! Just send an audition video to Mrs. D'Angelo at laura_dangelo@webstercsd.org by December 10th.
December 1, 2021
> Interested in sharing your talents on stage? The Webster Show Choir's Talent Showcase is coming up Friday, January 7th in the Schroeder Auditorium at 7pm! The Showcase is open to any Schroeder or Thomas student and even faculty!!! Just send an audition video to Mrs. D'Angelo at laura_dangelo@webstercsd.org by December 10th.
> SAGE will be meeting this Thursday after school in B2. See Ms. Reusch with any questions. Feel free to bring a friend.
> The Math Lab will now be open after school on late bus days; Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays from 3:15 - 4. No appointment is needed, so stop in for some extra help in room B4. The Math Lab is still open before school and every period. Please take advantage of this awesome opportunity.
> The Green Club will be having a meeting tomorrow, Thursday December 2nd, after school in Mrs. Smith’s room - E224. If you can't make the meeting please let Sierra D. or Mrs. Smith know. Any interested student is welcome to join.
November 30, 2021
> Attention Sources of Strength Peer Leaders:
Please grab your coats and come to the gym entrance. The buses will leave at 9:00am sharp. Only students that completed the field trip form will be permitted to attend.
> Interested in sharing your talents on stage? The Webster Show Choir's Talent Showcase is coming up Friday, January 7th in the Schroeder Auditorium at 7pm! The Showcase is open to any Schroeder or Thomas student and even faculty!!! Just send an audition video to Mrs. D'Angelo at laura_dangelo@webstercsd.org by December 10th.
November 29, 2021
> Winter 2022 Drivers' Education registration will begin at 8am on November 30th for seniors and juniors. If there are any openings, sophomores can register on December 2nd at 8am. Schroeder Drivers' Ed will begin on Tuesday, January 4th and end on March 14th. The commitment is two driving lessons and two theory classes per week for 8-10 weeks. The fee is $585.
> Interested in sharing your talents on stage? The Webster Show Choir's Talent Showcase is coming up Friday, January 7th in the Schroeder Auditorium at 7pm! The Showcase is open to any Schroeder or Thomas student and even faculty!!! Just send an audition video to Mrs. D'Angelo at laura_dangelo@webstercsd.org by December 10th.
November 23, 2021
> Winter 2022 Drivers' Education registration will begin at 8am on November 30th for seniors and juniors. If there are any openings, sophomores can register on December 2nd at 8am. Schroeder Drivers' Ed will begin on Tuesday, January 4th and end on March 14th. The commitment is two driving lessons and two theory classes per week for 8-10 weeks. The fee is $585.
> On behalf of the Schroeder Morning Show, we would like to wish all of you a very happyThanksgiving! Try to find time to stop and appreciate what you are grateful for and go out of your way to say thanks! Safe travels to all and remember to save us a slice of pie! Enjoy your breaks.
> Now over to a message from our Superintendent, Mr. Neenan, on today’s Youth Risk Behavior Survey
November 22 2021
> Winter 2022 Drivers' Education registration will begin at 8am on November 30th for seniors and juniors. If there are any openings, sophomores can register on December 2nd at 8am. Schroeder Drivers' Ed will begin on Tuesday, January 4th and end on March 14th. The commitment is two driving lessons and two theory classes per week for 8-10 weeks. The fee is $585.
> Congratulations to Speech & Debate Team high scorers Saturday!
Webster "swept" Intermediate Lincoln-Douglas Debate--
Sophia M. - 1st place
Sam O. - 2nd place
Yi J. - 3rd place
Jacey S. & Russell G. - 1st in Duo Interpretation
Noah J. - 1st in J.V. Extemp
Roman P. - 2nd in Declamation
Emma C. - 3rd in Original Oratory
Great Job Team!
> Congratulations to our Webster Girls Swimming State team! Diver, Ashley L from Schroeder finished 21st in the state! The medley relay consisting of Vivian N, Meghan M, Nakisha D, and Claire G finished 20th in the state. The 200 freestyle relay came in 31st in the state and consisted of Claire G, Meghan M, Kylie W, and Nakisha D. Claire G swam individually in the 50 and 100 freestyle. She finished 14th in the 50 free and 9th in the 100 freestyle. Way to make Webster Proud!
November 19 2021
> Winter 2022 Drivers' Education registration will begin at 8am on November 30th for seniors and juniors. If there are any openings, sophomores can register on December 2nd at 8am. Schroeder Drivers' Ed will begin on Tuesday, January 4th and end on March 14th. The commitment is two driving lessons and two theory classes per week for 8-10 weeks. The fee is $585.
> Thank you to those of you who stopped by the Sources of Strength meeting yesterday during fourth and fifth blocks. If you were invited, but missed it yesterday please check in with your Alpha Office for the information sheet. To those of you that are interested in participating please make sure you have your permission slip filled out, signed and returned to your Alpha Office by Tuesday the 23rd. Any questions ask Mrs. Ernstrom or Mr. Fedor. We are looking forward to working with you!
> The Schroeder Theater Company's Spring 2022 show will be announced on Monday morning. Be sure to tune in for the exciting reveal!
> Congratulations to Artist of the Week - Isabelle L! This Observational Still Life assignment. was created in Painting 1 using acrylic paint. Isabelle worked directly from the objects set-up in class working with color theory and learning acrylic painting techniques. Congratulations Isabella!
> Congratulations to the following students for being this week’s recipients of Principal’s Recognition:
Please stop down to the main office between 1st and 2nd period.
Ryan B. - Class of 2024 (per 1 - O’Brien)
Evan D. - Class of 2023
Ahmed M. - Class of 2024
Robert N. - Class of 2023
Brayden P. - Class of 2025
Maya P. - Class of 2024
Emmerson R. - Class of 2023
Alex T. - Class of 2023 (per 1 - Triou)
> Unified Bowling wrapped up their season on Monday undefeated! They tied Pittsford at the culminating event with a score of 2021. What a way to end the season! Congratulations to all Unified Bowling athletes and partners.
> Do you love Art? Have you taken a year of art classes? Then you should come check out National Art Honor Society! We will be having an informational meeting after school today in room E12. Hope to see you there! If you have any questions or can’t make the meeting pop down to Mrs. Z’s - E12!
> Hey Freshmen! There will be popcorn and games today after school in the cafeteria. See you there.
> SAGE will have its next meeting after school today. What is SAGE? Great question! It stands for Sexuality and Gender Equity. We are a group of individuals who meet to discuss ways to support LGBTQ issues both within our school and our community. We welcome new members at anytime! Again, our next meeting is after school today in room B2. Hope to see you there!
> Thank you to those of you who stopped by the Sources of Strength meeting yesterday during fourth and fifth blocks. If you were invited, but missed it yesterday please check in with your Alpha Office for the information sheet. To those of you that are interested in participating please make sure you have your permission slip filled out, signed and returned to your Alpha Office by Tuesday the 23rd. Any questions ask Mrs. Ernstrom or Mr. Fedor. We are looking forward to working with you!
> There will be a short Science Olympiad meeting in SW5 after school today. Please see Mr Lasky or Mr Gill if you can not attend.
> The Schroeder Theater Company's Spring 2022 show will be announced on Monday morning. Be sure to tune in for the exciting reveal!
november 17, 2021
> Do you love Art? Have you taken a year of art classes? Then you should come check out National Art Honor Society! We will be having an informational meeting after school Tomorrow, November 18th in room E12. Hope to see you there! If you have any questions or can’t make the meeting pop down to Mrs. Z’s - E12!
> Hey Freshmen! There will be popcorn and games Tomorrow after school in the cafeteria. See you there.
> Webster Schroeder has teamed up with Mt. Hope Family Center again to feed 20 Rochester-area families Thanksgiving dinner next week. Mt. Hope works to rehabilitate and revive these families affected by trauma. Please consider donating any dollar amount to this cause. You can Venmo Leyla O. You'll know you have the right person because you will see the Mt. Hope Family Center logo. Or you can drop off dollars and coins to Mrs. Gefell in room W9 or you can look for students in the cafeteria this week walking around with buckets and make a donation during lunch.
Thank you, Schroeder, for helping families enjoy a delicious meal that they would otherwise not be able to.
> SAGE will have its next meeting after school Tomorrow. What is SAGE? Great question! It stands for Sexuality and Gender Equity. We are a group of individuals who meet to discuss ways to support LGBTQ issues both within our school and our community. We welcome new members at anytime! Again, our next meeting is after school on Thursday in room B2. Hope to see you there!
> We are excited to kick-off our Sources of Strength program here at Schroeder. If you have received an invitation for our peer interest meeting, please join us in W14 TODAY during your lunch or study hall half block during 4a, 4b, 5a, and 5b. We will be introducing the program with further detail and look forward to seeing you. Please use your invitation to show your study hall teacher as a pass to the meeting.
November 16, 2021
> Do you love Art? Have you taken a year of art classes? Then you should come check out National Art Honor Society! We will be having an informational meeting after school on November 18th in room E12. Hope to see you there! If you have any questions or can’t make the meeting pop down to Mrs. Z’s - E12!
> Webster Schroeder has teamed up with Mt. Hope Family Center again to feed 20 Rochester-area families Thanksgiving dinner next week. Mt. Hope works to rehabilitate and revive these families affected by trauma. Please consider donating any dollar amount to this cause. You can Venmo Leyla O. You'll know you have the right person because you will see the Mt. Hope Family Center logo. Or you can drop off dollars and coins to Mrs. Gefell in room W9 or you can look for students in the cafeteria this week walking around with buckets and make a donation during lunch.
Thank you, Schroeder, for helping families enjoy a delicious meal that they would otherwise not be able to.
> Hey Freshmen! There will be popcorn and games Thursday after school in the cafeteria. See you there.
> SAGE will have its next meeting after school Thursday. What is SAGE? Great question! It stands for Sexuality and Gender Equity. We are a group of individuals who meet to discuss ways to support LGBTQ issues both within our school and our community. We welcome new members at anytime! Again, our next meeting is after school on Thursday in room B2. Hope to see you there!
> Library club meets today, after school in N101 to discuss A Good Girl's Guide to Murder and Pet Sematary.
> We are excited to kick-off our Sources of Strength program here at Schroeder. If you have received an invitation for our peer interest meeting, please join us in W14 this Wednesday, November 17th during your lunch or study hall half block during 4a, 4b, 5a, and 5b. We will be introducing the program with further detail and look forward to seeing you. Please use your invitation to show your study hall teacher as a pass to the meeting.
> Congrats to David G. who got 4 bullseyes and two 9s from the middle line in Archery!
> Congratulations to the Schroeder Mathletes on a successful completion of their second competition! 35 students competed earning a total of 115 points and taking third place in our division. Schroeder was one of nineteen schools that competed county-wide on Monday. Congratulations to Jacqueline H on her second PERFECT meet of the year and Stephen M. for his double-digit score. Mathletes, don't forget to sign up for the December competition in Google classroom.
November 15, 2021
> Do you love Art? Have you taken a year of art classes? Then you should come check out National Art Honor Society! We will be having an informational meeting after school on November 18th in room E12. Hope to see you there! If you have any questions or can’t make the meeting pop down to Mrs. Z’s - E12!
> The snack line will be closed again today. Sorry for any inconveniences. Food Services hopes it will reopen tomorrow.
> Winter 2022 Drivers' Education registration will begin at 8am on November 30th for seniors and juniors. If there are any openings, sophomores can register on December 2nd at 8am. Schroeder Drivers' Ed will begin on Tuesday, January 4th and end on March 14th. The commitment is two driving lessons and two theory classes per week for 8-10 weeks. The fee is $585.
> Webster Schroeder has teamed up with Mt. Hope Family Center again to feed 20 Rochester-area families Thanksgiving dinner next week. Mt. Hope works to rehabilitate and revive these families affected by trauma. Please consider donating any dollar amount to this cause. You can Venmo Leyla O. You'll know you have the right person because you will see the Mt. Hope Family Center logo. Or you can drop off dollars and coins to Mrs. Gefell in room W9 or you can look for students in the cafeteria this week walking around with buckets and make a donation during lunch.
Thank you, Schroeder, for helping families enjoy a delicious meal that they would otherwise not be able to.
> Attention boys trying out for JV or Varsity basketball: the first day of tryouts for both JV and Varsity is today from 3:45 to 5:45 in the Schroeder Gym.
You will need to be registered on Family ID and fully cleared on Family ID to participate.
> Congratulations to Schroeder Speech & Debate Team on Saturday's showing! Congratulate the following students when you see them:
Emma C. - 1st place in Original Oratory
Russell G. & Jacey S. - 1st in Duo Interpretation
Noah J. - 2nd in Varsity Extemp
Michael R. & Tristan B. - 2nd in Public Forum Debate
Yi J. - 2nd in Lincoln-Douglas Debate
Sam O. - 3rd in Lincoln-Douglas Debate
> Hey Freshmen! There will be popcorn and games Thursday after school in the cafeteria. See you there.
> SAGE will have its next meeting after school Thursday. What is SAGE? Great question! It stands for Sexuality and Gender Equity. We are a group of individuals who meet to discuss ways to support LGBTQ issues both within our school and our community. We welcome new members at anytime! Again, our next meeting is after school on Thursday in room B2. Hope to see you there!
November 12, 2021
> Happy World Kindness Day to everyone!
> Visitation Day for EMCC is Friday, December 10th.
The bus leaves Schroeder at 10:45 and returns at 2:15pm.
Students wanting to attend will need to pick up a parent/teacher permission form and the Session Request form from W202 on November 8th.
Fully completed forms will need to be returned by Monday, November 15th
Any questions? Contact the Counseling Center in W202.
> Anyone interested in JV or Varsity Swimming & Diving: First day of practice is Monday, November 15th from 3:45 - 6pm at the Aquatics Center. Please make sure you complete the registration form in Family ID.
> Attention ALL Fall athletes: Your sports lockers need to be cleaned out by the end of today. Lockers are going to be cleaned and combos changed. Any items left will be discarded.
> Please support HOPE HOUSE this World Kindness Day by bringing in a pair or two of NEW, UNUSED socks. Drop the socks in the main office collection bin. PTSA will bring the socks directly to HOPE HOUSE at the end of the week. Thanks for being Warriors who care!
> Do you love Art? Have you taken a year of art classes? Then you should come check out National Art Honor Society! We will be having an informational meeting after school on November 18th in room E12. Hope to see you there! If you have any questions or can’t make the meeting pop down to Mrs. Z’s - E12!
> Winter 2022 Drivers' Education registration will begin at 8am on November 30th for seniors and juniors. If there are any openings, sophomores can register on December 2nd at 8am. Schroeder Drivers' Ed will begin on Tuesday, January 4th and end on March 14th. The commitment is two driving lessons and two theory classes per week for 8-10 weeks. The fee is $585.
> Congratulations to the following students for being this week’s recipients of Principal’s Recognition:
Please stop down to the main office between 1st and 2nd period.
Lucas A. - Class of 2024
David G. - Class of 2023
Drew G. - Class of 2025
Dario G. Class of 2025
Robin M. - Class of 2023
Josh M. - Class of 2022
William O. - Class of 2024
Sam O. - Class of 2025
Edward R. - Class of 2024
Julia S. - Class of 2023
Kyrann Y. - Class of 2022
> Due to streaming technical difficulties on Wednesday, we were unable to air an important message from Sockie and Sock-O regarding World Kindness Day. Despite some of the information needing to be out before this morning, one message remains clear: World Kindness Day is tomorrow and we can all use a little more kindness in our hearts. So today, this weekend, and every day...choose kindness, Warriors. Enjoy the video and have a great day.
November 10, 2021
> Visitation Day for EMCC is Friday, December 10th.
The bus leaves Schroeder at 10:45 and returns at 2:15pm.
Students wanting to attend will need to pick up a parent/teacher permission form and the Session Request form from W202 on November 8th.
Fully completed forms will need to be returned by Monday, November 15th
Any questions? Contact the Counseling Center in W202.
> Wrestling open mats will take place today after school in room E-36 next to the cafeteria.
All students interested in wrestling are welcome. Information about the wrestling season will be handed out during open mats.
> Anyone interested in JV or Varsity Swimming & Diving: First day of practice is Monday, November 15th from 3:45 - 6pm at the Aquatics Center. Please make sure you complete the registration form in Family ID.
> Attention ALL Fall athletes: Your sports lockers need to be cleaned out by Friday this week. Lockers are going to be cleaned and combos changed. Any items left will be discarded.
> Visit Chipotle between 5 - 9pm TONIGHT to support Schroeder PTSA. If you're enjoying the improvements to the courtyards, gardens, and display boards and cases around the school, support PTSA. If you're enjoying the new art around the building, support PTSA. Order online with code LDLJ93X for pick-up or show the flyer and order at Chipotle on Holt Rd. If you need a flyer with the code, grab one from Mrs. Law in W4 or check the Schroeder Twitter.
> Please support HOPE HOUSE this World Kindness Day by bringing in a pair or two of NEW, UNUSED socks. Drop the socks in the main office collection bin. PTSA will bring the socks directly to HOPE HOUSE at the end of the week. Thanks for being Warriors who care!
> Do you love Art? Have you taken a year of art classes? Then you should come check out National Art Honor Society! We will be having an informational meeting after school on November 18th in room E12. Hope to see you there! If you have any questions or can’t make the meeting pop down to Mrs. Z’s - E12!
> Now over to a World Kindness Day video...
November 9, 2021
> Visitation Day for EMCC is Friday, December 10th.
The bus leaves Schroeder at 10:45 and returns at 2:15pm.
Students wanting to attend will need to pick up a parent/teacher permission form and the Session Request form from W202 on November 8th.
Fully completed forms will need to be returned by Monday, November 15th
Any questions? Contact the Counseling Center in W202.
> Attention Current Senior National Honor Society Members: We will be holding a General Membership meeting after school at 3:20 in W223 on Wednesday, November 10th. We will be going over our current service hour opportunities and other important information. See you then!
> Seniors: your quotes and superlatives votes are due tonight! Quotes will not be accepted after tonight so if you want a quote in the yearbook, see your Class of 2022 Google Classroom page for the link to the Google Form. If you have any questions, see Ms Metz.
> Wrestling open mats will take place today and Wednesday after school in room E-36 next to the cafeteria.
All students interested in wrestling are welcome. Information about the wrestling season will be handed out during open mats.
> Anyone interested in JV or Varsity Swimming & Diving: First day of practice is Monday, November 15th from 3:45 - 6pm at the Aquatics Center. Please make sure you complete the registration form in Family ID.
> Attention ALL Fall athletes: Your sports lockers need to be cleaned out by Friday this week. Lockers are going to be cleaned and combos changed. Any items left will be discarded.
> Our apologies for the technical issues the last few shows when attempting to air the Sources of Strength video. It is important to get this information out as we reboot this initiative again here at Schroeder. Please enjoy the following video and then we will be returning to the studio for more Sources of Strength information and an announcement from Mrs. Tasber
We are excited to be starting this program here at Schroeder and need your help! Check out your Google Classroom class page for information on how to nominate peer leaders. Please take time to fill out the form with names of peers you feel have a positive influence and who can help us all connect. Fill out the forms by the end of the day today. Contact Mr. Fedor, Mrs. Ernstrom, Mrs. Goodwine or Mr. Sepka with questions.
> Good morning, Warriors! I can't believe the first quarter is already winding down. We're so proud of the resilience that you all have shown during this transition back to full in-person learning.
As we look ahead to 2nd quarter and the rest of the year, we are looking for your input. In a few minutes, your first block teacher will be asking you to open and complete a survey that asks you to rate your executive functioning and stress management skills. You'll answer questions about your planning, time management, organization, emotion regulation, and behavior regulation. Your responses will not be shared directly with your teachers or parents, but we will use this information to plan ways to better support all our students. Please take your time and respond honestly so that we can give you the help you need!
First block teachers, at this time, will you please direct your students to take out their chromebooks and open the survey? It is posted as an announcement in the Google Classroom for their graduation year. Students should click the link to open the Google Form and respond to the survey. Thank you very much for taking the time to provide us with this information.
November 8, 2021
> Do you like Dungeons and Dragons or want to learn how to play? Come to W8 today after school for the first meeting of Schroeder's D&D Club. Come geek out with us. If you can't come, you can always DM our Instagram account at wschroeder_dnd.
> Attention Juniors!
Do you have 2 or more Technology credits and are considering a career in a technological field?
You won't want to miss the opportunity to go to Japan. The trip is planned for April Break of 2023, your Senior year. The trip will be for Robotics, Automation, Engineering and to experience Cities of the Future.
Due to high interest there will be another informational meeting on Tuesday, November 9th from 6:30pm-7:15pm.
Be sure to RSVP for your registration and to receive the meeting link. Spots are limited so register today!
See Mr. DeWitte in room N100 if you have any questions.
> Visitation Day for EMCC is Friday, December 10th.
The bus leaves Schroeder at 10:45 and returns at 2:15pm.
Students wanting to attend will need to pick up a parent/teacher permission form and the Session Request form from W202 on November 8th.
Fully completed forms will need to be returned by Monday, November 15th
Any questions? Contact the Counseling Center in W202.
> Attention Current Senior National Honor Society Members: We will be holding a General Membership meeting after school at 3:20 in W223 on Wednesday, November 10th. We will be going over our current service hour opportunities and other important information. See you then!
> Do the dropping temperatures have you thinking snow? Schroeder Snowsports is looking for a few more skiers and snowboarders so that we can charter a second bus to Bristol Mountain. Ski Club is a fantastic opportunity to learn to ski or snowboard at a reduced cost, with friends and chaperones nearby. Bristol has expanded its snowmaking capabilities and rental facility, as well as adding a new run. It's going to be a great season. Contact Mrs. Strege by email or drop into N101 to request more information or express interest in joining the club.
> Seniors: your quotes and superlatives votes are due on Tuesday night. Quotes will not be accepted after Tuesday so if you want a quote in the yearbook, see your Class of 2022 Google Classroom page for the link to the Google Form. If you have any questions, see Ms Metz.
> Congratulations to the Schroeder Model UN Club for a successful conference in Hilton this past weekend! Danielle C. presided over her first committee as chairperson, Brayden P. won Outstanding Delegate at his very first conference and the rest of our mainly first-time delegates can't wait for the next conference at St. John Fisher in March!
> Congratulations to our Lakers Swim Team this weekend in their Sectional meet. Congratulations to Hannah U. for receiving the Sportsmanship Award, individually. Webster Schroeder's Claire G. was also recognized as Division 1 Swimmer of the Year. Our divers Ashley and Emma competed 1 week ago. Emma placed 7th and Ashley placed 3rd which earned her a place on our State Team! The team placed 4th overall in the Class A Section and received the Sportsmanship Award. Good luck to our State Team with Nakisha D, Meghan M, Vivian N, Kylie W, Claire G, and Ashley L!
> There is a Computer Science League meeting in Room E4 after school today.
> The Penfield-Webster Gymnastics team had a great season! They finished 3rd in Section Five.
Congratulations to Nica S., Kailey M., & Lindsay D!
> This week wrestling open mats will take place Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday after school in room E-36 next to the cafeteria.
All students interested in wrestling are welcome. Information about the wrestling season will be handed out during open mats.
------- Special Announcements --------------------------------------------
> Now we will be going to a Sources of Strength video and then back to the studio so don't turn off the show at the end of the video...
We are excited to be starting this program here at Schroeder and need your help! Check out your Google Classroom class page for information on how to nominate peer leaders. Please take time to fill out the form with names of peers you feel have a positive influence and who can help us all connect. Fill out the forms by Tuesday of next week. Contact Mr. Fedor, Mrs. Ernstrom, Mrs. Goodwine or Mr. Sepka with questions.
November 5, 2021
> Juniors! Your Class shirts are still available! Look for your Class Officers during 4th and 5th period lunches today. If you have paid your dues, shirts are free. If not, shirts are $12 each. Check in with your Officers if you are unsure. Let's represent the Class of 2023!
> Anyone interested in joining the Indoor Track teams, the preseason meeting will be in the cafeteria on Monday, November 8th from 3:30-4:15. Please join the Google Classroom and bring your Chromebook to the meeting. Again, anyone interested in joining the Indoor Track teams, the preseason meeting will be in the cafeteria on Monday, November 8th from 3:30-4:15. See Coach Klehr in room NW1 if you cannot attend.
> Do you like Dungeons and Dragons or want to learn how to play? Come to W8 on Monday, November 8th after school for the first meeting of Schroeder's D&D Club. Come geek out with us. If you can't come, you can always DM our Instagram account at wschroeder_dnd.
> Attention Juniors!
Do you have 2 or more Technology credits and are considering a career in a technological field?
You won't want to miss the opportunity to go to Japan. The trip is planned for April Break of 2023, your Senior year. The trip will be for Robotics, Automation, Engineering and to experience Cities of the Future.
Due to high interest there will be another informational meeting on Tuesday, November 9th from 6:30pm-7:15pm.
Be sure to RSVP for your registration and to receive the meeting link. Spots are limited so register today!
See Mr. DeWitte in room N100 if you have any questions.
> Visitation Day for EMCC is Friday, December 10th.
The bus leaves Schroeder at 10:45 and returns at 2:15pm.
Students wanting to attend will need to pick up a parent/teacher permission form and the Session Request form from W202 on November 8th.
Fully completed forms will need to be returned by Monday, November 15th
Any questions? Contact the Counseling Center in W202.
> Attention Current Senior National Honor Society Members: We will be holding a General Membership meeting after school at 3:20 in W223 on Wednesday, November 10th. We will be going over our current service hour opportunities and other important information. See you then!
> Do the dropping temperatures have you thinking snow? Schroeder Snowsports is looking for a few more skiers and snowboarders so that we can charter a second bus to Bristol Mountain. Ski Club is a fantastic opportunity to learn to ski or snowboard at a reduced cost, with friends and chaperones nearby. Bristol has expanded its snowmaking capabilities and rental facility, as well as adding a new run. It's going to be a great season. Contact Mrs. Strege by email or drop into N101 to request more information or express interest in joining the club.
> Congratulations to the following students for being this week’s recipients of Principal’s Recognition:
Please stop down to the main office between 1st and 2nd period.
Tyler R. - Class of ‘22
Miley W. - Class of ‘25
Victoria L. - Class of ‘25
Danny S. - Class of ‘23
Gabriela M. - Class of ‘24
Philip P. - Class of ‘22
Gavin G. - Class of ‘23
Sidney C. - Class of ‘23
Alysa G. - Class of ‘23
Kayla R. - Class of ‘22
> Now we will be going to a Sources of Strength video and then back to the studio so don't turn off the show at the end of the video...
(Switch to Sources of Strength video)
We are excited to be starting this program here at Schroeder and need your help! Check out your Google Classroom class page for information on how to nominate peer leaders. Please take time to fill out the form with names of peers you feel have a positive influence and who can help us all connect. Fill out the forms by Tuesday of next week. Contact Mr. Fedor, Mrs. Ernstrom, Mrs. Goodwine or Mr. Sepka with questions.
November 4, 2021
> Anyone interested in joining the Cross-Country Ski Team is invited to attend an informational meeting today. The meeting will be held in E4 at 3:30pm. No experience necessary to join the team!
If you can’t make the meeting, go to Google Classroom F3AQZEQ
> Students interested in joining the Alpine Ski Team please come to an Informational Meeting today after school. The meeting will be held in E31 across from the athletic office at 3:30pm. No race experience necessary to join the team. If you can't make the meeting, go to Google Classroom bfvbjfu.
> Juniors! Your Class shirts are available now! Look for your Class Officers during 4th and 5th period lunches today and tomorrow. If you have paid your dues, shirts are free. If not, shirts are $12 each. Check in with your Officers if you are unsure. Let's represent the Class of 2023!
> SAGE will be meeting today after school in B2. See Ms. Reusch with any questions
> Anyone interested in joining the Indoor Track teams, the preseason meeting will be in the cafeteria on Monday, November 8th from 3:30-4:15. Please join the Google Classroom and bring your Chromebook to the meeting. Again, anyone interested in joining the Indoor Track teams, the preseason meeting will be in the cafeteria on Monday, November 8th from 3:30-4:15. See Coach Klehr in room NW1 if you cannot attend.
> There will be a brief Science Olympiad meeting afterschool today in room SW5. Please see Mr. Gill or Mr. Lasky if you can not make it.
> Do you like Dungeons and Dragons or want to learn how to play? Come to W8 on Monday, November 8th after school for the first meeting of Schroeder's D&D Club. Come geek out with us. If you can't come, you can always DM our Instagram account at wschroeder_dnd.
> Attention Juniors!
Do you have 2 or more Technology credits and are considering a career in a technological field?
You won't want to miss the opportunity to go to Japan. The trip is planned for April Break of 2023, your Senior year. The trip will be for Robotics, Automation, Engineering and to experience Cities of the Future.
Due to high interest there will be another informational meeting on Tuesday, November 9th from 6:30pm-7:15pm.
Be sure to RSVP for your registration and to receive the meeting link. Spots are limited so register today!
See Mr. DeWitte in room N100 if you have any questions.
> Visitation Day for EMCC is Friday, December 10th.
The bus leaves Schroeder at 10:45 and returns at 2:15pm.
Students wanting to attend will need to pick up a parent/teacher permission form and the Session Request form from W202 on November 8th.
Fully completed forms will need to be returned by Monday, November 15th
Any questions? Contact the Counseling Center in W202.
> DREAM Club wishes you Happy Diwali, Festival of Lights! Now to a brief video detailing the special day!
November 3, 2021
> Anyone interested in joining the Cross-Country Ski Team is invited to attend an informational meeting on Thursday, November 4th. The meeting will be held in E4 at 3:30pm. No experience necessary to join the team!
If you can’t make the meeting, go to Google Classroom F3AQZEQ
> Students interested in joining the Alpine Ski Team please come to an Informational Meeting on Thursday, November 4th. The meeting will be held in E31 across from the athletic office at 3:30pm. No race experience necessary to join the team. If you can't make the meeting, go to Google Classroom bfvbjfu.
> Juniors! Your Class shirts go on sale today! Look for your Class Officers during 4th and 5th period lunches today, Thursday, and Friday this week. If you have paid your dues, shirts are free. If not, shirts are $12 each. Check in with your Officers if you are unsure. Let's represent the Class of 2023!
> SAGE will be meeting this Thursday after school in B2. See Ms. Reusch with any questions
> Anyone interested in joining the Indoor Track teams, the preseason meeting will be in the cafeteria on Monday, November 8th from 3:30-4:15. Please join the Google Classroom and bring your Chromebook to the meeting. Again, anyone interested in joining the Indoor Track teams, the preseason meeting will be in the cafeteria on Monday, November 8th from 3:30-4:15. See Coach Klehr in room NW1 if you cannot attend.
> Webster Boys Volleyball advanced to the sectional semifinals with a quarterfinal win over Brighton last night, with Dan K. and Evan L. tallying 11 and 9 kills respectively, while Joey P. and Griffin M. each totaled seven. The defense was led by Zach Z's 12 digs and Doug C's 6 blocks. Bodey G. distributed 33 assists and Nick A. added six more. Webster heads into the semis with a 13-5 record and will face Victor this Saturday, 5:00pm in Penfield.
November 2, 2021
> Anyone interested in joining the Cross-Country Ski Team is invited to attend an informational meeting on Thursday, November 4th. The meeting will be held in E4 at 3:30pm. No experience necessary to join the team!
If you can’t make the meeting, go to Google Classroom F3AQZEQ
> Students interested in joining the Alpine Ski Team please come to an Informational Meeting on Thursday, November 4th. The meeting will be held in E31 across from the athletic office at 3:30pm. No race experience necessary to join the team. If you can't make the meeting, go to Google Classroom bfvbjfu.
> Juniors! Your Class shirts are here! Look for your Class Officers during 4th and 5th period lunches Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday this week. If you have paid your dues, shirts are free. If not, shirts are $12 each. Check in with your Officers if you are unsure. Let's represent the Class of 2023!
> Interested in trying out for one of our Boys Basketball Teams?
Today at 3:30 in the cafeteria, the boys basketball program will be having an in-person informational meeting for students interested in trying out for either Mod A, JV, or Varsity basketball.
> SAGE will be meeting this Thursday after school in B2. See Ms. Reusch with any questions
> Anyone interested in joining the Indoor Track teams, the preseason meeting will be in the cafeteria on Monday, November 8th from 3:30-4:15. Please join the Google Classroom and bring your Chromebook to the meeting. Again, anyone interested in joining the Indoor Track teams, the preseason meeting will be in the cafeteria on Monday, November 8th from 3:30-4:15. See Coach Klehr in room NW1 if you cannot attend.
> Library Club meets today after school in N101. New members are always welcome, and late bus transportation is available.
> Happy Dia De Los Muertos or Day of the Dead!. Did you know that this holiday, which is celebrated in Mexico and the United States, typically runs from October 31 to November 2nd? Here is a quick video about this special celebration from DREAM Club.
November 1, 2021
> Anyone interested in joining the Cross-Country Ski Team is invited to attend an informational meeting on Thursday, November 4th. The meeting will be held in E4 at 3:30pm. No experience necessary to join the team!
If you can’t make the meeting, go to Google Classroom F3AQZEQ
> Students interested in joining the Alpine Ski Team please come to an Informational Meeting on Thursday, November 4th. The meeting will be held in E31 across from the athletic office at 3:30pm. No race experience necessary to join the team. If you can't make the meeting, go to Google Classroom bfvbjfu.
> Juniors! Your Class shirts are here! Look for your Class Officers during 4th and 5th period lunches Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday this week. If you have paid your dues, shirts are free. If not, shirts are $12 each. Check in with your Officers if you are unsure. Let's represent the Class of 2023!
> Interested in trying out for one of our Boys Basketball Teams?
Tuesday, November 2nd at 3:30 in the cafeteria, the boys basketball program will be having an in-person informational meeting for students interested in trying out for either Mod A, JV, or Varsity basketball.
> Congratulations to Yi J. who won second place in Novice Lincoln-Douglas Debate at Saturday's Genesee Valley Forensic League Tournament.
> SAGE will be meeting this Thursday after school in B2. See Ms. Reusch with any questions
> On October 31st, 2021, the Webster Marching Band competed in the New York State Field Band Conference's annual championship competition in the Syracuse Dome. Webster was named state champions for the first time in 31 years! They received the first-place plaque and the NYS governor's cup. Webster has consistently placed #1 in their division for 8 straight weeks in a row. Please congratulate all of the students on their achievements this season.
------- Special Announcements --------------------------------------------
> And now over to a Girls Swimming & Diving Team Sectionals Hype video!
October 29, 2021
Good morning and welcome to The Morning Show.
Today is Friday, October 29th, 2021 and an “A” Day
Happy Halloween, everyone!
> Did you all know we have coffee in the cafeteria? We have regular and flavored. Right now we have seasonal favorites like Witches Brew and Pumpkin Spice. Students and staff stop down! We're here early every morning if you need a boost before the day starts! It's available during breakfast and lunch, too!
> Anyone interested in joining the Cross-Country Ski Team is invited to attend an informational meeting on Thursday, November 4th. The meeting will be held in E4 at 3:30pm. No experience necessary to join the team!
If you can’t make the meeting, go to Google Classroom F3AQZEQ
> Attention anyone wanting to take an AP exam: The deadline to register and pay is today!
> The Food Service Department would like you to be aware that due to the supply chain shortage on food items within our community, some of their menu items are subject to change. Thank you for your understanding and patience!
> Good luck to the Girls Volleyball team this weekend as they travel down the road to face Penfield in the first round of Sectionals. They play Saturday at 2pm in the Penfield High School Gymnasium. Go get 'em Warriors...you got this!
> Congratulations to the following students for being this week’s recipients of Principal’s Recognition:
Please stop down to the main office between 1st and 2nd period.
Emily M. - Class of ‘25
Lauren R. - Class of ‘22
Stella B. - Class of ‘23
Abigail W. - Class of ‘24
October 28, 2021
> Skiers and Snowboarders, it's time to register for Schroeder Snowsports. Mrs. Strege will be taking transportation checks after school in N101 on Tuesday, October 26 and Thursday, October 28. Please make sure to fill out your registration form in Google Classroom before submitting your check. Bus spots are limited.
> Anyone interested in joining the Cross-Country Ski Team is invited to attend an informational meeting on Thursday, November 4th. The meeting will be held in E4 at 3:30pm. No experience necessary to join the team!
If you can’t make the meeting, go to Google Classroom F3AQZEQ
> Attention anyone wanting to take an AP exam: The deadline to register and pay is Friday, October 29th.
> Happy Halloween!
As always, students can dress up for Halloween this Friday! If you choose to do so, please remember to wear school-appropriate costumes. Since we like to know who you are in your costume, and for safety and security reasons, full face masks and weapon props are not permitted.
Looking forward to seeing all the different costumes! Thank you and enjoy the event.
> The Food Service Department would like you to be aware that due to the supply chain shortage on food items within our community, some of their menu items are subject to change. Thank you for your understanding and patience!
October 27, 2021
> Students parked in the North Parking Lot need to move their cars by 5:45pm in order to provide the appropriate space for the Marching Band to hold rehearsal. If you have a practice or away game, remember to move your car before going to those commitments. Thank you for being considerate and helping out!
> Did you all know we have coffee in the cafeteria? We have regular and flavored. Right now we have seasonal favorites like Witches Brew and Pumpkin Spice. Students and staff stop down! We're here early every morning if you need a boost before the day starts! It's available during breakfast and lunch, too!
> Skiers and Snowboarders, it's time to register for Schroeder Snowsports. Mrs. Strege will be taking transportation checks after school in N101 on Tuesday, October 26 and Thursday, October 28. Please make sure to fill out your registration form in Google Classroom before submitting your check. Bus spots are limited.
> The Dance Team will be holding auditions Thursday, October 28th from 3:30-5pm in the Schroeder Auditorium. Please wear sneakers and comfortable clothes. Practices are Sundays from 11-12pm at the Webster Rec Center and we perform at all home basketball games. Hope to see you there!
> Anyone interested in joining the Cross-Country Ski Team is invited to attend an informational meeting on Thursday, November 4th. The meeting will be held in E4 at 3:30pm. No experience necessary to join the team!
If you can’t make the meeting, go to Google Classroom F3AQZEQ
> Attention anyone wanting to take an AP exam: The deadline to register and pay is Friday, October 29th.
> The Food Service Department would like you to be aware that due to the supply chain shortage on food items within our community, some of their menu items are subject to change. Thank you for your understanding and patience!
> Halloween Costume Contest this Friday. Stop into the library periods 2-5 to get your picture taken and participate in the costume contest. The top 8 costumes will win prizes from Student Council and Schroeder PTSA.
> As you plan your costumes for this Friday, we want to provide a few reminders that will keep the day safe and fun. Your costume should not cover your entire face, nor should it include realistic weapons. We have 4-year-olds in the building this year, and we want the day to be merry, not scary. Please do not bring in items that you would ride on, including, but not limited to roller skates, skateboards, and scooters. Finally, please make sure that your costume is culturally sensitive. While you might choose to dress as a famous person or character whose identity is different from your own, please do not darken your skin or use embellishments that reinforce stereotypes. Some examples of costumes that can be problematic include: Native American costumes involving headdresses or feathers, dressing as a homeless person, dressing as a person with any physical or mental disability, or dressing in any costume that portrays a narrow or negative stereotype about a specific ethnicity, religion or race. If you have a question about your costume, you can ask one of us, or your administrator.
October 26, 2021
> Skiers and Snowboarders, it's time to register for Schroeder Snowsports. Mrs. Strege will be taking transportation checks after school in N101 on Tuesday, October 26 and Thursday, October 28. Please make sure to fill out your registration form in Google Classroom before submitting your check. Bus spots are limited.
> The Dance Team will be holding auditions Thursday, October 28th from 3:30-5pm in the Schroeder Auditorium. Please wear sneakers and comfortable clothes. Practices are Sundays from 11-12pm at the Webster Rec Center and we perform at all home basketball games. Hope to see you there!
> Anyone interested in joining the Cross-Country Ski Team is invited to attend an informational meeting on Thursday, November 4th. The meeting will be held in E4 at 3:30pm. No experience necessary to join the team!
If you can’t make the meeting, go to Google Classroom F3AQZEQ
> Attention anyone wanting to take an AP exam: The deadline to register and pay is Friday, October 29th.
> Happy Halloween!
As always, students can dress up for Halloween this Friday! If you choose to do so, please remember to wear school-appropriate costumes. Since we like to know who you are in your costume, and for safety and security reasons, full face masks and weapon props are not permitted.
Looking forward to seeing all the different costumes! Thank you and enjoy the event.
> DREAM Club will be meeting today after school in room E216. Late buses will be available. Please bring your Chromebook with you...and remember: our voices matter - use yours to be a part of our small steps towards change.
> The Food Service Department would like you to be aware that due to the supply chain shortage on food items within our community, some of their menu items are subject to change. Thank you for your understanding and patience!
October 25, 2021
> Students parked in the North Parking Lot need to move their cars by 5:45pm in order to provide the appropriate space for the Marching Band to hold rehearsal. If you have a practice or away game, remember to move your car before going to those commitments. Thank you for being considerate and helping out!
> STARTING TODAY: There will be wrestling after school in E36 on Mondays and Thursdays!
Again -There will be open mats/wrestling for anyone who is interested after school on Mondays and Thursdays in E36. See Mr. Salvaggio in room W17 with any questions. And Winter Athletes, remember to sign-up for FAMILY ID and make sure your physical is current for the season!
> Skiers and Snowboarders, it's time to register for Schroeder Snowsports. Mrs. Strege will be taking transportation checks after school in N101 on Tuesday, October 26 and Thursday, October 28. Please make sure to fill out your registration form in Google Classroom before submitting your check. Bus spots are limited.
> The Dance Team will be holding auditions Thursday, October 28th from 3:30-5pm in the Schroeder Auditorium. Please wear sneakers and comfortable clothes. Practices are Sundays from 11-12pm at the Webster Rec Center and we perform at all home basketball games. Hope to see you there!
> Anyone interested in joining the Cross-Country Ski Team is invited to attend an informational meeting on Thursday, November 4th. The meeting will be held in E4 at 3:30pm. No experience necessary to join the team!
If you can’t make the meeting, go to Google Classroom F3AQZEQ
> Attention anyone wanting to take an AP exam: The deadline to register and pay is Friday, October 29th.
> This weekend the Webster Marching Band performed at Greece Olympia where they earned a score that keeps them as the first place band in their state division for a 7th week in a row. Please wish them all good luck as they will compete in the Syracuse Dome on Sunday for their championship performance. We plan to win big!
> Happy Halloween!!
As always, students can dress up for Halloween this Friday! If you choose to do so, please remember to wear school appropriate costumes.
Since, we like to know who you are in your costume, and for safety and security reasons, full - face masks and weapon props are not permitted.
Looking forward to seeing all the different costumes! Thank you and enjoy the event.
October 22, 2021
> Attention Juniors: Do you have 2 or more Technology credits and are considering a career in a technological field? You won't want to miss the opportunity to go to Japan. The trip is planned for April Break of 2023, your Senior year. The trip will be for Robotics, Automation, Engineering, and to experience Cities of the Future.
There will be an informational meeting on Monday, October 25th at 7pm.
Be sure to scan the QR code on the slide, copy the text and message it to your parents to RSVP for the meeting link.
See Mr. DeWitte in room N100 if you have any questions.
> Clean out your closets, Warriors. We're collecting gently used coats and concert apparel of any size to support Webster families in need. Bring in your items now through Friday to the main office and drop them in the collection bag. This Saturday we will be holding a free shopping event at Webster Parks & Rec from 10am-1pm. Stop by and "shop" the donations for free. You do not need to have donated to attend our free shop event. If you have questions or want to volunteer on Saturday morning for service hours, please see Mrs. Law in W4.
> Attention students: tonight's varsity football game is a sectional game and costs $5 per person. No student discount or reentry. Go Warriors!
> The Schroeder Model UN Club will meet on Monday, October 25 after school in Mrs. Tuyn's room, W6, to discuss the upcoming conference in Hilton on November 5.
> STARTING NEXT WEEK: There will be wrestling after school in E36 on Mondays and Thursdays!
Again -There will be open mats/wrestling for anyone who is interested after school on Mondays and Thursdays in E36. See Mr. Salvaggio in room W17 with any questions. And Winter Athletes, remember to sign-up for FAMILY ID and make sure your physical is current for the season!
> Skiers and Snowboarders, it's time to register for Schroeder Snowsports. Mrs. Strege will be taking transportation checks after school in N101 on Tuesday, October 26 and Thursday, October 28. Please make sure to fill out your registration form in Google Classroom before submitting your check. Bus spots are limited.
> The Dance Team will be holding auditions Thursday, October 28th from 3:30-5pm in the Schroeder Auditorium. Please wear sneakers and comfortable clothes. Practices are Sundays from 11-12pm at the Webster Rec Center and we perform at all home basketball games. Hope to see you there!
> Congratulations to the Schroeder Mathletes on a successful completion of their first competition! 25 students competed earning a total of 130 points. Schroeder was one of twenty schools that competed county-wide. Mathletes, don't forget to sign up for the November competition in Google Classroom. If you are interested in joining this stellar team, please speak with one of our officers - Michael R., Drew A., Jacqueline H., or Stef S.
> Webster Boys Volleyball completed their regular season with a win over Canandaigua in five sets last night, with junior Evan L. contributing 15 kills and 9 digs. Griffin M. added 5 aces to go with his 8 kills, while Ethan W. and Dan K. put away 14 and 10 kills respectively. Bodey G. and Nick A. combined for 47 assists and Johnny Q. tallied 6 blocks. Webster heads into sectionals with a 12-5 record.
> Ellie and Hannah have been playing in the Section V State Qualifiers Doubles tournament this week. After winning their first 3 matches they lost in the Semifinals to the #2 seed. They will return to Mendon Racquet Club in Pittsford this afternoon to play Victor for 3rd place. If you see either of them today please wish them luck!
> The Girls Volleyball team plays their final regular season game tonight at home at 7:30 against Brighton. Come watch your favorite seniors -- Elena F, Sawyer D, Izzy V, Anna D, Molly B, Krislyn C, and Adeline R. -- take the court as we honor them for Senior Night! Go get 'em, ladies!
------- Special Announcements --------------------------------------------
> Congratulations to the following students for being this week’s recipients of Principal’s Recognition:
Please stop down to the main office between 1st and 2nd period.
Malachi M. - Class of ‘25
Ayden J. - Class of ‘24
Ivy L. - Class of ‘22
Brooke C. - Class of ‘22
Charlotte F. - Class of ‘22
Elizabeth F. - Class of ‘25 (per 1 Fedor)
Alexis S. - Class of ‘22
Aydan B. - Class of ‘22
Kristina S. Class of ‘24
> Now over to Sierra D. for an update on the Green Team and their composting initiative
October 21st, 2021
> Did you all know we have coffee in the cafeteria? We have regular and flavored. Right now we have seasonal favorites like Witches Brew and Pumpkin Spice. Students and staff stop down! We're here early every morning if you need a boost before the day starts! It's available during breakfast and lunch, too!
> Attention Juniors: Do you have 2 or more Technology credits and are considering a career in a technological field? You won't want to miss the opportunity to go to Japan. The trip is planned for April Break of 2023, your Senior year. The trip will be for Robotics, Automation, Engineering, and to experience Cities of the Future.
There will be an informational meeting on Monday, October 25th at 7pm.
Be sure to scan the QR code on the slide, copy the text and message it to your parents to RSVP for the meeting link.
See Mr. DeWitte in room N100 if you have any questions.
> Clean out your closets, Warriors. We're collecting gently used coats and concert apparel of any size to support Webster families in need. Bring in your items now through Friday to the main office and drop them in the collection bag. This Saturday we will be holding a free shopping event at Webster Parks & Rec from 10am-1pm. Stop by and "shop" the donations for free. You do not need to have donated to attend our free shop event. If you have questions or want to volunteer on Saturday morning for service hours, please see Mrs. Law in W4.
> SAGE will be holding its first meeting today after school in room B2. Please see Ms. Reusch with any questions. Hope to see you there!
> Attention students: Friday's varsity football game is a sectional game and costs $5 per person. No student discount or reentry. Go Warriors!
> Model UN Day is coming! Model UN Day is coming! Well, maybe not until January but for those Juniors and Seniors who had begun the application process to be a chairperson and just didn't find the time to complete it, you have a couple more days! Please complete the application and video by Thursday this week. If you have any questions, please see a Global 10/AP World teacher.
> The Schroeder Model UN Club will meet on Monday, October 25 after school in Mrs. Tuyn's room, W6, to discuss the upcoming conference in Hilton on November 5.
> STARTING NEXT WEEK: There will be wrestling after school in E36 on Mondays and Thursdays!
Again -There will be open mats/wrestling for anyone who is interested after school on Mondays and Thursdays in E36. See Mr. Salvaggio in room W17 with any questions. And Winter Athletes, remember to sign-up for FAMILY ID and make sure your physical is current for the season!
> Skiers and Snowboarders, it's time to register for Schroeder Snowsports. Mrs. Strege will be taking transportation checks after school in N101 on Tuesday, October 26 and Thursday, October 28. Please make sure to fill out your registration form in Google Classroom before submitting your check. Bus spots are limited.
> Next Thursday, October 28th from 3:30-5, there will be dance team try-outs in the Auditorium. Please bring your sneakers to dance in. If you make the team we practice on Sundays from 11-12pm at the Webster Rec Center. We will be performing at all home basketball games. Hope to see you there!
> The Dance Team will be holding auditions Thursday, October 28th from 3:30-5pm in the Schroeder Auditorium. Please wear sneakers and comfortable clothes. Practices are Sundays from 11-12pm at the Webster Rec Center and we perform at all home basketball games. Hope to see you there!
> Webster Boys Volleyball defeated Rush-Henrietta last night, with junior Evan L. contributing 10 kills and 10 digs. Ethan W. continued his monster serving with 5 aces to go with his 7 kills, while Johnny Q. tallied 4 kills and 4 aces. Webster travels to Canandaigua tonight in a duel of two 11-5 teams.
> There will be a Science Olympiad meeting after school today in room SW5 at 3:25. Please see Mr. Gill or Mr. Lasky if you can not attend. Thank you
October 20, 2021
> Students parked in the North Parking Lot need to move their cars by 5:45pm in order to provide the appropriate space for the Marching Band to hold rehearsal. If you have a practice or away game, remember to move your car before going to those commitments. Thank you for being considerate and helping out!
> Attention Juniors: Do you have 2 or more Technology credits and are considering a career in a technological field? You won't want to miss the opportunity to go to Japan. The trip is planned for April Break of 2023, your Senior year. The trip will be for Robotics, Automation, Engineering, and to experience Cities of the Future.
There will be an informational meeting on Monday, October 25th at 7pm.
Be sure to scan the QR code on the slide, copy the text and message it to your parents to RSVP for the meeting link.
See Mr. DeWitte in room N100 if you have any questions.
> Clean out your closets, Warriors. We're collecting gently used coats and concert apparel of any size to support Webster families in need. Bring in your items now through Friday to the main office and drop them in the collection bag. This Saturday we will be holding a free shopping event at Webster Parks & Rec from 10am-1pm. Stop by and "shop" the donations for free. You do not need to have donated to attend our free shop event. If you have questions or want to volunteer on Saturday morning for service hours, please see Mrs. Law in W4.
> SAGE will be holding its first meeting this Thursday after school in room B2. Please see Ms. Reusch with any questions. Hope to see you there!
> Model UN Day is coming! Model UN Day is coming! Well, maybe not until January but for those Juniors and Seniors who had begun the application process to be a chairperson and just didn't find the time to complete it, you have a couple more days! Please complete the application and video by Thursday this week. If you have any questions, please see a Global 10/AP World teacher.
> RED RIBBON WEEK, which is celebrated
annually from October 23-31, is the nation’s oldest and largest drug prevention
awareness program.
In Pre-K we focus on encouraging healthy habits that
will support lifelong physical and emotional well-being.
Our special Red Ribbon spirit days are coming up, and
it would be so exciting for our little learners to have our
high school role models join the fun!
Tomorrow, join us in wearing RED to kick-off the week.
> The Girls Varsity Volleyball team defeated Rush-Henrietta last night in three straight sets to kick-start their last week of regular season games. Senior Adeline R. had a serving hot streak that consisted of three aces. Junior Nicole J. sparked the offense on serve-receive by delivering dime-after-dime to the setter. Senior Izzy V. played an exceptionally well-rounded game contributing several untouched kills, consistent serving, and tough defense. The ladies' last game of the season and SENIOR NIGHT is Friday at 7:30pm. Stop by and support the team. Go Warriors!
October 19, 2021
> Did you all know we have coffee in the cafeteria? We have regular and flavored. Right now we have seasonal favorites like Witches Brew and Pumpkin Spice. Students and staff stop down! We're here early every morning if you need a boost before the day starts! It's available during breakfast and lunch, too!
> Library Club is meeting today after school in room N101.
> Attention Juniors: Do you have 2 or more Technology credits and are considering a career in a technological field? You won't want to miss the opportunity to go to Japan. The trip is planned for April Break of 2023, your Senior year. The trip will be for Robotics, Automation, Engineering, and to experience Cities of the Future.
There will be an informational meeting on Monday, October 25th at 7pm.
Be sure to scan the QR code on the slide, copy the text and message it to your parents to RSVP for the meeting link.
See Mr. DeWitte in room N100 if you have any questions.
> Clean out your closets, Warriors. We're collecting gently used coats and concert apparel of any size to support Webster families in need. Bring in your items now through Friday to the main office and drop them in the collection bag. This Saturday we will be holding a free shopping event at Webster Parks & Rec from 10am-1pm. Stop by and "shop" the donations for free. You do not need to have donated to attend our free shop event. If you have questions or want to volunteer on Saturday morning for service hours, please see Mrs. Law in W4.
> SAGE will be holding its first meeting this Thursday after school in room B2. Please see Ms. Reusch with any questions. Hope to see you there!
> Webster Boys Volleyball swept Churchville-Chili on Senior Night last night, with senior Johnny Q delivering 8 kills. Seniors Dan K and Ethan W tallied 8 and 11 kills respectively on Nick A and Bodey G's combined 29 assists. Webster hosts Rush-Henrietta at the Schroeder gym Wednesday at 7:30pm...hope to see you there.
> Model UN Day is coming! Model UN Day is coming! Well, maybe not until January but for those Juniors and Seniors who had begun the application process to be a chairperson and just didn't find the time to complete it, you have a couple more days! Please complete the application and video by Thursday this week. If you have any questions, please see a Global 10/AP World teacher.
> RED RIBBON WEEK, which is celebrated
annually from October 23-31, is the nation's oldest and largest drug prevention
awareness program.
In Pre-K we focus on encouraging healthy habits that
will support lifelong physical and emotional well-being.
Our special Red Ribbon spirit days are coming up, and
it would be so exciting for our little learners to have our
high school role models join the fun!
Thursday, join us in wearing RED to kick-off the week.
October 18, 2021
> Students parked in the North Parking Lot need to move their cars by 5:45pm in order to provide the appropriate space for the Marching Band to hold rehearsal. If you have a practice or away game, remember to move your car before going to those commitments. Thank you for being considerate and helping out!
> Library Club is meeting this Tuesday, October 19th after school in room N101.
> Are you interested in Computer Science Club? Come to the information meeting after school today in E4!
> Speech & Debate 2021-22 has begun! Congratulations to our high scorers Saturday:
Noah J - 1st place in Extemporaneous Speaking
Alexa M & Shalynn S - 1st in Duo Interpretation
Russell G - 2nd in Dramatic Performance
Roman P - 3rd in Declamation
> Attention Juniors: Do you have 2 or more Technology credits and are considering a career in a technological field? You won't want to miss the opportunity to go to Japan. The trip is planned for April Break of 2023, your Senior year. The trip will be for Robotics, Automation, Engineering, and to experience Cities of the Future.
There will be an informational meeting on Monday, October 25th at 7pm.
Be sure to scan the QR code on the slide, copy the text and message it to your parents to RSVP for the meeting link.
See Mr. DeWitte in room N100 if you have any questions.
> Clean out your closets, Warriors. We're collecting gently used coats and concert apparel of any size to support Webster families in need. Bring in your items now through Friday to the main office and drop them in the collection bag. This Saturday we will be holding a free shopping event at Webster Parks & Rec from 10am-1pm. Stop by and "shop" the donations for free. You do not need to have donated to attend our free shop event. If you have questions or want to volunteer on Saturday morning for service hours, please see Mrs. Law in W4.
> Over the weekend the Webster Marching Band took first place against Orchard Park and West Seneca in Victor. This keeps the Webster Marching band in the number spot in their division. This weekend the band will be in Greece and the following weekend they will compete in the Syracuse Dome for their championship show. Wish them luck in their last 2 weeks of the season!
October 15, 21
> Attention Juniors and Seniors: If you are interested in applying to be a Model UN Day Chairperson, the applications are due today. You can pick up an application in Mrs. Tuyn's room, W6. For those who have already begun the application process, make sure you complete BOTH the application form AND the video. Please see a Global 10/AP World teacher if you have any questions.
> Did you all know we have coffee in the cafeteria? We have regular and flavored. Right now we have seasonal favorites like Witches Brew and Pumpkin Spice. Students and staff stop down! We're here early every morning if you need a boost before the day starts! It's available during breakfast and lunch, too!
> Attention all Speech & Debate Team members going to the tournament Saturday:
you need to check in with Mrs. Connelly before you leave school today.
Again, all Speech & Debate Team members going to the tournament Saturday:
you need to check in with Mrs. Connelly before you leave school today.
October 14. 2021
> Attention Juniors and Seniors: If you are interested in applying to be a Model UN Day Chairperson, the applications are due this Friday, October 15. You can pick up an application in Mrs. Tuyn's room, W6. For those who have already begun the application process, make sure you complete BOTH the application form AND the video. Please see a Global 10/AP World teacher if you have any questions.
> The girls soccer team defeated Rush-Henrietta by a score of two to nothing. The Warriors clinched second place in Division One and finished in top two spots six out of last seven years. They also clinched the number three seed in Sectionals. Abby H and Stef S had goals. Leah M and Kendall B had assists. Meg F. gained a shutout in a solid defensive effort by backline. Last game of the season is Friday vs Spencerport home at 6:30.
> Webster Boys Volleyball traveled to Brighton last night and won in a three game sweep, with Griffin M. dominating on service with 7 aces as part of his team high 17 service points. Dan K and Joey P tallied 6 kills apiece, while Ethan W contributed 9 kills in just two games. Nick A distributed 27 assists and Evan L protected the back line with ten huge digs. Webster hosts Fairport at the Schroeder gym Friday at 7:00pm...hope to see you there.
> Did you all know we have coffee in the cafeteria? We have regular and flavoured. Right now we have seasonal favorites which are, Witches brew, .Pumpkin Spice. Students and staff stop down. We're here early every morning if you need a boost before the day starts! It's available during breakfast and lunch too!
October 13, 2021
> Students parked in the North Parking Lot need to move their cars by 5:45pm in order to provide the appropriate space for the Marching Band to hold rehearsal. If you have a practice or away game, remember to move your car before going to those commitments. Thank you for being considerate and helping out!
> Tonight is Military Night. If you have any interest in finding out what serving in the military is really about, bring a parent and come to military night. There will be every branch of the armed forces here as well as ROTC programs and scholarship programs where you can learn about how the military can pay for your college! This event will be from 6-7pm in room N2. If you have any questions about it, stop by the counseling center!
> The Girls Varsity Volleyball team defeated Gates-Chili Monday night in three straight sets. Sophomore Lina F. kept the offense dynamic with hard-hitting kills and strategically placed tips, sophomore Emmy B. dished out assist after assist, and junior Annaliese B. played a key defensive role throughout the night. The Warriors take on a competitive Fairport team tonight at home.
> Congratulations to the Boys and Girls Cross-Country teams on their great performances at the Alden Invitational this past weekend. The varsity girls had an excellent showing with Sierra D. taking 3rd place overall in the girls' race, Sofia M. was 11th and Shelby B. was 13th. The boys varsity team was 10th out of 24 teams with Antonio B., Nathan M. and Matt B. leading the way, and the boys JV team was 6th out of 22 teams with Connor M., Edarius T. and Jack B. having very good races.
> This past weekend the Webster Marching Band hosted a New York State Field Band Conference competition at Webster Schroeder's Stadium. Webster earned a score this week that gave them a lead above the 9 other schools in their division making this the FIFTH WEEK IN A ROW of them being the number 1 band in their division.
This weekend Webster will travel to Victor where they will compete against West Seneca High School and Orchard Park High School. Wish them luck when you see them this week.
October 12, 2021
> The Girls Varsity Volleyball team defeated Gates-Chili last night in three straight sets. Sophomore Lina F. kept the offense dynamic with hard-hitting kills and strategically placed tips, sophomore Emmy B. dished out assist after assist, and junior Annaliese B. played a key defensive role throughout the night. The Warriors take on a competitive Fairport team tomorrow night at home.
October 8, 2021
> Attention Juniors and Seniors, The Global 10 teachers are looking for interested individuals to apply for Model UN Day Chairperson positions. If you enjoyed Model UN and want to help sophomores have an amazing experience, please see your Social Studies teacher or stop by Mrs. Tuyn's room, W6, to pick
up an application.
> Attention Juniors and Seniors who are not current members of Schroeder's Chapter of the National Honor Society. If you have a cumulative GPA of 90 or above, you will be receiving an email invitation to apply to become a member of NHS. Please make sure that you check your email for important information on how to apply and what the requirements are for new members. If you have any questions, please see either Mrs. Hall in w223 or Mrs. O'Connor in w224.
> Schroeder and Mt. Hope Family Center have teamed up again to feed 20 Rochester-area families Thanksgiving Dinner. Mt. Hope provides services for families who have experienced trauma. We will be at the Homecoming Game this Friday to collect cash donations or Venmo to Leyla O. anytime.
Leyla O. is heading up the effort with Mackenzie W. Lily I., Anna H., Jill A., Ellie A, Isabella C., Kendall S., Izzy V. and Grace W. Please see any of them for more information. Leyla's Venmo will have the Mt. Hope icon so you will know you've got the right person. Thank you for giving to those in need.
> Future Business Leaders of America, FBLA, will meet on Tuesday, October 12 in Room W17 at 3:20. Please bring $12 cash or check payable to Webster Schroeder FBLA for state and national dues.
If you are interested in a leadership role, make sure to bring a statement why and be ready to present it.
> Hey Warriors: New York State has imposed a foam band which is why you're getting your meals on a variety of blue, brown, or white trays, red baskets, or paper plates. PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE do not throw the red baskets, or the blue, brown, or white trays away. They are washable and reusable. They can be returned to the kitchen through the windows on either side of the retractable door. If you're having trouble finding the windows, ask for help. Thank you for your cooperation.
> In last night's field hockey senior game versus Eastridge, the game went scoreless into a sudden victory 10-minute OT. Just 32 seconds into overtime, junior Maggie W collected a ball from an Eastridge forward in the circle, sending the ball to the 35 yard line where junior defensive player (turned forward last night) Lauren V. received the ball on a breakaway to Eastridges defensive end, scoring the game winning goal! Congrats to the team on a hard fought win last night! The team will travel to Pittsford-Sutherland Monday afternoon for a matchup at 3:00pm against the Panthers.
> Webster Boys Volleyball upset division-leading Penfield in five hard-fought sets Thursday night, with Zach Z. connecting on 4 aces as part of his team high 16 service points. Ethan W. and Dan K. lead the offense with 12 and 10 kills respectively, while Joey P. pounded 8 kills. Bodey G. distributed 32 assists and Griffin M. led the front row defense with 4 blocks. Webster travels to Brighton on Wednesday, then hosts Fairport at the Schroeder gym next Friday at 7:00pm...hope to see you there.
October 7th, 2021
> Attention Juniors and Seniors, The Global 10 teachers are looking for interested individuals to apply for Model UN Day Chairperson positions. If you enjoyed Model UN and want to help sophomores have an amazing experience, please see your Social Studies teacher or stop by Mrs. Tuyn's room, W6, to pick
up an application.
> Attention Juniors and Seniors who are not current members of Schroeder's Chapter of the National Honor Society. If you have a cumulative GPA of 90 or above, you will be receiving an email invitation to apply to become a member of NHS. Please make sure that you check your email for important information on how to apply and what the requirements are for new members. If you have any questions, please see either Mrs. Hall in w223 or Mrs. O'Connor in w224.
> Schroeder and Mt. Hope Family Center have teamed up again to feed 20 Rochester-area families Thanksgiving Dinner. Mt. Hope provides services for families who have experienced trauma. We will be at the Homecoming Game this Friday to collect cash donations or Venmo to Leyla O. anytime.
Leyla O. is heading up the effort with Mackenzie W. Lily I., Anna H., Jill A., Ellie A, Isabella C., Kendall S., Izzy V. and Grace W. Please see any of them for more information. Leyla's Venmo will have the Mt. Hope icon so you will know you've got the right person. Thank you for giving to those in need.
> Future Business Leaders of America, FBLA, will meet on Tuesday, October 12 in Room W17 at 3:20. Please bring $12 cash or check payable to Webster Schroeder FBLA for state and national dues.
If you are interested in a leadership role, make sure to bring a statement why and be ready to present it.
> Hey Warriors: New York State has imposed a foam band which is why you're getting your meals on a variety of blue, brown, or white trays, red baskets, or paper plates. PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE do not throw the red baskets, or the blue, brown, or white trays away. They are washable and reusable. They can be returned to the kitchen through the windows on either side of the retractable door. If you're having trouble finding the windows, ask for help. Thank you for your cooperation.
> Congratulations to the Boys and Girls Cross-Country teams on their great races at Webster Park this past Tuesday. It was the last race for the seniors on their home course, and all the runners put forth a great effort to make sure the seniors had a special last competition on their home course. The boys team were able to beat Batavia and Athena while falling to Rush-Henrietta, and the girls, behind an amazing one, two, three finish of Sierra D, Shelby B, and Sofia M were able to sweep the meet. Both teams now have a record of five wins and three loses. On the boys side, Antonio B led the boys and was third in the overall race. Nathan M, Matthew B, Alex R, and David G rounded out the boys scoring runners, all of whom had excellent races.
October 6th 2021
> Students parked in the North Parking Lot need to move their cars by 5:45pm in order to provide the appropriate space for the Marching Band to hold rehearsal. If you have a practice or away game, remember to move your car before going to those commitments. Thank you for being considerate and helping out!
> Are you a senior currently enrolled in a World Language Class? Do you communicate in another World Language at home? Then the Seal of Biliteracy may be for you! If you are interested in learning more about how to earn the Seal of Biliteracy, please join the Seal Google Classroom (code oalmpie) and attend an informational meeting on Thursday, October 7th at 8:10 am. You can come to room W223 or join via Google Meet- the link to the meeting can be found on the Google Classroom.
> Junior and senior alternative and indie music fans! Tomorrow is the day! Come check out Webster Varsity Radio Club in Mr. Stahl's room - 334 at Thomas. It is in the back (North) hallway. Please email todd_stahl@webstercsd.org with any questions.
> Attention Juniors and Seniors, The Global 10 teachers are looking for interested individuals to apply for Model UN Day Chairperson positions. If you enjoyed Model UN and want to help sophomores have an amazing experience, please see your Social Studies teacher or stop by Mrs. Tuyn's room, W6, to pick
up an application.
> Attention Juniors and Seniors who are not current members of Schroeder's Chapter of the National Honor Society. If you have a cumulative GPA of 90 or above, you will be receiving an email invitation to apply to become a member of NHS. Please make sure that you check your email for important information on how to apply and what the requirements are for new members. If you have any questions, please see either Mrs. Hall in w223 or Mrs. O'Connor in w224.
> You've seen the headlines. The Farmer's Almanac is predicting one of the longest and coldest winters that we've seen in years. So how do you weather winter when you live in one of the snowiest cities in the U.S.? You take to the slopes! If you are interested in skiing or snowboarding your way through winter, stop by the Schroeder Snowsports table during the activities fair. We'll have information on how you can get in on our bus trips to Bristol Mountain.
> Schroeder and Mt. Hope Family Center have teamed up again to feed 20 Rochester-area families Thanksgiving Dinner. Mt. Hope provides services for families who have experienced trauma. We will be at the Homecoming Game this Friday to collect cash donations or Venmo to Leyla O. anytime.
Leyla O. is heading up the effort with Mackenzie W. Lily I., Anna H., Jill A., Ellie A, Isabella C., Kendall S., Izzy V. and Grace W. Please see any of them for more information. Leyla's Venmo will have the Mt. Hope icon so you will know you've got the right person. Thank you for giving to those in need.
> Hey Warriors: New York State has imposed a foam band which is why you're getting your meals on a variety of blue, brown, or white trays, red baskets, or paper plates. PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE do not throw the red baskets, or the blue, brown, or white trays away. They are washable and reusable. They can be returned to the kitchen through the windows on either side of the retractable door. If you're having trouble finding the windows, ask for help. Thank you for your cooperation.
> The varsity girls soccer team defeated Fairport last night by a score of one to nothing. Leah M. scored the game winner off a rebound from a shot from Stef S. Meg F. had the shutout in goal.
October 5, 2021
> Are you a senior currently enrolled in a World Language Class? Do you communicate in another World Language at home? Then the Seal of Biliteracy may be for you! If you are interested in learning more about how to earn the Seal of Biliteracy, please join the Seal Google Classroom (code oalmpie) and attend an informational meeting on Thursday, October 7th at 8:10 am. You can come to room W223 or join via Google Meet- the link to the meeting can be found on the Google Classroom.
> Hey juniors and seniors! Do you love music or have an interest in communications? Does your spotify playlist or record collection feature Billie Eilish? Weezer? Tame Impala? Nirvana? The Cure?
Are you interested in broadcasting your voice to the world on the radio and web?
Want to learn how to operate a professional radio studio on our brand new, state-of-the-art equipment?
If so - you should come hear all about Webster Varsity Radio Club!
We will have an informational meeting from 3:30 - 4pm on Thursday, October 7th in Mr. Stahl’s room - 334 at Thomas. It is in the back (North) hallway. Please email todd_stahl@webstercsd.org with any questions.
> Attention Juniors and Seniors, The Global 10 teachers are looking for interested individuals to apply for Model UN Day Chairperson positions. If you enjoyed Model UN and want to help sophomores have an amazing experience, please see your Social Studies teacher or stop by Mrs. Tuyn's room, W6, to pick
up an application.
> Attention Juniors and Seniors who are not current members of Schroeder's Chapter of the National Honor Society. If you have a cumulative GPA of 90 or above, you will be receiving an email invitation to apply to become a member of NHS. Please make sure that you check your email for important information on how to apply and what the requirements are for new members. If you have any questions, please see either Mrs. Hall in w223 or Mrs. O'Connor in w224.
> The first Future Educators of America club will be held today in W204 at 3:20. Come if you are interested in education or working with people! See Mrs. Delmotte or Mrs. Silliman if you have any questions.
> You've seen the headlines. The Farmer's Almanac is predicting one of the longest and coldest winters that we've seen in years. So how do you weather winter when you live in one of the snowiest cities in the U.S.? You take to the slopes! If you are interested in skiing or snowboarding your way through winter, stop by the Schroeder Snowsports table during the activities fair. We'll have information on how you can get in on our bus trips to Bristol Mountain.
> Hey Warriors: New York State has imposed a foam band which is why you're getting your meals on a variety of blue, brown, or white trays, red baskets, or paper plates. PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE do not throw the red baskets, or the blue, brown, or white trays away. They are washable and reusable. They can be returned to the kitchen through the windows on either side of the retractable door. If you're having trouble finding the windows, ask for help. Thank you for your cooperation.
> The Girls Volleyball team won their fourth straight match last night at home against an undefeated Pittsford-Mendon. The dynamic duo of Mariah W. and Sarah F. led the charge offensively by working the ball across the net while defensively the pair became an impenetrable wall. In the back row, Erin M. and Elena F. just would not let the ball hit the ground. Anna D. kept the kills coming from the right-side of the court, contributing a wave of points that kept the Warriors momentum. Special thanks to the Warrior Crew for coming out and showing love. The Girls hit the road tomorrow night but play a very special pre-Homecoming match in the Schroeder Gymnasium at 6pm against Hilton on Friday night.
OCTOBER 1, 2021
> Are you a senior currently enrolled in a World Language Class? Do you communicate in another World Language at home? Then the Seal of Biliteracy may be for you! If you are interested in learning more about how to earn the Seal of Biliteracy, please join the Seal Google Classroom (code oalmpie) and attend an informational meeting on Thursday, October 7th at 8:10 am. You can come to room W223 or join via Google Meet- the link to the meeting can be found on the Google Classroom.
> Hey juniors and seniors! Do you love music or have an interest in communications? Does your spotify playlist or record collection feature Billie Eilish? Weezer? Tame Impala? Nirvana? The Cure?
Are you interested in broadcasting your voice to the world on the radio and web?
Want to learn how to operate a professional radio studio on our brand new, state-of-the-art equipment?
If so - you should come hear all about Webster Varsity Radio Club!
We will have an informational meeting from 3:30 - 4pm on Thursday, October 7th in Mr. Stahl’s room - 334 at Thomas. It is in the back (North) hallway. Please email todd_stahl@webstercsd.org with any questions.
> Attention Juniors and Seniors, The Global 10 teachers are looking for interested individuals to apply for Model UN Day Chairperson positions. If you enjoyed Model UN and want to help sophomores have an amazing experience, please see your Social Studies teacher or stop by Mrs. Tuyn's room, W6, to pick
up an application.
> The Model UN Club will be meeting after school this Monday in W6, Mrs. Tuyn's room. We will choose our committee assignments for the upcoming conference at Hilton High School in November.If you cannot attend, please contact Mrs. Tuyn or Mrs. O'Brien
> Congratulations to our Webster girls varsity golf team for their county title on Wednesday of this week! The girls ended strong with an impressive 12-2 season record. The team is off to sectionals next. Best wishes to Raina S, Mackensie D, Abby T, and Haley K from Schroeder!
> The alpha office now has student IDs. If you haven't picked yours up yet, please stop by your alpha office.
> Attention Sophomores: Your class of 2024 Homecoming shirts are in! You can pick them up during lunch periods today and Monday. The cost of the shirts is $15 unless you have already paid or plan to pay your Class of 2024 dues. We will allow you to take your shirt and pay later so you can have it for class color day on Tuesday. Please see your class officers or Mr. Eckler & Mrs. McCann if you have any questions.
> Congratulations to the following students for being this week’s recipients of Principal’s Recognition:
Please stop down to the main office between 1st and 2nd period.
Julia S. - Class of ‘24
Rose I. - Class of ‘24
Aissa E. - Class of ‘23
Sarah G. - Class of ‘23
Georgianna P. - Class of ‘23
Kristen V. - Class of ‘22
Kieran G. - Class of ‘25
Aiden C. - Class of ‘25
Ava G. - Class of ‘24
Caden C. - Class of ‘22
> And now a video from DREAM Club to celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month.
September 30, 2021
> Are you interested in solving challenging math puzzles? Do you want to meet twice a month with like minded students? Come to the Math League informational meeting after school in E4 on Thursday, September 30 and join the Google classroom using the join code 7gugtax.
> The 2021-2022 Science Olympiad team will be meeting in room SW5 today at 3:25pm. Anyone interested in joining this year's team should attend the meeting. If you are unable to attend in person but would still like to join the team, please see Mr. Gill or Mr. Lasky in room SW5 before this afternoon to get the Classroom Code and Google Meet link for virtual access to the meeting.
> Are you a senior currently enrolled in a World Language Class? Do you communicate in another World Language at home? Then the Seal of Biliteracy may be for you! If you are interested in learning more about how to earn the Seal of Biliteracy, please join the Seal Google Classroom (code oalmpie) and attend an informational meeting on Thursday, October 7th at 8:10 am. You can come to room W223 or join via Google Meet- the link to the meeting can be found on the Google Classroom.
> The Green Club will be having a meeting today after school in Mrs. Smith’s room (E224). If you can't make the meeting please let Sierra D or Mrs. Smith know. Any interested student is welcome to join
> Attention Juniors and Seniors, The Global 10 teachers are looking for interested individuals to apply for Model UN Day Chairperson positions. If you enjoyed Model UN and want to help sophomores have an amazing experience, please see your Social Studies teacher or stop by Mrs. Tuyn's room, W6, to pick up an application.
> Congratulations to the JV and Varsity Girls Volleyball Teams for beating Thomas last night. Leading the way for the JV team was Ava G and Anabelle W. Leading the way for Varsity was Erin M., Mariah W and Anna D. Great Job Ladies! Next Match is Home versus Mendon on Monday
> Webster Boys Volleyball defeated Rush-Henrietta in a three set sweep last night, with Ethan W. and Calvin L. leading the offense with 10 and 5 kills respectively. Bodey G., Nick A., and Zach Z. combined to hand out 21 assists while the entire team spread out 12 aces. Webster hosts West Irondequoit at the Schroeder gym Friday night at 7:00pm...hope to see you there.
SEPTEMBER 29, 2021
> Are you interested in solving challenging math puzzles? Do you want to meet twice a month with like minded students? Come to the Math League informational meeting after school in E4 on Thursday, September 30 and join the Google classroom using the join code 7gugtax.
> Key Club's first meeting of the year will be Thursday September 30, in room W4.
> The 2021-2022 Science Olympiad team will be meeting in room SW5 on Thursday, September 30th at 3:25pm. Anyone interested in joining this year's team should attend the meeting. If you are unable to attend in person but would still like to join the team, please see Mr. Gill or Mr. Lasky in room SW5 before Thursday to get the Classroom Code and Google Meet link for virtual access to the meeting.
> Students parked in the North Parking Lot need to move their cars by 5:45pm in order to provide the appropriate space for the Marching Band to hold rehearsal. If you have a practice or away game, remember to move your car before going to those commitments. Thank you for being considerate and helping out!
> Are you a senior currently enrolled in a World Language Class? Do you communicate in another World Language at home? Then the Seal of Biliteracy may be for you! If you are interested in learning more about how to earn the Seal of Biliteracy, please join the Seal Google Classroom (code oalmpie) and attend an informational meeting on Thursday, October 7th at 8:10 am. You can come to room W223 or join via Google Meet- the link to the meeting can be found on the Google Classroom.
> The Green Club will be having a meeting tomorrow after school in Mrs. Smith’s room (E224). If you can't make the meeting please let Sierra D or Mrs. Smith know. Any interested student is welcome to join.
> The varsity girls volleyball team is playing against Thomas tonight at 6pm in the gym dont forgot to come and support. Go team!!
September 28, 2021
> Are you interested in solving challenging math puzzles? Do you want to meet twice a month with like minded students? Come to the Math League informational meeting after school in E4 on Thursday, September 30 and join the Google classroom using the join code 7gugtax.
> Rotary will have their first meeting today in E27 @ 3:25. We will be making items to show support for the nurses in our community. New members are always welcome to join us. If you have any questions about Rotary see Mrs. Landis in E27.
> Key Club's first meeting of the year will be Thursday September 30, in room W4.
> If you are a book enthusiast who is looking for a social outlet, come and check out library club. We meet twice a month to play games, do crafts, talk books, and more. Our first meeting is right after school today in room N101. A late bus home is available. Contact Mrs. Strege with questions.
> There will be softball intramurals today from 3:30-5:00 on the Schroeder Softball field for anyone interested.
> The 2021-2022 Science Olympiad team will be meeting in room SW5 on Thursday, September 30th at 3:25pm. Anyone interested in joining this year's team should attend the meeting. If you are unable to attend in person but would still like to join the team, please see Mr. Gill or Mr. Lasky in room SW5 before Thursday to get the Classroom Code and Google Meet link for virtual access to the meeting.
> DREAM Club will be having its first meeting of the year today, after school, in E216. DREAM stands for Demonstrating Real Equity for All Mankind, and we are Schroder's diversity club. If you are interested in social justice issues and want to meet a diverse group of friends, then this is the club for you! See Mrs. Pazmiño or Mr. Peck if you would like more information.
> Are you a senior currently enrolled in a World Language Class? Do you communicate in another World Language at home? Then the Seal of Biliteracy may be for you! If you are interested in learning more about how to earn the Seal of Biliteracy, please join the Seal Google Classroom (code oalmpie) and attend an informational meeting on Thursday, October 7th at 8:10 am. You can come to room W223 or join via Google Meet- the link to the meeting can be found on the Google Classroom.
> This weekend the Webster Marching Band competed in Baldwinsville, NY and remain in the number 1 position in their division for a 3rd week in a row - beating out Huntington HS, West Seneca HS, Horseheads HS, Orchard Park HS, Corning-Painted Post, Kingston HS, Sachem HS, and Rome Free Academy. Webster will be competing in Oswego this weekend.
> The varsity girls soccer team defeated Mercy by a score of two to nothing last night. Scoring first for Schroeder was Stefanie S on a corner kick from Kendall B. Abby H then scored from an assist from Allyssa D. Congratulations, ladies!
> Attention all freshmen! Today is the only day to vote for your Class of 2025 Class Officers. There is a google form linked in the Class of 2025 Google Classroom. Again, today is the only day to vote for freshman class officers. Be sure to complete the google form in the Class of 2025 Google Classroom to choose which officers you want to represent your class.
> The Girls Varsity Volleyball team had their second win in a row last night against West Irondequoit in three straight sets. Elena F. and Erin M. led the team defensively with digs, while sophomore setter Sarah F. dished out assists across the net. Mariah W. was unstoppable from the middle with several kills and key blocks and Anna D. had a pivotal game three ace that sealed the deal. Way to go Warriors! The girls are home tomorrow night against the Thomas Titans at 6pm.
> Good morning everyone.
I have 3 announcements to share. I know Mr. Eckler’s 1st period is ready and Mrs. Gebhardts and Mr. Leaf’s students are all ready to listen. Thank you for your attention!
first...Homecoming is next week! We’re excited to host it once again! We have a new feature: We are bringing back the bonfire and outdoor activities! This will replace the dance. So, due to masking and distance protocols inside there will be no homecoming dance this year.
Next...speaking of masking...good job with wearing your mask appropriately. Yesterday was an ok day for reminding students. So you know, our numbers in terms of COVID cases are great (incredibly low), so we need to keep the eye on the prize and mask appropriately to be able to move forward.
Lastly...Warrior Crew...want to be on the news?? Local news channel 13 is doing a “rivals week” on us this Friday morning! As you know our football team plays Thomas.
Show up to the stadium on Friday morning by 7:45 AM.
Breakfast pizza will be served to students who are here!! Looking forward to a big crowd both Friday morning and at the game.
And hey, Let’s all make someone else’s day today a good one.
September 27, 2021
> Are you interested in solving challenging math puzzles? Do you want to meet twice a month with like minded students? Come to the Math League informational meeting after school in E4 on Thursday, September 30 and join the Google classroom using the join code 7gugtax.
> Anyone interested in joining Future Business Leaders of America, our first meeting will be today at 3:30 in Room W17.
> Rotary will have their first meeting on Tuesday, September 28th in E27 @ 3:25. We will be making items to show support for the nurses in our community. New members are always welcome to join us. If you have any questions about Rotary see Mrs. Landis in E27.
> Key Club's first meeting of the year will be Thursday September 30, in room W4.
> If you are a book enthusiast who is looking for a social outlet, come and check out Library Club. We meet twice a month to play games, do crafts, talk books, and more. Our first meeting is right after school on Tuesday, September 28 in room N101. A late bus home is available. Contact Mrs. Strege with questions.
> There will be softball intramurals tomorrow from 3:30-5:00 on the Schroeder Softball field for anyone interested.
> The 2021-2022 Science Olympiad team will be meeting in room SW5 on Thursday, September 30th at 3:25pm. Anyone interested in joining this year's team should attend the meeting. If you are unable to attend in person but would still like to join the team, please see Mr. Gill or Mr. Lasky in room SW5 before Thursday to get the Classroom Code and Google Meet link for virtual access to the meeting.
> Students parked in the North Parking Lot need to move their cars by 5:45pm in order to provide the appropriate space for the Marching Band to hold rehearsal. If you have a practice or away game, remember to move your car before going to those commitments. Thank you for being considerate and helping out!
> DREAM Club will be having its first meeting of the year on Tuesday, after school, in E216. DREAM stands for Demonstrating Real Equity for All Mankind, and we are Schroder's diversity club. If you are interested in social justice issues and want to meet a diverse group of friends, then this is the club for you! See Mrs. Pazmiño or Mr. Peck if you would like more information.
> Speech & Debate Team meeting is today at 3:20 in W15.
If you are competing Saturday, you need to sign up for a practice time.
If you are not competing but want to join the team, you still need to be at the meeting.
> Are you a senior currently enrolled in a World Language Class? Do you communicate in another World Language at home? Then the Seal of Biliteracy may be for you! If you are interested in learning more about how to earn the Seal of Biliteracy, please join the Seal Google Classroom (code oalmpie) and attend an informational meeting on Thursday, October 7th at 8:10 am. You can come to room W223 or join via Google Meet- the link to the meeting can be found on the Google Classroom.
> This week is Banned Books Week. That means that the American Library Association and the book community across the nation are celebrating intellectual freedom - your freedom to access ideas. Here at Schroeder we uphold your right to read books that offer differing and sometimes controversial or unpopular perspectives. Because... as Neil Gaiman said, "if you don't stand up for the stuff you don't like, when they come for the stuff you do like, you've already lost." Check out the library website or stop down to N101 for information on book challenges in 2020. We're giving out "I read banned books" stickers and highlighting books from our collection that have faced book challenges.
September 24, 2021
> Anyone interested in joining Future Business Leaders of America, our first meeting will be on Monday, September 27 at 3:30pm in Room W17.
> Rotary will have their first meeting on Tuesday, September 28th in E27 @ 3:25. We will be making items to show support for the nurses in our community. New members are always welcome to join us. If you have any questions about Rotary see Mrs. Landis in E27.
> Key Club's first meeting of the year will be Thursday September 30, in room W4.
> If you are a book enthusiast who is looking for a social outlet, come and check out Library Club. We meet twice a month to play games, do crafts, talk books, and more. Our first meeting is right after school on Tuesday, September 28 in room N101. A late bus home is available. Contact Mrs. Strege with questions.
> There will be softball intramurals on Tuesday, September 28 from 3:30-5:00 on the Schroeder Softball field for anyone interested.
> Speech Team members NEED TO COME TO W15 TODAY @ 3:20, 3:30 OR 3:40 depending on your event to get materials & scripts. You should have signed up for Google Classroom. The code is on the door of W15. If you are competing in declamation, dramatic performance, duo interp or oral interpretation, check times on door.
Debaters will meet Monday in W16.
> Speakers & Debaters who are competing in our 1st league tournament on October 2nd need to sign up for practice on Google Classroom and be sure to be at our Monday meeting @3:20. Materials and scripts will be available then.
> Julius the Therapy Dog is back! Please feel free to say 'Hello' when you see him in the hallways. He loves a good ear scratch! Students, if you are interested in visiting him during a free period, study hall, or lunch, please see the Google Form link or QR code on the screen. It is also posted on Mrs. Formella's door, room E18. Available times will be updated weekly.
> The 2021-2022 Science Olympiad team will be meeting in room SW5 on Thursday, September 30th at 3:25pm. Anyone interested in joining this year's team should attend the meeting. If you are unable to attend in person but would still like to join the team, please see Mr. Gill or Mr. Lasky in room SW5 before Thursday to get the Classroom Code and Google Meet link for virtual access to the meeting.
> Congratulations to the following students for being this week’s recipients of Principal’s Recognition:
Please stop down to the main office between 1st and 2nd period.
Mathew D. - Class of ’22 (1st per Nichols)
Robert G. - Class of ‘23 (1st per Masucci)
Veronica A. - Class of ‘23
Jill A. - Class of ‘22
Kaden M. - Class of ‘22
Izzy V. - Class of ‘22
Janessa F. - Class of ‘24
Olena P. - Class of ‘23
Hadi N. - Class of ‘25
Ava N. - Class of ‘23
September 23, 2021
> Anyone interested in joining Future Business Leaders of America, our first meeting will be on Monday, September 27 at 3:30pm in Room W17.
> Rotary will have their first meeting on Tuesday, September 28th in E27 @ 3:25. We will be making items to show support for the nurses in our community. New members are always welcome to join us. If you have any questions about Rotary see Mrs. Landis in E27.
> Key Club's first meeting of the year will be Thursday September 30, in room W4.
> If you are a book enthusiast who is looking for a social outlet, come and check out Library Club. We meet twice a month to play games, do crafts, talk books, and more. Our first meeting is right after school on Tuesday, September 28 in room N101. A late bus home is available. Contact Mrs. Strege with questions.
> There will be softball intramurals on Tuesday, September 28 from 3:30-5:00 on the Schroeder Softball field for anyone interested.
> So far the boys and girls cross-country teams have been having an excellent season. The boys are currently 3-2 with wins over Gates, Penfield, and Hilton, being led by the varsity runners: Antonio B, Nathan M, Matt B, Brenden B, David G, and Alex R. The girls team is being led by the excellent trio of Sierra D, Shelby B, and Sofia M.
The highlights of the season so far are the varsity boys taking 2nd place at the Wayne invitational, and the varsity trio of girls taking 3rd place at the "Dash-in-the-Dark" and then traveling to Binghamton for a meet where Sierra placed 9th, Shelby, 12th, and Sofia 18th.
It's been a great start to the season with many more highlights to come!
> The Best Buddies kickball game for tonight has been cancelled due to weather. For more information on Best Buddies and upcoming events scan the following QR code.
> Webster Boys Volleyball defeated Brighton in four close games last night, with Bodey G distributing 36 assists to a balanced attack. Griffin M led the offense with 12 kills, with Doug C adding 11 kills while Dan K and Ethan W tallied 10 each. Defensively, Zach Z and Evan L recorded 18 and 14 digs respectively; at the net Doug C had 6 blocks and Griffin M 4.
Boys volleyball heads into Fairport for a Red Raider homecoming match Friday with a record of 4-3.
September 22, 2021
> WonderCare- Webster's Before and Afterschool Program is Hiring.
We are looking to hire students to work in the afterschool program with elementary students.This is a great job if you have early release or can work afterschool. We have a flexible schedule and you wouldn't have to work nights or weekends.
Please email wondercare@webstercsd.org or follow us on Twitter for more information! Must be 16 to apply!
> The Webster Chess Team is back to in-person meetings as we prepare for another season of competition. Whether you wish to compete or just want to have fun the chess team is meeting Thursday after school in room W3. So come down, play some chess and we always have donuts.
> Anyone interested in joining Future Business Leaders of America, our first meeting will be on Monday, September 27 at 3:30pm in Room W17.
> Attention current NHS members: There will be a mandatory general membership meeting for current NHS members today after school at 3:20 in W223. We will be going over requirements for this year and opportunities for service. Please make sure you are checking the Google Classroom for important updates. If you can't make the meeting, please see Mrs. Hall in W223 or Mrs. O'Connor in W224 as soon as possible.
> Do you want to plan Homecoming events and school wide activities? Join Student Council.
If you are interested in becoming a member of Student Council See Mr. Peck in W8 or Mrs. Giacoman in E7.
> Link Crew is meeting Thursday, September 23rd at 8:15am in the auditorium.
> Rotary will have their first meeting on Tuesday, September 28th in E27 @ 3:25. We will be making items to show support for the nurses in our community. New members are always welcome to join us. If you have any questions about Rotary see Mrs. Landis in E27.
> Key Club's first meeting of the year will be Thursday September 30, in room W4.
> If you are a book enthusiast who is looking for a social outlet, come and check out Library Club. We meet twice a month to play games, do crafts, talk books, and more. Our first meeting is right after school on Tuesday, September 28 in room N101. A late bus home is available. Contact Mrs. Strege with questions.
> Speech & Debate Team will meet by event after school today & Thursday.
See the schedule on Ms Hamm's door.
Declamation meets at 3:20
Dramatic Performance & Duo at 3:30
Oral Interp at 3:40
> The Warriors defeated Rush-Henrietta yesterday by a score of two to nothing. Alyssa D. scored off an assist from Madi A. with 4 seconds left in the first half. Abby H. opened the second half with an assist from Ella D. The backline was outstanding all game, led by Maddie P, Alyssa F, Ava D, Jinan C, Gianna B and Sophia B. The girls play at home tomorrow against Gates-Chili.
September 21, 2021
> WonderCare- Webster's Before and Afterschool Program is Hiring.
We are looking to hire students to work in the afterschool program with elementary students.This is a great job if you have early release or can work afterschool. We have a flexible schedule and you wouldn't have to work nights or weekends.
Please email wondercare@webstercsd.org or follow us on Twitter for more information! Must be 16 to apply!
> Attention all students interested in joining International Club: Our first meeting will be today after school in Madame Rayton's new room, W213. We hope to see you there!
> The Webster Chess Team is back to in person meetings as we prepare for another season of competition. Whether you wish to compete or just want to have fun the chess team is meeting Thursday after school in room W3. So come down, play some chess and we always have donuts.
> There will be softball intramurals for any girl interested in playing softball next spring today from 3:30-5:00 on the Schroeder Turf.
> Attention current National Honor Society members: There will be a mandatory general membership meeting for current NHS members on Wednesday, September 22 after school at 3:20 in W223. We will be going over requirements for this year and opportunities for service. Please make sure you are checking the Google Classroom for important updates. If you can't make the meeting, please see Mrs. Hall in W223 or Mrs. O'Connor in W224 as soon as possible.
> The Model UN Club is PUMPED to be back to in-person conferences! If you want to see what the excitement is all about, if you enjoy meeting new people, if you enjoy discussing global topics and issues and coming up with solutions, then this IS the club for you. See what we are all about at our first meeting of the year, today at 3:20 in Room W6.
> Do you want to plan Homecoming events and school wide activities? Join Student Council.
If you are interested in becoming a member of Student Council See Mr. Peck in W8 or Mrs. Giacoman in E7.
> Looking for an opportunity to express your creativity? Art and Mural Club is the club to join. Art and Mural Club is an opportunity to express yourselves artistically through the creation of murals, art projects, and community projects. It’s a chance to show off your skills and give back to the school and community. You don't need to be enrolled in an art class to join, all are welcome!
The first meeting will be held in E10 today from 3:15pm- 4pm
> Link Crew is meeting Thursday, September 23rd at 8:15am in the auditorium.
> Calling all students interested in acting! The Schroeder Theater Company is hosting an informational meeting today right after school in E9. We will be discussing our Fall showcase. Don't worry...our full scale SPRING show is still on, to be announced later! Stop by today to see what we are all about.
> Rotary will have their first meeting on Tuesday, September 28th in E27 @ 3:25. We will be making items to show support for the nurses in our community. New members are always welcome to join us. If you have any questions about Rotary see Mrs. Landis in E27.
> The football team improved to 3 and 0 after a 21 nothing shutout win. Pacing the Warriors on offense was Kaleb J. who had 11 carries for 120 yards and 2 touchdowns. Alex D., Justin M., and Anthony D. combined for 117 yards rusing. Alex D. threw for 123 yards and a touchdown. Nate D. caught the touchdown and Torance W., John M. and Kaleb J. also were on the receiving end of passes.
On defense Kaleb J., John M., Zain K., and Ben C. led the team in tackles. Alex D. had an interception while Davis D., Zain K., and John M. all had quarterback sacks. Thank you Warrior Crew and Schroeder staff for coming all the way out there to support. The boys take on undefeated Brighton this Friday at 6pm in Schroeder Stadium. There will be a senior night ceremony after the conclusion of the game. Come out and support the fellas! Go Warriors!
September 20, 2021
> WonderCare- Webster's Before and Afterschool Program is Hiring.
We are looking to hire students to work in the afterschool program with elementary students.This is a great job if you have early release or can work afterschool. We have a flexible schedule and you wouldn't have to work nights or weekends.
Please email wondercare@webstercsd.org or follow us on Twitter for more information! Must be 16 to apply!
> Attention all students interested in joining International Club: Our first meeting will be tomorrow, September 21st after school in Madame Rayton's new room, W213. We hope to see you there!
> Attention to all current Show Choir and interested students: auditions are this afternoon. A shuttle bus from Thomas’s pool doors at 3:45pm will still be provided to bring you to Schroeder’s auditorium for a 4pm start. Bring comfortable shoes and clothes to dance in - we will teach you the rest. Thank you!
> The Webster Chess Team is back to in person meetings as we prepare for another season of competition. Whether you wish to compete or just want to have fun the chess team is meeting Thursday after school in room W3. So come down, play some chess and we always have donuts.
> There will be softball intramurals for any girl interested in playing softball next spring on Tuesday, September 21 from 3:30-5:00 on the Schroeder Turf.
> Attention current National Honor Society members: There will be a mandatory general membership meeting for current NHS members on Wednesday, September 22 after school at 3:20 in W223. We will be going over requirements for this year and opportunities for service. Please make sure you are checking the Google Classroom for important updates. If you can't make the meeting, please see Mrs. Hall in W223 or Mrs. O'Connor in W224 as soon as possible.
> The Model UN Club is PUMPED to be back to in-person conferences! If you want to see what the excitement is all about, if you enjoy meeting new people, if you enjoy discussing global topics and issues and coming up with solutions, then this IS the club for you. See what we are all about at our first meeting of the year, Tuesday, September 21 at 3:20 in Room W6.
> Do you want to plan Homecoming events and school wide activities? Join Student Council.
If you are interested in becoming a member of Student Council See Mr. Peck in W8 or Mrs. Giacoman in E7.
> Looking for an opportunity to express your creativity? Art and Mural Club is the club to join. Art and Mural Club is an opportunity to express yourselves artistically through the creation of murals, art projects, and community projects. It’s a chance to show off your skills and give back to the school and community. You don't need to be enrolled in an art class to join, all are welcome!
The first meeting will be held in E10 on Tuesday, September 21st from 3:15pm- 4pm
> Calling all students interested in acting! The Schroeder Theater Company is hosting an informational meeting Tuesday, September 21 right after school in E9. We will be discussing our fall showcase. Don't worry our full scale SPRING show is still on, to be announced later! Stop by Tuesday to see what we are all about.
> Link Crew is meeting Thursday, September 23rd at 8:15am in the auditorium.
> There will be a meeting for anyone interested in Schroeder's drama club -- The Schroeder Theater Company -- tomorrow after school in E9. See Ms Cooman, Mr. Christman, or Mr. Gomez with any questions.
> Rotary will have their first meeting on Tuesday, September 28th in E27 @ 3:25. We will be making items to show support for the nurses in our community. New members are always welcome to join us. If you have any questions about Rotary see Mrs. Landis in E27.
September 17, 2021
> WonderCare- Webster's Before and Afterschool Program is Hiring.
We are looking to hire students to work in the afterschool program with elementary students.This is a great job if you have early release or can work afterschool. We have a flexible schedule and you wouldn't have to work nights or weekends.
Please email wondercare@webstercsd.org or follow us on Twitter for more information! Must be 16 to apply!
> Attention all students interested in joining International Club: Our first meeting will be Tuesday, September 21st after school in Madame Rayton's new room, W213. We hope to see you there!
> Attention to all current Show Choir and interested students: auditions will be Monday, September 20th. A shuttle bus from Thomas’s pool doors at 3:45pm will still be provided to bring you to Schroeder’s auditorium for a 4pm start. Bring comfortable shoes and clothes to dance in - we will teach you the rest. Thank you!
> The Webster Chess Team is back to in person meetings as we prepare for another season of competition. Whether you wish to compete or just want to have fun the chess team is meeting Thursday after school in room W3. So come down, play some chess and we always have donuts.
> Attention current National Honor Society members: There will be a mandatory general membership meeting for current NHS members on Wednesday, September 22 after school at 3:20 in W223. We will be going over requirements for this year and opportunities for service. Please make sure you are checking the Google Classroom for important updates. If you can't make the meeting, please see Mrs. Hall in W223 or Mrs. O'Connor in W224 as soon as possible.
> The Model UN Club is PUMPED to be back to in-person conferences! If you want to see what the excitement is all about, if you enjoy meeting new people, if you enjoy discussing global topics and issues and coming up with solutions, then this IS the club for you. See what we are all about at our first meeting of the year, Tuesday, September 21 at 3:20 in Room W6.
> Do you want to plan Homecoming events and school wide activities? Join Student Council.
If you are interested in becoming a member of Student Council See Mr. Peck in W8 or Mrs. Giacoman in E7.
> What team has qualified for state and national competitions every year since 1984?
Speech & Debate Team! Every year we have been blessed with talented students who like to act, speak, and debate. Performance is our thing!
Meet students from all over western NYS. Build your self-confidence. Win medals and trophies. Strengthen your college resume! Make new friends and have fun!
New members welcome Monday at 3:30 in W15. Questions: See coaches Mrs. Connelly in W16 and Ms Hamm in W15.
> This is a reminder that college essay sessions with Mrs. Strege begin today in room W23 - that's Mrs. DeBacco's room - and will be held during periods 4 and 5. Please bring your Chromebook.
> Looking for an opportunity to express your creativity? Art and Mural Club is the club to join. Art and Mural Club is an opportunity to express yourselves artistically through the creation of murals, art projects, and community projects. It’s a chance to show off your skills and give back to the school and community. You don't need to be enrolled in an art class to join, all are welcome!
The first meeting will be held in E10 on Tuesday, September 21st from 3:15pm- 4pm
> Girls soccer defeated Victor one nothing last night. Leah M. had her first Varsity goal from an assist by Abbie H. Meg F. played outstanding in goal for the shutout.
> Calling all students interested in acting! The Schroeder Theater Company is hosting an informational meeting Tuesday, September 21 right after school in E9. We will be discussing our fall showcase. Don't worry our full scale SPRING show is still on, to be announced later! Stop by Tuesday to see what we are all about.
> Congratulations to the following students for being this week’s recipients of Principal’s Recognition:
Please stop down to the main office between 1st and 2nd period for "Pastries with the Principal!
Anastasia T. - Class of ‘22
Anthony R. - Class of ‘22
Stefanie S. - Class of ‘22
Cristian A. - Class of ‘23
Emma T. - Class of ‘22
Elijah M. - Class of ‘24
Rachael K. - Class of ‘24
Madison M. - Class of ‘24
September 16, 2021
> WonderCare - Webster's Before and Afterschool Program is Hiring.
We are looking to hire students to work in the afterschool program with elementary students.This is a great job if you have early release or can work afterschool. We have a flexible schedule and you wouldn't have to work nights or weekends.
Please email wondercare@webstercsd.org or follow us on Twitter for more information! Must be 16 to apply!
> Attention all Freshmen:
Are you interested in getting involved and planning events for your class? Have you ever thought about running for class office or being part of our student leadership team?
Then you won't want to miss our first Class of 2025 meeting of the year. Join us to find out more about your class events and how to run for an officer position!
This FRIDAY, September 17th at 8:15am in Room W217.
> College Essay workshops with Mrs. Strege begin this Friday in W23 during lunch periods. Please register through the "college visits" section of Naviance and bring your Chromebook to the session.
> Attention all students interested in joining International Club: Our first meeting will be Tuesday, September 21st after school in Madame Rayton's new room, W213. We hope to see you there!
> Attention to all current Show Choir and interested students: auditions will be Monday, September 20th. A shuttle bus from Thomas’s pool doors at 3:45pm will still be provided to bring you to Schroeder’s auditorium for a 4pm start. Bring comfortable shoes and clothes to dance in - we will teach you the rest. Thank you!
> The Webster Chess Team is back to in person meetings as we prepare for another season of competition. Whether you wish to compete or just want to have fun the chess team is meeting Thursday after school in room W3. So come down, play some chess and we always have donuts.
> Attention current National Honor Society members: There will be a mandatory general membership meeting for current NHS members on Wednesday, September 22 after school at 3:20 in W223. We will be going over requirements for this year and opportunities for service. Please make sure you are checking the Google Classroom for important updates. If you can't make the meeting, please see Mrs. Hall in W223 or Mrs. O'Connor in W224 as soon as possible.
> The Model UN Club is PUMPED to be back to in-person conferences! If you want to see what the excitement is all about, if you enjoy meeting new people, if you enjoy discussing global topics and issues and coming up with solutions, then this IS the club for you. See what we are all about at our first meeting of the year, Tuesday, September 21 at 3:20 in Room W6.
> Do you want to plan Homecoming events and school wide activities? Join Student Council.
If you are interested in becoming a member of Student Council See Mr. Peck in W8 or Mrs. Giacoman in E7.
> What team has qualified for state and national competitions every year since 1984?
Speech & Debate Team! Every year we have been blessed with talented students who like to act, speak, and debate. Performance is our thing!
Meet students from all over western NYS. Build your self-confidence. Win medals and trophies. Strengthen your college resume! Make new friends and have fun!
New members welcome Monday at 3:30 in W15. Questions: See coaches Mrs. Connelly in W16 and Ms Hamm in W15.
> Good morning!
A few quick notes...thanks to students who continually wear your masks appropriately.
Next..tonight is Open House here at Schroeder. Please share with your parents your schedule so they can see how great and supportive our teachers are each day!
And last, unfortunately, there is a new TikTok trend that has gained popularity where students capture themselves on video taking items that aren't theirs and placing them in their bags or, in some cases, destroying that property. In our case, this is happening in our restrooms. So, if you know of anyone posting to TikTok or doing such damage, please let an adult know. Additionally, if you didn't know, any damage done to school property will require you to pay for the damages and a suspension. Our custodial staff works hard to keep our bathrooms and school clean for YOU. Not only does this take our custodial staff away from their work, but it creates an unsafe environment for those simply trying to use the restroom. We are Warriors and we are better than this. This is our home. Let's take care of it.
September 15, 2021
> WonderCare- Webster's Before and Afterschool Program is Hiring.
We are looking to hire students to work in the afterschool program with elementary students.This is a great job if you have early release or can work afterschool. We have a flexible schedule and you wouldn't have to work nights or weekends.
Please email wondercare@webstercsd.org or follow us on Twitter for more information! Must be 16 to apply!
> Attention all Freshmen:
Are you interested in getting involved and planning events for your class? Have you ever thought about running for class office or being part of our student leadership team?
Then you won't want to miss our first Class of 2025 meeting of the year. Join us to find out more about your class events and how to run for an officer position!
This FRIDAY, September 17th at 8:15am in Room W217.
> College Essay workshops with Mrs. Strege begin this Friday in W23 during lunch periods. Please register through the "college visits" section of Naviance and bring your Chromebook to the session.
> Attention all students interested in joining International Club: Our first meeting will be Tuesday, September 21st after school in Madame Rayton's new room, W213. We hope to see you there!
> Attention to all current Show Choir and interested students: auditions will be Monday, September 20th. A shuttle bus from Thomas’s pool doors at 3:45pm will still be provided to bring you to Schroeder’s auditorium for a 4pm start. Bring comfortable shoes and clothes to dance in - we will teach you the rest. Thank you!
> Attention all members of the class of 2022! We will be having senior meetings during periods 4B (12:04-12:27) and 5A (12:32-12:55) today. We'll be sharing information about senior privileges and upcoming events. Jostens will also be there to share information on ordering your cap and gown. We are looking forward to seeing you in the auditorium during 4B or 5A on Wednesday!
> The Webster Chess Team is back to in person meetings as we prepare for another season of competition. Whether you wish to compete or just want to have fun the chess team is meeting Thursday after school in room W3. So come down, play some chess and we always have donuts.
> Last night, the girls varsity field hockey team went into a sudden victory OT versus the visiting Hilton Cadets. The team went to a 7v7 formation with many of the players selected playing a full 70-minutes of field hockey. The game ultimately ended in a tie, but Schroeder had multiple penalty corners and shots on goals. The team will travel to Eastridge Wednesday night for a matchup at 5:00pm against the Lancers.
> Attention current National Honor Society members: There will be a mandatory general membership meeting for current NHS members on Wednesday, September 22 after school at 3:20 in W223. We will be going over requirements for this year and opportunities for service. Please make sure you are checking the Google Classroom for important updates. If you can't make the meeting, please see Mrs. Hall in W223 or Mrs. O'Connor in W224 as soon as possible.
> Do you want to plan Homecoming events and school wide activities? Join Student Council.
If you are interested in becoming a member of Student Council See Mr. Peck in W8 or Mrs. Giacoman in E7.
September 14, 2021
> Interested in sitting in this chair? Do you enjoy public speaking? The Morning Show is looking for more anchors! Audition sign-ups are today in E-9, anyone interested in anchoring should sign-up. See Mr. Gomez or Ms. Cooman with any questions.
> WonderCare- Webster's Before and Afterschool Program is Hiring.
We are looking to hire students to work in the afterschool program with elementary students.This is a great job if you have early release or can work afterschool. We have a flexible schedule and you wouldn't have to work nights or weekends.
Please email wondercare@webstercsd.org or follow us on Twitter for more information! Must be 16 to apply!
> ATTENTION SCHROEDER BASEBALL PLAYERS: There will be a Fall Baseball Meeting today at 3:30 in room E36, which is next to the cafeteria. Fall Baseball opportunities will be discussed and the meeting will last no longer than 20 minutes. See you there.
> Attention all Freshmen:
Are you interested in getting involved and planning events for your class? Have you ever thought about running for class office or being part of our student leadership team?
Then you won't want to miss our first Class of 2025 meeting of the year. Join us to find out more about your class events and how to run for an officer position!
This FRIDAY, September 17th at 8:15am in Room W217.
> College Essay workshops with Mrs. Strege begin this Friday in W23 during lunch periods. Please register through the "college visits" section of Naviance and bring your Chromebook to the session.
> Attention all students interested in joining International Club: Our first meeting will be Tuesday, September 21st after school in Madame Rayton's new room, W213. We hope to see you there!
> Attention to all current Show Choir and interested students: auditions will be Monday, September 20th. A shuttle bus from Thomas’s pool doors at 3:45pm will still be provided to bring you to Schroeder’s auditorium for a 4pm start. Bring comfortable shoes and clothes to dance in - we will teach you the rest. Thank you!
> Over the weekend the Webster Marching Band took 1st place in their division over Corning! Webster now holds the 2nd highest score in the State of New York and is currently in 1st place in their division.
> Attention all members of the class of 2022! We will be having senior meetings during periods 4B (12:04-12:27) and 5A (12:32-12:55) on Wednesday, September 15th. We'll be sharing information about senior privileges and upcoming events. Jostens will also be there to share information on ordering your cap and gown. We are looking forward to seeing you in the auditorium during 4B or 5A on Wednesday!
> The Webster Chess Team is back to in person meetings as we prepare for another season of competition. Whether you wish to compete or just want to have fun the chess team is meeting Thursday after school in room W3. So come down, play some chess and we always have donuts.
September 13, 2021
> Drivers Education is back for the Fall of 2021. We have limited details but do know it will begin the week of September 20.
Seniors and Juniors can register on Tuesday, September 14 at 8:00 am on line at Drivers Ed Registration
Space is limited.
> Interested in sitting in this chair? Do you enjoy public speaking? The Morning Show is looking for more anchors! Audition sign-ups are today in E-9, anyone interested in anchoring should sign-up. See Mr. Gomez or Ms. Cooman with any questions.
> WonderCare- Webster's Before and Afterschool Program is Hiring.
We are looking to hire students to work in the afterschool program with elementary students.This is a great job if you have early release or can work afterschool. We have a flexible schedule and you wouldn't have to work nights or weekends.
Please email wondercare@webstercsd.org or follow us on Twitter for more information! Must be 16 to apply!
> ATTENTION SCHROEDER BASEBALL PLAYERS: There will be a Fall Baseball Meeting on Tuesday at 3:30 in room E36, which is next to the cafeteria. Fall Baseball opportunities will be discussed and the meeting will last no longer than 20 minutes.
See you there.
> College Essay workshops with Mrs. Strege begin this Friday in W23 during lunch periods. Please register through the "college visits" section of Naviance and bring your Chromebook to the session.
> Attention all students interested in joining International Club: Our first meeting will be Tuesday, September 21st after school in Madame Rayton's new room, W213. We hope to see you there!
> Varsity football won their home opener Friday 35 to 25 over Gates Chili. Kaleb J. had 1 rushing touchdown and Torance W. had 4 receiving touchdowns. Cam T. kicked all 5 extra points.
Alex D. passed for 388 yards and 4 touchdowns. Jaiden B., Nate D., Kaleb J., Jason L., Tabor S., Cam T., and Torance W. all caught passes.
Zain K., Tabor S., Jonny M., Alex D., and Nick V. led the team in tackles and Tabor S., and Jonny M. had interceptions while Zain K. had a quarterback sack.
Congrats to Torance W. for breaking the school record for most receiving yards in a game with 256! That total ranks 2nd in Section V history.
They play again this Friday night at Churchville Chili. Go Warriors!
> Attention to all current Show Choir and interested students who wanted to audition today; due to unforeseen circumstances, the auditions need to be rescheduled for Monday, September 20th. A shuttle bus from Thomas’s pool doors at 3:45pm will still be provided to bring you to Schroeder’s auditorium for a 4pm start. Bring comfortable shoes and clothes to dance in - we will teach you the rest. Thank you!
September 10, 2021
> Attention Class of 2023: Voting for class officer positions will close this afternoon. Today is the last chance to have your vote count. Please check our Google Classroom page for the midterm election ballot. Good luck to those running!
> The Webster Show Choir will be holding auditions after school in the Schroeder auditorium on Monday, September 13th at 4pm. All you need are comfortable shoes and clothes to dance in; we will teach you the rest. A shuttle bus from Thomas will pick up students at the pool doors at 3:45pm and bring you to Schroeder. Hope to see you there!
> Drivers Education is back for the Fall of 2021. We have limited details but do know it will begin the week of September 20. Seniors and Juniors can register on Tuesday, September 14 at 8:00 am on line at Drivers Ed Registration. Space is limited.
> Interested in sitting in this chair? Do you enjoy public speaking? The Morning Show is looking for more anchors! Audition sign-ups will be Monday and Tuesday next week in E9. See Mr. Gomez or Ms. Cooman with any questions.
> WonderCare- Webster's Before and Afterschool Program is Hiring.
We are looking to hire students to work in the afterschool program with elementary students.This is a great job if you have early release or can work afterschool. We have a flexible schedule and you wouldn't have to work nights or weekends.
Please email wondercare@webstercsd.org or follow us on Twitter for more information! Must be 16 to apply!
> ATTENTION SCHROEDER BASEBALL PLAYERS: There will be a Fall Baseball Meeting on Tuesday at 3:30 in room E36, which is next to the cafeteria. Fall Baseball opportunities will be discussed and the meeting will last no longer than 20 minutes.
See you there.
> In girls soccer, the Warriors defeated Hilton by a score of 2 - 1. Two goals were in the final ten minutes. Stef S. tied it up with a Penalty Kick. The game winner came off an assist from Abby H. to freshman Jocelyn G. who hit a cannon of a one touch shot. Keep building the environment!
> Webster Boys Volleyball completed consecutive victories last night with a three-set sweep at Gates-Chili, raising their record to 3-0. This followed a win over Midlakes at Schroeder on Wednesday. For the two contests, sophomore Bodey G. handed out 44 assists to hitters Dan K, Ethan W, and Griffin M with 14, 13, and 10 kills respectively. Doug C. contributed 9 kills and 5 aces. The Lakers return to action Monday night, hosting Victor in the Schroeder gym at 7:30.
> I'm Mrs. Strege, your librarian. I wanted to make sure that you know where to find me, and the library this year. During our year-long construction project the library is located in room N101. That is in the north hallway where you enter the building from the buses. You can still sign out of study halls during non-lunch periods, or get a pre-signed pass when you are looking for project help or want to check out books. Seniors, we are open to you during your empties. Be on the lookout for communications on college essay sessions, which start week after next. You can sign up through Naviance, or come see me for details.
> Good morning, Warriors. Tomorrow marks twenty years since the tragic terrorist attacks where 2,977 people lost their lives at the World Trade Center Towers, the Pentagon, and aboard Flight 93. Today, we remember with a solemn heart the losses from the worst terrorist attack the world has ever seen.
I ask that you please join me in a moment of silence...Thank you.
Since 2009, September 11th has been designated as the National Day of Service and Remembrance. It is an opportunity for all Americans not only to remember those lost on that day, but also to recognize the heroic actions of the first responders and recovery workers, police officers and firefighters, public safety officers and EMTs, and the men and women in the armed forces who risked their safety in service of others that day and the years since. 9/11 Day is now the nation’s largest annual day of service and I encourage you to learn more about the history of the day and to perform an act of service for someone else in our community this weekend. Please take this opportunity to join others in making a difference through your spirit, compassion, empathy, courage, and kindness.
Every good deed counts - go make the world a better place, Warriors.
September 9, 2021
Good morning and welcome to The Morning Show.
Today is Thursday, September 9th, 2021 and an “B” Day
The Green Team will be having our first meeting of the year toda, right after school in Mrs. Smith’s room (E224). If you can’t make it, please see Sierra D. or Mrs. Smith. Please bring any friends that are interested in joining! We have an exciting year ahead of us!
Attention Class of 2023: Voting for class officer positions will be open now until Friday afternoon. Please check our Google Classroom page for the midterm election ballot. Good luck to those running!
WTI is now located in E9, if you need to jump start your Chromebook into the new school stop on down.
The Webster Show Choir will be holding auditions after school in the Schroeder auditorium on Monday, September 13th at 4pm. All you need are comfortable shoes and clothes to dance in; we will teach you the rest. Hope to see you there!
Drivers Education is back for the Fall of 2021. We have limited details but do know it will begin the week of September 20. Seniors and Juniors can register on Tuesday, September 14 at 8:00 am on line at Drivers Ed Registration. Space is limited.
Interested in sitting in this chair? Do you enjoy public speaking? The Morning Show is looking for more anchors! Audition sign-ups will be Monday and Tuesday next week in E-9, anyone interested in anchoring should sign-up. See Mr. Gomez or Ms. Cooman with any questions.
September 8, 2021
> Varsity football opened their season last Friday with a 16 to 13 victory at Irondequoit. Alex D and Kaleb J scored rushing touchdowns and Cam T kicked a 24 yard field goal. Jason L. and Torance W. led the team in receptions; while Cam T., Jaiden B., and Tyler S., also chipped in. Team leaders in tackles were Tabor S., Nick D., Johnny M., Ryan S., and Danny D. Sacking the quarterback were Zain K., Kaleb J., and Ben C. They have their home opener this Friday at 7pm versus Gates-Chili. Hope to see you there! Go Warriors!
> The Green Team will be having our first meeting of the year on Thursday, September 9th right after school in Mrs. Smith’s room (E224). If you can’t make it, please see Sierra D. or Mrs. Smith. Please bring any friends that are interested in joining! We have an exciting year ahead of us!
> Attention Class of 2023: Voting for class officer positions will be open now until Friday afternoon. Please check our Google Classroom page for the midterm election ballot. Good luck to those running!
> The library is in room N101 this year. Our blueprint is a little smaller, but we are still fully functional. Seniors, come check out our new space during your empties. All other grade levels can begin signing out of non-lunch period study halls on Friday. Students who need project help, collaboration time, or library materials will be given priority access to the space.
> WTI is now located in E9, if you need to jump start your Chromebook into the new school stop on down.
June 21, 2021
> A lot of Warriors have been showing that they CARE recently. That's right...around the school we have seen cooperation, accountability, respect, and excellence! To celebrate this, we are randomly drawing a student and staff name that has been submitted to "The Final Countdown CARE Recognition Form."
Right now, live on air, we are going to spin for a student winner!
Congratulations, you will be contacted by Mrs. Tasber's office for next steps.
And staff, we can't forget you either! Let's spin that wheel.
Congratulations, you will be contacted by Mrs. Tasber's office as well.
Remember to keep caring, Warriors!
> The Webster Aquatic Center will conduct a Red Cross Lifeguard Class soon. Registration is online. Mandatory Prerequisite Swim Test will be held on June 22nd @ 4pm.
Class Dates: June 28th - July 1st
> The library just received a new shipment of award-winning young adult books. Stop down during your study hall or lunch to check out a stack for your summer reading. Books checked out now won't be due until September.
June 17, 2021
> WonderCare is now hiring for next school year. Please email wondercare@webstercsd.org for more information. Must be 16 years of age or older to apply.
> The Webster Aquatic Center will conduct a Red Cross Lifeguard Class soon. Registration is online. Mandatory Prerequisite Swim Test will be held on June 22nd @ 4pm.
Class Dates: June 28th - July 1st
> In a thrilling finish, Schroeder Softball defeated Fairport 8-6 to claim the Section Five Class AA Title! Congrats to Coach Keil for being named Coach of the Year and to Krislyn C for being named Player of the Year! Way to go Warriors!
> The library just received a new shipment of award-winning young adult books. Stop down during your study hall or lunch to check out a stack for your summer reading. Books checked out now won't be due until September.
June 15, 2021
> WonderCare is now hiring for next school year. Please email wondercare@webstercsd.org for more information. Must be 16 years of age or older to apply.
> The Webster Aquatic Center will conduct a Red Cross Lifeguard Class soon. Registration is online. Mandatory Prerequisite Swim Test will be held on June 22nd @ 4pm.
Class Dates: June 28th - July 1st
> The Girls Varsity Track team ended their amazing season Thursday night by narrowly missing becoming the Section 5 champions. However- Anya W, Camryn C, and Sierra D all earned their section 5 champion patch by placing 1st in their respective events. Corinthia G missed her patch by .007 seconds, but she broke the 27 year old school record in the 200. Erika L and Sierra D also took a 2nd place spot in their events and Lela S took 3rd in hers. The 4 by 100 and 4 by 400 teams made up of Corinthia G, Ashley L, Alyssa F, Camryn C and Shelby B took 2nd place in both relays. Thanks to the whole team for an exciting and incredible season!
> The PTSA would like to thank Emily L, Juliana F, and Samantha M for their wonderful painting on the West side of the cafeteria! Their art helps us remember that we are all one family sharing this world together!
In addition, Jill A, Sam F, Piper M, and Isabella G partnered with Mrs. Morrill to brighten up the first floor West Wing with some sunshine!
The PTSA would also like to recognize RT Masters for their donations of the beautiful stones in the senior courtyard.
Thanks everyone for keeping Schroeder stylish and positive!
> In a thrilling finish, Schroeder Softball defeated Fairport 8-6 to claim the Section Five Class AA Title! Congrats to Coach Keil for being named Coach of the Year and to Krislyn C for being named Player of the Year! Awesome job to the entire team. Way to go Warriors!
June 14, 2021
> WonderCare is now hiring for next school year. Please email wondercare@webstercsd.org for more information. Must be 16 years of age or older to apply.
> The Webster Aquatic Center will conduct a Red Cross Lifeguard Class soon. Registration is online. Mandatory Prerequisite Swim Test will be held on June 22nd @ 4pm.
Class Dates: June 28th - July 1st
> The Schroeder Softball team advanced to the sectional finals tonight at 7:00 pm at Schroeder after beating Rush-Henrietta 12-0.
Krislyn C. picked up the win with 4 strikeouts and Molly B. had the save with 6 strikeouts. Krislyn was also 2 for 3 with a double.
Bizzie B. had a grand slam. Sam M. was 2 for 3 with a home run and 2 RBIs. Emily C. was 2 for 3 with 3 RBIs and Haley K. was 2 for 3. Mikayla B. was 2 for 4 with 2 RBIs and a triple and double. Maddy S. was 2 for 4 with 2 runs scored and a double. Hannah S. had a RBI single and Mia A. had a hit and run scored.
Please come out and support the girls tonight in the sectional finals, admission is $5.
> The Girls Varsity Track team ended their amazing season Thursday night by narrowly missing becoming the Section 5 champions. However- Anya W, Camryn C, and Sierra D all earned their section 5 champion patch by placing 1st in their respective events. Corinthia G missed her patch by .007 seconds, but she broke the 27 year old school record in the 200. Erika L and Sierra D also took a 2nd place spot in their events and Lela S took 3rd in hers. The 4 by 100 and 4 by 400 teams made up of Corinthia G, Ashley L, Alyssa F, Camryn C and Shelby B took 2nd place in both relays. Thanks to the whole team for an exciting and incredible season!
June 11, 2021
> WonderCare is now hiring for next school year. Please email wondercare@webstercsd.org for more information. Must be 16 years of age or older to apply.
> Attention seniors: Chromebook return will begin today outside of the WTI room during your English class. Please bring both your chromebook and charger to turn in.
> Senior Slides are due by Monday, June 14th. Look for directions from Mr. Callahan in your Class of 2021 page!
> Schroeder softball (19-2) beat Hilton Wednesday with a score of 15-0 in the sectional quarterfinals.
Molly B. picked up the win giving up 2 hits and striking out 4, Krislyn C. got the save and had 3 strikeouts.
Maddy S. was 2 for 3 with a homerun and 3 RBIs, Samantha M. was 2 for 3 with 2 doubles, Mikayla B. was 2 for 3 with a double and triple, Hannah S. was 2 for 3, and Amelia A. went 1 for 1.
Krislyn C. had a double and 2 RBIs, Bizzie B. a RBI single, Em C a RBI single, and Haley K. a single and RBI sac bunt.
Rachel K. ended the game with RBI Sac Fly.
The Warriors play tonight at 7:00 at Schroeder vs RH in the semifinals, come support the team!
> The Webster Aquatic Center will conduct a Red Cross Lifeguard Class soon. Registration is online. Mandatory Prerequisite Swim Test will be held on June 22nd @ 4pm.
Class Dates: June 28th - July 1st
> The Varsity Unified Basketball team closed out their season last night with a great win over Penfield by a score of 48-38. Leading the team was senior, Trevor, with 16 points. Erin had 8 points, Breanna scored 6, Ernie, Jess, and Cody had 4 points, and Abby, Rahma, and Heaven also scored. The basketball team had an incredible season and a big thanks goes out to our partners and coaches for their endless support. Go Warriors!
June 10, 2021
> WonderCare is now hiring for next school year. Please email wondercare@webstercsd.org for more information. Must be 16 years of age or older to apply.
> Attention seniors: Chromebook return will begin today outside of the WTI room during your English class. Please bring both your chromebook and charger to turn in.
> Senior Slides are due by Monday, June 14th. Look for directions from Mr. Callahan in your Class of 2021 page!
> Schroeder softball (19-2) beat Hilton yesterday with a score of 15-0 in the sectional quarterfinals.
Molly B. picked up the win giving up 2 hits and striking out 4, Krislyn C. got the save and had 3 strikeouts.
Maddy S. was 2 for 3 with a homerun and 3 RBIs, Samantha M. was 2 for 3 with 2 doubles, Mikayla B. was 2 for 3 with a double and triple, Hannah S. was 2 for 3, and Amelia A. went 1 for 1.
Krislyn C. had a double and 2 RBIs, Bizzie B. a RBI single, Em C a RBI single, and Haley K. a single and RBI sac bunt.
Rachel K. ended the game with RBI Sac Fly.
The Warriors play Friday night at 7:00 at Schroeder vs RH in the semifinals, come support the team!
>4th Block don’t miss the Blues Brothers performing an encore in the auditorium today.
> The varsity Unified Basketball team played an outstanding game yesterday against Webster Thomas falling by a score of 40-38. The team celebrated Seniors Trevor M., Luke I., and Rahma F. All athletes scored and our 2 senior athletes lead the team with 8 points from Trevor and 6 points for Rahma. Great game Warriors!
June 9,2021
> WonderCare is now hiring for next school year. Please email wondercare@webstercsd.org for more information. Must be 16 years of age or older to apply.
> The Varsity Unified Basketball team traveled to West Irondequoit on Monday and got their first win of the season by a score of 45-35. All athletes scored and the leading scorer was Cody H. with 14 points. Please come out and support the team on Wednesday at 4:30 PM as they play Webster Thomas. Go Warriors!
On Monday, we had a 1 day from mask guidelines. As nice as it would be to not have to protect against COVID, we need to be 100% safe from COVID. For this, we are to comply with the state’s indoor mask mandate. Which means:
Students and staff must mask while moving around the building, including upon entering the building. Masks must also be worn on district transportation.
Recognizing that temperatures are forecast to be hot much of this week and through June, students and staff may take mask breaks, as needed, while in classrooms and as long as students are physically distanced.
Masks continue to be optional outdoors.
Again, we are disappointed that we need to deliver this message with two weeks of school left. We hope that you would join us in advocating to the Governor and the NYS Department of Health with your thoughts about school masking.
Here's the thing...wear a mask while entering the building and in the hallways (which is what, 5 minutes?). If you are properly spaced and need a mask break in class, take one. Just don't put someone else in jeopardy.
Staff and students, please work together to make this work. We made it this far...let's finish just as strong, together and make this work for ALL of us.
We will have a phenomenal final 9 days by focusing on finishing our work and the learning at hand. Let's not focus on the mask issue. Focus on enjoying the final days of a year with classmates as our senior class leads us through the most challenging school year ever! Thank our staff members for always trying their best and for keeping us together. Keep everyone safe and COVID free.
June 8, 2021
> A lot of Warriors have been showing that they CARE recently. That's right...around the school we have seen cooperation, accountability, respect, and excellence! To celebrate this, we are randomly drawing a student and staff name that has been submitted to "The Final Countdown CARE Recognition Form."
Right now, live on air, we are going to spin for a student winner!
Congratulations, you will be contacted by Mrs. Tasber's office for next steps.
And staff, we can't forget you either! Let's spin that wheel.
Congratulations, you will be contacted by Mrs. Tasber's office as well.
Remember to keep caring, Warriors! There will be new winners every week!
> WonderCare is now hiring for next school year. Please email wondercare@webstercsd.org for more information. Must be 16 years of age or older to apply.
> Congratulations to this year's recipients of the Seal of Biliteracy. This year 77 Warrior and Titan students fulfilled the requirements and defended their language skills in English and another World Language, earning a total of 78 NY State Seals.
We would also like to send a big shout out to the following staff who helped support a very successful Seal of Biliteracy year. We appreciate all the time, effort, and guidance you have provided this year!
> Do you have a loaner chromebook? If so, please head over to WTI to return it and pick up your repaired device by June 15th.
Attention Seniors: Device Return will be this Friday, June 11th in front of the WTI room. Please bring your Chromebook and charger to turn in.
> The Varsity Unified Basketball team traveled to West Irondequoit on Monday and got their first win of the season by a score of 45-35. All athletes scored and the leading scorer was Cody H. with 14 points. Please come out and support the team on Wednesday at 4:30 PM as they play Webster Thomas. Go Warriors!
------- Special Announcements --------------------------------------------
> Yesterday we had a 1 day break from mask guidelines. As nice as it would be to not have to mask ever again and be 100% safe from COVID, must comply with the state’s indoor mask mandate. We will do that in this way:
Students and staff must mask while moving around the building, including upon entering the building. Masks must also be worn on district transportation.
Recognizing that temperatures are forecast to be hot much of this week and through June, students and staff may take mask breaks, as needed, while in classrooms and as long as students are physically distanced.
Masks continue to be optional outdoors.
Again, we are disappointed that we need to deliver this message with two weeks of school left. We hope that you would join us in advocating to the Governor and the NYS Department of Health with your thoughts about school masking.
Here's the thing...wear a mask while entering the building and in the hallways (which is what, 5 minutes?). If you are properly spaced and need a mask break in class, take one. Just don't put someone else in jeopardy.
Staff and students, please work together to make this work. I love being here at Schroeder and I hope you do too. Let's work together to make this work for ALL of us.
We will have a phenomenal final 10 days by focusing on finishing our work and the learning at hand. Let's not focus on the mask issue. Focus on enjoying the final days of a year with classmates as our senior class leads us through the most challenging school year ever! Thank our staff members for always trying their best and for keeping us together. Keep everyone safe and COVID free.
June 7, 2021
> A lot of Warriors have been showing that they CARE recently. That's right...around the school we have seen cooperation, accountability, respect, and excellence! To celebrate this, we are randomly drawing a student and staff name that has been submitted to "The Final Countdown CARE Recognition Form."
Right now, live on air, we are going to spin for a student winner!
Congratulations, you will be contacted by Mrs. Tasber's office for next steps.
And staff, we can't forget you either! Let's spin that wheel.
Congratulations, you will be contacted by Mrs. Tasber's office as well.
Remember to keep caring, Warriors! There will be new winners every week!
> WonderCare is now hiring for next school year. Please email wondercare@webstercsd.org for more information. Must be 16 years of age or older to apply.
> Congratulations to this year's recipients of the Seal of Biliteracy. This year 77 Warrior and Titan students fulfilled the requirements and defended their language skills in English and another World Language, earning a total of 78 NY State Seals.
We would also like to send a big shout out to the following staff who helped support a very successful Seal of Biliteracy year. We appreciate all the time, effort, and guidance you have provided this year!
> Do you have a loaner chromebook? If so, please head over to WTI to return it and pick up your repaired device by June 15th.
Attention Seniors: Device Return will be this Thursday, June 10th in front of the WTI room. Please bring your Chromebook and charger to turn in.
> Updated NYSDOH and WCSD masking guidelines:
The NYSDOH recommends the following changes for schools:
Indoors, mask use will be strongly encouraged but not required for students, staff, teachers, and counselors who are not fully vaccinated.
Outdoors, masks will not be required for unvaccinated students and staff in most circumstances.
Both indoors and outdoors, students and staff who are fully vaccinated do not need to wear masks.
Wearing a mask is still strongly encouraged for not fully vaccinated; and is now a family choice.
Please support any and all Warriors, students and staff, in their choice to wear or not to wear.
One thing I do know about our Schroeder Family is that we support one another. We embrace our differences in the choices that we make. Please consider that we all have different family and extended family situations. For example, many of you have younger siblings who cannot be vaccinated. Others may have relatives with weak immune systems. We each can choose.
COVID-19 has put the world on its head. Yes, we are all excited for that to end and summer to officially begin! We can see what appears to be the finish line, but COVID is still out there negatively impacting individuals and families.
Also, as an FYI...social distancing requirements have not changed, as of now.
June 4, 2021
> Attention Juniors and Sophomores: Schroeder is looking for Link Leaders for the 2021-22 school year to help welcome the incoming freshman class. Applications can be found in your Google Classroom.
> Attention NHS Juniors:
If you are interested in an officer position for NHS for next year, please fill out the application located on the NHS Google Classroom. All applications are due by Monday, June 7th. We will review the applications and select and notify our new NHS officers by June 11th.
> Attention Juniors: today is the last day to purchase Seabreeze tickets. Tickets can be purchased from room W27
> WonderCare is now hiring for next school year. Please email wondercare@webstercsd.org for more information. Must be 16 years of age or older to apply.
> The Girls Varsity Track team finished their regular season on Tuesday with some amazing 1st place finishes. These included Corinthia G in the 400, Shelby B in the 1500, Sierra D in the 3000, Gianna B in pole vault and Anya W in BOTH the shot and discus. The 4 by 100 team made up of Corinthia, Camryn C, Alyssa F and Ashley L also won their event. Good luck at your last Invitational tomorrow!
June 3, 2021
> Attention Juniors and Sophomores: Schroeder is looking for Link Leaders for the 2021-22 school year to help welcome the incoming freshman class. Applications can be found in your Google Classroom.
> Attention NHS Juniors:
If you are interested in an officer position for NHS for next year, please fill out the application located on the NHS Google Classroom. All applications are due by Monday, June 7th. We will review the applications and select and notify our new NHS officers by June 11th.
> Attention Juniors: the last day to purchase Seabreeze tickets is Friday, June 4. Tickets can be purchased from room W27
> WonderCare is now hiring for next school year. Please email wondercare@webstercsd.org for more information. Must be 16 years of age or older to apply.
> The Girls Varsity Track team finished their regular season on Tuesday with some amazing 1st place finishes. These included Corinthia G in the 400, Shelby B in the 1500, Sierra D in the 3000, Gianna B in pole vault and Anya W in BOTH the shot and discus. The 4 by 100 team made up of Corinthia, Camryn C, Alyssa F and Ashley L also won their event. Good Luck at your last Invitational on Saturday!
June 2, 2021
> Attention Juniors and Sophomores: Schroeder is looking for Link Leaders for the 2021-22 school year to help welcome the incoming freshman class. Applications can be found in your Google Classroom.
> Attention NHS Juniors:
If you are interested in an officer position for NHS for next year, please fill out the application located on the NHS Google Classroom. All applications are due by Monday, June 7th. We will review the applications and select and notify our new NHS officers by June 11th.
> Attention Juniors: the last day to purchase Seabreeze tickets is Friday, June 4. Tickets can be purchased from room W27
> Schroeder Softball beat Victor 3-0 to clinch the Monroe County Division 1 championship and improve to 17-2 on the year.
Krislyn C. was brilliant in the circle throwing a one hit shutout with 13 strikeouts. Bizzie B. had an RBI double. Mia A. was 1 for 1 with a run scored, Hannah S, Mikayla B, and Haley K each had a hit.
The defense played perfect with Emily C. leading the way behind the plate with 14 putouts and 1 assist.
The girls play their last regular season game tonight at home vs Penfield at 7:00 and sectionals begin next week. Congratulations ladies!!!
> A lot of Warriors have been showing that they CARE recently. That's right...around the school we have seen cooperation, accountability, respect, and excellence! To celebrate this, we are randomly drawing a student and staff name that has been submitted to "The Final Countdown CARE Recognition Form."
Right now, live on air, we are going to spin for a student winner!
Congratulations, you will be contacted by Mrs. Tasber's office for next steps.
And staff, we can't forget you either! Let's spin that wheel.
Congratulations, you will be contacted by Mrs. Tasber's office as well.
Remember to keep caring, Warriors! There will be new winners every week!
June 1, 2021
> Attention Juniors and Sophomores: Schroeder is looking for Link Leaders for the 2021-22 school year to help welcome the incoming freshman class. Applications can be found in your Google Classroom.
> A lot of Warriors have been showing that they CARE recently. That's right...around the school we have seen cooperation, accountability, respect, and excellence! To celebrate this, we are randomly drawing a student and staff name that has been submitted to "The Final Countdown CARE Recognition Form."
Right now, live on air, we are going to spin for a student winner!
Congratulations, you will be contacted by Mrs. Tasber's office for next steps.
And staff, we can't forget you either! Let's spin that wheel.
Congratulations, you will be contacted by Mrs. Tasber's office as well.
Remember to keep caring, Warriors! There will be new winners every week!
> Attention NHS Juniors:
If you are interested in an officer position for NHS for next year, please fill out the application located on the NHS Google Classroom. All applications are due by Monday, June 7th. We will review the applications and select and notify our new NHS officers by June 11th.
> Attention Juniors: the last day to purchase Seabreeze tickets is Friday, June 4. Tickets can be purchased from room W27
May 28, 2021
> Attention all seniors: Ball tickets are still on sale today. Tickets are $50 and will be sold in the senior lounge 4th and 5th period. We hope that you all join us for a fun night under the stars!
> Attention all NHS members: Please hand in your dues and/or Service Hour Sheets as soon as possible. NHS Seniors: If this is not handed in today you will not receive cords for graduation.
> The Schroeder softball team improved to 14-2 on the year with a 13-5 win over WayCo Wednesday night.
Molly B. and Krislyn C. combined for the win and 9 strikeouts.
Krislyn was 3 for 3 with a double, home run, and 4 RBIs. Mikayla B. was 3 for 4 with 3 runs scored. Bizzie B. was 2 for 3. Maddy S. was 2 for 4 with 2 RBIs. Sam M. was 2 for 3 with 2 home runs in the same inning! Mia A. and Em C. each had a hit and scored a run.
> The Varsity Unified Basketball team had their season opener yesterday at Fairport. They played a great game and had lots of fun despite the 47-33 loss. Leading the team was Ernie S. with 9 points, followed by Trevor M. with 6 points, Cody H. with 4 points, Rahma F. with 4 points, and Heaven H., Breanna B., Jess M., Erin N., and Abbey W. all scoring a bucket. The next game is Wednesday and is home against Greece Storm at 4:30. Please come out and support this awesome team!
> Congratulations to the following students for being this week’s recipients of Principal’s Recognition:
Please stop down to the main office any time after 1st period.
Hope D. - Class of ‘22
Allen I. - Class of ‘22
Katie B. - Class of ‘21
Gunnar B. - Class of ‘23 (per 1 Mrs. Tuyn)
Hannah L. - Class of ‘23 (per 1 Mrs. Tuyn)
Robert N - Class of ‘23 (per 1 Mrs. Tuyn)
Colton U. - Class of ‘23
Lauren V. - Class of ‘23
Jessica W. - Class of ‘23
Harland B. - Class of ‘23
Sophia B. -Class of ‘23 (per 1 Mr. Britt)
May 27, 2021
> Attention all seniors: Ball tickets are officially on sale until Friday, May 28th. Tickets are $50 and will be sold in the senior lounge 4th and 5th period. We hope that you all join us for a fun night under the stars!
> The Girls Varsity Track team set out to win against Hilton Tuesday.... and that is exactly what they did. The final score was 96-44. The shot and disc team made up of Anya W, Mileena O and Sara F dominated- taking 17 out of a posible 18 points. Other first place finishes were won by Erika L in the triple jump, Ashley L in the long jump, Lela S in the high jump, Camryn C in the 100 hurdles, Sofia M in the 3000, Sierra D in the 1500, Shelby B in both the 800 and the 400, and Corinthia G in both the 200 and 100. This team never ceases to amaze!!
> Attention all NHS members: Please hand in your dues and/or Service Hour Sheets as soon as possible. NHS Seniors: If this is not handed in by tomorrow, Friday, May 28th you will not receive cords for graduation.
> The Schroeder softball team improved to 14-2 on the year with a 13-5 win over WayCo yesterday.
Molly B. and Krislyn C. combined for the win and 9 strikeouts.
Krislyn was 3 for 3 with a double, home run, and 4 RBIs. Mikayla B. was 3 for 4 with 3 runs scored. Bizzie B. was 2 for 3. Maddy S. was 2 for 4 with 2 RBIs. Sam M. was 2 for 3 with 2 hone runs in the same inning! Mia A. and Em C. each had a hit and scored a run.
The girls play home again tonight vs. Avon at 7:00. Please come out and show your support.
May 24, 2021
> Attention all seniors: Ball tickets are officially on sale until Friday, May 28th. Tickets are $50 and will be sold in the senior lounge 4th and 5th period. We hope that you all join us for a fun night under the stars!
> The Webster Show Choir will be performing live on the Thomas Auditorium stage tonight at 6pm and 7:15pm. For all those in attendance, you will be asked to sign in at the door for contact tracing, and to social distance 6 feet apart from non-family members. Hope you can come out and enjoy a night of music and dancing.
> The Schroeder Theater Company would like to thank everyone who tuned in to watch "Our Place" this past weekend. It was an incredible weekend and an unforgettable experience to see Schroeder student-actors (and a few surprise guests) light up the big screen! We look forward to seeing you again next year as we return to the stage! Congratulations to the cast and crew on a phenomenal performance and production. Seniors: best of luck with your future pursuits...the future is bright!
> A lot of Warriors have been showing that they CARE recently. That's right...around the school we have seen cooperation, accountability, respect, and excellence! To celebrate this, we are randomly drawing a student and staff name that has been submitted to "The Final Countdown CARE Recognition Form."
Right now, live on air, we are going to spin for a student winner!
Congratulations, you will be contacted by Mrs. Tasber's office for next steps.
And staff, we can't forget you either! Let's spin that wheel.
Congratulations, you will be contacted by Mrs. Tasber's office as well.
Remember to keep caring, Warriors! There will be new winners every week!
May 21, 2021
> Attention all seniors: Ball tickets are officially on sale until Friday, May 28th. Tickets are $50 and will be sold in the senior lounge 4th and 5th period. We hope that you all join us for a fun night under the stars!
> The Powerhouse Girls Varsity Track team continued to beat all odds when they tied Rush Henrietta on Tuesday. Anya W and Mileena O dominated the shot and disc taking 1st and 2nd respectively in both events. First place was won by Gianna B in pole vault, Erika L in triple jump, Lela S in high jump, Sofia M in the 3000, Shelby B in the 800, Camryn C in the 100 hurdles, and Corinthia G took first in both the 200 and long jump. The 4 by 100 team made up of Alyssa F, Camryn C, Erika L, and Corinthia G also won their event. A special congratulations goes out to Jenny H who had a P.R. in both her events!
> What's up, dock!?
The Schroeder Theater Company would like to invite everyone to our place this weekend!
The first ever entirely filmed on-location show will be available to live stream for $10 at 7pm tonight and tomorrow.
Look for posters around the school or stop in to see Mr. Gomez or Ms Cooman for information regarding purchasing a live stream pass to the show. Tickets lock out an hour before show time so be sure to secure your pass nice and early!
Mr. Gomez (who is team JJ) promises it'll be the best thing you stream since Outer Banks!
> The Webster Show Choir will be performing live on the Thomas Auditorium stage on Monday, May 24th at 6pm and 7:15pm. For all those in attendance, you will be asked to sign in at the door for contact tracing, and to social distance 6 feet apart from non-family members. Hope you can come out and enjoy a night of music and dancing.
> This is a reminder that the library will be closed all day today for testing. Students should remain in study hall.
> Congratulations to the following students for being this week’s recipients of Principal’s Recognition:
Please stop down to the main office any time after 1st period.
Hannah T. - Class of ‘22
Connor G. - Class of ‘21
Nicholas H. - Class of ‘22
Luke S. - Class of ‘22
Now over to a “Our Place” video...
May 20, 2021
> Attention all seniors: Ball tickets are officially on sale until Friday, May 28th. Tickets are $50 and will be sold in the senior lounge 4th and 5th period. We hope that you all join us for a fun night under the stars!
> The Powerhouse Girls Varsity Track team continued to beat all odds when they tied Rush Henrietta on Tuesday. Anya W and Mileena O dominated the shot and disc taking 1st and 2nd respectively in both events. First place was won by Gianna B in pole vault, Erika L in triple jump, Lela S in high jump, Sofia M in the 3000, Shelby B in the 800, Camryn C in the 100 hurdles, and Corinthia G took first in both the 200 and long jump. The 4 by 100 team made up of Alyssa F, Camryn C, Erika L, and Corinthia G also won their event. A special congratulations goes out to Jenny H who had a P.R. in both her events!
> What's up, dock!?
The Schroeder Theater Company would like to invite everyone to our place this weekend!
The first ever entirely filmed on-location show will be available to live stream for $10 at 7pm on Friday and Saturday night.
Look for posters around the school or stop in to see Mr. Gomez or Ms Cooman for information regarding purchasing a live stream pass to the show. Tickets lock out an hour before show time so be sure to secure your pass nice and early!
Mr. Gomez (who is team JJ) promises it'll be the best thing you stream since Outer Banks!
> Congratulations to the following students for being this week’s recipients of Principal’s Recognition:
Please stop down to the main office any time after 1st period.
Filipe F. - Class of ‘24
Blanca H. - Class of ‘22
Makenzie H. - Class of ‘22
Jiayi L. - Class of ‘24
Samantha M. - Class of ‘21
Isabella C. - Class of ‘22
Nathan Z. - Class of ‘22
May 18, 2021
Good morning and welcome to The Morning Show.
Today is Tuesday, May 18th, 2021 and an “D2” Day
> Attention Warriors who received a postcard notifying you that you achieved honor roll for quarter 3: please stop in to your alpha office to pick up your ice cream coupon and then redeem it in the cafeteria line during your lunch period this week. Congratulations on your hard work!
> The regulations regarding Therapy Dogs have now been changed and the "NO TOUCHING RULE" has been removed. So, when you see Bella around the building feel free to say hello and give her a little love.
> The Girls Varsity Track team was absolutely amazing Friday night at the Sodus Invitational. The powerhouse team of only 11 athletes, narrowly missed winning the whole invitational by only 1 single point. They were up against 15 other schools and dominated in all of their events. Sierra D and Camryn C each broke a course record in the 1500 and 100 hurdles, respectively. Other first place finishes were achieved by Anya W in BOTH the shot and discus, Erika L in the triple jump, Corinthia G in the 200, and Shelby B in the 400.
> The Schroeder Softball team improved to 8-1. Friday they beat rival Victor 4-3. Molly B. picked up the win with 9 strikeouts. Bizzie B. was 2 for 3 with a triple and a RBI. Krislyn C. had a two RBI triples. Emily C. was 2 for 3. Mikayla B. had a double and Mia A. and Maddy S. also had hits.
Saturday, the girls beat Brighton 5-2. Krislyn C picked up the win in the circle with 6 strikeouts and Molly B. got the save with 4 strikeouts.
Krislyn had a solo homer to tie the game. Hannah S. was 1 for 2 with a RBI. Haley K. was 1 for 2 with a double. Bizzie B. was 2 for 4, Mia A had a hit and scored a run, and Mikayla B. had a RBI single.
> Please note that the library will be closed this Friday, May 21 for AP language testing. Study hall teachers should plan on keeping students in the classroom.
> Attention all seniors: Ball tickets are officially on sale until Friday, May 28th. Tickets are $50 and will be sold in the senior lounge 4th and 5th period. We hope that you all join us for a fun night under the stars!
---- Special announcement -----
> Good morning, Warriors! You may or may not be aware, but this week marks 21 school days until graduation for our class of 2021! We know this year has been full of challenges, and we want to end strong by focusing on the positive. To help with this, our Schroeder staff members are going to be on the lookout for students showing our CARE values: cooperation, accountability, respect, and excellence. When a staff member notices you showing one of these attributes, they’ll let you know what they noticed and ask you to scan a QR code with your phone’s camera. This will take you to a quick form where you’ll record your name, the name of the person who recognized you, and what they recognized you for. Each week we’ll draw the names of a student from each group to choose a prize from a list of options. We’ll also do a weekly drawing for staff members who recognized students! These winners will be announced on the morning show. Let’s end this school year strong by spreading some kindness and joy around Schroeder!
Now over to a Schroeder Theater Company video…
May 17, 2021
> Seniors who did not pick up their yard signs yet can stop by Mrs. Giacoman's room in E7 to grab theirs!
> Attention Warriors who received a postcard notifying you that you achieved honor roll for quarter 3: please stop in to your alpha office to pick up your ice cream coupon and then redeem it in the cafeteria line during your lunch period this week. Congratulations on your hard work!
> In honor of Asian American & Pacific Islander heritage month, we would like to discuss George Takei, who is an actor, social justice activist and New York Times bestselling author. Best known for his role on Star Trek, Takei helped to pave the way for Asian American actors in roles that were not developed from stereotypes. Takei and his family were imprisoned within the barbed-wire enclosures of American internment camps for Japanese Americans during World War II. This is where Takei would spend most of his childhood and this would also provide inspiration for the Broadway musical Allegiance which Takei developed. He also helped to produce the graphic novel They Called Us Enemy which draws from his experiences and information of the 442nd Infantry Regiment, a nearly completely Japanese American regiment that fought in World War II. Takei is also a Gay American and is an advid supporter of the LGBTQ+ community.
> The regulations regarding Therapy Dogs have now been changed and the "NO TOUCHING RULE" has been removed. So, when you see Bella around the building feel free to say hello and give her a little love.
> The Girls Varsity Track team was absolutely amazing Friday night at the Sodus Invitational. The powerhouse team of only 11 athletes, narrowly missed winning the whole invitational by only 1 single point. They were up against 15 other schools and dominated in all of their events. Sierra D and Camryn C each broke a course record in the 1500 and 100 hurdles, respectively. Other first place finishes were achieved by Anya W in BOTH the shot and discus, Erika L in the triple jump, Corinthia G in the 200, and Shelby B in the 400.
> The Schroeder Softball team improved to 8-1. Friday they beat rival Victor 4-3. Molly B. picked up the win with 9 strikeouts. Bizzie B. was 2 for 3 with a triple and a RBI. Krislyn C. had a two RBI triples. Emily C. was 2 for 3. Mikayla B. ad a double and Mia A. and Maddy S. also had hits.
Saturday, the girls beat Brighton 5-2. Krislyn C picked up the win in the circle with 6 strikeouts and Molly B. got the save with 4 strikeouts.
Krislyn had a solo homer to tie the game. Hannah S. was 1 for 2 with a RBI. Haley K. was 1 for 2 with a double. Bizzie B. was 2 for 4, Mia A had a hit and scored a run, and Mikayla B. had a RBI single.
------- Special Announcements --------------------------------------------
> Good morning, Warriors! You may or may not be aware, but this week marks 21 school days until graduation for our class of 2021! We know this year has been full of challenges, and we want to end strong by focusing on the positive. To help with this, our Schroeder staff members are going to be on the lookout for students showing our CARE values: cooperation, accountability, respect, and excellence. When a staff member notices you showing one of these attributes, they’ll let you know what they noticed and ask you to scan a QR code with your phone’s camera. This will take you to a quick form where you’ll record your name, the name of the person who recognized you, and what they recognized you for. Each week we’ll draw the names of a student from each group to choose a prize from a list of options. We’ll also do a weekly drawing for staff members who recognized students! These winners will be announced on the morning show. Let’s end this school year strong by spreading some kindness and joy around Schroeder!
May 17, 2021
> Attention Warriors who received a postcard notifying you that you achieved honor roll for quarter 3: please stop in to your alpha office to pick up your ice cream coupon and then redeem it in the cafeteria line during your lunch period this week. Congratulations on your hard work!
> In honor of Asian American & Pacific Islander heritage month, we would like to discuss George Takei, who is an actor, social justice activist and New York Times bestselling author. Best known for his role on Star Trek, Takei helped to pave the way for Asian American actors in roles that were not developed from stereotypes. Takei and his family were imprisoned within the barbed-wire enclosures of American internment camps for Japanese Americans during World War II. This is where Takei would spend most of his childhood and this would also provide inspiration for the Broadway musical Allegiance which Takei developed. He also helped to produce the graphic novel They Called Us Enemy which draws from his experiences and information of the 442nd Infantry Regiment, a nearly completely Japanese American regiment that fought in World War II. Takei is also a Gay American and is an advid supporter of the LGBTQ+ community.
> The regulations regarding Therapy Dogs have now been changed and the "NO TOUCHING RULE" has been removed. So, when you see Bella around the building feel free to say hello and give her a little love.
> The Girls Varsity Track team was absolutely amazing Friday night at the Sodus Invitational. The powerhouse team of only 11 athletes, narrowly missed winning the whole invitational by only 1 single point. They were up against 15 other schools and dominated in all of their events. Sierra D and Camryn C each broke a course record in the 1500 and 100 hurdles, respectively. Other first place finishes were achieved by Anya W in BOTH the shot and discus, Erika L in the triple jump, Corinthia G in the 200, and Shelby B in the 400.
> The Schroeder Softball team improved to 8-1. Friday they beat rival Victor 4-3. Molly B. picked up the win with 9 strikeouts. Bizzie B. was 2 for 3 with a triple and a RBI. Krislyn C. had a two RBI triples. Emily C. was 2 for 3. Mikayla B. ad a double and Mia A. and Maddy S. also had hits.
Saturday, the girls beat Brighton 5-2. Krislyn C picked up the win in the circle with 6 strikeouts and Molly B. got the save with 4 strikeouts.
Krislyn had a solo homer to tie the game. Hannah S. was 1 for 2 with a RBI. Haley K. was 1 for 2 with a double. Bizzie B. was 2 for 4, Mia A had a hit and scored a run, and Mikayla B. had a RBI single.
May 14, 2021
> Attention Juniors and Sophomores: Schroeder is looking for Link Leaders for the 2021-22 school year to help welcome the incoming freshman class. Applications can be found in your Google Classroom.
> Hey seniors! It's not too late to have YOUR name added to the College and Career wall in the cafeteria. If you didn't get a chance to fill out a card with your future plans, stop by the Counseling Center to make one. Our students and staff would love to know what you're doing and where you're going after graduating from Schroeder!
> Attention Juniors: Prom Tickets are on sale this week in the cafeteria during lunches. If your ticket is paid by class dues, you'll need to stop and pick up your ticket.
Attention Juniors: Join your class on a trip to Seabreeze Monday, June 21st. Tickets are on sale in the cafeteria this week for $22.
> All students: please take a moment to complete a School Dress Code survey for a senior research project. The survey is located in your Class Google Page. Thank you for your help!
> Attention Seniors: Jostens will be here on Monday, May 17 & Tuesday, May 18 during lunches to distribute graduation announcements to anyone that ordered them.
> The Girls Varsity Track Team had some outstanding performances Tuesday versus Fairport. First place was achieved by Camryn C in the 100 hurdles, Shelby B in the 800, Corinthia G in the 200, Sierra D in the 3000, Lela S in the high jump, Erika L in the triple jump, Gianna B in the pole vault and Anya W in the disc. The 4 by 100 team made up of Alyssa F, Camryn, Erika and Corinthia also won their event. A special congratulations to newcomer Mileena O for taking 2nd place in both shot and disc in her 1st varsity meet.
> Schroeder Softball improved to 6-1 with an 18-3 win over Thomas yesterday.
Molly B. and Krislyn C. combined for the win. Krislyn was also 3 for 5 with 2 RBI’s.
Mikayla B., Mia A., Maddy S., and Haley K. all had multiple hits for the Warriors.
Hannah S., Emily C., Carley C., Jordyn Z., and Sam M. each had a hit.
The girls travel to Victor tonight for a showdown with the Blue Devils.
> In honor of Asian American & Pacific Islander heritage month, we would like to discuss George Takei, who is an actor, social justice activist and New York Times bestselling author. Best known for his role on Star Trek, Takei helped to pave the way for Asian American actors in roles that were not developed from stereotypes. Takei and his family were imprisoned within the barbed-wire enclosures of American internment camps for Japanese Americans during World War II. This is where Takei would spend most of his childhood and this would also provide inspiration for the Broadway musical Allegiance which Takei developed. He also helped to produce the graphic novel They Called Us Enemy which draws from his experiences and information of the 442nd Infantry Regiment, a nearly completely Japanese American regiment that fought in World War II. Takei is also a Gay American and is an advid supporter of the LGBTQ+ community.
May 13, 2021
> Attention Juniors and Sophomores: Schroeder is looking for Link Leaders for the 2021-22 school year to help welcome the incoming freshman class. Applications can be found in your Google Classroom.
> Hey seniors! It's not too late to have YOUR name added to the College and Career wall in the cafeteria. If you didn't get a chance to fill out a card with your future plans, stop by the Counseling Center to make one. Our students and staff would love to know what you're doing and where you're going after graduating from Schroeder!
> Attention Juniors: Prom Tickets are on sale this week in the cafeteria during lunches. If your ticket is paid by class dues, you'll need to stop and pick up your ticket.
Attention Juniors: Join your class on a trip to Seabreeze Monday, June 21st. Tickets are on sale in the cafeteria this week for $22.
> All students: please take a moment to complete a School Dress Code survey for a senior research project. The survey is located in your Class Google Page. Thank you for your help!
> Attention Seniors: Jostens will be here on Monday, May 17 & Tuesday, May 18 during lunches to distribute graduation announcements to anyone that ordered them.
> The Girls Varsity Track Team had some outstanding performances Tuesday versus Fairport. First place was achieved by Camryn C in the 100 hurdles, Shelby B in the 800, Corinthia G in the 200, Sierra D in the 3000, Lela S in the high jump, Erika L in the triple jump, Gianna B in the pole vault and Anya W in the disc. The 4 by 100 team made up of Alyssa F, Camryn, Erika and Corinthia also won their event. A special congratulations to newcomer Mileena O for taking 2nd place in both shot and disc in her 1st varsity meet.
> Schroeder Softball improved to 6-1 with an 18-3 win over Thomas yesterday.
Molly B. and Krislyn C. combined for the win. Krislyn was also 3 for 5 with 2 RBI’s.
Mikayla B., Mia A., Maddy S., and Haley K. all had multiple hits for the Warriors.
Hannah S., Emily C., Carley C., Jordyn Z., and Sam M. each had a hit.
The girls travel to victor Friday for a showdown with the Blue Devils.
May 11, 2021
> Attention Juniors and Sophomores: Schroeder is looking for Link Leaders for the 2021-22 school year to help welcome the incoming freshman class. Applications can be found in your Google Classroom.
> Attention Seniors, some updates regarding the end of the year: please check your Google Classroom page for information about the Senior Slideshow and bringing guests to the Senior Ball. If you ordered a senior shirt from the PTSA, you can pick it up in your alpha office. Lastly, you can pick up your senior sign at the Luminary Walk which will take place at Webster Parks and Rec on Wednesday, June 16 @ 7 pm. If you are unable to attend the walk, you can pick up your sign in your alpha office
> Hey seniors! It's not too late to have YOUR name added to the College and Career wall in the cafeteria. If you didn't get a chance to fill out a card with your future plans, stop by the Counseling Center to make one. Our students and staff would love to know what you're doing and where you're going after graduating from Schroeder!
> Attention Juniors: Prom Tickets are on sale this week in the cafeteria during lunches. If your ticket is paid by class dues, you'll need to stop and pick up your ticket.
Attention Juniors: Join your class on a trip to Seabreeze Monday, June 21st. Tickets are on sale in the cafeteria this week for $22.
> All students: please take a moment to complete a School Dress Code survey for a senior research project. The survey is located in your Class Google Page. Thank you for your help!
May 7, 2021
> Attention all Schroeder students: it is Teacher and Staff Appreciation Week! Take a minute to thank a teacher or staff member -- past or current -- that has made a difference in your life! A small gesture of appreciation from a student can stay with a teacher or staff member for their entire life. And Schroeder teachers and staff -- thanks for all you do for us here each and every day!
> May is Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month. A rather broad term, Asian/Pacific encompasses all of the Asian continent and the Pacific islands of Melanesia, Micronesia, and Polynesia.
In 1979 President Carter issued Proclamation 4650, the first presidential proclamation for Asian/Pacific American Heritage Week. “In this proclamation, President Carter spoke of the significant role Asian/Pacific Americans have played in the creation of a dynamic and pluralistic American society with their contributions to the sciences, arts, industry, government and commerce.” On May 7, 1990 President George H.W. Bush issued Presidential Proclamation 6130 designating May 1990 as the first “Asian/Pacific American Heritage Month.” This date takes on particular significance because “May 7, 1843 is the date on which the first Japanese immigrants arrived in the United States.” The May designation also bears significance as “on May 10, 1869 the first transcontinental railroad in the United States was completed with significant contributions from Chinese pioneers”.
All throughout the month of May the morning show will feature slides that celebrate the accomplishments of Asian American and Pacific Islanders. You can also look for a library display of some of our favorite books written by and about Americans of Asian and Pacific Island descent.
> Attention Juniors and Sophomores: Schroeder is looking for Link Leaders for the 2021-22 school year to help welcome the incoming freshman class. Applications can be found in your Google Classroom.
> Attention Seniors, some updates regarding the end of the year: please check your Google Classroom page for information about the Senior Slideshow and bringing guests to the Senior Ball. If you ordered a senior shirt from the PTSA, you can pick it up in your alpha office. Lastly, you can pick up your senior sign at the Luminary Walk which will take place at Webster Parks and Rec on Sunday, June 16 @ 7 pm. If you are unable to attend the walk, you can pick up your sign in your alpha office
> The Girls Varsity track narrowly lost in their 1st track meet of the season with a score of 70-66. This is a pretty amazing feat-since there were only 12 girls! First place finishes included Shelby B in BOTH the 400 and 800, Camryn C in the 100 hurdles, Sierra D in the 1500, Corinthia G in the 200, Lela S in the high jump, and Erika L in the triple jump. A special thanks to Alyssa F and Alyssa D for stepping in to do shot and discus at the last minute!
May 6, 2021
> Attention all Schroeder students: it is Teacher and Staff Appreciation Week! Take a minute to thank a teacher or staff member -- past or current -- that has made a difference in your life! A small gesture of appreciation from a student can stay with a teacher or staff member for their entire life. And Schroeder teachers and staff -- thanks for all you do for us here each and every day! Enjoy your week!
> Attention Juniors and Sophomores: Schroeder is looking for Link Leaders for the 2021-22 school year to help welcome the incoming freshman class. Applications can be found in your Google Classroom.
> May is Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month. A rather broad term, Asian/Pacific encompasses all of the Asian continent and the Pacific islands of Melanesia, Micronesia, and Polynesia.
In 1979 President Carter issued Proclamation 4650, the first presidential proclamation for Asian/Pacific American Heritage Week. "In this proclamation, President Carter spoke of the significant role Asian/Pacific Americans have played in the creation of a dynamic and pluralistic American society with their contributions to the sciences, arts, industry, government and commerce." On May 7, 1990 President George H.W. Bush issued Presidential Proclamation 6130 designating May 1990 as the first "Asian/Pacific American Heritage Month." This date takes on particular significance because "May 7, 1843 is the date on which the first Japanese immigrants arrived in the United States." The May designation also bears significance as "on May 10, 1869 the first transcontinental railroad in the United States was completed with significant contributions from Chinese pioneers."
All throughout the month of May the morning show will feature slides that celebrate the accomplishments of Asian American and Pacific Islanders. You can also look for a library display of some of our favorite books written by and about Americans of Asian and Pacific Island descent.
> Attention Key Club members: today is our last meeting of the year. See you at 3:20pm in the College and Career Center.
> Attention Seniors, some updates regarding the end of the year: please check your Google Classroom page for information about the Senior Slideshow and bringing guests to the Senior Ball. If you ordered a senior shirt from the PTSA, you can pick it up in your alpha office. Lastly, you can pick up your senior sign at the Luminary Walk which will take place at Webster Parks and Rec on Sunday, June 16 @ 7 pm. If you are unable to attend the walk, you can pick up your sign in your alpha office.
> Attention seniors: Buildings and Grounds will be working on the senior parking lot during the day starting today. This means the senior lot will be closed for students today and Friday.
Seniors, please park in the junior lot for these two days. Thank you.
May 5, 2021
> Seniors: It's time to let everyone know what your plans are for after graduation! Join the Counseling Center on May 6th and May 7th for Decision Day 2021. Wear your favorite gear to represent your decision, whether it's a College, The Military, Employment, or Trade School. Also, head on down to the Senior Courtyard during your lunch period to fill out your Decision Day card and have cake with your classmates!! That's on May 6th and May 7th.
> Attention all Schroeder students: it is Teacher and Staff Appreciation Week! Take a minute to thank a teacher or staff member -- past or current -- that has made a difference in your life! A small gesture of appreciation from a student can stay with a teacher or staff member for their entire life. And Schroeder teachers and staff -- thanks for all you do for us here each and every day! Enjoy your week!
> Attention Juniors and Sophomores: Schroeder is looking for Link Leaders for the 2021-22 school year to help welcome the incoming freshman class. Applications can be found in your Google Classroom.
> May is Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month. A rather broad term, Asian/Pacific encompasses all of the Asian continent and the Pacific islands of Melanesia, Micronesia, and Polynesia.
In 1979 President Carter issued Proclamation 4650, the first presidential proclamation for Asian/Pacific American Heritage Week. "In this proclamation, President Carter spoke of the significant role Asian/Pacific Americans have played in the creation of a dynamic and pluralistic American society with their contributions to the sciences, arts, industry, government and commerce." On May 7, 1990 President George H.W. Bush issued Presidential Proclamation 6130 designating May 1990 as the first "Asian/Pacific American Heritage Month." This date takes on particular significance because "May 7, 1843 is the date on which the first Japanese immigrants arrived in the United States." The May designation also bears significance as "on May 10, 1869 the first transcontinental railroad in the United States was completed with significant contributions from Chinese pioneers."
All throughout the month of May the morning show will feature slides that celebrate the accomplishments of Asian American and Pacific Islanders. You can also look for a library display of some of our favorite books written by and about Americans of Asian and Pacific Island descent.
> Attention Key Club members: Thursday, May 6th is our last meeting of the year. See you at 3:20 in the College and Career Center.
> The girls varsity softball team improved to 2-0 after beating Fairport in the bottom of the 7th 11-10.
Mia A. was 3 for 3 with 3 home runs and 4 RBI’s. Mikayla B. was 3 for 4 with a home run, double, and 3 RBI’s. Sam M. was 1 for 2 with a home run and 3 RBI’s. Hannah S. was 2 for 4 and Haley K. was 2 for 3 with a double.
Molly B. and Krislyn C. combined for the win and had 14 strikeouts.
Holly D. scored the winning run on a wild pitch to win the game.
> Attention Seniors, some updates regarding the end of the year: please check your Google Classroom page for information about the Senior Slideshow and bringing guests to the Senior Ball. If you ordered a senior shirt from the PTSA, you can pick it up in your alpha office. Lastly, you can pick up your senior sign at the Luminary Walk which will take place at Webster Parks and Rec on Sunday, June 16 @ 7 pm. If you are unable to attend the walk, you can pick up your sign in your alpha office
> Attention seniors: Buildings and Grounds will be working on the senior parking lot during the day starting Thursday. This means the senior lot will be closed for students Thursday and Friday.
Seniors, please park in the junior lot for these two days. Thank you.
> The Girls Varsity track narrowly lost in their 1st track meet of the season with a score of 70-66. This is a pretty amazing feat-since there were only 12 girls! First place finishes included Shelby B in BOTH the 400 and 800, Camryn C in the 100 hurdles, Sierra D in the 1500, Corinthia G in the 200, Lela S in the high jump, and Erika L in the triple jump. A special thanks to Alyssa F and Alyssa D for stepping in to do shot and discus at the last minute!
May 4, 2021
> Seniors: It's time to let everyone know what your plans are for after graduation! Join the Counseling Center on May 6th and May 7th for Decision Day 2021. Wear your favorite gear to represent your decision, whether it's a College, The Military, Employment, or Trade School. Also, head on down to the Senior Courtyard during your lunch period to fill out your Decision Day card and have cake with your classmates!! That's on May 6th and May 7th.
> Attention all Schroeder students: it is Teacher and Staff Appreciation Week! Take a minute to thank a teacher or staff member -- past or current -- that has made a difference in your life! A small gesture of appreciation from a student can stay with a teacher or staff member for their entire life. And Schroeder teachers and staff -- thanks for all you do for us here each and every day! Enjoy your week!
> Attention Juniors and Sophomores: Schroeder is looking for Link Leaders for the 2021-22 school year to help welcome the incoming freshman class. Applications can be found in your Google Classroom.
> Attention Key Club members: Thursday, May 6th is our last meeting of the year. See you at 3:20 in the College and Career Center.
> The girls varsity softball team improved to 2-0 after beating Fairport in the bottom of the 7th 11-10.
Mia A. was 3 for 3 with 3 home runs and 4 RBI’s. Mikayla B. was 3 for 4 with a home run, double, and 3 RBI’s. Sam M. was 1 for 2 with a home run and 3 RBI’s. Hannah S. was 2 for 4 and Haley K. was 2 for 3 with a double.
Molly B. and Krislyn C. combined for the win and had 14 strikeouts.
Holly D. scored the winning run on a wild pitch to win the game.
> May the Fourth Be With You. Today we are celebrating Star Wars Day. Students who would like to enter the costume/t-shirt contest should have their picture taken in the library before the end of third period. At the beginning of 6th period, Mr. Benz will make the announcement to kick off voting. Our PTSA is sponsoring prizes for both costume winners and Star Wars trivia buffs.
Join the google classroom s g y s c q c to participate in the trivia contest. The questions are:
Who built C-3PO?
What does Han Solo say to Princess Leia after Leia tells Han that she loves him?
Which furry species lives on the forest moon of Endor?
Who is Luke & Leia Skywalker's mother?
Who votes to give Chancellor Palpatine emergency powers?
Answer these questions by 2pm today to be entered to win a prize. The google classroom code is s g y s c q c.
May 3, 2021
> Seniors: It's time to let everyone know what your plans are for after graduation! Join the Counseling Center on May 6th and May 7th for Decision Day 2021. Wear your favorite gear to represent your decision, whether it's a College, The Military, Employment, or Trade School. Also, head on down to the Senior Courtyard during your lunch period to fill out your Decision Day card and have cake with your classmates!! That's on May 6th and May 7th.
> Attention all Schroeder students: it is Teacher and Staff Appreciation Week! Take a minute to thank a teacher or staff member -- past or current -- that has made a difference in your life! A small gesture of appreciation from a student can stay with a teacher or staff member for their entire life. And Schroeder teachers and staff -- thanks for all you do for us here each and every day! Enjoy your week!
> Attention Juniors and Sophomores: Schroeder is looking for Link Leaders for the 2021-22 school year to help welcome the incoming freshman class. Applications can be found in your Google Classroom.
> May the Fourth Be With You. Today we are celebrating Star Wars Day. Students who would like to enter the costume/t-shirt contest should have their picture taken in the library before the end of third period. At the beginning of 6th period, Mr. Benz will make the announcement to kick off voting. Our PTSA is sponsoring prizes for both costume winners and Star Wars trivia buffs.
Join the google classroom s g y s c q c to participate in the trivia contest. The questions are:
What is the name of Boba Fett’s ship?
Which Star Wars film has the longest running time?
What was the original title of Return of the Jedi?
What was Yoda’s home planet?
Who is Darth Tyrannus?
Answer these questions by 2pm today to be entered to win a prize. The google classroom code is s g y s c q c.
April 30, 2021
> The WonderCare Before and After School Program is Hiring! This is a great opportunity to get experience working with elementary-aged students in our district. Please email wondercare@webstercsd.org for more information!
> Varsity Unified Basketball starts Monday, May 11th. Please make sure you are registered on FamilyID before the season starts. If you have any questions, please see Mrs. Bailey in room E228 or Mr. Fedor in room W216.
> Seniors: It's time to let everyone know what your plans are for after graduation! Join the Counseling Center on May 6th and May 7th for Decision Day 2021. Wear your favorite gear to represent your decision, whether it's a College, The Military, Employment, or Trade School. Also, head on down to the Senior Courtyard during your lunch period to fill out your Decision Day card and have cake with your classmates!! That's on May 6th and May 7th.
> Calling all Schroeder students and staff... it’s time to search your closet for your best Star Wars gear. Next Monday, May 3 and Tuesday, May 4 we will be celebrating May the Fourth Be With You - otherwise known as Star Wars Day - with trivia, a costume contest, film screenings, and of course, fabulous prizes sponsored by Schroeder PTSA. Students, come down to the library before the end of 3rd period to get your picture taken and enroll in the costume and t-shirt contest. Staff, we will take a group picture the morning of May 4 as we battle the other buildings in the district for most spirited.
> Attention Juniors and Sophomores: Schroeder is looking for Link Leaders for the 2021-22 school year to help welcome the incoming freshman class. Applications can be found in your Google Classroom.
> Congratulations to the following students for being this week’s recipients of Principal’s Recognition:
Please stop down to the main office any time after 1st period.
Jack L. - Class of ‘22
Mahlet L. - Class of ‘21
Seth P. - Class 0f ‘24
Braden P. - Class of ‘21
Julia S. - Class 0f ‘23
Anastasia T. - Class of ‘22
Madison T. - Class of ‘24
April 29, 2021
> The WonderCare Before and After School Program is Hiring! This is a great opportunity to get experience working with elementary-aged students in our district. Please email wondercare@webstercsd.org for more information!
> Varsity Unified Basketball starts Monday, May 11th. Please make sure you are registered on FamilyID before the season starts. If you have any questions, please see Mrs. Bailey in room E228 or Mr. Fedor in room W216.
> More good news for Schroeder Speakers. Monday we were notified that Junior Ad H.
won Honorable Mention in Varsity Extemporaneous Speaking at State over the weekend.
Congratulate Ad when you see him!
P.S - Ms Hamm, his coach who also teaches Public Speaking, has always had a secret fear of this event. She thinks it's the hardest one of all!
> Seniors: It's time to let everyone know what your plans are for after graduation! Join the Counseling Center on May 6th and May 7th for Decision Day 2021. Wear your favorite gear to represent your decision, whether it's a College, The Military, Employment, or Trade School. Also, head on down to the Senior Courtyard during your lunch period to fill out your Decision Day card and have cake with your classmates!! That's on May 6th and May 7th.
> Calling all Schroeder students and staff... it’s time to search your closet for your best Star Wars gear. Next Monday, May 3 and Tuesday, May 4 we will be celebrating May the Fourth Be With You - otherwise known as Star Wars Day - with trivia, a costume contest, film screenings, and of course, fabulous prizes sponsored by Schroeder PTSA. Students, come down to the library before the end of 3rd period to get your picture taken and enroll in the costume and t-shirt contest. Staff, we will take a group picture the morning of May 4 as we battle the other buildings in the district for most spirited.
> Attention Juniors and Sophomores: Schroeder is looking for Link Leaders for the 2021-22 school year to help welcome the incoming freshman class. Applications can be found in your Google Classroom.
> Congratulations to the following students for being this week’s recipients of Principal’s Recognition:
Please stop down to the main office any time after 1st period.
Madeleine A. - Class of ‘24
Kylie A. - Class of ‘21
William C. - Class of ‘24
Rodrigo F. - Class of ‘22
Sophia G. - Class of ‘21
Gavin H. - Class of ‘24
Samantha M. - Class of ‘21 (1st - Gebhardt)
Jordyn Z. - Class of ‘22
April 28, 2021
> The WonderCare Before and After School Program is Hiring! This is a great opportunity to get experience working with elementary-aged students in our district. Please email wondercare@webstercsd.org for more information!
> Varsity Unified Basketball starts Monday, May 11th. Please make sure you are registered on FamilyID before the season starts. If you have any questions, please see Mrs. Bailey in room E228 or Mr. Fedor in room W216.
> Seniors: It's time to let everyone know what your plans are for after graduation! Join the Counseling Center on May 6th and May 7th for Decision Day 2021. Wear your favorite gear to represent your decision, whether it's a College, The Military, Employment, or Trade School. Also, head on down to the Senior Courtyard during your lunch period to fill out your Decision Day card and have cake with your classmates!! That's on May 6th and May 7th.
> Calling all Schroeder students and staff... it’s time to search your closet for your best Star Wars gear. Next Monday, May 3 and Tuesday, May 4 we will be celebrating May the Fourth Be With You - otherwise known as Star Wars Day - with trivia, a costume contest, film screenings, and of course, fabulous prizes sponsored by Schroeder PTSA. Students, come down to the library before the end of 3rd period to get your picture taken and enroll in the costume and t-shirt contest. Staff, we will take a group picture the morning of May 4 as we battle the other buildings in the district for most spirited.
April 27, 2021
> The WonderCare Before and After School Program is Hiring! This is a great opportunity to get experience working with elementary-aged students in our district. Please email wondercare@webstercsd.org for more information!
> Attention all Model UN Club members, past and present! Our final meeting of the year will be today at 3:20 in Mrs. Tuyn's room. Please come to celebrate our departing seniors, especially our two awesome co-presidents, Andrew G. and Kenny R. who are leaving us to begin their next amazing adventures. Hope to see all of you this afternoon...Even if you haven't been to a meeting in awhile!
> On Saturday, April 24th from 8:45am-3pm, Chad C, Nehal V, and Michael M competed in CodeQuest -- a virtual coding competition hosted by Lockheed-Martin. Congratulations! Schools from Alabama, South Carolina, Washington, Illinois, Kansas, and New York participated in our "region". There were 13 other regional virtual locations running the same competition. Team of 2-3 students had 2.5 hours to code solutions for as many of the 30 problems as possible.
> For the first time the entire Schroeder Speech & Debate Team competed at State this past weekend. Congratulations for that accomplishment! A special shout-out to senior Sophia V.
who was a quarter-finalist with her original oratory entitled "American Exceptionalism"!
Sophia has been on the team all four years and her exceptionalism was on display at the state level. She will join 7 other team members to compete at Nationals Memorial Day Weekend.
Congratulations, Sophia!
> More good news for Schroeder Speakers. Monday we were notified that Junior Ad H.
won Honorable Mention in Varsity Extemporaneous Speaking at State over the weekend.
Congratulate Ad when you see him!
P.S - Ms Hamm, his coach who also teaches Public Speaking, has always had a secret fear of this event. She thinks it's the hardest one of all!
> Mr. Fabry & Mr. Gomez would like to thank everyone who made Earth Week 2021 so special and memorable. Even if it is something small like ensuring your trash finds its way into the proper bin, you are helping out. Mr. Fabry will be planting flowers on campus today, so if you are interested in helping out, connect with him!
We can't wait to see everyone rocking their Tree Warrior gear for years to come.
Thanks to student and staff donations, we were able to plant 40 trees in the Amazon Rainforest. Let's continue the "going green" dialogue and initiatives and keep holding each other accountable. Every day is Earth Day!
> Varsity Unified Basketball starts Monday, May 11th. Please make sure you are registered on FamilyID before the season starts. If you have any questions, please see Mrs. Bailey in room E228 or Mr. Fedor in room W216.
April 26, 2021
> The WonderCare Before and After School Program is Hiring! This is a great opportunity to get experience working with elementary-aged students in our district. Please email wondercare@webstercsd.org for more information!
> Attention all Model UN Club members, past and present! Our final meeting of the year will be tomorrow, April 27 at 3:20 in Mrs. Tuyn's room. Please come to celebrate our departing seniors, especially our two awesome co-presidents, Andrew G. and Kenny R. who are leaving us to begin their next amazing adventures. Hope to see all of you tomorrow. Even if you haven't been to a meeting in awhile!
> On Saturday, April 24th from 8:45am-3pm, Chad C, Nehal V, and Michael M competed in CodeQuest -- a virtual coding competition hosted by Lockheed-Martin. Congratulations! Schools from Alabama, South Carolina, Washington, Illinois, Kansas, and New York participated in our "region". There were 13 other regional virtual locations running the same competition. Team of 2-3 students had 2.5 hours to code solutions for as many of the 30 problems as possible.
> For the first time the entire Schroeder Speech & Debate Team competed at State this past weekend. Congratulations for that accomplishment! A special shout-out to senior Sophia V.
who was a quarter-finalist with her original oratory entitled "American Exceptionalism"!
Sophia has been on the team all four years and her exceptionalism was on display at the state level. She will join 7 other team members to compete at Nationals Memorial Day Weekend.
Congratulations, Sophia!
> Thank you to everyone who registered for today's virtual author visit with Shaun David Hutchinson. This is a reminder that if you are not joining with a class, you should head to the library conference room during either 4th or 5th period, depending upon which session you registered for.
> Mr. Fabry & Mr. Gomez would like to thank everyone who made Earth Week 2021 so special and memorable. Even if it is something small like ensuring your trash finds its way into the proper bin, you are helping out. Tomorrow after school, Mr. Fabry will be planting flowers on campus. Please see him if you want to join in!
We can't wait to see everyone rocking their Tree Warrior gear for years to come.
Thanks to student and staff donations, we were able to plant 40 trees around the world. Let's continue the "going green" dialogue and initiatives and keep holding each other accountable. Every day is Earth Day!
April 23, 2021
> The WonderCare Before and After School Program is Hiring! This is a great opportunity to get experience working with elementary-aged students in our district. Please email wondercare@webstercsd.org for more information!
> Next Monday, April 26 during periods 4 & 5 we are hosting a virtual author visit with Shaun David Hutchinson. Hutchinson is the author of ten young adult novels, including "The Past and Other Things That Should Stay Buried," "The Apocalypse of Elena Mendoza," and "We are the Ants." His memoir, "Brave Face," has been described as an "honest and courageous" account of his teenage years. "Its exploration of depression, family relationships, acceptance, sexuality, old wounds, and pain remind all of us that it’s okay to not be okay," says author Julian Winters.
Sign up for this event in the library, or ask your English teacher for the registration link.
> In honor of Earth Day 2021, Webster Schroeder would like to acknowledge, honor, and celebrate any "green initiatives" performed by students. You can donate a dollar to plant a tree or show that you donated a dollar via screenshot to any non-profit organization such as "One Tree Planted." You can also show proof of a "green action" that you have performed such as cleaning-up trash (trash tagging), recycling, cutting down on plastics, choosing reusable products, turning lights off, walking/bike riding/carpooling instead of driving, and being conscientious of water use.
Stop by to see Mr. Fabry or Mr. Gomez who will be distributing "Tree Warrior" swag such as buttons, stickers, and even t-shirts to students who have demonstrated going green. Stay tuned for opportunities to plant greenery around the campus with Mr. Gomez and Mr. Fabry. You're probably already doing something environmentally friendly -- we want to reward you! And remember: every day is Earth Day.
> And now another Earth Week fact:
2020 was the second-warmest year on record. NASA's Satellite observations reveal that the amount of spring snow cover in the Northern Hemisphere has decreased over the past five decades and the snow is melting earlier. Global sea level rose about 8 inches in the last century. The rate in the last two decades, however, is nearly double that of the last century and accelerating slightly every year. In addition, the Arctic Ocean is expected to become essentially ice free in summer before mid-century. Educate yourself on ways you can help prevent catastrophic changes to our planet due to climate change.
> Webster Schroeder Musicals presents The Addams Family this Friday and Saturday. Live stream tickets can be purchased at wsmusicals.booktix.com ---again, that is wsmusicals.booktix.com. Showtimes are Friday at 7:30pm and Saturday at 2:00pm and 7:30pm. We hope you can make it!
> Attention all Model UN Club members, past and present! Our final meeting of the year will be Tuesday, April 27 at 3:20 in Mrs. Tuyn's room. Please come to celebrate our departing seniors, especially our two awesome co-presidents, Andrew G. and Kenny R. who are leaving us to begin their next amazing adventures. Hope to see all of you on Tuesday. Even if you haven't been to a meeting in awhile!
> Congratulations to the following students for being this week’s recipients of Principal’s Recognition:
Please stop down to the main office any time after 1st period.
Matthew B. - Class of ‘22 (1st-DeBacco)
Anna H. - Class of ‘22
Allison C. - Class of ‘23
Olivia L. - Class of ‘23
Aissa E. - Class of ‘23
Emily L. - Class of ‘23
Abigail F. - Class of ‘23
Niranjana R. - Class of ‘24
Liliya G. - Class of ‘23
Genevieve V. - Class of ‘22
April 22, 2021
> The WonderCare Before and After School Program is Hiring! This is a great opportunity to get experience working with elementary-aged students in our district. Please email wondercare@webstercsd.org for more information!
> Next Monday, April 26 during periods 4 & 5 we are hosting a virtual author visit with Shaun David Hutchinson. Hutchinson is the author of ten young adult novels, including "The Past and Other Things That Should Stay Buried," "The Apocalypse of Elena Mendoza," and "We are the Ants." His memoir, "Brave Face," has been described as an "honest and courageous" account of his teenage years. "Its exploration of depression, family relationships, acceptance, sexuality, old wounds, and pain remind all of us that it’s okay to not be okay," says author Julian Winters.
Sign up for this event in the library, or ask your English teacher for the registration link.
> Webster Schroeder Musicals presents The Addams Family this Friday and Saturday. Live stream tickets can be purchased at wsmusicals.booktix.com ---again, that is wsmusicals.booktix.com. Showtimes are Friday at 7:30pm and Saturday at 2:00pm and 7:30pm. We hope you can make it!
> Attention all Model UN Club members, past and present! Our final meeting of the year will be Tuesday, April 27 at 3:20 in Mrs. Tuyn's room. Please come to celebrate our departing seniors, especially our two awesome co-presidents, Andrew G. and Kenny R. who are leaving us to begin their next amazing adventures. Hope to see all of you on Tuesday. Even if you haven't been to a meeting in awhile!
> In honor of Earth Day 2021, Webster Schroeder would like to acknowledge, honor, and celebrate any "green initiatives" performed by students. You can donate a dollar to plant a tree or show that you donated a dollar via screenshot to any non-profit organization such as "One Tree Planted." You can also show proof of a "green action" that you have performed such as cleaning-up trash (trash tagging), recycling, cutting down on plastics, choosing reusable products, turning lights off, walking/bike riding/carpooling instead of driving, and being conscientious of water use.
Stop by to see Mr. Fabry or Mr. Gomez who will be distributing "Tree Warrior" swag such as buttons, stickers, and even t-shirts to students who have demonstrated going green. Stay tuned for opportunities to plant greenery around the campus with Mr. Gomez and Mr. Fabry. You're probably already doing something environmentally friendly -- we want to reward you! And remember: every day is Earth Day.
> And now another Earth Week fact:
Deforestation is a huge issue, globally. Conservation.org records that in 2019, the world lost an entire soccer field worth of primary rainforest every six seconds and that more than half the world’s tropical forests have been destroyed since the 1960s. An estimated 350 million people around the world depend on forests for their livelihoods -- more than the population of the United States. Planting trees, using less paper, and buying sustainable wood products are only some of the ways you can help battle deforestation.
> Congratulations to the following students for being this week’s recipients of Principal’s Recognition:
April 21, 2021
The WonderCare Before and After School Program is Hiring! This is a great opportunity to get experience working with elementary-aged students in our district. Please email wondercare@webstercsd.org for more information!
> Next Monday, April 26 during periods 4 & 5 we are hosting a virtual author visit with Shaun David Hutchinson. Hutchinson is the author of ten young adult novels, including "The Past and Other Things That Should Stay Buried," "The Apocalypse of Elena Mendoza," and "We are the Ants." His memoir, "Brave Face," has been described as an "honest and courageous" account of his teenage years. "Its exploration of depression, family relationships, acceptance, sexuality, old wounds, and pain remind all of us that it’s okay to not be okay," says author Julian Winters.
Sign up for this event in the library, or ask your English teacher for the registration link.
> In honor of Earth Day 2021, Webster Schroeder would like to acknowledge, honor, and celebrate any "green initiatives" performed by students. You can donate a dollar to plant a tree or show that you donated a dollar via screenshot to any non-profit organization such as "One Tree Planted." You can also show proof of a "green action" that you have performed such as cleaning-up trash (trash tagging), recycling, cutting down on plastics, choosing reusable products, turning lights off, walking/bike riding/carpooling instead of driving, and being conscientious of water use.
Stop by to see Mr. Fabry or Mr. Gomez who will be distributing "Tree Warrior" swag such as buttons, stickers, and even t-shirts to students who have demonstrated going green. Stay tuned for opportunities to plant greenery around the campus with Mr. Gomez and Mr. Fabry. You're probably already doing something environmentally friendly -- we want to reward you! And remember: every day is Earth Day.
> And now an Earth Week fact:
According to GreenPeace, about 8.3 billion tons of plastic has been produced since the 1950s. Only about 9% of this plastic has been recycled, 12% has been burned and the remaining 79% has ended up in landfills or the environment. Up to 12.7 million tons of plastic enters the oceans every year. Sadly, the equivalent of a truckload of plastic enters the oceans every minute! So...start thinking of ways you can cut down on your use of plastic!
April 20, 2020
> Seniors interested in being "The Voice of the Class of 2021:" your time to be heard is now! Want to deliver a moving speech during graduation that will be remembered forever? Speech nominees are being accepted now by Mr. Benz via email until May 18th. Your speech should be between 3-5 minutes, has a positive message and celebrates graduation, and can contain personal or anecdotal stories of your time as a member of the Class of 2021 at Schroeder. We can't wait to hear you!
> The WonderCare Before and After School Program is Hiring! This is a great opportunity to get experience working with elementary-aged students in our district. Please email wondercare@webstercsd.org for more information!
> Next Monday, April 26 during periods 4 & 5 we are hosting a virtual author visit with Shaun David Hutchinson. Hutchinson is the author of ten young adult novels, including "The Past and Other Things That Should Stay Buried," "The Apocalypse of Elena Mendoza," and "We are the Ants." His memoir, "Brave Face," has been described as an "honest and courageous" account of his teenage years. "Its exploration of depression, family relationships, acceptance, sexuality, old wounds, and pain remind all of us that it’s okay to not be okay," says author Julian Winters.
Sign up for this event in the library, or ask your English teacher for the registration link.
> In honor of Earth Day 2021, Webster Schroeder would like to acknowledge, honor, and celebrate any "green initiatives" performed by students. You can donate a dollar to plant a tree or show that you donated a dollar via screenshot to any non-profit organization such as "One Tree Planted." You can also show proof of a "green action" that you have performed such as cleaning-up trash (trash tagging), recycling, cutting down on plastics, choosing reusable products, turning lights off, walking/bike riding/carpooling instead of driving, and being conscientious of water use.
Stop by to see Mr. Fabry or Mr. Gomez who will be distributing "Tree Warrior" swag such as buttons, stickers, and even t-shirts to students who have demonstrated going green. Stay tuned for opportunities to plant greenery around the campus with Mr. Gomez and Mr. Fabry.... and remember: every day is Earth Day.
April 19, 2021
> Attention girls interested in JV and Varsity Track & Field: The first practice will be held today from 3:30 - 5pm in the Schroeder Cafeteria. We are a great group of girls with coaches who are extremely flexible with your work schedule! Be a part of a team that is supportive and caring. State Roaders -- come on, don't let Mr. Graf down! Don't forget to sign-up on Family ID!
> Seniors interested in being "The Voice of the Class of 2021:" your time to be heard is now! Want to deliver a moving speech during graduation that will be remembered forever? Speech nominees are being accepted now by Mr. Benz via email until May 18th. Your speech should be between 3-5 minutes, has a positive message and celebrates graduation, and can contain personal or anecdotal stories of your time as a member of the Class of 2021 at Schroeder. We can't wait to hear you!
> The WonderCare Before and After School Program is Hiring! This is a great opportunity to get experience working with elementary-aged students in our district. Please email wondercare@webstercsd.org for more information!
April 16, 2021
> Attention all students! We will be celebrating International Week during the week of April 16th. There will be a photo booth during lunch periods on Monday/Tuesday and you can wear your favorite international jersey or language shirt on Thursday/Friday. There will also be a meme contest where you can create an international meme or TikTok and submit it to kimberly_rayton@webstercsd.org for a chance to win a prize! Lastly, you can pick up a sheet of International Bingo at any language teachers classroom.
> Unified Bowling is looking for partners to participate this season. A partner is someone who will bowl alongside a special education student during matches and practices. If you are interested, please use this QR code to register on Family ID or reach out to Mrs. Burgess at lindsay_burgess@webstercsd.org with any questions.
> Attention girls interested in JV and Varsity Track & Field: The first practice will be held Monday, April 19th from 3:30 - 5pm in the Schroeder Cafeteria. We are a great group of girls with coaches who are extremely flexible with your work schedule! Be a part of a team that is supportive and caring. State Roaders -- come on, don't let Mr. Graf down! Don't forget to sign-up on Family ID!
> Seniors interested in being "The Voice of the Class of 2021:" your time to be heard is now! Want to deliver a moving speech during graduation that will be remembered forever? Speech nominees are being accepted now by Mr. Benz via email until May 18th. Your speech should be between 3-5 minutes, has a positive message and celebrates graduation, and can contain personal or anecdotal stories of your time as a member of the Class of 2021 at Schroeder. We can't wait to hear you!
> Congratulations to the boys freshman soccer team for defeating Webster Thomas on Tuesday night! The Warriors came back from being down a goal to winning in 2 to 1 in overtime. Tough defense and goals by Brayden C. and Brayden P. helped secure the win. Well done boys!
> The WonderCare Before and After School Program is Hiring! This is a great opportunity to get experience working with elementary-aged students in our district. Please email wondercare@webstercsd.org for more information!
>Congratulations to Athlete of the Week, Gracie R! Gracie is a senior who recently performed in the first virtual cheer competition. She is a hard worker who has a team-first mindset and recently started doing a back tuck! Way to go, Gracie!
> Congratulations to the following students for being this week's recipients of Principal's Recognition:
Sean B. - Class of ‘23
Rachel D. - Class of ‘24
Eliana O. - Class of ‘24
Braidan Q. - Class of ‘24
Alexander R. - Class of ‘22
April 15, 2021
> Attention all students! We will be celebrating International Week during the week of April 16th. There will be a photo booth during lunch periods on Monday/Tuesday and you can wear your favorite international jersey or language shirt on Thursday/Friday. There will also be a meme contest where you can create an international meme or TikTok and submit it to kimberly_rayton@webstercsd.org for a chance to win a prize! Lastly, you can pick up a sheet of International Bingo at any language teachers classroom.
> Unified Bowling is looking for partners to participate this season. A partner is someone who will bowl alongside a special education student during matches and practices. If you are interested, please use this QR code to register on Family ID or reach out to Mrs. Burgess at lindsay_burgess@webstercsd.org with any questions.
> Attention: Spring track starts in just one week! All boys must join the new Track Google Classroom page. We will be having a virtual pre-season meeting tonight at 7:00pm. The code is: 6 x d n l o c. Again, all boys doing spring track must join the new Track Google Classroom as we are having a video meeting tonight at 7:00pm. The code is: 6 x d n l o c.
> Attention girls interested in JV and Varsity Track & Field: The first practice will be held Monday, April 19th from 3:30 - 5pm in the Schroeder Cafeteria. We are a great group of girls with coaches who are extremely flexible with your work schedule! Be a part of a team that is supportive and caring. State Roaders -- come on, don't let Mr. Graf down! Don't forget to sign-up on Family ID!
>Congratulations to this week’s athlete of the week, Gracie! A senior who recently performed in the first virtual cheer competition. She is a hard worker who is a team-first thinker and recently started doing a back tuck!
> Congratulations to the following students for being this week's recipients of Principal's Recognition:
Maryia B. - Class of ‘23
Giovanni C. - Class of ‘23 (1st-Christman)
Sydney D. - Class of ‘21
Nicholas D. - Class of ‘21
Vitaliy T. - Class of ‘24
Leah W. - Class of ‘24
> Seniors interested in being "The Voice of the Class of 2021:" your time to be heard is now! Want to deliver a moving speech during graduation that will be remembered forever? Speech nominees are being accepted now by Mr. Benz via email until May 18th. Your speech should be between 3-5 minutes, has a positive message and celebrates graduation, and can contain personal or anecdotal stories of your time as a member of the Class of 2021 at Schroeder. We can't wait to hear you!
> Congratulations to the boys freshman soccer team for defeating Webster Thomas on Tuesday night! The Warriors came back from being down a goal to winning in 2 to 1 in overtime. Tough defense and goals by Brayden C. and Brayden P. helped secure the win. Well done boys!
April 14, 2021
> Attention all students! We will be celebrating International Week during the week of April 16th. There will be a photo booth during lunch periods on Monday/Tuesday and you can wear your favorite international jersey or language shirt on Thursday/Friday. There will also be a meme contest where you can create an international meme or TikTok and submit it to kimberly_rayton@webstercsd.org for a chance to win a prize! Lastly, you can pick up a sheet of International Bingo at any language teachers classroom.
> There will be another informational meeting for all girls interested in trying out for JV and Varsity Softball this spring today at 3:30pm at the Schroder Turf Softball Field. Intramurals will follow until 5:15pm.
Any questions, please see Mrs. Keil in Room W14.
> Attention seniors: administration and your class advisors would like your feedback on upcoming senior events. Please complete the survey in your Class of 2021 Google Classroom.
> Unified Bowling is looking for partners to participate this season. A partner is someone who will bowl alongside a special education student during matches and practices. If you are interested, please use this QR code to register on Family ID or reach out to Mrs. Burgess at lindsay_burgess@webstercsd.org with any questions.
> Attention: Spring track starts in just one week! All boys must join the new Track Google Classroom page. We will be having a virtual pre-season meeting on Thursday night at 7:00pm. The code is: 6 x d n l o c. Again, all boys doing spring track must join the new Track Google Classroom as we are having a video meeting Thursday night at 7:00pm. The code is: 6 x d n l o c.
> Attention girls interested in JV and Varsity Track & Field: The first practice will be held Monday, April 19th from 3:30 - 5pm in the Schroeder Cafeteria. We are a great group of girls with coaches who are extremely flexible with your work schedule! Be apart of a team that is supportive and caring. State Roaders -- come on, don't let Mr. Graf down! Don't forget to sign-up on Family ID!
> Seniors interested in being "The Voice of the Class of 2021:" your time to be heard is now! Want to deliver a moving speech during graduation that will be remembered forever? Speech nominees are being accepted now by Mr. Benz via email until May 18th. Your speech should be between 3-5 minutes, has a positive message and celebrates graduation, and can contain personal or anecdotal stories of your time as a member of the Class of 2021 at Schroeder. We can't wait to hear you!
April 13, 2021
> Attention all students! We will be celebrating International Week during the week of April 16th. There will be a photo booth during lunch periods on Monday/Tuesday and you can wear your favorite international jersey or language shirt on Thursday/Friday. There will also be a meme contest where you can create an international meme or TikTok and submit it to kimberly_rayton@webstercsd.org for a chance to win a prize! Lastly, you can pick up a sheet of International Bingo at any language teachers classroom.
> There will be another informational meeting for all girls interested in trying out for JV and Varsity Softball this spring tomorrow at 3:30pm at the Schroder Turf Softball Field. Intramurals will follow until 5:15pm.
Any questions, please see Mrs. Keil in Room W14.
> Attention seniors: administration and your class advisors would like your feedback on upcoming senior events. Please complete the survey in your Class of 2021 Google Classroom.
> The preseason meeting for Boys Varsity and JV golf will be held remotely through Google Meet today at 3:30pm. You can access the Meet by joining the Boys Golf Classroom page. Contact Coach Leaf or Coach Sabatino or look for signs in the hallways to get the class code. The season starts Monday, April 19th, so please get ready to tee it up by signing up through Family ID, joining the Boys Golf classroom page, and attending Tuesday's Google Meet.
> Unified Bowling is looking for partners to participate this season. A partner is someone who will bowl alongside a special education student during matches and practices. If you are interested, please use this QR code to register on Family ID or reach out to Mrs. Burgess at lindsay_burgess@webstercsd.org with any questions.
> Attention Group 2 Schroeder Baseball Players: There will be a Schroeder Baseball Tryouts Informational Meeting today after school in the Cafeteria from 3:30-4pm. If you plan on trying-out for a school team you must attend. If you can't make the meeting please see Coach Knight in W214 for information.
> Congratulations to the boys freshman soccer team for defeating Rush-Henrietta on Saturday! The tough Warrior defense shutout R-H while the hard work of our offense put us on the board! Tucker B. netted 2 goals, while Sam B. and Nick S. each scored as well to help lead the Warriors to the win. Well done boys!
> Attention: Spring track starts in just one week! All boys must join the new Track Google Classroom page. We will be having a virtual pre-season meeting on Thursday night at 7:00pm. The code is: 6 x d n l o c. Again, all boys doing spring track must join the new Track Google Classroom as we are having a video meeting Thursday night at 7:00pm. The code is: 6 x d n l o c.
April 12, 2021
> Attention all students! We will be celebrating International Week during the week of April 16th. There will be a photo booth during lunch periods on Monday/Tuesday and you can wear your favorite international jersey or language shirt on Thursday/Friday. There will also be a meme contest where you can create an international meme or TikTok and submit it to kimberly_rayton@webstercsd.org for a chance to win a prize! Lastly, you can pick up a sheet of International Bingo at any language teachers classroom.
> There will be an informational meeting for all girls interested in trying out for JV and Varsity Softball this spring today at 3:30pm at the Schroder Turf Softball Field. Intramurals will follow until 5:15pm.
If you cannot make it today, there will be another meeting and intramurals on Wednesday, April 14 at 3:30 at the Softball Field.
Any questions, please see Mrs. Keil in Room W14.
> Attention seniors: administration and your class advisors would like your feedback on upcoming senior events. Please complete the survey in your Class of 2021 Google Classroom.
> The preseason meeting for Boys Varsity and JV golf will be held remotely through Google Meet on Tuesday, April 13th at 3:30pm. You can access the Meet by joining the Boys Golf Classroom page. Contact Coach Leaf or Coach Sabatino or look for signs in the hallways to get the class code. The season starts Monday, April 19th, so please get ready to tee it up by signing up through Family ID, joining the Boys Golf classroom page, and attending Tuesday's Google Meet.
> Unified Bowling is looking for partners to participate this season. A partner is someone who will bowl alongside a special education student during matches and practices. If you are interested, please use this QR code to register on Family ID or reach out to Mrs. Burgess at lindsay_burgess@webstercsd.org with any questions.
> Attention: Spring track starts in just one week! All boys must join the new Track Google Classroom page. We will be having a virtual pre-season meeting on Thursday night at 7:00pm. The code is: 6 x d n l o c. Again, all boys doing spring track must join the new Track Google Classroom as we are having a video meeting Thursday night at 7:00pm. The code is: 6 x d n l o c.
> Attention Group 1 Schroeder Baseball Players: There will be a Schroeder Baseball Tryouts Informational Meeting this Thursday after school in the Cafeteria from 3:30-4pm. If you plan on trying-out for a school team you must attend. If you can't make the meeting please see Coach Knight in W214 for information.
> Congratulations to the boys freshman soccer team for defeating Rush-Henrietta on Saturday! The tough Warrior defense shutout R-H while the hard work of our offense put us on the board! Tucker B. netted 2 goals, while Sam B. and Nick S. each scored as well to help lead the Warriors to the win. Well done boys!
April 9, 2021
> Attention: Spring Track starts in just two weeks! All boys must join the new Google Classroom. The code is: 6 x d n l o c. Again, Spring Track starts in just two weeks. All boys must join the new Google Classroom. The code is: 6 x d n l o c.
> Attention all students! We will be celebrating International Week during the week of April 16th. There will be a photo booth during lunch periods on Monday/Tuesday and you can wear your favorite international jersey or language shirt on Thursday/Friday. There will also be a meme contest where you can create an international meme or TikTok and submit it to kimberly_rayton@webstercsd.org for a chance to win a prize! Lastly, you can pick up a sheet of International Bingo at any language teachers classroom.
> There will be an informational meeting for all girls interested in trying out for JV and Varsity Softball this spring on Monday, April 12th at 3:30pm at the Schroder Turf Softball Field. Intramurals will follow until 5:15pm.
If you cannot make it Monday, there will be another meeting and intramurals on Wednesday, April 14 at 3:30 at the Softball Field.
Any questions, please see Mrs. Keil in Room W14.
> Congratulations to Varsity Girls Volleyball! After almost a 2 hour battle, the team won a hard fought match against a tough Fairport team. Nice birthday gift for Sara B. on Wednesday night! Best of luck tonight with your match at home battling Rush-Henrietta, ladies!
> Attention seniors: administration and your class advisors would like your feedback on upcoming senior events. Please complete the survey in your Class of 2021 Google Classroom.
> The preseason meeting for Boys Varsity and JV golf will be held remotely through Google Meet on Tuesday, April 13th at 3:30pm. You can access the Meet by joining the Boys Golf Classroom page. Contact Coach Leaf or Coach Sabatino or look for signs in the hallways to get the class code. The season starts Monday, April 19th, so please get ready to tee it up by signing up through Family ID, joining the Boys Golf classroom page, and attending Tuesday's Google Meet.
> Congratulations to our Athlete of the Week: Mat S! On Boys Varsity Volleyball, Mat is the leading outside hitter in attack efficiency, while 2nd overall in kills and 3rd in points scored. He's the only athlete this season to play in every set. Mat's been an excellent role model for the underclassmen focusing on work-ethic while maintaining enthusiasm and respect for the competition and teammates.
> Unified Bowling is looking for partners to participate this season. A partner is someone who will bowl alongside a special education student during matches and practices. If you are interested, please use this QR code to register on Family ID or reach out to Mrs. Burgess at lindsay_burgess@webstercsd.org with any questions.
> Congratulations to the following students for being this week's recipients of Principal's Recognition:
Please stop by the main office any time after 1st period.
Aleyna S. - Class of ‘24
Natalie W. - Class of ‘24
April 8, 2021
> Attention: Spring Track starts in just two weeks! All boys must join the new Google Classroom. The code is: 6 x d n l o c. Again, Spring Track starts in just two weeks. All boys must join the new Google Classroom. The code is: 6 x d n l o c.
> Attention all students! We will be celebrating International Week during the week of April 16th. There will be a photo booth during lunch periods on Monday/Tuesday and you can wear your favorite international jersey or language shirt on Thursday/Friday. There will also be a meme contest where you can create an international meme or TikTok and submit it to kimberly_rayton@webstercsd.org for a chance to win a prize! Lastly, you can pick up a sheet of International Bingo at any language teachers classroom.
>Congratulations to this week’s athlete of the week. Mat S has been a key player for the boys volleyball team this season. Way to go Mat!
> There will be an informational meeting for all girls interested in trying out for JV and Varsity Softball this spring on Monday, April 12th at 3:30pm at the Schroder Turf Softball Field. Intramurals will follow until 5:15pm.
If you cannot make it Monday, there will be another meeting and intramurals on Wednesday, April 14 at 3:30 at the Softball Field.
Any questions, please see Mrs. Keil in Room W14.
> Congratulations to Varsity Girls Volleyball! After almost a 2 hour battle, the team won a hard fought match against a tough Fairport team. Nice birthday gift for Sara B. on Wednesday night! Best of luck Friday night with your match at home with Rush-Henrietta, ladies!
> Congratulations to the following students for being this week's recipients of Principal's Recognition:
Please stop by the main office any time after 1st period.
Lauren C. - Class of ‘24 (1st-Zoltoski)
Kenna D. - Class of ‘22
Sophia L. - Class of ‘24
Nicholas S. - Class of ‘24 (1st-Zoltoski)
Now over to a video
April 6, 2021
> Auditions for the spring production of "Our Place" will be held today after school in W25. If you are interested, you may still sign-up by seeing Mr. Gomez or Miss Cooman today. Break a leg everyone!
> Attention: Spring Track starts in just two weeks! All boys must join the new Google Classroom. The code is: 6 x d n l o c. Again, Spring Track starts in just two weeks. All boys must join the new Google Classroom. The code is: 6 x d n l o c.
> There will be a Science Olympiad meeting Wednesday afternoon at 3:30pm on Google Meet. Please use the link in the Science Olympiad Classroom page to join. We will be discussing the state competition for this Saturday during this meeting. Contact Mr. Gill or Mr. Lasky if you have any questions. Thank you!
> Attention Key Club members:
We will meet Thursday, April 8th afterschool in the College and Career Center at 3:20pm.
See you then!
> A big thank you goes out to all students and staff for participating in "A Week of a 1000 Good Deeds" before Spring Break.
Staff - thank you for spending the time recognizing and acknowledging the deeds of our students.
Students - thank you for being you! Gift certificates to local businesses will be randomly distributed the next few days to students who were identified for doing a good deed. Keep the good deeds coming and enjoy!
> The last music trivia winners are Braiden Q. and Kristina S! They correctly answered this question: What city opera house does the "Phantom of the Opera" prowl? Congratulations and please go see Mrs. Derse to pick-up your prize.
> Congratulations to Anna D. for being our Artist of the Week! Anna painted this winter landscape with oils on masonite board in Painting One. Great work, Anna!
April 5, 2021
> There is still time to sign-up for Schroeder Theater Company's "Our Place" auditions. Auditions will be tomorrow, April 6th after school. Stop by Mr. Gomez's room or Ms Cooman's for audition information.
> Congratulations to Anna D. who painted this winter landscape with oils on masonite board in painting one. Anna is this week’s artist of the week, great work Anna.
> Attention: Spring Track starts in just two weeks! All boys must join the new Google Classroom. The code is: 6 x d n l o c. Again, Spring Track starts in just two weeks. All boys must join the new Google Classroom. The code is: 6 x d n l o c.
March 26, 2021
> Students interested in auditioning for Schroeder Theater Company's spring production of "Our Place" : sign-up and grab an audition packet in Mr. Gomez's room (W25) or Miss Cooman's AVTV office. Auditions will be held Tuesday, April 6th after school.
> In a nail-biter of a finish Tuesday evening, Webster Schroeder's MasterMinds team defeated archrival Fairport and claimed their well deserved spot of League 4 Champions! It came down to the last question of the last match, but the cool, confident play of Diego D., Michael R.l, Rushil T., and David Y. carried the day. Congratulate Diego, Michael, Rushil, and David if you see them today.
The MasterMinds JV team also competed Tuesday evening defeating Aquinas, but losing a close contest to the Fairport JV team. Kudos go to Jacqueline H., Sofia M., and Stephen M. for an outstanding effort.
MasterMinds competitors need to be strong academically and able to work well under pressure as they compete in team trivia against other high schools. If you like trivia or are well versed in an academic area, consider joining our team next school year!
> Don't forget that "A Week of a 1000 Good Deeds" is still going strong! Teachers: have you recognized a student's good deed yet? Students: what will you do to make a difference today?
Remember to stop by CoreLife Eatery in Webster for 25% of your order with the digital flyer accessible on your Class page in celebration of good deeds across Schroeder.
Don't worry -- prizes will be distributed to students when we return from break.
Doing something good is free. Try it out today!
> Congratulations to the following recipients of this week's Principal's Recognition:
Please stop down to the main office any time after 1st period.
Heaven B. - Class of ‘24
Justin D. - Class of ‘23
Tyler G. - Class of ‘22
Madisen K. - Class of ‘24
Dmytro M. - Class of ‘23
Eiden R. - Class of ‘22
Julia S. - Class of ‘24
Madeleine T. - Class of ‘23
March 25, 2021
> Students interested in auditioning for Schroeder Theater Company's spring production of "Our Place" : sign-up and grab an audition packet in Mr. Gomez's room (W25) or Miss Cooman's AVTV office. Auditions will be held Tuesday, April 6th after school.
> Nigel C. is the first person to win the Schroeder Faculty Fun Fact scavenger hunt! If you would like to learn more about the adults here at Schroeder please pick up a sheet in the library. Yes, you will get a prize if you get them all correct!
> In a nail-biter of a finish Tuesday evening, Webster Schroeder's MasterMinds team defeated archrival Fairport and claimed their well deserved spot of League 4 Champions! It came down to the last question of the last match, but the cool, confident play of Diego D., Michael R.l, Rushil T., and David Y. carried the day. Congratulate Diego, Michael, Rushil, and David if you see them today.
The MasterMinds JV team also competed Tuesday evening defeating Aquinas, but losing a close contest to the Fairport JV team. Kudos go to Jacqueline H., Sofia M., and Stephen M. for an outstanding effort.
MasterMinds competitors need to be strong academically and able to work well under pressure as they compete in team trivia against other high schools. If you like trivia or are well versed in an academic area, consider joining our team next school year!
> Don't forget that "A Week of a 1000 Good Deeds" is still going strong! Teachers: have you recognized a student's good deed yet? Students: what will you do to make a difference today?
Remember to stop by CoreLife Eatery in Webster for 25% of your order with the digital flyer accessible on your Class page in celebration of good deeds across Schroeder.
Don't worry -- prizes will be distributed to students when we return from break.
Doing something good is free. Try it out today!
> Congratulations to Artist of the Week -- Samantha M! She made this in AP Drawing using colored pencil on canson paper. Samantha has chosen to illustrate her dog’s journey from adoption to family life through her artwork. Way to go, Samantha!
> Last week’s music trivia question was: Stradivari is reputed to have made around 1,100 violins in his lifetime. Approximately how many are thought to still exist?
The answer? 650. Congratulations to Anna H. and Nikol K. who won last week’s prize. Please stop down to N4 to pick it up.
This week’s question is: What city opera house does the “Phantom of the Opera” prowl?
Answer this on the Google Classroom c c z e z i o by Friday to be entered into the drawing for this week’s prize!
> Congratulations to the following recipients of this week's Principal's Recognition:
Please stop down to the main office any time after 1st period.
Liaba A. - Class of ‘24
Caleb N. - Class of ‘24
Margaret A. - Class of ‘21
Emma O. - Class of ‘22
Andrew C. - Class of ‘21
Michael P. - Class of ‘22
Daniel D. - Class of ‘22
Steven R. - Class of ‘24
Evan D. - Class of ‘23
Alexis S. - Class of ‘22
Samantha I. - Class of ‘23
James V. - Class of ‘22
Jacob I. Class of ‘24
Sophie W. - Class of ‘22
Andrew M. - Class of ‘21 (1st-Metz-Miller)
Nalani W. - Class of ‘23
Kyra N. - Class of ‘23
March 23, 2021
> Attention Class of 2023: In order to give you the best prom experience possible next year, please complete a quick survey about potential venues. This is available on your Google Classroom Page. Your voice matters!
> A Week of 1,000 Good Deeds is here! In honor of One Warrior Week, Schroeder is celebrating good deeds done by students and staff. No gesture is too small... no act too large! Help someone in need out, hold a door open for someone, introduce yourself to someone new, listen, say thank you, recycle: the list is endless. Students identified for participating in good deeds will be eligible for prizes ranging from $5 Moe's bucks, to Monte Alban gift cards, gift certificates for Charlie's...and the grand prize: free trash plates from Empire Hots! You don't have to give a lot, to make a big impact.
> Nigel C. is the first person to win the Schroeder Faculty Fun Fact Scavenger Hunt! If you would like to learn more about the adults here at Schroeder please pick up a sheet in the library. Yes, you will get a prize if you get them all correct!
> Crushes will be on sale today and it’s the last day to purchase them. $1 per can or get a bundle: 6 cans for $5. Send a CRUSH to your crush!
> Congratulations to Artist of the Week -- Samantha M! She made this in AP Drawing using colored pencil on canson paper. Samantha has chosen to illustrate her dog’s journey from adoption to family life through her artwork. Way to go, Samantha!
> Last week’s music trivia question was: Stradivari is reputed to have made around 1,100 violins in his lifetime. Approximately how many are thought to still exist?
The answer? 650. Congratulations to Anna H. and Nikol K. who won last week’s prize. Please stop down to N4 to pick it up.
This week’s question is: What city opera house does the “Phantom of the Opera” prowl?
Answer this on the Google Classroom c c z e z i o by Friday to be entered into the drawing for this week’s prize!
>Now over to the conclusion of “What’s Gomez Fishing?”
March 19, 2020
> Attention Class of 2023: In order to give you the best prom experience possible next year, please complete a quick survey about potential venues. This is available on your Google Classroom Page. Your voice matters!
> Crushes will be on sale today and next week. $1 per can or get a bundle: 6 cans for $5. Send a CRUSH to your crush!
> Congratulations to Luke I. for being Athlete of the Week! Earlier this month Luke needed 24 points to become the first Schroeder student to score 1,000 career points. Since then, Luke has also become the program’s all-time leading scorer and has been recognized on the 1st team all-league. Congratulations, Luke!
> Isabella L. is our Artist of the Week! She created this in Studio Art. Congratulations and great work!
> Congratulations to the following students for being recipients of this week's Principal's Recognition:
Ryan B. - Class of ‘24 (3rd-Lunch)
Ashley J. - Class of ‘21
Danielle C. - Class of ‘22
Salvatore L. - Class of ‘24
Diego D. - Class of ‘22
Lillian N. - Class of ‘21
Jack D. - Class of ‘22
Isabella P. - Class of ‘21
Paige D. - Class of ‘21
Clarissa P. - Class of ‘22
> Webster Schroeder condemns the violence that occurred in Georgia earlier this week. We recognize the richness and strength that comes from a diverse school and community, and are committed to ensuring that all of our students and staff thrive in an environment free from discrimination. If you at any time feel unsafe or in need of someone to listen, any trusted adult in the building can put you in touch with our support staff.
March 18, 2021
> Attention Class of 2023: In order to give you the best prom experience possible next year, please complete a quick survey about potential venues. This is available on your Google Classroom Page. Your voice matters!
> Congratulations to the following students for being recipients of this week's Principal's Recognition:
Abigail N. - Class of ‘21
Katherine O. - Class of ‘22
Rushil T. - Class of ‘23
> Congratulations to Luke I. for being Athlete of the Week! Earlier this month Luke needed 24 points to become the first Schroeder student to score 1,000 career points. Since then Luke has also become the programs all-time leading scorer and has been recognized on the 1st team all league.
> Isabella is our Artist of the Week! Who created this in Studio Art. Congratulations and great work!
> Webster Schroeder condemns the violence that occurred in Georgia earlier this week. We recognize the richness and strength that comes from a diverse school and community, and are committed to ensuring that all of our students and staff thrive in an environment free from discrimination. If you at any time feel unsafe or in need of someone to listen, any trusted adult in the building can put you in touch with our support staff.
March 16, 2021
> Last week’s music trivia question was: What musical instrument sales escalated from 228,000 in 1950 to 2.3 million in 1971?
The answer? The guitar! Congratulations to Johnathan B. and Anna B. who won last week’s prize. Please stop down to N4 to pick it up.
This week’s question is: Stradivari is reputed to have made around 1,100 violins in his lifetime. Approximately how many are thought to still exist?
Answer this on the Google classroom c c z e z i o by Friday to be entered into the drawing for this week’s prize!
> The Varsity Wrestling Team ended their season with a 2nd place finish at this weekend's Section 5 Class A wrestling tournament. Four Warriors became Class A Champions. Lucas R., Anthony S., Joe B., and Cosmo L. each won their respective weight classes. Rimere R. finished in 2nd. Nathan Z. took 3rd and Davis D. placed 4th. Lucas R. and Anthony S. each finish their careers with over 100 career wins. Congrats, Warriors!
March 12, 2021
> Attention Warriors who received a postcard notifying you that you achieved Honor Roll for Quarter 2: If you haven't received your celebratory ice cream yet, you can still take advantage of this during your lunch period. Please stop in to your Alpha Office to pick up your coupon and then redeem it in the cafeteria line. Congratulations on your hard work!
> Congratulations to the following students for being this week's recipients of Principal's Recognition:
Stop down to the main office anytime after 1st period.
Gianna B. - Class of ‘22
Nicholas B. - Class of ‘24 (1st-Giacoman)
Ava G. - Class of ‘24
Adam G. - Class of ‘21
Isabella G. - Class of ‘22
Marlena S. - Class of ‘23
Raina S. - Class of ‘22
March 11, 2021
> The Schroeder Speech & Debate Team won the GVFL League championship again this year, claimed several individual championships, and qualified eight students for nationals!
National qualifiers are as follows:
Emma C. in Declamation
Lauren B. in Oral Interpretation
Sophia V. in Original Oratory
Luke P. in Lincoln-Douglas Debate
Felix H. & Jason L. in Public Forum Debate
Kenny R. & Andrew G. in Student Congress
Individual champions: Lauren B., Sophia V., Felix H. & Jason L.
2nd place league champions: Andrew G., Kenny R., Luke P., Emma C. Russell G.
> Attention Warriors who received a postcard notifying you that you achieved Honor Roll for Quarter 2: If you haven't received your celebratory ice cream yet, you can still take advantage of this during your lunch period. Please stop in to your Alpha Office to pick up your coupon and then redeem it in the cafeteria line. Congratulations on your hard work!
> Congratulations to the following students for being this week's recipients of Principal's Recognition:
Stop down to the main office anytime after 1st period.
Robert G. - Class of ‘23
Cody H. - Class of ‘23
Madison M. - Class of ‘24
Georgianna P. - Class of ‘23
Stephen S. - Class of ‘22
Kaylee Z. - Class of ‘21
March 9, 2021
> Attention all Freshmen interested in playing Football. Please register for Modified A Football as soon as possible if you have not done so already. Registration can be completed at FamilyID.com. Practice begins Monday, March 15th. Dress Warm!
> The Schroeder Speech & Debate Team won the GVFL League championship again this year, claimed several individual championships, and qualified eight students for nationals!
National qualifiers are as follows:
Emma C. in Declamation
Lauren B. in Oral Interpretation
Sophia V. in Original Oratory
Luke P. in Lincoln-Douglas Debate
Felix H. & Jason L. in Public Forum Debate
Kenny R. & Andrew G. in Student Congress
Individual champions: Lauren B., Sophia V., Felix H. & Jason L.
2nd place league champions: Andrew G., Kenny R., Luke P., Emma C. Russell G.
> Wondering what the answer for last week’s Music Trivia question was? Here’s a reminder, what is this instrument?
The answer? And English Horn! Congratulations to Aisnley and Vitaliy who won last week’s prize. Please stop down to N4 to pick it up.
This week’s question is: What musical instrument sales escalated from 228,000 in 1950 to 2.3 million in 1971?
Answer this on the Google classroom c c z e z i o by Friday to be entered into the drawing for this week’s prize!
> Olivia E. is the Artist of the Week! She created this in AP Drawing using mixed media including graphite, watercolor, and colored pencils. Olivia is interested in contemporary women’s issues and plans to attend art school next year to study fashion design. Great work Olivia!
March 8, 2021
> Attention all Freshmen interested in playing Football: Please register for Modified A Football as soon as possible if you have not done so already. Registration can be completed at FamilyID.com. Practice begins Monday, March 15th. Dress Warm!
> Congratulations Luke I. on becoming Webster Schroeder’s all-time leading scorer and first 1000 point scorer in school history. Luke came into the game vs. Hilton last Thursday night needing 11 points to become the all-time leading scorer surpassing Brandan G. and 24 points to reach 1000. He ended the game with 24 points. Congratulations Luke!
> Wondering what the answer for last week’s music trivia question was? Here’s a reminder, what is this instrument?
The answer? And English Horn!! Congratulations to Aisnley and Vitaliy who won last week’s prize. Please stop down to N-4 to pick it up.
This week’s question is: What musical instrument sales escalated from 228,000 in 1950 to 2.3 million in 1971?
Answer this on the Google classroom c c z e z i o by friday to be entered into the drawing for this week’s prize!
> This week’s artist of the week is Olivia! She created this in AP Drawing with mixed mediums of graphite, watercolor and colored pencils. Olivia is interested in contemporary women’s issues and plans to attend art school next year to study fashion design. Great work Olivia!
March 5, 2021
> Attention all Freshmen interested in playing Football. Please register for Modified A Football as soon as possible if you have not done so already. Registration can be completed at FamilyID.com. Practice begins Monday, March 15th. Dress Warm.
> Earlier this week we featured Colton A. in his perfect 300 bowling game during Sectionals. For this accomplishment, he is our Athlete of the Week! The last time a 300 was bowled at Sectionals was in 2014, making him the second Warrior ever to do this. Way to go Colton!
> Congratulations Luke I. on becoming Webster Schroeder’s all-time leading scorer and first 1000 point scorer in school history. Luke came into the game vs. Hilton Thursday night needing 11 points to become the all-time leading scorer surpassing Brandan G. and 24 points to reach 1000. He ended the game with exactly 24 points.
The Schroeder Varsity boys take on Victor Saturday, March 6th at 7:15 where Luke will be recognized for his historic accomplishments. The game and celebration will be live-streamed on the Schroeder Athletics YouTube page. Congratulations Luke!
> Congratulations to the following students for being this weeks' recipients of Principal's Recognition. Please stop by the Main Office after 1st period to receive your certificate.
Jack C. - Class of ‘23
Sierra D. - Class of ‘22
Samantha M. - Class of ‘21 (1st-Morency)
MacKenzie M. - Class of ‘21
Sofia M. - Class of ‘24 (1st-Deans)
Kaylana T. - Class of ‘22
March 4, 2021
> Attention all Freshmen interested in playing Football. Please register for Modified A Football as soon as possible if you have not done so already. Registration can be completed at FamilyID.com. Practice begins Monday, March 15th. Dress Warm!
>This week’s artist of the week is Alexis. She drew this is Studio in Art. Congratulations and great work Alexis!
> Earlier this week we featured Colton in his perfect game for bowling a 300 during sectionals. He is our Athlete of the week, but the last time a 300 was bowled at sectionals was in 2014. Making him the second Warrior ever to do this. Way to go Colton!!!
> Congratulations to the following students for being this weeks' recipients of Principal's Recognition. Please stop by the Main Office after 1st period to receive your certificate.
Elizabeth B. - Class of ‘24
Zachary C. - Class of ‘23
Nazariy D. - Class of ‘24
Joshua J. - Class of ‘22
Samuel M. - Class of ‘23
Melda O. - Class of ‘23
March 2, 2021
> Another win for Schroeder Speakers & Debaters! Our team took 1st place again and scored 74 of 75 possible points. Congrats to the following high scorers:
Liaba A. - 1st place in Novice Lincoln-Douglas Debate
Lauren B - 1st in Varsity Oral Interp
Ad H. - 1st in Varsity Extemp
Felix H. & Jason L - 1st in Varsity Public Forum Debate
Sophia V. - 1st in Original Oratory
Emma C. - 2nd in Declamation
Luke P. - 2nd in Varsity Lincoln-Douglas Debate
Andrew G. & Kenny R. - 3rd in Varsity Public Forum Debate
The national qualifier is next this coming Saturday. Good luck, team!
>This week’s artist of the week is Alexis. She drew this is Studio in Art. Congratulations and great work Alexis!
> Congratulations to senior Colton A. for bowling a 300 --a perfect game --- in Sectionals this weekend. Awesome job to all Warriors who competed!
> March is “Music in Our Schools Month” and the Tri-M Society is hosting a trivia challenge! Each week we will be announcing a question. Join the Google Classroom with cczezio to participate. The question this week is:
What is this instrument?
Remember to answer the question by Friday this week by joining the Google Classroom: cczezio.
March 1, 2021
> Another win for Schroeder Speakers & Debaters! Our team took 1st place again and scored 74 of 75 possible points. Congrats to the following high scorers:
Liaba A. - 1st place in Novice Lincoln-Douglas Debate
Lauren B - 1st in Varsity Oral Interp
Ad H. - 1st in Varsity Extemp
Felix H. & Jason L - 1st in Varsity Public Forum Debate
Sophia V. - 1st in Original Oratory
Emma C. - 2nd in Declamation
Luke P. - 2nd in Varsity Lincoln-Douglas Debate
Andrew G. & Kenny R. - 3rd in Varsity Public Forum Debate
The national qualifier is next this coming Saturday. Good luck, team!
> Congratulations to senior Colton A. for bowling a 300 --a perfect game --- in Sectionals this weekend. Awesome job to all Warriors who competed!
> March is Music in our Schools month and the Tri-M Society is hosting a trivia challenge! Each week we will be announcing a question, join the google classroom, cczezio to participate. The question this week is:
What is this instrument?
Remember to answer the question by Friday this week by joining the Google Classroom: cczezio.
> Congratulations to this week’s Athlete of the Week Ky'mere! Has averaged a Double-Double over the last 5 games and scored over 20pts each time. Has continues to help lead our Warriors to a great start start of the season and was named the Conners and Ferris High School Player of the Week, too.
Now over to a video
February 26, 2021
> Attention Schroeder students: Need help with how to manage your Google Classroom? Want some tips on creating the best Google Slides presentation? Need help with conjugating verbs in French? Then the NHS Warrior Academy is for you! Join the Warrior Academy Classroom for tips, tricks, and tutorials to help you do your best from Schroeder's own NHS students.
> Seniors, do you want to be considered for a scholarship or an award? Then fill out an application and drop-it off at the Counseling Center! Applications can be found in the Counseling Center and Alpha Offices.
> The Schroeder MasterMinds team entered the second half of the 20-21 season this Tuesday in second place in League 4, trailing only Fairport by one game. MasterMinds is a team trivia competition pitting high schools against each other. In Tuesday's meet, the Warriors DOMINATED all the competition. Varsity defeated Fairport 255 to 195 with David Y. leading with 55 points and beat Aquinas with a score of 210 to 30 with Diego D. leading the Warriors with 60 points. JV crushed the Thomas Titans with a score of 100 to 50 and handled Aquinas with a score of 140 to 80, with Jacqueline H. leading all scorers in both matches. Congrats to all the MasterMinds players for their impressive sweep of their competition!
> Congratulations to this week’s Athlete of the Week Ky'mere! Has averaged a Double-Double over the last 5 games and scored over 20pts each time. Has continues to help lead our Warriors to a great start start of the season and was named the Conners and Ferris High School Player of the Week, too.
> For the first time since November 2019...volleyball is back! Girls interested in playing JV or Varsity Volleyball: try-outs will begin this Monday, March 1st in the Thomas Field House at 5:15pm. Stop in to see or contact Coach DeWitte or Coach Gomez if you have not been in communication with them yet.
> Congratulations to the following students for being recipients of this week's Principal's Recognition, please stop into the main office after 1st period to pick up your certificate:
Shelby B. - Class of ‘23
Stella B. - Class of ‘23
Audrey C. - Class of ‘23
Anna D. - Class of ‘22
Joseph F. - Class of ‘24 (1st-Croft)
Abra H. - Class of ‘24
Noah K. - Class of ‘23
Oleg K. - Class of ‘21
David L. - Class of ‘23
Aleina W. - Class of ‘23
February 25, 2021
>Attention Schroeder students: Need help with how to manage your Google Classroom? Want some tips on creating the best Google Slides presentation? Need help with conjugating verbs in French? Then the NHS Warrior Academy is for you! Join the Warrior Academy Classroom for tips, tricks, and tutorials to help you do your best from Schroeder's own NHS students.
> Seniors, do you want to be considered for a scholarship or an award? Then fill out an application and drop-it off at the Counseling Center! Applications can be found in the Counseling Center and Alpha Offices.
> The Schroeder MasterMinds team entered the second half of the 20-21 season this Tuesday in second place in League 4, trailing only Fairport by one game. MasterMinds is a team trivia competition pitting high schools against each other. In Tuesday's meet, the Warriors DOMINATED all the competition. Varsity defeated Fairport 255 to 195 with David Y. leading with 55 points and beat Aquinas with a score of 210 to 30 with Diego D. leading the Warriors with 60 points. JV crushed the Thomas Titans with a score of 100 to 50 and handled Aquinas with a score of 140 to 80, with Jacqueline H. leading all scorers in both matches. Congrats to all the MasterMinds players for their impressive sweep of their competition!
> For the first time since November 2019...volleyball is back! Girls interested in playing JV or Varsity Volleyball: try-outs will begin this Monday, March 1st in the Thomas Field House at 5:15pm. Stop in to see or contact Coach DeWitte or Coach Gomez if you have not been in communication with them yet.
> Congratulations to the following students for being recipients of this week's Principal's Recognition:
Sophia B. - Class of ‘22
William B. - Class of ‘24
Curtis C. - Class of ‘21
Diana G. - Class of ‘23
Sebastian L. - Class of ‘24
Noah L. - Class of ‘23
Victoria S. - Class of ‘21
Dylan W. - Class of ‘24
Wai Kuen W. - Class of ‘23
February 23, 2021
> Attention Schroeder students: Need help with how to manage your Google Classroom? Want some tips on creating the best Google Slides presentation? Need help with conjugating verbs in French? Then the NHS Warrior Academy is for you! Join the Warrior Academy Classroom for tips, tricks, and tutorials to help you do your best from Schroeder's own NHS students.
> Hey Winter Warriors! The Schroeder Olympics is this Thursday/Friday after school and there is still time to sign your team up. We are looking for two more teams to compete against the mighty Frosty Flakes Captained by Anna R. and the always dominating Peacocks captained by Mikayla B. Get your team together and sign up on any Schroeder classroom page or see Mr. Eckler in W3.
> Seniors, do you want to be considered for a scholarship or an award? Then fill out an application and drop-it off at the Counseling Center! Applications can be found in the Counseling Center and Alpha Offices.
> Congratulations to Artist of the Week: Shay! Great work in Drawing One and in Illustration.
> “The Webster Thomas Radio Hour” has been released! To catch this student-written show, be on the lookout for the QR code posters around the building today. Great job to all the performers!
February 22, 2021
> Attention Schroeder students: Need help with how to manage your Google Classroom? Want some tips on creating the best Google Slides presentation? Need help with conjugating verbs in French? Then the NHS Warrior Academy is for you! Join the Warrior Academy Classroom for tips, tricks, and tutorials to help you do your best from Schroeder's own NHS students.
> Hey Winter Warriors! The Schroeder Olympics is this Thursday/Friday after school and there is still time to sign your team up. We are looking for two more teams to compete against the mighty Frosty Flakes Captained by Anna R. and the always dominating Peacocks captained by Mikayla B. Get your team together and sign up on any Schroeder classroom page or see Mr. Eckler in W3.
> Seniors, do you want to be considered for a scholarship or an award? Then fill out an application and drop-it off at the Counseling Center! Applications can be found in the Counseling Center and Alpha Offices.
> Congratulations to this Week's Artist of the Week, Shay! Great work in drawing one and illustration.
> The Webster Thomas Radio Hour has released their show for the 2021 year! To catch this student-written show, be on the lookout for the QR code posters around the building today. Great job to all the performers!
February 12, 2021
> Hegedorns' donuts are now being sold in the cafeteria. They will be available during breakfast and lunch for $1.50 while supplies last.
> The Webster Thomas Radio Hour has released their show for the 2021 year! To catch this student-written show, be on the lookout for the QR code posters around the building after break. Great job to all the performers!
> Attention Schroeder students: Need help with how to manage your Google Classroom? Want some tips on creating the best Google Slides presentation? Need help with conjugating verbs in French? Then the NHS Warrior Academy is for you! Join the Warrior Academy Classroom for tips, tricks, and tutorials to help you do your best from Schroeder's own NHS students.
> Good Morning, Schroeder. February Break is fast approaching, and I want to encourage you to come down to the library today during your free period to pick out something to read during your time off. We have new books in every genre. Fans of The Hate U Give will want to check out Angie Thomas' recently released prequel: Concrete Rose. We have Printz Honor titles Laura Dean Keeps Breaking up with Me and Dragon Hoops. Fantasy readers will want to grab Chloe Gong's These Violent Delights, a reimagining of Romeo and Juliet set in Shanghai. And if you like dystopian settings, you'll want to pick up Charlie Fletcher's A Boy and His Dog at the End of the World. Books are the best form of travel you can take right now; come and see me and I'll help you select a February break destination!
February 11, 2021
> Hegedorns' donuts are now being sold in the cafeteria. They will be available during breakfast and lunch for $1.50 while supplies last.
> The Webster Thomas Radio Hour has released their show for the 2021 year! To catch this student written show, be on the lookout for the QR code posters around the building after break. Laugh along as you tune into the first student written show at Thomas. Great job to all the performers!
> Good Morning, Schroeder. February Break is fast approaching, and I want to encourage you to come down to the library today during your free period to pick out something to read during your time off. We have new books in every genre. Fans of The Hate U Give will want to check out Angie Thomas' recently released prequel: Concrete Rose. We have Printz Honor titles Laura Dean Keeps Breaking up with Me and Dragon Hoops. Fantasy readers will want to grab Chloe Gong's These Violent Delights, a reimagining of Romeo and Juliet set in Shanghai. And if you like dystopian settings, you'll want to pick up Charlie Fletcher's A Boy and His Dog at the End of the World. Books are the best form of travel you can take right now; come and see me and I'll help you select a February break destination!
February 9, 2021
> Hegedorns' donuts are now being sold in the cafeteria. They will be available during breakfast and lunch for $1.50 while supplies last.
> The M.K. Ghandi Institute for Nonviolence is offering local youth ages 12-24 up to $1,000 for projects that provide a creative solution to fear, hostility, and division within their community.
During their first grant cycle in March of 2017, they funded 10 innovative projects that utilized the arts, outreach, and creative educational techniques to promote active nonviolence.
Submissions are due February 15th.
> Sunshine is so dated! Get with the current trend and embrace the snowy climate of upstate New York in the first ever "Winter Warrior Olympic Games." Visit your class' Google Classroom page for a full run-down on events, rules, dates, and how to sign-up. Putting the "brrrrrr" in "bring it!"
> Congratulations to two JV members of Speech & Debate Team who competed at the regional qualifier Saturday:
Freshman Sofia M. took 1st in Novice Lincoln-Douglas Debate Saturday qualifying her for state
and to Sophomore Emma C. who qualified for state in Declamation!
8 other team members who have previously qualified are as follows:
Luke P. in LD Debate
Andrew G. Felix H, Jason L., Kenny R in Public Forum Debate
Lauren B. in Oral Interpretation, Sophia V. in Original Oratory, & Ad H. in Extemporaneous Speaking
This is one of the few times in 37 consecutive seasons that we have had state qualifiers in Speech & Debate in every event we competed in. Kudos to all!
February 8, 2021
> Hegedorns' donuts are now being sold in the cafeteria. They will be available during breakfast and lunch for $1.50 while supplies last.
> The M.K. Ghandi Institute for Nonviolence is offering local youth ages 12-24 up to $1,000 for projects that provide a creative solution to fear, hostility, and division within their community.
During their first grant cycle in March of 2017, they funded 10 innovative projects that utilized the arts, outreach, and creative educational techniques to promote active nonviolence.
Submissions are due February 15th.
> Sunshine is so dated! Get with the current trend and embrace the snowy climate of upstate New York in the first ever "Winter Warrior Olympic Games." Visit your class' Google Classroom page for a full run-down on events, rules, dates, and how to sign-up. Putting the "brrrrrr" in "bring it!"
> Congratulations to the Schroeder Mathletes for a successful end to the season! At Thursday's competition, twenty-one students participated earning a total of 135 points! Double digit scorers included Alex G, Danny G, Felix H, Jacqueline H, and Tyler P. Perfect category scorers included Alex G, Danny G, Jacqueline H, Felix H and Tyler P. Members should be sure to check the Google classroom for information about the end of season celebration.
> Congratulations to Ellie who is this week’s artist of the week. She created this painting in Painting One. Great work Ellie!
> Congratulations to two JV members of Speech & Debate Team who competed at the regional qualifier Saturday:
Freshman Sofia M. took 1st in Novice Lincoln-Douglas Debate Saturday qualifying her for state
and to Sophomore Emma C. who qualified for state in Declamation!
8 other team members who have previously qualified are as follows:
Luke P. in LD Debate
Andrew G. Felix H, Jason L., Kenny R in Public Forum Debate
Lauren B. in Oral Interpretation, Sophia V. in Original Oratory, & Ad H. in Extemporaneous Speaking
This is one of the few times in 37 consecutive seasons that we have had state qualifiers in Speech & Debate in every event we competed in. Kudos to all!
> CRUSH sales are here! During lunch periods Student Council is selling CRUSH cans to be delivered on this Thursday and Friday for Valentine's day.
Each CRUSH is $1.00. Send a CRUSH to a friend.
See Mrs. Giacoman or Mr Peck if you have any questions
Now to Staff Member of the Month
February 5, 2021
> Hegedorns' donuts are now being sold in the cafeteria. They will be available during breakfast and lunch for $1.50 while supplies last.
> Good news, Schroeder! Therapy dogs are now allowed back in school! However, due to COVID restrictions, there is a "no petting or touching" policy. Our newest certified therapy dog, Bella, will be in the building from time to time. Bella is a four-year-old Boston Terrier mix, who loves people and is excited to visit. She will be in room E14, if you would like to stop in and say hi (from a distance). She is looking forward to meeting everyone!
> The M.K. Ghandi Institute for Nonviolence is offering local youth ages 12-24 up to $1,000 for projects that provide a creative solution to fear, hostility, and division within their community.
During their first grant cycle in March of 2017, they funded 10 innovative projects that utilized the arts, outreach, and creative educational techniques to promote active nonviolence.
Submissions are due February 15th.
> Attention 9th grade boys: if you are interested in playing Freshman boys basketball, tryouts start on Monday, February 8th from 7:45pm to 9:15pm. Please make sure you are registered on Family ID to participate.
> Congratulations to Ainsley, our Athlete of the Week! She is our first freshman to be recognized and she also won the Girls Open Nordic Race on Monday! Way to go Ainsley!
> Sunshine is so dated! Get with the current trend and embrace the snowy climate of upstate New York in the first ever "Winter Warrior Olympic Games." Visit your class' Google Classroom page for a full run-down on events, rules, dates, and how to sign-up. Putting the "brrrrrr" in "bring it!"
> Congratulations to the Schroeder Mathletes for a successful end to the season! At Thursday's competition, twenty-one students participated earning a total of 135 points! Double digit scorers included Alex G, Danny G, Felix H, Jacqueline H, and Tyler P. Perfect category scorers included Alex G, Danny G, Jacqueline H, Felix H and Tyler P. Members should be sure to check the Google classroom for information about the end of season celebration.
> Congratulations to the following students for being this weeks' recipients of Principal's Recognition.
Stop by the main office following 1st period:
Tyler D. - Class of ‘23
Cora P. - Class of ‘23
Savannah G. - Class of ‘24
Samantha S. - Class of ‘23
Emma L.- Class of ‘21
Kyle S. - Class of ‘22
Sophia M. - Class of ‘21
Tyler Y. - Class of ‘22
Anthony P. - Class of ‘21
February 4, 2021
> Hegedorns' donuts are now being sold in the cafeteria. They will be available during breakfast and lunch for $1.50 while supplies last.
> February is Black History Month. At Schroeder, one of the ways that we are celebrating the contributions of Black Americans is through a collaborative display in the cafeteria. Tell us who inspires you, and why. Supplies are available from the library.
> Good news, Schroeder! Therapy dogs are now allowed back in school! However, due to COVID restrictions, there is a "no petting or touching" policy. Our newest certified therapy dog, Bella, will be in the building from time to time. Bella is a four-year-old Boston Terrier mix, who loves people and is excited to visit. She will be in room E14, if you would like to stop in and say hi (from a distance). She is looking forward to meeting everyone!
> The M.K. Ghandi Institute for Nonviolence is offering local youth ages 12-24 up to $1,000 for projects that provide a creative solution to fear, hostility, and division within their community.
During their first grant cycle in March of 2017, they funded 10 innovative projects that utilized the arts, outreach, and creative educational techniques to promote active nonviolence.
Submissions are due February 15th.
> Congratulations to Ainsley, our Athlete of the Week! She is our first freshman to be recognized and she also won the Girls Open Nordic Race on Monday! Way to go Ainsley!
> Attention 9th grade boys: if you are interested in playing Freshman boys basketball, tryouts start on Monday, February 8th from 7:45pm to 9:15pm. Please make sure you are registered on Family ID to participate.
> Sunshine is so dated! Get with the current trend and embrace the snowy climate of upstate New York in the first ever "Winter Warrior Olympic Games." Visit your class' Google Classroom page for a full run-down on events, rules, dates, and how to sign-up. Putting the "brrrrrr" in "bring it!"
> Congratulations to the following students for being this weeks' recipients of Principal's Recognition.
Stop by the main office following 1st period:
Mikayla B.- Class of ‘23
Ashley L. - Class of ‘22
Kendall B.- Class of ‘22
Jason L. - Class of ‘23
Ava C. - Class of ‘23
Hayden L. - Class of ‘23
Nathan D. - Class of ‘22
Andrew P. - Class of ‘21
Aubrey E. - Class of ‘23
Jack S. - Class of ‘24
Juliana F. - Class of ‘22
Carly Z. - Class of ‘23
February 2, 2021
> Schroeder Speakers and Debaters killed it Saturday taking 1st place Team against schools from Rochester, Buffalo, and midstate! Congratulations to the following individuals:
Lauren B. took 1st in every round of Varsity Oral Interpretation
Sophia V. - 1st in all 3 rounds of Original Oratory
Ad H. - 2nd in Varsity Extemporaneous Speaking
Emma C. - 2nd in Declamation
Kenny R. & Andrew G. - 1st place in Varsity Public Forum Debate taking 1st in all 3 debates
LIaba A. - 2nd in Intermediate Lincoln-Douglas Debate
The team now heads into state and national qualifying tournaments having finished a strong preliminary season. Congratulations to all!
> Hegedorns’ donuts are now being sold in the cafeteria starting today. They will be available during breakfast and lunch for $1.50 while supplies last.
>This week’s Artist of the week is Claudia P who drew this in Drawing 2. Congratulations!! And great work
> February is Black History Month. At Schroeder, one of the ways that we are celebrating the contributions of Black Americans is through a collaborative display in the cafeteria. Tell us who inspires you, and why. Supplies are available from the library.
> Good morning Warriors! There will be a Model UN Club meeting after school today in Mrs. Tuyn's room, W6, to discuss the UNAR Virtual Conference in April. If you are not currently a member, but would like to see what the club is all about, please stop by! The more the merrier!
February 1, 2021
> Schroeder Speakers and Debaters killed it Saturday taking 1st place Team against schools from Rochester, Buffalo, and midstate! Congratulations to the following individuals:
Lauren B. took 1st in every round of Varsity Oral Interpretation
Sophia V. - 1st in all 3 rounds of Original Oratory
Ad H. - 2nd in Varsity Extemporaneous Speaking
Emma C. - 2nd in Declamation
Kenny R. & Andrew G. - 1st place in Varsity Public Forum Debate taking 1st in all 3 debates
LIaba A. - 2nd in Intermediate Lincoln-Douglas Debate
The team now heads into state and national qualifying tournaments having finished a strong preliminary season. Congratulations to all!
> Sunshine is SO overrated. It is time to embrace the chilly upstate climate.
Introducing Schroeder's first-ever: "Frostbite Iceball Tournament"
Starting planning and practicing now; it is only a few weeks away! Stay tuned for more information regarding roster sign-ups and play dates.
> To celebrate Black History Month, The Morning Show will be recognizing accomplished black figures both historically and modern each morning.
Ronald McNair was an MIT-trained physicist who specialized in laser research before joining NASA in the late 1970s. McNair became the second African American to go to space with the launch of the STS-41B mission of the Space Shuttle Challenger on February 3, 1984. His life was tragically cut short with the launch and failure of the space shuttle Challenger on January 28th 1986.
January 28, 2021
> Today's lunch is a bacon cheeseburger or a bacon hamburger with tater tots.
Just a reminder that lunch and breakfast is FREE to ALL students everyday.
Please stop by the cafe and pick up breakfast and lunch.
> ATTENTION SCHROEDER BASEBALL PLAYERS: Please stop by Coach Knight's classroom (W214) to pick-up information regarding the upcoming Baseball Skill Sessions. Any 9th through 12th grader planning on trying out for one of the school teams is encouraged to attend.
> Are you taking the SAT virtual English Prep Class that begins today? Your resource guide that goes along with the class is in the Main Office. Please pick-up before the end of the day.
> Girls Basketball tryouts start on Monday, February 1st and anyone interested in playing JV or Varsity basketball should register on FamilyID. Check the Schroeder Girls Basketball social media accounts for more updates on tryout times.
> Congratulations to this Week’s Athlete of the Week, Sophia! She is a multi-Sport Athlete who is using her leadership skills as one of the few seniors on the Nordic Ski team this season. Congratulations Sophia!
January 27, 2021
> Today's lunch is a bacon cheeseburger or a bacon hamburger with tater tots.
Just a reminder that lunch and breakfast is FREE to ALL students everyday.
Please stop by the cafe and pick up breakfast and lunch.
> ATTENTION SCHROEDER BASEBALL PLAYERS: Please stop by Coach Knight's classroom (W214) to pick-up information regarding the upcoming Baseball Skill Sessions. Any 9th through 12th grader planning on trying out for one of the school teams is encouraged to attend.
> Congratulations to this Week’s Athlete of the Week, Sophia! She is a multi-Sport Athlete who is using her leadership skills as one of the few seniors on the Nordic Ski team this season. Congratulations Sophia!
> Are you taking the SAT virtual English Prep Class that begins Thursday?
Your resource guide that goes along with the class is in the Main Office. Please pick-up before the end of the day Thursday.
------- Special Announcements --------------------------------------------
Good Morning Schroeder, I’m Mr. Peck.
And I’m Ariel
We are here on behalf of DREAM Club and Schroeder’s Diversity and Equity team to invite you to help us celebrate black lives during February’s Black History Month and beyond. Over the next two weeks we are asking students and staff to contribute to a collaborative paper quilt demonstrating that we are all woven together.
To participate, choose a historical or contemporary black figure to honor. It can be someone as well known as Barack Obama, or someone as personally significant to you as your grandmother. Fill out three hexagonal pieces to display the person’s picture, name, and the reason you find them inspirational. Here is an example using inauguration poet Amanda Gorman.
You can pick up all of the supplies you need in the library, and submit your quilt pieces to Mrs. Strege or Mr. Peck to be included in our display in the cafeteria. Teachers, if you would like supplies for your classroom, email Mrs. Strege.
January 26, 2021
> Today's lunch is buffalo crunchers or pizza crunchers with marinara sauce and italian wedding soup.
Just a reminder that lunch and breakfast is FREE to ALL students everyday.
Please stop by the cafe and pick up breakfast and lunch.
> A reminder to all students that there is no school this Friday for Superintendent’s Day. Tomorrow, Wednesday, January 27 is an exception day for Group 2 students. Group 2 students will come to school tomorrow and not on Friday. Enjoy the long weekend.
> Congratulations to Ceramics student Adrianna for being recognized as Artist of the Week! Great job creating this sculpture, Adrianna!
> ATTENTION SCHROEDER BASEBALL PLAYERS: Please stop by Coach Knight's classroom (W214) to pick-up information regarding the upcoming Baseball Skill Sessions. Any 9th through 12th grader planning on trying out for one of the school teams is encouraged to attend.
January 25, 2021
> Today's lunch is buffalo crunchers or pizza crunchers with marinara sauce and italian wedding soup.
Just a reminder that lunch and breakfast is FREE to ALL students everyday.
Please stop by the cafe and pick up breakfast and lunch.
> Congratulations to this week’s artist of the week! Arianna created this sculpture in Ceramics. Great work Arianna!!
> ATTENTION SCHROEDER BASEBALL PLAYERS: Please stop by Coach Knight's classroom (W214) to pick-up information regarding the upcoming Baseball Skill Sessions. Any 9th through 12th grader planning on trying out for one of the school teams is encouraged to attend.
January 22, 2021
> Today's lunch is a breaded chicken patty sandwich with chocolate pudding.
Just a reminder that lunch and breakfast is FREE to ALL students everyday.
Please stop by the cafe and pick up breakfast and lunch.
> ATTENTION SCHROEDER BASEBALL PLAYERS: Please stop by Coach Knight's classroom (W214) to pick-up information regarding the upcoming Baseball Skill Sessions. Any 9th through 12th grader planning on trying out for one of the school teams is encouraged to attend.
> Congratulations to “Artist of the Week” -- Hannah T! She created this painting in the art course, Painting One. Great work Hannah!
> Michael D. is the Athlete of the week and a D&C Section Five swimmer to watch! Michael swam a state-qualifying time of 1:47 in the 200 meter freestyle last week. Way to go Michael!
January 21, 2021
> Today's lunch is a breaded chicken patty sandwich with chocolate pudding.
Just a reminder that lunch and breakfast is FREE to ALL students everyday.
Please stop by the cafe and pick up breakfast and lunch.
> Attention all Schoreder juniors:
The SAT math prep is now open. This in-person prep class will begin January 25th and will be held in the College and Career Center.
An English SAT prep class is being offered remotely on Tuesday or Thursday, beginning that week as well. There is a fee for each class. Flyers with information and how to register on the door of room N-15, across from the auditorium entrance.
> Attention Warriors who received a postcard notifying you that you achieved honor roll for quarter 1: if you haven't received your celebratory ice cream yet, you can still take advantage of this during your lunch period. Please stop in to your alpha office to pick up your coupon and then redeem it in the cafeteria line. Congratulations on your hard work!
> ATTENTION SCHROEDER BASEBALL PLAYERS: Please stop by Coach Knight's classroom (W214) to pick-up information regarding the upcoming Baseball Skill Sessions. Any 9th through 12th grader planning on trying out for one of the school teams is encouraged to attend.
January 20, 2021
> Today's lunch is tacos.
Just a reminder that lunch and breakfast is FREE to ALL students everyday.
Please stop by the cafe and pick up breakfast and lunch.
> Attention all Schoreder juniors:
The SAT math prep is now open. This in-person prep class will begin January 25th and will be held in the College and Career Center.
An English SAT prep class is being offered remotely on Tuesday or Thursday, beginning that week as well. There is a fee for each class. Flyers with information and how to register on the door of room N-15, across from the auditorium entrance.
> Attention Warriors who received a postcard notifying you that you achieved honor roll for quarter 1: if you haven't received your celebratory ice cream yet, you can still take advantage of this during your lunch period. Please stop in to your alpha office to pick up your coupon and then redeem it in the cafeteria line. Congratulations on your hard work!
> Congratulations to the following speakers and debaters who made a strong showing Saturday:
Lauren B - 1st place in Varsity Oral Interpretation
Sophia V - 2nd in Original Oratory
Ad H - 3rd in Varsity Extemporaneous Speaking
The team of Andrew G & Kenny R - 1st in Varsity Public Forum Debate
Sofia M - 2nd place in Novice Lincoln-Douglas Debate
Well done, everyone!
January 19, 2021
> Today's lunch is tacos.
Just a reminder that lunch and breakfast is FREE to ALL students everyday.
Please stop by the cafe and pick up breakfast and lunch.
> Attention all Schoreder juniors:
The SAT math prep is now open. This in-person prep class will begin January 25th and will be held in the College and Career Center.
An English SAT prep class is being offered remotely on Tuesday or Thursday, beginning that week as well. There is a fee for each class. Flyers with information and how to register on the door of room N-15, across from the auditorium entrance.
> Attention New National Honor Society members: There will be a meeting tomorrow, January 20th at 3:45pm. You will find the link for the meeting in the NHS Google Classroom. If you have any questions, please contact Mrs. Hall or Mrs. O'Connor.
> Attention Warriors who received a postcard notifying you that you achieved honor roll for quarter 1: if you haven't received your celebratory ice cream yet, you can still take advantage of this during your lunch period. Please stop in to your alpha office to pick up your coupon and then redeem it in the cafeteria line. Congratulations on your hard work!
> Congratulations to the following speakers and debaters who made a strong showing Saturday:
Lauren B - 1st place in Varsity Oral Interpretation
Sophia V - 2nd in Original Oratory
Ad H - 3rd in Varsity Extemporaneous Speaking
The team of Andrew G & Kenny R - 1st in Varsity Public Forum Debate
Sofia M - 2nd place in Novice Lincoln-Douglas Debate
Well done, everyone!
January 15, 2021
> Today's lunch is a cheeseburger trash plate and macaroni salad.
Just a reminder that lunch and breakfast is FREE to ALL students everyday.
Please stop by the cafe and pick up breakfast and lunch.
>Congratulations to this week’s Artist of the Week! Mahlet, who created this in drawing two. Great work Mahlet.
> Attention grades 9 through 11: It's time to choose your courses for next year. Your counselor will be meeting with you during your lunch throughout the month of January.
> Are you in possession of a loaner Chromebook? Did you come to WTI to get your Chromebook fixed in October and "forgot" to come pick it up? Please come to WTI to pick up your device today!
> Congratulations to this week's Athlete of the Week, Colton!
Colton's strong start this season has paved the way to early success. His high game of 268 earlier this week against Penfield earned the Warriors a five to zero win.
> Attention all Schoreder juniors:
The SAT math prep is now open. This in-person prep class will begin January 25th and will be held in the College and Career Center.
An English SAT prep class is being offered remotely on Tuesday or Thursday, beginning that week as well. There is a fee for each class. Flyers with information and how to register on the door of room N-15, across from the auditorium entrance.
> Attention New National Honor Society members: There will be a meeting on Wednesday, January 20th at 3:45pm. You will find the link for the meeting in the NHS Google Classroom. If you have any questions, please contact Mrs. Hall or Mrs. O'Connor.
> A big congratulations goes out to senior Sophia V. who was a semi-finalist in "Original Oratory" Saturday at the Chaminade annual tournament on Long Island. 300 students competed at this tournament with most competitors from the Long Island/New York City-area.
Sophia's speech on American Exceptionalism is clearly EXCEPTIONAL!
> Congratulations to the Schroeder Mathletes for a successful January competition! Twenty students participated earning a total of 96 points! Double digit scorers included Felix H. and Jacqueline H. Perfect category scorers included Alex G, Jacqueline H and Felix H. It's not too late to join this stellar team - see one of the officers (Drew A, Felix H or Stephanie S) or Mrs. Sage Miller or Mrs. Giacoman with questions.
> Attention Warriors who received a postcard notifying you that you achieved honor roll for quarter 1: if you haven't received your celebratory ice cream yet, you can still take advantage of this during your lunch period. Please stop in to your alpha office to pick up your coupon and then redeem it in the cafeteria line. Congratulations on your hard work!
> Congratulations to the following students this week for being recipients of Principal's Recognition:
Haley B. - Class of ‘21
Sidney C. - Class of ‘23
Alyssa D. - Class of ‘24
Sofia M. - Class of ‘24 (1st period - Savella)
Sarah S. - Class of ‘23 (1st period - Julian)
Treylier S. - Class of ‘23
Annabelle T. - Class of ‘21
January 14, 2021
> Attention grades 9 through 11: It's time to choose your courses for next year. Your counselor will be meeting with you during your lunch throughout the month of January.
> Today's lunch is a cheeseburger trash plate and macaroni salad.
Just a reminder that lunch and breakfast is FREE to ALL students everyday.
Please stop by the cafe and pick-up breakfast and lunch.
> A reminder to all students that there is no school on Monday in honor of Martin Luther King Day. Wednesday January 20 is an exception day for group 1 students. Next week Group 1 students will come to school on Wednesday and Thursday. Enjoy the long weekend.
> Are you in possession of a loaner Chromebook? Did you come to WTI to get your Chromebook fixed in October and "forgot" to come pick it up? Please come to WTI to pick up your device today!
Now over to
> Congratulations to this week's Athlete of the Week, Colton!
Colton's strong start this season has paved the way to early success. His high game of 268 earlier this week against Penfield earned the Warriors a five to zero win.
> Attention all Schoreder juniors:
The SAT math prep is now open. This in-person prep class will begin January 25th and will be held in the College and Career Center.
An English SAT prep class is being offered remotely on Tuesday or Thursday, beginning that week as well. There is a fee for each class. Flyers with information and how to register on the door of room N-15, across from the auditorium entrance.
> Attention New National Honor Society members: There will be a meeting on Wednesday, January 20th at 3:45pm. You will find the link for the meeting in the NHS Google Classroom. If you have any questions, please contact Mrs. Hall or Mrs. O'Connor.
> A big congratulations goes out to senior Sophia V. who was a semi-finalist in "Original Oratory" Saturday at the Chaminade annual tournament on Long Island. 300 students competed at this tournament with most competitors from the Long Island/New York City-area.
Sophia's speech on American Exceptionalism is clearly EXCEPTIONAL!
>Congratulations to this week’s Artist of the Week! Mahlet, who created this in drawing two. Great work Mahlet.
> Congratulations to the Schroeder Mathletes for a successful January competition! Twenty students participated earning a total of 96 points! Double digit scorers included Felix H. and Jacqueline H. Perfect category scorers included Alex G, Jacqueline H and Felix H. It's not too late to join this stellar team - see one of the officers (Drew A, Felix H or Stephanie S) or Mrs. Sage Miller or Mrs. Giacoman with questions.
> Attention Warriors who received a postcard notifying you that you achieved honor roll for quarter 1: if you haven't received your celebratory ice cream yet, you can still take advantage of this during your lunch period. Please stop in to your alpha office to pick up your coupon and then redeem it in the cafeteria line. Congratulations on your hard wor
> Congratulations to the following students this week for being recipients of Principal's Recognition:
Elaine A. - Class of ‘21
Chad C. - Class of ‘22
Destaney D. - Class of ‘23
Delaney G. - Class of ‘24
Elizabeth K. - Class of ‘24 - (1st period - Burgess)
Kate S. - Class of ‘22
Malayna V. - Class of ‘24
January 12, 2021
> Attention grades 9 through 11: It's time to choose your courses for next year. Your counselor will be meeting with you during your lunch throughout the month of January.
> Attention National Honor Society students: We have opportunities to earn your required service hours in the Google Classroom. Please make sure to check the Classroom for updates and sign-up for service!
> The Tri-M Music Honor Society would like to thank everyone who donated to the December Food Drive. Together, we were able to donate over 200 food items. Thank you!
January 11, 2021
> Attention grades 9 through 11: It's time to choose your courses for next year. Your counselor will be meeting with you during your lunch throughout the month of January.
> Attention National Honor Society students: We have opportunities to earn your required service hours in the Google Classroom. Please make sure to check the Classroom for updates and sign-up for service!
> The Tri-M Music Honor Society would like to thank everyone who donated to the December Food Drive. Together, we were able to donate over 200 food items. Thank you!
January 8, 2021
> Attention grades 9 through 11: It's time to choose your courses for next year. Your counselor will be meeting with you during your lunch throughout the month of January.
> Attention National Honor Society students: We have opportunities to earn your required service hours in the Google Classroom. Please make sure to check the Classroom for updates and sign-up for service!
> Congratulations to both the Boys and Girls Bowling Team on an amazing week! The boys beat Thomas on Monday and Canandaigua on Wednesday. Leading the way for the boys was Colton A. and Will S. The girls ended the week with a strong performance as well. Leading the girls was Lexi H. and Kayla R. Keep the good play rolling!
> Congratulations to the following students for being this week's recipients of Principal's Recognition:
Anna B. - Class of ‘22
Alexa M. - Class of ‘21
Brendan B. - Class of ‘22
Colin R. - Class of ‘22
Alyvia C. - Class of ‘23
Ryan S. - Class of ‘21 (1st - Leaf)
Emily C. - Class of ‘21
James S. - Class of ‘24
Raimondo L. - Class of ‘22
Ariel W. - Class of ‘21
Nathan M. - Class of ‘23
January 7, 2021
> Attention grades 9 through 11: It's time to choose your courses for next year. Your counselor will be meeting with you during your lunch throughout the month of January.
> SAGE will be meeting after school today in room W203. Hope to see you there!
> Attention National Honor Society students: We have opportunities to earn your required service hours in the Google Classroom. Please make sure to check the Classroom for updates and sign-up for service!
> Congratulations to both the Boys and Girls Bowling Team on an amazing week! The boys beat Thomas on Monday and Canandaigua on Wednesday. Leading the way for the boys was Colton A. and Will S. The girls ended the week with a strong performance as well. Leading the girls was Lexi H. and Kayla R. Keep the good play rolling!
> Congratulations to the following students for being this week's recipients of Principal's Recognition:
Brooke B. - Class of ‘22
Kaden M. - Class of '22
Joseph B. - Class of ‘22
Lina N. - Class of '22
Avery D. - Class of ‘23
Blake P. - Class of ‘24
Ryan H. - Class of ‘22
Maresa R. - Class of ‘22
Dominick I. - Class of ‘21
Joseph R. - Class of ‘23
Luke I. - Class of ‘21
Stefanie S. - Class of ‘22
Lukas K. - Class of ‘22
Alexander S. - Class of ‘21
Rocco L. - Class of ‘21
David Y. - Class of ‘23
Jonathan M. - Class of ‘22
January 5, 2021
> Attention grades 9 through 11: It's time to choose your courses for next year. Your counselor will be meeting with you during your lunch throughout the month of January.
> SAGE will be meeting after school on Thursday in room W203. Hope to see you there!
January 4, 2021
> Attention grades 9 through 11: It's time to choose your courses for next year. Your counselor will be meeting with you during your lunch throughout the month of January.
> SAGE will be meeting after school on Thursday in room W203. Hope to see you there!
December 22, 2020
> Webster Show Choir is looking for donations to make care packages for nurses who work at Strong Hospital this holiday to show appreciation and thanks to front line workers. Anything would be appreciated but some suggested items to donate include: small hand lotions, protein bars, tea bags or coffee, chocolate, or snacks. There will be a drop off box near the main office.
> Attention students: Schroeder's National Honor Society is running a fundraiser for the "Pirate Toy Fund!" Bring new toys you'd like to donate to W223, the library, or visit www.ptftoystore.com/schroeder to make a virtual donation. Contact Andrew G., or Mrs.Hall and Mrs. O'Connor for more information. Spread the word!
> National Honor Society is holding holiday card-making sessions after school today in W223 and W224 for local veterans and senior citizens. Contact Andrew P. or Mrs. Hall and Mrs. O'Connor for more information!
> They're creepy and they're kooky,
Mysterious and spooky,
They're altogether ooky,
The Addams Family.
Webster Schroeder Musicals is excited to announce auditions for the April 2021 production of "The Addams Family: The Musical." Stop by the chorus room to sign-up for January auditions and pick-up the audition music. All materials can also be found on our Google Classroom page. You can join with the code: hxdssvc. If you have any questions, see Mrs. Zugelder in the chorus room.
December 21, 2020
> Webster Show Choir is looking for donations to make care packages for nurses who work at Strong Hospital this holiday to show appreciation and thanks to front line workers. Anything would be appreciated but some suggested items to donate include: small hand lotions, protein bars, tea bags or coffee, chocolate, or snacks. There will be a drop off box near the main office.
> Attention students: Schroeder's National Honor Society is running a fundraiser for the "Pirate Toy Fund!" Bring new toys you'd like to donate to W223, the library, or visit ptftoystore.com/schroeder to make a virtual donation. Contact Andrew G., or Mrs.Hall and Mrs. O'Connor for more information. Spread the word!
> The National Honor Society is holding holiday card-making sessions after school today and tomorrow in W223 and W224 for local veterans and senior citizens. Contact Andrew P. or Mrs. Hall and Mrs. O'Connor for more information!
> They're creepy and they're kooky,
Mysterious and spooky,
They're altogether ooky,
The Addams Family.
Webster Schroeder Musicals is excited to announce auditions for the April 2021 production of "The Addams Family: The Musical." Stop by the chorus room to sign-up for January auditions and pick-up the audition music. All materials can also be found on our Google Classroom page. You can join with the code: hxdssvc. If you have any questions, see Mrs. Zugelder in the chorus room.
December 18, 2020
> 45,990 calls were made to Monroe County 9-1-1 in 2018 for domestic disputes.
Schroeder senior, Eve K., is collecting the following for women and children: non-perishable food items, can openers, socks, shoes, boots, fall/winter clothing, coats, pajamas, and robes
All collected items will be donated to The Willow Domestic Violence Center in Rochester -- a place where domestic violence survivors can go for free services. Donations can be brought to E210 until January 22.
> Webster Show Choir is looking for donations to make care packages for nurses who work at Strong Hospital this holiday to show appreciation and thanks to front line workers. Anything would be appreciated but some suggested items to donate include: small hand lotions, protein bars, tea bags or coffee, chocolate, or snacks. There will be a drop off box near the main office.
> Attention students: Schroeder's National Honor Society is running a fundraiser for the "Pirate Toy Fund!" Bring new toys you'd like to donate to W223, the library, or visit www.ptftoystore.com/schroeder to make a virtual donation. Contact Andrew G., or Mrs.Hall and Mrs. O'Connor for more information. Spread the word!
> National Honor Society is holding holiday card-making sessions after school on Monday, December 21st and Tuesday, December 22nd in W223 and W224 for local veterans and senior citizens. Contact Andrew P. or Mrs. Hall and Mrs. O'Connor for more information!
> They're creepy and they're kooky,
Mysterious and spooky,
They're altogether ooky,
The Addams Family.
Webster Schroeder Musicals is excited to announce auditions for the April 2021 production of "The Addams Family: The Musical." Stop by the chorus room to sign-up for January auditions and pick-up the audition music. All materials can also be found on our Google Classroom page. You can join with the code: hxdssvc. If you have any questions, see Mrs. Zugelder in the chorus room.
December 17, 2020
> 45,990 calls were made to Monroe County 9-1-1 in 2018 for domestic disputes.
Schroeder senior, Eve K., is collecting the following for women and children: non-perishable food items, can openers, socks, shoes, boots, fall/winter clothing, coats, pajamas, and robes
All collected items will be donated to The Willow Domestic Violence Center in Rochester -- a place where domestic violence survivors can go for free services. Donations can be brought to E210 until January 22.
> Webster Show Choir is looking for donations to make care packages for nurses who work at Strong Hospital this holiday to show appreciation and thanks to front line workers. Anything would be appreciated but some suggested items to donate include: small hand lotions, protein bars, tea bags or coffee, chocolate, or snacks. There will be a drop off box near the main office.
> Attention students: Schroeder's National Honor Society is running a fundraiser for the "Pirate Toy Fund!" Bring new toys you'd like to donate to W223, the library, or visit www.ptftoystore.com/schroeder to make a virtual donation. Contact Andrew Geiser, or Mrs.Hall and Mrs. O'Connor for more information. Spread the word!
> National Honor Society is holding holiday card-making sessions after school on Monday, December 21st and Tuesday, December 22nd in W223 and W224 for local veterans and senior citizens. Contact Andrew Painton or Mrs. Hall and Mrs. O'Connor for more information!
> They're creepy and they're kooky,
Mysterious and spooky,
They're altogether ooky,
The Addams Family.
Webster Schroeder Musicals is excited to announce auditions for the April 2021 production of The Addams Family the musical. Stop by the chorus room to sign up for January auditions and pick up the audition music. All materials can also be found on our Google Classroom page. You can join with the code hxdssvc.
If you have any questions, see Mrs. Zugelder in the chorus room.
December 15, 2020
> The Tri M Music Honor Society is collecting canned goods for the St. Andrews Food Cupboard in Rochester. Donations of items such as canned fruits and vegetables and dry goods like pasta can be placed in the boxes in the main office or any of the music rooms. The collection will end December 18th. See the flyers posted around the school for a full list of wanted items. Thank you!
> 45,990 calls were made to Monroe County 9-1-1 in 2018 for domestic disputes.
Schroeder senior, Eve K., is collecting the following for women and children: non-perishable food items, can openers, socks, shoes, boots, fall/winter clothing, coats, pajamas, and robes
All collected items will be donated to The Willow Domestic Violence Center in Rochester -- a place where domestic violence survivors can go for free services. Donations can be brought to E210 until January 22.
> Congratulations to Sam F. who is Artist of the Week! Sam made this rose in Ceramics One. Great work Sam -- it looks lovely!
> Webster Show Choir is looking for donations to make care packages for nurses who work at Strong Hospital this holiday to show appreciation and thanks to front line workers. Anything would be appreciated but some suggested items to donate include: small hand lotions, protein bars, tea bags or coffee, chocolate, or snacks. There will be a drop off box near the main office.
> Attention Freshmen: Voting for your Class Officers has begun and will remain open until Wednesday morning. Please log-in to our Google Classroom to cast your vote. See Mr. Eckler or Mrs. McCann if you have any questions.
> Many residents in our area nursing homes haven't seen a family member in-person since March. You may even be related to someone in this situation and know first-hand how challenging it can be.
Schroeder is answering the call to contribute to a holiday card drive to brighten the lives of those living in nursing homes. Come down to the library during a lunch block or study hall this week to write out a card. We have all of the supplies and even some suggestions for sentiments to include.
> Attention students: Schroeder's National Honor Society is running a fundraiser for the "Pirate Toy Fund!" Bring new toys you'd like to donate to W223, the library, or visit www.ptftoystore.com/schroeder to make a virtual donation. Contact Andrew Geiser, or Mrs.Hall and Mrs. O'Connor for more information. Spread the word!
> National Honor Society is holding holiday card-making sessions after school on Monday, December 21st and Tuesday, December 22nd in W223 and W224 for local veterans and senior citizens. Contact Andrew Painton or Mrs. Hall and Mrs. O'Connor for more information!
December 14, 2021
> The Tri M Music Honor Society is collecting canned goods for St. Andrews Food Cupboard in Rochester. Donations of items such as canned fruits and vegetables and dry goods like pasta can be placed in the boxes in the main office or any of the music rooms. The collection will end December 18th. See the flyers posted around the school for a full list of wanted items. Thank you!
> 45,990 calls were made to Monroe County 9-1-1 in 2018 for domestic disputes.
Schroeder senior, Eve K., is collecting the following for women and children: non-perishable food items, can openers, socks, shoes, boots, fall/winter clothing, coats, pajamas, and robes
All collected items will be donated to The Willow Domestic Violence Center in Rochester -- a place where domestic violence survivors can go for free services. Donations can be brought to E210 until January 22.
> Its that time of year again Warrior Nation! "Holiday Spirit Week" is here! So come one, come all - spread some holiday cheer!
Here is a breakdown of the Theme Days:
Today/Tuesday the 14th & 15th - Comfy Cozy Day.
Thursday/Friday the 17th & 18th - it's Michael Scott's Favorite Theme: "Classy Christmas" (So make sure to dress up for school)
On the Monday/Tuesday before break - it will be our traditional "Ugly Sweater Day" with prizes from the Schroder PTSA for best sweater!
> Congratulations to speakers Lauren B. and Sophia V. for their performance in last weekend's away tournament. Lauren took 1st place In Varsity Oral Interpretation and Sophia placed 2nd in Original Oratory.
> Congratulations to this week’s artist of the week Sam! She made this rose in ceramics one. Great work Sam.
> Webster Show Choir is looking for donations to make care packages for nurses who work at Strong Hospital this holiday to show appreciation and thanks to front line workers. Anything would be appreciated but some suggested items to donate include: small hand lotions, protein bars, tea bags or coffee, chocolate, or snacks. There will be a drop off box near the main office.
December 11, 2020
> The Tri M Music Honor Society is collecting canned goods for the St. Andrews Food Cupboard in Rochester. Donations of items such as canned fruits and vegetables and dry goods like pasta can be placed in the boxes in the main office or any of the music rooms. The collection will end December 18th. See the flyers posted around the school for a full list of wanted items. Thank you!
> All athletes interested in doing Indoor Track must sign-up for Google Classroom ASAP - we need to know how many people are joining so we can plan practices accordingly. Again, if you are planning on joining Indoor Track, please sign-up for Google Classroom immediately.
> 45,990 calls were made to Monroe County 9-1-1 in 2018 for domestic disputes.
Schroeder senior, Eve K., is collecting the following for women and children: non-perishable food items, can openers, socks, shoes, boots, fall/winter clothing, coats, pajamas, and robes
All collected items will be donated to The Willow Domestic Violence Center in Rochester -- a place where domestic violence survivors can go for free services. Donations can be brought to E210 until January 22.
> Congratulations to the Webster representatives at last spring's American Scholastic Achievement League contest. Thirteen thousand eighth grade students across New York State competed. The following current Schroeder students earned honorable recognition: Daniel Y, Ethan V, Sofia M, Jonathan D, Samuel D, Cole F, Filipe F, Jack S, Sarah F, Anna R, and Nicholas B. And The New York State CHAMPION is our very own: JACQUELINE H.
Way to go Webster! Nice job to all those who participated!
> Congratulations to the Schroeder Mathletes for a successful December competition! Twenty-six students participated earning a total of 160 points! Double digit scorers included Alex G, Danny G, Felix H, Jacqueline H, Jason L, Tyler P and Stefanie S. Perfect category scorers included Alex G, Danny G, Jacqueline H, Jason L, Tyler P, and Felix H. It's not too late to join this stellar team - see one of the officers (Drew A, Felix H or Stephanie S) or Mrs. Sage Miller or Mrs. Giacoman with questions.
> It’s that time of year again Warrior Nation! "Holiday Spirit Week" on Monday is here! So come one, come all - spread some holiday cheer!
Here is a breakdown of the Theme Days:
Monday/Tuesday the 14th & 15th - Comfy Cozy Day.
Thursday/Friday th 17th & 18th - it's Michael Scott's Favorite Theme: "Classy Christmas" (So make sure to dress up for school)
On the Monday/Tuesday before break - it will be our traditional "Ugly Sweater Day" with prizes from the Schroder PTSA for best sweater!
> Congratulations to speakers Lauren B. and Sophia V. for their performance in last weekend's away tournament. Lauren took 1st place In Varsity Oral Interpretation and Sophia placed 2nd in Original Oratory.
> Congratulations to senior Alexa M who is this Week’s Athlete of the Week! Alexa won the Section Five Girls Doubles Tournament with partner Ellie earlier this school year. She also is the representative for the Section Five Student Athlete Advisory Committee with 22 other students from the area. Alexa will be working with this group to create Public Service Announcements later this Spring.
> Congratulations to this week's Principal's Recognition recipients!
The following Group 2 students are: Alessandra B. ('23), Liam B ('21), Gabrielle B. ('21), and Chloe R. ('24).
December 10, 2020
> The Webster Chess team will be starting inter-league play soon. We need all interested players to attend the Zoom meetings on Thursdays from 3:30 until 5:00 so we can defend our Division Title. If you are interested in playing, pick-up information for the Zoom meetings in the main office.
> The Tri M Music Honor Society is collecting canned goods for St. Andrews Food Cupboard in Rochester. Donations of items such as canned fruits and vegetables and dry goods like pasta can be placed in the boxes in the main office or any of the music rooms. The collection will end December 18th. See the flyers posted around the school for a full list of wanted items. Thank you!
> All athletes interested in doing Indoor Track must sign-up for Google Classroom ASAP - we need to know how many people are joining so we can plan practices accordingly. Again, if you are planning on joining Indoor Track, please sign-up for Google Classroom immediately.
> 45,990 calls were made to Monroe County 9-1-1 in 2018 for domestic disputes.
Schroeder senior, Eve K., is collecting the following for women and children: non-perishable food items, can openers, socks, shoes, boots, fall/winter clothing, coats, pajamas, and robes
All collected items will be donated to The Willow Domestic Violence Center in Rochester -- a place where domestic violence survivors can go for free services. Donations can be brought to E210 until January 22.
> Congratulations to the Webster representatives at last spring's American Scholastic Achievement League contest. Thirteen thousand eighth grade students across New York State competed. The following current Schroeder students earned honorable recognition: Daniel Y, Ethan V, Sofia M, Jonathan D, Samuel D, Cole F, Filipe F, Jack S, Sarah F, Anna R, and Nicholas B. And The New York State CHAMPION is our very own: JACQUELINE H.
Way to go Webster! Nice job to all those who participated!
> Congratulations to the Schroeder Mathletes for a successful December competition! Twenty-six students participated earning a total of 160 points! Double digit scorers included Alex G, Danny G, Felix H, Jacqueline H, Jason L, Tyler P and Stefanie S. Perfect category scorers included Alex G, Danny G, Jacqueline H, Jason L, Tyler P, and Felix H. It's not too late to join this stellar team - see one of the officers (Drew A, Felix H or Stephanie S) or Mrs. Sage Miller or Mrs. Giacoman with questions.
> Congratulations to senior Alexa M who is this Week’s Athlete of the Week! Alexa won the Section Five Girls Doubles Tournament with partner Ellie earlier this school year. She also is the representative for the Section Five Student Athlete Advisory Committee with 22 other students from the area. Alexa will be working with this group to create Public Service Announcements later this Spring.
> Congratulations to this week's Principal's Recognition recipients!
The following Group 1 students are: Abby B. ('23), Nick L. ('22), Laurelle O. ('23), and Allison V. ('21)
December 8, 2020
> The Webster Chess team will be starting inter-league play soon. We need all interested players to attend the Zoom meetings on Thursdays from 3:30 until 5:00 so we can defend our Division Title. If you are interested in playing, pick-up information for the Zoom meetings in the main office.
> The Tri M Music Honor Society is collecting canned goods for St. Andrews Food Cupboard in Rochester. Donations of items such as canned fruits and vegetables and dry goods like pasta can be placed in the boxes in the main office or any of the music rooms. The collection will end December 18th. See the flyers posted around the school for a full list of wanted items. Thank you!
> All athletes interested in doing Indoor Track must sign-up for Google Classroom ASAP - we need to know how many people are joining so we can plan practices accordingly. Again, if you are planning on joining Indoor Track, please sign-up for Google Classroom immediately.
> SAGE will be meeting today after school in Room W203. Hope to see you there and feel free to bring a friend.
> FEA Club will have its next meeting after school in W204 today. Come to the meeting in-person or click on the Google Meet link to join virtually! See Mrs. Silliman or Mrs. Delmotte with questions.
Now over to
> 45,990 calls were made to Monroe County 9-1-1 in 2018 for domestic disputes.
Schroeder senior, Eve K., is collecting the following for women and children: non-perishable food items, can openers, socks, shoes, boots, fall/winter clothing, coats, pajamas, and robes
All collected items will be donated to The Willow Domestic Violence Center in Rochester -- a place where domestic violence survivors can go for free services. Donations can be brought to E210 until January 22.
> Congratulations to Adeline R. for being the “Artist of the Week!” Adeline painted this landscape in Painting 1.
December 7, 2020
> The Webster Chess team will be starting inter-league play soon. We need all interested players to attend the Zoom meetings on Thursdays from 3:30 until 5:00 so we can defend our Division Title. If you are interested in playing, pick-up information for the Zoom meetings in the main office.
> The Tri M Music Honor Society is collecting canned goods for St. Andrews Food Cupboard in Rochester. Donations of items such as canned fruits and vegetables and dry goods like pasta can be placed in the boxes in the main office or any of the music rooms. The collection will end December 18th. See the flyers posted around the school for a full list of wanted items. Thank you!
> All athletes interested in doing Indoor Track must sign-up for Google Classroom ASAP - we need to know how many people are joining so we can plan practices accordingly. Again, if you are planning on joining Indoor Track, please sign-up for Google Classroom immediately.
> SAGE will be meeting Tuesday after school in Room W203. Hope to see you there and feel free to bring a friend.
> FEA Club will have its next meeting after school in W204 on Tuesday, December 8th. Come to the meeting in-person or click on the Google Meet link to join virtually! See Mrs. Silliman or Mrs. Delmotte with questions.
> 45,990 calls were made to Monroe County 9-1-1 in 2018 for domestic disputes.
Schroeder senior, Eve K., is collecting the following for women and children: non-perishable food items, can openers, socks, shoes, boots, fall/winter clothing, coats, pajamas, and robes
All collected items will be donated to The Willow Domestic Violence Center in Rochester -- a place where domestic violence survivors can go for free services. Donations can be brought to E210 until January 22.
> A from the painting one class is being featured this week. Congratulations Adeline, who painted this landscape. Great job!
December 4, 2020
> Schroeder family: International Club is collecting donations for Saint's Place.
Saint's Place is a volunteer organization for legal refugees of all races and creeds who settle in the Rochester, NY-area to escape violence, discrimination, and poverty.
We will be collecting hats, mittens, socks, and kitchen items to donate for the holiday season from November 30th - December 18th.
So warm a heart and do your part with a donation for Saint's Place.
> The Webster Chess team will be starting inter-league play soon. We need all interested players to attend the Zoom meetings on Thursdays from 3:30 until 5:00 so we can defend our Division Title. If you are interested in playing, pick-up information for the Zoom meetings in the main office.
> The Tri M Music Honor Society is collecting canned goods for St. Andrews Food Cupboard in Rochester. Donations of items such as canned fruits and vegetables and dry goods like pasta can be placed in the boxes in the main office or any of the music rooms. The collection will end December 18th. See the flyers posted around the school for a full list of wanted items. Thank you!
> This week’s athlete of the week is Sierra. She placed 5th overall at sectionals and was recognized as the 1st team all county for Cross Country this fall. Sierra is a great team leader and spent sectionals cheering on her teammates and preparing for her race.
> Congratulations to the following students who are this week's recipients of Principal's Recognition:
Joshua A. '23
Elias B. '21
Elijiah D. '22
Grace L. '24
December 3, 2020
> Schroeder family: International Club is collecting donations for Saint's Place.
Saint's Place is a volunteer organization for legal refugees of all races and creeds who settle in the Rochester, NY-area to escape violence, discrimination, and poverty.
We will be collecting hats, mittens, socks, and kitchen items to donate for the holiday season from November 30th - December 18th.
So warm a heart and do your part with a donation for Saint's Place.
> The Webster Chess team will be starting inter-league play soon. We need all interested players to attend the Zoom meetings on Thursdays from 3:30 until 5:00 so we can defend our Division Title. If you are interested in playing, pick-up information for the Zoom meetings in the main office.
> The Tri M Music Honor Society is collecting canned goods for the St. Andrews Food Cupboard in Rochester. Donations of items such as canned fruits and vegetables and dry goods like pasta can be placed in the boxes in the main office or any of the music rooms. The collection will end December 18th. See the flyers posted around the school for a full list of wanted items. Thank you!
> This week’s athlete of the week is Sierra. She placed 5th overall at sectionals and was recognized as the 1st team all county for Cross Country this fall. Sierra is a great team leader and spent sectionals cheering on her teammates and preparing for her race.
.> Congratulations to the following students who are this week’s recipients of Principal’s Recognition:
Anna B. ‘22
Dylan H. ‘21
Hannah G. ‘23
Andrew H. ‘23
Joe L. ‘23
Samantha M. ‘23
CJ O. ‘22
Emma R. ‘23
Jacey S. ‘23
Peyton Y. ‘23
December 1, 2020
> Attention Alpine Skiers: Are you interested in skiing competitively for Webster this winter? If so, please contact Coach Francis for more details at rob_francis@webstercsd.org. The season is scheduled to begin December 7th.
> Schroeder family: International Club is collecting donations for Saint's Place.
Saint's Place is a volunteer organization for legal refugees of all races and creeds who settle in the Rochester, NY-area to escape violence, discrimination, and poverty.
We will be collecting hats, mittens, socks, and kitchen items to donate for the holiday season from November 30th - December 18th.
So warm a heart and do your part with a donation for Saint's Place.
> The Webster Chess team will be starting inter-league play soon. We need all interested players to attend the Zoom meetings on Thursdays from 3:30 until 5:00 so we can defend our Division Title. If you are interested in playing, pick-up information for the Zoom meetings in the main office.
> The Tri M Music Honor Society is collecting canned goods for the St. Andrews Food Cupboard in Rochester. Donations of items such as canned fruits and vegetables and dry goods like pasta can be placed in the boxes in the main office or any of the music rooms. The collection will end December 18th. See the flyers posted around the school for a full list of wanted items. Thank you!
> This week’s Artist of the Week is Nick, who drew this piece in Drawing 2. Well done, Nick! To see all of the past featured artists be sure to check out the Morning Show Twitter @ Schroeder Mo Show.
November 30, 2020
> Attention Alpine Skiers: Are you interested in skiing competitively for Webster this winter? If so, please contact Coach Francis for more details at rob_francis@webstercsd.org. The season is scheduled to begin December 7th.
> Schroeder family: International Club is collecting donations for Saint's Place.
Saint's Place is a volunteer organization for legal refugees of all races and creeds who settle in the Rochester, NY-area to escape violence, discrimination, and poverty.
We will be collecting hats, mittens, socks, and kitchen items to donate for the holiday season from November 30th - December 18th.
So warm a heart and do your part with a donation for Saint's Place.
> Congratulations to Nick who drew this in Drawing 2. Nick is being featured this week as our Artist of the Week. To see all of the past featured artists be sure to check out the Morning Show Twitter @ Schroeder Mo Show.
November 24, 2020
> Wednesday afternoon Alexa M, Ellie A, and Sam F represented the Schroeder Girls Varsity Team at the Section Five Class A1 Individuals Tennis Tournament. Sam placed fourth in the singles tournament and had a very nice win against Hilton's top singles player in the first round of the tournament. Alexa and Ellie played in the doubles tournament and won all three of their matches and became the 2020 Doubles Sectional Champions! In the tournament finals Alexa and Ellie defeated Victor's top doubles team by a score of 10-8. This is Ellie's first sectional championship and Alexa's second sectional title. Congratulations to Alexa, Ellie and Sam (as well as the entire tennis team) on a fantastic end to a great season.
> Attention Alpine Skiers: Are you interested in skiing competitively for Webster this winter? If so, please contact Coach Francis for more details at rob_francis@webstercsd.org. The season is scheduled to begin December 7th.
> Congratulations to this Week’s Artist of the Week Maddison who painted this in Painting One!
> This Week’s Athlete of the Week is Alex, a junior and has played a pivotal role on the boys soccer team with his tireless play and unforgettable halftime speeches. It is his second year as a varsity player and he also plays hockey. Congratulations Alex!!
> Sara K, Lauren F, Sammy D, and Phillip D: please stop by Mr. Peck's room to claim your World Kindness Day raffle prize.
November 23, 2020
> Wednesday afternoon Alexa M, Ellie A, and Sam F represented the Schroeder Girls Varsity Team at the Section Five Class A1 Individuals Tennis Tournament. Sam placed fourth in the singles tournament and had a very nice win against Hilton's top singles player in the first round of the tournament. Alexa and Ellie played in the doubles tournament and won all three of their matches and became the 2020 Doubles Sectional Champions! In the tournament finals Alexa and Ellie defeated Victor's top doubles team by a score of 10-8. This is Ellie's first sectional championship and Alexa's second sectional title. Congratulations to Alexa, Ellie and Sam (as well as the entire tennis team) on a fantastic end to a great season.
> Attention Alpine Skiers: Are you interested in skiing competitively for Webster this winter? If so, please contact Coach Francis for more details at rob_francis@webstercsd.org. The season is scheduled to begin December 7th.
> This Week’s Athlete of the Week is Alex, a junior and has played a pivotal role on the boys soccer team with his tireless play and unforgettable halftime speeches. It is his second year as a varsity player and he also plays hockey. Congratulations Alex!!
> Congratulations to this Week’s Artist of the Week Maddison who painted this in Painting One!
> Rachel K, Eve K and Giuliana Z have committed to feeding 20 Rochester-area families Thanksgiving dinner. They have teamed up with Mt. Hope Family Center, a local organization that provides support for children and families who are experiencing or who have experienced trauma in their lives. Please consider donating any dollar amount to those in need. You can Venmo Rachel K or drop off your donation to Mrs. Gefell in room W9. All donations are due today. Thank you for your kindness and generosity. We wish you a safe and healthy holiday season.
> This Week’s Athlete of the Week is Alex, a junior and has played a pivotal role on the boys soccer team with his tireless play and unforgettable halftime speeches. It is his second year as a varsity player and he also plays hockey. Congratulations Alex!!
> Wednesday afternoon Alexa M, Ellie A, and Sam F represented the Schroeder Girls Varsity Team at the Section Five Class A1 Individuals Tennis Tournament. Sam placed fourth in the singles tournament and had a very nice win against Hilton's top singles player in the first round of the tournament. Alexa and Ellie played in the doubles tournament and won all three of their matches and became the 2020 Doubles Sectional Champions! In the tournament finals Alexa and Ellie defeated Victor's top doubles team by a score of 10-8. This is Ellie's first sectional championship and Alexa's second sectional title. Congratulations to Alexa, Ellie and Sam (as well as the entire tennis team) on a fantastic end to a great season.
> Congratulations to the following Group 2 students for being this week's Principal’s Recognition Recipients:
Benjamin B.
Matthew C.
Sydney D.
Samantha F.
Andrew G.
William K.
Emily L.
Roman M.
Mileena O.
Jake S.
Hannah T.
Madeline U.
November 19, 2020
> Are you looking for something to do this winter? Join the Cross Country Ski Team! There are ski levels available for everyone including Varsity, JV, and even Novice for those who have never done the sport before. To get more information join the team Google Classroom with code: f3aqzeq
There will be a Google Meet with the coach today at 3:30pm.
Can't make the meeting? Leave your contact information in the Google Classroom.
> Rachel K, Eve K and Giuliana Z have committed to feeding 20 Rochester-area families Thanksgiving dinner. They have teamed up with Mt. Hope Family Center, a local organization that provides support for children and families who are experiencing or who have experienced trauma in their lives. Please consider donating any dollar amount to those in need. You can Venmo Rachel K or drop off your donation to Mrs. Gefell in room W9. All donations are due by Friday. Thank you for your kindness and generosity. We wish you a safe and healthy holiday season.
> This Week’s Athlete of the Week is Alex, a junior and has played a pivotal role on the boys soccer team with his tireless play and unforgettable halftime speeches. It is his second year as a varsity player and he also plays hockey. Congratulations Alex!!
> Congratulations to the following Group 1 students for being this week's Principal’s Recognition Recipients:
Nigel C.
Sarah E.
Emily H.
Madeleine K.
Connor K.
Nicholas L.
Tarra L.
Ryan M.
Zachary R.
Victoria T.
Sophia V.
November 17, 2020
> Attention Juniors and Seniors with a GPA of 90 or higher:
Please make sure to check your email for an invitation to apply for Schroeder's Chapter of National Honor Society. There will be an informational meeting about the application on Wednesday, November 18th at 3:20pm over Google Meet. The link to join the meeting is in the email invitation that was sent out. If you have any questions, please contact Mrs. Hall in W223 or Mrs. O'Connor in W224.
> Are you looking for something to do this winter? Join the Cross Country Ski Team! There are ski levels available for everyone including Varsity, JV, and even Novice for those who have never done the sport before. To get more information join the team Google Classroom with code: f3aqzeq
There will be a Google Meet with the coach on Thursday, November 19th at 3:30pm.
Can't make the meeting? Leave your contact information in the Google Classroom.
> Rachel K, Eve K and Giuliana Z have committed to feeding 20 Rochester-area families Thanksgiving dinner. They have teamed up with Mt. Hope Family Center, a local organization that provides support for children and families who are experiencing or who have experienced trauma in their lives. Please consider donating any dollar amount to those in need. You can Venmo Rachel K or drop off your donation to Mrs. Gefell in room W9. All donations are due by Friday. Thank you for your kindness and generosity. We wish you a safe and healthy holiday season.
> This Week’s “Artist of the Week” is Jill, who made this sheep in Sculpture. The sheep is made with a wire frame and the wool-like texture is created with cotton balls.
November 16, 2020
> Attention Juniors and Seniors with a GPA of 90 or higher:
Please make sure to check your email for an invitation to apply for Schroeder's Chapter of National Honor Society. There will be an informational meeting about the application on Wednesday, November 18th at 3:20 over Google Meet. The link to join the meeting is in the email invitation that was sent out. If you have any questions, please contact Mrs. Hall in w223 or Mrs. O'Connor in w224.
> Are you looking for something to do this winter? Join the Cross Country Ski Team! There are ski levels available for everyone including Varsity, JV, and even Novice for those who have never done the sport before. To get more information join the team Google Classroom with code: f3aqzeq
There will be a Google Meet with the coach on Thursday, November 19th at 3:30pm.
Can't make the meeting? Leave your contact information in the Google Classroom.
> Rachel K, Eve K and Giuliana Z have committed to feeding 20 Rochester-area families Thanksgiving dinner. They have teamed up with Mt. Hope Family Center, a local organization that provides support for children and families who are experiencing or who have experienced trauma in their lives. Please consider donating any dollar amount to those in need. You can Venmo Rachel K or drop off your donation to Mrs. Gefell in room W9. All donations are due by Friday. Thank you for your kindness and generosity. We wish you a safe and healthy holiday season.
> This Week’s Artist of the Week is Jill, who made this sheep in the sculpture class. The sheep is made with a wire frame and wool like texture is created with cotton balls.
November 13, 2020
> Abby is our Athlete of the Week! She has been a solid stronghold on the defense for one of the top teams in the area all season. Congratulations Abby!
> Congratulations to the following Group 2 Principal’s Recognition Recipients:
Jonathan B.
Tristan B.
Yuliana B.
Jane B.
McKenzie B.
Matthew C.
Maxwell H.
Brandon K.
Khadeeja R.
Rimere R.
Grace S.
Kyle S.
Olivia W.
November 12, 2020
Abby is our Athlete of the Week! She has been a solid stronghold on the defense for one of the top teams in the area all season. Congratulations Abby!
Today’s Principal’s Recognition Recipients are:
Sarah E.
Natalia H.
Lucia J.
Erin N.
Ainsley R.
Anna R.
Adam S.
Noah V.
Anastasia W.
November 10, 2020
> The Future Educators of America will be having a meeting afterschool in W204 today. Come in person or email Mrs. Silliman or Mrs. Delmotte for a Google Meet code to join the meeting.
> Congratulations to Saturday's high scorers on the Speech & Debate Team. We placed 2nd after City Honors.
Lauren B. - 1st - Oral Interpretation
Sophia V. - 2nd - Oratory
Russell G. - 2nd- Dramatic
Ad H. - 2nd -Varsity Extemp
Jason L. & Felix H. - 2nd - Varsity Public Forum Debate
> This Week’s Artist of the Week is Kendall, who made this ceramic owl in her ceramics class. To see this week’s artwork and more, visit the Schroeder Morning Show instagram page.
November 9,2020
> The Future Educators of America will be having a meeting afterschool in W204 on Tuesday, November 10th. Come in person or email Mrs. Silliman or Mrs. Delmotte for a Google Meet code to join the meeting.
> Congratulations to Saturday's high scorers on the Speech & Debate Team. We placed 2nd after City Honors.
Lauren B. - 1st - Oral Interpretation
Sophia V. - 2nd - Oratory
Russell G. - 2nd- Dramatic
Ad H. - 2nd -Varsity Extemp
Jason L. & Felix H. - 2nd - Varsity Public Forum Debate
This Week’s Artist of the Week is Kendall, who made this ceramic owl in her ceramics class. To see this week’s artwork and more, visit the Schroeder Morning Show instagram page.
November 6, 2020
> The Future Educators of America will be having a meeting afterschool in W204 on Tuesday, November 10th. Come in person or email Mrs. Silliman or Mrs. Delmotte for a Google Meet code to join the meeting.
> Congratulations to the Schroeder Mathletes for a successful November competition! Twenty-one students participated earning a total of 144 points with every competitor earning at least one point! Double digit scorers included Alex G., Felix H. and Jacqueline H. Perfect category scorers included Alex G., Raina S., Tyler P., and Felix H. It's not too late to join this stellar team - see one of the officers (Drew A, Felix H or Stephanie S) or Mrs. Sage Miller or Mrs. Giacoman with questions.
> This week’s athlete of the week is Jon S. A senior Cross-Country runner who also is a Nordic Skier. Jon finished 1st at Hilton Parma Park this past weekend by sprinting the last 200 feet to catch and beat the top runner from Hilton! They are still talking about the legend of Jon at Parma Park! Check out the Morning Show’s Instagram account to see last week’s Athlete of the Week!
November 5, 2020
> The Future Educators of America will be having a meeting afterschool in W204 on Tuesday, November 10th. Come in person or email Mrs. Silliman or Mrs. Delmotte for a Google Meet code to join the meeting.
> Congratulations to the Schroeder Mathletes for a successful November competition! Twenty-one students participated earning a total of 144 points with every competitor earning at least one point! Double digit scorers included Alex G., Felix H. and Jacqueline H. Perfect category scorers included Alex G., Raina S., Tyler P., and Felix H. It's not too late to join this stellar team - see one of the officers (Drew A, Felix H or Stefanie S) or Mrs. Sage Miller or Mrs. Giacoman with questions.
> This week’s athlete of the week is Jon S. A senior, Cross Country runner who also is a Nordic Skier. Jon finished 1st at Hilton Parma park this past weekend by sprinting the last 200 feet to catch and beat the top runner from Hilton! They are still talking about the legend of Jon at Parma Park! Check out the Morning Show’s Instagram account to see last week’s Athlete of the Week!
November 3, 2020
> The first in-person SAGE meeting will be on Thursday, November 5th in room W203. If you are remote you can use the Google Meet code in the Classroom to join the meeting. See Ms. Reusch with any questions.
> Rotary Club will meet Thursday, November 5th after school in E27. If you'd still like to join Rotary the Classroom code is rizdbr2. Members may join in person or remotely from our Classroom Meet link. If you have any questions please see Mrs. Landis.
> Attention all students interested in joining the International Club: We will hold an in-person/virtual meeting today after school. We will be electing officers and talking about some activities that we can do this year! You can join our Classroom with the code of d5qnvfvd.
> They did it! Schroeder Speakers and Debaters took 1st place Team Saturday! Ten teams from Buffalo to Albany competed. Congratulations to our high scorers:
1st place in Public Forum Debate again: Jason L. & Felix H.
2nd place - Andrew G. & Kenny R.
1st place in Varsity Extemporaneous Speaking: Ad H.
2nd in Declamation: Emma C.
2nd in Dramatic Performance: Russell G.
2nd in Original Oratory: Sophia V.
November 2, 2020
> The first in-person SAGE meeting will be on Thursday, November 5 in room W203. If you are remote you can use the Google Meet code in the Classroom to join the meeting. See Ms. Reusch with any questions.
> Rotary Club will meet Thursday, November 5th after school in E27. If you'd still like to join Rotary the Classroom code is rizdbr2. Members may join in person or remotely from our Classroom Meet link. If you have any questions please see Mrs. Landis.
> Attention all students interested in joining the International Club: We will hold an in-person/virtual meeting this Tuesday after school. We will be electing officers and talking about some activities that we can do this year! You can join our Classroom with the code of d5qnvfvd.
> They did it! Schroeder Speakers and Debaters took 1st place Team Saturday! Ten teams from Buffalo to Albany competed. Congratulations to our high scorers:
1st place in Public Forum Debate again: Jason L. & Felix H.
2nd place - Andrew G. & Kenny R.
1st place in Varsity Extemporaneous Speaking: Ad H.
2nd in Declamation: Emma C.
2nd in Dramatic Performance: Russell G.
2nd in Original Oratory: Sophia V.
October 30, 2020
> Yearbook is looking to feature students from each class in the "People Section" of the book. In ordered to be featured, you must complete the Google Form by going to the following website: https://tinyurl.com/YearbookPeopleSectionFeature
or scan the QR code on the slide. To complete the form, you must be logged into your Webster CSD account. Forms are due on Friday, November 6th. If you have any questions, see Ms Metz in room E21 or send her an email.
For any seniors that would like to submit a quote for the yearbook. go to the following website: https://tinyurl.com/SeniorYearbookQuotes2021
or scan the QR code on the slide. In order to complete the form, you must be logged into your Webster CSD account. Forms are due on Friday, November 6th. If you have any questions, see Ms Metz in room E21 or send her an email.
> The first in-person SAGE meeting will be on Thursday, November 4 in room W203. If you are remote you can use the Google Meet code in the Classroom to join the meeting. See Ms. Reusch with any questions.
> Do you like Trivia? Would you like to compete? Are you looking for something to add to your activities resume? We would LOVE to have you on the Webster Schroeder Masterminds Team. This year, competitions will be remote. If you are interested in having fun and exercising your mind, join us for a brief info session after school next Monday or Tuesday in the College and Career Center.
> Rotary Club will meet Thursday, November 5th after school in E27. If you'd still like to join Rotary the Classroom code is rizdbr2. Members may join in person or remotely from our Classroom Meet link. If you have any questions please see Mrs. Landis.
> The girls soccer team tied Fairport Wednesday night by a score of one to one. Stef S. scored the goal for Schroeder. Eli O. had the tie in goal. Next game is Senior Night on Saturday vs Rush-Henrietta at 6pm.
October 29, 2020
Yearbook is looking to feature students from each class in the "People Section" of the book. In ordered to be featured, you must complete the Google Form by going to the following website: https://tinyurl.com/YearbookPeopleSectionFeature
or scan the QR code on the slide. To complete the form, you must be logged into your Webster CSD account. Forms are due on Friday, November 6th. If you have any questions, see Ms Metz in room E21 or send her an email.
For any seniors that would like to submit a quote for the yearbook. go to the following website: https://tinyurl.com/SeniorYearbookQuotes2021
or scan the QR code on the slide. In order to complete the form, you must be logged into your Webster CSD account. Forms are due on Friday, November 6th. If you have any questions, see Ms Metz in room E21 or send her an email.
> The first in-person SAGE meeting will be on Thursday, November 4 in room W203. If you are remote you can use the Google Meet code in the Classroom to join the meeting. See Ms. Reusch with any questions.
now over to
> Do you like Trivia? Would you like to compete? Are you looking for something to add to your activities resume? We would LOVE to have you on the Webster Schroeder Masterminds Team. This year, competitions will be remote. If you are interested in having fun and exercising your mind, join us for a brief info session after school next Monday or Tuesday in the College and Career Center.
> Rotary Club will meet Thursday, November 5th after school in E27. If you'd still like to join Rotary the Classroom code is rizdbr2. Members may join in person or remotely from our Classroom Meet link. If you have any questions please see Mrs. Landis.
> The girls soccer team tied Fairport Wednesday night by a score of one to one. Stef S. scored the goal for Schroeder. Eli O. had the tie in goal. Next game is Senior Night on Saturday vs Rush-Henrietta at 6pm.
October 27, 2020
> Yearbook is looking to feature students from each class in the "People Section" of the book. In ordered to be featured, you must complete the Google Form by going to the following website: https://tinyurl.com/YearbookPeopleSectionFeature
or scan the QR code on the slide. To complete the form, you must be logged into your Webster CSD account. Forms are due on Friday, November 6th. If you have any questions, see Ms Metz in room E21 or send her an email.
For any seniors that would like to submit a quote for the yearbook. go to the following website: https://tinyurl.com/SeniorYearbookQuotes2021
or scan the QR code on the slide. In order to complete the form, you must be logged into your Webster CSD account. Forms are due on Friday, November 6th. If you have any questions, see Ms Metz in room E21 or send her an email.
> Are you a Senior who is currently enrolled in a World Language Course like French, German, or Spanish? Are you a senior who uses another language at home? Then the Seal of Biliteracy may be for you. The Seal of Biliteracy is a stamp that goes on your diploma to demonstrate that you have strong skills in English and another language. For more information please join the Google Classroom for the Seal. The code is : ts2gm4f
There will be a virtual information meeting about the Seal tomorrow at 3:00 pm through Google Meet. See a World Language or ENL Teacher for more information.
> Model UN Club is alive and well! We will have our first meeting, in-person and virtual today in Mrs. Tuyn's room, W6. Hilton is holding a virtual Conference on Saturday November 21. This is very exciting! If you are a returning member, please make sure you have joined the Model UN Club Google Classroom page. If you are interested in the club and are in Group 2, come on by today. If you are Group 1, the join code for the club is: zi2wuci
Please stop by Mrs. Tuyn's room, W6, or Mrs. O'Brien's room, W200, if you have any questions!
> Library Club meets today after school. Members may join remotely from our Google Classroom Meet link, or in person in the library.
> Do you like Trivia? Would you like to compete? Are you looking for something to add to your activities resume? We would LOVE to have you on the Webster Schroeder Masterminds Team. This year, competitions will be remote. If you are interested in having fun and exercising your mind, join us for a brief info session after school next Monday or Tuesday in the College and Career Center.
> The Girls Varsity Soccer team defeated Victor on Monday by a score of two to nothing. Abby N. and Annie M. each scored one. Emma L. had two assists.
October 26, 2020
> Yearbook is looking to feature students from each class in the "People Section" of the book. In ordered to be featured, you must complete the Google Form by going to the following website: https://tinyurl.com/YearbookPeopleSectionFeature
or scan the QR code on the slide. To complete the form, you must be logged into your Webster CSD account. Forms are due on Friday, November 6th. If you have any questions, see Ms Metz in room E21 or send her an email.
For any seniors that would like to submit a quote for the yearbook. go to the following website: https://tinyurl.com/SeniorYearbookQuotes2021
or scan the QR code on the slide. In order to complete the form, you must be logged into your Webster CSD account. Forms are due on Friday, November 6th. If you have any questions, see Ms Metz in room E21 or send her an email.
> Are you a Senior who is currently enrolled in a World Language Course like French, German, or Spanish? Are you a senior who uses another language at home? Then the Seal of Biliteracy may be for you. The Seal of Biliteracy is a stamp that goes on your diploma to demonstrate that you have strong skills in English and another language. For more information please join the Google Classroom for the Seal. The code is : ts2gm4f
There will be a virtual information meeting about the Seal on Wednesday, October 28th at 3:00 pm through Google Meet. See a World Language or ENL Teacher for more information.
> Library Club meets this Tuesday, October 26 after school. Members may join remotely from our Google Classroom Meet link, or in person in the library.
October 23, 2020
> Schutt's donuts and cider are now being sold here in the cafeteria for a limited time during breakfast and lunch while supplies last!
16 oz bottles of Apple Cider are $1.95
Fried Cakes are $1.00
Enjoy the taste of Fall!
> Yearbook is looking to feature students from each class in the People Section of the book. In ordered to be featured, you must complete the Google Form by going to the following website: https://tinyurl.com/YearbookPeopleSectionFeature
or scan the QR code on the slide. To complete the form, you must be logged into your Webster CSD account. Forms are due on Friday, November 6th. If you have any questions, see Ms Metz in room E21 or send her an email.
For any seniors that would like to submit a quote for the yearbook. go to the following website: https://tinyurl.com/SeniorYearbookQuotes2021
or scan the QR code on the slide. In order to complete the form, you must be logged into your Webster CSD account. Forms are due on Friday, November 6th. If you have any questions, see Ms Metz in room E21 or send her an email.
> Are you a Senior who is currently enrolled in a World Language Course like French, German, or Spanish? Are you a senior who uses another language at home? Then the Seal of Biliteracy may be for you. The Seal of Biliteracy is a stamp that goes on your diploma to demonstrate that you have strong skills in English and another language. For more information please join the Google Classroom for the Seal. The code is : ts2gm4f
There will be a virtual information meeting about the Seal on Wednesday, October 28th at 3:00 pm through Google Meet. See a World Language or ENL Teacher for more information.
> Model UN Club is alive and well! We will have our first meeting, in-person and virtual on Tuesday October 27 in Mrs. Tuyn's room, W6. Hilton is holding a virtual Conference on Saturday November 21. This is very exciting! If you are a returning member, please make sure you have joined the Model UN Club Google Classroom page. If you are interested in the club and are in Group 2, come on by on Tuesday. If you are Group 1, the join code for the club is: zi2wuci
Please stop by Mrs. Tuyn's room, W6, or Mrs. O'Brien's room, W200, if you have any questions!
October 22, 2020
> Schutt's donuts and cider are now being sold here in the cafeteria for a limited time during breakfast and lunch while supplies last!
16 oz bottles of Apple Cider are $1.95
Fried Cakes are $1.00
Enjoy the taste of Fall!
> Yearbook is looking to feature students from each class in the "People Section" of the book. In ordered to be featured, you must complete the Google Form by going to the following website: https://tinyurl.com/YearbookPeopleSectionFeature
or scan the QR code on the slide. To complete the form, you must be logged into your Webster CSD account. Forms are due on Friday, November 6th. If you have any questions, see Ms Metz in room E21 or send her an email.
For any seniors that would like to submit a quote for the yearbook. go to the following website: https://tinyurl.com/SeniorYearbookQuotes2021
or scan the QR code on the slide. In order to complete the form, you must be logged into your Webster CSD account. Forms are due on Friday, November 6th. If you have any questions, see Ms Metz in room E21 or send her an email.
> Are you a Senior who is currently enrolled in a World Language Course like French, German, or Spanish? Are you a senior who uses another language at home? Then the Seal of Biliteracy may be for you. The Seal of Biliteracy is a stamp that goes on your diploma to demonstrate that you have strong skills in English and another language. For more information please join the Google Classroom for the Seal. The code is : ts2gm4f
There will be a virtual information meeting about the Seal on Wednesday, October 28th at 3:00 pm through Google Meet. See a World Language or ENL Teacher for more information.
> Model UN Club is alive and well! We will have our first meeting, in-person and virtual on Tuesday October 27 in Mrs. Tuyn's room, W6. Hilton is holding a virtual Conference on Saturday November 21. This is very exciting! If you are a returning member, please make sure you have joined the Model UN Club Google Classroom page. If you are interested in the club and are in Group 2, come on by on Tuesday. If you are Group 1, the join code for the club is: zi2wuci
Please stop by Mrs. Tuyn's room, W6, or Mrs. O'Brien's room, W200, if you have any questions!
October 20, 2020
> Anyone who is interested in the International Club: we will be meeting today after school in B2!
> Schutt's donuts and cider are now being sold here in the cafeteria for a limited time during breakfast and lunch while supplies last!
16 oz bottles of Apple Cider are $1.95
Fried Cakes are $1.00
Enjoy the taste of Fall!
> Our Schroeder "Speech & Debate Team" competed in the first ever virtual tournament Saturday. It was quite the challenge for competitors and coaches alike! Congratulations to top scorers Felix Huang and Jason Lisciandro who took 1st place in Public Forum Debate edging out City Honors debaters from Buffalo. Our next tournament is October 31. We are still taking new members, so if you are interested email Ms Hamm or stop by W16 to see Mrs. Connelly for details.
> Attention all returning NHS members! We will be having our first meeting this Wednesday at 3:00pm over Google Meet. The link can be found at the top of our Google Classroom page. See you then!
October 19, 2020
> Anyone who is interested in the International Club: we will be meeting Tuesday, October 20th after school in B2!
> "Positivity-in-Action" Club is looking to expand at both Thomas and Schroeder! The first meeting will be held virtually today via Google Meet. Radiate positivity!
> Schutt's donuts and cider are now being sold here in the cafeteria for a limited time during breakfast and lunch while supplies last!
16 oz bottles of Apple Cider are $1.95
Fried Cakes are $1.00
Enjoy the taste of Fall!
> Our Schroeder "Speech & Debate Team" competed in the first ever virtual tournament Saturday. It was quite the challenge for competitors and coaches alike! Congratulations to top scorers Felix Huang and Jason Lisciandro who took 1st place in Public Forum Debate edging out City Honors debaters from Buffalo. Our next tournament is October 31. We are still taking new members, so if you are interested email Ms Hamm or stop by W16 to see Mrs. Connelly for details
and plan to attend our 6th team meeting today at 3:30pm on Google Classroom.
> Attention all returning NHS members! We will be having our first meeting this Wednesday at 3:00pm over Google Meet. The link can be found at the top of our Google Classroom page. See you then!
> There will be a Computer Science League meeting after school today in room E4 or virtually with the link in Google classroom (join code is bpy554t). Come find out what it is all about!
October 16, 2020
> Anyone who is interested in the International Club: we will be meeting Tuesday, October 20th after school in B2!
> "Positivity-in-Action" Club is looking to expand at both Thomas and Schroeder! The first meeting will be held virtually on Monday, October 19th via Google Meet. Radiate positivity!
> All-Star Imaging will be on here on Monday, October 19th and Tuesday, October 20th for School Picture make-up days. They will be held during lunches in the back of the auditorium.
Ordering information is on the Schroeder homepage under the announcements section.
October 15, 2020
> Anyone who is interested in the International Club: we will be meeting Tuesday, October 20th after school in B2!
> "Positivity-in-Action" Club is looking to expand at both Thomas and Schroeder! The first meeting will be held virtually on Monday, October 19th via Google Meet. Radiate positivity!
> All-Star Imaging will be on here on Monday, October 19th and Tuesday, October 20th for School Picture make-up days. They will be held during lunches in the back of the auditorium.
Ordering information is on the Schroeder homepage under the announcements section.
October 14, 2020
> Seniors who have a parking permit at Schroeder have the opportunity to personalize a parking space! Fun will begin at 3pm today. Meet at the flagpole. Paint will be provided. Seniors can move cars to an open space closer to Ridge Road. If you have early release, stay or return to school.
> Anyone who is interested in the International Club: we will be meeting Tuesday, October 20th after school in B2!
> On Saturday night the girls soccer team began their season with a one to nothing win over Penfield in a rematch of last fall's sectional championship. Scoring for the Warriors with her first career goal was Mackenzie W. on an assist from Abby N. Eli O. had the shutout in goal for her first career win. On Monday night the girls traveled to Fairport and lost 1-0 in a hard fought game.
October 13, 2020
> Anyone who is interested in the International Club: We will be meeting today after school in room B2.
See you there!
> Seniors who have a parking permit at Schroeder have the opportunity to personalize a parking space! Fun will begin at 3pm today and tomorrow. Meet at the flagpole. Paint will be provided. Seniors can move cars to an open space closer to Ridge Road. If you have early release, stay or return to school.
> Science Olympiad will be having a meeting today in room SW5 at 3:25, if you can't make it see Mr. Lasky in room SW5. Thank you.
> On Saturday afternoon, the girls soccer team began their season with a one to nothing win over Penfield in a rematch of last fall's sectional championship. Scoring for the Warriors with her first career goal was Mackenzie W. on an assist from Abby N. Eli O. had the shutout in goal for her first career win. On Monday night the girls traveled to fairport and lost 1-0 in a hard fought game.
Now over to a video...
October 8, 2020
> Jostens has extended the ordering week through October 9th for the following items: Caps & Gowns,
Class Rings, and Yearbook pre-sale. All promotions for order week are still intact through the end of this week!
> Do you enjoy getting your way? Do you know more about current events and politics then you know what to do with? Do you have a personality or a story your absolutely dying to share? Well if you answered yes to any of these questions you should join the Speech and Debate Team right here at Schroeder.
We compete in competitions against other schools in the region. We even go to state and national level competitions. It also looks great on your transcript.
If you are interested, join the Classroom. The code is: quamtjlx. Again, quamtjlx
We will have a table at the activities fair today!
> Schroeder Math League rocked the world in the first Monroe County Math League monthly competition on Tuesday, October 6. We had 24 participants with everyone scoring points. Our double digit scorers were Ren T, Tyler P, Felix H. and Jacqueline H. Perfect categories were scored by Felix H, Alexis S, Tyler P and Jacqueline H. Congratulations to all of our mathletes!
If this sounds like a club you would be interested in joining, it's not too late! Find one of our officers (Drew A, Felix H or Stephanie S) or talk to Mrs. Giacoman in E7 or Mrs. Sage Miller in E4 with questions.
> Hey Juniors and Seniors! Do you love music or have an interest in communications? Does your Spotify playlist or record collection feature Billie Eilish? Machine Gun Kelly? Tame Impala? Nirvana? The Cure?
Are you interested in broadcasting your voice to the world on the radio and web?
Want to learn how to operate a professional radio studio?
If so - you should come hear all about Webster Varsity Radio Club!
We will have an informational meeting from 3:30 - 4pm today at Thomas in Mr. Stahl’s room - 334, in the north hall - which is the back of the school. email todd_stahl@webstercsd.org with any questions!
October 6, 2020
> The Chromebook Help Desk will be moved back into the WTI Room for the remainder of the year. It is located off of the cafeteria, opposite the lunch lines.
October 5, 2020
> There will be 2 virtual Sexuality And Gender Equity (SAGE) meetings to begin planning for the school year. One will be today at 2 pm. The other will be tomorrow at 2pm. The Google Meet link is available on the SAGE Google Classroom at: 5irfnbg. Feel free to invite anyone that might be interested!
> There will be a meeting for any student interested in participating in Science Olympiad after school tomorrow in room SW5. Please see Mr. Lasky in room SW5 if you can not make it. For more information join the Science Olympiad Google Classroom at: vwqegif
> The Chromebook Help Desk will be moved back into the WTI Room for the remainder of the year. It is located off of the cafeteria, opposite the lunch lines.
October 2, 2020
> Warriors - It's class ring ordering time! Jostens will be handling everything virtually this year. Please ask your parent or guardian to check their email, Principal's Newsletter, Instagram & Twitter for an informational video, online catalog, and ordering forms. If your parent/guardian does not have an email listed with the school, please come to the main office for a "Class Rings Packet!"
> There will be holding 2 virtual Sexuality And Gender Equity (SAGE) meetings to begin planning for the school year. One will be on Monday, October 5th at 2 pm. The other will be on Tuesday, October 6th at 2pm. The Google Meet link is available on the SAGE Google Classroom at: 5irfnbg. Feel free to invite anyone that might be interested!
> There will be a meeting for any student interested in participating in Science Olympiad after school on Tuesday, October 6th in room SW5. Please see Mr. Lasky in room SW5 if you can not make it. For more information join the Science Olympiad Google Classroom at: vwqegif
> Next week kick-starts a first for Schroeder: back-to-back Spirit Weeks!
Week 1 is "Back- in - Action" Week which starts next Monday & Tuesday with Buffalo Bill, oops --- JERSEY DAY. Wear your favorite sports' team gear to school!
Week 2 is "Fall Fest" Week.
Events, games, and tons of opportunities to participate and get involved will be happening both weeks every day... so join in on the action!
Look for the schedules posted digitally as well as through QRs throughout the building and WEAR YOUR JERSEY NEXT WEEK!
> Are you pretty sure you could improve on Tuesday night's debate performances? Are you interested in expressing yourself?
Do you like drama and poetry? Current events?
If so, Speech & Debate Team is for you.
Please stop by our Activities Fair table next Tuesday and Wednesday during lunch periods to find out more about the team. Or stop by Room W16 and ask Mrs. Connelly for information.
October 1, 2020
> Warriors - It's class ring ordering time! Jostens will be handling everything virtually this year. Please ask your parents or guardians to check their email, Principal's Newsletter, Instagram, & Twitter for an informational video, online catalog, and ordering forms. If your parent/guardian does not have an email listed with the school, please come to the main office for a "Class Rings Packet!"
> There will be holding 2 virtual “Sexuality And Gender Equity” (SAGE) meetings to begin planning for the school year. One will be on Monday, October 5th at 2 pm. The other will be on Tuesday, October 6th at 2pm. The Google Meet link is available on the SAGE Google Classroom at: 5irfnbg. Feel free to invite anyone that might be interested!
> There will be a meeting for any student interested in participating in “Science Olympiad” after school on Tuesday, October 6th in room SW5. Please see Mr. Lasky in room SW5 if you can not make it. For more information join the Science Olympiad Google Classroom at: vwqegif
> Next week kick-starts a first for Schroeder: back-to-back Spirit Weeks!
Week 1 is "Back- in - Action" Week which starts next Monday & Tuesday with Buffalo Bill, oops --- JERSEY DAY. Wear your favorite sports' team gear to school!
Week 2 is "Fall Fest" Week.
Events, games, and tons of opportunities to participate and get involved will be happening both weeks every day... so join in on the action!
Look for the schedules posted digitally as well as through QRs throughout the building and WEAR YOUR JERSEY NEXT WEEK!
September 29, 2020
> Looking for community service or want to give back to your school and community? Key Club will host a Key Club Virtual Kick-off Meeting September 29 and October 1st. Join the Key Club Google Classroom with code "QRPC6GP" for more information.
> Sophomores: Your class officers are looking for your input to help plan Junior Prom. Fill out the brief survey on the Class of 2023 Google Classroom to be heard.
> There will be a meeting for any student interested in participating in Science Olympiad after school on Tuesday, October 6th in room SW5. Please see Mr. Lasky in room SW5 if you can not make it. For more information join the Science Olympiad Google Classroom at: vwqegif
September 28, 2020
> Looking for community service or want to give back to your school and community? Key Club will host a Key Club Virtual Kick-off Meeting September 29th and October 1st. Join the Key Club Google Classroom with code "QRPC6GP" for more information.
> Seniors - It's cap & gown order time! Jostens will be handling everything virtually this year. Please ask your parent/guardian to check their email, Principal's Newsletter, Instagram & Twitter for an informational video, online catalog, special promotions, and ordering forms. If your parent/guardian does not have an email listed with the school, please come to the main office for a graduation packet!
> Attention all students who want to sing and dance: The Webster Show Choir is holding auditions today in-person at 3:45 in the Schroeder auditorium. You must provide your own ride to the audition. Please wear comfortable shoes and clothes to dance in; no sandals or flip flops.
> Sophomores: Your class officers are looking for your input to help plan Junior Prom. Fill out the brief survey on the Class of 2023 Google Classroom to be heard.
September 25, 2020
> Attention Seniors! Senior seminars are beginning in the College and Career Center. Counselors will teach you how to complete the Common App, request transcripts, letters of recommendation, and lots more! The seminars will be held today, and October 1st & 2nd. You only need to attend one session. Please see Mrs. Rinker in the Counseling Center or Mrs. Dailey in the Library to check availability and sign-up.
> Attention all students who want to sing and dance: The Webster Show Choir is holding auditions in person at 3:45pm Monday, September 21st at Thomas, and at 3:45 on Monday, September 28th at Schroeder. You must provide your own ride to the audition. Please wear comfortable shoes and clothes to dance in; no sandals or flip flops. The location of the audition will be in the auditorium at both schools starting at 3:45.
Can’t make either date but would like to audition? Email Laura_D’Angelo@webstercsd.org, and she will be in touch with you about a virtual audition.
> Looking for community service or want to give back to your school and community? Key Club will host a Key Club Virtual Kick-off Meeting September 29 and October 1st. Join the Key Club Google Classroom with code "QRPC6GP" for more information.
> The need to facilitate clean, accurate, and pertinent information has never been more urgent and with our hybrid model, bringing our school together has never been more difficult.
For decades, the Schroeder Morning Show has been a conduit for reliable news,
school community, and student voice.
We need you to carry on the legacy.
The Morning Show is holding open auditions for anchors.
Due to COVID restrictions, anchor spots are limited this year.
Auditions will be before school between 8:15am - 8:35am September 28th and 29th and October 1st and 2nd.
Look for the QR Codes around school to sign-up for a time slot or email/see Miss Cooman or Mr. Gomez.
> Attention Juniors and Seniors : If you requested a 2020 parking permit, please pick it up in the main office this week. If you want to drive to school and haven't applied yet, please see the Schroeder website for the application.
> The library is now open to all students during study hall periods. Seniors should reserve a spot for our busier midday periods. Students in grades nine through eleven should check into study hall to secure a slot on the touchless library pass.
Schroeder Library's College Essay Workshops have gone asynchronous this year. Access content by joining our Google Classroom.
> Attention Freshmen: Your class advisors, Mr. Eckler and Mrs. McCann, want to meet you! Please make sure you are enrolled in the Class of 2024 Google Classroom. Major information about class elections and Spirit Week is coming. If you were enrolled last year at Spry you do not need to rejoin. If you need to join, please see Mr. Eckler in W3 for the code.
> Anyone who is interested in doing Cross-Country but has not been able to get the info, there is still time to join. Please email Coach Klehr ASAP. Again, there is still time to join Cross-Country.
> Seniors - It's cap & gown order time! Jostens will be handling everything virtually this year. Please ask your parent/guardian to check their email, Principal's Newsletter, Instagram & Twitter for an informational video, online catalog, special promotions and ordering forms. If your parent/guardian does not have an email listed with the school, please come to the main office for a graduation packet!
September 24, 2020
> Attention Seniors! Senior seminars are beginning next week in the College and Careers Center. Counselors will teach you how to complete the Common App, request transcripts, letters of recommendation and lots more! The seminars will be held today, tomorrow and October 1st & 2nd. You only need to attend one session. Please see Mrs. Rinker in the Counseling Center or Mrs. Dailey in the Library to check availability and sign up.
> Attention all students who want to sing and dance: The Webster Show Choir is holding auditions in person at 3:45pm Monday, September 21st at Thomas, and at 3:45 on Monday, September 28th at Schroeder. You must provide your own ride to the audition. Please wear comfortable shoes and clothes to dance in; no sandals or flip flops. The location of the audition will be in the auditorium at both schools starting at 3:45.
Can’t make either date but would like to audition? Email Laura_D’Angelo@webstercsd.org, and she will be in touch with you about a virtual audition.
> Looking for community service or want to give back to your school and community? Key Club will host a Key Club Virtual Kick-off Meeting September 29 and October 1st. Join the Key Club Google Classroom with code qrpc6gp for more information.
> Anyone interested in joining the Chess Club, please consider attending a Chess Club Informational Meeting on Zoom with coach Mr. White.
The meeting will take place after school on Thursday, September 24th at 3:30pm.
The meeting link, meeting ID, & passcode will be available in the main office on paper.
Mr. White will go over details on how the club will work & more at the meeting.
> The need to facilitate clean, accurate, and pertinent information has never been more urgent and with our hybrid model, bringing our school together has never been more difficult.
For decades, the Schroeder Morning Show has been a conduit for reliable news,
school community, and student voice.
We need you to carry on the legacy.
The Morning Show is holding open auditions for anchors.
Due to COVID restrictions, anchor spots are limited this year.
Auditions will be before school between 8:15am - 8:35am September 28th and 29th and October 1st and 2nd.
Look for the QR Codes around school to sign-up for a time slot or email/see Miss Cooman or Mr. Gomez.
> Attention Juniors and Seniors : If you requested a 2020 parking permit, please pick it up in the main office this week. If you want to drive to school and haven't applied yet, please see the Schroeder website for the application.
> The library is now open to all students during study hall periods. Seniors should reserve a spot for our busier midday periods. Students in grades nine through eleven should check into study hall to secure a slot on the touchless library pass.
Schroeder Library's College Essay Workshops have gone asynchronous this year. Access content by joining our Google Classroom.
> Attention Freshmen,
Your class advisors Mr. Eckler and Mrs. McCann want to meet you! Please make sure you are enrolled in the class of 2024 google classroom. Major information about class elections and spirit week is coming. If you were enrolled last year at Spry you do not need to rejoin. If you need to join, please see Mr. Eckler in W3 for the code.
> Anyone who is interested in doing cross-country but has not been able to get the info., there is still time to join. Please email coach Klehr ASAP. Again, there is still time to join cross-country if you want to. Send and email to Dave_Klehr@webstercsd.org.
September 22, 2020
> Attention Seniors! Senior seminars are beginning next week in the College and Careers Center. Counselors will teach you how to complete the Common App, request transcripts, letters of recommendation and lots more! The seminars will be held on September 24th, 25th and October 1st & 2nd. You only need to attend one session. Please see Mrs. Rinker in the Counseling Center or Mrs. Dailey in the Library to check availability and sign up.
> Attention all students who want to sing and dance: The Webster Show Choir is holding auditions in person at 3:45pm Monday, September 21st at Thomas, and at 3:45 on Monday, September 28th at Schroeder. You must provide your own ride to the audition. Please wear comfortable shoes and clothes to dance in; no sandals or flip flops. The location of the audition will be in the auditorium at both schools starting at 3:45.
Can’t make either date but would like to audition? Email Laura_D’Angelo@webstercsd.org, and she will be in touch with you about a virtual audition.
> Looking for community service or want to give back to your school and community? Key Club will host a Key Club Virtual Kick-off Meeting September 29th and October 1st. Join the Key Club Google Classroom with code qrpc6gp for more information.
> Are you interested in helping others, for putting service above self? Come join Rotary. The Classroom code is rizdbr2. We will have our first informational meeting on Google Meet Thursday, September 24th at 3:30pm. Bring your ideas for service projects for the year. Hope to see you there.
> Thank you to the current and former members of the Schroeder Trap Club that participated in a charity Clay Target Event to benefit the Veterans Outreach Center. If you would like to learn more about this Club see Mr. Milliman in room S10.
> Anyone interested in joining the Chess Club, please consider attending a Chess Club Informational Meeting on Zoom with coach Mr. White.
The meeting will take place after school on Thursday, September 24th at 3:30pm.
The meeting link, meeting ID, & passcode will be available in the main office on paper.
Mr. White will go over details on how the club will work & more at the meeting.
> Attention Juniors and Seniors : If you requested a 2020 parking permit, please pick it up in the main office this week. If you want to drive to school and haven't applied yet, please see the Schroeder website for the application.
Now over to a Yearbook commercial...
September 21, 2020
> Attention Seniors! Senior seminars are beginning next week in the College and Careers Center. Counselors will teach you how to complete the Common App, request transcripts, letters of recommendation and lots more! The seminars will be held on September 24th & 25th and October 1st & 2nd. You only need to attend one session. Please see Mrs. Rinker in the Counseling Center or Mrs. Dailey in the Library to check availability and sign up.
> Attention all students who want to sing and dance: The Webster Show Choir is holding auditions in person at 3:45pm Monday, September 21st at Thomas, and at 3:45 on Monday, September 28th at Schroeder. You must provide your own ride to the audition. Please wear comfortable shoes and clothes to dance in; no sandals or flip flops. The location of the audition will be in the auditorium at both schools starting at 3:45.
Can’t make either date but would like to audition? Email Laura_D’Angelo@webstercsd.org, and she will be in touch with you about a virtual audition.
> Looking for community service or want to give back to your school and community? Key Club will host a Key Club Virtual Kick-off Meeting September 29th and October 1st. Join the Key Club Google Classroom with code qrpc6gp for more information.
> Are you interested in helping others, for putting service above self? Come join Rotary. The Classroom code is rizdbr2. We will have our first informational meeting on Google Meet Thursday, September 24th at 3:30pm. Bring your ideas for service projects for the year. Hope to see you there.
> Thank you to the current and former members of the Schroeder Trap Club that participated in a charity Clay Target Event to benefit the Veterans Outreach Center. If you would like to learn more about this Club see Mr. Milliman in room S10.
September 18, 2020
> All students who are interested in doing cross country this year but have not gotten any info yet due to all the covid craziness the past six months need to email coach Klehr. There is still plenty of time to join as our 1st practice is Sept. 28th.
> Attention Seniors! Senior seminars are beginning next week in the College and Careers Center. Counselors will teach you how to complete the Common App, request transcripts, letters of recommendation and lots more! The seminars will be held on September 24th, 25th and October 1st & 2nd. You only need to attend one session. Please see Mrs. Rinker in the Counseling Center or Mrs. Dailey in the Library to check availability and sign up.
> Attention all students who want to sing and dance: The Webster Show Choir is holding auditions in person at 3:45pm Monday, September 21st at Thomas, and at 3:45 on Monday, September 28th at Schroeder. You must provide your own ride to the audition. Please wear comfortable shoes and clothes to dance in; no sandals or flip flops. The location of the audition will be in the auditorium at both schools starting at 3:45.
Can’t make either date but would like to audition? Email Laura_D’Angelo@webstercsd.org, and she will be in touch with you about a virtual audition.
> Finding yourself absolutely parched by second block? Water harder to find than Toilet Paper during quarantine? Only the water bottle refill dispenser is accessible at water fountains, so bring a refillable water bottle to school so you can have water throughout the day. Stay hydrated Warriors!
> Looking for community service or want to give back to your school and community? Key Club will host a Key Club Virtual Kick-off Meeting September 29 and October 1st. Join the Key Club Google Classroom with code qrpc6gp for more information.
September 17, 2020
> All students who are interested in doing cross country this year but have not gotten any info yet due to all the covid craziness the past six months need to email coach Klehr. There is still plenty of time to join as our 1st practice is Sept. 28th.
> Are you interested in joining MATH LEAGUE?
Please join the Math League Classroom. The code it 7euugwp.
There is a virtual informational meeting this Thursday 8/18 at 4:00 .
The Google Meet link is in the Math League Classroom!
> Attention Seniors! Senior seminars are beginning next week in the College and Careers Center. Counselors will teach you how to complete the Common App, request transcripts, letters of recommendation and lots more! The seminars will be held on September 24th, 25th and October 1st & 2nd. You only need to attend one session. Please see Mrs. Rinker in the Counseling Center or Mrs. Dailey in the Library to check availability and sign up.
> Attention all students who want to sing and dance: The Webster Show Choir is holding auditions in person at 3:45pm Monday, September 21st at Thomas, and at 3:45 on Monday, September 28th at Schroeder. You must provide your own ride to the audition. Please wear comfortable shoes and clothes to dance in; no sandals or flip flops. The location of the audition is still to be determined.
Can’t make either date but would like to audition? Email Laura_D’Angelo@webstercsd.org, and she will be in touch with you about a virtual audition.
> Finding yourself absolutely parched by second period? Water harder to find than Toilet Paper during quarantine? Only the water bottle refill dispenser is accessible at water fountains, so bring a refillable water bottle to school so you can have water throughout the day. Stay hydrated Warriors!
September 15, 2020
> All students who are interested in doing cross country this year but have not gotten any info yet due to all the covid craziness the past six months need to email coach Klehr. There is still plenty of time to join as our 1st practice is Sept. 28th.
> Are you interested in joining MATH LEAGUE?
Please join the Math League Classroom. The code it 7euugwp.
There is a virtual informational meeting this Thursday 8/18 at 4:00 .
The Google Meet link is in the Math League Classroom!
> Attention Seniors! Senior seminars are beginning next week in the College and Careers Center. Counselors will teach you how to complete the Common App, request transcripts, letters of recommendation and lots more! The seminars will be held on September 24th, 25th and October 1st & 2nd. You only need to attend one session. Please see Mrs. Rinker in the Counseling Center or Mrs. Dailey in the Library to check availability and sign up.
> Attention all students who want to sing and dance: The Webster Show Choir is holding auditions in person at 3:45pm Monday, September 21st at Thomas, and at 3:45 on Monday, September 28th at Schroeder. You must provide your own ride to the audition. Please wear comfortable shoes and clothes to dance in; no sandals or flip flops. The location of the audition is still to be determined.
Can’t make either date but would like to audition? Email Laura_D’Angelo@webstercsd.org, and she will be in touch with you about a virtual audition.
> All students in Group 1 and Group 2 are required to be in attendance virtually.
Each student is to follow their schedule from periods 1 thru 8. Study halls and lunch are break times.
These classes will be online. Teachers will be taking attendance.
Schedule Exception Days
Some weeks with a day off this year, such as Columbus Day, will have school in person at school on the Wednesday of that week. This day is a schedule exception and students do not follow the regular Wednesday mini schedule but instead follow the schedule in person at school for the Letter and Number in the Rotation. For example: If the day is A1, all students follow the A day schedule. Hybrid Group 1 students attend school and Remote students remotely attend periods 1, 3, 5, & 7.
September 14, 2020
> All students who are interested in doing cross country this year but have not gotten any info yet due to all the covid craziness the past six months need to email coach Klehr. There is still plenty of time to join as our 1st practice is Sept. 28th.
> Are you interested in joining MATH LEAGUE?
Please join the Math League Classroom. The code it 7euugwp.
There is a virtual informational meeting this Thursday 8/18 at 4:00 .
The Google Meet link is in the Math League Classroom!
---- Special Announcement ------
> All students in Group 1 and Group 2 are required to be in attendance virtually.
Each student is to follow their schedule from periods 1 thru 8. Study halls and lunch are break times.
These classes will be online. Teachers will be taking attendance.
Schedule Exception Days
Some weeks with a day off this year, such as Columbus Day, will have school in person at school on the Wednesday of that week. This day is a schedule exception and students do not follow the regular Wednesday mini schedule but instead follow the schedule in person at school for the Letter and Number in the Rotation. For example: If the day is A1, all students follow the A day schedule. Hybrid Group 1 students attend school and Remote students remotely attend periods 1, 3, 5, & 7.
September 10, 2020
Physical Education class is going to look a bit different this year!
(1) First of all, to avoid students from gathering at the trophy case, we will have a large white board showing you where to meet your teacher. PLEASE GO DIRECTLY TO THAT SPACE AND SOCIALLY DISTANCE YOURSELVES FROM OTHERS!
(2) Your teacher will be going over with you the NEW POLICIES AND PROCEDURES in PE on the first day. In general, STUDENTS WILL NO LONGER BE CHANGING FOR PE CLASS! LOCKER ROOMS WILL BE LOCKED AND YOU WILL NOT HAVE ACCESS TO THEM! Please plan ahead on days you have PE and wear appropriate clothing and shoes! We will try to outside as much as we can in the Fall.
(3) Even though we will be going outside, students WILL STILL BE REQUIRED TO WEAR MASKS IN PE Class! Plan ahead, you may want to have more than one mask with you on PE days!
March 13, 2020
> Attention artists and art-enthusiasts! PTSA is looking for student and staff input into how we can beautify Schroeder throughout the year. We're also looking for volunteers who want to create art for display around the school, including murals, gardens, bulletin boards, and more! All students and staff should take the 2-minute survey at www.websterptsa.org/warriorart to inform our next steps or to indicate interest. If you have questions or suggestions, please see Law in W24.
> Next week is World Languages Week! Please join in the fun by making a language-related Tik Tok for some fun prizes! Also, if you are interested in attending the international dinner on Wednesday, March 18th please sign up for a dish to pass by Friday outside Madame Rayton's door or on the Google Classroom! All are welcome!
> Attention all boys and girls interested in doing track this spring: The first practice is Monday, March 16th. We will meet in the cafeteria 3:45. You must be signed up and approved in School ID or you will not be able to participate. Boys, please see Coach Klehr in room NW 1 if you missed the meeting, there is paperwork you need to fill out.
> Any students that were signed up to go to the National College Fair Field Trip on Monday, March 16th - the Fair has been canceled, so unfortunately no field trip.
> Attention all musicians: If you missed coffee house auditions on Wednesday the 11th, there is still time to audition! Please submit a video to mnagar20@webstercsd.org (Maggie Nagar) by FRIDAY MARCH 13th. Submissions after that will not be considered. If you are a singer or instrumentalist and need an accompanist, please submit your video either acapella or with a karaoke track. Accompanists will be arranged for the concert on March 27th. Thank you!!
> Attention Sophomores: Officer Elections have been extended through Friday March 13 at 3:15 PM. Please sign into the class of 2022 google classroom to vote.
> Oh no! T-shirts with the One Warrior Week logo are jumpin' off the shelves like a pogo. You don't want to be a dodo, so go and grab yours...today they are BOGO - buy one, get one $5!
> Look for the "Tree Warrior" station today during all lunches. One dollar plants a tree and gets you a chance to spin the fantastically fabulous prize wheel of prizes. Ten dollars plants ten trees and automatically gets you a Tree Warrior t-shirt on the house! Cash and electronic payments via the One Tree Planted website (located on your Class Google page) are accepted. Winning class will get a tree planted on Schroeder's campus in their honor. Let's make the world a little greener, Schroeder! Are you a Tree Warrior?
March 12, 2020
> Attention students: if you are thinking about joining the military, then you should think about the Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB) test. This exam will be held here at Schroeder on Friday, March 20th. Please stop into the Counseling Center if you would like to sign-up for this test.
> SAGE will be meeting after school today in E18.
> Attention artists and art-enthusiasts! PTSA is looking for student and staff input into how we can beautify Schroeder throughout the year. We're also looking for volunteers who want to create art for display around the school, including murals, gardens, bulletin boards, and more! All students and staff should take the 2-minute survey at www.websterptsa.org/warriorart to inform our next steps or to indicate interest. If you have questions or suggestions, please see Law in W24.
> Next week is World Languages Week! Please join in the fun by making a language-related Tik Tok for some fun prizes! Also, if you are interested in attending the international dinner on Wednesday, March 18th please sign up for a dish to pass by Friday outside Madame Rayton's door or on the Google Classroom! All are welcome!
> Attention all boys and girls interested in doing track this spring: The first practice is Monday, March 16th. We will meet in the cafeteria 3:45. You must be signed up and approved in School ID or you will not be able to participate. Boys, please see Coach Klehr in room NW 1 if you missed the meeting, there is paperwork you need to fill out.
> Any students that were signed up to go to the National College Fair Field Trip on Monday, March 16th - the Fair has been canceled, so unfortunately no field trip.
> Attention all musicians: If you missed coffee house auditions on Wednesday the 11th, there is still time to audition! Please submit a video to Maggie Nagar, mnagar20@webstercsd.org by FRIDAY MARCH 13th. Submissions after that will not be considered. If you are a singer or instrumentalist and need an accompanist, please submit your video either acapella or with a karaoke track. Accompanists will be arranged for the concert on March 27th. Thank you!!
> Attention Sophomores: Officer Elections have been extended through Friday March 13 at 3:15 PM. Please sign into the class of 2022 google classroom to vote.
> Make the most of Healthy Activities Day! Don't forget if you have any free time today during blocks 1-4, come to the weight room for a free exercise clinic taught by a Webster grad trainer from the newly opened "UFO Fitness" gym! Blocks 1 + 2 will be full block sessions and blocks 3 + 4 will be 1/2 block in length. Come down from studyhalls and lunch or ask a teacher to bring your class!
> The first round of March Book Madness votes are in. The Elite 8 titles are: On the Come Up, Darius the Great is Not Okay, The Illuminae, The 57 Bus, Pride, Murder on the Red River, and Anger is a Gift. Voting for the Final Four is live through next Tuesday. You can follow the voting link on your graduating class' Google classroom, or scan the QR code posted next to the bracket, and in the library.
March 11, 2020
> Mr. Fedor would like to invite any interested students, teachers, and classes to attend a free exercise clinic on Thursday, March 12th during our Healthy Activities Day. Sam Cino, a Webster Grad, has opened up his own gym called UFO Fitness and will be putting on clinics in the weight room blocks 1- 4 on Thursday. Come on down during those times or email Mr. Fedor to register your classes.
> SAGE will be meeting after school on Thursday in E18.
> Attention artists and art-enthusiasts! PTSA is looking for student and staff input into how we can beautify Schroeder throughout the year. We're also looking for volunteers who want to create art for display around the school, including murals, gardens, bulletin boards, and more! All students and staff should take the 2-minute survey at www.websterptsa.org/warriorart to inform our next steps or to indicate interest. If you have questions or suggestions, please see Law in W24.
> Next week is World Languages Week! Please join in the fun by making a language-related Tik Tok for some fun prizes! Also, if you are interested in attending the international dinner on Wednesday, March 18th please sign up for a dish to pass by Friday outside Madame Rayton's door or on the Google Classroom! All are welcome!
> In honor of "Music in Our Schools Month" Tri-M is hosting a trivia game! Each week the morning show will show a video, to answer the question join the Google Classroom. Here's this week's question.
> Attention all boys and girls interested in doing track this spring: The first practice is Monday, March 16th. We will meet in the cafeteria 3:45. You must be signed up and approved in School ID or you will not be able to participate. Boys, please see Coach Klehr in room NW 1 if you missed the meeting, there is paperwork you need to fill out.
> "Healthy Activities" Day arrives tomorrow here at Schroeder as part of One Warrior Week's in-depth look at the Sources of Strength. After school sessions include: mindful coloring, beginner meditation, cookie decorating, destroying Mr. Urbanski in Scrabble, knitting, team trivia, music appreciation via vinyl, taking a walk with a dog, an info session on Rochester-area Rugby opportunities, and a hip-hop free write session. See your Google Classroom page for the sign-up form. Teachers, don't be afraid to try something new, too!
> What's navy blue, and green, and yellow, and orange and going to be read all over the bleachers on Friday? One Warrior Week shirts! Sales are still going strong during lunch periods. Stop by and grab one before Friday for $10.
March 10, 2020
> Attention students: if you are thinking about joining the military, then you should think about the Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB) test. This exam will be held here at Schroeder on Friday, March 20th. Please stop into the Counseling Center if you would like to sign-up for this test.
> Attention all girls interested in Outdoor Track: There will be a pre-season meeting on Tuesday, March 10th on the West side of Cafeteria at 3:30pm sharp. If you are interested, please get signed up on Family ID so you can start on the first day of practice March 16th!
> Science Olympiad team members: there will be a mandatory meeting after school today in SW2. Please check the Classroom page before the meeting to make sure you have all the forms for the upcoming competition.
> Attention Sophomores: Vote for your officers in the class of 2022 Google Classroom. Voting will end today at 3pm.
> Mr. Fedor would like to invite any interested students, teachers, and classes to attend a free exercise clinic on Thursday, March 12th during our Healthy Activities Day. Sam Cino, a Webster Grad, has opened up his own gym called UFO Fitness and will be putting on clinics in the weight room blocks 1- 4 on Thursday. Come on down during those times or email Mr. Fedor to register your classes.
> SAGE will be meeting after school on Thursday in E18.
> Attention all boys interested in joining the Spring Track team: the preseason meeting is today from 3:30-4:30 in the cafeteria. Please make sure you sign up in the Google Classroom and on School ID.
> Attention artists and art-enthusiasts! PTSA is looking for student and staff input into how we can beautify Schroeder throughout the year. We're also looking for volunteers who want to create art for display around the school, including murals, gardens, bulletin boards, and more! All students and staff should take the 2-minute survey at www.websterptsa.org/warriorart to inform our next steps or to indicate interest. If you have questions or suggestions, please see Law in W24.
> Next week is World Langages Week! Please join in the fun by making a language-related Tik Tok for some fun prizes! Also, if you are interested in attending the international dinner on Wednesday, March 18th please sign up for a dish to pass by Friday outside Madame Rayton's door or on the Google Classroom! All are welcome!
> Practice mindful coloring, obtain dominance in Monopoly, or put your pen to the test in a hip-hop freewrite session; all of these and more are available to students and staff as part of Thursday's "Healthy Activities Day" after school. Teachers, encourage students to visit their graduating class' Google Page to enroll in sessions. Students, encourage your teachers to check their email and sign-up, too!
> Library club meets today after school.
> You wouldn't just let hotcakes sit in a box getting cold all week, would you? Of course not! Purchase your One Warrior Week shirt during lunches for $10 while they are still hot! Get in the true One Warrior mindset and pay it forward by purchasing one for a friend. We can't wait to see a sea of colors in the bleachers on Friday.
> Top of the morning to ya! Starting Friday, the cast of “Clue: On Stage” will be selling a “little bit o' luck” before school and during lunches to celebrate St. Paddy's day and to fundraise for the Schroeder Theater Company. Just like “Crushes,” they will be sold for $1 and delivered to anyone you want on St. Patrick's Day.
March 9, 2020
> Attention all girls interested in Outdoor Track: There will be a pre-season meeting on Tuesday, March 10th on the West side of Cafeteria at 3:30pm sharp.
If you are interested, please get signed up on Family ID so you can start on the first day of practice March 16th!
> Science Olympiad team members: there will be a mandatory meeting after school this Tuesday in SW2. Please check the Classroom page before the meeting to make sure you have all the forms for the upcoming competition.
> On Thursday, March 12th of One Warrior Week we will be celebrating the source of strength: "healthy activities." Faculty members have volunteered to host sessions afterschool ranging from going on a walk with a dog (aw), listening to vinyl records (bonus points for the Guardians of the Galaxy Soundtrack), decorating cookies, to an all-out battle of wits in a trivia showdown. See your graduating class Google Classroom for an in-depth look at the sessions available and to sign-up!
> Attention Sophomores: Vote for your officers in the class of 2022 Google Classroom. Voting will end on Tuesday, March 10 at 3pm.
> Congratulations to the following students for receiving an I ROCK award from EMCC during the month of February. I ROCK stands for Initiative, Respect, Occupational Excellence, Collaboration & Kindness. Each student listed received the award or multiple awards for one or more of these categories. Leena F., Brickell J., Mikayla M., Isabelle O., and Buen R.
> The Webster Schroeder Model UN Club participated in an amazing conference over the weekend! The Club had 3, count them, 3 chairpeople, Luke S, Andrew G, and Kenny R. Eve K. won the Outstanding Delegate award for representing Iceland in UNICEF, and Sara F, Greg S, Lauren B, Karina B, Zach R. and Abdul G representing Iceland, Iran, and the UAE rounded out an amazing delegation! Well done!!
> Mr. Fedor would like to invite any interested students, teachers, and classes to attend a free exercise clinic on Thursday, March 12th during our Healthy Activities Day. Sam Cino, a Webster Grad, has opened up his own gym called UFO Fitness and will be putting on clinics in the weight room blocks 1- 4 on Thursday. Come on down during those times or email Mr. Fedor to register your classes.
> Thank you so much to the 97 students who attended the Sources of Strength training on Friday. We were inspired by your participation and ideas. Stay tuned for our next meeting and remember the feeling!
> SAGE will be meeting after school on Thursday in E18.
> Attention all boys interested in joining the Spring Track team: the preseason meeting is tomorrow from 3:30-4:30 in the cafeteria. Please make sure you sign up in the Google Classroom and on School ID.
> Attention artists and art-enthusiasts! PTSA is looking for student and staff input into how we can beautify Schroeder throughout the year. We're also looking for volunteers who want to create art for display around the school, including murals, gardens, bulletin boards, and more! All students and staff should take the 2-minute survey at www.websterptsa.org/warriorart to inform our next steps or to indicate interest. If you have questions or suggestions, please see Law in W24.
March 5, 2020
> Attention all girls interested in Outdoor Track: There will be a pre-season meeting on Tuesday, March 10th on the West side of Cafeteria at 3:30pm sharp.
If you are interested, please get signed up on Family ID so you can start on the first day of practice March 16th!
> SAGE will be meeting today after school in E18. We will continue our planning for Pride week. Hope to see you there!
> Attention all winter athletes: boys and girls sports lockers need to be cleaned out by this afternoon. Lockers will be washed and combos changed on Friday. If you have any questions please see your coach.
> Attention all boys interested in joining the Outdoor Track team: the preseason meeting is Tuesday, March 10th from 3:30 - 4:30pm. Please make sure you sign up in the Google Classroom and on School ID.
> A couple of reminders from the Counseling Center:
Juniors and Sophomores wanting to attend the field trip to Rochester's National College Fair on March 16th - please make sure to get a permission slip completed.
Students that are interested in applying to be a part of the Monroe County Sheriff's Teen Police Academy, the deadline is this Friday, March 6th.
Any questions, please come to the Counseling Center!
> You've seen the book display in the library. You've noticed the sweet sixteen bracket in the west wing. It's time for March Book Madness. Today we join teens across the nation in voting on the best young adult books of the year.
There are two ways for you to vote for what the "elite eight" books should be. The first option is to visit the Google Classroom for your graduating class and click on the voting link. The second is to scan one of the QR codes displayed in the library or next to the bracket itself.
Voting is live through next Tuesday, March 10.
> Attention all boys interested in playing either JV or Varsity Tennis this Spring:
Coach Welker will be holding a brief informational meeting in room E232 today at 3:20. No prior tennis experience is necessary to play. All we ask is that you come ready to learn, get better, and have some fun.
> Congratulations to Luke P, 2021 and Ryan D, 2021 for their second place finish in the SkillsUsa Quizbowl competition at Alfred University.
> The library will be closed this Friday, March 6 for Sources of Strength Training. Students should remain in their study halls.
March 4, 2020
> A reminder for anyone in World Language Honor Society, there is a rehearsal today right after school.
> Attention students: if you are thinking about joining the military, then you should think about the Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB) test. This exam will be held here at Schroeder on Friday, March 20th. Please stop into the Counseling Center if you would like to sign-up for this test.
> SAGE will be meeting on Thursday after school in E18. We will continue our planning for Pride week. Hope to see you there!
> Attention all winter athletes: boys and girls sports lockers need to be cleaned out by Thursday after school this week. Lockers will be washed and combos changed on Friday. If you have any questions please see your coach.
> Attention all boys interested in joining the Indoor Track team: the preseason meeting is Tuesday, March 10th from 3:30-4:30pm. Please make sure you sign up in the Google Classroom and on School ID.
> Attention all boys interested in playing either JV or Varsity Tennis this Spring:
Coach Welker will be holding a brief informational meeting in room E232 on Thursday, March 5th at 3:20. No prior tennis experience is necessary to play. All we ask is that you come ready to learn, get better, and have some fun.
March 3, 2020
> A reminder for anyone in World Language Honor Society, there is a rehearsal Wednesday March 4th right after school.
> Attention Sophomore and Junior students: The Counseling Office is excited to share a unique summer opportunity with you. Monroe Community College has been selected to take part in the Community College Humanities Association's 2020 Summer Humanities Seminar for High School Students Program. MCC will provide an opportunity for up to thirty high school sophomores and juniors to participate in a free, high quality educational experience facilitated by accomplished MCC humanities professionals. Please see your counselor if you are interested!
> Attention all girls interested in Outdoor Track: There will be a pre-season meeting on Tuesday, March 10th on the West side of Cafeteria at 3:30pm sharp.
If you are interested, please get signed up on Family ID so you can start on the first day of practice March 16th!
> Any boys planning on playing Varsity or JV golf this Spring should attend the preseason meeting today at 3:20pm in room E214. Coach Leaf and Coach Sabatino will be there to explain the tryout process, meet prospective golfers, and gather contact information. The meeting should last roughly 20 minutes.
> SAGE will be meeting on Thursday after school in E18. We will continue our planning for Pride week. Hope to see you there!
> Attention all winter athletes: boys and girls sports lockers need to be cleaned out by Thursday after school this week. Lockers will be washed and combos changed on Friday. If you have any questions please see your coach.
> Attention all boys interested in joining the Indoor Track team: the preseason meeting is Tuesday, March 10th from 3:30-4:30pm. Please make sure you sign up in the Google Classroom and on School ID.
> A couple of reminders from the Counseling Center:
Juniors and Sophomores wanting to attend the field trip to Rochester's National College Fair on March 16th - please make sure to get a permission slip completed.
Students that are interested in applying to be a part of the Monroe County Sheriff's Teen Police Academy, the deadline is this Friday, March 6th.
Any questions, please come to the Counseling Center!
> There will be a meeting tomorrow after school in B2 to prepare for "Language Week."
> Tick-tock on the clock
But the party don't stop, no
Thats right- its a Tik Tok competition for Language Week! Please submit your language-themed Tik Tok by March 11th to Madame Rayton
March 2, 2020
> A reminder for anyone in World Language Honor Society, there is a rehearsal Wednesday March 4th right after school.
> Walk-in registration for Spring Drivers' Education will take place on Tuesday, March 3 for current seniors and juniors and Wednesday, March 4 for current sophomores. Registration is held 3:30 - 6:30 pm at the Webster Aquatic Center.
> Attention students: if you are thinking about joining the military, then you should think about the Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB) test. This exam will be held here at Schroeder on Friday, March 20th. Please stop into the Counseling Center if you would like to sign-up for this test.
> Any boys planning on playing Varsity or JV golf this Spring should attend the preseason meeting on Tuesday, March 3rd at 3:20 in room E214. Coach Leaf and Coach Sabatino will be there to explain the tryout process, meet prospective golfers, and gather contact information. The meeting should last roughly 20 minutes.
> Congratulations to Anthony S. on earning All-state honors by placing 6th at the New York State wrestling championships this weekend. Anthony finished the season with 41 wins.
> SAGE will be meeting on Thursday after school in E18. We will continue our planning for Pride week. Hope to see you there!
> Attention all winter athletes: boys and girls sports lockers need to be cleaned out by Thursday after school this week. Lockers will be washed and combos changed on Friday. If you have any questions please see your coach.
> Attention all boys interested in joining the outdoorTrack team: the preseason meeting is Tuesday, March 10th from 3:30-4:30pm. Please make sure you sign up in the Google Classroom and on School ID.
> Congratulations to Mara, Lela, and Kaden on qualifying for the New York State Track Meet next weekend. Mara took 2nd in the weight throw with a throw of 45 feet 3 inches and improved on her school record. Lela tied her best with a jump of 5 feet 2 inches, and Kaden had a personal best long jump of 22 feet 2 inches
Feb. 28, 2020
> Attention Class of 2020: Senior Switch Day is Thursday, March 12, where you become the teacher and your teacher becomes the student! Stop in the Counseling Center for a permission slip or check the Class of 2020 Google Classroom.
> Walk-in registration for Spring Drivers' Education will take place on Tuesday, March 3 for current seniors and juniors and Wednesday, March 4 for current sophomores. Registration is held 3:30 - 6:30 pm at the Webster Aquatic Center.
> Did you participate in Sources of Strength? Your permission slips are due today. Please turn them into any house office, Mre. Ernstrom or Mr. Fedor.
> Attention all boys interested in joining the Outdoor Track team, the preseason meeting is Tuesday, March 10th from 3:30 - 4:30pm. Please make sure you sign up in the Google Classroom and on School ID.
> The Webster SparX robotics team is having an open house this Saturday at Thomas, in the North Cafeteria. This is a fun opportunity to learn about and support our high schools' Robotics Team. The robot will be demonstrating all of its abilities, and there will be lots of snacks and refreshments. Hope to see you there!
> This is a reminder that the library will be closed periods three through six today for the Young Entrepreneur's CEO round table. Best of luck to all of the participants!
> Attention all girls interested in Outdoor Track: There will be a pre-season meeting on Tuesday, March 10th on the West side of Cafeteria at 3:30pm sharp.
If you are interested, please get signed up on Family ID so you can start on the first day of practice March 16th!
> Congratulations to the following students for receiving Principal's Recognition:
Over the last 2 years I have been given the opportunity to lead, inspire and encourage students, staff, and the Webster community. It is with a heavy heart that I say goodbye to a school that embraced me and allowed me to be who I am at the core. Coming to Schroeder was one of the best decisions I have ever made. Maya Angelou once said, "I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel." Schroeder, you have made me feel loved and appreciated. I will always hold a special place in my heart for you all. You will be truly missed.
February 27, 2020
> Attention Class of 2020: Senior Switch Day is Thursday, March 12, where you become the teacher and your teacher becomes the student! Stop in the Counseling Center for a permission slip or check the Class of 2020 Google Classroom.
> Join Frau Brucker, German Teacher at Willink and Thomas, on Thursday, February 27th at 6:30pm in the Willink cafetorium to learn about our 12-day trip to Central Europe in July 2021. This tour is open to ALL Webster Central School currently in 7th-10th grades. Enroll in our tour by the end of February and take $200 off your tour price AND go on the Budapest Baths excursion for free! This will be the last informational meeting for this amazing experience: don't miss out!
> Attention students: if you are thinking about joining the military, then you should think about the Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB) test. This exam will be held here at Schroeder on Friday, March 20th. Please stop into the Counseling Center if you would like to sign-up for this test.
> Attention Sophomore and Junior students: The Counseling Office is excited to share a unique summer opportunity with you. Monroe Community College has been selected to take part in the Community College Humanities Association's 2020 Summer Humanities Seminar for High School Students Program. MCC will provide an opportunity for up to thirty high school sophomores and juniors to participate in a free, high quality educational experience facilitated by accomplished MCC humanities professionals. Please see your counselor if you are interested!
> ATTENTION SCHROEDER BASEBALL PLAYERS: There will be an important informational meeting regarding tryouts today immediately after school in Coach Knight's classroom, W214. Any Freshman through Senior planning on trying out for one of our school teams should attend. Please bring something to write with. The meeting will be over by 4PM.
> Class of 2020 we will be having a senior class meeting today during 5th period. Looking forward to sharing information with you on our Senior Ball, Senior Trip, and Graduation. See you Thursday during 5A. We will call you down.
> Did you participate in Sources of Strength? Your permission slips are due this Friday. Please turn them into any house office, Mre. Ernstrom or Mr. Fedor.
> Attention all boys interested in joining the Outdoor Track team, the preseason meeting is Tuesday, March 10th from 3:30 - 4:30pm. Please make sure you sign up in the Google Classroom and on School ID.
> The Webster SparX robotics team is having an open house this Saturday at Thomas, in the North Cafeteria. This is a fun opportunity to learn about and support our high schools' Robotics Team. The robot will be demonstrating all of its abilities, and there will be lots of snacks and refreshments. Hope to see you there!
> Happy Black History Month Schroeder! Please come join us for our 2nd annual black history movie night Thursday, February 27th at 3:30pm in the auditorium. We will be screening the Oscar nominated 2019 biography about the life of Harriet Tubman. Refreshments and concessions will be available! We look forward to movie night with you. See you there!
February 26, 2020
Good morning and welcome to the Morning Show. Today is Wednesday, February 26th, 2020 and a “B” Day.
> Walk-in registration for Spring Drivers' Education will take place on Tuesday, March 3 for current seniors and juniors and Wednesday, March 4 for current sophomores. Registration is held 3:30 - 6:30 pm at the Webster Aquatic Center.
> Join Frau Brucker, German Teacher at Willink and Thomas, on Thursday, February 27th at 6:30pm in the Willink cafetorium to learn about our 12-day trip to Central Europe in July 2021. This tour is open to ALL Webster Central School currently in 7th-10th grades. Enroll in our tour by the end of February and take $200 off your tour price AND go on the Budapest Baths excursion for free! This will be the last informational meeting for this amazing experience: don't miss out!
> The CARE room is open to any student who wants to help with the Schroeder Community Service Project. They are making Inspirational Mobiles to give to Rochester City Elementary Schools. If you want to help, please get a pass from your Study Hall teacher to come to the CARE room to help with this project. The CARE room is located in E24.
> ATTENTION SCHROEDER BASEBALL PLAYERS: There will be an important informational meeting regarding tryouts tomorrow, February 27th immediately after school in Coach Knight's classroom, W214. Any Freshman through Senior planning on trying out for one of our school teams should attend. Please bring something to write with. The meeting will be over by 4PM.
> Model UN Club will be meeting this Thursday, February 27 in Mrs. Tuyn's room to finalize plans for the conference at St. John Fisher next Friday, March 6. It is very important that you attend the meeting on Friday if you are planning on participating in the conference. See you Thursday.
> Attention Mathletes: Don't forget that we have practice for the county meet after school in E4 on Thursday, February 27th and permission slips are due today! Those going to the county meet are required to attend practice, those not going to the county meet are welcome to attend practice to see how the county meet is different from the monthly meets.
> Class of 2020 we will be having a senior class meeting this Thursday, the 27th during 5th period. Looking forward to sharing information with you on our Senior Ball, Senior Trip, and Graduation. See you Thursday during 5A. We will call you down.
> Did you participate in Sources of Strength? Your permission slips are due this Friday. Please turn them into any house office, Mrs. Ernstrom or Mr. Fedor.
> Attention all boys interested in joining the Outdoor Track team, the preseason meeting is Tuesday, March 10th from 3:30 - 4:30pm. Please make sure you sign up in the Google Classroom and on School ID.
> Happy Black History Month Schroeder! Please come join us for our 2nd annual Black History movie night Thursday, February 27th at 3:30pm in the auditorium. We will be screening the Oscar nominated 2019 biography ab
February 25, 2020
> Attention Class of 2020: Senior Switch Day is Thursday, March 12, where you become the teacher and your teacher becomes the student! Stop in the Counseling Center for a permission slip or check the Class of 2020 Google Classroom.
> The 5-hour driving class will be held Tuesday, February 25th at Thomas High School, Room 406. Class runs from 4:00pm - 9:00pm. Cost is $52.00 - you can register online at webstercentral.revtrak.net. Please make sure to bring your permit to class.
> Library Club meets today after school for our Mardi Gras celebration.
> Attention all International club students: There will be a meeting after school today in B-2. We will be discussing Language Week.
> Attention students: if you are thinking about joining the military, then you should think about the Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB) test. This exam will be held here at Schroeder on Friday, March 20th. Please stop into the Counseling Center if you would like to sign-up for this test.
> Attention Sophomore and Junior students: The Counseling Office is excited to share a unique summer opportunity with you. Monroe Community College has been selected to take part in the Community College Humanities Association's 2020 Summer Humanities Seminar for High School Students Program. MCC will provide an opportunity for up to thirty high school sophomores and juniors to participate in a free, high quality educational experience facilitated by accomplished MCC humanities professionals. Please see your counselor if you are interested!
> The CARE room is open to any student who wants to help with the Schroeder Community Service Project. They are making Inspirational Mobiles to give to Rochester City Elementary Schools. If you want to help, please get a pass from your Study Hall teacher to come to the CARE room to help with this project. The CARE room is located in E24.
> ATTENTION SCHROEDER BASEBALL PLAYERS: There will be an important informational meeting regarding tryouts this Thursday, February 27th immediately after school in Coach Knight's classroom, W214. Any Freshman through Senior planning on trying out for one of our school teams should attend. Please bring something to write with. The meeting will be over by 4PM.
> ATTENTION Juniors and Seniors: If you still need a parking permit and haven't attended "A Safe Driver Safety Session," this is a reminder to attend today's class after school at the Webster Thomas auditorium. The class begins at 3:35 pm, and applications are available in the main office.
> Model UN Club will be meeting this Thursday, February 27 in Mrs. Tuyn's room to finalize plans for the conference at St. John Fisher next Friday, March 6. It is very important that you attend the meeting on Friday if you are planning on participating in the conference. See you Thursday.
> Attention Mathletes: Don't forget that we have practice for the county meet after school in E4 on Thursday, February 27th and permission slips are due on Wednesday, February 26th! Those going to the county meet are required to attend practice, those not going to the county meet are welcome to attend practice to see how the county meet is different from the monthly meets.
> Class of 2020 we will be having a senior class meeting this Thursday, the 27th during 5th period. Looking forward to sharing information with you on our Senior Ball, Senior Trip, and Graduation. See you Thursday during 5A. We will call you down.
> A reminder for any student auditioning for Clue: On Stage, auditions are after school today. Stop into WTI if you have any questions.
February 24, 2020
> The 5-hour driving class will be held Tuesday, February 25th at Thomas High School, Room 406. Class runs from 4:00pm - 9:00pm. Cost is $52.00 - you can register online at webstercentral.revtrak.net. Please make sure to bring your permit to class.
> Walk-in registration for Spring Drivers' Education will take place on Tuesday, March 3 for current seniors and juniors and Wednesday, March 4 for current sophomores. Registration is held 3:30 - 6:30 pm at the Webster Aquatic Center.
> Join Frau Brucker, German Teacher at Willink and Thomas, on Thursday, February 27th at 6:30pm in the Willink cafetorium to learn about our 12-day trip to Central Europe in July 2021. This tour is open to ALL Webster Central School currently in 7th-10th grades. Enroll in our tour by the end of February and take $200 off your tour price AND go on the Budapest Baths excursion for free! This will be the last informational meeting for this amazing experience: don't miss out!
> ATTENTION Juniors and Seniors:
Have you gotten your on-campus parking permit yet? If you answered no, and will want to drive to school before the end of the year, please plan on attending the New Driver Safety Session being offered TUESDAY, February 25 at Webster Thomas Auditorium 29th. The class begins at 3:35 pm.
This class is a requirement for parking at school. EVEN IF YOU don't have your license yet, but will be getting it sometime during the remainder of this school year, please make sure to attend the safety session. Spring athletes: avoid conflicts with later safety classes and your season. The next safety class will not be until April.
> Congrats to wrestlers Joe B and Anthony S who will be advancing to this weekend's New York State Wrestling Championships by winning their weight classes over the break. Teammate Lucas R will be joining them in Albany by earning a wild card entry after placing 2nd. Anthony was named Most Outstanding Wrestler for large schools at the State Qualifier. Also placing at the state qualifier were Ethan F in 3rd, and Rimere R and Cosmo L in 5th.
> ATTENTION SCHROEDER BASEBALL PLAYERS: There will be an important informational meeting regarding tryouts this Thursday, February 27th immediately after school in Coach Knight's classroom, W214. Any Freshman through Senior planning on trying out for one of our school teams should attend. Please bring something to write with. The meeting will be over by 3PM.
> Library Club meets this Tuesday, February 25 after school for our Mardi Gras celebration.
> Attention all International club students: There will be a meeting after school tomorrow, February 25th in B-2. We will be discussing Language Week.
>”Clue: On Stage” auditions will be held tomorrow after school. Stop down to WTI if you need an audition packet or misplaced yours during break.
February 14, 2020
> The 5-hour class will be held Tuesday, February 25th at Thomas High School, Room 406 class runs from 4:00pm - 9:00pm. Cost is $52.00 - you can register online at webstercentral.revtrak.net. Please make sure to bring your permit to class.
> Attention Seniors ~ stop by the Counseling Center this week to pick up a Senior Awards & Scholarship Application Packet. Applications are due in early March, so don't wait!
> Do you have a lot to say? Do you want to have an impact on the class of 2022? Have you ever dreamed of becoming President, or VP, or treasurer or a publicist.....or even a secretary?
Dreams really do come true. Election time is right around the corner. Please fill out the necessary paperwork if you're interested in running for a 2022 class officer. Check the Google Classroom, Remind, or come see Mr. Barilla or Mrs. Ernstrom for more information.
> A word of advice from Mr. Chromez: Please remember to keep your Chromebooks charged over the break week to avoid any complications on Monday. If you have a loaner Chromebook, check with WTI today to see if your Chromebook can be picked-up and anyone looking for Valentine's Day restaurant recommendations... you're too late, sorry.
> Join Frau Brucker, German Teacher at Willink and Thomas, on Thursday, February 27th at 6:30pm in the Willink cafetorium to learn about our 12-day trip to Central Europe in July 2021. This tour is open to ALL Webster Central School currently in 7th-10th grades. Enroll in our tour by the end of February and take $200 off your tour price AND go on the Budapest Baths excursion for free! This will be the last informational meeting for this amazing experience: don't miss out!
> ATTENTION Juniors and seniors:
Have you gotten your on-campus parking permit yet? If you answered no, and will want to drive to school before the end of the year, please plan on attending the New Driver Safety Session being offered TUESDAY, February 25 at Webster Thomas Auditorium 29th. The class begins at 3:35 pm.
This class is a requirement for parking at school. EVEN IF YOU don't have your license yet, but will be getting it sometime during the remainder of this school year, please make sure to attend the safety session. Spring athletes: avoid conflicts with later safety classes and your season. The next safety class will not be until April.
> Thank you to those of you who attended our Sources of Strength informational session yesterday.
Please note the field trip form for the learning session on March 6th is not due to us until Friday, February 28th.
If you have any questions please see Mr. Fedor or Mrs. Ernstrom
February 13, 2020
> Attention Class of 2020: Senior Switch Day is Thursday, March 12, where you become the teacher and your teacher becomes the student! Stop in the Counseling Center for a permission slip or check the Class of 2020 Google Classroom.
> Send a CRUSH to your Crush on Valentine's Day!
From Friday the 7th through Thursday the 13th, you can buy a CRUSH for $1.00 during lunch periods. CRUSHes will delivered on Friday 2/14. See Mrs. Giacoman in E7 for any questions.
> There will be a meeting for any girl interested in trying out for softball this spring on today, February 13 in Room W14 at 3:25.
> The 5-hour driving class will be held Tuesday, February 25th at Thomas High School, Room 406 class runs from 4:00 PM -9:00 PM. Cost is $52.00 - you can register online at webstercentral.revtrak.net. Please make sure to bring your permit to class.
> Attention Seniors ~ stop by the Counseling Center this week to pick up a Senior Awards & Scholarship Application Packet. Applications are due in early March, so don't wait!
> Science Olympiad team members: There is a mandatory meeting today after school. Before the meeting please print the forms on the classroom page and have them completed before the meeting
> Do you have a lot to say? Do you want to have an impact on the class of 2022? Have you ever dreamed of becoming President? or VP, or treasurer or a publicist.....or even a secretary.
Dreams really do come true. Election time is right around the corner. Please fill out the necessary paperwork if you're interested in running for a 2022 class officer. Check Google Classroom, Remind, or come see Mr. Barilla or Mrs. Ernstrom for more information.
>Students who received a “Sources of Strength” invite, last Friday's meeting has been rescheduled to today 3A, 4A, and 5A in the Lion's Den.
February 12, 2020
> Attention Class of 2020: Senior Switch Day is Thursday, March 12, where you become the teacher and your teacher becomes the student! Stop in the Counseling Center for a permission slip or check the Class of 2020 Google Classroom.
> Send a CRUSH to your Crush on Valentine's day!
Today and tomorrow, you can buy a CRUSH for $1.00 during lunch periods.
CRUSHes will delivered on Friday 2/14.
See Mrs. Giacoman in E7 for any questions.
> There will be a meeting for any girl interested in trying out for softball this spring on Thursday, February 13 in Room W14 at 3:25.
> Attention Seniors ~ stop by the Counseling Center this week to pick up a Senior Awards & Scholarship Application Packet. Applications are due in early March, so don't wait!
> Science Olympiad team members...There is a mandatory meeting this Thursday after school. Before the meeting please print the forms on the classroom page and have them completed before the meeting
> Do you have a lot to say? Do you want to have an impact on the class of 2022?
Have you ever dreamed of becoming President? or VP, or treasurer or a publicist.....or even a secretary.
Dreams really do come true. Election time is right around the corner.
Please fill out the necessary paperwork if you're interested in running for a 2022 class officer.
Check the google classroom, remind or come see Mr. Barilla or Mrs. Ernstrom for more information.
> There will be open gym for unified basketball tonight at Plank North 6:30 - 7:45 PM. Anyone interested in playing or coach is welcome to come and have some fun!
Now over to a commercial
February 10, 2020
> Attention Class of 2020: Senior Switch Day is Thursday, March 12, where you become the teacher and your teacher becomes the student! Stop in the Counseling Center for a permission slip or check the Class of 2020 Google Classroom.
> Send a CRUSH to your Crush on Valentine's Day!
From Friday the 7th through Thursday the 13th, you can buy a CRUSH for $1.00 during lunch periods. CRUSHes will delivered on Friday 2/14. See Mrs. Giacoman in E7 for any questions.
> Congratulations to the following students for receiving an I ROCK award from EMCC during the month of January.
I ROCK stands for Initiative, Respect, Occupational Excellence, Collaboration & Kindness. Each student listed received the award or multiple awards for one or more of these categories.
Skyler B.
Paul C.
Kenneth C.
Dale D.
Michael D.
Mariam D.
Leena F.
Brickell J.
Poppy J.
Steven K.
Elena L.
Lilyann P.
> There will be a meeting for any girl interested in trying out for softball this spring on Thursday, February 13 in Room W14 at 3:25.
> Congratulations to Schroeder's Mathletes on completing their final monthly meet of the season. 35 students participated in four teams, earning a total of 133 points! Schroeder placed 11th overall in the county out of 37 schools. The double digit scorers this month was Adelyn C. and Alex G. Mathletes, don't forget to respond to the county meet invite, if you received one!
> On Saturday, February 8, eight girls from One Webster competed at the Cornell Annual Girls Coding Contest. Students had 2 hours to solve problems involving hashing, cryptocurrency, IP addresses and geostationary satellites, among others. The Schroeder team of Amanda L., Tori S. and Nehal V. had a great time working together. Congratulations to all of our participants and we hope they all participate in future coding contests!
> Congratulations to the boys and girls track teams on their performances this past weekend at the Monroe County Championships. The Girls finished 8th and the boys finished in 10th place. On the girls' side Mara H. won the weight throw and broke her own school record in the process. Shelby B. also set a school record as she took 3rd place in the 600. Ericka L. had a good day, taking 4th in the hurdles and 5th in the triple jump. Lela S. was 4th in the high jump and Leigha G. was 6th in the 600. On the boys side, Kaden L. had an excellent day, placing 2nd in the 55m dash and the long jump, and Noah P. was 4th in the 300
> This weekend the varsity wrestling team took 4th place in the Section 5 Class A1 wrestling tournament. Congratulations to Joe B and Anthony S on winning their respective weight classes. Seven other wrestlers will join them at next weekend's state qualifier by placing in the top 6 in their weight classes. Lucas R and Ethan F finished in 2nd place. Rimere R took 3rd place, Cosmo L and Fuat K took 4, and Oleg K and Nathan Z took 5th.
> Hope you're wearing your WARRIOR gear to show support of mental health as a ONE WARRIOR FAMILY.
Tomorrow, Tuesday February 11th, our Warrior Varsity Hockey plays Thomas in support of Mental Health. Join us for the game at 5pm at the Webster Ice Arena. Buy a wristband from a varsity or JV hockey player before the game or at the door! (Proceeds benefit the National Alliance for Mental Illness)
Wear your green wristband for a chance to "CHUCK-A-PUCK" and win an ice cream basket. Wear lime green to the game. Let's be a One Warrior family in support of Mental Health issues and each other!
> SAGE will be meeting after school today in E18. Hope to see you there!
> Attention Key Club Members: We will be visiting Cherry Ridge today. Meet in the CCC right after school and planned to be picked up from Cherry Ridge at 4:20 pm.
> Don't forget to sign up for your VALENTINE'S DAY poetry reading! For only $1, a talented member of the Schroeder Speech & Debate Team will read a love poem to your friend and/or significant other.
Now over to
Look for Speech & Debate Team members ready to sign you up during lunch tomorrow!
What a perfect way to express your feelings!
> Attention Class of 2020: Senior Switch Day is Thursday, March 12, where you become the teacher and your teacher becomes the student! Stop in the Counseling Center for a permission slip or check the Class of 2020 Google Classroom.
> Send a CRUSH to your Crush on Valentine's Day!
From Friday the 7th through Thursday the 13th, you can buy a CRUSH for $1.00 during lunch periods.
CRUSHes will delivered on Friday, February 14th.
See Mrs. Giacoman in E7 for any questions.
> If you received an invite, come to the Sources of Strength introduction this Friday during "A" period lunches in the Lion's Day.
------- Special Announcement --------
> Next week, the Warrior Varsity Hockey team plays Thomas in support of Mental Health on Thursday, February 11th. Join us at the Webster Ice Arena at 5pm. BUY a WRISTBAND from a varsity or JV hockey player before the game or at the game! (Proceeds benefit the National Alliance for Mental Illness) Wear your green wristband to the game for a chance to CHUCK-A-PUCK and win an ice cream basket. We have TWO SPIRIT DAYS:
Monday, February 10th - Warrior family day (wear your WARRIOR GEAR)
Tuesday, February 11th - wear lime green to school and then the game.
Let's be a One Warrior family in support of Mental Health issues and each other.
February 4, 2020
> Model UN Club will be meeting today after school in W6, Mrs. Tuyn's room. We will be discussing the upcoming conference at St. John Fisher on March 6 and 7th. New members ALWAYS welcome. Come see what the buzz is all about!
> Express your love in poetry this Valentine's Day.
For only $1 a talented member of the Schroeder Speech & Debate Team will read a love poem to your sweetheart and/or friend.
Sign-ups will be during lunches on Wednesday, February 5 and Thursday, February 6.
We will read poems to your beloved during their lunch block on Friday, February 14.
> SAGE will be meeting Thursday after school in E18. Hope to see you there!
> Congrats to Nathan Z on winning the Monroe County JV Wrestling championships this weekend. Along with Nathan, 6 other wrestlers earned All-County honors.
Davis D came in 2nd place; John C and Koray M took 4th, and Aidan D, Dan D and Tyler F took 6th. Great job fellas.
> Congratulations to the top scorers on Speech & Debate team at the Brighton tournament:
Luke S - 1st in Oral Interp
Stephanie S - 1st in Declamation
Luke P - 2nd in Varsity Lincoln-Douglas Debate
Ad H - 2nd in Extemp
Katie F & Vasoula G - 2nd in duo
Stephanie S - 2nd in Oratory
> Library club meets today after school
>And now over to a Chicago commercial
January 30, 2020
> Attention Juniors interested in applying to attend New Visions Medical Careers or New Visions Education Professions next school year please attend the visitation field trips in early February. These signed permission slips are due TODAY.
> The library will be closed periods one through four today for testing and will reopen at 12:30 P.M
> The library will be closed for a meeting after school today and will not be able to accommodate students. Please plan your transportation accordingly.
> There will be an informational meeting for Varsity Unified Basketball today, January 30th at 3:20 in E228 for all players and partners interested in playing this season. If you cannot attend the meeting, please see Mrs. Bailey.
January 29, 2020
> Attention Juniors interested in applying to attend New Visions Medical Careers or New Visions Education Professions next school year, please attend the visitation field trips in early February. These signed permission slips are due by January 30th.
> Attention all boys in 9th through 12th grade planning on playing JV or Varsity lacrosse this Spring : there will be a very short meeting right after school today at 3:15pm in room SW1. If you are planning on playing you must attend this meeting to hear important information regarding the upcoming season.
> There will be an informational meeting for Varsity Unified Basketball Thursday, January 30th at 3:20 in E228 for all players and partners interested in playing this season. If you cannot attend the meeting, please see Mrs. Bailey.
> The CARE room is open to any students who want to help with the Schroeder Community Service Project. They are making Inspirational Mobiles to give to Rochester City Elementary Schools. Please get a pass from your Study Hall teacher to come to the CARE room to help with this project. The CARE room is in E24.
January 27, 2020
> The 5-hour Driving Class will be held Tuesday, January 28th at Schroeder High School, Room E3; class runs from 4:00pm - 9:00pm. Cost is $52.00 - you can register online at webstercentral.revtrak.net. Please make sure to bring your permit to class.
> Attention Juniors interested in applying to attend New Visions Medical Careers or New Visions Education Professions next school year please attend the visitation field trips in early February. These signed permission slips are due by January 30th.
> Mural Club is having a meeting today after school and taking our club photo at 3:45pm.
> Library Club meets after school this Tuesday, January 28th to make edible, book-themed Valentines.
> Congratulations Webster Schroeder Science Olympiad! The team placed third at the Midwestern Regional Competition and qualified for the States in March. Felix Huang led the team by bringing home 4 medals. Caleb Grams and Ren Taguchi won three medals each. Tyler Petrillo, Alex Gulvin, Zander Purcell and Iain Campbell were double medal winners. Phil Dumitrescu, Kaden Murphy, Haley Bolton, Shamitri Bandyopadhyay, Tori Sandberg, and Andrew Geiser all brought medals back. Great Job!
January 23, 2020
> This is a reminder to all students and staff that the library will be closed this week for Regents testing.
> SAGE will be meeting after school today. We will meet at the auditorium for our yearbook picture. See Ms. Reusch with any questions/concerns.
> Attention Juniors interested in applying to attend New Visions Medical Careers or New Visions Education Professions next school year please attend the visitation field trips in early February. These signed permission slips are due by January 30th.
> Mural Club is having a meeting Monday after school and taking our club photo at 3:45.
January 22, 2020
> The 5-hour Driving Class will be held Tuesday, January 28th at Schroeder High School, Room E3; class runs from 4:00pm - 9:00pm. Cost is $52.00 - you can register online at webstercentral.revtrak.net. Please make sure to bring your permit to class.
> Sophomores! Today is the last day to turn in your permission slips to attend the EMCC Field Trip.
> This is a reminder to all students and staff that the library will be closed this week for Regents testing.
> SAGE will be meeting after school on Thursday. We will meet at the auditorium for our yearbook picture. See Ms. Reusch with any questions/concerns.
January 21, 2020
> Attention all Students planning on participating in the Clay Target Club this year! Your Yearbook Photo will be Next Wednesday in the Auditorium at 8:20 am. Please wear a Trap or School Shirt. If you have any question please see Mr. Milliman in S10.
> Any Sophomores hoping to attend the EMCC field trip on February 7th: Permission slips are due by 3:15 tomorrow. No late sign-ups are allowed per EMCC.
> Schroeder's Speech & Debate Team won 1st place with 73 of 75 possible points Saturday at Harley with 9 teams competing from Rochester & Buffalo. High scorers were as follows:
Stephanie Skona - 1st in Declamation
Katie Fornof & Vasoula Georgakopolous - 1st in Duo Interpretation
Luke Stowell - 1st in Varsity Oral Interpretation
Felix Huang & Jason LIsciandro - 1st in Varsity Public Forum Debate
Ad Harrington - 2nd in Extemporaneous Speaking
Sophia Vigneri - 2nd in Original Oratory
> SAGE will be meeting after school in room E18 on Thursday, January 23rd. All are welcome. Please see Ms. Reusch with any questions.
> This is a reminder to all students and staff that the library will be closed this week for Regents testing.
> Calling all Model UN Club members and those interested in joining. We will be having a meeting after school today. That is today, after school in W6 (Mrs. Tuyn's room). Our club picture will be taken for the yearbook along with an update on the upcoming conference at St. John Fisher in March. See you then.
January 16, 2020
> This is a reminder that the library will be closed on Friday, January 17 for Model UN. Students should remain in their study halls during free periods.
The library club meeting originally scheduled for Tuesday, January 21 has been moved to January 28.
> Attention all Students Planning on participating in the Clay Target Club this year! Your Yearbook Photo will be Next Wednesday in the Auditorium at 8:20 am. Please wear a Trap or School Shirt. If you have any question please see Mr. Milliman in S10.
> Last night the Varsity wrestling team defeated Fairport 42 to 25. On senior night, Julian Deitz won by pin and Rimere Rollogg and Ethan Fargo by decision. Also winning by pin were CJ Olschewski and Anthony Surace. Others winning were Jake Silipini, Fuat Kara and Joe Berenson who earned his 100th career win.
January 15, 2020
> The 5-hour Driving Class will be held Tuesday, January 28th at Schroeder High School, Room E3; class runs from 4:00pm - 9:00pm. Cost is $52.00 - you can register online at webstercentral.revtrak.net. Please make sure to bring your permit to class.
> Attention Sophomores and Juniors: the Counseling Center has field trip permission slips available for sophomores that were not able to visit EMCC in December and for Juniors wanting to visit either the New Visions Medical or New Visions Education Professions programs. If you are interested in attending any of these field trips, please stop in the Counseling Center, registration deadlines are coming up soon.
January 14, 2020
> The 5-hour Driving Class will be held Tuesday, January 28th at Schroeder High School, Room E3; class runs from 4:00pm - 9:00pm. Cost is $52.00 - you can register online at webstercentral.revtrak.net. Please make sure to bring your permit to class.
> Attention Sophomores and Juniors: the Counseling Center has field trip permission slips available for sophomores that were not able to visit EMCC in December and for Juniors wanting to visit either the New Visions Medical or New Visions Education Professions programs. If you are interested in attending any of these field trips, please stop in the Counseling Center, registration deadlines are coming up soon.
> Attention all new National Honor Society members: There will be a meeting after school today, Tuesday, January 14 in the library. Please bring your Chromebooks.
> Missing your “Supreme” stickers? Want to show off your “Vineyard Vines” love once again? If you have a loaner Chromebook or a Chromebook in for repair, stop down to WTI to pick-up your device.
January 13, 2020
>Attention Students: The Library will be closed after school today.
> The 5-hour Driving Class will be held Tuesday, January 28th at Schroeder High School, Room E3; class runs from 4:00pm - 9:00pm. Cost is $52.00 - you can register online at webstercentral.revtrak.net. Please make sure to bring your permit to class.
> Attention Sophomores and Juniors: the Counseling Center has field trip permission slips available for sophomores that were not able to visit EMCC in December and for Juniors wanting to visit either the New Visions Medical or New Visions Education Professions programs. If you are interested in attending any of these field trips, please stop in the Counseling Center, registration deadlines are coming up soon.
> Last week Webster Chess team continued their undefeated streak beating Bloomfield 25.5 to 14.5 and then was able to squeak out a close one against Franklin 22-18. Rushill Tanugula and Ryan Sherry led the Schroeder team with 2 wins for the 6-0 Warriors.
> Schroeder Speakers and Debaters swept the tournament Saturday at Our Lady of Mercy taking 1st place and winning 12 medals. High scorers were:
Jason Lisciandro & Felix Huang - 1st in Varsity Public Forum Debate
Katie Fornof & Vasoula Georgakopolous - 1st in Duo Interp
Luke Stowell - 1st in Varsity Oral Interp
Stephanie Schoone (SKONA) - double firsts - in Oratory & Declamation
Lauren Bogert - 2nd in Varsity Oral Interp
Jacey Simmons - 2nd in Dramatic Performance
Congratulations Team!
> Congratulations to the Boys and Girls Indoor Track teams on their great performances this past weekend at the Nazareth Invite. Kaden Leonard won the Long Jump and the girls 4 x 800 relay of Jaime Gudyka, Shelby Boise, Leigha Gould and Sierra Doody were victorious as well. Ashley LeClaire was 2nd in the long jump, and Mara Hart was 4th in the shot put. Great job everyone!
January 10, 2020
> If you're interested in performing in Tri-M's Coffeehouse on January 25th, any musician can prepare a piece to perform and submit an audition video to kim_derse@webstercsd.org from now to January 10th.
> The 5-hour Driving Class will be held Tuesday, January 28th at Schroeder High School, Room E3; class runs from 4:00pm - 9:00pm. Cost is $52.00 - you can register online at webstercentral.revtrak.net. Please make sure to bring your permit to class.
> Attention Sophomores and Juniors: the Counseling Center has field trip permission slips available for sophomores that were not able to visit EMCC in December and for Juniors wanting to visit either the New Visions Medical or New Visions Education Professions programs. If you are interested in attending any of these field trips, please stop in the Counseling Center, registration deadlines are coming up soon.
> Congratulations to Schroeder's Mathletes on completing their fourth meet. 33 students participated in four teams, earning a total of 109 points! Schroeder placed 8th overall in the county out of 37 schools. The only double digit scorers this month was Tyler Petrillo. Don't forget to sign up for categories for the February competition by January 24!
> Just a reminder that THIS Sunday night at 7:00pm you should log into your Google Classroom to choose your Second Semester PE Class. Again, THIS Sunday night at 7:00pm, log on to choose your SECOND SEMESTER PE Class. This will not start until second semester officially starts! See your PE teacher if you have any questions.
> Any student who dropped a Chromebook off this week for repair, please stop by WTI or see Mr. Gomez; it is most likely ready to be picked-up. #BabyYoda #NewChromebookWhoDis?
January 9, 2020
Good morning and welcome to the Morning Show. Today is Thursday, January 9th, 2020 and a “C” Day.
> Attention Model UN Chairpersons: There will be a mandatory training session today, during your lunch period or after school. If you have lunch 3rd period, please go to Room W200. If your lunch is 4th or 5th, please go to Room W204. Finally, training after school will be in Room W204. This training is mandatory. Please let a Global teacher know if you have a conflict.
> Attention Snowsports members: today is our first trip to Bristol Mountain. Ski storage is in the former faculty dining room next to the nurse's office. Please see Mrs. Strege with questions.
> The library will be closed periods 1 through 4 today, January 8th to accommodate Warrior Day. Please plan accordingly.
now over to
> This past weekend, the varsity wrestling team took 2nd place in the Red Jacket Invitational. Three Warriors took first place by winning their weight class including: Rimere Rollog, Jake Sillipini, and Cosmo Lucania. Coming in 2nd were Gilbert Dickson, and Lucas Randisi. Ethan Fargo took 3rd place and finishing in 4th were Julian Dietz, CJ Olschewski, and Fuat Kara. In the Newark tournament Joe Berenson took 2nd place and Mitch Berenson finished in 4th.
> Warrior Hockey dominated the Brighton Barons with a decisive 9-2
victory. Congratulations to Rylan McInerney for his first varsity goal.
Caden Cranston scored a hat trick. Additional scoring by Ryan Darrow,
Zach Simons, Alex Simons, JJ Lemieux. Jake Lattuca was in goal for the win.
The Warriors have two games this weekend. On Friday night at 7pm, they
face the Hilton Cadets at the Lakeshore Hockey Arena. Then on Saturday
at 7pm they will take on the Thomas Titans at the Webster Ice Arena!
January 7, 2020
> During lunch on Wednesday, the district will be conducting a mandatory Chromebook inventory check. Please bring your charged Chromebook with you to lunch on Wednesday.
> Attention Model UN Chairpersons: There will be a mandatory training session this Thursday, January 9 during your lunch period or after school. If you have lunch 3rd period, please go to Room W200. If your lunch is 4th or 5th, please go to Room W204. Finally, training after school will be in Room W204. This training is mandatory. Please let a Global teacher know if you have a conflict.
> Reminder to Library Club members, we meet after school in the library today and will be taking our yearbook picture.
> Congratulations to the following students for receiving an "I ROCK" award from EMCC during the months of November & December.
I ROCK stands for Initiative, Respect, Occupational Excellence, Collaboration & Kindness. Each student listed received the award or multiple awards for one or more of these categories.
Emma Brandenburg
Malini Chanthabandith
Alexander Coonelly
Stephanie DiFelice
Samantha Dumitrescu
Leo Foltz
Brickell Joyce
Tyler Levine
Arianna Maio
Jacob Marcus
Allison Marquardt
Eduardo Ruiz
Shaun Villegas
Emma Whitcomb
Congratulations everyone on a job well done! Keep up the great work!
January 6, 2020
If you're interested in performing in Tri-M's Coffeehouse on January 25th, any musician can prepare a piece to perform and submit an audition video to kim_derse@webstercsd.org from now to January 10th.
> Atteniton Mural Club there will be a meeting today in Mrs. Zawleskis room to discuss the progress of our mural projects.
> Over the break, the varsity wrestling team competed in the Monroe County Wrestling Championships. Joe Berenson came away as a Monroe County Champion by winning his weight class. Other wrestlers earning All-County honors include: Lucas Randisi and Ethan Fargo finishing in 2nd, Anthony Surace in 3rd, Rimere Rollog and Fuat Kara in 5th, Cosmo Lucania in 6th, and Oleg Kuchma in second.
Ethan Fargo earned his 100th career win by going 10 and 0 at the Mountain Duals.
December 20, 2019
> ATTENTION BASEBALL PLAYERS SIGNED UP FOR THE WINTER SKILL SESSIONS: There have been adjustments made to our Winter Skill Sessions meeting times. Please stop by Coach Knight's classroom, W214, to pick up a half sheet with the adjusted times. Thank you!
> Atteniton Mural Club there will be a meeting January 6th in Mrs. Zawleskis room to discuss the progress of our mural projects.
December 19, 2019
> If you're interested in performing in Tri-M's Coffeehouse on January 25th, any musician can prepare a piece to perform and submit an audition video to Mrs. Derse from now to January 10th.
> ATTENTION BASEBALL PLAYERS SIGNED UP FOR THE WINTER SKILL SESSIONS: There have been adjustments made to our Winter Skill Sessions meeting times. Please stop by Coach Knight's classroom, W214, to pick up a half sheet with the adjusted times. Thank you!
December 18, 2019
> FBLA will be selling "Candy Cane Grams" during all lunches from Thursday, December 12th -Wednesday, December 18th and they will be delivered the morning of Thursday, December 19th.
Send a holiday treat to a friend, teacher, or loved one.
> ATTENTION BASEBALL PLAYERS SIGNED UP FOR THE WINTER SKILL SESSIONS: There have been adjustments made to our Winter Skill Sessions meeting times. Please stop by Coach Knight's classroom, W214, to pick up a half sheet with the adjusted times. Thank you!
> And now a commercial about some special food items available in the cafeteria today! Groups in Econ class are competing to sell the most items and learning how to run a business. Watch now to see what is available in today's lunch line!
December 17, 2019
> The 5-hour driving class will be held today at Thomas High School, Room 406; class runs from 4:00 PM - 9:00 PM. Cost is $52.00 - you can register online at webstercentral.revtrak.net. Please make sure to bring your permit to class.
> FBLA will be selling "Candy Cane Grams" during all lunches from Thursday, December 12th -Wednesday, December 18th and they will be delivered the morning of Thursday, December 19th. Send a holiday treat to a friend, teacher, or loved one.
> Library Club meets today after school for a holiday celebration.
> If you're interested in performing in Tri-M's Coffeehouse on January 25th, any musician can prepare a piece to perform and submit an audition video to kim_derse@webstercsd.org from now to January 10th.
December 16, 2019
The 5-hour driving class will be held Tuesday, December 17th at Thomas High School, Room 406; class runs from 4:00 PM - 9:00 PM. Cost is $52.00 - you can register online at webstercentral.revtrak.net. Please make sure to bring your permit to class.
> FBLA will be selling "Candy Cane Grams" during all lunches from Thursday, December 12th to Wednesday, December 18th and they will be delivered the morning of Thursday, December 19th. Send a holiday treat to a friend, teacher, or loved one.
> This is a reminder for students who took the PSAT - if you need help accessing your scores or linking your scores with the Khan Academy counselors will be available in the CCC today during 4th and 5 periods. Stop in on your way to lunch!
> Congratulations to Speakers who scored for Schroeder on Saturday at McQuaid:
Luke Stowell - 2nd in Oral Interpretation
Lauren Bogert - 3rd in Oral Interpretation
Stephanie Schoone - 3rd in Declamation & 3rd in Oratory
> This weekend the varsity wrestling team went 3-2 at the Warrior Duals in Cheektowaga. Lucas Randisi, Joe Berenson, and Ethan Fargo were named to the All-Tournament team as they each went 5 and 0. Sophomore Nathan Zimmerman earned his first varsity win and pin.
December 13, 2019
> he 5-hour driving class will be held Tuesday, December 17th at Thomas High School, Room 406; class runs from 4:00 PM - 9:00 PM. Cost is $52.00 - you can register online at webstercentral.revtrak.net. Please make sure to bring your permit to class.
> The Webster Show Choir is pleased to announce their annual Talent Showcase tonight at 7pm in the Schroeder auditorium! Tickets are available in advance from any Show Choir student or at the door for $5. Hope to see you there!
> FBLA will be selling "Candy Cane Grams" during all lunches from Thursday, December 12th -Wednesday, December 18th and they will be delivered the morning of Thursday, December 19th.
Send a holiday treat to a friend, teacher, or loved one.
> On Thursday evening, the Schroeder Warriors Varsity Hockey team crushed
the McQuaid Knights. The Warriors won 4-1 with goals by JJ Lemieux,
Caden Cranston, Jack Underwood and Brennan Bitely. Matt Tyler was in
goal for the win.
The Warriors next game is on Tuesday, December 17 against Fairport at
the Rochester Ice Center.
> Last night the varsity wrestling team defeated Victor in a dual that came down to the last match. Sophomore Cosmo Lucania sealed the victory with a 15-8 win. The warriors had pins by Lucas Randisi, Anthony Surace and Jake Silipini. Ethan Fargo won by technical fall. Also winning were Joe Berenson, Mitch Berenson and Cj Olchewski.
December 12, 2019
> Attention sophomores that signed up to attend the EMCC visitation field trip, please don't forget that the trip is tomorrow. You will receive a pass tomorrow morning in your 1st period class.
> There will be a Ski Club meeting after school today in the library. Passes will be distributed and we will go over details for pass use, ski storage, and busing. All members should attend. Late bus transportation is available.
> The 5-hour driving class will be held Tuesday, December 17th at Thomas High School, Room 406; class runs from 4:00 PM - 9:00 PM. Cost is $52.00 - you can register online at webstercentral.revtrak.net. Please make sure to bring your permit to class.
> The Webster Show Choir is pleased to announce their annual Talent Showcase on Friday, December 13th at 7pm in the Schroeder auditorium! Ms. Thompson, Ms. Pollino, and Mrs. Freeberg are featured faculty members, along with talented students from both Thomas and Schroeder. Tickets are available in advance from any Show Choir student or at the door for $5. Hope to see you there!
> FBLA will be selling "Candy Cane Grams" during all lunches from Thursday, December 12th -Wednesday, December 18th and they will be delivered the morning of Thursday, December 19th. Send a holiday treat to a friend, teacher, or loved one.
December 10, 2019
> Juniors and Seniors, if you plan on driving to school at any time during this school year, and you have not yet attended the Safe Driving Seminar, please attend Tuesday's class, December 10th at 3:30 pm in the Schroeder auditorium. This is required for anyone getting a parking pass for school.
> ATTENTION SCHROEDER BASEBALL PLAYERS: Winter Skill Sessions are less than a month away. Stop by Coach Knight's classroom, W214, to pick up information regarding the Skill Sessions. Any 9th through 12th graders planning on trying out for one of the Schroeder baseball teams are encouraged to attend the Winter Skill Sessions in preparation for the 2020 season.
> Thank you to all of the students who helped make snowflake ornaments in the CARE Room. They will be delivered to Cherry Ridge Nursing Home residents next week and the choir will do a performance for them. Please note that the CARE room is closed until after winter break.
> Attention all students who are interested in pursuing for the Seal of Biliteracy. There is a meeting in w223 after school this Thursday, December 12th to go over next steps and to complete the Student Plan Form. If you cannot attend, please see your mentor or Mrs. Hall as soon as possible
> There will be a Ski Club meeting on Thursday, December 12th after school in the library. Passes will be distributed and we will go over details for pass use, ski storage, and busing. All members should attend. Late bus transportation is available.
> he 5-hour driving class will be held Tuesday, December 17th at Thomas High School, Room 406; class runs from 4:00 PM - 9:00 PM. Cost is $52.00 - you can register online at webstercentral.revtrak.net. Please make sure to bring your permit to class.
> The Webster Show Choir is pleased to announce their annual Talent Showcase on Friday, December 13th at 7pm in the Schroeder auditorium! Ms. Thompson, Ms. Pollino, and Mrs. Freeberg are featured faculty members, along with talented students from both Thomas and Schroeder. Tickets are available in advance from any Show Choir student or at the door for $5. Hope to see you there!
December 9, 2019
> Juniors and Seniors, if you plan on driving to school at any time during this school year, and you have not yet attended the Safe Driving Seminar, please attend Tuesday's class, December 10th at 3:30 pm in the Schroeder auditorium. This is required for anyone getting a parking pass for school.
> Calling all Star Wars enthusiasts! To coincide with the release of The Rise of Skywalker on December 19, the library will be hosting Star Wars themed events. We are looking for staff and students willing to give a short lunch block talk on some aspect of the Star Wars Universe. Possible topics include:
A Rise of Skywalker trailer breakdown
Star Wars as Space Western
Robotics and Star Wars
The Science of Star Wars
Women in Star Wars
Diversity and Equity in Star Wars
The Hero's Journey in Star Wars
Or... your own idea.
See or email Mrs. Strege if you are interested in this opportunity.
> ATTENTION SCHROEDER BASEBALL PLAYERS: Winter Skill Sessions are less than a month away. Stop by Coach Knight's classroom, W214, to pick up information regarding the Skill Sessions. Any 9th through 12th graders planning on trying out for one of the Schroeder baseball teams are encouraged to attend the Winter Skill Sessions in preparation for the 2020 season.
> Thank you to all of the students who helped make snowflake ornaments in the CARE Room. They will be delivered to Cherry Ridge Nursing Home residents next week and the choir will do a performance for them. Please note that the CARE room is closed until after winter break.
> Attention all students who are interested in pursuing for the Seal of Biliteracy. There is a meeting in w223 after school this Thursday, December 12th to go over next steps and to complete the Student Plan Form. If you cannot attend, please see your mentor or Mrs. Hall as soon as possible
> There will be a Ski Club meeting on Thursday, December 12th after school in the library. Passes will be distributed and we will go over details for pass use, ski storage, and busing. All members should attend. Late bus transportation is available.
> On Saturday, six Webster students competed in University of Buffalo's third Lockdown Cybersecurity Competition for High Schools. At this hands-on competition, student teams were tasked with defending a small network of systems from attack and were scored on how well their services remain available. Teams were also assigned and scored on various timed tasks to complete throughout the event. If that's not enough, a Cybersecurity CTF and other interesting challenges were part of the competition as well! The Schroeder team was comprised of Skyler F and Edward B and they placed second in the competition.
December 6, 2019
> Juniors and Seniors, if you plan on driving to school at any time during this school year, and you have not yet attended the Safe Driving Seminar, please attend Tuesday's class, December 10th at 3:30 pm in the Schroeder auditorium. This is required for anyone getting a parking pass for school.
> Calling all Star Wars enthusiasts! To coincide with the release of The Rise of Skywalker on December 19, the library will be hosting Star Wars themed events. We are looking for staff and students willing to give a short lunch block talk on some aspect of the Star Wars Universe. Possible topics include:
A Rise of Skywalker trailer breakdown
Star Wars as Space Western
Robotics and Star Wars
The Science of Star Wars
Women in Star Wars
Diversity and Equity in Star Wars
The Hero's Journey in Star Wars
Or... your own idea.
See or email Mrs. Strege if you are interested in this opportunity.
> ATTENTION SCHROEDER BASEBALL PLAYERS: Winter Skill Sessions are less than a month away. Stop by Coach Knight's classroom, W214, to pick up information regarding the Skill Sessions. Any 9th through 12th graders planning on trying out for one of the Schroeder baseball teams are encouraged to attend the Winter Skill Sessions in preparation for the 2020 season.
December 5, 2019
Good morning and welcome to the Morning Show. Today is Thursday, December 5th, 2019 and a “D” Day.
> All students that have earned a place on the Honor Roll, High Honor Roll, and High Honor Roll with Distinction are invited to attend an Ice Cream Social on today. Ice Cream will be served during all lunch periods in the cafeteria. You will receive a post card in the mail prior to the event to let you know you made it.
> A reminder that SAGE will be meeting after school today in room E18. See Ms. Reusch with any questions.
> This Friday the class of 2021 will be selling donuts before school for $1.50 and apple fritters for $2 before school by the gym entrance! Remember to bring your money!
> Key Club is collecting toiletries to be donated to Open Door Mission this week. Please drop of to the Counseling Center.
The next Key Club meeting is today at 3:20 in the College and Career Center.
> Last night the varsity wrestling team lost a tough dual against division rival Penfield. Despite the outcome, Schroeder won 6 matches led by pins from Lucas Randisi, Joe Berenson, Anthony Surace and Ethan Fargo. Also winning for the Warriors were CJ Olchewski, and Jake Silipini. Come support the wrestling team at home this weekend as they face 6 other schools in a dual meet tournament.
> Attention students applying for National Honor Society. Please remember that all applications are due TODAY by 3:15. You can hand in your application to w223 or w224- Señora Hall or Señora O'Connor.
> Juniors and Seniors, if you plan on driving to school at any time during this school year, and you have not yet attended the Safe Driving Seminar, please attend Tuesday's class, December 10th at 3:30 pm in the Schroeder auditorium. This is required for anyone getting a parking pass for school.
> Good morning Schroeder I'm Matteo Sementa an intern in our athletic office. I just wanted to let everyone know that there is a fan bus to the hockey game on Friday. The game is at RIT and the warriors will be playing the Pittsford Panthers at 5pm. The fan bus will be leaving at 4:15. There is a sign up sheet outside of the athletic office, and please dress in the Warrior Crew's theme for the night and participate in the Warrior Cup.
November 4, 2019
> Jostens will be here during lunches on Wednesday, December 4th to deliver class rings.
> There will be a student interest meeting Wednesday, December 4th after school in room S10 for the Clay Target Club. If you can't come, stop in and see Mr. Milliman and join the Google Classroom, "&mmhlbjV".
> This Friday the class of 2021 will be selling donuts before school for $1.50 and apple fritters for $2 before school by the gym entrance! remember to bring your money!
> Attention students applying for National Honor Society. Please remember that all applications are due to Mrs. Hall in w223 or Mrs. O'Connor in w224 by 3:15 Thursday, December 5th if you would like to be considered for membership.
> Key club is collecting toiletries to be donated to Open Door Mission this week. Please drop of to the counseling center.
The next Key Club meeting is Thurs Dec 5 at 3:20 in the College and Career Center.
December 3, 2019
> All students that have earned a place on the Honor Roll, High Honor Roll and High Honor Roll with Distinction are invited to attend an Ice Cream Social on December 5th. Ice Cream will be served during all lunch periods in the cafeteria. You will receive a post card in the mail prior to the event to let you know you made it.
> Winter Driver's Education Registration will be held today from 3:30 - 6:30 pm for current seniors and juniors. And tomorrow from 3:30 - 6:30 pm for current sophomores.
Registration takes place at the Aquatic Center, on a first come, first serve basis. Forms are on, websterschools/departments/community education/drivers ed
> Jostens will be here during lunches tomorrow to deliver class rings.
> A reminder that SAGE will be meeting after school on Thursday in room E18. See Ms. Reusch with any questions.
> There will be a student interest meeting Wednesday, December 4th after school in room S10 for the Clay Target Club. If you can't come, stop in and see Mr. Milliman and join the Google Classroom, “&mmhlbjV”.
> Attention Model UN Day Chairpersons: The first mandatory training session is today. If you have lunch 3rd or 4th periods, please go to room W200. If you have lunch 5th period, we will be in W204. If you do not have a lunch, we will also be offering the training after school in W6. Again, today is mandatory training for Model UN Day Chairpeople. 3rd or 4th period in W200, 5th in W204, after school in W6. Please see a Global 10 teacher with any questions.
> Library club meets today after school.
Now over to Mr. Callahan for an important Student Portal update...
December 2, 2019
> All students that have earned a place on the Honor Roll, High Honor Roll and High Honor Roll with Distinction are invited to attend an Ice Cream Social on December 5th. Ice Cream will be served during all lunch periods in the cafeteria. You will receive a post card in the mail prior to the event to let you know you made it.
> Winter Drivers Education Registration will be held on
December 3 from 3:30 - 6:30 pm for current seniors and juniors.
And December 4 from 3:30 - 6:30 pm for current sophomores
Registration takes place at the Webster Aquatic Center, on a first come, first serve basis. Registration Forms are on, websterschools/departments/community education/drivers ed
Please contact 670-1087 with questions for registration.
> Jostens will be here during lunches on Wednesday, December 4th to deliver class rings.
November 26, 2019
> All students that have earned a place on the Honor Roll, High Honor Roll and High Honor Roll with Distinction are invited to attend an Ice Cream Social on December 5th. Ice Cream will be served during all lunch periods in the cafeteria. You will receive a post card in the mail prior to the event to let you know you made it.
> ATTENTION SCHROEDER BASEBALL PLAYERS: Stop by Coach Knight's classroom, W214, to pick up information regarding the Winter Skill Sessions which begin in January. Any 9th through 12th graders planning on trying out for one of the Schroeder baseball teams are encouraged to attend.
> There will be an Environmental Club meeting today in room W3 from 3:20 until 4:00. All are welcome.
> Jostens will be here during lunches on Wednesday, December 4th to deliver class rings.
> Congratulations to the following speakers and debaters for their showing Saturday at Harley:
Sophia Vigneri - 2nd place in Original Oratory
Vasoula Georgakopoulos - 3rd in Dramatic Performance
Lauren Bogert - 3rd in Oral Interpretation
Luke Plouffe - 3rd in Varsity Lincoln-Douglas Debate
> This past weekend, the Webster Lakers Girls Swim Team competed at the State Championship held at Ithaca College. Four swimmers: Sue Sokolowski, Lauren Schreier, Claire Gorton, and Dana Witte, and one diver, Ashley LaClaire competed in the meet. Sue, Dana, and Ashley qualified individually while The Lakers finished with a new school record in the 400 freestyle relay. Section V finished second overall. Congratulations swimmers on a fantastic season!
> Congratulations to the following students for receiving this week's Principal's Recognition:
Gavin Baldwin, Patrick Buttles, Matteo Capezzuto, Antonio Ciccarelli, Matthew Delcour, Leigha Dellastua, Evan DeMocker, Andrew Fitzpatrick, Jaclyn Giorgione, Ty Harrell, Madla Kominkova, Avianna Logins, Olivia Markovitz, Colesie Pariseau, Tony Pellegrino, Mitchell Playfair, Noah Pray, Kevin Rieger, Sarah Schiffhauer, Giuseppe Spano, Ben Tischner, Emory Towne, Olivia Wittig, and Katelyn Wojtas
Stop down to the main office after first block to get your donut!
November 25, 2019
> The annual "Talent Showcase" is on Friday, December 13th at 7pm in the Schroeder Auditorium which features the Webster Show Choir as well as talent from students at both Thomas and Schroeder. Do you have a band, write your own music, or dance at a studio? This is a showcase you might be interested in auditioning for. Live auditions will be held at Schroeder today in the auditorium after school. Sign-up sheets will be on the Theory Room doors. If you can't make it, send in a video of your performance to Mrs. D'Angelo and find her with any questions.
> All students that have earned a place on the Honor Roll, High Honor Roll, and High Honor Roll with Distinction are invited to attend an Ice Cream Social on December 5th. Ice Cream will be served during all lunch periods in the cafeteria. You will receive a post card in the mail prior to the event to let you know you made it.
> Winter Drivers Education Registration will be held on December 3rd from 3:30 - 6:30pm for current seniors and juniors and December 4th from 3:30 - 6:30pm for current sophomores.
Registration takes place at the Webster Aquatic Center, on a first come, first serve basis. Registration Forms are on, websterschools/departments/community education/drivers ed
Please contact 670-1087 with questions for registration.
> ATTENTION SCHROEDER BASEBALL PLAYERS: Stop by Coach Knight's classroom, W214, to pick up information regarding the Winter Skill Sessions which begin in January. Any 9th through 12th graders planning on trying out for one of the Schroeder baseball teams are encouraged to attend.
> There will be an Environmental Club meeting this Tuesday, November 26th in room W3 from 3:20 until 4:00. All are welcome.
> Thank you to students and staff who donated to the Mount Hope Family Center for our Thanksgiving fundraiser. It was a huge success and we met our goal of feeding 20 families. There will be 160 people enjoying a delicious dinner because of all of you. Thank you. Here is a little video of our shopping trip to Wegmans on Saturday.
November 22, 2019
> Students will be collecting monetary donations in the cafeteria all week during lunches. We are raising money for the Mount Hope Family Center, a local organization that provides services to kids and families who have experienced trauma with the goal to rehabilitate and reunite families. Our goal is to feed 20 Rochester-area families their Thanksgiving dinners. Even loose change can make an impact. Senior Laiba Khan is accepting Venmo, too. If you have any questions see Laiba or Max Parmalee. Please help us spread the love this Thanksgiving season!
> Webster Schroeder Musicals is looking for students interested in building/painting sets as well as working backstage during the February production of Chicago. Please come to an information meeting/work session in Schroeder's auditorium this Saturday November 23 from 10am-1 pm. If you are unable to attend Saturday please see Mrs. Zugelder in the chorus room (N2).
> Winter Drivers Education Registration will be held on
December 3 from 3:30 - 6:30 pm for current seniors and juniors.
And December 4 from 3:30 - 6:30 pm for current sophomores
Registration takes place at the Webster Aquatic Center, on a first come, first serve basis. Registration Forms are on, websterschools/departments/community education/drivers ed
Please contact 670-1087 with questions for registration.
> The Foodlink food drive is continuing until the end of the month. Please bring your in donations of non-perishable foods.
> ATTENTION SCHROEDER BASEBALL PLAYERS: Stop by Coach Knight's classroom, W214, to pick up information regarding the Winter Skill Sessions which begin in January. Any 9th through 12th graders planning on trying out for one of the Schroeder baseball teams are encouraged to attend.
> Principal's Recognition is being moved from today to next Tuesday, with a double dozen Thanksgiving edition.
November 21, 2019
> The annual "Talent Showcase" is on Friday, December 13th at 7pm in the Schroeder Auditorium which features the Webster Show Choir as well as talent from students at both Thomas and Schroeder. Do you have a band, write your own music, or dance at a studio? This is a showcase you might be interested in auditioning for. Live auditions will be held at Schroeder, Monday, November 25th in the auditorium after school. Sign-up sheets will be on the Theory Room doors. If you can't make it, send in a video of your performance to Mrs. D'Angelo and find her with any questions.
> SAGE will be meeting after school today in E18. Please see Ms. Reusch with any questions.
> Students will be collecting monetary donations in the cafeteria all week during lunches. We are raising money for the Mount Hope Family Center, a local organization that provides services to kids and families who have experienced trauma with the goal to rehabilitate and reunite families. Our goal is to feed 20 Rochester-area families their Thanksgiving dinners. Even loose change can make an impact. Senior Laiba Khan is accepting Venmo, too. If you have any questions see Laiba or Max Parmalee. Please help us spread the love this Thanksgiving season!
> Attention Juniors and Seniors interested in National Honor Society. If you have a GPA of 90 or above please check your school email. You should have received an email invitation through Naviance to apply for NHS if you meet the requirements for the pillars of scholarship, leadership, character, and service. There will be a meeting after school in the CCC on Thursday November 21st to provide information about the application process. If you have any questions please see Mrs. Hall or Mrs. O'Connor.
> Attention Key Club members: We are visiting Cherry Ridge today. Meet in the CCC at 3:20. Planned to be picked up at 4:15 from Cherry Ridge. See you Thursday.
> Webster Schroeder Musicals is looking for students interested in building/painting sets as well as working backstage during the February production of Chicago. Please come to an information meeting/work session in Schroeder's auditorium this Saturday November 23 from 10am-1 pm. If you are unable to attend Saturday please see Mrs. Zugelder in the chorus room (N2).
> The Foodlink food drive is continuing until the end of the month. Please bring your in donations of non-perishable foods.
November 20, 2019
> SAGE will be meeting after school this Thursday in E18. Please see Ms. Reusch with any questions.
> Students will be collecting monetary donations in the cafeteria all week during lunches. We are raising money for the Mount Hope Family Center, a local organization that provides services to kids and families who have experienced trauma with the goal to rehabilitate and reunite families. Our goal is to feed 20 Rochester-area families their Thanksgiving dinners. Even loose change can make an impact. Senior Laiba Khan is accepting Venmo, too. If you have any questions see Laiba or Max Parmalee. Please help us spread the love this Thanksgiving season!
> Attention Juniors and Seniors interested in National Honor Society. If you have a GPA of 90 or above please check your school email. You should have received an email invitation through Naviance to apply for NHS, if you meet the requirements for the pillars of scholarship, leadership, character, and service. There will be a meeting after school in the CCC on Thursday November 21st to provide information about the application process. If you have any questions please see Mrs. Hall or Mrs. O'Connor.
> Attention Key Club members: We are visiting Cherry Ridge tomorrow, Thursday Nov 21. Meet in the CCC at 3:20. Planned to be picked up at 4:15 from Cherry Ridge. See you Thursday.
> Webster Schroeder Musicals is looking for students interested in building/painting sets as well as working backstage during the February production of Chicago. Please come to an information meeting/work session in Schroeder's auditorium this Saturday November 23 from 10am-1 pm. If you are unable to attend Saturday please see Mrs. Zugelder in the chorus room (N2).
November 19, 2019
> The annual "Talent Showcase" is on Friday, December 13th at 7pm in the Schroeder Auditorium which features the Webster Show Choir as well as talent from students at both Thomas and Schroeder. Do you have a band, write your own music, or dance at a studio? This is a showcase you might be interested in auditioning for. Live auditions will be held at Schroeder, Monday, November 25th in the auditorium after school. Sign-up sheets will be on the Theory Room doors. If you can't make it, send in a video of your performance to Mrs. D'Angelo and find her with any questions.
> SAGE will be meeting after school this Thursday in E18. Please see Ms. Reusch with any questions.
> Library Club meets after school today for our book tasting. Please bring your charged Chromebook.
> Students will be collecting monetary donations in the cafeteria all week during lunches. We are raising money for the Mount Hope Family Center, a local organization that provides services to kids and families who have experienced trauma with the goal to rehabilitate and reunite families. Our goal is to feed 20 Rochester-area families their Thanksgiving dinners. Even loose change can make an impact. Senior Laiba Khan is accepting Venmo, too. If you have any questions see Laiba or Max Parmalee. Please help us spread the love this Thanksgiving season!
November 18, 2019
> Congratulations to Schroeder's Speech & Debate team who tied for first place with The Harley School at Saturday's City Honors Invitational Tournament. Sophia Vigneri won first place in Original Oratory, Vasoula Georgakopolous won first in Dramatic Performance. Lauren Bogert took second in Oral Interpretation and the team of Andrew Geiser and Jason Lisciandro won second in Public Forum Debate.
The team travels to Harley this Saturday for another match.
November 15, 2019
> The annual "Talent Showcase" is on Friday, December 13th at 7pm in the Schroeder Auditorium which features the Webster Show Choir as well as talent from students at both Thomas and Schroeder. Do you have a band, write your own music, or dance at a studio? This is a showcase you might be interested in auditioning for. Live auditions will be held at Schroeder, Monday, November 25th in the auditorium after school. Sign-up sheets will be on the Theory Room doors. If you can't make it, send in a video of your performance to Mrs. D'Angelo and find her with any questions.
> Ski season has arrived! Bristol Mountain's opening day was yesterday, and Schroeder Snowsports is gearing up for the season. Please note that today is the last day to order your Bristol pass at the fall rate. Transportation spots are still available for a limited time only. See Mrs. Strege to secure your spot.
November 14, 2019
> Attention Freshman class:
Popcorn and Board Games! Stop by the cafeteria after school today to enjoy some popcorn and play some games.
> Seniors: Do you take a World Language or use a language other than English at home? Then the Seal of Biliteracy is for you! Come to an informational meeting today at 3:20 in the CCC. We will go over the requirements, process, important dates, and how to start working to earn the Seal of Biliteracy.
November 13, 2019
> Attention Freshman Class:
Popcorn and Board Games! Stop in the cafeteria on Thursday, November 14th after school to enjoy some popcorn and play some games.
> Schroeder donated 150 toys to the "Pirate Toy Fund" this year.
Congratulations to the Senior class for donating the most toys and winning a class Lock-In. Details to follow. Thank you Schroeder for your generosity.
> Seniors: Do you take a World Language or use a language other than English at home? Then the Seal of Biliteracy is for you! Come to an informational meeting on November, 14th at 3:20 in the CCC. We will go over the requirements, process, important dates, and how to start working to earn the Seal of Biliteracy.
> The annual "Talent Showcase" is on Friday, December 13th at 7pm in the Schroeder Auditorium which features the Webster Show Choir as well as talent from students at both Thomas and Schroeder. Do you have a band, write your own music, or dance at a studio? This is a showcase you might be interested in auditioning for. Live auditions will be held at Schroeder, Monday, November 25th in the auditorium after school. Sign-up sheets will be on the Theory Room doors. If you can't make it, send in a video of your performance to Mrs. D'Angelo and find her with any questions.
November 12, 2019
> Attention all wrestlers. Please meet at 3:15 in the team locker room for locker distribution. Practice will begin at 3:45 in the wrestling room. It is not too late to sign up on Family ID if you're interested in wrestling this season.
Jaeden: and we are the public relations officers for DREAM Club, Schroeder's student led diversity club. DREAM stands for: Demonstrating Real Equity 4 All Mankind.
Ariely: The purpose of DREAM is to make Schroeder a more comfortable and inclusive place for all religions, ethnicities, genders, cultures, etcetera. There is a DREAM Club meeting in room E30 after school today. If you are at all interested, everyone is welcome, come check out what it's all about!
November 8, 2019
> On Monday, November 18th, there will be a college fair featuring "Historically Black Colleges and Universities." This event will be held at the Convention Center downtown. Transportation will be provided at 8:30am from Schroeder. Interested seniors should come to the Counseling Office to get a permission slip, fill out the online registration form, and to get additional information. The deadline to sign up is Friday, November 8th.
> Seniors: Do you take a World Language? Or do you use a language other than English at home? Then the Seal of Biliteracy is for you! Come to an informational meeting on November 14th at 3:20 in the CCC. We will go over the requirements, process, important dates, and how to start working to earn the Seal of Biliteracy.
> Attention Juniors & Seniors interested in Schroeder's Chapter of the National Honor Society. We will be running eligibility after Quarter 1 closes. Those with a GPA of 90 or above will receive a letter through Naviance, so make sure to check your school email. If you meet all of the Pillars of Scholarship, Character, Leadership, and Service you are invited to apply. There will be a meeting on Thursday, November 21st in W224 after school to go through requirements and the application process. All applications will be due Thursday, December 5th.
> Come see "The Miracle Worker" at Spotlight Studios Friday, November 8th at 7pm and Saturday November 9th at 7pm. The show is directed by Emerson Ormond and performed by her group: "Future Stars." Tickets can be bought at the door or online at spotlightarts.yapsody.com. All proceeds will go to the organization for future shows! Please come support and see what these students have created.
> There will be a DREAM club meeting next Tuesday the 11th after school in room E30. If you are interested in diversity and equity for all at Schroeder, come to the meeting. All are welcome.
> In honor of Veteran's Day on Monday, The Morning Show would like to take a moment and pay our respects for all those who have served our country in the Armed Forces.
Find time this weekend to thank a veteran and to acknowledge their service. Our freedom is not free.
November 7, 2019
> The 5-hour class will be held Tuesday, 11/12 at Schroeder High School, Room E3; class runs from 4:00 PM -9:00 PM. Cost is $52.00 - you can register online at webstercentral.revtrak.net. Please make sure to bring your permit to class.
> Need some help with your college applications? Want someone to look over the CommonApp for you? Do you want to know if your letters of rec are in? Counselors will be available ALL DAY
Thursday, Nov 7th In the CCC just stop in when you are free.
> Seniors: Do you take a World Language? Or do you use a language other than English at home? Then the Seal of Biliteracy is for you! Come to an informational meeting on November 14th at 3:20 in the CCC. We will go over the requirements, process, important dates, and how to start working to earn the Seal of Biliteracy.
> SAGE will be meeting after school today in E18. See Ms. Reusch with any questions
> Come see "The Miracle Worker" at Spotlight Studios Friday, November 8th at 7pm and Saturday November 9th at 7pm. The show is directed by Emerson Ormond and performed by her group: "Future Stars." Tickets can be bought at the door or online at spotlightarts.yapsody.com. All proceeds will go to the organization for future shows! Please come support and see what these students have created.
> Congratulations to Schroeder's Mathletes on completing their second meet. Twenty eight students participated in four teams, earning a total of 110 points! Half of the competitors were brand new to Math League! Schroeder placed tenth overall in the county out of thirty-six schools. Double digit scorers included Adelyn Carney, Jaren Cascino, and Alex Gulvin. If you are interested in joining this outstanding team, see Mrs. Miller, Mrs. Giacoman or one of the officers - Adelyn Carney, Akber Ahmed or Felix Huang. If you are already a member, don't forget to sign up for categories for the December competition!
November 6, 2019
On Monday, November 18th, there will be a college fair featuring "Historically Black Colleges and Universities." This event will be held at the Convention Center downtown. Transportation will be provided at 8:30am from Schroeder. Interested seniors should come to the Counseling Office to get a permission slip, fill out the online registration form, and to get additional information. The deadline to sign up is Friday, November 8th.
> Need some help with your college applications? Want someone to look over the CommonApp for you? Do you want to know if your letters of rec are in? Counselors will be available ALL DAY Thursday, Nov 7th In the CCC just stop in when you are free.
> Attention Juniors & Seniors interested in Schroeder's Chapter of the National Honor Society. We will be running eligibility after Quarter 1 closes. Those with a GPA of 90 or above will receive a letter through Naviance, so make sure to check your school email. If you meet all of the Pillars of Scholarship, Character, Leadership, and Service you are invited to apply. There will be a meeting on Thursday, November 21st in W224 after school to go through requirements and the application process. All applications will be due Thursday, December 5th.
> SAGE will be meeting after school on Thursday in E18. See Ms. Reusch with any questions
> Come see "The Miracle Worker" at Spotlight Studios Friday, November 8th at 7pm and Saturday November 9th at 7pm. The show is directed by Emerson Ormond and performed by her group: "Future Stars." Tickets can be bought at the door or online at spotlightarts.yapsody.com. All proceeds will go to the organization for future shows! Please come support and see what these students have created.
> Congratulations to the Girls Varsity Volleyball team for an outstanding season. In the quarterfinals last night, the girls took on an incredibly tough Hilton team and despite losing, played the best volleyball they played all season! Leading the way were seniors Grace DeWitte, Aden Higgins, Jess Willmott, Myranda Baker, and Grace Ferruzza. Great season ladies!
November 5, 2019
> The 5-hour Driving Class will be held Tuesday, 11/12 at Schroeder High School, Room E3; class runs from 4:00 PM -9:00 PM. Cost is $52.00 - you can register online at webstercentral.revtrak.net. Please make sure to bring your permit to class.
> Seniors: Do you take a World Language? Or do you use a language other than English at home? Then the Seal of Biliteracy is for you! Come to an informational meeting on November 14th at 3:20 in the CCC. We will go over the requirements, process, important dates, and how to start working to earn the Seal of Biliteracy.
> Attention, all boys and girls interested in doing indoor track, the preseason meeting is today November 5th in the cafeteria at 3:30. Please bring something to write with, your Chromebook, and your phone. Also, make sure you are being signed up on School ID so you will be able to participate when practices start.
> SAGE will be meeting after school on Thursday in E18. See Ms. Reusch with any questions.
November 4, 2019
> For any boys interested in Swimming or Diving this winter, there will be an informational meeting today at 4:30pm in the Aquatic Center.
> On Monday, November 18th, there will be a college fair featuring "Historically Black Colleges and Universities." This event will be held at the Convention Center downtown. Transportation will be provided at 8:30am from Schroeder. Interested seniors should come to the Counseling Office to get a permission slip, fill out the online registration form, and to get additional information. The deadline to sign up is Friday, November 8th.
> Need some help with your college applications? Want someone to look over the CommonApp for you? Do you want to know if your letters of recommendations are in? Counselors will be available ALL DAY Thursday, November 7th in the CCC just stop in when you are free.
> Attention Juniors & Seniors interested in Schroeder's Chapter of the National Honor Society. We will be running eligibility after Quarter 1 closes. Those with a GPA of 90 or above will receive a letter through Naviance, so make sure to check your school email. If you meet all of the Pillars of Scholarship, Character, Leadership, and Service you are invited to apply. There will be a meeting on Thursday, November 21st in W224 after school to go through requirements and the application process. All applications will be due Thursday, December 5th.
> CONGRATULATIONS to Schroeder Speech & Debate Team for taking 1st place Saturday at our home tournament! Individual high scorers were
Jason Lisciandro & Felix Huang with 2nd in “Public Forum Debate”
Luke Stowell won 1st place in “Oral Interpretation”
Katie Fornof & Luke Stowell won 1st in “Duo Interpretation”
Katie Fornof earned 2nd in “Dramatic Interpretation”
Lauren Bogert received 2nd in “Oral Interpretation”
Stephanie Schoone took 2nd in 2 events: “Declamation” & “Original Oratory”
Next up is City Honors in Buffalo on the 16th.
> Congratulations to the girls and boys Cross-Country teams on their Section Five championship races this past weekend. The girls team placed 6th in Class A and 9th in all of Section Five! The boys were 13th in class A and 21st in the whole Section. Sierra Doody earns an extra huge congratulations as she placed 6th in the girls race and will be running in the State Championship in two weeks!
> Attention all boys and girls interested in doing Indoor Track: the Preseason meeting is Tuesday, November 5th in the cafeteria at 3:30. Please bring something to write with, your Chromebook, and your phone. Also, make sure you are being signed up on School ID so you will be able to participate when practices start.
> Congratulations to the girls soccer team for winning the Section 5 Class AA Championship on Saturday night. The team was named Co-Champions with Penfield after being tied 1-1 after four overtime periods. Ashley Jacobs tied the game late on an assist from Mikayla Morelli. The team finished with a 15-0-4 record and gave up only 5 goals over 19 games.
November 1, 2019
> Attention all students! Do you love live music and dancing? Are you pumped to continue celebrating Hispanic culture throughout the year? Please join us on Saturday at Willink for a live concert featuring Cinco Con Swing, dancing lessons, food, and family. There are no tickets, no RSVP--this is a free, family-friendly event open to the public. Be at Willink on Saturday evening, from 6:30-9pm for a cultural celebration like Webster's never seen!
> For any boys interested in Swimming or Diving this winter, there will be an informational meeting on Monday, November 4th at 4:30 in the Aquatic Center.
> On Monday, November 18th, there will be a college fair featuring "Historically Black Colleges and Universities." This event will be held at the Convention Center downtown. Transportation will be provided at 8:30am from Schroeder. Interested seniors should come to the Counseling Office to get a permission slip, fill out the online registration form, and to get additional information. The deadline to sign up is Friday, November 8th.
> The 5-hour class will be held Tuesday, 11/12 at Schroeder High School, Room E3; class runs from 4:00 PM -9:00 PM. Cost is $52.00 - you can register online at webstercentral.revtrak.net. Please make sure to bring your permit to class.
> Attention Boys using the Blue Schroeder sports lockers large and small. Lockers must be cleaned out an empty by the end of the day. If you play a winter sport see your coach for a new locker.
> A reminder for all students taking AP Exams. In order to take the exam you MUST join the AP classroom for EVERY AP that you are taking. You can find your AP classroom at collegeboard.org. To pay for your exam, log into MySchoolBucks.com. If you have any questions please see Mrs Goodwine.
> Need some help with your college applications? Want someone to look over the CommonApp for you? Do you want to know if your letters of rec are in? Counselors will be available ALL DAY
Thursday, Nov 7th In the CCC just stop in when you are free.
> Seniors: Do you take a World Language? Or do you use a language other than English at home? Then the Seal of Biliteracy is for you! Come to an informational meeting on November 14th at 3:20 in the CCC. We will go over the requirements, process, important dates, and how to start working to earn the Seal of Biliteracy.
> Attention All Warrior Soccer Fans!
There will be a fan bus headed to Canandaigua for students to watch the Girls Soccer Game on Saturday. The bus leaves the Gym Parking lot at 4:30! Schroeder vs Penfield in the sectional finals and we want the whole Crew there.
Admission is $5 and it’s open to the first 40 fans! Signup today outside the Athletic Office.
> For this week’s principal recognition we would like to congratulate Cole Alger, Alex Aloi, Liam Cornish, Hope DePerna, Armando Garcia, Dalton Loren, Destyni McBride, Nathan McComber, Mrs. Meehl, Ryan Sigafoos, Andrew VanVessem and Carly Zona. Please go to the main office before second block.
October 31 2019
> Attention all students! Do you love live music and dancing? Are you pumped to continue celebrating Hispanic culture throughout the year? Please join us on Saturday at Willink for a live concert featuring Cinco Con Swing, dancing lessons, food, and family. There are no tickets, no RSVP--this is a free, family-friendly event open to the public. Be at Willink on Saturday evening, from 6:30-9pm for a cultural celebration like Webster's never seen!
> Key Club will be meeting after school today in the "College & Career Center" at 3:20 PM. See you there.
> For any boys interested in Swimming or Diving this winter, there will be an informational meeting on Monday, November 4th at 4:30 in the Aquatic Center.
now over to
> Attention: all girls and boys interested in doing Indoor Track this winter, the preseason meeting is November 5th after school in the cafeteria. If you plan on doing Outdoor Track, you need to do Indoor or another winter sport. Please see Coach Klehr in room NW 1 if that is a problem.
> Attention Boys using the Blue Schroeder sports lockers large and small. Lockers must be cleaned out by the end of the day this Friday, November 1st. They are being cleaned this weekend. If you play a winter sport see your coach for a new locker.
> A reminder for all students taking AP Exams. In order to take the exam you MUST join the AP classroom for EVERY AP that you are taking. You can find your AP classroom at collegeboard.org. To pay for your exam, log into MySchoolBucks.com. If you have any questions please see Mrs Goodwine.
> Seniors: Do you take a World Language? Or do you use a language other than English at home? Then the Seal of Biliteracy is for you! Come to an informational meeting on November 14th at 3:20 in the CCC. We will go over the requirements, process, important dates, and how to start working to earn the Seal of Biliteracy.
> Look who is headed back to the NYS HS Tennis Championship! Steph Romero and Alexa Monrad placed third this past weekend at the Section V Tennis Championships. During the tournament the Doubles Team had some dramatic moments including an impressive come-from-behind victory over Brighton and a revenge win over Fairport. Steph and Alexa leave tomorrow morning to represent Schroeder and Section V at the State Tournament. Good luck this weekend and we are so proud of your accomplishment both on and off the court.
The varsity girls soccer team won last night in their semi-final game against hilton. Annie Mulhal scored with an assist from Anna Hewlett and the girls went home with a 1-0 win over the cadets. Their sectional final game is this saturday at 5:30 at Canadaguia. The girls soccer team goes by a motto "Go Green" and heres a little clip of what that means
we would like the whole school to wear green tomorrow in support of the big game on Saturday.
October 29, 2019
> Attention seniors! Please do not forget to turn in your “Diploma Name Verification” sheet to the Main Office if you'd like something other than your first and last name on your diploma & diploma cover (for example a suffix or a middle name) by Thursday, October 31.
Diploma covers will be ordered on Friday, November 1st. Copies of the sheet are available online on the Schroeder homepage in the Class of 2020 folder or in the main office.
> Congratulations to the Penfield-Webster Varsity Gymnastics team on their performance in our sectional meet this past weekend! Not only did they win the sportsmanship award for Section V, but they took home the 3rd place trophy! Congratulations to the varsity gymnastics team on an amazing season
> Attention all students! Do you love live music and dancing? Are you pumped to continue celebrating Hispanic culture throughout the year? Please join us on Saturday at Willink for a live concert featuring Cinco Con Swing, dancing lessons, food, and family. There are no tickets, no RSVP--this is a free, family-friendly event open to the public. Be at Willink on Saturday evening, from 6:30-9pm for a cultural celebration like Webster's never seen!
> Key Club will be meeting after school on Thursday, October 31st in the "College & Career Center" at 3:20 PM. See you there.
> There will be a meeting for all girls trying out for JV or Varsity basketball this season on Monday, November 4th at 3:30 in Room E232 (Mr. Welker's Room). Please contact Coach Grasta with any questions
> For any boys interested in Swimming or Diving this winter, there will be an informational meeting on Monday, November 4th at 4:30 in the Aquatic Center.
> Attention: all girls and boys interested in doing Indoor Track this winter, the preseason meeting is November 5th after school in the cafeteria. If you plan on doing Outdoor Track, you need to do Indoor or another winter sport. Please see Coach Klehr in room NW 1 if that is a problem.
October 28, 2019
> There will be an informational meeting today for anyone interested in skiing for the Webster Alpine team this winter. The meeting will be held at 3:30 in the old faculty dining room across from the trophy case. Race experience is not required but prior skiing experience is encouraged. If you are unable to attend the meeting please contact coach Francis for more information.
> Attention seniors! Please do not forget to turn in your Diploma Name Verification sheet to the main office if you'd like something other than your first and last name on your diploma & diploma cover (for example a suffix or a middle name) by Thursday, October 31.
Diploma covers will be ordered on Friday, November 1st. Copies of the sheet are available online on the Schroeder homepage in the Class of 2020 folder or in the main office.
> Looking for something to do this winter? Join the Cross Country Ski Team! No experience necessary. Come to an informative meeting Tuesday the 29th at 3:30 in room W14
> Congratulations to the following speakers who competed Saturday at School of the Arts:
Ad Harrington placed 1st place in extemporaneous speaking
Katie Fornof & Luke Stowell were 1st in Duo Interpretation
Stephanie Skona was 2nd in Original Oratory
Luke Stowell placed 2nd in Varsity Oral Interpretation
Katie Fornof was also 2nd in Dramatic Performance
Schroeder Team placed 3rd of 9 schools from Rochester & Buffalo areas
October 25, 2019
> Attention Seniors ~ are you considering the University of Dayton? If so, stop by the Counseling Center to speak with your counselor because we would like to nominate you for a scholarship for up to $10,000!
> Attention all boys and girls interested in doing Indoor Track: the preseason meeting is Tuesday, November 5th from 3:30 to 4:00pm. Anyone doing Spring Track must do Indoor Track unless they are doing a different indoor sport. See Coach Klehr in room NW1 if you have questions.
> If you are planning on attending any sectional games the fee is $5.00. There aren't any discounts for sectional games so students should plan on paying $5.00 if they come to the football game tonight or the girls soccer game tomorrow.
> There will be an informational meeting next Monday for anyone interested in skiing for the Webster Alpine team this winter. The meeting will be held at 3:30 in the old faculty dining room across from the trophy case. Race experience is not required but prior skiing experience is encouraged. If you are unable to attend the meeting please contact Coach Francis for more information.
> Sparx robotics is competing at The Ruckus competition tomorrow, Saturday, October 26, at the Rochester Main Street Armory from 8:00 AM to 6:30 PM. Come and show your support as they compete in "Destination: Deep Space". The event is free of charge and is open to the public.
> Congratulations to the Girls Varsity Volleyball team on defeating Rush-Henrietta on the road last night in three sets. Sophomores Adeline Riesenberger and Anna Dubay lead the team offensively while contributing some key defensive plays. The girls head into sectionals with a record of 8 and 9.
October 24, 2019
SAGE will be meeting this Thursday after school in E18. Hope to see you all there. See Ms. Reusch with any questions.
> This year Schroeder and Thomas will be starting a Unified Bowling team. We are in need of some partners to help out this season. If you are interested please contact Mrs. Burgess in room W7 or Mr. Strege ASAP. The season starts next week!
> Attention all boys and girls interested in doing Indoor Track: the preseason meeting is Tuesday, November 5th from 3:30 to 4:00pm. Anyone doing Spring Track must do Indoor Track unless they are doing a different indoor sport. See Coach Klehr in room NW1 if you have questions.
> If you are planning on attending any sectional games the fee is $5.00. There aren't any discounts for sectional games so students should plan on paying $5.00 if they come to the Friday night football game or the Saturday night girls soccer game.
> There will be an informational meeting next Monday for anyone interested in skiing for the Webster Alpine team this winter. The meeting will be held at 3:30 in the old faculty dining room across from the trophy case. Race experience is not required but prior skiing experience is encouraged. If you are unable to attend the meeting please contact coach Francis for more information.
> Looking for something to do this winter? Join the Cross Country Ski Team! No experience necessary. Come to an informative meeting Tuesday the 29th at 3:30 in room W14
> The Freshmen Football team improved its record to 4-0 on the season with a victory over Victor on Saturday, 23-6. Scoring for the Warriors were Kaleb Juliano, Jackson McCarten and Davis Damelio. The Warriors look to finish their undefeated season this Saturday at Home at 9AM against Hilton
> Sparx robotics is competing at The Ruckus competition Saturday, October 26, at the Rochester Main Street Armory from 8:00 AM to 6:30 PM. Come and show your support as they compete in "Destination: Deep Space". The event is free of charge and is open to the public.
> The library will be closed after school today and will not be able to accommodate students. Please plan on taking the first bus run home if you are typically an after-school library user.
> Webster boys volleyball defeated Pavilion in four sets last night to improve their record to 8 to 9. The offense was led by Ian McNabb's 16 kills, while Allister Spiegel and Evan DeMocker contributed 8 and 6 respectively. McNabb and DeMocker also tallied four blocks each. The boys travel to Rush-Henrietta tomorrow night to close out their regular season.
Now over to Mr. Strege
> Warrior Athletics Update --
1) Football will host Pittsford in the first round matchup for sectionals on Friday night at 7pm -- This is a sectional event and it is $5 to get in...
We are also collecting toys for the Pirate Toy Fund - please bring a toy to donate and make someones holiday season that much better!
2) Saturday - Cheerleading Sectionals at RIT -- Fan Bus leaves at 12:15 from Schroeder Gym Entrance... please come cheer our squad on. $5 to get in.
3) Saturday Night here at Schroeder - 6:30pm #1 Seed Girls Soccer takes on Victor... $5 to get in...
4) Are you thinking of playing a sport in College? You should! And you will want to join us in the Aud on November 7th -- our first NCAA Info Night... Mr. Claire and reps from local colleges will be on hand to go over everything you need to know!
5) Lastly -- look for info on the Warrior Cup coming out this week... We are challenging teams to join the competition - all in good fun to support our teams! Take a photo with your teammates, hashtag it #WSWarriorCup and your team could get a pizza party at the end of the season!
October 23, 2019
> Volunteers are needed for Schroeder's "Senior Citizen Luncheon" on Thursday, October 24, 2019 from 1-3:30. Stop in the counseling center for more information.
> Attention Seniors ~ are you considering the University of Dayton? If so, stop by the Counseling Center to speak with your Counselor because we would like to nominate you for a scholarship for up to $10,000!
> Calling all actors, singers, and dancers! The information meeting for this year's production of CHICAGO is today Wednesday October 23rd, in the chorus room at 3:45! We will be discussing the audition dates and material, rehearsal schedule, and much more. Even if you're the slightest bit interested, PLEASE come learn about it! If you are interested but can't make the meeting, please stop by the chorus room to pick up an information packet.
> SAGE will be meeting this Thursday after school in E18. Hope to see you all there. See Ms. Reusch with any questions.
> Attention all boys and girls interested in doing Indoor Track: the preseason meeting is Tuesday, November 5th from 3:30 to 4:00pm. Anyone doing Spring Track must do Indoor Track unless they are doing a different indoor sport. See Coach Klehr in room NW1 if you have questions.
> The boys varsity soccer team won their first round sectional game last night vs Gates Chili by a score of two to zero. Scoring the goals were juniors Bayne Ebling and Nick Bartosowicz. Junior Ethan Ellis was in goal for the shutout. Next up is #1 seed Fairport on Friday night.
> The JV football team beat Aquinas 49 to 20 finishing the season with a record of 6 to 1. Tabor Sirriani, Nathan Demay, and Alex Derosa each scored two touchdowns against Aquinas. Great season boys!
October 22, 2019
> Volunteers are needed for Schroeder's "Senior Citizen Luncheon" on Thursday, October 24, 2019 from 1-3:30. Stop in the counseling center for more information.
> Calling all actors, singers, and dancers! The information meeting for this years production of CHICAGO is tomorrow Wednesday October 23rd, in the chorus room at 3:45! We will be discussing the audition dates and material, rehearsal schedule, and much more. Even if you're the slightest bit interested, PLEASE come learn about it! If you are interested but can't make the meeting, please stop by the chorus room to pick up an information packet.
> SAGE will be meeting this Thursday after school in E18. Hope to see you all there. See Ms. Reusch with any questions.
> This year Schroeder and Thomas will be starting a Unified Bowling team. We are in need of some partners to help out this season. If you are interested please contact Mrs. Burgess in room W7 or Mr. Strege ASAP. The season starts next week!
October 18, 2019
> Volunteers are needed for Schroeder's "Senior Citizen Luncheon" on Thursday, October 24, 2019 from 1-3:30. Stop in the counseling center for more information.
> The CARE room is making snowflake ornaments to give to nursing home residents in December. If you would like to learn the art of quilling and make a gift for a nursing home resident, please get a pass from your Study Hall teacher and go to the CARE Room in E24. Remember... you must have a pass to come to the CARE room.
> Attention Seniors ~ are you considering the University of Dayton? If so, stop by the Counseling Center to speak with your Counselor because we would like to nominate you for a scholarship for up to $10,000!
> Yesterday at the Girls Varsity Tennis Sectionals Tournament both singles players and both doubles teams from Schroeder advanced. The 1st seeded doubles team consisting of Alexa Monrad and Steph Romero as well as 2nd seeded singles player Tori Sanberg won their 1st and 2nd round matches and earned a spot in today's semifinals at Mendon Racquet Club. In addition freshman singles player Ellie Albert and the doubles team of Chrysan Gitsis and Sam Fallone won their first round matches while losing their second. Each had to play a third match in order to keep their tournaments alive. Both matches went to three sets with Schroeder coming out on top. If you see any of these six young ladies please congratulate them and wish them luck.
> Calling all actors, singers, and dancers! The information meeting for this year's production of CHICAGO is on Wednesday October 23rd, in the chorus room at 3:45! We will be discussing the audition dates and material, rehearsal schedule, and much more. Even if you're the slightest bit interested, PLEASE come learn about it! If you are interested but can't make the meeting, please stop by the chorus room to pick up an information packet.
October 17, 2019
> Spooky season is in full swing. Why not see a beloved family and screen-favorite come to life right in our own community? Webster Theatre Guild in association with Webster Central PTSA is proud to present: "The Addams Family." Tickets are $15 but PTSA members save $2 per ticket! Shows are running October 18, & 19 at Thomas
> The CARE room is making snowflake ornaments to give to nursing home residents in December. If you would like to learn the art of quilling and make a gift for a nursing home resident, please get a pass from your Study Hall teacher and go to the CARE Room in E24. Remember... you must have a pass to come to the CARE room.
> If you are interested in playing either Freshman, JV or Varsity Boys Basketball, we will be holding our informational meeting, today at 3:30pm in the cafeteria.
> Schroeder Snowsports registration continues today, after school in the library. Please make sure to have filled out your Google form in advance.
> Calling all Model UN Club members. There will be a meeting after school today in room W6 to finalize our attendance at the Hilton Conference in November. Please do your best to attend today. If you cannot, please check in with either Mrs. O'Brien or Mrs. Tuyn.
> There will be wrestling open mats after school today in room E36. All wrestlers or those curious about what wrestling's all about should attend or peek in.
> The Girls Varsity Soccer Team came back from a one nothing deficit to beat Rush Henrietta 2 to1. Anna Hewlett scored two and Emma Leonardo and Ashley Jacobs each had assists. Lill Northrup made a key save for Schroeder with 15 minutes left. Schroeder won the Monroe County Division One Championship with the win and finished 7 wins 0 losses and 3 ties in divisional play. Their last game of the season is Friday. Please come out and support the seniors on their last regular season game of their careers. Well done ladies!
October 16, 2019
> Volunteers are needed for Schroeder's "Senior Citizen Luncheon" on Thursday, October 24, 2019 from 1-3:30. Stop in the counseling center for more information.
> Congratulations to the girls and boys cross-country teams on their excellent races yesterday at Shadow Pines Park. The girls defeated Victor and Hilton, and the boys defeated Hilton. Sierra Doody won the race and Sofia Mangnera was 2nd. In the boys race, Jon Sullo was 3rd and Joey Clyde was 4th. The other varsity finishers were Addy Carney, Shelby Boise, Leigha Gould, Nick Duggan, Patrick Morissette and Matt Bruhnsen. The girls ended their dual meet season with a record of 10 wins and one loss, and the boys ended their season 3 and 8. Both the boys and girls will race in the county championships in two weeks.
> Attention Key Club members: This Thursday, October 17th, we are heading to Cherry Ridge right after school. Please plan to be picked up from Cherry Ridge.
> If you are interested in playing either Freshman, JV, or Varsity Boys Basketball, we will be holding our informational meeting Thursday, October 17th at 3:30pm in the cafeteria.
> Today during 4th period, teen services librarian Colleen Hernandez will be visiting us from Webster Public library. Stop down to get your own free public library card and to learn what library services are available to you. Schroeder library staff will pre-sign your pass.
October 15, 2019
> Spooky season is in full swing. Why not see a beloved family and screen-favorite come to life right in our own community? Webster Theatre Guild in association with Webster Central PTSA is proud to present: "The Addams Family." Tickets are $15 but PTSA members save $2 per ticket! Shows are still running October 18 & 19 at Thomas.
> Ski club registration is scheduled for 3:15 p.m. in the library today, Tuesday, October 15 as well as Thursday, October 17. Students interested in participating should bring a transportation check for $115 made out to "WSHS Ski Club" and make sure to have completed the Google Registration form first.
> Congratulations to Schroeder's Mathletes on a successful first meet. Sixteen students participated on three teams, earning a total of 145 points with every student earning points! Schroeder placed fourth overall in the county out of thirty-six schools. Double digit scorers included Akber Ahmed, Chloe Byerts, Adelyn Carney, Jaren Cascino, Andrew Geiser, Jacqueline Herrmann and Tyler Petrillo. If you are interested in joining this outstanding team, see Mrs. Miller, Mrs. Giacoman or one of the officers - Adelyn Carney, Akber Ahmed or Felix Huang. If you are already a member, don't forget to sign up for categories for the November competition!
> Attention Library Club members, our meeting has been moved to next Tuesday, October 22. See you then!
> We are so fortunate in Webster to have an amazing public library within walking distance of our school. Having a public library card gets you free access to not only books, but ebooks, audiobooks, and movies. Our public library also has four Empire passes available for checkout, which get you into New York's State Parks for free.
This Wednesday during 4th period, teen services librarian Colleen Hernandez will be at Schroeder library to sign students and staff up for library cards. Make sure to come by!
October 10, 2019
> Spooky season is in full swing. Why not see a beloved family and screen-favorite come to life right in our own community? Webster Theatre Guild in association with Webster Central PTSA is proud to present: "The Addams Family." Tickets are $15 but PTSA members save $2 per ticket! Shows are running October 11, 12, 18, & 19 at Thomas.
> There will be a short, informational Wrestling meeting today after school at 3:15pm in room E3. If you plan on wrestling this year, you will not want to miss this meeting
> Volunteers are needed for Schroeder's "Senior Citizen Luncheon" on Thursday, October 24, 2019 from 1-3:30. Stop in the counseling center for more information.
> Webster Boys Volleyball defeated Midlakes in four sets last night to improve their record to 7 and 6. The offense was led by 9 kills apiece from Ian McNabb and Doug Chandler, while Evan DeMocker contributed 8 kills. Michael Dedee handed out 29 assists to go with 4 aces; defensively Mike Wyant continued to lead the team in digs, adding 13 more to his total. The boys host Penfield this evening at Schroeder, 7:00pm start.
> Do you want to be a Model UN Day Chairperson? Do you want to help sophomores have an absolutely phenomenal day? If you received an application already, make sure you hand in the written portion to Mrs. Tuyn in W6 and submit the flipgrid video to the Model UN Chairperson Google Classroom page by this Thursday, October 10. If you don't have an application yet, there is still time! See Mrs. Tuyn for an application
> Model UN Club members: We will have a very important meeting today after school in Mrs. Tuyn's room, W6. If you cannot make this meeting but plan to attend the Hilton Model UN Conference on November 8 and 9, please contact either Mrs. O'Brien or Mrs. Tuyn.
October 9, 2019
> Attention Juniors ~ The registration deadline is fast approaching to sign up for the Practice SAT being held next weekend. Please get a sign-up form from the Counseling Center bulletin board or download it from the Schroeder Counseling Center website. The deadline to sign up is Monday, October 14th!
> There will be a short, informational Wrestling meeting this Thursday after school at 3:15pm in room E3. If you plan on wrestling this year, you will not want to miss this meeting
> The 5-Hour Driving Class will be held Tuesday, October 15th at Thomas High School, Room 406; the class runs from 4:00 PM - 9:00 PM. Cost is $52.00 - you can register online at webstercentral.revtrak.net. Please make sure to bring your permit to class.
> Do you want to be a Model UN Day Chairperson? Do you want to help sophomores have an absolutely phenomenal day? If you received an application already, make sure you hand in the written portion to Mrs. Tuyn in W6 and submit the flipgrid video to the Model UN Chairperson Google Classroom page by this Thursday, October 10. If you don't have an application yet, there is still time! See Mrs. Tuyn for an application.
> Francesca Battista has highest Archery Score! 56!
All arrows inside yellow area with 2 Bulls Eyes! Congratulations Francesca! Well Done!
> Congratulations to the Varsity Field Hockey team on their 6-0 win over Gates. Goals were scored by Annabelle Terranova, Haylee Darrow, and Hannah Creery, with a shut out game for goalie Eve Kowalczyk! Great game played by all!
October 8, 2019
> Masterminds is looking for students who want to have fun participating in trivia competitions against students from other schools! Grab a friend and come check it out! Our first practice is
today after school in the CCC! Grab a friend and come check it out
> There will be a meeting today at 5:30 pm in Room W14 at Schroeder for any girl interested in trying out for Varsity Softball in the Spring. We will be discussing the Disney Trip and fundraising. See Coach Keil in W14 with questions.
> Spooky season is in full swing. Why not see a beloved family and screen-favorite come to life right in our own community? Webster Theatre Guild in association with Webster Central PTSA is proud to present: "The Addams Family." Tickets are $15 but PTSA members save $2 per ticket! Shows are running October 11, 12, 18, & 19 at Thomas
> There will be a short, informational Wrestling meeting this Thursday after school at 3:15pm in room E3. If you plan on wrestling this year, you will not want to miss this meeting.
> Volunteers are needed for Schroeder's "Senior Citizen Luncheon" on Thursday, October 24, 2019 from 1pm - 3:30pm. Stop in the counseling center for more information.
> The 5-Hour Driving Class will be held Tuesday, October 15th at Thomas High School, Room 406; the class runs from 4:00 PM - 9:00 PM. Cost is $52.00 - you can register online at webstercentral.revtrak.net. Please make sure to bring your permit to class.
> Do you want to be a Model UN Day Chairperson? Do you want to help sophomores have an absolutely phenomenal day? If you received an application already, make sure you hand in the written portion to Mrs. Tuyn in W6 and submit the FlipGrid video to the Model UN Chairperson Google Classroom page by this Thursday, October 10. If you don't have an application yet, there is still time! See Mrs. Tuyn for an application
> Congratulations to the Girls JV Tennis team on their 4 to 3 win over Brighton yesterday. Singles wins were Cassie Spencer and Danielle Colelli. Doubles wins were Larissa Mitchell & Hope DePerna and Mya Cacciotti & Meghan Cummings. Great playing was seen by Joey Sulli and Cora Putnam, who lost in a very close tie breaker! Nice playing ladies!
October 7, 2019
> Attention Juniors: The registration deadline is fast approaching to sign up for the Practice SAT being held next weekend. Please get a sign-up form from the Counseling Center bulletin board or download it from the Schroeder Counseling Center website. The deadline to sign up is Monday, October 14th!
> Attention all current members of the National Honor Society. We are holding a mandatory meeting to review expectations, go over current opportunities for service projects and brainstorm ideas for NHS projects for this year on October 8th at 3:30 in the CCC. This is an important meeting to attend because you will be receiving necessary information in order to earn cords to wear at Graduation.
> Masterminds is looking for students who want to have fun participating in trivia competitions against students from other schools! Our first practice is TOMORROW after school in the CCC.
Come check it out
> If you are interested in joining Computer Science League this year or learning more about what the club involves, join us for a short meeting after school in room E4, today. Join the Google Classroom with the code itp0j90
> There will be a meeting tomorrow, Tuesday, October 8 at 5:30pm in Room W14 at Schroeder for any girl interested in trying out for Varsity Softball in the Spring. We will be discussing the Disney trip and fundraising. See Coach Keil in W14 with questions.
> The Girls soccer team defeated Fairport on Friday by a score of 3 to 1 to end Homecoming Week. Scoring for the Warriors was Anna Hewlett, Erika Lawson and Ashley Jacobs. Abby Neil had an assist and Anna had two. Fairport scored with 14 minutes left in the game. Up to that point the Warrior defense had not allowed a goal since September 7th, the defense had not surrendered a goal in 710 minutes almost the equivalent of going 12 hours without giving up a goal. The defense is anchored by Emma Leonardo, Mikayla Morelli, Sidney Smith, Nicole Sgroi, Kara and Lindsey Reiger, Abby Neil, and goalie Meg Fry.
> Through Jar Wars, the Schroeder Family raised over $620 in five days along with hundreds of non-perishable food items. The money donation will go to two charities: "World Central Kitchen" and "Bahamas Disaster Relief Fund" while the food items will remain local. In traditional Jar Wars fashion, all classes finished with negative point totals. Seniors in last place, followed by freshmen, sophomores, and the Juniors winning with negative 227 points.
In an incredibly generous gesture, the proceeds from the Homecoming Dance ticket sales are being donated to the two charities as well, bringing our total to $1,620. Special thanks to Mrs. Giacoman, Mr. Peck, and Student Council for that contribution. Great display of generosity, Warriors!
October 4, 2019
> Attention Juniors the Practice SAT is coming up on Saturday, October 19th! Please get a sign-up form from the Counseling Center bulletin board or download it from the Schroeder Counseling Center website.
> Attention all current members of the National Honor Society. We are holding a mandatory meeting to review expectations, go over current opportunities for service projects and brainstorm ideas for NHS projects for this year on October 8th at 3:30 in the CCC. This is an important meeting to attend because you will be receiving necessary information in order to earn cords to wear at Graduation.
> Seniors who missed the library's September college essay workshops should mark October 8 on their calendars. "Getting Started on the College Essay" will be offered in the college and career center during 4th period on Tuesday, October 8. Students who are unable to attend but interested in the materials should see Mrs. Strege in the library
> Anyone interested in volunteering for the Empire State Games for the Physically Challenged field trip MUST turn in paperwork to Mrs. Gadbsy today, October 4th.
> If you are interested in joining Computer Science League this year or learning more about what the club involves, join us for a short meeting after school in room E4 on Monday, October 11th. Join the Google Classroom with the code itp0j90
> Food, fun, games, and music... what is there not to love? There will be a tailgate party before the Homecoming game. All grades are welcome. Come join in on the fun!
> Webster Boys Volleyball recorded their third straight win of the week with a straight-set victory over Rush-Henrietta last night. Michael Dedee spread the offense out to the tune of 31 assists... Allister Spiegel registered 10 kills, with Evan DeMocker, Ian McNabb, and Mat Sanfilippo pounding 9, 8, and 6 kills respectively. Mike Wyant led the defense with 16 digs.
> Jar Wars standings are as follows: Juniors in last place, seniors in fourth, sophomores in third, freshmen in second, and the faculty holding it down in first place. Today is your last chance to save your class with "Big Bill Bonanza Day." Donate to a good cause during lunches and receive raffle tickets for VIP side-line access during tonight's Homecoming Game.
October 3, 2019
> Attention all current members of the National Honor Society. We are holding a mandatory meeting to review expectations, go over current opportunities for service projects and brainstorm ideas for NHS projects for this year on October 8th at 3:30 in the CCC. This is an important meeting to attend because you will be receiving necessary information in order to earn cords to wear at Graduation.
> Seniors who missed the library's September college essay workshops should mark October 8 on their calendars. "Getting Started on the College Essay" will be offered in the college and career center during 4th period on Tuesday, October 8. Students who are unable to attend but interested in the materials should see Mrs. Strege in the library
> If you're turning 18 or older in 2019, please stop by the voter registration table during lunches today. You can register to vote for the first time or make changes to your existing registration. Make your voice heard on Election Day 2019. If you'd like to assist and receive service hours, please see Law in W24.
> Science Olympiad, Science Olympiad, Science Olympiad! If you love science then this is the club for you! Compete against students from other schools in various Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Earth Science and Engineering events. Our first informational meeting with be today after school in room SW5. Bring your Chromebook and see what our club has to offer. If you can't make the meeting stop by and see either Mr. Brincka, Mr. Lasky or Mr. Gill before this Thursday
> Do you need a hobby that makes you look forward to winter? Have you ever thought about learning to ski or snowboard? Our Schroeder Snowsports informational meeting will be this Thursday, October 3 at 3:20 P.M. in the CCC area of the library. It will last no more than 25 minutes. Please bring your Chromebooks. See Mrs. Strege if you are interested in joining the club but cannot attend the meeting.
> Key Club will be meeting this today after school in the College and Career Center. We will be making no sew blankets for rescue shelters
> Hey smart person! Is your head full of trivial information? Do you
need an outlet? How about a club for your resume? MASTERMINDS might
be the thing for you! Come test your recall! Prove your knowledge.
Put Webster Schroeder on the map with your intellectual troves of
trivia, as we compete against teams from other schools. Practices and
meets are held Tuesdays after school. Come join us OCT 8th for our
first practice in the college and career center. See Dr Cooke for
more information! Thank you!
> Anyone interested in volunteering for the Empire State Games for the Physically Challenged field trip MUST turn in paperwork to Mrs. Gadbsy THIS FRIDAY, October 4th.
> If you are interested in joining Computer Science League this year or learning more about what the club involves, join us for a short meeting after school in room E4 on Monday, October 11th. Join the Google Classroom with the code itp0j90
> Webster Boys Volleyball team defeated Brighton in three straight sets last night, evening their record at 5 wins, 5 losses. Ian McNabb tallied 8 kills, with Evan DeMocker adding 7 of his own. Doug Chandler led Webster with 4 blocks, while Jack Caccamise served up 3 aces in game three. The boys host Rush-Henrietta at 7:30 this evening at the Schroeder gym in a critical Monroe County match-up.
> Food, fun, games, and music... what is there not to love? There will be a tailgate party before the Homecoming game in the senior parking lot. All grades are welcome. Come join in on the fun!
> Want to be the coolest Warrior at the big game? Bring in bills to donate to Jar Wars tomorrow and receive raffle tickets for a chance to win VIP side-line access during Homecoming. Watch the game in style and comfort! Names will be drawn during the pep rally.
> Jar Wars standings are as follows: Juniors in last place, followed by seniors, freshmen in third, faculty holding strong in second, and in first our Sophomores. Keep the donations coming, everyone!
Now over to Mr. Benz
We are on an assembly schedule tomorrow, Friday.
Our Pep rally will begin around 2:30 and will be inside in the gym. Each grade level will have their own set of bleachers. The entire gym will be in Royal Blue and Yellow/Gold.
Only students with game playing wristbands will be permitted on the gym floor. All other students must remain in the bleachers at all times.
Seniors with late arrival, please note 2nd period will begin 10 minutes sooner.
Also, Spectrum News will be here in our gym early tomorrow morning for Friday Morning Lights.
Any student here by 8:30 in blue and yellow can head down to the gym for a quick camera large group picture.
October 2, 2019
> Attention Juniors the Practice SAT is coming up on Saturday, October 19th! Please get a sign-up form from the Counseling Center bulletin board or download it from the Schroeder Counseling Center website.
> Attention all current members of the National Honor Society. We are holding a mandatory meeting to review expectations, go over current opportunities for service projects and brainstorm ideas for NHS projects for this year on October 8th at 3:30 in the CCC. This is an important meeting to attend because you will be receiving necessary information in order to earn cords to wear at Graduation.
> Seniors who missed the library's September college essay workshops should mark October 8 on their calendars. "Getting Started on the College Essay" will be offered in the college and career center during 4th period on Tuesday, October 8. Students who are unable to attend but interested in the materials should see Mrs. Strege in the library
> If you're turning 18 or older in 2019, please stop by the voter registration table during lunches on October 3rd.
You can register to vote for the first time or make changes to your existing registration.
Make your voice heard on election day 2019.
If you'd like to assist and receive service hours, please see Law in W24.
> Science Olympiad,Science Olympiad, Science Olympiad! If you love science then this is the club for you! Compete against students from other schools in various Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Earth Science and Engineering events. Our first informational meeting with be Thursday after school in room SW5. Bring your Chromebook and see what our club has to offer. If you can't make the meeting stop by and see either Mr. Brincka, Mr. Lasky or Mr. Gill before this Thursday
> Reminder that SAGE club will be meeting on Thursday after school in room E18. SAGE club is for all people regardless of sexual and gender identity. It's a safe place whether you're in the closet, out, or just an ally. We hope to see you there! See Ms. Reusch with any questions.
> Do you need a hobby that makes you look forward to winter? Have you ever thought about learning to ski or snowboard? Our Schroeder Snowsports informational meeting will be this Thursday, October 3 at 3:20 P.M. in the CCC area of the library. It will last no more than 25 minutes. Please bring your Chromebooks. See Mrs. Strege if you are interested in joining the club but cannot attend the meeting.
> Webster boys volleyball hosted Gates-Chili and improved their record to 4-5 in three straight sets. The offense was led by Allister Spiegel and Evan DeMocker with 10 and 6 kills respectively. Mike Wyant contributed a 4 aces from the serving line. The boys host Brighton at 6:00 tonight at the Schroeder gym...hope to see you there!
> Key Club will be meeting this Thursday 10/3 after school in the College and Career Center. We will be making no sew blankets for rescue shelters
> The girls soccer team defeated Thomas last night by a score of 1-0. Scoring for the Warriors was Anna Hewlett on and assist from Ashley Jacobs.
> Congratulations to the Boys Varsity soccer team for defeating cross-town rivals the Thomas Titans with a score of 1-0 last night to represent the Warriors during Homecoming week and giving Coach Urbanski a nice Birthday present.
> Freshmen: Class shirts will be distributed during 4th and 5th period lunches. See you then!
October 1, 2019
> Attention all current members of the National Honor Society. We are holding a mandatory meeting to review expectations, go over current opportunities for service projects and brainstorm ideas for NHS projects for this year on October 8th at 3:30 in the CCC. This is an important meeting to attend because you will be receiving necessary information in order to earn cords to wear at Graduation.
> Seniors who missed the library's September college essay workshops should mark October 8 on their calendars. "Getting Started on the College Essay" will be offered in the college and career center during 4th period on Tuesday, October 8. Students who are unable to attend but interested in the materials should see Mrs. Strege in the library.
> If you're turning 18 or older in 2019, please stop by the voter registration table during lunches on October 3rd. You can register to vote for the first time or make changes to your existing registration. Make your voice heard on Election Day 2019. If you'd like to assist and receive service hours, please see Law in W24.
>If you love science then Science Olympiad is the club for you! Compete against students from other schools in various Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Earth Science and Engineering events. Our first informational meeting with be Thursday after school in room SW5. Bring your Chromebook and see what our club has to offer. If you can't make the meeting stop by and see either Mr. Brincka, Mr. Lasky, or Mr. Gill before this Thursday.
> Do you actually like writing? Are you a novelist, essayist, poet, songwriter, playwright, future Hollywood screenwriter? Do you like an afternoon cup of tea? Come to the first meeting of the Schroeder Creative Writing Club on Tuesday, October 1 at 3:25 in Mr. Christman's room, E-206. That's Creative Writing Club, Tuesday the 1st of Spooky Season, in E206. See you there.
> Reminder that SAGE club will be meeting on Thursday after school in room E18. SAGE club is for all people regardless of sexual and gender identity. It's a safe place whether you're in the closet, out, or just an ally. We hope to see you there! See Ms. Reusch with any questions.
> This week's college visits include: Trinity College in Dublin Ireland, SUNY Buffalo, University of Miami, Saint Mary's College, Clarkson, and The New School located in the heart of New York City just to name a few. And don't forget the Rochester Area College Fair will be in the library on Wednesday. For all of these visits make sure to sign up in Naviance. Stop by the counseling center if you have any questions!
> Welcome to DREAM, Webster Schroeder's diversity club! DREAM stands for Demonstrate Real Equality for All Mankind, and our mission is to make our school community a more diverse and inclusive place. Our second meeting will be after school today in Mrs. Pazmiño's room, E30. Everyone is welcome! See Mr. Collins, Mrs. Pazmiño, or Mr. Peck for more information.
> Do you like working with students with special needs? Do you enjoy volunteering your time to help others? If so, we are interested in finding students who are willing to volunteer for the Empire State Games for the Physically Challenged field trip. The event takes place on Friday, October 18th. If you would like to learn more, please see Mrs. Gadsby in the Girls PE office for more information.
> Attention Library Club members, we meet today after school in the library. New members are welcome.
> Do you need a hobby that makes you look forward to winter? Have you ever thought about learning to ski or snowboard? Our Schroeder Snowsports informational meeting will be this Thursday, October 3 at 3:20 P.M. in the CCC area of the library. It will last no more than 25 minutes. Please bring your Chromebooks. See Mrs. Strege if you are interested in joining the club but cannot attend the meeting.
> Mr. Fedor (fee-door) would like to congratulate his classes for bringing in 697 articles of clothing for residents of the Bahamas who were affected by Hurricane Dorian. Way to show the world that it's not hard to help! Be proud of yourselves
> The Warrior crew shirts will NOT be handed out today because the sizes that came in were not correct and we want to make sure we have the correct numbers before we sell or hand out shirts. We are sorting out the details this week but are hoping to get the shirts in before Friday's Homecoming game! Thanks for your patience warriors!
> The Mod A Football team won their first game on Saturday over Irondequoit. Scoring for the Warriors were Davis Damelio with a safety and rushing touchdown. John Cahill has a receiving touchdown from QB Drew Pagano. The Warriors next game is Saturday at home against McQuaid at 9AM
September 30, 2019
> Attention Juniors: the Practice SAT is coming up on Saturday, October 19th! Please get a sign-up form from the Counseling Center bulletin board or download it from the Schroeder Counseling Center website.
> Do you like working with students with special needs? Do you enjoy volunteering your time to help others? If so, we are interested in finding students who are willing to volunteer for the Empire State Games for the Physically Challenged field trip. You would be paired with one of Webster Schroeder's participating athletes for the day and cheer them on during their events! The event takes place on Friday, October 18th. If you would like to learn more, please see Mrs. Gadsby in the Girls PE office for more information. Again, anyone interested in volunteering for the Empire State Games for the Physically Challenged, please see Mrs. Gadsby for more details.
> Looking for a club to join? Think you have leadership skills? Looking to compete in some business events throughout the year? If you answered YES to any of these 3 questions, FBLA is calling you to our first FBLA meeting of the year. Hope to see you on Monday, September 30th at 3:25 in Mrs. DeBacco's room. Bring a friend!
> Reminding all Mural Club members to meet today in room E8 with Mrs. Zal-es-ki at 3:25. Be prepared to share out some of your great ideas for our first mural project!
and now over to...
> Seniors who missed the library's September College Essay workshops should mark October 8th on their calendars. "Getting Started on the College Essay" will be offered in the College and Career center during 4th period on Tuesday, October 8. Students who are unable to attend but interested in the materials should see Mrs. Strege in the library
> Science Olympiad! If you love science then this is the club for you! Compete against students from other schools in various Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Earth Science and Engineering events. Our first informational meeting with be Thursday after school in room SW5. Bring your Chromebook and see what our club has to offer. If you can't make the meeting stop by and see either Mr. Brincka, Mr. Lasky or Mr. Gill before this Thursday
> Do you actually like writing? Are you a novelist, essayist, poet, songwriter, playwright, future Hollywood screenwriter? Do you like hanging out with other writers and lovers of literature. Do you like an afternoon cup of tea? Come to the first meeting of the Schroeder Creative Writing Club on Tuesday, October 1 at 3:25 in Mr. Christman's room, E-206. That's Creative Writing Club, Tuesday the 1st of Spooky Season, in E206. See you there.
> Reminder that SAGE club will be meeting on Thursday after school in room E18. SAGE club is for all people regardless of sexual and gender identity. It's a safe place whether you're in the closet, out, or just an ally. We hope to see you there! See Ms. Reusch with any questions.
> Congratulations to the girls and boys cross-country teams on their performances at the McQuaid Invitational this past weekend. The girls were 8th in the seeded race and the boys were 12th in the unseeded race. The fastest lady warriors were Sierra Doody, Sofia Magnera, Addy Carney, Shelby Boise and Leigha Gould. The Fastest boy warriors were Jon Sullo, Nick Duggan, Patrick Morissette, Matt Morrison and Mitch Berenson.
> Congratulations to the Webster JV Girls tennis team on their win last Thursday against Penfield. Singles wins were Audrey China, Cassie Spencer and Stephanie Schoone. Doubles wins were Ela Palermo & Danielle Colelli and Larissa Mitchell & Hope DePerna. Very close sets were played by Cora Putnam at singles and Kayla Richardson & Meghan Cummings in doubles.
On Saturday, Webster took home a win in both singles and doubles at the JV Tennis Tournament. Congratulations to Audrey China at singles and Ela Palermo & Danielle Colelli on their wins. Larissa Mitchell & Hope DePerna made it to the semi-finals, going 1-1 in the tournament. Cassie Spencer won the singles consolation bracket, going 2-1 in the tournament. Great job ladies!
> The Warrior Crew shirts are in! Come down during 4th and 5th lunches in the cafeteria today and tomorrow to pick yours up if you purchased one in the pre order! Also, we will have SOME extra shirts to sell for $15 so if you were unable to purchase one during the pre-order, now's your chance! But come get one before they're gone! Go Warriors!
September 27, 2019
> Attention Juniors: the Practice SAT is coming up on Saturday, October 19th! Please get a sign-up form from the Counseling Center bulletin board or download it from the Schroeder Counseling Center website.
> Do you want to participate in Pep Rally games? See Mrs. Giacoman in E7, or sign-up during lunches this week. Join the fun!
> Come see Schroeder's production of "Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat!" Shows are Friday the 27th at 7:30 and Saturday the 28th at 2:00 and 7:30. Tickets are 10 to 15 dollars and can be purchased online at showtix4u.com, at Wegmans, or at the door. We hope to see you there!
> Do you like working with students with special needs? Do you enjoy volunteering your time to help others? If so, we are interested in finding students who are willing to volunteer for the Empire State Games for the Physically Challenged field trip. You would be paired with one of Webster Schroeder's participating athletes for the day and cheer them on during their events! The event takes place on Friday, October 18th. If you would like to learn more, please see Mrs. Gadsby in the Girls PE office for more information. Again, anyone interested in volunteering for the Empire State Games for the Physically Challenged, please see Mrs. Gadsby for more details.
> Looking for a club to join? Think you have leadership skills? Looking to compete in some business events throughout the year? If you answered YES to any of these 3 questions, FBLA is calling you to our first FBLA meeting of the year. Hope to see you on Monday, September 30th at 3:25 in Mrs. DeBacco's room. Bring a friend!
> Mural Club will be meeting on Monday, September 30th to brainstorm some ideas for our first mural. Please meet in Mrs. Zal-es-ki's room, E8 at 3:25.
> Today, Class of 2021 T-shirts are on sale during the 5th period Lunch for 10 dollars.
Also, EVERYONE can buy a “Touch Screen Pen” for 2 dollars 5th period today and all next week. Stay tuned for what periods you can buy a T-shirt or Pen next week!
> Best of luck to the Webster High School Marching Band as they travel to Long Island this weekend for competition.
> In a hard fought Thursday night game, the Girls soccer team defeated Hilton by a score of two to nothing. Abby Neil had two assists and Morgan Adams and Ashley Jacobs both scored their first two goals of the year to help lead the Warriors. The next game is Tuesday at home against Webster Thomas.
> Principal's Recognition is where members of the Schroeder family are acknowledged for exhibiting CARE, cooperation, accountability, respect, and excellence. Recipients have been nominated by Schroeder staff for recognition.
Being acknowledged this week are Warriors:
Kendall Brown, Deanna Costanzo, Mr. Gomez, Anna Hewlett, Sam Obi, Michael Puglia, Raymond Rios, Phil Unke, Kristen Vignare, and Skyler Wesley
Please come to the Main Office after 1st period this morning to meet with Mr. Benz and receive your awards.
Now over to student council
Now over to Mr. Strege with some sports announcement
And now over to Mr. Gomez and Mr. Fabry for a Jar Wars announcement
September 26, 2019
> The Chess Team is starting a whole new year and you could be a part of it. We are looking for people who want to have fun and learn something at the same time. We even play against other schools. So come down to room W8 today and check it out!
> ATTENTION SCHROEDER BASEBALL PLAYERS: There will be a short informational meeting right after school today in Coach Knight's classroom, W214. Off-season opportunities will be discussed. The meeting will last no more than 20 minutes.
> Do you want to participate in Pep Rally games? See Mrs. Giacoman in E7, or sign-up during lunches this week. Join the fun!
> Come see Schroeder's production of "Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat!" Shows are Friday the 27th at 7:30 and Saturday the 28th at 2:00 and 7:30. Tickets are 10 to 15 dollars and can be purchased online at showtix4u.com, at Wegmans, or at the door. We hope to see you there!
> Do you like working with students with special needs? Do you enjoy volunteering your time to help others? If so, we are interested in finding students who are willing to volunteer for the Empire State Games for the Physically Challenged field trip. You would be paired with one of Webster Schroeder's participating athletes for the day and cheer them on during their events! The event takes place on Friday, October 18th. If you would like to learn more, please see Mrs. Gadsby in the Girls PE office for more information. Again, anyone interested in volunteering for the Empire State Games for the Physically Challenged, please see Mrs. Gadsby for more details.
> Looking for a club to join? Think you have leadership skills? Looking to compete in some business events throughout the year? If you answered YES to any of these 3 questions, FBLA is calling you to our first FBLA meeting of the year. Hope to see you on Monday, September 30th at 3:25 in Mrs. DeBacco's room. Bring a friend!
> There will be a meeting for the Model UN Club today after school in Mrs. Tuyn's room, W6. If you stopped by the Model UN table on Club Fair day, please stop by and see what it's all about!!
> The GeoTech Program fused together Geometry and construction and completed an ADA Compliant ramp for State Road School earlier this week. Nice work, team!
> Freshmen interested in being involved in student council, we need four freshmen representatives to help organize and plan school events. Please see Mr. Peck, Mrs. Lawton, or Mr. Gomez if you are interested.
September 25, 2019
> Attention Juniors: the Practice SAT is coming up on Saturday, October 19th! Please get a sign-up form from the Counseling Center bulletin board or download it from the Schroeder Counseling Center website.
> There will be Peru Trip meeting for Parents and Students on Wednesday September 25th in the CCC after Open house at 7:30! Come see what all the talk is about!
> Hey Class of 2021: Buy your class t-shirt at Open House Today!
Join in and show your School Spirit for a mere $10.00!
> Join Frau Brucker, German Teacher at Willink and Thomas, on Wednesday, September 25th at 6:30pm to learn about our 12-day trip to Central Europe in July 2021. This tour is open to ALL Webster Central School students graduating in 2025 or earlier.
> The Chess Team is starting a whole new year and you could be a part of it. We are looking for people who want to have fun and learn something at the same time. We even play against other schools. So come down to room W8 every Thursday after school!
> ATTENTION SCHROEDER BASEBALL PLAYERS: There will be a short informational meeting right after school this Thursday in Coach Knight's classroom, W214. Off-season opportunities will be discussed. The meeting will last no more than 20 minutes.
> Do you want to participate in Pep Rally games? See Mrs. Giacoman in E7, or sign-up during lunches this week. Join the fun!
> Come see Schroeder's production of "Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat!" Shows are Friday the 27th at 7:30 and Saturday the 28th at 2:00 and 7:30. Tickets are 10 to 15 dollars and can be purchased online at showtix4u.com, at Wegmans, or at the door. We hope to see you there!
> Do you like working with students with special needs? Do you enjoy volunteering your time to help others? If so, we are interested in finding students who are willing to volunteer for the Empire State Games for the Physically Challenged field trip. You would be paired with one of Webster Schroeder's participating athletes for the day and cheer them on during their events! The event takes place on Friday, October 18th. If you would like to learn more, please see Mrs. Gadsby in the Girls PE office for more information. Again, anyone interested in volunteering for the Empire State Games for the Physically Challenged, please see Mrs. Gadsby for more details.
> Congratulations to the girls soccer team on their win over Victor last night by a score of one to zero. Scoring for the Warriors was Anna Hewlett on an assist from Erika Lawson. The defensive core of Mikalya Morelli, Sidney Smith, Abby Neil, Lindsey and Kara Rieger, Nicole Sgroie, Emma Leonardo and goalie Meg Fry has been outstanding all year.
> Congratulations to the Girls Varsity Volleyball team for beating Rush-Henrietta last night. Leading the Warriors was Anna Dubay with 4 kills, Aden Higgins with 2 aces and Giulia Caramelli with some key digs! The ladies are currently 4 and 3 on the year. Good job ladies!
September 24, 2019
> Hey Class of 2021: Buy your class t-shirt at Open House next Wednesday, 9/25!
Join in and show your School Spirit for a mere $10.00!
> To all students who are interested in helping out with the "Hispanic Heritage Month" display, please join the International Club and come to B-2 after school today.
>Join Frau Brucker, German Teacher at Willink and Thomas, on Wednesday, September 25th at 6:30pm to learn about our 12-day trip to Central Europe in July 2021. This tour is open to ALL Webster Central School students graduating in 2025 or earlier.
> ATTENTION SCHROEDER BASEBALL PLAYERS: There will be a short informational meeting right after school this Thursday in Coach Knight's classroom, W214. Off-season opportunities will be discussed. The meeting will last no more than 20 minutes.
> Jostens will be here on Wednesday, September 25 & Thursday, September 26, during lunches, as well as at Open House on Wednesday evening, to take orders for Caps & Gowns & Class Rings. Please turn all order forms in to Jostens while they are here or order online at any time at www.jostens.com.
> Do you want to participate in Pep Rally games? See Mrs. Giacoman in E7, or sign-up during lunches this week. Join the fun!
> Congratulations to the following students for being elected the Class of 2023 Officers:
Class President: Audrey China, Class Vice-President: Jonathan McCaffrey, Class Secretary: Lucy Johnson, Class Treasurer: Sara Fetter
Thanks to everyone who ran! Be sure to follow @SchroederClassOf2023 on Instagram for all the latest Class of 2023 events, news, and updates.
> Attention Juniors and Seniors: Starting this week there will be over 100 colleges coming to the Counseling Center to visit students between now and October. If you are interested in meeting with the admissions counselor at any of the colleges please register through Naviance! This week these are just a few of the colleges that will be visiting: University of Pittsburgh, The University of Alabama (Roll Tide), SUNY Fredonia, SUNY Plattsburgh, Hilbert College, University of New Haven, Utica College, Kent State, Siena, Towson University, Duquesne, St. Bonaventure, Elmira and many, many more!
Remember to register through Naviance if you are interested!
> Come see Schroeder's production of "Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat!" Shows are Friday the 27th at 7:30 and Saturday the 28th at 2:00 and 7:30. Tickets are 10 to 15 dollars and can be purchased online at showtix4u.com, at Wegmans, or at the door. We hope to see you there!
> The Webster Boys Volleyball team traveled to Gates-Chili and improved their record to 3 and 4 in three straight sets. The offense was led by Mat Sanfilippo and Ian McNabb with 8 and 6 kills respectively. Mike DiBisceglie contributed a season-high 10 digs on defense. The boys go south to defending New York State champion Fairport this Friday evening, trying to get back to a .500 record on the year.
> Have you been positively influenced by the works of S.E. Hinton, Laurie Halse Anderson, or Sherman Alexie? How about J.K. Rowling, Angie Thomas, Stephen King, John Green, or Judy Blume?
Did you know that all of these living authors have written books that people attempted to ban? You rebel, you.
This week is the American Library Association's Banned Books Week where we celebrate our intellectual freedom.
Stop down to the library to write a letter or tweet a message to a banned author for whom you are grateful. We also have “I read banned books” stickers and bookmarks, along with some reportedly dangerous books for you to check out!
September 23, 2019
> Attention Juniors: the Practice SAT is coming up on Saturday, October 19th! Please get a sign-up form from the Counseling Center bulletin board or download it from the Schroeder Counseling Center website.
> There will be Peru Trip meeting for parents and students on Wednesday, September 25th in the CCC after Open house at 7:30! Come see what all the talk is about!
> To all students who are interested in helping out with the "Hispanic Heritage Month" display, please join the International Club and come to B-2 after school on Tuesday 9/24.
> Hey! Are you a junior or senior? Does your Spotify playlist or CD collection feature Billie Eilish? Weezer? Tame Impala? Nirvana? The Cure? Are you interested in broadcasting your voice to the world on the radio and web? Are you thinking about a career in communications?
If so - you should come hear all about Webster Varsity Radio Club! We will have an informational meeting at 3:30 on Wednesday at Thomas in Mr. Stahl's room - 334, in the North Hall.
> Join Frau Brucker, German Teacher at Willink and Thomas, on Wednesday, September 25th at 6:30pm to learn about our 12-day trip to Central Europe in July 2021. This tour is open to ALL Webster Central School students graduating in 2025 or earlier.
> Come see Schroeder's production of “Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat!” Shows are Friday the 27th at 7:30 and Saturday the 28th at both 2:00 and 7:30. Tickets are 13 dollars and can be purchased online at showtix4u.com, Wegmans, or at the door. We hope to see you there!
> ATTENTION SCHROEDER BASEBALL PLAYERS: There will be a short informational meeting right after school this Thursday in Coach Knight's classroom, W214. Off-season opportunities will be discussed. The meeting will last no more than 20 minutes.
> Jostens will be here on Wednesday, September 25 & Thursday, September 26, during lunches, as well as at Open House on Wednesday evening to take orders for Caps & Gowns & Class Rings. Please turn all order forms in to Jostens while they are here or order online at any time at www.jostens.com.
> The Girls soccer team defeated Irondequoit by a score of three to zero on Saturday morning. Scoring for Schroeder were Anna Hewlett, Annie Mulhall, and with her first career varsity goal, senior Chloe Caruso. Ella Dossier and Anna both had assists. Meg Fry had the shutout in goal.
> A HUGE congratulations to the Girls Varsity Cross-Country team for winning the Midlakes Invitational this past weekend! First year runner Sierra Doody took 4th in the invite and 8th grader Sofia Magnera was 6th to anchor the girls winning performance. Addy Carney, Leigha Gould, Shelby Boise, Jamie Gudkya and Maddie Ugine were the lady Warriors who sealed the victory. The Boys Cross-Country Team also ran at Midlakes - finishing 10th out of 15 teams. Jon Sullo was the Boys top finisher, coming in 18th. Patrick Morissette, Nick Duggan, Matt Morrison, and Mitch Berenson were the other varsity finishers.
September 20, 2019
> Attention Juniors: The practice SAT is coming up on Saturday, October 19th! Please get a sign-up form from the Counseling Center bulletin board or download it from the Schroeder Counseling Center website.
> Attention all Seniors: Please stop down to the cafeteria this week to pre-order a Class of 2020 Homecoming t-shirt! We will be there all week!
You will not have to pay until the t-shirts come in!
> Do you have some artistic skills to share? Do you want to leave a lasting artistic impression? Then consider joining Mural Club! There will be an informational meeting on Monday, September 23rd after school in Mrs. Zalewski's room, E8. Please see Mrs. Zalewski in E8 if you are interested but unable to attend on Monday as space is limited!
> Hello Freshman Class of 2023! This Saturday, September 21st from 6:00-7:30pm there will be Kickball and a Cookout under the lights on the Schroeder turf! We hope to see you there!
> To all students who are interested in helping out with the "Hispanic Heritage Month" display, please join the International Club and come to B-2 after school on Tuesday September 24th.
> Hey! Are you a junior or senior? Does your Spotify playlist or CD collection feature Billie Eilish? Weezer? Tame Impala? Nirvana? The Cure? Are you interested in broadcasting your voice to the world on the radio and web? Are you thinking about a career in communications? If so, you should come hear all about Webster Varsity Radio Club! We will have an informational meeting at 3:30 on Wednesday at Thomas in Mr. Stahl's room - 334, in the North Hall.
> Travel through the Iron Curtain and World War II to Gothic cathedrals and ancient cities that are now more vibrant than ever. Berlin and Vienna mix historical significance, rich culture and an exciting cosmopolitan energy. Prague, which escaped the bombs of World War II, woos you with old-world charm. And in Krakow and Budapest, two of Europe's most underrated cities, architectural gems await around every corner.
Join Frau Brucker, German Teacher at Willink and Thomas, on Wednesday, September 25th at 6:30pm to learn about our 12-day trip to Central Europe in July 2021. This tour is open to ALL Webster Central School students graduating in 2025 or earlier.
> Come see Schroeder's production of “Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat!” Shows are Friday the 27th at 7:30 and Saturday the 28th at 2:00 and 7:30. Tickets are 13 dollars and can be purchased online at showtix4u.com, at Wegman's, or at the door.
We hope to see you there!
> The Chess Team is starting a whole new year and you could be a part of it. We are looking for people who want to have fun and learn something at the same time. We even play against other schools. So come down to room W8 every Thursday after school!
September 19, 2019
> The Webster Chess team is looking for people who want to have fun, meet interesting people, and beat them at chess. If you are interested please come to room W-8 after school on Thursday (and of course we will have donuts.)
> Key Club will have a short kick-off meeting Thursday, Sept 19 at 3:20 in the College and Career Center.
> Attention all seniors: Please stop down to the cafeteria this week to pre-order a Class of 2020 Homecoming t-shirt! We will be there all week!
You will not have to pay until the t-shirts come in!
> Do you have some artistic skills to share? Do you want to leave a lasting artistic impression? Then consider joining Mural Club! There will be an informational meeting on Monday, September 23rd after school in Mrs. Zalewski's room, E8. Please see Mrs. Zalewski in E8 if you are interested but unable to attend on Monday as space is limited!
> Hello Freshman Class of 2023! This Saturday, September 21st from 6:00-7:30pm is Kickball and a Cook-out Under the Lights on the Schroeder turf! We hope to see you there!
> Attention Seniors: If you would like a lanyard for your gold card, please stop in your Alpha Office.
> Hey Class of 2021: Buy your class t-shirt at Open House next Wednesday, 9/25!
Join in and show your School Spirit for a mere $10.00!
> To all students who are interested in helping out with the "Hispanic Heritage Month" display, please join the International Club and come to B-2 after school on Tuesday, September 24th.
> Congratulations to the Girls Varsity Volleyball team last night as they grinded out a win against a tough Fairport team. Leading the Warriors on defense was Grace DeWitte and Erin Mueller. The offense was anchored by Anya Watkins, Grace Ferruzza, and Sara Botcher! The team is now 3 and 2 on the year! Great job ladies!
> The Girls Soccer team defeated Rush-Henrietta by a score of 1 to 0. Scoring for Schroeder was Erika Lawson on an assist from Abby Neil.
> Hey! Are you a junior or senior? Does your Spotify playlist or CD collection feature Billie Eilish? Weezer? Tame Impala? Nirvana? The Cure? Are you interested in broadcasting your voice to the world on the radio and web? Are you thinking about a career in communications? If so, you should come hear all about Webster Varsity Radio Club! We will have an informational meeting at 3:30 on Wednesday at Thomas in Mr. Stahl's room - 334, in the North Hall.
September 18, 2019
> Attention Juniors: the Practice SAT is coming up on Saturday, October 19th! Please get a sign-up form from the Counseling Center bulletin board or download it from the Schroeder Counseling Center website.
> Sage - the “Sexuality and Gender Equity” Club, will be holding its first meeting this Thursday at 3:20 in E18. We are looking forward to a great school year. All are welcome.
> Julius, the Therapy Dog, is back for another year! Students, if you are interested in visiting him during a free period, study hall, or lunch, please visit @SLP_TherapyDog on Twitter for the Google Form with his availability and to sign up to visit with him! See Mrs. Formella in E18 for questions. Julius cannot wait to see you!
> Attention all Seniors: Please stop down to the cafeteria this week to pre-order a Class of 2020 Homecoming t shirt! We will be there all week!
You will not have to pay until the t-shirts come in!
> The cafeteria now has a coffee bar. There are 5 flavors to choose from, a cappuccino machine with 3 flavors, ice coffee, and flavored creamer. Come check it out. Also, the after-school snack line is reopen. There you'll find Pizza Hut pizza, soda, chips, bagels, and more. We open at 3:10 till approximately 3:35.
> Welcome to “DREAM,” Webster Schroeder's diversity club! DREAM stands for Demonstrate Real Equality for All Mankind, and our mission is to make our school community a more diverse and inclusive place. Our first meeting will be after school today in Mrs. Pazmiño's room, E30. See Mr. Collins, Mrs. Pazmiño, or Mr. Peck for more information.
> Jostens will be here on Thursday, September 19th, to do a presentation on Caps & Gowns for seniors during lunches/free periods.
Jostens will be here next Wednesday, September, 25, & Thursday, September 26, during lunches/free periods & at open house for cap & gown sales.
Please turn your order in to Jostens on one of these 2 days or order online at any time.
The main office, alpha offices & Counseling Center do not take cap & gown orders.
> Hello Freshman Class of 2023! This Saturday 9/21 from 6:00-7:30pm is kickball and cookout Under the Lights on the Schroeder turf! We hope to see you there!
> Congratulations to the Girls and Boys Cross Country teams on their great races in Webster Park yesterday. Both squads ran with a ton of heart and posted great times. The Girls team went undefeated - beating Rush Henrietta, Brockport, and Eastridge to raise their season record to 5 and 1. The Boys beat Eastridge and lost to Brockport and Rush - losing to Rush by a single point. The boys are now 2 and 4. The top varsity finishers for the teams were: Sierra Doody, Sofia Magnera, Addy Carney, Maddie Ugine, Leigha Gould, Jon Sullo, Patrick Morissette, Nick Duggan, Matt Morrison, and Joey Clyde. Great job!
> The Boys Varsity Soccer team won their first game of the season with a one to zero victory over Rush Henrietta. Scoring the lone goal of the game was junior Nick Bartozowitz. Junior Ethan Ellis secured his first ever shutout. Senior Jack Underwood earned a player of the game performance. Up next for the Warriors is an away match vs West Irondequoit on Thursday evening.
> Congratulations to the Girls JV Tennis team on their 5-2 win yesterday against Honeoye Falls-Lima. Singles wins came from Audrey China, Cassie Spencer, and Larissa Mitchell. Doubles wins came from Stephanie Schoone & Maddy Wideman and Cora Putnam & Marissa Ross. Congratulations ladies!
September 17, 2019
> The 5-hour class will be held Tuesday, 9/17 at Schroeder High School, Room E3; class runs from 4:00 PM -9:00 PM. Cost is $52.00 - you can register online at webstercentral.revtrak.net. Please make sure to bring your permit to class.
> If you enjoy solving challenging math problems, you may be interested in Math League. Check out the Google classroom for the schedule and application. The join code is fpph52. Come to our informational meeting in E4 after school on Tuesday 9/17.
> Rotary Interact will host the first meeting of the year on Thursday, September 19th. If you are interested in writing letters for Honor Flight this fall and you want to help others then please come to our first meeting on Thursday September 19th in E27 right after school. If you have any questions please see Mrs. Landis.
> Attention all students who wish to be part of International Club- Our FIRST meeting will be Tuesday, September 17th after school in room B-2. Come with Ideas and we will be doing elections!!!
> Attention any interested students in grades 10-12 There will be Peru Trip meeting for Parents and Students on Wednesday September 25th in the CCC after Open house at 7:30!!!Come see what all the talk is about!!!!
> Today is the first club meeting for Best Buddies from 3:15-4:15 in room W7. We will be giving an overview of what the club is all about, and there will be snacks. We hope to see you there! The video after the morning show will give you an idea of what to expect as a new member.
> The CARE room is now open. If you would like to help make snowflake ornaments for nursing home residents, please get a pass from your Study Hall teacher and go to the CARE Room in E24. Remember... you must have a pass to come to the CARE room and space is limited.
> The Webster Chess team is looking for people who want to have fun, meet interesting people, and beat them at chess. If you are interested please come to room W-8 after School on Thursday and of course we will have donuts.
> Attention Juniors: The Junior class meetings will take place on Tuesday, September 17th during lunch blocks. You should attend the meeting that falls during your study hall so you do not miss lunch. We will discuss items such a homecoming, prom, fundraising, and building expectations.
> Key Club will have a short kick-off meeting Thurs Sept 19 at 3:20 in the College and Career Center.
> Sage, the Sexualtiy and Gender Equity Club, will be holding its first meeting this Thursday at 3:20 in E18. We are looking forward to a great school year. All are welcome.
> The first library club meeting will be held after school in the library TODAY. Stop in to see Mrs. Strege if you are interested in participating but unable to attend the first meeting.
> Attention Freshmen: Today is the last day to cast your vote for your Class of 2023 Officers. Please visit the Google Form Ballot on the Class of 2023 Classroom page and make your vote count! Best of luck to all who are running.
> Julius the Therapy Dog is back for another year! Students, if you are interested in visiting him during a free period, study hall, or lunch, please visit @SLP_TherapyDog on Twitter for the Google Form with his availability and to sign up to visit with him! See Mrs. Formella in E18 for questions. Julius cannot wait to see you!
> Attention all seniors. Please stop down to the cafeteria this week to pre-order a Class of 2020 Homecoming t shirt! We will be there all week!
You will not have to pay until the t shirts come in!
> The cafateria now has a coffee bar. There are 5 flavors to choose from, a cappuccino machine with 3 flavors, ice coffee and flavored creamer. Come check it out. Large, 16 oz. For $2.50, small 12oz, $1.00. Also, have re-opened the afterschool snack line. There you'll find pizza hut pizza, soda, chips, bagels and more. We open at 3:10 till approximately 3:35.
> Congratulations to the Varsity field hockey team on their
6-0 win over Gates Chili. Haylee Darrow scored 3 of the Warriors goals. Also scoring for the Warriors was Maggie Sutera, Hannah Creery and Annabelle Terranova. Shut out by goalie Eve Kowalczyk! Great game played by all! Come see the warriors play Friday night at home against Eastridge!
September 16, 2019
Good morning and welcome to The Morning Show. Today is Monday, September 16, 2019 and a “D” Day.
> The 5-hour class will be held Tuesday, 9/17 at Schroeder High School, Room E3; class runs from 4:00 PM -9:00 PM. Cost is $52.00 - you can register online at webstercentral.revtrak.net. Please make sure to bring your permit to class.
> All singers! Come audition for Acabellas and/or Jazz Choir after school starting at 3:20 on Tuesday, September 17th and Wednesday September 18th in N2, Mrs. Zugelder's room.
Acabellas meet Tuesdays before school and Jazz Choir meets Thursdays before school.
For either auditions, please prepare one minute of your favorite pop song that showcases your voice that you will perform a cappella.
On Friday the 20th we will post the ensemble lists and will begin rehearsals the week of the 23rd.
> Attention Juniors the Practice SAT is coming up on Saturday, October 19th! Please get a sign-up form from the Counseling Center bulletin board or download it from the Schroeder Counseling Center website.
> If you enjoy solving challenging math problems, you may be interested in Math League. Check out the Google classroom for the schedule and application. The join code is fpph52. Come to our informational meeting in E4 after school on Tuesday 9/17.
> Rotary Interact will host the first meeting of the year on Thursday, September 19th. If you are interested in writing letters for Honor Flight this fall and you want to help others then please come to our first meeting on Thursday, September 19th in E27 right after school. If you have any questions please see Mrs. Landis.
>Schroeder's Speech and Debate team is looking for new members! This is a competitive and intellectually-based activity packed with comedy, drama, and yelling at boys from McQuaid. Speech and Debate employs you with valuable life skills. We meet Mondays right after school in Ms Hamm's room W15.
> Attention all students who wish to be part of International Club- Our FIRST meeting will be Tuesday, September 17th after school in room B-2. Come with Ideas and we will be doing elections!!!
Here is some Relevant International News:
Each year, Americans observe National Hispanic Heritage Month from September 15 to October 15, by celebrating the histories, cultures and contributions of American citizens whose ancestors came from Spain, Mexico, the Caribbean and Central and South America. The day of September 15 is significant because it is the anniversary of independence for Latin American countries Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras and Nicaragua. In addition, Mexico and Chile celebrate their independence days on September 16 and September 18, respectively. Also, Columbus Day or Día de la Raza, which is October 12, falls within this 30 day period.
> The CARE room is now open. If you would like to help make snowflake ornaments for nursing home residents, please get a pass from your Study Hall teacher and go to the CARE Room in E24. Remember... you must have a pass to come to the CARE room and space is limited.
> The Webster Chess team is looking for people who want to have fun, meet interesting people, and beat them at chess. If you are interested please come to room W-8 after School on Thursday and of course we will have donuts.
> Attention Juniors: The Junior class meetings will take place on Tuesday, September 17th during lunch blocks. You should attend the meeting that falls during your study hall so you do not miss lunch. We will discuss items such a homecoming, prom, fundraising, and building expectations. Hope to see you there!
> Sage, the Sexuality and Gender Equity Club, will be holding its first meeting this Thursday at 3:20 in E18. We are looking forward to a great school year. All are welcome.
> The first Library Club meeting will be held after school in the library on Tuesday, September 17. Stop in to see Mrs. Strege if you are interested in participating but unable to attend the first meeting.
> Webster Schroeder defeated Brockport Saturday night by a score of 4 to nothing. Scoring for Schroeder was Anna Hewlett with two, Annie Mullhall with one, and Stefanie Selitto with one. Assists go to Katelyn Rieger, Abby Neil, and Ella Dossier. Meg Fry had the shutout in goal.
> The Webster Dance Team will be holding tryouts in E36 today, Monday, September 16th from 3:30-5:00. If you have any questions please email atranello20@webstercsd.org or tmatla20@webstercsd.org. Hope to see you there!
> Attention Freshmen: Class Officer Elections will be held today and tomorrow on our Class of 2023 Google Classroom page. Please go on and cast your vote for the four available positions through the Google Form. Every vote counts!
And now over to Best Buddies:
> "Hi my name is _____________ and I am ______________ and we are members of Best Buddies. Our first club meeting will be this Tuesday, September 17 from 3:15-4:15 in room W7. We will be giving an overview of what the club is all about, and there will be snacks. We hope to see you there!"
And now over to “Meme of the Week”
September 13, 2019
> The 5-hour class will be held Tuesday, 9/17 at Schroeder High School, Room E3; class runs from 4:00 PM -9:00 PM. Cost is $52.00 - you can register online at webstercentral.revtrak.net. Please make sure to bring your permit to class.
> All singers! Come audition for Acabellas and/or Jazz Choir after school starting at 3:20 on Tuesday, September 17th and Wednesday September 18th in N2, Mrs. Zugelder's room.
Acabellas is an all-female a capella group that performs contemporary pop music from your favorite artists like Ariana Grande and Andra Day. They meet Tuesday's before school.
Jazz choir is a mixed vocal group that performs Jazz music in an array of forms. They meet Thursday's before school.
For either auditions, please prepare one minute of your favorite pop song that showcases your voice that you will perform a cappella.
On Friday the 20th we will post the ensemble lists and will begin rehearsals the week of the 23rd.
> Reminder: The Infinite Campus portal app always contains the most up to date schedule information. Any room or course changes will show up in real time on the app. Screenshots are not recommended as they are not always accurate. If you are having difficulties logging into the Infinite Campus app, stop by Mr. Callahan's office in E203
> Attention Juniors the Practice SAT is coming up on Saturday, October 19th! Please get a sign-up form from the Counseling Center bulletin board or download it from the Schroeder Counseling Center website.
> If you enjoy solving challenging math problems, you may be interested in Math League. Check out the Google classroom for the schedule and application. The join code is fpph52. Come to our informational meeting in E4 after school on Tuesday 9/17.
> Rotary Interact will host the first meeting of the year on Thursday, September 19th. If you are interested in writing letters for Honor Flight this fall and you want to help others then please come to our first meeting on Thursday September 19th in E27 right after school. If you have any questions please see Mrs. Landis.
> >Schroeder's speech and debate team is looking for new members! This is a competitive and intellectually-based activity packed with comedy, drama, and yelling at boys from McQuaid. Speech and debate employs you with valuable life skills. today's speaker of the day is Oprah Winfrey, who developed her keen interview skills with forensic competition. We meet mondays right after school in Ms Hamm's room W15.
> Warrior crew shirts are being sold in the cafeteria during 4th and 5th block lunches on Thursday AND Friday. Friday will be the last day to buy shirts. They are $15 dollars, long sleeve and cotton. Make sure to get one so you can wear it to sporting events to support our teams this WHOLE year! Again, Friday is the last day for pre orders! Once the shirts come in we will hand them out and have some extra shirts to sell but not a lot so get your pre orders in! Go Warriors!
> Attention all students who wish to be part of International Club- Our FIRST meeting will be Tuesday September 17th after school in room B-2. Come with Ideas and We will be doing elections!!!
> The Webster Chess team is looking for people who want to have fun, meet interesting people, and beat them at chess. If you are interested please come to room W-8 after School on Thursday and of course we will have donuts.
> Webster boys volleyball rode the Marco Polo spice route to Brockport and won their second straight away match, this time in four sets. Allister Spiegel and Michael Dedee quarterbacked the offense, dishing out a combined 33 assists. Spiegel also paced Webster with 12 kills...followed by Evan DeMocker and Doug Chandler with 11 and 8 kills, respectively. Defensive standouts were Mike Wyant and Zach Zian with 10 digs each.
> Attention Juniors: The Junior class meetings will take place on Tuesday, September 17th during lunch blocks. You should attend the meeting that falls during your study hall so you do not miss lunch. We will discuss items such a homecoming, prom, fundraising, and building expectations. Hope to see you there!
> Key Club will have a short kick-off meeting Thurs Sept 19 at 3:20 in the College and Career Center.
> Best Buddies will have their first meeting on Tuesday, September 17 from 3:15-4:15 in room W7. We will be giving an overview of what the club is all about, and there will be snacks. We hope to see you there! The following video will give you an idea of what to expect as a new member." (Please air video right after announcement)
> I'd like to take this moment to congratulate the following students for their outstanding achievements!
Bridget McNamara - for having completed Geva Theatres Summer Academy in an exemplary manner - Bridget, please pick your certificate from Geva in the main office
Felix Huang - for being selected as an alternate violin/celloist in the NYSSMA All-State Conference
Luke Stowell - for being selected as a Bass I in the Mixed Chorus in the NYSSMA All-State Conference
Adelyn Carney - for being selected as a Clarinet player in the Symphonic Band in the NYSSMA All-State Conference
And Sara Kidane for being selected as a Soprano 1 in the Treble Chorus in the NYSSMA All-State Conference
Congratulations to all on a job well done!
September 12, 2019
> Interested in joining a club this year?! Make sure you check out the annual Schroeder Club and Activity Fair on Thursday September 12th during your lunch period. It is a great way to try something new, meet new people, strengthen or expand your interests, help your community and even enhance that college application. See you Thursday!
> Reminder: The Infinite Campus portal app always contains the most up to date schedule information. Any room or course changes will show up in real time on the app. Screenshots are not recommended as they are not always accurate. If you are having difficulties logging into the Infinite Campus app, stop by Mr. Callahan's office in E203
> Are you interested in taking pictures? Do you like graphic design? Do you like attending school events? Do you like seeing a project through to the end? Then yearbook may be for you! There will be an informational meeting for yearbook on Thursday in Ms Metz' room, E21 after school. If you cannot make it but are interested stop down and see Ms Metz or Ms Woodward during a free period. Hope to see you there.
> If you enjoy solving challenging math problems, you may be interested in Math League. Check out the Google classroom for the schedule and application. The join code is fpph52. Come to our informational meeting in E4 after school on Tuesday 9/17.
> Please Air Sept. 12-19th
Rotary Interact will host the first meeting of the year on Thursday, September 19th. If you are interested in writing letters for Honor Flight this fall and you want to help others then please come to our first meeting on Thursday September 19th in E27 right after school. If you have any questions please see Mrs. Landis.
> >Schroeder's speech and debate team is looking for new members! This is a competitive and intellectually-based activity packed with comedy, drama, and yelling at boys from McQuaid. Speech and debate employs you with valuable life skills. today's speaker of the day is Steve Buscemi, who competed against future co-stars in high school speech tournaments. We meet mondays right after school in Ms Hamm's room W15.
> Warrior crew shirts are being sold in the cafeteria during 4th and 5th block lunches on Thursday AND Friday. Friday will be the last day to buy shirts. They are $15 dollars, long sleeve and cotton. Make sure to get one so you can wear it to sporting events to support our teams this WHOLE year! Again, Friday is the last day for pre orders! Once the shirts come in we will hand them out and have some extra shirts to sell but not a lot so get your pre orders in! Go Warriors!
> Attention all students who wish to be part of International Club- Our FIRST meeting will be Tuesday, September 17th after school in room B-2. Come with Ideas and We will be doing elections!!!
> Webster boys volleyball travelled to Eastridge and won their first match of the young season in three straight sets. The offense was led by Allister Spiegel's 9 kills and 6 assists, while Mat Sanfilippo contributed 5 kills. Michael Dedee handed out 10 assists; defensively Doug Chandler continued to lead the team in blocking, adding three more to his total. The boys travel out to Brockport this evening, trying to get back to a .500 record on the year.
> Attention any interested students in grades 10-12- There will be Peru Trip meeting for Parents and Students on Wednesday September 25th in the CCC after Open house at 7:30!!!Come see what all the talk is about!
> We’re here to talk about the robotics team, Sparx, I’m Ethan from the Mechanical team
and I’m Skyler from the software team.
Whether it be building, designing, programming, or marketing we do it all. We require no prior knowledge and encourage anyone to join, those who want to learn more to come to Thomas High School next Wednesday on the 18th 7-8.
In addition to being a fun learning experience, you can earn scholarships and it’s a great thing to add to your college application/resume. We compete in two regionals, one at RIT and another in Cleveland Ohio.
Once again for those interested, come visit the Thomas High School next Wednesday on the 18th from 7pm- 8pm.
And check out our website at gosparx.org,
September 11, 2019
> The 5-hour class will be held Tuesday, 9/17 at Schroeder High School, Room E3; class runs from 4:00 PM -9:00 PM. Cost is $52.00 - you can register online at webstercentral.revtrak.net. Please make sure to bring your permit to class.
> Interested in joining a club this year?! Make sure you check out the annual Schroeder Club and Activity Fair on Thursday September 12th during your lunch period. It is a great way to try something new, meet new people, strengthen or expand your interests, help your community and even enhance that college application. See you Thursday!
> All singers! Come audition for Acabellas and/or Jazz Choir after school starting at 3:20 on Tuesday, September 17th and Wednesday September 18th in N2, Mrs. Zugelder's room.
Acabellas is an all-female a capella group that performs contemporary pop music from your favorite artists like Ariana Grande and Andra Day. They meet Tuesday's before school.
Jazz choir is a mixed vocal group that performs Jazz music in an array of forms. They meet Thursday's before school.
For either auditions, please prepare one minute of your favorite pop song that showcases your voice that you will perform a cappella.
On Friday the 20th we will post the ensemble lists and will begin rehearsals the week of the 23rd.
> Have you ever dreamed of traveling to Peru and exploring Machu Picchu and connecting with students in another country to learn about their day to day life?
If so then join Madame Rayton and Senora Hall on a trip to Peru during February break of 2020. Your time on this trip will also qualify for service hours and will stand out on college applications. Stay tuned for more information on a meeting date and time.
> Freshman interested in running for class officers, please stop and see Mr. Gomez or Mrs. Lawton and let them know. Be the change you want to see!
> Attention Juniors the Practice SAT is coming up on Saturday, October 19th! Please get a sign-up form from the Counseling Center bulletin board or download it from the Schroeder Counseling Center website.
> Are you interested in taking pictures? Do you like graphic design? Do you like attending school events? Do you like seeing a project through to the end? Then yearbook may be for you! There will be an informational meeting for yearbook on Thursday in Ms Metz' room, E21 after school. If you cannot make it but are interested stop down and see Ms Metz or Ms Woodward during a free period. Hope to see you there.
> Congratulations to the girls and boys cross-country teams on their performances yesterday. The girls defeated Spencerport and Irondequoit and lost to a tough Fairport squad. The boys ran hard but came up winless. The top five runners for the girls were: Sophia Magnera, Sierra Doody, Leigha Gould, Maddie Ugine and Shelby Boise. The top five runners for the boys were:Jon Sullo, Patrick Morissette, Nick Duggan, Matt Morrison and Tyler Petrillo. Well done to all the athletes that ran.
> If you enjoy solving challenging math problems, you may be interested in Math League. Check out the Google classroom for the schedule and application. The join code is fpph52. Come to our informational meeting in E4 after school on Tuesday 9/17.
> Good morning. My name is Mr. Colleluori and I teach Humanities and United States History. Today, I would like you to join me in remembering the events of eighteen years ago. On September 11, 2001, 2,977 people lost their lives to terrorist attacks at the World Trade Center Towers, the Pentagon, and aboard Flight 93. These losses mark the most devastating terrorist attacks the world has ever experienced. As Governor Cuomo reminded us this week, we must “never forget: not just the pain of the moment, but of the courage, sacrifice and outpouring of love that defined our response” in the days that followed.
Please join me in a moment of silence in honor of the lives lost on that tragic day… Thank you.
For the last ten years, September 11th has been designated as the National Day of Service and Remembrance and is a challenge to all Americans to do at least one good deed. We do this to remember not only the loss of life, but also the heroic actions of the first responders and recovery workers, police officers and firefighters, public safety officers and EMTs, and the men and women in the armed forces who risked their safety in service of others. Honoring this moment in our nation’s history by serving in our community helps transform 9/11 into a day of unity, empathy, and service. Today, our service activities and charitable actions can spark a spirit of unity in America, New York, and Webster. Let’s turn tragedy into triumph; view each other as neighbors, not as strangers; and recognize the power of working together as one community.
Please honor this memory and support #911DAY. Every good deed counts - go make the world a better place, Warriors.
September 10, 2019
> Calling all seniors: Next Tuesday, September 10th, Mrs. Strege begins hosting college essay writing workshops in the CCC during lunch blocks. Information on this 3-part series is available from the library and the counseling center. Sign up through Naviance.
> We would like to invite any students who are wondering what Model UN Club is all about by coming to our first meeting of the year, Tuesday, September 10 in Mrs. Tuyn's room, W6. We will be choosing our countries to represent Schroeder at the Model UN Conference of the year in November at Hilton High School. Come with a friend. Come if you have questions. Come if you're just curious. See you then.
> There will be softball intramurals for any girl interested in playing softball on Mondays and Tuesdays at the Town Hall 3:30-5:00 weather permitting. They will start this Monday, September 9.
> Silly sally sells seashells down by the sea shore. Are you a natural infront of the camera? Do you want to deliver high-quality, non-fake news? Then a Morning Show anchor is the role for you! Stop down and visit Mr. Gomez or Miss Cooman to set-up an audtion time.
> Reminder: The Infinite Campus portal app always contains the most up to date schedule information. Any room or course changes will show up in real time on the app. Screenshots are not recommended as they are not always accurate. If you are having difficulties logging into the Infinite Campus app, stop by Mr. Callahan's office in E203
> Have you ever dreamed of traveling to Peru and exploring Machu Picchu and connecting with students in another country to learn about their day to day life?
If so then join Madame Rayton and Senora Hall on a trip to Peru during February break of 2020. Your time on this trip will also qualify for service hours and will stand out on college applications. Stay tuned for more information on a meeting date and time.
> Attention Freshman and Sophomore girls: Are you interested in joining a fun and hardworking team? If so, the JV Field Hockey team is looking to add more to their roster. If you are interested please stop by Semmler field on Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday to see what field hockey is all about. You can meet the coaches and the team to see if it might be a good fit for you.
> Freshman interested in running for class officers, please stop and see Mr. Gomez or Mrs. Lawton and let them know. Be the change you want to see!
> The Webster Dance team will be holding tryouts in E36 Friday September 13th and Monday September 16th from 3:30-5:00. If you have any questions please email atranello20@webstercsd.org or tmatla20@webstercsd.org. Hope to see you there!
> Are you interested in taking pictures? Do you like graphic design? Do you like attending school events? Do you like seeing a project through to the end? Then yearbook may be for you! There will be an informational meeting for yearbook on Thursday in Ms Metz' room, E21 after school. If you cannot make it but are interested stop down and see Ms Metz or Ms Woodward during a free period. Hope to see you there.
> The Warrior Crew t-shirts are for sale during lunches today. They are 15 dollars a shirt.
> Schroeder's speech and Debate Team is looking for new members! This is a competitive and intellectually-based activity packed with comedy, drama, and yelling at boys from McQuaid. Speech and Debate employs you with valuable life skills. Today's speaker of the day, 44th President Barack Obama, was on his high school's debate team where he developed s political dexterity. We meet Mondays right after school in Ms Hamm's room W15.
September 9, 2019
> The 5-hour class will be held Tuesday, 9/17 at Schroeder High School, Room E3; class runs from 4:00 PM -9:00 PM. Cost is $52.00 - you can register online at webstercentral.revtrak.net. Please make sure to bring your permit to class.
> Calling all seniors: Next Tuesday, September 10th, Mrs. Strege begins hosting college essay writing workshops in the CCC during lunch blocks. Information on this 3-part series is available from the library and the counseling center. Sign up through Naviance.
> We would like to invite any students who are wondering what Model UN Club is all about by coming to our first meeting of the year, Tuesday, September 10 in Mrs. Tuyn's room, W6. We will be choosing our countries to represent Schroeder at the Model UN Conference of the year in November at Hilton High School. Come with a friend. Come if you have questions. Come if you're just curious. See you then.
> There will be softball intramurals for any girl interested in playing softball on Mondays and Tuesdays at the Town Hall 3:30-5:00 weather permitting. They will start this Monday, September 9.
> Silly sally sells seashells down by the sea shore. Are you a natural in front of the camera? Do you want to deliver high-quality, non-fake news? Then a Morning Show anchor is the role for you! Stop down and visit Mr. Gomez or Miss Cooman to set-up an audition time.
> Interested in joining a club this year?! Make sure you check out the annual Schroeder Club and Activity Fair on Thursday September 12th during your lunch period. It is a great way to try something new, meet new people, strengthen or expand your interests, help your community and even enhance that college application. See you Thursday!
> All singers! Come audition for Acabellas and/or Jazz Choir after school starting at 3:20 on Tuesday, September 17th and Wednesday September 18th in N2, Mrs. Zugelder's room.
Acabellas is an all-female a capella group that performs contemporary pop music from your favorite artists like Ariana Grande and Andra Day. They meet Tuesday's before school.
Jazz choir is a mixed vocal group that performs Jazz music in an array of forms. They meet Thursday's before school.
For either auditions, please prepare one minute of your favorite pop song that showcases your voice that you will perform a cappella.
On Friday the 20th we will post the ensemble lists and will begin rehearsals the week of the 23rd.
> Reminder: The Infinite Campus portal app always contains the most up to date schedule information. Any room or course changes will show up in real time on the app. Screenshots are not recommended as they are not always accurate. If you are having difficulties logging into the Infinite Campus app, stop by Mr. Callahan's office in E203
> Have you ever dreamed of traveling to Peru and exploring Machu Picchu and connecting with students in another country to learn about their day to day life?
If so then join Madame Rayton and Senora Hall on a trip to Peru during February break of 2020. Your time on this trip will also qualify for service hours and will stand out on college applications. Stay tuned for more information on a meeting date and time.
> The girls' soccer team tied Hilton Saturday night in a hard fought home opening game. Emma Leonardo had the lone goal for Schroder on an assist from Ashley Jacobs. The defensive unit of Sidney Smith, Mikayla Morelli, Lindsey and Kara Rieger, Abby Neil, and Nicole Sgroi have been outstanding all season. The girls' soccer game next home game is Tuesday vs Fairport at 7:15pm.
> Attention Freshman and sophomore girls: Are you interested in joining a fun and hardworking team? If so, the JV Field Hockey team is looking to add more to their roster. If you are interested please stop by Semmler field on Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday to see what field hockey is all about. You can meet the coaches and the team to see if it might be a good fit for you.
> Congratulations to the Webster JV girl's tennis team for their victory against Canandaigua Friday. Singles victories came from Audrey China, Cassie Spencer, and Danielle Colelli. Doubles victories came from Larissa Mitchell & Hope DePerna and Stephanie Schoone & Madeline Wideman. Leading but not able to finish their final set due to rain were Ela Palermo and Cora Putnam & Marisa Ross. Congratulations ladies!
> Freshman interested in running for class officers, please stop and see Mr. Gomez or Mrs. Lawton and let them know. Be the change you want to see!
> Congratulations to the boys and girls cross-country teams on their excellent effort at the Dash in the Dark invitational this past weekend. The girls team top finishers were Sierra Doody, Sophia Magnera, Jaime Gudyka, Maddie Ugine and Leigha Gould. The boys team top finishers were Jon Sullo, Tyler Petrillo, Patrick Morissette, Matt Morrison and Nick Duggan. Two underclassmen who ran excellent races in their first ever high school meet were Shelby Boise and Jack Brunswick. Well done everyone!