Panther Press

Week of March 10, 2025
Upcoming Events
March 13 - Parent-Teacher Conferences 3:00-7:00 pm (More information below)
March 14 - Pi Day
March 20 - Music in Our Schools Month Concert for 5-6 Band and Chorus (During School Day, no evening commitment)
March 20 - Parent-Teacher Conferences 3:00-7:00 pm (More information below)
March 21 - Inservice Day (NO SCHOOL for students)
April 10 - GDBA Author Visit at OVUHS- 4th-6th grades, 12-2 pm
April 10th - 3/4 Celebration of Learning (5pm) and Concert in the gym (6pm) (snow date April 15th)
May 8 - K-2 Celebration of Learning (5pm) and Outdoor Concert (6pm) (rain date May 13th)
May 14 - District Student Art show at OVUHS
May 15th - Spring Concert for Chorus, 5th and 6th Grade Band, 4th Grade Band and Piano Students in gym (6pm)
Read Across America Fun!
Parent-Teacher Conferences
Family conference sign up will look different this spring. We are testing a new program to streamline our process. On February 21, 2025, you should have received an email from SchoolSoft or PowerSchool with a link and instructions on how to sign up in our new software. If you did not receive the email, please check your SPAM folder and then reach out to Sara Eddy at seddy@rnesu.org with any questions or concerns. Please bear with us as we all navigate this new system together. Sara would appreciate any feedback both positive or negative that you are able to provide once you have used the system. This will guide our decision as to whether or not we continue with this program in the future.
Emails from Lothrop (RNESU)
Please be aware that we have received information that emails sent from Lothrop might go to email spam folders. Please check your spam folder routinely and let us know if you are not receiving regular communication from Lothrop (RNESU). Thank you!
Girls on the Run
Lothrop School families and friends, we are excited to be bringing back Girls on the Run to our community this spring with Sarah Gecha and Kayla Desabrais as coaches! Girls on the Run is an afterschool program that uses research based lessons to empower young girls and help them build confidence. Navigating through tough times takes perseverance. This season's curriculum inspires all participants to say “I can!” to every obstacle that comes their way. Participants will build confidence to overcome difficult situations, inspire others to keep going when it’s hard, and embrace their confidence to make a difference in their community.
Online registration will open on Wednesday, February 26th at 8am. Our season starts the week of March 17th and culminates June 7th in a noncompetitive, celebratory 5K event. Our team will meet twice a week for 90 minutes each session for 10 weeks. Girls on the Run is open to girls in grades 3-6. If your child is interested in participating this spring, please complete GOTRVT's Participant Interest Form ahead of registration opening in February. Filling out the interest form means you will get an email reminder the day before and morning of about registration opening. To learn more about these programs, check out gotrvt.org/programs. Have further questions? Contact GOTRVT at anne@girlsontherunvermont.org or 802-871-5664.
Important Information
Car Pick-up Reminder
Car riders are dismissed to the lower lot on Pleasant Street at 2:35 PM each day. Parents should be waiting in the car pick-up line until they reach the designated pick-up area. If you have students at Lothrop and Otter Valley, please have your children meet and wait together. We ask that you join the end of the car pick-up line to ensure that both of your children are ready to be picked up. If you arrive early, we ask that you pull into the lower lot and park. Please don’t park on Pleasant Street or Cross Street blocking in residents and/or the fire station.
PowerSchool Incident
As we continue to address the recent PowerSchool cybersecurity incident, we want to ensure that questions and concerns are handled efficiently. For the most current information:
Visit the RNESU Website:
Our website will have the most up-to-date information and resources related to the incident as they become available. https://www.rnesu.org/page/powerschool-cybersecurity-incidentContact Via Email:
For more specific questions or concerns, families and staff can reach out via email to psinfo@rnesu.org.
Thank you for your help and support as we navigate this situation.
Chaperone Guidelines - Sign-up to Be a Volunteer!
It is the time of year where we begin to think about field trips. If you are planning on chaperoning a field trip or volunteering at Lothrop throughout the year, you are required to complete a background check, fingerprinting, and ID scanning through Raptor, our Supervisory Union security system. Due to the amount of time it takes to complete the full process, we are asking parents/guardians to begin the process now. Appointments for fingerprinting fill up fast and we want to ensure that everyone has an opportunity to attend field trips and take part in volunteering for school events with their students. If you are interested in chaperoning or want to check and see if the background check you completed in the past is still valid, please reach out to Sara Eddy at seddy@rnesu.org or call the office at 802-483-2242.
PTO News
News from the Cafeteria
Caverly News
Community News
Email: sfarrington@rnesu.org
Website: https://lothrop.rnesu.org/
Location: US Route 7, Pittsford, VT, 05763
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/LothropSchool/