Dear Caldwell Family,
Just three weeks into the new year, we are already into our routines. Monday evening I updated the Board of Trustees on our strong start. Caldwell ISD continues to demonstrate slow steady growth with 1,941 students currently enrolled. The 2024-2025 school year has exciting promise.
Thank you for your ongoing support.
Dr. James Barton
Caldwell ISD Superintendent
August 26, 2024 Board Brief
The Board meeting was called to order at 6:00 PM followed by the pledge and prayer, led by Dr. James Barton.
Recognize Students and Staff
Dr. Barton, Caldwell ISD Superintendent, recognized Hayden Kemper and Grant Leubner, who were selected as Caldwell ISD’s “September Students of the Month.” Additionally, he recognized Amanda Burrows as the “September Employee of the Month.”
Public Input
Nathan Ausley addressed the board regarding event ticketing.
Superintendent’s Report
Enrollment Report:
The enrollment of Caldwell ISD is currently 1,941 students.
Informational Reports
Extracurricular Report - Athletics:
Jane Anne Giese, Assistant Athletic Director, presented the Spring Extracurricular Recap with the successes they achieved this past year. The full presentation can be found HERE.
Communications Update:
Tammie Novosad, Communications Director, introduced the newly launched website and mobile app, highlighting key features like seamless language translation, an easily accessible campus-wide event calendar, and push notifications for the app.
Finance Reports:
Heather Escalante, Chief Operating Officer, presented the July Financial Reports. The full report can be viewed HERE.
HB 3 Goal Update:
Erin Supak, Chief Academic Officer, presented updates on progress towards district HB 3 goals and shared proposed updates. The full report can be viewed HERE.
New Business (Action Items)
Consider and Approve HB 3 Goals:
The Board of Trustees unanimously approved the HB 3 Goals as presented.
Consider and Approve District Performance Objectives:
Mrs. Supak presented the district’s updated performance objectives. The Board of Trustees unanimously approved the performance objectives as presented.
Consider and Approve Staff Development Waiver:
The Board of Trustees unanimously approved a staff development waiver with TEA that allows school districts to train staff on various educational strategies in lieu of student instruction during the school year.
Consideration and Approval of a Resolution by the Board of Trustees of the Caldwell Independent School District Providing for the Defeasance and a Calling for Redemption Certain Current Outstanding Obligations; Directing that the Board Secretary, or Designee, Effectuate the Redemption of these Obligations; Authorize the Execution of an Escrow Agreement; and other Matters in Connection Therewith:
Heather Escalante requested the Board approve a resolution to retire bonded debt. This resolution will result in future value savings of over $143,920 for taxpayers. The Board of Trustees unanimously approved the resolution.
Consider and Approve an Agreement for the Purchase of Attendance Credit (Option 3 Agreement) and to Delegate Contractual Authority to the Superintendent:
The Board of Trustees unanimously approved an agreement to purchase attendance credits and approved delegating contractual authority to CISD Superintendent Dr. James Barton.
Consent Agenda
Meeting Minutes: The Board of Trustees unanimously approved the meeting minutes.
The Board went into Executive Session at 6:53 PM.
The Board Meeting adjourned at 7:15 PM.
About Caldwell ISD
Caldwell Independent School District was officially established as a public school district in 1923 and serves the northern and western portions of Burleson County. In 1990, Caldwell ISD became the largest school district in the county that serves just under 2,000 students and is comprised of four campuses: Caldwell Elementary
(PK - 3rd), Caldwell Intermediate (4th - 6th), Caldwell Junior High School (7th - 8th), and Caldwell High School (9th -12th). The district also has a District Alternative Education Program and an Alternative Center of Education.
Caldwell ISD is the home of the Hornets. The official colors are Texas orange and white. Texas UIL classifies Caldwell ISD Hornets as a 4A district.
Location: 203 North Gray Street, Caldwell, TX, USA
Phone: 979-567-2400
Twitter: @CaldwellProud