Gayman Gazette

December 17th Edition
Thank you for your generosity!
What an amazing communuty we have! Thank you for making the holidays brighter for so many children and their parents. We are so thankful for your generous spirit and kind hearts. Every gift card collected is going to a Gayman family in need.
With our warmest wishes for a wonderful new year,
The Gayman Staff
Mark Your Calendar:
- Now-Friday, December 20th: Student Council Spirit Week
Wednesday, 12/18 - Winter Wonder What It Will Be
Thursday, 12/19 - Rock Your Seasonal Socks
Friday, 12/20 - Comfy Cozy Day
- Tuesday, December 17th @ 3:30PM: Musical Rehearsal - "Sparkle"
- Wednesday, December 18th @ 7:45AM: Band & Strings Rehearsal
- Wednesday, December 18th @ 9:00AM: Cookies, Coffee, & Cocoa donations due
- Wednesday, December 18th @ 7:00PM: Winter Concert
- Thursday, December 18th: 1st GR Grinch Day
- Thursday, December 19th: 2nd GR Polar Express Day
- Friday, December 20th: Student Holiday Sing (Sing along assembly, K-6)
- Monday, December 23rd-Wednesday, January 1st: CBSD Closed (Holiday/Winter Break)
- Thursday, January 2nd: Return from Winter Break PJ Day
- Thursday, January 2nd @ 3:30PM: Musical Rehearsal - "I Won't Grow Up" & "Maybe"
- Friday, January 3rd: First Friday - Mustang Spirit Day
- Friday, January 3rd: Student Council Game Day
- Monday, January 6th: School Assembly
- Monday, January 6th @ 3:30PM: Musical Rehearsal - "We're In A Play"
- Wednesday, January 8th @ 3:30PM: Musical Rehearsal - "Story Of My Life"
- Thursday, January 9th OR Friday, January 10th: GHSA Family Bingo (Details below)
2025-2026 CBSD District Calendar
The CBSD instructional calendar for the 2025-26 school year was approved by the Board at its monthly meeting on December 2nd.
To see the calendar click here: View the calendar
We Said YAY to Pajama day!!
Thank you for your generous donations! The students and staff at Gayman Elementary School raised $895.01 on Friday for CHOP Hospital in Philadelphia! Together, we are making a difference in the lives of children.
Holiday Spirit Week
Return from Break Spirit Days!
Quick Links in this Gazette:
Winter Concert - Tomorrow
Important CBSD Information
Parent Portal Now Open for Viewing Grades:
On December 16 at 1 p.m., the CBSD Parent Portal opened for you to access your child's first trimester report card. The first trimester ended on Wednesday, December 4th. To access the report card when the portal opens, please follow the directions available here. A one-page informational document on navigating the portal can be viewed here.
Kindergarten Schedule Update-Two New Half Days in June:
As a result of adjustments to the 2024-25 school calendar that added two half-days to the end of the school year (June 11 and June 12), CBSD kindergartners who attend the AM session this school year will have their last day of school on Wednesday, June 11 in the AM and there will be no PM session. Kindergartners who attend the PM session will attend in the AM on Thursday, June 12 and their last day of school will be Friday, June 13 in the AM.
December Lock Screen Winner, January Contest Open:
Congrats to Unami 9th grader Caitlyn Lee for winning December round of CBSD's lock screen contest! Her original artwork inspired by the "Resilient Learners" attribute of CBSD's Portrait of a Graduate will be featured on district devices throughout December.
Students can now try their hand at being the first winner of 2025 in the next round of the contest, inspired the "Critical Thinkers" attribute. Submissions are due Dec. 20th. More details
Lunch costs have increased by $.10 for the 24-25 school year.
The district is continuing to offer free breakfast!
Lunch Cost: $2.85
Create a Meal Payment Account on MySchoolBucks:
CBSD utilizes the online platform MySchoolBucks for school meal payments, making it easy to oversee a child's meal choices and maintain their account balance. It is important that an account is created for every student, regardless of whether they take part in school meals or not.
You can access MySchoolBucks to view and/or set up an account for your student(s) here.
To set up an account, you will need your child(ren)'s student identification number(s), which can be found in the Parent Portal.
Free & Reduced Lunch Information:
The application for free and reduced meal pricing for the 2024-25 school year is open. You can access the online application for Free & Reduced Meals by clicking here. The application must be submitted each year AND for each child. If your child received free or reduced lunch last year, you must re-apply for the 24-25 school year.
Learn more by visiting the full informational webpage here.
Gayman Home & School Information
Cookies, Coffee, & Cocoa - December 18th:
We want our Teachers & Staff to enjoy some Cookies, Coffee and Cocoa leading up to the Holiday break! We ask that all cookies, bars, and candy be dropped off to the main office by tomorrow at 9am!
Please Click here to donate Cookies, Coffee or Cocoa!
We appreaicte your generosity!
GHSA Bingo - Save the Dates:
Gayman Family Bingo Nights - Thursday, January 9th and Friday, January 10th!
One of our favorite family events is back and there are some great prizes to win! There will be FIVE games of Bingo, Prizes, and Snacks.
The sign-up will go out TOMORROW, December 18th at 3:00pm
- Date: January 9th OR January 10th (choose ONE night to attend)
- Time: 6:00pm -8:00pm
- Location: Gayman Elementary School
- Cost: $3 per person or max $10 per family
Minted's Fundraising Program:
Do you use Minted for holiday cards? Invitations? Well they have partnered with GHSA to give our families 20% off stationary + custom gifts ALL YEAR LONG and they will donate 15% of the purchase back to GHSA! It's a win, win! Check out thieir website.
Use our unique code: FUNDRAISEGAYMANHSA
Tech Tip Tuesday:
Learn more about the organization in this video: https://www.waituntil8th.org/our-story
School reminders that will remain in all issues of the Gazette.
Attendance Information:
All absences must be entered through the Parent Portal.
Click here for more information, including directions on how to upload a student absence: Managing Student Attendance.
CBSD wishes to remind families of important information regarding attendance. Pennsylvania's school laws, like Act 138 of 2016 and the updated Act 16, outline what is required for mandatory school attendance and procedures to follow when students are absent or late. Learn more.
Early Dismissal for Appointments:
Student dismissal begins promptly at 3:15PM.
If you need to pick your child up early for an appointment, please pick them up no later then 2:45PM. After 2:45PM, your child can be dismissed with the other walkers, bus riders, and car riders in his/her classroom to ensure a safe and efficient dismissal for everyone. Thank you!
Volunteering & Clearance Information:
To volunteer at a class party or chaperone a field trip, your clearances must be up-to-date & on file with Central Bucks School District.
If your clearances are current, upload them into the App Garden - Volunteer Tracker. If your clearances have expired, or you need to begin the clearance process, click on the Required Documents for the directions. For more information, consult the Human Resources Volunteer Required Paperwork webpage.
Registration Open for 2025-26 School Year:
Families of students who will be eligible for kindergarten in CBSD in 2025-26 are now able to register online. Families of students in any grade who will be new to CBSD in the 2025-26 school year are also able to register. Learn more about registration here and start a new registration application here.
Stay Connected:
Gayman Elementary School
Shawn Ortman, Principal
Jennifer Snyder, Assistant Principal
Jennifer Costello, Office Administrative Assistant
Website: https://www.cbsd.org/gayman
Location: 4440 Point Pleasant Pike, Doylestown, PA, United States
Phone: 2678934350
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/516165478928057
Twitter: @CBGaymanES