Monthly DB Newsletter
Don Bosco High School
June 2024
Congratulations to the students who achieved High and Honor Roll academic achievement. Student report cards are also now available on PowerSchool.
Upon login select the Progress/Report Card icon. Select the drop down selection of "Don Bosco Catholic High School Report Card-Letter Grades, student grade level and run report.
Summer Office Hours
The office at Don Bosco High School will be open Monday through Thursday from 8 AM until 12 PM throughout the summer. Entrance 1 should be utilized when coming to the building.
Community Foundation Award Winners
- Kaiden Knaack and Katey Schmit were awarded the Elizabeth Axline Tannreuther Scholarship
- Alexis Even, Emily Naughton and Cali Weber were awarded the M. Elizabeth Naebers Scholarship
- Hannah Thome is awarded the Merle and Barb Hershberger Nursing Scholarship
Save the Date for the Annual Golf Outing
Get your foursome together for our 12:30 PM shotgun start, pin events, raffle prizes, dinner, and drinks. See sponsor benefits, sign up as a sponsor, register a team, or buy social/dinner tickets online. Once registered you will receive the link to pay online via Square or the info to mail a check.
We also need items for the auction and prizes for raffles and pin events (mail to school or call for pick up). Thanks for supporting our Booster Club which in turn supports all athletics and student activities. See you on the course!
Join the Booster Club
Volunteers are needed! The Booster Club is in need of volunteers to help with merchandise sales and the coordination of volunteers for events and fundraisers within the Bosco System.
For more information contact Sue Koppmann at scottsue@dunkerton.net.
Parish News and Information
Don Bosco is thankful for the supporting parishes and communities we work with and live in. Visit the parish links for Reconciliation and Adoration times.
Parish Mass Times
Sat 4 PM, Sun 8 & 10 AM, M-W-F 7:45 AM
Sat 5:30 PM, Tue 6 PM, Thur 8 AM
Sat 5 PM, Sun 8:30 AM, Tue 5:30 PM, Thur 8:30 AM, Fri 8 AM
Sun 10:30 AM, Wed 8 AM
Summer Mass Schedule (May - August)
Sat 5 PM
2025 Senior Photographs
Please be aware that 3 senior pictures need to be turned in by Tuesday, November 26. It is VERY IMPORTANT that we get their pictures by this date. In fact, the sooner, the better. This may be (but does not have to be) three different poses.
Indicate on the back of each picture the student’s name and whether the pose is for the:
- Yearbook-vertical shot
- Senior Spotlight for the Bosco Facebook page- vertical shot
- Class composite (Display in hall)- vertical shot
Please turn in your pictures to Mrs. Rottink. Vertical Shots work much better than horizontal! Sometimes horizontal has to be cropped to fit. DIGITAL images are acceptable, or you can turn in print copies. Please make sure DIGITAL images are high resolution. Digital images can be emailed to: hrottink@boscocatholic.org
Most studios already have these specifications but please make sure the picture turned in for the yearbook is vertical and is a color photo.
We cannot guarantee your senior’s picture will be included in the yearbook or the class composite if you don’t make this deadline. PLEASE make your photographer aware of the deadline. Don’t assume they know it. Often pictures that are taken in the fall have difficulty making this deadline. Please be aware of this.
Mrs. Rottink
Dates to Remember
- August 13 - Back to School Business Night
- August 17 - Annual Golf Outing
- August 23 - First Day of School
- August 23/26/27 - No PM Waterloo Busing
Mission Statement
With support from families, we respect and encourage students to reach their potential
- Spiritually by developing a strong relationship with Jesus and knowledge of His church,
- Academically by igniting learning, leadership and life skills,
- Physically by learning about and living healthy habits and
- Socially by becoming active members of the community who serve others as stewards of the Gospel so they are the Light of Christ in the world.
Preparing students to be the Light of Christ in the world!
Please submit newsletter articles to dbhssecretary@boscocatholic.org
by the 25th of each month.
Physical Address: 405 16th Avenue, Gilbertville, Iowa 50634
Mail Address: PO Box 106, Gilbertville, Iowa 50634
Phone: 319-296-1692