ThunderRidge Weekly Update
November 8, 2024
Patterson's Perspective
Grizzly Families,
We want to thank all Douglas County voters for passing 5A and understanding the needs of our facilities to maintain a long-lasting learning environment. Taking care of our buildings and providing our current and future students and staff with a safe and updated facility is truly appreciated. Thank you to everyone who spent countless hours volunteering to spread the word about 5A. Thank you for all your support for our students and staff. Proud to be a Grizzly!
Here are some things that ThunderRidge will benefit from with 5A passing. ThunderRidge High School
Due to the snow days this week, we will have a modified bell schedule next week. Instead of an All day with a PLC on Friday, November 15th, we will have a Green day with NO PLC. Classes will begin at 7:40am.
Have a great weekend,
ThunderRidge High School
Important Dates
November 12 - Academic Lettering Ceremony - 9:30am - TRHS Auditorium (by invitation)
November 13 - Academic Showcase - new date - 5:30pm - 7:30pm
November 15-16 - Theatre Class Play - Closed for the Holidays - 7:00pm - Auditorium
November 25-29 - Thanksgiving Break - NO SCHOOL
December 10 - Choir Concert - 7:00pm - Auditorium
December 11 - Christmas Music Collage - 7:00pm - Auditorium
December 12 - Band Concert - 7:00pm - Auditorium
December 16-19 - Fall Final Exams
December 19 - End of 2nd Quarter/1st Semester
December 20 - Teacher Workday - NO SCHOOL
December 23-January 3 - ❄️ Winter Break - NO SCHOOL ❄️
Modified Bell Schedule for November 11-15
Grizzly Staff Highlight
Performing Arts and Math Departments
Thank you to our wonderful Performing Arts staff and Math Department staff for their unwavering dedication to our kids! We are so grateful that you're here!
Performing Arts
Math Department
Food Delivery/Uber Eats/Door Dash During School Hours
Students are not allowed to leave class to receive food or drinks that they have ordered through delivery services. If food is delivered to the school, students may pick their orders up at the front security kiosk during passing periods or lunch time only. Thank you for your support in this matter.
ThunderRidge Athletics
Registration for Winter Sports Closes November 15th
ThunderRidge Winter Sports are right around the corner! Don’t forget to register!
Deadline is: Friday, November 15th
Click the image above to keep up with all ThunderRidge Athletics information.
Be sure to follow us on Facebook @ThunderRidge Athletics.
Academic Showcase Has Been Rescheduled for November 13th
Due to the snow day on Thursday, November 7th, Academic Showcase will now take place on Wednesday, November 13th from 5:30-7:30pm.
Our Academic Showcase is a great opportunity for both current and potential students to see all of the wonderful things that ThunderRidge has to offer. This includes information on the different pathways we have, as well as ways for your student to get involved in Activities or Athletics. Students and families are encouraged to attend. Spread the word to any 8th graders you know!
We hope to see you there!
Open Enrollment for the 25-26 School Year is Open
Do you know someone who is interested in attending ThunderRidge High School for the 2025-2026 school year? Open enrollment for DCSD is underway! Visit the DCSD website to apply.
Please reach out to Tiffany Klenke, Registrar, at tklenke@dcsdk12.org with any questions.
TRHS Theatre Presents: Closed for the Holidays
After a blizzard shuts down the roads the eve of Christmas Eve, a motley crew of travelers find themselves stranded at the local community center. From the lovelorn drama teacher with a bus full of students, to the quarrelsome couple on the way to their wedding, to the overeager Sheriff ready for some real criminal action, everyone has their own troubles to untangle. Come see this spirited and heartwarming comedy with a healthy dash of Christmas magic!
Tickets are on sale now through SeatYourself.
ThunderRidge Auditorium
November 15th and 16th
Information for the Class of 2025
Senior Project Progress Check
The table below highlights where students should be in the Senior Project process. If they are struggling or confused about any of these components, please have them reach out to their English or Advisement teachers.
Senior Ads
Senior Advertisements are still available for purchase. Click here for directions.
The last day to purchase and submit an ad is December 19th.
24-25 Yearbooks Still Available for Purchase
If you want to ensure your student gets a yearbook for the 24-25 school year, please place your order in MySchoolBucks by January 15th. The cost is $80.
There will be a very limited supply for sale on a first come first serve basis at a higher price of $85 during distribution in May.
Attendance Matters
Did you know if students miss as little as 10% of the school year, it puts them at risk for academic failure? School attendance in high school is crucial for academic success, fostering responsibility and engagement. Regular attendance enhances understanding, builds strong relationships with peers and teachers, and promotes mental well-being. Ultimately, consistent attendance lays the foundation for future educational opportunities and better career prospects, significantly impacting long-term personal and financial outcomes. This week in advisement, students were presented with the benefits of strong school attendance.
Click here to see the slides that were shared with the students.
Haga clic aquí para ver las diapositivas que se compartieron con los estudiantes.
This Week in Tuesday Grizzly Hour
Sophomores continued on finishing their Timeline and Success Criteria assignments in their green booklet. They will start conferencing with their Advisement teachers next Tuesday to receive their 2nd check-in grade. This grade will be based on pages 16-22. -Ms. Brant
Seniors had a workday in Grizz Hour to revise their Letters of Intent (if necessary), write the Letter of Request to the Mentor, and set up their Fieldwork Dialectical Journals. Revised Letters of Intent are due November 8th. -Ms. Vande Vusse
Community Events and Fundraisers
STEMapalooza at NREL
Please join us for a free, fun-filled day of educational activities at the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)!
Date: Saturday, November 9, 2024
Place: NREL’s Flatirons Campus, 19001 W. 119th Ave., Arvada, CO 80007
Time: 9am-4pm MT, activities on a rolling basis throughout the day (come when you can!)
Student Volunteers for Eldorado Elementary Pajama Prowl
December 6th, 2024
4:30pm - 9:45pm
Eldorado is in need of energetic, outgoing volunteers to help with games and activities during our annual, school-wide sleepover. (Student volunteers will NOT be spending the night).
A free pizza dinner will be provided. If you sign up with a friend, we will do our best to pair you with your buddy. Bring volunteer forms to be completed at end of the evening.
High School Volunteers Needed - 2024 TBE Winter Breakfast
December 7, 2024
8:00am - 11:30am
Childcare student volunteers needed for PTO/SAC meetings
We are looking for 2 volunteers to help with childcare during each PTO/SAC meeting for the 2024-2025 school year at Eldorado Elementary. Meetings run from 6:00-8:30pm. Volunteers arrive 10-15 minutes early (5:45pm) to get set up (you will have access to PE equipment). Please sign up for any/all slots that you are available to help!
Please bring any volunteer forms needing to be completed and we will get those filled out at the end of the night.Please email Sarah Demers at secretary.pto.eldorado@gmail.com with any questions.
Grizzly Hour and Seminar Grading and Attendance Information
Tuesday Grizzly Hour (Advisement)
Students receive a Pass (P) or Fail (F) grade for Advisement based on 30% completion of work AND 70% attendance.
Thursday Grizzly Hour (Access)
This class is a Pass (P) or Fail (F) class based on 70% attendance.
Seminar (Tuesday and Thursday)
This class is a Satisfactory (S) or Unsatisfactory (U) grade based on 70% attendance.
About Us
Principal: Sean Patterson
Mission Statement:
Empowering Grizzlies through curiosity, compassion, courage, community and service.
Website: trhs.dcsdk12.org
Location: 1991 West Wildcat Reserve Parkway, Highlands Ranch, CO, USA
Phone: 303.387.2000
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TRHSGrizzlies?mibextid+LQQJ4d
X (formerly Twitter): @TRidgeGrizzlies