Homestead Principal Updates
September 29th, 2024
Homestead families,
Fall is finally here! With the weather comes outdoor festivals, football games and more. I want to take a moment to remind everyone about two major things going on this week. First we kick off our LISD Stuff the Pantry food drive. Please see the flyer below and send in your canned goods to help others this week. Second, we have our Hebron Homecoming week. This means a parade at Hebron High school on Wednesday at 6pm. Homestead will have our NEHS and Student council members walking with our Float this year. The Homecoming parade ends at the stadium with a community pep rally, I hope you can join us there. As we get to jacket and coat season remember to label them so we can help you keep track of your child's items.
Proud to be your Principal,
Mr. Perry
Important Dates
Sept 30th: Mustang Market
Sept 30 to October 4 Stuff the pantry
Oct. 1 - 3rd grade Elm Fork trip
Oct. 1st- National Principal Month
Oct. 2 - School Custodian Appreciation Day
Oct. 2 - Hebron Homecoming Parade @6pm
Oct. 4 - Hebron Homecoming Game
Oct. 6 - Coach Appreciation Day
Oct. 7 - Voter Registration Deadline
Oct. 8 - PTA general mtg - 6pm
Oct. 9- Walk to school day
Oct. 11 - Student Holiday
Oct. 14 - Staff & Student Holiday
Connect with us.
Location: 1830 East Branch Hollow Drive, Carrollton, TX, USA
Phone: 469-713-5181