SJM Weekly Bulletin
Connecting People in the Heart of Jesus
Serving Christ in this Office:
Vacancy Pastor: Rev. Lee Weander
Associate Pastor: Rev. Joseph Leech
Director of Music & Worship: Mr. Steven Whitney
Interim Church Administrator: Katie Schnitzler
Administrative Assistant: Diane Stoural
Worship With Us!
Worship Times: Saturday 5:00 pm ~ Sunday 9:00 am
Education Hour: Sunday 10:30 am
Connect With Us!
Web: stjohnbc.net
Facebook: St John Lutheran Church Battle Creek
We live in an unprecedented technical age. How can modern technology help or hinder our discipleship? Words matter, and feelings matter. How are you using social media? Are you lifting others up or expressing your emotions at the expense of others? Come and hear how you can be a Digital Disciple of Christ at St. John Lutheran Church: Saturday at 5:00 pm or Sunday at 9:00 am.
Where do we find our Identity in the Digital Age ?
“Therefore if anyone is in Christ he is a new creation. The old has passed away, behold, the new has come.” 2 Corinthians 5:17
What We Believe
God accomplishes this mission in us and through us in weekly worship, Bible Study and other fellowship opportunities. God comes to us in the Word and the Sacraments to show us the love and new life he has for us in Jesus Christ. He gives us the opportunity to serve others and reach out with his love.
Education Hour & Fellowship
Education Hour —Looking to kick off the New Year with a spiritual boost? Join one of our Bible Studies during education hour! With options for all ages, we invite you to join at any time. We will resume on Sunday, January 12, meeting in the parish hall following worship.
Weekly Readings
First Reading: Exodus 20: 1-6
Epistle Reading: 2 Corinthians 5: 16-21
Gospel Reading: John 15: 12-17
Prayers for Strength and Healing
Peg Boyer, Joyce Klug, Sharon Prauner, Sharon Bierman, Dacia Vavra, Emma Kay, LaDonna Roewert, Karen Ritterbush, Jane Warneke.
Get Connected-At A Glance
Worship 5:00 pm
Worship 9:00 am
Constitution Meeting 10:15 am
Education Hour 10:30am
Constitution Meeting 11:30 am
Council Meeting 8:00 pm
Donuts w/Dad 7:30 am
Chapel 8:10 am
Men’s Bible Study 9:00 am
Confirmation 6:30 pm
Worship 5:00 pm
Worship 9:00 am
Fellowship 10:15 am
Education Hour 10:30 am
Attended & Communed
5:00 56/50
9:00 154/99
Total 200/149
From the Pastoral Call Committee
St. John Lutheran Church Congregation Members, As most of you know, the congregation voted to explore the possibility of a long-term partnership with Our Savior Lutheran Church in Norfolk. We are excited to inform you that the St. John committee and the Our Savior committee met last week to discuss the logistics of what that might look like. Both of these committees will meet again next week to continue the discussion. The meeting will focus on discussing potential collaboration opportunities, as well as how both churches might benefit from this partnership. Further updates will be shared as we have them. Your thoughts and prayers are appreciated for this group as they discern God's will for our congregation in this matter.
Giving Options
Looking for other ways to give? St. John Ministries has brokerage accounts with Heritage Financial Services and Calmwater Financial. You can gift mutual funds or stock shares directly to our account. You can also gift grain directly through the co-op or request a Qualified Charitable Distribution (QCD) be made directly from your IRA. These are all great opportunities for St. John Ministries to receive the benefit of your donation while you benefit from the tax liability savings. Contact Katie in the church office for more details on any of these gifting options.
Church Information
St. John Ministries
Early Learning Center/ 402-675-4039
Email: churchsecretary@stjohnbc.net
Website: stjohnbc.net
Location: 306 South 2nd Street, Battle Creek, NE, USA
Phone: 402-675-3155
Facebook: facebook.com/St.JohnLutheranChurch