Bridlemile Friday Flyer
February 7, 2025
Important Dates
2/7: Permission Slips for Missoula Auditions are DUE BACK TODAY!
2/10-2/13: Missoula Theater Rehearsals
2/14: Missoula Play Evening Performance
2/15: Missoula Play Matinee Performance
2/17: Presidents Day - NO SCHOOL
2/26: Early Release- School Day ends at 11:50am
Give a Beagle Cheer!
Beagles are doing a great job coming to school! 1st graders chose a scarf for the Beagle to wear as we work our way up the mountain!
Draft 2025-26 PPS Calendar
Draft calendar for 25-26: Here is the 25-26 Draft Calendar that was sent to the Board of Education on January 7, 2025.
National No One Eats Alone Day
On Friday, February 14th, 2025 The 5th Grade Leadership is bringing awareness to National No One Eats Alone Day.
No One Eats Alone Day is a national Positive Lunchtime Event that takes place in schools across the nation.
5th Grade Leadership students will act as positive role models during lunch and take the first step making sure that no one is eating alone.
For more information on National No One Eats Alone Day click: HERE
Community Values–Monthly Student Recognitions
January was national KINDNESS month. We recognized students who demonstrated actions of taking care of others. Community values are celebrated at our monthly all-school assembly! We celebrate Positive Mindset in February.
Thank you for First Friday Breakfast!
THANK YOU to Ms. Harp and Ms. Rischiotto’s classrooms for First Friday Breakfast! What a wonderful way to celebrate a great week and kick off a great start to the month!
From Coach Glenn and Coach Ash
PE classes had a great first half of the year! With the first week of the new semester being only three days I decided to reward all classes with a “Free Choice Day.” These days are a student favorite because I set up several activity stations and the kids get to choose how they want to be active. If they have one favorite station and they want to do that the entire class, they can. If they have several things they want to try, they just have to manage their time to allow themselves the opportunity to do everything they want. Ask your student what the 3 rules of “Free Choice” days are. Hopefully they say something along the lines of BE SAFE, BE ACTIVE, and HAVE FUN!
Up next we’ll be doing jump roping skills with all grades. There are so many ways to make jumping rope fun for all levels whether they are just beginning to learn the basics or they are working on more advanced skills. The younger grades usually struggle a little bit, but it’s a great time to talk about perseverance. I keep reminding them that jumping rope is hard, but if they keep at it they’ll get better. If you have a rope at home, encourage your kids to practice. A few minutes a day is all it takes!!
Stay active everyone!! Coach Glenn and Coach Ash
Bridlemile’s 2025 Oregon Battle of the Books Champions
All Beagles did a great job participating in the OBOB competition this year!
Congratulations to Bridlemile’s 2025 OBOB Champions: The ElectroSharks!
The ElectroSharks will be representing Bridlemile at the OBOB Region 4A Tournament on Saturday, March 15th. Good luck, ElectroSharks!
Upcoming Parent Engagement Session for Middle Schoolers and Rising 6th Graders
Dear PPS middle grades families and rising 6th graders,
PPS is moving to a new Standards-Based Grading System for all 28 middle schools. The purpose is to provide clearer and more meaningful feedback to students. Some of our middle schools are already using this approach, and research supports its benefits. Our K-5 schools have also made progress in this direction with their report cards.
We invite you to visit our middle grades Standards-Based Grading website at pps.net/sbg.
There, you can find updates, resources, timelines, materials, and FAQs. There will be three family and community engagement events in person and virtually at the Prophet Education Center (501 N. Dixon St.) in the PPS Boardroom. We invite all who have current middle grades students or students entering into the middle grades to these presentations where we will provide updates as well as listen to feedback and answer questions.
We believe grades are an important way to communicate with students and families. This new system will make it clearer what students need to do to meet academic expectations.
If you have any questions, please contact Richard Smith at rsmith5@pps.net. Check the website often for updates. We look forward to working with you during this exciting transition.
Family and Community engagement (Virtual and in person)
February 13, 2025 5:30 PM - 7:00 PM
March 13, 2025 5:30 PM - 7:00 PM
May 8, 2025 5:30 PM - 7:00 PM
This week’s PTA Newsletter includes details about:
- Girls on the Run (3-5 Grade)
- West Sylvan Info Night (2/19)
- 2025 SW Portland Little League (T-Ball, Softball, Baseball) Season Spring Registration
- PPS Clothing Center Volunteers Needed (2/27)
- Ida B. Wells Youth Lacrosse Spring 2025 Season Registration
- Ida B. Wells Softball Clinic (3/2)
Missoula Children's Theater Week at Bridlemile
Please notify Bridlemile Office and Champions if your Beagles’ dismissal plans are different for MONDAY AUDITIONS. School buses can only leave campus once all students are accounted for. Thanks for helping Bridlemile keep systems running smoothly and on time.
The Missoula Children’s Theater Auditions are taking place ON MONDAY, February 10th at 2:30pm and this year the play is Hercules! Permission slips for auditions are DUE BACK TODAY! Reminder that your student cannot audition for the play without a permission slip being completed and sent back via the link below:
Permission Slip: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdDO4hcjjQ28isAowhRx1GaaFesgviU4MyYgXVcB-abtO9h1w/viewform
Please help us put on a seamless audition and memorable theater experience for our youngsters! Volunteers needed for auditions February 10th, for play practices February 11th-14th and for the day of the performances February 14th & 15th.
Questions? Contact:
Mikelle Yoakum mikelle.yoakum@gmail.com
Sadie Durante SadieDurante@gmail.com
Girls on the Run
SAVE THE DATE- Bridlemile 3rd-5th Grade Girls- GIRLS ON THE RUN Registration opens February 19th!
Practice is outdoors at Bridlemile Elementary after school, and pick-up is at 4:15 pm on Mondays and Thursdays, 3/17-5/29 Visit PROGRAM DETAILS to learn more.
Bid for Bridlemile! Support Our School Community
The Bridlemile Foundation’s Annual Auction has been a long-standing tradition that brings our community together to support our students and staff. This year, we’re excited to introduce Bid for Bridlemile, an ONLINE ONLY auction to make it more accessible for everyone. The online platform will feature a silent auction, raffle, ‘paddle raise’/flat donation, classroom art projects, and Beagle Socials—all to benefit our school. Bid for Bridlemile will take place April 8–13.
As many of you know, the Foundation has previously helped fund staff positions, such as our reading specialist and a second librarian. However, new rules from Portland Public Schools (PPS) eliminate the Foundation’s ability to continue this support beyond the current school year. As a flexible nonprofit, the Foundation is able to pivot and respond to other pressing school needs, ensuring we continue to enhance the educational experience for our students.
This year’s Bid for Bridlemile auction proceeds will aim to fund:
- Air Conditioning Units for all classrooms.
- Technology Improvements, including Chromebooks for students.
- Field trip Transportation for the 2025/2026 school year—buses are the most costly part of field trips and your donations will help make these experiences possible.
How You Can Help: We are working feverishly on procurement and can use everyone’s help! We are looking for donations of goods, services, vacation homes, etc. to our worthy cause. If you have an item to donate, please reach out to the Bridlemile Foundation at Bridlemilefoundation@gmail.com or contact Kate Evenson at 503-708-1918 (call or text). Every donation—big or small—is deeply appreciated and makes a difference for our students!
Bridlemile Elementary depends on the generosity of our community to provide programs and resources beyond what PPS can fund. In fact, Bridlemile is the third-lowest funded elementary school in the PPS district based on dollars per student (pg. 4-5 of PPS’s 2024-2025 Proposed Budget). Donations to the Foundation provide critical support to keep our school strong and our students thriving.
Thank you for your continued support of Bridlemile!
Kaleen Anderson
Lincoln High School -Join us for a Movie Night Screening: Champions
We are excited to welcome you to a screening of “Champions” on Saturday, February 8th at 2:00 PM at Lincoln High School. This event will also include first-hand experience from PPS students. This movie highlights the journey of a basketball coach who leads a team of players with intellectual disabilities. Through humor and heartfelt moments, the movie emphasizes the strengths, individuality, and value each player brings and how inclusion enriches communities and creates positive, supportive environments. Staff, families, and community members are all invited.
Spotlight on our two feeder high schools, Ida B. Wells and Lincoln High School!
Two PPS teachers were recently awarded the prestigious Presidential Award for Excellence in Mathematics and Science Teaching (PAEMST).
Krishnan Ranjani, a teacher of advanced mathematics and Career and Technical Education (CTE) computer systems at Lincoln High School and Nick Nohner, a computer sciences and data sciences teacher at Ida B. Wells, were both selected for the honor.
The award is administered by the National Science Foundation and recognizes outstanding educators for their contributions to the teaching and learning of science, technology, engineering and mathematics.
Ida B. Wells Event
Questions, comments or feedback about this newsletter? Email us at