The Panther Prowl
Principal Hyde
The mission of Edythe J. Hayes Middle School is to engage all learners in a safe and nurturing environment that fosters academic excellence and develops responsible, respectful leaders and citizens
Hyde's Headline
Thank you to all our students and families for attending our Panther Open House! It was wonderful to see you all interacting with our dedicated staff. Your participation is invaluable to us. To help us continue to improve, please take a moment to share your feedback by completing the survey linked here. Your insights will be greatly appreciated.
Reminder, please do not dropped students off at the intersection of Levi Todd and Richardson place. We also ask that you do not block the crosswalks when waiting to drop off students.
In the parking lot:
For faster flow of traffic we cone off the front parking lots for exiting traffic. We ask all traffic to exit over the road between the side lot and football field. From there you can turn left onto Stuart Hall. That will take traffic to Hays Blvd.
In the car drop off lanes we need to be able to keep one lane open for cars dropping students for clubs and meeting until about 8:20. After 8:20 both lanes can fill up. We ask waiting traffic to use the right hand lane (closer to the building) and keep the left side open until 8:20
Waiting traffic can also use the side lot next to the football field. Students can then use the crosswalk from that lot to the building once doors open.
Picture day was a huge success! If you missed your picture, don't worry. Make-up picture day will be on November 15th.
Please be advised that we are changing the date of our Hayes Color Run from Friday, September 27th to Thursday, September 26th.
We have made this decision due to the anticipated high number of students who will be checking out early on Friday, the day before fall break. We believe that it would be difficult to ensure high levels of participation and organization for the event if it were held on a day when many students are leaving school early.
We feel that moving the color run to Thursday will allow for a higher level of student involvement and a more enjoyable experience for all.
We apologize for any inconvenience this change may cause.
Sign Up for our EJ Hayes Panther Color Run!
Help us reach our $25,000 for Outdoor classroom and student activities ⬇️
1. SIGN UP your student(s) on MyBooster.com today.
2. SHARE with your family/friends using the SHARE tools on MyBooster.com.
3. GIVE a donation.
We’re currently at $10,494 towards our goal of $25,000. Every donation counts and brings us closer to Outdoor classrooms and student activities for our students!
Reminder: Our big EJ Hayes Panther Color Run is coming up on 09/26/2024! We can’t wait to celebrate with you.
Color Run Prize Winners
Monday, September 23, 2024
- Dance team practice in the gym at 7:00 am
- KYA meeting at 8:00 am in room 412
- Cross country practice after school on the front field
- Tutoring in the library afterschool until 5:05 pm
- Football practice on the football field after school
- Girls basketball JV team will host Morton in the final 4
- Golf practice at Meadowbrook at 5 pm
- Volleyball parent meeting from 6:30 pm-8:00 pm in cafeteria
Tuesday, September 24, 2024
- Cheer practice in the gym at 7:00 am
- Academic team practice in room 1001 at 7:30 am
- Cross country practice after school on the front field
- Football practice on the football field after school
- Diversity club after school until 5:00 pm in room 914
- FFA after school until 5:30 pm in room 910.
- Girls basketball practice afterschool in the gym
- SBDM meeting in the library at 5:00 pm
Wednesday, September 25, 2024
- Dance team practice in the gym at 7:00 am
- FCA in room 218 at 7:55 am
- Art club will meet after school until 4:45 pm in room 513 (7th and 8th graders only)
- Girls basketball practice after school in the gym
- Tutoring in the library afterschool until 5:05 pm
- Cross country practice FCPS championship at 5:30 pm
- Football vs. Crawford @ Frederick Douglass High School
- LEA parent meeting in the library at 5:30 pm
- Volleyball practice (6th grade only) from7:00-8:30 pm
Thursday, September 26, 2024
- Cheer practice in the cafeteria/gym at 7:00 am
- Dance team practice in the cafeteria/gym at 7:00 am
- KYA meeting in room 412 at 8:00 am
- Color Run from 12:20 pm - 3:00 pm
- Cross country practice after school on the front field
- Volleyball tryouts after school in the gym
- Football practice after school on the football field
Friday, September 27, 2024
- Cheer practice in the cafeteria/gym at 7:00 am
- Dance team practice in the cafeteria/gym at 7:00 am
- Academic team practice in room 1001 at 7:30 am
- BETA Club meeting from 8:00 am - 8:30 am in room 212
- Wyldlife club after school in the cafeteria
- Volleyball tryouts after school in the gym
- Cross country practice after school on the front field
- Football practice after school on the football field
Helpful links
Upcoming events
Sept 25 - Football hosts Crawford (@ Frederick Douglass High School)
Sept 26 - Color Run
Oct 15 - Chorus Concert
Oct 18 - Fall Dance
We’ve been thrilled to see an increase in positive behavior among our students. To recognize their efforts, we've distributed over 7,000 eBucks to students this year. These eBucks can be used to purchase rewards at our EJH Panther Store.
While we’ve invested significantly in the store, we're seeking donations to further expand our offerings. If you'd like to support our students' positive behavior and help stock the Panther Store, please consider making a donation (see link below). Your generosity will go a long way in rewarding our students for their hard work
Sports information
Parent and player pre-tryout meeting will be September 23 at 6:30 in the cafeteria. Tryout dates will be announced after that meeting, but we do not yet have those finalized. Everyone trying out must have a physical.
Fall dance team tryouts will be held on 9/24 and 9/26. Please see the EJH Dance Team website for further information. https://sites.google.com/fayette.kyschools.us/ejhdanceteam/tryouts
JV Girls BBall game Monday night at Hayes at 5:30 versus Morton as they continue on in the tournament.
Interested in archery?
Monday, 9/23 and Tuesday, 9/24 7-8:30am
Must sign up via this link https://forms.gle/7vVsu63wzKaWjWuDA
Must bring an updated sports physical ON PAPER to participate
TRYOUT MATERIAL: MUST VIEW AND LEARN BEFORE CLINIC https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1fisfpYnL0uST14tmJ1_u5bAWuiyPsGrLZ2qTTAiPJWo/edit?usp=sharing
PRE-TRYOUT SLIDESHOW: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/18Uxjt32MPEmQAaAGYnS6_UxDYRsyLQLDk9VnBbODMyI/edit?usp=sharing
Information about clubs
Drama Club
students interested in drama club need to bring in their permission slip and $10 fee before we leave for break.
KYA club
KYA club will be meeting on Monday morning at 8am and Thursday morning at 8am in the library.
Coach: Ms. Sarah Van Vooren (Sarah.VanVooren@fayette.kyschools.us)
Assistant Coach: Sra. Belen Morera de Paz (belen.moreradepaz@fayette.kyschools.us)
Practice Sessions: Tuesdays and Fridays, 07:30-08:30, Room 1001 (Portables)
Diversity Club
Diversity Club is meeting after school in room 914 on Tuesday the 24th
Math team
Math team's first informal meeting will be next week? Wednesday, September 25th from 4:15-5:15 in Ms. Menke's room.
Henry Clay 8th grade band
See photos from Henry Clay 8th grade band
Hayes featured artists of the week
After school tutoring
We will begin holding after school tutoring on Mondays & Wednesdays beginning on September 4th. Please review our tutoring expectations.
Please see our tutoring schedule and sign up for dates here.
Interested in Middle School wrestling club?
Information for 8th grade families
International Baccalaureate Programme
The International Baccalaureate Programme is one of the most rigorous and relevant college preparation programs in Fayette County and is recognized at colleges/universities all over the world. Tates Creek High School will be having an International Baccalaureate Programme information night for 8th graders on Wednesday October 16 at 6:00pm. This event will discuss the details and benefits of the program and will feature current IB students as well as IB alumni. Click here if you would like to receive a reminder for this event. Visit the TCHS IB website for more information or contact John Hatfield at john.hatfield@fayette.kyschools.us with any questions.
Gifted and Talented (GT) High School Programs
Dear 8th Grade Families,
The Gifted and Talented (GT) High School Programs - Liberal Arts Academy, MSTC and SCAPA - want to make families aware that any 8th grader considering a gifted and talented high school program will need to submit an interest form by October 25, 2024. To ensure opportunity and access for districtwide GT programs for the 2025–2026 school year, required
assessments and auditions needed for program inclusion will occur during the district wide approved testing and audition windows (November–December 2024). The GT HS Program Flyer lists program information and links for submitting the GT Interest Forms.
Math, Science, and Technology Center (MSTC) program at PLD
Math, Science, and Technology Center (MSTC) program at PLD (MSTC) will be hosting an informational Open House on Wednesday, September 25th from 6:00-7:30 pm in the Dunbar Auditorium.
The MSTC program is an ideal program for students that are identified as gifted in Math and/or Science and are interested in accelerated classes in Math, Science, and Computer Science; along with a mentorship and independent research project with an active researcher their junior and senior year.
Students should have completed Algebra 1 by the end of 8th grade. Students apply in their 8 th or 9 th grade year.
They have updated their admissions process this year. Students will be ranked for available spots based on the following criteria:
Gifted identifications (math and/or science)
MAP math scores (or equivalent achievement test data) from 8 th or 9 th grade
Students without access to MAP tests will take the MSTC admissions test
Current math class
The major changes are that they will no longer require already identified students to take the IOWA tests, only students needing to be identified will have to take those tests. The admissions test will only be for students that do not have access to MAP math tests. Testing for GT identification and the MSTC admissions test will be during the district testing window in November, 2024.
Open House Wednesday, September 25th from 6:00-7:30 pm in the Dunbar Auditorium.
MSTC Website - https://sites.google.com/fayette.kyschools.us/mstc
MSTC Brochure - https://drive.google.com/file/d/1UzBJUei5N_Yto-gOIgDvLUtKYShhAzIx/view?usp=sharing
If you questions about the MSTC program, please reach out to:
Elizabeth Pelphrey
Math Science and Technology Center Facilitator | MSTC
Office: (859)-422-1621
Did you know that FCPS does not provide medical coverage for student accidents that occur at school?
Did you know Fayette County Public Schools offer parents a Voluntary/Optional Insurance Policy?
This a great opportunity for families that do not have health coverage or for families that do have insurance
to offset the cost of out-pocket expenses.
Insurance Coverages available are:
- At-School Accident Only
- 24-hour Accident Only
- Extended Dental
Interested in being an observer on your students canvas account?
You can learn to navigate and observe all of the content your students will be exposed to through their classroom canvas pages. Please follow the link to learn more.
Districted for Britton for next year? They want your input.
Attendance numbers from last week:
9/16 - 95.62%
9/17 - 94.77%
9/18 - 95.53%
9/19 - 96.68%
9/20 - 94.20%