LHS Update vol. 14
January 3, 2022
Upcoming Dates
- January 4 - Classes Resume
- January 5-10 - Classroom ALICE review
- January 11 - School Wide Shelter-In-Place drill
- January 12-14 1st Semester Final Exams
- January 17 - No School
- January 18 - 2nd Semester Begins
- January 25 - School Wide ALICE Drill
LHS Masking Update
GCHD Health Order and LHS Masking
Linden Community Schools Board of Education passed a resolution on November 3, 2021, indicating that if the GCHD rescinded the current health order , Linden Community Schools will recommend, but not require, that students, staff, and individuals in a school setting wear a facemask to help control the spread of COVID-19.
On November 15, 2021, the GCHD did rescind the current health order, and the mask mandate is removed as of December 22, 2021.
As we return from our holiday break, the option of wearing a facial covering while in the building regardless of vaccination status applies to all staff, students, and visitors. LHS continues to recommend the wearing of a facemask while in the building.
The CDC Federal Order that facemasks must be worn on school buses is still in effect.
For additional information please visit the LCS COIVD-19 webpage.
COVID-19 Toolkit for Schools without Universal Masking
The GCHD has released two toolkits. One toolkit is for school districts in Genesee County that will require universal masking for their districts. This toolkit is basically the same guidance as the current toolkit that is place. The second toolkit is for school districts in Genesee County that do not require universal masking for their district. Below are a few highlights in regards to protocols:
- Students that are fully vaccinated, and are deemed a close contact will not be quarantined, and should wear a mask for 14 days following exposure. Student(s) should monitor symptoms for 14 days.
- Students that are not fully vaccinated, and are deemed a close contact, will be quarantined for 10 days following exposure. These individuals will be able to take an optional rapid antigen test each morning for seven days. If negative they will be able to attend school each day and should wear a mask for 14 days.
- Students who are COVID-19 positive, whether they are fully vaccinated or not, will be excluded from school for 10 days from their test results and/or onset of symptoms.
- We will continue to ask families to keep student(s) home if they are not feeling well and/or are exhibiting COVID-19 symptoms.
- Close contacts will be defined as individuals exposed to a positive individual for more than 10 minutes (cumulative), and within six feet.
LVS and online students should be following the due dates established in their online classes. The schedule identified below, provides additional guidance as to where student's progress should be throughout the semester. Online students should be approaching 100% completion with their classes.
- 1/14/2022 (End of Semester) 100%
1st semester Final Exam Schedule
Final Exam & Exam Exemption Information
Students may choose to opt out of their semester final exams if they meet the following criteria:
No more than four (4) absences (Excused and Unexcused) in a class for the semester.
No more than three (3) tardies in a class for the semester.
No semester suspensions, violation of the academic dishonesty policy, and/or violations of the acceptable use policy.
Note: Missing 11 or more minutes of a class constitutes an absence.
Minimum grade of 78% in a class OR,
Minimum grade of 65% AND no missing assignments or assessments in the class
Online, dual enrollment, or EMC classes are not subject to the semester final exam exemption.
Points of Clarification:
Students who qualify for the final exam incentive will have the option of taking the final exam. The exam grade will be calculated into the semester grade if it improves the final semester grade. The final exam grade for exempt students will not negatively affect their semester grade.
- school business/administrative approved absences
- medical appointments with documentation
- bereavement with documentation
- documented court appointments
- college visits with documentation
- Absences due to documented quarantines
All other absences are counted the same, with the possible exception of religious holidays.
Students that meet the criteria for exam exemption(s) are not required to attend. Those students that are exempt and attend school will be required to take their exam.