November 17, 2020
Dr. Sutfin Honored as Nebraska Superintendent of the Year
The Nebraska Council of School Administrators has named Millard Superintendent Dr. Jim Sutfin the 2020 Nebraska Superintendent of the Year. Because he cannot be honored in person Thursday at the annual State Education Conference, the Board of Education honored him last night.
MPS Board of Education Presents Superintendent of the Year Award
NE Superintendent of the Year: Dr Sutfin's comments
November EOM Julie Williams
November EOM Rachel Gordon
Reminder - Buildings Closed Next Monday and Tuesday
A reminder to families that Millard will have asynchronous learning next Monday, November 23rd, and Tuesday, November 24th. The buildings will be closed the week of Thanksgiving break.
2020 Bond Projects Begin
Planning is well underway for the 2020 Bond projects. The first schematic designs went to the Board last night. The Board approved the plans which are for the renovation of Morton Elementary.
MPS Career Academies Applications Due!
Millard offers Academies in: Business and Entrepreneurship, Business and Logistics, Education, Health Sciences, and new for this upcoming year a STEM Academy (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics). Visit the Career Academies page to find more information, including specific course work and a sample schedule for each Academy.
Prepare for a career while earning a high school diploma and college credit
Save money and time by starting college courses and job training
Enhance employment opportunities
Develop industry contacts
Academy Applications for 2021-22 are due November 18, 2020.
Our Staff Shine
- Wheeler Elementary Third Grade Teacher Mrs. Lisa Wurtele has been recognized as a Star 104.5 Teacher of the Week.
- Millard West High School Language Arts Teacher Michael Catron was recently selected as a Claes Nobel Educator of Distinction by the National Society of High School Scholars.
- Millard North High School World Language Teacher Theresa Jensen has been named the Nebraska International Languages Association Teacher of the Year.
Welcome to Millard!
We welcome the following employee to Millard Public Schools:
- Alicia K. Laufenberg – Elementary Itinerant Support Teacher for Millard Public Schools
Thank You for Your Service!
The following employees have announced their plans to retire or resign at the end of the school year:
- Julia L. Hobbs – Family Consumer Science Teacher, Andersen Middle School
- Linda P. Brewer – High School Counselor, Millard West High School
- James J. Cooney – Math Teacher, Millard South High School
- Kelly A. Miller – First Grade Teacher, Wheeler Elementary School
- Paul M. LaFond – Computer Teacher, Central Middle School
- Lorraine L. Scolaro – Business Teacher, Millard West High School
- Beverly J. Mordaunt – Special Education Resource Teacher, Black Elk Elementary
- Christine M. Hug Lehr – School Librarian, Central Middle School
- Kathleen M. Guinan – HAL Facilitator, Central Middle School
- Janet S. Butler – Business Teacher, Millard West High School
- Nancy J. Haith – Special Education Resource Teacher, Beadle Middle School
- Constance E. Kozak – Health and Consumer Science Teacher, Russell Middle School
- Tracy Harrington – Sixth Grade Teacher, Beadle Middle School
- Byron P. Braasch – Instrumental Music, Reeder, Reagan and MWHS
- Beth L. Hemphill – Sixth Grade Teacher, Russell Middle School
- Carmen L. Worick – Language Arts and Social Studies Teacher, Russell Middle School
- Carol M. West – Speech Pathologist, Cottonwood Elementary School
- Debra K. Fox – Social Studies Teacher, Russell Middle School
- Travis J. Jelken – Industrial Technology Teacher, Central Middle School
- Leslie P. McFee – Math Teacher, Millard North High School
Millard Public Schools
Email: MPSCommunicates@mpsomaha.org
Website: www.mpsomaha.org
Phone: 402.715-8200
Facebook: facebook.com/millardpublicschools
Twitter: @MillardPS